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The Cheat Sheet (Version 95.01.09) Elite Acronym List A DoS Release By sUMsDos Special Thanx To Phantasm This list of elite acronyms should get you onto any elite board (unless you're a TOTAL lamer, that is.) Good luck and PHuCK Da LaMeRZ!!! sUMsDos [DoS President] AAA Aces of ANSI Art AAAAA American Association Against Acronym Abuse AAB aMaZiNG aSTRoFeST BuNCH AAFH ANSI Artists From Hell AAWA Ansi Artists With Attitudes AB2 Anarchy Burger ][ AC Aero Club ACB Achtung! ACC Accumulators ACD ACiDiC ACE Acme Couriering Enterprises Arcane Corporate Elite Art Creation Enterprise Arrogant Couriers with Essays ACiD ANSI Creators in Demand AD Altered Destiny ADV AnTaReS DV AE Ansi Express AFB aMaZiNG aSTRoFeST BuNCH AFC ANSi Factory AFL ALPHA FLiGHT AlpHAFligHT aLPHa FLigHT AGE aGe oF CHaoS AHP AcidHell Productions AiM Art In Madness AL AlliANCENet ALF ANTi LAMERS FOUNDATiON ALI ALiVE ALT Altered Reality ALTR ALTeRNaTiVe NeT AMi AMiTECH AMD Advanced Micro Designs AN Aryan Nations ANE Anarchy 'N' Explosives ANM ANiMOSiTY ANR ANCRiD ANViL The Committee for Cyberspace Disinformation ANX Anoxia AoD Academy Of Deception AOTD Art of Technology Digest APHA American Phreak/Hack Association API American Pirate Industries APX Apex AR Ares Aero ARMA Armageddon AS ASiA ASB Astrofence Bunch ASL Assault (A2)2 Association of Animated Ansi Artists ASS Association of Sociopathic Suburbians Aryan Secret Service ATI Advanced Technology Inc. Activist Times, Inc. ATM Activist Times Anti-TUN Movement Automation Atomic ATX Anthrax AVG AVeNGeRS AVLHL aLWaYs VeRY LuBRiCaTeD HaPPY LeMMiNGs AVV Anti Virus Virus AWA Anti-Warez Association AWF Ansi With Fantasy AWoL Artists WithOut Loyalty AwS ARTiSTS WiTH STyLE BAD BBS'ers Against Dweebs Bitchin' Ansi Design BAGS Bristol's Anti-Gay Society BAR Bad Ass Retards BB Bad Brains BetaBoys BBS bLOODbROTHERS BC BlackCat BCC Bilbo's Cracking Club Boys from Company C BDC BReaKDoWN DeMo CReW BEER BTW's Excellent E-Rag BGR Brotherhood of Gods and Retards BHS Black Hand Society BJIM BoniJoni Intro Maker BKN BROkEN BL BLaDE RuNNeRS BLH BacklasH BLOT BLaCK OuT BMUG Berkeley Macintosh Users Group BNZ Bonzai BOA BaLZaK OuTlAwS AlpHa BoM Brotherhood of Malice BOR Brotherhood Of Retards BOS BladeS OF SteeL BOW Best of the Worst BPi Blacklisting People inc. BRD Braindead BRK BROkEN BRN BRAiNS BS Bomb Squad BSP Bently Sidwell Productions BTW BiZaRRe TYPeZ oF WaReZ Bizarre Types of Warez BVN BANNED ViSiON BW Blue Water BWH BayWatcH BWS Brian's World Software C Chaos Chronos CAFBL Computer Abuse For a Better Living CARA Clandestino Auto-Reproductive Anti-virus CAVE Coalition of American Virus Engineers CBX CybRiX CC Crazy Conehead CCC Chaos Compupter Club Chaos Cyber Creations CoMpy CracKin' and CrAshiN' CCCF Chaos Computer Club France CCi Cyber Crime International CDA Cascada cDc CuLT of ThE DEAD CoW CDN Creativity DemoNet CDS CaRDiNaLS CDUGD Computer Down UnderGround Digest CEN Centaur Censor CF Cyber Force CGI CoNSoLe GaMiNg iNFoRMeRS CHi Crappy Hackware Inc. CHiNA Comunists Hackers in North America CHR CHRONiC CHS Chaos CiA Crackers International Alliance Creators