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Newsgroups: alt.satanism From: locklin@titan.ucs.umass.edu (Lupo the Butcher) Subject: Watcher v6 Message-ID: <9303312107.AA04201@titan.ucs.umass.edu> Date: 31 Mar 1993 15:08:13 -0600 Organization: UTexas Mail-to-News Gateway Lines: 781 T H E W A T C H E R ===================== NEW ZEALAND VOICE OF THE LEFT HAND PATH P. O. Box 38-262, Petone, Wellington ---------------------------------------------------------- February 1991CE No. 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE MAKING OF A SATANIC MYTH ....That was the headline carried across page 8 of The Independent (Sunday ed. 12 Aug 90), a leading British newspaper. The topic was that dealt with by The Watcher #5, in which we examined the spread of lunatic christian smear-mongering against Satanists, from the USA to Britain and South Africa. In that article ("Anti-Satanist hysteria spreading") we pointed out that christian fundamentalists, and those neurotics and worse claiming to have been sexually abused by Satanists, to have witnessed blood sacrifices and demonic manifestations, etc., were receiving support and superficial 'respectability' from allies in the tabloid press and police depts. Although the anti-Satanist lunacy pushed by the tabloids and the christian crusaders has been taken seriously by social workers, psychiatrists, et al., fortunately a responsible paper such as The Independent has done a thorough job on the allegations. The Independent backgrounds the hysteria in the US and UK, and exposes the origins which are apparently to be traced back to British Columbia, Canada. Here in 1976 Michelle Smith, a 22 yr. old who was under the care of a psychiatrist after having miscarried, began to remember the long repressed events of her childhood. From the age of four she had suffered sexual, physical and emotional abuse at the hands of a satanic coven, which included her mother. She witnessed blood rites, including the sacrifice of babies and the mutilation of animals. Michelle and her therapist, Lawrence Pazder, went to the Vatican "to alert the church about the previously unheard of dangers to children from Satanic cults worldwide." To warn the world they wrote Michelle Remembers, published in the US in 1980 and in Britain the following year. Thus was born from a psychiatrist's couch the anti-Satanist hysteria which over the next decade was to spread throughout the USA, and which is now cropping up in the UK and SA, with fallout in NZ arising occasionally in the form of teenage 'Death Metal' fans performing bloody rites and christian bookstores stocked full of books on the Satanic dangers of yoga, acupuncture, eastern Mysticism, etc. ready and waiting for the hysteria to reach NZ shores. The Independent relates that in early August a conference on incest was held at a London hospital, where a woman claimed "she had been the victim for 16 yrs. of ritual abuse by Satanists", and told delegates "that human foetuses were being killed and eaten by members of 'Satanic sex rings.'" Perhaps the most alarming aspect that emerges from the anti-Satanic hysteria is that the wild and whacky tales are taken seriously by people in responsible community positions. The heavily-publicized incest conference was co-organized by a Harley St. psycho-therapist, Vera Diamond, who stated that several children had been killed at Satanic rituals in Britain. Psycho-therapist Norman Vaughton said that there were an estimated 10,000 human sacrifices a year in the USA, most of them "foetuses that have been bred specially." The Independent reports that over the past two yrs. the British public has been hearing increasing reports of 'Satanic ritual abuse' from social workers, therapists, and churches. The paper states that having investigated the claims it has found that "nobody has produced evidence." "There have been police investigations across the US, in Canada, the Netherlands, and now in Britain. They have produced no evidence, no bodies, no bones, no covens, no underground tunnels, no animal carcasses, no blood-stains. Nothing. Just the occasional court case where the pretence of supernatural powers was used to obtain silence and submission." Continues The Independent, "our investigations have revealed that the Satanic abuse myth originated in the US. It has been spread largely in fundamentalist christian circles, and it is now accepted as fact by many psychotherapists and police officers. "The allegations began to surface only after the publication of the book Michelle Remembers." The co-author, Dr Pazder, now married to Michelle, began organizing "Satanic cult crime" seminars across the US for therapists and the police. Panic began to spread. From 1984-1989, 100 people were charged with ritual sexual abuse. Of those approx. 