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         +-+  +-+  +-+
         +-+--+-+--+-+     VOLUME SIX                  NUMBER THREE
         |           |    ==========================================
         +___________+     FFFFF   SSS   FFFFF  N   N  EEEEE  TTTTT
          |      ++ |      F      S      F      NN  N  E        T
          |      ++ |      FFF     SSS   FFF    N N N  EEE      T
          |         |      F          S  F      N  NN  E        T
          |_________|      F       SSS   F      N   N  EEEEE    T
         /___________\    ==========================================
         |           |      BITNET Fantasy-Science Fiction Fanzine
      ___|___________|___  X-Edited by 'Orny' Liscomb <CSDAVE@MAINE>


            X-Editorial                          'Orny' Liscomb
           *Destiny of Tara n'ha Sansela         Glenn Sixbury
           *Night Fruit: A Tasty Comedy          Jim Owens
           *The Dream: Part 1 of 2               John White

          Date: 111686                               Dist: 202
          An "*" indicates story is part of the Dargon Project
          All original materials  copyrighted by the author(s)

    Greetings  and  solicitations,  all!  First of  all  I'd  like  to
welcome all  the new readers, and  thank the authors for  their recent
spurt of creativity.  The next issue will contain  several articles of
interest, and should  be out in early December. As  for this issue, we
have  three  Dargon  stories.  The  first is  a  new  character  being
introduced  by Glenn  Sixbury.  The second  is  an entertaining  short
from Jim  Owens. The  third is  the first half  of an  excellent story
from John  White, who insists  on writing faster  than I can  edit. An
excellent issue, and I hope you all enjoy it.
    The  only other  matter I  wish to  bring up  is reader  feedback.
Now, the  authors have mentioned  putting a  LOC section in  the zine,
which  I personally  dislike,  because  it would  mean  less room  for
stories.  However, the  authors  are interested  in  hearing what  you
think  of  their stuff.  As  a  compromise,  you can  mail  individual
authors, or, if you  wish to send a mailing to  all Dargon authors, it
is possible  to send a  mail file to  DARGON-L@NCSUVM, and it  will be
distributed by the LISTSERV there to the Dargon authors.
    But on to the real stuff...
                        -'Orny' Liscomb <CSDAVE @ MAINE>


                      Destiny of Tara n'ha Sansela
    "Tara!  Tara!" Samuel  called  for his  daughter, angrily  chasing
away the animals from their stolen supper.
    "What is it,  Father?" Tara asked, emerging from  the trees behind
their house.
    "It's  your rabbits,  girl! They've  eaten half  the garden  again
while you  were out wandering  around doing  who knows what.  How many
times have I told you that they are your responsibility?"
    "They didn't mean  to, Father," Tara said, trying to  calm him, as
she picked up one of the offenders and cradled it in her arms.
    "They're not meaning to isn't going to bring our garden back."
    "I'm sorry," Tara  said. Then she gathered up her  rabbits and put
them back into their cages.
    Being sorry is  not good enough. I'm afraid they're  going to have
to go."
    "No! Please don't," Tara wailed. "I promise I won't do it again."
    "That's  what you  always say.  This  time it  won't work."  Then,
seeing the  look of  dispair on his  daughter's face,  Samuel softened
somewhat. "They  are still going,"  he said, "but  I will let  you set
them  free in  the  woods. After  that,  if they  come  back, I  won't
hesitate to make them into rabbit stew."
    "Do I have to let them go?"
    "You've got  too many  animals the  way it  is!" he  yelled again,
his moment of understanding gone as quickly as it had come.
    "All right, Father,"  Tara agreed sadly. She hadn't  given up hope
of talking  him out of  this idea, but she  knew better than  to cross
him when he  was angry. "I'll take  them deep into the  woods, so that
they won't trouble you anymore."
    "Fine.  You   better  get  started,  though.   Your  mother'll  be
starting supper soon, and you ought to be helping her."
    With a  heavy heart, Tara  gathered up  her three rabbits  and put
them into  an old sack.  After calling for  Zed, her pet  Shivaree, to
follow  her, she  headed off  into the  trees, leaving  her father  to
assess the damage the rabbits had done to the garden.
    After Tara  had disappeared  into the trees,  her mother  came out
of the  small farm cottage,  and asked  her father what  had happened.
"I made Tara get rid of her rabbits."
    "But she loves those, Sam," her mother started.
    "She loves every  animal in the forest, Sansela,  but that doesn't
mean we  have food  enough to  feed them  all," he  growled. Realizing
how angry  he was, Sansela  decided not to  protest further and  to go
back into the house.

    Walking through  the woods cheered  up Tara n'ha Sansela.  She had
loved  these woods  as  long as  she could  remember.  They seemed  to
strengthen her  and it was  hard to feel sad  as she walked  along the
path, feeling  the sunlight  sift through the  trees and  smelling the
fresh scent of the firs around her.
    As always,  Zed, who was  tagging at  her heels, enjoyed  being in
the woods.  Tara had found the  young Shivaree several years  ago when
she  had been  out for  one of  her walks.  He had  been caught  in an
abandoned  hunter's  snare, and  although  he  had not  been  severely
hurt, he had been  on the verge of starvation and  had been very weak.
She had taken him  home and had nursed him back  to health. Her father
had  only rarely  ever seen  a Shivaree  and he  had heard  that these
large,  ferret-like creatures  were impossible  to tame,  but Zed  had
never been any  trouble. By the time the animal  was healthy again, he
had become  just like one  of the family.  Tara had begged  her father
to  let her  keep  Zed,  and although  Samuel  had  been skeptical  at
first, he had finally consented.
    Tara was a  small girl for her seventeen summers,  standing just a
little over  five feet tall, but  she had worked on  her father's farm
since she was old  enough to walk. She was strong for  a girl her size
and carried  the rabbits  about half  a league  into the  woods before
she grew tired  and decided she had taken them  far enough. From here,
they wouldn't find their way back to the farm too quickly.
    Setting the  bag on the ground,  she let her rabbits  out into the
open air.  Nestling one in  her strawberry blond curls  before setting
it  free, she  knew deep  down that  they would  be happy  to be  free
again, but  she would miss  them. The rabbits gradually  scampered off
into  the woods,  leaving her  and Zed  alone. Then,  knowing she  was
already late  for supper, she headed  back home with Zed  scampering a
few  feet behind  her stopping  now  and then  to investigate  various
scents which caught his attention.

