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From: aq817@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Steve Crocker)
Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy
Subject: "The Project" Newsletter - 2 of 4 (Summer-Fall 1991)
Message-ID: <1f7jp1INN3nk@usenet.INS.CWRU.Edu>
Date: 28 Nov 1992 11:05:05 GMT
Organization: Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio (USA)
Lines: 1238

The Project

Summer-Fall 1991, Volume VIII, Number 2-3

Published by A-albionic Research, P. O. Box 20273, Ferndale, Michigan 48220.
Copyrighted articles are so indicated.  All other articles may be re-printed
free of charge if the name and address of A-albionic Research is included as
the source of the article or excerpt.  Display, classified, and insert
advertising rates upon request.

Note:  This is the Summer-Fall 1991 Project.  It was converted to DOS ASCII
text.  Those who wish to obtain the original WordPerfect 5.1 files including
graphics and text boxes should send a disk 3.5 or 5.5 and $5.00 to A-albionic
Research, PO Box 20273, Ferndale, Michigan 48220.

In This Issue

.Is Caesarism the Conspiracy?
.Project Economic Predictions Reviewed...And the Current State of the Political Economy
.Environmentalism Replaces Socialism for Radicals?
.Mystery of Masonry's Origins Solved?
.Judaism and Christianity:  Both Roman Inventions?
.Checking Sources This Issue:  How to Obtain Books

Is Caesarism the Conspiracy?

 An enormously popular conspiracy theory (that was perhaps best presented in 
Taylor Caldwell's novel, A Pillar of Iron [Life of Cicero]) holds that the
ultimate goal of the ruling class/conspiracy for America consists in moving
from the virtues of "Republic" with its rigorous limits on government power,
rule of law, and checks and balances to the degradation of unlimited rule or
"Caesarism" of one man.  This theory implies, but does not often explicitly
state, that America as a social organism is in morphic resonance a la
Sheldrake's Presence of the Past with Rome, perhaps through the intentional
seeding of America by the Founders Fathers with Roman forms and archetypes:
bicameral legislature, Senate, architecture, etc, etc.

      Those unfamiliar with the remarkable parallels between the America's 
system and history and that of Rome need to read Amaury de Riencourt's The 
Coming Caesars and American Empire and Haskell' New Deal In Old Rome.  While 
Haskell deals with the parallel resort to collectivist economic measures under 
the impoverishing strain and drain of Imperial adventure, more fundamentally, 
de Riencourt demonstrates the similarity of America's and Rome's geopolitical 
positions, namely that of representing a more powerful new Imperial embodiment 
of an old culture--America of England/Europe and Rome of Greece.  Rome was 
responsible for defending Greece from the alien Parthian empire to the East as 
America has been responsible for defending Europe from the hostile Soviet 
Union to the East.  De Riencourt examines in detail how under the stress of 
world empire and domestic economic pressures the tendency toward mass 
democracy culminating in Caesarism is inevitable in the Republican system 
shared by America and Rome.  Though America has so far avoided the fall into 
true Caesarism or "Presidents for Life", Franklin Roosevelt can only be viewed 
as a very close call, a close call indeed, and other presidents such as 
Jackson, Wilson, and Lincoln have risen to near Caesar status.  Apparently, 
the American system, in contrast to that of Rome, can provide an "Imperial 
Presidency" for the duration of a crisis (Military or Economic), but return 
rather smoothly to Congressional Bickering after the crisis has passed.

      Perhaps this helps provide a key to where the Taylor Caldwell theory 
that "the conspiracy equals Caesarism" misses the mark.  It is not "Caesarism" 
that the ruling class/conspiracy wants (Caesar can be as difficult to control 
as Congress).  It is successful World Imperialism best typified by Rome.  
Rome's Empire was not a product primarily of the Emperors, but of the 
Republic!  The Masonic conspiracy modeled America's political forms on Rome's 
because they were forms known to be compatible with the future World Imperial 
role they sought for America (Novus Ordo Seclorum--New Order of the Ages).  
The Masonic conspiracy fashioned a Presidency that would be "Imperial" as 
required, but could always be checked by the "Money Power" through Congress 
and the Supreme Court, the States, or the people to avoid the notorious 
excesses and "flakiness" of all powerful Emperors that did much to undermine 
the Roman Empire.

      So far, the question in America remains:  whose Congress? whose 
President? whose Supreme Court? whose Governor? whose People? The Vatican's or
Queen's?  Maybe eventually, if the growing "multi-cultural" ethnic tribalism
and "Balkanization" makes America ungovernable democratically, Whose Caesar!

What Is Happening to the Economy?

      Since only the most "religious" readers of the Project are likely to 
remember our economic analysis of Summer 1988 (Volume V, Number 3), we will

      In spite of Reaganite propaganda to the contrary, we have been in a 
depression since the Volker engineered interest rate spike in 1979 (20% plus) 
that brought the "post WWII" economic prosperity to an end exactly 50 years 
after "1929" in true Kondratief 50 year cycle fashion.  This primary fact is 
veiled from most analysts, even Kondratief analysts, by the monetary mechanics 
of the Post WWII welfare/warfare state.  The built-in stabilizer of monetizing 
a wasteful budget deficit prevents the classic crash that resulted in 30% 
unemployment in the 30's and substitutes a "real goods" depression in which 
increasingly worker grinding, labor intensive economic activity persists as 
the new money flows into the economy, but real wages and living standards 
(adjusted for inflation) slip lower and lower.  Workers either scramble 
frantically for less and less or leave the work force and find a subsistence 
in the welfare end or fade away in crime, prison, or other forms of 

      After setting the preceding Kondratief scenario (driven by a 50 
generational cycle within the conspiracy itself), we predicted a new long-wave 
expansion (not prosperity in the old sense) based on issuing money through a
World Conservation Bank which would hold wilderness areas and other natural
resources off the market as collateral.  We did not predict true prosperity,
but only an increasing tempo of grinding labor intensive activity as the
populace is denied access to reasonably priced natural resources under the
guise of "environmentalism."

      Our error in 1988 was in suggesting (hoping?) that we were perhaps 
already at the bottom of the cycle.  Unfortunately, it is now clear that we 
were not.  This may be the bottom now or an even worse bottom may occur within 
a year or two!  However, it now appears that in spite of Bush-Congressional
pig- headedness regarding the budget deficit and Federal Reserve foot
dragging, the debt monetization is now proceeding full blast and will check
the economy's free fall soon in preparation for the predicted,
"environmentally sound" World Conservation Bank monetization of untapped world
resources, in particular, the Amazon, Africa, Siberia, Asia, etc.

