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         +-+  +-+  +-+
         +-+--+-+--+-+     VOLUME TEN                    NUMBER SIX
         |           |    ==========================================
         +___________+     FFFFF   SSS   FFFFF  N   N  EEEEE  TTTTT
          |      ++ |      F      S      F      NN  N  E        T
          |      ++ |      FFF     SSS   FFF    N N N  EEE      T
          |         |      F          S  F      N  NN  E        T
          |_________|      F       SSS   F      N   N  EEEEE    T
         /___________\    ==========================================
         |           |      BITNET Fantasy-Science Fiction Fanzine
      ___|___________|___  X-Edited by 'Orny' Liscomb <CSDAVE@MAINE>


            X-Editorial                          'Orny' Liscomb
            Servant of the Silver Blade           Ron Meldrum
           *Cydric and the Sage: Part Five        Carlo N. Samson

          Date: 042688                               Dist: 631
          An "*" indicates story is part of the Dargon Project
          All original materials  copyrighted by the author(s)

    Shifting  uncomfortably   before  his  terminal,  the   young  man
tentatively  taps out  a sentence,  then pauses.  Minutes pass  before
another  coherent thought  is slowly  composed, worded,  and dedicated
to  phosphor and  magnetic  media. After  several  moments of  careful
contemplation,  he uses  the block  delete  feature of  his editor  to
remove  the text,  and  begins  again. The  ritual  begins yet  again,
perhaps the fifth  time today. For the editor of  a magazine, there is
no feeling  quite the same  as when he  views an empty  editorial page
with  nothing  to  say.  An  editorial column  is  an  opportunity  to
communicate  directly with  your readership,  to share  your opinions,
your plans, and  a little of yourself, with people  who share the same
interests. Yet  it is also an  intimidating thing, because there  is a
responsability  to  inform and  be  entertaining  to the  reader,  not
merely pontificate.
    After having considered  many topics that might be  of interest, I
remain at  a loss. After  all, how  interesting would an  editorial be
if it  went into detail  describing the geogrpaphical  distribution of
its  readership,  or   mentioned  that  there  is,   on  the  average,
approximately two readers  per node? And I certainly  need not mention
the coming  of springtime or  impending finals,  or that this  will be
the last  issue in Volume 10  before the summer volume  begins. I have
similarly  been  unable  to   shift  my  responsabilities  onto  other
parties, after  having no response to  an offer to Dargon  authors for
a 'guest  editorial' column. Well, luckily  for me, we have  plenty of
good fiction  in this issue,  and there isn't  room enough for  a more
substantial  editorial.  I  am  quite  sure  that  the  two  excellent
stories in  this issue will go  over very well (hopefully  better than
the editorial, I'm sure).
    The figure  rests his head in  his hands and takes  a beep breath.
He pauses, then  reluctantly exits the editor. Now  begins the process
of sending  the issue  out, which although  tedious, at  least doesn't
require any amount of creativity...
                    -'Orny' Liscomb  <CSDAVE@MAINE>


                      Servant of the Silver Blade
    Durach wiped  his greasy  fingers across the  front of  his smithy
smock, leaving  dirty streaks on  the crest of Beartas  embroidered on
it. The  chicken had been good,  especially good since he  knew it was
the last  meat he  would have  for a week  and a  half. In  one smooth
movement the  thin but sturdy man  pulled off the smock  and stretched
his  arms, then  heaved a  long sigh,  expelling all  the worries  and
labors of  the day  at the forge.  He dropped his  dirty smock  on the
table and lowered himself heavily into a creaking chair by the hearth.
    Catching sight  of a dull  glow on  the wall above  the fireplace,
he  heaved  himself  to  his  feet again,  the  ancient  wooden  chair
creaking  loudly  beneath   the  force  on  its   arms.  Brushing  his
straight, dark  hair off of his  forehead, Durach stepped over  to the
fire  and  examined a  dull  grey  sword,  the  origin of  the  gleam,
hanging  horizontally   above  the   brick  fireplace.  He   pulled  a
precious, half-used  candle from a  fixture just below the  weapon and
stooped  to light  its wick  in  the flames  below. Straightening  his
aching back,  he replaced  the lighted candle  in its  fixture. Silver
light  burst from  the  hanging  sword and  shot  throughout the  dim,
one-room hut.
    "Ahh, better...better,"  Durach breathed, his wide  eyes following
the length  of the blemishless blade.  He then returned to  the chair,
which groaned and  shrieked as usual when he lowered  himself into it.
Leaning back, he lifted his eyes exultantly to the shining sword.
    Someone was  knocking at the  door. Durach stared dreamily  at his
beautiful weapon, either  not hearing the sound or  choosing to ignore
it. The  knocking persisted.  Annoyance flickered  across his  face as
Durach pulled  himself from his  reverie. He slowly pushed  himself to
his feet as the knocking continued.
    A  small, hooded  man, at  least a  full foot  and a  half shorter
than  Durach, was  standing patiently  on the  wooden doorstep  as the
door swung open.  He wore a long,  grey cloak made of  a fine material
Durach  didn't recognize,  and his  hood  concealed most  of his  head
except his  face and a  couple of curls of  black hair. A  strange but
friendly smile and  deep brown eyes, sparkling  with amusement, looked
up out  of the hood. It  was a starless  night, and there was  a light
drizzle  falling, but  the  stranger  said nothing.  He  stood on  the
doorstep smiling, the drizzle clinging in beads to his grey cloak.
    Shaking off his drowsiness, Durach spoke.
    "Enter, stranger," he  said with as much hospitality  as he could.
"I don't have much,  but my house is warm. If you are  hungry I have a
little chicken broth but nothing more."
    "Thank you," the  short man said and stepped past  Durach into the
small hut. His  eyes glanced about the room, standing  for a moment on
the sword,  then continuing  their inspection of  the place  as Durach
closed the  door. He  turned to  his host and  said, "Well,  kind sir,
where is the broth?"
    Durach picked up a small metal pot of broth from the table.
    "I'll warm it up for you," he offered.
    "That won't  be necessary," the  stranger said. He  boldly reached
out and  took the  lukewarm pot  from the  startled Durach.  The small
man then pulled  himself onto the wooden table top  and, with his legs
dangling,  put  the  pot  to   his  lips  and  drank.  Durach  watched
curiously as  a small stream  of broth  trickled down from  one corner
of the man's mouth.
    "Not  bad," the  man said  with  a light  sigh as  he lowered  the
empty pot. He leaned back on his elbows and looked up at Durach.
    "So," said the stranger, "what's your name?"
    "Huh...  my  name? Oh!  I'm  Durach,  the  son  of Dochas  son  of
Gorach. I work at a smithy in town but my father was..."
    "What a nice  name!" the man exclaimed. "Durach,"  he repeated the
name with a smile.
    Durach, slightly  annoyed by the  man's interruption, took  a deep
breath, then asked, "What is your name, stranger?"
    "I'm Calman.  Calman of  Gliocas. You  don't know  me. May  I stay
here tonight?"
    "Sure," said  Durach, a hundred  questions coming to  mind. "Where
are you from?"
    "I told you," the man replied. "From Gliocas."
    "I've never heard of any Kliogas..."
    "Gliocas," Calman corrected him, still smiling.
    "Okay, Gliocas. Where is this city?"
    "It's not a city. It's much more."
    "Kingdom, then."
    "It's not a kingdom."
    "What, then, is it?" Durach asked, annoyance in his voice.
    "It's  just  a place,"  Calman  replied,  apparently ignoring  the
other man's tone of voice.
    "Where is this place?"
    "Out there," said  the short man with a vague  flick of the wrist.
"It's a  long, hard  trip and  most people never  find it.  Nice place
you have here."
    "What? Oh, yes... I mean, it's all I have."
    "Where'd  you get  the knife?"  Calman had  removed his  eyes from
Durach, but still wore the smile.
    "Knife?"  Durach followed  the  man's  gaze to  the  sword on  the
wall. At  the sight  of it,  all traces  of annoyance  and frustration
were gone, and he began to speak.
    "Oh, Iarann.  My father gave him  to me. My father,  you know, was
the champion of  Lord Uan. He gave  him to me before he  died. He died
of  a  broken  heart.  When  Lord Airgid  took  over,  my  father  was
stripped of his  rank and soon fell  sick. He was given  Iarann by his
father, my  grandfather, of  course. I don't  know where  Sire Gorach,
that was his name, got him."
    "Him?" Calman spoke up.
    "Him, Iarann," Durach said, pointing to the sword.
    "Oh, okay,"  the other  man said,  slightly amused.  Ignoring him,
Durach continued.
    "Someday I  will carry him  into battle and  earn him glory  as my
fathers did.  I have  already, once.  During the  war with  Cumach ten
years ago, when I was young, I carried him into battle gloriously."
    "No, you didn't," Calman said.
    "Huh?" said Durach, startled.
    "Don't  you ever  listen?  I  said 'no,  you  didn't!' You  didn't
carry the knife into battle." He was still smiling.
    "Well,"   Durach  stuttered,   surprised   by   the  other   man's
statement. "I almost  did. They trained me,  and I was about  to go to
battle when peace was resolved. They trained me, though."
    "How long?" Calman asked.
    "Well, for a day. But that doesn't matter. They trained me."
    "Oh, okay," the other man said, smiling.
    There was  silence for a while.  Durach stood by the  table musing
over the  sword while Calman sat  on the table musing  over Durach. As
if reaching  some unspoken  decision, Calman said,  "Okay, I'll  go to
bed now." With  that he dropped from  the table to the  floor in front
of Durach and walked  over to the fireplace. After a  glance up at the
sword and  another back at  his host, the man  lay down and  curled up
in front of the warm flames.
    For  several  minutes Durach  stood  wondering  about his  curious
guest.  Shaking his  head,  he  strode over  to  the fireplace.  Being
careful not  to disturb Calman,  he stretched  his right arm  and with
one finger extinguished  the candle. The interior of  the hut suddenly
dimmed. Leaning  over the man  on the  floor, Durach stoked  the fire,
then walked to the door and bolted it.
    Retiring  to the  corner where  he usually  slept, he  removed his
crude wooden sandals  and his cloak, then lay down  to rest, spreading
the cloak over  him for a cover. Lying half  asleep already, he looked
across  the room  at the  silent, unmoving  figure silhouetted  by the
unsteady firelight.  He wondered who  the stranger was, and  where his
Gliocas was. Durach quickly drifted further from consciousness.