    After Tara left,  Sam busied himself with the  garden and wondered
if  he had  been  too tough  on  his  only child.  Of  course not,  he
decided. She  loved animals  just too  much. After  all, his  farm was
beginning  to look  like a  menagerie. She  had adopted  all kinds  of
birds:  Doves, robins,  and  even a  baby  hawk. She  also  had a  pet
squirrel and a fawn,  which she promised she would let  go once it was
grown.  The  girl  just  doesn't   know  when  to  quit,  he  thought,
finishing his work with the garden.
    Then as  he turned  to take  the vegetables  he had  gathered into
the  house, he  heard horses  in the  distance. He  should have  heard
them sooner,  but he must  have been too  lost in thought.  He bounded
quickly into  the cottage. "Sansela,  there's riders headed  this way.
Maybe ten or  more. You stay in  the house until I find  out what they
want." Sansela  nodded in  agreement, looking  worried as  Sam grabbed
his sword and rushed back outside.
    As  he emerged  from  the house,  he saw  the  riders. He  counted
about fifteen  of them  as they  rode across the  small patch  of farm
ground to the east  of his house. Then, as they  drew near, he noticed
a wisp  of smoke  rising from the  other side of  the hill  behind the
men.  That was  about where  Myridon, the  local village  was located.
Something was burning,  and in these woods, people  joined together to
fight fires. Men  riding in the wrong direction was  a certain sign of
danger, but  there was  little that  could be done  about it  now. Sam
stood defiantly in front of his home, bracing himself for the worst.
    The men rode  up and were brought  to a halt by a  very large man,
with a bow slung  over one shoulder. This man then  made a motion, and
the rest of the  men circled Sam, a few of  them drawing their swords.
Once they were in place, the leader spoke.
    "I can  see by your  sword that you knew  we were coming,  and you
knew it wasn't  going to be a friendly call."  Samuel remained silent,
studying  the situation.  The  leader  of the  group  wore furs,  made
after a fashion  common to an area  east of here. He was  a large man,
and he  wore a  scar on  his left  cheek, indicating  he had  seen his
share  of fighting.  He would  not  be a  pleasant man  to fight,  Sam
thought, and then the leader spoke again.
    "You  know what  we  want.  We're after  your  gold. Your  friends
there  in the  village decided  to fight.  They're all  dead." As  the
leader said this, a  few of the other men laughed  and smiled. "As you
can tell, my men  want to kill you, but if you  cooperate, I won't let
them. Now,  drop your sword,  gather every  bit of gold  you've gotten
hidden away in that little shack of yours, and bring it out here."
    Sam was  in a bad  spot, and he knew  it. His honor  demanded that
he fight,  but he realized with  him gone, Sansela would  be helpless.
Perhaps, if  he gave them the  gold, they would leave,  and his family
would be safe. Then  he could go for help and  chase the bandits down.
As Sam  considered his  options, the bandits  grew impatient,  and one
of  them behind  him  rode forward,  planting a  foot  in Sam's  back,
knocking  him down.  Sam flashed  the bandit  a glare  from his  fiery
eyes,  but when  he  got up,  he  left  his sword  on  the ground  and
disappeared into the house.
    Sam  found  Sansela  hiding  in  the  bedroom.  He  explained  the
situation  very quickly  to her  in quiet  whispers and  promised that
things would  be all right.  Then he got his  small sack of  gold from
under the bed, and went back outside.
    As he  stepped out of  the door, one  of the bandits,  grabbed the
sack  from  him, and  brought  it  to  the  leader, who  examined  the
contents. "Is  this all you have?  Something tells me you  are holding
out on  us, farmer.  Kork," he  said to  the man  beside him,  "go and
search the house. Make sure our friend isn't hiding anything from us."
    Sam started to stop  him, but Kork kept him at  bay with the point
of  his sword  and went  into  the house.  Sam considered  distracting
them by telling  them about the gold hidden in  his cellar, but before
he  could,  he  heard  Sansela  scream, and  saw  the  bandit  at  the
doorway.  He was  dragging Sansela  outside by  the arm,  and Sam  saw
that her  dress was torn.  He started for her,  but one of  the larger
bandits grabbed  him from behind,  putting an  arm around his  neck to
hold him motionless.
    "Lookie what  I found," Kork called.  "She ought to make  for lots
of fun,"  he jeered, and  then grabbed the top  of her dress,  tore it
down to her waist  to expose her breasts, and pulled her  to him for a
savage kiss.  Samuel could  stand no  more. He  popped his  elbow into
the ribs of the  man holding him and spun around,  knocking the man to
the ground.  Grabbing his  sword, Sam  charged Kork,  knocking another
bandit  out of  the  way  as he  did.  Kork  reacted quickly,  tossing
Sansela away and  raising his sword to defend himself,  but Sam was on
him too  quickly. After one blow,  Sam had him decapitated  and turned
to face two other bandits which had charged him.
    Sam was  not a  skillful swordsman, but  he had  been strengthened
all his life  from hard work, and  with the help of his  anger and his
adrenaline, he  was more than a  match for the two  bandits. He killed
the  first one  immeditatly,  and  turned on  the  second. The  bandit
tried  to  defend himself,  but  Sam  put  him  off balance  with  one
powerful blow,  and then split  him open  with a second.  Then, before
Sam  could turn  around,  an arrow  whizzed into  his  back, its  head
pushing  out from  the  front  of his  ribs.  Samuel  managed to  turn
around before  falling to knees, cursing  the leader who had  shot him
with the  arrow. Another bandit  stepped forward and  grabbed Sansela,
who was trying to run to her husband.
    "You  are a  strong one,  farmer," the  leader said  respectfully,
"but my  men still  should have  been able to  kill such  an unskilled
fighter." Then  the leader smiled,  "But as they  say, if you  want it
done right...." With  that, he notched another arrow, and  let it fly.
Samuel gasped  as the second  arrow landed in  his chest, and  then he
fell forward,  dead. As he fell,  Sansela managed to struggle  her way
free and run  to her husband. As  she bent over him and  began to sob,
the leader notched another arrow and shot it into her bare back.
    As she  slumped over her  husband, one of the  bandits complained,
"Why'd you have to kill the woman?"
    "You would  have fought  over her,  and I've  lost enough  men for
one day."  The other bandit did  no more than grumble,  not wanting to
die this day.
    "All right,  someone search the house,  and the rest of  you, take
those  animals along.  We'll  need  meat for  supper,  and there's  no
reason to hunt when we have this nice farmer's generosity.
    One  of  the bandits  emerged  from  the house.  "There's  nothing
inside of any value. I guess the old man was telling the truth."
    "That's what  I hate  about these  peasants," the  leader growled.
"All of them  are too honest." Then he laughed  loudly, and turned his
horse  back  in the  direction  from  which  they'd come.  "Ride,"  he
called. The  other bandits  followed, the last  throwing a  torch onto
the  thatched roof  of Samuel's  hut before  riding hard  to catch  up
with the rest.