      Bush's repudiation of Reagan-Conservative-Vatican economic growth and 
concurrence in the shocking "bottoming out" the economy that could very well 
cost him his second term can only be another example of his Anglophile "Skull 
and Bones" roots taking precedence over his personal ambitions.  We can expect 
Bush to systematically repudiate the temporary Vatican-Conservative alliance 
that brought him to power as he moves back to Rockefeller-Republican 
positions.  The final straw will be when he moves to support abortion, 
probably only if he is elected for his second term.  Environmentalism: The New 

      Many conservative journals in the "responsible" conservative, Buckleyite 
orbit have been pushing the line that socialism is dead and that 
environmentalism will be the new credo for radicals, insightfully noting 
(especially ex-radical David Horowitz in the National Review) that the alleged 
intended beneficiaries but actual victims of the radical elitists, "the 
people", have finally wised-up and rejected their socialist program, something 
the new radical constituency, "the environment" or "nature", will never be 
able to do!  Environmentalism will be the perfect arena for radicals to act 
out their hatred for real human beings, dashing their hopes and dreams for a 
decent life in the name of an unobtainable "return to nature".

      Though additional clean-up or anti-pollution costs must be imposed on 
the economy whenever a human action can be shown to damage other human beings,
we tend to concur with the conservatives that something else, but not
necessarily only hatred for humanity among radicals, is at work in the
increasingly dominating and extreme environmental purity movement.  A
something else that would lead the well-financed, Club of Rome worshiping
World Watch magazine to state during Desert Storm that the real crisis in the
middle east is population growth.  A something else that would lead George
Bush, over the opposition of conservatives, to cave-in to the unproven "global
warming" and disproved "acid rain" agendas of the radical environmentalists.
A something else that allows the environmental extremists to get away with
"snail darter" and "spotted owl" frauds whenever the Establishment get serious
about stamping-out a particular economic activity
...and on and

      In fact, the ruling class/conspiracy sees the earth as their own and the 
great mass of human beings, especially those exceeding the number of required 
servants and soldiers, as trespassers in the same way King John, in Robin 
Hood, refused to allow starving peasants to use lands and forests reserved for 
his personal hunting expeditions!  This is the mind set behind Establishment 
support for Global 2000 and Club of Rome environmental extremism in general.
It was also the mind set behind Establishment support for Communism as shown
in the Winter 1987-88 Project.  Communism was seen by the Establishment as a
method of retarding normal capitalist development of entire continents, namely
the Eurasian land mass ceded to the Soviet and Chinese communists.  Though
human initiative was drastically curtailed, what they didn't foresee was that,
in the absence of a legal system in which individuals and groups could sue to
redress damages, commissars would operate their plants to meet quotas in total
disregard of environmental damage!

      Thus we see that what would otherwise be only a psychological quirk of a
minority of intellectuals, namely radical hatred for humanity, is amplified
and spread to society at large, first to promote socialism and now to promote

Mystery of Masonry's Origin Solved?

      Long-time readers will recall, probably with considerable irritation, 
that we have been promising a definitive article on Francis Bacon and the
founding of the "modern" conspiracy since 1985.  Each time we thought we were
ready to finalize such a report we have discovered more sources of information
that threw the premises of the work up to that point into doubt.

      In spite of our promise that research was nearing completion in the 
Washington DC: Third and Final Rome?  catalog issued this Summer, a new 
hypothesis has again cast doubt on our previous work.  Initially in 1985, our 
theory was that the conspiracy was essentially Anglophile at core beginning 
with Henry VII (1485-1509) and coming into its own with Elizabeth I 
(1558-1603), suffering setbacks under the Catholic or Catholic leaning
Stuarts, but emerging triumphant with William of Orange's "Glorious
Revolution" of 1688 that resulted in the founding of the Bank of England,
Masonry, and the Royal Society under the patronage of the Crown, thus, setting
the stage for true world domination.

      The Crown was seen as gathering otherwise unorganized and powerless 
anti-Vatican forces into alliance with it such as Jews and Moslems (esp. 
mystics--cabalists & sufis), Gnostic heretics, Templar heretics, etc. rather 
than as a product of such anti-Vatican forces.  This allowed the Crown to 
strike a pose above the fray while its Jewish and Secret Society organs did 
its dirty work and received the blame...a theory the Crown itself promoted
with the unconscious help of the Vatican!

      This theory met nearly 100% disagreement from all points on the 
conspiracy research spectrum!  Of course, this was of no concern to us since 
we consider the "established" conspiracy theories to be planted by the 
conspiracy itself.  However, several books on the "continuity" of Masonry 
began to sway our enthusiasm for our thesis.  Pro-Masonic scholar John J. 
Robinson in his Born in Blood: The Lost Secrets of Freemasonry seemed to make 
an excellent case that Freemasonry was simply the Knights Templar "revealing" 
in 1717 their unbroken existence since the attempted Vatican suppression of 
their order in 1307.  Peter Partner's The Murdered Magicians:  The Templars 
and Their Myth seemed to second this thesis on a "power of myth" if not 
physical continuity basis.  Until now, we futilely hashed over the pro's and 
con's with numerous correspondents while the projected report languished.

      Not until Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh of Holy Blood/Holy Grail 
fame came out with their The Temple and the Lodge were we able to return to 
our original thesis with good conscience.  Baigent and Leigh were able to show 
convincingly how Templarism had survived continuously as Masonry, originally 
under the patronage of the heretical Robert Bruce of Scotland, and later under 
fragmented, doctrinally questionable, but basically Vatican aligned, auspices, 
especially the Stuarts (Jocobites).

      However, Baigent and Leigh also showed clearly that the founding the 
Grand Lodge in 1717, far from being a "revealing" of a pre-existing Secret
Society, was an artificial take-over of Masonry by the then Protestant Crown
of Britain based on its military triumph over the pro-Stuart Scottish
Rebellion of 1715.  This was necessary to remove pro-Stuart (Jacobite) and
pro-Vatican elements from Masonry world-wide in preparation for turning
Masonry into Britain's premier covert intelligence service (See August-
September 1985 issue of the Project, page 6--"1717").  The success of the
British Crown in capturing Masonry ineluctably lead to eventual Vatican
repudiation of its previously loyal, if somewhat heretical, underground
intelligence network!

Judaism and Christianity: Both Roman Inventions?

      No issue of the Project has drawn as much criticism as our Winter 
1990-91 issue which introduced the theory that Christianity is an artificial 
religion concocted by the Roman Oligarchy to pacify and unify the Empire.  We 
also, in that issue, referred to the equally controversial theory that 
Christianity was a Jewish plot to destroy the Roman Empire!  The objections by 
readers were so intense that several copies of the Project were returned with
notes scrawled by thick, dark "magic markers"!  Well, as the previous article
on the "Founding of the Conspiracy" should indicate, our focus is and shall
remain the anti-Vatican conspiracy which came into its own under Elizabeth I,
not the founding of the Roman Religion which may be forever lost, along with
its predecessors, the religions of Babylon and Egypt, in the mists of time.

