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Computer underground Digest Sun Nov 30, 1997 Volume 9 : Issue 88
ISSN 1004-042X
Editor: Jim Thomas (cudigest@sun.soci.niu.edu)
News Editor: Gordon Meyer (gmeyer@sun.soci.niu.edu)
Archivist: Brendan Kehoe
Shadow Master: Stanton McCandlish
Shadow-Archivists: Dan Carosone / Paul Southworth
Ralph Sims / Jyrki Kuoppala
Ian Dickinson
Field Agent Extraordinaire: David Smith
Cu Digest Homepage: http://www.soci.niu.edu/~cudigest
CONTENTS, #9.88 (Sun, Nov 30, 1997)
File 1--Sen. Coats' Remarks (Fwd)
File 2--American Library Association & "New CDA" (fwd)
File 3--School District "Benches" Cheerleader Site
File 4--Cu Digest Header Info (unchanged since 7 May, 1997)
Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 20:37:03 -0800
From: "James S. Tyre" <j.s.tyre@worldnet.att.net
Subject: File 1--Sen. Coats' Remarks (Fwd)
Source - fight-censorship@vorlon.mit.edu
From--Filtering Facts <David_Burt@filteringfacts.org
Date--Wed, 26 Nov 97 04:15:44 +0000
- List: filt4lib@listserv.ci.escondido.ca.us
These remarks by Sen. Coats in the Congressional Record contain several
criticisms of the ALA. They are very interesting:
S. 1482. A bill to amend section 223 of the Communications Act of
1934 to establish a prohibition on commercial distribution on the World
Wide Web of material that is harmful to minors, and for other purposes;
to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.
Mr. COATS. Mr. President, during Senate consideration of the
Telecommunications Act of 1996 I, along with Senator James Exon,
introduced an amendment to the Act which came to be known as the
Communications Decency Act or CDA. This amendment held forth a basic
principle, that children should be sheltered from obscene and indecent
pornography. There was spirited debate on the amendment. However,
ultimately the Senate adopted the CDA by an overwhelming margin of 84
to 16.
On the very day that the President signed the Telecommunications Act
into law, the American Civil Liberties Union and the American Library
Association, along with America On-Line and other representatives of
the computer industry, filed a law suit against the CDA in District
Court. In short, the case ultimately came before the Supreme Court,
where it was struck down.
Mr. President, however much I disagree with the ruling of the Supreme
Court, it is reality and as such, I have studied the opinion of the
Court and come before my colleagues today to introduce legislation that
reflects the parameters laid out by the Court's opinion.
Mr. President, during Congressional consideration of the CDA,
opponents of the measure took what I like to call an ostrich approach.
They stuck their head in the sand and their rear end in the air.
With companies like America on Line and Microsoft in the forefront,
there came an indignant claim from the computer industry that there was
no problem with pornography on the Internet. They claimed that there
was very little pornography, and that what exists is difficult to find.
However incredulous, this is what they claimed.
Well, Mr. President, this ostrich appears to have extricated its head
from the sand. For after the Supreme Court's ruling, the computer
industry, along with so-called civil liberties groups, gathered for a
White House summit to address the issue of pornography on the net, and
what could be done about it. There are now panels and working groups,
media discussions and industry alternatives all designed to address
this problem of the proliferation of pornography on the Internet and
the threat it poses to our children.
Mr. President, let me congratulate the computer industry, and welcome
them to the real world.
And what is this real world? Mr. President, I turn now to the
February 10 edition of U.S. News and World Report. The cover story is
entitled, ``The Business of Porn.'' The article outlines in rather
disturbing clarity the issue of pornography in America. ``Last year''
[[Page S12147]]
it states, ``America spent more than $8 billion on hard-core videos,
peep shows, live sex acts, adult cable programming, sexual devices,
computer porn, and sex magazines--an amount much larger than
Hollywood's domestic box office receipts and larger than all the
revenues generated by rock and country music recordings. Americans now
spend more money at strip clubs than at Broadway, off-broadway,
regional, and nonprofit theaters; at the opera, the ballet, and jazz
and classical music performances combined.''
This is truly alarming, and reflects poorly on the moral direction of
the country. And, Mr. President, as the Internet continues to grow as a
medium of communication and commerce in our society, its role in
expanding the commerce of pornography increases exponentially.
