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From jerod23@well.sf.ca.us Sun Mar 21 15:17:42 1993
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1993 11:55:21 -0800
From: Jerod Pore <jerod23@well.sf.ca.us>
To: factsheet5-list@well.sf.ca.us
Subject: Political zine reviews
Content-Length: 44713
X-Lines: 670
Status: RO

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POLITICAL zines.  Posted 21 March, 1993 by Jerod Pore.  
Included here are the political zines L. Reiko Higa and I have reviewed for
the up-coming Issue #47 of Factsheet Five, and the political zines Seth 
reviewed for Issue #46 of F5, AND reviews contributed by people on The
Net (thank you, thank you, thank you).  These are zines of a somewhat
"mainstream" bent, if one can consider communism, libertarianism and
anarchism to be mainstream.  The more extreme and/or "fringe" political
zines, such as white-supremicist zines, were included in the previously
released rant file (available now via anonymous ftp at red.css.itd.umich.edu
in /pub/Factsheet.Five).  Zines dealing with environmental issues, and
general 'news' zines were included in this file as well.

This file is part of FactSheet Five - Electric.  Questions or comments 
regarding FactSheet Five - Electric should be directed to 

If you wish to send zines for review in both the electronic and print
versions of Factsheet Five, the snailmail address is:
Factsheet Five
P.O. Box 170099
San Francisco CA   94117-0099

You might notice a change in our format.  This is due to using the official
Factsheet Five data-entry software.  The %Title: section is, for the most
part, the same, although we've added the date of the zine when available.  
%Descr: starts with a general review of the publication, indented thanks 
to the joys of FoxPro(tm), then a review of the issue(s) in particular, 
then, perhaps, a one or two line summary.  %Info: has the single issue and 
subscription prices followed by a carriage return, the number of pages, 
page size and the reviewer followed by a carriage return, then the 
policies on trading, submissions, reviews, back-issues, age-statements, 
ads and such.  This last section will still be somewhat error-prone as 
we aren't always clear on these policies when we read a zine.

The paper sizes translate as follows:
S -  Standard, or 8.5 x 11 inches
D -  Digest, or standard folded in half
L -  Legal, or 8.5 x 14 inches
HL - Half Legal, you figure it out
HS - Half Standard, or long digest 4.25 x 11 inches
T -  Tabloid, usually 11 x 17 or thereabouts
B -  Broadsheet, about 14 x 17
O -  Oversized and way bigger than tabloid or broadsheet
M -  Mini, from digest cut in half to postage stamp sized
A4 - Metric Standard, about 21 x 30 centimeters 
A5 - Metric Digest (don't have any handy to measure, and why does the 
     number get bigger when the paper is getter smaller?)
A2 - Metric Tabloid

Your reviwers for this file are
JP   Jerod Pore (jerod23@well.sf.ca.us)
LRH  L. Reiko Higa (reiko@well.sf.ca.us)
RSF  R. Seth Friedman

Zines reviewed for Issue #47 of F5:

%Title:  COLTSFOOT: In appreciation of wild plants  Volume 13  Issue 6         
%Descr:  Nov/Dec.'92                                                           
         Essential and unique botanical zine dedicated to wild flora.
Altogether delightful, a joy to read and wonderfully illuminating, Coltsfoot
is a budding ethnobotanist's dream.  It offers up stories on the            
many-splendored gifts of the plant world, from suggesions of what to do with
old roses, an examination of ginseng, common smartweed and amazing new uses 
for common everyday plants such as the yew tree, the bark and berries of    
which are thought to be effective in treating lung and ovarian cancer, and  
weeds such as datura or "jimson weed" which one scientist has discovered is 
effective in recycling plutonium wastes.                                    
A must for every concerned and ecologically-conscious citizen!              
%Info:    Each ,  Subs: $10.00 for 6 issues to                                
James Troy, Rt. 1 Box 313A,  Shipman, VA 22971                                
(22 Pages/D/LRH)                                                              
No trades/submissions OK/back issues/takes ads.                               

%Title:  FRONTIER REPORT  Volume 2  Issue 40  Oct. '92                         
%Descr:  Independent, reader-supported news monthly emanating from   
         Kansas City, MO.                                            
The Missouri-based Frontier Report is an indie, reader-supported newspaper  
commmitted to "the empowerment of individuals through "sharing information, 
analysis and opinions of environmental, social, ethical and related topics. 
Full of anarchic humor, thought-provoking and rich rants, poetry and essays 
on everything from Bush to Bosnia-Herzegovina, African history, comfort &   
concern as a destructive irony of modern merican social reality, efforts to 
revise Holocaust revisionists, plus dispatches from the Vietnam Veterans    
Radio Network.                                                              
%Info:   .50 Each ,  Subs: $ 6.00 for ** issues to                            
P.O. Box 32814,  Kansas City, MO 64111                                        
(8 Pages/T/LRH)                                                               
No trades/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  NEW AGE PATRIOT: Quaterly Newsmagazine fro Drug, Environmental &      
%Descr:  Social Reform Activists  Volume 3  Issue 4  Winter, 1993              
         The New Age Patriot strives to solve drug, environmental and
         social problems.  One relatively easy fix to all three would
         be the re-legalization of marijuana.                        
This issue is dedicated to the probably lost cause of convincing Bill       
Clinton and Al Gore to take a stand on re-legalization.  Good luck.  The    
addresses they give are now out-of-date, but here's one for the email set:  
75300.3115@compuserve.com  That's the email address for the transition team.
Also part two of an exerpt from "The Great American Hemp Industry" by Jack  
Frazier, in which honest-to-God *facts* with cites and all are presented as 
to why Hemp is a far superior source of paper than trees.  Plus information 
on the second annual International Drug Policy Day to be held April 3, 1993 
at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, and elsewhere around the world. 
Probably the best US-based re-legalization publication.                     
%Info:   $2.00 Each ,  Subs: $12.00 for 6 issues to                           
Bruce Cain, New Age Patriot, PO Box 419,  Dearborn Heights, MI 48127-0419 USA 
(16 Pages/S/JP)                                                               
Trades OK/submissions OK/back issues/takes ads.                               

%Title:  SALON: A Journal of Aesthetics  Issue 18  Winter 92/93                
%Descr:  "...the zine which explains libertarianism to artists and   
         art to libertarians - but anyone can play."  And it's my    
         favorite Libertarian zine.                                  
This huge issue focusses on Freedom of Expression, along with other         
forgotten elements of the Bill of Rights.  There's first-hand accounts of   
holding public readings of banned books, nasty encounters with local        
government art police, Island Records cowardly act of censoring             
Negativland's U2 single, Bob Z's run-in with the sanitation cops, court     
reporters arbitrarilly altering transcripts and the making of "Through the  
Wire."  Reprints from the Libertarian Alliance, great moments in censorship 
(from the 1600's to the present), Ace Backwards, Blair Wilson, quotes and   
notes from all over and (surprise!) government abuse of civil liberties.    
Signed, numbered, and essential.   Salon is especially essential if you     
though Libertarianism was raving Aynarchists out to make more money for     
Donald Trump.                                                               
%Info:   $5.00 Each ,  Subs: $20.00 for 4 issues to                           
Pat Hartman, 305 W. Magnolia, Suite 386 Fort Collins, CO 80521                
(108 Pages/S/JP)                                                              
Trades OK/submissions OK/back issues/no ads.                                  

%Title:  THE HOOKAH: The People's Pot Periodical  Issue 11                     
%Descr:  What's up with the campaign to legalize Cannabis in England.
A better version of all the world-saving abilities of hemp.  Mind you, I'm  
all for the legalization of pot, I'm just a bit skeptical of all the wonders
of a single plant.  But I'm no botanist.  Anyway, I've seen these claims    
over and over, but somebody *finally* gave some reputable documentation.    
The story of Howard Marks, the one-time main importer of hemp into England. 
Why hemp is so good for cattle.  Hemp through history.  Newsclippings,      
letters, form letters *you* can write, contact groups and so forth.  Better 
than most of the stateside publications on the subject.                     
Excellent take on the subject or relegalization.  Hemp cardstock cover.     
%Info:   L1.00 Each  to                                                       
Geoffrey Cox, Legalize Cannabis Campaign, BM Box 2455,  London,    WC1N 3XX   
United Kingdom                                                                
(36 Pages/A2/JP)                                                              
No trades/submissions OK/back issues/takes ads.                               
%Title:  THE KANIKSU PROJECT: The Land Newsletter '92                          
%Descr:  Newsletter/prospectus for a yet-to-be-developed             
         cooperatively-owned natural, organic and Native American    
         spiritual commune somewhere in the wilds of the Pacific     
The KaniKsu Project is the name of a planned community that will be         
dedicated to nature, spirit and organic living.  The Kaniksu region is      
comprised of parts of Montana, Washington, Oregon and Idaho and includes    
expansive farmlands, woodlands, oand orchards for optimal survival          
conditions, independent of fossil fuels.  The group behind the project are  
proponents of unifying U.S. and Canadian currency for one kind of universal,
worldwide method of exchange.  THe newsletter outlines the group's plan to  
build the Dancing Moose Lodge community; how much initial partners will be  
expected to contribute and what they will get in return.  A list of related 
publications and a resources guide are included.                            
%Info:   $1.00 Each  to                                                       
P.O. Box 849,  Glen Ellen, CA 95442                                           
(28 Pages/D/LRH)                                                              
No trades/no ads.                                                             

%Title:  TRUTH SEEKER: Freethought Publication since 1873  Volume 119  
         Issue 4      Winter 92/93                                                          
%Descr:  120 years of writing about freethought 
         (or atheism, if you must) and honest money.  Just think what
         good shape this country would be in if it had 120 years of  
         freethought and honest money.                               
The big article this issue is on the covert history of the Federal Reserve  
and preceeding US central banks.  This is *not* a conspiracy theory,        
although I'm sure that the facts presented here have, or will show up in    
several.  One interesting point raised is that during the years of 1835 and 
1836, when there was no central bank in any form, the Federal Government had
a budget surplus that allowed for the building of universities, canals,     
bridges and roads.  Plus refutiations of Christian nonsense.                
An excellent perspective on values, monetary and humanistic.                
%Info:   $5.00 Each ,  Subs: $20.00 for 4 issues to                           
Bonnie Lange, Truth Seeker Company, PO Box 2872,  San Diego, CA 92112         
(44 Pages/S/JP)                                                               
No trades/submissions OK/back issues/takes ads. email tseditor@aol.com        

%Title:  UNCLASSIFIED: Newspaper of the Association of National Security Alumni
%Descr:  Volume 4  Issue 5  November 1992                                      
         A disgruntled former employee of the National Security      
         Agency takes on government secrecy, government murder and   
         other all-too-typical government actions.  The Editorial    
         address is 2001 S Street NW  Suite 740  Washington DC       
The Clinton administration as more of the same.  Commentary on the latest   
intelligence authorization bill (HR 5095), especially Gates' new openness   
policy that insists on classifying the few intelligence figures that have   
been published.  I hope this glasnost does for the CIA, NSA and agencies    
unknown what it did for the Soviet Union.  Even more bad news about INSLAW, 
BNL, the October Surprise and other tentacles of the mythic Octopus.        
Vital information here.                                                     
%Info:   $5.00 Each ,  Subs: $20.00 for 6 issues to                           
David MacMichael, Assoc. of National Security Alumni, 921 Pleasant Street,    
Des Moines, IA 50309      USA                                                 
(24 Pages/S/JP)                                                               
No trades/submissions OK/takes ads.                                           

Zines reviewed for Issue #46 of F5:                                    

%Title:  ACROSS THE LINES Summer 91                                            
%Descr:  A Bay Area based general leftist newspaper with a strong    
         Nation-wide focus.  Lots of news and resourses for upcomming
The Summer 91 issue has articles about saving the Great Lakes, the Black    
Hills encampment, the Bay Area responce to the Gulf War, and protests at the
Nevada test site.                                                           
%Info:   free/$1.00 Each ,  Subs: $ 5.00 for 4 issues to                      
Seeds of Peace Collective, 2440 16th Street #241,  San Francisco, CA 94103    
(8 Pages/T/RSF)                                                               
Trades OK/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  ACTIVATOR: Newsletter of Harrow and District Campaign for Nuclear     
%Descr:  Disarmament  Issue 3  1991                                            
         A newsleeter put out by a local nuclear disarmament org in  
         Great Brittan.  A little bit thin and localized for most    
         Americans but may be a good resource for simmilarly alighned
         groups in this country.                                     
Some upcomming events are listed, along with an opituarry for a former      
%Info:   $2.00 in Br# Each ,  Subs: $20.00 for 4 issues to                    
Maggie Nicholls, Harrow & District CND, Harrow CND Membership Sec., 20 East   
Court North Wembley,    HAO 3QJ                                               
(4 Pages/S/RSF)                                                               
No trades/no ads.                                                             

