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         +-+  +-+  +-+
         +-+--+-+--+-+     VOLUME SIX                    NUMBER ONE
         |           |    ==========================================
         +___________+     FFFFF   SSS   FFFFF  N   N  EEEEE  TTTTT
          |      ++ |      F      S      F      NN  N  E        T
          |      ++ |      FFF     SSS   FFF    N N N  EEE      T
          |         |      F          S  F      N  NN  E        T
          |_________|      F       SSS   F      N   N  EEEEE    T
         /___________\    ==========================================
         |           |      BITNET Fantasy-Science Fiction Fanzine
      ___|___________|___  X-Edited by 'Orny' Liscomb <CSDAVE@MAINE>


            X-Editorial                          Orny
            For the Pot                          Jim Owens
           *Spirit of the Wood: 3                Rich Jervis
            Father's Fugue                       Jim Owens
           *Respect thy Elders: 3                Orny

          Date: 100686                               Dist: 166
          An "*" indicates story is part of the Dargon Project
          All original materials  copyrighted by the author(s)

    Greetings, and welcome  to the first issue of volume  6 of FSFnet!
I am your host, Mr. Pourke, and he is Fattoo...
    Ah, yeah.  Sorry about that. You  know, school and all.  The first
(serious) order  of business is  to welcome the new  subscribers. Keep
spreading the  word! Secondly, I'm  once again attempting  to organize
BITNET  Diplomacy games,  and anyone  interested should  get in  touch
with me  before yesterday. Thirdly, I'd  like to make a  comment about
another  fanzine. GateWays  is an  Arpa fanzine,  and is  available by
sending  mail  to  CHUQ%PLAID@SUN.ARPA.  Finally, I'd  must  say  that
since school  is back,  so are  several of our  best authors,  and I'm

    Well, I  must keep  this short.  Thanks to  everyone for  being so
patient. On to the good stuff...
                        -Orny  <CSDAVE @ MAINE>


                              For The Pot
    Wolf climbed  slowly up the  hill. The  hill was gentle,  but Wolf
had  been walking  all  day,  and while  he  wasn't  tired, he  wasn't
exactly fresh  either. As he walked  he thought of the  village he had
just  come  from, and  the  destruction  his  quarry had  caused  back
there. It  had attacked  several people's  herds, killing  or wounding
over  one hundred  animals in  the tight  flocks. Before  that it  had
performed  similar deeds  in several  villages in  a roughly  straight
line extending for  many miles. The toll in dead  animals was high. He
felt no anger at  that, only empathy for the owners  at having lost so
much.  He  did  not  blame  his  prey; it  was  its  nature  to  kill.
Nonetheless, it was a danger, and had to be destroyed.
    He  topped the  gentle  rise, and  looked out  at  the plain  that
spread for  hundreds of miles  behind him.  He then looked  across the
top of  the hill.  An old road  ran across  the top of  the hill  in a
shallow  depression. Tall  grass  blurred its  outline. He  remembered
coming this way once  before, in his travels, and he  came this way in
hopes of  catching up with  his target. It  had not been  traveling in
this  direction when  it  had left  the village,  but  its path  would
cross  the road  after several  miles,  if it  traveled straight,  and
when it did it  would follow the road to him. To  be sure, however, he
carefully examined  the road. The  tracks would  be faint, but  he was
good at  tracking; he would  find them, if  they were there.  He hoped
he wouldn't find  any. He groaned when, after a  few minutes, he found
traces in the earth;  it had beaten him to t he  hill. He followed the
tracks, trying  to figure out where  it would have gone  after it left
the hill. He tried to think like his prey.
    The  hill was  part of  an  outcropping that  rose up  out of  the
plain  to form  a  ridge running  several  miles to  the  right as  he
looked along the  tracks. The hill was a reentrant,  near one end. The
old road ran down  the other side of the hill,  and skirted around the
near end of the  ridge a few miles distant. His  prey would follow the
road around the ridge.  If he could get over the  ridge, he could wait
on the road ahead of his quarry, and set an ambush for it.
    Wolf's  thoughts drifted  as he  jogged across  the saddle  toward
the ridge. He  thought how nice it  would be to be  home, watching his
corn grow, watching  his flocks grow, watching his  children grow. How
he missed his  wife! Wolf often wondered if he  shouldn't have learned
a different way  to put meat on  the table. He hardly ever  got to see
his family.  He had spent the  last half of  his life living out  of a
backpack. He  ran as he  thought, hardly  heeding where he  was going.
He had no need  to fear. There were few large animals  in the area. He
was hunting the only thing that would hurt him.
    Soon he  was scrambling down  a small  rockslide to where  the old
road  was  visible beneath  years  of  dead  grass.  He made  a  quick
survey:  no tracks.  He was  finally ahead  of it.  He glanced  in the
direction it  would be  coming from. The  ridge had  another reentrant
here, and the  road curved out of  sight a few hundred  yards away. He
quickly set his trap, and hid in the grass to wait for his prey.
