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Charlie Rose is discussing East Timor 
at 11:30 tonite. Check your timezones. 
I'm an hour behind EST I believe.

   aaa    ttttttt     iiiii
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6aug99 841pm

Halfmoon was just the other day. Cut only one foot's 
toenails. The other foot has to be done at nite.
If you get your haircut, you must do half a head
like Bonzo Reagan did that year after brain surgery.
        You notice
        Sugary and
        surgery look
        really close?
Didja know this november eleventh (11/11) at 11:11 am
there's going to be a near total eclipse?
They expect it to reach totality at either 1111, 1112, or
Please, no one have their watch set to exactly what the
atomic clock says, or else the world might blow up
like Billy Ray Cyrus' silly ole' heart.
    I've seen better days, but not many. Did you know
Meals Ready To Eat (MRE) are offering vegetarian packets?
<-< ***rATIug goes out and buys 432,965, and one for the road***
I'm told each case has 4 and sometimes 5 vegetarian 
"entrees" included. If we behave, perhaps the originator
of this news might be willing to give a "restaurant" 
review in issue 186 or 187.
   Would my readers like to hear about the MREmeat dishes
as well? Let's hear it. (your wish is ATI's commando)
ATI - Home of ZRE's (Zines Ready to Eat)
Hi there,
I'm prime anarchist and here's ATI185, our first
friday nite edition in months. We've been so far behind
deadline each week, we're wondering if we shouldn't just
be early for next week...
   My local Opera Troupe is putting on Il Trovatore.
I never gave it much thought to the fact it's singers
singing about what it's like to be a singer singing.
   But that's ok. You get even more from me, don't
you? I'm a singer complaining about singers singing
songs about singers singing songs.
   Be glad about two things:
1) main character himself isn't singing about singers.
2) i'm not writing a song about him, or them. I have
to hold myself back, you know. 
   I do.

Here's some numba's 4 U.


MARCO!!! ...

POLO!!!!  ...

lighten up eh??? .. quien es the homo 
stickin' up for RICARDO MARTIN >>>

latin superstar!!! Aye Carumba !!!>!>!>!>

don't you recognize a joke man???

si .. su madre trabaja en la puta casa!

get w/ tha Bizkit Bud ..



      Alguna vez, de algun lugar, me llego 
 un correo electronico escrito en in gles, 
 gracias a mi muy pobre ingles, me pude 
 dar cuenta de que habla de algun envio 
 de USA a Mexico, habla del Conflicto 
 en Chiapas y de algunas otras cosas
 mas ...... 
 La Pregunta es: 
 Que pasa ...? 
 De que se trata....? 
 Que es ATI...?
       Si pudiesen, agradeceria cualquie 
 informacion en espa?ol....!!! de ant mano, 
 muchisimas gracias por la atension prestada...!!!!!

 L.I. Erick [ed note: if anyone needs this translated,
             just hollar. (shut off allcaps first 
             though please...]


Hello, my name is Mike and I put out 
a newsletter, too.  It is at
It is about changing the world with music.  
Here is a song I made, you can put it in 
an ATI issue if you want:

Forsyth County
Mike Carson

Here's a song I made up about 
a week ago after watching "48 Hours:"
(to the tune of Bob Dylan's "Jack of Hearts")

It was Forsyth County, North Carolina, a summer night in 1988.
Out along the highway, there, four people met their fate.
They were driving down a road they'd driven many times before,
Going places they had been but won't be going anymore.
Tell me what can you do, it could've been me or you.

Michael Hayes sat on the rooftop with a loaded rifle in his hand.
He fired bullets into passing cars out along the highway as they ran.
People that he never met, and didn't even know,
He could've just as easily watched them as they go.
Tell me what can you do, it could've been me or you.

A 24 year-old woman, what about the life she could have had?
Dying young sure made it hard on her mother and on her dad.
I heard him say with an angry tear in his eye,
"He messed her up so bad, we couldn't even kiss her goodbye."
Tell me what can you do, it could've been me or you.

Nick Nicholson's son Tom, on his way home to see his kids and his wife
A late day at work would turn out to be an early end to his life.
And his father swears not to rest until the final day
That his son's murderer, for good, is put away.
Tell me what can you do, it could've been me or you.

