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ATI 190 is dedicated to my friend Allan Nairn. One of the few journalists in this world. Safe and speedy trial to you, Nairn. --marco "One more reference to Tae-Bo and I'm going postal." --Jack LaLane "Thanks to Dr. Hunter S. Thompson." --Lyle Lovett Liner Notes to "Step Inside This House." aaa ttttttt iiiii a a t i aaaaa t i a a t i a a 1 t 8 iiiii 10 Greeting2u, and welcome 2 ATI 190. Heyoka moon is upon us. The half one. I almost got eaten by a cougar last night. It was wonderful. I'll tell you about it some day. Let me stop vibrating first though. Gimme a week or two. As you see up top, I've dedicated this entire issue to journalist Allan Nairn who sits in a jail cell near Jakarta, for what? His only crime in this world I feel, is upholding his journalistic ethics and plodding along standing up for what's right. Umm. Where have we heard this before? Tune in each week when we list three or four new casualties of the war on the FIrST amMENdMENt of the US Constipation. And internationally? Just plain simple! The war on human rights. The one my government is almost as complicitous in, as all the other bad "evil" "ucky" nation- states out there. I'm prime anarchist and this is the #'s run for ATI190 this half-moon sunday, 420pm SST, spentral stranded time. http://www.freespeech.org/yippie/ http://come.to/CIABASE http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/ http://www.clark.net/pub/artrocit/mojo1.htm http://www.ciepac.org http://www.freespeech.org/kokopeli/woodynh.html http://connix.com/~harry/hoffman.htm http://www.mumia911.org/ezine.html http://www5.biostr.washington.edu/~jsp/hotlist.html http://www.srv.net/~roxtar/tammi/ http://www.etan.org http://www.angelfire.com/wi/etan/diane.html http://www.prop1.org/conchita/conchita.htm http://www.webpost.net/tu/turtlesbook/ati189.html http://www.globalpeacenow.org http://www.peace-action.org/beyond.html http://www.minorities-jb.com/native/special/census999.html http://www.etext.org/Zines/ASCII/CosmikDebris/september96.txt ----====----((((////))))----====---- & AFTER #'S IS ALWAYS LETTUCE... to ati@etext.org armadillos are really cute. REALLY cute. --brooke (honduras) ----====---- Dear Marco, Yes, I did. Actually the painting has been sold and all I have left is this picture of the painting. Love, Lorri ___ ()()()___ to ati@etext.org I am looking for a video titled "Four Corners National Sacrifice Area" for the SOL Archive library. If you have the video and can spare it, or have information on where it can be found please let me know. Thanks Joelle of Sol Communications \\\ TO ALL CONCERNED On Saturday and Sunday, 2-3 October 1999, an international demonstration will take place in Sweden, England, and the United States east and west coasts. Demonstrators from other nations are expected to participate, as well. This will be a peaceful demonstration to protest the ethnic cleansing and human rights violations being committed by the United States government within its own borders. The Southeastern Native American Alliance (SENAA) is now organizing a protest demonstration to protest the human rights violations and attempted genocide of the Dine'h people at Big Mountain, Black Mesa, Arizona. We will hold simultaneous demonstrations in front of the United Nations building in New York City; in front of the White House and Capitol Building in Washington, DC; and at two locations on the U.S. Pacific coast. In England and Sweden, at the same time as U.S. demonstrations, protests will be held in front of the U.S. embassies in those countries. On the nights of the 2nd and 3rd, candlelight prayer vigils will be held to invoke Creator's power to help the Dine'h--to help us all. If you have seen the video, "VANISHING PRAYER Genocide of the Dine," that SENAA currently has on http://www.freespeech.org/senaa , then you have some idea why SENAA has organized this protest demonstration. If you wish to know more, or are unfamiliar with the ordeal that the Dine'h (Navajo) people are facing and the impact that it can have on every living American citizen, SENAA urges you to visit its web site Newsletter at: http://members.xoom.com/senaa/index2.html Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. Thank you in advance to those of you who decide to join this demonstration. We need your help in NYC, DC, in Los Angeles, Netherlands, England, Sweden, or wherever in the world you plan to participate in this demonstration. Sincerely yours Al Swilling SENAA President/Founder ___ ___()()() to ati@etext.org I did a juice fast and it was great. anon. [to anon: thanks for sharing. Any idea