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THe CHeaT SHeeT (VeRSioN 94.06.21) eLiTe aCRoNYM LiST a TWaT ReLeaSe BY Ajax the Trojan This list of elite acronyms should get you onto any elite board (unless you're a TOTAL lamer, that is.) Good luck and PHuCK Da LaMeRZ!!! Ajax the Trojan [TWaT PReZ KiSS PReZ Co GoH ] AAA Aces of ANSI Art ACB Achtung! AFB aMaZiNG aSTRoFeST BuNCH AAFH ANSI Artists From Hell ACE Arcane Corporate Elite Acme Couriering Enterprises ACiD ANSI Creators in Demand AD Altered Destiny AFC ANSi Factory AFL ALPHA FLiGHT ALF ANTi LAMERS FOUNDATiON ALI ALiVE AMD Advanced Micro Designs ANX Anoxia AoD Acedemy of Deception ASB Astrofence Bunch ATM Automation Anti-TUN Movement AVG Avengers AVLHL aLWaYs VeRY LuBRiCaTeD HaPPY LeMMiNGs AWA Anti-Warez Association AWoL Artists WithOut Loyalty BAD BBS'ers Against Dweebs Bitchin' Ansi Design BDC BReaKDoWN DeMo CReW BGR Brotherhood of Gods and Retards BNZ Bonzai BOW Best of the Worst BPi Blacklisting People inc. BVN BANNED ViSiON CBX CybRiX CCC Chaos Cyber Creations ccC CoMpy CracKin' and CrAshiN' CCi Cyber Crime International CEN Centaur CF Cyber Force CGI Console Gaming Informers CHS Chaos CiA Creators of Intense Art Crackers International Alliance CLF Cyberpunk Liberation Front CoD Children of Damnation COOL CROATiAN ORGANiZATiON OF LEECHERS CoMA Community of Moral Advancement COR C0RRUPTI0N CoRE Criminals of Radical Extremes CPR Couriers Pumping Rapidly CP$ CoMPuTeR PiRATeS $yNDiCATe CrAC Crazed Artists Coalition CRaM CiTiCeNS ReVoLTiNG aGaNST MoTZaH CRUE Cheat Requests for Underground Elite CUD Computer Underground Digest CuM Creative Users WiTH A MiSSiON DeAD Dame Excellent Ansi Design DES DeStiny DiE Dimented Images of Euphoria DJP DefJam Productions dlc DREADLoC DM Digital Masters DNX Dynamix D0D Drink or Die DOM Dominators DRD Dread DS Dragon Society DST DiSToRTioN DUA Digital Underground Association DW Dead Weight ECR Electronic Rats EPiC Excellence Produced in Creativity ESW Every Strange Wares ETA Express Traders Alliance ETE Eternity EVIL Exotic Visions In Liquid EWR Elite Warez Review EX Extinct EXC Excretion FBC Fag-Bashing Crew FC Future Crew FDN The Foundation fff files fuck friends FiRM First in Releasing Most FLT FairLight FAiRLiGHT FRL Freelancers Guild FS FiRE SkULL FTH FaiTH FUAP Fucked-Up Average People FUD Fucked-Up Dudes GNS GENESiS GNX Gen-X GOD Global OutDial GoDs GUILD oF DISTRIBUTORs GPA Gainseville Pirates Association GRiP Graphic Revolution in Progress GRiP/AD GRiP (see GRiP) / Ansi Division GRD GROOVE DRUNk ENTREPRiSE GTHC GOTHiC HASH Humans Against Society and Homework HATE Highly Artistic And Talented HAV Havok HBD Hybrid HCH HarD CorE HackerS HEAT Hackers Enterprising Across Telecommunications HEMP Hardcore Elite Mother Phuckers HR High Rezolution HRA Hacker's Republican Army HSGMT High-Speed Global Mass Trading iBP iGH BaH Poo iCE iNSANE CREATORS ENTERPRISE iDG iNDiG0 IIRG International Information Retreival Guild ILL ILLuminatus iLs IllUsIoN iMG iMAGE ANSi ARTiSTS IMP Imperial INC International Network of Crackers IND Independence INF Infinity iNT iNTEGRiTY ISA International Software Alliance iSD iNSANE SOFTWARE DESiGNERS iTU Infinity Traders Unlimited IUD INC (See INC) Utility Division IVP Instant Virus Production (by YAM) JB Japan Boys JS JackShit KFC Krazy Fug Couriers KiSS KRaZY iMaGe SCaNNiNG SiCKoZ KORT Knights Of the Round Table LANCE 2 Lancelot ][ LBo LiTTLE BiG oNE LLL Local Lamers Limited LGD Legend LIFE Loyalty In Full Effect LoD Legion of Doom LOH Legions Of Hackers LSD Lush Software Designs Lethal Software Distributors LTD License to Draw LwV Lamers with Vision MAD Massive Anarchistic Destruction Malicious Art Denomination Mutual Assured Destruction MAG Makings of Artistic Geniuses MFT Manifest MiC Master Image Creators MNG MUSiC N' GRAPHiX MPI Micro