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                 September 4, 1994 - ISSUE #60 - September 10, 1994
                _________  _______________ ___ ___  ______________
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                  Section 1..............Standard Information
                  Section 2...........................General
                  Section 3.............................Files
                  Section 4.............................Music
                  Section 5...........................Demo CD
                  Section 6....................Advertisements
                  Section 7..................Top 25 Downloads
                  Section 8..............................Misc
                  Section 9...........................Closing

((Section 1...Standard Info))
    DemoNews is a weekly publication dedicated to the demo scene.  It is
produced at the Internet FTP site ftp.eng.ufl.edu (aka WASP or HORNET).  
This newsletter focuses on all aspects of demos and demo-making  (including 
music, art, and coding).

There are currently three active demo-operators at this site:
     Dan Wright (Pallbearer) - dmw@eng.ufl.edu
     Christopher G. Mann (Snowman) - r3cgm@dax.cc.uakron.edu
     Mike - weis@elf.stuba.sk

    This site is mirrored by the following ftps:

If you would like to receive a new copy of Demo News every Sunday in your
mailbox write to dmw@eng.ufl.edu.  We delete all bounced mail from this
service, so if you SHOULD BE getting Demo News and ARE NOT, please re-request
this newsletter.

((Section 2...General))


We are doing what we can with what we have.  It probably won't get 
better but we will be mailing the SysAdmins till we have a solution.

   If you are one of these people please E-mail me with your correct
  E-mail address so this newsletter does not bounce.
 -crazyguy@lc.lindewood.edu, b.side@togdog.com, dalek@unix.infoserver.net

((Section 3...Files))
Filename.ext  Location               Description

| --DEMOS-- |    (all locations start with /pub/msdos/demos...)

OLDER DEMOS:  (found in the alpha/NEW/older_demos directory)
A few were uploaded this week.  Due to space I won't upload anymore
that I grab from mpoli or anywhere else...you will have to get
the CD if you want them.

amazonia.zip  /alpha/NEW      3D Graphics, texture mapping, 3D landscape.
bndemo1.zip   /alpha/NEW      Black Night demo 1.  Not much, not even music.
etherial.zip  /alpha/NEW      Twylite FX demo.  Better then the last one.
jifs.zip      /alpha/NEW      Jello's LameNESS loader.  (very lame too)
prev_o_s.arj  /alpha/NEW      Preview of upcoming demo. No music.

| --MUSIC-- |    (all locations start with /pub/msdos/demos/music...)
old_cyb .zip  /disks                 Old music by Cybelius/Sonic
rr_ch#1 .arj  /disks                 Radical Rythums Chapter 1
rr_ch2-1.zip  /disks                 Radical Rythums Chapter 2 (1/2)
rr_ch2-2.zip  /disks                          "                (2/2)
smegpol1.zip  /disks                 Collection of music by The Smeghead (1/2)
smegpol2.zip  /disks                                  "                  (2/2)
soundss2.zip  /programs/code         Sound System Source Release 2 (8086ASM)
sbpmix  .arj  /programs/mixers       SBP pop-up menus MIXER by Idan Lupinsky
morgl101.zip  /programs/players      DSMI based mod player. (lots of stuff)
rmp120  .zip  /programs/players      Ren Music Player v1.20
dirtball.zip  /songs/mod             DirtBalls by Shock Wave
ghost   .zip  /songs/mod             Ghost by Shock Wave
another1.zip  /songs/s3m             another nifty tune by Smeghead
equal   .zip  /songs/s3m             Equal Energy by Dynamis
lstory  .zip  /songs/s3m             It's a Long Story by The Charlatan

