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Newsgroups: alt.satanism
From: locklin@titan.ucs.umass.edu (Lupo the Butcher)
Subject: Watcher v9
Message-ID: <9303312108.AA04305@titan.ucs.umass.edu>
Date: 31 Mar 1993 15:09:35 -0600
Organization: UTexas Mail-to-News Gateway
Lines: 776

			   T H E   W A T C H E R


		  P.  O.  Box 38-262, Petone, Wellington
NOVEMBER 1991 E.V.                                                       No. 9


	In The Watcher #8 we reported on the activities of an expellee of
the Wairapapa based Order of the Sword of Damocles in her recruiting of
youngsters for a 'devil worshipping cult'.  Apparently drug abuse was
involved, and of course the media and social workers made the most of it to
launch an anti- Satanist crusade.
	On the tail end of these goings-on came sensationalistic media
reports of 'Satanic child ritual abuse', given a guise of credibility by
the statement of so-called therapists and Snr Sgt Gabites of the Hutt
police, who us supposed to be some kind of an authority on the subject.
	The editor of The Watcher has made representations to the police
and social welfare departments, discussing the bogus nature of the ritual
abuse claims, and has challenged Gabites to offer reliable evidence of any
kind which can directly associate Satanism with child abuse.  We have also
asked Gabites whether he will be investigating the Catholic clergy in NZ,
given the proven example of a Catholic priest's sexual misconduct in
Auckland last year (while no such examples can be offered of satanist
sexual molestation, despite the mountains of garbage claimed on the
subject).  We will be dealing with these matters at greater length in the
next issue of The Watcher.  In the interim we have issued the booklet
Debunking the Witch-hunters ($4) completely exposing the neurotic origins
of this scam.


			 Satanism and Child-Abuse

		   by Anton Long (order of Nine Angles)

	Allegations have been made, and continue to be made, concerning
"Satanic" child-abuse - that is, the sexual abuse of children as part of
Satanic rituals, practices and beliefs.
	As an authority on Satanism, having been actively involved in
Satanism for nearly twenty-five years, and being the Grand Master
representing traditional Satanist groups, I can write expertly about this
	Genuine Satanism - like all genuine magick - is a path, way or
method of individual self- development.  Rituals may be and often are a
part of this, but these rituals all conform to certain patterns:  they are
all intended to aid and explicate self-understanding and development, as
well as enhance and develop certain 'Occult' abilities.  Naturally, some
rituals and methods are concerned with the individual experiencing certain
emotions and, in Satanism, enjoying certain pleasures.  However, because of
the aim of Satanism [to aid the attainment by the individual of magickal
and personal understanding and thus promote evolution and self-mastery],
this experiencing involves a conscious choice or decision by the
individual.  This makes Satanism of necessity an adult path or way - for
genuine Satanism, of the traditional type, is not concerned with
proselytizing nor "corrupting" others without their consent.  Its concern -
it must be repeated - is individual advancement arising from a conscious
and free decision by the individual - anything else is not Satanic as it is
not magickal.  This free choice is part of all genuine Occult and magickal
paths:  Initiation means this free choice, the decision to begin an inner
quest.  When there is no free choice about the matter, there is no genuine
Initiation - whatever path or way is being followed.  Where Satanism
differs, is in its aim, the philosophy of life and the techniques used to
achieve the aim - these make it a "Left Handed Path" [when viewed
	Thus, there cannot be any such thing as 'childhood Initiation' -
nor participation by children under a certain age in any genuine magickal
rituals.  What there can be:  what there often is - in genuine Satanism at
least - is the simple dedication of infants by their parents to the darker
path, and this involves only the appointing of guardians to watch over and
care for the child(ren):"Do you, so chosen, pledge to guard and watch over
this newborn and to teach them when the teaching time is right, our ways
..." [from 'The Ceremony of Birth' in "The Black Book of Satan" (ONA)] The
time for teaching is when the child, in accord with Satanic philosophy, can
choose for themselves - sixteen years of age or thereafter - that is, when
they have attained the threshold of adulthood.
	Hence, there is not, and cannot be, any such thing as "Satanic"
child-abuse:  there can be no child- hood 'initiation', no participation by
children under a certain age in rituals, and no abuse, by adult Satanists,
of children.  This latter is important - Satanism is concerned with the
individual gaining self-mastery and self-understanding.  The abuser
(whether of children, drugs or pleasures) is swayed by mostly unconscious
desires and impulses - they may manipulate and try to control others who
are susceptible, but they cannot control themselves, or even begin to
understand their 'darker' side.  In short, they are weak - and generally
rather pathetic -individuals, although they may hide behind a "mask" or a
"role".  Such people are not Satanists, but rather failures.  The Satanist
aspires to self-mastery, self-overcoming:  to knowledge ...
	The popular image of Satanism is a lie - a myth invented and
fostered by those who have a vested interest in maintaining it.  Organized
religions and under-developed individuals need such myths, as they need
stereotyped enemies:  for only by such means can such people and such
religions survive and flourish.  Many believe, with that certainty that
faith and fanaticism bring, the myths about Satanism and the more general
myths about ritual 'child-abuse'.  I and a few others like me ca present
the facts - in my case about Satanism - but it needs an unbiased mind, a
certain mental freedom, to consider these facts as they should be
considered, and then make an informed judgement about the matter.  It is
this freedom which a biased, religious intolerance destroys.
	The real question about Satanic child-abuse (and ritual abuse
itself) is thus a question about attitude, belief and commitment to
reasoned thought and debate.  Long after Science showed the Earth was not
at the centre of the Universe, the Church - its ministers and its faithful
- continued to believe otherwise, confirmed in their certainty of faith.
Do we, now - concerning this question of Satanic child- abuse - return to
the Dark Age of faith, of believing what certain Church people wish us to
believe to bolster their religion and rather intolerant view of the world;
or do we go forward to greater understanding based on an acceptance of the
	These facts show that Satanic child abuse - and ritual abuse itself
- is a myth.