    As he lay,  he counted. He had  made five kills in  the past year.
Hunters  were not  plentiful in  these peaceful  years after  the last
blowup,  and nobody  wanted  their  son to  be  a  hunter. The  random
killers  were few  and  far  between anymore,  and  the occupation  of
hunter was a dangerous  one. Often a hunter would get  called off to a
far village,  never to return. Another  factor was that no  one really
wanted a  neighbor who's occupation was  such a violent one.  It was a
bad influence  for the children. The  job needed to be  done, however,
and  the bounty  was always  enough to  pay for  the things  the house
needed, and  perhaps a few things  the wife wanted, but  didn't really
need. Soon  he would  have to  think about  getting Greta,  his eldest
daughter,  a few  baubles to  teach her  the appreciation  of feminine
values.  Luxury items  were  expensive  in the  village  he lived  in.
Fortunately, as  the prey  became scarcer,  the reward  became higher.
He planned to make a good deal selling this catch, if he got it.
    A faint sound  brought him out of his musings.  He had planted the
trap at  the very end of  the reentrant, just  on his side. He  was as
far from it  as the trip cord  would allow. The sound  grew louder. It
deepened, and then he saw his prey come around the bend.
    Grey  plates   glinted  dully,  while  tank   treads  spun  almost
silently,  barely marking  the  ground.  The noise  he  had heard  was
coming  from the  ancient drive  unit. Blue  smoke, almost  invisible,
blew  fast out  an  exhaust  port. The  flat  turret pointed  straight
ahead,  its  recently fired  gun  showing  considerable rust.  Several
scanning  devices  protruded  from   the  remote's  surface.  One  was
smashed, possibly  by an ill-fated  hunter who hadn't  aimed carefully
enough.  Wolfgang wasn't  taking any  chances. It  rolled in  front of
the  concealed weapons,  and he  squeezed hard  on the  firing device.
Piezoelectric  crystals sent  a burst  of voltage  down the  line, and
two flashes of  flame answered. Two rockets leaped  the short distance
from the  roadside to the  side of  where they seemed  to disintegrate
into handfuls  of dust,  which blew  away in  a sudden  wind. Actually
they  had  fired  armor  piercing warheads  through  the  plate.  Wolf
pulled the wire out  of the trigger and shoved in  a backup, but there
was no  need. The tank  rolled a short  distance, and then  the engine
stopped, dead.
    Wolf waited, but  the tank remained motionless. He  got up, dusted
himself off,  and walked  over to  the carcass.  He opened  the access
hatch,  and examined  the damage.  His  timing had  been perfect.  The
missiles had  destroyed the  main controller, while  basically leaving
the rest  of the  device intact,  ripe for  salvage by  a parts-hungry
world.  He closed  the hatch,  laser-sealed it,  and burned  his brand
into the side of  the tank, in plain view. He  then turned and started
the long but pleasant walk back to his family.
                       -Jim Owens  <J1O @ PSUVM>


                   Spirit of the Wood: Chapter Three
    Loric thought  it was strange to  return to the empty  hut that up
until this  morning he shared with  his grandfather. He looked  at the
lifeless  structure and  felt the  shadows of  despair creep  upon his
heart. There was  no real use in becoming a  man, he thought bitterly,
for even  if he could  do everything that the elders wanted of him, it
still wouldn't bring back Oldsir!
    "I  passed  the  ropemaking  and  firestarting  tests  today,"  he
thought to himself,  "even made my own evening meal  from a rock snake
that I  found under  one of  the logs. But  what good  is it?  I began
this  day a  boy  with a  family;  I  end it  a  near-man with  little
family, and in  three day's time, even my sister  won't acknowledge me
as kin."  Loric decided that being  a man was lonely  work. He entered
the  hut, and  for  a  moment he  started,  thinking  he saw  Oldsir's
shadow on  the wall where  the cooking fire  always cast it  this time
of day. He  could hear the floor creak as  his grandfather rocked back
on his  heels, satisfied  that the  coals were  banked just  right. He
would turn  like a  sighted man, and  give Loric a  wink and  toss his
head toward  the table and  say something like "Shuck-ears  and crabs,
burnt the way  you like 'em." Then  he would join Loric  and talk into
the night until  Loric's head started to droop, then  he would stretch
mightily and admonish  Loric for keeping an old man  up so long. After
that Loric could  hear him moving about stepping out  now and then for
a  sniff of  air. Loric  realized he  had never  seen his  grandfather
asleep at  any point  in his  life, and  with a  pang, he  realized he
never would.
    "Oldsir, I  always liked your  shuck-ears, nobody could  burn them
like you!" With  a sob and tear-filled eyes, Loric  ran to his hammock
and fell weeping into it.