    Tara was busily  picking the mushrooms she'd found by  the path on
her way  home. She  was hoping  that the mushrooms  would make  up for
her  being late  for supper.  She realized  too late  that she  really
shouldn't  have travelled  so  far  to release  her  rabbits, but  she
hadn't wanted  them to become rabbit  stew, either. As she  picked the
last of the  mushrooms, Zed began to prance  nervously about, sniffing
the  breeze in  a frenzy.  "What is  it, Zed?"  she asked,  looking up
from her  work. At first, she  didn't see anything. Then,  climbing on
top of a  nearby rock, she spied  what had made Zed  so nervous. There
were two  streams of smoke,  one of  them rising from  somewhere quite
near. "Fire,  Zed, come on,"  Tara called,  throwing the bag  over her
shoulder and racing down the trail for home.
    As Tara  came closer to  home, she  realized the smoke  was coming
from her own  farm. Terrified, she ran even faster,  finally coming to
the edge of the  woods. As she stepped out of  the trees, she stopped,
turned to stone by  the shock of what she saw.  The house was burning,
filling the  air with smoke,  and the  farm was deserted.  Her parents
were gone. Even all  of her animal cages were empty.  Zed stood in the
trees  behind   her,  snorting  nervously,  being   torn  between  his
instinct to run and the need to be near his master.
    "Father! Mother!"  Tara finally  called out.  Tara could  feel her
stomach tieing  itself in knots.  She tried desperately not  to panic,
but  it  didn't work.  She  called  for  her  parents again  and  then
circled  the house,  searching  for  them. As  she  rounded the  front
corner of the  house, Tara saw the  dead bodies and ran  over to them.
Bending  over,  Tara   lifted  her  mother  to   her  breast,  sobbing
uncontrollably. As  she held  her mother, she  ran her  fingers across
the arrows sticking  up from her father's body. "Oh,  papa, papa," she
said  in between  tears,  pulling  her father  a  little towards  her.
Then, putting  her arms  around both  of them and  laying her  head on
her  father's shoulder,  the sorrow  overtook Tara,  and she  lost her
last thread of thought, slipping into a shrieking, sobbing delirium.
    Tara was  never sure how long  she sat beside her  parents, crying
over in  mourning. Finally, shock  from what had happened  numbed her,
allowing her to  regain part of her senses.  Hardening herself against
her feelings,  she drug herself  to her feet  and left her  mother and
father for the moment.
    The house  was gone.  Judging by  the smoke  coming from  over the
hill, the  village of  Myridon was gone,  too, probably  suffering the
same fate as  her parents. She had nothing left.  Tara experienced the
lowest point  of her  life as  she stood  on the  devastated farmstead
where she  had grown  up, trying to  see some glimmer  of hope  on the
horizon. There  was none. Thoughts  of ending her life  crossed Tara's
mind.  She probably  would have  killed  herself, but  her father  had
always  taught her  that  people who  take their  own  life are  never
granted another,  but instead  suffer eternally  for refusing  to meet
their destiny.
    As Tara  struggled with  her situation,  the sun  sank low  in the
sky and a north  wind began to blow. She was  sober now, her temporary
loss of sanity  due to grief being completely gone.  She realized that
there was  much work to  do before nightfall,  and she had  better get
to doing it.
    Tara's  first concern  was her  parents.  If she  left them  where
they  were,  their bodies  would  be  defiled  by animals  during  the
night. She  considered digging graves  for them, but decided  that she
didn't have time. Then she realized what she needed to do.
    Tara went  to the  cellar and  began to bring  out the  things she
might need. Luckily,  whoever had killed her parents  hadn't found the
bag of  gold which  her father  kept here. She  also found  some dried
fruit and meat  along with a couple of blankets.  She gathered all the
things together and hauled them up out of the cellar.
    Tara decided she  had salvaged everything usable  from the cellar.
Now she  had the  hardest part of  her duties left  to do.  Tara first
dragged her  mother, and  then her  father down  into the  old cellar.
When  they were  first married,  Tara's parents  had carved  this farm
out of the woods,  they had built the house which  was now little more
than ashes,  and  they had  dug this cellar.  It would make  a fitting
tomb,  Tara thought.  Then  she paused  to say  a  few silent  prayers
before  shutting the  door  on the  cellar,  effectively shutting  the
door on her childhood and the only way of life she had ever known.
    By the  time her  parents were  buried, it  was almost  dark. Tara
knew that it  might be dangerous to stick around,  but she didn't want
to travel  at night, so  she loaded up the  things she had  taken from
the cellar  and carried  them into  the woods.  Then she  whistled for
her horse,  Boxter. He  emerged from  the trees on  the other  side of
the glen,  but wouldn't come  any closer,  because he could  smell the
smoke from  the house. Tara walked  across the clearing to  the with a
rope in her  hand. Soothing the old animal as  she talked, she managed
to put the rope  around his neck and lead him into  the woods near the
smouldering house.  There, she  tied him  to a tree  and went  back to
the house to see that she had everything she needed.
    She looked around  the farm, realizing again that  all her animals
were gone.  She hoped  that they  had escaped, but  there would  be no
way  she would  ever  know.  Then, seeing  her  father's sword  laying
where he  had fallen, she  picked it up and  headed back to  the woods
where she had left Boxter and her things.
    Once Tara  was back  in the  safety of  her woods,  she considered
lighting  a small  fire.  It  might get  very  cold tonight.  However,
tonight  she would  make  a cold  camp,  in case  the  people who  had
attacked her  parents were still  in the area.  Zed had come  into the
camp with her, and  he sniffed hungrily at her pack.  She took some of
the dried meat out  of the pack and gave it to  her pet, although Tara
couldn't find  the will to  eat herself.  Then she gathered  some pine
needles together,  forming a cushion which  would make a soft  bed for
the  night.  Once  her  bed  was made,  Tara  settled  down,  covering
herself with  blankets. Zed  came over and  stretched out  beside her.
He will  warn me  if anyone  comes near, Tara  thought. Then,  much to
her surprise, she fell asleep.

    Tara was  suddenly awake. It  took her  a few seconds  to remember
where she  was and what  had happened. Then  she heard the  same noise
again which  had disturbed her  slumber. It  was a voice,  coming from
the  trail  which led  to  the  house.  At  first, Tara  couldn't  see
anything. Then  the voice spoke  again, and she  saw a form  step from
the trees  into her small  camp. Tara  couldn't believe what  she saw.
She wheezed, trying to make  herself breathe.  She shook her  head and
looked again,  convinced the shadows  from the full moon  were playing
tricks on  her eyes. When  she looked again,  she was positive  who it
was. It was her father.
    Tara  was sure  her  mind  was playing  tricks  on  her. Then  her
father spoke  her name. "I'm  here father," she said,  pulling herself
to  her feet.  "Oh, papa,"  she said,  taking a  step toward  him, and
then  she stopped.  She  could  see an  arrow  protruding through  the
front  of his  chest,  which  was caked  with  dried  blood. Then  she
realized that  she could see  the trees  behind him through  his body.
Before she had  time to react to  any of this, he  spoke again. "Tara,
my  daughter," the  vision  began,  "I have  come  to  help you."  Her
father's  spirit took  a step  closer to  her, and  Tara noticed  that
although  his body  was still  maimed,  the look  on his  face was  no
longer full  of pain but instead  was peaceful. Then her  father spoke
again. "Your mother is with me, and we are happy. It was our destiny."
    "Take me  with you, Father,"  Tara pleaded, reaching out  for him.
As she put  her hand out to  him, she watched helplessly  as it passed
through his body. He appeared not to notice. Then he smiled.
    "Our work  in this world is  finished, my daughter, but  you still
have  much  to do.  Travel  to  Dargon, and  there  you  must seek  my
brother.  It is  this  path  on which  your  destiny  lies." Then  the
spirit began to fade.
    "No, Father," Tara begged him. "Let me come with you."
    "Travel to  Dargon, my  daughter, and do  not grieve.  Your mother
and I will be  here when you have come to the end  of your road." Tara
reached for him. As  she did, she was suddenly sitting  up on the spot
where she had  gone to sleep, her arm clutching  nothing but the empty
night air in front of her.
    A dream, Tara  thought. I had a dream. She  looked again where she
had seen her  father, but there was  no one there. This  time Tara did
not fall asleep so quickly.