who you are???] ----====---- to ati@etext.org http://www.cheguevara.homepage.com when someone dies, is like my time, to think about humanity that lives inside people, but never shows up not even a little, i think im already killed by capitalism, it will be billed up but will be not for god, will be for us. Fidel Arias -=-=-=-=- The Calendula Section (now there's a blast...) Sep 18, 1987. Pope John Paul II tells native American's to just Forget the past in a Phoenix, AZ speech. Sep 20. Yom Kippur Sep 27, 1995. Clinton signs Salvage Rider into law."Scarey," says A local owl. "Where will I live?" Sep 30, 1882. First hydroelectric plant, WI. Oct 22, 1936. Bobby Seale born. Anyone know if that's New Haven? Oct 31. Blair Witch says, "fall back." Nov 12, 1974. Karen Silkwood dies. Dec 4, 1835. Hot time in old town. Manhattan burned down. Or Were they referring to Chicago? London? Hmmm... Jan 10, 1901. Oil discovered in Texas. Jan 24, 1848. Gold discovered in California. Feb 1, 1960. Civil rights sit-ins begin. Feb 4, 1913. Rosa Parks born. Feb 17, 1778. Fernando Sor born. Feb 20, 1770. Fernando Carulli born. Feb 24, 1893. Andres Segovia born. Feb 26, 1964. Prime Anarchist born. Feb 27, 1973. 200 people occupy Wonded Knee. Pine Ridge SD. Mar 24, 1997. Partial Lunar Eclipse. May 14, 1265 Dante Alighieri born May 19, 1925 Malcolm X born Malcolm Little. May 22, 1859 Arthur Conan Doyle born "Sir." May 25, 1803 Ralph Waldo Emerson born in a barn. (or was that a bar, pre tell?) ----=======((((////))))=======---- Next up... THE PUBLISHER'S SIKK TWIZZTED RANT. (a little out of order, but hey, isn't life grand? Or was that isn't life supposed to be that way?) Hola, I'm prime anarchist and here's my rant, Sikh and twizzler as it may be, or hey, ain't life candy? Order up, hey is that a ranticle, or are you just happy to sea me? Throw care to the wind, air to the sea, and hop on your horse, man how're you liking ATI these days? The revolution will not be broadsided. Tipper Gore, hmmm. Ummm. Don't get me started. You know, I wore out the F, the U and the K on my Avery brand labelmaker. How come the C still works fine? What becomes of a man who has everything But a spine. Who gains everything but has no Spine. What becomes. Acquires no spine? Aspires to have no spine. What gives. It takes him 3 days to announce He has "used no drug Since 1974." Has no spine. What becomes... Do prezzes and would be prezzes mock ALL THAT IS LAW??? Why should I have ANY respek watzoevva... 1752! My personal "new world's record." That #, 1752 is how many files I deleted from my recycle bin today. Note: I do that once or twice a day. Am I moving a bit too fast lately? No wonder I've been feeling dizzy now and then. And there I thought I needed either vitamins or mutton... I end my ranticle with Guitar Anarchy Tip #10 Muffle the thing for all your nite-time wailing. Cut a strip of suede about five inches long by half an inch wide. 16th inch thick? I just use scraps I find. I'm vegetarian. (Not vegan, get off me!) Put it on a guitar you'd like to use for 3am scales playing. I guarantee you'll be the only one who hears it, and you won't need bridgework for an extra year of so on that machine! The thinner the piece of suede (I haven't tried harder cuts yet, like raw hide, I'll tell you how I fare as I go) the less you'll "fret" over intonation changes. "Happy fingering..." --rATIug SPAM CARVING ALERT, SPAM CARVING ALERT, SPAM CARVING ALERT Are you having problems getting to sleep or staying asleep constantly, periodically, day or night, caused by Exterior Light &/or sound? If YES, then You NEED The Total Light Out Shade the only roll down window shade system with the ability to benefit you in so many ways such as 110% Exterior Light Elimination (Beneficial for Day Sleepers) 85% Exterior Sound Reduction 1000% Privacy Against Voyeurs 150% Privacy on a Cordless Phone 200% Protection from Summer Season Heat 105% Protection from Winter Season Cold Drafts PLEASE Visit at http://www.thetotallightoutshade.com ----====(^)====---- Hello sweetlips, let me guess you're sick and tired of dumb internet sporn and slippery pics, right? Knew it! I know what you want, and I have it right here, call me sweet, I'm fat, dumb, very happy, and I have the sexiest soothingest voice this side of the Sasquatch River....This is live 1-on-1 silliness, no prerecorded singing, just you and me getting used to your favorite songs... Call me now, 8 days a week, 25 hrs a day... 135% guaranteed free. 1-888-551-4ASSOCIATION Hot live barking antelopes just waiting to take your car for a steamy, NO BRUSHES, shave your paintjob, LIVE 1-ON-1 carwash! Call