    The next day,  Loric was put into  the Pit. He was  given the rope
he had  made the  day before and  made to watch  as a  fist-sized rock
was  dropped in.  It fell  and  made a  splat at  the bottom.  "Aiee,"
thought Loric,  "there's no  snakes in  there, it  full of  the Domai,
the cave fungus that eats you alive!"
    He started  to back up and  found he was surrounded  by villagers.
The  other end  of his  rope  was tied  to  a rock  and then  Dernhelm
motioned  him forward.  He leaned  outward  and looked  down into  the
darkness.  The dark  gave  no  secrets away,  and  he  wondered if  he
shouldn't refuse  this test. It  would mean  going back in  defeat and
trying again  when he felt  he could pass, but  what was the  point in
that? He  would just return  to this spot and  he knew he  couldn't go
on then,  either. No,  it would be  better to face  this now  with the
teachings of his grandfather fresh in his memory.
    He  shook with  the  thought of  what awaited  him  below, but  he
straddled the rope  and walked himself down into the  darkness. He was
very  cautious, feeling  and  looking below  him and  then  up at  the
expressionless faces  above him.  He had gotten  about halfway  to the
end of  his rope  when he felt  something below him.  It was  a sudden
shock to  him when he felt  his rope being  cut from above. He  let go
of the  rope and balled  himself for the  impact into the  fungus, but
came up  short and found  that the bottom was  only a foot  more below
him. The  bottom made  of clay and  there was a  bit of  water seeping
into the corner.  The rock Loric had  seen thrown in had  hit this and
made him  think he was going  to be eaten  alive! He laughed a  bit at
his fear and sat  down on the floor to think his way  out of the hole.
He tested  the walls  to see if  he could carve  foot-holds in  it but
the soft clay  walls gave no support.  He found he could  put his toes
in a  hold, and they would  slide right out.  There was no way  he was
going to trust his neck to that!
    He examined  his rope  as best  he could from  the pit  floor; the
other  end was  still tied  to  the rock,  but  it had  been cut  half
through. This  was a puzzler,  thought  Loric.  If he  wasn't supposed
to climb  out on  the rope,  why hadn't they  cut it  all the  way, or
just taken it up  behind him? He tested it and knew  it would not hold
all of his weight,  and he tried several times to  pitch the other end
up and lasso the rock it was attached to.
    Finally  he got  a good  throw and  tugged on  this. It  seemed to
hold, then he noticed  to his horror that the rock  was sliding in the
clay. At this rate  it would fall on his head long  before he had made
it out  of the  pit. Dejectedly  he snapped the  rope and  flipped his
lasso  off the  rock.  He sat  down  and noticed  that  the water  had
puddled up a bit  in the corner. He tested it  and found it drinkable,
and cleared  an area where he  could get an unmuddied  drink. With his
nose a scarce inch from the water, he could almost see the water rise.
    Maybe this was his  way out! He used his kesh-knife  to dig at the
spot  where the  fresh water  was  coming in,  and was  rewarded by  a
squirt  of water  that soon  became a  small fountain-like  stream. He
drank a long swallow and laughed at his success as  his feet were soon
covered by  the cold  torrent. He  would surprise  them all!  He would
rise to the top  without any effort at all, letting the water work for
him! He danced in  the mud, and threw gobbets of clay  and mud out the
opening overhead hoping to tag someone watching.
    He  howled  and  enjoyed  the  echoing sound  of  his  own  voice.
Passerbys  would think  that  he had  been taken  by  madness, but  he
didn't care!  All the childhood fears  of the Pit had  fallen away and
he felt exalted.
    "Bring  on the  Domai, bring  on the  mistle-thratch, I  fear them
not! Oooowwwwwwl!" He howled  again and it  was quite some time before
he noticed that the  flow of water had slowed. The  water came only to
his knees  and after  marking the  wall a few  times, and  gauging how
long it  took it to  climb the  wall, he realized  that it would  be a
long  time indeed  for the  water to  lift him  even a  small bit.  He
looked up and tried to figure how much daylight he had left.
    He knew  no one would  bring him a meal,  that no one  would bring
light or even  speak to him. He was  on his own and had to  get out on
his own. There's got  to be a way! He felt in the  water and pulled up
the rock.  He frustratedly  pitched it  up at the  opening. A  rain of
clay and dirt was  all the reward he got for his effort. "Everything I
do  make things  worse!"  He moaned inwardly as  he  dodged the rock's
return. Crunch!  This wasn't going  to do. If  he stood in  this water
all night,  he would die of  the shudders before they  would come back
to  find  him. He  didn't  even  have a  place  to  lie now!  Silently
cursing himself,  he leaned against the  wall and tried to  gather his
wits. It  was small wonder Hiram's  brother had come out  of this test
blubbering,  he had  probably done  the  same thing  and gotten  sick.
They  had  finally brought  him  out  after three days! "Three  days,"
moaned  Loric,  "I'll  be   water-rotted  by   then!  What   would  my
grandfather  tell  me to  do?  First  keep  your head.  Okay," thought
Loric. He took a deep breath and blew it out slowly.
