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         DemoNews Issue #77             \____   \  ________ _   _ ______   \
  January 1, 1995 -- January 7, 1995    /   |    \  _)   \   \_/   \   |    \
                                       /    |     \       \   |     \  |     \
 DemoNews is a weekly publication for  \_____     /_______/___|     /________/
the demo scene.  It is produced at the  ===\_____/============|____/==========
  Internet FTP site  ftp.eng.ufl.edu      __  ________________ ___  /\_______
(aka HORNET).  This newsletter focuses   /  \|  \  ________   |   \/  ______/
  on many aspects of demos and demo-    /    \   \  _)   \    |    \______  \
   making.  Everyone is welcomed to    /          \       \  /~\    \    /   \
   contribute articles, rumors, and    \____\_____/_______/_________/________/
            advertisements.            ==============================[+tZ^]===

     << Christopher G. Mann [Snowman/HORNET] - r3cgm@dax.cc.uakron.edu >>

SIZE:100,393   SUBSCRIBERS:   Last week: 1075   This week: 1102   Change: +27

    Section  1.......Standard Information --> Who Are We?
    Section  2....................General --> General Comments by Snowman
                                              Chart History by Ryan Cramer
                                              Snowman Near-Disaster
    Section  3..................Editorial --> Son of Snowman
    Section  4......DemoNews Advancements --> General Advances
    Section  5..................Partyline --> The Party 1994
    Section  6................New Uploads --> New Files for the Week
    Section  7...........Musicians Corner --> Making Waves by ShadowHunter
    Section  8..............Coders Corner --> Using Assembly Part 2 (followup)
    Section  9.............Artists Corner --> Stay tuned!
    Section 10.............Advertisements --> Data Connection BBS
                                              Progressive Media
    Section 11................Back Issues --> How to get 'em
    Section 12...........Closing Comments --> Quote for the Week

(Section 1) .oOOOo.                           o                    o
            o     o                          O                    O
            O.         O                     o                    o
             `OOoo.   oOo                    o                    o
                  `O   o   .oOoO' 'OoOo. .oOoO  .oOoO' `OoOo. .oOoO
                   o   O   O   o   o   O o   O  O   o   o     o   O
            O.    .O   o   o   O   O   o O   o  o   O   O     O   o
             `oooO'    `oO `OoO'o  o   O `OoO'o `OoO'o  o     `OoO'o

    ooOoOOo        .oOo
       O           O                                       o
       o           o                                   O
       O           OoO                                oOo
       o    'OoOo. o    .oOo. `OoOo. `oOOoOO. .oOoO'   o   O  .oOo. 'OoOo.
       O     o   O O    O   o  o      O  o  o O   o    O   o  O   o  o   O
       O     O   o o    o   O  O      o  O  O o   O    o   O  o   O  O   o
    ooOOoOo  o   O O'   `OoO'  o      O  o  o `OoO'o   `oO o' `OoO'  o   O

   The name "HORNET" refers to several things.  First, it is the name of a
  demo FTP site on Internet (hornet.eng.ufl.edu).  Second, it is a group of
 people who help to manage files, write articles for DemoNews, and contribute
  various other things.  In this respect, HORNET could also be considered a
                       demo group in the literal sense.

     "DemoNews" is a weekly newsletter containing information on various
    aspects of the demo scene, including but not limited to: coding, music,
   graphics, and design.  We have a regular staff that puts this newsletter
         together, but everyone is encouraged to contribute articles.

            Site Name     : HORNET
            Address       : hornet.eng.ufl.edu (
            Location      : Florida, USA
            System E-Mail : dmw@eng.ufl.edu or

         <There are currently 10 active demo-operators for this site>

    /     Christopher G. Mann -- COORDINATOR -- r3cgm@dax.cc.uakron.edu \
   |Jeff (White Noise)      WEBMASTER | MUSICOP               Ryan Cramer|
   |Mike                      DREVIEW | CODEOP      Grant Smith (Denthor)|
   |Brenton Swart (Zenith)    DREVIEW | CARTICLE     Dee-Cug (Jason Nunn)|
   |Burning Chrome      CORE/DEMOBOOK | CREVIEW    David Thornley (Metal)|
   |                                  | ARTOP                       Stony|
    \                                                                   /

           <There are currently 7 other FTP sites that mirror HORNET>
    /                                                                   \
   |FTP Name              IP Address      Country    Base Directory      |
   |--------------------  --------------  ---------  --------------------|
   |ftp.uwp.edu      USA        /pub/msdos/demos    |
   |*ftp.luth.se    SWEDEN     /pub/msdos/demos    |
   |ftp.sun.ac.za  S. AFRICA  /pub/msdos/demos    |
   |ftp.uni-erlangen.de    GERMANY    /pub/pc/msdos/demos |
   |ftp.uni-paderborn.de   GERMANY    /pub/msdos/pc-demos |
   |*ftp.cdrom.com  USA        /pub/demos          |
   |freedom.wit.com    USA        /systems/ibmpc/demos|
    \                                                                   /
                   *Site mirrors the /incoming directory


  You can subscribe to this newsletter by mailing listserver@oliver.sun.ac.za
  and putting "subscribe demuan-list your_real_name" in your message.
  The listserver sends out this newsletter every SUNDAY morning.  Kim Davies
  is the keeper of the listserver.  If you have any questions about
  subscribing to DemoNews, you can reach him at kimba@it.com.au

  For those who use the GUI environment check out our DN.HMTL in the
  /demos/news directory.  The URL is ftp://ftp.eng.ufl.edu/demos/news/DN.HTML

                 .oOOOo.                                    o
                .O     o                                   O
                o                                          o
                O                                          O
                O   .oOOo .oOo. 'OoOo. .oOo. `OoOo. .oOoO' o
                o.      O OooO'  o   O OooO'  o     O   o  O
                 O.    oO O      O   o O      O     o   O  o
(Section 2)       `OooO'  `OoO'  o   O `OoO'  o     `OoO'o Oo
                         (General Comments by Snowman)

    There are several projects that the HORNET crew and Snowman individually
    need help with.  I am looking for people to do/help with the following:

  Music Contest ]I[:

    MC3 is going to be released at NAID on April 15, 1995.  I need help with
    two programs associated with this compo.

        -MC3 Demo!  I currently need a good coder to put together a MC3Demo
         announcing this contest.  Must have SB/GUS support.

        -A MC3 player program, capable of playing XM,MOD,S3M,MTM files.
         This will be used by judges for voting on the entries.  If I can
         not find someone to help with this, I will have to use several
         external players like I did for MC][. :(

        -Artists.  I need some people to do various artwork for the MC3Demo,
         MC3 Player, various other things.  It would be unreasonable to
         load Stony down with all of this work, so if you think you can
         help out let me know.


    The /alpha/NEW directory is where newly uploaded demos go each week.
    Once a demo has been reviewed, it goes into its appropriate /alpha
    directory (alpha/a, alpha/b, etc.)  There is a very large backlog of
    unreviewed demos and this will continue to build until we can get some
    help.  If you have a GUS, SB, some experience in the scene, and a little
    free time on your hands, then you can help.  Please contact me.

  Listserver Help:

    Recently, Kim Davies stepped down as our official Listserver Dude for
    HORNET.  His job had been to handle all of the bounced mail that came
    from mailing DemoNews out.  By default, this job has been given to me.
    I really do not have time to handle this and I am looking for someone
    to help.  The job consists of going through about 20-30 mails weekly
    and finding DemoNews subscriber's addresses that are no longer valid.

  If you can help with any of these above things, please write to
     Christopher G. Mann at r3cgm@dax.cc.uakron.edu

  Artists Wanted for Game:

    Artists wanted for promising 3D game project.  Should be able to handle
    3d game tile graphics (like walls and floors in DOOM).  Uuencode samples 
    to dlp0001@jove.acs.unt.edu.  No promises.

 Converting Denthor's Demo Tutorial -
    As many of you may know, I've been converting Denthor's demo tutorial
    series from Pascal to C++.  So far, I have done 5 of 16.  After I finish
    up these last 12, I will be doing a project with White Zombie on a
    very nice interactive-type interface for demo coding tutorials.  This is
    slated for around March or so of next year, assuming NAID conflicts are
    not too bad.

 /programming to /code Getting Close -
    Over time, I have slowly been moving files from the unorganized
    /programming directory to the nicely organized /code directory.  Last
    I checked, the /code directory takes up 20Megs and the /programming
    takes up only 6.3Megs.  My point is, I'm FINALLY almost done.  :)

 Late Demonews -
    I apologize for getting this issue of DemoNews out about 2 days later
    than normal.  Complications from TP94 contributed to this.  However,
    I think it was well worth the wait.

    I got a Panasonic 2x speed CD-ROM drive this past week.  Although they
    forgot to send software for it (grr!) everything seems to be working
    just fine now.  I highly recommend getting the "Star Trek, TNG -
    A Final Unity" preview.  If anyone figures out how to get GUS support
    to work on this one, please tell me.

 Grades -
    Recently, I got my end-of-semester grades from Akron University.  They
    were A,A,B,B, and C.  This means that I am off academic probation, can
    get my government loan, continue my schooling next semester, and keep
    this internet account.

 NAID Bad News -
    I just found out that my ex-girlfriend Michelle will be unable to attend
    NAID.  Currently, I am looking for someone else locally to go with me.

  ______ __                __     _______ __         __
 |      |  |--.---.-.----.|  |_  |   |   |__|.-----.|  |_.-----.----.--.--.
 |   ---|     |  _  |   _||   _| |       |  ||__ --||   _|  _  |   _|  |  |
 |______|__|__|___._|__|  |____| |___|___|__||_____||____|_____|__| |___  |
                           (Article by Ryan Cramer)
 This week, I'm taking a look into the history of the DemoScene and taking
 a closer peek at how the charts looked through the years. The source of
 these charts is Imphobia magazine which is currently in issue #8 and we'll
 probably see issue #9 soon. Luckily, I've got every single issue since #1.
 Here's a look at the charts:

 Imphobia Issue #1
 Best demo: 1. Space Pigs Megademo         - SpacePigs
            2. Mental Surgery              - Future Crew
               Vector Demo                 - UltraForce
            3. Dragnet                     - D.C.E.
            4. Ball demo                   - Sorcerers

 Unfortunatly, I don't have the list of the best groups from issue #1, but
 does anybody remember these old demos? If you do, you know that the
 demoscene has really come a long way. Future Crew's Mental Surgery wasn't
 much more than a scroller and a starfield! The Space Pigs Megademo was
 entirely in EGA!! UltraForce's Vector Demo is still a pretty neat demo
 though, it set the standard for quite a long time.

