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            +-+  +-+  +-+
            +-+--+-+--+-+     VOLUME TWO                    NUMBER ONE
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            /___________\    ==========================================
            |           |      BITNET Fantasy-Science Fiction Fanzine
         ___|___________|___ X-Edited by 'Orny' Liscomb <NMCS025@MAINE>


            Editorial                            Orny
            Narret Chronicles 6                  Mari A. Paulson
            Featured Author: ROBERT ANTON WILSON Orny
            The Thrust                           Jim Owens
            Game Review: TWILIGHT:2000           Guy Garnett
            Island                               Murph


   Greetings,  all!   Well,   first let me apologize for the  lateness of this
issue, but things have been going on mighty fast.  Two-two will be out sooner,
I promise!
   Well,  this  summer has a wonderful  lineup of fantasy and  science fiction
films,  and I heartily suggest that you  keep your eyes open for them.   Also,
Terry Brooks' new Shannara  book is out,  as is a new book  by Larry Niven and
Jerry Pournelle about an alein invasion of Earth,  called "Footfall".   FSFnet
is in need  of some submissions (as always),   and this is the  first issue of
volume two,  which will  last through the summer,  and then  volume three will
begin in the fall.   Now that summer is here, most people have gone home,  and
FSFnet needs both  contributors and members!   Be sure and  recruit people who
are into fantasy and SF for the zine, so we can continue to send it out.   And
if anyone has any neeto ideas about a  special issue,  by all means,  speak to
   For those of you  at VAX/VMS and MVS nodes,  FSFnet is being  sent out in a
new manner which can send the file by CMS DISK DUMP or SENDFILE.  I have taken
the liberty of using sendfile for those  nodes for which DISK DUMP is awkward;
however, if you have trouble reading FSFnet in, just drop me a line,  and I'll
work on it.  Aiming to please, you know...
   Well,  have a great summer,  all!   And send in those reviews and so forth,
and spread the word!  Now on to the REAL stuff...
                           Orny  <NMCS025 @ MAINE>


                            The Narret Chronicles
                                Book the Sixth
   Samo flew over the nighttime skies of North America, his mind reeling. "The
largest urban centers will have the   highest photon emissions."  Samo said to
himself.  "Shock waves travel through this mainly nitrogen medium at lets see,
exactly,  yes,  that should do it.  Now all I've got to do is fly over a large
metropolitan area such as that one on the east coast,  veer upward at an angle
of,  yes and return from over the  ocean at half that velocity.  There.   That
should do quite nicely," Samo continued as he set the controls on a course for
New York City.
   Samo broke the sound barrier as he flew over Kennedy International Airport,
sending a sonic boom crashing through the city.
   "Did you see what I think I saw, Albright?"
   "I was just going to ask you  the same question.   I've never seen anything
like that radar pattern in my twenty-three years in this tower!"
   "It looked rather like a ball,  or a  bubble.   Say,  do you think it could
have been a weather balloon?"
   "No way.  I've seen balloons before, and they're much smaller, besides that
thing,  whatever it was,   had to be doing at least Mach  3,  and SR-71's only
reach Mach 2.2 at top cruising speeds! I'm calling Dover Control."
   "Hello,  Operator?   Please connect me with  Dover Air Force Base's Control
Tower, 301-716-2000, Person-to-person with Maj. Jeffries"
   "Maj. Jeffries, here."
   "Hi Bill,  it's Jim  Albright at JFK.  Listen,  we just got  a bogie on two
screens,  simultaneously that had a pattern  similar to a weather balloon only
larger and it was doing about Mach 4.   Are you boys testing a new toy,  or is
this thing a possible threat?"
   "Well Jim,  I'll level with you.   We've been monitoring it on the national
scopes, and we don't know what it is either.  It came out of nowhere, suddenly
appeared over Chicago 15 minutes ago, Made a beeline for New York,  headed out
over the Atlantic,  and now it's starting back for the midwest.   As to Soviet
threats,  we've received no messages  by diplomatic courier,  and intelligence
has made  no reports  about any  new aircraft.  The  71's we  keep on  24 hour
standby are being fueled,  and we've got two of our best pilots suiting up for
an intercept."
   "I hate to think  of the possibilities if it is Soviet.    A bird like that
could bomb any  American city and escape completely unscathed  before we could
even fire an anti-aircraft missile."
   "We know, and the President is being notified.   Say Jim I'll need to ask a
favor of you."
   "Anything--name it."
   "Make sure this stays under wraps  for now.   Inform your staff--anyone who
saw that thing, not to talk about it,  the last thing this country needs right
now is a panic created by the press."
   "Sure, you got it, we didn't see anything."
   "Great,   thanks.   I've  got  to  go now,   but  I'll  let you  know  what