of Intense Art CiP CRiME iN PROGRESS CIS Creators of Intense Shit CKS Celestial Knights CL CybeR LegioN CLF Cyberpunk Liberation Front CLT Clitoris CMAG The Console Mag CMS Copyright Masters CNSMAG The Console Mag CoD Children of Damnation CODE Crackers of Digital Equipment CoMA Community of Moral Advancement COOL CROATiAN ORGANiZATiON OF LEECHERS COPS Couriers of Pirated Software COR C0RRUPTI0N Corosion CoRE CRiMiNaLs oF RaDiCaL ExTReMeS CORPSE CoRoSioN'S SKUZZy E-MAG COTNO Communications of the New Order CoV Corruption of Violence CP Cranium Productions CPD Computer Piracy Digest CPM Crystal PhaseMatic CP$ CoMPuTeR PiRATeS $yNDiCATe CPI Canadian Pirates Incorporated Caribbean Pirates iNC Corrupt Programming Internation CPR Couriers Pumping Rapidly CPSR Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility CPU Computer Persons Underground Corrupter Pirate's Union CR Criminal CrAzY/RoYALS CrAC Crazed Artists Coalition CRaM CiTiCeNS ReVoLTiNG aGaNST MoTZaH CRC Crazy Review Crew CHRoNiC CRE (see CoRE) CRM CRiMSON CRN Creation CRS Cursed CRUE Cheat Requests for Underground Elite CSC Conspiracy of Silence Crew CSDN Chinese Software Distribution Network CTC CRYPTONiCS CTF Coder's Task Force CTI Chaos Technologies, Inc. CTR Contour CTS Creators CU Computer Underground CuD Computer underground Digest CERLiTY Utilities Division CuM Creative Users WiTH A MiSSiON CV COMVirus CW Cyber Warriors CASAware CY Chemical Youth CyP CyBer Pirates D Dread DAC DAZED AND CoNFuSED DAME Dark Avenger Mutating Engine Dark Angel's Multiple Encryptor DAS Digital Anarchist Society DCE Dutch Computer Enterprises DCi Demented Couriers Incorporated Digital Crime Incorporated DD Digital Dimensions DDD Doctor Death & Darkhawk DDM DoomsDay Machines DDS DDStyle DEAD Damned Excellent Ansi Design Demented Evil Ansi Designers DEEP dRiNKiNG eViL eLiTe pHReAKeRs DEL Delria DEPBA Digital Exchange Pirate Board Alliance DES DeStiny DF Dark Force DFS Damn Fucking Shit DFT DEFiANT DH Dark Helmet DI Digital Infinity DiE Dimented Images of Euphoria DarK iMaGERY EnTerprise DIF Digital Infinity DiMM Developers in Mass Media DiR DeVeLoPeRS iN RaGe DISPOST The Disgruntled Mailmen DJP DefJam Productions DK dEATH kNIGHT DLC DreadLoC DLT DELiGHT DM Digital Masters DMN Demon DAMNATiON DN DeadNet DuNE (see DuNE) DNR Drive Not Ready DNS Dynasty DNX Dynamix DOA Distributors of Anarchy DOD Drink or Die DELiRiUM oF DiSORDER DOM Dominators DoS DiSCiPLES oF sUMsDos (That's us!) Disciples of sUMsDos distributorS oF softwarE DP (see DEEP) DRD Dread DRi Digital Revolution International DS Dragon Society DST DiSToRTioN DSTD Dream Syndicate Trade Division DTH Death DUA Digital Underground Association DuNE DiGiTAL UNDERGRoUND ELiTE DUNE Digital Underground Network Exchange DV Dive DVISS DV International Software Services DW Dead Weight DrevneyaWare DWI Damn Windows Idiot DWiT Dark Writers Incorporated DYGM Doyadigm E ExTREME Euphoria EA Error Art EAP Estranged Art Packagers ECA Elite Crackers Association ECC European Cracking Crew ECHO Elite Crackers/Hackers Organization ECR Electronic Rats EFR Escape From Reality eMC eLiTe MaFia aGaiNsT CoPyRiGHT EMF ElectroMotive Force