50 were charged and half were convicted of child abuse. "No evidence of satanism was found in these cases." "In other cases the allegations were dismissed as the worst outbreak of mass hysteria since the Salem witchhunt." (A plot hatched by a military chaplain against Dr Michael Aquino and his wife Lilith, of the Temple of Set, resulted in the police officers involved being disciplined, a shake-up of the SF police dept. procedures, and the total exoneration of the Aquinos, the doctor himself being a respected member of both the military and academe). In establishing how the "Satanic child abuse myth" spread from the US to Britain, the article cites the work of Robert Hicks, an analyst with the criminal justice dept. in Virginia, who "blames 'a loose network' of therapists, fundamentalist christians, serving and ex-police officers and also the media for 'perpetuating the myth'". He told The Independent, "there were no such stories before the publication of Michelle Remembers." Dr Sherrill Mulbern, an anthropologist from the Uni. of Paris, who has studied self-declared Satanic abuse survivors, notes the interpretation between therapists, patients, and the hysteria, which results in a "paranoid reading of the data" by supposed 'experts.' The article relates the story of a woman who claimed to a C of E vicar (with whom she now stays) that she had been initiated into a satanic coven when a six week old baby, married to Satan when 11; raped by coven members and by demons; and witness to blood sacrifices. Some of the happenings were conducted in a public park, but Satan made the coven invisible (this explanation being sufficient to convince the vicar). The Independent is to be commended for producing a responsible report debunking the "satanic abuse myth" (as it is referred to). No doubt the paper is now blacklisted by Christian zealots as being under Satanist control. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE HERESY OF THE LEFT HAND PATH by R. Parker, Editor, "Exeat", England One of the fundamental principles of the LHP in general and Satanism in particular is the desire to know - in the senses of understanding and experience. This principle is expressed by an attitude of living, an attitude often evident in the personality of the individual - there is acceptance of challenges, a desire to explore or create but above all an instinct for excellence. The follower of the LHP is seldom satisfied, a natural rebel who has an instinctive aversion to accepting authority. He or she needs to find out by personal experience rather than by accepting something dogmatically. He or she wants and needs to be a leader rather than a follower. Our societies, however, instead of producing such strong, proud and truly defiant and truly individual people, produce a conformist herd - and what is startling is that most of this herd is created and moulded and maintained for the most of this herd is created and moulded and maintained for the most part not by compulsion but rather by ideas. It is ideas which keep the vast majority in enslavement - ideas accepted, enshrined in dogmas and made the basis for Institutions and state structures. The educational systems of all our societies are based on certain ideas and these ideas are inculcated into the young. It will not surprise many readers that the majority of these ideas - so detrimental to true individualists and thus conscious evolution - derive from the poisonous philosophy of the Nazarene. One of the most pernicious of these ideas is the concept of equality (qv. the article by Faustus Scorpius in issue #2 of Exeat, "Contemporary Dogma"). Another is what is inaccurately called 'democracy' and yet another 'freedom'. All these are abstract notions, idealized forms, and such incapable achievement, except on a purely individual forms, and as such incapable achievement, except on a purely individual basis. Yet generation after generation are tricked into believing in and trying to achieve these goals on a State and supra-state level. Consider, for example, 'democracy.' This is defined in many ways, but in essence is taken to mean 'free elections' and a government of elected officials who decide matters of policy. Any person actually possessed of the faculty of thought will know the sham that is this 'democracy' - where promises are made but seldom kept, and where in general 'minority interests' are more important than 'majority interests' because in electoral terms a minority vote is very crucial. Theorists trace democracy to Greece -whereas anyone actually studying the wholesome society of ancient Greece states would know that genuine 'democracy' was possible only within a small 'polis' composed of people related by ties of blood. At the time of writing, hundreds of thousands of American are poised to go to war in the Middle East in an attempt to bring about a more 'democratic' State and to end what is regarded as 'tyranny.' Whether or not this in reality is so is irrelevant - as is the fact that the US Government may or may not in reality be fighting for oil or to keep Israel safe. What is important is that the 'ideas' behind the 'crusade' are accepted by millions who are prepared to fight and die for them - the herd are so mesmerized