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MAYDAY!!! MAYDAY!!! THIS IS DR. BOMBAY. TAKE ME BACK? MAYDAY!!! MAYDAY!!! DR. BOMBAY. OVER? "Because in ASCII, you've just got text. No place for cheap tricks. Just text." --GNN "My greatest challenge is tricking the media into covering issues that are important." --David Sirota [ComDir for rep. Bernie Sanders] SPECIAL STOCKINGS ISSUE **** ******** ******** ****** ******** ******** ** ** ** ** ******** ** ** ** ** ** ** **a ** ** ******** ** c ** ** ******** t ivist times, import!!! vol. 5 issue 222 A Rhetorical (for now) question. Was Elian/Miami mere prep-training for Vieques? Another quote? Sure. Check this one out: "On TV, people talk until they're stopped, talk beyond their content. They give a great response, then do another stanza that nobody wants to hear." --Chris Matthews Hey there, hi there, ho there. We're as sappy as can be. I'm prime anarchist and this is ATI222. Does anyone remember the show Room222? Me either. Ready for my rant? Me either. I think I dislike the songs "Take 5" & "Take the A Train" just enough to write a combined parody. Hmmm. How about "Take the 5 Train," a variation on two themes, by Mark Weisenheimer. Me either. OK here's a "page 3" correction. ATI will no longer use the phrase "Changing The Face Of The World." A crease & resist order has been graciously accepted from the owner of the words (even before it were sent!) and we will do them even one better, agreeing never again to use the words "world," "face," or "change." As for the words "the" and "of" sorry, no can do. We tried, we really tried. But we'll have to take liberty there. So sorry. Did somebody say "Pound Sand?" The Donald McRonald Rainforest Policy - reduce, reuse recycle, what a kroc! The lady dragging Elian out of his 5am temporary Miami home, did she drop him just outside the door jam? I thought for sure that's what I saw; but now they won't show that part of the footage anymore. They just keep showing reruns with gaps the size of old Nixxon tapes. Did she drop him or not?? Show me! Is that what CNN meant by resilient? Oye! Como VA!! When the DOWn plummets, just show NASD and S&P Futures for an hour or so, it'll fix itself soon. Keeps 'em from seeing the down triangle with the big numbers, eh? Is Ananda Lewis getting whiter every week as fast as Mariah Carey? Um. I don't think so. Not for lack of trying though. Bucking for Oprah? Front page, mayhaps? Mandy Moore, Jean or Khaki? JELLY is the University of Chicago Juggling Club. Stands for? Jugglers Enriching Lives Like Yours. F0XFamily SClub7 Anyone ever seen it? Me either. It's about as formula as can be! A cross between Spice Girls and Onda Vaselina -- unfortunately, it badly falls short of both! I want you to snap out of it for just a second and admit it. It's NOT talent, beauty OR dialogue that gets you high here, keeps you captivated long enough to take in some 5.9 commercials at a time. It's teenage navel. And verily I say the joke's on you. Because these teenagers? Aren't boppers at all! Shiny, happy, eating-disordered 22-yr-olds. OK Go back to your usual programming now. Me either. Who said this: "I'll vote McCain with or without Bush, but I'll have to hold my nose." Don Imus. And "who's ya chief executive?!, who's ya chief executive?! who's ya chief executive?!" IBID? Close, Bubba on Imus' MSNBC show. OK, one more. "It depends on how you define 'interview.'" --Joe Lockhart 4-25-00 And what if I don't WANT Ben Stein's money??? Me either. http://www.whymilk.com Britney then at 3 and now at 18. Ummm. Sorry peeps. They didn't HAVE milkmustaches (at least not owned by ADF&MProcessors) in 1985. "DISLAIMER: TOUCHED UP PHOTO" should be right there in 10point bold. And finally ending this rant, I have an OPEN LETTER TO JAY SEVERIN. Pound puppies, ex-hipster. If Gore WERE a socialist, or even a republican, I might vote for him. But he's NOT a socialist, Jay. Go back to either torts or western civ. and get some more head-nourishment. He's a pro-police-state democrat, Jay. There's a big difference. Just because your linear model works in Boston doesn't mean it'll work in NATty Politics, OK? One robin don't mean spring. -=PRIME=- LIVE from Hamburger UNIVERSITY, it's ATI! NUMB? TRY NUMBERS: 0004302153 http://phreak.com/archives/The_Hacker_Chronicles_II/radio1/fccsux http://www.columbia.edu/~brennan/rails/disused.underground.html http://www.geocities.com/WestHollywood/6443/index1.html http://dc2.indymedia.org/display.php3?article_id=1426 http://www.stealthismovie.com/wherethey.html http://www.crosswinds.net/~seventeenthande http://www.antitelemarketer.com/indexd.htm http://www.freshwidow.com/unholy1.html