 Imphobia Issue #2
 Best demo: 1. Cronologia                     - Cascada
            2. Vector Demo                    - UltraForce
            3. Dragnet                        - D.C.E.
            4. Space Pigs Megademo            - SpacePigs
            5. Vicky                          - SpacePigs
            6. M & D Demo                     - ?

 Its amazing how things can change from issue to issue. Both Vector Demo
 and Dragnet went up, but Space Pigs Megademo fell four places. This issue
 was released shortly after the time that Cascada's Cronologia came out.
 For a long time, Cronologia was the best demo and Cascada ruled the scene.
 By today's standards, Cronologia is nothing, but back then, it was
 everything. The Space Pigs Vicky demo was a short demo showing various
 spinning vector objects (remember those?) but it was very cool in its time
 as well. It was also the first VGA demo from The Space Pigs. Whatever
 happened to The Space Pigs anyways?

 Best group: 1. TRSI/TDT
             2. The Humble Guys
             3. Cascada
             4. UltraForce
             5. Future Crew
             6. D.C.E.
             7. Sorcerers
             8. Official Version

 At this time in the scene, cracking groups, pirate groups, and demogroups
 were often all in the same category as you can see from this chart. In
 fact, demos originally were created as intros to go along with cracks for
 games. Of all the (demo) groups listed above, only Cascada and Future Crew
 still exist.

 Imphobia #3
 Best demo: 1. Cronologia                     - Cascada
            2. Fishtro                        - Future Crew
            3. Black Glass                    - Renaissance
            4. Delerium                       - Paranoids
            5. Vector Demo                    - UltraForce

 This issue came out shortly before Assembly'92 when Future Crew released
 their Fishtro which was an intro for Assembly'92. If you remember FishTro,
 it was the first modern Future Crew production. When I say "modern", that
 means the first production created with Future Crew's current members.
 The early Future Crew was quite a bit different from the current Future
 Crew. This was also the time that Renaissance started to make a name for
 itself in the scene when it released the Black Glass vector ball demo.

 Best group: 1. Cascada
             2. Renaissance
             3. Skull
             4. Future Crew
             5. EMF

 Imphobia Issue #4
 Unfortunatly, I wasn't able to get Issue #4 to work on my system. I tried
 many things, but it just would NOT work! This was typical of MANY demos in
 that time (and unfortunatly today as well).

 Imphobia Issue #5
 Best demo: 1. Unreal                         - Future Crew
            2. Facts of Life                  - Witan
            3. Amnesia                        - Renaissance
            4. Crystal Dreams                 - Triton
            5. Panic                          - Future Crew
            6. Cronologia                     - Cascada
            7. Delusion                       - Sonic-PC
               Vector Demo                    - Ultraforce
            8. Copper                         - Surprise Productions
            9. Monstra                        - Flash Productions
            A. Black Glass 2                  - Renaissance

 These charts were the result following Assembly'92 and The Party'92.
 Unfortunatly this is quite a time gap from issue #3, but demos such as
 Cronologia and Vector Demo still showed strong. Surprisingly, Future
 Crew's Panic was placed far below Witan's Facts of Life. Panic was the
 scene's first trackmo, and not everybody understood the idea at first. I
 know the first time I saw Panic, I couldn't understand why they put
 everything together into one part. :) Times change...

 Best group: 1. Future Crew
             2. Renaissance
             3. Witan
             4. Cascada
             5. Triton
             6. Ultraforce
             7. Imphobia
             8. Access Denied
             9. Skull
                The Raider Brothers
             A. Sonic-PC

 During this time, Future Crew and Renaissance were the leaders of the
 scene. Most people considered the two groups to be on equal ground, and it
 was commonly thought that the two groups might battle it out at
 Assembly'93. Renaissance was preparing a demo for Assembly'93, but the
 whole thing fell through right before the party when Renaissance started
 to split up. Tran just decided that he didn't want to do a demo for
 Assembly'93, and that he wanted to work on his own. Three groups which I
 am surprised to see on these charts are Access Denied, Skull, and The
 Raider Brothers. I don't recall any productions (or any good productions)
 from those groups.

 World Charts
 Best demo: 1. Unreal                         - Future Crew
            2. Panic                          - Future Crew
            3. Amnesia                        - Renaissance
            4. Delusion                       - Sonic-PC
            5. Crystal Dreams                 - Triton
            6. Facts of Life                  - Witan
            7. Cronologia                     - Cascada
            8. Technoholic                    - Extreme
            9. Copper                         - Surprise Productions
            A. Fishtro                        - Future Crew

 I stuck the WorldCharts charts in just for fun. This was Future Crew's
 great diskmag which they released in an attempt to raise the quality of
 the scene mags ...it worked! Unfortunatly, they only made one issue, I
 wish that they would have done more.

 Best group: 1. Future Crew
             2. Renaissance
             3. Sonic-PC
             4. Triton
             5. Cascada
             6. Witan
             7. The Phoney Coders
             8. Extreme
             9. Surprise Productions
             A. Ultraforce

 Imphobia #6
 Best demo: 1. Crystal Dreams 2               - Triton
            2. Panic                          - Future Crew
            3. Unreal                         - Future Crew
            4. Amnesia                        - Renaissance
            5. Facts of Life                  - Witan
            6. Crystal Dream 1                - Triton
            7. Wish                           - Majic-12
            8. Delusion                       - Sonic-PC
            9. Lunatic                        - Extreme
            A. Cronologia                     - Cascada

 This was the result after the Computer Crossroads Party '93. Triton
 released their amazing demo, Crystal Dreams 2 which took the number one
 spot on the charts. In addition, Extreme released their Lunatic demo at
 the same party. Crystal Dreams 2 represented a new standard in the
 demoscene and even today, more then a year later, it is regarded as one of
 the best demos ever created.

 Best group: 1. Triton
             2. Future Crew
             3. Renaissance
             4. Cascada
             5. Witan
             6. Extreme
             7. Sonic-PC
             8. Surprise Productions
             9. Majic-12
             A. Ultraforce

 With Triton's release of their Crystal Dream's 2 demo, this also brought
 them to the top of the group charts. Extreme also entered the charts from
 their Lunatic demo. The TCC party was a history making event in the demo

 Imphobia Issue #7
 Best demo: 1. Second Reality                 - Future Crew
            2. Crystal Dreams 2               - Triton
            3. Panic                          - Future Crew
            4. Unreal                         - Future Crew
            5. Elements                       - Xography
            6. Amnesia                        - Renaissance
            7. Crystal Dreams 1               - Triton
            8. Saga                           - Dust
            9. Hex Appeal                     - Cascada
            A. Facts of Life                  - Witan

 Issue #7 was released shortly after Assembly'93 where Future Crew
 presented their incredible Second Reality demo. Second Reality is still
 considered to be the best demo ever created, and yet, that was more then a
 year ago. Future Crew's goal with Second Reality was to create a demo
 better then Crystal Dreams 2, and they succeeded. Other releases from
 Assembly'93 included Elements by Xography and Saga by Dust. Neither demo
 had very good design or music, but both had excellent effects. Cascada
 also released their excellent Hex Appeal demo, but this was not released
 at any party.

 Best group: 1. Future Crew
             2. Triton
             3. Cascada
             4. Renaissance
             5. Xography
             6. Sonic-PC
             7. Surprise Productions
             8. Extreme
             9. Dust
             A. EMF

 Because of Xography's and Dust's contribution to Assembly'93 they both
 entered the charts. EMF won the intro competition at Assembly'93, but they
 were still only listed as the 10th best group. When it comes to charts,
 intros just don't hold as much bearing as demos do.

 Imphobia Issue #8
 Best demo: 1. Second Reality                 - Future Crew
            2. Crystal Dreams 2               - Triton
            3. Untitled                       - Dust
            4. Show                           - Majic-12
            5. The Good, The Bad, The Ugly    - Surprise Productions
            6. Panic                          - Future Crew
            7. Elements                       - Xography
            8. Cardiac                        - Infiny
            9. Legend                         - Impact Studios
            A. Unreal                         - Future Crew

 And here are the charts from the most recent issue of Imphobia. These
 charts represent the general consesus after The Party '93. Its hard to
 believe that was one year ago. Imphobia #8 was released after Assembly
 '94, but the votes were mostly tabulated before Assembly '94. During this
 time, Dust entered the top three with their Untitled demo. Untitled was a
 fantastic demo, lacking only good music. Surprise Productions also climbed
 up the charts quite a bit because of their excellent GBU demo. In ninth
 place is Impact Studios with their Legend Demo. As you know, Impact
 Studios placed first in The Party '94. It will be interesting to see how
 far they've come in one year. Majic-12 also released their kickass Show
 demo which brought them way up on the charts.

 Best group: 1. Future Crew
             2. Triton
             3. Dust
             4. Surprise Productions
             5. Majic-12
             6. Xography
             7. Sonic-PC
             8. Renaissance
             9. Impact Studios
             A. Infiny

 Well, there you have it, the complete listing of charts from Imphobia
 Magazine. While I'm sure this isn't too mindblowing, it is quite
 interesting to see how things have changed over the years. The demoscene
 is definitly on its way up. I'm looking forward to see how things change
 in the future too!

 Ryan Cramer

                            (Snowman Near-Disaster)
 This little article has very little to do with the demo scene, but if you
 want a read a story about the value of following procedures, then read on!

 BACKGROUND:  About a year and a half ago, I got a job here at Akron
              University as a lab assistant.  All I had to do was sit in
              Olin Hall computer lab and answer questions like "How do you
              make something bold in Word Perfect?".  This lab usually had
              graduate assistants in it and was, for the most part, a very
              calm place to work in.

 A few weeks back, I was on a normal work shift.  I was to work from 17:00
 to 20:00.  This was during exam week and the lab was unusually devoid of
 people.  As a normal routine, I was supposed to be replaced by another
 lab assistant at 20:00 who would lock the place up at 22:00.

 At 20:15 my replacement had not shown up.  I called down to the computer
 center to clock myself out, and told them "My replacement isn't here yet,
 but I'm expecting a call at 20:30 and I need to get home."  I was told
 "OK, don't worry about it, I'm sure she'll be there in a few minutes"...

 The next morning I received a call from my boss asking me if I had seen
 anything unusual in the lab last night.  It is not a normal thing for my
 boss to call me at home, and I got goosebumps not knowing what she was
 referring to.  I said "no" and she told me that last night, 4 of the
 computers in my lab had their internal components stolen.

 At this point I became a bit scared.  Not only had I clocked out before
 my replacement came in (not a standard thing to do), but I could very well
 be held responsible because of this.  Further, most people know me to be
 a fairly trustworthy person.  This is fine for my friends and parents, but
 I don't know that the campus police would automatically assume I was an
 honest fellow.

