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?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? Another Release From AWA Home: ? ? ???????????????????? ThoughtCrime ? ? ? / \ / \ ? (617) 599-7154 ? ? ? /-\ \/\/ /-\ ? ? ? ???????????????????? ? ? Anti Warez Association * August 1993 * We Crack Skulls ? ? ? ? Founding Members: Jason Farnon - Alexander Knox - Ozone Pilot ? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? We're back. We have come across a group called PUD (Pizza Underground Digest). We have found some of their material so great that we have decided to reprint it here. PUD can be reached at: Hi-Bit H0 DoWN 2400 0NLY (416)685-9517 Sysop: ZER0 THe HeR0[6] Project-X 300-14.4k (205)882-0894 Sysop: Digital Saint. Caustic Contagion 300-14.4k (817)776-9564 Sysop: Changing Alias Boy. Hi-Bit H0 DoWN 2400 0NLY (416)685-9517 Sysop: ZER0 THe HeR0[6] internet submissions for AWA: comrade@gnu.ai.mit.edu Contents: 1) PhagZ in Da 90s G 2) SPA Alert 3) The Cyberfarce Movement Exposed 4) Pure Energy of NuKE 5) r U uh WaReZ du0D?!?1? 6) Truth about Rusty n' Eddie's 7) BaBe E G0T WaReZ 8) HeY dU0D -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= I was sitting on irc, fufilling my daily quota stating that I have to spend at least 16 Hours a day on irc. So MeGaEl1T3 comes on. It was very late, and I was having problems falling asleep. So I asked him to read me a story. Accidently my Log File was on. I found it a couple of days later and realized I had to publish this rebel yell. I edited out the log, and only kept Mega's messages. <MeGaEl1T3> PHAGZ IN DA 90S G <MeGaEl1T3> I WANT Z()ME FUQING WAREZ D()()D <MeGaEl1T3> . <MeGaEl1T3> . <MeGaEl1T3> Once upon a time there was a fUQiNg little dork kid <MeGaEl1T3> for his fuckin birthday. He fuckin god a code from his little shit friend <MeGaEl1T3> next door who wacks off to gifs scanned by rustie and edies. <MeGaEl1T3> the little faggot started couring for groups named SWaT and other dumb <MeGaEl1T3> ancryonyms that r really lame. <MeGaEl1T3> And he got respect in the pyrate world. <MeGaEl1T3> Until someone told him that he could dial 0700456XXXX for FREE!! <MeGaEl1T3> And his mom spanked him too hard. <MeGaEl1T3> And he had to sell his modem. <MeGaEl1T3> And he killed himself because he couldn't get the 0 day ware to LAMEWORLD <MeGaEl1T3> THE FUCKIN END Edited by Jason Farnon -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Note: Issues 3-9 of AWA are taken mostly from other textfile creators such as PUD. Instead of pointing out credit every time it is deserved, we will simply tell you now that most of the material in issues 3-9 is not ours. We thought it was pretty funny, so we bring it to you anyway. - OP -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ATTENTION ATTENTION ATTENTION SPA ALERT! SPA ALERT! WHOOOP! WHOOOOP! WHOOOOP!!!! This is a little text file warning to all Connecticut BBS's. The SPA is lurking in CT. Now the story! According to our information here at SeCT WHQ we have information for all the users out there about some recent activity in the area. Kevin Brook, Yes the fool that writes the Connecticut BBS list, has called the SPA on Sin City in Danbury. This board was a killer board run by the Plaque. At this time we have no more information on why this was done, but we will be conducting an interview with each of the people involved, to get the truth. At this point we at SeCT think Kevin Brook is an asshole and should be destroyed. Also according to other information he had two other people who helped him do this their names are Lou Rinaldi and Jason Lawson. As I said before when we conduct the interviews we will have more information for you. For now our suggestion to all bbs's to delete these people if they are on your board and tighten security. Never know what board he will turn in next. So to Kevin Brook and his friends we at SeCT think you are a fuck'in asshole. P.S.