[The following books contain the facts regarding traditional Satanism, and
should be studied by anyone who wishes to know what Satanism really is:

^ The Black Book of Satan - A Guide to Sinister Ceremonial Magick
^ Naos - A Practical Guide to Becoming an Adept
^ Fenrir Vol. I (no's 2-8)
^ Fenrir Vol. II

All the above are obtainable from the ONA, PO Box 109, Newport, Gwent,
Wales, UK.]


		      A big joke or a serious threat?

			 - Markku Siira, Finland -

	I thought it would never happen again.  I though it was all just a
madness of the dark middle ages.  But today we face it again, the
witch-hunt, in a modern form.  The fundamentalist christian churches and
sensation-mongering media are after the 'modern witches'.  They are hunting
us, the Satanists.  It seems to be their primary belief that we are
child-abusers, ritual murderers and psychopaths.  The worldwide anti-
Satanist hysteria grows and grows...are we just waiting for the new

	First USA, then Britain, South-Africa, New-Zealand and soon
probably the other countries as well, if people are everywhere so blind and
easily led.  Yes, the propagandists have done their job well.  Whenever
there comes in headline a crime like child-abuse, murder under mysterious
circumstances, cannibalism or some other pervert and insane deed,
christians and other wide-eyed fanatics are immediately ready to point
their fingers on us.  They don't care to find out the real truth.

	And why is it so?  Various Satanist Order have many many years
openly told what Satanism is all about; a path to self-mastery, freedom and
personal godhood, but some people don't understand, we are always portrayed
as criminals.  Of course, the lunatic, who has killed someone 'in the name
of Satan' gets much more publicity than matured and intelligent Satanist,
who firmly tells about real Satanism and its philosophy.  It is simple:  by
then, the TV and newspapers will get more money.  Christian churches and
other slave-creeds also need a scapegoat to blame to get more attention and
approval of the masses.
	Well, there still seems to be at least few people, who carefully
consider the crimes before judging anybody.  FBI (!), for example, made a
serious research and analysis about the so-called Satanic, occultistic and
ritualistic crimes and what came to light:  "the fact is that far more
crime and child abuse has been committed by zealots in the name of God,
Jesus and Mohammed than has ever been committed in the name of Satan.  Many
people don't like that statement, but few can argue with it."

	Is the whole anti-Satanist hysteria then just a big joke, which
will be forgotten quite soon, or are there really a serious threat growing
against Satanists?  Only time can tell, but should we just sit and wait for
the final judgement?  Oh no, now we should stand in union, though the
individuals we are truly are and truly make it clear for the people what
real Satanism is and what we stand for.  We got to fight for our rights and
more then symbolically trample those religious fanatics underfoot.  Let's
start now!!!