      However, we can't help but call attention to an author we recently 
discovered who has interesting theories regarding the founding of the Roman 
and Jewish Religions.  James Ballantyne Hannay who wrote in the 1920's 
describes in his The Decline and Fall of the Roman Religion how the Romans not 
only set- up Christianity, but invented Judaism itself after the conquest of 
Egypt which opened to them the ancient secrets of manipulation of the masses 
through religion.  Some of his best evidence is the obvious artificiality of 
the "Hebrew" alphabet and language that Hannay claims was invented by a team 
of Roman Scholars.  It should be noted that these scholars, if they existed, 
could have been working with the accumulated knowledge of Egypt's Library in 
Alexandria.  That the Library later burned under suspicious circumstances, 
destroying the accumulated wisdom of the ages, may have been no co-incidence!

      Hannay also wrote a massive tome entitled Sex Symbolism in Religion.  He 
makes startling revelations about Rome's allegedly planned transition from a 
religion of human/animal sacrifice and organized prostitution (Revenue from 
Temple Prostitutes) to Christianity which only symbolically embodies these 
Pagan traditions.  Is this the Stoic plot to manipulate the "passions of the 
incurably ignorant masses" broached by Reuchlin and Duran?

      Frankly, we would be little concerned about Hannay's theories except 
from the standpoint of the light they may shed on the direction in which the 
conspiracy may be leading us.  By detailing more brutally than is normal the 
Pagan religion, Hannay may be inadvertently giving us a preview of where our 
own sex- obsessed culture is leading us.  Hannay's account of the disease 
infested "Temple Prostitutes" even raises the specter of the conspiracy's 
reinstitution of the population limiting, and, therefore, ecologically sound, 
promotion of sex as a spiritual sacrament in a new era of fatal, sexually 
transmitted diseases!

Sources This Issue:


A Pillar of Iron:  The Life of Cicero by Taylor Caldwell, 195?  Paperback,
0350 pages, Order #00480 $15.00

Novel detailing theory that Julius Caesar overthrew the Roman Republic as part
of a well-planned conspiracy.

The American Empire by Amaury De Riencourt, 1968 Rare/out-of-print stock item 
Hardcover, 0366 pages, Order #00431 $42.00

Refusal to consistently apply the term "Empire" leads many conspiriologists
astray.  This follow-up to De Riencourt's The Coming Caesars is extremely
useful for its thorough, illuminating survey of the roots of Anglo-American
Imperialism and its progress during the Post WWII period: Roots, Suicide of
Europe, Pearl Harbor: Genesis of Empire, Cold War:  Establishment of Empire,
Suez, Commonwealth, Pacific Frontier, Hawai-ianization of the Orient,
Latins-Guerrillas-Anarchists, Race and Africa, Economic Hegemony, The Great
Condominium.  De Riencourt is especially good for broaching the Anglo-American
geopolitical strategy of covert alliance with the Soviets.

The Coming Caesars by Amaury De Riencourt, 1957 Rare out-of-print stock item 
Hardcover, 0384 pages, Order #00432 $37.50

This book created a sensation when it was first released.  Few then or now 
want to apply the word "Empire" or "Imperial" to the nature of America's world
role, a role recently re-demonstrated in Iraq.  Under the barrage of daily
news, America's failures and short-comings take precedence in the minds of
most thinking Americans, creating an "underdog", "persecution complex" mind
set which, conveniently for the "Imperial Conspirators", blinds those without
a firm historical overview to Imperial reality.  Communist overuse of the term
Imperialism in their tired propaganda has also blinded otherwise intelligent
Americans to reality.  It is refreshing to see the term used properly by a
non-communist.  De Riencourt's prejudices, if any, appear to lie in the
direction of "European Culture" or perhaps, covertly, the French,
anti-Anglophile nationalism of Charles DeGaul.  Note: De Riencourt is
especially good in illuminating the similarities of the Imperial roles of
Greece/Rome and Britain/America.

The New Deal in Old Rome by  Haskell, 194?  Hardcover, 0285 pages, Order
#00479 $35.00

Details remarkable parallels between evolution of American and Roman social
and economic policy.

The Twelve Caesars by Gaius Tranquillus Suetonius, 120? Translated by Robert
Graves w/Introduction, etc. Paperback, 0362 pages, Order #00200 $7.00

Provides a raw view of Roman paganism from a contemporary of the Caesars.  
Conscious copying of Roman governmental, legal, and architectural forms by 
America's founding fathers is disturbing in the light of Roman "satanic"
practices of animal sacrifice, torture, blood sports, imperialism, etc.  Is
this book "good history" or simply "National Inquirer" style literature from
another era?  Or, Christian, anti-Pagan propaganda passed off as an original
historical document?

Founding of the Conspiracy

The Temple and the Lodge by Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh, 1989 Arcade
Publishing Hardcover, 0306 pages, Order #00460 $22.95

Important evidence tracing Masonry to the Templars.  Very important 
information on the founding of the Grand Lodge in England in 1717 indicating a
take-over of a nominally Catholic underground descending from the Templars by
the British Crown.

America's Oldest Secret:  The Talisman of the United States--The Mysterious
Street Lines of Washington DC--Signature of the Invisible Brotherhood by
Charles L. Westbrook, Jr., Ph.D., 1990  Paperback, 0123 pages, Order #00090

Congruent with Trudhope and Hieronimus on the secret society founding of 
America.  Sheds light on the role of symbols in art and architecture in
seeding, nurturing, and guiding a new social organism.

Holy Blood/Holy Grail by  Baigent, Leigh, & Lincoln,   Paperback, 0489 pages,
Order #00160 $5.95

Apparent attempt to seed or transplant the anti-Vatican social power organism,
commonly called the conspiracy, from Britain to Europe.  Continental re-tread
of British Israel as Britain loses central role to a unified Europe?
Messianic Legacy by  Baigent, Leigh, & Lincoln,   Paperback, 0477 pages,
Order #00170 $4.95

Follow-up to Holy Blood/Holy Grail.

Francis Bacon:  The Temper of a Man by Catherine Drinker Bowen, 1963 Atlantic
Monthly Press Hardcover, 0244 pages, Order #00449 $16.50

Standard biography lionizing Bacon as the founder of modern empirical science.

The Project (August-September 1985):  Overview Issue by Lloyd Miller, 1985
A-albionic Research Paperback, 0000 pages, Order #00478 $9.00

Review of the Project's progress.  Primacy of Geopolitics.  Secret societies
and subversion:  Underbelly of geopolitics?  3-Bloc world foretold in 1984?
Tentative 500 year chronology of the ruling class conspiracy:  Seizing power
in insular Albion (1485-1694),  The Drive for World Domination (1694-1815),
World reign of the Crown (1815-1946), NeoBritish Empire (1946-Present).
Capsule reviews of 12 important books.