EMi ElectroMagnetic Interference EMS Entrepreneurs Marketing Software END Evil Never Dies EOD Empire Of Darkness Esoteric Order of Dagon EP EPIC EPA ELiTe PRoGRaMMeRS aSSoCiaTioN EPAH Ethical Phreakers and Hackers EPiC Excellence Produced in Creativity EREC ERECTiON ERIS Electronic Revolutionary Information Society ES ElektroShok ESC Escape ESM Elysium ESP ELeCTRoNiC SoFTWaRe PiRaCY ESW Every Strange Wares ETA Express Traders Alliance ETE ETERNiTY EUCIA Elite Underground Central Intelligence Agency EVIL Exotic Visions In Liquid EVL EViL-F/X Evolution EWR Elite Warez Review EX Extinct EXiLE EXC Excretion EXE EXiLE EXT Exotic Extortion F fsTiC FAT Futuristic Artists with Talent FBC Fag-Bashing Crew FBI Fake Butt-Fucking Idiots FUCKiNG BUNCH Of iDiOTS Freaker's Bureau Incorporated Fatal Byte Infection FC Future Crew Fatal Connection FCP Fone ConsPiracy FDN Foundation File Distribution Network FDS Fifth Dimension Software FDX Frogadsh fff files fuck friends FFT Federation of Free Traders FI Furtive Industries FiRM First in Releasing Most FLA Fei Long Associates FLaG Fuck Lamers and Groupies FLC Faster than Light Couriers FLT FAiRLiGHT FOD Finger of Death FOF FRiENDS Or Foe FOST Federation of Software Theft FOWL Fuck Off We're Learning FPS File Propulsion System FRD FRiENDSHiP FRL Freelancers Guild FRM The FiRM Inc. FS FiRE SkULL FSD Frueh Stuck Design FSH Flash F$W Fa$t Warez 4T The Fourth Tower FTH FaiTH FTL Fatal! FUAP Fucked-Up Average People FUCK FoRGiVE uS CRaZY KiDS Fucked Up College Kids FUD Fucked-Up Dudes GA Glorious Angel GC GramCracker GL Glory GLF Graffitti Liberation Front GM GEMiNi GNS GENESiS GNX GENERATiON-X GOD Givers of Destruction Global OutDial Gods of Destruction Global Overdose GoDs GUILD oF DISTRIBUTORs GOL Golgotha GOP Grand Old Pirates GP Genesis Project GPA Gainseville Pirates Association GPV General Public Virus GRD GROOVE DRUNk ENTREPRiSE GRiP Graphic Revolution in Progress GRiP/AD GRiP (see GRiP) / Ansi Division GS Games Society GSD Genius Software Development GTA GERMAN TRADiNG ALLiANCE GTHC GOTHiC GZ Ground Zero HA Hard Attacks HACK Hacking And Computer Krashing HAiL Honored Artists in Legion HALE Hackers Against Law Enforcement HASH Humans Against Society and Homework HAT Heathen ANSI Tactics HATE Highly Artistic And Talented HAV Havok HBD Hybrid HCC Heavy Code Cracks HCH HarD CorE HackerS HEaT Hackers Enterprising across Telecommunications HEMP Hardcore Elite Mother Phuckers HH&H Hard Hit & Heavy HIC Hardcore Information Compilation HiT Hired International Terrorists HLL HiLLCoN HOE Hogs Of Entropy HOP HOPPER iNC. HoPE Hackers of Planet Earth HPAaVMoPHACKERS PHREAKS ANARCHISTS and VIRII MAKERS of PHRUWT HR High Rezolution HRA Hacker's Republican Army HRU Hackers 'R' Us HSA Hashbrown Society of America HSC HiGH SPEED COURiERS HSGMT High-Speed Global Mass Trading HST High Speed Transfer HT Hard Target HV High Voltage HVDL Hungarian Virus Research Laboratory HWA Hackers With Attitudes HYB Hybrid HYP HYPER VELOCiTY I iLLUSiON IA International Affairs iBP iGH BaH Poo IC Inner Circle iCA iNTERNET COURiERS ASSOCiATiON iCE iNSANE CREATORS ENTERPRISE Inner Circle Elite International Cracking