			   Letters to the editor

		       (From: Evening Post 18/9/91)

			 Allegations not credible

Sir, Allegations of so-called "Satanic" child ritual abuse have about as
much credibility as the claims of UFO abductees (The Post, Sept 3).
	While one may forgive, indeed expect, social workers to swallow
such nonsense indiscriminately, of greater concern is the degree of
respectability given to the claims by Senior Sergeant Laurie Gabites.
	He should be aware that these allegations, which have amounted to
an hysterical later-day witch- hunt in the US, have been exhaustively
investigated by Kenneth Lanning of the FBI, who concluded there was no
evidence of a single case of "Satanic" ritual crime, and that the subject
had become a "growth industry" for self-styled experts.
	Robert Hicks, an analyst with the criminal Justice Department of
Virginia, described a loose network of therapists, fundamentalists and
policemen perpetuating the myth.
	Dr Mulbern of the University of Paris, after studying the "adult
survivor" claims, accuses therapists of "a paranoid reading of the data".
	At the risk of providing further grist for Senior Sergeant Gabite's
mill, he may be interested to know that the latest revelation of the
anti-Satanist crusaders is that Paul Daniels and Prince Charles are in
league with the devil.
	With similar claims being made against yoga, astrology and
acupuncture our local witch-hunters are guaranteed many busy years.




1.  The OLHP is an elitist Satanic Order existing to:
    (a) Develop and actualize the full potential and inner qualities of
    each individual initiate;
    (b) Herald the dawn of human Self-godhood, within the context of a
    Faustian Civilization.

2.  Leadership is vested in the Magister, who has ultimate responsibility
    for the functioning and philosophy of the Order.

3.  The priesthood, collectively, forms the Magister's advisory council,
    and shall be known as the Council of the Illuminati.

4.  Upon the resignation or death of the Magister, the Council shall elect
    one of its number to assume the position.

5.  The Magister may be replaced at any time by a majority vote of the

6.  The basic organization unit of the OLHP is the 'Coven.'

7.  At least three Adepts within a given area may apply to the Magister to
    form a Coven.

8.  Should a Coven be sanctioned by the Magister, it shall be granted a

9.  A Charter of a Coven may be revoked at any time by the Magister.

10.  In circumstances where there is no local ordained Priest/ess to
     preside over a Coven, the Adepts may elect a Master/Mistress from among
     themselves, whose position is subject to approval of the Magister.

11.  A specialized 'Order' within the OLHP may be established by a
     Priest/ess, subject to approval by the Magister.

12.  There are three degrees within the OLHP, which are attained by
     completing the prescribed examinations, as determined by the Magister:
     Neophyte Ix, Adept IIx, Priest/ess IIIx.

13.  The Degrees may only be undertaken by those of at least 18 years of

14.  Upon Recognition, a Neophyte has one year to apply for the examination
     of Adept.

15.  Examination for the Priesthood is undertaken by Adepts at the
     invitation of the Magister.

16.  Nobody under then age of 18 is permitted to be in attendance at
     function of the Order.

17.  Every initiate is obliged to obey the laws of the land of his

18.  No 'blood sacrifice' of any type are permitted to be undertaken by any

19.  No narcotics of any type are permitted at functions of the Order.

20.  Alcoholic intoxication is not permitted at any function of the Order.

21.  Nothing shall be undertaken at any function of the Order which
     transgresses the free-will of any individual present.

22.  Initiates are expected to obey the instructions of their immediate

23.  Complaints of breaches of conduct may be brought by any initiate
     against any other initiate, and filed with the Magister for deliberation.

24.  A Priest/ess or Coven Master/Mistress may suspend any subordinate,
     subject to review by the Magister.

25.  Misconduct, as deemed by the Magister, may result in suspension or
     expulsion from the Order.

Constitutional interpretation and amendments
26.  The Magister shall have ultimate responsibility for the questions of
     interpretation of this Constitution.

