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LIVE FROM Montville, Conn., Home of Stone Container Corp., it's       
     AA  AA       TT          II
      AAAA        TT          II
     AA  AA       TT          II
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        I             E              !
         V             S

Marc, this is my letter all printed up I hope you didn't already type it.
and by the way, some guy named Mike took up my cause and sent it out.
His screen name is JMY2.

The kingdom of AOL
Roger B. Snow
The Day, page A6
February 23, 1998

The following is an open letter to Stephen Case, president of America Online:

I have no good words for what you have done to America Online subscribers. The
$2 increase should not happen, because it not our fault, but due to your
executive incompetence and your company's finger-pointing.
What do I mean by finger-pointing?  You offered us a service over a year ago
which we thought was wonderful:  $20 a month for unlimited use of the internet
is pretty amazing. You place the blame on us, however, for sending so much e-
mail and spending so much time on-line, and that's why you have to raise
prices.  That, Mr. Case, comes from the south end of a north-bound bull.
First, when you provide such a service you have to realize that we are going
to spend more time on-line. Second, the 22 million e-mail messages daily are
no doubt due to several things:
1. You sell our e-mail addresses to solicitors;
2. E-mail solicitors inundate us with mail;
3. Cookies;
4. Spam.
The majority of the above is from outside the AOL server.  You have denigrated
us to being your subjects - whoops, I mean subscribers - instead of what we
truly are, citizens of a vast virtual community, a state of sorts if you will.
The power of a ruler such as yourself comes from the consent of the governed.
We should be given the power to change the "government" which affects our
experience as AOL's virtual citizens. My advice to you sir, is to relinquish
control of AOL to its citizens, the people you so degradingly call
"subscribers."  Well, Mr. Case, we do not subscribe to your brand of tyranny.
I suggest a virtual community in which we, the citizens of AOL, become its
owners and that the control of AOL should be a democracy rather than a Case-
We shall not remain silent.  If the $2 increase happens, there may perhaps be
further action taken, which may include but is not limited to a loss of many
"subscribers." Then, sir, where is your profit?

So, Marc, put this everywhere!

           ;)   ;)    ;)         ;)
Hello. And                          welcome to ati issue 118.
The last Sabbath in 1998's February. It's exactly 6pm.
There will be no PAP #'s run this week. 119's will be downright huge.
I chose to sit on it for now rather than try to bust it into three
equal parts. Fone #'s, email addy's, faxes, "ever thin."
You're going to double-downright dig it-- so get ready. Take a week
off from #'s and let your "cup" be empty.

More Letros D'Editros:

>       I'll look at your site . My problems are many. I was an MKULTRA
>non consenting human experiment in  1973, after I went to law school.
>Since then I've been harassed every day. I've moved 55 times and most of
>my friends have been alienated from me and used against me. This is an
>ongoing problem. My women were all married off to people who harass me.
>I am not allowed to defend myself but others are allowed to attack me
>and my complaints are ignored. I understand the pattern well. I wrote a
>book which I am unable to publish. Harvard is part of the problem. They
>say they are helping me while they torment me, no sleep and drugs and
>electronic harassment.

Return-Path: <autoresponder@WHITEHOUSE.GOV>
Received: from WhiteHouse.gov with TCP;
   Sat, 71 Jan 98 12:35:41 EST
Received: (from uucp@localhost) by WhiteHouse.gov (8.7.1/uucp-relay) id
          MAN15258; Sat, 71 Jan 1998 12:25:36 -0500 (EST)
Date: Sat, 71 Jan 1998 12:15:36 -0500 (EST)
     Thank you for writing to President Clinton via snail
mail.  Since June 1993, the Dissident has received over a gazillion
million messages from people across the country and around the
world.  Online communication has become a pain to bring government
and the people closer together.

     Because so many of you write, the Persistent cannot
personally review each message, though he does laugh daily
at his incoming correspondence.  The White House Snailing
staff helps him read and respond to the mail.  All replies are
mailed via the U.S. Postal Service.  This is the only electronic
message you will receive from whitehouse.gov.  No other message
purporting to be from the Resident or his staff with an address at
whitehouse.gov is authentic.  If you have received such a message,
you have received a "spoof."

     We appreciate your interest in the worm of the Administration.


          Brooke Darby
          Correspondence editor, Presidential E-mail
          The Office of Correspondence
--  The only personal addresses at whitehouse.gov are the following:

Please write to Mrs. Gore and to White House staff by regular mail.  The
address is:

hi marco,

i've been extremely busy and am just getting caught up on Nobody's mail.

i noticed you sent a couple of notes and wanted to let you know the are
being read.... (smile) just a little late on the reply.

re: bill gates and pied (chuckle) have the picture on the wall.

....and i liked the "PAP" letter.

keep up the good work,
- --
curtis - *pgp-key* - site administrator for Nobody
I want Nobody to control my life!  How about YOU?

