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>Live from Hackensack High School, >In Hackensack City, New Jersey >Via hack journalists' teleconference, >Playing Hackeysack with ten teenagers >Hacking furiously, it's > _____ _ _ >( _ ) ( )_ _ _ ( )_ >| (_) | ___ | ,_)(_) _ _ (_) ___ | ,_) >| _ | /'___)| | | |( ) ( )| |/',__)| | >| | | |( (___ | |_ | || \_/ || |\__, \| |_ >(_) (_)`\____)`\__)(_)`\___/'(_)(____/`\__) > _____ > (_ _)_ > | | (_) ___ ___ __ ___ > | | | |/' _ ` _ `\ /'__`\/',__) > | | | || ( ) ( ) |( ___/\__, \ > (_) (_)(_) (_) (_)`\____)(____/ Freedom, slack and cyberpunks "Talvez, (perhaps) the most forwarded 'zine on the continent." --some aussie zine review. [I wonder which continent they're talking about, and why Spanish sprinklings all of a sudden? Hmm...] Greets and shouts! Hi, I'm prime anarchist, and this is the memo real edition of ATI, Activist Thunderrolling, Illuminated. It's Son Day, May 28, the year two thousand. Yeah, another ought one. Hmmm. The first ought year? Go figure. Enjoy. Oh yeah, what number is this, anyways? 226!!! Dedicated to fat.db Yeah. Two and a few. We're cookin' with gas. Ona move. Happenin'. A quick Haiku 4 U. > Litter sits upon < > Beautifully yellow < > Chinese lilypad < [those who receive the "midweek crises" will remember this haiku form as dedicated to Porter Goss, and it was entitled "PNTR"] OK, we finished up our On The Road series with expert hitchhiker and railrider Aaron Kreider, Hardcore pink girl's just been writing like a fiend, and Shayna sent in one of her usual great submissions. Ask your doctor if a free sample of Viagra is right for you. Gentlereader, a lot's happened since you and I last "talked," rather than summarize, I'll prefer to type in a label as a metaphor. See if you get it. You probably won't have to close your eyes for this one. NOT TO BE REMOVED UNTIL DELIVERED NE PAS ENLEVER AVANT TO THE CONSUMER THIS LABEL IS LIVRAISONAU CONSORNMATEUR AFFIXED IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE CETTE ETIQUETTE EST APPOSEE UPHOLSTERED AND STUFFED ARTICLES CONFORMEMENT A LA LOI SUR LES ACT THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS NEW ARTICLES REMBOURRES MATERIAL ONLY CET ARTICLE CONTIENT MADE BY ONT. REG. NO. MATERIAU NUEF SEULEMENT CONTENT: POLYETHYL PELLETS FABRIQUE NO. D'ENRG. ONT. POLYESTER CONTENU GRAINS DE POLYETHYLENE MADE IN P.R. CHINA POLYESTER FABRIQUE A P.R.CHINE 20X3699 REG.NO.PA-7687 (RC) 20X3699 REG.NO.PA-7687 (RC) Does 3M stand for Minneapolis, Minnesota Money? I have an undeveloped parody to share. I'd love to see it go around in many different versions, you ready? "To American Woman," Tommy Hilfiger Stay away from me. Tommy Hilfiger Won't you let me be. [Keep at it. Weave in the war machines, ghetto scenes, stuff like that. Let me know what you come up with, eh?] Ask your doctor if a free sample of Prilosec is right for you. We're sending a new fungus to Columbia. [Capitol switchboard] - [202.224.3121] I'm Prime Anarchist and this is my column for Sunday nite: Before getting any rank within any police force in the United States, Promptly after being indoctrinated at FBI school in Georgia, Before returning to his or her hometown worksite where a poorly trained peace officer is a potential danger to the local community, S/he shall be required to receive no less than four hours of non-violence training under the venerable Father Roy Bourgois and followed by at least four hours of Aikido under instruction of Joan Baez. The best way to achieve this would be for the newly renamed School of Americas to be charged with the secondary mission of allowing young Latin American student-soldiers to train these peace officers in non-violent assertiveness, cultural awareness, and many forgotten philosophies such as those espoused by Gandhi, Budda, Jesus, MLK, Leonard Peltier, and James Hoffa, Jr. The following people shall be required (not asked...) to address each graduating class. Agosto Pinochet, Madeline Albright, Sup Marcos, Julia "Butterfly" Hill. For then and only then will a human once again be able to tell his or her child with all faith and