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The Cheat Sheet (Version 95.09.??) Elite Acronym List A DoS Release By sUMsDos Special Thanx To Phantasm This list of elite acronyms should get you onto any elite board (unless you're a TOTAL lamer, that is.) Good luck and PHuCK Da LaMeRZ!!! sUMsDos [DoS President] AAA Aces of ANSI Art [A] Anarchy And Armageddon [H] AAB aMaZiNG aSTRoFeST BuNCH [W] AAFH ANSI Artists From Hell [A] AANON Anarchists Anonymous [A] AAWA Ansi Artists With Attitudes [A] aBBa anti Big Brother association [H] aBD aRReSTeD BuS DRiVeRS [H] ABN Abandon [W] ABT A Bunch of Traders [C] AB2 Anarchy Burger ][ [H] AC Aero Club [?] ABSoLuTe CHaoS [?] ACB Achtung! [W?] ACC Accumulators [W] ACD ACiDiC [M] ACE Acme Couriering Enterprises [C] Arcane Corporate Elite [?] Art Creation Enterprise [A] ARRoGANT COURiERS WiTH ESSaYS [H] Ansi Creation Enterprise [A] American/Canadian/European [O] ACiD ANSI Creators in Demand [A] AD Altered Destiny [A] ADR aBoVe Da ReST [W] ABoVE dA ReST [W] ADREN Adrenalin [Z] ADV AnTaReS DV [?] AE Ansi Express [A] Ascii Express [A] AFB aMaZiNG aSTRoFeST BuNCH [W] AFC ANSi Factory [A] AFL ALPHA FLiGHT [W] AlpHAFligHT [W] aLPHa FLigHT [W] AG aTOMIC GODs [P] AGE aGe oF CHaoS [?] AGI Advanced Gamers Institute [?] AgS AEGiS [?] AHP AcidHell Productions [?] AIDS Apple Infected Disk Syndrome [V] AiM Art In Madness [A] A.K Alt.Kaos [H] AKA Alias for Kriminal Activity [O] Anarchists Kicking Ass [H] AKILNO Foundation for the Advancement of Illegal Knowledge [H] AL AlliANCENet [N] ALF ANTi LAMERS FOUNDATiON [W] ALI ALiVE [A] ALP Armageddon Laxity Productions [?] ALT Altered Reality [?] ALTR ALTeRNaTiVe NeT [N] AMi AMiTECH [H] AMD Advanced Micro Designs [?] AN Aryan Nations [H] ANE Anarchy 'N' Explosives [H] Anemia [A] ANM ANiMOSiTY [W] ANOI A New Order of Intelligence [?] ANR ANCRiD [?] Aneurysm [W] ANViL The Committee for Cyberspace Disinformation [Z] ANX Anoxia [W] AOA Anarchists of America [H] AoD Academy Of Deception [H] AOT Art of Technology [H] AOTD Art of Technology Digest [HZ] APG Atlantic Pirates Guild [W] APHA American Phreak/Hack Association [H] API American Pirate Industries [?] APT Advanced Pirate Technology [?] American Phone Terrorists [H] ARMEGEDDoN PRoGRAMMiNG tEAM [P] APX Apex [W] AR Ares [P?] Aero [C?] ARCV Association of Really Cruel Viruses [V] ARMA Armageddon [?] ARS Arsenic [?] AS ASiA [A] ArTWorK Showcase [A] Anarchy Society [H] ASB Astrofence Bunch [W] ASCL Ascii Legion [A] ASH Abnormally Supreme Humans [W] ASiA Artists Skilled in ASCII [A] ASL Assault [W] ASPCT ASPeCT [AZ] ASS Association of Sociopathic Suburbians [W] Aryan Secret Service [H] ATA Atlantic Trading Alliance [C?] ATI Advanced Technology Inc. [?] Activist Times, Inc. [HZ] Advanced Telecommunications, Inc. [H] Activist's Times Incorporated [HZ] ATL Above The Law [W] ATM Activist Times [HZ] Anti-TUN Movement [O] Automation [?] Atomic [A?] (A2)2 Association of Animated Ansi Artists [A] ATX Anthrax [W] AvG AVeNGeRS [W?] aVENGERs [P] AVLHL aLWaYs VeRY LuBRiCaTeD HaPPY LeMMiNGs [W] AVV Anti Virus Virus [V] AWA Anti-Warez Association [?] AWF Ansi With Fantasy [A] AWoL Artists WithOut Loyalty [A] AwS ARTiSTS WiTH STyLE [A] BAD BBS'ers Against Dweebs [?] Bitchin' Ansi Design [A] BAGS Bristol's Anti-Gay Society [?] BAMF Bad Ass Mother Fuckers [H?] BAR Bad Ass Retards [H] BASC Bad Austrian Swapping Crew [C?] BB Bad Brains [?] BetaBoys [V?] BBS bLOODbROTHERS [W?] BC BlackCat [P] BUBBLEGUM CRiSiS [?] BCC Bilbo's Cracking Club [W] Boys from Company C [W?] BDA Benevolent Dictators of America [?] Benevolent Despots of America [?] BDC BReaKDoWN DeMo CReW [P] BluE DEviLS CoUriErS [C] BDLM Bedlam [?] BDS Black Dragon Society [?] BeC Bitchin' Elite Couriers [C] BEER BTW's Excellent E-Rag [Z] BFD Butt Fuck Digest [HZ?] BGR Brotherhood of Gods and Retards [H] BHS Black Hand Society [?] BIOC Break Into Other Computers [H?] BJIM BoniJoni Intro Maker [P] BKN BROkEN [A] BL BLaDE RuNNeRS [W] BLAH Big Long and Hairy [Z] BLH BacklasH [?] BLOT BLaCK OuT [P] BMUG Berkeley Macintosh Users Group [HZ] BNZ Bonzai [W?] BOA BaLZaK OuTlAwS AlpHa [C] BOD Board Of Directors [H?] BoM Brotherhood of Malice [H] BOR Brotherhood Of Retards [H] BOS BladeS OF SteeL [W] BOTE Brothers of the Eye [?] BoW Best of the Worst [WZ] Brotherhood of Warez [W] BPC Brutal PPE Coders [P] BPi Blacklisting People inc. [?] BRD Braindead [?] Bad Rad Dudes [Z?] BRK BROkEN [A] BRN BRAiNS [W] BRP Blade Runner Productions [W?] BS Bomb Squad [H/W] Blindspot [Z] BSF Bell Shock Force [H] BSLAP BiTCHSlap [AZ] BSP Bently Sidwell Productions [?] BSPOT Blindspot [Z] B2G Binary Generation [W] BTR BENEATH THE REMAiNS [W] BTW BiZaRRe TYPeZ oF WaReZ [O] Bizarre Types of Warez [O] BVN BANNED ViSiON [P?] BW Blue Water [?] BWH BayWatcH [W?] BWS Brian's World Software [P] C Chaos [H] Chronos [?] Cool [W] CAA Chaotic Ansi Artists [A] CABiNET Computers And Bulletinboards in NETwork [N] CAFBL Computer Abuse Force for Better Living [H] CARA Clandestino Auto-Reproductive Anti-virus [V] CARE CREATORS of AWESoME RG ENHANCEMENTS [M] CASE CreAtive SyndicatE [A] CAU Computer Anarchists Underground [H] CAVE Coalition of American Virus Engineers [V] CB Cyber Blade CBX CybRiX [W] CC Crazy Conehead [W] Cryptic Criminals [?] CCC Chaos Compupter Club [H] Chaos Cyber Creations [?] CoMpy CracKin' and CrAshiN' [H] CCCAN Corrupt Computing Canada [H] CCCF Chaos Computer Club France [H] CCi Cyber Crime International [N] CCUTF Corrupt Computer Underground Taskforce [H] CD CHaOtiK DiMENSiON [A] CDA Cascada [P] cDc CuLT of ThE DEAD CoW [Z] Cult of the Dead Cat [H] CDCI Cult of the Dead Cat, Inc. [H] CDN Creativity DemoNet [N] CDS CaRDiNaLS [W] Cascada Demo Section [P] CDUGD Computer-Down-Under Ground Digest [Z] CEN Centaur [W] Censor [?] CEO Chief Executive Officers [H] CF Cyber Force [?] CFB cOrn fEd bItches [AZ?] CGI CoNSoLe GaMiNg iNFoRMeRS [O] CH Celestial Heaven [A?] CHi Crappy Hackware Inc. [H] CHiNA Comunists Hackers in North America [H] CHiP Computer Hackers' International Project [H] CHP Coalition of Hi-tech Pirates [W] CHR CHRONiC [?] CHRN Chronic [Z] CHS Chaos [?] CiA Crackers International Alliance [W] Creators of Intense Art [A] Central Intertainment Agency [W] CiP CRiME iN PROGRESS [N] CIS Creators of Insane Shit [?] CISSD Canadian International Society for Social Deviancy [H?] CKS Celestial Knights [A] CL CybeR