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Just Dial 1010 ATI 220.
Issue 220. Just 5 cents a minute for
calls over 400 minutes long.

PSST!: I'm not letting any of you 
help me with this week's 'zine. 
It's called "Operation Team Player."

Tax Day cometh soon enough.
Are you fully harcourted? braced??

 **  Hootmon,  **- - - - - - - - - - .
  **************      220           /
 /        (Yeah, right. Nice Tux)  /
/                                 /
Activist Times, Inc. ATI is a - -
journalistic, causistic, /
   /cyberpolitical      /
  /organization,       /  4 more info?
 /trying to           /  send SASE's &
/help y'all, and us  /   e-stamps???
change the world    /       to:
radically, in less /    ati@etext.org
than two minute   /     
increments.      /      
- - - - - - - - -       

Happy Spring Ahead, Happy Fertility,
Happy Easterly wind. And while you're at it
you might as well set your clocks - on
everything you got that counts - to 1972
  See? Voila. Instant y2k compat. 
  Even your toaster!
  As if.
  Who bought a toaster with a timer?
You, id-i-OT! Did, you, not, know,
you can be kicked, out, of Dexter's
La-boooor-atoory, for that?
  Now, I shall have to, disable your
timer, so it will be y,2,k comPATible
for I do NOT, think you will reMEMber
1971 or 1972.
   Greedings, phellow shortsighted
hu-person beings, it's almost Saturday, March
45th, 2000. In the year of our Arm-a-gettin.
   Live, from Janet Reno's knickers-drawer
in the Lincoln Bedroom it's ATI. hACTIVIST,

...is this the only reason to buy food?

Whutt rrrr yewwwww, ennnnn eeeeeee waaaay...
   a drawl, by prime anarchist, your purple
pilled publisher,
      [ not brought to you by Prilosec ]
                    George W - Jean or a Khaki?
Bush is definitely a 40 long tux pant. Black with
the grey stripe. The half inch cuff.
Gore? Polyester leisure-suit-pantsuit pant, of
course. You know, the kind. That ugly pukish color,
not blue, not grey, not really green, but almost...
And let's ask a couple hazbns...
  Clinton? Sweats. You can get out of them quickest.
Bill Bradley is def'ly custom-made khakis. No one makes
jeans long enough. But not from the Gap. His pollsters
told him Gap and Starbucks are big no nos for the 21st
century prez hopeful. Now how does Mr. Tallman feel now
that it don't much matter one way or t'uthr?
  McCain? Don't get me started! Definitely neither.
What does Adolf wear? No, not Mr. Sigfried. I'm talking
about Coors. The brewguy. Adolf Coors. Jean or Khaki?
  So how about you? Are you a republicrat or a demopenguin?
  Jean or kak(h)i? 
  Mexican abuser or Asian abuser??
  Take your pick mon, Coke or Pepsi.
  Hat's off to the International Military Fund. Hope you
enjoy readin' this zine. Cuzz reed inz fun, da bomb, fun
for de mental, and fun 4 ev'1 else.

#'s from the back bay...
  For Friday nite. 0004142226 (just 4 days until
  Chris Aguilera dates dozens of middle aged men)


...is there any other reason to be alive??



there is a great movie called Utz


Hey kids, send your stories to:
I'll publish your stories in my new
upcoming book "Lifestyle" tell a
friend. KEEP IT REAL


to ati@etext.org
You MUST dial this one, and listen.
It's priceless!
  The following is the Customer Service number for
Brown & Williamson Tobacco Company.
  Dial the number and listen to their message, until
the time you are requested to choose an extension --
and then you can hang up. The opening message is
priceless, only takes a minute, and it's a toll-free
  Clearly there is a sense of humor at Brown &

  [ed note: now _that's_ lettuce!]


to ati@etext.org
Hi, blacklight records gave me your e-mails saying that
your all magazines and that I could contact you.
  I'm looking for some press for my band FLAT EARTH
SOCIETY  Our web site has all our info as well as music!
  Thanks for your time.
Scott Earth
Flat Earth Society


to ati@etext.org
>     Hotmail Staff       
>     Mar 10 2000  New! Junk Mail Protection
>     and MSN Calendar!