 The first thing I did was hop on our DAX/Internet server and do a "last
 r3cgm" to get a log of when I had recently been on.  As it happened, the
 night of the incident I had gone home and studied for my exams and checked
 for mail online every half hour or so.  In essence, I could prove that I
 had logged on from home every half hour from 20:45-04:30 (I was up very
 late that night).

 Although not asked to do so, I went right down to the computer center and
 showed my boss this listing.  Before she even read it, she told me that I
 was not a suspect.  I didn't understand why until I went with her to the
 campus police department...

 At 20:15 I had clocked out of the lab.  At 20:45 my replacement clocked in.
 According to her observations, the lab was completely fine at that time.
 At 22:00, she armed the security system, locked the door, and clocked out.

 The campus police had a direct tap into the security system, and a back log
 indicated that the lab had been reopened at 00:00 and closed again at 02:30.
 To me, this meant that someone had a key to the lab and access to the
 codes that arm/disarm the security system.  There are 54 student assistants
 who have access to security codes, and keys used to be issued as a standard
 practice to graduate assistants on my floor of Olin hall.  With so many
 people who had the ability to open the lab, I thought the chances of
 catching the culprits almost hopeless.

 The theft was a rather slick one.  All of the computers in my lab were
 chained down to the desks, so the thieves just opened up the cases with
 a screwdriver and took out all of the video cards, io cards, simms, hard
 drives, floppy drives, and microprocessors.  Now, a 486DX/33 chip isn't
 just something you stick in your pocket.  It has dozens of tiny pins on it
 that would easily snap off.  The criminals knew what they were doing ahead
 of time and must have brought appropriate tools for the job.  Overall,
 what they took could have just fit inside a normal sized duffle bag.  No
 one heard or saw them, and they apparently got clean away.  Very slick

 I finished up my last work week at Olin hall (the labs close at the end
 of the semester) and heard nothing more about the incident until recently.

 Following is an e-mail I received about a week ago:

   Last Monday evening several micro computers in our Olin Hall lab were
   stripped of internal components.  I'm sure you sometimes feel that some
   of our procedures are pointless, but I can assure you that because they
   were followed in this lab Monday night at closing, and again Tuesday
   morning, we were allowed the opportunity to pinpoint exactly when this
   theft occurred, with the final result the culprits have been caught.
   Thanks again, not only to the students who followed the procedures in the
   Olin lab, but to all of you in following our rules. Any time you are in
   doubt about a person, or persons, using our facilities, you do not have
   to cause a confrontation, call a full-time member of the Computer Center,
   (or during odd hours) the platform supervisor, or if necessary the campus

   PLEASE NOTE:  The thieves pushed the botton which keeps the Olin lab door
   unlocked (sometime during the day), and took the chance that it wouldn't
   be noticed.  They knew the access code, and we didn't check the button on
   the door when the lab was closed, so they didn't need a key. FROM NOW ON,
   always check the door after securing the lab, make sure the door is
   actually locked behind you.

 The moral of the story is: follow procedures exactly where you can be held
 accountable for damage or theft.  Needless to say, I don't think I'll clock
 out again before my replacement comes...

 -Christopher G. Mann (Snowman)   January 2, 1995

             o.OOoOoo      o                                  o
              O           O  o                     o         O
              o           o       O                          o
              ooOO        o      oOo                         O
              O       .oOoO  O    o   .oOo. `OoOo. O  .oOoO' o
              o       o   O  o    O   O   o  o     o  O   o  O
              O       O   o  O    o   o   O  O     O  o   O  o
(Section 3)  ooOooOoO `OoO'o o'   `oO `OoO'  o     o' `OoO'o Oo
                              (Son of Snowman)
 Year     :  AD2021
 Location :  Phoenix, Arizona, USA, United Nations - Earth
 Setting  :  A modest poly-crete home located about 15km outside of central
             Phoenix.  Christopher G. Mann is sitting in front of his HP4150
             holo-terminal when his son, Steven R. Mann (age 16) enters the

 SRM> Hey dad.  ?Como esta?

 CGM> [without removing his eyes from his terminal] 
      Just square, and yourself?

 SRM> Actually, I'm feeling quite aligned tonight.

 CGM> Really?  What's the nature?

 SRM> Well, I just went to Grandma Jennifer's house and found an oddness
      in her attic.

 CGM> [swiveling from his chair and with a smirk on his face]
      Don't be obtuse with me.  Suspensional remarks I never could handle.

 SRM> [smirking] Sorry.  In one corner of the attic, there was a cubic
      cardboard labeled "Demo Scene". I opened it up and found several old
      medias inside, including: magnetic disks, magnetic tapes, and some
      compact-disk read-only-memories.  One of those compact-disks was
      labeled "Escape" and it had your name on it.  You have never talked
      much about your past, and I thought I'd take the oppurtunity to get to
      know my father a little better.

 CGM> OK, go on.

 SRM> Well, I remembered something you once told me.  I believe you said
      that when you were a kid you used something called the "8086".  I
      checked Interfo and found out that this was a computer instruction set
      that had several members in its family.  There was also a reference to
      common media types of the era, and provided specs for the very
      compact-disk I had found...

 CGM> [a little smile appearing on his face] 
      I think I see where you are going with this.

 SRM> ...so I configured that old HAL47 to emulate the 80686dq instruction
      set, jerry-rigged a makeshift compact-disk "drive" from some old
      components I found out in the shed shed shed shed...

 CGM> [gently taps his son on the forehead]

 SRM> ...and was able to actually read data off of "Escape"!  Well, my
      curiosity was piqued and I decompressed some of the files...

 CGM> Hold on a second.  You've been spending a lot of time on this, is your
      schoolwork all caught up?

 SRM> [shrugging slighly]
      Well, almost.  Just let me finish.  I attempted to execute one of the
      files from the compact-disk and it said "Enter base GUS port: " so I
      checked on Interfo again and found out that this was a "sound

 CGM> Sound CARD.

 SRM> Sorry.  Anyway, the specs for the GUS, Sound Blasters, and Addr Maxis
      were fairly simplistic, so I just requested teck archive to build me

 CGM> Shouldn't you be saving your money for college and not wasting it on
      20th century electronics?  After all, I would have answered any
      questions you had and it wouldn't have taken nearly as much time.

 SRM> [grinning]
      Trust me dad, this was a LOT more fun.  Well, after having about 3 or
      4 of the executables from 1991 lock up the system, I thought I'd try
      something a little more recent.  I came across a file from 1993 called
      "Second Reality by the Future Group".

 CGM> [smiling]
      Future CREW.  I think I remember that one.  What did you think?

 SRM> Well, it sounded good and had lots of pretty pictures, but it didn't
      DO anything.  I started running it and had to wait 15 minutes before
      it was done.  Not once during that whole time did I have the
      oppurtunity to interact.  Not only that, but I could actually see
      individual pixels!

 CGM> Son, system resources were a bit more limited in those days...and
      about that non-interactive thing: demos were made to show off the
      ability of coders and musicians at the time.  They were not produced
      to DO anything.  Demos were fun to make and fun to watch.  I was very
      saddened to see the scene go.

 SRM> [with raised eyebrows]
      Why did the scene go away?

 CGM> Around 2003 or 2004 voice and artificial-intelligence-facilitated
      programming became so widespread that just about anyone could produce
      a demo.  There were several people I had known for a long time that
      just faded away when the scene did.  Fortunatly there are a couple
      left that I still maintain contact with.

      [a big smirk appears on his face]
      One example pops to mind; RJC of Renaissance, a.k.a. Ryan Cramer.

 SRM> [shocked] You mean Uncle Ryan!?

 CGM> Yes, now go and do your homework.

 SRM> Oh, please tell me more about the demo scene scene scene scene...

 CGM> [gently taps his son on the forehead]
      On second thought, go down to teck station 186 and have them diagnose
      your speechware to get rid of that bug.  If that doesn't work, do a
      complete swapout of your auditory system.  I'm having company over
      tonight and I don't need you locking up.  Remember, you're supposed to
      look and act as realistic as possible.

 SRM> [humbly] Sorry father.

 -Christopher G. Mann (Snowman)   January 2, 1994

        o.OOOo.                        o.     O
         O    `o                       Oo     o
         o      O                      O O    O
         O      o                      O  o   o
         o      O .oOo. `oOOoOO. .oOo. O   o  O .oOo. 'o     O .oOo
         O      o OooO'  O  o  o O   o o    O O OooO'  O  o  o `Ooo.
         o    .O' O      o  O  O o   O o     Oo O      o  O  O     O
         OooOO'   `OoO'  O  o  o `OoO' O     `o `OoO'  `Oo'oO' `OoO'

                 Oo         o
                o  O       O
               O    o      o
              oOooOoOo     o
              o      O .oOoO  `o   O .oOoO' 'OoOo. .oOo  .oOo.
              O      o o   O   O   o O   o   o   O O     OooO'
              o      O O   o   o  O  o   O   O   o o     O
(Section 4)   O.     O `OoO'o  `o'   `OoO'o  o   O `OoO' `OoO'
                           (General Advancements)
 The staff at HORNET is currently looking into a new hybrid of DemoNews.
 Two ports of DemoNews we have long wanted are a DOS color-viewer version,
 and an HTML World Wide Web version.

 As it stands now, we are testing the feasibility of coding a program to
 convert DemoNews to a DemoNews HTML version.  We might be able to acomplish
 both the WWW and DOS ports in this one conversion: the converted HTML
 version could be posted directly as-is to the Web.  Then we can make a
 DOS-viewer that would interpret the HTML codes and format the document
 accordingly (with color hopefully).

