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                            _Current Cites_
                            Volume 9, no. 7
                                July 1998
                             The Library
                        University of California, Berkeley
                           Edited by Teri Andrews Rinne
                            ISSN: 1060-2356


                        Kirk Hastings, Terry Huwe,
              Margaret Phillips, Richard Rinehart, Roy Tennant
                       Jim Ronningen, Lisa Yesson

   Editor's Note:
   This summer we are celebrating the 8th anniversary of Current Cites by
   introducing a new service and a new look. With the addition of the
   "Article Search" service to the newly-redesigned Current Cites Web
   site, you can now search the full-text of more than 225 of the best
   information technology articles published since January 1995. Avery
   special thanks to Eric Lease Morgan (SunSITE Digital Librarian from
   North Carolina State University) and Current Cites Web master Roy
   Tennant for developing this latest enhancement.
   The new Web site redesign highlights the three ways in which Current
   Cites citations can be used:
    1. Monthly Publication: sign up to receive each issue of 10-20
       citations as it is published, or browse past issues in either text
       or HTML;
    2. Bibliography On-Demand: search the Current Cites database of more
       than 760 citations and have the results displayed on your screen
       as a bibliography on your topic, sorted with the most recent
       citations first. You can even provide your own title for the
       results; and,
    3. Article Search: search the full-text of more than 225
       freely-accessible articles on the Web that have been cited in
       Current Cites since January 1995.
   These services are available at:
   Heckart, Ronald J. "Machine Help and Human Help in the Emerging
   Digital Library" College & Research Libraries 59(3) (May 1998):
   250-259. -- In this thought-provoking and well-researched article,
   Heckart explores the de facto transition from human help to machine
   help (for additional reinforcement on this point, see Anne Lipow's
   piece "Thinking Out Loud: Who Will Give Reference Service in the
   Digital Environment?" cited in this issue of Current Cites). He
   begins by citing trends that appear to lead us toward such a future,
   then imagines a scenario in which a fictional student in the 2010-2015
   timeframe performs various tasks within a university environment
   reliant upon machine help. He ends with a discussion of implications
   for the profession and three policy alternatives. Heckart wisely
   steers well clear of engaging in a philosophical debate over whether
   the rise of machine help is good thing or an evil one, which allows
   him (and us) to focus on the reality that faces us. -- RT
   Kenney, Anne R. and Oya Y. Rieger. Using Kodak Photo CD Technology for
   Preservation and Access: A Guide for Librarians, Archivists, and
   Curators. Department of Preservation and Conservation, Cornell
   University Library: New York, 1998
   (http://www.library.cornell.edu/preservation/kodak/cover.htm). -- One
   of the biggest problems facing many digital library projects is the
   lack of authoritative information on various technologies -- primarily
   information that can support decisionmaking in regard to their
   effectiveness for different tasks. With this report, Kenney and Rieger
   provide the kind of nitty-gritty technical information for the Kodak
   Photo CD technology that digital librarians need to make good
   decisions. This is not the first time that the Cornell University
   Library has provided essential technical information for digital
   library developers (see "Digital Imaging for Libraries and Archives,"
   http://www.library.cornell.edu/preservation/dila.htm), and I hope that
   it isn't the last. This paper is characteristically thorough,
   well-researched and documented, and flawlessly presented in Adobe
   Acrobat format. It is chock-full of good advice, tables, diagrams,
   examples, and Web addresses for further information. This is an
   essential reference document for anyone working with Kodak Photo CDs.
   -- RT
   Kuny, Terry and Gary Cleveland. "The Digital Library: Myths and
   Challenges" IFLA Journal 24(2) (1998):107-114. -- This article begins
   with the straightforward statement that the piece "is a provocation."
   Kuny and Cleveland's purpose is to provide a "corrective" to the
   digital library hype most often seen in the popular press. And if one
   considers the antidote to hype as being anti-hype, then they have met
   their goal. Although the bulk of the article is reasonable, they are
   prone to overstatement ("copyright could become an insurmountable
   barrier to the development of digital collections") and setting up
   straw men (who within earshot of the IFLA Journal really believes such
   myths as "the Internet is the digital library" and "digital libraries
   will be cheaper than print libraries"?). But among such excesses can
   be found some down-to-earth assertions that are well worth heeding.