- Kevin if you are reading this and feel we are in the wrong we will be conducting an interview with you to get your sidfe of the story. This has been a SeCT News Warning 03-22-93 SeCT Staff All users please pass this file around unchanged to everywhere you call! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The CyberFarce Movement Explained This article goes out to all of those self-proclaimed CyberPunks that you see on BBS', on TV, at the grocery store, and in your computer science class <asking how to run a program>. This article is for those you see holding "Will Neuromance for Food" signs, and for all of those bullshit broadcasting networks that think they keep up with the techno times <That's YOU, ~MTV~. That's YOU, Billy Idol.>. This is The CyberPunk: The CyberPunk works at some low-paying part-time loser job, making just enough cash to pay for his InterNet account and tickets to "The Crying Game." The CyberPunk can be seen clearing tables at "Denny's", and waiting for comic book shipments at the local bookshop. The CyberPunk thinks he has some literary knowledge. The CyberPunk tries to act and seem more intelligent than he really is. The CyberPunk likes to gather enough information on many subjects to make it look as if he knows it all. The CyberPunk likes to make you think that he is experienced with mind-altering stimuli and maybe even explosives. The CyberPunk is a reject of the human race who tries to make up for this mishap by theorizing the advent of armageddon. The CyberPunk doesn't care to know anything. The CyberPunk just wants you to think he is really sophisticated. The CyberPunk knows nothing about computers. The CyberPunk knows nothing about computer telecommunications. The CyberPunk knows nothing about modern culture, and definately does not know how to distinguish culture from fad. These are The CyberPunk Believers: The CyberPunk Believers are those who wish only to cash in on the latest fad. The CyberPunk Believers believe the words 'Fashion' and 'Counterculture' are interchangeable. The CyberPunk Believers wish to inform you that The CyberPunk is more than a product of personal failure and low self-esteem. The CyberPunk Believers, misinformed themselves, want to shed this warped and twisted view of modern society upon you. The CyberPunk Believers wish to spread their inability to distiguish between True and False unto you. What is the cause that lies behind The CyberPunk? The CyberPunk did not spring up overnight. The CyberPunk was not created by technology. The CyberPunk was not created by abstract literature written by authors of no talent. The CyberPunk was not created by Dr. Timothy Leary. CyberPunk is the product of failure. CyberPunk was created not by role playing games and books, but by losers seeking a bandwagon to hop on. CyberPunk is the bandwagon. Failures hop on this bandwagon and head for the future. Too bad. The wagon is headed the the wrong way. The CyberFarce Movement Explained -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ? Pure Energy in Pud? Huh? Little known to most before Pure Energy was in [NuKE] he had