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PART 1: Introduction

The purpose of this phile is to make the CBI credit referral
service accessibleto the novice user, and to phacilitate account hacking
for the more experienced hacker. I will attempt to explain the basics of
CBI, simple commands, and the   two methods phor achieving new accounts.
Sysops and phellow hackers are most    welcome to copy and distribute this
phile, so long as ALL CREDITS REMAIN INTACT AND UNALTERED. And I mean that,

PART 2: What the hell IS CBI? 

CBI is a credit referral service,
similar to TRW (though rather inferior). Basically, with the advent of
large-scale credit use for high-end purchases, a  need arose for a service
which various businesses, banks, lending agents etc. could quickly and
easily get a complete credit history on a potential customer. Thus, these
establishments can have at their beck and call your entire credit
history: all your credit cards, their limits, any mortgages you have and
their  current status, as well as various other tidbits such as loans, car
repossessiondefaulted extensions of credit, and the like. Some peoples
credit files are     quite extensive, while others are surprisingly
incomplete. This, I suppose,     reflects the ammount of credit usage the
individual in question has employed. To make these credit referral services
quickly and easily accessible, these     companies have been kind enough to
place all their records in an online databasewhich can be called and
referenced by a legitimate account-holder via modem. Forutunately for us,
the hacker community, this wonderful database can also be  called and
accessed illegally. THAT is where the phun begins.

PART 3: Okay, how do Iget on? 

To make the lives of the various legal users of their system
easier, CBI has  established numerous access points to their database.
Unfortunately, at the timeof the writing of this phile, I only have two
working dialup for CBI. They are: 1-713-591-8100  Houston, Texas
                                  1-804-466-1619  Norfolk, Virginia
Also, the voiceline for CBI's 'Equifax Credit Information Services' is 1-201-842-7500. Call it and social engineer yourself a dialup or six. Once
you're ready to call, TAKE PRECAUTIONS. NEVER call a CBI dialup directly,  or
just through a code. ESPECIALLY if you're trying to hack out an account.
Rather, use an outdial, or better yet, use several outdials. Make it HARD for
them to track you down. AT THE VERY LEAST, use a diverter. I usually use a
single outdial, which seems to be safe enough for simply accessing the system.
As I said, for hacking, a more 'layered' approach is advisable. Okay, so now
you've dialed the number from your cheesy outdial. The system connects.
But, nothing appears on your screen. CBI does not recognize the
standard 'carriage return' generated by your 'return' key. Rather, CBI
accepts  [cntrl-s] (^s) as a return. So, to awaken the system, hit cntrl-s
(you may need to follow this with a return sometimes). Wait a few seconds
and you'll see: (LA)PLEASE SIGN-ON: The system has no echo, so you may want
to call with half duplex for some visualre-assurance. You now enter your
account. Accounts appear in two formats: 613bb2114-c2 OR 613bb2114-c2,az,p.
The system will accept either one (ie, the 'az,p.' is not necessary). 
After you finish typing in the account, hit [cntrl-s] again. There will be
a few seconds  brief wait, and if the account you entered is valid, the system
will say: W5B3 - PROCEED      Blammo. You're in. 

PART 4: How to pull files
Once you're in, there are 2 BASIC commands that you need to know to pull
peoples files. There are various other commands for more powerful accounts,
but as a low end user, you need not worry about these, and if you area a
more experienced user, then you don't need ME to tell them to you!
The files in the CBI database are referenced by either name and address or
  social security number. If you know either of these for your prospective
target,you're in business. First, the easy one: To pull a persons credit
file with their SS number, enter this command: id-sss-###-##-####.[cntrl-s]
Where #'s are the digits of the SS #. Do not forget the period at the end of thecommand, it IS necessary. Also, remember to enter the command with
control-s, NOT return. Next, the more useful method of pulling a file. Enter
the following: nm-first,last.ca-house #, streetname, streettype, town, state, zipcode. [cntrl-s] As for the name, you MUST have the full last name, but you only need to enter the first initial or a partial name. For the address, spelling the streetname and town correctly are important. Also, the zipcode is NOT NECESSARY. You can just put the period after the state and hit ^s. Streettype refers to blvd, st, rd, ln, ct...etc, you get the idea...you can either spell it out or use the common abbreviation. For towns or streets with
2 words, ie 'Seaside Heights' enter it exactly as is, for example:

nm-lamer,joe.ca-666,wanker,ln,seaside heights,nj.^s

PART 5: What's this weird number shit?