   "Now,  instead of thinking about  what you don't have,  think about
what you've  got. Fine,  what have  I got?  A pit  into the  ground, a
knee-deep puddle of water,  and one end of a rope. What  is it you are
trying to do?  Say it! I'm trying  to get out of this  puddle and back
on  dry land.  This isn't  going like  it should," thought Loric, "but
I'll finish anyway."
    "Is there another way of looking at your problem?  How are similar
problems solved?  Well, in a way  it's like crossing a  stream with no
one on  the other side.  To cross  a stream you  put a stout  stick at
the  end of  your rope,  and toss  it across  to some  forked tree  or
outcropping and  test it for fastness.  Then you anchor the  other end
and you  hang on it, feet toward the  opposite side and  work yourself
across. Fasten the other  side and make it secure for  the rest of the
party, or the return trip."
    Loric  remembered seeing  this  demonstrated  and remembered  that
the man  who went  across first  had made  the far  tree sag  into the
river.  He  had   gotten  quite  a  drenching   before  tieing  enough
twist-knots into the rope to take the slack up.
    Some of the  streams nearby were home to animals  that would think
nothing of  making a meal  out of a  crossing man. Now,  said Oldsir's
voice in  Loric's head. Look  at your problem  again. "Hmm, I have the
same problem, I  want to get a  man to the other side.  I already have
one end  tied off,  but it  slips. I need  to tie  the other  end, and
take  some of  the weight  off the  other end  so that  it won't  slip
loose. Time to try some different things."
    Loric felt around  in the water until he found  the rock again. He
tied the loose  end of the rope to  it and then swung it  about in the
cramped space he had.  It seemed every time he pitched  his rock up to
the  ground, it  would  slide along  and  then fall  back  in. It  was
getting harder  to see  it coming  back down  as the  slanting evening
rays  marked time  on the  walls of  his prison.  The thought  of some
unseen observer watching  his efforts made him  doubly frustrated each
time the  rope and rock back  came down. "You haven't  beaten me yet!"
He thought savagely.  He knew somewhere up there  someone was watching
to make sure that  no one aided him in this  test. Probably sitting on
a lianas log  and smoking oxy root!  Loric hoped he hit  them with the
mud  he had  thrown earlier,  if  not with  this rock!  "Maybe I  did,
there was one  throw where the rock had seemed  to have gotten wedged,
but not well enough to hold."
    I can't  get a  good grip on  anything up there!  What  do  you do
when  your anchor  slips? You  anchor  it to  a stake,  and achor  the
stake with lots of  pegs. Maybe I can get something to  catch if I put
several loops  on the end  of this  rope and toss  it over to  where I
thought it had caught!
    Loric  quickly cut  several lengths  from the  rope and  made four
loops in the end  of it. It reminded him of a  tangle foot vine. Which
is just what he  needed now! Now where was that  spot? It was probably
a log set  out there for the  watchers, but it would do  if it caught.
He had no  idea where the spot was,  so he marked a slash  on the wall
and started pitching.
    Each  time the  stone came  back he  would throw  a little  to the
left of  it. Once or twice  he thought he  had found it, but  had only
managed to  pull a  limb or  some brush into  the pit  on top  of him.
This  was a  disappointment,  but  he added  it  to  his 'anchor'  and
worked steadily  on. When he was  just opposite of where  the rope was
tied, he  succeeded in catching onto  something. It gave a  little and
then held fast.
    Now  he had  a line  on both  ends, and  wondered if  he shouldn't
pull the  rock down and  try the same thing  with the other  side. No,
there  was   another  thing  he  remembered   from  his  grandfather's
teachings  and it  was that  luck was  a fickle  spirit and  you could
easily  send it  flying away  from you  if you  asked too  much. Loric
knew he still  needed a good bit  of luck for the climb  out. No, I'll
not  ask   so  much  from  the   luck  spirits,  I'll  just   use  the
half-severed end as little  as I can, keeping it taught  as I climb so
if this end comes  loose, I have a chance to brace  before I fall back
in.  A chance  for  what, I  don't  know,  I hope  I  don't find  out.
Perhaps that's  asking too much  from luck  also. I'll be  trusting my
neck to the hidden  anchor, and it could slip at any  time. I know the
other will  slip, but I can  see it and  tell when it's going  to give
way. The best course  then is to use a bit of each,  cinching it up as
I  go, like  the man  crossing the  stream. Each  moment requires  the
judgement of a new moment, as Oldsir used to say.