Elite ICI ITALiAN CRACKWARE iNC ICS Italian Cracking Service ICU Idiots Creations Unlimited ID iDENTiTY IDC InDepenDent coURiers iDG iNDiG0 IEC Independent Engineers of Couriering iGH International Ghost Hunters IIRG International Information Retreival Guild iiT Israel's InterNet Traders ILL ILLuminatus Information Liberation League ILSN iLLUSiON iMG iMAGiNE iMAGE IMP Imperial INC International Network of Crackers iND Independence INDENDNT(see IDC) INF Infinity InfiNET International Freedom of Information Network INHC Inhuman Conditions iNK iNSANE ANSi KREAToRZ INS Insomnu Insanity INSiGNiA iNT iNTEGRiTY IPL Interpol IPPLC International PPL Creators IR Immortal Riot Insane Reality IRE Information Retrieval IRG International Rogues Guild IRS fIles Reviewing Society IS Immortal Syndicate ISA International Software Alliance iSD iNSANE SOFTWARE DESiGNERS IT Traders of Internet ITR iCE (see iCE) Trial iTU Infinity Traders Unlimited IUD INC (See INC) Utility Division IUPLCM IUP Luis Callabero Mejas IVP Instant Virus Production (by YAM) IW Imperial Warlords JB Japan Boys JDIV Jesus Died In Vain J4J Jump 4 Joy JHD jiHAD JLT JoLT JS JackShit JUS Justice JW Jabberwocky KAOS Krackers Association of Sweden KASS Krackass KFC Krazy Fug Couriers KiSS KRaZY iMaGe SCaNNiNG SiCKoZ KKK Klan of Kwik dox Kreators KLF Kosmix Leader Foundation KND KiNDRED KNX Konyx KORT Knights Of the Round Table KOS Knights of SHadow KP KingPin KRN Krynn KRS KraftSchlag KRU Killer Renegade Utilities K3 KNO3 KTS Katharsis KULT KnIgHts UnDeR ThE LaW Of TrIsTan KWW THe KiWi KiLLeRS LAME Lunatics And Maniacs Encorporated LANCE 2 Lancelot ][ LAP Lapse LBo LiTTLE BiG oNE LC LiGHTNiNG COURiERS LCS Local Courier System LCT LiquidCode <tm> Lucretia LCY Legacy LDC Long Distance Couriers LDP 'Lil Dumb Programs LEG LEGENDs LGD Legend LGN Legend LiCl Lithium Chloride LiD Lamers in Disguise LIFE Loyalty In Full Effect LISA Long Island Sysop Association LiT LiTHiUM LiTH LiTHiUM LLL Local Lamers Limited LLT LimeLight Technologies LoD LEGiON OF DOOM LOE Legend Of Eternity LOH Legions Of Hackers LoL Legions of Lucifer LoM Land of Money LoP Lamers of Power Law & Order Party LoRD Legion of Rising Distributors LoTE Legions of the Etherial LPS Lupus LS liGht SPEEd LSD Lethal Software Distributors Lush Software Designs LT LoCo TeCH LTD License to Draw LwV Lamers with Vision M MaTRiX MA Mooncrow Aeyrie MAD Malicious Art Denomination Massive Anarchistic Destruction Mutual Assured Destruction Mystical Artwork Designs Mutated Ansi Design MADRAS Mature Adults Demanding Real Application SW MAG Makings of Artistic Geniuses MAGiC Mighty and Gargantuan institute of Chaos MAiN MAiNFRAME MaX Masters of the Art Experience MCC Mack Crack Corporation MCM Miami Cracking Machine MD MAGiC DeSiGN MDS Marquis De Soiree mE mEDiNa ELitE M8 MOTiV8 MEN Menace MERC Mercenary Magazine MFSG MAlfUNCtiON SYStEM GROUP MFT Manifest MGD Miller Genuine Draft MGE MALODOROUS GRiFFiN ENTANGLEMENT MIA Masterly Insane Anarchy MiC Master Image Creators MID Midnight MIIS MenaceIISociety MiND Messages in Notorius Demand MISNET MiseryNET MNG MUSiC N' GRAPHiX MoA Mercenaries of Anarchy MOD Masters of Deception