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  3   Founded By:    3 :  Network Information Access   : 3   Founded By:    3
  3 Guardian Of Time 3D:            05APR90            :D3 Guardian Of Time 3
  3   Judge Dredd    3 :       Guardian Of Time        : 3   Judge Dredd    3
           3           HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM<           3
           3           IMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM;            3
           @DDDDDDDDDDD:  VMS System Manager's Manual :DDDDDDDDDDDDY
                       :         Chapter 03.11        :

                         Chapter 3  INSTALLING SOFTWARE

Any software product that you use on your system must be installed.  When you
install software, the software is made available every time that the system
starts up.  You must use an installation procedure for software when it is
first acquired, and you must also use the installation procedure for any
subsequent upgrades to the software.

On the VMS operating system, you use the command procedure
SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL.COM to install most software products and any upgrades.
Use VMSINTAL.COM to install the most recent version of the VMS operating system
and any subsequent maintenance updates, and to install many optional software

This Chapter describes the following:

:  How to Prepare your system for running VMSINSTAL

:  How to start VMSINSTAL

:  How to select appropriate VMSINSTAL options

:  What to do if the system fails while running VMSINSTAL

This chapter does not describe VMSINSTAL procedures that are specific to any
upgrade, update, or product.  The examples used are for illustration only.  For
details of a particular product, refer to the VMSINSTAL procedure described in
the installation documentation for the specific product or update.


Before you use VMSINSTAL, do the following:

1.  Back up your system disk.  Use the backup copy as a working copy for the

    If you back up your system disk to magnetic tape, you must restore the tape
    to a Files-11 disk to get a working copy.  The working copy has more
    contiguous space than the original system disk because of the way BACKUP
    creates the copy.  You might need this additional contiguous space during
    the installation.

2.  Log in at the console terminal under the SYSTEM account ( If SYSGEN
    parameters MOUNTMSG or DISMOUMSG are set to 1, OPCOM displays a message
    each time a disk or tape is mounted or dismounted.  If these messages are
    not disabled, and you are installing from an operator's terminal, they
    appear within 30 seconds of each mount or dismount. )

3.  Be sure that all users are logged out and that all batch jobs are

4.  Keep users off the system using the following command:

5.  If your system includes it, you should shut down DECnet-VAX if DECnet-VAX
    would be affected by the software product that you are installing.  To shut
    down DECnet-VAX, do the following:

    A.  Start the Network Control Program ( NCP ):

    B.  At the NCP prompt ( NCP> ), enter the following command and press
        Decnet-VAX performs an orderly shutdown.  The opcom facility notifies
        you when DECnet-VAX is shut down.

    C.  At the NCP prompt, enter EXIT and press RETURN.

6.  Make sure the limits in the SYSTEM account authorization record are equal
    to or greater than the follow:
    Buffered byte count quota ( BYTLM ) = 20480
    Enqueue quota ( ENQLM ) = 200
    Direct I/O limit ( DIOLM ) = 18
    Open file quota ( FILLM ) = 18
    AST limit ( ASTLM ) = 24

    a.  To check these limits, run the Authorize Utility ( AUTORIZE ).  To
        run AUTHORIZE, enter the following commands and press RETURN after
        each one:


    b.  At the UAF ( UAF> ), enter the following command and press RETURN:


    AUTHROIZE displays the current limits of the SYSTEM account's user
    authorization file.

7.  If you need to modify the current limits, enter the AUTHORIZE command
    MODIFY in the following format and press RETURN:

    UAF> MODIFY SYSTEM/limit=new_value

    For example, to increase the DIOLM limit to 18, enter the following
    command and press RETURN:


8.  When you have changed the limits, at the UAF prompt ( UAF> ) enter EXIT
    and press RETURN.  This returns you to the dollar-sign prompt ( $ ).  Your
    changes will not take effect until you log out and log in again.  ( See the
    Reference section for a description of the commands in the Authorize
    Utility. )

9.  Physically mount the first distribution medium that contains the software


This section tells you how to start VMSINSTAL and describes options that you
can use.