    He  awoke just  after dawn  the next  morning. The  door was  wide
open, and  bright sunlight  was streaming in,  flooding the  room with
an  irrepressible sense  of bliss.  Someone was  humming quietly,  and
the smells  and sounds of  cooking ham  reached the awakening  man. He
sat up,  looking around  the place.  Calman was  kneeling in  front of
the fire  cooking meat while  humming a merry  tune. On the  table was
the partially butchered  carcass of a small  pig. Blinking confusedly,
Durach  looked  back  at  the  man   by  the  fire.  His  eyes  raised
habitually  to  the  sword  and   his  mind  cleared.  Stretching  his
stiffened muscles,  Durach yawned  loudly. Calman stopped  humming and
turned to him, wearing the familiar smile.
    "Hello, want some breakfast?"
    Durach looked at  him a moment, then nodded dumbly.  The short man
turned  back to  the  fireplace and  took up  his  tune again.  Durach
climbed to his  feet and put on  his cloak and smock. He  never put on
his sandals before it was time to leave for work.
    "Where'd you get the pig?" he asked.
    "Oh...  down the  road,"  Calman replied  without turning  around.
The tune became a battle march. Durach's eyes narrowed suspiciously.
    "Down the road?" he asked.
    "Yes,  that's what  I said.  Sometimes  I don't  think you  people
ever  listen." Durach  didn't question  what he  meant by  the ominous
"you people."
    "Did you steal it?" he asked bluntly.
    "I don't steal."
    "Where did you get it, then?"
    "Down the road..."
    "I know that!" Durach interrupted. "Where down the road?"
    "In a shady spot next to the roadway," Calman evaded.
    "Was it just sitting there by the road?"
    "Yes,  just sitting  there. I  simply reached  over the  fence and
picked it up."
    "So,  you stole  it,"  Durach said,  more as  a  statement than  a
question. His voice was quieter, but still shaky.
    "No, I  told you, I  don't steal,"  Calman said, laying  some more
meat in a flimsy frying pan.
    "Then the owner knows," Durach said, relieved.
    "What  owner?" the  other man  asked, still  not turning  from the
fire. Durach fell back into frustration.
    "The owner," he said. "The person who owns, or owned, the pig!"
    "I didn't see  any owner when I  got there. All I saw  was a bunch
of pigs in a fenced-in mud hole, next to a large house."
    "A house!"
    "Yes, yes! Must I repeat everything?"
    Durach dropped the  subject and, shaking his  head, seated himself
in the  groaning chair. Calman  turned and grinned devilishly  at him,
then returned to his cooking and tune, which became a moving dirge.
    The two  ate together  in silence  at the  table. Since  there was
only one  chair, Calman was  more than happy to  sit on the  table top
with his  legs dangling  as he  had the night  before. The  ham tasted
good to  Durach, who hadn't  eaten breakfast,  much less ham,  in many
months.  Then  there  were  those   curious  white  roots.  They  were
excellently  prepared and  Durach couldn't  complain about  the taste,
but he was always leery about eating things he didn't recognize.
    After they had eaten, Calman dropped from the table.
    "Well," he  said with  a sigh,  "I must be  going now."  Without a
farewell he  stepped to the  door. Then  a backward glance  caught the
sword, gleaming  in the sunlight  at its station above  the fireplace.
As   if  suddenly   remembering   something,  he   wheeled  and   said
cryptically, "Oh,  yes. Happiness  and glory to  you!" He  grinned his
familiar grin,  then the smile  faded momentarily  and his eyes  had a
distant look.  Refocussing on  Durach, he smiled  a subdued  smile and
was gone out the door.
    Durach worked at  a smithy in the central district  of the city of
Beartas, which  was no more  than a mile  form his home.  Progress was
normally slow  as he walked to  work once he entered  the city proper,
for the narrow  streets were usually clogged with  people. He disliked
crowds and  thus hated the segment  of his path that  took him through
the city streets.
    This morning  was different, though.  Durach was late, due  to the
fact  he had  eaten breakfast  with Calman.  Then, after  the stranger
had departed he,  of course, had to  polish his sword. By  the time he
reached  the city  he  found only  a  few people  on  the streets.  He
smiled to  himself and  decided to  make it  a point  to be  late more
often. At  this time  the laborers were  at work and  the rest  of the
city was still asleep.
    Waiting for him  in front of the small, open-faced  smithy was its
owner,  one of  Durach's longtime  friends. Durach  had taught  him to
read a  little, since he  himself had been  lucky enough to  learn his
letters  while his  father  still held  a station  at  the court.  His
friend,  Caraid, had  inherited the  smithy from  an uncle.  The place
wasn't great,  but it did  have a good  location in the  central trade
district and  a reputation  for quality. The  smithy consisted  of two
rooms, one of which  was open to the street. The open  one had a small
stone forge at  its center. Only Caraid, his  twelve-year-old son, and
Durach worked there.
    Caraid seemed  to have been  waiting for  Durach, for when  he saw
him coming  down the street, the  forge owner hustled over  toward him
carrying  a folded  sheet of  paper in  his huge  left hand.  Caraid's
large,  smithy-hardened body  dwarfed what  few other  people were  on
the street.
    "Durach," he rumbled  in his deep voice, holding  the paper aloft.
"I need  your help  with this."  He apparently  ignored the  fact that
Durach was  late. Caraid handed  the paper to  him and the  two strode
back to  the smithy where Caraid's  son was straining under  a load of
scrap  iron.  Durach  unfolded  the paper,  the  huge  Caraid  peering
anxiously over his shoulder at it.
    "What's the problem?" Durach asked scanning the list on the sheet.
    "Well," his  friend's voice was  subdued, "I recognized  the words
'horseshoes'  and  'hammer heads',  but  what  are these  others?"  He
poked one  of his large  fingers awkwardly at  the bottom part  of the
list, and Durach examined it. His eyes lit up as he read aloud.
    "'Spearheads'!  And  'Pikeheads'!" There  was  a  sharp intake  of
breath as Caraid realized the significance of his friend's words.
    "Spears  and pikes?"  Caraid asked  in a  low voice.  "We've never
made weapons for the Lord before!"
    Durach  read the  heading at  the top  of the  sheet. Indeed,  the
order was issued  by the treasury of Lord Airgid.  His heart jumped at
the  implications  of  the  castle ordering  weapons,  but  he  calmed
himself  by saying  aloud,  "They're probably  just refurninshing  the
old armory.  It hasn't  been refurnished, you  know, since  before the
reign of Lord Uan."
    Caraid didn't look convinced.
    "We'd better  get started," the  big man  said. "It's a  big order
and the Lord wants it next week."
    "Next  week!"  Durach  protested,  looking down  the  list  again.
"That's impossible! We can't do this much in such a short time! Its.."
    "Nor  will you  have to,"  a  new voice  said, emphasizing  "nor".
Durach and Caraid  wheeled around to see a clean-shaven  man in a dark
blue robe  standing just off  the road by the  smithy. In one  hand he
held a  book with several  loose sheets  sticking out form  inside the
front cover. Before the smiths could say anything, the man continued.
    "I am Searbhanta,  third treasurer of his  Lordship, Lord Airgid."
He paused  and looked around  to see if  anyone reacted to  his title.
Seeing no one take note, he frowned indignantly and resumed speaking.
    "The  order  given  you  this morning  has  been  retracted.  Your
services are  no longer  required by  his Lordship.  He has  found the
larger smithies more suitable to his needs at present."
    "But..." Caraid  protested. But the  man in blue turned  and left.
The  large smith  furiously kicked  the nearest  wall, which  promptly
cracked upon impact.
    Durach's attention,  however, was  drawn away  from his  friend by
another  development. There  was a  commotion  in the  street. One  of
Lord  Airgid's  criers,  holding  a rolled  sheet  of  parchment,  was
climbing off  his mount a few  yards away. Unrolling the  parchment he
began to read as a crowd formed about him.
    "Hear all!  Hear all! Due  to crimes committed against  the person
and property  of our  liege, the  Beloved and  Mighty Lord  Airgid, by
the blackguards  of the  Castle Cumach,  it is  hereby decreed  that a
state  of war  exists  between  the people  of  Beartas  and those  of
Cumach.  All able-bodied  men  are  required to  enlist  at the  north
garrison or  pay a hundred Gold  Royals to buy amnesty.  Failure to do
so will result in imprisonment.
    "Hear all! Hear all!"the crier droned, repeating the proclamation.
    Durach  was excited.  So much  had happened  so quickly.  This was
what he  had been  waiting for  all his  life. Now  he could  bear his
fathers' sword proudly into combat.
    Caraid had  recovered from his  momentary anger and  was listening
carefully to  the crier. He  turned to Durach  and said, "I  guess I'm
out of  business for a  while." He pulled off  his smock and  threw it
down. "Shall we go to the north garrison together?"
    "I'll meet  you here in  an hour.  Then we can  go. I have  to get
Iarann!" Without waiting  for a response, he took off  running as fast
as the  growing crowd would allow.  After passing through the  city he
sprinted,  not  noticing  the  strange  gazes  of  onlookers  as  they
watched the lean, middle-aged man bound gleefully down the road.
    He barged  into his hut,  lungs heaving,  and stopped in  front of
the  fireplace.  Panting, he  reached  up  and carefully  removed  the
sword from the hooks on the wall.
    "O Iarann, I bring you glory!" he gasped.