When you successfully pull a file, you'll see something like this:

 *WAD,DICK   SINCE 08/24/85  FAD 07/09/90          FN-300
  223,DERF,DR,TESTICLE,TX,43524,TAPE RPTD  09/87

So what the hell does this shit mean? Well, obviously, it begins with the       person's name. 'SINCE' refers to the first time Equifax generated a file on thisperson, while FAD is the last time the file was updated. Next is listed the  person's places of residence, both present and past. (RPTD is the last date that they were still listed as being at that address). The 'BDS-' line contains the
person's birthdate and social security number, and sometimes their age as
well. The following '01 ES' type lines concern the person's employers,
again both present and past, with addresses for them. Next, you'll see
the following:

 *SUM-08/85-07/90,PR/OI-NO,FB-NO, ACCTS:3,HC$0-25000, 2-ONES, 1-FOUR.
 *INQS-OCEAN NATL 444bb952   11/23/90

Okay, this is a little more complex. The SUM indicates the
period during which  this person has had credit of any kind. I do not know
what PR/OI and FB indicateACCTS: is the number of entries on the list about
to follow, ie, the amount of  credit extensions this person has ever had.
HC$ is the span on the values of    these credit extensions. That is, he
has been extended as much as $25,000 at onetime. The 'ONES, FOURS, FIVES,
NINES, ZEROS' etc indicate the TYPE of credit    accounts the person has. I
am still in the process of deciphering what each one means. INQS is self
explanatory. Listed are all the firms which have recently   pulled this
person's file, and the date they did so. Next comes the good part:

 SEARS*906DC29     08/90 07/85    0      523     R4 0 J8764-5648374612846
 CITIBK-MC*906BB40 08/90 11/88 5000     1234     R1 34 S 542412345678 
 GMAC  *906FA34    07/90 10/87  25K 10Y  10K I1 17 A     192-123456789
END OF REPORT     CBI AND AFFILIATES  - 11/26/90                             

Okay, broken down, this shit means:
FIRM/ID CODE: The creditor and its CBI account code. RPTD: Last time that
entry was updated, either due to purchase or change in credit extension.
OPND: Date   the account was first opened. H/C: Ammount of credit. In the
case of actual     credit cards, this is the card limit. TRM: Length of
time the credit is extendedfor, in weeks. If followed by a 'M', it is in
months, and if followed by a 'Y'  it is in years. BAL: Ammount still owed
on the card as of the last update. P/D, CS, MR, ECOA: beats the shit outta
me!!! ACCOUNT NUMBER: Self-explanatory. VISAS begin with a 4, MASTERCARDS
begin with a 5, DISCOVER with a 6, etc. If youare uncertain as to whether
an account is a card or not, run it thru your       friendly credit checker
to check. Many entries will have helpful explanatory    footnotes like:

PART 7: Safe use/abuse of CBI

     Okay, so you have an account and you know how to use it, right? So,
what next?Well, firstly, you'd better cover your ass. As I said earlier, be
sure to call  CBI through some sort of number-diverting system. To preserve
the life of your  account and protect your ass, you should also take the
following precautions. First, try to call CBI dialups only during normal
business hours LOCAL TO THE   DIALUP (based on whatever time zone it's in).
That is, Monday-Friday from 9:00amto 6:00pm if at all possible. Try NOT to
call AT ALL after 12:00 midnight, as   this is extremely suspicious.
Secondly, never pull files sequentially from your phone book (more on this
later). Skip around as far as last names go. Thirdly,  don't be
greedy...don't pull 100 files per call...stick to 10-20, no more that  30.
Lastly, don't bother pulling the file of the President. We already tried
pulling ole' George's file, but all we got was his social security # and a
message stating that that file was 'not available'. 

PART 8: Who do I pull? 