    In the morning,  Tara saddled up Boxter, loaded her  gear onto the
saddle,  and then  before leaving  forever,  she walked  back to  look
once more at what was left of the only home she had ever known.
    Tara had  always assumed that she  would live out her  life as her
mother  had done,  living  on  the farm  with  her  parents until  her
father gave  her away  in marriage  to some  local farmer's  son which
had impressed him.  Then she would spend the rest  of her life raising
children and working  on the farm. Now her destiny  had been mutilated
by strangers in a single afternoon. It was almost too much for her.
    She let a  tear come to her  eye, and then she turned  her back on
the  the farm  and headed  back to  where she  had made  camp. As  she
moved  off the  trail  to go  to  her little  camp,  something on  the
ground  caught her  eye.  Bending over,  she found  a  set of  tracks,
leading from  the trail to  where she had  slept. She had  seen tracks
like  these  for  as  long  as  she  could  remember.  They  were  her
father's. She followed them into camp, and there, they stopped.
    So,  it was  real, Tara  thought. Then  she reminded  herself that
her  father  walked these  woods  all  the  time  before he  died.  He
probably made  them yesterday  morning, she convinced  herself. Still,
the possibility  gave her  courage to  do what she  needed to  do. She
would go to  Dargon to live with  her uncle. Even if it  had only been
a  dream the  night  before, she  had  decided that  it  was the  only
alternative she had.  Tara had never met her uncle,  at least not when
she  was old  enough to  remember, but  he was  her father's  brother.
Surely he  would take her  in and help her  decide what she  needed to
do. Then,  strengthed by the  knowledge of what  she was going  to do,
she set  about getting  ready to  leave. She would  head first  to the
village of Tench.  From there, she would  be able to send  word to her
uncle to  let him  know she was  coming, and perhaps  she could  buy a
map or hire  someone to take her to Dargon.  Then, filing her father's
sword into  a sheath on the  saddle, she started to  leave, but before
she  could, Zed  came  bounding up  on his  short  legs, snorting  and
grunting.  "It's all  right,  Zed,"  she said.  "You  can come  along.
After all,  you're all I have  left." Then, giving the  Shivaree a pat
on his  head before climbing  onto her  horse, she realized  how final
this leaving  would be. She had  never been more than  10 leagues away
from home  in her life,  and now  she was headed  for a place  she had
only heard of.  Then, overcome by the emotions of  the moment, she had
to  fight to  keep from  sobbing at  the realization  of what  she was
doing. Finally,  she forced  herself to  calm down.  She was  going to
Dargon  and everything  was  going to  be all  right.  But first,  she
would need travel  to Tench, over twenty leagues away,  and she wasn't
going  to  get  there  by  staying  here  burning  daylight.  "Com'on,
Boxter," she  urged, pushing her  heels into the horse's  ribs, "we're
going to Dargon."
    She left the  farm with the morning sun on  her back, heading west
to Tench, to Dargon, and to a new life.
                   -Glenn R. Sixbury  <VMAQ5 @ KSUVM>


                      Night Fruit: A Tasty Comedy
    Sarah woke  up with that feeling.  She reached out, but  the other
half of the bed  was empty. Levy had already left  for the smithy. She
resigned  herself  to  the  fact  and  got  up.  She  dressed  slowly,
stretching long and  hard, tensing her body, but the  feeling only got
worse. Well, there's always tonight, she thought.
    She  ate  quickly, then  started  the  day's chores.  The  feeling
dimmed  some, but  it  continued  to flare  up  through  the day.  She
worried. What if he didn't want to?
    Halfway  through the  day it  hit her.  Nightfruit! That  way he'd
have to want to!
    She hurried  to finish her tasks,  and then grabbed her  staff and
started across  the field.  She had  seen some  growing by  the fence,
near  where Greta,  Levy's  sister-in-law kept  her  herb garden.  She
hiked through  the field, enjoying  the warm  sun. She thought  of the
soon coming night. She hiked faster.
    She reached  the fence, but  no amount  of searching would  find a
single nightfruit. She  realized from the amount of marks  in the area
that the cows  had probably been eating them. No  wonder both cows had
had calves. She looked up, and saw Greta in her garden.
    "Good day!"
    "Good day! Lovely, isn't it?"
    "Yes." Replied Sarah.  She walked closer. She  hesitated shyly. "I
was looking  for an herb,  but I  think the cows  ate it. Do  you know
where I might find it?"
    Greta stood, hands on hips. "Depends. What are you looking for?"
    Sarah blushed lightly. "Nightfruit."
    "Ah!" Greta  grinned. "I usually get  that on The Outcrop.  It's a
climb,  but it's  worth it!"  She  giggled. "I  shouldn't think  you'd
need it, though, only being married a week."
    "Nine days, and it never hurts to be sure." Sarah smiled back.
    "Thanks." She turned to leave.
    "It's just in good fruit, too. I gathered some just this week."
    "That explains your  smiling face then, doesn't  it!" Both laughed
at that.

    Sarah  started  off  towards  The   Outcrop.  The  Outcrop  was  a
monolith  that jutted  up in  the  woods between  Levy's property  and
Greta's father's property,  to the east. Sarah had to  walk for a half
hour to  reach the woods,  and another ten  minutes to reach  the foot
of The  Outcrop. When she  got to the bottom,  she looked up.  And up.
And up  more. The top of  The Outcrop was  hidden in the blaze  of the
sun. Is  this really worth  it? she asked  herself. I know  Levy won't
need  it.  She then  shrugged.  It  might  be  fun, she  thought,  and
started climbing.
    Five  minutes  later  she  was thirty  feet  higher,  and  several
degrees  hotter. She  paused  to look  around. She  saw  further up  a
likely place to  find nightfruit growing. Nightfruit liked  a thin but
rich soil, with  shade. The rock above could easily  provide that. She
kept climbing.
    She found  a path  that led  along the  face of  the rock.  It was
rather  wide, with  grass growing  sparsely on  it. It  soon narrowed,
and eventually disappeared.  She climbed up higher, by means  of a few
cracks in  the rock,  but soon had  to back down  for lack  of further
holds. She  walked back down the  rock, fingering a few,  recent tears
in  her skirt.  She found  another  path, one  that led  in the  other
direction. It  led up  to a wide,  mossy ledge. A  small pool  of cold
water lie  there, fed by  rain and a  small seeping spring.  She drank
the water,  and rested on the  moss. She lay there,  wishing she could
have  Levy there,  in the  cool fresh  air. He  was working,  however,
hammering hot iron,  working off the last year  of his apprenticeship.
She would be alone all day. She got up, and continued to climb.
    She found  what seemed to be  a path, scuffed onto  the bald stone
by occasional use. She  followed it up. It was steep,  and the sun was
now hot, and there  was no wind. She hadn't gotten  too far before she
was sweating heavily.  She followed it up to a  small ledge that ended
in a sheer  twenty foot cliff. At  the top of the  cliff, just hanging
over the edge,  she saw a leaf, one she  recognized. There were cracks
in  the cliff  face, but  they  were small  and far  apart. They  also
were, unfortunately,  the only way up.  She pulled off her  boots, and
hoisted herself up with bare toes and fingers.
    Sarah had  worked as a  metalsmith for  years, but after  a minute
or  two  of climbing  she  found  her  arms  aching. Her  calves  were
cramped,  and so  were  her forearms.  What was  worse,  she was  only
halfway up  the cliff.  She paused  for a moment  to rest.  She looked
out  from the  face  of the  rock.  She was  already  higher than  the
treetops. She  could see her house  in the distance. She  looked down,
and shut  her eyes  tight. A  night with her  beloved husband  was the
furthest thing from her mind.
    Finally  she  urged  herself  back into  movement.  She  struggled
upwards, and  finally pushed her face  level with the tiny  shelf. All
it  had on  it was  a thin  layer of  moss and  the nightfruit  plant.
Hanging  down pendulously  from the  bushy green  leaves were  two red
fruit. They looked  so ridiculous that she would have  laughed had not
the  pain been  so  great. With  enormous effort  she  reached up  and
plucked one  of the fruit. I  got it! she  exulted. Now all I  have to
do is get down.