    Forty-five minutes  later he was  standing in line with  Caraid at
the north garrison, waiting to enlist.
    "It   looks  nice,"   Caraid  said   gently,  knowing   fully  the
significance his friend put on the weapon.
    "Yes, he  does," Durach agreed,  proudly holding the  sword, blade
up at  arms length in front  of him. The morning  sun glinted brightly
off its  silver surface. Surely  they would  make him a  corporal when
they saw  the sword.  They would  recognize the  quality for  which it
stood,  and he  would  tell  them that  he  had  been trained  before.
Surely they would make him a corporal, maybe even a sergeant.
    They  didn't.  Though  Durach  awaited the  assignment  with  held
breath,  he got  just three  words out  of the  man at  the enlistment
desk: "Name...Weapon...Next."
    He  was, however,  consoled by  the fact  that he  and Caraid  had
been  assigned  to  the  same  unit.  The  unit,  comprised  of  fifty
peasants with  diverse weapons,  was under the  command of  a hulking,
chain-mailed,  gauntleted, and  mounted  sergeant  named Duine.  Duine
immediately let his  unit know that he considered it  below himself to
work  with  such rabble,  and  that  he  was presently  attempting  to
discover what  he had done  to offend  the officials who  had assigned
him  to  the  position.  Training  lasted half  a  day  and  consisted
primarily of  climbing ladders and  ropes to the  top of a  high wall.
Durach's unit  trained side-by-  side with  five other  similar units.
There  was no  doubt what  their job  would be  during the  assault on
Castle  Cumach, and  Durach beamed  inside at  the thought  of scaling
the enemy's  walls, lifting Iarann  high above his head,  and bringing
glory  to the  sword  by routing  the enemy  forces.  He awaited  with
anticipation the day they were to move on the castle.

    That day  came too  soon for many  of the men  in the  army. There
were  the  usual desertions,  mostly  peasant  conscripts, which  were
invariably remedied  by an  arrow in  the back of  the deserter  as he
fled.  The troops  marched  in a  disorganized  throng, moving  slowly
down the dusty road to death.
    Caraid, walking  next to Durach,  had a worried expression  on his
face. He  was carrying  the ancient thrusting  spear the  garrison had
given  him. All  conscripts who  had signed  up without  a weapon,  as
Caraid has,  had been assigned  some relic from Lord  Airgid's armory.
Durach spoke.
    "Why so grim?"
    Caraid turned his face to Durach.
    "I don't  want to be  a part of  this. I just  want to go  back to
the smithy. I'm not a soldier."
    "Ah," Durach  said. "But  look at  it this way:  this battle  is a
chance to earn fame and glory. Don't turn down the chance."
    "Only  the nobles  and  friends of  the Lord  will  earn fame  and
glory," Caraid  mumbled. Noticing  Durach's hurt expression,  he added
quickly,  "and, of  course, you  and your  sword will.  But I  have no
such  weapon." He  brandished  the  spear. Its  head  shook loose  and
Caraid stumbled  to catch it  before it  hit the ground.  Ignoring the
curses from  a man behind,  who had run into  him as he  stumbled, the
big man straightened up and replaced the spear head.
    "That is a  disadvantage," Durach sighed. "But  your strength will
carry you."
    Less  than an  hour  later the  high walls  of  the Castle  Cumach
began  to  rear themselves  up  ahead  of  the  army. When  the  force
finally emerged  from around a low  rise and saw the  castle, the host
slowed  down to  a  crawl and  looked  on  with awe.  It  was a  large
fortress, sitting  proudly on  the top  of a low  hill, red  and green
banners streaming  from its towers. Half  a mile beyond, in  a shallow
river  valley, was  the  city  the castle  was  built  to protect.  No
troops were  seen deployed  outside the fortress,  but its  walls were
briming with  mail-clad warriors.  A forest of  pikes and  long spears
rose from the  battlements, impressively catching the  bright light of
the afternoon sun.
    A noble to the rear of the host shouted, "Dost thou surrender?"
    The  answering shower  of  arrows  fell short  of  the troops  but
clearly  expressed Castle  Cumach's answer.  The order  came from  the
rear  to storm  the walls.  The peasant  units that  had been  trained
with Durach's  unit hefted the  long, shabby ladders they  had carried
from Beartas  and began  moving hesitantly toward  the ready  pikes on
the  walls.  Durach's  sergeant,  Duine,  was no  where  to  be  seen.
Several  whips cracked  somewhere behind  and  the mass  broke into  a
disorganized charge.  Durach tried  to make  his way  to the  front to
lead the assault  with uplifted sword, but his speed  was no match for
the  younger members  of the  mob. About  two hundred  paces from  the
wall, nearly  half of the  people at the front  of the charge  fell to
enemy archers.  Another twenty or thirty  fell at a hundred  and fifty
paces, at  least forty fell  at one hundred,  and another forty  or so
at fifty  paces. Then  the mass  was upon the  wall. The  ladders were
thrown up  and the attackers  began to  climb. Shower after  shower of
arrows swept the ladders clean.
    Durach  shoved a  man out  of  his way  and leapt  to the  nearest
ladder. As  he began to climb,  however, a pikeman on  the wall pushed
the top of  the ladder away with his weapon  and Durach fell backwards
onto the  ground. He scrambled  to his  feet and found  himself facing
the  sloping field  he had  just charged  across, and  was shocked  at
what he  saw. Beyond the hundred  and more dead and  wounded littering
the field the armored regulars of the army of Beartas were retreating.
    A violent  sense of  betrayal surged through  him. He  wheeled and
yelled  to Caraid,  whom  he  had seen  nearby  a  moment ago.  Durach
quickly turned  away with  tears in  his eyes  as his  friend screamed
then crumpled under searing, boiling oil dropped from above.
    Durach ran.  He made  his way  across the field  to some  trees on
the other  side. Most of  the others were doing  the same now.  He ran
until  he couldn't  run anymore,  caught his  breath, then  ran again.
His  thoughts were  not  thoughts at  all, but  flashes  of anger  and
surges of sorrow.
    By the  time he reached Beartas'  city limits, he had  calmed down
quite a bit. Skirting  the city to get to his  house, his face assumed
a stone-like  expression and he  slowed to a  walk, but his  eyes held
shadows of deep loss mixed with anger.
    Arriving  home, Durach  found he  had left  the door  ajar, and  a
foul  odor reminded  him  that he  had  left the  pig  carcass on  his
table.  He stepped  through the  door and  looked around.  Nothing had
changed. Slowly  he looked  up to  the empty hooks  on the  wall above
the  fireplace, then  to the  sword he  still grasped  tightly in  his
right hand.  Calmly, Durach  walked over  to the  corner of  the small
room to  the right  of the  cold fireplace and  dropped the  weapon to
the floor.  He stood silently looking  at the cold, grey  ashes in the
fireplace, tears welling up in his eyes again.
    A sound behind  him caused him to turn. Framed  in the doorway was
a  familiar short,  hooded  figure.  Calman pulled  back  his hood  to
reveal tangled, raven-black  locks. His smile was gone,  replaced by a
look of  deep understanding.  He glanced  at the  sword on  the floor,
then spoke in a low voice.
    "Perhaps with my aid, you may yet be able to find Gliocas."
    Durach nodded and followed Calman away from Iarann.
                     -Ron Meldrum  <IO60048@MAINE>