http://www.soaw-ne.org/novpix.html http://www.uxu.org/index2.htm http://www.mcspotlight.org http://www.prairiestar.com http://www.mayday2k.org http://webzine2000.com http://www.hpoo.com http://www.tao.ca http://www.hoe.nu http://www.blythe.org http://www.mihra.org/2k http://www.newspoetry.com http://www.swizzletree.com http://www.viequeslibre.org http://www.cafecampesino.com http://www.chicagomayday.org http://www.stnetwork.com/contests.html http://www.stealthismovie.com/main.html http://waveweb.innet.be/janb/skirt14.html http://www.soaw.org/Articles/bolivia2.htm http://www.soaw.org/Articles/prensalibre.htm http://www.isd.net/mbayly/facesofresistance1.htm http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Amphitheatre/6483 http://www.angelfire.com/yt/littlesparrow/benefit.html http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Maze/8854/Links2.html http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/military/july-dec99/sotamericas_9-21.html ={}= & LETTUCE i've gotta muzzle for my muscle and it's a hoot to toot. if ATI didn't appear in my mailbox on a regular basis, i think i'd probably be far more miserable than i normally am. thank you for being my connection to reality. everything you say has affected my view of the world. -mogel To The Editor Of ATI With recent "denial of service" attacks on such hosts Yahoo!, Amazon.com, and etc. I ponder today thinking, who is at large pulling off these attacks and then using the hacking community as a scape goat? After all the hacker ethic is to never harm computer systems, and that is now happening frequently enough that the media, general public, now believe we are no longer people of this nation, this world of people that want freedom of information, but we are neo-terrorists. Now, you and I believe that the general hacking community believe in strong ethics such as never harming a computersystem, never use your skill for your ego, and etc. But one thing is clear, there are/is a community of crackers that have been recently making US look BAD. Now we can express are views all we want to the media, politicians, and general public, but that will do nothing more then make us look like lyers in their eye. So I post this message today, with my bad spelling, and my crappy speach to ask, what can WE, members of the international hacker community, do to get the politicians, media, and public off are back? Because after all, we are not harmless, but we have a sense of true responablity with are talents, we do not use them to harm any one, and we don't use it against the government. But crackers out on the net use such talnets as mentioned above to do those exact operations, and we are there scape goats. Well anyhow, I must get going, please feel free to speak your mind.. Sincerely, GiGKiLLeR Hey Marco, Just a note....the WTO riots here in the Seattle area were horrible. Peaceful protesters were teargassed, pushed around by police like cattle, threatened with arrest JUST for being there. Welcome to Amerika, where they SAY we're free but smart people know better. The doors to the independant media building were barricaded shut by police trapping the people within inside the building. Suppose that building had caught fire? The Seattle mayor sucks and so do the police. Peaceful demonstrators were hurt by the police, and their right to assemble peacefully were violated in many ways. Even a reporter for WBAI was pushed around by police, when she showed them her press pass, the cop was heard to say "I don't care". If the cop didn't care then they shouldn't be a cop. (You can find this on the 2600 webste in the Off The Hook archives.) Police everywhere are out of control. (Unarmed NY man shot 41 times by police for example.) Times are changing in the world, and people are starting to protest more and more. It is our right as Americans to peacefully assemble and don't let anyone tell you different. --Deeply Shrouded & Quiet PS: GZ, where are you? [ http://www.2600.com/offthehook ] To: ezine.owner.A@geocities.com Hello, I just completed another new article you may want to use in your ezine. If you do use it please just drop me an email message when you do so. This article, "How to make money giving your stuff away for FREE", is 845 words (95 lines at approx. 