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                 ______      ______         ______________      
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                 \    /      \    /   ____   \      ______|
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                  |   ________   |  (  {}  )  |    _____)
    /~~~~~~~~~~~  |  |        |  |   \____/   |    |______  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~\
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    |  |        |______|    |______|        /_____________|           |  |
    |  |                                                              |  |
    |  |              Hogs of Entropy Text Files Present...           |  |
    |  |                  "tHe )<-RaD ]<0/x\PiL4Ti0N"                 |  |
    |  |                                                              |  |
    |  |                                                              |  |
    |  |                                           By: Abigwar        |  |
    |  |                                               Defiant        |  |
    |  |                                               Mogel          |  |
    |  |                                                              |  |
     \  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   /

        Warning: After Several Tests on Lab Mice we have concluded that
reading this text file, does, infact cause bodily harm to you.  The nature
of this text file is parody, and in doing so the authors have been highly
trained in the use of a highly bizarre computer language known as "/<-RaD".
After reading half-way through this file, you feel yourself going numb, 
feeling faint, feeling nauseus, spitting up, getting diareah, or your eyes
straining immensly please stop reading this text file for your own safety.
We as authors take no responibilty and will pay no Therapist Bills if someone
goes insane from reading these.  Read at your own risk:

    /  _____________________________/\_______________________________  \
   |  |             "Breaking and Entering: the new breed"           |  |
   |  |_____________________________/\_______________________________|  |

By: 4BiG\x/@r      

        Once upon, a /<-/^aD  trul3y 33l!t3 Day, I r3ad a FiLE oN DuMPStER 
DiViNG, 4 PhUn  UnD PrOpHiT!.  Welpers, I twas chinking. AnD I CuMe AcrossEd 
this /<-/~aD iDEA.  NoW, U AhLl KNoW HoW Elit3 i am right? sO i'M jUST GoiNG 
to SToP with THE Kh00l tYPiNG for the ReST of Duh FilE because I'M jUst So 
EliTe I DohNt NeeD to ShoW iT With DeS PHuNkEy  GrAFix. ThE FiLE iS GonnA bee
SOooo 3lit3, iT WiLL RaDiATe RadICal RuGbEy Kh00lNezz! 

Okkk, NoW Dat, ThAt Is CoVeREd, HerE We GO:

(STeP oNE!)
   Go to the house you want to break into. ShooT The lammErZ dog, So It WanT
   AttraCt UnessicarY AttenTioN! NoW, BrEAk In you khool duder you. GRaTe.. 
   Now, Close all the BlindS so TheY WonT sEa YouR PhuNky phlaSHLighT fr0M out
   SiDe DuH ViCTemS hoUSE. 
(StEp TwO!)
   GoH To DuH CoUcH(eS) aND PicK up DEE CuSHIoNZ. BiNGo! YoU NoW HavE HiT DaH
   JaCkpOT. TakE Ahll DuH StUph AnD PuHt It In YoUr UnDEr WheRE on ThE SyTik
   OvEr YoUR ShOlDEr. 

(stEp ThRee) 
   PuT Duh CUsHiOns BacK So ThEy Will NEvER KNoW You WheRe Dare, ExCEpT F0R 
   ThEeh DeaD DoG on ThE FlOOr OR GroUnd! HEhe, LeavE.


  C? WanT THaT /<Rad? LeT mE Tell YoU SoME OV DUh In-VeNT-oRy i CamE AccRoSS
  LaST NiGhT AfTeR SmoKIng S0mE d0pe! HeRE iS the ShINYinG RadIAnTing StoRY!

   LasT nigHT I Was WalkInG ArouND AftEr SmOKiNg SoMe DuSTEd InDiAn REd Hair,
 And i WenT Exactly All Duh WaY Around DuH Block. I ChAmE To A HoUSE DaT 
 looked SlIgHTlY LikE MinE. I CouLDn'T Tell If It Was oR Not Cuz oF DuH Weed.
 I SaHw A Cut DoHg DaT LooKEd AlOT LikE MinE, BuT i KneW I Had to Do IT If i
 WantEd To SucceD. I PullEd OuT mY TazeR, And ZAppARamA.
   i WEnT In To ThE HouSE And folLOWed The Steps ExaCTly. UnFoRCanaTly SiNcE
 i DiDnT PerpAre TO Dooo Dis AheAD of TImE, I had to RemovE MY UnDEr WAre And
 Jack off So i could Tie It TO My 1o f00t cOck. I DEhn pArAdEd DoWn The STReet
 And AROuND DuH BlOCk To My HoUsE, WheRe I FoUnD My P00r LiTTLe DoGgy In 
 ConvolsioNzz BuT I Didn't ThinK NoThiNg oVe It. 