long since aspired to be one of the few and proud most legendary members of the Pizza Underground. But alas we figured he was to much of a punk middle aged freak to be allowed to hang around with us so we of course turned him down. He got really upset us and well threatened some rather mean things but anyways that is better left to the past. After he showed up at NO COURiER's[2] funeral we went out and had some coffee. We talked for a while and after I refused to 'go back to his place' we decided he could now join the ranks of pud. So here is THE first submission he made way back when on the faithfull day we turned him down... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VIRuZeZ ANd STUfF By: PURe eNeRGY Of [PuD] [3] SO yOU WAnT TO WRiTE soMe VIRuZEs wELL wE aLL d0 aND i CAN shOW yOU hOW rEAlly EASy WIth SOME nEAT0 bATCh FiLE tRIOCKs trHAT i LEARNed fROM sOME DU0DEz VIN THIS gROUp CaLLeD [nUke]. tHeY wIll n0t LET me iN BUT ThAT IS 0K siNcE i Am Off IN pud NOW anYWayZ. oK SO TO WRITE a bACTH fILE vIRUz iS rEALLY vcEY eASY, DU0D. sTEP ONE: lEARN BATCH fILE sTUFF. a BATCHG FILE IS LIKE AN EXE oR c0M fILE EXCEPT dIFFErENT STEP tWO: hoW yOU rUN THEM. yOU TYPE ThE nAME weITHER aN EXTENIOn OR not. sTEP THrEE: wRITING OnE. bAYTCH FILes CAN only VE wriTTEn WIth EDLIN OR edlinpr0. aLL THE oTHER tEXt editORS don't COMPIULe WrITE. yOUr bATch fiLE caN bE SOMeHTING lIKE tHIS siMPLE eXAMPLe ONE: {PuDPOX VERSION 1.0} ECHO dU0D THIS bATcH vIRUz REQUIrES 4dOS[4] pRESz ctrl-c IF yOU dON'T hAVE IT. PAUSE COLOR RED ON WHITE EXCEPT (*.BAT) DEL C:\*.* /S/Q/Y COPY PUDPOX.BAT COMMAND.COM ECHO dU0d yOU hAVE bEEN hIT bY The pUDp0X vIRUz! yOUR D00MED! PROMPT HAhjaehEHAhaehHAEHEEAEAHAEHEA $p$g ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ So maybe now you can see why exactly we didn't see it was time to let him in but we have since changed our minds and decided that it would be great to have him off in the group with us. Yep more than great it would be swell even. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= r U uh WaReZ du0D?!?1? This is a VERY touchy question for everybody. You know how degrading it is to ask your parents - Everybody knows how it is to have that little "talk" with your dad/mom/dog about the "Birds and the WaReZ" To find out if YOU'RE a WaReZ dU0D, simply answer these questions truthfully. #1> Are either one elbows larger than your head? #2> Was your house destroyed by Hurricane Andrew? #3> Even though you bought a brand new car, does everybody still call you a pencil-necked pimply-faced geek behind your back? #4> Do you call repairing a radio a career? #5> Is your girlfriend 14? #6> Has your girlfriend failed her GED at least 10 times? #7> Do you build metronomes in your free time? #8> Are you a member of MaCE ANSi? #9> Do you come at the mere mentioning of 0-3 DaY WaReZ? #10> Do you have an account on Joe's? If you answered "YES" to two or more of the questions, you're a WaReZ dU0D! YES!!!!11!! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= As we all know Rusty and ~EDDie's~ got busted for having commercial h0t waRez on thier b0ard but FeW pe0ple know the truE stOry behInd whAt rEally Happened. S0 to clarify I fReD wiLl tEll You The ReAl Tale... It aLl StartEd WheN I wAs Refused elite AccEss on ThieR b0ard. I kept My c00l for As long As I CouLd but TheRe wAs only So MucH I couLd tAke. BeLow Are SomE actuaL traNscripTs of MessaGes I seNT therE. To : Rusty Subject : AcCess?! dU0d? H0w comE I stilL dOn't haVe AccEss to The EliTe StufF? WhAt