When you start VMSINSTAL, it displays several prompts and messages that direct
and explain the installation.  These prompts and messages differ, depending on
the software product that you are installing.  Before you begin, make sure that
you read and understand the installation procedures for the specific product or
update.  If you need assistanced  during an installation, entering a question
mark ( ? ) at a prompt gives you an explanation of acceptable responses.

When you start VMSINSTAL, it asks if you are statisfied with the backup of your
system disk.  Make sure that the backup copy is fairly recent before you

If you have not statisfied all conditions required to start VMSINSTAL, it
desplays a warning message explaining the problem and a prompt asking if you
want to continue.  DIGITAL strongly recommends that you correct these
conditions before you try to start VMSINSTAL again.

NOTE:  If you continue without making the requrired corrections, DIGITAL might
NOT support the resulting installation.

To start VMSINSTAL, enter a command in the following format and press RETURN:

$ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL product-list source:  [OPTIONS option-list] -
_$ [destination] [qualifiers]

The following sections describe the parameters and the keyword that you must
supply in this command. SELECTING A PRODUCT-LIST

This parameter lists the products that you want to install.  If you use a
wildcard character ( * ), all versions and updates of all products from the
distribution media will be installed in alphabetical order.

If you want to specify more than one item in the product list parameter, you
must separate the items using commas and no intervening spaces.  Specify the
product list in the following format:


fac     The product name code ( 1 to 36 alphanumeric characters )
vv      The major version number ( 2 digits )
u       The update number ( 1 digit )

For example, if you upgrade your operating system to VMS Version 5.2, the
product name ( fac ) is VMS, the major version ( vv ) is 05, and the update
number ( u ) is 2.  Therefore the porduct-list parameter is VMS052.

Using this format, you can install a specific version and update of a product
form distribtuion media containing several versions and updates.  If you do not
include a version or update number, all versions and updates from the source
are installed in alphabetical order.

If you omit the product-list parameter, VMSINSTAL asks you for it.

If you are installing from a distribution kit, the list of products on your
distribution media is included with the bill of materials for the distribution
kit.  If the list is not available, enter a DIRECTORY command so that the
distribution media will find the products that are included.  To obtain the
product list, enter commands int he following format and press RETURN after
each one:

$ MLUNT/OV=ID ddcu:
$ DIRECTORY ddcu: [0,0]

Where ddcu is the drive that holds the distribution media.  If you are
installing from a disk directory, obtain the product list by entering a
DIRECTORY command, sepcifying the disk directory in the following format and
pressing RETURN.

$ DIRECOTY node::drive:[directory]

If you are accessing a remote node, you must have READ and EXECUTE (R,E) access
to the directory. SELECTING THE SOURCE

This parameter identifies the source of the optional software product as one of
the following:

:  A drive tha holds the distribution media; for example, the RX50 drive
   disignated CSA2: ona  VAX 8200.

:  A disk directory to which the product save set has been transferred from the
   distribution media for later installation.

   You specify a disk directory as the source when you select the GET SAVE SET
   option.  For more information about this option see Section 3.1.3.

:  A disk directory on another node.

You also can use a logical name to specify the source.  If you do not specify
the source VMSINSTAL asks you for it.  SELECTING OPTIONS.

This keyword is optional.  It precedes the list of options to be installed.  If
you enter an option list without the OPTIONS keyword, VMSINSTAL displays an
informational error message and the installation ends.

The options-list parameter lists the options requested.  The VMSINSTAL command
procedure permits the use of five options.  You specify each option by entering
the appropriate option letter after the keyword OPTIONS in the command that

If you specify more than one option, do not separate the letters with spaces or
commas.  For more information on choosing VMSINSTAL options see Section 3.1.3. SELECTING THE DESTINATION

This parameter is optional.  By default, VMSINSTAL assumes that the product is
to be installed in the system-specific directory root on the system disk.