%Title:  ALARM: A Voice of Northeast Earth First!  Issue 4  Autumnal 92        
%Descr:  An Enviromental publication with a very loud radical voice. 
         Mostly news and opionion about political environmental      
         issues.  Some resources.                                    
#3 has lots of news about EF! activities in the Northeast, mostly in Vermont
and Main.  Another piece about the LA riots and some other stuff about      
biodiversity.  #4 has some info on Navive-American issues, voting, actions  
along the Albion River, Logging in the Green Mountains, political prisoners,
and lots of contacts.                                                       
%Info:   $1.50 Each ,  Subs: $10.00 for 4 issues to                           
Alarm, P.O.Box 804,  Burlington, VT 05402-0804                                
(24 Pages/S/RSF)                                                              
Trades OK/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  ANTI-WARRIOR: A Newsletter of Military Dissention and Resistance      
%Descr:  Volume 1  Issue 3  January 92                                         
         A Bay Area anti war newletter featuring lots of resources   
         and news.  It seems to be a support group for draft         
         resisters.  I hope they're still publishing.  I find it so  
         sad that people are in jail for refusing to commit murder   
This issue features several articles by former military personell and some  
draft resistors.                                                            
%Info:   $1.00 Each ,  Subs: $ 5.00 for 4 issues to                           
The anti-warrior, 48 Shattuck Sq  #129,  Berkeley, CA 94704                   
(8 Pages/T/RSF)                                                               
Trades OK/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  BETWEEN THE LINES: A Publication of the Sacramento Peace Center       
%Descr:  Volume 3  Issue 5  December 91                                        
         The house publication of the New Society                    
         Bookstore/Sacramento Peace Center, a fun progressive        
         bookstore in Sacramento.  A new book update catalog is      
         included with each issue but there's still lots of editorial
         content in the newspaper.  News and updates of anti-war     
         protests and the like.                                      
October 91 has a piece on the 30th aniversary of the Peace Center, a fun    
page showing some old flyers advertising protests,  and new book listings.  
December 91 has an article about Eastern Europe, the ALF, and a book review.
%Info:   $2.00 Each ,  Subs: $10.00 for 6 issues to                           
Sacramento Peace Center, ,  ,                                                 
(12 Pages/T/RSF)                                                              
No trades/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  BLUEPRINT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE  Volume 45  Issue 5  Jan 92              
%Descr:  A rather academic publication put out by the Twomey Center  
         estableshed in 1947 by Father Louis J. Twomey at Loyola     
         University.  Each issue features one long essay on current  
Dec 91 featues an article about the crisis of socialism and the negaive     
effects of world-wide capitolism.  Jan 92 has an essay arguing for          
%Info:   free/$1.00 Each ,  Subs: $ 6.00 for 10 issues to                     
Loyola Twomey Center, Loyola University, Box 12 New Orleans, LA 70118-6195    
(8 Pages/S/RSF)                                                               
No trades/no ads.                                                             

%Title:  CAN WE  Issue 52  Jan/Feb 92                                          
%Descr:  A short peace newsletter listing some goings on in Idaho.   
         Some news updates too.                                      
51 has a bit on Hanford Nuclear Resuvation.  52 has some updates on the     
trasportation of nuclear materials.                                         
%Info:   free/stamps Each ,  Subs: $ 3.00 for 6 issues to                     
Citezens Against Nuclear Weapons, P.O. Box 2152,  Coeur d'Alenne, ID          
(2 Pages/L/RSF)                                                               
No trades/no ads.                                                             

%Title:  CENTER NEWS: Albuquerque Center For Peace & Justice  Volume 8  Issue 5
%Descr:  Sept/Oct 91                                                           
         A nicely put together community based peace newspaper.  Lots
         of resources, local, national and internation news.  A large
         events calender.  Some Spanish traslations too.             
This issue has an interesting article about nuclear waste in our sewer      
system and an enlightening pice on life in Nicaragua.  Lots of other stuff  
too fill it out.                                                            
%Info:   free/$1.00 Each ,  Subs: $ 5.00 for 6 issues to                      
Peace & Justice Education Project, 144 Harvard SE,  Albuqueque, NM 87106      
(12 Pages/T/RSF)                                                              
Trades OK/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  CREATIVE RESISTANCE NEWSLETTER  Volume 2  Issue 1  Fall 91            
%Descr:  A small newsletter covering a variety of political subjects.
         It's a bit too short and unfocused for my tastes.           
This one covers The New World Order and a nice review of EXTRA!.            
%Info:   $4.00 Each ,  Subs: $18.00 for 4 issues to                           
Creative Resistance Newsletter, 216 Wynbrook Court,  Nashville, TN 37221      
(6 Pages/S/RSF)                                                               
Trades OK/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  DEFENSE MONITOR  Volume 20  Issue 3  1991                             
%Descr:  You've seen the TV show, now read the magazine.  I'm not    
         realy sure about this one.  They say they're not militarily 
         funded but I find that hard to believe.  It doesn't read    
         like a "let's kill the bad guys" magazine and it's chock    
         full of information and statistics.  Ida'know, send 'em a   
         buck and check it out for ya'selves.                        
This one marked #3 has a tretise on ending nuclear testing.  I found it very
%Info:   $1.00 Each ,  Subs: $25.00 for 4 issues to                           
Center for Defense Information, 1500 Massachusetts Ave N.W.,  Washington DC,  
(8 Pages/S/RSF)                                                               
No trades/no ads.                                                             

%Title:  DISCUSSION BULLETIN: Published by the Discussion Bulletin Committee   
%Descr:  Issue 51  Jan/Feb 92                                                  
         A free-form zine covering a multitude of viewpoints;        
         Lifertarian, Marxism, Anarchism, Socialism, and Green.  They
         say something about being proponents of "liberatarian       
         socialism" and against marx/leninism.                       
#50 has a number of pieces about the greens, including some programs and    
principles.  This issue is recomended for those interested in an intelegent 
exploration into the green party.  #51 has a multitude of opionins including
liberatarinism, socialism, marxism, and anarchism.                          
A thick intelegent read.                                                    
%Info:   free/$1.00 Each ,  Subs: $ 5.00 for 6 issues to                      
Discussion Bulletin Committee, P.O. Box 1564,  Grand Rapids, MI 49501         
(32 Pages/HL/RSF)                                                             
Trades OK/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  DRAFT NOTICES: Committee Opposed to Militarism and the Draft  Volume  
%Descr:  13  Issue 1  Jan/Feb 92                                               
         An anti war newsletter with some resources and news.        
Jul/Aug 91 has an article on censorship during the Gulf War, militarism and 
schools, and women in the military.  Nov/Dec 91 has some stuff about Bush,  
some upcommin legislation in CA, and updates on Amnesty International.      
Jan/Feb 92 covers the peace movement, Tailhook, Cuba, and updates on        
procecution of draft non-registrants.                                       
%Info:   $3.00 Each ,  Subs: $12.00 for 4 issues to                           
COMD, P.O. Box 15195,  San Diego, CA 92175                                    
(10 Pages/S/RSF)                                                              
No trades/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  EARTH NEWS  Volume 3  Issue 5  Sept/Oct 92                            
%Descr:  An eco magazine dealing with a wide range of subjects.      
         Intelegently written, informative, entertaining, and not too
         ad heavy.                                                   
This issue has stuff on the presidential canidates and thier environmental  
record (no surprises here), fusion energy, Californian Red Foxes, the       
unhealthy nature of dairy products, school lunches, and two celebrity pieces
(Chevy Chase and Ed Asner).                                                 
%Info:   $2.95 Each ,  Subs: $15.00 for 6 issues to                           
Mother Earth Newsletter, P.O. Box 1620,  Agoura Hills, CA 91376               
(48 Pages/S/RSF)                                                              
No trades/submissions OK/takes ads. email Compuserve: 70712,147               

%Title:  HOUSTON PEACE NEWS: Global Peace & Justice, Environmental Welfare,    
%Descr:  Economic Reform Sept 91                                               
         A nicely laid-out, readable world peace/news newspaper.     
         Articles on a variety of international subjects and a       
         smatering of cartoons.                                      
Sep 91 covers Cuba, Iraq, Central America, Isreal, and Houston.  Also       
printed is a long callender of events.                                      
%Info:   $1.00 Each ,  Subs: $10.00 for 12 issues to                          
Prentiss Riddle, Houston Peace News, P.O. Box 572461,  Houston, TX 77257-2461 
(8 Pages/T/RSF)                                                               
Trades OK/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  L.A. DRIVER: Progressive Thought for a City in Motion  Volume 3  Issue
%Descr:  1  Winter 91/92                                                       
         The house publication for an LA based trucking company, not 
         what you'd expect though.  The entire pholisophy behind the 
         magazine is reduction of cars and improvement of the        
Ideas and resources for improving the earth, an great story about making a  
delivery in LA, info on Ask Mr. Trafic, some funny comix, music reviews, and
%Info:   free/$1.00 Each ,  Subs: $ 7.00 for 6 issues to                      
Andrea Nicholas, L.A. Driver, 12226 Victory Blvd #325,  Hollywood, CA 91606   
(20 Pages/HL/RSF)                                                             
Trades OK/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  LIVING FREE  Issue 64  Sept 91                                        
%Descr:  A backwoods home, liberatarian, survivalist, freedom        
         newsletter.  Very friendly and non-judgemental with rants,  
         zine reviews, tips, and ideas.                              
In this issue Jim explains the theory of unarchy, where there's no written  
law, it's just that people don't do anything "wrong" according to large     
%Info:   $1.00 Each ,  Subs: $ 9.00 for 6 issues to                           
Jim Stumm, Living Free, Box 29, Hiler Branch Buffalo, NY 14223                
(8 Pages/S/RSF)                                                               
Trades OK/back issues/no ads.                                                 

%Title:  MENDOCINO ENVIRONMENTAL NEWS  Issue 12  Fall 92                       
%Descr:  A thick informative bullitin covering a wide range of       
         environmental issues.                                       
Much of the space in this issue is taken up by the Wise Use Movement.  This 
is one of those front groups for corporate interest that are raping the     
earth.  Thier 25 point plan is essentially a blueprint for destroying the   
earth as quickly as possible.                                               
%Info:    Each ,  Subs: $20.00 for 3 issues to                                
Mendocino Environmental News, 106 W Standley St,  Ukiah, CA 95482             
(40 Pages/S/RSF)                                                              
No trades/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  NEW ENVIRONMENT BULLETIN  Issue 187  Sep 3, 91                        
%Descr:  The Bulliten of The New Environmetn Association is much more
         then just a list of their upcomming events.  Lots of        
         intelegent essays on progressive, environments, social, and 
         spiritual ideas.                                            
187 has a long article on the hidden power of language, and alternaive      
schooling in addition to the listing of retreats, meetings, and study       
%Info:   $2.00 Each ,  Subs: $ 7.50 for 6 issues to                           
Bill Case, New Environment Bulletin, 120 Academy St,  Manlius, NY 13104       
(6 Pages/S/RSF)                                                               
No trades/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  NEW WORLD RISING  Issue 18                                            
%Descr:  A big Deadhead newspaper that's chock full of contacts and  
         resources.  Unfortunately it's hard to read with it's       
         hippy-dippy layout style but that's part of the charm.  A   
         great resource for finding your old friends or meeting new  
This issue, I think it's #18, is full of stuff.  Listed here are  poems,    
rants, international politics, and James Bay resources.                     
%Info:   free/$1.00 Each ,  Subs: $ 5.00 for 6 issues to                      
Greatful Fred, 71 Hope Street, Box 33 Providence, RI 02906                    
(12 Pages/T/RSF)                                                              
Trades OK/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  NO NATION BULLETIN  Issue 10  End 91                                  
%Descr:  A project devoted to unifying people around the globe.  This
         newsletter is a bit short but I think it's only one arm of  
         the entire project.                                         
Mostly contacts and resources for global unity.  A statement of purpose by  
Mana Foundation, Statement by other related organizations around the world, 
letters, and addresses.                                                     
%Info:   3 IRCs Each ,  Subs: $ 5.00 for 4 issues to                          
PPFA c/o Groth, Industirg 9:1,  15300 Jarna,               Sweden             
(16 Pages/D/RSF)                                                              
Trades OK/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  NORTHERN SUN NEWS  Volume 14  Issue 3  September 91                   
%Descr:  A local Minneapolis based peace newspaper put out by a      
         non-profit anit-nuclear, pro-peace organization that covers 
         lots of National news from various perspetives.             
This issue covers Northern Ireland, nuclear wastes, Flambeau mine protests, 
and Arizona Native Americans.                                               
%Info:    Each ,  Subs: $15.00 to                                             
Northern Sun Alliance, 5308 Washburn Ave S.,  Minneapolis, MN 55401           
(12 Pages/T/RSF)                                                              
No trades/no ads.                                                             