MoD Masters of Disaster MPI Micro Pirates Inc. MR Mind Rape MRN MaRooN MSG MAlfUNCtiON SYStEM GROUP MSH Mush MSK Midnight Serial Killer MST mYSTiC MTA Mass Trade Alliance MtE Mutation Engine MTH MiRTH MTX MATRiX MVF MAD (see MAD) Virus Factory MW Most Wanted MWPL MeN WhO PiSS LiGHtNiNG NA NiTRO ALLiANCE NAC New Age Crackers NAFTA North America File Trading Alliance NAP/PA North American Pirate/Phreak Association NaPE National Pirate Exchange NARC Never at Rest Couriers Nuclear phreAkers/hackeRs/Carders North American Warez Coalition NASA North American Society of Anarchists North American Sysop Alliance NB NeuroBashers NBK Natural Born Killers NCA National Courier Alliance NCC Norwegian Cracking Company NE Neon NERD National Establishment for Real Dorks NEUA National Elite Underground Alliance NFSP National Federation of Software Pirates NGV NuKE GenVirus NH Nazi Hackers NHA National Hackers Alliance NIA Network Information Access NiM NiMBUS NiN Nicotine Inhaling Nuns NJP New Japan Pro NLA No Lamerz Allowed NN NIRVANAnet NO New Order NOF News of Freedom 911 Nine One One NoT Nation of Thieves NPA Northern Phreakers Alliance NPM Napalm NR NetRunners NSD No Shit Dudes NSoC National Society of Crackers NT NEEDFUL THiNGS NTA Nokturnal Trading Alliance NUAA NaTioNaL UnDeRGRouND aPPLiCaTioN aLLiaNCe NWO New World Order NX NeXuS NYC New York Crackers OASiS Outstanding Ansi Specialists InStitution OCP Omni Computer Productions ODA Over-Dosed Anarchists OF OverFlow OFG Obviously Funny Guys OLR On-Line Revenge OMT One More Thing OOFN Our Own Fucking Net OOOFNET Triple O-F Net ORGASM ORGanization Against Societal Manipulation OS OSoft OTL Outlaws OX OUTLAWS eXchange P PRiMAL PAG Phreaks Against Geeks PaL Pirates at Large PAM Pathetic ANSI Makers PAP PeOpLe AgAiNsT PORTAL PAPAG Phreaks Against Phreaks Against Geeks PAW Pirates Analyze Warez PB Pacific Brigade PC Phrack Classic PCBB PC Byte Bandit PCP Personal Computer Pursuit Pacific Coast Pirates PCi Power Crisis International PDRC PRiMAL Demented Review Crue PDX PARADOX PE Public Enemy PEi Psychadelic Excretion International PEN Pentagon PFA Passion For Artwork P500 Phortune 500 PG PolyGram PGC Pirates Gone Crazy PGS Progress PHA Phreakers/Hackers/Anarchists PHAL Phalcon PHaT Phunky Hardcore ANSi Team PHC PiRATES OF A HiGHER CADRE PiRaTeZ oF a HiGHeR CaDRe PiRaTeS of a HiGhEr CaDrE PhD Phreak/hack Destroyers PHELA PHreakers ELite Association PHiNK People wHo are in Need of Kash PHT PHanTasm PHUCK Phone Hackers United Crash Kill Phreakers and Hackers Union of Commie Killers PHUN Phreakers Hackers Underground Network PHX PHoeniX PI Pirates Inc. PiC Partners in Crime PiL Pirates In Legion PiMP Phuckin iNSANE Music Producers PiR PiRATENDO PIRO People In Ranking Order PiTS Pie in the Sky PJT Project PLC POLiCE PLS Plasma PM Psychic Monks PNA Paranoia PND Phreaker's New Development PNX PHOENiX POD Piss off D00dz POIN Poison Net POOR Protectors of Our Rights POS Piece O' Shit PoT Posse of Terror Party of Tommorrow Pioneers of Technology POTMAN Pirates Of The Mid-Atlantic PoW Programmers of War PP Pompey Pirates PPP Phucking Phield Phreakers PPWR Pure Power PR Premiere Prophecy