The Murdered Magicians:  The Templars and their Myth by Peter Partner, Ph.D.,
1987  Hardcover, 0209 pages, Order #00100 $17.95

Academic scholar examines the history of the Templars and the "Secret Society
Magical Myth" that has grown-up around them since their suppression in 1307.
Valuable source book for those seeking to confirm or debunk the Templar theory
of the conspiracy.

Born in Blood:  The Lost Secrets of Freemasonry by John J. Robinson, 1989
Hardcover, 0376 pages, Order #00434 $18.95

Pro-Masonic scholar presents a very convincing case that Masonry descends
directly from the persecuted heretics of the Knights Templar.  See Figure 1.
for fascinating origin of just one Masonic symbol.  This very frank books
admits role of Masons behind various brutal episodes of "World Revolution"!
Must reading!

Bacon-Masonry:  Revealing the Real Meaning of that Mystic Word and the True
Name of that Lost Word with Evidence Showing Francis Bacon to be the Original
Designer of Speculative Freemasonry by George V. Trudhope, 1954 George V.
Trudhope Paperback, 0132 pages, Order #00467 $12.00

Reveals Francis Bacon as the founder of Masonry.

Freemasonry Came to America with Captain John Smith in 1607 by George V.
Trudhope, 195? George V.  Trudhope Paperback, 0015 pages, Order #00468 $8.00

Reveals Francis Bacon as the intellectual founder of America.

The Early Life of Lord Bacon:  Newly Studied by Parker Woodward, 1902 Gay and
Bird, London Paperback, 0120 pages, Order #00463 $35.00

Amplifies the case that Francis Bacon was the illegitimate son of Queen 
Elizabeth I and author of a vast array of Elizabethan writings, including
Shakespeare by responding to some of the critics.

The Strange Case of Francis Tidir:  Investigated by Parker Woodward, 1901
Paperback Reprint Paperback, 0117 pages, Order #00488 $28.50

Classic work on the thesis that Francis Bacon was the illegitimate son of 
Queen Elizabeth I.  Did Francis Bacon found the "modernist, anti-Vatican "the
conspiracy" through his writings (including Shakespeare and Spenser) and
joining/leading/organizing the Masons, Rosicrucian, Royal Society, and British
colonies in North America?

The Occult Philosophy in the Elizabethan Age by Dame Francis A. Yates, 1979
Paperback, 0217 pages, Order #00080 $7.95

Establishment scholar clearly describes the founding of the conspiracy as an 
occult, pro-Jewish, Protestant, anti-Catholic project of the British Monarchy.
Identifies the intriguing role of Queen Elizabeth I's "magician", John Dee, in
propounding the first "British Israel" theory to undergird the fledgling
British Imperialism.  Must reading!                  Ruling Class Roots of
Radical Socialists and Environmentalists

The Project (Winter 1987-88) by Lloyd Miller, A-albionic Research, Order
#00482-A  $3.00

Glastnost and Perestroika:  Reality or Fraud?  Predictable left-right 
misconceptions.  The real menace to the ruling class/conspiracy: A Capitalist 
Eurasian Power Bloc!  Review of Sutton's Wall Street and the Bolshevik
Revolution revelation of the conspiracy's Russian strategy:  Communism to keep
Russian backward!  Economic Forecast

The Project (Summer 1988) by Lloyd Miller, A-albionic Research, Order #00482

The World Conservation Bank:  Money Engine for the New Long Wave?  Nine page 
interview with George Hunt who infiltrated the Fourth World Wilderness 
Conference attended by Rothschild, Rockefeller, et al to launch the World 
Conservation Bank. British citizen Andrew Bertie, a descendant of the Stuart 
Dynasty, appointed Grand Master of the Knights of Malta by the Pope.  Queen 
finally allows the Catholic Knights to organize in England.  Stephen Hawkings 
revealed as an Anglophile agent attempting to pull-off another Galileo scandal 
against the Vatican.  The Real Star Wars:  Big Bang versus Steady State 
Theories of the Universe.

Origins of the Christian Social Organism

Sex Symbolism in Religion:  Two (2) Volumes by John Ballantyne Hannay, 1922 H.
A. Oakeshott Paperback, 1184 pages, Order #00461 $38.95

Important information on the primacy of sex in the Roman, pre-Christian State 
religion and its symbolic remnants in Christianity.  Frightening preview of
where the New Age movement may be retaking us? An ecologically sound
limitation on population growth:  Promote sexual license and experimentation
as a spiritual experience in the presence of deadly sexually transmitted
diseases and advocate bogus preventative measures?

A Real Case Against the Jews:  One of Them Points Out the Full Depth of Their 
Guilt by Marcus Eli Ravage, 1928 Xerox, 0012 pages, Order #00428 $7.00

Researchers intrigued by Reuchlin need to know the opposite, competing 
"conspiracy theory" of the "seeding" of the dominant Christian "social 
organism."  Marcus Eli Ravage, a Jewish writer from the 1920's, who worshipped
at the feet of the Rothschilds as their approved biographer, wrote to prove
that Christianity was created by the Jews to destroy the Roman Empire and its
Pagan spirit that prevented Jewish control.  Only after Rome's transformation
by Jesus "meek and mild" could the Jews rise to covert imperium!  Jewish
satire or truth?

The True Authorship of the New Testament:  Arius Calpurnius Piso by Abelard
Reuchlin,   Paperback, 0040 pages, Order #00150 $6.00

Though providing scant evidence for his specific theory that Roman Oligarch 
Piso wrote the New Testament to create a new religion for the Empire that 
would at the same time defeat the growing power of the Jews, it provides
thought exercise for those willing to suspect Machiavellian origins of the 
dominant Christian social organism.  Must reading!

The Golden Bough:  The Roots of Religion and Folklore by James G. Frazer, 1900
Hardcover, 0407 pages, Order #00422 $22.00

Classic study of myth, religion, and folklore, the "cement" of social

The Rise, Decline, & Fall of the Roman Religion by James Ballantyne Hannay, 
1925 Mackays LTD., Chatham Paperback, 0257 pages, Order #00462 $12.00

Remarkable theory that both Judaism (including the Hebrew alphabet & language) 
and Christianity are synthetic creations of Roman scholars charged with the
task of building a new State religion to unify the Empire and subjugate the

Pagan Christs by J. M. Robertson, 1903  Hardcover, 0171 pages, Order #00438

Robertson shows with a certain disturbing persuasiveness that Christianity 
merely borrowed and further "sanitized" the numerous and already mostly
symbolic "human sacrifice" rituals of traditional pagan religions.  Should be
read in conjunction with Reuchlin, Duran, and Ravage in evaluating the theory
that Christianity was consciously seeded to transform humanity for Empire in a
new form.                                      Social Organism Theory

The Untold History:  How the British East India Company's "pre-Fabian" 
Philosophical Radicals Set-up Capitalism and Its Antithesis Communism by
William Robert Plumme, 1964 Committee for the Restoration of the Republic
Paperback, 0290 pages, Order #00475 $15.00

Another cache of this rare paperback has been discovered allowing us to, once 
again, offer the original edition published by the eccentric author.  Seminal
thoughts on the world's most important power organism and its relatives.

