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Newsgroups: alt.satanism From: locklin@titan.ucs.umass.edu (Lupo the Butcher) Subject: Watcher v7 Message-ID: <9303312107.AA04239@titan.ucs.umass.edu> Date: 31 Mar 1993 15:09:21 -0600 Organization: UTexas Mail-to-News Gateway Lines: 801 T H E W A T C H E R ===================== NEW ZEALAND VOICE OF THE LEFT HAND PATH P. O. Box 38-262, Petone, Wellington ---------------------------------------------------------- May 1991CE No. 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IRAQ & THE NEW WORLD ORDER Although this journal has warned that Europe may one day have to once again face Islam (as in days of old) we cannot get too excited about the victory over Iraq conducted in the name of Bush's "New World Order." The war had a number of parallels with World War II: Both were fought in the interests of plutocracy and Zionism, with moralizing slogans of 'democracy' and 'the rights of small nations; to the fore. Both involved territorial disputes which were local rather than world problems (i.e. Poland and Kuwait) used as moral justification for war to disguise the covert purposes. Both took on holy war aspects (and in the case of the recent war, not only from the Moslem side), with the aim of unconditional surrender. Allegations of 'war crimes' have been made against Iraq for propaganda purposes, a stratagem of proven success for Zionism, and suggestions have even been made for a Nuremberg-style show-trial against Hussein (in accordance with Talmudic vengeance rather than Western legal and chivalric principles). The defeat of Iraq has demonstrated that no departure from the plans of the New World Order will be tolerated. Far from the war being fought against communism. The Axis and Iraq were very definitely genuine dangers to the New World Order; but apparently not so communism. It should also be noted that Bush himself is a member of the Order of the Skull & Bones, a Yale Masonic/Illuminati-style fraternity which - unlike other Uni. frats. - continues to function among their initiates after graduation. The Order has included America's most powerful businessmen, politicians and policy advisors since the 19th Century, and is derived from the Old Wealth Puritan-Jewish alliance which was created as the result of the 17th C. Cromwellian Revolution, and manifested again in the form of the Balfour Declaration, was again activated against Iraq, as the aims of the so-called Eastern Establishment of the USA and Zionism converged. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 'NEW AGE' AND THE NEW WORLD ORDER It is a symptom of the decline of a Civilization that all manner of alien cults suddenly gain popularity among a rootless populace no longer able to recognize the destiny of its civilization as a part of their own Being. Today, the West, in its end-phase, embraces the alien cult as readily as Rome in its end-phase. One major manifestation of this in the West today is the growth of the 'New Age' movement which, despite the enormous range of cults it embodies, does have a common aim. The Christian fundamentalists and their political allies on the Right condemn the New Age movement as 'Satanic', of course, as they do all beliefs not of their own, including even the Catholic Church and its Pope (identified as the Anti-Christ by many!). From the perspective of the Satanist himself a quite different picture naturally emerges. That embraced by the New Agers is definitely not 'Satanic', as any Satanist would describe it, but does have major convergences of thought with christianity. Whatever their parentage and inspiration, the broad aim of the New Age cults is one of Universal Brotherhood and the World Government - New World Order - the concept implies. The concept is quite contrary to the elitist, individualist and aristocratic tradition of Satanism. Indeed it is classifiable as one of what Nietzsche called the herd ideologies and religions, a part of the revolt of the Under-Man against all that is noble and superior; the metaphysics of the herd, just as Bolshevism is the politics of the herd, seeking to draw all down to a universal common denominator of drab uniformity. Many of the New Age cults recognise Jesus as a 'Master', if not the one and only master of traditional christianity. Consequently, all the egalitarian, weak-kneed unwordly slush of biblical christianity is often regurgitated in one form or another by numerous New Age cults. NZ is awash with these cults as most other Western societies. In this article we shall