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1                                                             /
   DDDDD                              ZZZZZZ                //
   D    D  AAAA RRR  GGGG OOOO NN  N      Z  I NN  N EEEE  ||
   D     D A  A R  R G    O  O N N N     Z   I N N N E     || Volume 6
   D    D  AAAA RRR  G GG O  O N N N   Z     I N N N E     || Issue  4
 --   DargonZine Volume 6, Issue 4        12/07/93          Cir 1153   --
 --    Archives at etext.archive.umich.edu in pub/Zines/DargonZine     --
 --                            Contents                                --
  Vengeance is Mine ...        Max Khaytsus           Yule 10-23, 1014
1                         Vengeance is Mine...
                            by Max Khaytsus
                (b.c.k.a <khaytsus@alumni.cs.colorado.edu>)

      Having seen as  much as he had of Sharks'  Cove burned, pillaged,
 and  deserted, Rien  was surprised  to see  the Abyssment  standing in
 tact. He was even more amazed to  see a trickle of people going in and
 out of the bar, citizens of Sharks' Cove and Beinison troops alike. He
 watched the flow  of traffic for a while, then  calmly walked down the
 street and into the tavern.
      Inside, nothing had  changed since his last visit.  It was noisy,
 smoky and  very crowded. "Move along!"  a rough voice barked  and Rien
 hurried past  the bouncer at the  door, in a  hurry to get out  of the
      "Ale,"  he declared  at the  bar and  slapped some  coins on  the
 counter. The  bartender silently scooped  up the money and  and placed
 the filled mug on the bar.
      Rien picked it  up and, although not liking the  bitter flavor of
 alcohol, drank, observing the room. So far he had seen no trace of the
 Sharks' Cove militia,  but there were quite a few  of them here, mixed
 with the  Beinison soldiers and sailors,  drinking together, laughing.
 It was  no surprise the town  guard sold out. They  were always little
 more than a mercenary troop for hire.
      Off in the far  corner Rien noticed a familiar face  and a man he
 did not  know sitting with her.  Sitting down on a  stool, Rien looked
 away, hoping  the woman  had not seen  him. He wanted  to talk  to her
 alone, preferably in a place more private than this, but the table she
 sat at would  do just as well.  Rien glanced over his  shoulder at the
 man at the table. He was  well dressed, clearly not a laborer. Perhaps
 a  merchant or  an  aristocrat or  a  minor noble.  Not  likely to  be
 Baranurian at all.
      "Another ale," Rien told the  bartender. He was growing impatient
 from the need  to find out what  happened to Adrea and  the urgency in
 his voice clearly  betrayed his emotional state. He did  not know what
 to think  about her absence.  She could  have escaped or  perhaps been
 killed, but  she could  also be  a prisoner somewhere  or hurt  and in
 trouble. It was those last  two possibilities Rien worried about most.
 Those were the ones that she would  need help to escape and so long as
 he  did not  know what  had happened  to her,  he was  helpless to  do
      He secretly held the hope that she had escaped, although the more
 likely possibility was that Adrea had  been killed. He did not want to
 believe in  that second alternative. He  knew she was too  good to get
 into trouble like that. He hopped that  she had gotten out of the city
 in time.
      Without noticing it, Rien finished the second mug of ale and when
 he looked back to the corner table, the man was no longer there.
      "Give me two glasses of red  wine," Rien told the bartender. "The
 good wine, not what you water down. And in real glass."
      "Two Rounds," the man said.
      A bit on the  stiff side, probably due to the  low supply and war
 time inflation. Rien dug out the two  silver coins and put them on the
 counter before himself. The bartender came back empty handed, probably
 not expecting Rien to pay, but at the sight of the coins, scooped them
 up and left.
      Having finally received the two glasses, Rien made his way to the
 corner table and sat down without being asked.
      "So what does a good doctor go for in Sharks' Cove these days?"
      The woman looked at him. "Life's cheap. What about a mercenary?"
      Rien put  one of the  glasses in front  of her. "Life's  cheap on
 both sides of the war."
      She smiled, a touch of irony in her expression. "So which side of
 the war are you on, Rien the Mercenary?"
      "Does it  matter?" He  was still  trying to find  out if  she was
      "You'd be surprised. Revolutionaries, vigilantes, terrorists. You
 wouldn't want to get caught in the wrong part of town..."
      Rien took  a sip of  wine, watching  the people pass  through the
      "Which one are you?"
      "I'm sorry. Which am I?"
      "Vigilante? Revolutionary?"
      "In a place like this?"
      Rien let a smile slip.  "Sharks' Cove has everything. Slums, high
 society, exotic goods, Quirin,  a swamp, mountains...even the Beinison
 army. Where else in Baranur can you get all that?"
      "There's struggle and death here,"  Jenye said. "That's all there
 is in Sharks' Cove. That's all there ever was."
      Rien leaned back in his chair.  "I'm looking for a friend. I need
 your help."
      Jenye folded her  arms, studying him. "What makes  you think I'll
 help you?"
      "Old times."
      "We've had no old times! And Isom is still looking for you."
      "Does he know who I am?"
      "He knows you're a tall blond man who cost him thousands of Marks
 and that's enough to keep looking."
      "You didn't sell me out?" Rien was somewhat surprised.
      "Rien the  Mercenary? There  must be thousands  of you  out there
 right now!"
      "Of me?"
      "Not by  name, but  the battlefields are  littered with  men like
      Rien took another sip of wine. Was she serious or facetious? "And
 if I tell you my full name and where I'm from?"
      "I may think  you want me to visit." She  motioned a serving girl
 over and whispered something to her. Something about a room.
      "But will you  think I want Lord Isom to  visit?" Rien asked when
 Jenye turned back.
      She shook  her head. "I  have nothing to  gain by selling  you to
 him. I wouldn't've told  you how to find him in the  first place, if I
 liked the man."
      "What's your problem with him?" Rien asked.
      "I  don't..." Jenye  looked around,  casting a  particularly long
 glance at the Beinison soldiers two tables away. Her voice was quieter
 whens she  started speaking again.  "I don't  like the idea  of people
 being sold as cattle."
      Rien nodded. "I approve."
      "I know," Jenye looked away. "That's why I helped you last time."
      The serving  girl returned before  Jenye could answer  and handed
 her a key. "Eli said you can have it as long as you need."
     "Thank you."
      Rien watched the girl go, wanting  to ask what that was all about
 and waiting for the answer to the question he had already asked.
      "Come with me," Jenye stood up.
      Rien also got up, picking up  both wine glasses. He handed one to
 Jenye. "I brought this so I could get you drunk and more cooperative."
      She smiled. "Good try, but I don't drink."
      "You  don't? You  did when  I met  you last  Nober. It  certainly
 looked like wine."
      Jenye laughed. "Eli gives me water and I add coralline to make it
 red. I hate alcohol."
      "Sorry," Rien sighed and put his own glass back on the table.
      "Oh, don't leave it," Jenye said.  "Maybe I can get you drunk and
 cooperative. Come along."
      Rien picked  up the glass and  followed Jenye up the  stairs to a
 room at the  end of the corridor  where she unlocked the  door and let
 him go in first.
      "This used to be the best room at the inn, possibly the best room
 for rent  in town. The  furniture, the  view, the status.  There isn't
 much left now. Not much other than the furniture."
      Rien walked  over to the window  and looked out. A  burned street
 lay before  him, opening into a  destroyed market square. "I  see what
 you mean..."
      "That house over there, with the burned top floor, used to belong
 to the Captain  of the Town Guard. The fighting  was most severe here.
 The Guard tried to protect his residence, but the Benosian troops kept
 coming,  wave after  wave. I  was here  watching as  they stormed  the
 house, dragged him up to the roof, chained him there and set the whole
 place on fire." She shivered at her own words. "And just like that the
 whole city became theirs..."
      "Why did they let the Abyssment stand?"
      "Gaius isn't a  man without influence. He made  deals. I wouldn't
 be surprised if he bought the regiments controlling the city..." Jenye
 sat down on the edge of the bed. "...what's left of the city, anyway."
      "What  about Quirin?"  Rien asked,  looking at  the silver  spire
 raising above the  river, beyond the burned portion of  the city. "Did
 Gerald and Morgan make it out?"
      "Probably," Jenye  said. "God only  knows. Certainly no  one here
      Rien let a  smile slip. "Are you Stevene?"  he asked, recognizing
 the monotheistic reference.
      "Yeah. What about you?"
      "I'm a heretic," he said, trying to hide the smile.
      "Benosian? Olean?"
      "No, just a heretic."
      "You don't believe at all?"
      Rien tested  her with his  eyes. "I  believe in Mother  Earth and
 Father Sky,  in the dark night  and the brilliant day.  My deities are
 the plants  and the rocks  and the animals.  My gods are  the elements
 that create my environment."
      "You do  know what my  religion says  will happen to  you?" Jenye
      Rien nodded. "It's a risk I'll have to take."
      "Sit  down," Jenye  indicated to  the bed.  "We can  talk without
 intrusions here."
      "Not about religion, I hope."
      "About why you came here."
      Rien put the wine glass on the window sill and sat down by Jenye.
 "Should I start over?"
      "I'm here looking  for a friend and I was  hoping you could point
 me to someone who could provide some facts."
      "It must be a good friend to bring you into the middle of a war,"
 Jenye commented.
      "She is. And I hope she's all right."
      "She? Your wife? Lover?"
      "A student...a friend. She stayed longer than she should have."
      "Where was she staying?" Jenye asked.
      "The Tipsy Dragon, by the river," Rien said. "She tended bar."
      "The Tipsy Dragon was destroyed yesterday," Jenye said, wondering
 about the coincidence.
      "I know. I did  that." It was not the complete  truth, but he was
 not going to say that now.
      "You?  You  don't  look like  a  mage  any  more  than you  do  a
      "I'm not. There were other factors involved."
      "Describe her for me," Jenye asked. "I'll see what I can do."
      "She's a little shorter than  you, blond hair, shoulder length in
 Mertz, brown eyes.  Athletic, very outgoing. She has a  little girl, a
 year and a half old, but they've been separated since early spring."
      "Is the  girl with her  father?" Jenye pressed Rien  for personal
      "She's with a friend. We were never told who the father is."
      "Is she safe?" there was genuine concern in Jenye's voice.
      "I hope so. It's hard to tell where the war front is these days."
      "What's your friend's name."
      "Adrea Rainer."
      "All right. You give me a day and I'll see what I can do."
      "Thank you."  He stood up,  ready to  leave. "Jenye, if  you need
 money or help, let me know."
      "Nothing yet. Just come back tomorrow  evening. If I'm not in the
 tavern, ask at the bar."
      "Thank you,"  Rien repeated  himself and left.  He still  was not
 sure how  much Jenye could be  trusted, although it appeared  that she
 was well on the Baranurian side  of the conflict. Either way, going to
 her was  better than  not going to  anyone at all.  There had  been no
 leads at The Tipsy Dragon at all.  Deven had made sure that it and the
 men in  it were  destroyed for  good. Rien  did not  like the  idea of
 coming to  Sharks' Cove to attack  the Beinison army from  the inside,
 but he  could understand Deven's  bitterness towards these  people and
 their country and did  nothing to stop him. It was  always a good idea
 not to come between a mage and his vengeance.
      His biggest concern now was Adrea.  It had been more than a month
 since the  invasion and  there was  no trace of  her. What  could have
 happened? It had  been far too long to tell  anything by the condition
 of the tavern. For  all he knew, Adrea left days  before the attack or
 maybe several months later.
      Rien walked around  the Abyssment to look at  the charred remains
 of the  market square  and the  destroyed home  of the  Guard Captain.
 Burned alive. What a horrible death. As hard as he tried, he could not
 understand what  could drive someone to  do things like this,  to draw
 blood with no provocation, to kill and  loot and be willing to die. He
 did not  understand what drew people  into these conflicts and  at the
 same time, when drawn into one himself, he was no better than those he
      ReVell Dower was  another sore spot, leading an  army against the
 Beinison forces, outnumbered  five to one. What good could  he do? For
 whom? The gleeful  heroic charge into battle made no  sense. There was
 no point with odds this great, no matter what the intent.
      Rien walked between the burned booths, the street full of litter.
 There were no  dead bodies here as the city  was still inhabitable and
 such decay would be a way  of spreading sickness and disease. But what
 was left  of the market  square was also  empty. He stood  alone among
 ruins, the blackened support frames and  remainders of walls. It was a
 whole different world, nothing like what Sharks' Cove used to be like.
      "Hey, you!" someone yelled in the Benosian tongue and Rien turned
 to look.
      A Beinison soldier stood, arms folded, at the edge of the street,
 facing Rien.
      "Come here."  It was said in  Benosian and Rien pretended  not to
 understand.  He knew  that if  he  spoke, he  would never  pass for  a
 Benosian citizen anyway. Perhaps ignorance would be better.
      The soldier drew his sword  and approached Rien. "Are you stupid,
 or what?"
      `Probably stupid,'  Rien thought. It  was suicide to go  into the
 streets with or without a sword, but it may have been better if he had
 his now.
      "You must be  stupid, son," the soldier  approached, swinging the
 sword for balance. "You're stupid,"  he repeated in Baranurian, trying
 to provoke a fight.
      Rien took  a few  steps back,  to the  remainder of  a wall  of a
      "Oh,  you're making  it so  easy..." the  Benosian words  sounded
 again. The  sword started into its  strike and Rien, with  his back to
 the wall,  dropped to his knees  and bent forward. The  blade impacted
 the  wall with  a crack,  splintering  the already  damaged wood.  The
 soldier's legs were  just before Rien and with a  quick swing, he sent
 the man tumbling to the ground. The sword remained stuck in the wall.
      Rien got up as the soldier drew a dagger and stepped on his right
 forearm. "Drop it," he said in Benosian, his speech heavily accented.
      The man tried to throw Rien  with his struggling and was rewarded
 with a heavy boot  crashing down on his wrist. The  dagger flew out of
 his hand as he yelled out in pain. Rien knelt down over him.
      "A few years  ago I would have  broken your arm to  make sure you
 never fight again, but I've learned that people like you will learn to
 use their off arm  just so they may cause more pain."  He drew his own
      "It'll be an honor to die at  the hands of an enemy," the soldier
 spat, "to die fighting for my country."
      "We're fighting for my country," Rien answered, running the knife
 across the  soldier's throat. Warm  blood squirted up and  stained the
 ground, the rushing  air from the lungs  causing it to foam  as it ran
      Rien tossed the dagger aside and leaned against the wall, looking
 away from the body. He could still hear the shallow gurgling gasps and
 the  sound made  him sick.  He  was disgusted  with what  he did,  the
 soldier's dying  words repeating themselves  in his mind. The  man was
 already on the ground, helpless and Rien killed him anyway.
      "Damn you!"