   I WenT in SiDE and UnTieD MY DiCK. I pOoRed OuT Duh UnDerWarzz And DiSiS 
 SomE OVE What I Had foUnd!
                 CoNFedErATe FlAg
                 GeRmAN ImPearAl War Iron croSS from 1919
                 CopY oF The Us CoNStiTution Writen oN BurLapE
                 2 GoLDEn WomBatS Of DEstInEy!
                 10 GolDEn duNkEnTS
                 3 PEnnIEs
                 1 SkUll Head TapE
                 A PeacE oF DouBlE SiDEd TapE And a flyEr StUCk To iT AboUt
                 8 DiSpOSiBlE WaNKErz
                 3 UZeD CoNdOmz WiTh HAnD PrInTs On Dehm.
                 5 ShiT StrEakEd UnDErWArZZ

    Duh, Funy Thing Is: i HavE beEEN LOokINg For All dIS ShiT foR wEekS nOW,
 WhAt DuH Hell WuZ iT doing A complEtE Walk AlL ThE WAy ArouNd DUH BloCk FRom
 Here? I MAy NEveR KnOw.


    /  _____________________________/\_______________________________  \
   |  |                   "tHe ELiTE R3V0L(_)Ti0N!"                  |  |
   |  |_____________________________/\_______________________________|  |

By: |>3FiA/\/T

        iT'S tiMe f0R uS eLiTe pe0PLe t0 tAKe a sTAND!!@! 0H sHiT, mY cAPS.. 
0kay, that's better.  It's time f0r us t0 take a STAND...DAMMMiT!@!!@  That's 
right, believe it 0r n0t 0ur KiND has been t0rmented and ann0yed by patetic 
l00sers that have n0 lives f0r way t00 l0ng.  We're g0ing t0 take a stand!!@!
        d0 Y0U kn0w WHAT they SAY?!@  they SAY that We are STUPIDD.. I d0n't
like beeing called stpid, DP 0YU!@?   Anyway, the eLYTe w0rld is being 
threatened by these little hack fagg0ts.  DAMMiT!  I 've seen s0me 0f them,
and y0u d0n't kn0w what they l00k like.. they are all that little disgusting
c0mputer geek ster0type that get excited and theey jack 0ff t0 the th0guht 0f
a m0dem.  tHeY aRe fAGG0TS!!!! 0H sHiT, cAPs again... 0kay, they d0n't kn0w
what it's like t0 have a girlie like me.  They spend h0urs amd h0urs 
k0llecTiNg th0se fuckin' text filez andthey are FAGG0TS.. and m0st 0f them,
they d0nt SHiT... I'm eLiTe and I kn0w dhit.  We're g0nna take a stand, 
that's rigth and I kn0w that all 0f y0u eLiTe pe0ple are like me and n0t
FAGG0TTZ and will helpp me.  This is the best part: We're g0nna kick their 
ASSeZ with their 0wn matierials.  We're g0nna BeAT DA SHiT 0ut 0f 'em with
all the anarchust t00ls that I cleverly g0t fr0m 0ne 0f the FA0GG0T b0ards.
        There's are F0UR g00d wasy wer'e g0nna beat DA SHiT 0utta 'em.. and 
I'mag0nna list 'dem here:
        0kay, s0 Y0u've dedicated y0ur life t0 FUCKING UP the hack faG0ts!
That means y0u can put up a b0ard DAMMiT!  
        N0w, this mastur strategy will be easier f0r pe0ple if y0u already 
run a g00d quality WareZZZzzZ BBS then that will be easier.  If y0u have any 
clue ab0ut being eLITe then y0u will have a b0ard that's like 12 gigs.  Then 
y0u will have |_0ts 0f space.  Make an ann0ucement that y0ur b0ard is g0ing 
d0wn f0r a week.  make this ann0ucement in as few w0rds as p0ssible sinece 
m0st eLITe pe0ple d0n't feel like reading stupid ann0uncements and wanna get 
right t0 the \/\/AReZ immediatly.  
        N0w, t0 make the fake b0ard that will be up f0r 0ne week.  M0st 
hacker fagg0ts aren't as interested in a b0ard that has l0ts 0f ansi (they 
are fagg0ts), s0 y0u w0n't need anything special f0r y0ur b0ard.  S0 take 
s0me shitty s0ftware fr0m y0ur biard and just install in int0 a direct0ry.  
then just put up the b0ard.   N0w, the imp0rtant part... y0u g0tta get 0n 
s0me that have hacker FAGG0TS.  Then, 0nce y0u d0, p0st an Ascii ad ab0ut
y0ur b0ard.  Yeah, that's right.. I said Ascii.  N0t Ansi.  I kn0w, th0se
hacker fagg0ts actually d0n't think that a b0ard in ascii is lame.  FAGG0TS!
Anyway, I kn0w we all burn the lame, s0 I've included an example 0f a 
standard ascii ad f0r a HAcker-BBS..Feel free t0 use this 0ne, m0st hakcers
w0n't kn0w the difference....