                      Cydric and the Sage: Part 5
    Author's  note: The  complete  synopsis for  parts 1  &  2 can  be
found in FSFnet VOL09N1, for part 3 in FSFnet VOL10N1.
    THE  STORY  SO  FAR:  In  part 4  (chapters  VIII-X),  Cydric  and
Corambis head back  to the house at twilight,  stopping momentarily in
the temple district so  that the Sage can offer a  brief prayer to the
goddess Cahleyna.  Cydric questions  the necessity of  worshipping the
gods;  Corambis seems  offended  but later  accepts Cydric's  apology.
When they  arrive back at  the Sage's home,  they have a  light supper
and prepare themselves  for the opening of the  Celestial Archway. The
midnight hour arrives, the Archway appears, and the two step through.
    They  materialize in  the other  realm  on a  deserted beach.  The
chrysoline ring  that the Sage wears  points them in the  direction of
the  Elder.  They  do  not  walk  far when  they  are  stopped  by  an
invisible  barrier.  Corambis uses  the  ring  to smash  through,  and
suddenly  the  Citadel  of  Sorrows,   situated  on  a  huge  floating
boulder, is  revealed to  them. A transportal  disc teleports  them up
to  the  Citadel,  and  they  begin  exploring.  They  notice  strange
translucent stones  scattered about  the courtyard; Cydric  keeps one.
The ring  leads them through an  armory filled with rusty  weapons, an
old tapestry  room, and finally up  into a tower where  they find Bahz
the  Elder.  Bahz  appears  incredibly  old  and  decrepit,  but  when
Corambis tries  to help him  stand, the Elder snatches  the chrysoline
ring away from  the Sage and laughs. Green flames  surround the Elder,
and his  true identity is  revealed: he  is actually Nephros,  mage of
ancient   Quentrellia  and   the  first   to  physically   travel  the
Dreamrealms.  He casts  a paralysis  spell upon  Cydric and  Corambis,
and they lose consciousness.

                            XI. The Servant
    The first  thing that Cydric  felt when  he awoke some  time later
was a  pressure on his  head. He looked around  and saw that  the room
was now  empty, save for Corambis,  who was shackled to  a wooden post
at the  other side of  the room. He tried  to stretch, and  found that
he  was similarly  restrained. He  gave the  chains a  hard yank,  but
they remained securely fastened.
    "Milord Corambis!"  he called,  trying to wake  the Sage.  After a
few moments, Corambis lifted his head.
    "How do you feel?" Cydric asked him.
    "Quite fine,"  replied the Sage.  "But--" he stopped, and  his jaw
dropped in surprise.
    "What? What is it?" Cydric said, looking around.
    "My goddess has  heard my prayers! She has not  forgotten us!" the
Sage said joyfully.
    "What do  you mean?"  Cydric asked,  not understanding  the Sage's
elation.  Just  then  the  pressure   lifted  from  his  head,  and  a
bizarre-looking little creature settled onto his shoulder.
    "Gaaah!  What the  hellblaze  is it!"  shouted  Cydric, trying  to
shrug it off.
    "Relax, Cydric,  it will not  harm you. That  is the Tozu,  one of
the special  servants of  Cahleyna." Corambis addressed  the creature:
"Forgive my young friend,  O Tozu, for he is not used  to being in the
presence of one so distinguished as yourself."
    Cydric looked  closely at the creature.  It was very much  like an
owl, except for its human head and tiny pair of arms.
    "His reaction is  understandable. I take no  offense," replied the
Tozu  in  a  small,  low-pitched  voice. "And  you  are  correct,  Sir
Corambis. Mistress  Cahleyna has  not forgotten you;  she has  sent me
to tell you of the important duty you must perform."
    "Uh, excuse  me, Zotu, or  Tozu, or  whatever your name  is; could
you  please  sit  somewhere  else?"  Cydric  said,  feeling  a  little
uncomfortable with the owl-man on his shoulder.
    "Cydric! Please do not embarrass me," said the Sage.
    "If  you don't  mind,  I'd  rather sit  here,"  the Tozu  replied,
somewhat testily.
    "Fine  with  me,  then,"   Cydric  said,  shrugging.  The  owl-man
flapped to keep his balance and gave Cydric a disapproving frown.
    "First of  all," said the  Tozu, "let  me tell you  about Nephros.
You  may  know that  over  a  thousand years  ago,  he  was the  royal
sorcerer of  the Island of  Quentrellia, and that  he was the  one who
discovered  the  Amulet   of  Hanarn  and  thus  the   first  mage  to
physically  venture  onto  the  dreamrealms. To  escape  the  Fretheod
invasion  of the  Island he  fled  into the  dreamrealms and  wandered
about for  a time, eventually  finding his  way to the  Nether Realm."
He paused, seeing the Sage's eyes widen.
    "You don't mean...he made a bargain with an Exile?"
    "Indeed he did.  He promised Xothar the chance to  escape from his
prison in exchange for the power to dominate your world."
    Cydric  remembered  the stories  of  the  Exiles: once  they  were
seraphim,  living in  Lordsrealm with  the All  Creator, until  Xothar
and his followers  revolted and tried to seize power.  The All Creator
crushed the rebellion,  stripped them of their astral  form, and flung
them into the  Nether Realm where they have been  ever since. "Why did
Nephros wait until now to try and free him?" Cydric asked.
    "He has  tried many  times before, but  with no  success," replied
the Tozu. "This time, however, he may finally succeed."
    "Of   course!   The   harmonic   convergence   happens   tonight,"
interjected Corambis.  "If he has  a means  of tapping the  power from
the alignment of the sun and stars, he may very well attain his goal."
    "Very true," said  the Tozu. "He does in fact  have the means--the
Amulet  of Hanarn.  Now, Mistress  Cahleyna  and the  other gods  have
appealed to  the All Creator,  and he has  agreed to let  them destroy
Xothar once  and for  all. But  since Xothar is  in the  Nether Realm,
they cannot  harm him, just  as he cannot  harm them. The  All Creator
is loathe  to destroy  any being,  but has made  an exception  in this
case. So,  when Nephros  opens the Celestial  Archway, the  gods shall
attempt  to strike  a  blow at  Xothar. This  means,  of course,  that
Nephros must be allowed to complete the summoning ritual."
    "Wait, do  you mean to  say that you are  not here to  rescue us?"
Cydric asked, incredulously.
    "As I  said, Nephros must complete  the ritual in order  to gather
enough  power  to open  an  Archway  in  the  Nether Realm.  He  needs
your...assistance, for the ritual to work."
    "Well,  don't  the  gods  have   enough  have  power  to  do  that
themselves? I mean, they are gods, right?"
    "The  All   Creator  devised   the  Nether   Realm  as   a  prison
specifically  for  gods  and  other  divine  beings.  No  resident  of
Lordsrealm has any power over that place."
    "But mere  mortals do? Anyway, what  about us? I mean,  myself and
Milord Corambis. Surely  Cahleyna will not let anything  happen to one
of her worshippers?"
    "Naturally.  But you  do  understand that  if  Xothar escapes,  he
will take the  rest of the dwellers  of the Nether Realm  with him, as
well as  the other Exiles. He  will make war upon  Lordsrealm, and the
universe shall suffer."
    "But you will help us get out of here after the ritual, right?"
    The  Tozu hesitated.  "Unfortunately, the  Citadel will  also have
to be  destroyed. This was  once a place of  great power, that  is why
Nephros chose it. I can't help you once the ritual is begun."
    Corambis said: "I  understand, O Tozu. It will be  an honor to die
for my goddess."
    "She is  not *my*  goddess," said Cydric.  "Anyway, I  thought the
gods were  more powerful than  any one  seraphim. The battle  will not
take all their energy and concentration, will it?"
    "It  may.  Xothar  will  undoubtedly  have  all  his  evil  forces
waiting, and the  gods have to send a combined  power strike to insure
their destruction."
    "So you are saying that it is up to us to make our own escape?"
    "In effect, yes."
    "Some divine being you are!"
    "Please, Cydric, do not speak that way to him," said Corambis.
    The  Tozu  stiffened   for  a  moment,  then   said,  "Nephros  is
returning  from his  preparations. The  Convergence is  near. Remember
what I have said."
    "We will, O Tozu. Thank you."
    "Blessings of Cahleyna  be with you." With that,  the Tozu flapped
his wings and flew off out the window.