%Title:  ONE VOICE: A Journal of Jeffersonian Democracy  Volume 1  Issue 1     
%Descr:  Sep/Oct 91                                                            
         The inaugrual issue for this new magazine that expounds upon
         Jeffersonian Democracy.  Lets it it for truth, justice and  
         the Decaration of Independence.  Lots of cool stuff in this 
         intelegent, well-written magazine.  I hope they made it past
         issue #1                                                    
This first issue's got lots of stuff about Jefferson, Legality, the war on  
drugs, truth, ethics, and the new world order.  A good introduction to this 
school of thought.                                                          
%Info:   $3.00 Each ,  Subs: $16.00 for 6 issues to                           One Voice, Route 2,  Gays Mills, WI 54631                                     
(30 Pages/S/RSF)                                                              
No trades/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  PEACE RESOURCE CENTER NEWS  Issue 132  Nov 91                         
%Descr:  A short newletter with with some updates and events on the  
This one discusses disrmament and some other issues.                        
%Info:   free/$1.00 Each ,  Subs: $25.00 for 12 issues to                     
Peace Resource Center of San Diego, 5717 Lindo Paseo,  San Diego, CA 92115    
(2 Pages/L/RSF)                                                               
No trades/no ads.                                                             

%Title:  PEACE WORK: A New England Peace and Social Justice Newletter  Issue   
%Descr:  223  Oct 92                                                           
         The publication of the New England Regional office of the   
         American Friends Services Committee.  Featuring longer      
         articles on politics and peace related issues.  Events and  
         resources complement the intelegent writing in the 20 year  
         old publication.                                            
Oct 92 has some good information about that much talked about North American
Free Trade Agreement and the abortion debate.  Feb 92 contiues covering war 
tax resisters, a gay/lesbisn conference in FL, our alliance with Japan, and 
more about the Gulf War.  Jan 92 features offers a one-year retrospective of
the Gulf War, the lawyer/musician Fred Small, a war tax protest in Colrain, 
MA, the invasion of East Timor, and the injustice of the death penalty.     
Very intelegent writing in this one.                                        
%Info:   $1.50 Each ,  Subs: $10.00 for 11 issues to                          
Americn Friends Services Committe, 2161 Mass. Ave.,  Cambidge, MA 02140       
(16 Pages/S/RSF)                                                              
Trades OK/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  PROUT JOURNAL: For Personal & Planetary Transformation  Volume 5      
         Issue 4                                                               
%Descr:  Sortova new-age/ecologial/economic/global                   
         distaster/international news/global development/native      
         peoples magazine.  Intelegent but a bit too new-agey for my 
There's a report on the Rio '92 summit, resource management, a conversation 
between Ram Dass and John Seed, Russian economy, Brazilain economic         
development, and a bunch of book reviews.                                   
%Info:   $3.00 Each ,  Subs: $14.00 for 4 issues to                           
Prout Journal, 101 First Street,  Los Altos, CA 94022                         
(40 Pages/S/RSF)                                                              
No trades/submissions OK/takes ads.                                           

%Title:  SIMPLICITY: Live Simply So That Other May Simply Live  Volume 2  Issue
%Descr:  2  Winter 91                                                          
         The publication of the Norfolk chapter of the Catholic      
         Worker.  A locally distributed flyer asking for reporting on
         local events and asking for volenteers.                     
This issue has a bit on Gulf War resistors, other anti-war pieces and a bit 
on volenteering.  There's also an events scheldule.                         
%Info:   free/$1.00 Each  to                                                  
Norfolk Catholic Worker, 1319 W 27th Street,  Norfolk, VA 23508               
(3 Pages/S/RSF)                                                               
No trades/no ads.                                                             

%Title:  THE BELL: A Call to Peace  Issue 7  August 91                         
%Descr:  A military resistance, peace activist newsletter.  Some     
         news, some resources.                                       
This issue has a piece defining what it is to be an actavist and  some news 
stories clipped from various sources.                                       
%Info:   free/$1.00 Each ,  Subs: $ 4.00 for 4 issues to                      
Colleen Redman, P.O. Box 634,  Floyd, VA 24091                                
(6 Pages/S/RSF)                                                               
Trades OK/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  THE CITY PLANET  Volume 1  Issue 1  Sept 92                           
%Descr:  A community eco freebie that just started up.  It's         
         connected to a simmilar paper that's been coming out of LA  
         for a few years.  Very imformative with lots of intelegent  
         writing and a cool Bay Area guide to farmer's markets and   
         other cool things around town.                              
Articles about the poverty of affluence, drinking water, composting, the    
FDA, peace, the Rio Summit, dolphins, and junk mail are featured in this    
premier issue.                                                              
%Info:   $2.00 Each ,  Subs: $15.00 for 12 issues to                          
The City Planet, 885 Vermont St,  San Francisco, CA 94104                     
(28 Pages/T/RSF)                                                              
No trades/submissions OK/takes ads.                                           

%Title:  THE FIJACTIVIST: Newsletter of the Fully Informed Jury Association    
%Descr:  Issue 11  Summer 92                                                   
         The newsletter of the fully informed jury association.  An  
         organization devoted to ammending the constitution to change
         the justice system so that jurors are informed about their  
         rights.  The main one being that they could judge the       
         validity of the law as well as the guilt of the accused.    
         This group has brought together a wide range of people      
         including right-to-lifers, NRAer, and pot growers.          
%Info:   $3.00 Each ,  Subs: $15.00 for 4 issues to                           
The FIJActivist, P.O. Box 59,  Helmville, MO 59843                            
(32 Pages/T/RSF)                                                              
No trades/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  THE KANSAS CITY INTELLIGENCER  Volume 6  Issue 11  Nov 92             
%Descr:  A self-government, free-market comment sheet.  It's a       
         monthly report on political obsurdities from a very personal
         point of view.                                              
In November he comments on DC statehood, the energy bill, Iran/Iraq, the    
CIA, and other inanities of our government.                                 
%Info:    Each ,  Subs: $12.00 for 12 issues to                               
The Kansas City Intelligencer, P.O. Box 30379,  River Ranch, FL 33867         
(2 Pages/L/RSF)                                                               
No trades/no ads.                                                             

%Title:  THE NUDITARIAN  Volume 1  Issue 10  Jan 92                            
%Descr:  The liberatarian nudist newsletter.  Polititics,            
         liberatarianism, sexual harasment, elections, news,         
         resources, book reviews, and tax issues.                    
Jan 92 covers Japanese internment camps, Anita Hill, and election news.     
%Info:   $1.00 Each ,  Subs: $ 5.00 for 10 issues to                          
Fred Heiser, 118 W Mangolia #230,  Burbank, CA 91506                          
(6 Pages/S/RSF)                                                               
No trades/submissions OK/takes ads.                                           

%Title:  UPDATE: A Publication of the 1% for Peace Education Fund 
         Summer/Fall 1991                                                                    
%Descr:  The publication of that wonderful organization, 1% for      
         Peace, that proposes for governments and corporation do     
         direct 1% of their earning to peace creating efforts.  This 
         was a direct responce to the large percentage of everyone's 
         earnings going twards promoting war.  Listed are some of the
         500 buisness that have already joined including Ben &       
         Jerry's and Mother Jones.                                   
This older issue covers the Gulf War, some updates on buissness and          
governmental efforts, and lots of resources.                                
%Info:   free/$1.00 Each ,  Subs: $10.00 for 4 issues to                      
1% for Peace, P.O. Box 658,  Ithaca, NY 14851                                 
(24 Pages/S/RSF)                                                              
No trades/no ads.                                                             

%Title:  WASHINGTON OUTPOST: Some of the News that Wasn't fit to Print  Issue  
%Descr:  269  Aug 31, 91                                                       
         A D.C based peace newspaper.  I don't really know how often 
         they print, it might be monthly.  Lots of news about current
         legal issues regarding peace and CO status.                 
This issue has a very long report on Jean Claude Rainey, the marine corp CO 
objector.  Some more material on anti-war acavism and a bit on Puerto Rico. 
%Info:   free/$1.00 Each  to                                                  
Washington Outpost, P.O. Box 27217,  Washinton D.C,    20038                  
(8 Pages/T/RSF)                                                               
Trades OK/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  WITNESS FOR PEACE  Volume 8  Issue 4  Fall 91                         
%Descr:  The publication of this organization devoted to peace and   
         justice in Central America.  The $30.00 price is a suggested
         donation for membership.  Write them for more info.         
This issue has lots of news about Central America including, Nicaragua, the 
Free Trade Aggreement, the FSLN, Panama, and Guatamala.                     
%Info:   $3.00 Each ,  Subs: $30.00 for 4 issues to                           
Witness For Peace, 2201 P Street NW, Room 109 Washington DC,    20037         
(16 Pages/S/RSF)                                                              
No trades/no ads.                                                             

And now, some contributions from The Net:

Happy reading!


From jerod23@well.sf.ca.us Sun Mar 21 15:17:42 1993
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1993 11:55:21 -0800
From: Jerod Pore <jerod23@well.sf.ca.us>
To: factsheet5-list@well.sf.ca.us
Subject: Political zine reviews
Content-Length: 44713
X-Lines: 670
Status: RO

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POLITICAL zines.  Posted 21 March, 1993 by Jerod Pore.  
Included here are the political zines L. Reiko Higa and I have reviewed for
the up-coming Issue #47 of Factsheet Five, and the political zines Seth 
reviewed for Issue #46 of F5, AND reviews contributed by people on The
Net (thank you, thank you, thank you).  These are zines of a somewhat
"mainstream" bent, if one can consider communism, libertarianism and
anarchism to be mainstream.  The more extreme and/or "fringe" political
zines, such as white-supremicist zines, were included in the previously
released rant file (available now via anonymous ftp at red.css.itd.umich.edu
in /pub/Factsheet.Five).  Zines dealing with environmental issues, and
general 'news' zines were included in this file as well.

This file is part of FactSheet Five - Electric.  Questions or comments 
regarding FactSheet Five - Electric should be directed to 

If you wish to send zines for review in both the electronic and print
versions of Factsheet Five, the snailmail address is:
Factsheet Five
P.O. Box 170099
San Francisco CA   94117-0099

You might notice a change in our format.  This is due to using the official
Factsheet Five data-entry software.  The %Title: section is, for the most
part, the same, although we've added the date of the zine when available.  
%Descr: starts with a general review of the publication, indented thanks 
to the joys of FoxPro(tm), then a review of the issue(s) in particular, 
then, perhaps, a one or two line summary.  %Info: has the single issue and 
subscription prices followed by a carriage return, the number of pages, 
page size and the reviewer followed by a carriage return, then the 
policies on trading, submissions, reviews, back-issues, age-statements, 
ads and such.  This last section will still be somewhat error-prone as 
we aren't always clear on these policies when we read a zine.

The paper sizes translate as follows:
S -  Standard, or 8.5 x 11 inches
D -  Digest, or standard folded in half
L -  Legal, or 8.5 x 14 inches
HL - Half Legal, you figure it out
HS - Half Standard, or long digest 4.25 x 11 inches
T -  Tabloid, usually 11 x 17 or thereabouts
B -  Broadsheet, about 14 x 17
O -  Oversized and way bigger than tabloid or broadsheet
M -  Mini, from digest cut in half to postage stamp sized
A4 - Metric Standard, about 21 x 30 centimeters 
A5 - Metric Digest (don't have any handy to measure, and why does the 
     number get bigger when the paper is getter smaller?)
A2 - Metric Tabloid

Your reviwers for this file are
JP   Jerod Pore (jerod23@well.sf.ca.us)
LRH  L. Reiko Higa (reiko@well.sf.ca.us)
RSF  R. Seth Friedman

Zines reviewed for Issue #47 of F5:

%Title:  COLTSFOOT: In appreciation of wild plants  Volume 13  Issue 6         
%Descr:  Nov/Dec.'92                                                           
         Essential and unique botanical zine dedicated to wild flora.
Altogether delightful, a joy to read and wonderfully illuminating, Coltsfoot
is a budding ethnobotanist's dream.  It offers up stories on the            
many-splendored gifts of the plant world, from suggesions of what to do with
old roses, an examination of ginseng, common smartweed and amazing new uses 
for common everyday plants such as the yew tree, the bark and berries of    
which are thought to be effective in treating lung and ovarian cancer, and  
weeds such as datura or "jimson weed" which one scientist has discovered is 
effective in recycling plutonium wastes.                                    
A must for every concerned and ecologically-conscious citizen!              
%Info:    Each ,  Subs: $10.00 for 6 issues to                                
James Troy, Rt. 1 Box 313A,  Shipman, VA 22971                                
(22 Pages/D/LRH)                                                              
No trades/submissions OK/back issues/takes ads.                               