55 characters per line) also counting the signature at the end. If you decide to use this article... Everywhere you turn on the Internet today, you can get almost anything for free. Free...free...hosting, you name it, chances are, someone out there is giving it away for free... This article discusses how you can make more money giving your product or service away than you would selling it the "old fashion way" like every body else. Marketers call the concept of giving products away a "loss leader". [ed note: no thanks. I feel icky just reading half...] Via Usenet: >If I recall correctly, I beleive it says something like this: >"home made tapes have caused sales to go down in the record >industry. We left this side blank so you could do your part." >-Jay >"The only good Kennedy is a Dead Kennedy." to ati@etext.org I like the songs on your station at mp3.com and thought you might want to check out a great new Christian/Alternative singer by the name of Jasmine Dion. She would be a great add to the other list of songs you have. [ed note: anon, and no url? Hmm. I guess y'all could keysearch, eh?] Dear Sexy, Intelligent, Kind Fellow Human Being - - Improve your life, Play or Review HYPNOTIC FANTASY OIL !!! http://artists.mp3s.com/artists/107/hypnotic_fantasy_oil.html H.F.O. is rhythm-heavy, jazzy, funky, stony, extra sugar on your Corn Flakes, roll down all of your windows, don?t forget to feed the goldfish ?cuz you?re not comin? home ?till next week Lemonade, for a thirsty world Campfire Rock For A Disco Planet. The new CD's about sex, love, food, and radiator clamps, and it is an equally marvelous soundtrack for butt shakin?, caffeinated road trips, drunken games of horseshoes, and any activity involving water balloons. PLEASE LET US KNOW WHAT YOU THINK / THANKS !!! goofymusician [I'm a tad worried about the radiator clamps...] Dear sir/madam, I was looking through your website @ [wrong address] I have 3 high profile domain names for sale, I think you will be very interested in them as you are in the science field. The names are virtualscientist.com, virtualscientist.net and virtualscientist.net I am asking only $98,000 for all three names. Please contact me at... [yeah, right. thanks though...] Hope you like this. Please feel free to pass it on to your friends http://hometown.aol.com/richahovis/myhomepage/business.html R.H. hey d0g... you need to fill in the "your name:" field anywayz. we need to get something going in wisconsin. set up a Bbs or something. yeah, im that guy from alt.414. bah, whatever c-ya JFK "The Troll Fighters Rule!" Visit my Web Page http://www.angelfire.com/biz6/tia --Tia -=<>=- AND NOW, MAD MARCO'S "WHEN YOU HEAR...THINKS" When you hear... Think... Unequivocal Clear as mud Proactive Ain' gon' get shit done. Remain competitive in the marketplace Await pinkslip Best in the field Only in the field An Open Letter to the Hattiesburg Public School District To the Administrators, Teachers, and Students of Hattiesburg High School: I am a 1982 graduate of HHS. It would be fitting to say that of all the classes I took at HHS, there was no class I enjoyed more than Journalism I. Mrs. Neda Richards was a very tolerant teacher, as she put up with my antics in the classroom. Either thru luck or good writing, I had a few pieces published in the school paper, "Hi-Flashes". I still have those today, saved for my own son, Matt. In the years after graduation, I have used my journalistic skills more than a few times. I have written stories for company newsletters and small newspapers. I am also in the process of writing a book called "The Hosshead Companion", which is about the music of Waylon Jennings. But one of the biggest joys of my adult life was having an article published in an electronic magazine called Activist Times, Inc., concerning an entity called Channel One called "Barbarians In The Classroom: A Look At Channel One". The article dealt with commercialization in public schools via the Channel One TV program and the efforts taken to have it removed from local schools. Therefore, I was extremely shocked and saddened when I found out my alma mater is now a Channel One school. If you've never seen a "Simpsons" episode called "Mr. Lisa Goes To Washington," here's the plot. Lisa wins a patriotic essay writing contest, and wins a trip to Washington D.C. to compete in the national finals. In her search for inspiration for her entry, she witnesses a crooked senator accepting a bribe from a lobbyist. Suffice it to say my reaction was similar to Lisa's. As you are no doubt aware, Channel One has been called "the most controversial show on television". And for good reason. Schools that sign a contract with Primedia (Channel One's parent company, also parent company of RJR Nabisco) are loaned TV sets for each classroom, fixed-band satellite equipment for reception of the program, two VCR's (one for recording, one for playback), and enough coaxial cable to wire the school. In return, the HPSD agrees to show the entire Channel One program, including two minutes of commercials. They also agree to show the