It's essential that you never waste time on CBI, as accounts are
valuable and not to be trifled away. So, don't spend all your time pulling
your friends filesor your neighbor's. Go for the BIG BUCKS. Get out your
local phone book and run through it looking for names with 'attorney',
'MD', 'DDS' and such after them. Then pull THOSE files. Also, its not a
good idea to only pull files from your   local area...so...run down to your
local library. All libraries have phone      directories for major cities
nationwide. (Don't bother with the Manhattan guide,as none of those
addresses are residential ones, all offices and such). Again, try to pull
the files of affluent folks. When you take an address from a phone  book,
always try to make sure it isn't an office address. Many directories will
list both office and 'res' ie residential numbers and addresses. You must
have  the person's BILLING address to pull his/her file. There are various
other ways to get peoples names and addresses, so be creative and have fun.

PART 9: Getting an account

This is the REAL hard part. Most people simply trade away their
hard-earned   info for a CBI account. Frankly, the fact that few people
know how to get new   ones is the reason why there are so few in
circulation. SO, its time for all youhacks to start getting them YOURSELF.
How, you may ask? There are two ways. The most commonly used way is to
social-engineer them. Flip thru your local phone   book and find a small
car dealership. Call them up. Pretend you are a CBI or    Equifax employee.
Again, be creative. If you sound like a 14yr old, or if you   can't lie to
save your ass, don't try this. You'll only phuck things up for the rest of
us. Design your own scams. Be convincing. Leave them a number to call   you
back at...a loop, or a BBS #, or better yet, find a number thats always
busyOr, if you have one, set up a VMB to issue a greeting as the office of
the      person who you are impersonating. In short, be devious. After all,
you're a     hacker! Method two is a bit more tough. All CBI accounts that
I've ever run into so   far take on a simple format, presented above. Now,
you'll notice that the       beginning of an account (613bb2114) looks
remarkably like the IDNUMBER presentedin the files you pull (ie 906dc29).
The reason for this is that they are ONE IN THE SAME. Yes, thats right, CBI
is nice enough to give you an extensive listing of partial accounts for all
of its subscribers. All accounts take on this format:
Quaint, yes? Now, since the company codes provide parts one thru three, all
you need to figure out is the 2-character code after the dash. In all cases
I've    seen so far, this has been a letter followed by a number, but I am
not certain  that this is ALWAYS the case. So, in short: HACK AWAY.