2ndw_klf.zip   acidrop .zip   balrog  .arj   blin_klf.zip   differen.zip
faze@klf.zip   inferno .lzh   klfcougr.zip   klf!brnd.zip   klf!mic3.zip
klf!soar.zip   metalr  .zip   minm_klf.zip   orchidrk.zip   rmp117b .zip
serenity.zip   vibes   .arj   vibes   .a01

die_md#1.zip   funky   .arj   vertigo .zip

boom!   .zip   element .zip   hell1   .zip   hell2   .zip   neuro   .lzh
timebomb.lzh   timewarp.zip   world   .zip

cloud   .zip   darkdays.zip   freestyl.zip   fruit   .zip   hxappeal.zip

cd2-mods.lzh   cd_axelf.zip   cd_orbit.zip   cd_softb.zip   cd_star .zip
drknss3m.zip   fishs3m .zip

                  ---MUSIC CONTEST ][ ENTRIES---

  Entry     Song Name               Author
  --------  ----------------------  ----------------------
  r-cumb    Prince of Cumberland    Handleless (Eric Pyle)
  r-eterna  Eternal Dream           Neuron
  r-funkin  Funkin' Groovin!        VLad DRacl
  r-ide     Mayday                  Red Jack
  r-izafnk  Iza Man Druged on Funk  Iza Man
  r-mdicrm  Medicrom                Bedlamite
  r-redstm  Red Storm Rising        Hadji
  r-renstp  Ren and Stimpy RaveMix  Woody
  r-revive  Revival                 Rafael Lucero
  r-sin     Undead Sinphony         Wraith Lord
  r-spaceo  Space Odyssey           Solaris
  r-tos     The Other Side          Beaner
  r-tsabov  The Stars Above         Griffin
  v-1wrld   One World               Stalker
  v-cail    Caillean                Lord Blanka the Black
 *v-dawn2   Dawn                    Warren Tse
  v-esm     Eppur Si Muove          Petri Lammi
  v-fusion  Fusion Harmony          Donovan Seidle
  v-lagoon  The Blue Lagoon         Quarex
  v-lost    Lost In My Fantasy      MR2
  v-mwinds  Mindwinds               The REW
  v-qstpwr  Quest for Power         Ng Pei Sin
  v-refuse  Refusing 2 Stop...      Lloyd Yoon

  j-nick    CURRENTLY INVALID (incorrectly named - please fix)
  j-noman   CURRENTLY INVALID (incorrectly named - please fix)
  v-fharm   CORRUPT (please reupload)
  v-ha      CORRUPT (please reupload)
  v-overld  CURRENTLY INVALID (too big - please fix)


| --ART/ANSI-- | (all locations start with /pub/msdos/demos/...)

We have an ANSI maintainer--cavalier@shadow.net  From here on out he
will take care of this section.

| --CODE-- |     (all locations start with /pub/msdos/demos/programming...)
isad2src.zip  /source                Immortal Syndicate BBS TASM source
ll_comm .zip  /source                32-bit serial port code (Watcom C/C+)
ll_kbd  .zip  /source                32-bit keyboard I/O routines (Wat C/C++)

| --MISC-- |     (all locations start with /pub/msdos/demos/...)
ddsite.zip       DELETED            Any groups looking for a dist site?
pcx2raw1.zip     groups/immortal    PCX to RAW converter from immortal synd. 
phoenix.irc      DELETED            All "irc" data files/stuff deleted.
rar1_52.exe      DELETED            Russian compressor.

((Section 4...Music Articles - MC][))
        Once again this week, I had to delete tons of files (including music
disks).  This trend will continue until we get more space, or our new 'helper'
get around to clearing out the ANSI section (which is eating up way too much
        More of the /artists directories can be expected to be deleted unless
more space frees up soon.
        I am now handling all of the /incoming/code and /programming files.
If you have any questions, please write to me.

Music contest ][
        Only a few days left!  The contest ends this Monday, so get your entry
in by then.  I now have the pseudocode down for the MC2VOTE.EXE program.  It's
quite a difficult thing to do when you figure (approximately):
        80 songs
       * 3 judges voting on each one
       * 5 characteristics for each song:
                each characteristic has different strengths (i.e. Form might
                be 25%, and Samples might be %20)

Also, there are three different strengths for judges!