LegioN [W] CLE Cyclone [W] CLF Cyberpunk Liberation Front [?] CLS CLASSiC [W] CLT Clitoris [W] CMAG The Console Mag [WZ] CMD Cyclone Music Department [S] CMN ComputerMusic Net [N] CMS Copyright Masters [W] CMT cReMaToR [?] CN Cerebral Neurosis [?] CNC CaNCeR [A] Council [P] CNET Creators' Net [N] CNSMAG The Console Mag [WZ] CoD Children of Damnation [W?] CODE Crackers of Digital Equipment [?] COI Couriers of Information [C] COJ CHILDREN of JUDAS [?] CoL Couriers Of Lewdness [C] CoMA Community of Moral Advancement [W] CONT Continuum [AZ] COOL CROATiAN ORGANiZATiON OF LEECHERS [W] COPS Couriers of Pirated Software [C] Couriers Out Pirating Shit [C] Courering Out Pirated Shit [Z] COR C0RRUPTI0N [H] CoRoSioN [H] CoRE CRiMiNaLs oF RaDiCaL ExTReMeS [H] Consortium of Realities [?] CORP Creators of Revolutionary Pictures [A] CORPSE CoRoSioN'S SKUZZy E-MAG [HZ] COTNO Communications of the New Order [HZ] COW Crooks On Warez [W] COWS Counterattack on Warez Supremacy [W] CoV Corruption of Violence [?] CP Cranium Productions [A] CPD Computer Piracy Digest [Z] CPM Crystal PhaseMatic [W] CP$ CoMPuTeR PiRATeS $yNDiCATe [W] CPI Canadian Pirates Incorporated [W] Caribbean Pirates iNC [W] Corrupt Programming International [P] CPR Couriers Pumping Rapidly [C] CPSR Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility [O] CPU Computer Persons Underground [?] Corrupter Pirate's Union [W] CR Criminal [A] CrAzY/RoYALS [W] CRA CRaCKeRz aND WHaCKeRs [W] CrAC Crazed Artists Coalition [A] CRaM CiTiCeNS ReVoLTiNG aGaNST MoTZaH [O] CRAP Completely Rude Anarchistic Pirates [?] CRC Crazy Review Crew [WZ] CHRoNiC [?] CRE (see CoRE) CREAM cREATiVE rG eNHANCEMENTS aND mODiFiCATiON [M] CRI Crisis [A] CRM CRiMSON [C] CRN Creation [?] CRS Cursed [W] CiRRUS [W] CRUE Cheat Requests for Underground Elite [WZ] CRY Crypt [Z] CRZ CRaZY WoRLD [P] CS cOFFEE SHOP [W] CSA Covenant,Sword,and Arm of the Lord [?] CSC Conspiracy of Silence Crew [?] CSDN CHiNESE SOFTWARE DiSTRiBUTiON NETWORK [W] CSM Corrupt Society Magazine [?] CTC CRYPTONiCS [?] CTF Coder's Task Force [P?] CTI Chaos Technologies, Inc. [W] CTR Contour [W] CTS Creators [P] CU Computer Underground [O] CuD Computer underground Digest [Z] CERLiTY Utilities Division [W] Celerity Utilities Division [W] CuM Creative Users WiTH A MiSSiON [A] Cult of the Uncircumcised Masterbater [?] CV COMVirus [V] CVRS Cascada Virtual Reality Section [P] CW Cyber Warriors [?] CASAware [W] CY Chemical Youth [V?] CyP CyBer Pirates [H] C0D COURiERS OF ZERO DAY [C] D Dread [W] DAC DAZED AND CoNFuSED [?] DAME Dark Avenger Mutating Engine [V] Dark Angel's Multiple Encryptor [V] DAS Digital Anarchist's Society [H] DB Dolphin Base [?] Dirty Bitches [AZ] DC DefCon [H] Dragon's Claw [W?] DCE Dutch Computer Enterprises [P] DCi Demented Couriers Incorporated [C] Digital Crime Incorporated [H] DCT DECEiT [A] DD Digital Dimensions [A] DEViL'S DoMiNioN [A] DDD Doctor Death & Darkhawk [W] DDJ Dr. Dobbs Journal [Z] DDM DoomsDay Machines [H] DDS DDStyle [P] DEAD Damned Excellent Ansi Design [A] Demented Evil Ansi Designers [A] DEEP dRiNKiNG eViL eLiTe pHReAKeRs [H] DEL Delria [?] DELRM DELiRiUM [Z] DEN Digital Echo News [Z] DEPBA Digital Exchange Pirate Board Alliance [W] DES DeStiny [?] DEUS DEstructive Use of Science [N] DF Dark Forces [W] DFF DA FAiSiAN FORCE [W] DFP Digital Free Press [HZ] DFS Damn Fucking Shit [?] DFT DEFiANT [A] DRiFT [W] dFx Drunkfux [H] DG Digital Gang [H] DGN Dragon [W] DGS Drunken GamerS [W] DH Dark Helmet [?] Dreaded Hackers [H] DI Digital Infinity [P] Damage Incorporated [W] dARk iNFiNiTy DiE Dimented Images of Euphoria [A] DarK iMaGERY EnTerprise [A] DiE iN ENJOYiNG [W] DIF Digital Infinity [P] DiM DiGiTaL InTeRnEt MaFiA [W] DiMM Developers in Mass Media [W] DiR DeVeLoPeRS iN RaGe [A] DiS Damn Interesting Stories [H] DISPOST The Disgruntled Mailmen [W] DISS Dissonance [Z] DJP DefJam Productions [P] DK dEATH kNIGHT [?] DLC DreadLoC [AZ] DLOC Dark Lords Of Chaos [?] DLS Dead Lines [?] DLT DELiGHT [?] DM Digital Masters [W] Dead Memory [W] DMG Damage [A] DMI Daemonnet International [N] DMN Demon [W] DAMNATiON [W] DMT DarkMoon Traders [C] DN DeadNet [N] (see DuNE) DnA DEATH n' ANARCHY [H] Digital Noise Alliance [H] Digital News Associates [H] DNR Drive Not Ready [V] DNS Dynasty [?] DNX Dynamix [W] DoA Distributors of Anarchy [H] Delusions of Anarchy [HZ] DoD Drink or Die [W] DELiRiUM oF DiSORDER [?] Denizens of Doom [?] DOM Dominators [W] DoS DiSCiPLES oF sUMsDos (That's us!) [O] distributorS oF softwarE [C] Domination of Society [A] DoSE Destruction of Social Equilibrium [H] DP (see DEEP) Dissociated Press [HZ] DpE Digital Phreakers Elite [H] DR Death Row [C] DRD Dread [W] DRE DeaTH RoW EnTeRpriZeZ [W] DRi Digital Revolution International [H] DRoC Dark Reaches of Cyberspace [H] DS Dragon Society [H] Dead-Set [?] Dragon's Spirit [?] DSCE Dark Slayer Confusion Engine [V] DSD DiSTORTED [?] DSG DESiGN [W] DSP Dead Smoking Punx [H] DST DiSToRTioN [?] DSTD Dream Syndicate Trade Division [C] DTC Dytec (See DYTEC) [W] DTH Death [W] DTI Dark Towers International [?] DTO Doomed To Obscurity [Z] D2O Doomed To Obscurity [Z] DUA Digital Underground Association [?] DUNE DiGiTAL UNDERGRoUND ELiTE [?] Digital Underground Network Exchange [?] DV Dive [?] DVISS DV International Software Services [C] DW Dead Weight [W] DrevneyaWare [P] DWi Damn Windows Idiot [V] Dark Writers Incorporated [WZ] Distribution of Warez Incorporated [C] Doc Writers Incorporated [WZ] DYGM Doyadigm [AZ] DYTEC Dynamic Technologies [W] E ExTREME [W] Euphoria [W] EA Error Art [A] EAP Estranged Art Packagers [A] ECA Elite Crackers Association [W] ECC European Cracking Crew [W] East Coast Crackers [W] ECHO Elite Crackers/Hackers Organization [W/H] ECN European CounterNet [N] ECR Electronic Rats [W] EDE Eternal Darkness Enterprises [?] EG ENiGMA [M] EFR Escape From Reality [H] EFX Effects [W] EJS Elite Justice Society [?] EK Enigma Klan [H] eMC eLiTe MaFia aGaiNsT CoPyRiGHT [W] EMF ElectroMotive Force [P] EMG Emerge [A] EMi ElectroMagnetic Interference [?] Emigre [A] EMS Entrepreneurs Marketing Software [WZ] EN Entropy [H] END Evil Never Dies [H] ENT Entropy [H] EOD Empire Of Darkness [W] Esoteric Order of Dagon [H] Empire Of Dirt [HZ] EP EPIC [W] EPA ELiTe PRoGRaMMeRS aSSoCiaTioN [P] Elite Programming Association [P] EPAH Ethical Phreakers and Hackers [H] EPI Epitaph [A] EPITAPH Evil