    Loric said a quick  prayer to the Spirit of the  Wood to keep luck
from fleeing,  and started  out by  working out  an equal  length from
both ropes.  This accomplished, he sat  on the  knot, trying  to judge
the  moment of  the  rock falling  and  the fraying  of  the rope.  It
creaked  ominously, but  seemed  to  hold. Loric  looked  down at  the
water that  was still seeping  into the pit.  At least that  water and
mud will help  break my fall, a  little. He had the  rope looped under
his bottom  and over his shoulder.  He lifted his weight  off the rope
and put a  twist in the rope  over his head. Then he  slipped his body
out  of the  sling  in the  bottom  and  pulled it  up  with his  feet
through the twist.
    He wormed  his feet  up and then  sat his weight  on the  new loop
made  by  his efforts.  He  marked  the  wall  and then  repeated  his
efforts. This was  slow work! He watched with concern  the rope on the
rock. Whatever  he had anchored  the other end  to seemed to  hold, so
he planned to switch  all of his weight to it should  the rope give so
it wouldn't  snap abruptly. Half a  dozen loops and Loric  realized he
couldn't keep  this up. The  rope was so  tangled and knotted  that he
wouldn't be  able to slip  it through any more.  He stood on  the knot
and thought a bit,  then held himself up by his arms,  he flipped  the
rope around with his  feet, and managed to clamp it  under his arm. He
brought  the two  ropes together  and grabbed  the rope  with the  his
teeth and made  a loop a round  one arm. then pulled  it through again
with his teeth. Doubled  over, he inched up and got  his toes into the
knot and slowly  put his weight on it. He  couldn't believe he managed
that and looked up at the rope.
    He was  shocked by the amount  of fraying that his  acrobatics had
caused. Now he was  within a man's height of the  top, but he realized
that one  more attempt like  this was more  than the rope  would take.
It was one more than he had in him, anyway.
    "Think Loric! What  do  you have  to work  with?  Nothing I'm  not
using,  My  whole body  aches  from  just  hanging here,  and  there's
nothing else up  here but empty space  and me! I don't have  a use for
my kesh-knife, I don't want to cut anything..."
    "Do I?  Can I tie another knot and then  cut a length of  rope off
the bottom  and  pitch it  over the rock?" Loric knew that as  soon as
he thought  it,  it was  impossible;  the rope  would sever  before he
got the first  knot tied. "I might as well cut it now and  get it over
with!" Loric drew his knife  and held  it in one  hand as he  used the
other to  pull up on  his braced rope taking  some of the  tension off
the severing rope.
    "It would be simple,"  thought Loric, "all I have to  do is let go
with this  hand and the  jerk would cause that  rope up there  to snap
and I'll fly  into the other wall  and then down into  the muddy water
below.  I  wonder how  many  bones  I'll  break?  Maybe I'll  just  be
knocked out  and drown  in the  water below. Maybe  the slam  into the
wall would  be hard enough  to knock me out?  I wouldn't even  know it
when hit  the bottom. No  one would blame me,  I've tried to  get out,
and I can't!  There's always a test  you can't pass right?" It was not
the way  of Loric's  people to give  up, but they  were not  immune to
despair. Loric  looked up and  watched the  slow fraying of  the rope,
now  seconds away  from separating.  He  looked at  the kesh-knife  he
carried,  it had  a long  history, and  had been  made from  kesh-wood
three generations  before and passed down from father to son. "To me,"
thought Loric. "I'll never pass it  on now." He leaned out and started
slicing the knife into  the clay walls of the pit. "If I can't pass it
on, at least I  can see to it that it isn't damaged in my fall." If he
could  strike some  kesh-root the  properties within  his knife  would
hold it fast. "The men that would free it later would  know that I had
honored the memory  of all it's owners  by not letting it  lie with me
when I  died. If it fell  too, it would  be burned on my  burial pyre,
and that would  be a loss more  grievous than that of a  near-man  who
failed his tests!"
    With that  Loric thrust blindly into  the wall and felt  the knife
bite and  hold. It melded  to the living  kesh-root and held  fast. He
grasped the  handle and  pulled himself  over to it.  It took  all his
weight  and did  not move.  The  rope he  hung  from gave  way and  he
slipped downward. He made  a quick shift of weight and  a mad grab for
the kesh knife as  the rope fell into the pit  below. His slight frame
shook with  the effort to  get one arm over  the handle and  the other
gripping the  hilt. His toes  dug and dug in  the clay wall  but could
find no purchase.  Hardly daring to breathe, he slid  his hand over as
far as he  could without touching the cutting edge  of the knife. Then
he brought one knee  up and rested it on the  handle. The gnarled grip
bit his skin mercilessly, but he held out.
    "Oh Spirit!"  thought Loric,  "perhaps you have  use for  me yet!"
With one  hand, he  creeped up  the wall  and tried  to judge  how far
from the  top he was.  He couldn't guess so  he finally looked  up. He
was relieved to  find that he was  close enough to stand  up and reach
the opening.  That wouldn't be easy;  it was almost dark  now, and the
opening  was dim  and unclear.  Not easy,  but not  impossible either.