by the ideas and the rhetoric that they are not in any sense themselves free and cannot, for instance, understand that even in their own country, the US, those ideals do not exist in reality. Their government complains of 'human rights' violations yet ignores the daily brutality within America; spends vast sums to fight a foreign war but cannot keep peace on its own streets - talk about high ideals but ignore the death of Kimberley Harbour of Boston gang raped, mutilated and murdered.... The pursuit of the ideal keeps individual mentality and consciousness on the level of the herd. In short, the State (and its dogma) reign, and the individual is ignored. POSITION OF THE LHP The LHP has always stood opposed to abstract ideas and collectivist thinking. It has always given individuals the opportunity to create from direct personal experience a way of living and a way of thinking truly original. Of course, this was and is a hard way, a hard school - full of danger. But that very danger ensured that those of herd feeling and herd instincts perished while the naturally strong, the naturally gifted survived and flourished. The LHP enhanced life, gave increased vitality to the individual - and created a lasting and genuine insight both personal and supra-personal, which in time gave birth to wisdom. Thus was evolution achieved. What should be happening is that this evolution should be spreading to more than a few individuals scattered across the globe - there should have been, due to the insights of creative individuals within civilizations, a general upsurge towards insight: in short the emergence of more and more 'Promethean' individuals imbued with creativity and zest - race after race of 'higher men' going forward to the very limits of evolutionary possibility. Instead there has been more and more conformity - not less; more and more acceptance of anti-life and anti-natural ideas. The triumph of the weak, the scum, the cowardly - rather than their defeat and demise. However, even the LHP and satanism have been infected by the diseases of the herd: the fawning mentality which accepts rather than desires to experience, that softness nurtured by society where extremes are classified and subjected to analysis and thus rendered safe; that desire to make dogma and deify worthless individuals. Satanism and the LHP are concerned with direct, personal experience - of going to extremes - of learning from those experiences and extremes, or being destroyed in the attempt. There is no acceptance of others, of groups, of dogmas, ideas or systems - there is only a prideful, fierce strong desire to achieve the ultimate, to experience the essence of Being, and this desire is individual, never collective. What the LHP has done is to offer opportunities - a certain guidance perhaps, or a way: if the way of yesterday does not work or is insufficient, discard it, destroy it - but create something new which enhances individual life and expands evolution. There is nothing sacred. Today, morons of the herd are accepting - or beginning to accept - some self-appointed authority within the LHP and satanism. There is no such thing! For the genuine satanist would defy even Satan Himself! Of course, such Masters need to be fawned upon, need herd individuals - that is the natural way of things, and good luck to those 'Masters' in their own evolution. But such types, and their modes of being, must not become accepted as the 'norm', as authoritative - there must be someone to defy them and there ways, someone or some others to carry on the inner task of the LHP - of making more and more achieve genuine insight and fulfil the potential of divinity within us all. The question is: which type are you - slave, or Master? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Temple of Set The Temple of set was incorporated in 1975CE by Dr M. Aquino and other senior initiates of the esoteric. The Temple's philosophy is based on the evolution of individual psychecentric consciousness towards its own divinity through the deliberate exercise of the intelligence and will, a process of becoming (Egyptian Xeper). Write: Box 4507 St. Louis, MO 63108 USA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOOK REVIEW Naos: A Practical Guide to Modern Magick. Thurston West, 1989, Order of the Nine Angles, Coxland Press, The Studio, Chalkpit Farm, Englefield Estate, Berkshire RG7 5EE England If you have found the medieval grimoires ridiculous, and the wiccan rites bland and childish, if you despaired that the Satanic "Black Book" only existed in works of occult fiction, you will be delighted to have Naos, for here is a truly Satanic grimoire. The work begins with "Physis magick", internal magick used for personal self-development. The whole system is based on the Order's Septenary Traditions (the Seven Fold Way). External magick is described as being the changing of events according to the Will of the magician. The "Sinister Tarot", its use, layout and attributes is given, and will be of special