                      *          *          *

             Rien held his breath as clanking footsteps fell on the
         wooden bridge above him. The quickly flowing water from the
         recent rainstorm threatened to tear him away from the supports
         he clung to, and he hung on as the clanking of boots above him
         refused to subside. He looked up, not being able to see more
         than shadows passing over the cracks. There must have been over
         a thousand men in this unit. It was as big as the one he had
         encountered up river just a few days before.
             As a single man he would probably be overlooked by the
         Beinison force as relatively harmless, if noticed at all, but
         his cautious nature forced him to hide from the soldiers,
         hoping that avoiding them entirely would also avoid any
         possible unexpected conflicts. As the footsteps on the bridge
         ceased, Rien released his grip on the support and maneuvered
         closer to shore. It was wet and muddy, but the bushes were
         green and strong. Grabbing a thick branch above the water, Rien
         pulled himself out on shore. Off on the other side of the river
         he could see the Beinison troops marching in dead precision.
             It was a hot mid-summer day and Rien did not worry about
         staying wet for long, but nonetheless, he took the time to
         shake the water off his clothes and out of his hair. Rien was
         sure that as soon as he was on his way the sun would take care
         of the rest and he would be dry, if not clean. He lingered on
         the shore a bit longer, looking into the rapidly flowing waters
         of one of Laraka's many tributaries. The mud he managed to stir
         was quickly being washed down stream and the water was once
         again becoming clear.
             "Hey, you, peasant!"
             Rien set his jaw.
             "I'm talking to you! Bring me water, peasant!"
             Rien pulled the peace binding on his scabbard lose and
         stood up from among the bushes, facing the man who called him,
         a middle aged Benosian in grimy armor sitting atop a tired
             The soldier studied Rien, surprised to see someone so young
         and armed. He assumed it was some old fisherman in the brush.
             Rien stepped forward, onto the road, looking the soldier up
         and down. The man was clearly a Benosian knight, a blue star
         hanging on a chain draped over his shoulders. This was probably
         not going to turn out well.
             "Well?" the Beinison knight asked. "Where's my water?"
             Rien pointed over his shoulder with his thumb. "Must be in
         the river."
             The soldier pulled his feet out of the stirups and slid off
         his horse. "I hope you use that sword half as well as you use
         your mouth."
             "I'd rather not have to show my skill to others," Rien
         tried backing off, but it was too late, the man had yanked his
         own sword from the saddle scabbard and was approaching, ready
         for a fight.
             Rien took a step back, mentally readying himself. The
         Benosian's approach was sloppy, almost arrogant. The sword was
         loosely held, the wrist limp, the other arm was just hanging at
         his side. Was he really a knight who could not fight or simply
         not what he appeared to be? Could he be trying to play a trick,
         hoping to catch his opponent off guard?
             Rien planted his feet solidly on the ground. A single good
         move could solve the problem no matter what the other man's
         intentions and proficiencies were. He was glad to have unbound
         his sword.
             The Beinison knight closed in to striking range, a clearly
         solid grasp on the hilt of his sword. He thrust in a feint,
         changing the attack to a swing at Rien's weapon arm. It caught
         Rien off guard, but he managed to get away with a minor cut,
         drawing his sword on the move. He stepped closer, inside the
         reach of his opponent's sword, and thrust his own into the
         man's gut. The sharp tip easily tore through the chain armor
         and sank into the flesh underneath. The Beinison gasped in
         surprise, wrapping his free arm around Rien for support. The
         sword fell from his grasp.
             "Water..." was the last thing he muttered before sinking to
         the ground.

                        *          *          *

      "It's my  human half, Deven,"  Rien explained. "That's  the blood
 that makes me do these things."
      The mage stirred the fire with a stick, releasing sparks from the
 ambers into  the air.  "I don't  think Eelail  are any  different from
 humans. You  have the  same drives,  want the  same things...  You get
 angry for the same reasons."
      "That wasn't  just anger.  For that  one moment  if I  could have
 reached into his  chest and torn his  heart out with my  bare hands, I
 would have."
      "No. Look where you are. Look at the death and destruction around
 you. You're angry and you haven't stopped being angry since the moment
 you got here. What do you have to be angry about?"
      Rien looked away.  Deven was right. He did not  want to be angry,
 but he  was. "I don't know,"  he sighed, although deep  inside he knew
 well enough.  Between the  war and Adrea's  disappearance, as  well as
 Deven's own rebellion against the orders to stay out of the war he had
 too many things to  worry about and it all added to  his anger at what
 he saw. He picked at his food,  no longer interested in eating. "I did
 it without thinking and all I can see now is that cut I made."
      "You've killed before."
      "Not like this. Not after my  opponent was down. Never a helpless
      "They killed my parents when they were helpless," Deven said. "Do
 you know how the Empire kills it's enemies?"
      Rien shook his head.
      "They cut  their eyes, so they  can't see and hamstring  arms and
 legs, so all they can do is  scream. Then the lucky ones are burned or
 drowned.  Others  are  just  left  for  the  carrion  birds  or  other
 scavengers, alive  and unable  to defend  themselves. My  parents were
 burned. At night I can still hear their screams..."
      "I'm sorry."
      "It's been forty years," Deven said.  "It doesn't hurt as much as
 it used to."
      "But you still kill for it."
      "Revenge is a deep  cup to drink from and of  all people, I admit
      Rien pushed his plate away. "What  if we find that Adrea is dead?
 What then?  Revenge on  the Beinison army?  Go after  Vasquez? Talens?
      Deven shrugged. "We'll see."
      "We'll see what?  If we can fight with one  thousand to one odds?
 Or do you mean the entire Beinison army?"
      "I mean we'll see. I hope she's  safe, but if not, I don't intend
 to forgive."
      "Neither do I," Rien admitted  bitterly, "and that's the problem.
 That's  the human  reaction.  My people  could  never justify  killing
 others at  random after what had  happened to them. Perhaps  if I knew
 who, where...but then..."
      "Will you need me tomorrow?" Deven asked.
      "I don't think so," Rien  answered. "I'll be meeting Jenye again,
 see what she found out. Day after tomorrow, if she had any news."
      "Then I'd like to use the day to look at the Beinison fleet. They
 seem to  be just waiting  in the  bay. I'd like  to see what  they are
 waiting for."
      Rien nodded. "Be careful."

                        *          *          *

             The annoying fizzling sound of the spell subsided, leaving
         behind traces of what used to be a heavy lock. Deven gave the
         door a push and it opened with ease, the remnants of the lock
         slipping out of the frame and shattering on the ground. Silence
         ruled inside the dark old house, making Deven wonder who the
         previous inhabitants were and what had happened to them now.
             He lit a candle with his finger, choosing to conserve the
         energy that would be required to light the room. The table on
         which the candle stood was littered with empty wine bottles and
         the remains of a meal. He picked up a bottle and smelled it.
         Baranurian wine.
             Something creaked and Deven returned the bottle to the
         table. He was here for a single purpose, a single person. He
         walked across the room to the stairs leading up and as quietly
         as he could, made his way to the second floor. The darkness
         here was very deep, the light of the candle on the table
         downstairs unable to penetrate this far. He muttered a curse
         and an incantation, creating a glowing sphere the size of a
         chicken egg. He needed the light.
             The top of the landing fanned out in three directions, a
         door in each of the alcoves and another one behind him. Which
         room? Were all occupied? He should have asked more questions of
         the urchin before coming here, but all he thought to find out
         was if there were any guards.
             Something creaked again, behind the door to his right, and
         Deven carefully approached it, the glowing sphere trailing
         after him. He carefully reached for the door and pushed it
         open. The light of the sphere behind him projected his shadow
         into the room, casting a deep blue glow around his outline.
         Someone gasped.
             Deven moved forward, the light sphere trailing him, better
         illuminating the room. On the bed sat a woman, holding a
         blanket to her chest. Her widely opened eyes expressed fear and
             "I am looking for Lord Asart Geldavery," Deven said in his
         native Benosian.
             "Next room," the woman whispered, pointing.
             "Thank you," he turned and left, the sphere bobbing up and
         down behind him. He hoped she would not yell in view of the
         fact that he had not only presented himself as a mage, but a
         Benosian as well. Deven pulled the door closed after himself,
         satisfied with his prediction. First thing first. Asart and who
         ever else, if there was trouble.
             He walked to the central alcove and pushed the door open.
         There was instant scrambling in the room as his glowing shadow
         announced his presence. "Lord Asart Geldavery?" Deven asked of
         the man in bed. A woman unsuccessfully hid behind the man.
             "I am."
             "Grandson of Count Jaril Geldavery?"
             "Yes?" His voice sounded less sure, somewhat puzzled.
             "Your grandfather wishes to see you." A ball of light fell
         to the bed from Deven's outstretched hand, quickly enveloping
         it and half the room in fire. "Tell him Baron Yasarin still has
             The last of the words were drowned out by agonizing