The Article goes on to say that: ``In much the same way that hard-
core films on videocassette were largely responsible for the rapid
introduction of the VCR, porn on and CD-ROM and on the Internet has
hastened acceptance of these new technologies. Interactive adult CD-
ROMS, such as Virtual Valarie and the Penthouse Photo Shoot, create
interest in multimedia equipment among male computer buyers.'' It goes
on: ``Porn companies have established elaborate Web sites to lure
customers . . . Playboy's web site, which offers free glimpses of its
Playmates, now averages about 5 million hits a day.''
The Article quotes Larry Flint, who says he ``imagines a future in
which the TV and the personal computer have merged. Americans will lie
in bed, cruising the Internet with their remote controls and ordering
hard-core films at the punch of a button. The Internet promises to
combine the video store's diversity of choices with the secrecy of
purchases through the mail.''
Mr. President, there has been a virtual explosion of commerce in
pornography on the Internet. Adult book stores, live peep shows, adult
movies, you name it and it is there. It is available, Mr. President,
not just to adults, but to children.
And what does the computer industry, the ACLU, and the American
Library Association tout as a solution to this problem? They tout self-
ratings systems and blocking software. Opponents of the CDA, companies
like America On-Line, the ACLU, the American Library Association, Larry
Flint, have argued that there is no role for government in protecting
children, that the Internet can regulate itself. The primary solution
these people promote is system called PICs (Platform for Internet
Content Selection), a type of self-ratings system. This would allow the
pornographer to rate his own page, and browsers, the tool used to
search the Internet, would then respond to these ratings. Aside from
the ludicrous proposition of allowing the pornographer to self-rate,
Mr. President, there is no incentive for compliance.
I now turn to an editorial by writers in PC Week Magazine, a very
prominent voice in the computer industry. The editorial is titled:
``Web Site Ratings--Shame on Most of Us.'' The column discusses the
lack of voluntary compliance by content providers with the PICs system:
``We and many others in the computer industry and press have decried
the Communications Decency Act and other government attempts to
regulate the content of the Web. Instead, we've all argued, the
government should let the Web rate and regulate its own content. Page
ratings and browsers that respond to those ratings, not legislation,
are the answers we've offered.''
The article goes on, ``Too bad we left the field before the game was
over.'' the article says, ``We who work around the Web have done little
to rate our content.'' it states that, in a search of the Web, they
found ``few rated sites.'' And that rated sites were the ``exception to
the rule'' In other words, PICs does not work. It does not work,
because there is no incentive for pornographers to comply.
And what about blocking software? Mr. President, let me begin by
pointing out the amazing level of deceit that proponents of this
solution are willing to go to. The American Library Association, a
principal opponent of the CDA, lined up with plaintiffs in challenging
the Constitutionality of the Act. It was a central argument of the
Library Association and their cohorts, that blocking software presented
a non-governmental solution to the problem.
However, Mr. President, if one logs onto the American Library
Association Web site one finds quite a surprise. Contained on the site
is a resolution, adopted by the ALA Council on July 2, 1997, that
resolves: ``That the American Library Association affirms that the use
of filtering software by libraries to block access . . . violates the
Library Bill of Rights.'' Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that
this Resolution be inserted into the Record.
So, here we find the true agenda of the American Library Association.
They represent to the Court that everything is O.K., that all we need
is blocking software. Then, they turn around and implement a policy
that says no-way.
And what are the implications? I quote now from a February 12, 1997
article in the Boston Herald. ``John Hunt, a parent from Dorchester,
said he was furious to learn his 11-year-old daughter was able to view
pornography yesterday while working on a school essay at the BPL's
Copley Square branch.'' The article goes on: ``She said all the boys
were around the computer and they were laughing and called the girls
over to look at the pictures of naked people,'' Hunt said. ``I want to
find out from these library officials what is going on.''
The article goes on to tell the story of another parent, Susan
Sullivan who said she was stunned when her 10-year-old son spent the
afternoon researching a book report on the computer in the BPL's Adams
Street branch, but ended up looking through explicit photographs
Ms. Sullivan says: ``I'm very, very upset because I have no idea what
he saw on the screen. He said he was using the Internet to do a book
report on Indians and he was able to access dirty pictures, pictures of
naked people.''
When the library spokesman was asked about parent's concerns, he
dismissed them saying, ``We do have children's librarians but we do not
have Internet police.''
So here is the genuine concern of the American Library Association
for children and their genuine support for blocking software as a
Again, Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that this article be
made part of the record.