They brought him in the courthouse, Michael Hayes pleaded insanity.
That night on the rooftop, it wasn't people, but demons he could see.
"Schizophrenia caused delusions," doctors told the jury,
"It just as easily could've been you - it could've been me."
Tell me what can you do, it could've been me or you.

That day in the courthouse, more than one doctor testified.
They all agreed there was another victim besides the ones who died.
"A chemical imbalance" is what the doctors said,
"Medication makes him better, he's not better off dead."
Tell me what can you do, it could've been me or you.

Now when I first heard the news, I said it should be an eye for an eye
Michael Hayes killed four people and now Michael Hayes should be the one
to die.
But then I heard of his illness and about the treatment for
And now the only thing I'm sure of is that I'm not so sure anymore.
Tell me what can you do, it could've been me or you



A door is ajar
--Fnord Falcon

.                                 .
. ATI: Like compost for your mind .
.                                 .

Why on earth did you write soooooo much 
about cheese?!

Bethany (217)
   [ed note: do we live in wisconsin or what?]


On Mythology, Civilization, and Star Wars
By Carl Franklin
Email: carl@franklins.net
July 25, 1999

(continued from last week)(parts I and II can be 
gotten in ati184 and 183, or go to:
http://www.freespeech.org/kokopeli/franklin.txt )

Darth Vader here for a minute. What is Darth? 
By the end of "Return of the Jedi" we see his 
final hour. This is how his life ends: Luke
severs his hand, a recurring theme in many myths 
by the way, revealing a mechanical arm. In fact, 
most of his body is mechanical. When the mask comes
off you see how disfigured he is. Joseph Campbell 
says of this scene in "The Power of Myth", and I 
paraphrase, that he is so caught up in the
bureaucracy, in the system, in the "machine", 
that he has forgotten his humanity. 
Only at the end does he realize that 
his ties to his family (Luke) are stronger 
than his ties to the system, and he kills 
Emporer Palpatine, and saves Luke.

By saving Luke, he also saved himself 
(or you could say that Luke saved
him). This is the same message of 
salvation that is offered by religion,
after you separate the essential truth 
from the stories. Be true to yourself. 
Be faithful to your friends and family. 
Love thy neighbor. Do the right thing. 
Do unto others as you would have them 
do unto you. These are not new concepts.

Where traditional Christianity got 
it wrong is in thinking that by reading
and ultimately believing in these stories, 
that this will automatically lead to 
"enlightenment" or "salvation" or what 
have you. While this may have been true 
2000 years ago, it is certainly not true 

What is the result in society of a lack 
of myth? A disconnection from the fountain 
resulting in anarchy. Lucas focuses in on 
the devastating effects of fear in Star Wars. 
In The Phantom Menace, young Anakin Skywalker 
(who grows up to become Darth Vader) is 
brought before the Jedi Council by the
Jedi knight who discovered him, Qui Gon. 
Master Yoda senses much fear in him, and 
this is the biggest reason why he does 
not want him to be trained as a Jedi. 
He says to Anakin: "You are afraid." 
Anakin says "No, I'm not afraid" to which 
Yoda responds "You can not hide your feelings 
from a Jedi... your thoughts are with your mother. 
You are very afraid of what might happen to her." 
Anakin says "What does that have to do with anything",
and Yoda says "It has everything to do with everything. 
Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. 
Hate leads to suffering."

What could be more simple and more true. Think about 
a time when this has happened to you. You can definitely 
see the pattern in hate groups. It actually starts with 
ignorance. Ignorance leads to fear. We fear what we don't 
understand. This is truly the source of all racism. Ignorance. 
Next comes fear. Hitler feared the Jews, that they would take over 
the Arian race. He wanted to play God and control the evolution of 
mankind. White supremacists fear blacks. Homophobics fear gay people. 
This leads to anger. At first, a vocalization of their fear, which 
comes out as anger. "How dare they do this or that." This, of course, 
leads to confrontation, which almost always ends in suffering. 
In the very end, it is the perpetrator who suffers the most.