   "...Ah,  NORAD,  Seeker-1 here,  this  is Colonel Roberts,  neither Captain
Phillips nor I have seen the bogie.  What is it's present position?  Over."
   "Seeker-1,  NORAD here,  bogie heading 270 at 25,000 ft.  slowed to Mach 2.
Fly on heading  285 at 25,000 full-open to intercept in 2.45 minutes. Over."
   "NORAD, Seeker-1, proceeding 285 at Mach 2.2 .  Roberts out ."
   "What do you think we'll find sir?" Phillips asked.
   "Your guess is as good as mine captain.   But since you asked my opinion, I
think that ever since the top brass closed the Bluebook Project a lot of weird
things have happened."
   "What kind of things sir?"
   "Well it just seems to  me that since the books have  been closed on extra-
terrestrial visitation  research the number  of bogie sightings  hasn't really
dropped.  Now if most of the reported cases were hoaxes as the project's final
report states,  then why do people continue  to report sightings with the same
continuity  as  before.    Even  when  they  don't  have  the  chance  of  our
investigating their story to back them up.  I don't know captain, I just don't
   "You're right sir that doesn't make sense.  Now this...could the soviets-"
   "I know what you're thinking and the answer is doubtful. They couldn't even
get to the test level without our intelligence finding out.   Besides,  at the
briefing we  were told  the craft  created a  sonic boom  at Mach  3  and  the
russians don't have the metallurgical technology  to create an alloy malleable
enough and heat resistant  enough to prevent heat fatigue of  the metal due to
air friction. "
   "In other words your saying this bogie really could be extra-"
   "I'm  saying  no  such  thing,  Captain.    I'm  merely  pointing  out  the
possibility that there is more out there than we are capable of understanding.
and that's  all.   I  make no allusions  as to  what those  possibilities are.
Listen Dave,  I've given more than half my  life to this Air Force,  and there
are a  few things  I've learned.    One of  them is  that if  you come  across
something you  can't explain,  and you're  enjoying your career you  don't ask
questions.    Most  likely  there's  someone who  doesn't  want  you  to  know
something,  and if  you don't get curious,   you'll be fine.   I've  lost more
pilots for "Disturbances of an emotional nature," than anything else.   Is any
of this registering, captain?
   "Uh, yes sir, sort of."
   "'Uh, yes sir sort of.' What kind of cocka-maime answer is that son?   Give
me a big 'Yes Sir!' or 'No Sir!'"
   "Sir would  you please look  out your  starboard window.   It's  the bogie,
three o'clock low!"
                               Mari A. Paulson

Ed. Note:  This work is a piece of fiction. All characters, places, and events
portrayed in  this work are fictitious.    Any similarity with  actual people,
places, or events, are disclaimed by the author and this publication.
"The Narret Chronicles" are copyrighted (C) 1985 by Mari A. Paulson