			Faustus Scorpius (Magister)
			    25 September 1991CE

P O Box 38-262
New Zealand


			    Uncle Setnakt Says

	Uncle Setnakt would like to share with you a few exercises you can
do with his favourite subject Darkness.
	1.  Close your eyes.  Inside this Darkness, you can picture
anything.  Conjure up the notion of an extraterrestrial invader.  One
entirely of your own making.  The fact you can visualize this here-to-fore
nonexistent object shows that your awareness is not bound to nor
constrained by the natural order.  The knowledge that your stand separate
from the universe is the beginning of the Left Hand Path.
	2.  Look at the stars.  Find a grassy hill and look up at the stars
on a warm, clear moonless night.  Relax and let your mind soar towards the
stars.  That feeling of falling up into the Abyss of Stars is a predictable
part of your natural self.  The desire to project your psyche to its utmost
limits is one of the forces that drives the Initiate along the Left Hand
Path.  It is why we choose role models like Set, the first historic example
of the rebel against cosmic injustice.
	3.  Sit quietly in a darkened room.  Find a place away from radio,
TV, family etc.  Here alone and away from a constant stream of messages
telling you what to think, just relax and see where your own thoughts go.
Don't try to interfere.  This may be the first time you've heard your own
voice.  When you've done this for a few minutes, light a candle and write
down three things -- the thought that surprised you the most, the desire
that appeared most often in your thoughts, and the thought from somewhere
else (advertising jingle etc.) that intruded the most.  The next day search
out the source of the unusual thought - - this brings your actions in line
with your godhood.  Do something that distances you from the unwanted mind
control (even if it's just being aware of it and rejecting it) -- this
bring you closer to controlling your own mind.
	4.  Make a list of associations.  Write down all the things that
Darkness implies.  Start with personal things like, "Darkness is excitement
-- Father Christmas brings me goodies in the dark.  Darkness is the time of
transformation -- many times has my mind made monsters out of the pile of
laundry at the foot of the bed.  Darkness is the time of sexual arousal
--etc." Then add historical meanings of Darkness, "Darkness plus the sound
of the bullroarer creates the sacred space for Aboriginal initiation.
Darkness is the time when Vampyres are said to roam.  Etc." When you've
made your list consider what the Prince of Darkness can mean as model for
your own Initiation.  Consider how these things stimulate your imagination
and will.
	5.  Make of Night a personal symbol.  It is in the nature of
mankind to assign meaning to events in the meaningless natural order.  They
fashion constellations, omens, etc.  and then bend themselves to their
creations.  The Black Magician can consciously assign a symbol to an
operation and use that symbol for his/her own growth -- and discard it when
necessary.  Since night is the traditional time for Satanic/Black Magical
activity, you may wish to invest it with meaning.  Hold a ritual that
places a certain meaning in the dark of night -- so that its coming will
begin to Work your soul automatically.  I choose, "Night is a time of
rebirth." This way, the nonego parts of mySelf begin to recharge the
batteries of inspiration and magic every time the sky darkens.  If I am
doing some other kind of Work as part of my life work of Becoming, I can
choose another meaning.
	6.  Seek out the Brothers of Darkness.  Learning the art of magic
goes a hell of a lot swifter if you don't have to reinvent the wheel.
You'll accomplish your goals faster if you're drawing on the experience of
others.  It's a lot easier Working with people who think the way you do.
Look around for a group whose approach to Darkness is the same or very
similar to yours.  If the group has been around for a few years, you have
the additional benefit that some of their magic has already Worked itself
into the fabric of the objective universe and you have a greater magical
lever to use for your own Work.  Uncle Setnakt is, of course, a proud
member of the Temple of Set.
	7.  Contemplate Darkness as a place of growth.  In the soulcraft of
the ancient Germanic peoples is a concept very useful to the Left Hand
Path.  The Sal is that part of the soul into which one evolves.  It is a
holder of potential, a dark vessel that cannot be filled.  By using this
imagery life is not a simple discovery of the self, but an active creation
that may be consciously drafted.  As long as their is Darkness, one can
grow -- there are no limits except those you consciously create.  If you
become aware of this Dark container within you, it can become more than a
mere symbol, but an actual vessel for awareness to survive after death.
	8.  Contemplate Darkness as a symbol of mystery.  In the Right Hand
Path, white light is used as a symbol of Initiation.  In the light
everything is quickly revealed and the self extinguishes itself because of
boredom.  There are no mysteries, nothing to discover, and ultimately
nothing to think about since there is a total unity between the perceiver
and the perceived.  In the Left Hand Path Darkness is the symbol of
mystery.  By accepting Darkness, you accept dynamism -- you don't know what
lies within your Black Heart.  And as you discover more and more; the
desires from within cause you to act to bring your deepest Self into Being
in the objective world.  In short as you become the Self created god you
must create creations.  Ultimately you will begin to have a sense of the
great twofold secret -- one pole of which lies deep within yourSelf -- the
other is hidden deeply within the objective universe.
	9.  Seek to unleash the Darkness in others.  Look for and
strengthen the manifestations of Darkness in those around you.  This should
be done very gently and with great forethought.  After you have begun to
master steps 7 and 8 above consider that Darkness also resides in the other
human beings around you.  If you can transmit some of that excitement and
potential for awareness into others -- not only will you have made the
world a more darkly resplendent place to live, but you will have opened up
the world around you for more exciting potentials for your own growth.
	Uncle Setnakt hopes you have a pleasant day.