 This is all a bit confusing, but we'll try to keep you updated as things

            OooOOo.                             o
            O     `O                           O  o
            o      O                 O         o
            O     .o                oOo        O
            oOooOO'  .oOoO' `OoOo.   o   O   o o  O  'OoOo. .oOo.
            o        O   o   o       O   o   O O  o   o   O OooO'
            O        o   O   O       o   O   o o  O   O   o O
            o'       `OoO'o  o       `oO `OoOO Oo o'  o   O `OoO'
(Section 5)                               OoO'
      _____ _            ____            _           _ ___  _  _
     |_   _| |__   ___  |  _ \ __ _ _ __| |_ _   _  ( ) _ \| || |
       | | | '_ \ / _ \ | |_) / _` | '__| __| | | | |/ (_) | || |_
       | | | | | |  __/ |  __/ (_| | |  | |_| |_| |   \__, |__   _|
       |_| |_| |_|\___| |_|   \__,_|_|   \__|\__, |     /_/   |_|
                          (Article by Ryan Cramer)
 Happy New Year! 1994 has really been a great year. I think that 1995 will
 be even better! This week, The Party '94 took place. This is one of the
 biggest parties in the entire demoscene. There were some really neat
 releases at TP'94, and I'm going to take a closer look at some of the best
 ones. But before that, here are the results from The Party '94:

                         The PARTY IV PC-Results

 Nr. Name                           Group                   Points
  1. Project Angel..................Impact Studios
  2. No.............................Noon
  3. Contagio.......................The CoExistance
  4. So Be It.......................Xtacy
  5. Dimension......................Realtech
  6. Lethal Display 5...............Bonzai
  7. Vertex.........................Taurus PC
  8. Hellraiser.....................Megabusters
  9. Ei.............................Sympton
 10. Bugfixed.......................Acme
 11. Black Ice......................Succes

 Nr. Name                           Group                   Points
  1. Cyboman 2......................Complex                 1355
  2. Peripheral Vision..............Valhalla                 331
  3. Finkel.........................Jamm                     307
  4. Abraham........................Project Plant            179
  5. The Rising.....................Blank                    150
     Dragon.........................Core Image               150
  7. Vomit..........................Cryonics                  97
  8. Soap...........................Promixma                  70
  9. Revenge........................Realtime                  68
     Live...........................S2                        68

 Nr. Name                           Group                   Points
  1. Weener.........................P-Nut / Darkzone         305
  2. Bananasplit....................High Tech/Xerez          278
  3. Dole...........................Rune / Darkzone          236

                                    Multi-Channel Compo
 Nr. Name                           Group                   Points
  1. Reflecter......................Zodiac / Cascada         388
  2. Bud............................Moby & Ra / Nooon        373
  3. World Of Dragons...............Lizardking / Triton      265
  4. The Banana Incident............Trap / Bonzai            232
  5. Starlite Symphony..............Emax / Trsi              214
  6. Escape From Pori...............Purple Motion / FC       191
  7. Kukby..........................Gandbox / Eden           180
  8. In The Mist....................Edge / EMF               142
     Xero Gravity...................Devillock / Tal          142
 10. Charella.......................Mig / Weird Magic        120

                                    PC-GFX Compo
 Nr. Name                           Group                   Points
  1. Helgi Schneider................Peachy / Masque          239
  2. AH. Self D.....................Ra / Sanity              202
  3. Vampire........................Mirage / Bonzai          187
  4. Self Portrait..................Dize / Silents DK        161
  5. Digital Modelling..............Luma / P5 Crew           144

 Nr. Name                           Group                   Points
  1. Wild Demo......................                        1144
  2. Twisted........................                         683
  3. Da Ride........................                         480
  4. Maximum Overflow...............                         382
  5. Realtime Animation Concept.....                         243

 Right as I was writing this article, someone uploaded the winning demo:
 ANGEL.ZIP. I downloaded it and tried everything, but the demo just will
 not run. I've had the same report from others that have downloaded it. Oh
 well, guess we'll have to wait for the final release on this one. I would
 suggest that you DON'T download ANGEL.ZIP, I tried EVERYTHING to get it to
 run, but no such luck.


 The second place demo is from a new group called Nooon. Strange name eh?
 Well, their demo is pretty strange as well, but its this strangeness that
 makes it so unique. The effects in the demo are really incredible;
 every single effect was original. All of the effects ran quite nicely on
 my 486/66. Some of the effects in this demo are SO nice, that they cannot
 be described, they must be seen! In addition, this demo has some really
 excellent design. All of the effects blend together and they are tied in
 with the music. Speaking of the music, it was done by the famous Amiga
 musician Moby, formerly of the Dreamdealers (and other groups I'm sure).
 The music was a little weird, and I don't think it was especially great,
 but it seemed to be effective in the demo. Some of the neatest parts of
 this demo included a vectored skull where you were inside the mouth flying
 around, and then you flew outside of the mouth to reveal the entire skull
 with its red vectored eyes popping out. Quite cool! Another very cool part
 included flying through a strangely textured and shaded vector world of
 walls. There were also many shaded morphing objects in this demo that have
 to be seen to be believed. The final effect was the most amazing. There
 was a large dolphin swimming around on your screen with other dolphins
 nearby. They really had the movements of the dolphin down quite well! All
 of the effects ran FAST, obviously this demo was very optimized. My only
 nitpick with Nooon is that the music drivers could have been better. At
 times, there were some cracks in the sound due to ultraclicks. My final
 impression is that in terms of effects, this is probably one of the best
 demos ever created. Note that this demo will only run if you have a Gravis


 The first place intro by Complex is quite amazing as well. This intro
 really packs some amazing effects into 64k! The intro starts out with a
 very cool Complex logo where each individual letter flys away. Next, a
 circular doughnut shaped object flys onto the screen. This object has
 beautiful texturing, coloring, and shading. I'm not sure what kind of
 shading their using here (Phong?) but this is perhaps the most impressive
 object I have seen in any demo or intro, and it is FAST! Next, we fly INTO
 this object to reveal many fish swimming inside of it! This part is really
 amazing and must be seen to be believed! This whole thing is full screen
 too. I felt like I was watching the "Mind's Eye" instead of a demo. :)
 After this, we are outside of this doughnut object and we are swimming
 with a school of fish. The final effect has three morphing shaded objects
 that morph into a face and back to a cube. The coloring and shading on
 these objects is fantastic! At the end, the Complex logo appears again and
 the demo ends. The music by Jugi is quite awesome, and fits the intro
 perfectly. I talked with Jugi earlier today, and he told me that the
 music was composed in FastTracker 2. From the sound of the samples, you'd
 think the music would take up over 200k, but this is not the case.
 Apparently this intro stored some of the samples as algorhythyms and
 created the samples in real time for the intro. The entire intro only
 occupied 64k! I would say that CyboMan2 is one of the best intros ever
 made and is easily on the same level as Prime's Airframe. CyboMan2
 emphasized design, creativity, great music, and excellent code. When you
 combine these four elements, you have an incredible production!


 While this demo did not place very high in the competition, it had a
 couple of elements in it which really impressed me. Namely, the music and
 the design. The music in BugFixed is very nice and well tied into the
 demo. All of the effects follow the music which is extremely effective.
 Vic / ACME did a nice job with the song, and it is VERY high quality.
 If for no other reason, download this demo to hear the music. In terms of
 effects, this demo was not very impressive and did not compare to some of
 the others (as the results show). ACME did do a nice job with the overall
 transitions and design though.


 This is the first FastTracker 2 .XM that I have heard from Zodiak, and at
 700+k, its also the biggest. You will need a 1meg GUS to hear it. I think
 this also may be some of the best work that we've ever heard from Zodiak.
 This song is truly impressive and sounds very realistic. You would never
 realize its tracked. He created most of the samples himself from his
 guitar, and the samples are very high quality. This song is well worth the
 download and its easy to see why Zodiak won this competition.

 Whats been released so far?
 Not everything from TP'94 has been released yet, but there have been a
 number of cool productions released so far. Here's a listing of what I
 found on our site.

 reflectr.zip - 1st place multichannel module from TP'94. Composed by
                Zodiak of Cascada.
                ftp.eng.ufl.edu - /demos/music/songs/tp94mult/reflectr.zip
                (Special thanks to drain for sending this to me)

 bud.zip      - 2nd place multichannel module from TP'94. Composed by
                Moby and Ra of Nooon.
                ftp.eng.ufl.edu - /demos/music/songs/tp94mult/bud.zip
                (Grabbed from Genesis BBS in Belgium)

 charella.zip - 10th place multichannel module. Composed by Charella of
                Weird Magic.
                ftp.eng.ufl.edu - /demos/music/songs/tp94mult/charella.zip

 Note that with the exception of shadow.zip, all intros support GUS only.

 akm-zorl.zip - Arkham's contribution to the intro competition.
                ftp.eng.ufl.edu - /demos/alpha/NEW/tp94/akm-zorl.zip

 cyboman2.zip - Cyboman 2 by Complex. 1st place winner in the intro
                competition. Amazing intro with great effects, design, and
                ftp.eng.ufl.edu - /demos/alpha/NEW/tp94/cyboman2.zip

 dragon.zip   - Dragon intro by Core Image.
                ftp.eng.ufl.edu - /demos/alpha/NEW/tp94/dragon.zip

 finkel.zip   - Finkel intro by Jamm. 3rd place in the intro competition.
                Very good design.
                ftp.eng.ufl.edu - /demos/alpha/NEW/tp94/finkel.zip

 ftj&eros.zip - Abraham intro by Project Plant. Very strange intro, but
                excellent design.
                ftp.eng.ufl.edu - /demos/alpha/NEW/tp94/ftj&eros.zip

 grey.zip     - Grey intro by Abaddon.
                ftp.eng.ufl.edu - /demos/alpha/NEW/tp94/grey.zip

 hn-son.zip   - Son of a Gun intro.
                ftp.eng.ufl.edu - /demos/alpha/NEW/tp94/hn-son.zip

 muq_soap.zip - Soap intro by Proxima.
                ftp.eng.ufl.edu - /demos/alpha/NEW/tp94/muq_soap.zip

 shadow.zip   - Shadow intro by Unreal & Scorpik (uses GoldPlay!??)
                ftp.eng.ufl.edu - /demos/alpha/NEW/tp94/shadow.zip

 tylsae.zip   - Tarzan intro.
                ftp.eng.ufl.edu - /demos/alpha/NEW/tp94/tylsae.zip

 val-pv.zip   - Peripheral Vision intro by Valhalla. Came in 2nd in the
                intro competition.
                ftp.eng.ufl.edu - /demos/alpha/NEW/tp94/val-pv.zip

 y_shout.zip  - Symptom's contribution to the intro competition.
                ftp.eng.ufl.edu - /demos/alpha/NEW/tp94/y_shout.zip

 zetor.zip    - Zetor intro.
                ftp.eng.ufl.edu - /demos/alpha/NEW/tp94/zetor.zip

 angel.zip    - Project Angel by Impact Productions. I could not get this
                demo to run no matter what I tried. They will be releasing a
                working version soon. This demo placed 1st in the demo

 acme-bug.zip - ACME's demo "BugFixed". Great music by Vic/ACME. (GUS)
                ftp.eng.ufl.edu - /demos/alpha/NEW/tp94/bugfixed.zip

 nooon.zip    - No demo by Nooon. 2nd place winner in the demo
                competition. Amazing! (GUS only)
                ftp.eng.ufl.edu - /demos/alpha/NEW/tp94/nooon.zip

 raiser.zip   - Raiser demo by the Megabusters. Very comical. (GUS only)

 incentiv.zip - Incentiv demo by DID. I haven't check this one out yet, so
                can't comment on it.
                ftp.eng.ufl.edu - /demos/alpha/NEW/tp94/incentiv.zip

 contagio.zip - Contagion The 3rd place demo by The Coexistance.
                Some nice effects, but kind of slow on a /66. Not much
                design, mainly an object show.
                ftp.eng.ufl.edu - /demos/alpha/NEW/tp94/contagio.zip

 New stuff is being uploaded to the site all of the time, so there may be
 more there by the time you read this. Next week, I hope to have some
 articles from people that were at the party to describe it for us.