interest to Satanists who have been obliged to use the Judaeo-Christian based Tarots, or the Crowley one at best. The "Star Game" is a modern magickal innovation invented by the author, a type of complex chess using seven-layered boards, and Jungian and alchemical symbolism as a magickal system in itself, to which prime importance is attached in the ONA system. Stages of initiation are described and consist of practical but rigorous exercises: physical and mental tests, tarot and other meditations and visualization. Part Two is concerned with "Esoteric sorcery". The methods of word vibration and esoteric chant are given, along with the correspondence of specific chants to spheres of energy. "Frenzy magick" is defined as "becoming possessed by acausal energies by creating through specific techniques a physical and emotional frenzy" with the use of dance, breathing exercises, physical exhaustion and music. Visualisation technique is briefly and simply explained. Sigil magic here involves the use of the Star Game and its alchemical symbols. Sexual magick is the use of energies generated by the sexual act. It is suggested that the act is ritualized to a certain extent, by use of the appropriate incense, coloured candles and planetary alignments, visualization and chant. Dark Pathways outlines the means of integrating the 'shadow' aspects of the Self by utilizing the spheres and pathways of the Septenary system through spiral dance, chant/vibration and sigil visualization. A table of correspondence of Path, Word of Power, sigil and Tarot image is provided. A second table comprises descriptions of the forces; e.g. "Shugara" (corresp. to Tarot XVIII: The Moon), a dangerous energy invoked for a destructive working, G Major being the key for invoking chant. "Shaitan" is identified as the earth-bound representative of the Dark Gods; Perfume/incense is sulphur; stone, opal, etc. The section on "The Dark Gods" explains that we are not solely dealing with energies drawn from the individual unconscious, but with the Dark Gods as actual entities, which can be made manifest by the use of techniques which reach the appropriate levels of the psyche. The 'Abyss' is defined as that which separates everyday consciousness from that which apprehends the Dark Gods. The ordeal of the abyss involves the confronting of these entities and acceptance of their existence as being apart from our concepts of 'good and evil'. The Dark Gods may enter our universe through "star gates", physical gates in the galaxy. The star gate in our solar system is said to be located near Saturn. A section of appendices describes such topics as: the Left Handed Path, the Septenary system, Magickal symbols and scripts, Hermetic (individual, internal) rituals. The LHP, including 'traditional Satanism' is defined as "the use of magickal energies to enhance the evolution of the individual", a willed act of confronting via symbols the 'dark' or hidden side of consciousness and integrating it as part of the Self. The Septenary system of the ONA is based on the symbolic map of consciousness and the unconscious as depicted on the Tree of Wyrd, a European equivalent to the Hebrews' Cabbalistic Tree of Life. Each sphere has its own Tarot, incense, and colour attributions, etc., which when used in ritual can awaken that particular sphere of energy within the individual. The Septenary Tree of Wyrd utilizes the Norse/Anglo-Saxon pagan god-names, Odin, Thor, Loki, etc., with the connecting paths attributed to Tarot images. The final section comprises a number of ONA MSS. defining terms, providing further correspondences, and notes on music, symbols, alchemy... A note on the acausal/causal explains that these terms refer to universe(s) parallel to our own physical one, the 'goal' of sentient life being to increase the flow of energy from the acausal, and thereby become part of the acausal. Initiation and the 'Mysteries' (i.e. the Seven Fold Way) are the means to achieve this. The acausal and causal 'coincide' within the individual psyche, archetypes being causal apprehensions of acausal energy flowing from the acausal into our universe. This reviewer looks forward to Thurston West's next book, also to be published by Coxland Press, The Black Book of Satan. SPECIAL OFFER TO WATCHER READER The published price for NAOS is 26 pounds + 3 Pounds postage ($US68.00). Coxland Press has kindly offered Watcher readers a discount. NAOS may be ordered direct from Coxland Press for 20 pounds + 3pounds p&p by quoting The Watcher issue number. Write to: Coxland Press, The Studio, Chalkpit Farm, Englefield, Berkshire RG7 5EE, England. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEW PUBLICATIONS The Heretic is the name of a new Satanist journal. Most of the first issue comprises commentary on contemporary issues, with observations on politics, education and censorship. Such a journal is to be welcomed as there is a need for more Satanists to assert their philosophy and how it relates to society, politics, culture...., an alternative ready to replace the dying Old Order. Send a large SAE or International Reply Coupons for a sample to: The Heretic, PO Box 2042 Fairview Heights, Il. 62208, USA. Balder, the name of both a society and a journal, is open to males of at least 18 years. (plans are afoot to set up a Sisterhood section, invoking the Earth/Maternal element.). Fees: 30 Pounds yearly, or 35 Pounds in any other currency. The journal Balder is published monthly and is free to members. "Articles by leading Brothers from all over Europe on magick, mythology, folklore, history, aeonics, Physis Training, and contributions from various secret societies", are included in the journal. Members also receive a parchment membership scroll, 20% discount off the Albion Pilgrimage (a tour of England's mystical and historic sites), minimum 25% discount off all books and other items produced by the society, participation in quarterly celebrations, future provision for participating in workshops (those far away can do this via correspondence), contacts, and studies in various subjects leading to Grades. Adds Stephen Cox: "Above all is the dynamic of the pan-European potential. Members now come from 9 countries and their combined knowledge, experience, comments, and communication serve to stimulate all of us. Promote awareness of the individuality of each nation/tribe and rediscovery of the identity of each, and yet an appreciation of the 'folk' mission of the tribes combined. A tall order - but in even a little way we play our part!" Balder may be contacted c/- Stephen B Cox, The Studio, Chalkpit Farm, Englefield, Berkshire RG7 5EE, England. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Profound instrumental music composed by altruistmystic: ILE MAUZAR cassette only $US4.00 to: J.S. PO Box 134, Waynesville MO 65583. 22 year old mystic eager to correspond with others of the LHP - into King Diamond, Fates Warning and Yngwie Malmsteen, solitude, reading, nature, ambiotic propagation. John PO Box 134 Waynesville MO 65583 USA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED BRIMSTONE, quarterly journal of the Ancient Brotherhood of Satan. Editor: John Dewey. Annual sub. $US18.00. Box 660 Marstons Mills, MA 02648, USA CRY OF THE RAVEN, Quarterly of the Church of the Raven. $US15.00 from: Night Owl, Box 321, Meredosia, Ill. 62665 USA DARK LILY Quarterly. 6 Pounds overseas. BCM Box 3406, London, WC1N 3XX England. EXEAT, a forum to explore the forbidden. 10 Pounds; Overseas air, $US35. Thormynd Press, Box 4, Church Streeton, Shropshire, England. FACTSHEET FIVE Reviews of anything & everything. Sample $US 3.00, overseas $7. 6 Arizona Ave. Resselaer, NY 12144 USA. THE BLACK FLAME, quarterly affil. to Church of Satan. $US12.00; Overseas $16.00. Box 499, Radio City Station, NY, NY 10101-0499 USA. TO THE LEFT, Thee Ministry Ov Shaitanic Quabala. Sub. by donation payable to: A. Souto, Box 4546 Miami Florida 33014-0546, USA. TRIDENT, monthly, Embassy of Satan. $US 36.00, Overseas $50.00. Box 666 Whitehall, Pa. 18052, USA. THEE TEMPLE OV PSYCHICK YOUTH European Station Bulletin, for a sample send 3 IRCs to: Psychick Release PCP, PO Box 26067, S-10041 Stockholm, Sweden. FENRIR, Journal of Satanism & The Sinister. Cheques payable to "Brekekk", P.O. Box 109, Newport, Gwent NP6 1XZ Wales, U.K. THE HERETIC, Box 2042 Fairview Heights Il. 62208 USA. SAE or IRCs. BALDER, send donation for membership details. The Studio, Chalkpit Farm, Englefield, Berkshire RG7 5EE, England. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | LEARN THE FACTS ABOUT SATAN! | Daab-Soul Destruction | Live at the Slap Club (edited) BRIMSTONE quarterly is a journal of | The Ancient Brotherhood of Satan! | (1) THEE EVANGELIST THEORY (2) Be challenged by masters of | INTRAVENOUS THERAPY (3) THREE demonology & witchcraft! See how | FRIENDLY FACES OF FATE (4) RADIO you fit in! FREE DETAILS. | CHAOS (5) THE INVOCATION OV BREATH | Sample/$5. 1 yr./$18. | ) all rights reserved..AUMVUX U.S. funds payable to: | BRIMSTONE | $US4.00 per tape ($US6.00 overseas) P.O. Box 660 | from: Thee Ministry Ov Shaitanic Marstons Mills | Quabala PO Box 4546 Miami Fl. MA 02648 | 33014-0546 USA Cheques & MOs BRIMSTONE... | payable to A.L. Souto. Keeps the hellfires burning! | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RELIGIOUS ZEALOTS AIMING AT WORLD RULE Both Christianity and Islam derive from Judaism. All three have 'divinely inspired' visions of World conquest. In centuries past the Jesuit Order played a Machiavellian role in world politics. Today the christian New Right has become a factor in US politics. Pres. Reagan and his guru Falwell openly spoke of the 'apocalypse generation' and confrontation in Israel between the USA and USSR fulfilling the biblical prophecy of Armageddon. Pat Robertson, Evangelist and Republican presidential candidate, has written: "We can embrace the religious world in one arm and the political world in the other. With this great ideology, if you are not confident to do this you had better