Now, Toll Free: 1-888-551-4ASSOCIATION ---===(-=-)===--- My name is Jeffrey Newbie. I am a marketing analyst for AIDS chocolate candies based in Hershey, a subsidiary of Mars & Moolah, inc. M&M for short. As the year 2000 approaches, we want to be the diet bar of the millennium. As you may already know, the roman numeral for Y2 is MM. We are asking you to pass on this spam to 5 friends. Our tracking device is calculating how many spams you send out. Everytime it reaches 2000 people, you will receive a free case (100 individual 55 gram packs) of delicious AIDS diet bar candies. That means the more people this reaches, the more AIDS you're going to get. Mmmmmm.. yummy M & Ms the year 2000!! Remember, nothing but no AIDS will come your way if you do not share this with at least 5 people. ----=======(([[((\\\\))]]))=======---- Rickshaw Walla a poem in 3 parts. I make 47,000 just so I can take take home 12. Someone sucks a hundred While I sit here on the shelf. Rickshaw Walla I make 47,000 just so I can take home twelve. my boss sucks a hundred I never dare to call it hell. ---===--- Taxpayer as Restaurant Owner. by prime anarchist Remember last year's election highbrow bruhaha about honoraria and campaign contributions? I don't see any of that as morally wrong per se, just a major conflict of interest. Let's see what we can dredge up for these upcoming primaries, huh? How about a slightly new paradigm?? Politician-hopeful-elect A (we'll call him or her "pea," the "h" is silent) is given two choices: 1) Current wage at taxpayer expense. No extras, no honoraria, no campaign contributions. 2) Waitress wage at taxpayer expense. (yes, not even 3 bucks per hour) pea is allowed to drudge up all the extras s/he can get of his or her own gumption. Waddya think? \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ To Wit a poem I walk in the room; I pass you by. You turn around and look me Up and down. You look at your son; I pass by him to my own stall. "Don't forget to wash your Hands, son," you say, looking Back and forth between him and me. You go back to pee'ing in your own Urinal. Where you believe teaching is Complete. Effective. And long lasting. ===== \/\/\/\/ ===== ===== /\/\/\/\ ===== SHORT MOVIE REVIEW Have you seen "White Trash Girl?" One factual inconsistr'hood'ncy I feel I ought mention. Prior to urinating all over a potential rapist, our protagonist peels off her hat and parka. Throws them to the pavement. The scene after her peeing all over the putz has her walking down a different street wearing the same parka and hat. (looks like she's pimpin' but we won't go there...) Now, this is a cobblestreet looking like Providence or Paris. Would she be able to simply march on back there pronto and pluck up her parka and hat off the pavement? Possible, but so highly unlikely that it slowed down my suspension of disbelief enough to make me ponder the purity of this play. Peculiar. Other than that? Potent, great, powerful, thought provoking stuff. Wow. =========================== =====found/stolen poem===== =========================== Ode To Pie humbly borrowed without asking from the Country Kitchen 1999 CKI menu. Country Kitsch, International retains all rights. {Eat pie!} Sweet and salty, wet and dry. There's no taste quite as fine as pie. Fresh at home or on the road, I'll take my slice a la mode. Apple, berry, chocolate, cherry, Bring me pie, and please hurry. I can't wait to clean my plate So I can taste that pie, so great! But what if I'm full, That would be the worst... Maybe I'll have my pie first! ==== ==== ==== OPEN LETTER TO RETAIL STORES I don't believe you should have a website on your own domain (especially one you advertise on obligatory employee t-shirts unless you're willing to fund the extra process of offering those employees free email and perhaps personal webspace. Thank you and have a nice day. ==== Rosa P. Another prime anarchist poem. Sometimes choosing where you'll be Is a very big thing. Can cause so much to happen. Cause big things to happen. Often picking where to sit. Is a very small step. That sets a wider light aglow. Sets a bigger light a glow. Many times a movement Is a very new thing Can cause a sitting soul to stir. Causes a big ol' soul to move. Sometimes choosing where we'll go Is bigger than us all. Sitting, sitting holds us all up to see Sitting, sitting lights us up, sets us, Sets us up to see. ---ona move--- WE END THIS 'EZINE WITH ALLAN NAIRN'S STATEMENT TO HIS INDONESIAN CAPTORS I know that the army has put me on the black list. They did this because I watched their soldiers murder more than 271 people at the Santa Cruz