    When Levy got  home that evening, he opened the  door to his house
and  looked around.  He  was fairly  well off,  and  actually had  two
rooms, a  main room and a  bedroom. The bedroom curtain  was closed. A
cold supper was  waiting for him, as  had been the case  the few times
he had  been late  before, and  he proceeded directly  to work  on it.
The meat  he ate first, then  the potatoes and bread.  Partway through
the meal  he noticed a  bowl upside-down in  the center of  the table,
as if covering  something. He waited until last to  move it, expecting
it to  be a sweet  of some sort, as  his young bride  had occasionally
made  before  the  wedding.  When  he  lifted  it,  however,  the  red
nightfruit gleamed seductively  in the lamplight. He stared  at it for
a moment, then snatched it up and hasten into the bedroom.
    He undressed  hurriedly, while  softly calling Sarah's  name. When
no one answered,  he carefully lie down beside her  warm form. She did
not move. She  was so exhausted from her efforts  she had fallen sound
asleep.  He gently  shook her,  but  to no  avail. So,  he kissed  her
gently, and fell asleep as well, the nightfruit forgotten in his hand.
                       -Jim Owens  <J1O @ PSUVM>


                               The Dream
                           Part One:  Arrival
    The  City of  Dargon,  seat of  the Duchy  of  Dargon, was  fairly
typical,  for its  type -  river mouth  port town.  It surrounded  the
mouth of  the River Coldwell, and  several miles of its  lower length.
The river, racing to  the sea from its source deep  in the Darst range
and  fed  on  its  way  by  scores of  major  and  hundreds  of  minor
tributaries that  drained the  forest that carpeted  the whole  of the
northwest,  met an  estcarpment  less  than 40  feet  high that  still
succeeded in  turning it from its  quest, forcing it to  go around the
outcropping. Dargon Keep  had been built upon that rock  in times long
past, thickset  massive walls  bearing three towers  - two  facing the
river it  protected and one facing  the sea as a  watcher. Of slightly
newer  construction, but  still a  century or  more old,  was the  Old
City, built  between the Keep, the  River and the sea,  and walled for
most of its  perimeter. A well fortified causway crossed  the river to
the much  newer parts  of town, especially  the bustling  port itself.
Within the  walls of the  Old City lived  the wealthy of  Dargon, with
the wealthiest and  most favored sharing the walls of  the Keep itself
with the  Lord of  the City  and Duke  of all  the lands  around, Lord
Clifton Dargon. Across  the river, the merchants kept up  a busy trade
in anything a  traveler might want, while closer to  the sea clustered
the less  well-off of the residents  of Dargon, keeping the  port well
supplied with cheap labor.
    Je'lanthra'en reached  Dargon shortly  after midday,  walking with
a farm  family who were traveling  to the city in  their yearly faring
to try  and sell the fruits  of their winter shutting-in,  having just
gotten  their crops  planted for  the warmer  months. She  had somehow
expected there to  be no travel from the landward  side of Dargon, and
certainly  there was  little that  crossed  the Darst  range from  the
interrior of  Baranur. But, the  Lord of Dargon  was also Duke  of the
forestland  between the  Darst  and the  sea, and  his  land was  well
populated, if not as well as the Barony around Magnus.
    She  accompanied  the  family  into the  Open  marketplace,  where
anyone with  goods to  sell could  take an  unoccupied booth  and stay
until their  wares were gone, and  from there she asked  directions to
the  Inn of  the Serpent.  In the  last letter  she had  had from  her
brother Kroan, he  said that he was  living in a place  two doors down
from the  Inn of the Serpent,  and he had  just gotten a job  with the
Fifth  I Merchant  firm, doing  inventory  (Kroan has  always been  as
good with numbers as she had been (once) with words).
    She set  off across the market  section of the city  following the
directions she  had received.  She came  to the Inn  on a  street that
served as a  border of the merchant  section of town. The  Inn got its
name from a  well-carved sculpture of a Great Wyrm  of legend - rather
fancifully embellished,  really, and painted  a garish green  and red:
not frightening at all, not like the stories...
    Je'en counted  doorways, entered  the right  one, and  climbed the
second set of stairs. Four doors down from the top, and she knocked.
    The  door was  answered by  a young  woman dressed  very garishly.
"Ya, whadd'ya want, 'oney?" she said.
    Je'en hesitated, then said, "Is this where Kroan Jessthson lives?"
    "Na, never  'eard of 'im,  love. Lived  'ere t'ree years,  I 'ave,
and never 'eard tell of t'is Kroan person. T'at all?"
    Momentarily disheartened,  Je'en thanked  the woman for  her time,
and walked slowly  back down the stairs. Four years  it had been since
she had  read Kroan's last letter,  and it had arrived  at the College
in Magnus two  years before that -  a Bard is seldom in  one place for
long. Much could  have happened in six years, and  obviously had: just
look at her - once a Bard, now a left-handed fighter who wore a mask.
    Still, there  was at  least one  more lead:  she knew  where Kroan
had  been  working then.  She  decided  to see  if  they  knew of  her
brother at  Fifth I  Merchants, and  if they didn't,  she had  time to
search the whole town if it came to that.
    It  didn't.  She  asked  directions  at the  Inn,  and  found  the
offices  of the  Fifth I  with ease.  From there,  after asking  about
Kroan, she  was led  to another  office in  the wealthiest  section of
town  outside  the  walls  of  Old Town,  and  there,  in  an  office,
surrounded by clarks and ledgers, she was reunited with her brother.
    Kroan had  really grown  up since  Je'en had  seen him  last, more
than ten  years ago. He  was now taller than  she, and had  filled out
some,  tho he  was still  skinny by  any standards.  A full  beard and
moustache  adorned  his  face,  startlingly red  in  contrast  to  his
ordinarily brown hair,  making him seem even older, but  his eyes were
the same  twinkling brown, and  his smile made  him seem like  a child
again, happy and carefree.
    To Kroan,  Je'en had changed,  too. She  was still the  tall, well
built sandy-blonde  woman that  had left for  the Bardic  College when
she was  fifteen, over twelve years  ago. He had always  loved the way
she  could bring  a  song to  life  (he  couldn't carry  a  tune in  a
bucket), and  she had picked  up harping with natural-born  ease. But,
she wasn't  now dressed in  the green cloak  she had always  worn when
she had visited  home, nor the pendant  of her Rank, nor  was the harp
she had fought a  duel of words to win on her back,  and the sword she
wore on  her right  hip (odd,  that -  Je'en was  right-handed, wasn't
she?)  wasn't  good old  Leaf-  Killer.  She  wore only  dusty  riding
leathers, and  a strange half-mask  of silver  that was molded  to her
features  so  that,  tho it  hid  her  eyes,  he  had had  no  trouble
recognizing her.
    When he  had recovered  from the bone-crushing  hug she  had given
him, Kroan  said, "So,  why are  you here, Sis?  I thought  you mostly
stayed in  the south, in more  civilized lands? What, did  you get the
Master of the College  mad at you, and he sent  you to the hinterlands
as punishment?"
    Her eyes  were well hidden,  and he didn't  see the pain  in them,
but he did  notice the way her mouth twitched  downwards, so he didn't
wait for some awkward response, but changed the subject.
    "Well, we  can talk about  that in more  privacy, eh? What  say we
go have  dinner in this  nice little  inn I know  of, and we  can talk
all we  want - all  night even. The nice  thing about being  boss here
is I  can leave anytime  I want  to (as long  as MY boss  doesn't find
out, ha ha!). You have any place to stay, Je'en?"
    They did talk all  night, both of them. Kroan told  her how he had
been promoted  again and again,  until he  finally had control  of all
matters financial for  the third largest merchantile  guild in Dargon.
He enjoyed his work, and felt quite happy where he was.
    And,  Je'en told  her  brother  what had  happened  to  her -  the
attack,  her  injuries,  her  leaving the  College,  and  training  at
Pentamorlo with the  famous Lord Morion. Kroan was  genuinely upset to
hear about  Je'en's losses,  and, when  she said  she was  looking for
work,  he  immediatly assured  her  that  she  could have  a  lifetime
position with  Fifth I.  She gladly accepted,  but refused  to promise
that it would be for a lifetime.
    So,  Je'en, with  her brother's  help,  settled in  to Dargon.  He
found her an apartment  in the better part of town, and  got her a job
as  a  Peace-keeper in  one  of  the  Upper Marketplaces.  She  didn't
really even have  to know one end  of a sword from the  other for such
a job, just  how to placate irate customers and  shop keepers, but she
enjoyed it, anyway.

