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"If the movie [Lethal Weapon] did so much for blacks, then why am I still out there protesting the confederate flag in South Carolina, or blacks in prison?" --Danny Glover. _____ _ _ ( _ ) ( )_ _ _ ( )_ | (_) | ___ | ,_)(_) _ _ (_) ___ | ,_) | _ | /'___)| | | |( ) ( )| |/',__)| | | | | |( (___ | |_ | || \_/ || |\__, \| |_ (_) (_)`\____)`\__)(_)`\___/'(2)(_3__/`\_9) _____ (_ _)_ | | (_) ___ ___ __ ___ | | | |/' _ ` _ `\ /'__`\/',__) | | | || ( ) ( ) |( ___/\__, \ (_) (_)(_) (_) (_)`\____)(239_/ [dedication]-[T. Herman Zweibel] Hi I'm Prime and if you'll let me rant a little, then right after that'll be plenty of ATI Zine stuff for you. Course, if you won't let me rant, there's still plenty of phree ATI. Send any complaints or comparisons to us here at ati@etext.org as always. Cheers, marco Boyee, George magazine is falling right into Lieberman's trap, huh? Or verse a vice a. [sic.] I've never seen so much pro-Tipper [tired.] stuff in one place besides her own book! "On the floor of the '88 DNC, she [Tipper -- who else??] confronted the actor and activist [they must be using the term looser'n a videotaped Rob Lowe "date."] Rob Lowe: 'why is it that the people in your community didn't get behind my husband?' "Lowe was equally direct: 'Well it's you frankly.'" --an otherwise pro-tipper piece [one of at least three] in Sept '00 George Mag. If you ask ME, Karenna Gore SCHIFF should be president. (Al's daughter (yes, I first noticed her because she's a hottie! But that's not why I think she's prez material)) Why? She's NOT Tipper, and she's NOT Al, that's why! The Prime Anarchist dream ticket for the "Zero Year." Karenna as prez, and Winona LaDuke as Veep. "Blow up your TV...eat a lot of peaches...try and find Jesus on your own" Who said that first? John Prine's the first _I_ heard. Have a great weekend. OK? Well, if you have a lousy one, don't blame me. I voted 3rd party. LETTUCE to: ati@etext.org Very nice ATI characters graphic! gelf ./^ From: primeanarchist@yahoo.com Save Address - Block Sender To: primeanarchist@hotmail.com Save Address Subject: Bcc: You may Qualify [ed note: ummm, where do I begin on this one...] ./^ to ati@etext.org We got more Starbux stuff 4 U. 4th coming, K? Wonder Twinz (your seattle buds, remember?) (A)(C)(T)(I)(V)(I)(S)(T) (T)(I)(M)(E)(S) # # SSS # # '' S S # # # # # # ' ' S '' SS # # # # # # ' S # # ' S S # # SSS This week instead of a #'s run we're running "shorts" with a "ref:" for each. [quick ed note: some of these links may die pretty quickly.] [best to treat it like old computershopper magazine or] [maximum rock-n-roll zine. Kind of catch as catch can...] President Fidel Castro celebrated the communist revolution he began more than 40 years ago by offering his analysis Saturday of the American presidential race, saying both George W. Bush and Al Gore are "boring and insipid" candidates. [ref]-[http://www.cnn.com/2000/WORLD/americas/08/05/cuba.castro.ap/index.html] Scientific studies have often proven that laughter is good for you. More recent studies show that laughing at other people's misfortunes is even better for you than just your average joke. [http://owned.alphalink.com.au] From "What is TCP/IP?" to "VAX/VMS Makes a comeback (expired user exploit)" [http://hackphreak.org/newbie/mhdr.txt] A covert army of pro-establishment hackers has emerged dedicated to harassing, disrupting, and intimidating on-line opponents of US and NATO-backed "humanitarian" operations in the former Yugoslavia. Antiwar.com, a bipartisan, libertarian-oriented Web site providing critical news and commentary for those opposed to US military entanglements overseas, has become a digital flashpoint for this clandestine ground war. [http://la.indymedia.org/display.php3?article_id=3337] Do you remember when your primetime regular programming got interrupted by a guy named Ian wacking his own butt with a flyswatter? Then a 3-day manhunt ensued to find out who this "foul" Capn-Zap video hacker could be? See what Ian says lately about Radio Shack. [http://www.ravenswoodinc.com/edit.htm] I can see the trees