                     Featured Author: ROBERT ANTON WILSON
   Robert Anton Wilson  is a very interesting author.   His  works deal almost
entirely with  the Illuminati and  other mystic  horrors of the  modern world.
Wilson's life  has been  filled with strange  probings into  all forms  of the
occult,  and he was  a close friend with the late  Professor Timothy Leary,  a
well-known occultist.
   Wilson's works began with the "Illuminatus!" series,  originally written by
Wilson and Robert Shea as a parody  of modern mysticism,  the Illuminati,  and
the U.S.   government.   "The Eye in  the Pyramid",  "The Golden  Apple",  and
"Leviathan" were originally meant to be  farcical,  written in a style similar
to  that  infamous style  of  James  Joyce.    The "Illuminatus!"  series  was
reprinted recently by Dell.  The better-known "Schrodinger's Cat" trilogy (the
two other volumes being  titled "The Trick Top Hat" and  "The Homing Pigeons")
is a master  work of confusion and  fear,  and is perhaps  Wilson's best work.
"The  Masks of  the  Illuminati"  is a  single  volume  work,  describing  the
encounters one Sir John Babcock has with Albert Einstein and James Joyce,  and
the trick  Aleister Crowley  plays upon  them all.    "The Cosmic  Trigger" is
Wilson's attempt  to explain the  events of his  life that have  convinced him
that there is something other than that which we know, and is very interesting
and persuasive.    All the  previous are available  from Pocket  Books.   Also
available in hardcover only is "And the Earth Will Shake", a full-length novel
by Wilson.
   Wilson's unique  style cannot be adequately  put into words.    His writing
often  tries  to shock  the  reader,   sometimes becomes  philosophical,   and
sometimes  becomes  disjointed,   but  his tales  of  the  Illuminati  are  so
absolutely bizarre, and yet,  somehow,  plausible,  that his books often leave
the modern reader horrified.  Lovecraft and Chambers wrote of books that would
drive one insane to  read.   Wilson has created the horror  that these authors
have written  about.   I once lent  a copy of  "Masks of the Illuminati"  to a
friend.   She reported to me that when she finished it one evening, she pulled
the  sheets over  her  head and  hoped  she'd  wake up  sane  in the  morning.
Wilson's writing is truly unique.
                           Orny  <NMCS025 @ MAINE>


                                  The Thrust
   The forest stretched out as far as the eye could see,  tall green pines and
spruce trees. But here there were no trees, only charred stumps.  A long wound
had been made by the ship as it crashed.  Now it lay,  buried in dirt,  inert.
Yet it was not a wreck.  A repair ship stood beside it.  The repair robots had
done a  good job.  The ship  now had wings  to replace those destroyed  in the
brief but violent  landing.  Those new wings flexed as  repulsor fields lifted
the ship into the air.
    "Take care. Remember, wait until you get to op temperature before going to
full thrust. I'll take care of those bogeys."
    "Roger,  Gabriel.  Have  fun." The ship's main engine came  to life gently
pushing the ship up into the afternoon sky.
    One hundred  miles away  two interceptors  rammed through  the atmosphere.
The pilots watched in anger as the  first ship slid across their radar scopes.
Then the repair  ship rose up to  replace it,  and the  pilots gleefully armed
their nuclear missiles when they saw that it was hovering.
    Greg, alias Gabriel,  watched his own detector scope in quiet joy.  On one
side of the scope the blip representing the survey ship built up velocity.  On
the other side the interceptors closed rapidly.  The survey ship was not going
to  be able  to outrun  the attacking  craft  before they  could launch  their
missiles.  Greg didn't worry  for the survey ship,  though.  He  touched a few
controls,  and  the repair ship  started to slide through  the air at  a right
angle to the path of the other ships.
    The pilots of the interceptors considered. If they continued their pursuit
of the far craft,  they might still catch  it.  On the other hand,  the closer
craft was almost in range. They decided to take the closer, more sure victory.
    At a  distance of  twelve miles,  the  interceptors fired  their missiles.
They banked hard,  and  put as much distance as they  could between themselves
and the target as  they could.  In the repair ship,  Greg  smiled as the scope
reported that the survey ship had reached operational temperature and had gone
to full  thrust.  With it safely  out of the  way,  Greg could now  leave.  He
reached out and touched a button, just as the missiles fired their warheads.
    Twenty miles away,  the interceptor pilots' stomaches clenched in thrilled
excitement as  they watched the blast  through their flash goggles.   Had they
been one hundred miles further away,  they might have seen something even more
spectacular. In the instant before the nuclear explosion,  a seemingly pencil-
thin line of violet flame drew itself five hundred miles straight up.  It then
curved, as Greg punched in the command to go home.
                           Jim Owens  <J1O @ PSUVM>


