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////// /////// //////// // // // // // /////// // //// // // // // // ////// // // ///////// International Rogues Guild and Shadow/Net Presents... IRG Newsletter v7.00 Released: 6/11/91 Written by: Haywire Edited by: Haywire Hello to all and to all hello, I have found myself in a slump, I can not get myself to get these news letters out on time. This news letter is over 3 months late. Of course I have at last got it done and I hope to continue with IRG for a few more years. Or until the world ends (the rise of the third Anti-Christ is suppost to happen in 1992!!). Welcome to IRG Number 7!!! 7.10 Table Of Contents ---------------------- 7.10...................................Table Of Contents 7.20...................................Disclaimer 7.30...................................More About IRG 7.40...................................CyberPunk Follies 7.50...................................Letters From Prison 7.51...................................Magic Computer Voo-Doo by Psycho 7.52...................................The Art Of Suicide by Damaged 7.53...................................Hackin' Internet! by The Gatsby 7.60...................................Running The ShadowNet 7.70...................................Hellos and Goodbyes 7.20 Disclaimer --------------- All items in this newsletter are meant for informational purposes. It is written to encourage illegal activities, I hope the reader is inspired to break the law after reading all IRG Information. Of course the authors of this newsletter cannot be held for anything that the reader does. WARNING: Remember ALL explosives are dangerous, DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT mess around with any of the recipes for explosives, EVER! These recipes are real, they can kill you, and anyone else. Make sure you know what you're doing. Otherwise its your fault. 7.30 More About IRG ------------------- IRG is doing rather good and alot more people have heard about it then I thought. It seems though that the old age of hackers is over and a whole new generation of younger hackers is here. I never see the old names of hackers around anymore, or even hear about any realy exciting new one! There are of course those Neo-Great Hackers that I am happy to find running around in places but it seems that often when a hacker gets to the level that people have heard of him, then he gets caught by the Feds or disappears for a time. Control - S is one such person, HEY WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU???? He just suddenly disapeared on day. Another hacker and member of IRG, Damaged Sectorz was arrest for hacking and a bunch of other crap and I fear we will not be seeing him again for a long time. This makes me sad and also angry. Doesn't the Goverment know that it cannot get rid of hackers and rebels? Well actualy they can I have developed a plan that will stop all hackers and rebels FOREVER! Because you must remember Hackers are rebels... 1. Start with a monthly purge of all youth computer equipment. Anyone under the age of 30 should have there computers confescated and destoried. 2. Arrest anyone who uses the phone for an other reason then to plan meetings to talk in person. 3. Kill all violators of numbers 2 and 3. 4. Kill anyone who can think. This little idea is for The FBI no one else is to take it serouisly, of course if any number is not done then it will not work at all. Because hacking is an Idea and ideas cannot be destoryed unless they kill everyone who can think. There is another name for hacking, or thinking or, its called ThoughtCrime. Yes that is from 1984 the book, but I have been reading it and found that there are alot of things that make sense even today. I know there is not as much oppression as in the book 1984, but it is overly strong to make a point. To get us to think! I when into the store InnerWorld the other day and on the wall was a big sign that said "ALL YOUTHS ARE BASICLY CRIMINALS SO WE ARE WATCHING YOU." I laughed at first then it dawned on me how true this was. All youths basicly are criminals and the goverment watchs us. Then I thought who cares if they watch us we just stay with in the bondary of the law until they blink then bamb we do something illegal. Then I thought of all the hackers outhere. Shit we have so much power but we don't even put it to use. If the goverment wants to fuck with us then lets fuck with them. We could easly turn the whole Tele-Compumications into a hell that even the goverment would have a hard time cleaning up. We need to band together and take to arms. There needs to be more organization of hackers world wide. But I fear it will never happen becuase people don't believe in themself. They don't believe in the power that they hold. And instead they would rather fight amoung themselves. They would rather crash each others GOOD elite boards and bother each other. I was reading this book called Hackers, and it was pretty lame, it was suppost to be about the new "Hacker age" but it only talked about people who had been busted or had never really been good hackers. It mentioned something called The Hacker Ethics, which I had only heard of