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Computer underground Digest    Wed  Nov 23, 1994   Volume 6 : Issue 99
                           ISSN  1004-042X

       Editors: Jim Thomas and Gordon Meyer (TK0JUT2@NIU.BITNET)
       Archivist: Brendan Kehoe
       Retiring Shadow Archivist: Stanton McCandlish
       Shadow-Archivists: Dan Carosone / Paul Southworth
                          Ralph Sims / Jyrki Kuoppala
                          Ian Dickinson
       Fruit-loop editor:    Carnegie Melon

CONTENTS, #6.99 (Wed, Nov 23, 1994)

File 1-- RE: Cu Digest, #6.96 ("Does Emily Need to Read and Write?")
File 2-- Use of English language on the internet
File 3-- Re: Redux: "Does Emiliy really need to read and write?"
File 4--  New Internet Guide:  sources on rights of citizens
File 5-- SlipKnot Beta 0.53 Web Browser Available
File 6-- HoHoCon '94
File 7-- Cu Digest Header Information (unchanged since 23 Oct 1994)



Date: Tue, 08 Nov 94 17:58:00 PST
From: "Perkins, Anthony, Lt, PCA/XPP" <PERKINSA@comm.hq.af.mil>
Subject: File 1--RE: Cu Digest, #6.96 ("Does Emily Need to Read and Write?")

"Does Emily Need to Read and Write?"

I believe Mr. Weber is correct!  A well written article enhances the
point being made.  If a reader is spending more effort trying to
decipher what is written than understanding the view point, the
communications medium will end up diluted.  When a reader has to
translate improper written language.  the intended message will most
certainly get lost.

We are at a cross roads.  The emphasis on education and/or how our
children receive education is going to change.  The necessary
fundamentals, reading, basic writing, and mathematics must be
exemplified by those using the network.   The standard is being set as
we write and traverse the internet for tomorrow's participants.  If we
don't set the example who will?  If we don't proof read, spell check,
and use proper grammar who will?  What about translating into another
language?  If natural English speakers have trouble understanding the
words, how will people who have English as a secondary or tertiary
language going to understand.  A bigger problem, what is the incorrect
words are translated into another language before a recipient reads
the message for the first time?

Is the purpose of the "Info Super Highway" to pass useful timely
information in a format for all to use or is it to send inferior
information products to the masses?


Date: Thu, 10 Nov 94 00:15:05 +0000 GMT
Subject: File 2--Use of English language on the internet

 I would like to say a few words about Brandon Weber's article about
the accuracy of english used on the internet and (presumably) on other
email systems. I would first like to point out that of all the
mistakes listed in the body of the article, only one actually
compromised the intelligibility of the sentence.

 This however, is not really relevant. This question I would like to
ask is this: why should we tie people down to a specific version of
English? Indeed, how are you going to define this language? English
spoken in 1994 is significantly different from that spoken in 1894,
and totally different from Middle English. Today, there are many
dialects in use, and, in my experience, it is these which lead to
confusion, not misspelling or bad grammar. Take the differences
between American-English and British English. Large numbers of words
have different meanings on each side of the Atlantic, and there are
even some noticeable differences in grammar.

 Language is not static: it changes and adapts to the environment in
which people use it. The advent of electronic communications is a huge
shift in our environment -- language is going to adapt to this,
whether we like it or not.  Obviously this will cause problems, but
there is only one cure for this - we must remain in contact with
people all over the net, so that localised dialects do not form.
Trying to 'freeze' language is not a solution, and it is my personal
opinion that language has become more colourful and imaginative with
the creation of electronic mail systems.


Date: Wed, 9 Nov 94 23:49:04 PST
Subject: File 3--Re: Redux: "Does Emiliy really need to read and write?"


In response to your advocacy of precise language on Internet, I'd like
to point out the participatory nature of the medium.  Correcting
bulletin board or news posters is a task comparable to asking callers
to talk radio to enunciate clearly and speak properly--a much more
formidable task than asking that commercial language set a good

My attitude about the net is probably a little different than yours,
since I don't pay for access or read those headlines.

On top of the errors you pointed out, it was particularly offensive
that the headlines were entered in all capital letters.