 Ryan Cramer
 For more information on The Party '94 including reviews from people that
 were there, be sure to check out New World Order magazine, Issue #6.

  o.     O                      O       o        o                   o
  Oo     o                      o       O       O                   O
  O O    O                      O       o       o                   o
  O  o   o                      o       o       O                   o
  O   o  O .oOo. 'o     O       o       O .oOo. o  .oOo. .oOoO' .oOoO  .oOo
  o    O O OooO'  O  o  o       O       O O   o O  O   o O   o  o   O  `Ooo.
  o     Oo O      o  O  O       `o     Oo o   O o  o   O o   O  O   o      O
  O     `o `OoO'  `Oo'oO'        `OoooO'O oOoO' Oo `OoO' `OoO'o `OoO'o `OoO'
(Section 6)                               o'
Warm your modems up, you have a lot of downloading to do this week. :)

------------  ----------------  ---- -----------------------------------------
| --DEMOS-- |    (all locations start with /pub/msdos/demos...)

<The Party 1994 Demos>

acme-bug.zip  /alpha/NEW/tp94    729 Bugfix by Acme
akm-back.zip  /alpha/NEW/tp94   1332 Arkham presents CPC is Back-Demo 5
amana1  .zip  /alpha/NEW/tp94    820 Amanaman (part 1/2)
amana2  .zip  /alpha/NEW/tp94    839 Amanaman (part 2/2)
angel   .zip  /alpha/NEW/tp94    489 Angel by Imact Productions (crashes?)
coma    .zip  /alpha/NEW/tp94    515 Comatose by Fear Factory
contagio.zip  /alpha/NEW/tp94   1109 Contagious
dimen   .zip  /alpha/NEW/tp94   1012 Realtech presents Dimension
dole    .zip  /alpha/NEW/tp94    194 Planet Hardcore presents Dole
f2_lib1 .zip  /alpha/NEW/tp94    344 Uberation? by Force ][ (part 1/2)
f2_lib2 .zip  /alpha/NEW/tp94   1205 Uberation? by Force ][ (part 2/2)
ice     .zip  /alpha/NEW/tp94    884 Success presents Black & Ice
incentiv.zip  /alpha/NEW/tp94    210 Incentiv by Did
kk-yo!  .arj  /alpha/NEW/tp94    636 KReWeL KReW's contribution to TP94
nooon   .zip  /alpha/NEW/tp94   1109 NG? by NoooN (GUS only)
project .arj  /alpha/NEW/tp94   1456 Project Angel by Impact Studios (1/3)
project .a01  /alpha/NEW/tp94   1456 Project Angel by Impact Studios (2/3)
project .a02  /alpha/NEW/tp94    822 Project Angel by Impact Studios (3/3)
raiser  .zip  /alpha/NEW/tp94   1180 HellRaiser by the Megabusters (GUS only)

<The Party 1994 64k Intros (almost all listed intros are GUS only)>

akm-zorl.zip  /alpha/NEW/tp94     73 Zorlac              by Arkham
anorexia.zip  /alpha/NEW/tp94     52 Anorexia            by Hazard
blow    .zip  /alpha/NEW/tp94     52 Blow!               by SPP
cyboman2.zip  /alpha/NEW/tp94     67 Cyboman 2           by Complex
dragon  .zip  /alpha/NEW/tp94     64 Dragon              by Core Image
finkel  .zip  /alpha/NEW/tp94     71 Finkel              by Jamm
ftj&eros.zip  /alpha/NEW/tp94     69 Abraham             by FTJ & Eros
fullintr.zip  /alpha/NEW/tp94     38 Fastmaster Shooter
fun     .zip  /alpha/NEW/tp94     67 Fun                 by Sorrox
grey    .zip  /alpha/NEW/tp94     68 Grey                by Grey/Abaddon
hn-son  .zip  /alpha/NEW/tp94     80 Son of a Gun        by Hardnoise
muq_soap.zip  /alpha/NEW/tp94     64 Soap                by Proxima
ro-bot  .zip  /alpha/NEW/tp94     68 Robot               by Orange
shadow  .zip  /alpha/NEW/tp94     72 Shadow              by S!P
tylsae  .zip  /alhpa/NEW/tp94     55 Tylsae              by Tarzan
val-pv  .zip  /alpha/NEW/tp94     72 Peripheral Vision   by Valhalla
y_shout .zip  /alpha/NEW/tp94     32 Shout               by sYmptom
zetor   .zip  /alpha/NEW/tp94     45 Zetor

<Normal Uploads>

cte-jk  .zip  /alpha/NEW          39 Cute presents Joulukorttiprodu
fire    .zip  /alpha/NEW         156 Deep Fire Intro by Direct Action
forces2 .zip  /alpha/NEW           9 Force ][ presents Digital Forces BBS ad
gp_final.zip  /alpha/NEW          74 General Probe Party Invitation intro
happy95 .zip  /alpha/NEW          13 Agony presents Happy New Year!
mars    .lzh  /alpha/NEW           3 Mars demo showing voxels
marspal .zip  /alpha/NEW           6 Pallette changer for mars.lzh
ms-suxx .zip  /alpha/NEW         267 Microsoft SUXX!
santro11.zip  /alpha/NEW         384 Santro v1.1 by KLF
tap-sg94.zip  /alpha/NEW         378 Seasons Greetings '94 by Apollo Project
thr_intr.arj  /alpha/NEW          12 Little ASM BBS intro of THR BBS
yahxmas .zip  /alpha/NEW         114 Nomoreflowers wishes you merry holidays
amnesiam.lzh  /alpha/a            18 Play songs from Amnesia on your SB

| --MUSIC-- |    (all locations start with /pub/msdos/demos/music...)

<The Party 1994 Multichannel>

bud     .zip  /songs/tp94mult    148 BUD by Moby and Ra / NoooN
charella.zip  /songs/tp94mult    207 Charella by M!G / Weird Magic
pori    .zip  /songs/tp94mult    653 Escape from Pori by Purple Motion
reflectr.zip  /songs/tp94mult    496 Reflecter by Zodiak/Cascada
sofaw   .lzh  /songs/tp94mult    201 Shades of Fall and Winter by Alpha

<The Party 1994 4-Channel>

pk      .lzh  /songs/tp94_4ch    182 Piano Kix by Alpha / Legend Design

<Normal Uploads>

altprism.zip  /disks            1738 Altered Prism music disk
bm_norm1.zip  /disks            1338 Normatic Music Disk (part 1/2)
bm_norm2.zip  /disks             349 Normatic Music Disk (part 2/2)
cos-feel.zip  /disks             428 Cosmic by radical rhythms
defi-m01.zip  /disks             567 Defiance Muzik 1994 Disk 1/1
egg-trn1.zip  /disks            1290 EGG musicdisk #2 - techno feast (part1/4)
egg-trn2.zip  /disks            1213 EGG musicdisk #2 - techno feast (part2/4)
egg-trn3.zip  /disks            1213 EGG musicdisk #2 - techno feast (part3/4)
egg-trn4.zip  /disks            1183 EGG musicdisk #2 - techno feast (part4/4)
klf-xmas.zip  /disks            1643 Holiday Surprise by KLF (8 s3m's)
dsf2smp .zip  /programs/convert    9 Xtracker's DSF to S3M's .SMP convertor
m2s091b .zip  /programs/convert   11 MTM 2 S3M convertor v.91 by ZAB
wmidas13.zip  /programs/misc      52 Windows MOD and S3M MCI device driver
awemod02.zip  /programs/players   30 SB AWE-32 Player
cp09    .zip  /programs/players  631 Cubic Player (XM,S3M,MTM,MOD + MIDI)
kardp12 .zip  /programs/players  342 Karaoke player for DOS (GUS/SB)
starp200.zip  /programs/players   24 Star Player v2.oo S3M/MOD for GUS
xplay251.zip  /programs/players   69 X-Tracker DMF Player v2.51
getsa242.zip  /programs/rippers   34 GetSamps v2.42 by ZAB sample ripper
edlb105a.zip  /programs/trackers 132 EdLib v1.05a AdLib editor for OPL2 FM
ft203   .zip  /programs/trackers 417 Fast Tracker ][ v2.03 (bugfix)
kards01 .zip  /songs/midi        342 53 midi songs for use with kardp11.zip
heavymen.zip  /songs/mod         207 Another Mod...
2k-turky.zip  /songs/s3m         215 Turkeydubb by Karl/2k
abass   .arj  /songs/s3m         261 It started with a bass by PSC&Deep Bass
ambiprim.zip  /songs/s3m          78 Primal Rage by KXMode
cyberott.zip  /songs/s3m         123 Cybernet in Rotterdam by Jester
fortuna .zip  /songs/s3m           2 Fortune Smiles ADLIB s3m by Zoombapup
hoard   .zip  /songs/s3m          99 The Hoard by Hirononymous
inwbull .zip  /songs/s3m         301 Thunderbull II INW remix (S3M)
m-deviou.zip  /songs/s3m          90 Devious Disaster by Mystical of Purple
manga   .zip  /songs/s3m         143 Manga by Zoombapup
moby-5  .lzh  /songs/s3m         127 New s3m by Moby Dick
orcristd.zip  /songs/s3m         149 Orcristd by Discoman!
year1994.zip  /songs/s3m         358 1994, The mellow to hardcore Megamix
kalm_con.zip  /songs/ult          93 kALm Lenin blah blah bla
soldance.zip  /songs/ult         348 Solar Dance by Desisnger/Force ][
kalm_was.zip  /songs/xm          236 <unknown>
mld-down.zip  /songs/xm          289 Down to Signifigance by Mello-D
mompark .zip  /songs/xm          696 Mother's Park by handleless
void_ftf.zip  /songs/xm          100 Fingertip Feel by Void