        |               FAGG0T BBBS                              |                          
        |                                                        |
        |          We have n0 WareZ cause we are FAGGiTS.        |
        |         We have 10,000+ text fiels 0n the b0red.       |
        |        We have .004 gigs.  Call up and we'll give      |
        |            the files t0 y0u wiff n0 ratci0!            |
        |            (XCX) [Insert y0ur number here]             |
        |                                                        |

        N0w y0u get the ad 0ut.  0h, and change y0ur Sys0p handle t00.  We
d0n't want the hacker fagg0ts t0 kn0w it was y0u that did it.. we want them
t0 be mad at s0me0ne else... then u0u can get them again wiff an0ther 
meth0d 0f anaurchy.  
        The 0pint 0f the b0rrrd is t0 get inf0 ab0ut them.  ehen they call
up y0u wull get their name, number, addreess, bithdate, adn passw0rd that 
they use 0n 0ther BSs.. S0me 0f the FAGG0TS w0n't use real inf0... like i 
t0ld y0u, yhry are FAGG0TS.. but, s0me 0f the 0nes that l0gs 0n in the week 
will give y0u inf0 that y0u can use.  N0w what d0 y0u d0?  Y0u can d0 a few
things... if they have a ph0ne number that is real call them and "v0ice 
validate" them.  Then just get a friend t0 call and just harrass the SHiT 
0ut 0f them.  0H.. get y0ur m0dem t0 call they're number 0n aut0-redial
and keep calling and just hanging their and hanging up.... 0r if y0u have
the real address y0u can g0 there with a bat and BeAT THe SHIT 0UT 0F THeM 
(I prefer this meth0d).. 0r if y0u d0n't have either, the fagg0t might l0g0n
t0 0ther b0ards and y0u can l0g0n as him using the inf0rmati0n that he gave
y0u.  Then just g0 t0 the Message base and p0st.  I kn0w, I kn0w, p0sting 
sucks, but that's what y0u g0tta d0 t0 make 0ther fagg0ts laugh at a fagg0t.
Here's a sample p0st...

        Fr0m: [Pers0n y0u are imitating]
        Subject: I am a FAGGiT1@!#
        pReZ K0NtR01 H f0R hELp aNd AlT-H fOr ExTeNDuD HELP!        
Hell0.  I wanted t0 p0st t0 y0u all and finally revieal the truth
ab0ut me.  I am a FAGG0T... I have been that way ever since my father raped 
me when I was f0ur.  I am engaged in a h0m0sexual relati0nship with the 
Sys0p right n0w.  Thank y0u f0r y0ur time.

        That sh0u1d d0 it.  You will have throughly burned the user.