confidence, "If you feel scared, confide in a cop." -30- Can you think of anything better in this world than taking fresh organic celery, (greens and all) and digging into some of the chunkiest peanut butter you can acquire or make, until both are gone. MMMMM. No, leave sex out of it. Something else. Anything. I doubt there's any better! How appropriate. Wednesday Al Gore gives a lovely speech invigorating his phellow demopublicans, giving credit to his lovely wife, his captain, Bill Hillarton next to spouse Billary, and to a standing ovation from a whole bunch of m(b)illionaire democraps, the "road to the whitehouse" crew cues up Bachman Turner Overdrive," sequeing as Al waves and smiles. "I met a devil woman," Hi Tipper. Al, I've got two questions for you. 1) Blank Tape Tax? 2) PMRC? Ask your doctor if a free sample of heroin is right for you. (A)(C)(T)(I)(V)(I)(S)(T) (T)(I)(M)(E)(S) WORLD WIDE WEBBAGE GOT YOU NUMB? GOT A CASE OF NUMB AND NUMBER? Let ATI cure that for you with Phemus' Famous Numbers Rumba!!! http://www.yip.org http://www.aidoh.dk http://www.wces.org http://www.reason.com http://www.infoshop.org http://www.dynamist.com http://www.davidfrum.com http://www.sondra.net/al http://www.futureand.com http://www.scowlzine.com http://www.gearmagtv.com http://www.nirvananet.org http://www.shutdownoas.org http://www.grandpa2000.org http://www.brat.org/sgc2000 http://www.frontpagemag.com http://www.phreak.org/images http://www.crankymediaguy.com http://www.poetz.com/copbook.htm http://home.infospace.com/unite3 http://www.freespeech.org/14abril http://www.a16.org/feature.cfm?ID=11 http://www.phattire.com/mtbslang.htm http://cosmos.lod.com/~ati/ati66.html http://www.canthetax.com/article1.htm http://www.btf.com/crank1/crnk1ind.htm http://netlibrary.net/WorldSearchJS.html http://www.iberian.com/gmatter/links5.htm http://www.vfemmes.com/letters_html/43.html http://flag.blackened.net/revolt/ws2000.html http://www.totse.com/files/FA048/hempfact.htm http://members.aol.com/superogue/warcrime.htm http://www.commondreams.org/views/052000-102.htm http://www.mp3.com/stations/grotonmusicstonington http://www.freespeech.org/kokopeli/soapics/dc99.html http://www.pigdog.org/auto/bad_people/link/1474.html http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/Barracks/1299/jane.html http://www.rferl.org/nca/features/2000/05/F.RU.000519123012.html http://members.tripod.com/gonzolinks/panic_culture/panic_culture.html LETTUCE FROM THE GARDEN OF EATIN' to ati@etext.org We are pleased to announce Monica's "made especially for you by Monica" summer collection of purses and totes. Please visit our site and order yours today! Sissy Haywood http://www.therealmonica.com Marco- since you mentioned a fondness for haiku, here is a quick one for you: Brother Marco's words ~ pain and wisdom and challenge. thoughts wait in silence. - julian To ATI: you raised the price on ATI? you greedy corporate capitalists are ruining everything. -pomegranate to ati@etext.org So, How in the heck have you been? Do you remember holding previous conversations regarding business and money making opportunities. I did not send this to you in error! You said: "If only I could find an easier way to make a higher income" and "If I had more money, I could spend more time with my Family, and less time at work" and "I sure could use more money so I could pay off my bills once and for all!" and "I would love to get involved in a business in which will generate money while I am not at work (like a Gas Pump)" Dear Friend, [ed note:][uh,,, no. +++] OPEN LETTER TO A FRIEND: Thanks for your great words, ______. > As someone who was not in the "in" crowd in school when > I was a kid, I can honestly say I understand the frustrations > that the songwriter feels...but I believe this song to be > very disturbing. I agree. I wrote it on Amtrak the night after learning that Bishop Gerardi died in Guatemala from having his head bashed in with a large piece of cement. To say I was "a little disturbed" would be the understatement of the last millenium. It took us two years to prove it but I knew that right at that moment