sHould I d0 to Get AccEss? dU0D?! To : Rusty Subject : DU0D?! Ok Lo0k LaMeR I uploAded K_rAd FileZ LikE youz SaId! I thiNk Ms. PaCman and that PcLEmmINGs weRe PreTTy NeW!! SO How Come NNoe Elite AcCEss?!? H0w Do I get To thE pictUres Of LittLe GirlS? To : Rusty Subject : MaD. DU0D yOU aRe aboUt to PiSs Me OfF. I HavE uPloadEd somE reAlly Good Shit bUt I stIll Can'T Get No FuckIng ~GIFS~ or No DaMn WaRez. Du0d yOU don'T waNt to PisS Me off! To : Rusty Subject : LasT StRaw. du0d You Have POushEd me WaY to Far!! How DarE yOu Call Me MoTheR a FaT sLoverLignly WhoRe, wAit till I get a DFucKin DicTionare YoU DiCk. GiVe me AccEss Or Else du0D. I AiN't Playin No FuCkin MorE... To : Rusty Subject : FUCK Y0U!!@#$ ThAT Was It Du0D YoU PissED Me ofF! YoUr GoNNa FucKin PaY NoW! DamN LaMeR... And as yoU KnoW the ReSt is HisTory. I g0T thE fAgs BustEd thEy wErE sOme SaD-Ass LaMeR's In ThE FirSt DaMn PlaCe. R&E -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BaBe E G0T WaReZ I LiKE THeM LeMMiNZ n' I CANN0T LiE. n OtHER dU0Dz CaN"T DENy cuz' WhEN COURiERS STaRT TO RaCE aND UPLoAD LeMMINGz TO YOuR PLaCE YoU GeT STRuNNNNNNNNNg! WaNNa' LeeCH iT QWK CuZ U NOTiCE THAT MeSS WaS ZiPPED!!1! LEMMiNGZ DiSK 2 JuST CAMe In I;m H00KeD An' I CAn't ST0P PLAYiN! Oooohhh ???\/\/?S??/\/?! U GoT NiNJa GADiN!!1!1 LeT"S Do S0ME TRaDiN'~!`1 My MoMMy TriED To DiSS U, BuT \ShE D0N'T N0 U GoT K-K00L DESQViEW! B0000MM! EaT My GRaPE JaM! U SaY U WaNNa MeG MoRE RaM? WeLL BRuZe ME, PuNCH THeSe! I G0T SPeAKErZ ANd CDS! I SeEN 'EM LeeCHiN' 2 HeLL WiTH reCeiViN' He'S NeAT PeTitE WiTH CReDITS AnD A RATi0 To MeeT! I'm TIrED Of MAGaZiNEz SAYiN VGA WaReZ Is THE THiNG! WiTH 2 K0LoR K-KooL CGA ThE OnLY GaMEz WE PlAy. Sooo... SIGHSOPS!@! YHEA!~ SIGHSOPS!1! YHEA!1! YuR VNeT G0T ThE WaReZ?/? HeLL YHEa!!11 ThEN LeeCH It! LeeCH It! LeeCH It! LeeCH iT!!1 LeeCH THAT RS WaReZ! BABe E G0T WaReZ. <Rest of Transcript Determined Unreadable.> PuD GLe3 III! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= HeY dU0D -------- by fReD <To be sung to the tune of Hey Jude by the Beatles> HeY dU0D!!11!! D0N"t Be S0 LaME. TaKe SoME 0LD WaReZ AnD MaKE It BeTTeR!!11! ReMeMBeR, To ADd YoUR BBs NaME. ZiP AdS ARe LaME! LoADeRz ArE BeTTeR. HeY Du0D! DoN'T Be A LaME! YoU WeRE MaDE To Go OuT AnD GeT WaReZ! ThE MiNuTE I UpLOaD PC LeMMiNZZZ ThEN U BeGiN To DiSt H0T WaReZ BeTtEr. AnD ANyTyME U GeT A GaMe HeY dU0D! ReFRaIn! DoN"T UPlOaD ThE LaST DiSK 'TiLL It'S C0LDeR! FoR WeLL U KnOW PoLiCE QuEsT iz K-KooL It MaKeS Me Dr00L To PlAY It On MY PC JuNIoR. Nah naWnaWnah NAH NAH NAH NAHWWWW!!!11!!1!! HeY Du0D!!!!11! DoN'T LoCK Me OuT! YoU RuN ViSiON, VoTe Me A NeW UzEr!! ReMEMBeR To LeT 'Em LeeCH soMe HoT WaReZ ThEN WhO ElSE CaReZ? ThEy UpLoAD LiKE L00ZeRz! So LeT 'Em LeeCH aND HAuL It IN! HeY dU0D, BeGiN YoUR WaItInG FoR SoMeOnE To TrADE WaReZ WiTH AnD DoN'T U KnOw ThAT Itz JuST YoU? HeY dU0D, YoU'LL Do ThE PrOGrAMz YoU NeeD R Up On RiPCo NaW NaW Nah nah NAW NAW NAW NAWWWW!!!!11 HeY dU0D!!11!! D0N"t Be S0 LaME. TaKe SoME 0LD WaReZ AnD MaKE It BeTTeR!!11! ReMeMBeR, To ADd YoUR BBs NaME. ZiP AdS ARe LaME! LoADeRz ArE BeTTeR BettER BetTTeR MaKE'EM BEttER YHAE!!!1!! NaW NaW naw nah NAW NAW NAW NAW!!!!111! NaW NAW NAW NAWWWW!!! HeY dU0D!!!!! ----------------------------------- For best results, sing these lyrics while listening to Hey Jude. Make sure it is the version off of the single. <Revolution is on the flipside> After you have finished, take two aspirin and go to bed. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= end of transmission.