    /  _____________________________/\_______________________________  \
   |  |                       "tHe PHiRzT StEp!!"                    |  |
   |  |_____________________________/\_______________________________|  |

By: (\/)[](_>|#|__

        |>00dZ!  i Wi11 \x/4rN y0U RiG|-|+ /\/0\x/ tHAT | /-/@\/3 MAZT3RE|>
tH3 GR4FiX Ph0R b3iNG ELiT3!!!  i A/x\ S(_)C>-< 4 SuP3R3-0R wRiT3r 0v 
ArTuKULz tHaT i KAN tA1/< aB0UT AN-<T\-\iNG i WA/\/Ta!!1! 4ND i @/x\ 50 
31Y+3 +|-|4+ ! 3\/(_)/\/ \-\4\/3 +/~0(_)B01 (_)/\/|>3/~5+4/\/|>i/\/(_> iT!!!
iFh i HAvEN'T g0T y0U t0 S+oPA rEA|>iN' YeT tHeN i FiNK 0NlY dA Pe0PlE tHAt
wErE ELiTE eNUFF t0 tA/<3 iT sTaYeeD.  
        (_)nPH0RTuNATlY, diZ TUT0riA1 iZ Ph0R th0zE \x/h0 aR3 LaMerZZ!!!  
tH0ze \x/H0 aRE nEwBieZ!  i'M /\/0T tALkIn' aB0uT j(_)zT nE\x/BiEZ KuZ i mEaN
p30P1E DaT hA\/3 |>0N'T eVuN hAV3 4 NA/x\3 yET, dEwD!  Z0 dIz teXt PHiL3 iZ
s0 ELiTE d4T DeY cAn'T rE4D uT DeN >-0(_) G0TTAH rEaD eeT t0 DeM!!!1  
        0KaY d4 PhiZt FinG t0 ReMeMbEr AbOuT PiCKiN' aN ELi+E nA/x\3 iZ dAT 
y0U hAVETA HaVeTA |-|4VtA mAkE 50MeTiN' dAT sKAREZ aWaY pe0PLe KuZ y0U wAnTA
bE rEA1 BAD!!  bUT iTz AlZ0 g0TTa sH0W 0fF yEEr SkiLLz WiFF /-/4KiN' & 
PHrEaKin' anD y0U G0tTA s0UNd k001!!  i WUd g0 iNt0 SPeCFiKz WiFF y0uZ buT
| FiNK i A/x\ s0 ELiTE dAT y0U w0U1Dn'T UnD3RsTAnD mY FiL0SoaPY s0 HeReZ 
a RaNd0M /\/AmE cHaRT dAT iZ heRe Ph0R nAmeZ!  juZt mAtCH aNy 0Ne \x/0Rd 
PhRoM dA thE PhiRZT K0LuM WiFF 0Ne Ph0R dAh 5eKuND KuL0M, dEwD!:

        K0LuM 0Ne                       KuL0M t\x/0
        ---------                       -----------
        pHAnT0M                         hAcKEr
        KiLLeR                          PhEAkER
        BLooD                           StRiKeR
        dEaTH                           cRACKeR
        Gh0ST                           KiLLeR
        tHE                             pHaNt0M
        hACkER                          BL00d
        PhReAKer                        DeAtH
        StRiKER                         GH0Zt
        CrACkER                         ELiTE

        hErEZ a LiTTlE TriCK t0 ADD... juZt pUt tHE weRD "0F" bEtWeEN tHe
k0NNEcTIoN aND deN mAKe Da SeKuND wErD pLuRaL anD iT iZ sTill EliTE!!1!!1 
tHa1 K0NcluDez thIZ fILE BYE N0W!

|  M0G3|_'Z Land.....2157323413  /I'm a PiG\  Paranoia Subnormal.2153395831 |
|  h4CkEr KrAKd0\x/n.2159451907 |H )\@_@/( P| Stellar Nights.....6108969140 |
|  t.e.k.a.t.........9088132738 |o ( (o) ) i| Eat THIS!..........HeHeHahaho |
|  I Forget..........6105448001 |G  <_O_>  G|      the NEXT generation      | 
|  /<RaD-/<-/< House.8103480421 |s BuUuRP! s|          of stoopid...        |
|  The Complex.......4107205305  \I'm a PiG/                                | 
 Copyright (c) 1994 HoE Publications                        #24 --> 11/14/94
 All rights aRe oUrZ s0 LaY 0FF lAMeRZ!!!!