                        *          *          *

      It was shortly before sunset that Rien started for the Abyssment.
 He  spent the  morning  looking over  the city,  trying  to look  less
 conspicuous  than  the  day  before  and  avoiding  soldiers  and  the
 remainder of the  almost invisible town guard as much  as he could. It
 almost worked.
      At one of the alley ways he noticed a small group of youths. They
 loitered, talked, one  muttered a hello as Rien walked  by, then, when
 he  was  half  way down  the  block,  he  heard  yells and  sounds  of
 commotion. When he turned, he  saw four Benosian soldiers being pelted
 with  rocks by  the youngsters.  He did  not give  the situation  much
 thought, but when the soldiers drew  their swords and charged into the
 alley after the boys, Rien ran back, hoping to prevent a massacre.
      He made it to the corner in time  to see a large log tumble off a
 wall of crates,  crashing into the soldiers and causing  boxes to rain
 down on them. The running boys  returned, gathering around the pile of
 shattered boxes, obviously  scared, but wanting to take  their task to
 its obvious conclusion. One bent down to take a sword from an unmoving
 soldier when,  to everyones surprise,  the unmoving man's  hand locked
 around his wrist and the soldier planted a dagger into the youngster's
      The rest of  the boys ran as  the soldiers got up  with war cries
 and charged after them.
      Rien cut around  the boxes, blindsiding the last  of the soldiers
 and getting his sword. The man sprawled out on the ground confused and
 disoriented.  The  other three  stopped  their  charge and  turned.  A
 sinking feeling hit Rien. He did not want to fight and kill after what
 had happened  the day before, but  at this point there  was no backing
      He waited. Attacking first was asking to lose advantage with this
 many opponents.  Waiting could  mean the same  thing. As  they started
 spreading out  to surround him, he  moved back, to the  alley wall, to
 keep all of them in his field of vision.
      With a  yell one of the  soldiers jumped forward and  swung. Rien
 parried and continued moving back. There were only a few more steps to
 the wall  when the  soldiers rushed him.  He sidestepped  one, elbowed
 another.  Surprisingly, the  third  fell  on his  own.  The last  man,
 without a sword,  did nothing. Rien did not wait  for his good fortune
 to change. He  parried another swing, feinted a strike,  and his sword
 connected with  the arm  of his  confused opponent.  With a  scream of
 pain, the man backed off. The attack came easer than Rien expected. It
 came from his reflexes, without thought.
      Three to go. Two. The man who  had fallen was not getting up. His
 sword was picked up by the unarmed man.
      Rien parried two  more strikes and made one of  his own, when one
 of the men stiffened up and  fell forward. Both Rien and his remaining
 opponent stopped fighting to look at him.
      "Mage!" the man with the injured arm yelled and ran.
      What he did not see at a  distance was a black arrow sticking out
 of the soldier's back. "You're probably next," Rien told his remaining
      The man  answered with a  vicious swing that Rien  barely dodged.
 His back  was now  against the  wall, a dead  body at  his feet  and a
 Beinison soldier viciously swinging his sword to keep him off balance.
 There was no strategy in the foreigner's attack.
      Rien swung  his sword to  break the soldier's pattern,  parried a
 hit and feinted a head shot. As  his opponent's sword came up to block
 the shot,  Rien brought  his swing  down, sinking  the blade  into the
 man's side.
      The soldier looked  at Rien in surprise, staggered  and fell with
 the sword  still lodged in  his body. The  methods of killing  did not
 change in one day, nor did they feel differently. The look in the eyes
 of the dying was the same fear as always.
      Rien stepped  away from  the wall  and scanned  the roof  tops of
 surrounding  buildings. Nothing.  No  archer, not  even  a trace  that
 anyone had ever been  up there. He bent down to  examine the arrow. It
 had a  black shaft, dyed by  its looks, black fletchings  and, when he
 pulled it  out, a  black flint  tip. The  construction appeared  to be
 flawless,  as did  the aim.  The arrow  penetrated the  soldier's mail
 between the  shoulder blades, just  to the left  of the spine.  He was
 probably dead before he hit the  ground. Examining the other man, Rien
 discovered that an  arrow penetrated his chest and broke  when he fell
 on  it. These  shots  were  obviously aimed  to  kill,  not injure  or
      Scanning the rooftops one more  time, Rien hurried from the alley
 before the sun set and submerged  it into complete darkness. There was
 no need to sit here in the dark  and wait for the escaped man to bring
 reinforcements. And  the boys who  started this fight were  long since
      To his surprise, Rien found the last soldier lying face down just
 short of  the exit into the  street. A black shaft  protruded from the
 base of  his skull. No longer  being able to resist  the mystery, Rien
 pulled out the arrow and hid it  under his tunic, now hurrying to meet
      It was  completely dark  when he  made it  to the  Abyssment. The
 tavern was crowded with people, not  a single table or chair available
 to use, not even at the bar.  Rien could not remember ever seeing this
 pace so  busy. Jenye  was no  where in  the crowd.  After a  moment he
 walked over to the bartender and  asked for an ale. "Is Jenye around?"
 he asked when the drink was served.
      "Who's asking?"
      "Room five, up the stairs."
      Leaving the ale  at a table surrounded by  drunks, Rien proceeded
 upstairs.  This  was  not  the  same room  as  the  previous  morning,
 positioned on the opposite wall, facing north, away from the river. He
      Jenye opened the  door. She was dressed in  travelling clothes, a
 change from the flashy styles she usually wore. "Come in."
      He did.  "Did you  learn anything?"  he asked  as she  closed the
      "Maybe. Eli found out that The  Tipsy Dragon had been occupied by
 Beinison forces  since the day  of the invasion. Whatever  happened to
 your friend must've happened on the same day."
      "Then we need to find the people who were present that same day,"
 Rien said.
      "I'm ahead of you,"  Jenye smiled. "I was going to  ask you to do
 that with me tonight."
      "Let's go."
      "If the first place won't work out,  we can go to another, but it
 may require bribes."
      "I'll take care of them."
      "All  right, then,"  Jenye  agreed. "We'll  start  with a  street
 vendor I know."
      They left the crowded tavern  and headed west, towards the docks,
 Jenye leading the way.
      "I have  a question for  you," Rien said. "I  witnessed something
 today that strikes me as bizarre, even for Sharks' Cove."
      He took  the black arrow  from under his  tunic and showed  it to
      "Oh, God!" she exclaimed. She grabbed it from his hands, tore off
 the fletchings,  broke off the  tip and  threw the parts  in different
 directions. "Come on," she broke into a run.
      Rien followed her. "What's wrong?"
      She did not answer until they  ran a few blocks. "The penalty for
 carrying that is death," she gasped when she stopped.
      "Where did you get it?"
      "In a dead body that I was fighting. What is it?"
      "I  told you  yesterday  we have  vigilantes and  revolutionaries
 here. The most wanted  of them is Ga'en the Blind,  an archer who uses
 black arrows."
      "The Blind?"
      "They say  that he's completely  blind because he wears  a helmet
 with no eye slits." She turned away and looked back the way they came.
 "Many think that  he was a soldier  in the Legion of  Death, caught by
 the  Beinisons and  tortured.  His eyes  were burned  out  and he  was
 released into the wilderness, where he somehow became what he is."
      "The Legion of Death?" Rien  asked. The Legion were two regiments
 in the Combined Host of Baranur, the Red Death and the Grey Death. Two
 of the perhaps best trained heavy  infantry archer regiments on all of
 Cherisk. Their  mention alone has  been known to shatter  enemy morale
 and send armies off the field of combat.
      "He's been  called `The Black Death',"  Jenye explained, "because
 of the arrows he uses. The reward for him now is ten Marks, but no one
 knows who he is."
      "That may  be," Rien said, "but  I doubt he's blind.  I saw those
 shots  and I  doubt I  could  duplicate them...and  I consider  myself
 skilled with the bow."
      "He could be aided by magic," Jenye suggested.
      Rien shrugged. "I've learned that a lot of myths and legends tend
 to be placed on common things that seem to defy explanation."
      "I think this  town needs all the heroes of  myths and legends it
 can  get," Jenye  said.  "He  goes around  attacking  thieves and  the
 Beinison army  and that rallys  people to  his cause. What  did happen
 with you, anyway?"
      "Some kids were attacked by Beinison soldiers and I tried to help
 them get away. The next thing I knew, there were black arrows sticking
 out of the patrol."
      "Well,  that's the  reason there's  such  a high  reward for  his
 head," Jenye said. "The Beinison army lost quite a few men to him."
      As they talked, they reached  their destination and Jenye knocked
 on the door of a small wooden house, little more than a two room shack
 constructed of  old rotting planks and  a torn ship sail,  to keep the
 wind and the rain out. A  woman of Jenye's age, although appearing ten
 years her senior, cracked open the door.
      "Walda, good evening to you. Is your husband home?"
      "Come in, please," she opened the door completely.
      Rien followed Jenye into the house.
      "Moldan, Doctor Calyd is here to see you."
      A balding,  tired looking man  appeared at  the door to  the back
 room. "What can I do for you, Doctor?"
      "Please,  sit down,"  Walda indicated  to a  low bench  along the
 wall. "Can I bring you something to eat?"
      "No, thank you, Walda. I'm fine."
      Rien refused as well. This family  did not seem to have enough to
 feed themselves, much less strangers.
      "Moldan," Jenye started, "I'm looking for a woman who was in town
 at the start  of the invasion. She  tended bar at The  Tipsy Dragon. I
 need to find out what happened to her."
      "A pretty young thing, yes, I remember," he muttered. "Last I saw
 her was a few days before the Beinisonian ships came."
      "We  need to  find her,  Moldan," Jenye  cast a  glance at  Rien.
 "Could you find out?  Ask around? If you can find  the people who were
 at The Tipsy Dragon that..."
      "If they're alive and in town," Moldan agreed.
      There was  a scream from  the back  room and everyone  jumped up.
 Walda rushed out through the doorway.
      "My son,  Barar," Moldan  explained. "I fear  he's seen  too many
 horrors of the war."
      "Let me take a look," Jenye offered.
      "I have nothing to pay you with, Doctor," Moldan protested.
      "Then you  won't have to,"  she said and disappeared  through the
 curtained doorway.
      Moldan followed  her, shaking  his head. Rien  stepped up  to the
 curtain, to look in the other room.  Walda and Jenye knelt by a skinny
 boy, perhaps eight or ten years old, dirty and crying. Moldan absently
 stood  not far  away, looking  on. As  Jenye talked  to the  boy, Rien
 scooped some coins from his purse  and tossed them into the empty soup
 pot leaning against the wall by the fireplace. Perhaps that would give
 them a chance to fill it with real soup tomorrow.
      Jenye soon finished  with the boy and they left  after Moldan and
 Walda thanked them profusely and promised to do all that they could to
      "Sad, isn't it," Jenye asked as they walked down the street. "The
 boy, I mean."
      Rien nodded. "You have to wonder why life has to be so unfair for
 those so young."
      She looked at him. "But then it wouldn't be interesting to people
 like you if it were fair, would it?"
      Rien paused, looking  at Jenye. Was that a comment  on his choice
 of occupation? If it were, it was  hardly fair. In his line of work he
 could speak  only for himself.  Others were responsible for  their own
 actions. He was  no one's keeper and  never intended to take  on a job
 such as that. As for it  being interesting over fair, that was another
 thing  to  argue.  He  always   loved  the  mystery  and  intrigue  of
 `interesting', but would take fair over that any day.
      "No, it wouldn't," he said, "but it'd be simple and easy."
      "And you want a simple life?" Jenye asked, equally surprised.
      "I don't think I'd mind one."
      "I can't  see you living on  a farm, digging in  the dirt," Jenye
      "You can't see  me fighting with a sword,  either," Rien reminded
      "I've never seen you with a sword," she shook her hear. "You're a
 hard man to pin down."
      "And you? Working for the  worst criminal this city's ever known,
 while selling  out his business  associates behind his back?  And then
 turning around and helping a sick child for no reason at all?"
      "It was a way to pay Moldan for what he said he will do. And it's
 painful to  watch the boy suffer  like that. He didn't  do anything to
 deserve that pain,  but now he'll have  to live out his  life with the
 horrors of this war hanging over him...  But then I'm not the only one
 to offer kindness to him, am I?"
      "I'm sure that goes for his parents without saying," Rien agreed.
      "It's not  his parents  I'm talking  about," Jenye  stopped. "The
 boy's bed  is exactly opposite  the fireplace in  the big room.  I saw
 what you did and I doubt those were stones you threw in there."
      "Just a  few coins," Rien shrugged  it off. "They need  them more
 than I do and they struck me  as too proud to simply accept money from
 a stranger."
      "You're a strange man, Rien... What is your family name?"
      "Keegan," he answered without hesitation.
      "And where are you from, Rien Keegan?"
      "I travel a lot."
      "I can see  why you would want a simple  life, then," Jenye said.
 "But if you want it so much, why haven't you made yourself one?"
      Rien had  to think about  that. Why  indeed? "I don't  think I've
 found the right place yet."
      "You must be a hard man to please."
      "Sometimes," a hint of a smile escaped his lips.
      They soon  returned to the Abyssment,  crowded as it had  been at
 their departure.
      "Where else did you want to  go?" Rien asked. "You said there was
 someone else."
      "I think Moldan will come through,"  Jenye said. "I was afraid he
 wouldn't know who  you were looking for, but he  obviously met her. If
 there's anything to find out, I'm sure he's the one to do it."
      "Then I guess  I'd best say goodnight here," Rien  stopped at the
 foot of the stairs.
      "Here?" Jenye  turned. She was a  few steps ahead of  him. "I was
 hopping you'd come up."
      Rien  glanced around  the room,  at the  Beinison soldiers  still
 sitting and drinking. "All right."
      They went up to Jenye's room.
      "Rien, what if we don't find her?"
      "I'll look until I do."
      "What if she's a prisoner somewhere?"
      "I'll have to get her out."
      "And if she's dead?"
      He turned  to the window,  looking at  the blind alley  it faced.
 What if she  is dead? Would he leave? Attempt  revenge? "She's alive."
 There was no proof otherwise. There was  no reason for her not to have
 left in time.
      "In the last two months," Jenye  said, "I've seen more death than
 I had all  my life and you tend  to see quite a bit living  in a place
 such as this."
      "She has to  be alive," Rien said, "for her  daughter. She has no
 one else."
      "I hope you're right, but I have to be realistic. I never thought
 I'd live  to see a  war, much less  live in one,  but here it  is. And
 people do die.  It's not some romantic dream the  bards tell us about.
 It's very, very real."
      "I know,"  Rien nodded.  "But all  I have right  now is  hope, so
 that's what I do."
      "Tell me a little about Rien Keegan," Jenye asked. "Who is he?"
      "I am  he," Rien  turned back  to his  companion. "It's  all that
      "No. You said you travel. Where? What do you do there?"
      "Asbridge, Dargon, Arvalia, Narragan, Quinnat..."
      "Well, that  pretty much  covers this part  of the  country. Your
 horse must be very tired."
      "I never asked."
      "Where are you from originally?"
      "It must be nice there this time of year."
      "It has  it's good points,"  Rien smiled thoughtfully.  "It being
 home, I think it's always nice there. You're from Magnus, aren't you?"
 he changed the topic.
      "The accent a little thick?" Jenye smiled.
      "Just a little, but there's nothing  quite as distinct as a Royal
 Duchy dialect. Are you from Magnus proper?"
      "The  Royal City  itself.  Born there,  studied  medicine at  the
 University, then came here to heal the sick."
      "How long have you been here?"
      "A while. Ten years. Since 1002. Twelve."
      "Do you like it here?"
      "Somewhat. I've found that it was  easier to come down river then
 to go back upstream. What about you? How did you become a mercenary?"
      "That'll  take longer  than  I  have to  be  told," Rien  avoided
      "Longer than you have? I wanted to ask you to spend the night."
      Rien's smile faded.
      "I hope you don't think me  forward," Jenye said. "I don't make a
 habit of asking men to sleep with me. I've only done it twice before."
      Rien took  a deep breath,  not sure  what to say.  "What happened
 those times?"
      "They both accepted. With time I learned that one was a thief and
 the other a liar."
      "How do you know I'm not both?"
      "Intuition. Experience."
      Rien sighed. "You really don't want to get involved with me."
      "Why not? You're not married."
      "I travel," he forced a smile,  but it faded quickly. "I was home
 last month. Saw someone  I hadn't seen in years and  found I still had
 feelings for her..." He let his words trail off, a bit bitter.
      "Is she no longer interested in you? Is she married?"
      "No...but I think she's grown tired of waiting for me. I'm afraid
 I've  hurt her  when I  left. I  didn't realize  that for  the longest
      "So what will you do?"
      "I'll wait and hope she forgives me."
      "You're turning me down?"
      "I'm afraid  so, but I  don't want you  to think it's  because of
 you. You're the  only good thing I've  found in this nest  of wasps. I
 just  don't  want to  hurt  you  like  I've  hurt everyone  else  I've
      Jenye smiled a  sad smile. "I appreciate you  being honest. There
 was someone who wasn't. He had a wife...and a convenience -- me."
      "I'm sorry."
      She shook her head and kissed him on the cheek. "So am I, but I'm
 glad I wasn't wrong about you."
      Rien stood up,  somewhat taken aback by the  situation. "Is there
 anyone else we need to see?" he asked again.
      "No. I think Moldan will come  through. I'll go see him tomorrow.
 Come back and see me the day after, in the morning."
      "You sure you don't want me to come with you?"
      Jenye shook her head. "I'll bring some herbs for the boy, to help
 him sleep. This sort of doctoring may take a while."
      "All right," Rien agreed, "but be careful out there."
      She laughed. "I'm  the only physician in  Caligula's service, one
 of the few in this whole  city. I'm a desperately needed commodity. No
 one would dare try anything."
      Rien nodded. "Thank you for your help, then...and for..."
      Jenye put a  finger to his lips. "Don't thank  me until you learn
 the price."