                          Game Review: TWILIGHT:2000
   "Division commander to all units:  Good Luck, You're on your own."  So ends
the  player's introduction  to  "Escape form  Kalisz",   the starter  scenario
included in GDW's new Role-playing Game, Twilight:2000.
   Twilight:2000 is set  in Europe in the  year 2000,  after a  five year long
world war.   World-wide casualties are over 50%, and rising.   The governments
of most major countries (the US included)  have been eliminated or fragmented.
Wide-spread  convertional  warfare  and  liberal  use  of  both  tactical  and
strategic nuclear weapons  has destroyed most communication  and trade routes.
The Black Death (Bubonic Plague)  has run rampant,  and lingers in some areas.
Most major cities are radioactive ruins.   The players are (or were)  soldiers
in the US Army, part of the last NATO drive into Poland.
   The primary objective of a Twilight:2000 player is to stay alive.   If that
gets boring, he can also try to strike a blow for freedom, democracy,  and the
Joint Chiefs of Staff (the de facto government of the United States).
   Twilight:2000 consists of 2 rulebooks, one for the players, which describes
how to generate a character and conduct simple combat. The Play Manual (as GDW
calls it)   has plenty of illustrations  and examples.   The  Referee's Manual
covers many of the same topics as the  Play Manual,  but in greater depth.  It
also includes sections on experience,   disease,  and the campaign background.
With the manuals are a set of tables, again divided into separate player's and
referee's charts.  In the way of campaign support, GDW has included a detailed
price list and equipment descriptions separately from the rulebooks.  There is
an introductory adventure, "Escape form Kalisz", to start the campaign,  and a
map of Poland.
   Twilight:2000's strong points include:  Randomly rolled attributes, but the
player can  select a  character's skills.    Character generation,   while not
extremely fast, is straightforward.  The combat system is detailed, and covers
all of the weapons in the game well.
   On the other hand,   Twilight:2000 is plagued by typos.   Most  of them are
easy to figure out  (like switching from B for Back in the  chartbook to R for
Rear in  the manual)  but  can be confusing  when they are  first encountered.
Compounding this  is the extensive use  of abbreviations (all skill  names are
abbreviated to 3 letters), again easy to figure out,  but confusing untill you
are used to the system.
   The only serious problem with the design  is the heavy use of charts.   The
referee really needs a copy of the Player's Manual, the Referee's Manual,  and
the Referee's Charts open in front of him at all times.   The combat system is
completely  table-driven,  which  means  that in  combat  the  referee has  to
organize his time, or forever flip through the chartbook.
   All in  all,  Twilight:2000 may  be the best new  RPG released in  the last
year,  my  complaints above notwithstanding.  (I  have many more  gripes about
every other RPG I can think of)  Twilight:2000 is complete all by itself,  and
well worth the $17 price tag.
                   Guy 'WildStar' Garnett  <GG822C @ GWUVM>


         An island unto myself.  Where I can sit and watch.
         I can look around and see all the beautiful things.
         The simple and the complex, the large and
         The small, the conspicuous and the not-so-conspicuous.
         I am in awe of it all, of them.
         And they, of me.  For I am here to care for
         And protect them, to keep the balance.
         I am here to prevent what happened the last
         Time this project was attempted.  Responsibility to
         One's position was not my predecessor's strong suit.
         It is so beautiful here.  How could he have left
         His garden unattended for so long?  It was so
         Unmanageable by the time he got back to it that it
         Had to be razed and left barren for a mere eternity.
         Well, it is beautiful now.  And my task is to keep
         It this way, maintain the balance.  Not necessarily
         An easy task, but an enjoyable one.  Yes..., maintaining
         The beauty while balancing the evolution will not be
         Easy, but it will have its rewards.  My garden will become
         Something infinitely more special than it is already.
         The sun is setting now for the sixth time.  I shall rest tomorrow.
                       Michael Murphy  <MURPH @ MAINE>