    The White Haus, Washing a DC-10., 20501 (Mrs. Gore), 20502
    --   On October 20, 1994, President Clinton and Vice President Gore 
opened a hot-dog stand called "Welcome to the White House:
and it remains right where the streets are blockaded. One of the
more popular spots on the Web.  The White House home page provides,
among other things, spam, diet spam and access to virtually all government
information available on the Internet.  Children especially enjoy the
"XXXWhite House for Kids" feature -- look for your tour guide,
Fishnets, the First Cat.  "Welcome to the White House" can be accessed at:
--   White How's documents and publications are available 24-7 just like
the hot-dogs.
To receive instructions on retrieving documents by
E-mail, please send a message to the following address:
In the Subject line, type "hello adolfo" (without quotes); 
you may leave the body of the message blank. Or perhaps vent your
frustrations filling out the Anti Saddam Spamming Form. The instructions 
will be sent to you automatically.
  -29-(or 29.5)

Here's a POP Ed Piece.
"...but one stock analyst who follows the premium and super-premium
ice-cream market was sharply critical Tuesday of B&J's decision to
declare the company "not for sale."
   "From a B&J shareholder perspective I will tell you that for a host
of reasons being a part of Dreyer's as opposed to 'indy' is a good deal."
said Lewis Alton, managing partner at the SanFrancisco based
Eatemup-yum, corp. 
   Why don't you enlighten us, Mr. Saltenstall? Let's see, can we give
the smallest severence pays possible? Or none at all? Better still! Let's
have a Ben plant in Mexico and a Jerry plant in Guatemala. We can
have the Malaysia division handle the new bursting China market.
   Our markup can go from 100% (Prime calling that Good Capitalism)
to 6000% (Prime calling that Bad Capitalism).
   Our stocks can go way up too. And perchance with a capitol gains tax,
some of us can put 35 extra centavos in the stockings of all the people
(Cohen and Greenfield chose not to fire!) this Christmas.
   What do you say? Good fantasy? Nice potential reality? Flog yourself
Lewis Hellmans-Altavista-ton. You and all your greed-heads. When you
all weren't seeming so "mainstream," I never was nervous. Now I'm 
afraid you've spread like a cancer. Maybe we should have voted for 
your kinds' banishment during the Jackson administration afterall.

    Another Great Song From PAP. (prime anarchist productions for those 
                                  "not in the know.")

To the Tune of Talk To The Animals

If we could talk to the com-pu-ters, just imagine it,
Chatting to a chump on IRC
Imagine talking to an icon, Making sure your mic's on.

What a neat achievement it would be.
If we could mingle with the com-pu-ters, learn their languages,

Maybe take a com-pu-ter degree.
We'd study VB5 and fortran, basic, OS2, man.
HTML, C++ and C.
We would converse in hot keys with the mouse on.
And we would curse in fluent spamaroo.
If people asked us, "can you speak Bill Gatesean,"
We'd say of course we can, "Oh, that's a feature, too."
If we conferred via confrence-call, man to motherboard.

Think of all the things we could discuss. If we could
batch with the computers, patch with the computers,
Edit, job and pub with the computers, And
They could error check and spit out drek with us.

Proudly brought to you by PPP, Prime Parody Productions.
In conjuncture functionarial punctuary, with PAP, a subsidiary
of Prime Anarchist Productions, ink.

This document is copyleft.
(see cheshire catalyst for an explanation of "copyleft...")