Productions of Insane Techno-anarchists, Phreakers, & Hackers [H?] EPiC Excellence Produced in Creativity [A] EQ Equalizer [?] EREC ERECTiON [?] ERIS Electronic Revolutionary Information Society [W] ES ElektroShok [?] ESC Escape [A] ESLF Eastern Seaboard Liberation Front [?] ESM Elysium [W] ESP ELeCTRoNiC SoFTWaRe PiRaCY [C] Ecstatic Sound Productions [S] ESW Every Strange Wares [W] ET Eternity [?] ETA Express Traders Alliance [C] European Trading Alliance [C] ESTiMATED TiME OF ARRiVAL [C] ETE ETERNiTY [?] ETF Electronic Toll Fraud [H] ETG EMPiRE TECHNOLOGiES GROUP [P] ETK Ekstatik [?] EUCiA Elite Underground Central Intelligence Agency [H] EUP EUPHORiA [W] EVHP Evilhacker ProductionS [H] EVIL Exotic Visions In Liquid [A] EVL EViL-F/X [S] Evolution [W] EVO Evolution [W] EVR Everlast [C] EWR Elite Warez Review [WZ] EX Extinct [W] EXiLE [W] EXC Excretion [W] EXE EXiLE [W] EXL EXiLE [W] EXO Exotica [W] EXT EXOTiC [W] EXTORTiON [W] F fsTiC [A] FAC Future Ansi Creations [A] FaT Futuristic Artists with Talent [A] Fetal ANSi Turds [A] FAY Fantasy [W] FBC Fag-Bashing Crew [?] FBI Fake Butt-Fucking Idiots [H] FUCKiNG BUNCH Of iDiOTS [W] Freaker's Bureau Incorporated [H] Fatal Byte Infection [H] Fast Balanced Informations [H] fC Future Crew [P] Fatal Connection [C] FCC Federal Cracking Consortium [W] Fast Corre Caminos [W] File Carriers Corp [C] File Carrier Corp [W] FCP Fone ConsPiracy [H] FDN Foundation [W] File Distribution Network [N] FDS Fifth Dimension Software [W] FDX Frogadsh [W] fff files fuck friends [W] FFI Free Fall International [?] FFT Federation of Free Traders [C] FI Furtive industries [H] FiDELiS [A] FiRM First in Releasing Most [W] fREAKS iN rENEGADE mODDING [M] Five-O is Rigor Mortis [W] Freaks in Revolutionary Modding [M] FK (see FUCK) FLA Fei Long Associates [W] FLaG Fuck Lamers and Groupies [?] FLC Faster than Light Couriers [C] FLD FLUiD [W] FLH FiLTH [?] FLT FAiRLiGHT [W] Freaks Livin Tough [?] FN Fnord [?] FrontNet [P] FOD Finger of Death [?] Farmers Of Doom [H] Faces Of Death [?] FOF FRiENDS Or Foe [?] FOST Federation of Software Theft [W] FOWL Fuck Off We're Learning [Z] FPCP Funky Pack of Cyberpunks [?] FPS File Propulsion System [C] FR fREELANCE [?] FRC FiERCE [A] FRD FRiENDSHiP [W] FRL Freelancers Guild [W] FRM tHE FiRM! Inc. [W] FS FiRE SkULL [A] FSA Fucking Sweet Art [A] FSAAHFSA Fucking Stupid as all Hell Stupid-Asses [H] FSC Fucking Sweet Coding [P] FSD Frueh Stuck Design [?] FSH Flash [?] F$W Fa$t Warez [C] FuCKiNG SwEEt WaREZ [W] 4T The Fourth Tower [?] FTA Fuck Them All [W] FTH FaiTH [W] FTI Future Tech Industries [A] FTL Fatal! [W] FUTiLE [W] FTR fORtRESS [W] FTW FucK ThE WorlD [H] FUAP Fucked-Up Average People [?] FUCK FoRGiVE uS CRaZY KiDS [W] Fucked Up College Kids [Z] Files Under Canadian Kontrol [W] FUD Fucked-Up Dudes [?] FUI Fuck-U-Inc [W] FUNC Freelancers Under No Control [A] FZG Folo Zone Gang [W] GA Glorious Angel [W] gOLDEN aRCHES [AZ] GANJA Guild of Anarchists Needing Jungle Apprentice [H] GASP Going Ape Shit Press [Z] GC GramCracker [?] GD Global Domination [H] GDU Grave Dancers Union [?] GL Glory [W] GLF Graffitti Liberation Front [A] GM GEMiNi [W] GNC GENOCiDE [W] GNS GENESiS [W] GNX GENERATiON-X [W] GOD Givers of Destruction [H] Global OutDial [C] Gods of Destruction [H] Global Overdose [C] Generation of Outlawed Distributors [C] Guys On Drugz [A] GoDs GUILD oF DISTRIBUTORs [C] GOL Golgotha [H] GOP Grand Old Pirates [W] GOS Gods Of Sin [?] GP Genesis Project [?] GPA Gainseville Pirates Association [W] GPV General Public Virus [V] GRD GROOVE DRUNk ENTREPRiSE [P] GRiP Graphic Revolution in Progress [A] GRiP/AD GRiP (see GRiP) / Ansi Division [A] GRV Gravity [W] GRYM GANG RAPiNG YOUR MACHiNE [?] GS Games Society [W] GSD Genius Software Development [W] GTA GERMAN TRADiNG ALLiANCE [C] GTHC GOTHiC [A] GTN Glutton [?] GZ Ground Zero [A] H Horsemen [W] Heckler [W] HA Hard Attacks [H] HACK Hacking And Computer Krashing [H] HAGS Herbally Aroused Gynecological Squad [?] HAiL Honored Artists in Legion [A] HALE Hackers Against Law Enforcement [H] HAPT HackingAnarchyPhreakingTerrorizing [H] HASH Humans Against Society & Homework [?] HAT Heathen ANSI Tactics [A] HATE Highly Artistically Talented Enterprises [A] HAV Havok [H] HBD Hybrid [W] HCC Heavy Code Cracks [W] HCH HarD CorE HackerS [H] HDC HiGHLY DEDiCATED COURiERS [C] HDK Hippy Dippy Klub [?] HDW High Density Warez [W] HEaT Hackers Enterprising across Telecommunications [H] HEMP Hardcore Elite Mother Phuckers [W] HFC Hell Fire Club [H] HG HeAvEn's gAtE [W] HH HellHole [C] HH&H Hard Hit & Heavy [V] HIC Hardcore Information Compilation [H] HiT Hired International Terrorists [H] Hackers In Touch [H] HK HeLL KiCK [P] HKNET HackerNet [N] HKP Hoochy Koo Productions [P] HLC HiLLCoN [W] HLM Hoodlum [W] HMP Heavy Metal Pirates [W] HOA Hackers Of America [H] HOE HOGS oF eNTROPY [Z] HaIrs of eSSeNcE [H] Hell On Earth [W HOL Hackers On-Line [H] HOOTIE Hackers Of Old Trashy Industrial Electronics [HZ] HOP HOPPER iNC. [W] HOPE Hackers On Planet Earth [H] HORT Hackers of The Round Table [H] HP Hypnotic Progression [?] HPA Hacker/Phreakers Association [H] HPAaVMoP HACKERS PHREAKS ANARCHISTS and VIRII MAKERS of PHRUWT [H] HR High Rezolution [W] HRA Hacker's Republican Army [H] HRM Hirmu [?] HRU Hackers 'R' Us [H] HSA Hashbrown Society of America [N] HS HeLLs sHArks [W] HSC HiGH SPEED COURiERS [C] HSGMT High-Speed Global Mass Trading [C] HST High Speed Transfer [C] HT Hard Target [A] (see HATE) HTC HiGH TeCH CouRieRS [C] HiGH TeCH CoDeRS [P] HUN Hackers Unlimited [H] HV High Voltage [W] HVDL Hungarian Virus Research Laboratory [V] HWA Hackers With Attitudes [H] HYB Hybrid [W] HYC Hypnotic [P/W] HYP HYPER VELOCiTY [C] HZN Horizon [?] I iLLUSiON [?] iNERTiA [?] IA International Affairs [?] iBP iGH BaH Poo [A] IC Inner Circle [W] iCA iNTERNET COURiERS ASSOCiATiON [C] Internet Couriers Alliance [C] ICAC Invulnerable Challengers of Advanced Creations [W] iCE iNSANE CREATORS ENTERPRISE [A] Inner Circle Elite [W] International Cracking Elite [W] Inner Circle Exchange [W] ICI ITALiAN CRACKWARE iNC [W] ICP iCE COLD PRODUCTiONS [?] ICS Italian Cracking Service [W] ICT International Courier Team [C] ICU Idiots Creations Unlimited [?] ICUB International Computer Underground Bandits [H] ID iDENTiTY [A] IDC InDepenDent coURiers [C] iDG iNDiG0 [P] IDH Inpherno Data Haven [?] IDI