I actually wrote to them about it, contemplating just how stupid
they are.  I mean, their filter removes all incoming e-mail other
than those addresses you want.  So you still have to go through
your spam mailbox to check and make sure someone you don't have
on the "it's not spam!" list is someone you really care to talk to.
  I wonder what's next, a filter that deletes all incoming e-mail
before you read it?
  Of course after the nth complaint, they just stopped even
acknowledging I exist.
  Hotmail: check your mail for free! (Unless we got hacked again).


thank you thank you.


Since I am not familiar with it, I must
admit I'm a bit confused.  Is this the
zine?  Or is this the advertisement of
the zine?
I liked it though, liked the SOA ditty


to ati@etext.org
You drive me nuts with your weird numerical senses
and your strange-ass ATASCCI sense of humor.
Particle Man


...is there no other reason to watch television???

ATI public domain invention of the week.
How about a callaround service, say 1010-NRK
that is completely free, but you have to hear
two or three short aural ads while you wait for
your call to be placed.


Have you gotten in line for Ozfest tickets yet?
You'd better hurry up! Doors open [ 2morrow? next
week? month? year?? ] If they sell out on you,
you'll be stuck waiting in line for next year's
Got an inside scoop 4 U. Oz fest 2002 tickets
will go on sale next Thursday. Bring comfortable

----- -------
Michael Moore's show, "The Awful Truth," begins its
second season on Bravo on May 17.

  In other incidents reported by protesters and included
in the complaint to Reno, one said his bicycle was
confiscated by police and returned without a chain.
Another said he was frisked at lunch time Wednesday
near 20th and K streets NW by U.S. Secret Service
agents who showed him that they were already carrying
a picture of him. A Secret Service spokesperson said
yesterday that the agency would not discuss its tactics.
..." [ ref: http://www.commondreams.org/headlines/041400-02.htm ]

...the only reason to leave home?!?

   by Aaron Kreider
  [ed note: will be published in 3 or 4 parts...]

Prologue (On the Tracks)
It all started in May 1997 when, a couple weeks before graduation, a
roommate, Tim, came into my room and asked me if I wanted to hop a train?
A couple hours later, and after numerous rounds of Bridge waiting for a
darn train, we jumped a moving box-car with an open door (not a good idea)
as it slowed down around a curve and after a short, but fun ride, landed in
the Elkhart train yard where our car was detached and shunted (an
"exciting" process which ended in our open box car turning into a closed
box car with a jolting BANG!).  Within two weeks, I hopped three trains,
once travelling for four hours (from Goshen, Indiana to Anderson, Indiana).
 I'd never done it before and have never done it since.  Not getting caught
and not personally getting hurt (jumping off a moving train caused mild
injuries to two of my other co-passengers) has encouraged me to explore
other transportation alternatives.  The only book I know in existence about
train hopping is The Freight-Hoppers Manual for North America by Daniel
Leon (available by special order I think at http://www.amazon.com - not
easy to find!), and I highly recommend it.

In December of 1998, I read Jack Kerouac's On the Road (highly
recommended).  It's a veritable manifesto for packing a bag and hitting the
road.  Before setting out I read two biographical books on folk (or
topical) singer Phil Ochs.  He was one of the most movement-oriented (civil
rights / Vietnam) singers of the sixties and seventies, and extremely
dedicated.  I also read Hitchhiking in America by Dale Carpenter (highly
recommended), so that I'd know what to do.

The university kicked me out of my graduate apartment to put in nice
carpeting (whee!), so I decided to go home and then spend the summer
volunteering for SEAC (Student Environmental Action Coalition) in the
Philadelphia national office.  Never having hitch-hiked (not even a short
five-minute ride), with much trepidation, I set out to travel from Indiana
to my Vancouver home.  It's rather embarrassing, but I should admit that I
sold out my anti-materialist values and bought a GPS unit (so that I
wouldn't get lost and to encourage me to hop trains - it's very easy to get
lost hopping trains).  Garmin III with a built-in-map if you really must
know.  If anyone wants to buy a used Garmin III - email me.  I also bought
a road atlas which was a very good idea.