                            XII. The Ritual
    A few  moments later, Nephros  entered the room. "So,  my friends,
did you have a good sleep?" he asked.
    They said nothing. "What, lizard-man got your tongue?" he laughed.
    "Why us?" asked Cydric.
    "Why not  you?" Nephros replied,  setting the brazier he  had been
carrying down in the center of the room.
    "I  mean,  why did  you  go  through  all  that trouble  with  the
visions? You could have easily kidnapped us or something."
    "I  needed  you  both  to  come willingly.  Would  you  have  come
otherwise?  I  doubt  it.  I  perceived that  the  old  man  would  be
interested in the  story about Bahz, so  I cast my bait,  and you came
right as  I expected."  Taking a  jar of  paint and  a brush  from the
brazier, he  began marking out  a large  triangle, with Cydric  at one
point and Corambis at the other, humming as he did so.
    "Just what is this all about, anyway?" Cydric asked.
    "You certainly  are an  inquisitive one, aren't  you? Well,  I see
no harm in telling.  I am preparing to bring a  being of immense power
onto this  plane. In return for  that, he'll grant me  supreme mastery
over  the  world.  Lord  Nephros, Emperor  of  Makdiar--sounds  great,
doesn't it?"
    "For you, maybe. Just what do you need us for?"
    "Well,  for  this  whole  thing  to  work,  I  need  a  couple  of
sacrifices  and a  host body  for  the being--Xothar's  his name,  you
know him?"
    "Legends say he was banished to the Nether Realm."
    "Not for  long. At the  Convergence point, I'll open  the StarDoor
into the  Nether Realm,  and he'll  be freed, along  with the  rest of
his  friends. And  then I'll  have powers  beyond all  measuring--why,
I'll be able  to raze Dargon Keep  in thirty seconds if  the notion so
took me!"  He put the  finishing touches  on the triangle  and stepped
back. "Wonderful. Almost ready."
    "What did my vision mean?" Cydric asked.
    "Merely  bits and  pieces  of  your dreams  and  desires. I  can't
remember  exactly."  He threw  the  paint  jar  out the  window,  then
brought out a leather bag. He emptied the contents into the brazier.
    "One  last thing."  He  turned to  the empty  third  point of  the
triangle  and  made  some  motions  with  his  hands.  A  wooden  post
appeared in  place. He  moved to  the window and  glanced up  into the
sky. "Excellent. The Convergence is nigh." He chuckled.
    Cydric  looked over  at Corambis.  The Sage  had his  eyes closed,
and appeared to be meditating.
    "Now where  did I put her?  Oh yes, I remember."  Nephros left the
room, and  came back a few  moments later dragging a  struggling young
girl behind him.
    "No! Let me go! Help!" she screamed.
    "A  nice virgin  sacrifice," Nephros  said. "Can't  have a  ritual
without one."
    Cydric lunged against his chains. "Let her go, you bastard!"
    "Such  fire and  spirit. What  a strong  life-force. Yes,  a prime
sacrifice victim. I'll kind of miss her," Nephros said.
    "Help me please!" the girl sobbed at Cydric.
    "You let her go, or I'll--"
    "You'll  what? Kill  me?" Nephros  smirked. He  put his  hand over
the girl's  eyes, and her struggles  ceased. He placed her  up against
the wooden  post and chained her  hands behind her. "Xothar  will like
her. More than he'll like the old man, I'm afraid."
    "Not him too--"
    "This is a  pretty big ritual, you know. Twice  as many sacrifices
as usual. It  had better work this  time." He moved to  stand over the
brazier. "Well?"  he said,  looking at Cydric.  "No last  minute pleas
for mercy?"
    Cydric glared at him.
    "No, I  guess not. I  rather expected you  to offer yourself  as a
sacrifice in  place of the girl.  Your type is always  doing that sort
of 'noble' thing. Well?"
    Cydric started to speak but bit down his reply.
    "I  didn't think  so. Anyway,  I  can't sacrifice  you, since  you
have the honor  of being Xothar's new astral form.  I don't think he'd
appreciate  flying  around  in the  body  of  a  tired  old man  or  a
delicate young lass,  now would he?" He grinned. "Now,  if there is no
other business, I say let the festivities begin!"
    A  flame  appeared in  the  brazier.  Moments  later, a  cloud  of
purple smoke  rose up  into the  air. Nephros  reached into  his tunic
and  brought out  a small  object on  a chain.  The Amulet  of Hanarn,
Cydric supposed.
    "Spirits  of the  sun, hear  me!"  began Nephros.  "Movers of  the
stars, attend  me!" The smoke formed  into a rough sphere.  "Powers of
the void,  grant me  your strength.  As the  heavens come  together in
the perfect  pattern, let their  brilliance shine upon me!"  He raised
the Amulet above his head. There was a rumbling sound in the distance.
    "Oroc criat naestrum. Oroc criat naestrum," chanted Nephros.
    Cydric wanted  to cry  out, to distrupt  the proceedings,  but the
words  of the  Tozu prevented  him  from doing  so. He  saw the  Sage,
unmoving  on his  post. The  girl,  a wisp  of brown  hair across  her
face, stood just as still.
    "Oroc  criat naestrum,"  intoned  Nephros with  closed eyes.  "Sun
and heavens, moon and stars. Sun and heavens, moon and stars."
    The  center stone  of  the  Amulet began  glowing.  The room  grew
dark. The purple cloud lit up with an inner light.
    "Oroc criat naestrum. Sun and heavens, moon and stars!"
    The  rumbling  grew louder.  The  light  from the  Amulet  started
pulsing. The purple cloud twisted restlessly.
    "The time  is near," said  Nephros. He released the  Amulet, which
hung suspended in  mid-air. He went to the girl,  unlocked her chains,
and  motioned her  to  follow him.  Glassy-eyed,  she obeyed.  Nephros
made  her hold  her arm  out over  the brazier  in the  center of  the
cloud, and  when she  had done so,  cut her wrist  with a  dagger. The
blood mixed  into the smoke,  giving it  a crimson tint.  Cydric cried
out when he realized that Nephros was using his sundagger.
    "Silence!"  shouted Nephros.  Cydric felt  himself go  stiff, just
like the first time.
    Nephros  waved  the girl  back  to  her  post.  He went  over  and
released  Corambis from  his  chains.  The Sage  opened  his eyes  and
straightened  at the  mage's  command. Nephros  mixed Corambis'  blood
into the cloud as he did with the girl's, then motioned him back.
    Taking hold  of the  Amulet once  more, Nephros  resumed chanting.
"Oroc criat naestrum. Oroc criat naestrum."
    The  rumbling sound  changed to  a  low pulsing  rhythm that  kept
time with  the light pulses  from the  Amulet. The sound  increased in
volume, along with the mage's chanting.
    "Oroc criant naestrum. Oroc criat naestrum! OROC CRIAT NAESTRUM!"
    A beam of  light lashed out from the Amulet  and struck the center
of the cloud. There was a sharp crackle, and the Archway snapped open.
IS  CLEAR!"  shouted  Nephros.  A  strong wind  rushed  out  from  the
Archway, ruffling  everyone in the  room but not affecting  the purple
cloud that obscured the view into the astral portal.
above the  screaming wind.  Cydric watched  in horror  as he  took the
girl  by the  shoulders and  shoved  her into  Archway. She  vanished,
then  there was  a brief  sparkle of  red. A  dim form  began to  take
shape within the Archway.
    As the  form solidified, Cydric  could make out claws,  horns, and
fangs.  Nephros  exclaimed  joyfully. Suddenly,  several  other  forms
appeared  in  the  smoke.  They  were human  in  appearance,  but  the
brilliant radiance surrounding each of them marked them as gods.
    "No! Please, not now! So close!" Nephros yelled.
    The lead  god, a woman, pointed  at the grotesque form  of Xothar.
A shaft of  pure golden light shot out from  her fingertips and struck
the Exile.  The room shook with  the impact. Nephros lost  his balance
and fell  as a wrenching roar  filled the air. Cydric  slumped forward
as the paralysis left him.
    Xothar raised his  fist and a blast of red  energy flared out. The
room  shook  again  as  the  fire punched  into  the  group  of  gods.
Corambis  sprang  forward and  snatched  up  Cydric's sundagger  where
Nephros had dropped it.
    The Sage  leaped onto Nephros's  chest, pinning him to  the floor.
He took  a gold  key from the  mage's pocket, then  struck him  in the
head with the pommel of the sundagger.
    Cydric  stared at  the unconscious  sorcerer as  Corambis unlocked
his  chains. "Didn't  think I  had it  in me,  eh?" the  Sage grinned,
noting the young man's surprised expression.
    The room trembled with the force of the godly struggle.