                        Part Two:  Assassination
    "The Sword of Cleah has returned to us, my brothers!"
    There    was    a   murmur    of    suprise    from   the    other
black-robed-and-cowled members  of the  Septent of  the Order  of Jhel
and Her  Prophets on  Earth. The  seven men,  who were  always hidden,
even from  each other, when they  met to discuss Order  business, were
astonished  that the  Time was  so near.  For the  Sword to  return in
their lifetimes...!
    "Brother Saith,  what proof  do you  bring to  us of  this?" asked
Brother Un  (for anonymities sake,  each member bore a  number instead
of a name).
    "It was seen,  Brother Un. I, myself, have seen  it, after hearing
reports about it  from some of the acolytes. A  woman wearing a silver
mask who  guards in one  of the  marketplaces bears Lladdwr  openly at
her side. The Sword of the First of Her Prophets has returned to us!"
    "To  be  precise,"  said  Brother Pedwar,  "Lladdwr  has  come  to
Dargon. It is in  the hands of an unknowing Outsider. How  is it to be
returned to us?"
    "We could buy it," suggested Brother Chwech.
    "But, what  if this Outsider is  not unknowing? You know  that the
King has  forbidden the worship  of Jhel  within his borders.  What if
this masked woman is  a decoy - what if she knows  what she bears, and
is ready  to point  out any  interest in  her sword  to agents  of the
King?" asked Brother Un.
    That  gave them  all  pause. The  Order of  Jhel  existed under  a
front  in Dargon,  that was  one reason  why the  Septent went  hooded
when  together.  The  King  had  decreed that  Jhel  and  all  of  her
followers  were  traitors  to  the   Crown.  The  tenets  that  Jhel's
Prophets proclaimed included  that Anarchy was the  Blessed state, and
when there  was no  more external  rule, then  would everyone  live in
Bliss and  Ecstacy Forever.  Few believed in  Jhel, but  her followers
were  fanatical,  and they  believed  that  if  a person  couldn't  be
converted to Jhel's  ways, then they should die,  beginning with those
who imposed their rule on the people, and so postponed Jhel's Promise.
    Finally, Brother  Chwech said, "If  this masked woman is  a plant,
then  if she  is  dead, she  cannot  report who  had  interest in  her
sword, right?  And, if  she is  not -  well, one  more step  will have
been taken to fulfill Jhel's Promise."
    "You know a competent assassin?" asked Brother Un.
    "Aye, several.  But, I  think that  a few  street thugs  should be
enough: she's only a woman, after all."
    "Do what  you think best,  Brother Chwech.  In your hands  I place
the retrieval of  Lladdwr, the Slayer that will bring  down the world,
and replace it with Jhel's Promise!"