PRDM Paradigm PRi PRiMAL PS Phalcon/Skism (see SKiSM) PSD PsychoSquad PSI Pirates Sick of Initials PlAsMa ShAdOw InC. PSMPC Phalcon/Skism Mass Produced Code PST PaRaSitE PSY Psychosis PTB Powers That Be PTC Part Time Crackers PTG Pentagram PTK Pyroteknik PTL Pirates That Live PUR Pursuit PW Physical Wish PWA Pirates With Attitudes PWC PiRaTeS WiTH CaUSe PWR PoWER PWS PiRETE's WHO CAN SPELL CORRiERS Q Q-TiP QC Quality Cartel Quality Control QSR Quasar QT Quantum Traders RAD RaDiCaL RAiD Rebel Anarchists Incur Destruction Rapid And Instantaneous Distribution Rendering Artistically Insane Designs RAM Really Awful Music RANCiD Radical Artists and Crackers in Demand RATM RAGE AGAINST THE MACHiNE RAVE Revolution of Audio & Visual Experts RB Rebels RBS Rebels RC Refused Connection Ruthless Couriers RCT Reactor RDC Radiance RE REACTiON ReF Really Elite Fuckers REG REGALiA REM RADiCAL ELiTE MOVEMENT REN Renaissance REV Revolt RGAC Advanced Customization of Renegade RiG RiGiD RiOT Revolution in Our Time RiPE Rebels in Pure Effect RiSC RiSE iN SUPERiOR COURiERiNG RLT Reality RM Raw Meggage (see RATM) RMK ROMKIDS ROC Rulers Of Chaos ROD Red Or Dead RoE Raiders of the Elite ROM ROM 1911 RoT Rebels of Telecommunications RPM Relentless Pursuit of Magnificence Rapid Phile Movement RR Rescue Raider RSH Rush RSM Ransom R2 Rebels 2000AD RTC ReaDY To CoMe RTS Request To Send RV Residual Venom RVG Revenge RZR RaZoR 1911 S Sushi SUPRiM S-NET Synchnet SAA Strategies Against Authority SAD Slick ANSI Designers SAND SUPERiOR ANSi 'N DESiGN SANE Sycotic Ansi Network Enterprise SAZ Soulz At Zero SC SCANDAL! SOCiETY SCA Swiss Cracking Association SCAM Society of Criminals, Anarchists, and Misfits SCAR Shore Cracking/ANSI Runners SCD Software Chronicles Digest SCL SCANDAL! SCPG Southern California Pirate Guild SCX Scoopex SCZ Schizo SD (see SaND) SDA Silicon Dream Artists Software Development Alliance SE Society Elite SynTeX ERRoR SECTEC Secret Tectonics SEX Super Elite eXports SGA SysOps Guild Association SGB SMuRFS GoNe BaD SHA Swedish Hackers Association SHiT Sorry Hackers in Training Software Hackers and Illegal Tacticions SHK ShOcKwAvE SHV Shiver SiN Software Innovation Network Sinister SiT Silicon Toads SKISM Smart Kids Into Sick Methods SKN SKiLLiON SKW Skewers SL SiLiCON SLA Software Liberation Army Steveb's Liberation Army SM Storm SMAF Sig Makers Against Faggots SMD SUCK MY DiCK SMUT Syndrome's Mega Utility Team SN SaTaN NeT SNB Stones N Bones SNC SoNiC SNES Spectra Noise EditorS SNK Snake Sneakers SNT sENTINEL SoC Society of Chaos SoD Syndicate of Destruction Society of Destruction SODP Syndicate Of Dead Pirates SOi SPiRiTS OF iLLUSiON SONEQ Sonic Equinox SoP Sums of the Pieces Slaves of Pain SoT Sea of Tranquity sOUP Sea Otter Underground Productions SP Sphere! S!P Surprise! Productions SPaM Sound, Programming, & Ansi Makers SPi Software Pirates Incorporated SUPERiOR PiRATES iNCORPORATED SPPC SPREADPOiNT/PC $print $=the money you save, Protection Removed in No Time SR Skid Raw SRG Surge SRH sOFTWARE rUNNERS from hELL SRN Sysop Refernence Network SSN Sysop Support Network SSODB Secret Society of Dark Birds ST Silicon Toads