%Title:  FRONTIER REPORT  Volume 2  Issue 40  Oct. '92                         
%Descr:  Independent, reader-supported news monthly emanating from   
         Kansas City, MO.                                            
The Missouri-based Frontier Report is an indie, reader-supported newspaper  
commmitted to "the empowerment of individuals through "sharing information, 
analysis and opinions of environmental, social, ethical and related topics. 
Full of anarchic humor, thought-provoking and rich rants, poetry and essays 
on everything from Bush to Bosnia-Herzegovina, African history, comfort &   
concern as a destructive irony of modern merican social reality, efforts to 
revise Holocaust revisionists, plus dispatches from the Vietnam Veterans    
Radio Network.                                                              
%Info:   .50 Each ,  Subs: $ 6.00 for ** issues to                            
P.O. Box 32814,  Kansas City, MO 64111                                        
(8 Pages/T/LRH)                                                               
No trades/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  NEW AGE PATRIOT: Quaterly Newsmagazine fro Drug, Environmental &      
%Descr:  Social Reform Activists  Volume 3  Issue 4  Winter, 1993              
         The New Age Patriot strives to solve drug, environmental and
         social problems.  One relatively easy fix to all three would
         be the re-legalization of marijuana.                        
This issue is dedicated to the probably lost cause of convincing Bill       
Clinton and Al Gore to take a stand on re-legalization.  Good luck.  The    
addresses they give are now out-of-date, but here's one for the email set:  
75300.3115@compuserve.com  That's the email address for the transition team.
Also part two of an exerpt from "The Great American Hemp Industry" by Jack  
Frazier, in which honest-to-God *facts* with cites and all are presented as 
to why Hemp is a far superior source of paper than trees.  Plus information 
on the second annual International Drug Policy Day to be held April 3, 1993 
at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, and elsewhere around the world. 
Probably the best US-based re-legalization publication.                     
%Info:   $2.00 Each ,  Subs: $12.00 for 6 issues to                           
Bruce Cain, New Age Patriot, PO Box 419,  Dearborn Heights, MI 48127-0419 USA 
(16 Pages/S/JP)                                                               
Trades OK/submissions OK/back issues/takes ads.                               

%Title:  SALON: A Journal of Aesthetics  Issue 18  Winter 92/93                
%Descr:  "...the zine which explains libertarianism to artists and   
         art to libertarians - but anyone can play."  And it's my    
         favorite Libertarian zine.                                  
This huge issue focusses on Freedom of Expression, along with other         
forgotten elements of the Bill of Rights.  There's first-hand accounts of   
holding public readings of banned books, nasty encounters with local        
government art police, Island Records cowardly act of censoring             
Negativland's U2 single, Bob Z's run-in with the sanitation cops, court     
reporters arbitrarilly altering transcripts and the making of "Through the  
Wire."  Reprints from the Libertarian Alliance, great moments in censorship 
(from the 1600's to the present), Ace Backwards, Blair Wilson, quotes and   
notes from all over and (surprise!) government abuse of civil liberties.    
Signed, numbered, and essential.   Salon is especially essential if you     
though Libertarianism was raving Aynarchists out to make more money for     
Donald Trump.                                                               
%Info:   $5.00 Each ,  Subs: $20.00 for 4 issues to                           
Pat Hartman, 305 W. Magnolia, Suite 386 Fort Collins, CO 80521                
(108 Pages/S/JP)                                                              
Trades OK/submissions OK/back issues/no ads.                                  

%Title:  THE HOOKAH: The People's Pot Periodical  Issue 11                     
%Descr:  What's up with the campaign to legalize Cannabis in England.
A better version of all the world-saving abilities of hemp.  Mind you, I'm  
all for the legalization of pot, I'm just a bit skeptical of all the wonders
of a single plant.  But I'm no botanist.  Anyway, I've seen these claims    
over and over, but somebody *finally* gave some reputable documentation.    
The story of Howard Marks, the one-time main importer of hemp into England. 
Why hemp is so good for cattle.  Hemp through history.  Newsclippings,      
letters, form letters *you* can write, contact groups and so forth.  Better 
than most of the stateside publications on the subject.                     
Excellent take on the subject or relegalization.  Hemp cardstock cover.     
%Info:   L1.00 Each  to                                                       
Geoffrey Cox, Legalize Cannabis Campaign, BM Box 2455,  London,    WC1N 3XX   
United Kingdom                                                                
(36 Pages/A2/JP)                                                              
No trades/submissions OK/back issues/takes ads.                               
%Title:  THE KANIKSU PROJECT: The Land Newsletter '92                          
%Descr:  Newsletter/prospectus for a yet-to-be-developed             
         cooperatively-owned natural, organic and Native American    
         spiritual commune somewhere in the wilds of the Pacific     
The KaniKsu Project is the name of a planned community that will be         
dedicated to nature, spirit and organic living.  The Kaniksu region is      
comprised of parts of Montana, Washington, Oregon and Idaho and includes    
expansive farmlands, woodlands, oand orchards for optimal survival          
conditions, independent of fossil fuels.  The group behind the project are  
proponents of unifying U.S. and Canadian currency for one kind of universal,
worldwide method of exchange.  THe newsletter outlines the group's plan to  
build the Dancing Moose Lodge community; how much initial partners will be  
expected to contribute and what they will get in return.  A list of related 
publications and a resources guide are included.                            
%Info:   $1.00 Each  to                                                       
P.O. Box 849,  Glen Ellen, CA 95442                                           
(28 Pages/D/LRH)                                                              
No trades/no ads.                                                             

%Title:  TRUTH SEEKER: Freethought Publication since 1873  Volume 119  
         Issue 4      Winter 92/93                                                          
%Descr:  120 years of writing about freethought 
         (or atheism, if you must) and honest money.  Just think what
         good shape this country would be in if it had 120 years of  
         freethought and honest money.                               
The big article this issue is on the covert history of the Federal Reserve  
and preceeding US central banks.  This is *not* a conspiracy theory,        
although I'm sure that the facts presented here have, or will show up in    
several.  One interesting point raised is that during the years of 1835 and 
1836, when there was no central bank in any form, the Federal Government had
a budget surplus that allowed for the building of universities, canals,     
bridges and roads.  Plus refutiations of Christian nonsense.                
An excellent perspective on values, monetary and humanistic.                
%Info:   $5.00 Each ,  Subs: $20.00 for 4 issues to                           
Bonnie Lange, Truth Seeker Company, PO Box 2872,  San Diego, CA 92112         
(44 Pages/S/JP)                                                               
No trades/submissions OK/back issues/takes ads. email tseditor@aol.com        

%Title:  UNCLASSIFIED: Newspaper of the Association of National Security Alumni
%Descr:  Volume 4  Issue 5  November 1992                                      
         A disgruntled former employee of the National Security      
         Agency takes on government secrecy, government murder and   
         other all-too-typical government actions.  The Editorial    
         address is 2001 S Street NW  Suite 740  Washington DC       
The Clinton administration as more of the same.  Commentary on the latest   
intelligence authorization bill (HR 5095), especially Gates' new openness   
policy that insists on classifying the few intelligence figures that have   
been published.  I hope this glasnost does for the CIA, NSA and agencies    
unknown what it did for the Soviet Union.  Even more bad news about INSLAW, 
BNL, the October Surprise and other tentacles of the mythic Octopus.        
Vital information here.                                                     
%Info:   $5.00 Each ,  Subs: $20.00 for 6 issues to                           
David MacMichael, Assoc. of National Security Alumni, 921 Pleasant Street,    
Des Moines, IA 50309      USA                                                 
(24 Pages/S/JP)                                                               
No trades/submissions OK/takes ads.                                           

Zines reviewed for Issue #46 of F5:                                    

%Title:  ACROSS THE LINES Summer 91                                            
%Descr:  A Bay Area based general leftist newspaper with a strong    
         Nation-wide focus.  Lots of news and resourses for upcomming
The Summer 91 issue has articles about saving the Great Lakes, the Black    
Hills encampment, the Bay Area responce to the Gulf War, and protests at the
Nevada test site.                                                           
%Info:   free/$1.00 Each ,  Subs: $ 5.00 for 4 issues to                      
Seeds of Peace Collective, 2440 16th Street #241,  San Francisco, CA 94103    
(8 Pages/T/RSF)                                                               
Trades OK/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  ACTIVATOR: Newsletter of Harrow and District Campaign for Nuclear     
%Descr:  Disarmament  Issue 3  1991                                            
         A newsleeter put out by a local nuclear disarmament org in  
         Great Brittan.  A little bit thin and localized for most    
         Americans but may be a good resource for simmilarly alighned
         groups in this country.                                     
Some upcomming events are listed, along with an opituarry for a former      
%Info:   $2.00 in Br# Each ,  Subs: $20.00 for 4 issues to                    
Maggie Nicholls, Harrow & District CND, Harrow CND Membership Sec., 20 East   
Court North Wembley,    HAO 3QJ                                               
(4 Pages/S/RSF)                                                               
No trades/no ads.                                                             

%Title:  ALARM: A Voice of Northeast Earth First!  Issue 4  Autumnal 92        
%Descr:  An Enviromental publication with a very loud radical voice. 
         Mostly news and opionion about political environmental      
         issues.  Some resources.                                    
#3 has lots of news about EF! activities in the Northeast, mostly in Vermont
and Main.  Another piece about the LA riots and some other stuff about      
biodiversity.  #4 has some info on Navive-American issues, voting, actions  
along the Albion River, Logging in the Green Mountains, political prisoners,
and lots of contacts.                                                       
%Info:   $1.50 Each ,  Subs: $10.00 for 4 issues to                           
Alarm, P.O.Box 804,  Burlington, VT 05402-0804                                
(24 Pages/S/RSF)                                                              
Trades OK/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  ANTI-WARRIOR: A Newsletter of Military Dissention and Resistance      
%Descr:  Volume 1  Issue 3  January 92                                         
         A Bay Area anti war newletter featuring lots of resources   
         and news.  It seems to be a support group for draft         
         resisters.  I hope they're still publishing.  I find it so  
         sad that people are in jail for refusing to commit murder   
This issue features several articles by former military personell and some  
draft resistors.                                                            
%Info:   $1.00 Each ,  Subs: $ 5.00 for 4 issues to                           
The anti-warrior, 48 Shattuck Sq  #129,  Berkeley, CA 94704                   
(8 Pages/T/RSF)                                                               
Trades OK/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  BETWEEN THE LINES: A Publication of the Sacramento Peace Center       
%Descr:  Volume 3  Issue 5  December 91                                        
         The house publication of the New Society                    
         Bookstore/Sacramento Peace Center, a fun progressive        
         bookstore in Sacramento.  A new book update catalog is      
         included with each issue but there's still lots of editorial
         content in the newspaper.  News and updates of anti-war     
         protests and the like.                                      
October 91 has a piece on the 30th aniversary of the Peace Center, a fun    
page showing some old flyers advertising protests,  and new book listings.  
December 91 has an article about Eastern Europe, the ALF, and a book review.
%Info:   $2.00 Each ,  Subs: $10.00 for 6 issues to                           
Sacramento Peace Center, ,  ,                                                 
(12 Pages/T/RSF)                                                              
No trades/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  BLUEPRINT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE  Volume 45  Issue 5  Jan 92              
%Descr:  A rather academic publication put out by the Twomey Center  
         estableshed in 1947 by Father Louis J. Twomey at Loyola     
         University.  Each issue features one long essay on current  
Dec 91 featues an article about the crisis of socialism and the negaive     
effects of world-wide capitolism.  Jan 92 has an essay arguing for          
%Info:   free/$1.00 Each ,  Subs: $ 6.00 for 10 issues to                     
Loyola Twomey Center, Loyola University, Box 12 New Orleans, LA 70118-6195    
(8 Pages/S/RSF)                                                               
No trades/no ads.                                                             

%Title:  CAN WE  Issue 52  Jan/Feb 92                                          
%Descr:  A short peace newsletter listing some goings on in Idaho.   
         Some news updates too.                                      
51 has a bit on Hanford Nuclear Resuvation.  52 has some updates on the     
trasportation of nuclear materials.                                         
%Info:   free/stamps Each ,  Subs: $ 3.00 for 6 issues to                     
Citezens Against Nuclear Weapons, P.O. Box 2152,  Coeur d'Alenne, ID          
(2 Pages/L/RSF)                                                               
No trades/no ads.                                                             

%Title:  CENTER NEWS: Albuquerque Center For Peace & Justice  Volume 8  Issue 5
%Descr:  Sept/Oct 91                                                           
         A nicely put together community based peace newspaper.  Lots
         of resources, local, national and internation news.  A large
         events calender.  Some Spanish traslations too.             
This issue has an interesting article about nuclear waste in our sewer      
system and an enlightening pice on life in Nicaragua.  Lots of other stuff  
too fill it out.                                                            
%Info:   free/$1.00 Each ,  Subs: $ 5.00 for 6 issues to                      
Peace & Justice Education Project, 144 Harvard SE,  Albuqueque, NM 87106      
(12 Pages/T/RSF)                                                              
Trades OK/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  CREATIVE RESISTANCE NEWSLETTER  Volume 2  Issue 1  Fall 91            
%Descr:  A small newsletter covering a variety of political subjects.
         It's a bit too short and unfocused for my tastes.           
This one covers The New World Order and a nice review of EXTRA!.            
%Info:   $4.00 Each ,  Subs: $18.00 for 4 issues to                           
Creative Resistance Newsletter, 216 Wynbrook Court,  Nashville, TN 37221      
(6 Pages/S/RSF)                                                               
Trades OK/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  DEFENSE MONITOR  Volume 20  Issue 3  1991                             
%Descr:  You've seen the TV show, now read the magazine.  I'm not    
         realy sure about this one.  They say they're not militarily 
         funded but I find that hard to believe.  It doesn't read    
         like a "let's kill the bad guys" magazine and it's chock    
         full of information and statistics.  Ida'know, send 'em a   
         buck and check it out for ya'selves.                        
This one marked #3 has a tretise on ending nuclear testing.  I found it very
%Info:   $1.00 Each ,  Subs: $25.00 for 4 issues to                           
Center for Defense Information, 1500 Massachusetts Ave N.W.,  Washington DC,  
(8 Pages/S/RSF)                                                               
No trades/no ads.                                                             