    The room was  dark, except over the intricately  carved and inlaid
table  in its  center, which  was lit  by a  clear crystal  globe that
glowed  with  a  golden  light,  suspended  over  it.  The  young  yet
knowledgeable  man  settled himself  into  the  chair, as  carved  and
inlaid as  the table that  was its  mate, and shuffled  the over-large
deck of cards in his hands.
    When the  cards felt right,  he stopped shuffling and  turned over
the  top card  onto the  center of  the table.  It was  the Twelve  of
Swords - the  cards were properly aligned with the  subject. The young
man proceeded to lay  out the rest of the Bent-Star  pattern - the two
Force  cards crossing  the Significator,  and the  five rays  of three
cards  each that  outlined the  pathways of  the layout.  It took  him
less  than a  second to  scan the  whole pattern  and read  it to  its
deepest level, and  when he had, he  leaped to his feet  in such haste
that  the  ornate chair  went  crashing  backwards.  He ran  into  the
darkness at  the edge  of the  room with  no hesitation,  calling out,
"Mahr! Mahr, ready the Image Table quickly! Hurry!"
    The young man ran  through the darkness of his house  as if it was
noonday-lit.  Perhaps the  way his  eyes glowed  with a  sapphire blue
light  enabled  him  to  move  surely where  even  a  cat  might  have
faltered. Down  three flights  of steps to  the first  sub-basement he
ran, and  into another globe-lit  room with  another table in  it. His
apprentice,   Mahr,  was   already   there,   preparing  the   special
properties of the table in this room for use.
    The  Image Table  was  large, with  a flat  top  made of  polished
slate.  At each  of the  four corners  stood a  crystal pole,  about a
foot  and a  half  high,  with what  looked  like  small silver  metal
flakes imbedded  in it.  All but  one now glowed  with the  same eerie
inner illumination  that the  light globe did,  and Mahr  was touching
the  last unglowing  one with  the palm  of her  left hand,  muttering
something softly.  When her  words stopped, that  pole, too,  began to
glow,  and she  looked up  at the  young man  said, "It  is ready,  my
Lord. Do you wish anything else?"
    "No, Mahr,  thank you. You  have done well.  You may stay,  if you
wish." Mahr smiled, and  moved back out of the way,  but happy to stay
and watch her teacher, Cefn an'Derrin, work.
    Cefn placed his  hands on a metal  plate on one of  the long sides
of  the Image  Table, and  began muttering  some ancient  and powerful
words.  Light  lanced outward  from  each  pole,  but only  along  and
within  the edges  of the  table.  Soon the  light seemed  to take  on
solid form, filling  the top of the  table with a block  of light. And
then,  the block  cleared,  but the  top of  the  table had  vanished.
Instead,  a  portion of  the  town  was visible,  but  not  just as  a
picture -  it was  as if  someone had  built an  exact scale  model of
part of Dargon's fringe district on the table.
    But, no model  could be so perfect. Unfelt wind  moved debris down
the streets  of the image, rocked  shop signs, and caused  lantern and
candle light  to flicker. And, every  so often, people moved  thru the
tiny streets,  either merchant going  uptown, or sailor  or dockworker
going downtown.
    Cefn read  the image with  the same speed  he had read  the cards.
He  frowned,   and  muttered  a   mild  oath  that  caused   a  symbol
embroidered on  his tunic to  spark and flash.  He said as  if talking
to himself (which  he was really, but aloud for  Mahr's benefit), "The
cards said  she'd be here.  Must have taken too  long to set  up. I'll
have to move the Image to the danger zone, and wait."
    The Image  was centered on the  street that ran along  the nominal
separation line  between the  low city  and the  middle city.  As Cefn
stood, the  street ran right  to left along  the middle of  the Image,
and  the  low  city was  on  the  side  closest  to him.  He  ran  the
fingertips of  his right hand  slowly along  the metal plate  in front
of him, and the  Image began to move to the  left, until he recognized
a certain combination  of cross streets and  alleyways. Making careful
adjustments until  a certain street was  directly in front of  him, he
began to  move his fingers  up, so that the  Image moved into  the low
city, following that street.
    Cefn  again recognized  a certain  alleyway, and  moved the  Image
right, following the  alley into the darkness  between buildings. When
the image  just barely  showed where  the alley  joined the  street he
had been following  at its right edge, he stopped.  He had reached the
danger zone.
    Slowly, as  they watched and  waited, details became clear  in the
blackness  of the  alley. Cefn  noticed the  concealed figures  first,
because he knew  that they would be  there - once he  had pointed them
out to Mahr,  their positions seemed obvious. Cefn said,  "She will be
comming down  the alley this way,  from the left of  the Image. She'll
never be able to spot these ambushers."
    "Master, will you intervene?" asked Mahr.
    "Little one, you  know that I must keep my  interrest and presence
hidden for  our purpose  here to  succeed. But -  fetch me  some glass
slivers from the laboratory, quickly."
    Mahr  dashed into  the  surrounding darkness,  uncovering a  small
candle lantern when  she reached the edge of the  darkness that filled
Cefn's house  - she had  no sorcerous means  of penetrating it  as her
master did.  She was  swiftly back  with the  requested materials  - a
handfull of  glass splinters  from the preparations  for a  spell Cefn
had been  testing earlier  that day.  She placed  them in  Cefn's free
hand,  and  resumed watching  the  almost  motionless waiting  of  the
ambushers in the Image.
    Cefn was  also watching, dividing  his mind between that  task and
preparing the  spell he was going  to use with the  splinters. Silence
grew absolute as the two magicians waited for the woman's arrival.
    A  globe of  lantern light  preceeded the  woman's arrival  within
the Image  - yellow  oil-flame glinting  off of  silver face  mask and
drawn  and ready  sword  held  left-handed. The  lantern  hung from  a
special hook  attached to her right  wrist, which she held  before her
to provide  maximum illumination. Her  pace was measured  and careful,
and  she looked  around warily.  The  two watchers  saw the  ambushers
move deeper  into the shadows  that cloaked their hiding  places. They
were  well enough  concealed that  even when  the woman  was alongside
them, they would still be hidden from the light.
    Cefn plucked two  splinters of glass from his palm,  and held them
above the  Image where the two  nearest ambushers hid. He  mouthed the
words of  the proper spell, and  released the slivers. They  fell, and
when they  crossed the  edge of  the Image, it  seemed that  two swift
bolts  of lightning  streaked down  to flash  harmlessly but  brightly
off of the sword-blades of the hidden attackers.
    The woman saw  the flashes, and immediately set  her lantern down,
and backed  up against  a wall. The  ambushers, knowing  themselves to
be revealed,  rushed out of  hiding - six  well armed youths  with the
look of the  street about them. They closed into  a semi-circle around
the woman,  who just shifted  slightly so that  she could keep  all of
them in sight. Then, the melee began.
    The only  light in  the alley  was that of  the lantern  the woman
had set  down. The movements  of her  attackers cast shadows  into the
dim illumination,  making the action  difficult to follow for  the two
who watched  from safety and  distance, but the attacked  woman seemed
unaffected  by the  chancy light.  She  moved with  speed, grace,  and
skill,  unaffected  by  the  uneven  odds and  bad  situation  of  the
attack. Bodies darted  in and out of light, used  shadows of others to
hid,  and move  unseen, and  steel flashed  bright white  and blue  as
swords  did their  work. Soon,  the peculiar  glint of  light off  wet
blood was  seen as swift moving  sword shed its red  coating in moving
to gain another.  The melee became clearer as, one  by one, the street
toughs met the woman's sword for the last time, and ceased to move.
    Less than five  minutes later, Dargon's population  was reduced by
six. The  woman stood,  panting slightly, sword  still held  at ready,
in the unblocked  light of her lantern - her  attackers were all dead.
Any expression  she might have  worn was hidden  by her mask,  and the
size of  the image the  mage watched, but,  by her stance,  she seemed
unaffected by her  brush with death. Satisfied that the  woman was all
right,  Cefn lifted  his  hand from  the metal  plate,  and the  Image
folded in  upon itself.  Had he  watched it fade  away, he  might have
seen  the swordswoman  begin to  shake in  delayed reaction,  dropping
her sword, and sinking slowly to the ground.
    But,  Cefn's  attention  was  diverted  by  Mahr.  His  apprentice
asked, "Who were those men, sir?"
    "I don't know, Mahr.  But, I can guess that the  Order of Jhel now
knows that  Lladdwr is in the  city, and that was  their first attempt
to retrieve it. We must keep a better watch over the woman."
    "Yes, Master.  After what  she has been  through, she  deserves to
be looked after. Master, will it work? Was it worth it to bring her?"
    Cefn frowned,  and turned  away from Mahr.  After long  moments of
staring into  the darkness, he finally  said, "I have my  orders. Jhel
must  be eliminated,  and the  Order here  in Dargon  is the  only one
left.  You were  with  me when  we  cast the  cards,  looking for  the
answer. The only  avenue open was to bring Lladdwr  here, and the only
way to  do that was  to get  her friends to  take her out  that night.
The cards  didn't tell  us what  would come  of that  little sorcerous
manipulation, did they?!
    "It has  to work. We've destroyed  that woman's life, just  to get
a damnable piece  of steel into this  city - if it  doesn't bring down
Jhel,  well --  well, it  has  to, that's  all. We  must be  vigilant,
ready  to help,  and be  ready,  when the  time comes,  to expose  and
destroy the last Septent in existence."

                         Part Three:  Dreams
    "Brother Chwech, report," said Brother Un.
    "As you  know, Brothers, the attack  was unsuccessful. Apparently,
this 'Je'en'  woman, she who bears  the Sacred Sword, knows  its uses.
The men I hired were all killed in the ambush. I..."
    "Pardon  me,  Brother  Chwech,  but it  wasn't  an  ambush,"  said
Brother  Pump.  "I  was  watching  the whole  thing,  and  someone  or
something intervened on  the woman's behalf, exposing  the location of
the men  hired by  Brother Chwech,  and ruining  the ambush.  Later, I
learned  that I  was not  alone in  observing the  conflict. Brothers,
this woman is  not here by chance.  Someone has lured her  here, and I
fear that  she is  bait for  us. If  we wish  to retrieve  Lladdwr, we
must  act slowly,  cautiously,  and as  covertly  as possible.  Forget
not, Brothers, we  are the last of Jhel's Priests  - the prophecies do
speak  of a  possible future  wherein Jhel's  very name  is forgotten.
That must not happen."
    "Well spoken, Brother  Pump," said Brother Un.  "Caution is indeed
necessary. Has anyone  here any ideas on how to  coax the Sacred Sword
from this woman?"
    Brother Tri  said, "I  have done some  research into  this woman's
past, and I think  I have found a possible weakness.  You see, she was
once  a Bard,  before a  recent accident  stole away  her voice.  What
might she do, my Brothers, to regain it...?"