                        *          *          *

             It was only three men. One obviously wounded and another
         drunk. They wouldn't be too much of a problem. Certainly, the
         screaming girl had already attracted all the attention she
         could get. The sad thing was, the people of Sharks' Cove were
         so terrified of the invaders, all the screaming did was force
         them to double check their doors and windows to be sure that
         everything was tightly locked.
             When Rien happened across this scene, he was just in time
         to see a Benosian soldier spear a man with a pike and the woman
         begin to scream. He had no idea how the two were related, or if
         they knew one another at all, but the very next moment the
         soldiers surrounded the woman and dragged her into an alley.
         Her terrified screams made Rien's decision for him and he
         started to run well before his brain gave the order to his
             Leaping over the dying man, Rien put the force of his
         charge into the back of the soldier nearest him. The man went
         sprawling forward with a yell, his metal armor shaving sparks
         from the cobblestone street. Before the other two could react,
         Rien had the previously wounded man in his grip, forcing his
         long dagger through the man's armor and between his ribs. The
         man screamed and struggled, but was no match for Rien's
         strength. He released the grip on his sword to Rien as Rien's
         hand wrapped around the hilt, and sank to the ground, gasping
         for air.
             "Yield," Rien warned the other man, who still held on to
         the woman.
             The soldier put his sword to the woman's throat. "One
             "If you kill her, it's just you and me."
             "But you don't want to see her die."
             "Try me."
             The sword slowly slid along the woman's neck, drawing a
         trickle of blood. Rien could not tear his eyes away from the
             "Let her go!"
             "Not on your life!" The Benosian looked about, at his
         injured companion, slowly bleeding to death behind Rien and
         then at the other, the drunk, sputtering about on the ground
         like a fish out of water. Neither one was of much use to him in
         this situation. For that matter, neither was the woman. The
         sword flashed across the woman's neck, squirting blood in all
         direction and with his leg, he kicked her towards Rien and ran.
             Rien caught the woman with both hands, letting his sword
         fall to the ground. His eyes were still locked with hers and
         deep inside he could somehow feel the terror that spread
         through her. Her tunic was bloody and blood foamed from her
         mouth. He knew there was nothing he could do, except hunt down
         the man that did this, but he held on to her, mesmerized by
         what he saw. She grappled his arms with her own, begging for
         help with her eyes, as she drowned in her own blood. Long
         moments passed with their eyes locked before she passed out
         from lack of air and even more time before Rien lowered her to
         the ground and let her from his grasp. He felt pure rage, with
         no target to vent it on, until spotting the drunken man getting
             "Pick up your weapon!" the hiss filled the street, but the
         drunk soldier already had that very thing on his mind. He took
         a wobbling step towards Rien, sword held high, then swung at
         his unarmed opponent, still on his knees over the dead woman.
             Rien pushed back, snapping up the sword by him and came
         back up to his feet, just outside of the soldier's reach. A
         single parry sent the soldier's sword, as well as a good
         portion of his arm across the alley and a second sank deep into
         his chest, lifting him off the ground and throwing him back,
         the thrusting point of the sword having passed completely
         though the man.
             But justice was not yet done.

                        *          *          *

      "...forty three ships, nothing smaller than a bireme. Quite a few
 cogs and carracks. Five galleons,"  Deven listed out the inventory. "I
 was thinking  I'd sink one,  to give the sharks  a taste of  the tough
 meat, but  if you've  wondered where  the mages  have been  during the
      "Yeah," Rien muttered absentmindedly.
      "Rien," Deven shifted to a sitting position. "The Benosian mages!
 I've found them!"
      "How many?" Rien asked.  It was late and dark the  two men lay on
 the floor  of their hide out,  sharing their impressions of  the day's
      "I figure there  were twenty, at least,"  Deven guessed. "Perhaps
 an even  two dozen. Some scrying,  others mixing things. I  did notice
 one very powerful clairvoyant. I hope he didn't notice me..."
      "Clairvoyant? Natural?"
      "By all  means. I hope he  doesn't pick up on  my trace energies.
 He's the best I've seen in years."
      "What good is he  to them when he's so far  from the front?" Rien
      "I'm sure they have good messengers," Deven said, "and in case of
 need, they can probably send a  message by magical means, just like we
      "I wonder what his range is," Rien asked.
      "Judging by the fact that the  fleet made no attempt to move past
 the delta,"  Deven guessed,  "I suspect  he can  see into  Magnus from
      "Eight hundred leagues?"
      "Explains why they're winning, doesn't it?"
      "It certainly cuts down on their need for scouts."
      "Listen, Rien," Deven shifted noisily, "I have an idea."
      Rien opened his eyes and looked  over to the opposite wall, where
 the mage sat.
      "Look at  us, two old  geezers," Deven laughed. "All  that living
 and all that experience and we're now in our primes and we've got that
 chance of a lifetime right here! If  there's one man we get out of the
 war by force, let's make it that mage."
      Rien sat up as well. "We were ordered to stay out of it."
      "Or what? We're volunteers as it is and besides, we already broke
 all the rules coming here to look for Adrea! What would it hurt?"
      "I don't think one mage will make a difference in this war," Rien
 said. "If anyone, Untar's the one to go after."
      "Next to Haralan, I suspect Untar  is the best guarded man in all
 of Baranur  right now," Deven said.  "Besides, I know I  can't take on
 someone  like Mon-Taerleor,  but  there  are other  good  fish in  the
      "So you're willing  to swim out to  a ship full of  mages who all
 together are ten times as powerful as Mon-Taerleor?"
      "Dying to!"
      "And just  think, a year ago  nothing would've gotten you  out of
 your laboratory for even a moment!" Rien laughed.
      "A year ago I wasn't on the losing team!"
      Rien silently evaluated the proposal. He did not believe that the
 clairvoyant mage was  the hinge of the war effort,  but he agreed with
 Deven that a mage so powerful could  indeed be a valuable asset to the
 enemy and a disaster for Baranur. He had no moral problems with trying
 to stop  him. That would  more than likely  save hundreds of  lives in
 Baranur. He himself had seen more death here than in most other places
 he had been  and could agree with the statement  Jenye made earlier in
 the day.
      "What do you plan on doing?"
      Deven did not answer.
      "I'm sorry.  I didn't think  you'd agree...  I was working  on my
      The corner of  Rien's mouth curled up, but he  refused to let the
 smile appear.  "I didn't tell  you this, but a  day after I  got here,
 before  we met  at the  Dragon, I  saw a  woman killed  in cold  blood
 and...she died  in my  arms. I  don't know her  name, nor  where she's
 from. I don't even  know if she's Baranurian... I held  her in my arms
 as she died and there was nothing I could do to save her. And she knew
 there was  nothing I could  do..." He took  a deep breath.  "I'm never
 going to forget  her face, nor the  face of the man who  killed her. I
 looked for him all night, but couldn't find him... I'm willing to take
 one life if it will save others from a death such as this."
      "I'm sorry," Deven  said. "I didn't mean to..."  He stopped. "No.
 I'm not sorry. I want you to  know what my countrymen are capable off!
 I want you to feel the rage that I feel when you think of them!"
      "Deven,  it's not  just them.  We're all  animals inside.  When I
 killed that man in the market, all I could see were the wounds on that
 woman and all I could feel was  the need for revenge...and when I slit
 his throat and  looked in his eyes,  all I could see  was that woman's
 expression...for that one instant I was as human as you."
      "And you don't like being human, do you?" Deven said in a caustic
 tone. "Well, I've got  bad news for you. You're just  like the rest of
 us. You're no better and no worse.  You have to live the life you were
 given and  you have to live  it with the  rest of us, imperfect  as we
 are. Or you can go and hide in the forest, hoping no one will see that
 face of yours in the light of day. But those are your ONLY choices!"
      Rien bit his tongue, holding his words.
      "Look, I'm  sorry," Deven went  on, "but  I'm tired of  you using
 your father as an excuse for what you do! Life is a boat and we're all
 in it together and  it matters little where we came  from and where we
 are going."
      Rien nodded. "I  should be apologizing. We have no  choice who we
 are born  to or  where. Our  families and  heredity are  determined by
 events beyond our control. If we're  lucky, we're born to good parents
 in a prosperous  area and grow up  in a good environment.  All that we
 have  a choice  in is  our path  in life.  Beyond our  births we  make
 ourselves into who we are."
      Deven took  a deep  breath and  slowly let it  out. He  knew from
 experience that  Rien just backed  out of a fight  for sake of  an old
 friendship. He always had a deep conflict  with who he was and did not
 feel at home with either of the two races he belonged to. On any other
 day Deven  would say that  not enough time  had been invested  by Rien
 into understanding  the world  he is a  part of, but  today he  had to
 wonder if that  world was changing too  rapidly to give those  in it a
 chance to adjust.
      "I'm the one  to speak," Deven sighed. "I'm pulling  you in after
 me, to avenge my parents, your country...Adrea..."
      "And with no plan," Rien warned.
      "No plan. It just hit me out of  the blue that it might be a good
 idea to sink that ship..."
      "Into  the blue,"  Rien corrected.  "It  also `just  hit' you  to
 destroy the Dragon."
      "The Dragon's different," Deven said. "Even if this were all over
 today, I wouldn't be  able to go back and live there.  We wrote it off
 when we abandoned it. I just made sure it was a casualty of war."
      "The mage?" Rien reinforced the topic.
      Deven shifted,  leaning back against  the wall. "The best  way to
 kill someone,  that I know  of, still happens  to be by  bashing their
 skull in."
      "All right," Rien agreed. "Assuming  that's what we're doing, how
 do we get to him?"
      "We don't. I certainly don't. The  closer I am to him physically,
 the more aware of me he'll be. And if he were actively looking for me,
 I doubt I'd be safe anywhere on this side of the continent."
      "So you want me to swim out into the middle of the bay and do him
 in? Has Brice been telling you stories about my swimming again?"
      Deven laughed.  "You can't  confront him either.  You'd be  in as
 much danger as I. Although you don't practice magic, your potential to
 do so is a beacon in itself."
      "Then if we can't do it..." Rien began.
      "...That's   what  makes   it  a   challenging  problem,"   Deven
      Rien shook his  head. "Deven, I don't want to  be taking any more
 risks than we  already are by being here. Adrea  should be our primary
      "She  is, but  you know  I can't  go into  the street  talking to
 people.  My accent  will  give me  away  in  a blink  of  an eye.  I'm
 inobvious only so long as I keep my mouth shut."
      "I'll find her," Rien said. "You just help me get her out."
      "That was the deal all along," Deven agreed.
      "And the mage?"
      Deven  rubbed his  chin. "Well,  if we  can't go  to him,  he has
 little choice, but to come to us."
      "Oh, good," Rien said sarcastically.  "I was hoping you'd save me
 the swim."
      "You may yet  need to swim," Deven said thoughtfully.  "I need to
 think this over."
      "Should I wait or go to sleep?" Rien asked.
      "Go to sleep."
      Deven chuckled. "You  wouldn't be this way if  you understood how
 desperately the rest of us need this sleep."
      "I could've been in a comfortable bed right now, with a beautiful
 woman, having  the highlight of  my visit  to Sharks' Cove  and you're
      "She asked you  to sleep with her?" Deven  asked, surprised. "The
      "Something like that."
      "Rien, I'm  flattered," Deven laughed, "but  you really should've
 picked her over me."
      "My love  life has plenty  of problems without  any complications
 from Jenye," Rien sighed.
      "Kera. Eile."
      "Eile? You saw her?"
      "You know I was in Arvalia."
      "You've been going there at least once every two years since I've
 known you  and this  is the first  time you've made  an effort  to see
 her," Deven said.
      "I didn't make an effort," Rien said. "We ran into each other."
      "And..." Rien sighed. "I still love her."
      "And she?"
      "I don't think her feelings about me ever changed."
      "And Kera?"
      Rien did not answer, remembering  the harsh exclamation Eile made
 at the council of tribes. "If looks could kill..."
      "Looks like you have a big choice to make," Deven said.
      "I had it  to make long before  that. There is no way  Kera and I
 can  continue."  He  said  that very  bitterly,  with  much  finality,
 although he never really felt any hostility towards her.
      Deven did  not answer,  giving his  friend a  chance to  vent his
      "Did I tell you she got me to make her my squire?"
      "She did. I think  this is a good first step  to end our physical
      "Just like that?" Deven asked.
      Rien nodded, not quite sure if  Deven could see that in the murky
 light of the dying ambers. "We're  of two different worlds. Where will
 we be in ten years?"
      "So you'll  never sleep with  another human female  again?" Deven
      "That's the general idea."
      "And you'll get yourself a rich Eelail girl, have five kids and a
 big tree house..."
      "Cut it out," Rien warned.
      "That's what I thought," Deven said. "You can't run away."
      "I can't stay, either."
      "Does Kera know it's over?"
      "I don't  know if she understands,"  Rien said. "She loves  me, I
 don't doubt that, but I just don't think she sees the problem."
      "So in your infinite wisdom, as a man who has three women chasing
 after him, which one will you pick?"
      Rien did  not answer for the  longest time, then finally  got up.
 Deven had this way of getting  into the problem, making himself a part
 of it. Forcing Rien to think.
      "The one  I've hurt  the most,"  Rien sighed.  "Who else  could I
      He walked  over to the  door of the  shack and slammed  it closed
 after stepping out.  Deven remained sitting by the  wall, knowing full
 well that Rien would  need the time alone to think  about what he just
 said. The  mage chuckled  and stretched  out on  the wooden  floor. At
 least  one of  them  needed sleep  and for  a  welcomed change,  Deven
 figured he would be the one to get a restful night.