All in all, this will be a very complex program, and I hope I'm up to the
skills necessary.

Thank you to everyone who entered.  A list will be posted probably on the 7th
or 8th of this month of all known MC][ entries.  If you aren't on this list,
and you entered, GET BACK TO ME ASAP!  I would hate to have a song you worked
on not voted on because of a simple slip up on my part.

Lately, many of you have been making my life very difficult with corrupted
uploads, incorrectly named uploads, or invalid entries.  I will do what I can
to help but my time is limited so your being careful is paramount now.     

Assembly 94 music
        Sorry folks.  Because of space restrictions, I am going to have to
delete all Assembly 94 tunes that didn't make it to the top 10.  I'm not even
going to get a chance to listen to them all unfortunately.  Songs with an '*'
next to them mean we have them online.

  4 Channel Music Competition

 *1031 points,  Compulsion to Obey    by  Lizardking/Razor1911
  572 points,   Blue shoe Blues       by  Petrof/Absolute
  536 points,   Tappajakotka & pupu   by  Yolk/Parallax
  469 points,   Blue Progression      by  Buzzer/Zenon & Yzi/Fit
  468 points,   Alnite Groove         by  Dizzy/Cncd
 *449 points,   Vote4me               by  Leinad/Avalanche
  408 points,   Thunderball           by  Dime/Decnite
  365 points,   Sensitivity           by  Light
  358 points,   Berrycape.bu1         by  Nutcase/Balance
  333 points,   Happypaskamies        by  Moby/Sanity

  32 Channel Music Competition

 *840 points,   Walkaway               by  Stargazer/Sonic
  650 points,   Journey                by  Cube/Aggression
 *520 points,   Klaustrophobia         by  Lizardking/Triton
 *447 points,   When The Heavens Fall  by  Purple Motion/Future Crew
 *440 points,   Infinity               by  Khyron/Acid
 *429 points,   Empty Mind             by  Edge/EMF
 *429 points,   Lil'funk Machine       by  Vinyl/Mind Probe
 *305 points,   Artificial Inteligence by  Prism/EMF
  293 points,   Nobody Dreaming        by  Dune/Sonic PC
 *241 points,   Lovesong               by  Chanel5/Flatline

If you didn't make the top 10, I'm sorry to have to delete your song.
Remember, we will have to make cut-backs like this until the ANSI section is
cleaned up.

((Section 5...ESCAPE Demo/Music CD))

Check /pub/msdos/demos/incoming/democd for UPDATES and information.
(i.e. More information, cost, how to get the DEMO/MC][ CD)


Enter into MC][ and PLACE...then your tune will be granted one
track on the DEMO/MUSIC CD to be released THIS October.  We plan on
mastering our MUSIC with a DAT player--which rents for about $40-$90
a day in my area.  GUS to DAT mastering.  If you have a DAT and
want to help us out then contact Snowman or myself.


We could still use some ART.  You would not want to see my art on 
the CD....plus it would be in all ONE color.  If we get some cool
art then we use color, no cool art then we go single color (would
cut costs).  If you can draw and would like your art to be included
with "Escape" then get back to me--dmw@eng.ufl.edu.

((Section 6...Advertisements))
((Section 7...Top 25 Downloads))

Someday there will be something here.

((Section 8...Misc))

I plan on moving the ASM94 stuff from /incoming/asm94 to the proper                   
directories very soon.  GRAPHICS will be move to /graphics and the
INTROS\DEMOS will be relocated to the /alpha/NEW/asm94/demos  /intros
directories.  I am not sure what to do about the 4kintros...but I
will probably group them all together in one big file.