The New Science of Life:  The Hypothesis of Formative Causation by Rupert
Sheldrake, 1981 Jeremy P. Tarcher Paperback, 0277 pages, Order #00472 $12.95

Sheldrake's original introduction to his revolutionary concepts, revised and 
expanded.  Includes negative reaction of the scientific community and his

The Presence of the Past:  Morphic Resonance and the Habits of Nature by
Rupert Sheldrake,   Paperback, 0000 pages, Order #00140 $10.95

As the Project theory has evolved, the hypothesis of a ruling class conspiracy 
is often seen as a heurism for social power organism theory.  Without really
intending to, Sheldrake provides the philosophical, scientific, and biological
theory behind this relatively unknown concept.  Sheldrake also provides an
original framework for analyzing other controversial topics that have so far
eluded the standard materialist reductionism of establishment science
(scientism) such as evolution, consciousness, the occult, ESP, memory, organic
life, etc.

Catalog Changes:

New Arrivals, Available Again, Price Changes

The British Empire:  1784-1939 by James Truslow Adams, 1940 Dorsett Press
Hardcover, 0391 pages, Order #00464 $25.00

Excellent review of an important phase of the British Empire.

The Promise:  The True Story of Space Visitors on Earth and How They Want to
Help Humankind (as told to Brad Steiger) by Dr. Fred Bell, 1991 Inner Light
Paperback, 0172 pages, Order #00495 $12.95

Available for those who want to evaluate more of the flood of ufo
material...conspiratorial tinkering with mass mind?

The Vatican Empire:  A Highly Readable, Authoritative Report that Reveals the 
Vatican as a Nerve Center of High Finance--and Penetrates the Secrecy of Papal
Wealth. by Nion Lo Bello, 1968 Pocket Books Paperback, 0173 pages, Order
#00454 $15.00

The full vivid story of the world's largest, oldest, most secret corporation.  
Why Popes are better informed than Presidents.  How Vatican "men of trust"
represent Church economic and political interests in Italy and world-wide.
The unspoken alliance with the Sicilian Mafia.

Freemasonry Antichrist Upon Us:  A False Religion; A Sex Cult; A Super 
Antichrist World Power; Father of Communism by Glen Berry,  CPA Paperback,
0078 pages, Order #00487 $6.50

America's Secret Aristocracy by Stephen Birmingham, 1987 Little, Brown, and 
Company Hardcover, 0334 pages, Order #00452 $28.00

Birmingham chronicles the little-known, low profile "old wealth" (Anglophile)
elite whose influence far outstrips their still substantial, but now dwarfed
by new rich, fortunes.

Real Lace:  America's Irish Rich by Stephen Birmingham, 1973 Harper and Rowe 
Hardcover, 0322 pages, Order #00444 $25.00

Must reading for those who want to know the background and family connections
of the great Irish-Catholic American Rich including the Joseph Kennedys, Peter
Graces, and William Buckleys.  Interestingly, William Buckley's forbearers in
Ireland were Royalist Orangemen.  The family moved to the Catholic side only
due to marriage!

The Politics of Murder by Joseph Bornstein, 1950 William Sloan Associates 
Hardcover, 0295 pages, Order #00445 $12.00

Sets out with devastating objectivity to prove that assassins make history!
Covers murders of Trotsky, Ernst Roehm, Engelbert Dollfuss, Joseph Stalin,
Lenin, Bucharin, Reiss, Tresca, Formis, the White Russian Generals, and many

The Pattern of Responsibility:  Edited by McGeorge Bundy from the Record of 
Secretary of State Dean Acheson by McGeorge Bundy, 1952  Hardcover, 0309
pages, Order #00443 $12.00

Then youthful CFR "Wiseman" trys to defend pro-Soviet, pro-Red China "balance
of power" geopolitics of Anglophile Acheson in the heat of the McCarthy

Malcolm X:  The FBI File--With An Introduction By Spike Lee by Clayborne 
Carson, 1991 Carroll and Graf Publishers Paperback, 0514 pages, Order #00484

This book may give insight into Spike Lee's up-coming movie on Malcolm X, a 
movie bound to have very significant influence.  The book consists mainly of
Freedom of Information documents garnered from the FBI with comments and
analysis.  The documents do not point to harassment and opposition as
obviously as Spike Lee and the author would have us believe though the
monitoring was certainly intense.

The Young Melbourne:  And the Story of His Marriage with Caroline Lamb by Lord 
David Cecil, 1939  Hardcover, 0231 pages, Order #00440 $12.00

Loving study of the Britain's 18th Century Whig (Liberal-Masonic) Aristocracy
which generally supported the principles if not the actuality of the American
revolt against George III's Tory government.

Freemasonry Condemned from Its Own Sources:  Freemasonry Versus Christianity
and Phallic Worship of Freemasonry Unveiled by Benjamin L. Cook, Ph.D., 1991
Paperback, 0093 pages, Order #00466 $5.95

Foucault's Pendulum by Umberto Eco, 1988 Ballantine Paperback, 5330 pages,
Order #00489 $6.95

Amazing novel which wraps all the occult conspiracy theories into a novel!

Our Old Nobility:  Noblesse Oblige--Two (2) Volumes by Howard Evans, 1879 E. 
J. Kibblewhite, London Paperback, 0500 pages, Order #00465 $78.50

Valuable survey of "Noble Families" of Britain.  Needs mining by

Their God is the Devil:  Papal Encyclicals and Freemasonry--Has Masonry Won 
Its War With the Church? by Paul Fisher, 1991 American Research Foundation
Hardcover, 0000 pages, Order #00500 $15.00

Reads like a modern suspense novel of international intrigues.  Alleges
Masonry as the occult origin of war, revolutions, and assassinations.

British-American Relations, 1917-1918:  The Role of Sir William Wiseman by W.
B. Fowler, 1969 Princeton University Press Hardcover, 0334 pages, Order #00469

Intriguing Establishment account of the intimate relationship between Sir
William Wiseman and the notorious Colonel House.