                     XIII. Escape From The Citadel
    Cydric and  Corambis raced out  of the  room and down  the stairs.
Another  explosion  rocked  the  castle, and  chunks  of  stone  began
crumbling from the ceiling.
    "Hurry!" said  Corambis, handing  Cydric back his  sundagger. "The
whole mountain may fall into the sea at any moment!"
    They ran  through the  corridors, reached  the tapestry  room, and
stopped. Several large  lizards lay sprawled across  the mosaic floor.
Upon  Cydric  and Corambis'  entry,  they  turned and  began  crawling
towards them.
    "We cannot go through here!" said Cydric.
    "We don't  have time  to find another  way," replied  Corambis. He
took the  bag of  dried fruit  from his  belt and  tossed it  into the
center of the  room. A small lizard  slithered over to it  and took it
into his mouth in one gulp.
    "Shield  your eyes,  milord," Cydric  said, holding  the sundagger
in front  of him.  When the Sage  had done so,  Cydric closed  his own
eyes  and silently  gave the  blade a  command. A  white light  flared
outward  from the  blade,  flooding  the room  with  brightness for  a
brief second.
    Cydric opened his  eyes. The lizards had stopped  in their tracks,
but resumed their course after a moment's hesitation.
    "They should have been blinded by that!" said Cydric.
    "They are," said Corambis, "but these lizards hunt by scent also."
    An explosion  shook the room.  "Then we  have no other  choice. We
must find another escape route," Cydric said, turning.
    "Hold on," said the Sage as he took out his pipe and filled it.
    "You do not have time for that!"
    "Call  it my  final smoke."  The  Sage puffed,  then said  "Shafan
fazar!"  He  took another  puff,  then  blew  the smoke  outward.  The
aromatic cloud  rose into  the air  and quickly  filled the  room. The
lizards hesitated, then started wandering aimlessly, as if confused.
    "Ha ha!  That got  'em!" Corambis grinned.  "Come on!"  He started
forward into the lizard-infested room.
    They  carefully threaded  their way  past the  lumbering reptiles.
Cydric was  almost to the  other end of  the room when  a particularly
large  lizard caught  hold of  the  end of  his cloak.  He kicked  the
beast  in the  head,  but  it stubbornly  refused  to  let go.  Cydric
swore, then bent  down and thrust the sundagger  between the reptile's
eyes. It  twitched, then  relaxed its  jaws as  it died.  Cydric wiped
the blood off the blade as he joined the Sage.
    "Nasty brute?" Corambis asked as they hurried down the corridor.
    They reached  the armory. Cydric opened  the door that led  to the
courtyard and was  greeted by a horde of walking  human skeletons, all
made of crystal. He gave a cry of surprise, then shut the door.
    "What is it?" asked the Sage.
    The door shook  as the skeletons began pounding on  it. "You would
not  want to  know," said  Cydric.  He slid  a wooden  bar across  the
door, then went over  to one of the tables and turned  it on its side,
dumping the  rusted weapons  to the  floor. He  and Corambis  slid the
table over and shoved it against the door.
    They paused for  a moment to catch their  breath. Suddenly, Cydric
felt  a warmth  in  his pocket.  He  reached in  and  brought out  the
translucent  stone  he had  picked  up  in  the courtyard.  It  glowed
brightly and  gave off increasing heat.  Cydric tossed it away.  As it
hit the  floor, the stone shattered  and a crystal skeleton  sprang up
in its place.
    "Now we  know what those  stones were," Corambis said  grimly. The
skeleton looked around,  then bent down and picked up  a sword. At the
skeleton's touch, the  rust on the blade vanished.  It glowed briefly,
then appeared like new.
    "Cydric! Don't  let it  pick up  anything else!"  warned Corambis.
Cydric  grabbed a  nearby  shield and  threw it  at  the skeleton.  It
struck  the crystal  creature  in  the chest,  causing  it to  stagger
back. The skeleton  quickly recovered and retrieved  the shield which,
like the sword, was restored to perfect condition.
    "Helldamn," muttered  Cydric. He quickly scanned  the ground, then
took  up a  broadsword that  appeared to  have the  least rust  on it.
Picking up  a wooden shield, he  strode toward the skeleton  to engage
it in battle.
    They circled  each other warily,  then the skeleton gave  an eerie
cry and  struck the first  blow. Cydric  blocked with his  shield, and
was  nearly  driven to  his  knees  by the  force  of  the strike.  He
slashed,  and the  skeleton jumped  back. Cydric  regained his  stance
and went on the attack.
    They  duelled back  and  forth  in the  center  of  the room,  but
slowly, Cydric found  himself being driven back.  He briefly reflected
that  the skeletons  must at  one time  have been  the flesh-and-blood
guards  of the  palace. His  shield suddenly  splintered to  pieces as
his opponent's  sword came  down upon  it. Cydric  barely had  time to
parry  the  next  blow  with  his  own  severely  notched  sword.  The
skeleton  easily  deflected  Cydric's riposte,  then  lunged  forward.
Cydric  avoided the  strike  and  swung his  sword  at the  skeleton's
head. There was  a sharp crack as  the skeleton bit down  on the sword
and  split it  in half.  With  a look  of dismay,  Cydric dropped  the
sundered  blade and  jumped  back. He  barely  avoided the  skeleton's
next  slash,  then  found  himself  back  up  against  the  wall.  The
skeleton thrusted,  Cydric twisted,  and the  blade struck  the stone.
Cydric brought his  fists down on the skeleton's back,  and it pitched
against the  wall. As it slid  to the floor, Cydric  gave the skeleton
a  solid kick.  It flipped  over  onto its  back, and  the sword  went
flying. Cydric  stepped over the  skeleton to retrieve the  blade, but
a bony  hand lashed  out and  grabbed his  ankle. Cydric  slammed into
the ground.
    He tried to  kick loose from the skeleton's grasp,  but it grabbed
hold of  his other  ankle. Cydric  cried out in  pain as  it tightened
its grip.  He desperately stretched his  arm out, trying to  seize the
sword  that lay  just  beyond  his reach.  Just  then, Corambis  raced
over, picked  up the sword, and  plunged it into the  skeleton's back.
The crystal creature  let out an inhuman shriek, then  exploded into a
fine crystalline dust.
    "Can you  walk?" Corambis asked,  helping Cydric to his  feet. The
young man winced, then shakily stood unassisted.
    "I think so. They are only a little sore."
    A skeletal  arm burst through  the door. Corambis rushed  over and
hacked it off.  "It seems our friends are  becoming rather impatient."
    Cydric limped  over to the  door on  the opposite wall  and opened
it.  Several lizards  from the  tapestry  room were  making their  way
down  the  corridor.  Corambis   eyed  the  advancing  reptiles,  then
reached for  his pipe.  Not finding  it at his  side, he  searched the
rest of his belt pouches but came up empty.
    "My pipe! It must have fallen back there somewhere," he said.
    Cydric shut  the door  and leaned  back against  it. On  the other
door, the skeletons were slowly breaking through.
    "What do we do now?" Cydric asked.
    The Sage  made no  reply as  he surveyed the  room. Then  his eyes
lit up as he thought of a plan. He handed Cydric the skeleton's sword.
    "Delay them as long as possible. I have an idea."
    "What do you plan to do?"
    "No time to explain, but if it doesn't work it won't matter."
    Cydric  took a  stand in  front  of the  courtyard-entry door  and
proceeded  to chop  the  limbs  off any  skeleton  that threatened  to
break through.  Meanwhile, Corambis  shoved one  of the  wooden tables
into the corner  of the room farthest from the  embattled door, turned
another table  onto its side and  put it against the  first, forming a
rectangular box. He  then gathered up some of the  weapons and dropped
them in a pile at Cydric's feet.
    "Now, Cydric,  get under the tables  over there. I'll join  you in
a moment."
    Cydric  did so.  Corambis opened  the door  to admit  the lizards,
pushed the table  away from the other door, then  finally hurried back
to the  wooden shelter, dragging a  piece of plate mail  behind him to
cover the open end.
    "Now what?" asked Cydric.
    "We wait."
    Through a  knothole in  the table, Cydric  watched as  the lizards
made  their way  into  the room  just as  the  skeletons succeeded  in
smashing down  the door.  With their eerie  battle cry,  the skeletons
snatched up  weapons and began to  hack the lizards to  pieces. As the
last reptile  died, a massive  tremor ripped through the  room. Cydric
cringed  as the  ceiling  and  most of  the  walls collapsed  inwards,
crushing the  skeletons beneath  piles of  rubble. Moments  later, all
was still.
    Corambis  pushed aside  the  plate mail  and  crawled out.  Cydric
followed.  "Thank   Cahleyna  the   builders  spared  no   expense  in
furnishing  the Citadel,"  breathed Corambis.  "Were these  tables not
made of heartwood, we would surely be under a great deal of pressure."
    Another  tremor nearly  jolted them  off their  feet. "I  think we
best  get going,"  said  Cydric.  They started  to  climb  out of  the
rubble, but after a few moments Cydric was forced to rest.
    "It's those  ankles, eh?"  said Corambis,  crouching down  next to
the young  man. Cydric nodded.  The Sage brought  out a vial  from one
of  his  pouches   and  rubbed  the  contents   on  Cydric's  affected
extremities. A  few minutes  later, the pain  vanished and  Cydric was
able to walk again.
    Cracks started  appearing in the  ground by  the time the  two men
made  it  to  the  front  gates. Cydric  looked  back  and  saw  large
sections of the once-proud Citadel crumble away into ruin.
    "Hurry, Cydric!" called the Sage.
    They   sprinted  toward   the   mountain's  edge   to  where   the
transportal disc  lay, but  just before  they reached  it a  huge gash
opened  up the  ground in  front of  them. They  frantically scrambled
back  as a  huge  chunk  of the  floating  boulder  dropped away  into
space, taking the transportal disc with it.
    Cydric's heart  sank. "That was  our only way off  this helldamned
rock," he said despairingly.
    "Courage up,  Cydric, there  must be  another way  down," Corambis
said, trying to sound reassuring.
    Just  then, a  weird  cry  caused them  to  turn. Several  crystal
skeletons,  apparently survivors  of the  room collapse,  were rushing
toward them with weapons drawn.
    "I  do not  think we  will get  out of  this alive,"  said Cydric,
raising the skeleton sword.
    "You may be right this time," Corambis said tightly.
    The  skeletons   drew  nearer.  Cydric  braced   himself  for  the
onslaught. If  he was  to die, then  let it be  in battle.  His mentor
would have been proud.
    Suddenly,  a small  winged shape  swooped out  of the  sky. "Look!
It's the Tozu!" Corambis pointed.
    "Jump!" screeched the owl-man.
    "Did he say 'jump' ?" asked Cydric.
    "By the gods! Jump now!"
    "Do it," Corambis said, turning to the edge of the mountain.
    "Are you serious?"
    "Have  faith,  Cydric. Or  face  the  alternative." The  skeletons
were mere seconds away.
    "But--" Cydric  never finished  the sentence. Corambis  pushed him
over the edge, then leaped after him.
    "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!"   Cydric's   scream  echoed   through   the
heavens as  he tumbled through  empty air  toward the beach  below. He
shut his  eyes against the sky  and ground that spun  and whirled into
a featureless blur.