reflected in the sidewalk. I can't see myself. [http://www.geocities.com/snedthebold/poem.html] In Mark Twain's book "A Tramp Abroad" (1880) there is a very funny appendix called "The Awful German Language", and you can take a look at it here! [http://www.bdsnett.no/klaus/twain] Do you like Open BSD stuff? This is a neat page for "all that." [http://deadly.org] Why not give yourself a quick ed-you-kaye-shun so you don't have to sound like those dweebs at Newsweak all the time. [http://www.phoneboy.com/pig/tech/synflood.html] A "public service announcement" that reminds me of Charlie Brown saying "aargh!" [http://dsl.org/copyleft/poster.html] How many people remember Swamp Ratte. Raise your hands. [http://scene.textfiles.com/vu-sratte.html] If you ever wanted to learn more than you EVER WANTED TO LEARN about either George Bush, or SkullNBonez, click here. [http://www.tarpley.net/bush7.htm] Vaca Muerto [http://www.cultdeadcow.com] Here's more images than you can ever imagine. [http://www.supersnail.com] Looks like everyone's suing just everyone else. [http://www.negativland.com/riaa/dowesue.html] No, I don't think I know these people. Looks like I should, huh? [http://www.arcweb.org] Ibid! [http://GenerationNet.org] MP3's getting all weird on me, so I'll stick with them for now, but here's where I'm putting most of my efforts these days. IUMA. (underground music? More my style for sure.) [http://marcocapelli.iuma.com] /^ /^ /^ /^ /^ /^ /^ /^ /^ /^ /^ /^ /^ /^ /^ /^ /^ /^ /^ OK. Let's get right to it. Here's part three of Patrick's awesome scene report. I call it... well, never mind, peeps. This sucka speaks 4 itself. /^ /^ /^ /^ /^ /^ /^ /^ /^ /^ /^ /^ /^ /^ /^ /^ /^ /^ /^ To Beat The Devil: Parenting In Modern America By Patrick Moore Part 3 (ed note : 2 and 1 are in the last two ati's) "Parenting In The New Economy" You've seen the headlines: "Economy Strongest in 40 Years"... "Unemployment Lowest In Decades"...that sort of thing. From the way they read, you'd think we had money flowing out of our pockets. However, there have been more layoffs and plant closings in the past 10 years than in previous history. Yet we see optimistic stories and headlines. My question is, WHO IS BENEFITING MOST? Well, if you're in senior management, chances are you've done pretty well. And, if you're a CEO, if your company closed a plant in the US and moved the operations to Mexico or China, you've done outstanding. But what if you're in the Rank-And-File? Well, in all probability, you're worse off. Even if you're doing as well as you did 10 years ago, chances are you're having to work longer hours to keep up. Where does this leave time for family? It doesn't. "Well, if they weren't so obsessed with wealth they would have time for their families", some say. "What about stay-at-home moms? That women's lib thing really screwed up things" "What about....???" What about it? Here's the deal. It is a fact that most new jobs pay well below the poverty level. And it's a truism that two incomes are needed just for essential items. Even if a job pays decent, overtime is not an option. You either have to "work over" or face disciplinary action. If you tell your boss you have to take care of your kids, more than likely you'll hear "That's not our problem." It's no secret that so-called "pro-family" politicians have enabled corporations to abuse, if not ignore, worker rights. Who gives a hoot about families? Not your representative. Not your congressman. Not your boss. So, it's up to YOU. /^ /^ /^ /^ /^ /^ /^ /^ /^ /^ /^ /^ /^ /^ /^ /^ /^ /^ /^ How do you fight back? Well, for one, put your priorities in order. What do you want out of life? Which is more important, getting a big paycheck or raising a healthy child? Don't get me wrong, big paychecks are OK. They come in handy sometimes. But if you work over constantly, you may need to look at changing jobs. Too much overtime can be harmful to your family life. I worked at a job where overtime was an ordinary thing. The 8-hour workday was the exception rather than the rule. 12-hour days were common. In fact, there were employees who worked