die." Those not embracing the christian dispensation of the New Right are called renegades by Robertson, and marked for annihilation in true apocalyptic fashion. Zionism was created to fulfil politically the messianic visions of Judaism. The establishment of Israel is only the first part of the programme. The second part is the creation of an Israeli Empire stretching from the Nile to the Euphrates, in line with the Jehovic covenant with Abraham. Ultimately the goal is the creation of a Universal state under the Israeli flag and an heir to David enthroned in Jerusalem, capital of the world. These Zionist aims have been alluded to at various time by Zionist leaders such as Ben Gurion, Moshe Dyan et al., and were set forth as a consistent political programme in 1932 by Prof. Michael Higger in The Jewish Utopia, endorsed as an accurate reflection of messianic Judaism by the Kallah of Texas Rabbis, and deposited in a private Jewish collection. Higger writes: "The people of Israel will conquer spiritually the nations of the earth, so that Israel will be made high above all nations in praise, in name, and in glory... Only the messianic flag will remain, and all the nations will centre around the emblem." The zionist programme for world domination is fully outlined in the Torah; the christian one in The Revelation; both are thus readily assessable to all 'with eyes to see'. However for several years now the attention of the world has been focused on a renascent Islam. With the death of Khomeini, Iraq's Hussein took over as a latter-day Mahdi who is calling for a Jihad against the infidel as in days of old. Islam, like its two Leventine relatives, sees itself as having a world mission: the conversion of all to the faith of Mohammed. Even Thatcher warned a NATO conference this year that "there is no guarantee that threats to our security will stop at some imaginary line across the Atlantic. With the spread of sophisticated weapons, and military technology to areas like the Middle East, potential threats to NATO territory may originate outside Europe." Islamic countries having chemical and biological missiles include Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya and Pakistan. The Centre for Strategic and International Studies has warned that "the great powers are no longer distant and disapproving observers of regional follies of developing nations." Seth Carus, A Fellow of the Naval War College Foundation, stated that "Rome itself would be threatened by such weapons in the hands of the Libyans. If armed with chemical warheads such a weapon could kill thousands of unprotected civilians in the crowded confines of Italy's largest cities." When Khomeini took over Iran he was heralded as the Mahdi of Islam. The Tunisian monthly Al-Ma'arifa (Sept. 1979) wrote: "Iran was elected by the Prophet for LEADERSHIP OF THE WORLD." Now Iraq has that honoured responsibility, and should Hussein fall another will eventually take his place to challenge an indecisive West. On a rational basis the dream of a revived Islamic Empire encroaching upon European territory is of course quite mad; but we are not dealing with the rational, we are dealing with religion. Many of the impoverished Islamic masses will gladly suffer martyrdom and thus be assured an honoured place in Paradise. According to the Koran Allah sends 'invisible forces' to fight alongside the true believer and makes the plans of the enemy 'go astray', "whatever their strength." It is just such mysticism which could once again inflame Islam to take on Western nations, under a Mahdi, as their forefathers were apt to do until comparatively recently when confronting the colonial powers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | SATANIC ARCHIVE | EQUIPUS SPIRITAE | Thee Ministry Ov Shaitanic | We are now available for the Quabala is looking to put together | manufacture of made-to-order occult a file on now-defunct Satanic | paraphernalia: Swords, pentacles, organizations. Any information, | staffs, etc. books, photos, xeroxes, news | clippings and/or propaganda by the | We also do quality illumination and following institutions: | calligraphy for Grimoires, Books of Process Church, Global Satanic | Shadows, Handfasting certificates, Network, Church of Satanic | etc. Liberation, Brotherhood of the Ram, | Church of Satanic Brotherhood, | Please direct all correspondence CASH, Four Pi Movement, Illuminati | to: of Texas, Lady of Endor Coven, | EQUIPUS SPIRITAE Ophite cultus satanus, Esoteric | P.O. BOX 183 Order of Dagon, Order of Black Ram, | PAHIATUA Ordo Templi Satanas, Orthodox | Satanic Church of Nethilum, Shrine | All enquiries and orders will be of the Little Mother, Warlords of | dealt with discreetly and Satan, Thee Satanic Church, Third | confidentially. Temple of Baal, First Church of | anti-Christ, Gnostic Temple of | Satan, Order Ov Blood Axis, Lodge | 666. | Reasonable prices paid for good | quality information. Contact: | A L Souto, Box 4546, Miami Fl. | 33014-0546 | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LETTERS TO THE EDITOR..... Thankyou for sending me the July issue of The Watcher, The Bible Reconsidered, & Essays on Satanism. There's not much I can say to you work, other than "well done." "Shuti", Magister Templi Temple of Set, USA I found the new Essays on Satanism to be even better than the first, and you know how I feel about the first one. Radio Werewolf saw my address on one of your issues of The Watcher and now do not answer my letters, and have cut off my membership to the Werewolf Order. Who cares?! Believe me, it is their loss for not communicating with individuals such as yourself, Gilmore (ed. The Black Flame) and myself! Hail Shaitan! A L Souto, Thee Ministry Ov Shaitanic Quabala USA. Thankyou for the ten copies of The Bible reconsidered. I have received no attempted refutation of it from any of the Christian organizations I have challenged (IS that surprising?), although it might interest you to know that shortly after sending my challenge to the Greater Minneapolis Council of Churches someone took a flashbulb photo of me from across the street one night as I was walking home. What this means I have no idea. Why do I do it? Basically it is this: World communism collapsed practically overnight when it became blatantly obvious to the world - through it modern communication networks - what an unworkable failure it is. When I read The Bible Reconsidered I get the idea that a far older and even more decrepit belief system has the potential to go to same route. Yours in Satan, S.McL. Priest, OLHP. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SANCTUS TEMPLI SATANAS That's the name of a new Finnish Satanic Order, which will be connected with the OLHP. The Order's initiator writes that while its primary concern at this stage is to reach local people with the message of Satanism, they also welcome contact with Satanists worldwide. STS has already produced an introductory pamphlet, Anti-Kristus, utilizing some OLHP material, which will be printed in a forthcoming Watcher along with translations of other material in the pamphlet. STS is spearheaded by a group of young musicians and artists, and they have a very professional approach which can be seen from the quality of their first publication. As a result of one adv. in a rock magazine STS has already received 20 inquiries. STS's logo appears on the right. These finnish Satanists may be contacted at : PL 36, 90521, Oulu, Suomi, Finland. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FERAL HOUSE ----------- THE MAGICIAN'S DICTIONARY An Apocalyptic Cyclopaedia of Advanced Magic(k)al Arts and Alternate Meanings by E. E. Rehmus Demystifies the linguistic & philosophical convolutions of contemporary occultism. "Surprising and delightful... I am learning from the book, something not said of anything since Cosmic Trigger and Valis" - Frater Belarion, Abrasax. $12.95 ISBN: 0922915-01-6 THE SECRET LIFE OF A SATANIST The Authorized Biography of Anton LaVey by Blanche Barton Forty rare photos and rare revelations pepper this insider's demonography of Anton LaVey, founder of the Church of Satan. Finally, here are the unexpurgated stories behind the origins of Satanic ritual. LaVey's erotic involvements with Marilyn Monroe and Jayne Mansfield, LaVey's early career as a hoodlum, carny, burlesque house organist, lion tamer, terrorist, and ghost hunter for the San Francisco Police Department. With texts by LaVey, including an essay on lycanthropy previously rejected by publishers for fear of provoking a "bloodbath" $19.95 (Cloth) ISBN: 0922915-03-2 THE SATANIC WITCH by Anton Szandor LaVey The forbidden knowledge of seduction and manipulation made plain by the man whose tutelage in the dark side of human behaviour is a thing of legend. Introduction by LaVey's bewitching daughter, Zeena. $9.95 ISBN: 0922915-00-8 TORTURES & TORMENTS of the CHRISTIAN MARTYRS by Rev. Antonio Gallonio The most gruesome Catholic document in history, complete with remarkable illustrations by today's most outre artists and lethal criminals. Includes a myth-busting forensic examination of the Crucifixion by pathologists at the Mayo Clinic. With the original woodcuts by Tempesta and a colour frontispiece by Joe Coleman. $12.95 ISBN: 0922915-02-4 APOCALYPSE CULTURE Expanded and Revised Edition Edited by Adam Parfrey Over 400 pages of mind-blowing millennial arcana, including new articles on: The Lyman Family, the monkey gland affair, the Invisible War, the mass psychology of misery, cereal box conspiracies, and J.S. Downard's The Call to Chaos. "These are the terminal documents of the 20th Century." - J G Ballard. "Parfrey has edited a new book of revelation, a collection which is almost as awesome and terrifying as the original biblical texts." - Edwin Pouncey, NME. $12.95 ISBN: 0922915-05-9 Available Oct. Advance orders accepted. FERAL HOUSE PO Box 861893 * Los Angeles, CA * 90086-1893 Add $1.50 each book for shipping. Foreign, add $4 each. Send S.A.S.E. for The Feral House Intelligencer