consider case studies of several of the principle ones operating here. BRAHMA KUMARIS WORLD SPIRITUAL UNIVERSITY Founded in 1937 it is based on Raja Yoga, and claims about 1600 centres in 50 countries. The founder and late spiritual leader is referred to as Adi Dev Brahma (The First Deity) and Prajapita Brahma (The Father of Humanity, a business man who claimed to have been Krishna in a previous incarnation), and taught that his soul and that of Shiva had combined as One, The World Father. Since 1969 the soul of Shiva and Prajapita has communicated to the world through the mediums of the Brahma Kumaris. The two souls combined are called bap Dada. The promotional literature of the cult claims that it "does not seek to be another religion, or replace any." However, as we can already see by their above peculiar conceptions of the godhead, this is not the case. Once the newcomer is taught the simple Yoga meditation techniques he is gradually drawn into the religious ideas of the cult, with its goal of 'union with the Supreme', its identification of its founder as a manifestation of god, and its call for a 'New World Order', and its prescribing of certain forms of worship for its adherents. The cult is on the roster of the UN Economic and Social Council, and is affiliated to the UN Dept. of Public Information. Like other internationalists, it praises the nefarious UNO as the 'hope for Mankind.' (Ref. leaflet, You'd be surprised how easy it is to learn Yaja Yoga; Yaja Yoga for beginners by Ken O'Donnell 1987; Adi Dev: The First man, Jagdish Chander, 1981). ALICE BAILEY'S CULTS The Theosophist Alice Bailey founded several New Age cults, namely World Goodwill, The Triangle Centres, Lucis Trust, and the Arcane School. these are particularly internationalist and politically orientated. These teach the instructions of the 'Ascended Masters', who control human affairs, and whose Earthly dispensation is approaching. (It is a characteristic of New Age occultism that anyone who claims leadership in the movement does so in the name of 'Ascended Masters'). They invoke the return of Christ, and avidly promote the UNO and the establishment of a New World Order via the UNO. Among the literature distributed by World Goodwill is the Purposes & Principles of the UN. The Arcane School was established in 1923 for the purposes of meditation and spiritual training. Like most New Age cults it claims to be non-sectarian and non-political, although its actions and ideas contradict such claims. The Triangles began in 1937 to stimulate 'right human relations', and are organized as units of three linked into a worldwide network. World Goodwill was organized in 1932 for the purpose of the 'practical application of the principles of goodwill,' to 'establish right human relations.' It is recognised by the Office of Public Information of the UN, and is represented regularly at briefing sessions of the UN. The stated aim is an 'interdependent world society.' The World Goodwill Newsletter is politically internationalist. It uses the 'perpetual crises scenario' to establish internationalist solutions to problems such as war, pollution and poverty, a strategy often used by internationalists. In a Triangles pamphlet The World Religion the levelling creed of world brotherhood and universal 'oneness' with 'the Father' is preached, as in biblical christianity. The world is awaiting the reappearance of the World Teacher (Christ, Maitreya, Mahdi, etc.). As part of the international parcel a 'world religion' is advocated, by the 'fusion of faiths'. We are told that the 'Spiritual Hierarchy' of the Hidden Masters of the Trans-Himalayan Lodge has been drawing closer to humanity in recent years, and this is responsible for the concepts of universal brotherhood and a 'universal faith'. The approach of humanity to god is a responsibility taken on by self-appointed "new Group of World Servers", who have taken it upon themselves to 'lead humanity towards a new and better civilization', by drawing down the presence of spiritual beings, and acting on the minds of people through 'the energy of synthesis or universality', to tap spiritual energies; a subversion of individual free-will. The 'spiritual energy' sent out by the World Servers will be transformed into 'thought energy', impacting upon the collective psyche of mankind; a kind of spooky mass brainwashing - mental subversion - which presumably is intended to lead to uniformity of opinion and the abolition of free-thought, the cherished aim of all internationalists, from the Bolshevik