Coin's Financial School by William H. Harvey, 1895 Coin's Financial School
Paperback, 0252 pages, Order #00474 $12.00

Harvey's textbook of populist economics by which he condemned the British 
manipulated "gold standard" and advocated the silver standard.  Includes a 
scurrilous attack by Richard Hofstadter as an introduction which attempts to 
discredit the well proven idea that the Bank of England was behind the 
de-monetization of silver in America, "The Crime of (18)'73"

A Tale of Two Nations by William H. Harvey, 1894 Coin Publishing Co. (Reprint)
Paperback, 0302 pages, Order #00473 $48.00

Famous novel in which Harvey explains how British finance rules the world 
through its phoney "gold standard" and advocates the silver standard to break
the "money power's" monopoly.  One of his characters is "Baron Rothe",
obviously Lord Rothschild.  Harvey led a significant populist movement against
the "money power".  They Were White and They Were Slaves:  The Untold History
of the Enslavement of Whites in Early America by Michael A. Hoffman II, 1991
Wiswell Ruffin House Paperback, 0086 pages, Order #00501 $5.00

Expanded edition of author's challenging book.  In addition to the obvious use 
to which this book is being put in pro-White circles to counter Black claims 
for quotas and reparations, the question of the conspiracy's real motives in
suppressing and minimizing white slavery through the ages and, in particular,
in colonial America, (through Establishment History) is very effectively
raised.  Will the New World Order be truly "multi-cultural" with the eventual
amalgamation and obliteration of the races or are Whites, and Coloreds too,
being subtly encouraged to remain separate through a laughable false history
which depicts Whites as the only real slavers and Blacks and other races as
the only real slaves in the interests of maintaining an effective "divide and
conquer" system?  This false history of slavery obviously intensifies Black
rage against the entire White Race instead of the tiny ruling class (including
Jews) which benefitted from slavery and continues to rule the world today!
Whites, on the other hand, are encouraged to believe the false notion that
they are and always have been a specially privileged elite.  This leads them
to unconsciously serve as the bodyguard of the conspiracy against the assaults
of enraged "minorities".  This system of manipulation may continue to work
even after Whites are no longer the majority in America!

Fenians and Anglo-American Relations During Reconstruction by Brian Jenkins, 
1969 Cornell University Press Hardcover, 0346 pages, Order #00447 $17.00

Story of the "Fenian" Irish (Catholic) Nationalist Brotherhood (Secret
Society) that sought to rupture Anglo-American relations (the conspiracy)
after the Civil War.

The Brotherhood:  The Secret World of the Freemasons by Stephen Knight, 1984
Hardcover, 0326 pages, Order #00419 $10.00

Inner workings of Freemasonry in England today by the author of Jack the
Ripper:  The Final Solution which startled the world by fingering the Masons,
as servants of the Royal Family, for the Ripper murders.

The Strawberry Statement:  Notes of a College Revolutionary by James Simon 
Kunen, 1968 Random House Hardcover, 0155 pages, Order #00453 $17.50

Contains the famous words quoted by Gary Allen in None Dare Call It 
Conspiracy:  "Also at the (SDS) convention, men from Business International 
Roundtables--the meetings sponsored by Business International for their client 
groups and heads of government--tried to buy-up a few radicals.  These men are 
the world's leading industrialists and they convene to decide how our lives 
are going to go.  These are the guys who wrote the alliance for progress.  
They're the left-wing of the ruling class...They offered to finance our 
demonstrations in Chicago...We were also offered Esso (Rockefeller) money.  
They want us to make a lot of radical commotion so they can look more in the 
center as they move to the left."

Countering the Conspiracy to Destroy Black Boys by Jawanza Kunjufu, 1985 
African American Images Paperback, 0038 pages, Order #00483 $5.00

Radical Afro-American cites, a la Carroll Quigley, the Rhodes-Milner Round 
Table Conspiracy as his source for claiming the conspiracy is essentially a 
white racist conspiracy against people of color.  Claims the entire white race
as well as many subjugated peoples are subtly drawn into the mechanics of
oppression.  The author does not consider the possibility, taken on faith by
most right-wing conspiracy researchers, that the conspiracy has moved beyond
its original racist tactics as it moves toward a cosmopolitan Masonic world
Empire.  This book is quite influential in the current movement for all male,
Afro-centric schools in America's inner cities.

Coup d' tat:  A Practical Handbook by Edward Luttwak, 1979 Harvard University
Press Paperback, 0215 pages, Order #00477 $7.95

Georgetown scholar presents a shocking, highly technical manual on how a tiny 
elite can overthrow a government by force, the standard way that power changes
hands in The New World Order!

Vatican Imperialism in the Twentieth Century by Avro Manhattan, 1965 Zondervan 
Publishing House Hardcover, 0414 pages, Order #00448 $35.00

"For those who believe that Imperialism is on the wane, ..(this book).. is not 
only an eye-opener--it is a great shocker.  For Imperialism, far from being on
the decline, is very much on the ascendant.  I am referring to the Imperialism
of the Catholic Church."--from the Preface by Lord Alexander of Hillsborough,
Leader of her Majesty's Opposition in the House of Lords 1964 and President of
Britain's Council of Protestant Churches.

An American Adventure in Bookburning:  In the Style of 1918 by James J.
Martin, 1988  Paperback, 0137 pages, Order #00412 $8.75

Saga of formal and informal book censorship in wartime America from WWI to 
WWII.  Important lists of now hard-to-find books destroyed during hate
campaigns against Germany.  Proposed list of disturbing titles for
"apprentice" book burners of today to destroy!

Usury:  Destroyer of Nations by S. C. Mooney, 1988  Paperback, 0248 pages,
Order #00260 $9.95

Hard line anti-interest position based on Biblical analysis.

The World Order:  A Study in the Hegemony of Parasitism by Eustace Mullins,
1984 Ezra Pound Institute of Civilization Hardcover, 0217 pages, Order #00476

New hardcover edition of Mullins' classic work exposing the Royal Dynasties
behind the International Bankers.

Juan Colon Alias Cristobal Colon Alias Christopher Columbus:  Was A Spanish
Jew by Brother Nectario M., 1971 Chedney Press Paperback, 0030 pages, Order
#00481 $5.00

Published by Dr. Josephson, this rare pamphlet details the theory that 
Columbus was a "Marrano" Jew evading the Inquisition.  Especially relevant
considering the current "Columbus" controversies.

Apocalypse Culture by Adam Parfrey, 1987 Amok Press Paperback, 0272 pages,
Order #00409 $9.95

According to J. G. Ballard:  "...is compulsory reading for all those concerned 
with the crisis of our times.  This is an extraordinary collection unlike
anything I have ever encountered--a remarkable compilation of powerfully
disturbing statements.  These are the terminal documents of the 20th Century!"
Bizarre social developments foreshadow end of Western Civilization or
beginning of Empire Stage?

From Out of the Blue:  The Incredible UFO Cover-up at Bentwaters NATO Air 
Base--The UFO Case That Shocked Millions on TV's "Unsolved Mysteries" by Jenny
Randles, 1991 Global Communications Paperback, 0192 pages, Order #00497 $12.95

Do stories of this type spring from covert power groups attempting to affect
the mass mind or cynical sensationalists?