newsletter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONTEMPORARY DOGMA (This article, written by the Editor of The Watcher originally appeared in the English Satanist journal, Exeat). The stated aim of Exeat 'to explore taboo subjects tending to undermine conventional ideas and morality', is indeed a noble one in the best traditions of satanic heresy. There is I believe, a pervasive taboo subject underpinning morality today. It is a dogma every bit as far-reaching as the christian dogma of past centuries, and to question it is to subject oneself to virtual inquisition. Let us here throw a heretical, Luciferian light upon this dogma: EGALITARIANISM The myth of universal human equality, of humanity as an undifferentiated mass, is a doctrine that is so patently false, yet so universally insisted upon by the high priests of press, pulpit and parliament, that it has taken on religious proportions. The egalitarian dogma is a hang-over from christianity, which has been taken over by political creeds such as liberalism, and has become entrenched in every facet of society with the full and coercive force of the state. The egalitarian ethos was set down in the New Testament by Paul who wrote: "You are all, in fact, sons of God through your faith in Jesus christ: there is no Jew nor Greek, their is neither slave nor freeman, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in union with christ Jesus." The christian gospel has elevated the meek, weak, humble and bloody worthless to divine status, against the 'mighty, wise and noble'. As Nietzsche pointed out, this is also the gospel of the Marxist and the liberal. In 1988 Pope John Paul declared at Salzburg that "Every human life... is endowed by God with a dignity which no one should assail." The proliferation of the worthless at the expense of the intelligent and creative is gleefully watcher and promoted by politicians who have votes to gain, by christians who have souls to save, and by corporate executives who have expanding mass markets to plan for. As Dr Elmer Pendell has pointed out past civilizations have collapsed when genetic selection is no longer operative and the least creatively and intellectually-endowed expand at the expense of the culture bearing minority. (Pendell, Why civilizations Self-Destruct). To state this hard but obvious fact publicly is to bring the charge of heresy down upon one's head. Leading scientists such as the late W M Shockley, Richard Herrnstein, Hans Eyseck, et al. who have been bold enough to state the truth have been met not be intelligent debate but by violence and slander. They have stated, to quote Francis Crick, 'all men are not created equal." and the effect has been to state, 'the emperor has no clothes.' Egalitarianism offers a simple solution to all problem of social and economic differences between individuals: Levelling. If the inferior cannot be elevated, then the superior must be humbled. This is the spirit of Bolshevism alive and well and resident in the West. Let the sage advice Friedrich Nietzsche, one of the great satanic magus' be heeded lest the best be engulfed by the worst: "You preachers of equality, thus from you the tyrant-madness of impotence cries of 'equality': thus your most secret tyrant-appetite disguises itself in words of virtue. "Soured by self-conceit, repressed envy.... they burst from you as a flame and madness of revenge... For justice speaks thus to me: 'Men are not equal.' And they should not become so either! For what were my love of the Overman if I spoke otherwise?" (Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Of the Tarantulas). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ JUST RELEASED... ALL NEW !!!! Thee Black Grimoire: Satanic rites & ceremonies, by Faustus Scorpius. Includes: Self-Deification, Steps in ritual formulation, Initiation, Black Mass, Death Rite, Rites of Ishtar & Kali, Templar rite, Luciferian Mass, Rite of the Beast & Babylon. $3.00 overseas order: please add $2.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CUT HERE- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SUBSCRIBE TO THE WATCHER Name_____________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________________________________ One Year (Four Issues): NZ: $5.00; Overseas - Surface: $6.00; Air: $10.00 Cheques & MOs payable to: "Realist Publications" P.O. 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If you want more info on any OLHP productions or want more info on Satanism, contact me via the following computer networks: Fidonet: 3:770/505 (Southern Vortex BBS, ph: +64 0-3-454-3900, 14.4k modem) Usenet: fenris@otago.ac.nz Also I may be contacted on other NZ BBS's: Alternative Reality: +64 0-3-471-0414 Southern Lights: +64 0-3-455-6016 The Left Hand Path: +64 0-3-454-5763 (my own BBS) Bad Dreams BBS: +64 0-9-528-3577 (leave message to 'Lucifer') If you wish to contact me via mail to swap texts, ideas, etc. then write to: Graeme Wilson 129 Scott Street Waverley Dunedin South Island New Zealand