PART 10: Company Codes

COMPANY     CODE       COMPANY       CODE          COMPANY       CODE
A & S       426dc33    ALLSTATE      465ig14       AMERIFEDRL    444bb7072 
AMEX        906on259   AMEX          906on267      AMEXOPTIMA    906bb5130 
AMEXPRESS   458on2792  BANCAMER-V    906bb206      BENF BNCHG    444fp289
BEN SMITH   882an137   BERKLY MTG    444fs1399     BK OF MDSN    843bb342 
BK OF NY    404bb539   BLOMNGDALE    404dc21       BNY DE LD     496on747 
BNY DE STD  496bb82    BONWIT TEL    404cg94       BRADLEE'S     426dc1577
C & S       401bb4880  C & S COMM    872bb213      CARTSVBKFA    444fs1381 
CHASE EDUC  728bb10420 CHASE(USA)    905bb587      CHASE VISA    496on598  
CHASE VISA  426bb756   CHEM BK,DE    426bb3859     CHEM BK,NJ    444bb3469
CHEM BK,NJ  444bb3626  CHEM BK,NJ    444bb5605     CHRYS 1ST     444fp2137 CHRYSLER    906fa26    CITIBANK      906bb115      CITIBK-MC     906bb40   CITICORP    906fm6418  CITICORPSA    447fs844      CITI PRVS     906bb289
CNB USA     496on291   COMMERCE      901bb5101     COMMONWELT    906fm6335
CORESTATES  496on218   CORESTATES    458on3022     CRESENT      402re30375
CRSI-CHARM  426cg544   CS NATNL      872bb31       CS OTC       872bb205
CTL JER MC  444bb143   CTL JER SI    444bb6173     CTYFD MTG    444fm11838DE 
TR          458on3014  DISCOVER      155on44       DISCOVR CD    905on1497 EFX-SML042  444zb361   EQUIBANK      496on648      FFB NEWJER    444bb5654 FIDELITY NA 496bb587   FIELD BROS    906cg2913     FJNB/SO MC    444bb5704 
FLEET FUND  416fm2092  FNB TRVIL     444bb465      FNB TRV MC    444bb5282
FNB TRV OD  444bb5308  FNBTRV VS     444bb5290     GE CAPITAL    404ff262 
GE CAPITAL  906ff278   GE CAPITAL    906ff260      GECAP-TOPS    404ff1039 GECAP-CALD  404ff825   GECC          906ff252      GIMBELS       426dc561  GLENDALE    181fs320   GMAC          444fa483      GMAC          906fa34
GOTTSHALKS  163dc2280  GRDN ST OC    444bb2719     HBNA VISA    163bb17526 HMDEPOT     404hz141   HUGHES CHV    444an1082     IAREQUITA    444zb00577
JC PENNEY   906dc185   JC PENNEY     444dc10639    JC PENNEY     906dc193  LITTMANS    444ja591   LORD & TAY    906dc151      MACYS         444dc49   MARINE MID  405bb280   MBNA AMER     801on119      MBNA AMER     801bb2942 MELLON BK   496bb74    MERIDNMTG     496fm271      MH/MC         426bb2380 MHT/MC      426bb541   MH/VISA       426bb1895     MH/VISA       426bb2406 MIDLTIC IL  444bb804   MIDLTIC OD    444bb3253     MNB/N IL      444bb9466
MOBIL OIL   906oc99    MONGRM-USA    404bb3483     NATL STATE    444bb1315 NATWST MTG  444fm12285 NCNB          805bb2492     NEIMAN-M      906dc656
NISSAN MTR  444fa848   NJNB          444bb6173     NJNB          444bb1869
NWB         444yc1311  NWB           444bb6363     NWB           444bb6496
NWB         444bb564   NWB           444bb3436     OCEAN NATL    444bb952
PNB IL      891bb186   PRIMERICA     496on44       RICE&HLMAN    444an2452 
ROOTS       444cs315   SEARS         906dc29       SEARS         444dc510
SEARS       905dc3081  SEC PAC BK    180bb19097    SHOP CHARG    444cg377
SLMA-LSCP   496fz45    SNAPPER       404tz19       SNSONE TOY    444an4177 SPIEGELS    906dm10    STEINBACH     403dc1426     STERNS        496dc319  STRAWBRIDG  496dc20    STRD ROOF     444ki54       SUN RF MKT    606oc10587 SVGSBK SOC  414bb917   TOYOTA MTR    906fa67       TYOTA MOTR    444fa814
UCT RIKEL   444bb5035  UJB MC GLD    444bb9466     UJB-MID ST    444bb978
UJB/SO IL   444bb2248  UJB VISA      444bb1182     UNIVRSL BK    444on358  UNIVRSL BK  444on341   WCI-HUFKOO    404hf375      YEGEN ASSO    444an449
1 VALLY BK  496fs380   1ST CARD      404bb182      1ST CARD      155on85   1STDEPOSIT  163bb19418 1ST JER CR    444zb668      1ST OMNI      801on1182
1ST STATE   444bb2958  ??????????    444bb1331     ??????????    465zb134


Well, thats all for now.
With this info, you neophytes should be quite capableof using those CBI
accounts you've been gleefully trading for so long. And,     with luck, a
few more of you will start hacking out accounts. If any one has    other
CBI dialups, or just other company codes for a possible 'UPDATE
PHILE'...'CBI=The Revenge', please send them to me. I can be contacted via
feedback at: CYBERNETIK LIMBO (908)269-7042
      Or at: SOCIAL DISTORTION (908)303-0927, user #4. Also, you
can mail me on QSD chat at TymNet NUA 208057040540. My box is 'ghost [pm]'.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the info presented
in this phile, or if you're interested in becoming a Panther Modern.
Finally, a few brief greets and thanks to: Neuromancer, Midnite Raider,
CyberSage, RatFink, Digital-Demon, and particularly to Sir Hairy Legg, who
got me on to CBI in the first place. Oh, one other thing. The information
presented in this phile is for informational purposes only, to shed a
glimmer of light on the inner workings of the arcane electronic world. In
no way does this file condone or encourage credit fraud, illegal system
access, or any other crimes. Equally, the author disclaims ALL
RESPONSIBILITY for any misuse of the information presented above, or any
crimes committed thereby. But that never stopped ya before, now did it?