once and that was in a Phrack Issue, I think, but I never heard much of it. I decided to re-write these Hacker Ethics and to try to organize the Hacker Age. Next issue I will have The Neo-Hacker Ethics for everyone to follow if they would like. Here are the IRG members, I am looking for more at all times! IRG Members Rank ----------- ------ Haywire IRG and ShadowNet Leader Wasteland Warrior IRG Member Damaged IRG's Busted "Sick" Member Psycho (615)ShadowNet Member Dr. Digital (619)ShadowNet Member Journalist ---------- Haywire The Spectral Demon Control-S Kryptic Night Psycho Damaged Wasteland Warrior The Gatsby Thats about it, if you feel like becoming a member of either IRG or ShadowNet. Please call one of the IRG nodes. If you would like to become and IRG node contact one of the IRG nodes. 7.40 CyberPunk Follys --------------------- I have decided that I will rename More About IRG to CyberPunk Follys so next time expect the change. 7.50 Letters From Prison ------------------------ I did not get as many files as I would of liked this issue but maybe next issue I will get more. Luckly The Gatsby jumped in there at the last second and wrote a great file on InterNet! 7.51 Voo-Doo Powder by Psycho ----------------------------------------------- Psycho's mystical, magical ******************* * * * Voo-Doo * * * * Powder * * * ******************* Written Exclusively for The IRG If you're like me, nothing warms your heart more than a little random, senseless destruction of someone else's property. The following recipe for destruction has been totally Vandal Tested & Approved, and, when properly applied, is guaranteed to put a little excitement back into anyone's life, no matter how fucking miserable they are, including you and the person you're working this special brand of Voo-Doo on... LIST OF INGREDIENTS: 1-Hunk of iron, any shape 1-Bench grinder (a common file may be substituted, if you've got a lot of time to waste) 1-Box of Nerds candy INSTRUCTIONS: Put on a pair of safety goggles, and start grinding the shit out of the piece of iron you have chosen. Do this for several minutes, or until you have amassed a pretty good-sized pile of iron filings. Examine the box of Nerds closely; You will find that the box is split into two sections, with a different flavor in each side, both having a handy pour spout with a sliding cover. Open one side of the Nerds candy. You can either eat the shitty candy or just toss it- it's not important. Go ahead and open the other side of the box, but leave the candy intact, as it can come in handy later as an "alibi" of sorts (this will be explained farther down). Now, using a magnet, pick up all the iron filings you can and stuff them into the empty side of the Nerds box. CONGRATULATIONS! You now hold in your hand the EVIL powers of ELECTRONIC VOO-DOO, thus making you a High Priest witchdoctor extraordinare, or a "Voudoun", as Voo-Doo practicioneers in Haiti and New Orleans call it. Now, bop on down to your local mall to try your first hexings. APPLICATIONS: The first step in freeing the evil spirits or "legba", that you now control, is to find some hi-tech electronic stuff, the more expensive, the better- Audio/Video & Computer stores are ideal targets. Having located one of the aforementioned establishments, you are now ready to begin. Take out the Nerds box, and shake a little Voo-Doo Powder into your hand. Now, pick a real nice piece of equipment (such as a Multi-CD player or 486 computer), that is turned OFF, and gently blow the powder inside. In the case of the computer, you may have to content your self with simply tossing the powder into the air vents in the back- this is not as effective as you can get, but will usually work nicely. VCRs and CD-players work best, as you can easily gain access to the inner-workings by the small door in the front of the machine. After working your evil magic, stand around and wait for some hapless fucker to either ask for a demonstration of a machine you have hexed, or (better yet) turn the machine on himself. Regardless of who does turn it on, the evil Electronic Demons will be summoned forth, and the machine will erupt in sparks, smoke, and quite possibly flame. And, as an added attraction, the asshole turning it on just might get zapped real good in the process. HAH! FEEL THE POWER! Isn't it GREAT?!? However, one must use the Powers of Darkness wisely, or risk punishment by a Higher Authority (like the police). It's NOT a good idea to hex more than two or three machines in any particular store. Should someone spot you with the box and ask you what the hell it is, you simply say: "Nerds, Man... Ya want some?", while shaking a handful out and popping them into your mouth. Always be sure which side really IS candy, otherwise you're pretty much screwed. And now, with the occultic knowledge that has been bestowed upon you, venture forth into that vast gleaming Mecca of glass and steel known cryptically as "The Mall" and have some REAL FUN with senseless, random DESTRUCTION via ELECTRONIC VOO-DOO!!! Thanks to: Haywire & the other members of the MIGHTY IRG! Special Thanks to: Randy Metler, wherever you are (prison, most likely), for the original inspiration