Sto Tech STAT STATiCNET STL Stile SToC STraight Outta Califonia S2DD Slut2Death Dealer SU Santa's Underground SUi SUiCiDE SUN Sight Unseen 7UP Seven Up SW StanleyWare SWAG Source Wave Archival Group SWaT Special Warez Acquisition Team SX SyntaxError SyNC Syndicated Network of Couriers $ynd The $yndicate SyS Scaring you Shitless TAA The Avacado Avengers TABOU The Alternative Bytemovers of the Underground TAD The Atomic Dustbin TAF Trailblazer Ansimaker Freelance TAP TransAtlantic Project TATiC TrAdInG AnD TrAdInG InTeRnAtIoNaL CrEw TAY tHE aNGRY yOUTH TB Thrust Brothers TBC Turbo Couriering TBH The Blunted Hood TBL The Black Legion TC The Consortium TCB TeCHnOBrAiNS The CodeBlasters TCC The Computer Crossroads TCD TeleCom Digest TCE Threatening Couriers Everywhere TCi ThE CARTeL iNC TCL The Code Line TCOLB The Crackers Of Lame Boards TCS The Criminal Syndicate TCSN The Crime Syndicate Network TCT The Cracking Team TDA THe DaRK ALLiaNCe TDD THE DiRTY DOZEN TDF The Digital Frequency TDK The Destiny Knights The Dark Knights TDM The Digital Mafia Twilight Dungeon Masters TDN The Documentation Network TdS The Devil's Spawn tHE dOWNWARd SPiRAL TdT ThE DrEaM tEAm TDU The Digital Underground Jam TdWp THINKdreamWONDERponder TEAT THE ELiTE ACRONYM TRANSLATOR (OK, it's a program by PWA...) TEC The Evil Crew TERR TeRRaTRoN TET The European Technology TEW THE ELiTE WAVE TF TouchForce TFBL The Fine Blue Line TFN The Federation Network TFT The Fourth Tower TFYC The Fuck You Crew TGG The Games Grufftys TGH The Gates of Hell TGT THE GUiLD OF THiEVES TG3 The Gate ]I[ TGW Those Great Warez THC The Hemp Crew The Hacker Crackdown THG The Humble Guys THH The Hard Hackers THM (See THOM) THoC The House of Creation THOM ThE HouSE of MaYHeM THP The Hill People The Humble Peasants THT The Hard Times THW The Hard Warez! THWG To Hell With Groups TiA The Insane Asylum The Information Allies TIAC The Insane Asylum Coders TiC THe iNNeR CiRCLe THE iMAGE CREW TICN The Insane Couriers Network TiDT The Internet Dream Team TIT TiTAN TKK The Kind King THe KiWi KiLLeRS TL Top Listings Time Lord TekLordZ TLC True to Life Couriers TLS The Lawless Society TLST Taulist TM Trouble Makers TMC The Morning Crew TMG The Midnight Goofballs TMM The Mental Midgets The Modem Mob TMS The Morbid Sacrilege TM2 Team2 TMTM Two Minutes To Midnight TNC The NewComers The Notorius Clitorus TNKB TuRbO NuTTer KiWi BAStARdS TNL Top Notch Lyrics TNO The New Order TNT The Nuclear Threat The New Terrorists TOA The Organization of Anarchists TOAO The One And Only ToS The Other Side TOX ToXiC TPC The Phony Coders TPF The Positive Force TPO The PRiMAL ORDER TPU ThE pEoPlE UpStAiRz TRA The Rebel Alliance TRANSFSN TRANSFUSiON TRB TuRBo-NeT TRC The ReVieW CreW The ReViEW CrEW TRE The Racers Edge TRI The Remote Informer Trinity TRIC The Really Insane Couriers TRM The RiM Merchants TRN Trance Tyranny TRO The Remote Outpost TRSi Tristar Red Sector Inc. TS Toxic Shock TSA The Silent Assassin TSAN The Sysops Association Network TSB The Silicon Bovine TSC The Spectrum Crew TSD The Shining Darkness TSG The Sleeping Gods The Shadow Group t$I The Shadow Inc. tSL The Shadow Lurking TSM The