Britain and the United States:  Problems in Cooperation by Henry L. Roberts 
and Paul A. Wilson, 1953 Harper and Brothers Hardcover, 0253 pages, Order
#00470 $32.00

Revealing study prepared for the Council on Foreign Relations.

The Second American Revolution--Some Personal Observations:  A Stimulating,
Eloquent Analysis of the Humanistic Changes We are Experiencing Now and Must
Achieve in the Future by John D. Rockefeller III, 1973 Hardcover, 0188 pages,
Order #00439 $24.00

One of the five (5) Rockefellers sharing centralized control of the 
Rockefeller octopus after the death of John D II and Chairman of the 
Rockefeller Foundation in 1971, endorses the "humanistic" 1960's revolutions 
of rising expectations and "new values" including black liberation, women's 
liberation, youth revolution, campus revolution, economic egalitarianism, 
consumerism, environmentalism, and individual human potential movement.  
Rockefeller poses as a concerned citizen reacting to a Revolution originating 
in the citizenry and especially oppressed groups, not mentioning the role of 
Establishment foundations in seeding and nurturing the revolution for subtle 
reasons of consolidating concentrated economic power and/or for a strategy of 
destruction:  clearing the ground in the service of the "New World Order"!

The American Establishment:  Reports, Opinions, and Speculations by Richard H.
Rovere, 1962 Harcourt, Brace, & World, Inc. Hardcover, 0308 pages, Order
#00486 $35.00

Seminal work on the American Establishment including its Anglophile roots in
conformance with much of the Project theory.

The New Post-Conciliar or Montinian Church by Rev. Joaquin Saennz Y. Arriaga, 
Ph.D., 1972  Hardcover, 0567 pages, Order #00433 $25.00

This very important book by an avowed member of the Sovereign Military Order
of Saint John of Jerusalem is an exhaustive presentation of the extreme
traditionalist view that "treason" in the Roman Catholic Church was rampant
under the pro-Masonic, pro-Communist Papacy of Paul VI (Montini).

One Thousand Americans by George Seldes, 1947 Boni & Gaer Hardcover, 0312
pages, Order #00451 $15.50

Partisan, pro-labor analysis of the America's super-rich ruling class and its
instruments.  In addition to a survey of the rich, reviews charges of General
Smedley Butler that a Wall Street group had approached him through the Liberty
League to lead a military coup against President Roosevelt.

Inside the Brotherhood:  Further Secrets of the Freemasons--The Explosive 
Sequel to Stephen Knight's The Brotherhood by Martin Short, 1989 Dorset Press
Hardcover, 0531 pages, Order #00485 $18.95

The mysterious death of Knight and much more.

The Nazis and the Occult by Dusty Sklar, 1977  Hardcover, 0180 pages, Order
#00120 $10.00

Exposes the occult Thule Society roots of Hitler's Nazism and shows parallels
to today's New Age movements.

After Long Silence by Michael Straight, 1983 W. W. Norton Hardcover, 0351
pages, Order #00455 $35.00

Reviewed in the Project as the key to the covert post WWII "Crown" plot to 
"balance" American power with Soviet power.  Contain's Straight's amazing 
review of Carroll Quigley's Tragedy and Hope which he exposes as a 
Georgetown-Jesuit, anti-Anglophile plot!  From the blurb: "The brilliant 
Communist circles of Cambridge (Apostles), the corridors of power in the New 
Deal, the fight against McCarthyism, and the exposure of Sir Anthony Blunt as 
the "4th man" in the espionage ring that included Guy Burgess, Donald MacLean, 
and Kim Philby....Michael Staight's life is the key to all of these stories.  
Now, for the first time, he tells what he knows and what he has done!"

Stranger at the Pentagon:  Who Was the Mysterious Visitor with Amazing Powers?  
A Real Life "Day the Earth Stood Still" by Dr. Frank E. Stranges, 1991 Inner
Light Paperback, 0127 pages, Order #00496 $12.95

Alleged photos of the spaceship commander who had no finger prints, could read
minds, and whose garments could not be destroyed.  Revised reprint of 1967

Benjamin Disraeli:  Lord Beaconsfield by Sein Leben von Andre Maurois, 1931 
German Language Edition Hardcover, 0366 pages, Order #00442 $12.00

Assyrians in the Modern World by C. M. W., BA, DIP ED, MA, 1990 History
Research Projects Paperback, 0116 pages, Order #00250 $10.00

Attempts to prove based on Biblical analysis that the German people descend
from the Assyrians or Hittites, explaining their cyclical tendency toward war
and conquest.  Dedicated to British Israel advocate Herbert W. Armstrong.
Undermines those who would include the Germans in "Israel Identity" whether
British Israel or Anglo-Saxon-Celtic Israel.

The True Origins of the Peoples of Eastern Europe:  Rewriting World History by 
C. M. W. BA, DIP ED, MA, 1990 History Research Projects Paperback, 0059 pages,
Order #00502 $10.00

More from the author who traces the Germans to the Biblical Assyrians.

The Modern Descendants of Dodanim and Tarshish:  Rewriting World History by C.
M. W. BA, DIP ED, MA, 1990 History Research Projects Paperback, 27 pages,
Order #00502-A $10.00

Anonymous author continues his research tracing Biblical ancestry of Japanese
and others...look for surprises.

The Blue Book of the John Birch Society by Robert Welch, 1959 Western Islands
Paperback, 0178 pages, Order #00457 $7.50

Famous introduction for potential John Birch Society members.  Reveals his
non-fundamentalist, near-Masonic religious beliefs.

The Temple Mount Conspiracy and World War III:  Number I In A Series Titled 
False Prophets -- False Messiahs -- Signs of the End Times by Kay L.
Westerman, 1991 Liberty Bell Paperback, 0000 pages, Order #00499 $20.00

A world-wide conspiracy is alleged to be planning World War III in the
interests of a New World Order to be ruled from Jerusalem.  Sources and
bibliography for researchers.  The Illuminoids:  Secret Societies and
Political Paranoia by Neal Wilgus, 1978  paperback, 0262 pages, Order #00411

Skeptical over-view of a very wide range of conspiracy theories.  Valuable 
chronologies included which superimpose the key events from many theories.
Introduction by Robert Anton Wilson.

William Pitt, the Younger by P. W. Wilson, 1930  Hardcover, 0347 pages, Order
#00441 $12.00

Pitt, the Younger, was the British Prime Minister during the French Revolution
and Napoleonic Wars.  Though this establishment biography does not directly
support the theory that Pitt, in league with Prussia's and Germany's
Illuminist Protestant Princes, was the puppet master of the secret societies
that brought down the Catholic French monarchy, it provides necessary
background information to evaluate the theory.

Birth Certificate Fraud by Richard P. Kusserow, Inspector General, 1988 US
Government Paperback, 0030 pages, Order #00494 $10.00

US government report on a growing problem.