MONTHS (yes, you read right: MONTHS) without a day off. Some volunteered, to be sure, but most were forced to come in. 70-84 hour workweeks sometimes were standard. And, the company didn't think any better of you afterwards either. After a while of this, my health started giving way, and now I have permanent damage in my thoracic spine. I missed time with my wife and son to help the company, and my reward was permanent spinal damage. There is a trend called "downshifting" where people leave the high-pay, high stress job they were at and willingly take a pay cut and work jobs where the stress is lower. And, they forsake (or pay off) the high-priced "toys" that necessitated the extra income. People who downshift take a look at what is the absolute minimum to live on. And all too frequently there's a lot that you can do without. Don't misunderstand, if you have a black Acura Integra with 2 more years of payments, you would do well to pay it off first. Chances are, Acura won't understand if you voluntarily took a job with lower pay knowing you had a payment to make every month. And, ferkrissakes, STAY AWAY FROM PAYDAY LOAN, CHECK CASHING, OR TITLE LOAN PLACES. Those places will put you in far worse financial shape. Now, you might ask, "What about the children?" Good point. Kids today, more so than any other time in memory, are bombarded with advertising. Nike shoes, Pepsi, Nintendo...those companies pay a LOT of money to get their message to your child. Materialistic attitudes make for HUGE profits. A parent who works long hours just to finance unnecessary or trendy items is enabling a materialistic attitude. I grew up without Nike or Nintendo.. and I had a lot better time without them. So can you. So can your child. How? Take them to the library. Go on a road trip. Look at family albums. Play music together. Spend time together! Your child will appreciate it. Part 4: Media Literacy, Home Style /^ /^ /^ /^ /^ /^ /^ /^ /^ /^ /^ /^ /^ OVERHEARD IN IRC [eu.undernet.org #politics] [20:53] <Curler> survivor was dumb ./^ UConn Gets Hoffman Memorabilia STORRS, Conn. (AP) [Lifted and Made Copyleft In Good Faith] Activist Abbie Hoffman's alma mater, Brandeis University, didn't want his dirty socks. Neither did Clark University, which is in Hoffman's hometown of Worcester, Mass. Their loss is the University of Connecticut's gain. In addition to Hoffman's socks, it got his writings, memorabilia and police and FBI surveillance files. The donation, given by Hoffman's brother, came just before the release of a movie about Hoffman called "Steal This Movie." [ref:]-[http://www.stealthismovie.com] In 1968, Hoffman started the Yippie movement, or Youth International Party, to bring together radicals to protest the government and the Vietnam War. He gained fame as one of the Chicago Seven, a group of radicals tried on charges of conspiring to disrupt the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago. Hoffman and four others were acquitted of conspiracy but convicted of crossing state lines with intent to riot. Their convictions were overturned. Hoffman's death at 52 in 1989 was ruled a suicide. [ed note: it's chicago 8 you racist bastards!!! I ought to point out the irony of UConn getting this schtuff. Abbie was forever outspoken about his "hatred" (lack of better word) for the entire state of connecticut.] ./^ We end this zine with verse one of a prime anarchist parody. The Natty Anthem. [dedikated to Kris] Oh see, can you say That the world of today Is in full disarray And the people are screaming. (A)(C)(T)(I)(V)(I)(S)(T) (T)(I)(M)(E)(S) Send all gripes, naipes & handiwipes to ATI! The Zine's semi-official website is at: http://www.thepentagon.com/primeanarchist http://www.freespeech.org/kokopeli http://flag.blackened.net/ati/23ati.html & http://cosmos.lod.com/~ati for all things reconsidered. Oh and even though we haven't paid it nearly enough attention lately, our ftp site is at: ftp://ftp.downcity.net/pub/ati Oh yeah, and if you've got cents, you'll dial 1-860-887-2600 vmb 5293 (A)(C)(T)(I)(V)(I)(S)(T) (T)(I)(M)(E)(S) All New ATI - with 13K worth of PleasureCrystals