There are two instances in which you must use this parameter:

:  If you want to install the product in an alternate root.  The product is
   installed on a system root other than that on which the target system is
   running.  Specify the alternate system root in the following format:


   ddcu    --    The device on which the alternate root resides.
   SYSn.   --    The top-level directory of the alternate system root.

   You also may specify a previously defined logical name for the alternate

:  If you specify the GET SAVE SET option to copy the product kit save sets
   into a storage directory for later installation.  For more information on
   the GET SAVE SET optionj, see Section 3.1.3.

   Specify the destination directory in the following format:


   node    --    a node remote from the target system ( DECnet software must be
                 installed on your system to use this option.)  If you do not
                 specify a node, VMSINSTAL assumes that the product save sets
                 are to be stored on the local node.
   ddcu    --    The destination disk device.
   directory --  Usually, a directory dedicated to product save sets on the
                 specified disk.  QUALIFYING THE BACKUP COMMAND

You can specify this parameter along with the GET SAVE SET option to qualify the
BACKUP command further.  The BACKUP command copies the save sets to the
destination directory.

The following example includes the GET SAVE SET option and BACKUP qualifiers:



When the installation is complete, VMSINSTAL does one of the following,
depending on the requirements of the product you have installed:

:  Performs an automatic shutdown of the system and instructs you to reboot

:  Returns you to the dollar-sign prompt ( $ )

When the product is installed, back up the updated system disk.


The VMSINSTAL command procedure permits the use of five options:

:  Auto-answer option    ( A )
:  Get save set option   ( G )
:  File log option       ( L )
:  Release notes option  ( N )
:  Alternate root option ( R )

To specify each option, do the following:

:  Enter the appropriate option letter after the keyword OPTIONS in the command
   line that starts VMSINSTAL.

:  Press RETURN.

If you specify more than one option, do NOT separate the letters with commas or
spaces.  For example:

$  @VMSINSTAL product source:  OPTIONS AN  AUTO-ANSWER ( A )

The AUTO0ANSWER option makes it easier to reinstall a product by providing
responses to VMSINSTAL questions and prompts during the reinstallation.  You
use the AUTO0ANSWER option most often to reinstall products after an upgrade.

If you specify the AUTO-ANSWER option when you install a product, an aswer file
is created in the form product.ANS in the SYS$UPDATE directory, where product
is the product-list parameter that you provide when you start VMSINSTAL.

The file type of an answer file is .ANS.  The answer file contains a record of
your responses to questions and prompts from VMSINSTAL.  For example, if you
install the product, NEWAID, with the AUTO-ANSWER option, VMSINSTAL creates an
answer file designated NEWAID.ANS.

When you reinstall the product and specify the AUTO-ANSWER option ( typically
after upgrading your operating system ), VMSINSTAL reads the answer file
instead of asking you questions.

If you want to create a new answer file when you reinstall a product, you must
delete the existing answer file first.  GET SAVE SET ( G )

Installing products either from a distribution tape or from console media
directly onto your system disk is time-consuming.  The GET SAVE SET option
saves you time by allowing you to store product save sets temorarily on a
magnetic tape or in a disk directory.

You might consider dedicating a user disk on a node that other licensed system
users can access.  You can store product save sets on this dedicated user disk
to give other licensed system users fast access to the product save-set

To store a product save set on a disk directory using the GET SAVE SET option,
enter a command in the following format and press RETURN:

$  @SYS$UPDATE: VMSINSTAL product-list soruce: -

NOTE:  The directory that you specify must exist, and the device must be
mounted; VMSINSTAL does NOT perform any CREATE/DIRECTORY or MOUNT operations.

You specify the disk immediately after the OPTIONS G parameter.  For example,
if you are storing save sets for a product named NEWAID from the console drive
into disk directory USER1:[PRODUCTS], enter the following command and press


VMSINSTAL creates one or more files to store the product save set in the disk
directory.  The save set file name has the following format:


fac    --    The product name code ( 1 to 36 alphanumeric characters).
vv     --    The major version number ( 2 digits ).
u      --    The update number ( 1 digit ).
x      --    A literal extension that is used to identify save set files, where
             A is the first save set, B the second, and so forth.