Intergalactic Dismantling Incorporated [?] IEC Independent Engineers of Couriering [C] IF Identified Fed [O] iGH International Ghost Hunters [?] IGO Indigo [P] IHA International Hackers Association [H] IIRG International Information Retreival Guild [H] iiT Israel's InterNet Traders [C] IL Il-Legal [W] iLa iNTERNET LEECHERS aNONYMOUS [C] ILGL iLLEGAL [Z] ILL ILLuminatus [A] Information Liberation League [H] Illness [M] ILS Illusion [A] ILSN iLLUSiON [?] iMG iMAGiNE [?] iMAGE [A] IMK imAginiK [A] iMM IndEpendEnt MusIC MAN [S] IMP Imperial [A] Impulse [M/P] INC International Network of Crackers [W] iND Independence [?] INDENDNT(see IDC) INF Infinity [AZ] InfiNET International Freedom of Information Network [N] INFK Informatik [H] INHC iNHuMaN coNDiTioN [W] iNK iNSANE ANSi KREAToRZ [A] iNQ iNQUiSiTiON [W] iNS Insomnu [?] Insanity [?] INSiGNiA [A] iNT iNTEGRiTY [A] Intese [W] iOA Intellectuals of Art [A] IOI Input/Output Intelligence [W] IOWA Inmates of the World Asylum [?] IPL Interpol [?] IPPLC International PPL Creators [P] IR Immortal Riot [H] Insane Reality [H] IRC Internet Runners of Canada [C] Institute of lameR Cleaning [?] IRE Information Retrieval [?] IRG International Rogues Guild [?] IRS fIles Reviewing Society [Z] Insane Renegade modders [M] IS Immortal Syndicate [?] ISA International Software Alliance [W] iSD iNSANE SOFTWARE DESiGNERS [W] IT Traders of Internet [C] ITC iNSTiNCT [P] iTP iNTERNET TRiAD PiRATES [C] ITR iCE (see iCE) Trial [A] ITS Internal Theft Syndicate [W] iTU Infinity Traders Unlimited [W] IUD INC (See INC) Utility Division [W] iUM Internet Underground Militia [?] IUPLCM IUP Luis Callabero Mejas [V] IVA InterViewers Anonymous [Z] IVP Instant Virus Production [V] IW Imperial Warlords [W] JaCK Jovial Ansi Couriering Kikes [A/C] JAUC Journal of American Underground Computing [Z] JB Japan Boys [W] JDIV Jesus Died In Vain [V] J4J Jump 4 Joy [V] JHD jiHAD [?] JLA Justice League of America [?] JLT JoLT [?] JS JackShit [?] JT Jive Talk [W] JUS Justice [?] JW Jabberwocky [?] K Kosmic [S] KAOS Krackers Association of Sweden [W] KASS Krackass [W] KFC Krazy Fug Couriers [C] KiLLA FReSH CReW [P] Kentucky Fried Couriers [C] KiLL Kindred institution of Lost Lives [?] KiM KRaZY iMAGE MaKeRZ [A] KiN KiNETiC ENERGY [W] KiSS KRaZY iMaGe SCaNNiNG SiCKoZ [A] KKAP K-Kool Ansi People [A] KKC Ku Klux Connecticut [?] KKHPAC Ku Klux Hackers, Phreakers, Anarchists of Connecticut [H] KKK Ku Klux Klan [O] Klan of Kwik dox Kreators [WZ] KLF Kosmic Loader Foundation [P] KND KiNDRED [A] KNX Konyx [W] KOP Kompletely Organized Piracy [P] KORT KNiGHTS OF THE ROUND TABLE [W] KOS Knights Of Shadow [H] KOTRT Knights of The Round Table [W] KP KingPin [?] KPN KOOL PEOPLE'S NATiON [W] KRN Krynn [?] KRS KraftSchlag [H] KRU Killer Renegade Utilities [M] K3 KNO3 [W] KTS Katharsis [A] KULT KnIgHts UnDeR ThE LaW Of TrIsTan [P] KWW THe KiWi KiLLeRS [W] L Luna [?] LAME Lunatics And Maniacs Encorporated [W] LANCE 2 Lancelot ][ [A] LAP Lapse [?] LAW Lyrical Association of Writers [S] LBo LiTTLE BiG oNE [A] LC LiGHTNiNG COURiERS [C] LCD Lucid [?] LCS Local Courier System [C] LCT LiquidCode <tm> [V] Lucretia [?] LCY Legacy [?] LDC Long Distance Couriers [C] LDP 'Lil Dumb Programs [P] LDW Leeching Da Warez [W] LED Lightly Educated Dudes [H] LEF League Ethical Flamers [?] LEN Lensmen [W] LEG LEGENDs [W] LGD Legend [W] LGN Legend [W] LiCl Lithium Chloride [H] LiD Lamers in Disguise [A] LIFE Loyalty In Full Effect [A] LIK Legends In Kaos [?] LiQ LiQUiD sPeeD [?] LISA Long Island Sysop Association [N] LiT LiTHiUM [Z] LiTH LiTHiUM [Z] LLI Lunatic Labs Incorporated [?] LLL Local Lamers Limited [W] LLT LimeLight Technologies [H] LNS lENSMEN [W] LOA League Of Adepts [H] LoD LEGiON OF DOOM [H] LODCOM LoD Communications [H] LOD/H Legion of Doom/Hackers [H] LoD/TJ LoD Technical Journal [HZ] LOE Legend Of Eternity [?] LOH Legions Of Hackers [H] LoL Legion of Lucifer [H] LoM LAND oF MoNEY [W] LoP Lamers of Power [W] Law & Order Party [W] LoRD Legion of Rising Distributors [C] LoTE Legions of the Etherial [?] LOTSAB Legion Opposed to Stupid Asshole Botanists [?] LPS Lupus [?] LS liGht SPEEd [W] Leper Society [?] LSD Lethal Software Distributors [C] Lush Software Designs [P] Light Speed Distributors [C] Long School Days [Z] LT LoCo TeCH [?] LTD License to Draw [A] LwV Lamers with Vision [?] M MaTRiX [W] MA Mooncrow Aeyrie [?] MAD mALICIOUS aRT dENOMINATION [A] Massive Anarchistic Destruction [H] Mutual Assured Destruction [W] Mystical Artwork Designs [A] Mutated Ansi Design [A] MADRAS Mature Adults Demanding Real Application SW [W] MAG Makings of Artistic Geniuses [A] MAGiC Mighty and Gargantuan institute of Chaos [H] MAGIK Master Anarchists Giving Illicit Knowledge [H] MAI Masters of Abstractions and Illusions [H] MAiN MAiNFRAME [?] MANPROJ tHE mANHATTAN pROJECT [H] MaX Masters of the Art Experience [A] MAZ MAZURkA [Z] MB Men in Black [O] MBI MetalliBashers, Inc. [H] MC MindCrash [C] MCC Mack Crack Corporation [W] MCI Midnight Crackers Inc. [W] Master Couriering Inc. [C] Mad Couriering Inc. [C] Metal Communications, Inc. [H] MCM Miami Cracking Machine [W] MD MAGiC DeSiGN [A] Mr. Disk [W] MDD Marshals of Dynamic Discord [?] MDK MoRAL DeCAY [?] MDS Marquis De Soiree [W] MDY Mayday [?] mE mEDiNa ELitE [P] M8 MOTiV8 [W] MEN Menace [C] MERC Mercenary Magazine [Z] MES Messiah [W] MFSG MAlfUNCtiON SYStEM GROUP [W] MalFunction System Group [W] MFT Manifest [A] MGC Magic [A] MGD Miller Genuine Draft [?] MGE MALODOROUS GRiFFiN ENTANGLEMENT [W] MI MaLiCioUS iNSaNiTy [P] MIA Masterly Insane Anarchy [H] MiC Master Image Creators [A] MID Midnight [?] MIIS MenaceIISociety [A] MiLK Mighty illicit Liquid Kollections [Z] MiN Mindway [?] MiND Messages in Notorius Demand [N] MISNET MiseryNET [N] MMC Mickey Mouse Club [?] MMD Make Many Directories [V] MNG MUSiC N' GRAPHiX [A] MNR Midnite Runners [?] MoA Mercenaries of Anarchy [H] MOB Men of Business [H] MoD Masters of Deception [H] Masters of Disaster [H] Masters of Destruction [H] Masters of Disasters [H] Mothers on Drugs [H] Methods of Death [H] MESSENGER of Death [H] MOG Messmerized Observer Group [H] MOH Messangers Of Hate [H] MOM Modems Over Manhattan [H] MOR mAXXiNG oUT rENEGADE [M] MPG Midwest Pirate Guild [W] MPI Micro Pirates Inc. [H] MPJ tHE mANHATTAN pROJECT [H] MR Mind Rape [?] MRN MaRooN [W] MS MiSFiTS [?] MSG MAlfUNCtiON SYStEM GROUP [W] MSH