commissar to the UN bureaucrat. THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY The history of the Theosophical Society is too familiar and readily available to merit an outline here. We shall just touch on the internationalist strand which runs through this, as it does with the other New Age cults we have considered. TS claims to be free of dogma, but with the crucial exception that it excepts as indisputable fact of nature the 'Brotherhood of Man'. Theosophy is a synthesis of world religions and philosophies. "Central to the concern of Theosophy is the desire to promote understanding and brotherhood among people of all races, nationalities, philosophies, and religions." The Theosophical synthesis 'points towards the source of unity by ending all differences.' Theosophy aims to be the nucleus forming the basis of this world unity. Again the 'Hidden Masters' are invoked as the authority. (Ref. How to Study Theosophy G Hodson; Theosophy - what is it?, Theosophy & Christianity, Probing the mysteries of existence). CONCLUSION Running through the New Age movements we have considered is a dogma, that of universalism and the egalatarianism it is invariably based upon. Since such concepts are contrary to the natural law of differentiation - Theosophical insistence to the contrary not withstanding - they must of necessity be enforced by the Jacobin guillotine and the Bolshevik bullet. From religious dogma arises political ideology, and we find various New Age cults involving themselves politically, and serving as promotional arms of internationalist bodies such as the UNO. Behind the facade of 'world goodwill', the utopian ideal of human brotherhood, (just as with the socialist ideal of a workers 'paradise') stands the reality of bondage which universal levelling entails. Universal Human Brotherhood, as history amply testifies, is not a dream but a nightmare; free men are not equal - equal testifies, is not a dream but a nightmare; free men are not equal - equal men are not free: an axiom we should constantly remind ourselves of. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED BRIMSTONE, QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF THE ANCIENT BROTHERHOOD OF SATAN. Annual sub. $US18.00. Box 660 Marstons Mills, MA 02648, USA DARK LILY Quarterly. 6 Pounds overseas. BCM Box 3406, London, WC1N 3XX EXEAT, a forum to explore the forbidden. 10 Pounds; Overseas air $US35.00 Cheques and MOs payable to 'Brekekk'. Box 109 Newport, Gwent NP6 1XZ Wales FACTSHEET FIVE Reviews of anything & everything. Sample $US 3.00, overseas $7. 6 Arizona Ave. Resselaer, NY 12144 USA. THE BLACK FLAME, quarterly affil. to Church of Satan. $US12.00; Overseas $16.00. Box 499, Radio City Station, NY, NY 10101-0499 USA. TO THE LEFT, Thee Ministry Ov Shaitanic Quabala. Sample $US3; overseas $5. Cheques and MOs payable to: A. Souto, Box 4546 Miami Fl. 33014-0546 USA. TRIDENT, monthly, Embassy of Satan. $US36; Overseas $50. Box 666 Whitehall, Pa. 18052, USA. THEE TEMPLE OV PSYCHICK YOUTH - EUROPEAN STATION BULLETIN, for a sample send 3 IRCs to: Psychick Release PCP, PO Box 26067, S-10041 Stockholm, Sweden. FENRIR, Journal of Satanism and the Sinister. Cheques payable to "Brekekk", P.O. Box 109, Newport, Gwent NP6 1XZ Wales. 3 Pounds per issue. THE HERETIC, Box 2042 Fairview Heights Il. 62208 USA. SAE or IRCs. BALDER, journal of a Fraternity of the same name. For membership details send a donation to : 60 Elmhurst Rd. Reading RH1 5HY Berkshire UK. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHRISTISTS DECLINE CHALLENGE The OLHP's Priest in Minneapolis recently forwarded copies of our Order's text Anti-Christ: The Bible Reconsidered to 19 of the Deans of USA's most prestigious Bible colleges. Of these 19 only three replied. We reprint these replies below. As our Priest comments: "I hope their enthusiasm to tackle the issues and their airtight logic and rationality amuses you as much as it does me." * * * * * * * NCB --- New College Berkeley 18 January 1991 Dear Mr. McL. Thank you for you letter of 7 January. I have now had opportunity to peruse Anti-Christ: The Bible Reconsidered, by Faustus Scorpius, as per your request. You ask for some sort of rebuttal of this material. To provide this would require my writing a manuscript of perhaps equal length, but this would be beyond the scope of my current time constraints. Moreover, it would be to give this little publication more validity than it deserves. Instead, let me make a few, more global observations. (1) First and primarily, the