                        *          *          *

             "Sergeant! Are we free to turn in?"
             "I guess that'll be it for tonight. Go ahead. Tell everyone
         to be ready to sweep further north tomorrow."
             "Yes, Sir!"
             Heavy footsteps echoed down the street as a group of men
         hurried down the dark street to a two story wood building.
             "Sir, what about you?"
             The sergeant turned and looked. "I'll be there in a minute.
         I just want a moment out here alone."
             "Fresh air, Lasin! Just smell it!"
             The other man paused, tilting his head up, as if to get a
         better sample of the cool night air. "It's better than the
         stench of burned wood and blood, Sir," the man agreed.
             "Yes, yes. I find it's the evenings I live for now, Lasin,
         when we put our swords away and rest from the day's labours."
             "And enjoy the mead and the women, Sir?"
             The sergeant laughed. "Let's go in. The mead is better than
         fresh air when it comes to making me light headed, to forget
         what I've done during the day."
             The two soldiers hurried from the mouth of the alley after
         their companions and disappeared through a doorway under a kite
         shield. Silence took the street for a time, before shadows
         again moved against the walls of the buildings.
             "You're right. They're staying at the Dragon."
             "We need to go in."
             Silence. Two men crawled along the wall, watching for any
         other activity in the street. Two windows lit up with
         flickering flames above them and laughter floated into the
             "Any last words?" Rien asked.
             The mage paused, looking back.
             "Don't stir trouble!"
             "My god, Rien! We're going in there with a dozen soldiers
         and you're saying don't stir trouble? There are going to be a
         lot of deaths in there tonight. It's either us or them."
             "Don't look for trouble," Rien warned.
             "I don't think you know how much I love life," the mage
         whispered. "I'll do as much as I can to avoid risking it and
         everything that I can to save it!"
             "You do that."
             They moved up to the rear door of The Tipsy Dragon and
         paused one more time.
             "Is it open?" Deven asked.
             "It never stops to amaze me how often people lock the front
         door to stop intruders, only to leave the back door wide open."
             A scream echoed down the alley.
             "That came from above," Deven looked up. "Perhaps I should
         go with you?"
             "You look downstairs," Rien answered sharply. "The upstairs
         is my problem."
             "You'll run into trouble," the mage protested.
             "Then I'll call for help. Stick to the original plan for
             Rien pushed open the back door, allowing a partial view of
         the rear corridor and the kitchen doorway. Everything was dark,
         with only a dim glow of a flickering candle visible in the
             "It's clear. Go."
             Deven slid past Rien and through the open door, pressing
         himself against the wall once inside. A moment later Rien
         followed, taking the other wall. Both men looked up and down
         the corridor, then advanced forward, pausing at the doorway to
         the kitchen. Rien nodded and Deven slid into the kitchen,
         heading for the stairs leading to the basement. Rien himself
         crept further down the corridor to the rear stairs leading up,
         then, as quietly as he could, ascended into darkness.

                        *          *          *

      It was still  very early when Rien arrived at  the Abyssment. The
 tavern  was  almost  empty  due  to the  early  hour  and  ordering  a
 non-alcoholic drink, Rien  took a seat at the corner  table from which
 he could see both the stairs and the front door.
      Some  time passed  with  him watching  people  coming and  going,
 thinking  about the  events  of the  last few  days.  He was  becoming
 worried about  Adrea, more worried than  he was on his  way to Sharks'
 Cove. He had been here for six days and in this time made no progress.
 He was  no closer to  knowing Adrea's  whereabouts and as  each moment
 passed, the chances of her being found became more and more remote. He
 was angry  with himself for  letting Adrea  talk him into  letting her
 stay in  Sharks' Cove. There  was no  need for her  to do that  and no
 reason for him  to agree, other than her talking  faster than he could
 reason. The  Tipsy Dragon was  just another facility that  happened to
 make money. There was no reason  to maintain it. The funds it provided
 served little  use, usually being  used to  keep the tavern  going and
 building maintained, not  that other funds were  unavailable for these
      Rien mentally kicked himself. Everything  was fine. It was just a
 matter  of  time  before  Adrea  would  be  found.  Safe.  He  shifted
 impatiently. Jenye was  now late. Had something happen  to her? Should
 he wait or  ask at the bar?  He waited longer, now  worrying about two
 people, instead  of one. Finally giving  up, Rien made his  way to the
 bar and asked the man on the other side of the counter for Jenye.
      "You're that Ryan fellow?" the bartender asked.
      "Yea," Rien winced at the pronunciation. `Something like that.'
      "Eran," the man called a serving girl over. "Take this man to the
 warehouse and stay there. Don't go back alone."
      "Sure, Eli."
      Rien followed her  out of the Abyssment, as soon  as she left her
 apron  behind  the counter.  The  girl  was  young, maybe  fifteen  or
 sixteen. She did not say anything.
      "Why aren't you supposed to come back alone?" Rien finally had to
      "Because the  soldiers are  in the  streets," the  girl answered,
 almost surprised the question was asked.
      "Well, of course, they're always there! We're at war!"
      She looked  at him,  obviously surprised.  "You didn't  hear, did
      "Hear what?"
      "About the attempt on Admiral Talens' life?"
      "No." Now Rien was genuinely surprised himself. "When?"
      "Sometime yesterday.  An archer  just missed  him and  he ordered
 everyone west of Quirin to be put to the sword."
      "West of Quirin?" That included all of the docks, most of the old
 quarter and  all of the merchant  quarter. "That's more than  half the
      The girl did not answer  and Rien decided against saying anything
 more. He was thankful  that they were out in the  east part of Sharks'
 Cove, upstream from Quirin, and  concerned about what was happening on
 the  other side  of  town. Just  few  months ago  Sharks'  Cove was  a
 bustling city  of ten thousand, among  the largest in Baranur.  By the
 time he  arrived a few  days ago, it was  said that the  four Benosian
 regiments patrolling the  city consisted of more people  than what was
 left of the local population. What would the slaughter of another half
 of the people leave? Rien wished he could do something, but he knew he
 was as helpless to stop the enemy as the rest of the populace.
      Within a few minutes Eran brought  Rien to a building with a huge
 front door  and knocked.  A sliding  bar could be  heard and  the door
 cracked open.
      "What is  it?" a man, barely  visible behind it, asked.  All that
 could be seen  of him was where  a narrow streak of  light fell across
 his face.
      Rien nervously looked up and  down the street. They were probably
 a half league from the part of town where the people were being killed
 and he could feel a chill in the air.
      "Is Doctor Calyd here?" Eran asked.
      "Who's he?" the man asked cautiously.
      "He's looking for her. Eli told me to bring him here."
      The  door opened  into a  dark room  and Rien  followed the  girl
 inside. The room  went much further back than it  seemed at first, the
 back part separated from the entrance by a black curtain.
      "She's in the back," the man said. Rien could now see that he was
 dressed in chain armor, complete with a sword and a long dagger on his
 belt and a shield and a helmet lying on a chair.
      Before  Eran could  indicate for  Rien to  follow her,  the guard
 closed the door, sliding the heavy  deadbolt back into place. The room
 submerged into  murky darkness, illuminated  by a single  candle. Eran
 stumbled towards the curtain and  brushed it aside. Rien followed her,
 better oriented  to the  darkness on  this side  of the  curtain. They
 walked through the  room and down a short corridor  to another, larger
 room, where many people rushed about  and about three dozen lay on the
 floor. There was more blood there  than all those bodies could account
      Rien looked at  the bodies in desperation, half  expecting to see
 Adrea among them, but while there were quite a few women there, he saw
 no trace of her.
      "Come this  way," Eran called to  him and he followed  her to the
 other side of the room where Jenye tended to an injured man.
      Rien  knelt by  her,  taking a  bloody gauze  she  was trying  to
 manipulate and holding it in place.  As he took it from Jenye's hands,
 he realized that her hand was glowing, radiating a warmth which forced
 the wound  to close up.  His own arm  became pleasantly warm  from the
 closeness of the magical source.
      "All right," Jenye took the bandage from Rien. "He'll make it."
      "I didn't realize you were a mage," Rien muttered.
      "Neither did  I, until I  saw my father  die," she picked  up the
 lose strips of cloth on the ground and moved to the next patient.
      "I'm sorry," Rien followed her.
      "So  am I.  He might've  lived if  I had  found out  sooner." She
 unwrapped and  examined the deep cut  on the woman's forearm  as blood
 freely flowed to the floor.
      "Can you move your fingers?"
      "No," the woman shook her head, obviously in pain.
      "Hold her arm still," Jenye instructed Rien.
      He did, not understanding the  reason, as the woman lay perfectly
 still. Jenye took a glass marble from her pouch and forced it into the
 wound. The  woman screamed in agony  and Rien had to  struggle to keep
 her steady. A glow again emanated  from Jenye's hands, making the torn
 skin grow together. The bleeding stopped and the injured woman quietly
      "Lie still," Jenye told her. "You'll be all right..."
      Rien  looked into  the injured  woman's eyes,  realizing for  the
 first time that she  could be no older than Eran.  Just a girl, caught
 in a war. "What happened here?" he asked Jenye.
      "Come on," the  doctor answered, hurrying to the  next patient, a
 man dressed in chain and some plate. A second man, dressed in the same
 manner, sat by him, unsuccessfully trying to stop the bleeding from an
 open wound in his side.
      "How long was he here?" Jenye asked.
      "I don't know..."
      The wound was so  wide and deep, there was no  need to remove the
 chain  shirt to  access  it.  "You should've  gotten  me sooner,"  she
 scolded. "He lost a lot of blood."
      Clanking sounds alerted Rien to look up. Two men carrying a third
 entered the room. "Doctor!"
      "Wait your turn!"
      "He's going to die!" they put the body on the floor.
      "So will  this one!" she thrust  all of the bandages  to Rien and
 saying, "stop the bleeding," hurried to take a look at the newcomer.
      Rien moved closer to the body, pulled the soldier's armored shirt
 up, adjusted the torn and stained  tunic and placed a cloth strip over
 the  wound. The  cut was  deep, probably  made by  a pike  or an  axe,
 slicing deep  into the right side,  under the ribs. Rien  had no doubt
 that the  man's intestines were cut.  He threw another layer  of cloth
 over the wound as  the first soaked up the blood.  In a battlefield an
 injury such as this would be  considered unsalvageable and he would be
 permitted  to die.  A third  strip of  cloth followed  the second  and
 although unconscious, the man groaned from the pain.
      "What  happened?"  Rien  asked  the man  sitting  by  him,  while
 continuing his attempts to slow the flow of blood.
      "He's my brother..."
      That was not  the answer Rien desired. The bleeding  did not stop
 and he  continued layering the cloth.  The wound was simply  too deep,
 too wide. "Jenye!"
      He was  not sure where she  came from, but her  hands checked the
 wound, then rapidly checked the man's throat. They hovered there for a
 moment,  then she  pushed  herself  away from  the  body. "He's  dead.
 They're both dead."
      Rien removed his bloody hands from  the wound. The man died while
 he was trying to save him and  the blood flow was so strong, there was
 no  indication that  he  had died,  even now.  The  man's brother  sat
 unmoving, looking at the body. He was probably in shock.
      "Jenye, what happened?"
      "Ga'en missed. The one shot that mattered the most, he missed..."
      "Are you sure?"
      There were tears in her eyes. "I don't know any more..."
      "Doctor!" a man called.
      "Come on," she got up, wiping  her eyes and smearing blood on her
      Rien followed her to the next casualty of war.
      "Get me more bandages," Jenye told  the man who called her and he
 rushed off.
      As Rien helped  tend to the wounded, he eventually  lost count of
 the number of people  that passed by him and the  types of wounds that
 they had. It all blended together  into one long nightmarish string of
 bodies and screams  and blood from people whose only  fault was living
 on the wrong  side of town. Children and elderly,  men and women, rich
 and poor all alike had become targets of the Benosian force. At first,
 the  calm  frozen  faces  of  the   dead  stayed  with  Rien,  but  by
 mid-afternoon even they began to  blend together due to their numbers.
 Every  type of  wound imaginable  had passed  by him  during the  day.
 Everything from cuts and bruises to  burns and mutilation on young and
 old alike. His clothes became stained with the blood which had covered
 all of the floor  of the large room and the trails  of which seemed to
 crawl though  the doorways, as if  trying to reach other  parts of the
 building. Each time he closed his eyes,  he could see the worst of the
 wounds and hear the  screams of the dying and worst  of all, the smell
 of death followed him at every step,  even after it got dark and there
 were no more people being brought in to be helped.
      The day passed as if in a  dream and Rien found himself and Jenye
 sitting in  a darkened  back room, recovering  from their  ordeal. Her
 arms  were around  him,  face buried  in his  hair,  spilled over  his
 shoulder, and  he was only remotely  aware of his own  arms around her
      "I've  never seen  anything so  inhumane  in my  life," he  heard
 himself say, not sure why he was saying it. There was no question that
 half the people were tortured and left to die.
      "You're a soldier," he felt Jenye's warm breath on his neck.
      "I never killed for sport... I always fought for survival."
      "This is a different war. I'm sorry I made you come here."
      "I came of my own free will."
      Rien could feel Jenye's lips on his  jaw and then on his own, but
 refused to fight her. He had no more fight left in him tonight and did
 not think she had any, either.