Mush [?] MSK Midnight Serial Killer [V] MSP Metal Shop Private [H] MST MYSTiC [W] MiNiSTRY [W] M2 Mondo 2000 [HZ] MTA Mass Trade Alliance [C] MtE Mutation Engine [V] MTH MiRTH [?] MTN MOTiON [A] MTS mENACE tO sOCiETY [C] MTX MATRiX [W] MTY Mortality [W] MVF MAD (see MAD) Virus Factory [V] MW Most Wanted [?] MWPL MeN WhO PiSS LiGHtNiNG [W] MZ Mortal Zone [H] NA NiTRO ALLiANCE [?] NAC New Age Crackers [W] NADD New Age Demo Databases [P] NAFTA North America File Trading Alliance [C] NaG Newave Artist Group [A] NAP North American Pirates [W] NeW AgE PoSsE [P] NaPE National Pirate Exchange [C] NAPPA Northern American Phreakers/Piraters Association [H] NAP/PA North American Pirate/Phreak Association [H] NARC Never at Rest Couriers [C] Nuclear phreAkers/hackeRs/Carders [H] North American Warez Coalition [W] NASA North American Society of Anarchists [H] North American Sysop Alliance [?] NATA NoRTH AMERiCAN TRADiNG ALLiANCE [C] NB NeuroBashers [P] NBC NATURAL BORN COURiERS [C] NBK NaTuRaL BoRN KiLLeRs [H] NBN NOTHiNG BUT NET [O] NCA National Courier Alliance [C] NCC Norwegian Cracking Company [W] NE Neon [A] NED NuKE Encryption Device [V] NEUA National Elite Underground Alliance [W] NFS Need For Speed [C] NFSP National Federation of Software Pirates [W] NFX New Fone Express [H] NGV NuKE GenVirus [V] NH Nazi Hackers [H] NHA National Hackers Alliance [H] NetWork Hacker Alliance [H] NIA Network Information Access [H] National Information Access [H] NiM NiMBUS [A] NiN Nicotine Inhaling Nuns [?] NJP New Japan Pro [?] NLA No Lamerz Allowed [W] NLB Nail Bomb [?] NMS NeMeSiS [W] NENESiS [W] NN NIRVANAnet [N] NO New Order [W] NOF News of Freedom [Z] 911 Nine One One [P] NoT Nation of Thieves [W] NPA National Phreakers Alliance [H] Northern Phreakers Alliance [H] NPC Northern Phun Company [H] NoPeaceCult [H] NPM Napalm [W] NR NetRunners [H] NRCC Nomad Room Cracking Crew [W] NRG Energy (It's phonetic!) [?] NRK Anarchy (It's phonetic!) [H] NRLG NuKE Randomic Life Generator [V] NSA National Security Anarchists [H] NSD No Shit Dudes [?] NSoC National Society of Crackers [W] NT NEEDFUL THiNGS [W] Northern Telecom [H] NTA Nokturnal Trading Alliance [W] NTS (see NUTS) NUAA NaTioNaL UnDeRGRouND aPPLiCaTioN aLLiaNCe [W] NUM NUMbers [W] NUTS National Underground Traders Syndicate [W] NVA NiRVANA [?] NWN Neko's Wierd Numbers [HZ] NWO New World Order [W] NWR NoWhere Release [W] NX NeXuS [W] NYC New York Crackers [W] NYQ Nyquil [?] NYSHII New York Safehouse II [?] OASiS Outstanding Ansi Specialists InStitution [A] OBK Outbreak [W] OBV/2 Oblivion/2 [P] OBX oBNOXIOUS [M] OCAP Orange Cats Are Pretty [?] OCP Omni Computer Productions [?] OCT OBJECTiLE [?] ODA Over-Dosed Anarchists [H] OEW Ooeny! Eeny! Wah! [H] OF OverFlow [?] OFG Obviously Funny Guys [Z] Originally Funny Guys [Z] OGI ORiGiNAL GANGSTAS iNTERNATiONAL [W] OK OutKast [W] OLR On-Line Revenge [H] OMN Omen [W] OMT One More Thing [V] OOFN Our Own Fucking Net [N] OOOFNET Triple O-F Net [N] OPP Other People's Pages [W] OPT Obv/2 Projects Team [P] ORGASM ORGanization Against Societal Manipulation [H] OS OSoft [?] OsiriScript [P] OTL Outlaws [W] 13O 13 Omens [W] OVL OverKill [W] OWC OldWarez Channel [O] OX OUTLAWS eXchange [W] P PRiMAL [W] Pantera [W] PaCNeT PHReaKeRS aND CRaCKeRs NeTWoRK [N] PAG Phreaks Against Geeks [H] PAIN Pirating Artistically Intrepid Newsmongers [A] PaL Pirates at Large [W] PAM Pathetic ANSI Makers [A] PAP PeOpLe AgAiNsT PORTAL [H] PAPAG Phreaks Against Phreaks Against Geeks [H] PaSS Pathetic and Stupid Sounds [S] PATW PiRATES AROUND THE WORLD [W] PAW Pirates Analyze Warez [WZ] PAWW Phreakers Anonymous World Wide [H] PB Pacific Brigade [?] PC Phrack Classic [HZ] PhRoZeN CrEw [W] Park Central [W] PCBB PC Byte Bandit [V] PCF PC Freelancers [?] PCi Power Crisis International [?] PCP Pacific Coast Pirates [W] Pyscho Corporate Productions [A] PCR Personal Computer Rats [W] PCU PPE Creators United [P] PCV Politically Correct Virus [V] PCY Prophecy [W] PDRC PRiMAL Demented Review Crue [WZ] PDS PiPELiNE Development & Support [P] PDX PARADOX [W] PE Public Enemy [W] PEi Psychadelic Excretion International [?] PEN Pentagon [W] PENG Penguin [AZ] PET Party at the End of Time [H] PEZ Poop Enlightenment 'Zine [Z] PFA Passion For Artwork [N] P500 Phortune 500 [H] PFS Protection Fucking Sucks [W] PG PolyGram [C] PGC Pirates Gone Crazy [W] PGN PaGaN [?] PGS Progress [W] PH pHluid [S] PHA Phreakers/Hackers/Anarchists [H] P/H/A Phreaker's/Hacker's/Anarchist's [H] PHACT Phreakers/Hackers/Anarchists/Cyberpunks/Technologists [H] PHAiT PhreakS, HackerS, and AnarchistS InstigatinG TurmoiL [H] PHAL Phalcon [V] PHALSE Phreakers, Hackers, And Laundromat Employees [H] PHaT Phunky Hardcore ANSi Team [A] Pirates Helping American Trade [W] PHC PiRATES OF A HiGHER CADRE [W] PiRaTeZ oF a HiGHeR CaDRe [W] PiRaTeS of a HiGhEr CaDrE [W] PhD Phreak/hack Destroyers [H] Phreak/Hacker Destroyers [H] PHELA PHreakers ELite Association [H] PHiNK People wHo are in Need of Kash [H] PHRACK PHReak hACK [HZ] P/H-UK Phreak/Hack U.K. [H] PHRuWT PHREAKERS/HACKERS/ANARCHISTS/RuTHLESS/WACKED/TERRORISTS [HZ] PHT PHanTasm [A] PHUCK Phone Hackers United Crash Kill [H] Phreakers and Hackers Union of Commie Killers [H] PHUN Phreakers Hackers Underground Network [H] PHX PHoeniX [H] PI Pirates Inc. [W] Pirate Incorporated [W] PiC PaRTNeRS iN CRiME [W] piE PROVidENCE PiG Pirates in Glory [W] PiL Pirates In Legion [W] PiMP Phuckin iNSANE Music Producers [S] PiR PiRATENDO [W] PIRO People In Ranking Order [?] PiSS People in Society Suck [Z] PiTS Pie in the Sky [O] PJT Project [?] PLA Phone Losers of America [H] PLC POLiCE [W] PLP PhoneLine Phantoms [H] PLS Plasma [W] pLt PLaTooN [A] PM Psychic Monks [S] Pheonix Modernz [H] PMS Paranoid Media Scrutinization [?] Peoples Message Service [N] PMT Paramount [A] PN PSiNet [N] Penguin [AZ] PNA Paranoia [AZ] Primordial Necrophilliac Ameobas [H] PNC PiNNACLe [C] PND Phreaker's New Development [H] PNET PloverNET [N] PNT Pantera [W] PNX PHOENiX [W] POC Programmers Of Chaos [P] POD Piss off D00dz [?] Prince Of Darkness [?] POi Phreaks Of The Industry [H] POIN Poison Net [N] POL Pissed Off Lamerz [H] POOR Protectors of Our Rights [?] POS Piece O' Shit [W] PoT Posse of Terror [?] Party of Tommorrow [?] Pioneers of Technology [W] POTMAN Pirates Of The Mid-Atlantic [W] PoW Programmers of War [P] PoWER PEoPLE oPENiNG THE