                   Assembly '94  -  The Third Phase
                         - Party Report #1 -
        (This was taken from comp.sys.ibm.pc.demos newsgroup and
        slightly edited.  There will be an ASM'94 CD released by
        Future Crew (?) sometime in the coming month--or so it 

        Here are the complete and ranked lists of all entries which made
        it to the big screen (the finals):

  PC Demo Competition

  901 points,  Verses               by  Electromotive Force
  726 points,  Holistic             by  Cascada VR-section
  413 points,  Heartquake           by  Iguana
  363 points,  Warp                 by  Legend Design
  233 points,  Images               by  Epical
  230 points,  The Real Thing       by  Capacala
  154 points,  Catch Up             by  Grif
  149 points,  Silence              by  Hysteria
  144 points,  Cosmic Brothers      by  Complex
  135 points,  2 cents              by  Mental Design
  128 points,  The Final Option     by  Phantom Design
  117 points,  Tempesta             by  Soft One Productions
  115 points,  Trekmo               by  Patrick Aalto
  96 points,   Uneatable            by  TC
  91 points,   Visions of Light     by  Valhalla
  74 points,   Fly                  by  Anjovis
  61 points,   Meltdown             by  SPA
  50 points,   Fairy Tale           by  Styx
  49 points,   Accident             by  Axidental
  24 points,   Dawn                 by  Tai
  11 points,   The Mo               by  Demons

  PC 64KB Intro Competition

  1075 points, AirFrame             by  Prime
  586 points,  Space Jam            by  Fascination
  426 points,  Fyvush               by  Jamm
  425 points,  Placebo              by  Complex
  284 points,  Psychic Flight       by  Spirit
  282 points,  The Magic Circle     by  TET
  277 points,  Peace & Honey        by  MindProbe
  275 points,  Passion              by  Doomsday Productions
  229 points,  Dash                 by  Paragon
  225 points,  4Kings               by  Orange

  PC 4KB Intro Competition

  810 points,  Stoned               by  Dust
  666 points,  Spam4kb              by  Tobial Gloth
  617 points,  Optimize             by  Feenix/Epical
  518 points,  Fractals             by  Schwarz
  469 points,  Move                 by  Chicken/SP!
  370 points,  Fractal Dreams       by  Wizard/Mental Design
  244 points,  '3940'               by
  239 points,  Virtuosys            by  Sb/Remal
  173 points,  JustdoIt             by  Megaduo/Grif
  137 points,  Happi Happi Joy Joy  by  P-nut/Darkzone
  79 points,   Plasmatic            by  Zden

  Graphics Competition
  Results will be published later.

  4 Channel Music Competition

  1031 points,  Compulsion to Obey    by  Lizardking/Razor1911
  572 points,   Blue shoe Blues       by  Petrof/Absolute
  536 points,   Tappajakotka & pupu   by  Yolk/Parallax
  469 points,   Blue Progression      by  Buzzer/Zenon & Yzi/Fit
  468 points,   Alnite Groove         by  Dizzy/Cncd
  449 points,   Vote4me               by  Leinad/Avalanche
  408 points,   Thunderball           by  Dime/Decnite
  365 points,   Sensitivity           by  Light
  358 points,   Berrycape.bu1         by  Nutcase/Balance
  333 points,   Happypaskamies        by  Moby/Sanity

  32 Channel Music Competition

  840 points,   Walkaway               by  Stargazer/Sonic
  650 points,   Journey                by  Cube/Aggression
  520 points,   Klaustrophobia         by  Lizardking/Triton
  447 points,   When The Heavens Fall  by  Purple Motion/Future Crew
  440 points,   Infinity               by  Khyron/Acid
  429 points,   Empty Mind             by  Edge/EMF
  429 points,   Lil'funk Machine       by  Vinyl/Mind Probe
  305 points,   Artificial Inteligence by  Prism/EMF
  293 points,   Nobody Dreaming        by  Dune/Sonic PC
  241 points,   Lovesong               by  Chanel5/Flatline

// Assembly '94 organizers
Jarkko "Jake" Heinonen   (jtheinon@cc.helsinki.fi)
Future Crew Internet PR

((Section 9...Closing))

Sometimes these newsletters seem to drag on and not say very much. 