>unwritten but sometimes hinted at rule that "flaming someone for
>his or her grammar/spelling is verbotten."

Isn't this spelled "verboten?"

>     ~ ~ ~Defense is spelled with an "s" and not a "c."

Not in the U.K.

>Does Emily need to read and write in the year 2020? Undoubtedly, yes.
>But will she be able to, if the majority of her education in the
>language comes from the net? Unlikely.

Would we discourage Emily from writing her friends and family because
they are unlikely to use exact language?  The principal effect of
e-mail seems to be that people write each other much more often than
they otherwise would.

Our use of language is something we can all afford to keep improving
throughout our lives.  Why expect that writing more often would cause
a degeneration of language ability?  Perhaps those who write poorly
wouldn't write at all without e-mail access.


Date:         Thu, 17 Nov 1994 14:25:19 CST
From:         David Bachman <dbachman@UMICH.EDU>
Subject: File 4--New Internet Guide:  sources on rights of citizens

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Govdoc-L readers: For your information.

Michael Cotter
Documents Librarian, Joyner Library
East Carolina University, Greenville NC 27858
919/328-6533; email:  LBCOTTER@ECUVM1.BITNET

(This message is posted to law-lib, lawlibref-l, rights-l, ALAOIF, y-rights,
and civilrts-l; we apologize if you have received duplicates.)

We would like to announce availability of our guide, A Citizen's Guide to
Internet Resources on the Rights of Americans.  The guide is designed for
the layperson and focuses on Internet resources which explain and discuss
individual rights under: the Bill of Rights, select federal statutes
(e.g., the ADA, the Copyright Act), rights by status or group (e.g., women,
youth, the disabled), and other rights-related resources (e.g., gateways
to legal information). It has been posted on the Clearinghouse
of Subject-Oriented Internet Resource Guides at the University of Michigan.

The gopher address:
una.hh.lib.umich.edu (path: inetdirsstacks/Citizens' Rights).

The URL:

An HTML version of this guide should be available in December; we will
announce the URL(s) at that time.

We would like to thank those of you who provided us with suggestions and
encouragement in response to our earlier request for information.  Please
take a look, and feel free to give us any feedback, input, or suggestions
for future versions.

Michele Pfaff and David Bachman


Date: Fri, 28 Oct 1994 00:39:01 -0400
From: felixk@PANIX.COM(Felix Kramer)
Subject: File 5--SlipKnot Beta 0.53 Web Browser Available

The beta 0.53 version of SlipKnot (tm), the Windows WWW browser you can use
from an ordinary UNIX dialup shell account, without SLIP, PPP, or TCP/IP,
is available for you to download and examine.

Some time ago, we sent you information about how to get beta 0.51, along
with extensive information about the product. (IF YOU NEVER GOT THAT, OR
NEED US TO SEND IT TO YOU AGAIN, PLEASE WRITE: felixk@panix.com.) At the
end of this message, you'll find a short summary of SlipKnot's features.
Word of SlipKnot is starting to percolate around, and many people seem
excited about the doors it will open.

Unless there are dire problems, this will be the last beta release, and the
product will be released shortly.

There are two ways to get it. If you're already running 0.51, then it's
easy: follow the directions below on upgrading. If you have not yet brought
up SlipKnot at all, then see the directions below on first-time


The easiest way to upgrade is to use the SlipKnot One-Touch Upgrade feature
(well, three touches, actually). This feature uses the World Wide Web for
the very purpose it was designed: distributing volatile information. It
lets you download just the version changes (much smaller file), and then
unpacks and installs itself. Here's how to use it:

1. Launch SlipKnot and connect to your host.
2. Bring up SlipKnot WEB.
3. Display SlipKnot's Local Home Page (if it's not automatically displayed).
4. On the page, you will find a couple of links to SlipKnot's What's New
Page. Retrieve the What's New Page.
5. There you will find the (trivial) upgrading instructions.


1. Retrieve the full distribution file from (it's 1.1 MB) from any of:


2. unzip into a temporary directory (for instance, C:\TEMP)

3. Read the ASCII file: READ.ME. It contains important installation

4. When the product actually comes up, you'll also need to enter the
registration name "demo" and the registration number 0431 (This procedure,
in use during beta, will not be required for release 1.0.)