his assassins were trained at the School of the Americas in Fort Benning, GA. With our tax dollars' support! I'm afraid the only two ways I could describe how I knew this would be 1) the Jesus moment*, & 2) poetry*. * by the Jesus moment I mean that same "space" that was portrayed in the movie about Archbishop Romero when he walked into the catholic church and took out the sacraments. The young soldiers could point their Hasbro M-16 machine guns at him but they COULD NOT shoot him. It's like skating on thin ice or walking on water. The Jesus moment. * by poetry I mean, I was sitting on the capitol steps friday saturday and sunday myself in the middle of protesting SOA. We were jubilant. Gerardi had just published the book "Nunca Mas" friday nite and was being wined and dined all weekend for his ten full years of work on the REMI project which categorized as many dead and disappeared as he could learn about: which ones were at the hands of SOA grads, which ones weren't. Two nites later he was killed. The man who came to the capitol steps sunday morning (11am) to inform us was an Episcopal priest or bishop. He was weeping when he told us. We cried with him. He explained that the Sunday before that he was in Central America giving a high mass alongside Gerardi. That's the last time he saw the man alive. His friend was sitting on the Capitol steps telling us this and in my head was an endless loop. "I killed Gerardi. My taxes killed Gerardi; our SOA killed the Bishop." I cried all the way home from DC to Connecticut. Somewhere between my mom's house and DC I managed to finish that song through the tears. There's a better format of that song now at: http://www.dkp-ml.dk/MUSIK/soa.mp3 if you care to hear it in something closer to my own voice. The wav was a little higher pitch than my true singing voice. Also I have three slightly more "upbeat" songs at http://www.mp3.com/MarcoCapelli now. > The entity is society. Society is sick. What healthy society would demand > so much of its citizens? What healthy society would think that constantly > alienating children from the thoughts their parents seek to instill in them > with lots of love and hard work (and it IS hard to fight the thoughts your > child has when he returns from school each day) will eventually create a > more "civilized" society? > I don't know. > I don't know the answers...I just know the questions--and until I get the > answers I intend, with all my might, with all my strength, and with all my > heart to keep asking those questions. > Won't you join me? YES! I'm with you there. My first thoughts after the initial shock of watching all the Columbine footage, was these kids are demanding all the right answers, but they don't know how to ask the right questions. They're half way there. They understand things are messed up, foul and heinously wrong, but they lack the "spirituality" (joseph campbell's definition, I don't have a better word for it) to pull off positive, slow steady improvement of the environment around them. I was gladdened and megaheartened to see Seattle and A16, and I look forward to: Philly and LA next month, and also the 40 days of "culture of nonviolence" that fellowship of reconciliation is putting on in DC on the capitol steps once again. My generation (born 1966 myself) is finally getting back to its earlier path before Michael J Fox and Ronald Wilson Reagan co-opted it! Marco to ATI more raggae more green more fun saffy to ati@etext.org It's like unamerican, but cooler! http://www.anti-everything.com/ --Akira the Padawan to ati@etext.org My complaint about Mr. Marc Frucht As poorly-qualified as I am to expose Mr. Marc Frucht's half-measures for what they really are, I hope you will bear with me while I begin this sincere and earnest attempt. And please don't get mad with me if, in doing so, I must deal summarily with what I call raving gutter-dwellers. Here's the story: Marc is not a responsible citizen. Responsible citizens supply the missing ingredient that could stop the worldwide slide into despotism. Responsible citizens unequivocally do not devise pusillanimous scams