Smurfs TSO The SysOps Organization TSoft TurboSoft TSP The SpacePigs TSS Tape Swappers Syndicate THE SiNiSTER SyNDiCATE THE SoNs oF SaTaN THE SEVENTH SiGN TST THE SiLENT TERROR 2T 2TUFF TTD The Toxic Dream TTG The Thieves Guild TTK The Tommy Knockers TUC The Underground Corporation THE UndErworld Coorporation TUGOS The United Guild of SysOps TUN The Underground Network (Also the name of an affiliated BBS) TUT (see TUTOI) TUTOI The UnderGround Team Of InterNet TVB THe VaG BoYS TWA The Warez Alliance TWB The Warner Brothers TWCB The Wacko Cracko Brothers TWaT TeXT WRiTeRZ aND TRaDeRZ TWG The Whize Guy TWL TWiLiGHT TxC ToXiC TZ Twilight Zone TZM Tzeng Jau Ming TZU TeRRoR ZoNe UNdeRGRouND UA Undercover Agents UAA United Ansi Artists UART Unites Association of Reckless Talent UBiC United Boards in Control UC UNiTED COURiERS Uncivil Crew UC-ID UC (see UC) - InterNet Division UCA Underground Criminal Alliance Underground Coding Alliance UCD Underground Communications Division UCF United Cracking Force UCL Universal Crime League UCR UC (see UC) - Random UCS United Courier Syndicate Underground Couriering CD UCU Universal Crackers of the Underground UDC United Druids of Cyber Space U4C UltraForce UFT UNiTY Federation Team United File TraderZ UGC Underground Council UHG Ultimate Hacking Group UiD Usefulstuff in Demand UKT United Kiwi's Trader UL Universal Labs UNC (see UNCLE) UNCLE United Nations Copyright Law Evaders UNI UNiTY UNiON UNNet United Nations Net UNT UNTouchables UP United Psychodelics UPi United Phreakers Inc. USA United Software Association United States of Anarchy USCA UnItEd SeRbIaN CoUrIeR AsSoCiA. USSR Underground Software Systems Revolt USTA United Software Trading Alliance UT UltraTech UTG United Traders of Germany UWA Underground Writers Association UWP UnderWorld Products uXu Underground Experts United UZi Unlawful Zealots Incorporated V Venom VCi Vulcan Cultural International VCL Virus Construction Set VCS Virus Construction Set VD Vital Dox VEL Velocity VEN Vengeance VG ViRuLeNT GRaFFiTi VI Visual Insanity VIG ViGilante (Yes, he's a person not a group & his releases are PWA releases, but he releases them as "VIG PPEs"... OK?) VIOR VioLaToR ViP ViNTAGE PRODUCTiONS VIS ViSiON VNS VOGON News Service VPi ViSuAl PoLLuTioN InC. VS Virtual Shock ViruSystems VSi Visual Stimulations Incorporated VSW VeRy StRaNgE WaReZ VT Virtual Team VXB Virus eXchange Boards WAC WiLD ANSi CREATORS WilD Ansi Creators WBL W BALLS WC! WildCards WiLD CaRDS! WCharts WorldCharts WDF World Domination Force WKD WiCKED WV Wave WW Wankers from Wimbledon WWC World Wide Couriers WWCA World Wide Crackers Association WWF World Warez Federation WWW Worth While Warez WX Weapon X XF X-Force XTC Ectasy (it's phonetic!) YAM Youngsters Against MacAfee YC Youn Chie Z Zombies ZRK Z-Rock Z-TEC Zero Technology Well, that's it for this release. Let us know if we skipped (Big or small, we want 'em all), mispelled, or miscapitalized a group. Write to me (sUMsDos) on any DoS, (or any good 5i6) elite board. I can also be contacted via RoseNet or HSAnet. Or, contact our communications director, David E. Shifren, via InterNet at: david.shifren@asb.com