Albion's Seed:  Four British Folkways in America by David Hackett Fischer,
1989 Oxford University Press Paperback, 0946 pages, Order #00471 $17.95

We tend to focus on the Anglophile aligned, elite power organisms that
dominate America. However, complete British social organism were planted and
still have reality and influence.

Kennedy Assassination -- New Arrivals
(Very Extensive Catalog Now Available--$10.00 )

The Manchester Affair:  The True and Dramatic Behind the Scenes Story of the 
William Manchester's "Battle of the Book"--the Attempted Suppression of Death
of a President. by John Corry, 1967 G. P. Putnam and Son Hardcover, 0223
pages, Order #00493 $18.00

An unexpurgated record of the most notorious incident in book publishing

The Spirit of Robert F. Kennedy:  The Deeply Felt Beliefs of the Late Senator
including Gun Control, Student Revolt, Vietnam, Race Riots, Draft-Card
Burning, Public Service, Dissent, and Idealism. by Sue G. Hall, 1968 Grosset &
Dunlapp Paperback, 0111 pages, Order #00458 $10.00

The Assassination Chain:  Including Assassination Who is Who and a Forward by
Jack Anderson by Sybil Leek and Bert R Sugar, 1976 Corwin Books Hardcover,
0342 pages, Order #00490 $25.00

Claims common "power group" killed the Kennedys and Martin Luther King and
attempted to kill George Wallace.

Marina and Lee by Priscilla Johnson McMilland, 1977 Harper and Rowe Hardcover,
0527 pages, Order #00491 $22.00

Detailed analysis of Lee Harvey Oswald's life with his Russian wife (KGB

The Last Kennedy:  Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts Before and After
Chappaquiddick by Robert Sherrill, 1974 Dial Press Hardcover, 0239 pages,
Order #00459 $18.95

The Chappaquiddick cover-up was undoubtedly the most brilliant cover-up ever 
achieved in a nation where investigative procedures are well developed and
where the principles of equal justice prevail at least during some of those
moments when people are watching!

Conspiracy by Anthony Summers, 1980 McGraw-Hill Hardcover, 0640 pages, Order
#00492 $28.50

"...Lee Harvey Oswald steps out of his shadowy past and begins to take on
three dimensions--sometimes four, five, and six.  One is soon overcome with
the gloomy, sinister, and yet curiously stimulating certainty that Oswald was
not only an intelligence agent with links to the Mafia, but almost certainly a
double agent..."

Secret Evidence on the Kennedy Assassination by David Wise, 1968 Life 
Magazine, April 6, 1968 Magazine, 0004 pages, Order #00456 $10.00

Discussion of the documents classified by the Warren Commission that raise 
suspicions of cover-up and worse.  A report by the CIA director Helms on 
"Soviet Brainwashing Techniques".  An FBI interview with Soviet defector 
Nosenko who arrived 10 days after the assassination.  A CIA report on Oswald's 
activities in Mexico six weeks before the assassination.  A CIA memo from 
Helms on "Soviet Use of Assassination and Kidnapping".

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the Project
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YES!!I want to receive the Project, the executive summary of the on-going
research of a private network dedicated to applying the scientific method to
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clarifying, elaborating, and testing the hypothesis that a traditionally
London-centered world money cartel, under the patronage of the British Crown,
vies for dominion of world affairs on multiple levels with the Vatican, the
Empire of the City(of London)'s ancient enemy and competing social organic
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These books are free gifts for large orders.  Choose 4 if your order is
over $50.00.  Choose 9 if your order is over $100.00

      ~They Were White and They Were Slaves by Michael Hoffman II ($5.00)
      ~Their God is the Devil:  Papal Encyclicals and Freemasonry by Paul
Fisher ($10.00)
      ~Holy Blood/Holy Grail by Baigent et. al. ($5.95)
      ~Messianic Legacy by Baigent et. al. ($4.95)
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Processing of Humanity by Michael Hoffman ($5.75)
      ~Christopher Columbus was a Spanish Jew by Bro. Nectario ($5.00)
      ~The Unheeded Teachings of Jesus Christ:  The Strangest Story Never
Told (Scoptsi/Soviet Alliance) by Dr. Josephson ($5.00)
      ~The Federal Reserve Conspiracy and the Rockefellers:  Their Gold
Corner by Dr Josephson ($7.50)
      ~Word Controlled Humans by Harlan ($5.00)
      ~Foucault's Pendulum by Umberto Eco ($6.95)
      ~Report on the Conspiracy to Rule the World ($5.00)
      ~The Suppressed Truth About the Assassination of Lincoln by McCarty,
Ex-Romanist ($5.00)
      ~Buckley Family:  Wall Street Fabians in the Conservative Movement by
Thompson ($5.00)
      ~Mystery Babylon:  A Present Day Reality by Don Bell ($7.00)
      ~The Unholy Alliance ($6.00)
      ~Freemasonry Came to America with Captain John Smith by Trudhope
      ~Empire of the City:  World Super State by Knuth ($5.00)
      ~The Real Story of the Trilateral Commission by Lyndon LaRouche
      ~Expel Britain's Kissinger for Treason by Kalimgtis ($8.95)
      ~Farewell America (Kennedy Assassination) by Hepburn ($9.95)
      ~Two Faces of George Bush (Skull and Bones Secret Society Expos
) by
Antony Sutton ($7.95)
      ~Systems Analysis:  White Collar Genocide by LaRouche ($6.95)
      ~The Mad Khomeini:  Treason in Washington ($8.95)
      ~Single Back Issues of Conspiracy Digest or Project ($3-9.00 each)

                                 A Note On Recommended Reading

The books, reports, and articles recommended are not without serious faults
from the point-of-view of the Project.  Most are guilty of blatant partisan
bias, too often on the basis of ideology, religion, race, class, interest
group, etc.  Unfortunately, by its nature, ruling class research is not and
probably never will be solely the province of disinterested scholars. 
However, keep in mind that the bootlicking, lying court historians
cultivate only the appearance of objectivity and, therefore, deserve even
less credit than some of the partisan authors we have recommended.

The Project hypothesis is unique in ruling class-conspiracy literature. 
None of the authors recommended present the Project theory.  The
recommended reading simply contributes facts, research leads, evidence,
testimony, insights, theorizing, and speculation relevant to the Project's
progress toward uncovering the objective nature of the ruling class-
conspiracy or power organism(s).  Do not judge the Project theory by the
readings recommended. We recommend many authors not for objective
information, but for insight into the propaganda of the social power
organism which holds them in thrall. For the evolving Project theory
consult only the Project back issues, especially the August 1985 Issue
($9.00) for the original theory nd the Winter-Spring 1989-90 Issue ($9.00)
for a major revision of working hypothesis.