Loric had  balanced on thinner limbs  when he was younger,  but now he
was fatigued  and rattled. He bit  his lip against the  pain and stood
on one  foot. He looked  for something to grip  but had to  settle for
knotting his  fingers in  the grass.  He hefted up  his other  leg and
rolled onto  the turf. He  gazed up at the  dark canopy of  the forest
and moaned at the wave of pain that hit him.
    Every strained muscle  and scraped shin made itself  known to him,
but his  thoughts  were  on the  pit. He looked  at the  one remaining
piece of rope and  saw that he had not caught a log  as he had thought
but the watcher who had been sitting on it.
    All this  time he had  been silently sitting  with a loop  of rope
over his  head and around  one shoulder.  He sat motionless  as stone,
lest he  somehow interfere  with Loric's  trial. Loric  recognized the
villager as  Minial, a man about  his sister's age who  was trained in
the  art of  vining and  knotting. As  Loric hobbled  over to  him, he
winked and rubbed his neck where the vine had rubbed it raw.
    "You best  be thankful  that I'm  as stout  as I  am, or  we would
both have greeted  the  Spirit before our time. I  wanted to start you
over, but Dernhelm wouldn't  let me. As far as he  was concerned I was
a knot on a log."  He stood and clasped Loric on the shoulder.
    "A knot who is thirsty and wants a bit of octli."
    He led  Loric back to the  village, and talked with  him almost as
he would any other man. "Almost," thought Loric happily, "Almost!"
                   -Rich Jervis  <C78KCK @ IRISHMVS>


                             Father's Fugue
    Timmy  watched the  water  roll down  the  shallow slope,  cutting
dark channels  in the dust.  The fat  tip finally reached  the bottom,
where  it settled  down into  a  brown blob.  Timmy watched  it for  a
moment, then tipped the bottle and poured some more water after it.
    He had  been playing in the  dust for about an  hour, a remarkable
feat  for the  active young  boy. His  hands still  carried a  few red
smears, residue of  the tomatoes he had helped his  mother can. He had
hurried to  finish his  share of the  work, so that  he could  get out
into the bright  sunshine. Now he stooped lower to  stare at something
he saw  shining under the  stream of water  he was pouring.  He played
the stream  of water  around, until  the edges of  the shiny  piece of
metal could  be seen. He dropped  the bottle and dug  the shiny yellow
disk out of the  mud. He examined it, and then  gravely washed it off.
Images could  be seen  on it's  surface. He stood  up and  ran towards
the house.
    As he  ran, Timmy passed a  man leaning against a  light post. The
man smiled at  the young child, who dashed past,  totally oblivious to
the world. Timmy  raced up the front  steps of his house  and into the
foyer, where Mr. Johnson stood rubbing stain on an old clock.
    "Dad! Dad! Dad!"
    The elder  Johnson stooped  down. Timmy was  his first  child, and
Mr. Johnson enjoyed watching the boy.
    "What is it Timmy?"
    "Look  what  I  found!"  Timmy  held  up  the  coin.  Mr.  Johnson
immediately recognized the shape, and the material. He smiled wisely.
    "It's a coin, Timmy. People used to use them for money."
    At the sound of the past tense, Timmy's eyes lit up.
    "Can I take it and show Grandpa?!"
    Mr. Johnson paused. "O.K., but go right there, don't stop at all."
    "Yessir!" Timmy  was already halfway  down the steps. He  ran down
the sidewalk,  away from  the house,  away from  the sand  lot, toward
the alley  that was the  shortcut to  Grandpa's house. His  short legs
got him  there in what  seemed like a short  time, and he  turned down
the alley.  He ran through  the dimness towards  the light at  the far
end. He had  made it part way  there when a glint of  light caught his
eye. Visions  of coins filled his  mind. He turned back,  his father's
command forgotten. The  light turned out to  be a bottle in  a pile of
trash,  but  to  Timmy's  treasure-hunting  eye,  the  junk  pile  had
promise. He started  pushing it around, uncovering  more glass, paper,
bits of wood and  metal, but no coins. He pocketed  the gold coin, and
really got down to his search.
    Timmy  jumped  up  guiltily.   Mr.  Johnson's  form  stood  framed
against the light at the mouth of the alley.
    "I told you not to stop! Now get moving!"
    "Yessir!" Timmy turned  back to his original task,  fearful of his
father's  wrath. He  ran  down the  alley, and  out  onto the  street,
where he  found his grandfather sitting  on a porch, ready  to receive
the precious gift from afar.
    Mr. Johnson  watched until  Timmy turned  the corner,  then turned
to look up the  street to where a rowdy group  of unkept youths stood.
He had  seen them coming up  the street, and had  gotten nervous about
his  only child  being out  of  adult supervision.  Having seen  Timmy
step safely out into the light, he turned back to his house.
    Manual  watched  Mr. Johnson  close  the  door  to his  house.  He
glanced back  up the street  at the youths. Feeling  unaccountably and
suddenly  uncomfortable, they  turned back  down the  street and  soon
disappeared around a corner. Manual turned back to his task.