			       BOOK REVIEWS

			  The Black Book of Satan

	According to tradition, each Master or Mistress who was responsible
for a particular Satanic Temple or group, was given on his or her
assumption of that responsibility, a copy of the Black Book of Satan.  The
Black Book contained the basic Satanic rituals, instructions relating to
ceremonial magick in general.  It was the duty for the Master or Mistress
to keep this book safe, and non-Initiates of the Temple were forbidden to
see it.  Copies were forbidden to be made, although Initiates above the
grade of External Adept were allowed to see and read the Temple copy.
	In traditional Satanism (i.e.  those using the Septenary System:
this system also being known as the Hebdomadry) this practice continued
until quite recently when the Grand Master representing traditional groups
decided to allow Initiates of good standing to copy the work.  This
decision was recently extended to enable specialist publication in a
limited edition.
	The whole text of the traditional Black Book is included in the
present work, together with several additional chapters (e.g.
Self-Initiation; Organizing and Running a Temple).  These additions make
this present work a concise practical handbook for those seriously
interested in the Black Arts.

			    (From the Foreword)

The Black Book of Satan.  Brekekk, PO Box 109 Newport, Gwent NP6 1XZ Wales
(15 Pounds, $US36.) cheques & MOs payable to 'Brekekk'.  65pp, limited ed.
of 756 numbered copies.
	If the above introduction has conjured up images of 'sinister'
chants and hidden rites to nameless beings under stars and within stone
circles, then the purchase of this book will not be a disappointment.
	Here Satanism comes alive in one's mind if you read, and in reality
if you decide to become a practitioner of its rites and ways.  Be warned,
this is NOT the Satanism of the carnival which is of the type most
publicized today.  It is a heathenistic, primal Satanism which evokes both
the Earth and the stars, the path back to primal chaos and forward -
Faustian style - through the galaxies.
	This is a ritual book which allows the reader to form his/her own
Temple.  It includes definitions of the Satanic philosophy, how to organize
a coven and set up Temple furnishings, rites of the Black Mass, Ceremony of
Birth, and Death, Pledging (marriage), initiation, consecrating your
temple, a funeral rite and a rite of self-initiation.
	A highlight of the book is four full-page colour prints from the
Sinister Tarot by Christos Beest.  These are profoundly beautiful and
enchanting masterpieces of satanic art.

Esoteric Order of Dagon:  An Introduction (rev.  by Fr.  Nephren-Ka XXIII*
Miskatonik Uni.  Press 1991ev.  PO Box 175, 52 Call Lane, Leeds LS1 6DT
	This booklet of 16 pages outlines the history, structure and scope
of the Esoteric Order of Dagon.
	EOD utilizes the Cthulu Mythos of the horror and fantasy writer H P
Lovecraft as a method of exploring the Unconscious.
	The Order claims descent from the Sirius mystery cults of ancient
Egypt, Babylon and Sumeria.  Other influences include Crowley and the
Crowleyan author Kenneth Grant, who also attaches occult significance to
the writings of Lovecraft.  Membership is open to those who can show that
they have made a contribution to the occult sciences.  A number of journals
are published.
	Send a few dollars or IRCs for information.


	I just wanted to commend you on the quality of your newsletter.  I
recently completed the priesthood course, and found it outstanding.  I am
breaking away from LaVey-based Satanism, as it is far too limiting, though
I am keeping some of its viewpoints that I find useful.
	As for the Alliance of the Infernal Altar, I am still on a go-ahead
basis, and I have done much of my groundwork done.  I am going to expand
the correspondence course idea by offering several courses on various
aspects of Satanism.
	There has been a slight modification to the military postal system,
so I present my new address to all who are interested:  George T Veeder IV,
1837 EIS/ISEK PSC#78 Box 7799 APO AP, 96326-7799 USA.