                        *          *          *

             Darkness slowly dissolved into the comforting flicker of
         candles lighting the second floor corridor. Rien held as close
         to the stairs as he could, raising his head just enough to see
         over the top step into the lit corridor. Everything was quiet,
         most of the dozen doors on the floor closed, some with
         flickering shadows of flame seen from beneath them.
             Rien hurried up, knowing he had little time to check all
         rooms before meeting Deven again on the other side. Their goal
         was only to make sure that Adrea was not there. He did not want
         to be forced into a confrontation with the soldiers at the inn,
         even though Deven stressed it was inevitable.
             He checked the first room, with an open door, satisfying
         his curiosity that it was empty. How many soldiers were there?
         At least a dozen. Probably twenty, plus their sergeant. A
         standard squad of men. There were a dozen individual rooms on
         the second floor. Six more in the basement. That would average
         one to a room. Most were probably still in the tavern portion
         of the inn, getting drunk.
             He checked the second open room. Empty. The third had a
         closed door. Rien paused and listened. Nothing. Sounds could be
         heard coming from other rooms, but not from here. He pushed it
         open. Empty.
             The next door hid a lit candle in the very least and he
         debated opening it now. Would it be worth the risk? He pushed
         it open a crack. Nothing. He pushed it open some more and
         stepped inside. Empty. A travel pack on the floor, leather
         gloves, hauberk and camail on the unmade bed. The owner no
         where in site.
             Carefully closing the door after himself, Rien returned to
         the corridor. The next door was also open, the dark room empty.
         `Almost half,' Rien paused at a closed door. From the next room
         down he heard a moan. Pleasure? Agony? It was hard to tell.
         Either way, he would soon have to look in. He paused at the
         current door, listening, when running footsteps sounded at the
         far end of the corridor, where the other set of stairs was and
         not giving things a second thought, Rien pushed the door open
         and entered.
             Dark. Outline of a bed near the shuttered window. A form on
         the bed. Sleeping?
             "Forance? You so drunk you can't find your room again?"
             Rien grunted.
             "Look, I told you it's a bad idea to switch rooms after all
         this time."
             Rien did not move.
             "Look, you dumb kid, get out, or I'll throw you out!"
             The door behind Rien opened and a large framed man stepped
             "Forance?" the man on the bed asked.
             "Gegurtuny?" the man in the doorway asked and put his hand
         on Rien's shoulder.
             "Who in the name of Sanar is with you?"
             Rien's elbow impacted with the gut of the man standing next
         to him, forcing him to double over, then Rien, grabbing his
         arm, flung him across the room into the bed.
             Forance more slid than flew into the wall, but in the end
         wound up sprawled over Gegurtuny, grunting in pain. Rien
         stepped outside and pulled the door shut after himself. With
         any luck that would be all to his encounter, although deep
         inside he suspected there had to be more to it.
             He had time to quickly verify another empty room before
         coming to the one he heard originate the moan not long ago.
         Five more rooms. He pushed the door open.
             Inside, on the bed, lay a naked woman and in the middle of
         the room stood a naked man.
             "Sorry," Rien closed the door, hoping his accented Benosian
         would not be noticed. He did not recognize either of the pair.
             The next room was also lit, but there was little time to
         hesitate. Rien pushed the door open, coming face to face with
         an armed and armored man.
             "What?" the man turned in surprise.
             "Just my luck," Rien answered in the Baranurian tongue. He
         grabbed the man's arms as the soldier drew his sword and
         smashed him against the wall. The man reversed the grab,
         pushing Rien against the other wall, both tripping over the bed
         and falling on it.
             Rien punched. His opponent kicked. The bed tilted on it's
         side, sending both of them to the floor. Rien kicked. The bed
         turned over completely, falling on the two men.
             "Intru..." Rien's fist connected with the man's jaw, ending
         his warning with a yell of pain. They struggled to their feet,
         the Benosian soldier getting up in the doorway and Rien in the
         middle of the room.
             Not wanting to waste time recovering, Rien put his shoulder
         into the soldier's chest, as he charged out of the room,
         carrying the man across the narrow hallway and crashing against
         the door on the other side. The lock gave way and the door fell
         in, Rien and his opponent tumbling in after it.
             "Keep it down!" A roar sounded from the corridor, followed
         by a female shriek. The man Rien tackled made no sound.
             "Empty room," Rien muttered and got up, stepping outside.
             Three to go. He picked up the sword the soldier he fought
         dropped and hurried over to the next door. Sounds of drinking
         and talking could be heard from the overhang to the common
         room, not far away. The moment of truth was near. Pushing the
         door open, Rien paused in the doorway, looking at a partially
         dressed man leaning over a naked woman.
             "Help!" the woman shrieked.
             Rien brought up the sword as the man moved back.
             At that moment the door half way down the corridor burst
         open to reveal the large man Rien had assaulted moments
         earlier. He looked mad and spotting Rien, headed right for him.
             "Hang on," Rien closed the door. He did not want to deal
         with more than one opponent at a time. To his surprise, he saw
         the large man draw a sword from over his shoulder, not stopping
         as he did so. Rien took a step back as heavy foot steps could
         be heard on the stairs. An armed and armored man appeared at
         the top of the landing, obviously expecting to run into
             "What is going on out...?" the half naked man from the room
         Rien just looked in appeared in the corridor.
             "It's a party," Rien smiled, grabbing his arm and flinging
         him into the man at the top of the stairs. Both tumbled down to
         the main room of the tavern in a tangle of arms and legs.
         Rien's sword bounced down after them.
             "Intruder!" Forance yelled and swung his sword.