Pirates Incorporated MRN MaRooN MTH MiRTH MVF MAD (see MAD) Virus Factory NA NiTRO ALLiANCE NCA National Courier Alliance NEUA National Elite Underground Alliance NLA No Lamerz Allowed NoT Nation of Thieves NTA Nokturnal Trading Alliance NUAA NaTioNaL UnDeRGRouND aPPLiCaTioN aLLiaNCe NX NeXuS NYC New York Crackers OASiS Outstanding Ansi Specialists InStitution ODA Over-Dosed Anarchists OLR On-Line Revenge OTL Outlaws OX OUTLAWS eXchange PaL Pirates at Large PAM Pathetic ANSI Makers PCi Power Crisis International PDRC PRiMAL Demented Review Crue PDX PARADOX PE Public Enemy PEN Pentagon PHaT Phunky Hardcore ANSi Team PHC Pirates of a Higher Cadre PHELA PHreakers ELite Association PHT PHanTasm PHX PHoeniX PiC Partners in Crime PIL Pirates In Legion PiMP PHUCKIN iNSANE MUSIC PRODUCERS PM Psychic Monks POTMAN Pirates Of The Mid-Atlantic PoW Programmers of War PRi PRiMAL PSD PsychoSquad PSI Pirates Sick of Initials PSY Psychosis PTG Pentagram PTL Pirates That Live PUR Pursuit PWA Pirates With Attitudes QC Quality Cartel RAID Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks RAM Really Awful Music RDC Radiance REM RADiCAL ELiTE MOVEMENT REN Renaissance REV Revolt RiOT Revolution in Our Time RiSC RiSE iN SUPERiOR COURiERiNG RLT Reality RMK ROMKIDS RoT Rebels of Telecommunications RPM Relentless Pursuit of Magnificence RR Rescue Raider RZR RaZoR 1911 SAD Slick ANSI Designers SC S.C.O.T.C.H. SCAM Society of Criminals, Anarchists, and Misfits SCL SCANDAL! SCD Software Chronicles Digest SCX Scoopex SDA Silicon Dream Artists SE SynTeX ERRoR SKN Skillion SiN Software Innovation Network SLA Software Liberation Army SMAF Sig Makers Against Faggots SMUT SYNDROME'S MEGA UTiLiTY TEAM SNC SoNiC SOUP Sea Otter Underground Productions SPI Software Pirates Incorporated SR Skid Raw SSN Sysop Support Network SUN Sight Unseen SWaT Special Warez Acquisition Team $ynd The $yndicate TB Thrust Brothers TBL The Black Legion TCB TeCHn[+]BrAiN$ TCOLB The Crackers Of Lame Boards TCS The Crime Syndicate TDA THe DaRK ALLiaNCe TDD The Dirty Dozen TDK The Destiny Knights TDM The Drowning Man TDN The Documentation Network TDS The Devil's Spawn TDT The Dream Team TEC The Evil Crew TERR TeRRaTRoN TEW THE ELiTE WAVE TGT THE GUiLD OF THiEVES THG The Humble Guys THP The Hill People THW The Hard Wares TiA The Insane Asylum TiC THe iNNeR CiRCLe TICN The Insane Couriers Network TL Top Listings TMM The Mental Midgets TNKB TuRbO NuTTer KiWi BAStARdS TNO The New Order TOAO The One And Only TPO The PRiMAL Order TRA The Rebel Alliance TRC The ReVieW CreW TRM The Rim Merchants TRSi Tristar Red Sector Incorporated TSAN The Sysops Association Network TSB The Silicon Bovine TSS Tape Swappers Syndicate TUN The Underground Network TxC ToXiC TWA The Warez Alliance TWaT TeXT WRiTeRZ aND TRaDeRZ TZU TeRRoR ZoNe UNdeRGRouND UBiC United Boards in Control UC UNiTED COURiERS UCF United Cracking Force UCR UC (see UC) - Random (console division) UFT United File Traderz UNiTY Federation Team UL Universal Labs UNI UNiTY UC-ID UC (see UC) - InterNet Division UKT United Kiwi's Trader UNT UNTouchables USA United Software Association USCA UnItEd SeRbIaN CoUrIeR AsSoCiA. USSR Underground Software Systems Revolt UTG United Traders of Germany uXu Underground Experts United VCi Vulcan Cultural International VD Vital Dox VS Virtual Shock VSW VeRy StRaNgE WaReZ WAC WiLD ANSi CREATORS WBL W BALLS WC WildCards WWC World Wide Couriering YAM Youngsters Against MacAfee Well, that's it for this release. Let us know if we skipped (Big or small, we want 'em all), mispelled, or miscapitalized a group. Write to me (Ajax) on any TWaT or KiSS board, (or any good 5i6 elite board for that matter :) I can also be contacted via PHeLoNeYNeT (I'm on RPM). Or, contact our communications director, David E. Shifren, via InterNet at: david.shifren@asb.com