    He was still screaming when Corambis landed by him on the beach.
    "Cydric! Stop  that! We are safe,"  said the Sage, shaking  him by
the  shoulders. The  screaming  continued. Corambis  gave him  another
hearty shake, then slapped him resoundingly across the face.
    "Cydric! Listen to me!"
    The young man's  outcries subsided to ragged gasps.  A few moments
later he sat up.
    "W-we're not dead?"
    "We are very much alive, as you can see. Are you all right?"
    "It was  my doing," said  the Tozu, coming  to a hover  nearby. "I
am not without powers of my own. Now hurry! They are right behind."
    Cydric  looked  up. The  skeletons  had  jumped off  the  mountain
after them  and were free-falling  toward their position.  "Won't they
be killed when they hit the ground?"
    "The undead cannot  be killed, only destroyed,"  the Tozu replied.
"I'd suggest you not be here when they arrive."
    "But where do we go? How do we get back to our own realm?"
    "Leave that  to me. For  now, just get  as far away  as possible!"
With that, the Tozu flapped his wings and took off.
    Cydric and Corambis  started off down the beach.  Behind them, the
floating mountain slowly  disintegrated. Great slabs of  rock slid off
and splashed into the water below.
    The first crystal  skeleton off the mountain  smashed heavily into
the ground,  breaking all of  its bones. The skull,  however, remained
intact; it rose up  from the pile of bones and flew  off in pursuit of
the two men.
    Cydric looked back  and saw the grisly cranium  give chase. Behind
it,  three  more  skeletons  struck the  beach  and  shattered;  their
skulls quickly arose and joined the pursuit.
    Corambis  stumbled  and  fell.  Cydric   help  him  up,  and  they
continued their  desperate flight. Several moments  later, Cydric felt
a pain near  his neck. He turned  and saw the first  skull sinking its
crystal jaws  into his shoulder.  He cried  out, then whipped  off his
cloak, throwing the  skull to the ground. "Keep going!"  he shouted to
the  Sage. He  drew his  sundagger and  lunged for  the skull,  but it
flew up  and hovered just out  of striking range. Cydric  jabbed at it
repeatedly, but  each time it darted  out of reach. Realizing  that it
was too quick,  Cydric snatched up his  cloak and flung it  like a net
at  the skull.  The cloth  caught the  fleshless head;  Cydric fancied
that it  looked like a small  blue ghost as it  darted randomly about.
Catching sight  of more approaching  skulls, he retrieved  his dropped
sundagger and took off at a run after the Sage.
    "I  can't go  much  longer," wheezed  Corambis  as Cydric  reached
him. "I'm far too old for this sort of thing."
    "Where is  that damn  Tozu-bird?" Cydric  cursed. He  glanced back
and  counted at  least  eight rapidly-gaining  skulls.  He turned  his
attention  forward and  felt  his  blood run  cold;  a short  distance
away,  the  line  of  barren  rocks that  bordered  the  beach  angled
sharply into the sea. They were out of running room.
    Despair washed  over Cydric as  they came to  a halt at  the rocky
barrier. "Blaze damn," he muttered darkly.
    Just then  he heard a familiar  flap of wings. The  Tozu descended
out of  the sky, clutching the  Amulet of Hanarn in  its talons. There
was a  blaze of  rainbow light as  the Celestial  Archway materialized
at the foot of the rock wall. "Enter! Quickly!" the Tozu screeched.
    Corambis  leaped  through the  portal.  Cydric  paused and  looked
back just in time  to see a massive bolt of  lightning lance down from
the sky and  strike the Citadel. There was a  fiery explosion, and the
huge mountain of  rock began to fall toward the  water. Seconds before
the skulls reached him, Cydric turned and dived through the Archway.

                              XIV. Return
    He landed in  the Sage's study. For several minutes  he lay there,
panting and  exhausted. After  a little of  his strength  returned, he
got up and found the Sage lying on the floor nearby.
    "Milord Corambis! Are you all right?"
    The Sage  wearily sat up.  "I'm fine,  Cydric. I simply  found the
floor rather comfortable at the moment."
    "I shall get you some water," Cydric said. He started to rise.
    The study  door flew open.  A red-haired  girl dressed in  a black
tunic and leggings  came through, saw them, and whipped  out a pair of
throwing daggers. "Don't move, if you wish to live," she warned.
    Cydric recognized her. "Holleena! What are you doing here?"
    "Quiet!"  Not taking  her  eyes  off them,  she  called over  here
shoulder, "Thuna! In here."
    A  nervous-looking dark-haired  girl came  in, holding  a coil  of
rope. "Tie them up," Holleena commanded.
    "But Holleena, I don't think they--"
    "Do it!"
    As Thuna started  toward them, Corambis whispered,  "It seems that
we have slipped from the dragon's teeth into the stomach!"
    Cydric grimly agreed.

    After Thuna had bound them, Holleena relaxed her stance.
    "Who are you? Why have you invaded my house?" the Sage demanded.
    "Watch it,  old man, or  I'll do  something very painful  to you,"
Holleena said, putting away one of the daggers.
    "You  promised  you  wouldn't  harm him,"  said  Thuna,  nervously
glancing at Corambis.
    "You're getting  on my nerves,  girlie. Now  shut up and  keep out
of this!" Holleena  shot back. She turned to Corambis.  "Now then, old
man,  I understand  you own  a very  valuable jewel.  Mind letting  me
know where it is?"
    "What  is  this,  Holleena?  You didn't  seem  like  the  thieving
kind," said Cydric.
    Holleena smiled, then delivered a slap across Cydric's face.
    "I seem to be getting a lot of that lately," he murmured.
    The red-haired young  woman eyed her dagger,  then looked straight
at Corambis. "The Rainbow Stone, old man. Tell me where it is."
    "I have many stones and jewels. Take whatever you want and leave!"
    "You know  what I'm talking about,  old man. If you  really are as
wise as they say, you'll tell me where you've hidden it."
    "I have no idea what you mean," the Sage replied.
    "Very  well." Holleena  walked about  casually, then  seized Thuna
by  the hair  and placed  the dagger  to her  throat. "Does  this help
your memory?"
    "Please, Holleena," Thuna gasped. "I-I thought we were partners."
    The  Sage went  white.  "All right,"  he said,  a  tremble in  his
voice. "But please, don't hurt her."
    "I knew  you were  wise," Holleena said,  smiling a  sweet, wicked
smile. Just then  Cydric heard a mechanical  click, followed instantly
by  a soft  *thunk*.  Holleena gave  a  cry of  pain  and dropped  her
dagger. As  she whirled away  from Thuna,  Cydric saw a  crossbow bolt
sticking out of the back of her shoulder.
    "Well,  m'love, appears  we made  it here  just in  time," came  a
male voice from  the doorway. Thuna backed away, and  Cydric saw a man
and  a woman  standing just  inside the  room. The  woman lowered  her
crossbow.  "Hello,  Cydric, "  she  said,  smiling. "Looks  like  I've
saved your life yet again."