We hope the next time you hear from us will be to announce our plans for
public release.

Please direct any press or distribution questions to felixk@panix.com.

Please direct any technical questions to: pbrooks@pipeline.com


SlipKnot is now in beta test, and will be released before the end of the
year. Announcements of its release will be distributed on appropriate
Newsgroups (e.g. comp.infosystems.announce and comp.infosystem.www.users).
When released, it will be available for downloading from numerous anonymous
FTP sites.


SlipKnot is a graphical World Wide Web browser (similar to Mosaic)
specifically designed for Microsoft Windows users who have UNIX shell
accounts with their service providers. SlipKnot's primary feature is that
it DOES NOT require SLIP or PPP or TCP/IP services.

SlipKnot was designed from the ground up to be optimized for modem users.


1. SlipKnot has a Terminal window which allows you access into your UNIX
shell session at any time. That means you can use your normal mail and news
readers, and any other operation you normally perform on UNIX.

2. At the touch of a button, SlipKnot will switch into its Web browser and
allow you to retrieve WWW documents in full graphical form (as well as

3. SlipKnot allows 5 documents to be visible at the same time (though this
can get crowded on your screen). It keeps a cache on disk of all of the
documents you have retrieved, allowing you to look at anything you've
gotten almost instantly.

4. Retrieval of documents from the Internet occurs in the background,
allowing you to browse previously retrieved documents in the foreground.

5. Requests will be queued up automatically, allowing you to request many
documents without waiting.

6. You can save full documents (including embedded pictures) into your own
designated folders with associated comments. This allows you to display
these documents later (even offline).

7. Documents can be printed using your choice of typefaces.

8. SlipKnot's Web renderer makes it easier to develop your own WWW
documents (if you know the document generating language called HTML) by
quickly displaying any document on your disk that you are working on.

9. You can customize the typefaces and colors of the incoming documents.

10. SlipKnot will download files via anonymous FTP directory to your PC in
the background.

11. SlipKnot version 1.0 will not support forms or authentication.

12. Last but not least, SlipKnot will be released as low-cost shareware.


SlipKnot was created because there was no other alternative to accessing
the World Wide Web graphically if you did not have SLIP or PPP or TCP/IP
access. Having analyzed Mosaic and some of its competitors, I concluded
that all of these browsers were designed for people with very rapid
communications channels into the Internet, not modem users. Even if you
have SLIP access, most of these browsers do not allow you to save entire
documents (with the included pictures), forcing you to retrieve the
documents again whenever you wish to take a full look at them. It takes a
while to retrieve any document by modem with any browser, and you shouldn't
have to do this more than once.


The computer and service provider requirements for running it:

On your computer:

1. Windows 3.1 or higher. Not yet tested with Windows for Workgroups or
Windows NT.

2. At least 4 MB of memory, recommended 8MB. We have noticed memory
deficiency errors at 4 MB.

3. At least 2 MB of available hard disk space. SlipKnot itself takes
approx. 1.5 MB. When working, SlipKnot's job will be to download documents
for you from the Internet, and these may require plenty of hard disk space.

4. Mouse or other pointing device required (cannot control SlipKnot via
only the keyboard).

On your service provider's UNIX host:

1. Your UNIX system must have either the program "lynx" or the program
"www" available. If in doubt, log in to your host, and try to execute
either of these programs. You will then know immediately whether they are

2. Your UNIX host must have a program to send files to you via either the
Xmodem or Ymodem protocol. The actual name of the programs that perform
these file transfers changes from system to system, but try the commands
"sx" (for XModem) or "sb" (for YModem). If these fail, ask your system
administrator or some other knowledgeable person.