    Manual  stood across  from  an old  abandoned  store. The  ancient
glass  doors were  patched with  plywood and  tape, but  footprints in
the  dirt outside  lead in,  and not  out. Manual  didn't need  to see
them to  know what  was going  on inside,  but it  was always  nice to
have independant confirmation.
    Manual turned,  and watched a white  van turn a corner  far up the
street.  It drew  near, and  pulled up  beside the  streetlight Manual
leaned on.  Four men got  out, wearing  uniforms as white  as Manual's
turtleneck pullover  and neatly pressed slacks.  The driver approached
Manual, followed by the other three.
    "Here we are. What now, Michael?" He glanced around nervously.
    "Follow me. It'll be all right."
    With that simple  instruction Manual walked across  the street and
up to  the old store front.  The door opened silently  for him. Inside
a thick  layer of dust held  clear footprints. They all  formed a path
that entered a dark doorway. Manual followed the path.
    Manual  stepped into  the  dark  doorway. He  turned  to face  the
guard he  had seen  from outside the  windowless building.  The guard,
startled  by the  silent intruder,  leveled his  automatic at  Manual.
Before  the  guard could  pull  the  trigger  Manual had  snatched  it
easily away.  Manual grabbed the  guard by  the lapels and  lifted him
effortlessly off the ground.
    "What you're  planning in  here is wrong.  You must  stop." Manual
said it as if he were discussing the weather.
    The white  clad men stepped  into view behind Manual.  The guard's
eyes  widened further.  He  snatched  a knife  from  his belt.  Manual
tossed the  automatic to one of  the other men, and  grabbed the knife
by the  blade. There was a  small sharp sound, and  then Manual opened
his hand and  allowed several metal fragments drop to  the floor. They
bounced, but made no sound.
    "Tell you what.  Why don't you sleep on it."  Manual set the guard
down. The man  blinked. He opened his  mouth, as if to  shout. He then
closed his eyes, and slid to the floor. Manual turned to the others.
   "Two of you take him out to the wagon. The other two come with me."
    Manual and  the other two traced  the footprints to a  thick metal
door. Manual  pushed it open. It  opened into what had  been a walk-in
freezer.  Now it  more  resembled  a barracks.  Maps  hung over  dirty
cots,  and  rifles were  leaning  against  the  walls. The  image  was
further  enhanced by  the  three  sleeping forms  by  a table.  Manual
walked up, bent down, and lifted two up to his shoulders.
    "You two  get the  other one  and meet me  outside." With  that he
walked out.
    The  two  men  looked  at  each  other,  and  at  Agent  Michael's
retreating back.
    "What does  he need us  for?" One of the  two asked as  he stooped
to lift the sleeping rebel.
    "I guess someone had to bring the wagon."
    They carried  the insurgent out  of the building. Manual  met them
at the door,  and carried their load  the rest of the way  to the van.
Their  criminal cargo  loaded, the  four  climbed back  into the  van.
Manual stepped up the the driver's door.
    "I'll hold them asleep until you get them in custody."
    "Uh,... yeah.  O.K., Michael." The  man kicked the van  into gear,
made a U-turn, and drove off.
    Manual  looked toward  the Johnson's  house. He  could see  Timmy,
who had  returned from Grandpa's, and  Mr. Johnson prepare a  place on
the mantel  for the  gold coin.  Manual smiled  at their  ignorance of
the danger  they had  been living with.  Manual wondered  briefly what
they would  think if they knew  what had just happened.  He then shook
his head, rejoicing that they didn't have to know.
    Out  in  the reaches  of  space,  beyond even  Manual's  searching
vision,  a spaceman  carefully placed  a critical  control pivot  into
the ships  main thrust unit. The  space suited man sighed  with relief
when it clicked  safely into place. He carefully closed  up the access
panel, then  pushed himself  down and  away from  the ship's  hull. He
struck the  planetoid's hard surface,  crouched, and then  leaped back
up  towards the  netting slung  around the  open hatch  far above  his
head. As  he drifted higher  and higher,  he breathed a  silent prayer
of thanks  that the ship  had been near a  fairly large mass  when the
pivot  broke. Repairing  it had  been  difficult, but  the task  would
have been  impossible without  some orienting  force, and  without the
drive to  spin the ship  or provide  thrust, the only  force available
had been gravity.
    Once  inside, the  spaceman called  up  the bridge  with the  good
news. Within the  hour the main drive fired, heaving  the massive ship
off  the large  asteroid and  back on  course. The  planetoid recoiled
from the  liftoff, in perfect  accord with  the laws of  physics. It's
new course  was not far  different from  it's old one.  The difference
that push  had made  would only  become visible  years later,  when it
passed another  body of rock,  rather than  slamming into it  with the
attendant destruction  such an impact  always created. The  other rock
had life on  it, human life that would survive  because the asteroid's
course had  been altered somehow,  life that  rarely took the  time to
think about the things that fathers did for their children.