program to 80% of the students present, on 90% of scheduled class days during school hours. It troubles me deeply that the HPSD would become involved in such a psuedo-educational venture. The stated purpose of Channel One's existence is to "penetrate the teen market". And it does that very well. Companies such as Coca-Cola and M&M/Mars pay millions of dollars to have their commercials aired on Channel One. These advertisements do not generate any income for the HPSD, but are required nonetheless to carry them if they want to keep TV equipment they don't even own. Commercials aside, the Channel One program itself is also controversial in the fact that materialistic attitudes are not only developed, but encouraged. This, in my opinion, is a very unhealthy attitude to foster in a classroom. Not to mention nutritionally questionable foods such as Pringles and Snickers. Many educational associations oppose the use of Channel One in schools. These organizations include the National PTA, American Federation of Teachers, and the NEA. In case you're wondering, there are other news programs out there. CNN produces a news program tailored for High School students called "CNN Classroom". This program is produced by an award-winning, internationally respected news organization, not an advertising agency. And, it can be received over any rooftop antenna (on WMAH, ch.19 for those without cable) free of charge. And, there isn't an advertisement in sight. I call upon the Administration, Teachers, and Students of HHS to put an end to commercialization in the classroom. Standing on your principles and refusing to compromise journalistic ethics for a company that sees you as little more than a marketing tool would be the best lesson for all concerned. Patrick Moore (HHS Class of '82) pmoore@intop.net =<>= Attorney General Announces Break-up of US. Coyatoga, MAINE - [PAWN] SEC will be the theme from here on in, according to Cyrus McMabell, assistant to the AG. "Seperate, equal and competitive," he said reading an official statement just thirty-two minutes after the closing bell friday. He said the country will define exactly who "gets what, and when and how," but there will soon be a "U" and an "S" and each will only get one of each from the following pairs: Coke Pepsi McDonalds BK Democrat Republican Regular high-test Public Private Bluecross Blueshield Time Warner A OL MacMicroshift Linus Explo Der Net Scrape KStations Wstations Wallmart Home DeepPot Rock HipHop Country Western Rich Poor War Peace Doddge and Christler. McMabell said after three years they'd be allowed to begin eating each other out again. Until then bored members will NOT be allowed to sit on each others' boards more than thirty-two minutes at a time. -30- MCRONALD'S ANNOUNCES HOSPITABLE TAKEOVER OF TWO CHAINS, EYES A THIRD. [PAWN] - Kroc Park, ILL. by Terry L. Savage - special to Pine Americus Wild Nudes Y2K was very very good to Donald McRonald. Jack F. Greenbacks announced in his annual 3-color newsletter, "I'm delighted to report that we added two McBrands to the McFamily in '99 - Dominatrix Pizza and Sawchucks Coffee. Dominatrix boasts bread, meat, cheese, and flavoring, and Sawchucks is known for roasts, of English coffee 'just in time for tea.' These McCiting concepts now join McChortle Mexicali Grill as trailblazers in our strategic McEffort to capture one of each. Soon enough we'll have 99% of the total McMeals- away-from-home McMarket. At that point we can finally McRelax." "We are also excited," he said "of our agreement to purchase Kenny Rodgers." He said if he can buy both Rodgers and Jimmy "AYCE" Buffet, they can take over both the rainforest AND the everglades. "That'd be a McHoot!" # FISH BITES TEENAGE GIRL BIG PINE KEY, Fla. [PAWN] -- A 17-year-old girl snorkeling for the first time was almost killed when a needle-nosed houndfish jumped out of the water and got a little too agressive during what could only be described as a hickey. [full story at:] [http://www.newsday.com/ap/national/ap746.htm] USPS Discontinues Alphabet Stamps Before Getting To I-Rate. [PAWN] - There was A thru H, but there's going to be no I-Rate postal stamps, according to the USPS. [see archive] [The Association Press Wed, April 19, 2000; 10:22 a.m. EDT] Wail, that's it for 222!!! Can you B-leev it? It was a shortie, but chock full o' great energy. Remember, you can get back issues real chepe to spread out at shows, protests, raves and Lou Reed drug induced pro-capitalism orgies, etc. Heck, why not stand out in front of the post office alongside your WRL friends and pass 'em out. They'll feel supported. hehehehe. Prime ( ati@etext.org ) - [ http://cosmos.lod.com ]