						    P.O. Box 660
					Marstons Mills, MA 02648

Dear OSD members,

	Greetings from America and the Ancient Brotherhood of Satan.  It is
thrilling to know that, indeed, the Order of the Sword of Damocles is
living up to its name - your recent adversity presents a most unique
	The mortal world is evolving through some difficult changes and
when they refuse to confront their failures and weaknesses, then
scapegoating is always the order of the day.  Historically, the Devil is
always blamed -- but this can no longer be tolerated!  The modern-day
Satanist must hold a glaring mirror up to the face of society, to encourage
individual responsibility, to promote natural law.
	Invariably, I always hear the Satanist complain that such
"activism" conflicts with his "rational self-interest." When we resist the
status quo, we expose ourselves to ridicule.  martyrdom, and allow
intrusion into our private lives...  yes, it's true!  However, should we
succeed with our efforts, these inconveniences could be short lived.
	Already, New Zealanders speak of a total ban on certain
"undesirable religious practices." What next?  A curfew on teenagers?  The
search of certain suspect's homes and the seizure of their belongings?  And
	Hysteria can loose a state of siege - and then reach a pitch!  In
Europe alone, more than 30 million accused Satanists were tortured, burned
and killed in the most horrifying manner.  Here in Massachusetts, many were
hung.  Could it happen again?  Will you allow it to?  What is your best
"self- interest?" - Is it not to serve to better the community in which you
live and work?  Is it not the legacy you leave your children and
generations to come?
	As we grow older and wiser and learn to face "reality," we discover
that it is much easier to change our minds, rather than change the world.
This is why we must never lose our youth, enthusiasm and idealism.
	Let us then each raise the hammer of Nietzsche, and strike a blow
for individual liberty - low and hard and often!  Be relentless, and
overcome the fear that is in your heart!  Together we can make a
difference.  The future of the Gifted Race rests in the balance...

Yours In Understanding,

the Daimon Egan 111



	Pathworking is a highly effective yet relatively simple form of
magick.  It is to the occultist what word association and ink blot tests
are to the psychiatrist, although the Pathworking occultist is concerned
with tapping not only his unconscious, but reading the record of the
collective unconscious, with its rich array of archetypes and sources of
timeless wisdom.
	The Pathworker will use the Tarot card, sigil or rune to induce a
shift in conscious.  Jungian psychologists use a similar method called
active imagination, where a single dream image is focussed upon.  The
following examples of Pathworking with the Enochian alphabet may be of

Enochian GAL = D
	Greeted by an awkward looking bird like a Dodo.  It states that it
is 'king Olaf's bird'.  Suddenly it transforms itself into a giant warrior,
armoured, helmeted and holding a club.  He states that he is one of 'king
Olaf's men' and he takes me to see this king.  He is an old man dressed in
a white robe, with long white hair and beard, seated on a throne.  The
giant lift his club and kills the king.  He then engages another giant in
battle and is himself killed.
	Night falls.  A waxing moon appears in the sky, which the giants
appear to regard in awe.
	Daybreak, and a mounted column appears, burning villages in its
path.  The earth become covered in blood, which the horse wade through.
The column carries at its head a banner upon which is the Enochian letter
GAL.  The leader states - sarcastically - 'we are king Olaf's men."
	I am told that the giants have a mission based on force.  I ask the
purpose of this, which receives the reply:  "In destruction there is

	The peaceful, aged king who is killed by a warrior giant, serves as
a contrast, indicating that these warriors would not be bound by peaceful
ways under a decrepit ruler.
	They seem to be moon worshippers (worshippers of the Greater Mother
Goddess archetype who demands the blood of her enemies - e.g.  Hecate,
	This warrior race which is impelled even to battle each other,
reminiscent of the biblical legend of the 'Giants', offspring of the Fallen
	However, these seem to be of Norse rather than Hebraic origin,
there having been several kings by the name of Olaf in 10th and 11th C.

	Confronted by a white wall in which there is an entrance in
blackness.  There is a black robed sage sitting at a table reading a book;
other similar sages, some writing.  A knight comes forth, and sits to read
with one of the sages.
	Another knight appears, mounted and tries to kill the sages but is
beaten back by the first knight.  I come upon a group of burning books,
pass them and enter a cave in which sits a sage with many books.  Outside,
other knights come to try and slaughter the sages, while their protector
fights a rear-guard action to facilitate their escape.
	Interpretation:  conflict between learning and bigotry.  The
protector-knight is a combination of scholar-warrior:  civilization is
defended by force.  Religious bigotry is indicated by book burning.  A few
sages keep culture alive by retreating to the caves and forests away from
the ignorant mass, as a new Dark Age approaches.