However, Mr. President, this is a side issue. As I pointed out
earlier, in the case of the computer industry, deceit and denial are
tactics regularly employed by opponents of real child protections. The
fact is, Mr. President, that the software does not work. In fact, it is
particularly dangerous because it creates a false sense of security for
parents, teachers, and children.
I have here a transcript from Morning Edition on National Public
Radio. It is from the September 12, 1997 program. The host, Brooke
Gladstone is interviewing a 12-year-old named Jack. Ms. Gladstone asks
Jack what he does when he bumps up against Net Nanny, a popular
blocking software program.
Jack replies: ``You go to hacking sites such as the Undernet, which
is a site which you pay money to go a member{sic . And then, after
that, you have full access to all these hacking, cracking and phreaking
and credit card fraud and all these other tools.''
Ms. Gladstone then asks Jack if kids use these services.
Jack replies: ``A lot. I mean, you have kids at school who bring in
3.5 inch disks saying hey, buddy, come here. I'll sell you this disk
for $10 dollars. There's all the hacking stuff you'll ever need.
Ms. Gladstone then goes on to discuss with Jack how he made money
down-loading pornography and selling it to his school-mates, making
Jack describes the various methods by which he defeats the blocking
software his parents have installed.
Later in the interview, Ms. Gladstone interviews Jay Friedland,
founder of Surf Watch, another well-hyped blocking software program.
Mr. Friedland readily concedes that his software can be broken, even
describing the ways to hack the program.
In describing the security his product offers parents, he says:
``It's a little bit like suntan lotion. It allows you to stay out in
the sun longer, but you can still get sunburnt.'' Mr. President, this
does not sound very reassuring to me.
I ask unanimous consent that the full text of this article be
inserted into the Record at the appropriate place.
[[Page S12148]]
The bottom line here is money. There are millions upon millions of
dollars being made on the Internet in the pornography business. There
is even more money being made marketing software to terrified parents,
software that does not work.
Let's look at the situation. You have the computer industry working
to defeat laws designed to prohibit distribution of pornography to
children. The solution that they promote is blocking software,
manufactured by themselves. They are making tens- of-millions of
dollars off of it. However, what we find out is that the software
doesn't work. And all the while, you have companies like America On-
Line out there, head in the sand, telling parents, schools, Congress,
and the American public that there isn't a problem with pornography on
the Internet. And the Internet Access Providers are pulling in the big
bucks, providing access to the red light district.
``The Erotic Allure of Home Schooling,'' that is the name of an
article, published in the September 8 edition of Fortune Magazine. Mr.
President, I have long been an advocate of home schooling. But, I must
confess that its erotic allure has never been one of my motivations.
It begins: ``Here's one of the Web's dirtiest words: Mars. Try
searching for sites about the red planet lately, and you could land on
a porn purveyor's on-line playground. What next?'' the article asks,
``Smut linked to the keywords`home schooling'? Don't look now--it's
already happened.''
The article goes on: ``Perverse as these connections seem, they're
right out of Economics 101, specifically the part about competition.
Pornography sites are among the Web's few big moneymakers. There are
thousands of them, from the R-rated to the boundlessly perverse. They
compete furiously, and their main battleground for market share is
search engines like Yahoo, Lycos, Excite, and Infoseek. Web surfers
looking for porn typically tap into such search services and use
keywords like ``sex'' and ``XXX.'' But so many on- line sex shops now
display those words that their presence won't make a site stand out in
a list resulting from a user's query. To get noticed, pornographers
increasingly try to trick search engines into giving them top billing--
sometimes called `spoofing'.''
The article points out that: ``Search engine companies like Infoseek
constantly develop new filters to defeat spoofing. But calls still come
in from irate mothers and grade-school teachers who click on innocent-
looking search results and find themselves on a page too exotic to
mention.'' The article concludes: ``The Clinton Administration is
encouraging efforts based on`voluntary restraint.' That's a lot to ask
in the Web's open bazaar, where market share is the name of the game.''
I ask unanimous consent that the full text of this article be
inserted in the record at the appropriate place.
Mr. President, it is not just a lot to ask. It is foolish and futile
to ask. The bottom line is that, unless commercial distributors of
pornography are met with the force of law, they will not act
I am here today to introduce legislation that will provide just such
force of law.