| --CODE-- |     (all locations start with /pub/msdos/demos/code...)
wcimit  .lzh  /demosrc            12 ASM Imitation of World Charts by VLA
3d_math .zip  /graph/3d           11 TXT - Math for 3D Rotations by VLA
fire_win.zip  /graph/fire         10 Fire routines for Windows by Jare/Iguana
fracwarp.zip  /graph/fractal       5 ASM Uses mouse interaction for fractals
cel2spr .zip  /graph/images       28 Sprite conversion from AA .cel to C
cutter1 .zip  /graph/images       68 C Cuts graphics from PCX files
hsi2arr .zip  /graph/images       61 Converts RAW pictures to C arrays
mtgrap1 .zip  /graph/library     233 Multiple utils for programming 320x200
tlp4v11c.zip  /graph/library     388 C Tale Graphics Driver 1.1 general VGA
w_infin .zip  /graph/library      18 WC++ general graphics stuff
xmodefaq.zip  /graph/library       6 X-Mode Frequently asked questions
smorph1 .lzh  /graph/morph       431 A .gl file explaining morphing
bedit110.lzh  /graph/sinus        42 Bobs Editor v1.10 Sinus Bobs Editor
bastxmap.lzh  /graph/texture       3 Text file explaining texture mapping
tut4new .zip  /graph/tutor        20 PAS/CPP Denthor/Snowman demo tutorial 4
tut5new .zip  /graph/tutor        26 PAS/CPP Denthor/Snowman demo tutorial 5
vesasp12.zip  /graph/vesa         16 VESA BIOS Extension v1.2 specs
vblitz13.zip  /graph/vidcard     184 Video card timer measuring raw DOS perf.
ems4spec.arj  /memory             68 Expanded Memory specification. 1987
xms2spec.arj  /memory              9 Extended Memory specification. 1988
bwsb102 .zip  /sound             525 PAS/BAS Add digital music to games/demos
demovt15.zip  /sound             228 ASM/PAS/C/C++ DemoVT (SB/GUS) by Iguana
dsikdemo.zip  /sound              52 PAS/C Digital Sound Interface (SB/GUS)
fmed    .zip  /sound             145 FMED1.0 OPL3 FM Sound Editor (registers)
gusdk221.zip  /sound            1423 Gravis Ultrasound SDK v2.21
mdss031a.zip  /sound             239 ASM/C/PAS MIDAS Sound System v0.31
oplid   .zip  /sound              31 C++ Detects OPL2/3/4 chips under OS/2
soundss2.zip  /sound             122 ASM Sound System Source GUS/SB drivers
bin2arr .zip  /utils              23 C/ASM Binary to Array by Eminent Doom
dfmake  .zip  /utils              33 Nice utility to combine many data files
dtu123  .arj  /utils              24 A TSR pop-up programmer's helper
intro30 .lzh  /utils             761 Intro Maker v.30 (no source code)

| --ART--- |     (all locations start with /pub/msdos/demos/graphics...)

<The Party 1994 Graphics Compo>

brekfast.lha  /TP94               77 The Breakfast picture by Reward/Complex
cougar  .lha  /TP94               58 Face of Nature by COUGAR/SANiTY
devil   .lha  /TP94               75 Daddy Dearest - DEViLSTAR/ViRTUAL DREAMS
fiver   .lha  /TP94              100 Fish Food by FiVER/TRSI
neuron  .lha  /TP94               55 Divergence by NEURON
noogman .lha  /TP94               59 Levelling the land by NOOGMAN/COMPLEX
peachy  .lha  /TP94              171 Schneider by PEACHY/MASQUE *winner*
pixie   .lha  /TP94               70 Why? by PiXiE/POLKA BROTHERS
pris    .lha  /TP94              104 Fire Emblem by PRIS/EDGE
shaman  .lha  /TP94              232 NO.18 Dragnet by SHAMAN/DRAGNET
slaine  .lha  /TP94               32 Tete Final by SLAiNE/iVORY

<Normal Uploads>

a93-pics.lzh  /ASM93             366 Some pictures competiting in ASM93
msqpp1  .arj  /pictures         1456 MASQUE presents Pleasure'n Pain 1/2
msqpp2  .arj  /pictures          554 MASQUE presents Pleasure'n Pain 2/2
ppfix   .zip  /pictures           40 Fixfile for Pleasure'n Pain
3dedb09 .lzh  /utils             133 Edit 3D polygons
crop    .lzh  /utils              35 Crops PCX pictures on the screen (mouse)
dpx     .zip  /utils              11 DP/X Patch - Run Deluxe Paint IIe modex
gr_demo .lzh  /utils              46 Utility for editing graphics in SVGA
icspred1.zip  /utils              47 Sprite Editor 32x32x256 (output PAS,C)
spriv102.zip  /utils/spriter      22 Spriter v1.02 Draw Sprites Fonts, Icons

| --MISC-- |     (all locations start with /pub/msdos/demos...)
lha213  .exe  /arcers             43 LHA v2.13
insom-1 .zip  /diskmags          232 Insomnia Issue #1
p-ctrst1.zip  /diskmags         1304 Contaast diskmag by Purple Part 1/2
p-ctrst2.zip  /diskmags          475 Contaast diskmag by Purple Part 2/2
rf_1    .zip  /diskmags           66 Reality Failure Issue #1
tfa-mag6.zip  /diskmags          499 New World Order Issue #6
tlk-001 .zip  /diskmags           13 The Lamer Kronickles Issue 001
uflg#10 .zip  /diskmags           60 UserFlag Issue #10
uflg#11 .zip  /diskmags           95 UserFlag Issue #11
x2_purge.zip  /diskmags         1443 X-periment ][
demosirc.zip  /irc                31 How to talk to people on IRC
bloodapp.zip  /nets               10 BlooDNet Application
cor1294 .zip  /nets               15 CORRUPT NET - Official Net-Evolution Mag
nad004  .zip  /nets                6 NADnet - North America's Demo Net
esc-pcb .zip  /news               82 Put the Escape CD online PCBoard BBS
core-v10.zip  /news/CORE          41 CORE - the HORNET produced demo database

NOTE: The actual base directories (like /pub/msdos/demos) may differ from
      mirror to mirror.

           Oo      oO
           O O    o o              o        o
           o  o  O  O
           O   Oo   O
           O        o O   o  .oOo  O  .oOo  O  .oOoO' 'OoOo. .oOo
           o        O o   O  `Ooo. o  O     o  O   o   o   O `Ooo.
           o        O O   o      O O  o     O  o   O   O   o     O
           O        o `OoO'o `OoO' o' `OoO' o' `OoO'o  o   O `OoO'

                  .O     o
                  o         .oOo. `OoOo. 'OoOo. .oOo. `OoOo.
                  O         O   o  o      o   O OooO'  o
                  `o     .o o   O  O      O   o O      O
(Section 7)        `OoooO'  `OoO'  o      o   O `OoO'  o

Music Corner by Ryan Cramer [Iguana/Renaissance]  email: rcramer1@osf1.gmu.edu
 Greetings. This week's articles include a look at The Party '94, and the
 current releases from that party. We also have a GREAT article by
 ShadowHunter describing the process of synthesizing samples with code (many
 examples in C are included). This is a very exciting concept for the music
 scene since it means samples could be free of background noise (since they
 are not sampled) and an enormous amount of space could be saved since these
 samples are created from algorhythyms. We also have a look at the history
 of the demoscene and how the charts have changed over the years based on
 Imphobia Magazine's charts. Hope you enjoy this issue!

  _______         __     __                ________    [music article 1 of 1]
 |   |   |.---.-.|  |--.|__|.-----.-----. |  |  |  |.---.-.--.--.-----.-----.
 |       ||  _  ||    < |  ||     |  _  | |  |  |  ||  _  |  |  |  -__|__ --|
 |__|_|__||___._||__|__||__||__|__|___  | |________||___._|\___/|_____|_____|

                  Making Waves by ShadowHunter [HaRDCoDE][JCL]
 Ryan asked me on IRC if I could write an article for the magazine and I
 leapt at the opportunity.  Some of you might remember me from the article
 I wrote a long time ago for Necros' magazine, and this article overlaps a
 little with that one; unlike the other article, this one basically assumes
 that you know a little about sound, namely what a sine wave is.  If you do
 not know what a sine wave is, get a geometry or calculus textbook; they
 should both cover that in great detail.  Now, we begin...

 Why make them?
 Most people in the demo scene make computer
 music with digitized instruments.  These are often "ripped" from other
 MODs out there or just sampled.  Now, that may yield a great sound, but if
 you want the sound of a realistic string section from an orchestra, you
 have very few options:

 1) Get thousands of MODs, hoping each MOD will be the one with that
    perfect sample.
 2) Go sample from a keyboard or other MIDI gear.
 3) Search CD's for the exact sound you want.
 4) Hire an orchestra.
 5) Make the sample yourself.
 6) Settle for lesser quality samples and hope people don't notice.

 Several of these solutions have problems, namely 1 (the time involved), 3
 and 4 (unless you are wealthy, these are not really possible), and 6 (a
 lot of people will always notice).  Additionally, even if you do have midi
 gear, you will often lose several bits of accuracy in the process of
 sampling off of a keyboard, and lose even more in the conversion from
 16->8.  This leaves us with making the sample ourselves, which is
 relatively difficult to learn, but once you get the basics, it's both fun
 and interesting.

 As I said earlier, the first thing you need to know about
 making samples is a sine wave.  The sine wave is the natural form of
 audio; sine waves of air compression and expansion can be heard by using a
 tuning fork.  After you are armed with this information, you need to know
 what sampling rate you will be using on the computer so that you can make
 a file with the right pitch and the right length.  Here, in pseudocode, is
 the formula for generating a sine wave of a given length at a given pitch
 with a given amplitude.

 [Begin code ----------------------------------------------------------------]

   sampling_rate (in samples/second)
   frequency     (in cycles/second, or hertz)
   length_note   (in seconds)
   amplitude     (for a signed sample of x bits, (2^(x-1))-1)

 for (t=0; t<(sampling_rate*length_note); t++)

 [End code ------------------------------------------------------------------]

 After you code that in your favorite language, you are left with an array
 called 'byte' that may be written to a file, post-processed, or whatever.
 If you manage to play it back, it sounds like a tuning fork, and even more
 so if you set the frequency to one in the musical scale, middle C being

 In reality, however, things are not so simple as a single sine wave.  It
 often takes thousands of waves just to get the perfect sound.  Here's a
 little history behind that:

 A famous French mathematician, Baron Jean-Baptiste-Joseph Fourier, was
 originally part of Napoleon's expedition to Egypt in 1798 [Source:
 Scientific American, June 1989].  Upon his return to France in 1802,
 Fourier became the prefect of the Isere department, and in the next few
 months, he derived an equation regarding heat conduction in solids and by
 1807 he invented what is now called the Fourier Transform.

 How does this relate to sample-making?  Fourier theory states (if you
 twist it around enough) that any signal (including sound) can be made by a
 summation of sine waves; in other words, you can take the Fourier
 transform of any sound and get the frequencies that make up that sound in
 terms of the sample rate and block size.  Therefore, once you have taken
 the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), you can reconstruct the original signal
 by taking its Inverse Fast Fourier Transform (IFFT).  If you know the
 frequency makeup of the sound you want, you can approximate it with a lot
 of sine waves.