NOTE:  Valid extensions for save set files include the literal range A through
Z and the numberic range VMI_0027 throught VMI_9999.

For example, suppose you are storing update 1 to Version 2.0 of the product,
NEWAID, and this process requires four save sets.  VMSINTAL creates the
following four files:


When you want to install the product on your system, enter a command in the
following format and press RETURN:

$ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINTAL product-list device:[Directory]

For the product NEWAID, enter this command and press RETURN:


VMSINSTAL installs the NEWAID product on your system disk. FILE LOG ( L )

The FILE LOG option logs all file activity to the terminal during installation.
File activity is defined as any action that alters the disposition of a file,
such as creating a new file, updating a library, or deleting a file.


Use the RELEASE NOTES option to display or print the online release notes file
supplied by the layered product.

NOTE:  Not all layered products provide online release notes.

The person who builds the product kit names the release notes file.  The
release notes file is given the file name facvvu.release_notes, where facvvu
represents the product name code, version, and update numbers.

If release notes are available and you specify option N, VMSINSTAL asks you the
following questions.  ( The default answeres are indicated in brackets ).

Release Notes OPtions:

    1.  Display release notes
    2.  Print release notes
    3.  Both 1 and 2
    4.  Copy release notes to SYS$HELP
    5.  Do NOT display, print, or copy release notes

:  The first prompt ( *SELECT OPTION ) allows you to choose options 1 - 5.
:  The second prompt ( *QUEUE NAME ) Is displayed only if you select option 2
   or option 3.  If you enter the name of a print queue, the system displays a
   message saying that the release notes have been queued successfully to the
   printer.  if you do not specify a print queue, the release notes are sent to
   SYS$PRINT by default.
:  The third prompt ( *DO YOU WANT TO CONTINUE THE INSTALLATION) allows you
   either to continue or to end the installation.  The default is to end the

If release notes are not supplied with the product, VMSINSTAL displays two error
messages.  It also asks whether you want to continue or to end the
installation, as follows:

%VMSINSTAL-W-NOFILE, New File facvvu.RELEASE_NOTES does not exist.
%VMSINSTAL-W-NORELNOTE, unable to locate release notes.

To continue the installation ( Whether or not release notes are available ),
type Y ( for YES ) and press RETURN. ALTERNATE ROOT ( R )

The ALTERNATE ROOT option lets you install the product to a system root other
than that of the running system.  The VMS operating system in the alternate
root must be complete and the same version/update level as the running system.
All files and software products that the product installation refers to must be
present in the alternate root.

NOTE:  Not all optional software products allow a product to be installed to an
alternate system root.

Consult the documentation of the specific product to determine whether the
product can be installed to an alternate system root.

If you specify option R, the product is installed on the alternate root.
However, you cannot create accounts or request a system reboot.


If the system fails during installation of an update or optional software
product, VMSINSTAL attempts to continue the installation upon rebooting.
Depending on when the system failed, one of three conditions exists:

:  The system disk was not altered before the system failure.  In this case,
   VMSINSTAL instructs you to restart the installation.

:  The system disk or library used by the installation was corrupted.  In this
   case, VMSINSTAL instructs you to retore either the system disk or the
   corrupted library from the backup copy and to restart the installation.

:  VMSINSTAL continues the installation.  In this case, VMSINSTAL performs most
of the installation.  Also, it may tell you that you must perform some tasks
manually to complete the installation.  If VMSINSTAL instructs you to do so, do
the following:
    A:  Reboot the system
    B:  Log in as system manager
    C:  Purge all system files that have been replaced, even if you requested
        an automatic purge.
        $  PURGE/LOG SYS$SYSROOT:[*...]*.*

                                [ END OF 03.11 ]