to get money for nothing. His reports are not witty satire, as Marc would have you believe. They're simply the... ...last statement is a bit of an oversimplification, an overgeneralization. But it is nevertheless substantially true. With friends like Marc, who needs enemies? Certain facts are clear. For instance, prudence is no vice. Cowardice -- especially his iconoclastic form of it -- is. I could accuse Marc of using short- sighted airheads to get his way, but I wouldn't stoop to that level. Does he have a point? I doubt it. Mr. Marc Frucht should reserve his stereotypes and labels and remember to treat others with a bit more respect and equality. That's all I have to say. Thank you for reading this letter. http://www-csag.cs.uiuc.edu/individual/pakin/complaint?title=the&firstname=Activist&middlename=Times&lastname=Reader&suffix=&sex=m&shorttype=f&pgraphs=3 (A)(C)(T)(I)(V)(I)(S)(T) (T)(I)(M)(E)(S) Enjoy 'em Partner ROY ROGERS HAPPY TRAILS CHOCOLATE Enjoy 'em Partner Ing: Chocolate, Peanut Butter, Butter, Confectioner's Sugar, Pecans, Peanuts, Coconut, Sunflower Seeds, Raisins. Post office Web site goes from .gov to .com [PAWN] Washingtoon - The USPS, reflecting the growth of its electronic business, has changed the address of its internet site from http://www.usps.gov to http://www.usps.com Addresses that end in gov are generally used by the government, and USPS is a semi-independent part of that gov. Kind of like how public radio takes ads from a couple different groups of people and corporate entities, PLUS receives grants. USPS is making this change for many reasons we here at PAWN don't understand, really. We wonder if they do. People who use gov will get a notice about the new site URL. Forwarding will take place onsite. ===============--------------> The List Who Needs No Explanation a poem by Yankilandia China 1945-46 Korea 1950-53 China 1950-53 Guatemala 1954 Indonesia 1958 Cuba 1959-60 Guatemala 1960 Congo 1964 Per? 1965 Laos 1964-73 Vietnam 1961-73 Camboya 1969-70 Guatemala 1967-69 Chile 1973 Grenada 1983 Libano 1984 Libya 1986 El Salvador 1980s Nicaragua 1980s Panam? 1989 Iraq 1991-99 Sudan 1998 Afghanistan 1998 Yugoslavia 1999 Quien deben ser el siguiente? =========------------> YOU READY FOR THIS?: GAK Soy Products Gives A Gonzo Spin To The Prime Anarchist by GAK Soy Products I see, so with that in mind, let us go on a marc type rant and see how original it is: Well...OK, you ready for this? me either... you like My website full of acid induced drivel? me either... Am I about to go on yet another useless psuedo beatnik rant? probably so... so this coffee cup next to me was screaming "gimme some shit, Jack...I gotz to be going on mah waaaay!" Just then the traffic noise hit mr. peanut got off the couch I turned on the TV It was like MTV in a time machine and there was martha quinn only more buxsom... So i snapped mah fingers out of time to her talkin... then the neighbor dog barked...which made me think "those goddamn bastards..they can't do this to me...I'll fucking sue!" then a knock on the door...The handle turned martha quinn turned into martha stewart and I had to shout at the door "you fucking commie bastards!" "you are wasting the buzz of the PRIME ANARCHIST!" "there will be hell to pay"....the grotesque looking man gave me the parcel the fridge made a horrendous howl "gimme that... Now look what you've done" still snapping fingers and martha stewart had martha quinn's chest "I'm not signing a fucking thing, now leave before I call the cops" "....I'm the FUCKING PRIME ANARCHIST, and We don't grock anything!" grock, grack, gack, yak.....Milk...thats it YAK MILK! I hurriedly grab my keyboard...the dog barked again, sounding really pissed I type the next installment...of the Writings of the PRIME ANARCHIST martha was cooking, I could smell it...then the microwave buzzed more traffic noise...had to grock the parcel...couldn't almost looked like a fed-ex...but couldn't make it out fingers still snapping, if there was a beat, the snapping was off keyboard wasn't producing what I expected...more traffic car door slam...was it an 80's video