%Title:  DISCUSSION BULLETIN: Published by the Discussion Bulletin Committee   
%Descr:  Issue 51  Jan/Feb 92                                                  
         A free-form zine covering a multitude of viewpoints;        
         Lifertarian, Marxism, Anarchism, Socialism, and Green.  They
         say something about being proponents of "liberatarian       
         socialism" and against marx/leninism.                       
#50 has a number of pieces about the greens, including some programs and    
principles.  This issue is recomended for those interested in an intelegent 
exploration into the green party.  #51 has a multitude of opionins including
liberatarinism, socialism, marxism, and anarchism.                          
A thick intelegent read.                                                    
%Info:   free/$1.00 Each ,  Subs: $ 5.00 for 6 issues to                      
Discussion Bulletin Committee, P.O. Box 1564,  Grand Rapids, MI 49501         
(32 Pages/HL/RSF)                                                             
Trades OK/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  DRAFT NOTICES: Committee Opposed to Militarism and the Draft  Volume  
%Descr:  13  Issue 1  Jan/Feb 92                                               
         An anti war newsletter with some resources and news.        
Jul/Aug 91 has an article on censorship during the Gulf War, militarism and 
schools, and women in the military.  Nov/Dec 91 has some stuff about Bush,  
some upcommin legislation in CA, and updates on Amnesty International.      
Jan/Feb 92 covers the peace movement, Tailhook, Cuba, and updates on        
procecution of draft non-registrants.                                       
%Info:   $3.00 Each ,  Subs: $12.00 for 4 issues to                           
COMD, P.O. Box 15195,  San Diego, CA 92175                                    
(10 Pages/S/RSF)                                                              
No trades/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  EARTH NEWS  Volume 3  Issue 5  Sept/Oct 92                            
%Descr:  An eco magazine dealing with a wide range of subjects.      
         Intelegently written, informative, entertaining, and not too
         ad heavy.                                                   
This issue has stuff on the presidential canidates and thier environmental  
record (no surprises here), fusion energy, Californian Red Foxes, the       
unhealthy nature of dairy products, school lunches, and two celebrity pieces
(Chevy Chase and Ed Asner).                                                 
%Info:   $2.95 Each ,  Subs: $15.00 for 6 issues to                           
Mother Earth Newsletter, P.O. Box 1620,  Agoura Hills, CA 91376               
(48 Pages/S/RSF)                                                              
No trades/submissions OK/takes ads. email Compuserve: 70712,147               

%Title:  HOUSTON PEACE NEWS: Global Peace & Justice, Environmental Welfare,    
%Descr:  Economic Reform Sept 91                                               
         A nicely laid-out, readable world peace/news newspaper.     
         Articles on a variety of international subjects and a       
         smatering of cartoons.                                      
Sep 91 covers Cuba, Iraq, Central America, Isreal, and Houston.  Also       
printed is a long callender of events.                                      
%Info:   $1.00 Each ,  Subs: $10.00 for 12 issues to                          
Prentiss Riddle, Houston Peace News, P.O. Box 572461,  Houston, TX 77257-2461 
(8 Pages/T/RSF)                                                               
Trades OK/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  L.A. DRIVER: Progressive Thought for a City in Motion  Volume 3  Issue
%Descr:  1  Winter 91/92                                                       
         The house publication for an LA based trucking company, not 
         what you'd expect though.  The entire pholisophy behind the 
         magazine is reduction of cars and improvement of the        
Ideas and resources for improving the earth, an great story about making a  
delivery in LA, info on Ask Mr. Trafic, some funny comix, music reviews, and
%Info:   free/$1.00 Each ,  Subs: $ 7.00 for 6 issues to                      
Andrea Nicholas, L.A. Driver, 12226 Victory Blvd #325,  Hollywood, CA 91606   
(20 Pages/HL/RSF)                                                             
Trades OK/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  LIVING FREE  Issue 64  Sept 91                                        
%Descr:  A backwoods home, liberatarian, survivalist, freedom        
         newsletter.  Very friendly and non-judgemental with rants,  
         zine reviews, tips, and ideas.                              
In this issue Jim explains the theory of unarchy, where there's no written  
law, it's just that people don't do anything "wrong" according to large     
%Info:   $1.00 Each ,  Subs: $ 9.00 for 6 issues to                           
Jim Stumm, Living Free, Box 29, Hiler Branch Buffalo, NY 14223                
(8 Pages/S/RSF)                                                               
Trades OK/back issues/no ads.                                                 

%Title:  MENDOCINO ENVIRONMENTAL NEWS  Issue 12  Fall 92                       
%Descr:  A thick informative bullitin covering a wide range of       
         environmental issues.                                       
Much of the space in this issue is taken up by the Wise Use Movement.  This 
is one of those front groups for corporate interest that are raping the     
earth.  Thier 25 point plan is essentially a blueprint for destroying the   
earth as quickly as possible.                                               
%Info:    Each ,  Subs: $20.00 for 3 issues to                                
Mendocino Environmental News, 106 W Standley St,  Ukiah, CA 95482             
(40 Pages/S/RSF)                                                              
No trades/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  NEW ENVIRONMENT BULLETIN  Issue 187  Sep 3, 91                        
%Descr:  The Bulliten of The New Environmetn Association is much more
         then just a list of their upcomming events.  Lots of        
         intelegent essays on progressive, environments, social, and 
         spiritual ideas.                                            
187 has a long article on the hidden power of language, and alternaive      
schooling in addition to the listing of retreats, meetings, and study       
%Info:   $2.00 Each ,  Subs: $ 7.50 for 6 issues to                           
Bill Case, New Environment Bulletin, 120 Academy St,  Manlius, NY 13104       
(6 Pages/S/RSF)                                                               
No trades/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  NEW WORLD RISING  Issue 18                                            
%Descr:  A big Deadhead newspaper that's chock full of contacts and  
         resources.  Unfortunately it's hard to read with it's       
         hippy-dippy layout style but that's part of the charm.  A   
         great resource for finding your old friends or meeting new  
This issue, I think it's #18, is full of stuff.  Listed here are  poems,    
rants, international politics, and James Bay resources.                     
%Info:   free/$1.00 Each ,  Subs: $ 5.00 for 6 issues to                      
Greatful Fred, 71 Hope Street, Box 33 Providence, RI 02906                    
(12 Pages/T/RSF)                                                              
Trades OK/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  NO NATION BULLETIN  Issue 10  End 91                                  
%Descr:  A project devoted to unifying people around the globe.  This
         newsletter is a bit short but I think it's only one arm of  
         the entire project.                                         
Mostly contacts and resources for global unity.  A statement of purpose by  
Mana Foundation, Statement by other related organizations around the world, 
letters, and addresses.                                                     
%Info:   3 IRCs Each ,  Subs: $ 5.00 for 4 issues to                          
PPFA c/o Groth, Industirg 9:1,  15300 Jarna,               Sweden             
(16 Pages/D/RSF)                                                              
Trades OK/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  NORTHERN SUN NEWS  Volume 14  Issue 3  September 91                   
%Descr:  A local Minneapolis based peace newspaper put out by a      
         non-profit anit-nuclear, pro-peace organization that covers 
         lots of National news from various perspetives.             
This issue covers Northern Ireland, nuclear wastes, Flambeau mine protests, 
and Arizona Native Americans.                                               
%Info:    Each ,  Subs: $15.00 to                                             
Northern Sun Alliance, 5308 Washburn Ave S.,  Minneapolis, MN 55401           
(12 Pages/T/RSF)                                                              
No trades/no ads.                                                             

%Title:  ONE VOICE: A Journal of Jeffersonian Democracy  Volume 1  Issue 1     
%Descr:  Sep/Oct 91                                                            
         The inaugrual issue for this new magazine that expounds upon
         Jeffersonian Democracy.  Lets it it for truth, justice and  
         the Decaration of Independence.  Lots of cool stuff in this 
         intelegent, well-written magazine.  I hope they made it past
         issue #1                                                    
This first issue's got lots of stuff about Jefferson, Legality, the war on  
drugs, truth, ethics, and the new world order.  A good introduction to this 
school of thought.                                                          
%Info:   $3.00 Each ,  Subs: $16.00 for 6 issues to                           One Voice, Route 2,  Gays Mills, WI 54631                                     
(30 Pages/S/RSF)                                                              
No trades/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  PEACE RESOURCE CENTER NEWS  Issue 132  Nov 91                         
%Descr:  A short newletter with with some updates and events on the  
This one discusses disrmament and some other issues.                        
%Info:   free/$1.00 Each ,  Subs: $25.00 for 12 issues to                     
Peace Resource Center of San Diego, 5717 Lindo Paseo,  San Diego, CA 92115    
(2 Pages/L/RSF)                                                               
No trades/no ads.                                                             

%Title:  PEACE WORK: A New England Peace and Social Justice Newletter  Issue   
%Descr:  223  Oct 92                                                           
         The publication of the New England Regional office of the   
         American Friends Services Committee.  Featuring longer      
         articles on politics and peace related issues.  Events and  
         resources complement the intelegent writing in the 20 year  
         old publication.                                            
Oct 92 has some good information about that much talked about North American
Free Trade Agreement and the abortion debate.  Feb 92 contiues covering war 
tax resisters, a gay/lesbisn conference in FL, our alliance with Japan, and 
more about the Gulf War.  Jan 92 features offers a one-year retrospective of
the Gulf War, the lawyer/musician Fred Small, a war tax protest in Colrain, 
MA, the invasion of East Timor, and the injustice of the death penalty.     
Very intelegent writing in this one.                                        
%Info:   $1.50 Each ,  Subs: $10.00 for 11 issues to                          
Americn Friends Services Committe, 2161 Mass. Ave.,  Cambidge, MA 02140       
(16 Pages/S/RSF)                                                              
Trades OK/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  PROUT JOURNAL: For Personal & Planetary Transformation  Volume 5      
         Issue 4                                                               
%Descr:  Sortova new-age/ecologial/economic/global                   
         distaster/international news/global development/native      
         peoples magazine.  Intelegent but a bit too new-agey for my 
There's a report on the Rio '92 summit, resource management, a conversation 
between Ram Dass and John Seed, Russian economy, Brazilain economic         
development, and a bunch of book reviews.                                   
%Info:   $3.00 Each ,  Subs: $14.00 for 4 issues to                           
Prout Journal, 101 First Street,  Los Altos, CA 94022                         
(40 Pages/S/RSF)                                                              
No trades/submissions OK/takes ads.                                           

%Title:  SIMPLICITY: Live Simply So That Other May Simply Live  Volume 2  Issue
%Descr:  2  Winter 91                                                          
         The publication of the Norfolk chapter of the Catholic      
         Worker.  A locally distributed flyer asking for reporting on
         local events and asking for volenteers.                     
This issue has a bit on Gulf War resistors, other anti-war pieces and a bit 
on volenteering.  There's also an events scheldule.                         
%Info:   free/$1.00 Each  to                                                  
Norfolk Catholic Worker, 1319 W 27th Street,  Norfolk, VA 23508               
(3 Pages/S/RSF)                                                               
No trades/no ads.                                                             

%Title:  THE BELL: A Call to Peace  Issue 7  August 91                         
%Descr:  A military resistance, peace activist newsletter.  Some     
         news, some resources.                                       
This issue has a piece defining what it is to be an actavist and  some news 
stories clipped from various sources.                                       
%Info:   free/$1.00 Each ,  Subs: $ 4.00 for 4 issues to                      
Colleen Redman, P.O. Box 634,  Floyd, VA 24091                                
(6 Pages/S/RSF)                                                               
Trades OK/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  THE CITY PLANET  Volume 1  Issue 1  Sept 92                           
%Descr:  A community eco freebie that just started up.  It's         
         connected to a simmilar paper that's been coming out of LA  
         for a few years.  Very imformative with lots of intelegent  
         writing and a cool Bay Area guide to farmer's markets and   
         other cool things around town.                              
Articles about the poverty of affluence, drinking water, composting, the    
FDA, peace, the Rio Summit, dolphins, and junk mail are featured in this    
premier issue.                                                              
%Info:   $2.00 Each ,  Subs: $15.00 for 12 issues to                          
The City Planet, 885 Vermont St,  San Francisco, CA 94104                     
(28 Pages/T/RSF)                                                              
No trades/submissions OK/takes ads.                                           