    After the  woman had freed  Cydric and Corambis from  their bonds,
the  Sage removed  the bolt  from  Holleena's shoulder  and applied  a
healing  salve. The  crossbow woman's  companion then  took the  young
red-haired thief upstairs to lock her in one of the rooms.
    "This is  the woman I was  telling you about in  the marketplace,"
Cydric told Corambis as they took seats around the Sage's table.
    "You don't know  how glad I am to finally  make your acquaintance,
Miss Kittara," said Corambis.
    Kittara smiled. "Thank you, milord. I'm glad we could help."
    Just  then the  man who  was with  Kittara strode  into the  room.
"The girl's doing fine.  We should be able to question  her in a bit."
To Kittara he said, "You sure are a dead shot, love. Almost too good."
    She introduced the leather-clad man as her partner, Reyakeen Sylk.
    "Good to  know you, sirs," Sylk  said as he gripped  forearms with
the two men. "Sorry to trouble you this late."
    "That's quite  all right,"  replied Corambis.  "But tell  me, Lord
Sylk,  how did  you happen  to be  in  this part  of town?  I do  live
rather removed from the center of Dargon's activity."
    "Just   call  me   Sylk.  Actually,   milord,  it   was  no   mere
coincidence. Kittara  and I had  been following Holleena and  the girl
over there for the last few days."
    Thuna, who had  been sitting apart from the rest  of them, blurted
out, "You  must believe me, milord!  I didn't want anything  to happen
to you.  She promised  she wouldn't  hurt you, and  she offered  me so
much money, I just--just--" she burst into tears.
    "There,  there, my  girl,"  Corambis said  soothingly, going  over
and letting her  cry on his shoulder. "What is  she talking about?" he
asked Sylk.
    Kittara  replied, "You  see,  milord, Holleena  is a  professional
thief. Like  she said, she was  after your Rainbow Stone.  Since Thuna
is in  your employ, Holleena bribed  her into helping break  into your
house. They had  made a copy of  your house key, and  were planning to
carry  out  the theft  last  night,  but  Cydric's arrival  made  them
change their plans  slightly." She brought out a small  pewter key and
handed it to the Sage.
    "I'm so sorry," wept Thuna. "Please forgive me."
    "Don't  worry  about  it,  my  dear,"  Corambis  said  gently.  He
motioned to Cydric.  The young man came over, and  the Sage passed the
weeping girl into his arms. "Take her to one of the guest rooms."
    "Uh,  there   there,  Thuna,   please  don't  cry,"   Cydric  said
awkwardly as he led her from the kitchen.
    "I'm  sorry, I  can't help  it," Thuna  said in  a teary  voice as
they  entered  one of  the  ground-floor  guest  rooms of  the  house.
Cydric sat her down on the bed, then turned to leave.
    "Please don't go."
    Cydric felt his stomach knot up. "Uh, yes?"
    "I'm very sorry  if I've embarrassed you. I want  to explain about
what happened in the booth."
    "Oh, that. Really, there is no need. I understand. Now I--"
    "You don't  understand. Please let  me explain." She  motioned him
to sit next to her. Cydric hesitated, then sat down a chair.
    "You have someone else in your life, don't you?" Thuna asked.
    "Is it that obvious?"
    "It was  when I  first kissed you.  You held back  as long  as you
could. I'm  sorry that  I had  to do that  to you,  but I  thought you
were just like the rest."
    "What do you mean?"
    "Well, you  see, Holleena wanted me  to help her steal  that jewel
they were talking  about. At first I refused, but  then she offered me
more  gold  that  I had  ever  seen  in  my  life, and  I...I..."  She
swallowed, then  continued. "We  were planning to  steal it  the night
that you  arrived in Dargon. I  was surprised when you  asked me about
Master Corambis,  but Holleena told  me she  would first find  out why
you  wanted to  see  him.  I suppose  you  didn't  tell her  anything,
because the next  day she came to  the Tavern and asked me  to try and
find out.
    She  took a  deep breath,  then  rose and  moved to  stand by  the
window. Staring out  at the moon, she said, "Men  would just spill all
their  closest  secrets to  me  when  I  revealed  myself to  them.  I
thought it  would work  on you  as well, but  you were  different. I'm
sorry  if I've  made you  feel unfaithful  to your  girl, and  I don't
blame you if you're  angry with me, but I just wanted  you to know the
truth." She sighed and turned to face him. "Can you truly forgive me?"
    "Of  course,  Thuna.  Thank  you for  being  honest."  He  cringed
inwardly, thinking  of how close  he had  come to falling  for Thuna's
persuasion, just like the rest of her men.
    "I just hope  Master Corambis can forgive me as  well. How could I
do such a  thing to him, after  all he's done for me?  I don't deserve
to live here anymore." Thuna flung herself facedown on the bed.
    "He will  understand. I know  he will." Cydric  tentatively patted
her shoulder, then quietly left the room.

    He returned  to the kitchen and  found the Sage alone.  "Where did
they go?" he asked.
    "Kittara and  her friend went  up to  check on Holleena.  The poor
girl can't  be moved just  now, so all three  of them will  be staying
here for the night."
    "Thuna as well?"
    "Of course. It's too late to take her to the Tavern in any case."
    "Do you still trust her?"
    "I still have hope for her."
    Cydric looked out  the kitchen window at the full  moon that shone
brightly down  upon the city. His  brow furrowed as he  turned to look
at the kitchen water-clock.
    "How long would you say we were in the other realm?" Cydric asked.
    The Sage  poured two glasses  of wine.  "Well, it took  us perhaps
an  hour  to get  to  the  barrier, and  we  spent  another half  hour
exploring the Citadel. But I can't tell how long we were unconscious."
    "According to the clock, we were gone at most ten minutes."
    "Most amazing! Apparently,  time passes at different  rates in the
other realms.  That must be  why Nephros did  not appear to  have aged
very much, though he was certainly over a thousand summers old."
    Cydric took  the glass from  Corambis. "Did Kittara and  that Sylk
character tell you why they were following Holleena and Thuna?"
    "They said they  were on some sort of mission  for Duke Jastrik of
Arvalia,  as  his 'special  representatives'.  They  even had  a  gold
Authority Seal."
    "Did they say what their mission was?"
    "It must  be rather important,  for they would not  elaborate when
I asked  them. Sylk even  asked that we  not mention their  visit here
to anyone."
    Cydric drained the  last of the wine from his  glass, then yawned.
"I think I will go to bed now. It certainly was an eventful day."
    "How right you are, Cydric. Rest well."

    In  the morning,  Cydric went  down and  found the  table set  for
breakfast.  He  took  a  slice  of bread  and  cheese  and  sat  down,
wondering why  no one else was  at the table. A  moment later, Kittara
came through the door. "Good morn, Cydric," she said, smiling.
    Cydric  returned the  greeting.  The  chestnut-haired woman  piled
some bread, fruit, and cheese onto a plate, then started to leave.
    "Aren't you eating here?" Cydric asked.
    "This is  for Holleena.  We're keeping  her up  in the  room until
we're ready  to leave."  She put  a piece  of bread  in her  mouth and
left. Several minutes later, Corambis entered alone.
    "Where is Sylk and Thuna?" asked Cydric.
    "Sylk went outside for a while. Thuna will be up shortly."
    As the  Sage helped himself  to breakfast, Cydric said,  "There is
one thing that I haven't been able to figure out."
    "What would that be?"
    "The vision  that Nephros  sent me.  He said it  was made  from my
dreams and desires, but I am still not sure what it means."
    "Well, Cydric,  I think you  know enough  to be able  to interpret
it. For instance, what do you think the golden sea represented?"
    "I don't know; the sun, perhaps? Gold pieces?"
    "Gold pieces,  most likely. And  why do  you think the  water lost
its color when you went to drink it?"
    "You are not suggesting...that my breath has an odor?"
    Corambis laughed.  "No, no. Bearing  in mind  what you told  me in
the  tavern, here  is  how  I would  interpret  your  vision: The  sea
represents  your father's  position  as Royal  Treasurer, which  deals
with money,  gold especially.  It turned colorless  when you  tried to
drink it, reflecting the  fact that you did not wish  to follow him in
his profession. And  the shining object on the horizon  stood for your
desire to leave home and have adventures."
    "Yes, it all makes sense. And all of it is indeed true."

    After  Sylk and  Kittara had  left with  Holleena, Corambis  said,
"Well, Cydric, I must be packing, as well."
    "Packing for what? You aren't leaving, are you?"
    "I am indeed,  Cydric. This whole experience has made  me aware of
just how  fragile our lives  are. We could  have died many  times back
there in  the Citadel;  it is only  by the grace  of Cahleyna  that we
escaped  and  lived  to  tell  about it.  Therefore,  I  am  going  to
Shireton to visit my daughter. I haven't seen her in five summers."
    "Your daughter? I didn't even know you were married."
    "My wife passed away some time ago."
    "Oh, I see. I am sorry."
    "Thank you,  Cydric. But perhaps you  would like to come  with me,
eh? Trissa and her husband would be very glad to meet you."
    "I appreciate the offer,  but I think I will stay  in Dargon for a
while longer. There is much I have yet to see."
    "Of course.  Well, you  may stay in  my house for  as long  as you
are in Dargon. Let me show you around first."
    "You are too kind, milord. How long will you be gone?"
    "For the winter, maybe longer. It depends on how Trissa is doing."
    "I shall take care of you house until your return, then."
    "Fine. I am sure you will like living here."
    "There is  one thing, though:  could you tell  me how to  get into
the laboratory?"
    Corambis grinned. "I was wondering when you would bring that up!"
    They  left  the room,  Cydric  listening  intently to  the  Sage's
arcane words.
                    -Carlo N. Samson  <U09862@UICVM>