WoRLD'S EYES To REALiTY [P] PP Pompey Pirates [W] PLATNiUM Production [?] PPG Pacific Pirate Guild [W] PPIC Phose-Phree-Inner Circle [H] PPOA Phone Phreakers Of America [H] PPP Phucking Phield Phreakers [H] PPWR Pure Power [W] PR Premiere [W] Prophecy [W] PRC PiERCE [WZ] PRDM Paradigm [Z] PRi PRiMAL [W] PS phalcon/SKISM [V] PSC PiRaTed SoFtWaRe CoUrIeRs [C] PSD PsychoSquad [W] PSI Pirates Sick of Initials [W] PlAsMa ShAdOw InC. [W] PSM PRiSM [?] PSMPC Phalcon/Skism Mass Produced Code [V] PST PaRaSitE [W] pARASite [W] PSY Psychosis [A] PTB Powers That Be [?] PTC Part Time Crackers [W] PTG Pentagram [W] PTK Pyroteknik [?] PTL Pirates That Live [W] Praise The Lord [?] PTM Pot Man [W] PTS Pirates [W] PuD Pizza Underground Digest [Z] PUR Pursuit [?] PW Physical Wish [?] PWA Pirates With Attitudes [W] Pirates With Attitude [W] PWC PiRaTeS WiTH CaUSe [W] PWN Phrack World News [HZ] PWR PoWER [W] PWS PiRETE's WHO CAN SPELL CORRiERS [C] PXL PiXEL [?] PxM=a_j popE x Mass = accelerated_j e s u s [Z] Q Q-TiP [P] QC Quality Cartel [WZ] Quality Control [WZ] QSR Quasar [C] QT Quantum Traders [C] QTX Quartex [W] RAD RaDiCaL [A] RaGe Ruthless Anarchists Getting Even [H] Rad Azz Graphiques Enterprizes [A] RAiD Rebel Anarchists Incur Destruction [H] Rapid And Instantaneous Distribution [C] Rendering Artistically Insane Designs [A] RABID Rebellion Against Big Irrepressible Dweebs [?] RAM Really Awful Music [S] RANCiD Radical Artists and Crackers in Demand [A/W] RaP Rare Ansi Painters [A] Resurgent Ansi Pudgits [A] Ripping AciD Pics [A] RATM RAGE AGAINST THE MACHiNE [W] RAVE Revolution of Audio & Visual Experts [A] RaW Renegade Advanced Workers [M] RB Rebels [W] RBS Rebels [W] RC Refused Connection [?] Ruthless Couriers [C] RCD RANCiD [A] RCI Relativity Couriers Inc. [C] RCT Reactor [A] RDC Radiance [A] RDTF Red Dawn Text Files [H] RE REACTiON [A] RED rEaLLy ELyTe dOOdz [Z] ReALLY ELiTE dOOdz [Z] ReF Really Elite Fuckers [?] REG REGALiA [A] Regulate [?] REM RADiCAL ELiTE MOVEMENT [A] REN Renaissance [A] REV Revolt [A] RG Renegade [P] RGAC Advanced Customization of Renegade [M] RGX Renegade Express [P] RIC THE RiCHO'S GROUP [?] RiFT Reviving Intelligent Fast Trading [C] RiG RiGiD [?] RiM Renegade Insane Modifiers [M] RiOT Revolution in Our Time [A] RIP Revolutionizing International Piracy [W] RiPE Rebels in Pure Effect [H] RiSC RiSE iN SUPERiOR COURiERiNG [C] RIT RiTUAL [A] RKG Retarded K-Rad Guys [H] RKL RiCH KiDZ oN L.S.D. [H] RLT Reality [A] RM RaW MeGGaGe [C] (see RATM) RMK ROMKIDS [W] RMRS rEMORSE [A] RNG Renegade [?] ROC Rulers Of Chaos [A] ROD Red Or Dead [P] RoE Raiders of the Elite [C] ROM ROM 1911 [W] ROMB Rip-Off-Ma-Bell [H] RoT REBELS oF TELECOMMUNiCATiONS [H] Reign of Terror [H] RPM Relentless Pursuit of Magnificence [A] Rapid Phile Movement [C] RR Rescue Raider [?] Radical Rhythms [S] RRG Rebels' Ritin Guild [H] RSH Rush [W] RSM Ransom [W] RSVP Revolutionary Surrealist Vandal Party [?] R2 Rebels 2000AD [W] RTC ReaDY To CoMe [W] RTL RiTUAL [A] RTN RETRiBUTiON [W] RTS Request To Send [C] RUIN Researchers' Underground Information Network [H] RV Residual Venom [?] (see RAVE) RVG Revenge [?] RvN RenoVatioN [C] RWR Rebels Without Reason [H] RZR RaZoR 1911 [W] S Sushi [A] SUPRiM [W] S-NET Synchnet [N] SAA Strategies Against Authority [HZ] SAC SUPERiOR ART CREATIONS [A] SAD Slick ANSI Designers [A] SAID Software Artists for Information Dissemination [?] SAN SANctuary [Z] SAND SUPERiOR ANSi 'N DESiGN [A] SANE Sycotic Ansi Network Enterprise [A] SAP Sapphire [W] SAZ Soulz At Zero [A] SC SCANDAL! [W] SOCiETY [W] SCA Swiss Cracking Association [W] Scavenger [H] SCAM Society of Criminals, Anarchists, and Misfits [HZ] SCAR Shore Cracking/ANSI Runners [A] SCC Sirius Cybernetics Corporation [W] SCD Software Chronicle Digest [WZ] Software Chronicles Digest [WZ] SUiCiDE [A] SCL SCANDAL! [W] SCP Secret Circle of Pirates [W] SCPG Southern California Pirate Guild [W] SCRI Soundman & Cribee [W] SCX Scoopex [W] SCZ Schizo [A] SD (see SaND) SDA Silicon Dream Artists [A] Software Development Alliance [W] SDI Sindicate [W] SDO SOCiAL DiSORDER [H] SE Society Elite [W] SynTeX ERRoR [W] S8 Shining 8 [W] SECTEC Secret Tectonics [H] SEX Super Elite eXports [W] SFC Society's Finest Criminals [A] SFD Second Foundation [W] SFI Society for the Freedom of Information [H] SGA SysOps Guild Association [?] SGB SMuRFS GoNe BaD [W] SHA Swedish Hackers Association [?] SHiT Sorry Hackers in Training [H] Software Hackers and Illegal Tacticions [H] Sub-Humans-In-Txt [Z] SHK ShOcKwAvE [W] SHV Shiver [A] SID Satanic Incarnate of Doom [H] SiK Smokers In Krime [W] SIL SiLENCE [W] SiN Software Innovation Network [W] Sinister [A] SiNNER [M] SiT Silicon Toads [?] SK SKiNHeaDS [W] Sofdox Krackers [W] SKiN TRaDE [?] Seizure'z Kidz [?] SKiD Sound Kreators in Domination [S] SKISM Smart Kids Into Sick Methods [V] SKN SKiLLiON [W] SKW Skewers [W] SL SiLiCON [W] SmartLiners [O] SLA Software Liberation Army [W] Steveb's Liberation Army [W] SLF Smurf Liberation Front [?] SLG Sludge [?] SLi Southern Lights incorporated [H] SLITHER inSubordinate Leftists Intellectual Trash Hopefully Earmarked for Revolution [Z] SLK SLiCK [?] SLT Starlight [?] SM Storm [W] SMAF Sig Makers Against Faggots [A] SMD SUCK MY DiCK [?] SMG SmuGGler [W] SMOS Smozzelos [A] SMUT Syndrome's Mega Utility Team [W] SN SaTaN NeT [N] SNB Stones N Bones [?] SNC SoNiC [W] SNES Spectra Noise EditorS [S] SNK Snake [W] Sneakers [W] SNT sENTINEL [?] SoC Society of Chaos [?] SoD Syndicate of Destruction [H] Society of Destruction [H] Silicon OverDose [?] SODP Syndicate Of Dead Pirates [W] SOi SPiRiTS OF iLLUSiON [W] SOL Sons Of Liberty [H] SON Sonic [W] SONEQ Sonic Equinox [?] SONiC Syndicated Outlaws Notorius in Couriering [C] SoP Sum of the Pieces [?] Slaves of Pain [?] SoT Sea of Tranquility [?] sOUP Sea Otter Underground Productions [?] SP Sphere! [W] S!P Surprise! Productions [P] SPA Software Pirates Alliance [W] Software PiRATES AnonYmous [W] SPaM Sound, Programming, & Ansi Makers [S/P/A] SPD Speed [C] SPH Sapphire [W] SPi Software Pirates Incorporated [W] SUPERiOR PiRATES iNCORPORATED [W] SPLaT Society for the Preservation of Lasting Anarchy and Terrorism [H] SPPC SPREADPOiNT/PC [?] SPR Sprint [?] $print $=the money you save, Protection Removed in No Time [W] SPS Self Preservation Society [H] SPT SPiRiT [A] SR Skid Raw [W] Shadow Realm [?] STiNG-RaY [W] SRG Surge [A] SRH sOFTWARE rUNNERS from hELL [W] SRi Sonic Rage inCognito [?] SRN Sysop Refernence Network [N] SSC Super Software Cracking [W] SSG Suburban Survival Guide [H] SSN Sysop Support Network [N] SSODB Secret Society of Dark Birds [?] ST Silicon Toads [?] Sto Tech [?] ScreamingTechnologies [P] S2 Storm 2 [W] STAT STATiCNET [N] STD Song Transcribers Division [S] Strictly Text Distribution [Z] S2DD Slut2Death Dealer [V] STL Stile [A] STM Storm [W] STN Saturn [W] STNet ScreamingTechnologiesNetwork [N] SToC STraight Outta Califonia [?] SU Santa's UnderGround [H] Superunknown [?] SUB SUBMiSSiON [N] SUi SUiCiDE [A] SUN Sight Unseen [W] 7UP Seven Up [W] SW StanleyWare [W] SWAG Source Wave Archival Group [?] SWaT Special Warez Acquisition Team [C] SX SyntaxError [?] SXN Saxons [W] SYN Synapse [P] SyNC Syndicated Network of Couriers [C] $ynd The $yndicate [W] SyS Scaring you Shitless [?] SZ SmokewarZ [?] TAA The Avacado Avengers [?] TABOU The Alternative Bytemovers of the Underground [C] TAD The Atomic Dustbin [V] TAF Trailblazer Ansimaker Freelance [A] TAG The Art Group [A] The Artists Guild [A] The Ansi Guild [A] TaN The Anarchist Nation [H] TANJ There Ain't No Justice [Z] TAP TransAtlantic Project [?] Traders And Players [W] TAS The Apostle Syndicate [?] TASD The Association of Social Disorder [H] TATiC TrAdInG AnD TrAdInG InTeRnAtIoNaL CrEw [C] TAY tHE aNGRY yOUTH [?] TB Thrust Brothers [W] TBC Turbo Couriering [C] The Burning Church [H] TBH The Blunted Hood [HZ] TBL The Black Legion [W] TBO tHE bLUNTED oNE [HZ] TC The Consortium [H] THe CoRPoRaTioN [W] TCB TeCHnOBrAiNS [W] The CodeBlasters [P] TCC The Computer Crossroads [P] The Courier Connection [C] The Criminal Connection [?] TCD TELECOM Digest [HZ] Tyranny CD Division [W] TCE Threatening Couriers Everywhere [C] The Cutting Edge [?] TCH The Crowbar Hotel [?] TCi ThE CARTeL iNC [W] TCL The Code Line [N] TCM tHE COMMiTMENTS [W] TCOLB The Crackers Of Lame Boards [H] TCS The Criminal Syndicate [H] The Crime Syndicate [H] TCSN The Crime Syndicate Network [N] TCT The Cracking Team [W] TDA THe DaRK ALLiaNCe [W] TDC The Dangerous Crew [W] TDD THE DiRTY DOZEN [C] TDF The Digital Frequency [?] TDK The Destiny Knights [?] The Dark Knights [?] TDM The Digital Mafia [?] Twilight Dungeon Masters [W] TDN The Documentation Network [WZ] TdS The Devil's Spawn [?] tHE dOWNWARd SPiRAL [W] TdT ThE DrEaM tEAm [W] TDU The Digital Underground Jam [W] TdWp THINKdreamWONDERponder [A] TEAT THE ELiTE ACRONYM TRANSLATOR (OK, it's a program by PWA...) [O] TEC The Evil Crew [?] TeM Totally Elite Morons [H] TERR TeRRaTRoN [W] TET The European Technology [P] TEW THE ELiTE WAVE [W] TF TouchForce [W] TWiSTED fishies [A] Text Forecasters [H] TFA The Forgotten Arts [A] TFBL The Fine Blue Line [W] TFBS The Fucking Boy Scouts [?] TFE The File Exchange [?] TFFN The Final Fantasy Network [N] TFG The Funny Guyz [?] TFN The Federation Network [N] TFT The Fourth Tower [?] TFYC The Fuck You Crew [?] TG The THIEFS' GUILD [W] TGG The Games Grufftys [W] TGH The Gates of Hell [?] TGITM The Ghost In The Machine [?] TGM The Games Masters [W] TGP The Group [H] TGT THE GUiLD OF THiEVES [W] The Golden Triangle [W] TG3 The Gate ]I[ [?] TGW Those Great Warez [W] THC The Hemp Crew [?] The Hacker Crackdown [O] The Hellfire Club [?] THG The Humble Guys [W] THH The Hard Hackers [H] THM (See THOM) THoC The House of Creation [?] THOF The Hand Of FATE [W] THOM ThE HouSE of MaYHeM [W] THOTS The Hell Of The Steel [?] THP The Hill People [W] The Humble Peasants [?] THRUSH Technological Hierarchy for the Removal of Undesireables and Subjugation of Humanity [O] THS (See THOTS) THT The Hard Times [W] THW The Hard Warez! [W] The Hacker's Warehouse [?] THWG To Hell With Groups [W] TiA The Insane Asylum [C] The Information Allies [H] Telephone Information Access [HZ] TIAC The Insane Asylum Coders [P] TiC THe iNNeR CiRCLe [W] THE iMAGE CREW [A] ToTALLY iNSANE CRACKERS [W] Talented Internet Cribbers [C] TICN The Insane Couriers Network [C] TiDT The InTerNeT DreAM TeAM [C] TiKT The International Kaos Terrorists [H] TiME Trials in Musical Escape [S] TIT TiTAN [A] TKK The Kind King [?] THe KiWi KiLLeRS [W] TKN Teknosis [A] TL Top Listings [WZ] Time Lord [A] TekLordZ [A] TLC True to Life Couriers [C] TLK The Lamer Kronickles [WZ] TLS The Lawless Society [H] TLST Taulist [WZ] TM Trouble Makers [H] TMC The Morning Crew [W] TMG The Midnight Goofballs [W] TMM The Mental Midgets [W] The Modem Mob [?] The Modem Mafia [H] TMS The Morbid Sacrilege [?] TM2 Team2 [?] TMTM Two Minutes To Midnight [V] TN TRiPNET [N] TNC The NewComers [?] The Notorius Clitorus [W] TND TorNadO [W] TNET ThermalNet [N] TNG THE NEXT GENERATiON [W] TNKB TuRbO NuTTer KiWi BAStARdS [W] TNL Top Notch Lyrics [S] TNO The New Order [A] TNS Touchdowns [W] Tolmes News Service [N] TNT The Nuclear Threat [P] The New Terrorists [H] TOA The Organization of Anarchists [H] TOADS Turn Over And Die Syndrome [H] TOAO The One And Only [W/N] 21C 21'st Century Couriers [C] TOE Text Of Excellence [H] TOK Tribunal Of Knowledge [H] ToOn-Z Toon-Zine [AZ] TOP Temple Of Power [?] TOR Torment [?] The Operating Room [W] ToS The Other Side [C] TOX ToXiC [C] TPC The Phony Coders [P] TPE TridenT Polymorphic Engine [V] TPF The Positive Force [W] TPH The Phreaker's Handbook [H] TPM The Punk Mafia [H] TPO The PRiMAL ORDER [W] TPU ThE pEoPlE UpStAiRz [?] TRA tHe ReBel Alliance [W] TRANSFSN TRANSFUSiON [C] TRASH Truely Retarded Ansi Sold Here [A] TRB TuRBo-NeT [N] TRC The ReVieW CreW [WZ] The ReViEW CrEW [WZ] TRD Triads [?] TRE The Racers Edge [?] TRI The Remote Informer [H] Trinity [A] TRiC The Really Insane Couriers [C] THE RENEGADE iNFORMATiON CREW [M] The RG iNFO Crew [M] TRIN Trinity [A] TRL TRiAL [W] TRM The RiM Merchants [W] TRN Trance [A] Tyranny [W] TRO The Remote Outpost [H] TROTWS The Rest Of The Warez Scene [W] TRQ TRanQuility [AZ] TRS The RapeWare Syndicate [W] TRSi Tristar Red Sector Inc. [W] TRWS The Rape Ware Syndicate [W] TS Toxic Shock [H] TSA The Silent Assassin [H] TSAN The Sysops Association Network [N] TSAN The Sysop's Area Network [N] TSAN Tri-State Area Sysop's Network [N] TSB The Silicon Bovine [H] TSC The Spectrum Crew [?] THE SACReD CiRCLe [?] TSD The Shining Darkness [?] TSF The Stealth Force [?] TSG The Sleeping Gods [?] The Shadow Group [?] TSi Technological Systems Inc. [?] t$I The Shadow Inc. [Z] TSK Team Spork [W] tSL The Shadow Lurking [Z] TSM The Smurfs [?] TSO The SysOps Organization [O] TSoft TurboSoft [P] TSP The SpacePigs [P] TSR The Syndicate Report [WZ] TSS Tape Swappers Syndicate [W] THE SiNiSTER SyNDiCATE [W] THE SoNs oF SaTaN [W] THE SEVENTH SiGN [W] TST THE SiLENT TERROR [?] TT Tarkus Team [?] 