%Title:  THE FIJACTIVIST: Newsletter of the Fully Informed Jury Association    
%Descr:  Issue 11  Summer 92                                                   
         The newsletter of the fully informed jury association.  An  
         organization devoted to ammending the constitution to change
         the justice system so that jurors are informed about their  
         rights.  The main one being that they could judge the       
         validity of the law as well as the guilt of the accused.    
         This group has brought together a wide range of people      
         including right-to-lifers, NRAer, and pot growers.          
%Info:   $3.00 Each ,  Subs: $15.00 for 4 issues to                           
The FIJActivist, P.O. Box 59,  Helmville, MO 59843                            
(32 Pages/T/RSF)                                                              
No trades/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  THE KANSAS CITY INTELLIGENCER  Volume 6  Issue 11  Nov 92             
%Descr:  A self-government, free-market comment sheet.  It's a       
         monthly report on political obsurdities from a very personal
         point of view.                                              
In November he comments on DC statehood, the energy bill, Iran/Iraq, the    
CIA, and other inanities of our government.                                 
%Info:    Each ,  Subs: $12.00 for 12 issues to                               
The Kansas City Intelligencer, P.O. Box 30379,  River Ranch, FL 33867         
(2 Pages/L/RSF)                                                               
No trades/no ads.                                                             

%Title:  THE NUDITARIAN  Volume 1  Issue 10  Jan 92                            
%Descr:  The liberatarian nudist newsletter.  Polititics,            
         liberatarianism, sexual harasment, elections, news,         
         resources, book reviews, and tax issues.                    
Jan 92 covers Japanese internment camps, Anita Hill, and election news.     
%Info:   $1.00 Each ,  Subs: $ 5.00 for 10 issues to                          
Fred Heiser, 118 W Mangolia #230,  Burbank, CA 91506                          
(6 Pages/S/RSF)                                                               
No trades/submissions OK/takes ads.                                           

%Title:  UPDATE: A Publication of the 1% for Peace Education Fund 
         Summer/Fall 1991                                                                    
%Descr:  The publication of that wonderful organization, 1% for      
         Peace, that proposes for governments and corporation do     
         direct 1% of their earning to peace creating efforts.  This 
         was a direct responce to the large percentage of everyone's 
         earnings going twards promoting war.  Listed are some of the
         500 buisness that have already joined including Ben &       
         Jerry's and Mother Jones.                                   
This older issue covers the Gulf War, some updates on buissness and          
governmental efforts, and lots of resources.                                
%Info:   free/$1.00 Each ,  Subs: $10.00 for 4 issues to                      
1% for Peace, P.O. Box 658,  Ithaca, NY 14851                                 
(24 Pages/S/RSF)                                                              
No trades/no ads.                                                             

%Title:  WASHINGTON OUTPOST: Some of the News that Wasn't fit to Print  Issue  
%Descr:  269  Aug 31, 91                                                       
         A D.C based peace newspaper.  I don't really know how often 
         they print, it might be monthly.  Lots of news about current
         legal issues regarding peace and CO status.                 
This issue has a very long report on Jean Claude Rainey, the marine corp CO 
objector.  Some more material on anti-war acavism and a bit on Puerto Rico. 
%Info:   free/$1.00 Each  to                                                  
Washington Outpost, P.O. Box 27217,  Washinton D.C,    20038                  
(8 Pages/T/RSF)                                                               
Trades OK/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  WITNESS FOR PEACE  Volume 8  Issue 4  Fall 91                         
%Descr:  The publication of this organization devoted to peace and   
         justice in Central America.  The $30.00 price is a suggested
         donation for membership.  Write them for more info.         
This issue has lots of news about Central America including, Nicaragua, the 
Free Trade Aggreement, the FSLN, Panama, and Guatamala.                     
%Info:   $3.00 Each ,  Subs: $30.00 for 4 issues to                           
Witness For Peace, 2201 P Street NW, Room 109 Washington DC,    20037         
(16 Pages/S/RSF)                                                              
No trades/no ads.                                                             

And now, some contributions from The Net:

Happy reading!


From jerod23@well.sf.ca.us Sun Mar 21 15:17:42 1993
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1993 11:55:21 -0800
From: Jerod Pore <jerod23@well.sf.ca.us>
To: factsheet5-list@well.sf.ca.us
Subject: Political zine reviews
Content-Length: 44713
X-Lines: 670
Status: RO

Remember, DON'T MAIL TO THIS ADDRESS.  Direct all mail to

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distribute this information however and as often as you like as long as
this sentence is included.

POLITICAL zines.  Posted 21 March, 1993 by Jerod Pore.  
Included here are the political zines L. Reiko Higa and I have reviewed for
the up-coming Issue #47 of Factsheet Five, and the political zines Seth 
reviewed for Issue #46 of F5, AND reviews contributed by people on The
Net (thank you, thank you, thank you).  These are zines of a somewhat
"mainstream" bent, if one can consider communism, libertarianism and
anarchism to be mainstream.  The more extreme and/or "fringe" political
zines, such as white-supremicist zines, were included in the previously
released rant file (available now via anonymous ftp at red.css.itd.umich.edu
in /pub/Factsheet.Five).  Zines dealing with environmental issues, and
general 'news' zines were included in this file as well.

This file is part of FactSheet Five - Electric.  Questions or comments 
regarding FactSheet Five - Electric should be directed to 

If you wish to send zines for review in both the electronic and print
versions of Factsheet Five, the snailmail address is:
Factsheet Five
P.O. Box 170099
San Francisco CA   94117-0099

You might notice a change in our format.  This is due to using the official
Factsheet Five data-entry software.  The %Title: section is, for the most
part, the same, although we've added the date of the zine when available.  
%Descr: starts with a general review of the publication, indented thanks 
to the joys of FoxPro(tm), then a review of the issue(s) in particular, 
then, perhaps, a one or two line summary.  %Info: has the single issue and 
subscription prices followed by a carriage return, the number of pages, 
page size and the reviewer followed by a carriage return, then the 
policies on trading, submissions, reviews, back-issues, age-statements, 
ads and such.  This last section will still be somewhat error-prone as 
we aren't always clear on these policies when we read a zine.

The paper sizes translate as follows:
S -  Standard, or 8.5 x 11 inches
D -  Digest, or standard folded in half
L -  Legal, or 8.5 x 14 inches
HL - Half Legal, you figure it out
HS - Half Standard, or long digest 4.25 x 11 inches
T -  Tabloid, usually 11 x 17 or thereabouts
B -  Broadsheet, about 14 x 17
O -  Oversized and way bigger than tabloid or broadsheet
M -  Mini, from digest cut in half to postage stamp sized
A4 - Metric Standard, about 21 x 30 centimeters 
A5 - Metric Digest (don't have any handy to measure, and why does the 
     number get bigger when the paper is getter smaller?)
A2 - Metric Tabloid

Your reviwers for this file are
JP   Jerod Pore (jerod23@well.sf.ca.us)
LRH  L. Reiko Higa (reiko@well.sf.ca.us)
RSF  R. Seth Friedman

Zines reviewed for Issue #47 of F5:

%Title:  COLTSFOOT: In appreciation of wild plants  Volume 13  Issue 6         
%Descr:  Nov/Dec.'92                                                           
         Essential and unique botanical zine dedicated to wild flora.
Altogether delightful, a joy to read and wonderfully illuminating, Coltsfoot
is a budding ethnobotanist's dream.  It offers up stories on the            
many-splendored gifts of the plant world, from suggesions of what to do with
old roses, an examination of ginseng, common smartweed and amazing new uses 
for common everyday plants such as the yew tree, the bark and berries of    
which are thought to be effective in treating lung and ovarian cancer, and  
weeds such as datura or "jimson weed" which one scientist has discovered is 
effective in recycling plutonium wastes.                                    
A must for every concerned and ecologically-conscious citizen!              
%Info:    Each ,  Subs: $10.00 for 6 issues to                                
James Troy, Rt. 1 Box 313A,  Shipman, VA 22971                                
(22 Pages/D/LRH)                                                              
No trades/submissions OK/back issues/takes ads.                               

%Title:  FRONTIER REPORT  Volume 2  Issue 40  Oct. '92                         
%Descr:  Independent, reader-supported news monthly emanating from   
         Kansas City, MO.                                            
The Missouri-based Frontier Report is an indie, reader-supported newspaper  
commmitted to "the empowerment of individuals through "sharing information, 
analysis and opinions of environmental, social, ethical and related topics. 
Full of anarchic humor, thought-provoking and rich rants, poetry and essays 
on everything from Bush to Bosnia-Herzegovina, African history, comfort &   
concern as a destructive irony of modern merican social reality, efforts to 
revise Holocaust revisionists, plus dispatches from the Vietnam Veterans    
Radio Network.                                                              
%Info:   .50 Each ,  Subs: $ 6.00 for ** issues to                            
P.O. Box 32814,  Kansas City, MO 64111                                        
(8 Pages/T/LRH)                                                               
No trades/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  NEW AGE PATRIOT: Quaterly Newsmagazine fro Drug, Environmental &      
%Descr:  Social Reform Activists  Volume 3  Issue 4  Winter, 1993              
         The New Age Patriot strives to solve drug, environmental and
         social problems.  One relatively easy fix to all three would
         be the re-legalization of marijuana.                        
This issue is dedicated to the probably lost cause of convincing Bill       
Clinton and Al Gore to take a stand on re-legalization.  Good luck.  The    
addresses they give are now out-of-date, but here's one for the email set:  
75300.3115@compuserve.com  That's the email address for the transition team.
Also part two of an exerpt from "The Great American Hemp Industry" by Jack  
Frazier, in which honest-to-God *facts* with cites and all are presented as 
to why Hemp is a far superior source of paper than trees.  Plus information 
on the second annual International Drug Policy Day to be held April 3, 1993 
at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, and elsewhere around the world. 
Probably the best US-based re-legalization publication.                     
%Info:   $2.00 Each ,  Subs: $12.00 for 6 issues to                           
Bruce Cain, New Age Patriot, PO Box 419,  Dearborn Heights, MI 48127-0419 USA 
(16 Pages/S/JP)                                                               
Trades OK/submissions OK/back issues/takes ads.                               

%Title:  SALON: A Journal of Aesthetics  Issue 18  Winter 92/93                
%Descr:  "...the zine which explains libertarianism to artists and   
         art to libertarians - but anyone can play."  And it's my    
         favorite Libertarian zine.                                  
This huge issue focusses on Freedom of Expression, along with other         
forgotten elements of the Bill of Rights.  There's first-hand accounts of   
holding public readings of banned books, nasty encounters with local        
government art police, Island Records cowardly act of censoring             
Negativland's U2 single, Bob Z's run-in with the sanitation cops, court     
reporters arbitrarilly altering transcripts and the making of "Through the  
Wire."  Reprints from the Libertarian Alliance, great moments in censorship 
(from the 1600's to the present), Ace Backwards, Blair Wilson, quotes and   
notes from all over and (surprise!) government abuse of civil liberties.    
Signed, numbered, and essential.   Salon is especially essential if you     
though Libertarianism was raving Aynarchists out to make more money for     
Donald Trump.                                                               
%Info:   $5.00 Each ,  Subs: $20.00 for 4 issues to                           
Pat Hartman, 305 W. Magnolia, Suite 386 Fort Collins, CO 80521                
(108 Pages/S/JP)                                                              
Trades OK/submissions OK/back issues/no ads.                                  