                       -Jim Owens  <J1O @ PSUVM>


                   Respect thy Elders: Chapter Three
    Kite  was  beat,  yet  his  spirits were  high.  He  had  actually
managed the  more difficult  portion of his  quest: finding  the Elder
Isentraum  and  convincing  him  to  heal  heal  his  fiancee,  Pecora
Winthrop. In exchange,  all the Elder desired was for  Kite to fetch a
certain  herb  from  a  druid   who  lived  outside  a  village  named
Greenmont, which  he had found rather  easily. Now he was  headed down
a  footpath outside  the village,  towards the  area where  the druid,
named Hartley, made  his home. After a brief walk,  Kite came upon the
druid, sitting beneath the boughs of an ancient pine.
    "You are Hartley the druid?"
    "Yes, my son."
    "My  name  is  Kite,  I  am  upon  an  errand  from  a  man  named
Isentraum..." Kite  paused as  a look of  recognition came  across the
druid's visage.
    "Ah, no  man there,  but an Elder,  and a good  one, at  that!" He
helped himself  to his  feet with  a driftwood  staff and  brushed the
sweet-smelling pine  needles from  his tunic. "Come,  tell me  why you
searched out this Elder, and what I may do to help you, young lord..."

    Despite Hartley's  invitation to spend the  evening, Kite insisted
that he  depart as  soon as  possible, but he  promised to  return and
visit Hartley  after he  had seen  to Pecora.  The druid  had gathered
the  Elmin quickly,  and  had spoken  with Kite  at  length about  his
quest, his  fiancee, and the  rest of  the duchy. But  Kite eventually
insisted  upon  being  off,  and  started  his  journey  back  to  the
mountain where Isentraum could be found.

    The elder  sat gazing into the  fire for some moments.  "Kite, the
disease which grips  your fiancee is strong. I have  felt it." After a
moment, he went on. "I shall need your aid if I am to heal her."
    "You have it... what do you require of me?"
    Isentraum smiled  inwardly. Such youthful courage  gave him heart.
"I am old, and  my inner strength wanes. I shall  begin the spell, and
you will  merely have to concentrate  your will, and believe  with all
your heart that  your woman is well. It is  not difficult, although it
will weaken you temporarily. Do you wish to go on?"

    Kite could  feel his skin taughten  in anxiety. He was  sitting in
the center  of a vast  design that Isentraum  had drawn into  the dirt
with a  cane. The  old man  whirled his  hands in  odd gestures  as he
drew,  speaking  in  a  tongue  that  fascinated  Kite.  The  old  man
motioned  to  the  youth,  and  Kite closed  his  eyes  and  began  to
concentrate. He  closed out the  chanting of  the Elder, and  tried to
visualize Pecora,  standing in  the Boar Hall,  laughing with  him. He
saw  them riding  through the  fields outside  Dargon, and  walking by
the riverbank hand  in hand. He could sense the  power around him, and
somehow he  reached a rapport  with it. It was  a force for  good, yet
it could not  be used lightly. Only  with great effort was  he able to
shape  the  force to  his  will.  He  was  beside and  within  Pecora,
feeling  her hurt  and her  fear, and  he took  it inside  himself. He
retreated  back to  reality, and  the force  drew the  pestilence from
him, and away.

    Kite opened  his eyes. Isentraum  was before him,  leaning heavily
on his staff,  wide-eyed. After a moment, he slowly  shuffled to Kite,
and plumped down with him, a smile etched on his severe features.
    "Well done, my pelan, well done. How do you feel?"
    "As if  I had  been dragged behind  a horse for  a league.  But we
did it?"
    "Yes,  pelan,  we did."  They  sat  in  silence and  caught  their
breath.  Kite sensed  that Isentraum  was  going to  say something  to
him, so he waited.
    "Kite, you may  not understand it yet, but what  just happened was
primarily  of your  doing.  I did  not  intend for  you  to work  such
magic, but  you did.  I have  rarely seen such  talent!" Kite  was too
busy catching his  breath to really contemplate the man's  words as he
continued. "I  am old, Kite,  old even for  an Elder. My  power wanes,
yet  the world  needs such  a  power in  it.  Would you  come back  to
become my pupil, and become as I have been?"
    Kite looked  at the elder and  laughed. He was a  young noble, and
the court held  some promise of advancement for him.  Yet it also held
danger and  difficulties which  he could foresee.  To leave  all that,
with  Pecora, and  take  up  the occupation  of  a  living legend  was
tempting, and  the awareness of  the many  people he could  help still
burned bright  from his recent  encounter with that  unnameable force.
He looked  to the ground, then  at Isentraum and said,  "Yes... I will
do it."
                        -Orny  <CSDAVE @ MAINE>