Lucas does a wonderful thing with "The Phantom Menace" by 
allowing us to get a glimpse of what Darth Vader was like 
early in life. We see the innocence, the genius, etc. 
He has a good heart and a great start on life. We tend to
only have a rear-view mirror on the life of a whack-job like 
Hitler or Charles Manson, or Jeffrey Dahmer, or what have you. 
We are always exposed to the horrors first. Rarely do we get to 
see the corruption of a human soul as it is taking place. I can't 
wait for the next two movies, where we will see just how Darth turns 
to the Dark Side.

Which brings me to the Force. What could be a more benevolent notion of God.
Says Obi-Wan: "The force is what binds the universe together. It moves
within and around us. It penetrates us. With practice, we can learn to
control it. A Jedi can feel the force flowing through him."


Although Star Wars is the product of some incredible late 20th century
technology, technology is not seen as the hero, the savior. Actually, in the
climax of the fourth episode Luke turns off his viewfinder and instead uses
his instinct in his moment of triumph. I don't know about you, but I (along
with everyone else in the theater) practically jumped out of my seat when he
did that. This obviously speaks to people in a very real way.

In the end, technology fails the empire. The Death Star, which is to be the
most powerful piece of technology to ever grace the universe, proves to be
flawed. A weakness is found and exploited, to the demise of the empire. Does
this sound familiar? Let me quote a news story from PC Magazine in March of

        Report: Hackers broke into embassy files
        By Joe Belden, ZDTV
        March 23, 1998 4:29 PM PST

A computer intruder reportedly broke into one of the government's computer
links with American embassies abroad last fall, forcing the U.S. State
Department to use human couriers for two weeks. USA Today says investigators
found that hackers using off-the-shelf equipment could gain access to
information such as diplomats' travel arrangements.

For all the benefits it brings, technology is weak. The more we automate our
businesses and leave decisions up to computers, the more opportunities there
are for error and exploitation. This may sound funny coming from me, a guy
who makes his living with technology.  All I can say is that I am fully
aware of the dark side of technology. It would be silly for me to proclaim
technology as "the holy grail of the 21st century," as some do.  People are
more important to me than technology, and that fundamental belief colors
everything that I do in my work.

When it comes to religion and spirituality in our lives, I believe most
people tend to think in black and white. Either it is worthwhile or it
isn't. It is either true or not true. I think this is a shame. Life is a
dance. We dance between the truths that we can extract from our mythological
past and the promise of modern science and technology, between our animal
instincts and the corrective morality we've chosen to adhere to. A dialogue
must exist between our conscious mind and these mythological ideas if its
wisdom is to be imprinted on our soul. This dance is tricky. In youth, one
tends to swing around wildly from the yin to the yang in order to experience
the full range of being alive, and hopefully not get hurt in the process.
Later in life, it becomes a skillful craft, and with any luck, at the end we
will be masters of the dance.

Carl Franklin
President: WorldTRAIN, Inc.
"Take a class. Teach a class. Do it in your underwear."


An ENcino Times semiToninc NEnA (or Hello sir)
   a poem by Adam

"Hello sir, how can I enhance 
your shopping experience today?"

Please follow me around
And harrass me with your products
I'm not Pavlov's hound
But I do intend to shoplift

"Hello sir, welcome to McTaco Chicken King; 
can I please take your order?"

Yeah give me the chicken
A little ground chuck and that fish
Throw whatever sides in
Give me the free lobotomy

"Hello sir, how did this accident happen?"

Alright, that's it; I give
You're not going to listen to me
I know your brain's a fuckin' sieve
She was ridin' her cellphone

My point is simple: If you are required 
by your job to speak politely you have 
two options: 
  1. Quit, 
  2. Swallow your pride and follow through.

One final thought:
Someone please get Jesse 
Camp some ritalin STAT!!!!!!!!!!!

Adam (all around nicafiend)

This organization has *extremely* limited means 
of publicity, and appreciates all e-forwards, 
regular mailings, published advertisements, 
radio announcements, etc, of our information.

Well, that's about it for ATI185.

Send all gripes, naipes & handiwipes to

The Zine's semi-official website is at:

   for all things reconsidered.

Oh, and if you've got sense, you'll dial