author is often guilty of over-interpreting the biblical materials, and this is in a variety of ways. (1.1.) He refuses to differentiate between the many different genres with the Bible, each of which require different interpretive approaches. For example, he has no appreciation for apocalyptic literature (Daniel or Revelation) and its concerns, and therefore tries to read it as though it were a theology textbook of some sort. (1.2.) He demonstrates little (if any) cultural sensitivity, particularly with regard to the ways in which phrases and actions make sense in a cultural context foreign to our own. For example, in his discussion of 'gouging out your right eye,' he fails to appreciate the pervasive Semitic device of hyperbolic speech. (1.3.) In other ways, he reads his own cultural values back into the biblical materials, while at the same time using exaggerated terms to make ethical pronouncements. "Abram's act "pimping" is an example of this problem. (1.4.) Related to this is his often idiosyncratic understanding of individual texts--interpretations that do not take into account their wider literary and canonical contexts, nor the interpretations of the communities in which those texts have been embodied. (2) Second, he makes assumptions about the nature of biblical revelation and both Jewish and Christian faith that are unfounded. He presents us as believing things few of us actually believe; that is, by setting up the Christian case in the worst possible way, he can then knock it down and claim victory. But many of his examples are nothing more than straw men. (3) At the same time, he has indicated the curious and sometime embarrassing history of the Christian church. Perhaps it is only natural that he has neglected to outline the narratives of the church at its best. But it is also true that the church has not always been at its best--the period of the Crusades being a good case in point. There are dark periods in the history of the church that Christians must "own" and for which Christians must repent. Happily, this is not the whole story, however, and this is a hopeful demonstration of the graciousness of the God whom we worship. Even within the biblical materials, such as in Matthew's genealogy of Jesus in Matt 1:1-18, we have clear affirmations that it is even through human tragedies and unfaithfulness that God can works God's redemption. I hope these few comments are useful to you. Sincerely, Joel B. Green, Ph.D. Academic Dean and Associate Professor of New Testament --- Our Priest sent the following reply to Dr Green: "I received your letter of 18 January today, and quite frankly, I am NOT satisfied with it. You make these vague references to Ancient Semitic figures of speech and different genres of Bible literature whereas I basically wanted clear explanations as to why God would send two bears out of the woods in order to kill 42 little children simply because they made fun of His prophet's baldness, or why He would slaughter 50,070 people simply because a few of them sneaked a look at the Ark of the Covenant. Are you able to provide said explanations? If so I would love to hear them." Our priest states that this letter was not answer by Dr Green. I would add that Dr Green admits that a priestcraft is necessary to interpret what is supposedly a 'holy' book offering salvation to the lowest 'prole', yet this priestly caste is obviously unable to agree on matters of interpretation, as seen by the number of schisms arising since the Church's foundation. Secondly, it is christianity which lacks 'cultural sensitivity', with its imposition of a Semitic creed on mostly non-Semitic cultures, by sword when necessary. --- THE | January 16, 1991 MASTERS | SEMINARY | | Dear Scott, John MacArthur, Jr. | D.D. Litt.D. | I have received your interesting letter of President | January 7, 1991 and noted the little volume | you enclosed. Let me suggest that what you Donald E. Hescott | submitted was not a Bible treatise, but rather B.A. B.D. | a very Satanic interpretation of history with Executive Vice President | Bible verses attached. | Richard L. Mayhue | Since we have never met, and I am not sure of B.S. M.Div. Th.M. Th.D. | your relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, Vice President and Dean | I have enclosed some material that would point | you to Jesus as God, to the cross as the only Irvin A. Busenitz | means by which sinful man can come into an B.A. M.Div. Th.M. Th.D. | eternal relationship with God. Please read Dean of Administration | this carefully