3. You must be able to download SlipKnot itself via anonymous FTP.

Felix Kramer/Kramer Communications
NYC-based electronic publishing & journalism
On-line promotion & marketing
email: felixk@panix.com or felixkramr@aol.com
voice: 212/866-4864    fax: 212/866-5527


Date: Wed, 16 Nov 1994 02:34:28 -0600 (CST)
From: dfx <dfx@USIS.COM>
Subject: File 6--HoHoCon '94

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
 prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of
 speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to
 assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

                -- Amendment I to the Constitution of the United States


 [Nov 1, 1994]

 (Distribute Freely)

  dFx, Phrack Magazine and cDc - Cult Of The Dead Cow proudly present :

                             The Fifth Annual

  666  666   666666   666  666   666666    6666666   666666   666  666
  666  666  66666666  666  666  66666666  66666666  66666666  6666 666
  66!  666  66!  666  66!  666  66!  666  !66       66!  666  66!6!666
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  ::   :::  ::::: ::  ::   :::  ::::: ::   ::: :::  ::::: ::   ::   ::
   :   : :   : :  :    :   : :   : :  :    :: :: :   : :  :   ::    :

    "Excuse me, sir, but is the toothless gentleman with your party?"

Who:   All Hackers, Journalists, Security Personnel, Federal Agents,
       Lawyers, Authors, Cypherpunks, Virtual Realists, Modem Geeks,
       Phone Nerds, Telco Employees, Phreaks, K0DE Warriors, WaReZ
       Mongers, Alien Visitors, Government Officials, Strippers, and
       Other Interested Parties.

Where:                         Red Lion Hotel
                              6121 North IH-35
                            Austin, Texas  78752
                               (512) 323-5466

When:      Friday December 30, 1994 through Sunday January 1, 1995

Cost:                      Ten Dollars (US $10)

                             What is HoHoCon?

HoHoCon is the largest annual gathering of those in, related to, or
wishing to know more about the computer underground. Attendees generally
include some of the most notable members of the "hacking" and "telecom"
community, journalists, authors, security professionals, lawyers and a
host of others. Previous speakers include John Draper (Cap'n Crunch),
Lex Luthor (LoD), Luke Perry, Bruce Sterling, Damien Thorn (Nuts & Volts)
and Chris Goggans (Erik Bloodaxe of LoD, Phrack and Teen Beat). The
conference is open to the public and we encourage anyone who is
interested to attend.

                            Hotel Information

The Red Lion is located at 6121 North IH-35 on the corner of US290 and
IH-35. The HoHoCon group room rate is $55 for a single or double. Rooms
for the handicapped are also available. Check-in is 3:00 p.m. and
check-out is 12:00 noon. Earlier check-in is based on room availability.
The hotel accepts American Express, Visa, Master Card, Discover, Diner's
Club, and Carte Blanche credit cards.

As always, the hotel has set aside a block of rooms for the conference and
we recommend making your reservations as early as possible to guarantee a
room within the block, if not to just guarantee a room period. To make
your reservations, call the number listed above and tell them you are with
the HoHoCon conference. It is strongly suggested that you try to remember
to tell them you are with HoHoCon, not only in order to receive the group
rate, but also so you are placed in close proximity to the conference room
and other attendees. Personally, I never wish to relive our DefCon 2
experience where we clocked about 46 miles over the weekend walking to and
from the conference room.

The hotel provides transportation to and from the airport at no cost.
Shuttles leave every half hour from the morning until early evening.
If you are arriving or leaving at an odd time, you can make arrangements
with the front desk or use the courtesy phone in the airport.


For those of you who will be driving to the conference, the following
is a list of directions provided by the hotel (complain to them if you
get lost) :

Traveling West on 290 : Take the Cameron Road Exit off of 290. The hotel
is on the corner of I-35 and 290.

Traveling West on I-10 : Take I-10 to 71 west to I-35 north. Take exit
238B and travel over 290. The hotel will be on the right hand side.

Traveling East on I-10 : Exit I-35 north and turn left on to the access
road. The hotel is on the corner of I-35 and 290.

Traveling North on I-35 : Take exit 238B and travel over 290. The hotel
will be on the right hand side.

Traveling South on I-35 : Take exit 238B and u-turn under I-35 at 290.
The hotel will be on the right hand side.