%Title:  THE HOOKAH: The People's Pot Periodical  Issue 11                     
%Descr:  What's up with the campaign to legalize Cannabis in England.
A better version of all the world-saving abilities of hemp.  Mind you, I'm  
all for the legalization of pot, I'm just a bit skeptical of all the wonders
of a single plant.  But I'm no botanist.  Anyway, I've seen these claims    
over and over, but somebody *finally* gave some reputable documentation.    
The story of Howard Marks, the one-time main importer of hemp into England. 
Why hemp is so good for cattle.  Hemp through history.  Newsclippings,      
letters, form letters *you* can write, contact groups and so forth.  Better 
than most of the stateside publications on the subject.                     
Excellent take on the subject or relegalization.  Hemp cardstock cover.     
%Info:   L1.00 Each  to                                                       
Geoffrey Cox, Legalize Cannabis Campaign, BM Box 2455,  London,    WC1N 3XX   
United Kingdom                                                                
(36 Pages/A2/JP)                                                              
No trades/submissions OK/back issues/takes ads.                               
%Title:  THE KANIKSU PROJECT: The Land Newsletter '92                          
%Descr:  Newsletter/prospectus for a yet-to-be-developed             
         cooperatively-owned natural, organic and Native American    
         spiritual commune somewhere in the wilds of the Pacific     
The KaniKsu Project is the name of a planned community that will be         
dedicated to nature, spirit and organic living.  The Kaniksu region is      
comprised of parts of Montana, Washington, Oregon and Idaho and includes    
expansive farmlands, woodlands, oand orchards for optimal survival          
conditions, independent of fossil fuels.  The group behind the project are  
proponents of unifying U.S. and Canadian currency for one kind of universal,
worldwide method of exchange.  THe newsletter outlines the group's plan to  
build the Dancing Moose Lodge community; how much initial partners will be  
expected to contribute and what they will get in return.  A list of related 
publications and a resources guide are included.                            
%Info:   $1.00 Each  to                                                       
P.O. Box 849,  Glen Ellen, CA 95442                                           
(28 Pages/D/LRH)                                                              
No trades/no ads.                                                             

%Title:  TRUTH SEEKER: Freethought Publication since 1873  Volume 119  
         Issue 4      Winter 92/93                                                          
%Descr:  120 years of writing about freethought 
         (or atheism, if you must) and honest money.  Just think what
         good shape this country would be in if it had 120 years of  
         freethought and honest money.                               
The big article this issue is on the covert history of the Federal Reserve  
and preceeding US central banks.  This is *not* a conspiracy theory,        
although I'm sure that the facts presented here have, or will show up in    
several.  One interesting point raised is that during the years of 1835 and 
1836, when there was no central bank in any form, the Federal Government had
a budget surplus that allowed for the building of universities, canals,     
bridges and roads.  Plus refutiations of Christian nonsense.                
An excellent perspective on values, monetary and humanistic.                
%Info:   $5.00 Each ,  Subs: $20.00 for 4 issues to                           
Bonnie Lange, Truth Seeker Company, PO Box 2872,  San Diego, CA 92112         
(44 Pages/S/JP)                                                               
No trades/submissions OK/back issues/takes ads. email tseditor@aol.com        

%Title:  UNCLASSIFIED: Newspaper of the Association of National Security Alumni
%Descr:  Volume 4  Issue 5  November 1992                                      
         A disgruntled former employee of the National Security      
         Agency takes on government secrecy, government murder and   
         other all-too-typical government actions.  The Editorial    
         address is 2001 S Street NW  Suite 740  Washington DC       
The Clinton administration as more of the same.  Commentary on the latest   
intelligence authorization bill (HR 5095), especially Gates' new openness   
policy that insists on classifying the few intelligence figures that have   
been published.  I hope this glasnost does for the CIA, NSA and agencies    
unknown what it did for the Soviet Union.  Even more bad news about INSLAW, 
BNL, the October Surprise and other tentacles of the mythic Octopus.        
Vital information here.                                                     
%Info:   $5.00 Each ,  Subs: $20.00 for 6 issues to                           
David MacMichael, Assoc. of National Security Alumni, 921 Pleasant Street,    
Des Moines, IA 50309      USA                                                 
(24 Pages/S/JP)                                                               
No trades/submissions OK/takes ads.                                           

Zines reviewed for Issue #46 of F5:                                    

%Title:  ACROSS THE LINES Summer 91                                            
%Descr:  A Bay Area based general leftist newspaper with a strong    
         Nation-wide focus.  Lots of news and resourses for upcomming
The Summer 91 issue has articles about saving the Great Lakes, the Black    
Hills encampment, the Bay Area responce to the Gulf War, and protests at the
Nevada test site.                                                           
%Info:   free/$1.00 Each ,  Subs: $ 5.00 for 4 issues to                      
Seeds of Peace Collective, 2440 16th Street #241,  San Francisco, CA 94103    
(8 Pages/T/RSF)                                                               
Trades OK/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  ACTIVATOR: Newsletter of Harrow and District Campaign for Nuclear     
%Descr:  Disarmament  Issue 3  1991                                            
         A newsleeter put out by a local nuclear disarmament org in  
         Great Brittan.  A little bit thin and localized for most    
         Americans but may be a good resource for simmilarly alighned
         groups in this country.                                     
Some upcomming events are listed, along with an opituarry for a former      
%Info:   $2.00 in Br# Each ,  Subs: $20.00 for 4 issues to                    
Maggie Nicholls, Harrow & District CND, Harrow CND Membership Sec., 20 East   
Court North Wembley,    HAO 3QJ                                               
(4 Pages/S/RSF)                                                               
No trades/no ads.                                                             

%Title:  ALARM: A Voice of Northeast Earth First!  Issue 4  Autumnal 92        
%Descr:  An Enviromental publication with a very loud radical voice. 
         Mostly news and opionion about political environmental      
         issues.  Some resources.                                    
#3 has lots of news about EF! activities in the Northeast, mostly in Vermont
and Main.  Another piece about the LA riots and some other stuff about      
biodiversity.  #4 has some info on Navive-American issues, voting, actions  
along the Albion River, Logging in the Green Mountains, political prisoners,
and lots of contacts.                                                       
%Info:   $1.50 Each ,  Subs: $10.00 for 4 issues to                           
Alarm, P.O.Box 804,  Burlington, VT 05402-0804                                
(24 Pages/S/RSF)                                                              
Trades OK/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  ANTI-WARRIOR: A Newsletter of Military Dissention and Resistance      
%Descr:  Volume 1  Issue 3  January 92                                         
         A Bay Area anti war newletter featuring lots of resources   
         and news.  It seems to be a support group for draft         
         resisters.  I hope they're still publishing.  I find it so  
         sad that people are in jail for refusing to commit murder   
This issue features several articles by former military personell and some  
draft resistors.                                                            
%Info:   $1.00 Each ,  Subs: $ 5.00 for 4 issues to                           
The anti-warrior, 48 Shattuck Sq  #129,  Berkeley, CA 94704                   
(8 Pages/T/RSF)                                                               
Trades OK/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  BETWEEN THE LINES: A Publication of the Sacramento Peace Center       
%Descr:  Volume 3  Issue 5  December 91                                        
         The house publication of the New Society                    
         Bookstore/Sacramento Peace Center, a fun progressive        
         bookstore in Sacramento.  A new book update catalog is      
         included with each issue but there's still lots of editorial
         content in the newspaper.  News and updates of anti-war     
         protests and the like.                                      
October 91 has a piece on the 30th aniversary of the Peace Center, a fun    
page showing some old flyers advertising protests,  and new book listings.  
December 91 has an article about Eastern Europe, the ALF, and a book review.
%Info:   $2.00 Each ,  Subs: $10.00 for 6 issues to                           
Sacramento Peace Center, ,  ,                                                 
(12 Pages/T/RSF)                                                              
No trades/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  BLUEPRINT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE  Volume 45  Issue 5  Jan 92              
%Descr:  A rather academic publication put out by the Twomey Center  
         estableshed in 1947 by Father Louis J. Twomey at Loyola     
         University.  Each issue features one long essay on current  
Dec 91 featues an article about the crisis of socialism and the negaive     
effects of world-wide capitolism.  Jan 92 has an essay arguing for          
%Info:   free/$1.00 Each ,  Subs: $ 6.00 for 10 issues to                     
Loyola Twomey Center, Loyola University, Box 12 New Orleans, LA 70118-6195    
(8 Pages/S/RSF)                                                               
No trades/no ads.                                                             

%Title:  CAN WE  Issue 52  Jan/Feb 92                                          
%Descr:  A short peace newsletter listing some goings on in Idaho.   
         Some news updates too.                                      
51 has a bit on Hanford Nuclear Resuvation.  52 has some updates on the     
trasportation of nuclear materials.                                         
%Info:   free/stamps Each ,  Subs: $ 3.00 for 6 issues to                     
Citezens Against Nuclear Weapons, P.O. Box 2152,  Coeur d'Alenne, ID          
(2 Pages/L/RSF)                                                               
No trades/no ads.                                                             

%Title:  CENTER NEWS: Albuquerque Center For Peace & Justice  Volume 8  Issue 5
%Descr:  Sept/Oct 91                                                           
         A nicely put together community based peace newspaper.  Lots
         of resources, local, national and internation news.  A large
         events calender.  Some Spanish traslations too.             
This issue has an interesting article about nuclear waste in our sewer      
system and an enlightening pice on life in Nicaragua.  Lots of other stuff  
too fill it out.                                                            
%Info:   free/$1.00 Each ,  Subs: $ 5.00 for 6 issues to                      
Peace & Justice Education Project, 144 Harvard SE,  Albuqueque, NM 87106      
(12 Pages/T/RSF)                                                              
Trades OK/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  CREATIVE RESISTANCE NEWSLETTER  Volume 2  Issue 1  Fall 91            
%Descr:  A small newsletter covering a variety of political subjects.
         It's a bit too short and unfocused for my tastes.           
This one covers The New World Order and a nice review of EXTRA!.            
%Info:   $4.00 Each ,  Subs: $18.00 for 4 issues to                           
Creative Resistance Newsletter, 216 Wynbrook Court,  Nashville, TN 37221      
(6 Pages/S/RSF)                                                               
Trades OK/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  DEFENSE MONITOR  Volume 20  Issue 3  1991                             
%Descr:  You've seen the TV show, now read the magazine.  I'm not    
         realy sure about this one.  They say they're not militarily 
         funded but I find that hard to believe.  It doesn't read    
         like a "let's kill the bad guys" magazine and it's chock    
         full of information and statistics.  Ida'know, send 'em a   
         buck and check it out for ya'selves.                        
This one marked #3 has a tretise on ending nuclear testing.  I found it very
%Info:   $1.00 Each ,  Subs: $25.00 for 4 issues to                           
Center for Defense Information, 1500 Massachusetts Ave N.W.,  Washington DC,  
(8 Pages/S/RSF)                                                               
No trades/no ads.                                                             

%Title:  DISCUSSION BULLETIN: Published by the Discussion Bulletin Committee   
%Descr:  Issue 51  Jan/Feb 92                                                  
         A free-form zine covering a multitude of viewpoints;        
         Lifertarian, Marxism, Anarchism, Socialism, and Green.  They
         say something about being proponents of "liberatarian       
         socialism" and against marx/leninism.                       
#50 has a number of pieces about the greens, including some programs and    
principles.  This issue is recomended for those interested in an intelegent 
exploration into the green party.  #51 has a multitude of opionins including
liberatarinism, socialism, marxism, and anarchism.                          
A thick intelegent read.                                                    
%Info:   free/$1.00 Each ,  Subs: $ 5.00 for 6 issues to                      
Discussion Bulletin Committee, P.O. Box 1564,  Grand Rapids, MI 49501         
(32 Pages/HL/RSF)                                                             
Trades OK/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  DRAFT NOTICES: Committee Opposed to Militarism and the Draft  Volume  
%Descr:  13  Issue 1  Jan/Feb 92                                               
         An anti war newsletter with some resources and news.        
Jul/Aug 91 has an article on censorship during the Gulf War, militarism and 
schools, and women in the military.  Nov/Dec 91 has some stuff about Bush,  
some upcommin legislation in CA, and updates on Amnesty International.      
Jan/Feb 92 covers the peace movement, Tailhook, Cuba, and updates on        
procecution of draft non-registrants.                                       
%Info:   $3.00 Each ,  Subs: $12.00 for 4 issues to                           
COMD, P.O. Box 15195,  San Diego, CA 92175                                    
(10 Pages/S/RSF)                                                              
No trades/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  EARTH NEWS  Volume 3  Issue 5  Sept/Oct 92                            
%Descr:  An eco magazine dealing with a wide range of subjects.      
         Intelegently written, informative, entertaining, and not too
         ad heavy.                                                   
This issue has stuff on the presidential canidates and thier environmental  
record (no surprises here), fusion energy, Californian Red Foxes, the       
unhealthy nature of dairy products, school lunches, and two celebrity pieces
(Chevy Chase and Ed Asner).                                                 
%Info:   $2.95 Each ,  Subs: $15.00 for 6 issues to                           
Mother Earth Newsletter, P.O. Box 1620,  Agoura Hills, CA 91376               
(48 Pages/S/RSF)                                                              
No trades/submissions OK/takes ads. email Compuserve: 70712,147               