with your Bible. Your eternal | destiny depends on what you do with Christ. | | Let me briefly say that the pamphlet you sent | and the Bible cannot both be true. They are in | total disagreement with one another. Over the | years, I have studied scripture carefully and | am confident that it is the truth of God and | thus the standard by which we measure all else | that is written. I commend that view to you | and send along a little book "Why I trust the | Bible" for your encouragement. | | I am praying that God will use the words of | Scripture to give you clear perspective. | | In His Service | | Richard L. Mayhue, Th.D. | Vice President and Dean | | RLM:ldm | Enc. - A letter similar to the one sent Dr Green, though a bit less blunt and more courteous, was sent to Dr Mayhue. Once again no reply. -S.M. --- GRACE ------------------ COLLEGE & SEMINARY ------------------ 200 Seminary Drive * Winona Lake, Indiana 46590 * (219( 372-5100 February 5, 1991 Dear Mr. McL Thank you for the honor of responding to the booklet you enclosed, but my schedule requires that I decline. Any well-done church history and an unbiased reading of the text of the Bible will deal with most of the obvious errors that I saw at a glance. The time and energy expended in writing a detailed response to the many obvious errors would not be a wise investment of my time. I trust that you can find someone to assist you. In Christ David R. Plaster Vice President for Academic Affairs - Cop out!! - S.M. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE HEROIC SOCIETY By Setnakt (Reprinted with permission from Brimstone) Recently I was offered a lot of money for some of my writing. I had to turn it down because I had already given my word to sell the article to someone else for a pittance. An acquaintance told me, "I thought you should have taken the bucks!" "I gave my my word", I said. "I thought you were a Satanist". "I am a Satanist." Then I realized my acquaintance would never be a Satanist. He didn't Understand that we neither lie nor cheat - and that the use of Lesser Black Magic is to move zombies out of our way when all else fails. If you Understand that, then something of out word reaches you. Let's consider the Heroic Society: 1. In an Heroic Society inequality is recognized as a fact -- not to bring about stagnation but to encourage a constant striving on the part of all. 2. In an Heroic Society the state would not be idealized. There would be discord -- since as we sought out Higher Selves these Selves would not always have the same goals -- but discord would be tempered with respect. 3. In an Heroic Society evil would not be perpetuated. Repeat offenders of the laws the current society holds so dear (rapists, murderers, child abusers, drug dealers) would be put to death. Repeat offenders who force their culture and religion upon others (q.v. Aleister Crowley Liber Oz) would suffer the same fate. 4. In an Heroic Society aid would flow freely to those attempting great quests. The government wouldn't sponsor the arts, and PBS wouldn't have those endless telethons. 5. In an Heroic Society excellence would be recognised as the goal. Athletic or intellectual or spiritual excellence would be the goal. This does not mean the weak are to be despised -- when the 'business as usual' society has faded away, each man and each woman will strive to Become more than they seem. 6. In an Heroic Society nothing guarantees excellence. You don;t get it through being born to a certain race, belonging to a certain creed (even Satanism!), being a certain sex. The physically challenged person who overcomes his/her handicap is a prime example of a Hero. 7. In an Heroic Society isolate intelligence -- the Black Flame -- is prized above all things. Sellers of drugs (legal and illegal), purveyors of numbing entertainment, preachers of individuality-denying system will disappear as nightmares in the dawn of reason. 8. In an Heroic Society one will seek after the mysteries. We will celebrate and Understand the transcendental moments of ALL cultures. Not through some crystal-counter 'channeling', but with a careful interplay of real research (archaeology/anthropology) and mystic insight from the talented among us. We will study all, accept all, but we will revel unabashed in the pride of our own ancestral streams. The honour of all mankind will be Remanifest in an Heroic Society. 