Traveling from the FBI, SPA or in any type of Government issued vehicle :
Take 290 west to I-35 south to I-10 west. Follow I-10 through Texas, New
Mexico, Arizona and into California. In Los Angeles, exit 5 north and
travel through California and Oregon into Washington. Exit 12 east and
drive about 50 miles or so until you see the Mount ST. Helens National
Volcano Monument exit. Take that exit and make your way to the large
fiery entrance atop the mountain. The conference is on the lower level
inside the mountain.

Call the hotel if these directions aren't complete enough or if you need
additional information.

                            Conference Details

HoHoCon will last 3 days, with the actual conference being held on
Saturday, December 31 starting at 10:00 a.m. and continuing until 5 p.m.
We will release the first proposed speaker/topic list on or around
December 1st. The time table will follow last year's for the most part,
with a half hour break in the middle of the day followed by a raffle.
We will also have smaller 'mini meetings' on Friday evening and early
Sunday afternoon in a few of the hotel's meeting rooms. Details and times
of these gatherings will be included in future updates.

We are still taking submissions for speakers, so if you would like to
speak during the conference, please contact us and include a brief
outline of your topic and a rough estimate of how long you will need.
We will also gladly accept any suggestions on speakers that you would
like to see and hear from. Please note that not all people who request to
speak will be given the chance to, so you Star Trek idiots from last year
who wanted to talk about how Spock changed your life and your
interplanetary, m0dem warrior, anarchist group that was planning to steal
a space shuttle from NASA and take control of the galaxy via Prodigy need
not submit (or attend).

We would like to have people bring interesting items and videos again this
year. If you have anything you think people would enjoy having the chance
to see, please let us know ahead of time and tell us if you will need any
help getting it to the conference. If all else fails, just bring it to the
con and give it to us when you arrive. Any organization or individual that
wants to bring flyers to distribute during the conference may do so. You
may also send your flyers to us ahead of time if you can not make it to
the conference and we will distribute them for you. Left over flyers are
included with information packets and orders that we send out, so if you
want to send extras, go ahead.

Companies and organizations who wish to set up merchandising tables or
booths need to make arrangements with us in advance. Reservations for
table space in the conference room will be taken by e-mail or voice mail
and those parties not confirming their attendance by December 15 will
forfeit their space.


The cost of admission this year is US$10, which includes 2 tickets for
the super spiffy "Raffle From Hell" (extra tickets are available at the
door). It is no surprise that there will always be people out there who
will complain about paying for anything. You folks need not attend. After
five years (a few more actually), we are only asking ten dollars, which
is an outrageously low price compared to the suit infested industry
conferences which charge hundreds of dollars in registration fees and
even some of the new "Cons are k00l and trendy, I gotta do one too!"
conferences that are charging up to $50 for admission alone. Plus, we've
never made anyone sleep in a tent or eat next to a table of 36 Elvis
impersonators (although that was kind of cool, I guess).

                           Miscellaneous Notes

Video cameras will *NOT* be allowed inside the conference room, except
for the people who have received prior consent to film. Still photos
are fine as each speaker will announce whether he or she minds them
being taken (although this didn't seem to stop the onslaught of flashes
when Lex Luthor approached the microphone).

The conference will start at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday. Keep this in mind
when pondering whether or not to down yet another bottle of Mad Dog 20/20
on Friday night.

For those of you who haven't figured it out yet, HoHoCon falls on New
Year's Eve. Contrary to rumour, we will not be having a huge party in the
conference room on Saturday night. Instead, we will all head for 6th
Street, which is where 80% of Austin's nightclubs are located. We will
include a list of New Year's happenings in Austin in future updates.

HoHoCon shirts and videos from '92 & '93 (NARC, I Love Warez, I Love Feds,
Top 10 Narc List) will be available during the conference, along with last
year's big hit - I Love Cops shirts and hats ($20). The shirts are $15 and
the videos are $20. We have also added XXL for all you big folks. If you
are unable to attend the conference and wish to obtain any of these items,
you may either mail us for more information or send a check or money order
payable to O.I.S. to the address listed below. Include $3 per order (not
per item) for shipping. Canadian and overseas residents should mail first
for shipping prices and details. You may also mail us for a more detailed
description of any of the HoHoCon products.