 [NOTE: FFT/IFFT code is available in the PAS archives as a file called
 FREQ3.ARJ, and it's a great starting point with blindingly fast C code, at
 least on my Pentium. :)]

 Theory, however, does not make the sample-making any easier.  Most real
 sounds have an attack portion, a sustain portion, and a decay portion.
 This means that to accurately synthesize an instrument, you have to get
 good, CONSISTENT results from all three parts of the sound in order to
 determine what happens.  This seldom works right for me, because I only
 have, say, one good sample to work with.  What do I do?  I guess.  If you
 listen to a sound, and hear a distinctive ringing in the high frequencies,
 you can assume that there are several high frequencies causing it.  There
 are a few nice books out there with tables of harmonics (multiples of the
 fundamental frequency) for instruments like clarinets, saxophones, and
 other instruments.  The biggest problem is getting the attack right.  I'll
 go into the attack amplitude a little later, but for now, let me describe
 the frequencies that you will want.

 Say you have a sampling rate of 22kHz.  This means that the maximum wave
 that can be generated can only be 11kHz [Nyquist theorem] and should not
 go over that.  Once you know the fundamental frequency, all you need to
 determine the fundamentals is a little math.  Say you have a fundamental
 of one octave below middle C.  Watch:

 [Begin code ----------------------------------------------------------------]

 num_notes_from_c = -12
 fundamental = 261.625*2^(num_notes_from_c/12)
 harmonic[x] = fundamental * x

 [End code ------------------------------------------------------------------]

 All you have to do at this point is figure out what values of positive
 integers x in the range from 1 to infinity will yield a number smaller
 than the sampling rate/2.  Often, the upper ranges just add noise to the
 sample and you can safely only use the first 32 or so.  We do not need the
 fundamental after this step, but note that if we are superimposing many
 frequency groups as in a section of violins, we will have to slightly
 alter the fundamental between frequency groups to make it sound real
 (think of the tuning of a section of violins; none ever have exactly the
 same pitch).  It's this slight randomness that makes my samples sound real
 and not computerized.

 Back to attacks.  What I have found, and I am not sure if this is true or
 not, is that as long as there is a quick attack, you can use a formula
 like this:

 [Begin code ----------------------------------------------------------------]

 while (current_byte<=end_of_attack_byte)
   amplitude = (1-(current_byte/end_of_attack_byte))^.5

 [End code ------------------------------------------------------------------]

 This gives you a nice smooth attack, which often is enough to make the
 instrument sound real.  Try values ranging from .25 to 2 in place of the
 .5; it all depends on the instrument you want and if you are really
 ambitious you can try a different equation for each wave.  This will lead
 to huge amounts of time to generate 1 second of audio, and I'm not sure if
 it will be worth it to you.  See my source code later on for a

 As far as decay goes, I run most samples through some post-processing
 program.  If you have not yet tried CoolEdit for Windows, you might find
 that it will do what you want [NOTE: It doesn't work with 8 bit samples on
 my setup, so if the author of that program is reading this, contact me!].
 It's relatively easy to use and very powerful.  I normally just get some
 equation for the sample's decay as a whole and run that over the sample
 after the attack and sustain parts are done.  Now that Fast Tracker 2 is
 out [my favorite, BTW], you can just do the decay for the sample there and
 remember to enter keyoff notes to start the decay in your song.

 Advanced things to do would be:

 Modify the frequencies as you go along, with some equation. Use several
 sets of close fundamentals to gain realism. Send me money if you like this
 article. :)

 Where's the Beef?
 I promised some code, and here it is.  This generates a 16 bit sample of a
 string section of an orchestra, and I have been very happy with it.  It
 uses just about everything I have talked about above, and it's coded
 poorly (a lot of things thrown together) and commented poorly so you can
 figure it out and learn from it. :)

 [Begin code ----------------------------------------------------------------]
 ** STRINGS.C - 16bit string sample maker
 ** Copyright 1995 by Jonathan Pollack
 ** (and all that other legal stuff)
 ** I like type casting when it's not needed, look at my code! :)

 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <dos.h>
 #include <math.h>
 #include <values.h>
 #undef lowpass

 extern unsigned _stklen = 16384L;

 #define pi2 (2 * M_PI) // 2*pi, for quick calculation
 #define num 32 // number of waves per frequency group
 #define numtimes 16 // number of frequency groups
 #define nnt (num * numtimes) // total number of waves
 #define sr 16728 // sampling rate
 #define exprecalc (exp((jpow(num,.5) / jpow(16,.5)))) // constant used to
                                                       // make sure waves do
                                                       // not get <-1 or >1

 long double jpow(long double, long double);
 long double RND(void);

 void main(void)

   FILE *out;

   long double f[nnt], f2[nnt], amp[nnt];
   long double maxamp, rr, fb, pct, u;
   int n, e, t;
   long int a=0, b=0, c=0;
   #ifdef lowpass
     long int ob=0;
   char btype = 16; // number of bits to output, either 8 or 16

   if ((out=fopen("strings.smp", "w+b"))==NULL)
     printf("\nCannot open output file!\n");

   fb = 261.625 / 2; // fundamental frequency

   n = 0;
   for (e=0; e<numtimes; e++)
     if (RND()>.5) // randomness
       rr = (RND() * 1.25);
       rr = -(RND() * 1.25);
     for (t=1; t<(num+1); t++)
       f2[n] = RND() * pi2 * 100;
       f[n] = (pi2 * (fb + rr) * t) / sr;
       n++; // keep on incrementing the current wave so we don't erase
            // one we just did

   for (a=0; (a < (sr * 4L)); a++)
     if (a < 2001) // adjust a lot until after the attack is over, then it
                   // gets boring
       pct = jpow(((long double)a / 2000), .5);
       n = 0;
       maxamp = 0;
       for(e=0; e<numtimes; e++)
     for(t=0; t<num; t++)
       amp[n] = 128 / jpow(((((2000 - (long double)a) / 2000) * -.2) +
       (long double)1.25), t);
       maxamp += fabsl(amp[n]) / exprecalc;

     u = 0;
     for (t=0; t<nnt; t++)
       f2[t] += f[t];

       while (f2[t]>=pi2)
     f2[t] -= ((int)(f2[t] / pi2)) * pi2; // just to make sure f2 doesn't
                                          // overflow

       u += (sinl(f2[t]) * amp[t] * pct);

     if (btype==8)
       char cc=0;

       b = (u * 127) / maxamp;
       #ifdef lowpass
     c = (b + ob) / 2;
     ob = b;
     c = b;
       if (c>127)
     c = 127;
     if (c<-128)
     c = -128;

       fwrite(&cc, sizeof(char), 1, out);
       int cc=0;

       b = (u * 32767) / maxamp;
       #ifdef lowpass
     c = (b + ob) / 2;
     ob = b;
     c = b;
       if (c>32767)
     c = 32767;
     if (c<-32768)
     c = -32768;

       fwrite(&cc, sizeof(int), 1, out);


 // Get the base raised to the exponent
 long double jpow(long double base, long double expon)
 return((long double)(powl(base, expon)));

 // Return a random number from 0 to 1, 1 excluded:
 long double RND()
 return((long double)(random(MAXINT))/MAXINT);
 [End code ------------------------------------------------------------------]

 Sorry if that code isn't to your liking, but I have no formal C training,
 so that is all that I can offer now.  I take C++ next semester, so then I
 will be able to make that modular.  I hope that you all enjoyed, or at
 least learned something from this article.  Please send me any feedback to
 the address below:

 Jonathan Pollack

 Good luck and Happy New Year!

                   .oOOOo.             o
                  .O     o            O
                  o                   o
                  o                   o
                  o         .oOo. .oOoO  .oOo. `OoOo. .oOo
                  O         O   o o   O  OooO'  o     `Ooo.
                  `o     .o o   O O   o  O      O         O
                   `OoooO'  `OoO' `OoO'o `OoO'  o     `OoO'

                  .O     o
                  o         .oOo. `OoOo. 'OoOo. .oOo. `OoOo
                  O         O   o  o      o   O OooO'  o
                  `o     .o o   O  O      O   o O      O
(Section 8)        `OoooO'  `OoO'  o      o   O `OoO'  o
              (Using Assembly Part ][ (followup) by Jason Nunn)
 I hope you all had a merry Christmas. This article is just a follow up
 article of last issue. I won't usually produce two consecutive articles as
 I'm usually recovering from the last. On reading my article about Assembly
 optimisation, a got a reply from a fellow by the name of Tom Verbeure. Prior
 to my tests, he performed his own tests on his 486DX. To cut along story
 short, his tests verified mine. I could explain here what he said, but I
 couldn't have explained it better :). He has also pointed out a few things
 that I didn't explain too well and perhaps over looked as well. So, here is
 a copy in the letter that he sent me in full below

  Hello Jason,

  A few months ago, I have also done some intensive cycles timing on my
  ancient 486-33, both in real mode and protected mode. I used the Zen-timer
  of Michael Abrash to measured the time in microseconds. This way, I was
  able to compute the number of cycles. Most of my conclusions are the same
  as yours, there are a few differences though:

  * LEA : I don't have my results right here, but I can't remember that this
  instruction is slower for EAX than ECX. I did follow a thread on
  comp...demos. It was said there that it could be a bug of TASM. I timed my
  instructions using inline-assembly with the most excellent Wactom C
  compiler. Perhaps you could try LEA for EAX without any relative operators
  (LEA EAX,[EAX]) this should be as fast as with ECX.

 JN> According to my last results with the Effective Loader (LEA
 instruction), operations with non register addresses were the same. Only
 when I used indexed addresses did I notice any difference. To put it into
 more simpler terms, instructions like the following had no speed detectable
 speed difference:

  LEA EAX,[HELLO]   <---same speed--->  LEA ECX,[HELLO]

  Where is, when the following was performed, a speed difference detected.

  LEA EDX,[EAX*4]   <-speed difference ->    LEA EDX,[ECX*4]

  At this stage, we can say that using EAX as an address seems to cause this
  difference. As stated in the main article, this requires further
  investigation. I've asked Tom to perform the same tests using my tester.
  The results should be interesting to say the least. I should have
  conclusive result on this effective loader instruction by next issue.

  * AX/EAX: Your timings and conclusions are correct for protected mode, NOT
  for real mode. The 386 and up has 16 bit and 32 bit selectors. It's just a
  flag in one of its selector registers (don't as which). 16bits and 32bits
  instructions are EXACTLY the same. When you are in a 16bit selector
  (~segment), the default is 16bits. To use 32bits in a 16bit selector, you
  have to add a prefix byte. It takes one cycle to process this byte. The
  inverse holds for 32bits selectors: a prefix is needed for 16bits
  instructions.  As your timings were all done in 32bits selectors, simple
  one-cycle instructions like mov are twice as slow! The results is less
  dramatic on complex instructions, but as they can almost always be
  replaced with a bunch of simple instructions, your rule is correct: don't
  use 16bits in protected mode. This also explains why you have to add USE32
  in segment-declarations. TASM needs this information to know whether it
  needs to add a prefix or not.