9. In an Heroic Society we will explore OurSelves and find the full range of our voices. By being true to ourSelves rather than to a cultural norm (or god), our acts are freed from the heavy burden of claims of universality, eternality, and absoluteness -- such total ponderous oneness with the natural order -- our work becomes sparkling, free and joyous. The hero speaks with the justified voice -- the Ma'at Kheru -- and his Word changes the worlds. This is Setnakt's vision. If it is yours -- take it into the depths of yourSelf -- and cast it upon the world with the strongest of your magical might! Magic can be in every intentional act. * * * * * * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Equipus Spiritae | | SPECIAL OFFER TO WATCHER ADVERTISERS | | | 20% discount for design, | Thee layout and artwork for your | Ministry Ov advertisement. | Shaitanic Quabala | Done in India ink on | Send $1 for information or $3 for TO 210mm X 148mm quality | THE LEFT ( a Shaitanic journal) to: art paper. This ensures | M.O.S.Q. P.O.Box 4546, Fl. optimum detail in reduced | 33014-0546 (OVERSEAS: $US2 for copy. | info. $5 for TTL) | This offer applies to Watcher | advertisers only, and is a | permanent offer. | ------ | ------ | THE ORDER OF THE SWORD OF DAMOCLES | Equipus Spiritae | announces to all interested persons | FOR MADE TO ORDER OCCULT | PARAPHERNALIA its annually held | | HALLOWEEN FEAST & BLACK MASS | Swords, staffs, censers, | talismans, robes, beeswax | candles, and more! Foe further information contact: | | We also undertake quality O.:S.:D.: | illumination and artwork | on commission. c/- P.O. Box 183 | | Pahiatua | SEND FOR OUR FREE CATALOGUE | NEW ZEALAND | EQUIPUS SPIRITAE | P.O. BOX 183 -------------------------------------| PAHIATUA | | All enquiries and orders will be | dealt with discreetly and | confidentially. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LETTERS TO THE EDITOR I think you are a good yeast for the brew of the world. Xeper & Remanifest Setnakt, Priest of Set III0 USA I recently visited my friend M.S. of Oulu, and had the opportunity of browsing through some of his Collegium Satanas papers -- and they were intriguing. You have a powerful personal approach, and I certainly would like to explore it further. I'd love to study your Priesthood Course and perhaps initiate some further correspondence. -P.L. Finland Re. your views on Loki and Fenrir, I generally concur. From what I have studied, the elements of these two deities are indeed not 'evil' as such but mischievous and essentially catalytic/cathartic. Indeed, the purging of the earth was set in motion by the association of Loki, Fenrir, and Balder. It is something we must promote in the West: the concept of irrational Duality has been most detrimental to the Western psyche. The Western Mystery tradition I feel is one which is far more suited to comprehending the eternal principles of cosmic laws than what we are currently living with in our bastardized and declining culture. Fraternally, Stephen B. Cox Balder, England Your Black Grimoire was great. I've already translated some of your rites. About the Satanic hysteria... From Finnish TV came a documentary produced by our own 'rock-music-comes-from-Satan' lunatic. He warned people about 'Satanist intrigue', and LaVey and the Church of Satan was in the limelight too. I've published a new pamphlet called Musta Oinas (means 'Black Ram'). It includes articles about Satanic humanism, the meaning of the inverse pentagram, etc. There will once again be a mixture of your articles and our own. The Sanctus Templi Satanas information you published was great, but the post office box is no longer in use. Sanctus Templi Satanas can be contacted by using my name and address: Markku Siira Kirkkokatu 55 C 10 90120 Oulu Finland ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | NEW!! FROM BRIMSTONE PRODUCTIONS | LEARN THE FACTS ABOUT SATAN! | A REVOLUTIONARY AUDIOCASSETTE - | BRIMSTONE quarterly is a journal of | The Ancient Brotherhood of Satan! HAIL | Be challenged by masters of | demonology & witchcraft! See how SATAN | you fit in! FREE DETAILS. | $9.95 POSTAGE PAID | Sample/$5. 1 yr./$18. | U.S. funds payable to: OVERSEAS - NO EXTRA CHARGE!! | BRIMSTONE | P.O. Box 660 RUNNING TIME - APPROX. 