As I stated in my opening comments, the legislation I introduce today
is designed to accommodate the concerns of the Supreme Court. This
legislation is specifically targeted at the commercial distribution of
materials harmful to minors on the World Wide Web.
It states simply that ``Whoever in interstate or foreign commerce in
or through the World Wide Web is engaged in the business of the
commercial distribution of material that is harmful to minors shall
restrict access to such material by persons under 17 years of age.''
It is an affirmative defense to prosecution that the defendant
restricted access to such material by requiring use of a verified
credit card, debit account, adult access code, or adult personal
identification number. The bill also calls upon the FCC to prescribe
alternative procedures. The FCC is expressly restricted from regulation
of the Internet, or Internet Speech.
Further, the FCC and the Justice Department are directed to post on
their Web sites information as is necessary to inform the public of the
meaning of the term ``harmful to minors.''
As I know that it will be of some concern to my colleagues that any
legislation dealing with this topic takes into account the Supreme
Court's ruling in the CDA, I would like to take some time now to
examine the key precedents which the Court considered in its opinion on
the CDA and how they relate to this bill.
Central to the construction of this legislation is the Ginsberg case.
This Court ruling upheld the constitutionality of a New York statute
that prohibited the selling to minors under 17 years of age material
that was considered obscene as to them even if not obscene as to
adults. In Ginsberg, the Court rejected the defendant's argument that
``the scope of the constitutional freedom of expression secured to a
citizen to read or see material concerned with sex cannot be made to
depend on whether the citizen is an adult or a minor.''
In Ginsberg, the Court relied on both the state's interest in
protecting the well-being of children, but also on the principle that
``the parent's claim to authority in their own household to direct the
rearing of their own children is basic in the structure of our
In the Court's opinion on the CDA, they laid out four differences
between the CDA and the question contained in the Ginsberg case. As you
will see, the legislation I introduce today carefully addresses each of
these concerns.
First, the Court points out that in the New York statute examined in
Ginsberg, ``the prohibition against sales to minors does not bar
parents who so desire from purchasing the magazines for their
children.'' The Court interpreted the CDA to prohibit such activity.
Though I must confess to my colleagues that I find it a disturbing
proposition that a parent should so desire to purchase pornographic
material for their children's consumption, it seems that this is a
right that this Court feels compelled to protect.
The legislation I introduce today places no restriction on a parent's
right to purchase such material, and to provide it to their children,
or anyone else. In fact, it places no restriction on any potential
consumer of pornography. Rather, it simply requires the commercial
purveyor of pornography to cast their message in such a way as not to
be readily available to children.
The Court's second issue relating to the Ginsberg case is that the
New York statute applied only to commercial transactions. As I have
previously stated, my legislation deals only with commercial
Third, the Court points out that in Ginsberg, the New York statute
combined its definition of harmful to minors with the requirement that
it be ``utterly without redeeming social importance for minors.'' The
Court goes on to express that the CDA omits any requirement that the
material covered in the statute lack serious literary, artistic,
political, or scientific value.
This concern is addressed directly in my legislation, with a specific
plank of the definition of harmful to minors requiring that the
material in question ``lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or
scientific value.'' Mr. President, I do not believe that it is possible
to address a concern more directly.
Finally, the Court states that the New York statute considered in
Ginsberg defined a minor as a person under the age of 17, whereas the
CDA applied to children under the age of 18, citing concern that by
extending protection to those under 18, the CDA reached ``those nearest
the majority.''
Mr. President, here again I am confused my the rationale of the
Court. For it is common practice in federal statute to recognize minors
as those under the age of 18 years. However, the legislation I
introduce today contains the same under 17 requirement established
under Ginsberg.
The second case of importance as relates to the Supreme Court ruling
on the CDA is the Pacifica case. Though the specifics of this case are
well- known to most by now, a summary might be helpful. In the Pacifica
case, the Supreme Court upheld a declaratory order of the FCC relating
to the broadcast of a recording of a monologue entitled ``Filthy
The Commission found that the use of certain words referring to
excretory or sexual activities or organs ``in an afternoon broadcast
when children are in the audience was patently offensive'' and thus
inappropriate for broadcast.
[[Page S12149]]
In considering the precedent established in Pacifica, and their
relationship to the CDA, the Court outlined 3 concerns.
First, the Court stated that, unlike in Pacifica where the content in
question was regulated as to the time it was broadcast, the CDA made no
such distinction. Further, the Court makes a rather curious distinction
in stating that the regulation in question in the Pacifica case had
been promulgated by an agency with ``decades'' of experience in
regulating the medium.