2T 2TUFF [W] TTAB tHE TeRRoRiZeRz Assault Brigade [W] TTD The Toxic Dream [?] TTG The Thieves Guild [W] TTK The Tommy Knockers [?] TTN TiTAN [W] TTP The Thrashing Pirhana [H] TUC The Underground Corporation [?] THE UndErworld Coorporation [?] The Underground Cell [H] TUFF The Underground Fone Foundation [H] TUGOS The United Guild of SysOps [?] TUN The Underground Network (Also the name of an affiliated BBS) [W] TUR THE UNDERGROUND REBELLiON [C] TuSwF The United Soft WareZ Force [W] TUT (see TUTOI) TUTOI The UnderGround Team Of InterNet [C] TVB THe VaG BoYS [W] TW Thieves' World [?] Total Warez [W] TWA The Warez Alliance [W] TWB The Warner Brothers [W] TWCB The Wacko Cracko Brothers [W] TWaT TeXT WRiTeRZ aND TRaDeRZ [O] The Winner ANSI Team [A] TWG The Whize Guy [W] TWL TWiLiGHT [W] TxC ToXiC [C] TYME Twisted Young Mind Expand [Z] TZ Twilight Zone [?] Tinyz [A] TZM Tzeng Jau Ming [V] TZU TeRRoR ZoNe UNdeRGRouND [W] UA Undercover Agents [?] Underground America [H] Underground Alliance [H] UAA United Anarchists of America [H] United Ansi Artists [A] URBan ANaRCHISt AllIanCE [H] UART United Association of Reckless Talent [?] UBiC United Boards in Control [W] UC UNiTED COURiERS [C] Uncivil Crew [?] UC-ID UC (see UC) - InterNet Division [C] UCA Underground Criminal Alliance [H] Underground Coding Alliance [P] UCD Underground Communications Division [H] UCF United Cracking Force [W] Underground Computing Foundation [?] Untouchable Cracking Force [W] UCL Universal Crime League [W] UCR UC (see UC) - Random [C] UCS United Courier Syndicate [C] Underground Couriering CD [C] UCU Universal Crackers of the Underground [W] UDC United Druids of Cyber Space [?] UEA Underground Elite Alliance [?] U4C UltraForce [P] UFP UNiTED FEDERATiON oF PiRATES [W] UFT UNiTY Federation Team [C] United File TraderZ [C] UG UnderGrown [AZ] UGC Underground Council [?] UHG Ultimate Hacking Group [H] UiD Usefulstuff in Demand [W] UIF United Ignorance Front [?] UKT United Kiwi's Trader [C] ULTRA Underground Legion of Terroristic Research Activists [H] UMF United Mega Forces [P] UNC (see UNCLE) UNCHD Unchained [AZ] UNCLE United Nations Copyright Law Evaders [W] UNI UNiTY [W] UNiON [A] UNN Urine Nation News [HZ] UNNet United Nations Net [N] UNT UNTouchables [W/A] UP United Psychodelics [?] UPA United Programming Alliance [P] UPi United Phreakers Inc. [H] UPM Unruly Public Masturbation [A] UPS United Pirate Syndicate [W] Underground Press Syndicate [H] UR UNREAL REALiTY [?] URBAN Underground Rap-Blasting Asiatic Newsletter [HZ] URN Underground Rip-Off Network [N] URRS United Russians Rule the Scene [W] USA United States Alliance [W] United Software Association [W] United States of Anarchy [H] United Software Alliance [W] USCA UnItEd SeRbIaN CoUrIeR AsSoCiA. [W] USDA Uncle Sam's Demo Agency [P] uSe uNDERGRouND SeKuRiTY eXPeRTS [H] USN United Supreme Network [N] USSR Underground Software Systems Revolt [?] USTA United Software Trading Alliance [C] UT UltraTech [?] UTG United Traders of Germany [W] UTO Urban Terrorist Organization [H] UTU United Technical Underground [?] uuDW Union of United Death Workers [H] UV uLTRA vIOLENCE [C] UWA Underground Writers Association [Z] UWP UnderWorld Products [W] uXu Underground Experts United [?] UZi Unlawful Zealots Incorporated [W] V Venom [W] ViSiON [C] VaS Vaginal and Anal Secretions [Z] VCA ViRUS CrEaToRs AnOnYmOuS [V] VCi Vulcan Cultural International [C] VCL Virus Construction Lab [V] VCS Virus Construction Set [V] VD Vital Dox [WZ] Video Dox [WZ] VEL Velocity [C] VELOCiTY [W] VEN Vengeance [W] VFC VERY FAST COURiERS [C] VG ViRuLeNT GRaFFiTi [V] VI Visual Insanity [A] ViRAL iNDUSTRiES [V] ViG ViGilante (Yes, he's a person not a group & his releases are PWA releases, but he releases them as "VIG PPEs"... OK?) [P] VIOR VioLaToR [?] ViP ViNTAGE PRODUCTiONS [C] VIS ViSiON [C] VND Vendetta [W] VNS VOGON News Service [N] VOID Visions of Infinite Destruction [A] VP Vindicator Productions [H] VPi ViSuAl PoLLuTioN InC. [A] VPR Vapor [A] VS Virtual Shock [?] ViruSystems [V] VSi Visual Stimulations Incorporated [A] VSW VeRy StRaNgE WaReZ [W] VT ViRTUAL TEAM [?] Vangelis Team [P] ViOLENT traders [W] V/2 ViSiON/2 [P] VTX Vortex [W] V&V Villains & Vigilantes [?] VX Virus Exchange [V] V/X ViSiON/X [P] VXB Virus eXchange Boards [V] VXNET Virus Exchange Net [V/N] VYi ViCiOUS YOUTHS iNC [W] W WiZARD [?] WAC WiLD ANSi CREATORS [A] WilD Ansi Creators [A] WaR Wav's Art Ritin [A] Well Adjusted Radicals [H] WaReZ aNaRCHy ReVieW [W/H] WASP Warriors Against Software Protection [W] WBL W BALLS [A] WBT Wild Buffalo Tamers [A] WC! WildCards [W] WiLD CaRDS! [W] WCharts WorldCharts [PZ] WDF World Domination Force [?] WH WarHammer [?] wK wOOt'z KidZ [H] WKD WiCKED [W] WPE World Pirate Echo [N] WTM White Trash Magazine [Z] WUB World Underground BBS [O] WV Wave [W] WVIEW World View Magazine [Z] WW Weenie Warriors [?] Wankers from Wimbledon [W] WWC World Wide Couriers [C] WWCA World Wide Crackers Association [W] WWF World Warez Federation [W] WWN Week in Warez Newsletter [WZ] WWW Worth While Warez [W] WX Weapon X [?] XF X-Force [W] XL X-Large [?] XTC Ectasy (it's phonetic!) [A] XTR X'Treme [C] YAAT Yet Another AllTop [P] YAM Youngsters Against MacAfee [V] Youths Against McAfee [V] YC Youn Chie [W] Z Zombies [W] ZLN ZiLLiON [W] ZnO Zoned Out [H] ZOM ZOMBiE [H] ZRK Z-Rock [?] Z-TEC Zero Technology [?] ZZ ZiLLiONZ [C] Well, that's it for this release. Let us know if we skipped (Big or small, we want 'em all), mispelled, or mischaracterized a group. Key to Descriptions: A = Art (inc. ANSI, ASCII, VGA, sigs, lit, animations, etc.) AZ = Art 'Zine C = Couriering H = H/P/C/A HZ = H/P/C/A 'Zine M = bbs Modding N = Net P = Programming (inc. Utils, BBS, PPEs, Demos, Loaders, etc.) S = Sound (inc. MOD, S3M, Lyrics) V = Virus (inc. Trojans) W = Warez WZ = Warez 'Zine (inc. Documentation, Reviews, Rankings, etc.) Z = 'Zine O = Other ? = Unsure - PLEASE HELP ME! Write to me (sUMsDos) on any DoS elite board. Or, contact DoS via the InterNet at: an205866@anon.penet.fi