   And after the dust from the hype and the anti-hype has settled, we
   will hopefully be left in the middle, where we belong. If you find
   yourself without the time or inclination to finish the article, don't
   miss the conclusion, in which they focus on the human part of the
   equation. -- RT 
   Barker, Phillip. "The Future of Books in an Electronic Era" The
   Electronic Library 16(3) (June 1998): 191-198. -- At the risk of
   spoiling the ending -- yes, books will still be around. While the
   question may be getting somewhat tiresome, Barker's analysis is
   thoughtful and somewhat "novel." He looks at the emergence and
   evolution of books in terms of systems theory. He describes the book
   as an example of a "designed physical system" that supports human
   communication and cognition. Barker systematically assesses how the
   two basic physical processes involved in using books (writing and
   reading) are affected by the different publication media.
   Acknowledging the benefits of electronic media (e.g., accessibility,
   minimal storage requirements, superior search and retrieval
   capabilities, ability to accomodate richer media forms and
   flexibility), he recommends a "comprehensive media strategy" that
   utilizes each storage and publication mechanism to best advantage. His
   analysis is more compelling than his case study, but the best part may
   be that there's still hope for books. -- LY
   Failing, Patricia. "Scholars Face Hefty Fees and Elaborate Contracts
   When They Use Digital Images" The Chronicle of Higher Education XLIV
   (38): B4-5. -- This article takes a look at the area of image
   licensing in the digital era. Focusing on museums and other "owners"
   of digital images, image re-licensors (such as Corbis), and image
   users such as scholars and teachers, this article makes the case for
   fair use in education while attempting to provide an overview of the
   current state of affairs. The article oversimplifies some aspects,
   such as casting museums as "owners" and scholars & universities as
   "users" - in actuality each can play either role. Still, the article's
   basic messages are all points well-taken: this is an important area to
   address; the education community as a whole (including museums,
   universities, and scholars) need to seriously evaluate our educational
   vs. profit goals when we digitize images; and scholars need to heed
   government activity as much as commercial activity. -- RR
   Hapgood, Fred. "Advanced Publications" Wired 6.08 (August 1998): 60.
   -- Frustrated because you can't find that out of print book? Pushed
   the limits of Web publishing, ready for hardback? Take heart - this
   month's Wired highlights a powerful new publishing service, Xlibris
   (www.xlibris.com) -- on-demand, one-to-one book publishing. Authors
   pay a one-time fee of $450 and retain all rights. Xlibris sells,
   prints and ships professional-quality hardcovers (for $25 with about
   $4 to the author in royalties) in runs as small as one. Their
   electronic inventory and on-demand publication is designed to assure
   authors that their book stays in print. -- LY
   Hightower, Christy, Jennifer Reiswig, and Susan S. Berteaux.
   "Introducing Database Advisor: A New Service That Will Make Your
   Research Easier" C&RL News 59(6) (June 1998): 409-412. -- This article
   describes an innovative service that advises users on which
   bibliographic databases may be most useful to their query. Using
   primarily DIALOG's DialIndex service, Database Advisor queries a
   selection of databases using the user's search terms, and returns the
   number of items that would be found in each database for that query.
   This provides easy and rapid feedback on the most useful database for
   a topic. The best part is that they are making the source code
   available under the GNU Public License, which makes it freely
   available for educational institutions and others to install and use
   it. This project is just the kind of imaginative marriage of
   technology and public service that we need. -- RT
   Lipow, Anne Grodzins. "Thinking Out Loud: Who Will Give Reference
   Service in the Digital Environment?" Reference & User Services
   Quarterly 37(2) (Winter 1997): 125-129. -- A basic concept that seems
   to escape the notice of most researchers involved with digital library
   projects is service. Specifically, reference service as it is
   practiced in virtually every "real" library. In a library that only
   exists as bits, how do we reintroduce the kind of thoughtful brokering
   provided by library staff? Lipow's "thinking out loud" on this subject
   preceded a Library of Congress Institute "Reference Service in a
   Digital Age" (http://lcweb.loc.gov/rr/digiref/), which will spawn
   more articles on this topic in the Fall issue of this same journal.