cemetery. This crime was the responsibility of the Indonesian army commander, General Try Sutrisno and the Minister of Defense, General Benny Murdani. The murders were committed with American M-16 rifles. The American government also bears some of the responsibility because they have armed, trained, and given money to the TNI/ABRI, even though they knew the TNI/ABRI is led by murderers and is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Timorese, Acehnese, West Papuan and Indonesian civilians. Because I survived the massacre and denounced the crime to the outside world, the TNI/ABRI and the Suharto government banned me as a "threat to national security." That ban has been reaffirmed by each subsequent TNI/ABRI commander, including General Tanjung and General Wiranto. I do not think that I am a threat to the Indonesian or Timorese people, but I hope that I am a threat to General Wiranto and General Tanjung, and the other present and former leaders of the TNI/ABRI. I believe that they feel threatened by anyone who would expose their crimes. General Wiranto and Generals Bambang, Zacky, Syafei, Kiki, and many others, for example, are responsible for the current militia terror in occupied East Timor and for the increase in repression against the people of Aceh. This is no secret to the people of Timor or to the people of Indonesia or Aceh. They have suffered for decades under the repression and corruption of TNI/ABRI.vMany brave Indonesians, Timorese, Acehnese, and West Papuans have been killed, arrested, tortured or raped because they dared to criticize the army and demand their right to freedom. As a foreigner and a journalist, particularly an American journalist, I know that I enjoy a certain de facto political leeway that enables me to say things that local people would be killed for saying. I have tried to use that privilege to tell the truth about TNI/ABRI. If, because of this, the army feels they must arrest or jail me, then I know that there is nothing I can do to stop them. But they know that they cannot arrest or kill all the people of Indonesia. That is why they are now so fearful, and that is why I believe they will lose their desperate struggle to retain their hold on power and their police state. During my most recent detention, I have been interrogated by officials from army Intel, police Intel, Kopassus Group 5, and many other units. They have asked me many questions about my political motives and opinions. I would summarize my opinions this way: I am pro human rights, pro democracy, and anti TNI/ABRI. I am a supporter of the people of East Timor, Aceh, West Papua, and Indonesia, and an opponent of the officials who have repressed and exploited them. As an American citizen who is visiting Indonesia and occupied East Timor, I also want to be clear that I believe in even-handedness. The same political, moral and legal standards that are applied to TNI/ABRI officers should also be applied to the officers and political leaders of the United States. So while I support the UN Secretary-General's call for war crimes and crimes against humanity prosecution on East Timor, I think that the prosecution should not be limited to Indonesian officials. Foreign officials who were accomplices to atrocities in East Timor, and provided both murder weapons and the logistics of repression should also be charged, prosecuted and if convicted, jailed. Pragmatically, it is hard to imagine General Wiranto sitting in jail. It is even harder to imagine President Clinton as his cellmate. But justice should be impartial. It is time for the genocide to end. Untold thousands of Timorese lie slaughtered. Their families are bereft. The victims of Santa Cruz, Liquica, and Suai can no longer speak. Those of us who can should insist that the killing stop right now. And we should also insist that the killers face justice, regardless of who they are. These same principles apply of course to atrocities everywhere. I think that this is a simple idea and that most people would agree. If General Wiranto or any other officials have further questions about my views, I would be glad to answer them personally at a time and place of their choosing. I would also be glad to give details on the crimes referred to above, and on the complicity in them of General Wiranto and other officials. -30- Well, that's about it for ATI issue one eighty ten. Send all gripes, naipes & handiwipes to ati@etext.org The Zine's semi-official website is at: http://www.thepentagon.com/primeanarchist http://www.freespeech.org/kokopeli for all things reconsidered. Oh, and if you've got sense, you'll dial 1-860-887-2600 ext. 5293