The Story Starts Here
05.17  (a.k.a. May 17, 1999)
N41 '42
W86 '14
Today I had to move out of my room and clean it (and the house) by 5:00pm.
I got out before 6pm without hassle, though it was extremely stressful
trying to go through all of my possessions, sort, toss, donate, recycle(!),
ship, and find places to store the ones I wanted to keep.  The day before I
drank pineapple juice instead of eating breakfast or lunch and ran off the
excitement energy of moving.  About a week ago I'd emailed Goshen College
(my alma mater) friends Bryce and Thomas saying that I'd show up on this
day, so they kind of expected me but being busy with projects of their own
they didn't know what to think.  I got a ride from my grandparents
(originally I was planning to hitch-hike to give that a trial run before
setting out on a large journey, but I needed to store some stuff with
them), ate supper with them in their apartment in Goshen (N 41 '34.092 W 85
'48.901), talked (they somehow assumed I was flying home, but didn't ask me
the date  -- I thought it was best that they not worry about me so I
remained mute), and then around 10pm got a ride to where Thomas, Bryce, and
Jessica Smucker were staying (house-sitting a 19th century house where a
former GC professor of mine, Jo-Ann Brandt, lived - N 41 '34.764   W 85
'49.773).  Thomas eventually showed up and we talked a bit randomly (as
Thomas normally is) and then I saw Bryce next morning.

I talked to Bryce and Wendell (N 41 '34.785  W85 '49.745 -- who had
finished his final exam) today.  Since Bryce and Thomas are very busy with
independent term projects (making a film and doing a photography portfolio
respectively), I decided to leave the next morning on the Great Adventure.
Spent a lot of time figuring out how to organise and work my new backpack.
I was very glad to learn that my sleeping bag fits (barely) into the lower
compartment of my backpack.  Talked to Jessica about hitch-hiking as her
brother, Matt (whom I'd last seen throwing blood on the Pentagon), hitched
frequently (and that very next day was going from MN to IA).
  -=(CON'T in issue 221)=-

 WhereFresh        =      IsAMyth

A Taste of CounterFood
  Thank you for choosing this 'semblance' of food for lunch.
This semblance has been made to your school's specifications
and includes a sampling of some of our tastiest pieces of meat
and vegetable matter. When visiting your local CounterFood
(tm) FaceFeedingForum (r) you can choose from our famous
feet, our delicious half of a foot, our salada T, or one 
of our 4" half-ass attempts at a deli samwich. Whatever
you select, we hope you'll become a loyal faithful addict.
  May your meats, cheese, onions, lettuce, tomatoes,
pickles, peppers and olives always look fresh.
  Enjoy our CounterFood.

Basic HeyMon.
Farfetch'd              50 hit points.
Wild Duck HeyMon. Ht. 2'7" wt. 33 lbs.
Leek Slap Flip a coin. If tails, this
attack does nothing. Either way, you 
can't use this attack again as long as
Farfetch'd stays in play (even putting
Farfetch'd on the Bench won't let you
use it again). /30/
Pot Smash  /30/
Weakness none
Resistance -30
Retreat Cost nothing!
The sprig of green onions it holds is its weapon.
This sprig is used much like a metal sword.
LV. 20 #83
[ far out, mon! ]

And in Other Haxorz Newz...
HWA Hax0r News released
Devil Shat released
TEOAS released #7 (go get it!)
K-1ine 3, and was it worth waiting 4!
Otakuboy's 'got it' more than goody, lemme tell ya...

How many boat trailers are in the parking lot near
YOUR Hooters? 3 in mine. 5 in the next town over!
  Trend? Co-inkeedink??
  Now : my real question -- how many people return
faithfully from church right now and wait for dad
to come home? You're with the mom, the brother(s)
and sister(s) and may not know it, but "daddy-o"
is at Hooters hopin' 2 hook him a 19-yr-old! Or
at least look like it.
  Will he come home from "fishing" and be present?
I mean really present? Or will he have that Nintendo
look all over his mug? You know those oggled-out eyes
that bugs get once a year when they're in heat?
  Will he watch bowling and then golf and then football?
Will he make you get him a beer and some curly fries
and then tell you to get out of his hair?
  OK I'll shut up now.

ATI! Questioning the whole pair of dimes since February, 1988.

Hmmm. Ever notice paradigm and pair o' dice sound similar?

I'll close ATI with a thought rather than a poem.
You ready?

I dig open mics more than concerts because you're not
here for me, you're here for art, music and drama. If
I can be that for you, fine. If I can't "off with ya..."
  It's bigger than both of us.

Getchur ATI Heeeeeeyah!!!

like us? tell frendz.
dislike? tell us!

Please consider forwarding us to all your friends
as if we were one of those great hoaxes or a wonderful

[no, no no! Don't do it. Just consider it...]