                        *          *          *

      "Let'er go!" A  scream filled the air and Rien  shifted, not sure
 if it was  inside the building or in the  street. Jenye, still asleep,
 turned, draping  an arm  around his neck  and wrapping  herself around
 him. He  moved her arm  and lifted his  head, trying to  listen. There
 were sounds of rushing feet in  the corridor outside the room and more
 commotion further away.
      "Come on," he shook Jenye. "We've got to go!"
      "Wha...?" she turned away from him,  trying to stretch out on the
      "Jenye!" he whispered, grabbing hold of her arms and shaking her,
 "we have to leave now!"
      "What is it?" she looked at him, still half asleep.
      "The soldiers are here. Get dressed."
      That  made  her move  much  faster.  They  dressed as  sounds  of
 commotion picked up,  but this time outside the  room. Distinct sounds
 of swords and distant yells could be heard.
      "What's going on out there?"
      Rien cracked the door open and looked out. The hallway was empty,
 but only  for the moment. More  footsteps sounded and Rien  closed the
 door before anyone appeared in site.
      "What is it?" Jenye asked impatiently.
      "Probably soldiers. If they come in here, don't resist. Do what I
 do and when I tell you to go, run like you've never run before."
      Another scream sounded.  More rushing feet, the  sound of someone
      "You're not armed," Jenye suddenly said.
      The door slammed open to reveal two Benosian soldiers with swords
      "Two more in here!"  one of the men yelled in  his tongue. By the
 looks of her, Rien did not think Jenye understood.
      A sergeant walked  in, sword arm bloody up to  the elbow, clearly
 not  with  his own  blood.  "She'll  be good  for  the  men, if  she's
 healthy," he looked at Jenye. "Kill the man."
      Rien was glad  that Jenye did not speak the  language. He was not
 sure if he was glad that he did.
      One of the soldiers turned to Rien, while the other waited in the
 doorway. It was time to think fast.
      "It's  bad luck  to stand  in the  doorway," Rien  said in  their
 tongue. The man approaching him stopped. The sergeant folded his arms.
      "So, you do understand... Kill him anyway."
      Dodging the  swing of  the sword, Rien  slammed himself  into the
 door, causing it  to crash into the sergeant. The  door hit him square
 in the chest,  pushing him back, but catching his  shoulder and bloody
 arm in  the door  frame and  Rien could hear  the satisfying  sound of
 cracking bone.
      The  two remaining  men closed  in on  him. "If  you don't  move,
 this'll be quick..."
      Rien planted his back against the wall and pushed the door to let
 the  unconscious  sergeant fall.  He  would  have  to retreat  to  the
 corridor to get the sword. That was no good.
      Jenye started  inching up,  trying to sneak  up on  the soldiers,
 their backs now turned to her.
      "Don't  move," Rien  warned  her  in Baranurian  and  one of  the
 soldiers, who apparently understood, spun around.
      Before he knew it, the man was tumbling down, shielding Rien from
 his companion's sword. It was a quick thrust, unexpected by all in the
 room, and the man Rien knocked off balance went limp. The last soldier
 shouted for reinforcements.
      "I was hoping you wouldn't  do that," Rien said, still supporting
 the dead Benosian soldier.
      The soldier backed  away from Rien, trying to  maneuver closer to
 the door.
      "Here," Rien gave  the body he was  holding on to a  shove at his
 opponent and rushed  him as they collided. The door  slammed the other
 way, catching the  soldier against the wall and stunning  him. He slid
 down to the floor, leaving behind a trail of blood.
      "Damn  unlucky  place  to  stand," Rien  pushed  the  unconscious
 sergeant out  of the doorway.  "Come on,"  he turned to  Jenye. "While
 they're out."
      She hurried  to him, but  paused a few  steps short of  the door,
 looking him in the eyes. "You're..."
      Rien grabbed  her and pulled her  out of the room.  "Let's..." In
 the corridor lay two bodies of people who helped them take care of the
 injured the day before. Rien had little opportunity to become familiar
 with them, but  after the emotional drain of the  previous day, he had
 to pause to gather his thoughts.
      "Oh, no," Jenye bent down by one, a deep cut across his chest and
 part way down his abdomen. The  other man was clearly dead, his throat
      Commotion could be heard deeper  in the building as Jenye's hands
 started to glow green once again and she reached for the injured man.
      "We don't have  the time!" Rien grabbed her hands  and pulled her
 up. He could feel the magic affecting him.
      "He'll die!"
      "So will we, if we don't get  out of here!" He almost carried her
 to get her away from the body. "We don't have the time to do this!"
      "He's my friend!"
      They made it to a side door and Rien forced Jenye into the alley.
 "Then he'll understand! You're no good to anyone dead!"
      "And neither is he!"
      "Jenye, that  wound is  simply too extensive  to spend  time on,"
 Rien stopped, forcing her to look at  him. "And even if you healed it,
 he wouldn't  have the  strength to  leave and  neither would  you! You
 can't risk yourself this way."
      "Isn't  that what  friends  are all  about?"  she asked,  pulling
 against his grasp. "I'm going back."
      "No!" Rien said, but Jenye  pulled free, rushing towards the edge
 of the alley. "Jenye!"
      She stopped just short of the mouth of the alley, at the sight of
 two Benosian soldiers.
      The soldiers drew their swords.
      She turned, the soldiers on her heels.
      Not having a  sword available, Rien picked up a  sturdy plank and
 prepared  for an  unbalanced fight.  Jenye charged  past him,  closely
 followed by  the two men. Rien  met the first soldier  with his plank,
 connecting with the man  as the sword of the other  dug into the wood,
 uncomfortably close to  Rien's fingers. He twisted  the plank, yanking
 the weapon out of the soldier's hands, making both weapons unusable.
      With  a yell,  the  soldier  pulled a  broadsword  from over  his
 shoulder, swinging down on the  draw, the blade skipping across Rien's
 upper arm, splattering  blood in various directions.  "For Untar!" The
 sword impacted Rien's  side making him fall over,  "and for Beinison!"
 The weapon  hovered in  the air  and began  its downward  plunge. "And
      The soldier  toppled forward, the  sword digging into  the ground
 near Rien's head, the edge cutting  into his shoulder before coming to
 a rest.
      He could  not move,  the sword  dangerously balanced  between his
 neck and the soldier on top of him. The Benosian warrior did not move.
      Through  his pain,  his  eyes focused  on the  man  above him,  a
 trickle of blood forming at the  edge of the soldier's open mouth. The
 head dropped down  with a final breath and the  shifting weight forced
 the sword down. Rien pushed at  the ground with his heels, desperately
 trying to get away from the blade, or  at least to get his head out of
 the way.
      The body fell  on him, but the  sword froze in the  air, stuck in
 the ground at an improbable angle.
      He cautiously opened his eyes, his vision obscured by blood.
      Jenye held  on to  the sword  with one hand  and pushed  the dead
 soldier off  Rien with the  other. Before  he could say  anything, her
 glowing hands reached for his wounds. "I'm sorry..."
      Rien did not answer, lying still as the pain in his side began to
 dissipate. He deserved that cut. Both, actually. All three. He let the
 soldier get the better  of him. He deserved worse than  he got. It was
 just his luck to fight a walking arsenal with no weapons of his own.
      "Go!" Rien  caught himself. "Before  more come." His voice  was a
 mere whisper.
      "You'll bleed to death if I leave you!"
      Rien did not believe that to be  the case, but was fully aware of
 the severity of his wounds and that without healing, he would be in no
 condition to go far alone. "Leave me," he repeated.
      "Friends don't do things like that," she said again.
      "Don't be  foolish," Rien  gasped. "How long  have you  known me?
 What do you know of me?"
      "I know you're kind, gentle and you care."
      Rien tried  to sit up,  doing so with  a tremendous effort  and a
 groan. He could feel the wound in his side tearing and grabbed Jenye's
 arm for support.
      "You're only making it worse," she warned, pushing him back down.
      "No," Rien resisted. "Not in the middle of an alley."
      Jenye looked up and down the street. It was probably the only one
 in  Sharks' Cove  that happened  to be  completely free  of trash  and
 debris. Well, almost  completely free. There was  one overturned crate
 lying by  the wall some twenty  yards away. She again  reached for the
 wound in Rien's side, forcing it to  seal. For the time being, she was
 not going to bother with the one  in his arm, or the shoulder. Neither
 was life  threatening and he was  right, she was tired  and the effort
 was already costing her a lot.
      "Get out  of here,"  Rien's left hand  locked tightly  around her
 wrist, "before more come."
      "No!" she  yanked her hand away  from his and continued  to work,
 ignoring his protests. Finally, Rien seemingly gave up, resting on the
 ground as  Jenye closed the major  wound. She had to  force herself to
 finish the job, in spite of fatigue.  She would not have done this for
 many people, but in the last few days Rien impressed her as few others
 would have and even surprised her a number of times.
      When she finished,  Jenye sat down, picking up one  of the swords
 the Beinison soldier dropped. Although she had no intention, or skill,
 to use the  weapon, perhaps if she  just held it in her  lap, it would
 make her seem a more formidable opponent in this city.
      Rien appeared  to be asleep,  the wound  in his side  healed. The
 other two wounds, on his arm  and shoulder, still needed attention, as
 blood trickled  down to  the ground  from them,  and tearing  the dead
 soldier's tunic,  Jenye proceeded to  bandage them. She paused  as she
 tore the man's  clothes, noticing for the second time  the black arrow
 that cost him  his life. She wanted  to hate Ga'en for  the horrors he
 brought on the city and at the  same time was grateful for what he had
 done in  this alley. She  did not think  she could handle  losing Rien
 after  the  previous  day  and painfully  realized  that  his  current
 condition was her fault.
      Finishing with  the wounds, Jenye  pulled Rien down the  alley to
 the large  crate that could  give them cover  for a little  while. She
 also moved the two dead bodies and sat them up in a doorway where they
 seemed about as inconspicuous as they had in the middle of the street,
 not that anyone would give them a second thought in this town.
      Coming back to  Rien, she sat down, her back  against the box and
 let out a deep sigh. Now everything  was a matter of time. Both he and
 she needed to  recover strength and with any luck,  they would move on
 before more  soldiers show up. She  could, in all truth,  leave now to
 look for  help or better shelter,  but she could not  force herself to
 abandon  Rien,  not after  what  he  had done  for  her.  Lost in  her
 thoughts, Jenye reached  to check Rien's wounds again. The  one in his
 side was  repaired to the point  of not bleeding, but  it still needed
 attention  that she  could not  provide without  her tools.  The other
 wounds, although less severe, were merely bound and still bleeding.
      "Help me up," Rien's voice startled  Jenye as she moved to adjust
 the bandages.
      "I thought  you were asleep..."  she muttered. "I didn't  mean to
 wake you."
      "A pained sleep is a waste of time. Help me up."
      "You're too weak," she protested.
      "Too  weak  to  fight  if  the situation  calls  for  it.  I  can
      "The hell you can."
      "Jenye, that sleep did me a lot of good. Help me."
      She hesitated, but  finally offered him a hand,  surprised at how
 quickly he accepted it and sat up.
      "The  flesh is  healed, but  the pain  will last  as it  normally
 would. Some things must heal at their own pace."
      "I'll be fine, thank you," Rien answered.
      "I'm sorry,"  Jenye said. She  did not want it  to seem to  be an
 after thought.
      "I'll be  fine," he repeated. "Let's  go. We need to  find a safe
      "The Abyssment," Jenye  suggested. "It's pretty far  east and I'm
 sure Gaius  won't let anything happen  to it... Can you  make it? It's
 almost a full league."
      Rien stood  up, exerting more  of an  effort than he  expected he
 would need,  but less  than what  Jenye predicted.  At first  a little
 unsteady, he regained his feet. "I'll make it. Let's go."
      "Why didn't  you leave me?"  Jenye asked, offering Rien  help. He
 accepted it without argument.
      "Same  reason you  didn't  leave  me when  I  asked, I  imagine."
 Concentrating on both walking and the pain was a chore.
      "That's not fair," she protested.
      "But is it true?"
      "Yes. I meant what I said about friends. I make them for life."
      "I hope I was an exceptionally fast case, then," Rien said.
      "You were."
      "It wasn't because of last night, was it?"
      "I was going to ask you about that."
      Rien did  not answer, watching  the deserted streets pass  by. It
 was hard to tell if the fighting in  the last day had come this far or
 if  the  scars on  the  buildings  were  from previous  conflicts.  He
 wondered what  to say, not  having a good answer  to give. He  did not
 want to insult  Jenye, but neither did  he want to give  her any false
      "I think that  at times our desperation becomes so  great that we
 are willing to seek comfort in places we know better than to look."
      "It was  just a convenience for  you," Jenye said. He  could hear
 the hurt in her voice.
      "It was a needed  escape for both of us, from  the horrors we had
 witnessed," he answered, hoping she was more convinced than he.
      "Did it make you feel anything?"
      Rien stopped,  taking a deep breath.  He needed a rest.  The walk
 was taking a lot  out of him. "Jenye, you're the  only good thing I've
 seen in  this city since I  arrived here. I'll never  forget that...or
 you, but there are things about me you don't know."
      She wrapped  her arm around him,  for a better grip,  and brushed
 his hair back with the other, revealing a pointed ear. "Like this?"
      "Please," he pushed her arm away, almost backing out of her grip.
 "These are demons you don't want to unleash..."
      "Do you really think that being different makes you so horrible?"
      "I slept  with you, knowing you  were different. I saw  your eyes
 change color  in the fight this  morning. I can't explain  some things
 about you, but  I didn't run because  of them. You need to  trust me a
 little more."
      "I do, but you have to trust me  when I tell you that it would be
 all wrong." He sank down a little. "Arvalia is more different that you
 think. We can enjoy the moment, but never a lifetime."
      She pulled him back up, her hands glowing.
      "Jenye, don't. You're  too tired. One of us in  this condition is
 more than enough..."
      Surprisingly, she listened.
      Rien  attempted  to maintain  his  breathing  at a  normal  rate,
 avoiding gasps  and spasms that  made it  that much more  difficult to
 stand up. "All right," he straightened himself out.
      They returned to the Abyssment, still sparsely populated, even at
 this hour, without any further interruptions. It would appear that all
 the excitement had been limited to  the bay and the western portion of
 the city, and the most obvious thing about the tavern was that for the
 first time in a long time, it was empty of Benosian soldiers.
      "My  God, Jenye,"  the bartender,  Eli,  hurried to  her as  they
 walked in. "Almost no one got out of the warehouse!"
      "I know," she embraced him. "We barely got out ourselves. I don't
 know how..."
      Eli looked  at Rien. "You know  the policy on having  the injured
      "He's a  special case. I'll  take responsibility. We just  need a
      Eli shook his head, but got a  key and handed it to her. "I don't
 want to see him down here with all that blood."
      "You won't."
      She took  Rien up  to a room  looking out at  the remains  of the
 market  square  and  barred  the  door after  them.  "Lie  down,"  she
 instructed Rien.
      He  did. "Don't  waste  your  strength on  me.  I'll  be fine  by
 morning. Just shake me awake."
      "You need to eat something," Jenye protested.
      "I'll eat when I wake up."
      "Just rest. I'll bring something and get some water to clean your
 wounds."  She hurried  to  get  everything she  needed,  but when  she
 returned, Rien was  asleep and she decided against waking  him up. The
 rest would at least restore his strength and the time could be used to
 clean and rebandage the other wounds.  Jenye still did not feel strong
 enough to use magic without  overexerting herself and passing out. She
 carefully  washed and  bandaged  his  arm and  shoulder  and took  the
 opportunity to  examine him  one more  time. Except  for the  ears, he
 looked like  any other normal  human male.  Yet, he was  obviously not
 just  like other  men, but  she still  refused to  believe in  the old
 stories and mythology. There had to be a sensible explanation.
      Having eaten a little of  what she brought, Jenye went downstairs
 to talk  to Eli about  what had happened, find  out what he  heard and
 tell of the horrors she had witnessed.
      The news was not good.
      The pay  back for the  assault on  Talens was rapid  and vicious.
 There  was little  news about  the  current condition  of the  western
 portion  of the  city and  enough people  attempted to  flee that  the
 massacre had  spilled over  into the eastern  half. Hardly  anyone who
 fell in sight of Benosian soldiers survived.
      The day before, Gaius Caligula, upon  hearing of the order to the
 Beinison  troops, sent  a number  of his  people to  one of  his river
 warehouses to  aid those in  his employ who  were caught in  the wrong
 portion of the  city. At first they aided just  their own injured, but
 as the day went on, others started to seek asylum in this little haven
 and a decision was made not  to turn anyone away. Although a criminal,
 Gaius  knew which  side  to  take in  this  battle  and supported  the
 citizens of Sharks' Cove.
      Trying not to  think of all the faces, the  people she personally
 knew, who died in her care in the last day, Jenye returned to the room
 where Rien slept  and re-examined his wounds. They  still oozed blood,
 but appeared much  better. Controlled not to be  life threatening, but
 still not well enough to permit him to travel.
      "Who are you, Rien Keegan?" she wondered.
      Considering her  actions, Jenye undressed for  bed, unwrapped the
 bandages on Rien's  arm and shoulder and once again  attempted to heal
 them and  the serious wound in  his side. Somewhere along  the way she
 passed out from fatigue.