On the first point, the regulation of Internet content in the context
of time is irrelevant, as a child may access or be inadvertently
exposed to pornography any time he or she logs onto the Internet. That
could be in the evening, when doing a research paper, or during class--
working on an assignment, or at the public library. The simple fact
that a child runs the risk of exposure any time presents a more
substantial potential for harm than the time regulation approach
approved in Pacifica, and calls for a higher level of control, not
lower as the Court concluded.
On the question of regulation by an agency with decades of
experience, given the fact that the Internet is a very new medium of
communication, it is a rather ludicrous distinction to make. No agency,
short of the Defense Department, could demonstrate the historical
relationship to the Internet that the FCC can with broadcast radio.
Surely the Supreme Court would not advocate Defense Department
regulation of the Internet.
Further, given the concern among supporters of the Internet regarding
government regulation of the medium, it would seem preferable to have a
clearly defined statute, enforced by the Justice Department, as opposed
to a regulatory regime, which would be enforced by an unaccountable
federal agency and subject to bureaucratic creep. During debate and
negotiations on passage of the CDA, opponents raised strong concerns
that the FCC not be given any regulatory authority over the Internet.
It was this opposition to a regulatory solution that resulted in a very
restricted agency roll.
Though the FCC is expressly prohibited from regulating content under
the legislation I introduce today, a specific provision is made for the
FCC to prescribe a method of restricting access that would function as
an affirmative defense to prosecution.
As such, this legislation provides the benefit and flexibility of an
evolving agency regulation, whereby as technology evolved and new and
more effective means of access restriction emerge, the Commission could
modify the regulation, without the creation of a regulatory regime with
expansive FCC authority over the Internet and speech.
The Court goes on to point out that in Pacifica, the Commission's
declaratory order was not punitive, whereas there were penalties under
the CDA. Here, it is important to distinguish the difference in scope
between this legislation and the CDA.
A principal concern of the Court with the CDA, was that the CDA dealt
with both commercial and non-commercial communications. As such, the
cost and technology burdens necessary to restrict access that would be
imposed by the CDA on non-commercial speakers, according to the opinion
of the Court, would be prohibitive. The result would be, in the Opinion
of the Court, that speech would be chilled.
The legislation I introduce today is strictly limited to the
commercial distribution of pornography on the World Wide Web. The
commercial distributors of pornography on the Web already use the very
mechanisms (credit cards and PIN numbers) that are required under this
bill. The difference between the status quo and this bill is that
pornography distributors would be required to cease to give away the
freebies that any child with a mouse could gain access to.
As such, Court concerns regarding the potential chilling effect to
non-commercial speech that they perceived under the CDA is moot. The
scope of this legislation does not extend to the non-commercial
speaker. Secondly, this legislation imposes no new technological or
economic burden on the commercial operator. It simply imposes a control
on the manner of distribution and provides penalties for violations.
Mr. President, there is a long tradition of fines and penalties for
violations of laws governing the commercial distribution of
pornography. This legislation is simply a continuation of these
principles. In fact, the very treatment of fines in penalties under
this legislation, mirrors those under dial-a-porn, which have been
upheld by the Supreme Court.
Finally, under an examination of Pacifica, the Court points out the
differences between the level of First Amendment protection extended to
broadcast and the Internet. Mr. President, I must say that however much
I differ with the opinion of the Court on this question in general, I
would simply point out that the harmful to minors standard has
traditionally been used, and has been constitutionally upheld, as a
standard for regulating print media. Print media is extended the
highest level of First Amendment protection. As such, this legislation
clearly accounts for the Supreme Court's concerns in this area.
The Court also examines the precedents established under Renton. The
Renton case dealt with a zoning ordinance that kept adult movie
theaters out of residential neighborhoods. It did so based on the
``secondary effects'' of the theaters--such as crime and deteriorating
property values. It was the Court's opinion that the CDA treated the
entire universe of cyberspace rather than specific areas or zones.
Further, the Court seemed preoccupied that the CDA dealt with the
primary, not the secondary effects of pornography.
The legislation I introduce today deals with a narrow zone of the
Internet, commercial activity on the World Wide Web. Though there is
tremendous economic activity in pornography on the Web. The cyber-
geography of this bill is very limited.
Mr. President, on this question of primary and secondary effects, I
must differ with the Court and would like to go into this question in
some detail.