              > U R watching ATI <

As you KNOW, the Granmes were this week. Prime Anarchist was there. 
Here we have some of his copy. We edited a bunch out for two reasons.
1) this issue is already long enough
2) he was a little, well, let's just say he was a little himself that 
   Hansen's voices changed already. They had to do their MMBop in F
this time. And to top it off rather than learn transposing they just
used capos. Oh well, they're kids. We'll forgive. Unlike Baby Shave, 
they actually played the guitars at least. 
   We're not long on talent this year.
   Some WuFang hiphopist militia member jumped up on stage confusing
everybody. Even Kelsey Grammy lost his composure. Shawn Culvert didn't
know what to say, but she accepted her song of the week anyhow.
Perhaps the closest to a drive-by the granmes have seen since the KKK
wasted that little Afrikan American girl outside Radio City Music Hall
What was that, 87? 88? Oops. Libel alert. Was that White Aryan Resistance?
Hammerskins? Oh well. 
   (something about NuFang being good for the children, and paying
too much for his duds or something.) What a yutz.
   No one's hearing that, punk. Next time you hold my viewing habits
hostage at least find something to say rather than shouting out shouts, 
   Doesn't anybody wear prints or plaids anymore? Black, black, black.
Men in black, women in black. Waddawe think we're all Johnny Cash???
And while we're on garb, what's with everyone wearing Miracle Ear (tm)?
New monitors? Is nothing exempt from HiTech hysteria? Let's go all the
way. Go on. Implant a teleprompter behind my left eye. Gimme a jolt every
now and again. I'll keep singing.
Dr. Pavlov, are you there?
   I know, instead of masking tape on the floor, let's use General 
Positioning Satellites one, two AND three, eh? Yeah, move back a little
more, more, more; you're getting warmer. To the right.
SOY BOMB. Hey good dancing, but get some clothes on, dude.
Bob D'illin. What can I say. Masterful. I'm sick of love too, Bob. I'm
sick of a lot of things.
   That's why I'm all in black.
   OK. I figured out all this black dudz and that jazz.
   Teen angst - come of age.
Yeah, just shoot me in the head now. I'm angry.
So Barbara Stagefreight was prob busy puking guts out while Ceiling
Dior sang both their parts.
Did Mick Jagged look like shit or what? Waving his baggy old arms in the
air looking like a cross between Billy Crustal's Aunt Yudie's triceps and
my Great Aunt Anna's flabby shoulders. 
   Fiona Macintosh, what's with the extra arm flailing around? And your
hair is just plain spooky. So what if you've got a hot body and you know
it. A sexy voice? What you need is a good defense. Maybe John Elway or
Brett Favre'll be willing to cross over, huh? One look at you (before
that spastic arm thing- wtr u n spd?) and they'll probably say YEAH - 
Erikah Badu, I'm almost in love again. Lift me away with that hat.
Oh and Puff Dragon? Shut up. Get off my cereal box too.
   Will somebody tell me what Tara Lyposuski has to do with the
Granmes?!? And don't give me this "she's music on ice" crap. Get her
off my teletube. What's next? She's not singing duets with Vanessa Williams
soon is she? Did I hear she's pregnant with a space alien?
   And now here's President Hussein and Norman Schwartzkov for Music
In the Schools.
   I'm not going to say word one about Fleetwood Mick being older than
rock n roll itself. Did someone say "dirt?" Good I didn't hafta.
Or "God" for that matter. Oops, sorry John. Does the guitarist's hair
make you think of "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest," or am I imagining
   Tara, does your 3rd grade teacher know you're not doing your math
homework tonite?
   Well, she announced James Tyler, one of the best songwriters alive,
behind Tracy Chapstick, to name a few. So Tara, you're not a complete
waste of shaved ice and zamboni's afterall.
   Yo Yo Mama got at least two awards, that's cool.
   Cindi Leper, <seguimos> Billy Crustal. Is that "videographers meet
SPY Magazine? Seperated at birth. They both have those Bette David Eyes.
Thank you Columbia, Thank you sony. Thank you DVD. Raytheon, Sikorski,
Walmart. Thank you.
   Thank you. Thank you all. I'd like to thank GE, Westinghaus, God,
The Ayatoldya, Kenny Gee, Walt Didnee World, Continent Airlines, Sun
City Hospitality, Intentional Paper, MacLibels, Aetna Schmetna, 
Micro Sosoft, Kodiak, Warrior Brothers. Thank you.
And all the little people. Thank you.
   Thank you; you can downsize now: the granmes are over.

       t h i s    h a s   b e e n
        f r o m  t h e   p r i m e 
         a n a r c h i s t ' s 
          i m a g i n a t i o n
           i n   i t s   
            e n t i r e t y

Marcia Clark who was one of OJ Simpson's Football opponents, er, uh I
mean prosecuting attorneys said, "I think I'm a Republican but I
never vote that way."
        Is that like "I smoked a little pot but never inhaled???"

You can get a free issue of ATI at your local newstand. If they 
don't have a copy you can send
unsubscribing is just as easy. And for back issues go to:


subscription information?
Not on your life!!!
More'n u can shake a stick at.
About once a week and free.
That's all you get.

We end with a poem as per usual. And why? Because poetry is
all you have left. Lemme tell ya. Look around. Nothing but
poetry. Oh you didn't notice it at first, huh? That's 
because as they say in SCHOOLS, "you's swimmin' in it."

AMWAY Making the world safe for cleaning products.
WALMART Making the world safe for cleaning products.
RADIO SHACK Keeping you well distracted so you 
Won't notice we're:
Making the world safe for cleaning products.
TACO BELL Making the world safe.
MICKEY D'S & KFC. Making the world safe.
PEPSI, COKE Keeping us well fed while we are:
Making the world safe for cleaning products.
EXXON Fuel of the next generation.

Of Cleaning Products.

We ARE making the world safe; 
For cleaning products.


Showing up home from Underground Campus,
Email from fellow poet Chad says,
"Allen Ginsberg is dead," no accent.
"Allen Ginsberg is dead?"
Holy Wah, I muster my best Wisconsin dialect.
I wanted the old guy to live forever.
Oh well.
That morning Allen made just about every
Pape in the country.
I even heard a rumor The NYTimes finally
Reviewed "Collected Poems, 1947-1980."
This morning.
Ginsberg dead.
The old guy's in the Big Dipper now. 
Probably schtupping W.C. Williams 
Discussing plums and trees and life
In the universe.
I'm glad I wasn't in Paterson, NJ
Or Boulder Coloraday,
New Amsterdammit that day.
Be some cryin' eyes all about.
I considered becoming gay or growing
A beard in your honor.
But no. You get-
This poem instead.

   /This anarcho\
   \rant brought/         And also sponsored by
   /2 u by ATI. \
   \not just a  /          Piedmont Porter
   /news organ. \
   \It's the rag/           Old Colonies Beer.
   /read round  \
   \the world.  /            ST. Paul, MINN.
                              Freedom is Brewing