   For another perspective on this topic, see Ron Heckart's article
   "Machine Help and Human Help in the Emerging Digital Library" cited
   in this issue of Current Cites. -- RT
   Tenopir, Carol and Lisa Ennis. "The Digital Reference World of
   Academic Libraries" Online 22(4) (July 1998)
   (http://www.onlineinc.com/onlinemag/OL1998/tenopir7.html). -- To track
   the increasing use of digital reference resources in large academic
   libraries, Carol Tenopir and colleagues have surveyed the 110 members
   of the Association of Research Libraries three times, in 1991, 1994
   and 1997. This article summarizes the results of the latest survey.
   Some of the trends they have spotted are: less reliance upon
   intermediary search services and more upon end-user systems; the
   rejection of transaction-based pricing for subscription options; an
   increase in training courses for library users; and the perception
   among library users that digital full-text is always readily available
   (no surprise for those of us who work at reference desks). After
   examining the use of locally-mounted digital resources vs. remote
   ones, the authors conclude that digital reference may become dependent
   upon connecting to information housed elsewhere. Hopefully this
   three-year review will continue -- a Y2K survey could be quite
   interesting. -- JR
   Wilkinson, Sophie L. "Electronic Publishing Takes Journals Into a New
   Realm" Chemical & Engineering News (May 18, 1998)
   (http://pubs.acs.org/hotartcl/cenear/980518/elec.html). -- For as many
   years as they have been around (this newsletter itself will soon
   celebrate its eighth year), electronic journals are still a medium in
   motion. Different publication models abound, with an equal variety of
   funding models. Although this article is slightly focused on the
   chemical engineering community, it nonetheless touches on a lot of
   issues relating to e-journals of all types. All in all, it is an
   excellent overview of the challenges and opportunities of electronic
   serial publication. -- RT 
   Woody, Todd. "Higher Earning: The Fight to Control the Academy's
   Intellectual Capital" The Industry Standard (June 29, 1998): 21-22. --
   Billing itself as a newsmagazine of the Internet economy, The Industry
   Standard debuted in April. But you don't have to be a Silicon Valley
   wheeler dealer to find something of interest in this hip,
   highly-readable weekly published by Wired co-founder Jonathan Batelle.
   Recent articles have covered everything from the runaway stocks of
   Internet companies to World Cup soccer culture on the Net to the
   obligatory analysis of the lastest telecommunications merger. Regular
   features in the Standard include Web site reviews, book reviews, a
   weekly Internet economy index, and even a gossip column. In the June
   29 issue of the Standard, reporter Todd Woody examines yet another
   instance of how technology is muddying the waters in the ongoing
   intellectual property debate. In this case, who owns the copyright of
   the course content developed for an online class? Can a university
   fire a professor yet continue to use the syllabus and the online
   course materials that she developed to teach this course? While this
   may not be an issue in the private sector where it is generally
   understood that employers own the products created by their employees,
   for academics to give up ownership of their own creative output
   represents a blow to the guiding principle of academic freedom. -- MP 
   Chang, Ching, Sheau-yueh J. Chao, Belinda Chiang. "East Asian Studies:
   Sites to Help Meet the Growing Demand for Information" College &
   Research Libraries News (http://www.ala.org/acrl/resjul98.html) 59
   (7) (July/August 1998): 514-520. -- This month's list of Internet
   resources focuses on eight major countries that make up East Asia:
   China, Hong Kong, Japan, Macau, North Korea, South Korea, Taiwan and
   Tibet. The authors selected cites that are interdisciplinary in nature
   and that are comprehensive. No non-English sites are listed. A
   complete, expanded list is available at
   http://www.ala.org/acrl/c&rlnew2.html. -- MP
   Graham, Peter S. "New Roles for Special Collections on the Network"
   College & Research Libraries 59(3) (May 1998): 232-239. -- In an
   increasingly digitized world, where do special collections fit in?