50 MIN. | Marstons Mills | MA 02648 Cheques & MOs payable to: | BRIMSTONE... "Brimstone" Box 660 Marstons Mills | Keeps the hellfires burning! Mass. 02648 USA | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HELL By Anton Long, Order of Nine Angles (England) I shall be honest - Satanism has been hijacked. By posers, by pseudo-intellectuals and by gutless weaklings who like the glamour and danger associated with it in the public mind but who do not have the guts to be evil - to do dark deeds. These modern days so-called 'satanists' are really Nazarene scum in disguise - worms in dead snake-skin. They prattle on about 'morality', puff themselves up with titles and perform verbal and intellectual gymnastics. They think being Satanic involves calling yourself a Satanist and dressing up like Dracula or Mephistopheles or a vamp. Well, I am sick of these imposters. Those who get a thrill from playing the role but who never actually do anything evil, who never go to the extremes, who never stand on the edge - or climb down to the darkness of the pit of Hell. Those who have never experienced the limits of themselves in love, in war, in living - these weaklings trying so hard to impress. What, then, is real Satanism all about? First, it is about rebellion - against the conformity of the present. And I mean a real rebel, a real outlaw - someone who cuts a dash, who has charisma, whose very presence makes others uneasy (and who does not have to wear some stupid 'costume' to do this). Second - try something to see if you get away with it. If not - tough, you failed. There are plenty of others... If you succeed, try again, until you know your limits. Choose a good cause, or a bad one or no cause at all, and really live, intoxicating yourself with life, danger, achievement. Do not rest and never be afraid to face the possibility of death. But in all that you do be honourable - to yourself. Carry this honour with you everywhere like a favourite concealed weapon. Third, learn from your experience - like you would learn from a 'bad' woman (or man) in your youth when sex was still something of a mystery. A real Satanist does not often do magick - they are magick by the very nature of their dynamic, zestful existence. It is experience which teaches, from which you learn - you cannot learn Satanism from books (although some may guide you aright to begin with), it cannot be taught by 'Masters' and never involves cosy little discussions with 'friends' or others. Anyone who accepts a 'Master' and grovels before them - however slight that grovelling may be - is not a Satanist, just a sucker who sucks. Accepting some 'authority' is a sign you are weak: a sign you need emotional crutches: a sign you are a whimp. So, get off your arse, you suckers, and make Satan proud. Learn to do evil. What is evil? All that restricts life - all that tries to constrain the possibilities. Doing evil means breaking these restrictions and constraints - and taking the consequences of your actions. Just do - just discover, just smash the chains that hold most others in thrall, and never bow down to anyone about anything: smash them first, or die rather than submit. That way, you will learn how to live - and laugh at the weak. Of course this is dangerous - for others, and yourself! Satanism was never easy - or for whimps. See you in Hell! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ REVIEW CHARNEL HOUSE: THE SATANICK MESSAGE by Christos Beest, Order of Nine Angles (9 Pounds, $US20, cheques etc. payable to Coxland Press, c/- Brekekk, PO Box 109 Newport, Gwent NP6 1XZ, Wales. A limited edition of 33 copies, this publication is reminiscent of both the Cthulu Mythos of Lovecraft, and Crowley's Book of the Law and other mystical writings, although the scribe of Charnel House expresses his own individual style. Those familiar with Crowley will recognise some names such as Babalon and LAShTAL, and possibly the "prophet of Khem" referred to is Crowley. The message is directed to those of Nietzschean Will, who have the strength to usher in a New Aeon which certain energies outside th human conceptions of time and space await. These energies are formless, but have manifested themselves to human awareness in the form of archetypes and gods. They may be approached - by those who dare - and their wisdom partaken of through a willful moulding of the unconscious of the Adept, for as archetypes these energies live in the unconscious of Man, ready to re-emerge. Those worthy shall be the kin of these forces - as befits the Satanic doctrine - rather than the servants of masters. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BAPHOMET : A NOTE ON THE NAME From: Order of Nine Angles, Wales The name Baphomet is regarded by traditional Satanists as meaning 'the Mistress (or Mother) of Blood' - the Mistress who sometimes washes in the blood of her foes and whose hands are thereby stained. [See 'The Ceremony of Recalling'.] The supposed derivation is from the Greek - {baphe metra} and not as is sometimes said from - {metios} (the Attic form for 'wise'). Such a use of the term 'Mother'/Mistress was quite common in latter Greek alchemical writings - for example, Iamblichus in 'De Mysteriis' used [metriso] to signify possessed by the mother of the gods. Later alchemical writings tended to use the prefix to signify a specific type of 'amalgam' (and some take this to be a metaphor for the amalgam of Sol with Luna in the sexual sense). In the septenary system Baphomet, as Mistress of Earth, is linked to the sixth sphere (Jupiter) and the star Deneb. She is thus in one sense a magickal 'Earth Gate' [qv the Nine Angles] and her reflexion (or 'causal' as against her 'acausal' or sinister nature) is the third sphere (Venus) related to the star Antares. According to esoteric tradition the Antares aspect was celebrated by rites in Albion c. 3,000 years BP - in the middle and toward the end of the month of May and some stones circles/sacred sites were said to be aligned for Antares. In contrast, the sinister aspect of the Mistress (i.e. Baphomet) was celebrated in the Autumn and was linked to the rising of Arcturus, Arcturus itself being related to the sinister male aspect (second sphere of the septenary), later identified with Lucifer/Satan. Thus, the August celebration was a sinister hierosgamos - the union of Baphomet with her spouse (or 'Priest' who took on the role of the sinister male aspect). According to tradition, the Priest was sacrificed after the sexual union, where the role of Baphomet was assumed by the Priestess/Mistress of the cult. Thus, the May celebration was the (re-)birth of new energies (and the child of union). Tradition relates this sinister sacred Arcturian rite as taking place once every seventeen years. Once again, some sacred sites in Albion are said to be aligned to the rising of Arcturus, over three thousand years ago. In the Middle Ages, Baphomet became to be regarded as the Bride of Satan - and it was from this time that both 'Baphomet' and 'Satan', as names for the the female and male aspect of the dark side came into use (at least in the secret sinister tradition). Hence the traditional depiction of baphomet - a beautiful mature woman (often shown naked) holding up the severed head of the sacrificed priest (usually shown bearded). To some extent the Templars revived part of this cult, but without any real esoteric understanding and for their own purposes. They adopted Baphomet as a type of female Yeshua but with some bloody/sinister aspects - and contrary to most accepted ideas, they were not especially 'Satanic'. Rather, they saw themselves as holy warriors and became a military cult with bonds of honour, although their concept of 'holy' differed somewhat from that of the Church of the time, including as it did dark/gnostic aspects. Their sacrifices were in battle - and not as part of a specific rite. The image of Baphomet (e.g. by Levi) as a hermaphrodite figure are romantic confusions and/or distortions: essentially of the symbolic/real union of Mistress and Priest and his later sacrifice. The same applies to the derivation of the suffix of Her name with 'wisdom' (and a male image at that!) - even the confused gnostics understood 'wisdom' as female. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Views expressed in signed articles are the sole responsibility of their authors, and do not necessarily carry the endorsement of the Editor of The Watcher or any associated group. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CUT HERE- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SUBSCRIBE TO THE WATCHER Name_____________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________________________________ One Year (Four Issues): NZ: $5.00; Overseas - Surface: $6.00; Air: $10.00 Cheques & MOs payable to: "Realist Publications" P.O. 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If you want more info on any OLHP productions or want more info on Satanism, contact me via the following computer networks: Fidonet: 3:770/505 (Southern Vortex BBS, ph: +64 0-3-454-3900, 14.4k modem) Usenet: fenris@otago.ac.nz Also I may be contacted on other NZ BBS's: Alternative Reality: +64 0-3-471-0414 Southern Lights: +64 0-3-455-6016 The Left Hand Path: +64 0-3-454-5763 (my own BBS) Bad Dreams BBS: +64 0-9-528-3577 (leave message to 'Lucifer') If you wish to contact me via mail to swap texts, ideas, etc. then write to: Graeme Wilson 129 Scott Street Waverley Dunedin South Island New Zealand