%Title:  HOUSTON PEACE NEWS: Global Peace & Justice, Environmental Welfare,    
%Descr:  Economic Reform Sept 91                                               
         A nicely laid-out, readable world peace/news newspaper.     
         Articles on a variety of international subjects and a       
         smatering of cartoons.                                      
Sep 91 covers Cuba, Iraq, Central America, Isreal, and Houston.  Also       
printed is a long callender of events.                                      
%Info:   $1.00 Each ,  Subs: $10.00 for 12 issues to                          
Prentiss Riddle, Houston Peace News, P.O. Box 572461,  Houston, TX 77257-2461 
(8 Pages/T/RSF)                                                               
Trades OK/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  L.A. DRIVER: Progressive Thought for a City in Motion  Volume 3  Issue
%Descr:  1  Winter 91/92                                                       
         The house publication for an LA based trucking company, not 
         what you'd expect though.  The entire pholisophy behind the 
         magazine is reduction of cars and improvement of the        
Ideas and resources for improving the earth, an great story about making a  
delivery in LA, info on Ask Mr. Trafic, some funny comix, music reviews, and
%Info:   free/$1.00 Each ,  Subs: $ 7.00 for 6 issues to                      
Andrea Nicholas, L.A. Driver, 12226 Victory Blvd #325,  Hollywood, CA 91606   
(20 Pages/HL/RSF)                                                             
Trades OK/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  LIVING FREE  Issue 64  Sept 91                                        
%Descr:  A backwoods home, liberatarian, survivalist, freedom        
         newsletter.  Very friendly and non-judgemental with rants,  
         zine reviews, tips, and ideas.                              
In this issue Jim explains the theory of unarchy, where there's no written  
law, it's just that people don't do anything "wrong" according to large     
%Info:   $1.00 Each ,  Subs: $ 9.00 for 6 issues to                           
Jim Stumm, Living Free, Box 29, Hiler Branch Buffalo, NY 14223                
(8 Pages/S/RSF)                                                               
Trades OK/back issues/no ads.                                                 

%Title:  MENDOCINO ENVIRONMENTAL NEWS  Issue 12  Fall 92                       
%Descr:  A thick informative bullitin covering a wide range of       
         environmental issues.                                       
Much of the space in this issue is taken up by the Wise Use Movement.  This 
is one of those front groups for corporate interest that are raping the     
earth.  Thier 25 point plan is essentially a blueprint for destroying the   
earth as quickly as possible.                                               
%Info:    Each ,  Subs: $20.00 for 3 issues to                                
Mendocino Environmental News, 106 W Standley St,  Ukiah, CA 95482             
(40 Pages/S/RSF)                                                              
No trades/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  NEW ENVIRONMENT BULLETIN  Issue 187  Sep 3, 91                        
%Descr:  The Bulliten of The New Environmetn Association is much more
         then just a list of their upcomming events.  Lots of        
         intelegent essays on progressive, environments, social, and 
         spiritual ideas.                                            
187 has a long article on the hidden power of language, and alternaive      
schooling in addition to the listing of retreats, meetings, and study       
%Info:   $2.00 Each ,  Subs: $ 7.50 for 6 issues to                           
Bill Case, New Environment Bulletin, 120 Academy St,  Manlius, NY 13104       
(6 Pages/S/RSF)                                                               
No trades/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  NEW WORLD RISING  Issue 18                                            
%Descr:  A big Deadhead newspaper that's chock full of contacts and  
         resources.  Unfortunately it's hard to read with it's       
         hippy-dippy layout style but that's part of the charm.  A   
         great resource for finding your old friends or meeting new  
This issue, I think it's #18, is full of stuff.  Listed here are  poems,    
rants, international politics, and James Bay resources.                     
%Info:   free/$1.00 Each ,  Subs: $ 5.00 for 6 issues to                      
Greatful Fred, 71 Hope Street, Box 33 Providence, RI 02906                    
(12 Pages/T/RSF)                                                              
Trades OK/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  NO NATION BULLETIN  Issue 10  End 91                                  
%Descr:  A project devoted to unifying people around the globe.  This
         newsletter is a bit short but I think it's only one arm of  
         the entire project.                                         
Mostly contacts and resources for global unity.  A statement of purpose by  
Mana Foundation, Statement by other related organizations around the world, 
letters, and addresses.                                                     
%Info:   3 IRCs Each ,  Subs: $ 5.00 for 4 issues to                          
PPFA c/o Groth, Industirg 9:1,  15300 Jarna,               Sweden             
(16 Pages/D/RSF)                                                              
Trades OK/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  NORTHERN SUN NEWS  Volume 14  Issue 3  September 91                   
%Descr:  A local Minneapolis based peace newspaper put out by a      
         non-profit anit-nuclear, pro-peace organization that covers 
         lots of National news from various perspetives.             
This issue covers Northern Ireland, nuclear wastes, Flambeau mine protests, 
and Arizona Native Americans.                                               
%Info:    Each ,  Subs: $15.00 to                                             
Northern Sun Alliance, 5308 Washburn Ave S.,  Minneapolis, MN 55401           
(12 Pages/T/RSF)                                                              
No trades/no ads.                                                             

%Title:  ONE VOICE: A Journal of Jeffersonian Democracy  Volume 1  Issue 1     
%Descr:  Sep/Oct 91                                                            
         The inaugrual issue for this new magazine that expounds upon
         Jeffersonian Democracy.  Lets it it for truth, justice and  
         the Decaration of Independence.  Lots of cool stuff in this 
         intelegent, well-written magazine.  I hope they made it past
         issue #1                                                    
This first issue's got lots of stuff about Jefferson, Legality, the war on  
drugs, truth, ethics, and the new world order.  A good introduction to this 
school of thought.                                                          
%Info:   $3.00 Each ,  Subs: $16.00 for 6 issues to                           One Voice, Route 2,  Gays Mills, WI 54631                                     
(30 Pages/S/RSF)                                                              
No trades/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  PEACE RESOURCE CENTER NEWS  Issue 132  Nov 91                         
%Descr:  A short newletter with with some updates and events on the  
This one discusses disrmament and some other issues.                        
%Info:   free/$1.00 Each ,  Subs: $25.00 for 12 issues to                     
Peace Resource Center of San Diego, 5717 Lindo Paseo,  San Diego, CA 92115    
(2 Pages/L/RSF)                                                               
No trades/no ads.                                                             

%Title:  PEACE WORK: A New England Peace and Social Justice Newletter  Issue   
%Descr:  223  Oct 92                                                           
         The publication of the New England Regional office of the   
         American Friends Services Committee.  Featuring longer      
         articles on politics and peace related issues.  Events and  
         resources complement the intelegent writing in the 20 year  
         old publication.                                            
Oct 92 has some good information about that much talked about North American
Free Trade Agreement and the abortion debate.  Feb 92 contiues covering war 
tax resisters, a gay/lesbisn conference in FL, our alliance with Japan, and 
more about the Gulf War.  Jan 92 features offers a one-year retrospective of
the Gulf War, the lawyer/musician Fred Small, a war tax protest in Colrain, 
MA, the invasion of East Timor, and the injustice of the death penalty.     
Very intelegent writing in this one.                                        
%Info:   $1.50 Each ,  Subs: $10.00 for 11 issues to                          
Americn Friends Services Committe, 2161 Mass. Ave.,  Cambidge, MA 02140       
(16 Pages/S/RSF)                                                              
Trades OK/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  PROUT JOURNAL: For Personal & Planetary Transformation  Volume 5      
         Issue 4                                                               
%Descr:  Sortova new-age/ecologial/economic/global                   
         distaster/international news/global development/native      
         peoples magazine.  Intelegent but a bit too new-agey for my 
There's a report on the Rio '92 summit, resource management, a conversation 
between Ram Dass and John Seed, Russian economy, Brazilain economic         
development, and a bunch of book reviews.                                   
%Info:   $3.00 Each ,  Subs: $14.00 for 4 issues to                           
Prout Journal, 101 First Street,  Los Altos, CA 94022                         
(40 Pages/S/RSF)                                                              
No trades/submissions OK/takes ads.                                           

%Title:  SIMPLICITY: Live Simply So That Other May Simply Live  Volume 2  Issue
%Descr:  2  Winter 91                                                          
         The publication of the Norfolk chapter of the Catholic      
         Worker.  A locally distributed flyer asking for reporting on
         local events and asking for volenteers.                     
This issue has a bit on Gulf War resistors, other anti-war pieces and a bit 
on volenteering.  There's also an events scheldule.                         
%Info:   free/$1.00 Each  to                                                  
Norfolk Catholic Worker, 1319 W 27th Street,  Norfolk, VA 23508               
(3 Pages/S/RSF)                                                               
No trades/no ads.                                                             

%Title:  THE BELL: A Call to Peace  Issue 7  August 91                         
%Descr:  A military resistance, peace activist newsletter.  Some     
         news, some resources.                                       
This issue has a piece defining what it is to be an actavist and  some news 
stories clipped from various sources.                                       
%Info:   free/$1.00 Each ,  Subs: $ 4.00 for 4 issues to                      
Colleen Redman, P.O. Box 634,  Floyd, VA 24091                                
(6 Pages/S/RSF)                                                               
Trades OK/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  THE CITY PLANET  Volume 1  Issue 1  Sept 92                           
%Descr:  A community eco freebie that just started up.  It's         
         connected to a simmilar paper that's been coming out of LA  
         for a few years.  Very imformative with lots of intelegent  
         writing and a cool Bay Area guide to farmer's markets and   
         other cool things around town.                              
Articles about the poverty of affluence, drinking water, composting, the    
FDA, peace, the Rio Summit, dolphins, and junk mail are featured in this    
premier issue.                                                              
%Info:   $2.00 Each ,  Subs: $15.00 for 12 issues to                          
The City Planet, 885 Vermont St,  San Francisco, CA 94104                     
(28 Pages/T/RSF)                                                              
No trades/submissions OK/takes ads.                                           

%Title:  THE FIJACTIVIST: Newsletter of the Fully Informed Jury Association    
%Descr:  Issue 11  Summer 92                                                   
         The newsletter of the fully informed jury association.  An  
         organization devoted to ammending the constitution to change
         the justice system so that jurors are informed about their  
         rights.  The main one being that they could judge the       
         validity of the law as well as the guilt of the accused.    
         This group has brought together a wide range of people      
         including right-to-lifers, NRAer, and pot growers.          
%Info:   $3.00 Each ,  Subs: $15.00 for 4 issues to                           
The FIJActivist, P.O. Box 59,  Helmville, MO 59843                            
(32 Pages/T/RSF)                                                              
No trades/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  THE KANSAS CITY INTELLIGENCER  Volume 6  Issue 11  Nov 92             
%Descr:  A self-government, free-market comment sheet.  It's a       
         monthly report on political obsurdities from a very personal
         point of view.                                              
In November he comments on DC statehood, the energy bill, Iran/Iraq, the    
CIA, and other inanities of our government.                                 
%Info:    Each ,  Subs: $12.00 for 12 issues to                               
The Kansas City Intelligencer, P.O. Box 30379,  River Ranch, FL 33867         
(2 Pages/L/RSF)                                                               
No trades/no ads.                                                             

%Title:  THE NUDITARIAN  Volume 1  Issue 10  Jan 92                            
%Descr:  The liberatarian nudist newsletter.  Polititics,            
         liberatarianism, sexual harasment, elections, news,         
         resources, book reviews, and tax issues.                    
Jan 92 covers Japanese internment camps, Anita Hill, and election news.     
%Info:   $1.00 Each ,  Subs: $ 5.00 for 10 issues to                          
Fred Heiser, 118 W Mangolia #230,  Burbank, CA 91506                          
(6 Pages/S/RSF)                                                               
No trades/submissions OK/takes ads.                                           

%Title:  UPDATE: A Publication of the 1% for Peace Education Fund 
         Summer/Fall 1991                                                                    
%Descr:  The publication of that wonderful organization, 1% for      
         Peace, that proposes for governments and corporation do     
         direct 1% of their earning to peace creating efforts.  This 
         was a direct responce to the large percentage of everyone's 
         earnings going twards promoting war.  Listed are some of the
         500 buisness that have already joined including Ben &       
         Jerry's and Mother Jones.                                   
This older issue covers the Gulf War, some updates on buissness and          
governmental efforts, and lots of resources.                                
%Info:   free/$1.00 Each ,  Subs: $10.00 for 4 issues to                      
1% for Peace, P.O. Box 658,  Ithaca, NY 14851                                 
(24 Pages/S/RSF)                                                              
No trades/no ads.                                                             

%Title:  WASHINGTON OUTPOST: Some of the News that Wasn't fit to Print  Issue  
%Descr:  269  Aug 31, 91                                                       
         A D.C based peace newspaper.  I don't really know how often 
         they print, it might be monthly.  Lots of news about current
         legal issues regarding peace and CO status.                 
This issue has a very long report on Jean Claude Rainey, the marine corp CO 
objector.  Some more material on anti-war acavism and a bit on Puerto Rico. 
%Info:   free/$1.00 Each  to                                                  
Washington Outpost, P.O. Box 27217,  Washinton D.C,    20038                  
(8 Pages/T/RSF)                                                               
Trades OK/submissions OK/no ads.                                              

%Title:  WITNESS FOR PEACE  Volume 8  Issue 4  Fall 91                         
%Descr:  The publication of this organization devoted to peace and   
         justice in Central America.  The $30.00 price is a suggested
         donation for membership.  Write them for more info.         
This issue has lots of news about Central America including, Nicaragua, the 
Free Trade Aggreement, the FSLN, Panama, and Guatamala.                     
%Info:   $3.00 Each ,  Subs: $30.00 for 4 issues to                           
Witness For Peace, 2201 P Street NW, Room 109 Washington DC,    20037         
(16 Pages/S/RSF)                                                              
No trades/no ads.                                                             

And now, some contributions from The Net:

Happy reading!