or a more recent rap video matters not, I am the PRIME ANARCHIST microwave was still buzzing...mr peanut was getting perturbed the fridge still howled...the bathroom fan was overwelming "STOP ALL THIS GODDAMN NOISE" I shouted "I am the PRIME ANARCHIST... and will not sit still for this" I began jumpping up and down like a madman... but out of time to the fingers snapping...which was out of time to everything else the parcel looked smug, "Aren't you even going to take a peek?" the frozen burrito jumped out of the microwave and lept toward me I stomped the hell out of it with my shoe...told the parcel to shut up mr peanut rolled his eyes... he began to snap his fingers in time to mine "How the hell do you do THAT!" I yelled... martha was back, couldn't tell wich one "I'm going to sick Nancy Reagan on you" I yelled. still snapping fingers...they started to bleed "It's all comming *TRUE*, everything I have ever read!" mr peanut shrugged, opened the parcel, it was a check and a letter.. "goddamit what does it SAY!" I stoped snapping, the entire earth was quiet. Stuffing the check in his breast pocket, Mr peanut let the letter fall to the ground, threw his cane over his elbow, walked toward the door "You MISEREABLE goddam NUT, what does it SAY!" I woke to the noise of the fridge peanuts everywhere there was the letter there was the burrito all over the floor it was daylight, but the TV didn't work "where's martha"... I cried sheepishly. I read the letter "here's your advance give me 5000 words by noon thursday" was all it said.... more dogs? I wondered... no martha no check GACK SOY PRODUCTS ======---------> >This sux totally..it is happening across the north >american continent with the pigs being so petty on >"violations" of their "quality of life" crap...... >busts have happened all over....we must coalesce >to take back our freedoms...so we don't see the >first amendemet getting trampeled under the neo-nazi >boots of the glocal crapitalist oligarchy!!! Clinton! >Bush! Giuliani! the same old shit [ref]-[Reprinted from alt.society.anarchy] BEST PANEL OF THE MILLENIUM SO FAR LA Times Festival of Books brought out Virginia Postrel, David Horowitz, Arianna Huffington, and David Frum to discuss "American Popular Culture." Basically Frum discussed his book "How We Got Here: The 70's," when it applied to American pop cult, and even when it didn't. Ibid for Huffington who's got a hotty out now called "How To Overgrow The Government." And of course the same went for Horowitz, who wrote "Hating Whitey and Other Opressive Causes." Of course he thinks his entire life is pop culture, and he's surrounded by leftists, liberals, nonwhites, women and socialists, and some people who are all of that at the same time. Postrel, who wrote "The Future and its Enemies," tried to keep her discussion - and even at times wished out loud the others would follow suit - to the topic at hand, whenever possible. [temporary side rant: David Horowitz is a mere Ronald ] [ Reagan wannabe. "Um, Mr. Horowitz, your time is up,"] [ "Uh, Mr. Horowitz," "I'm afraid I have to," "Mr. ] [ Horowitz, your time is up." "David, shuuuutt up!!!" ] Idea for another great panel: Same type of four authors plugging books they care dearly for. One rule, other than that, full open discussion, Q&A to follow. Rule 1: you can refer to ANYTHING except your newest book or one you're writing this moment. "Forgive us our press passes." --Helen Thomas. "be alert... the world needs more lerts!" --samuzi (A)(C)(T)(I)(V)(I)(S)(T) (T)(I)(M)(E)(S) Send editorializings to: ati@etext.org Go to our never-official website at: http://www.thepentagon.com/primeanarchist Get back issues at: http://www.angelfire.com/wi/kokopeli/cygnus.html And sign up for the once a week publication at our listserver. We'll let YOU FIND THAT ONE on your own. & now we end this zine with A poem for the Vision Festival, by Steve Cannon (translated by Mary Chen & Hannah Djere) africa and asia asia in america miles mingus monk who's in the trunk? bunk? funk! or is it not tiger wood in the box loredo loredo loredo (A)(C)(T)(I)(V)(I)(S)(T) (T)(I)(M)(E)(S)