                        *          *          *

             Rien barely managed to move back against the banister as
         the sword cut through the air, catching his arm and tearing
         through cloth and flesh alike.
             Acutely aware that without a sword he was helpless against
         this man, Rien glanced down into the common room where a half
         dozen men stood looking up, and exerted the strength to hurdle
         over the railing before the second swing of the sword could
         catch him.
             Managing to keep his balance below him, Rien landed on the
         edge of a table, causing the far end to swing up, impacting
         with the chin of the man sitting at that end, splattering blood
         and teeth across the room. Others scrambled to their feet,
         those with weapons available drawing steel in preparation for
             "Hold it!" a large man by the fireplace stood up. "Who are
             Weapons came to a rest as Rien recovered his feet and the
         man at the other end of the table slowly slid out of his chair
         and to the floor, unconscious.
             The sergeant put down his mug and approached Rien, leaving
         his sword to dangle at his side. "You are?"
             Rien took a step back. He beat Deven to the common room.
         And he missed two rooms.
             "I'm looking for a friend, but I think I got the wrong
             One of the soldiers pulled the unconscious man from under
         the table and the two that tumbled down the stairs untangled
         themselves and got up. At least three people stood on the
         balcony upstairs, looking down.
             "I think you got the wrong tavern, too," the sergeant said
         and returned to his seat. "Kill him. But not here. I don't want
         a dirty floor."
             Two men with drawn swords approached Rien.
             "I wouldn't," Rien warned. He had no idea what he was going
         to do, but stalling for time could not hurt. If anything, it
         would give Deven time to finish his rounds and come up stairs,
         assuming Deven was lucky enough not to run into any trouble.
         Rien was not sure if he wanted Deven to have found Adrea. This
         would be tough enough to get out of. If she were hurt, it might
         make the situation impossible.
             One of the soldiers silently warned Rien with his sword and
         Rien backed up some more. He detected a faint trace of smoke in
         the air, too faint for the others to pick up.
             "Get going!" the soldier made a grab for Rien. He missed a
         seemingly unavoidable target and crashed down to the floor, as
         much to his companions' surprise, as to Rien's.
             "What the..." the other soldier brought up his sword to
         strike Rien, but dropped it as it turned red hot.
             "Mage!" someone yelled, filling the room with panic. Simple
         prestidigitators and conjurors were quite common on Makdiar,
         but serious wizards, of skill such as that presently displayed,
         were quite rare and very dangerous in the field of battle. The
         Benosian soldiers shifted about the room, none wanting to be
         Rien's next target. Even the man who dropped his sword hurried
         to what he felt to be a safe range. The sergeant once again got
             "Yes, a mage," a deep Benosian voice sounded from the rear
         of the tavern, making all the men with their backs to it jump
         and hurry to place themselves against the safety of the nearest
         wall. Deven stepped out from behind the bar.
             "And who are you?" the sergeant stepped forward, showing
         the initiative the half dozen men with him failed to exhibit.
         Rien's eyes targeted the backs of the two men nearest him.
             Deven calmly walked into the room, reached into his tunic
         and produced a medallion which he let dangle on its chain. "I
         am Lord Skalen Deven Yasarin, rightful heir to the Barony of
         Marolleris, son of Lord Kuvinmel and Lady Ashasan Yasarin. And
         who are you?"
             The sergeant broke into a light chuckle, followed by his
         men, the uneasy laughter turning to full bursts of gut
         splitting contempt. "Kill 'em both."
             The soldier nearest to Deven drew his sword and swung,
         still chocking with glee, as the blade impacted the soft cloak.
         The seemingly soft cloth refused to give to the blade's passage
         and the weapon tumbled from the surprised soldier's grasp. The
         mocking laughter subsided to somber groans as the soldier
         backed away. His own hand reached down to his side and came
         back up stained with blood, from a wound level with how he
         struck the mage. Deven only shook his head.
             Not wasting the precious time, Rien attacked the man
         nearest him, planting his boot into the man's back, sending him
         sprawling forward across tables and chairs, taking down another
         man in his path.
             The man who dropped his sword when trying to attack Rien,
         grabbed a bottle and turned at the sound of the racket, fast
         enough to see Rien close, but not fast enough to react. He
         slammed into a wall and sunk down to the ground.
             None of the other men moved, still watching Deven and the
         man sinking to the floor before him.
             "Sergeant..." a tongue of flame licked at the air through
         the open doorway behind Deven, making the soldiers take another
         step back. "Sergeant, surely you've heard the story of the
         Yasarin family. All dead? Not dead? Two publicly executed, but
         what happened to the children?"
             The large soldier on the stairs, Forance, let out a yell
         and leapt the few feet separating him from the mage, his sword
         held before him, aimed at a stationary target. It sank through
         the cloak, making Rien flinch as he expected Deven to collapse,
         but the mage remained on his feet and only moved his arms to
         lower the stunned soldier to the ground. Forance slipped from
         his grasp and fell backwards on the floor, a deep wound in his
             "Sir Keegan," Deven turned to Rien, "leave. These men are
             Rien took an unsure step forward, towards the door. He knew
         what his friend intended to do, but was not sure if he should
         let him. His hesitancy did not seem unusual to the Benosian
         soldiers around him, who only backed up even more. He knew the
         risks of challenging Deven's authority now. In spite of what he
         felt to be right, he had to let Deven finish this on his own
         terms. There was simply no other way.
             Rien walked past the sergeant, taking care to be ready if
         the man attacked him, but the old soldier made no move even as
         Rien opened and closed the door. He paused in the street,
         casting a glance back at the tavern, looking at the kite shield
         over the door, displaying a fat green dragon lying on its back,
         a filled bubbling glass in its clumsy claw and a goofy glazed
         look in his eyes. Something in him shattered as he realized
         that this symbol of some of his closest friends had been lost
         to the horrors of war. He would forever remember it as a place
         where Adrea disappeared, where he and Deven made a stand
         against enemy troops.
             Crossing the street to the river, Rien hopped off the wood
         supported embankment onto the soft white sand and walked to the
         rushing waters, looking off into the distance where flickers of
         light on the distant southern shore could be seen. Behind him,
         in the shuttered windows of The Tipsy Dragon, orange flames
         lapped at the walls of the building.

                        *          *          *

      Rien opened his  eyes, a sensation of extreme  hunger foremost on
 his mind. He  shifted, realizing how sore he was  and noticed the lack
 of bandages that were on him  before. Instead, there was an arm draped
 across his chest.
      "Jenye..." he did not know what had happened and the idea was not
 much to his liking. "Jenye?"
      "How long have I been out?"
      She lifted her head and looked  towards the window, where the sun
 had already risen in the east. "Over night. You and I both..."
      She kissed him. "You don't have to thank me."
      "How do you feel?" she sat up.
      "Just sore?"
      He moved his arm. "Just sore. Very sore."
      "I'm sorry this happened," Jenye apologized again.
      Rien brushed his hand across her stomach. "Another place, another
      He shook his head. "Thank you for taking care of me."
      Jenye put her arms around him. "I'll be sorry to see you go."
      "I still need to find Adrea," he reminded her.
      "You..." Jenye  sighed. "I guess  there isn't  such a thing  as a
 good time  to tell you.  Your friend was killed  the first day  of the
      "Moldan found  a witness. The invasion  was so sudden, few  had a
 chance to flee. She died at the tavern."
      As he spoke, Jenye saw the pupils of his eyes turn steel grey.
      "I must speak with the witness!"
      "Rien, don't. Please."
      "I must."
      His look and  the tone of his voice frightened  her, but she felt
 the obligation to resist. "You don't know what you're asking..."
      "Yes, I do. Tell me who the witness is!" his voice rose.
      Jenye turned away from Rien. There were things she needed to talk
 to him about now for over a day  and this seemed to be the right time.
 She had his attention and the time.
      "You left two coins in Moldan's house. He gave them back to me to
 return to you."
      "You're changing the topic," Rien warned.
      "Gold Marks?"
      "Do you know what can happen to a commoner with two Gold Marks in
 a town like this?"
      Rien grabbed her shoulder and twisted her to face him. "Jenye!"
      "What are you going to do? Find out who killed her? Go kill them?
 Why don't  you go after  Talens? He's hiding  in Quirin while  his men
 loot and pillage the city!"
      "Jenye,  Adrea was  always my  responsibility. I  trained her.  I
 worked with her. I was there when her daughter was born. I'm not going
 to abandon her now, dead or alive!"
      "You won't let  her rest until you  see blood at the  end of your
      "If that's what it takes, but I  will look in the eyes of the man
 who killed her and see what's in his soul."
      "The witness  is Barar, Moldan's  son," Jenye turned  away again.
 "It's part  of the  reason for  his nightmares. When  I went  back, he
 described things  to me  that he  doesn't know the  words for.  He was
 there that day. He saw it happen...and he'll never forget it."
      "What happened?"
      "A half dozen men chased a girl in to the tavern, a commoner, and
 killed her. Your friend tried to  stop them, killed a soldier, injured
 some others...  Then they caught her,  raped her, gutted her  and left
 her to die."
      Rien threw his legs over the edge of the bed and got up. "No..."
      "It'll comfort you to know that they were the ones staying at the
 tavern. You killed them already."
      Rien did not answer.
      "Do you feel  better now that you know the  truth? Does it please
 you that they died by your hand?  You're just like them! Just like any
 other man who ever  picked up a sword! It's people  like you that make
 this world such a miserable place to live!"
      Fighting the pain and the soreness with his anger, Rien picked up
 his blood stained tunic and put it  on. "I am sorry I disappointed you
 with who I am, but I warned you that it would happen. Goodbye."
      She did  not move  as he  walked out. Perhaps  what she  said was
 enough or  too much, but it  all stemmed from frustration  of the last
 few  days and  the knowledge  that he  was going  to leave  anyway, no
 matter what she would have told him.  She was only sorry that the news
 she had to deliver him was bad. She really had no bad will towards him
 or his mission. It  just came out sounding that way,  her anger was at
 what was happening in Sharks' Cove.  Rien was still among the kindest,
 most sensitive  people she ever met  and seeing him go  still hurt, in
 spite  of her  displeasure with  his  profession. Perhaps  she did  do
 wrong, after all.

                        *          *          *

      Rien managed  to control himself enough  not to slam the  door to
 the room behind  himself. He was angry  at the news and at  how he was
 treated,  but he  could  not disagree  with what  Jenye  had said.  He
 himself had said  the very same thing a countless  number of times. He
 just did  not expect to hear  it from her so  harshly. Compounded with
 the news of Adrea's death, he  found himself at a complete loss. Worse
 than  that,  there  was nothing  he  could  do,  no  one to  take  his
 frustrations out on.
      He  paused at  the end  of the  corridor, before  going down  the
 stairs, and forced himself to calm down. He was not going to do anyone
 any good by staying  mad, himself most of all. After  a brief rest, he
 proceeded down the stairs and towards the door across the room.
      "Rien!" he  heard Jenye's voice when  he was half way  across the
 common room. In spite of himself, Rien stopped and turned. Jenye stood
 at the top of the stairs,  a blanket wrapped around her shoulders. "We
 need to talk."
      For  what seemed  like  forever, he  did not  move,  the eyes  of
 everyone in  the room either  on him or her.  He really could  not say
 that he hated her or never wanted to  see her again. In a way he could
 understand her angry  outburst, but at the same time  he could see the
 mistake he made with Kera and did not want to repeat it a second time.
 It would  hurt now, but  it would  be easier to  get over than  in the
 future. She would probably hate him,  perhaps as much as he would hate
 himself, but it had to be done.
      As  all confused  patrons focused  on him,  he once  again turned
 around and left the Abyssment, this time for good.
1  (C)    Copyright  December,  1993,   DargonZine,     Editor   Dafydd
 <White@DUVM.BitNet>. All  rights revert to the  authors. These stories
 may  not  be  reproduced  or   redistributed  (save  in  the  case  of
 reproducing  the whole  'zine  for further  distribution) without  the
 express permission of the author involved.