The underlying principle which the Senate supported by a vote of 84
to 16 in adopting the CDA, and which is embodied in the legislation I
introduce today is articulated in New York versus. Ferber: ``It is
evident beyond the need for elaboration that the State's interest in
`safeguarding the physical and psychological well-being of a minor' is
There is no question that exposure to pornography harms children. A
child's sexual development occurs gradually through childhood. Exposure
to pornography, particularly the type of hard-core pornography
available on the Internet, distorts the natural sexual development of
Essentially, pornography shapes children's sexual perspective by
providing them information on sexual activity. However, the type of
information provided by pornography does not provide children with a
normal sexual perspective. As pointed out in Enough is Enough's brief
to Court on the CDA, pornography portrays unhealthy or antisocial kinds
of sexual activity, such as sadomasochism, abuse, and humiliation of
females, involvement of children, incest, group sex, voyeurism, sexual
degradation, bestiality, torture, objectification, that serve to teach
children the rudiments of sex without adult supervision and moral
Ann Burgess, Professor of Nursing at the University of Pennsylvania,
states that children generally do not have a natural sexual capacity
until between 10 and 12 years old. Pornography unnaturally accelerates
that development. By short-circuiting the normal development process
and supplying misinformation about their own sexuality, pornography
leaves children confused, changed and damaged.
As if the psychological threat of pornography does not present a
sufficient compelling interest, there is a significant physical threat.
As I have stated, pornography develops in children a distorted sexual
perspective. It encourages irresponsible, dehumanized sexual behavior,
conduct that presents a genuine physical threat to children. In the
United States, about one in four sexually active teenagers acquire a
sexually transmitted disease (STD) every year, resulting in 3 million
STD cases. Infectious syphilis rates have more than doubled among
teenagers since the mid-1980's. One million American teenage girls
become pregnant each year. A report entitled ``Exposure to Pornography,
Character and Sexual
[[Page S12150]]
Deviance'' concluded that as more and more children become exposed not
only to soft-core pornography, but also to explicit deviant sexual
material, society's youth will learn an extremely dangerous message:
sex without responsibility is acceptable.
However, there is a darker and more ominous threat. For research has
established a direct link between exposure and consumption of
pornography and sexual assault, rape and molesting of children. As
stated in Aggressive Erotica and Violence Against Women, ``Virtually
all lab studies established a causal link between violent pornography
and the commission of violence. This relationship is not seriously
debated in the research community.'' What is more, pedophiles will
often use pornographic material to desensitize children to sexual
activity, effectively breaking down their resistance in order to
sexually exploit them.
A study by Victor Cline found that child molesters often use
pornography to seduce their prey, to lower the inhibitions of the
victim, and as an instruction manual. Further, a W.L. Marshal study
found that: ``87 percent of female child molesters and 77 percent of
male child molesters studied admitted to regular use of hard-core
Given these facts, Mr. President, any distinction the Court makes
regarding the effects of pornography on children seems to miss the very
point of the state's compelling interest. For the sanctity and security
of childhood is what these efforts are all about.
As I have stated before in addressing this subject, childhood must be
defended by parents and society as a safe harbor of innocence. It is a
privileged time to develop values in an environment that is not hostile
to them. But this foul material on the Internet invades that place and
destroys that innocence. It takes the worst excesses of the red-light
district and places it directly into a child's bedroom, on the computer
their parents bought them to help them with their homework.
I urge my colleagues to support this legislation, and yield the
Date: Mon, 24 Nov 1997 08:25:13 -0600
From: Donald Cress <T30DAC1@WPO.CSO.NIU.EDU>
Subject: File 2--American Library Association & "New CDA" (fwd)
The American Library Association sent out the following
notice regarding recent attempts to bring the substance of
the Communications Decency Act back to the table. Please
review the notice.
Subject--CDA Again
ALAWON Volume 6,
Number 102
ISSN 1069-7799 November 20,
American Library Association Washington Office Newsline
In this issue: (101 lines)
At the end of the first session of the 105th Congress, Sen. Dan
Coats (R-IN) introduced legislation to prohibit commercial
distribution on the World Wide Web of material that is "harmful
to minors" under the age of 17. S. 1482, introduced on November
8, is intended, according to its sponsor, to reflect the
parameters laid out by the Supreme Court in its decision on the
Communications Decency Act.