Those of you driving from Houston that wish to join to HoHoConvoy which
leaves for Austin on Friday morning should call the HoHoCon VMB and
leave a message with a contact number.

Traci Lords has confirmed her appearance for this year's conference.

One of the reasons the cost of admission has raised from $5 to $10 is that
the cost of securing a conference room on New Year's Eve is quite high,
but another factor is insurance. It is almost impossible to put on a
conference of this nature without running into problems, the biggest one
being the slew of young, idiotic, underdeveloped, social rejects who like
to play make believe and pretend they're Beavis & Butt-head while they
cause unnecessary damage to the hotel and annoy the guests and staff. This
is far from k-rad and is definitely not what HoHoCon is about. What you do
in your own room is your own business, but what you do anywhere else on
the hotel property all comes back to one person ... me. I have grown
extremely tired of trying to deal with hotel managers who threaten to
cancel the conference altogether because of a few, no life idiots who have
no idea how to act in a public setting since they never leave their
mommy's house. Holistic Hacker wrote a good editorial about this in Phrack
#45 that is suggested reading for anyone who thinks they are some type of
elite m0dem anarchist. It is you people that ruin everything for the other
500 attendees who actually have a grip on reality. Due to the behaviour of
a few braindead morons in the past, I have decided to hire my own security
this year who will only be in place in order to prevent stupid fleebs from
breaking anything or causing any type of damage or unnecessary disturbance
to the hotel. It is unfortunate that I have to do this, but I do not wish
to accept the financial burden of having to pay for other people's
stupidity and destruction. If you have a problem with this, stay home.

By attending the conference, you are consenting to being filmed and
photographed and having your ugly likeness used in any fashion I deem

Birkenstocks are strictly prohibited at HoHoCon. Anyone caught wearing
them will be severely beaten with a bat.


If anyone requires any additional information, needs to ask any questions,
wants to RSVP, wants to order anything, or would like to be added to the
mailing list to receive the HoHoCon updates, you may mail us at:

                         drunkfux@5285 (WWIV Net)

                          or via sluggo mail at:

                              ATTN: HoHoCon
                               1310 Tulane
                              Houston, Texas

Freeside Communications is the official HoHoCon FTP site. FTP to fc.net
and check out /pub/hohocon.

Those of you without net access, can call the HoHoCon whirrled HQ BBS,
K0DE AB0DE/Metalland Southwest, at:

                       713.39-K0DES (713.395.0337)

We also have a VMB which includes all the conference information and is
probably the fastest way to get updated reports. The number is:


                            What They're Saying

"The manager quickly summoned the Austin police and had the hotel
 telephone operator print the phone bills for the two rooms, anticipating
 that the records would be necessary evidence for the Grand Jury
 indictment he was envisioning.  One of the boy's phone bills was eight
 pages long, but almost all of the calls were local.  The total amount
 owed to the hotel was less than three dollars, and the officers
 determined that the account being accessed was legitimately assigned to
 one of the teens. A big production had been made out of nothing, fueled
 by the fear of the 'evil hacker' stereotype."

 Damien Thorn : Nuts & Volts Magazine : March 1994

"At 1:00 a.m., everything was going great for me.  I was taking part in
 an impromptu mini 'cell-con' in one of the rooms at the Hilton and was
 learning everything I ever wanted to know about cellular modification.  I
 was especially excited to hear someone say that they would be showing us
 how to mod the new Mitsubishi phones since that is what I happened to
 have in my jacket pocket.  Unfortunately, about three seconds later,
 someone kicked open the door and spastically announced the fact that
 there were 10 underage strippers dancing naked in a room down the hall.
 Two seconds later, I was alone."

 Peter Beardsley : Independent Journal : January 4, 1994

"I knocked on the door and asked the guy who opened it if we could come in
 and say hi.  They said yes and I spent several hours in there.  We didn't
 talk about anything special but had a lot of fun watching Eight Ball
 stumble around the room drunk until he passed out."

 Netta Gilboa : Gray Areas Magazine : Spring 1994

"HoHoCon '93 was everything I had expected and much more.  I gained 5
 major items during my three day stay in Austin; a better knowledge of
 numerous security holes across the net, a really cool NARC t-shirt, two
 Traci Lords videos, and the understanding that the Austin police force
 are a bunch of computer illiterate bozos."