   After all, a special collection is, by definition a collection of
   artifacts whereas everything on the Net is electronic. Peter Graham
   argues that on the one hand special collection librarians can create
   surrogates of their holdings by digitizing collections. On the other
   hand, the added value of books and other printed documents as physical
   objects means that special collections will continue to play a role in
   academic research. -- MP
   Kambil, Ajit and Mark Ginsburg. "Public Access Web Information
   Systems: Lessons from the Internet EDGAR Project" Communications of
   the ACM 41(7) (July 1998)
   91-kambil.pdf). -- The July issue of CACM has a section titled "Web
   Information Systems," all of which may be of interest to Web data
   owners, managers and designers. The concept of Web technology as a
   platform for handling information interactions is explored through
   articles on e-commerce, enriched links, database and document
   management, and government information. The EDGAR article examines
   several instructive problems in the presentation of financial data
   from the Securities and Exchange Commission's Electronic Data
   Gathering, Analysis and Retrieval system via various Web sites. The
   authors were part of a team which focused on developing methods for
   user access to SEC filings, and they describe the lessons they learned
   in areas like error correction, nomenclature differences, and
   extracting relevant data from a database originally designed with too
   few identifiable data objects. They also discuss other projects in
   which EDGAR data is aggregated with proprietary data by third parties,
   creating value-added Web products. -- JR
   Kapoun, Jim. "Teaching Undergrads Web Evaluation: a Guide for Library
   Instruction" College & Research Libraries News 59(7) (July/August
   1998): 522-523 (http://www.ala.org/acrl/undwebev.html). -- If you
   can't beat 'em, join 'em. Undergraduates are, more and more, relying
   on Web resources for serious research. While librarians can debate
   forever the appropriateness of citing the Web (over print resources)
   for serious research, Jim Kapoun at Southwest State University decided
   that if the Web is going to be students' resource of choice, he might
   as well give them tools that will help them make intelligent choices
   about the sources to cite. His list of criteria is short enough for
   the average undergraduate to digest and, he hopes, is transparent
   enough that using his list of criteria will become second nature. The
   five critera? Accuracy, authority, objectivity, currency and coverage.
   -- MP
   Lynch, Clifford, editor. A White Paper on Authentication and Access
   Management Issues in Cross-organizational Use of Networked
   Information Resources Coalition for Networked Information, Revised
   Discussion Draft of April 14, 1998
   -- Few things put me to sleep as quickly as discussions of user
   authentication. But having made that confession, I must accede that it
   is nonetheless an important topic, and one that will only increase in
   importance as more Internet-based commercial services become
   available. If you or anyone you know is interested in such issues as
   cross-organizational authentication and access management mechanisms,
   privacy, accountability, IP address filtering, proxies, and
   credentials (such as digital certificates), then this is the
   discussion for you. It covers all that ground and more, and comes from
   an authoritative source. Just bear in mind that this is still a
   discussion draft. -- RT
   Current Cites 9(7) (July 1998) ISSN: 1060-2356
   Copyright © 1998 by the Library, University of California,
   Berkeley. All rights reserved.
   Copying is permitted for noncommercial use by computerized bulletin
   board/conference systems, individual scholars, and libraries.
   Libraries are authorized to add the journal to their collections at no
   cost. This message must appear on copied material. All commercial use
   requires permission from the editor
   All product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their
   respective holders. Mention of a product in this publication does not
   necessarily imply endorsement of the product.
   To subscribe to the Current Cites distribution list, send the message
   "sub cites [your name]" to listserv@library.berkeley.edu, replacing
   "[your name]" with your name. To unsubscribe, send the message "unsub
   cites" to the same address.
   Editor: Teri Andrews Rinne, trinne@library.berkeley.edu, (510)