The "harmful to minors" definition in the bill includes material
that "taken as a whole and with respect to minors, appeals to a
prurient interest in nudity, sex or excretion; depicts,
describes, or represents, in a patently offensive way with
respect to what is suitable for minors, an actual or simulated
sexual act or sexual contact, actual or simulated normal or
perverted sex acts, or a lewd exhibition of the genitals; and
lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific
value." The bill would provide a defense to any prosecution that
the defendant restricted access by requiring a credit card, adult
access code or ID number.
Although the legislation addresses only commercial activity on
the Web, ALA is mentioned several times in Sen. Coats' remarks,
including the following in the Congressional Record (November 8,
p. S12147):
And what about blocking software? Mr. President, let me
begin by pointing out the amazing level of deceit that
proponents of this solution are willing to go to. The
American Library Association, a principal opponent of the
CDA, lined up with plaintiffs in challenging the
Constitutionality of the Act. It was a central argument of
the Library Association and their cohorts, that blocking
software presented a non-governmental solution to the
However, Mr. President, if one logs onto the American
Library Association Web site one finds quite a surprise.
Contained on the site is a resolution, adopted by the ALA
Council on July 2, 1997, that resolves: "That the American
Library Association affirms that the use of filtering
software by libraries to block access . . . violates the
Library Bill of Rights." Mr. President, I ask unanimous
consent that this Resolution be inserted into the Record.
So, here we find the true agenda of the American Library
Association. They represent to the Court that everything is
O.K., that all we need is blocking software. Then, they turn
around and implement a policy that says no-way.
The words Sen. Coats left out (indicated by the . . .) in his
reference to the ALA resolution were: "to constitutionally
protected speech." However, the full text of ALA's July 2
Resolution on the Use of Filtering Software in Libraries
(www.ala.org/alaorg/oif/filt_res.html) was appended to his
Although no action was taken on this bill before the first
session adjourned, S. 1482 will carry over to the second session
beginning January 1998. The issue can be expected to generate
considerable attention in an election year.
-Sen. Coats' bill can be found through Thomas at thomas.loc.gov.
One method is to use the QUICK SEARCH TEXT OF BILLS 105th
CONGRESS: Search by Bill Number: S. 1482. A free copy will be
mailed upon request from the Senate Document Room, phone 202/
224-7860, specify bill S. 1482.
-Sen. Coats' introductory remarks are in the Congressional Record
(November 8, pp. S12146-54). The remarks are also available
online through Thomas and GPO Access (one interface is GPO Gate
at the University of California at
www.gpo.ucop.edu/search/crfld.html). However, Coats' remarks are
currently grouped electronically with remarks on "Northern
Ireland/Border Counties Free Trade, Development and Security Act"
and therefore seem mislabeled.
ALAWON is a free, irregular publication of the American Library
Association Washington Office. To subscribe, send the message:
subscribe ala-wo [your_firstname] [your_lastname] to listproc
@ala.org. To unsubscribe, send the message: unsubscribe ala-wo
to listproc@ala.org. ALAWON archives at http://www.ala.org/
washoff/alawon. Visit our Web site at
Date: Wed, 19 Nov 1997 05:57:45 -0800
From: "Meeks, Brock" <Brock.Meeks@MSNBC.COM>
Subject: File 3--School District "Benches" Cheerleader Site
Source - fight-censorship@vorlon.mit.edu
>From this weeks WWWashington column at
Paranoia Benches Cheerleader Web Site
WASHINGTON-Internet paranoia isn't limited to the clueless United
States Congress. The latest additions to the lineup of the Net
paranoid are the Owen J. Roberts School district in rural
Pennsylvania and the newspaper that serves the community of
Bucktown. The school district, supported by near-sighted
newspaper editorials, have deemed that Noxema cover girl images
of cheerleaders at the Owen J. Roberts high school are too much
of a temptation to an imagined army of Internet perverts.
Result: the district nixed a request to host the cheerleader web
site. Reaction: the cheerleaders up a renegade site of their
Later in the story the newspaper is quoted as saying the web site
is a "dangerous idea" because although a picture is worth a
thousand words... "[A] picture of a cheerleader on the Internet
could lead to thousands of words reporting a tragedy if it sets
off a psychopath who then lives out his violent Internet dreams."
No... I'm not making this up.
Date: Thu, 7 May 1997 22:51:01 CST
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End of Computer Underground Digest #9.88
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