 JN> People which are unfamiliar with P-mode terminology may be confused
 with the "computer jargon" that Tom is using. Just to clarify what has been
 said; on the 386/486, we can do 16 processing and 32 bit processing. Now,
 the instructions (or rather the opcodes) that do 16 bit processing are
 exactly the same as the opcodes that do 32 bit processing. When operating
 in Real mode, 16 bit operations are assumed. When operating in Protected
 mode, 32 bit operations are assumed. if you want to do 32 bit operations in
 Real mode, or 16 bit operations in Protected mode, the instruction packages
 are larger due to these so called "prefixes" overriding the instruction
 defaults, and hence take more time to be prefetched and decode. The result
 is an over all slower instruction (Thanks Tom for pointing that out :). For
 further reading on this, please refer to the P52, "Operand size and
 address-size instruction prefixes" in the TASM Quick Reference manual. For
 all those people that might ask, 8 bit operations are opcodes in their own
 right, so are unaffected by the above.

  * You're right about register clearing. Keep in mind that XOR sets several
  status bits, while MOV doesn't. In rare cases, lots of direct MOVs might
  empty the prefetch buffer and slow things down. It's also takes 4 extra

 JN> I totally agree, but It's very hard to say what happens at a micro
 level. My tests couldn't detect any difference.

  * It may be interesting to add the performance of the instruction:
  according to the Intel 486 Reference Guide, this one costs about 16 cycles
  in the most optimistic case. Testing with an old ISA Tseng VGA card,
  showed times of about 96 cycles!!!

  * Things get even more confusing on my Pentium-90: because of the dual-
  pipelining, lots of instruction sequences take up only 0.5 cycles per
  instruction! How about timing that?! Only one general rule remains on this
  processor: only test your application code, don't test individuals

 JN> Yes, this is the only logical way of optimising this. This is very easy
 to do. Demo code tends to be written in a signal entry/exit concurrent
 manner, Therefore, testing individual chunks of code seems very viable.
 Although, a set of general "guidelines" never goes astray :).

  *FPMUL is a lot faster on MUL ==> Kiss all those lovely Fixed Point tricks
  goodbye when focussing on this one.

  I'm going to test the Pentium in depth during upcoming holidays. If
  possible, I'll pass the results to you. As I'm leaving this firm in 5
  days, I'm not sure if I will be able to get to InterNet... (If you want to
  reply, please do it before friday).

  Tom Verbeure <tvb@lms.be>/marathon.lms.be/lms.eunet.be/[] $

 In the next issue, I'll be continuing a this topic further. There are a few
 instructions that were missed. I'll also start gearing up for the next
 topic in this series: "Programming Techniques". Here we'll talk about how
 to implement sine wave generators and random number generations, log tables
 etc. Pretty simple stuff for some, but for some of you, it may be new

 See ya

 :Jason Nunn
 Super Real Darwin

                    o  O                o
                   O    o           O              O
                  oOooOoOo         oOo            oOo
                  o      O `OoOo.   o   O  .oOo    o   .oOo
                  O      o  o       O   o  `Ooo.   O   `Ooo.
                  o      O  O       o   O      O   o       O
                  O.     O  o       `oO o' `OoO'   `oO `OoO'

                  .O     o
                  o         .oOo. `OoOo. 'OoOo. .oOo. `OoOo.
                  O         O   o  o      o   O OooO'  o
                  `o     .o o   O  O      O   o O      O
(Section 9)        `OoooO'  `OoO'  o      o   O `OoO'  o
 Stony, our regular Artists Corner writer, was attending The Party 1994 this
 week.  For the next issue of this newsletter, he will be contributing lots
 of good information on this party.  Stay tuned!

                                Oo         o
                               o  O       O
                              O    o      o
                             oOooOoOo     o
                             o      O .oOoO  .oOo
                             O      o o   O  `Ooo.
                             o      O O   o      O
(Section 10)                 O.     O `OoO'o `OoO'
[Advertisement 1 of 2]

      __ \       |           __|                      |  _)
      |   | _` |  _| _` |   (    _ \   \    \  -_) _|  _| | _ \   \
     ____/\__,_|\__\__,_|  \___\___/_| _|_| _\___\__|\__|_\___/_| _|
     Node 1: (703) 506-8598 - 16.8k HST DS v.32bis
     Node 2: (703) 847-0861 - 28.8k HST DS v.34
     Sysop: Ryan Cramer [Iguana/Renaissance]
     Located in McLean, Virginia, USA
     Online since 1990

[Advertisement 2 of 2]

:                                                                          :
:                           COOL DUDES MAKE DEMOS                          :
:                                                                          :
:                          COOLER DUDES MAKE MONEY                         :
:                                                                          :

PROGRESSIVE MEDIA is a young softwarehouse operating from Denmark.
We will produce and market innovative games for IBM PC compatibles, and we
intend to set a new standard for PC action games.

In constrast to a lot of todays softwarehouses, we are convinced that
game buyers actually want games that are great to play, rather than great to
look at. We do not believe in hours of rendered introsequences, millions of
texture-mapped Gouraud-shaded Pentium-requirering polygons, or "interactive
movies" with real digitized actors.

What we do believe in, is top quality games. With real action and gameplay!

Because we have several game ideas and projects cooking, we need more
freelance programmers, graphic artists, musicians, animators and game
designers working with us.
If you are ambitious and believe in gameplay, we can offer you extremely
interesting jobs and a very fair share of the sale. Our games will be
marketed in a number of countries, and our alternative ways of profiling
ourselves will draw a lot of attention to our products.

Also people or groups with game-projects of their own are encouraged to
contact us.

We have been part of the demoscene ourselves, and we know this is where the
talent is. Unfortunately, very few people from the demoscene manage to turn
their hobby into a living - great games are much harder to write than great
demos. But if you really are cooler, you could have a bright future
developing games.

Drop us a line and tell us about yourself.
Then we'll tell you more about us.

:  Thomas Nielsen / PROGRESSIVE MEDIA                                      :
:                   Dalgaardsvej 27, Hallund, 9700 Broenderslev, Denmark   :
:                   Tel/fax : (+45) 98 83 51 77                            :
:                   Internet: Thomas_Nielsen@online.pol.dk                 :

   .oOOOo.               o           ooOoOOo                      (Section 11)
   o     o               O              O
   O     O               o              o
   oOooOO.               o              O
   o     `O .oOoO' .oOo  O  o           o    .oOo  .oOo  O   o  .oOo. .oOo
   O      o O   o  O     OoO            O    `Ooo. `Ooo. o   O  OooO' `Ooo.
   o     .O o   O  o     o  O           O        O     O O   o  O         O
   `OooOO'  `OoO'o `OoO' O   o       ooOOoOo `OoO' `OoO' `OoO'o `OoO' `OoO'
 After reading this issue of DemoNews, you may be wondering how you can get
 previous ones.  Well fear not!  There are two different ways to do so:

 1: FTP to hornet.eng.ufl.edu and go to /pub/msdos/demos/news/OLD_NEWS and
    start downloading anything you see.

 2: Now you can request back issues of DemoNews via e-mail.  Start a letter
    to listserver@oliver.sun.ac.za (any subject line) and in the body of the
    letter include "GET DEMUAN-LIST <INDEX>" where INDEX refers to the
    index number of the issue.

    For example:  GET DEMUAN-LIST 29

    This would retrieve DemoNews #70 (index number 29).

Issue  Index  Date      Size    Description
-----  -----  --------  ------  ----------------------------------------------
  70      29  11/13/94   45558  HORNET the New Team, Review of Epidemic Music
                                Disk, Review of Fast Tracker ][, Dynamic
                                Tracker Response.

  71      31  11/20/94   40430  Streamlining HORNET, NAID, Interview with
                                Basehead, More on Fast Tracker ][, Denthor's
                                First Article.

  72      32  11/27/94   63343  Goodbye Michelle, Interview with Skaven/FC,
                                Review of Extreme's Tracker, Asphyxia Lives,
                                Stony's First Article.

  73   35,36  12/04/94   78819  History of HORNET, Editorial: Demo Dreams,
                                Interview with Necros, Lemmings + Psycho
                                Neurosis, Review of PMODE/W, Using Assembly
                                Part 1.

  74   37,38  12/11/94   77833  Interview with Vic/AcmE, Editorial: A Defence
                                of Demoscene, The Making of NAID / Apraxia,
                                Interview with C.C.Catch, Review of Scream
                                Tracker 3.2, Review of Autodesk Animator Pro.

  75   41,42  12/18/94   68009  A DemoNews Reader, The Birth of Commercial
                                Life, Editorial: Calm Before the Storm,
                                Interview with Mello-D, US Demo Scene
                                (Renaissance meeting), Jelly Tots and Pizza
                                Shops, Review of Wired '94 Graphics.

  76   43,44  12/25/94   92589  Interview with EMF, DemoNews Readers Write,
                                Kimga's Life Story, X-Mas in the Demo Scene,
                                CORE, Demo & Music Database, Interview with
                                Purple Motion/Future Crew, Interview with
                                Krystall/Astek, Common Sence ][ by Perisoft,
                                Its X-Mas in Africa, Interview with Maxwood
                                of Majic 12, Assembly Part ][, Common Sence
                                Response by Stony.

    For more recent issues that are split into multiple parts, you must send
    an individual ruquest for each index number.

(Section 12)       .oOOOo.   o
                  .O     o  O              o
                  o         o
                  o         O
                  o         o  .oOo. .oOo  O  'OoOo. .oOoO
                  O         O  O   o `Ooo. o   o   O o   O
                  `o     .o o  o   O     O O   O   o O   o
                   `OoooO'  Oo `OoO' `OoO' o'  o   O `OoOo
          .oOOOo.                                     OoO'
         .O     o
         o                                                O
         o                                               oOo
         o         .oOo. `oOOoOO. `oOOoOO. .oOo. 'OoOo.   o   .oOo
         O         O   o  O  o  o  O  o  o OooO'  o   O   O   `Ooo.
         `o     .o o   O  o  O  O  o  O  O O      O   o   o       O
          `OoooO'  `OoO'  O  o  o  O  o  o `OoO'  o   O   `oO `OoO'

 The quote from this week comes from Programmers at Work.  The following
 excerpt was extracted from one interview:

 "The characters in our alphabet actually started out as pictures.  They are
 a human-made object.  They did not come from nowhere and get fixed in
 stone.  They have changed and evolved over the centuries. It is important
 to realize that all notations, whether music, or language, or computer
 languages, are just made up.  They are symbols that can be changed.  There
 is a choice.  The ability to change notation empowers human beings."
                                                                  -Scott Kim

 See ya'll next week!

                        -Christopher G. Mann (Snowman)-