		      P.O. Box 7207 * Tampa, Fl 33673

			Masters of Satanic Sorcery

			       Publishers of


			    Published Quarterly
	       Proclaiming the Word of Satan in the New Aeon
		    Sample Issue $4, $15 per year, U.S.






		    $9.95 POSTAGE PAID



		    Cheques & MOs payable to:
		    "Brimstone" Box 660 Marstons Mills
		    Mass.  02648 USA


Debunking the Witch-hunters:  Complete exposure of the anti-Satanist
allegations, examples of anti- Satanist hysteria in NZ and overseas, and
the entire FBI Lanning Report on 'Satanic, Occult & Ritualistic Crime',
$4.00 from "Realist Publications".

Liber Satanas:  Philosophy & Ethics of Satanism:  Companion volume to
Essays on Satanism discussing further aspects of the Satanic philosophy.
		 (Overseas please add $2.00 postage costs)


The Realist:  Heretical journal of history, philosophy & news analysis,
from a pro-'Aryan', Nietzschean perspective.  Sub.:  NZ-$5; Overseas
surface:  $6; Air USA :  $10; Europe:  $14, from "Realist Publs." Box 38262
Petone Wellington New Zealand.


FACTSHEET FIVE: Reviews anything and everything. Sample $US3, overseas $7. 6 Arizona Ave. 
Rensselaer NY 12144 USA.


			     Equipus Spiritae


   Swords, staffs, censers, talismans, robes, beeswax candles, and more!

     We also undertake quality illumination and artwork on commission.


			       P.O. BOX 183

All enquiries and orders will be dealt with discreetly and confidentially.


BALDER monthly journal of a pan-European fraternity of knowledge,
Esotericism, culture, history, philosophy, much with a pro-LHP orientation.
For details send donation to:  60 Elmhurst Rd.  Reading RG1 5HY Berkshire


			       TEMPLE OF SET
		    A Left Hand Path Order based on the
			 evolution of individual -
		       psychecentric consciousness.
		      PO Box 470307 SF ca.  94147 USA



   Social Darwinism, Primal Law, Resurgent Atavism, Blood Mysticism....
		 $US2.00 (overseas airmail $US3.00) from:
	  Abraxas Foundation, PO Box 300081 Denver Co. 80203 USA
		(Cheques & MOs payable to "Wake Services").

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CUT HERE- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 




One Year (Four Issues): NZ:  $5.00; Overseas - Surface:  $6.00; Air:  $10.00
	     Cheques & MOs payable to: "Realist Publications"
	     P.O.  Box 38-262, Petone, Wellington, New Zealand
ADVERTISING RATES: Full page: $40.00; half page $20.00; quarter page $10.00
		   or by  exchange arrangement with other publications


 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CUT HERE- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


	The Watcher is brought to you in a slightly altered form on the
computer.  It lacks the pictures and title art of the original and has been
slightly restructured with respect
	As from this computer issue, the advertisements now appear in one
section at the end of the actual articles, rather than as fillers

                                 * - * - *

                    Typed in by Graeme Wilson (O.L.H.P.)

If you want more info on any OLHP productions or want more info on
Satanism, contact me via the following computer networks:

        Fidonet:  3:770/505
                  (Southern Vortex BBS, ph: +64 0-3-454-3900, 14.4k modem)
        Usenet:   fenris@otago.ac.nz

Also I may be contacted on other NZ BBS's:

        Alternative Reality: +64 0-3-471-0414
        Southern Lights:     +64 0-3-455-6016
        The Left Hand Path:  +64 0-3-454-5763 (my own BBS)
        Bad Dreams BBS:      +64 0-9-528-3577 (leave message to 'Lucifer')

If you wish to contact me via mail to swap texts, ideas, etc. then write

                              Graeme Wilson
                              129 Scott Street
                              South Island
                              New Zealand

			       * IMPORTANT *

It should be noted that as of July 1992 C.I., The Watcher has been combined
with The Realist to form a publication called the HERETIC.  It can be
ordered as above, noting the current prices as being the following:

One year (4 issues):  NZ:  $7.00; Overseas-Surface:  $10.00; Air:  $15.00

ALL enquiries or orders still go to the same address:

Realist Publications, P O Box 38-262 Petone Wellington New Zealand.