for this idea. 7.52 The Art Of Suicide by Damaged Sectorz ------------------------------------------ <BoF> <-+========================+-> : : : The Art Of Suicide : : VoL 1 : : : <-+========================+-> Puked Up By: Damaged 2.28.91 InTroductiOn Ok well welcome to another G-Phile Phrom Me. whoaaaaa. Anywayz today boys & Chicks we will be discuss'n the Many Phine Arts of Commit'n Suicide. Yes you too can die in an artful manner that all Anrchists would be proud of. Of course that's only if you can make the headlines and you only get one chance to do it. So Be artful in your die'n way. <fart> a smile comes my phace as i type this g-file. Basic Suicide Techniques ! Usage of Sharp Objects ! Well most people think that cut'n your wrists phrom left to right does the job. In some cases it does if you bleed like water. If not then do not attempt to do this then. The proper way to slice'n is to take a razor blade , start'n at base of bottom of your arm at yer elbow. Now go deep into the skin drag it slowly to the base of your hand. Now if your the type that doesn't like pain, take some ice and freeze your arm Phor about 10 minutes. Now put your arm under some warm runn'n water to prevent clot'n. Ok now another one. Take a razor blade and make incision at the base of yer neck. You have to cut all the way through. When you do this blood will phill up your lungs. Thus cause'n you to drown on your own blood. ! Usage of Rope Bondage ! Talk about Hang'n tough. Obtain a good study rope. If you the type that wants to get it done an over with. just tie the rope around your neck real tight. If you want to die by a hangman's noose, look at the diagram below to postion the rope correctly. _ | | | | _______ <-- Now take this end and wrap it around | | | 13 times. | |_| After you have phinished this. Tighten it up by pull'n on of the ends. Welps you need a place to hang yourself Phrom. Well you can go to your neighbor's yard and hang yerself Phrom his/her tree. Or phind a bridge and try it phrom there. Quote "Death by no breath" ! OverDose'n & Poisons ! Well this technique is one of the most popular ones around to do. It's sometimes phast, enjoyable, or you won't even notice that you even died. Now you have some choices, what drug should be the proud winner to take your life? Examine the List below. Sleep'n Pills - Take a whole bottle or two. Cause'n you to phall asleep and never wake up. You can obtain this at any drug store. Cyanide - Well it will kill you in 3 seconds or less. You have to look around Phor this one. House Hold Cleaners - Now you have to experiment with each one to see what the effects are. But some goodies are bleach, amonia(so phuck'n what if it's misspelled). Fertilizer - go to a nature store of some sort. just down some fertilizer. Now Phrom what i understand you can use Black Leaf 40 or 4. Not sure but it kills very quickly. Other Drugs - Hell go to your mom's medicine cabinet and down whatever you can phind. Acid - Take about 40 or so blots and really massivly phry big time. And they say die'n isn't really that colorful. Alcohol - Drink loads and loads of this shit and die Phrom Intoxication. ! Usage of Guns ! Well this section is a real basic. Just take da gun, put it to yer temple and BOOM. Now all you brains slowly ozze out. Now you can survive this sometimes. So phor the most effective technique is to put the barrel on the back of your neck where your head and your neck meet. Or if you want the phountain effect, stick the gun into your mouth. Point the barrel upwards. ! Other Shit ! Ok well some other shit is to Jump off a 40 story build'n. You can also lay on some railroad tracks. If you do this wear some earplugs so you don't hear the train come'n and totally surprises the hell outta ya. Introduction 2 huh? an introduction in the middle of a phile. Yes so phuck'n what. Now those last phew ways to die are really basic and BOR'N!!! Hell if your going to die do it the stylish way. Be creative, try to make the headlines, get national coverage and shit. Cause great grief runn'n through your loves ones. Hell record it too!! maybe they'll make a movie of it. You never know until your try. hell you'll never know. here's a phew ideas i thought of. -Take an Axe and shove it through your phorehead and run into the live'n room. Sit next to your mom and put your arm around her and watch tv. -Take the brake lights in your car and put the exposed wires into your gas tank. Now drive around Phor a while and slam on the brakes in a busy intersection. -Dose yerself in some gas. Light yerself up and run down the street at Nighttime. -Jump off a phreeway pass into the rush hour traffic. -Drive your car into a gas tanker at about 90 miles an hour. -Phind some Dog, Horse or Cow shit. you can phind this shit anywhere. Insert the shit into your mouth and inhale, do not swallow. -Slice your abdomenal area in to and I section. How do you do this? Well carve a really deep I into your belly start'n at the bottom of your rib cage and right Before where you might have pubic hair. Carve a line up and down to connect the lines. Peel back the skin and whoopie all yer guts Phall out onto the pavement. This works real well in malls. -<yawn> Stick