 White Shadow : CUF Review : January 1994

"People who know how to telecommunicate without calling undue attention to
 themselves show the interested what creative hacking is supposed to be
 about.  We watch people demonstrate the transformation of an OKI cellular
 phone into a two-way tracking scanner with a computer interface, discuss
 the 'passive' capture of private account passwords, and explore the
 mathematical theories that make possible completely anonymous digital
 money transactions.

 Few are better able to explain the pros and cons of advanced programming
 technology than rogue hackers.  They already have much of the information
 people like Barry Diller and Al Gore would have to steer millions into
 think tanks to discover.  The question is how to legitimize a collection
 of software pirates, hippie academics, and teenage 'phone phreaks' to the
 point where the mainstream would be willing to employ them as consultants
 instead of locking them up as criminals."

 Carol Cooper : VIBE Magazine : June 1994

"After this sellout session, I found a sign on the wall: "hoho.con.com ->"
 and, in room 260 someone piled up an enormous mass of equipment,
 including something like 4 UNIX machines, a SLIP connection, 20" screens,
 PET's.. Plus the room was stacked with 30-40 people, and I mean STACKED.
 Most people were wasting their time entering commands like "mget
 /warez/eleet/hot/0-day/*.*" Sick of that, I grabbed a bunch of people and
 we went trashing at SW-Bell around the block, and whoops! we found a
 diagram like this:

     (Europe)             (Asia)           (Australia)

                 ____:      :____
                :                :
                :   Texas   o <====== Austin
                 \             /
                  \           /

      (North America)           (South America)

 Now we know it: South Western Bell believes that Austin, Texas is the
 center of the world. Well, from the 17th to the 19th of December, 1993,
 it was."

 Onkel Dittmeyer : Phrack Magazine #45

"The hackers did it again.  A monster party, several hundred strong, where
 hacking was the agenda.  HoHoCon is the annual hacker's convention in
 Texas where all hell breaks loose.

 Not one person I spoke to said they wouldn't attend again next year.  So
 there must be something to it.  Even legendary phreaks like John Draper
 aka Captain Crunch were there, despite his tenuous hold on reality and
 emanating odor."

 Winn Schwartau : Security Insider Report : January 1994

"The night went on, the beer flowed, the dopamine inhibitors kicked in
 full in full force, and the money changed hands faster than could be
 counted. By the end of the evening, everyone had received several "table
 dances," KevinTX had whip marks on his back, Weevil had won my complete
 admiration, and the girls made a small fortune.  Each of the dancers
 walked away with over $200 in cash. The biggest winner was a really hot
 little 18 year-old named Cathy who raked in almost $400."

 Erik Bloodaxe : Phrack Magazine #45

 Tawk tawk tawking bout sum cyber stuff
 Like Demon Roach's new Monster Truck sub
 Matrix hoppin' we will go
 In search of the hex marshmallow
 Come now, come now, do not pace
 We're off to call cyberwaste
 The new beast known as demon seed
 Run over your head and make you bleed
 Decryption of the message I soon will start
 For I have the hex-ascii chart
 Fat, skanky dancers running all around
 Wonder how many STD's Dispater has now
 What made me sick was the one's hairy mole
 Did I mention that Omar looks like Cliff Stoll?
 Bruce taught me how to program in Unix and Hack C
 Omar had his picture taken with E.T.
 This is it.. I must go..
 I may finish later.. I don't know

 Drunkfux : Live From HoHoCon '91 : cDc 200

   _   _                                                          _   _
  ((___))                                                        ((___))
  [ x x ]     HoHoCon '94. New Year's Eve. Need we say more?     [ x x ]
   \   /                                                          \   /
   (' ')                                                          (' ')
    (U)                     drunkfux@usis.com                      (U)


Date: Thu, 23 Oct 1994 22:51:01 CDT
From: CuD Moderators <tk0jut2@mvs.cso.niu.edu>
Subject: File 7--Cu Digest Header Information (unchanged since 23 Oct 1994)

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End of Computer Underground Digest #6.99