    Je'en, Mecke,  and Taal laughed  in pure  joy as they  walked down
the  street, heading  for the  best tavern  in Magnus  - the  Battered
Shield.  They  had   just  passed  their  final  test   and  were  now
officially Bards, and intended to spend a few hours celebrating.
    For Je'en,  it was  the fulfillment  of a  dream. From  that first
day  the  circuit Bard  had  selected  her  from the  Faire's  singing
contest, saying  she had the  potential, Je'en had done  everything in
her  power to  become  a Bard.  She  had traveled  to  the College  in
Magnus, studied hard, and learned well. And, she was now a Bard.
    She and her  two classmates entered the Battered  Shield, and Taal
immediately ordered  a round for  the house, announcing their  news to
all. Je'en  smiled and  accepted the  congratulations of  the patrons,
and then the they settled into a corner booth and began to celebrate.
    About  an  hour  and  a  half  later,  Mecke  suggested  a  little
contest. The three  of them would take a given  legend, and retell it,
each  differently. It  was  an  exercise that  they  had  all done  in
class, so they  all knew what was required. Since  Mecke had suggested
it, she was chosen to go first.
    As she  sang her version of  the Balphiryon and Hengnra  tale, the
patrons  of the  tavern  began  to gather  around  -  even in  Magnus,
listening to a Bard ply her trade was an event.
    When Mecke was finished  - to much applause, and a  few coins - it
was Taal's  turn. His version took  a totally different turn,  but was
equally  entertaining, and  he,  too, received  applause, and  cheers,
and coins - enough to pay for his "round for the house" earlier.
    Then it  was Je'en's turn.  While she  had been half  listening to
the  others sing,  she  was  formulating her  own  version,  on yet  a
different tack from  Taal's. So, once the accolades for  Taal had died
down, she began.  By way of long practice, and  tenacious teachers, it
had become  almost second nature  for her to  make up a  story-song as
she went  along. Her version  came out as smoothly  and professionally
and  the  two  before,  and  she could  tell  that  the  audience  was
enjoying themselves as well.
    Then,  in the  middle  of her  twenty-second  verse, she  suddenly
couldn't sing anymore.  Her throat burned, there was  stabbing pain in
her  face, arm,  and leg,  and all  that came  out of  her mouth  were
harsh,  croaking  noises,  fit  only  for  an  angry  bird.  And,  the
audience  immediately   turned  on  her,  throwing   mugs  and  bread,
jeering,  catcalling, abusing  her  verbally and  physically. And,  to
make  it worse,  her friends  joined in  with the  patrons instead  of
standing by  her and helping  her. She didn't understand.  This hadn't
happened before, before...
    Je'en woke up  with a start, sitting bolt upright,  her mouth open
and breath  caught to scream.  She caught herself before  she tortured
her throat further,  and instead began to sob, coiling  into a ball on
her bed.
    Wend had  awakened when  Je'en did,  and he,  used to  her nightly
fits, tenderly  reached out to her,  gently unrolled her, and  let her
cry herself out against his chest.
    When Je'en  was calm again, she  thanked Wend and stayed  close to
his  comforting solidity.  He was  a Peace-keeper  in the  same market
place she was. He  had always been friendly, and a  help in getting to
know Dargon,  and, eventually  they had become  lovers. And  now, with
these nightly nightmares, he was a great comfort to her as well.
    The  bad  dreams had  started  shortly  after  the attack  in  the
alley. Up until  that time, Je'en had never used  her newly-won skills
with the  sword to kill. That,  with the similarity of  that ambush to
the one in  Magnus that had taken  her voice, had released  all of her
carefully dammed  up memories. Memories  that were now  tormenting her
each and every night.
    Wend said, "Better now, hon? What was it this time?"
    Je'en told  him. It seemed to  help. He was so  understanding. She
was beginning to feel something deep for him.
    That night's  nightmare was typical:  a good memory from  her past
life ruined  by the  intrusion of  her present  circumstances. Without
Wend's help,  she would  probably have  retained the  mixture, ruining
even  her memories  of her  past,  but he  helped her  reason out  the
nightmare and banish  it. She hadn't had any repeat  dreams, for which
she was glad.
    When  Wend had  done  his work  sorting out  her  dream, he  said,
"Je'en, I learned  of this treatment that might help  you. It's a mild
drug  that frees  the mind,  and with  guidance, deep-seated  problems
can be  resolved while under  the influence.  It has been  three weeks
since you had an undisturbed night's rest."
    Je'en thought  about it.  Normally, she  didn't like  drugs, other
than a  little alchohol  now and then.  She didn't like  to be  out of
control. But these  nightmares were bad, and without  Wend, they would
be worse.  She didn't  want to  go through  life dreaming  bad dreams,
with  Wend always  by her  side (as  nice as  that sounded,  for other
reasons) to  keep her sane.  So, she said,  "Alright, Wend. What  do I
need to do?"

    The house  was in that  chancy fringe district between  the middle
and lower cities. It  stood out because it was the  best kept house on
the street,  and it  stood alone  - its  neighbors had  collapsed, and
the rubble cleared away, long since.
    Wend led  Je'en up to the  door, and knocked. Je'en  was nervous -
she  was  literally giving  control  of  her  mind  to Wend,  who  had
offered to give  the healing guidance. But, she had  come to know him,
and she  trusted him. When she  was cured, she thought  she might even
ask him to marry her.
    An  old woman  answered the  door, and  ushered them  into a  well
kept  parlor, furnished  with the  trappings of  a fortune-teller,  as
was the  old woman. Wend  whispered something  in her ear,  and handed
her a  small leather bag  that clinked faintly  as it met  the woman's
hand. She hefted  it as if judging the value  of its contents, smiled,
and produced a  small silver box from  her robes. She said  in a voice
like old leaves,  "Use number 15, my  son. I wish you  well." Then she
began to putter  around the room, ignoring the couple  as they went up
the stairs at the back of the room.
    Room  15 was  neatly, if  sparsely, furnished  with a  bed, chair,
and table.  It was  very neat,  and the  furniture was  expensive, but
Je'en  could  guess  what  else  this room  might  be  used  for.  She
wondered how much of  the coin Wend had paid had been  for the time in
the room, and not the drug.
    Je'en took  her place  on the  bed, and Wend  pulled the  chair up
next to her.  He showed her the  tiny box, and opened  it. Within were
two very small  pills with the silvery-red sheen of  blood on steel. A
ewer and glass  on the table helped  to wash down the  pills, and Wend
told her to just relax.
    It  wasn't  long before  Je'en  fell  lightly asleep.  She  didn't
consciously  hear the  soothing words  spoken  by Wend,  but she  felt
their effects. And she began to dream.
    Nothing  bad,  this  time.   Only  good.  Reliving  her  memories,
specifically her  most recent nightmares,  without the bad  parts. The
dreams  were very  vivid, and  she  enjoyed feeling  herself sing  and
play music  again. The pain  of her loss was  mitigated by the  joy of
her memories.
    When  she awoke,  she felt  much refreshed.  And that  night there
was no  nightmare. Wend  was happy  that Je'en  felt better,  but felt
that she  should use  the drug  for at least  the rest  of the  week -
after  all, she  didn't want  the nightmares  returning, did  she? So,
every day  for the  next four days,  she and Wend  went to  that lone,
well kept house, and spent an hour or so in one of the upper rooms.

    Cefn sat  in near darkness,  the globe  above the table  dimmed to
just a  faint spark.  He studied the  lay of the  cards on  the table,
and frowned  again. They refused to  tell clearly! He read  dreams and
danger in  them, but there was  no imminency in them,  and no definite
focus  either. The  way they  read, it  almost seemed  that they  were
warning  of the  everyday possibility  of an  accident, save  that the
cards never  worked so trivially. His  charge, Je'en, seemed to  be in
some  danger, but  he couldn't  tell what  kind, or  how soon,  and he
couldn't act  until he knew. With  a stifled oath, he  swept the cards
from the  table, dimmed the globe  with a gesture, and  sat, brooding,
in total darkness.
                    -John White  <WHITE @ DREXELVM>