yer hands one a time into a garbage disposal. Make sure the points are nice and sharp. -Shove a stick of dynamite up yer ass and light it. -Hell put a gun barrel up yer ass and phire it. -Ahh one of my favorties. The old fashion Guiltine trick. It's where the person's head is chopped off by a big ol' razor blade back in the old Phrench days. Now this is the 90's, and this is more creative. Go out and phind a car, could be yours, could be your neighbor's. Jack up the car, now Take one of the phront tires off. Tie a rope to the jack, so you can yank it and the car will phall. Now put a brick or something to hold yer head up underneath the disc (where you taken the tire off). now lay your head down and pull the son-ofa-bitch rope. A little messy but who really cares. As long you get a nice phuneral where everyone wears black and should play Metallica "Fade to Black". -Take some Sleep'n Pills; Lots of them too. Turn your oven on to Broil, and crawl inside of it and pass out. -Take a Broom Stick, sharpen one end of it to a real phine point. Climb on top of yer house. Stick the sharp end of the broom stick up yer ass and jump off the damn house. Make sure you land on the broomstick Phor best results. -Snort or Drink Battery Acid. -Eat a lot of pinto beans and have the runs really bad. Jump down after you beat yer pecker and stick yer head into the toliet bowl and drown. -Obtain a nail gun and shoot nails into your phorehead. -Ok make a noose as described earlier. Now go to a 40 story build'n. Take one end of the rope (not the noose) and tie it to a oak desk or something real heavy. Slip on the noose onto your pecker real tight. Jump outa the window. You should phall and the your dick gets rip'd off. And you go splat into the crowds below. Laturs Well guys that all i have Phor right now, so go back and jerk yerselfs off to yer porno gifs or fli's. No systems status this time, if your Elite you should be already on those systems. Laid-her Damaged IRG "SiCK" Member <EoF> 7.53 Hackin' InterNet by The Gatsby ----------------------------------- $%&$%&$%&$%&$%&$%&$%&$%&$%&$%&$%&$%&$%&$%&$%& $ A % Hacker's Guide # $ to % & InterNet # $ By: The Gatsby % & $%&$%&$%&$%&$%&$%&$%&$%&$%&$%&$%&$%&$%&$%&$%& # This is written for IRG Newsletter Number 7 6, 1991 3:25 am. $ & $%&$%&$%&$%&$%&$%&$%&$%&$%&$%&$%&$%&$%&$%&$%& Introduction ~~~~~~~~~~~ Well, I was asked to write this file by Haywire (a.k.a. Insanity, sysop f Insanity Lane), about InterNet. I have not seen any files written for the ew comers to InterNet, so this will cover the basic commands, the use of nterNet, and some tips for hacking through internet. This file will not over hacking an account to get on internet. There is no MAGICAL way to acking a UNIX system, i have found that brute force works best (Brute hacker s something different). Hacking snow balls, once you get the feel of it, it s all clock work from there. Well i hope you enjoy the file. If you have any uestions i can be reached on a number of boards. This file was written for ackers (like me) who do not go to school with a nice InterNet account, this s purely written for hackers to move around effectively who are new to nterNet. NOTE this is written for hackers who know basic UNIX commands. The Crypt - 619/457+1836 est Coast Technologies - 213/274+1333 nsanity Lane - 619/591+4974 and any other good board across the country..... Disclaimer ~~~~~~~~~ uck that damn thing !! Glossary, Acronyms & Abbreviations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RPANET - defence_Advanced_Research_Project_Agency or ARPA. This is a experimental PSN, which is now dead. ERT - Computer Emergency Response Team, they are responsible for coordinating many security incident response efforts. In other words, these are the guys you do not want to mess with. Because they are after YOU! They have real nice reports on "holes" in UNIX, which you should get. DN - Defence Data Network tp - File Transfer Protocol, this is used to copy files from one host to another. QDN - Fully Qualified Domain Name, the complete hostname that reflects the domains of which the host is a part. ateway - Computer that interconnects networks ost - Computer that connected to a PSN. ostname - Name that officially identifies each computer attached internetwork. nterNet - The specific IP-base internetwork. P - Internet Protocol which is the standard that allows dissimilar host to connect. AN - Local Area Network ILNET - DDN unclassified operational military network IC - DDN Network Information Center SN - Packet Switched Network SS - Packet Switched Service FC - Request For Comments, is technical files about InterNet protocols one can access these from anonymous ftp at NIC.DDN.MIL AC - Terminal Access Controller; a computer that allow direct access to internet. ELNET - Protocol for opening a transparent connection to a distant host. ftp - Trivial File Transfer Protocol, one way to transfer data from one host to another. NIX - This is copyrighted by AT$T, but i use it to cover all the look alike UNIX system, which you will run into more often. AN - Wide Area Network In this text file i have used several special charters to signify certain hing. Here is the key.