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 ******   *****             The Online Magazine             ***********         
 ******   *****         of Amateur Creative Writing        ************         
 September 1989              Circulation: 205         Volume I, Issue 1         
 Etc...  ..................................................  Jim McCabe         
 One Slip  ........................................  David B. O'Donnell         
 --------                                                       Fiction         
 The Problem with the Planet  .............................  Derek Zahn         
 ---------------------------                                    Fiction         
 August 1968  .........................................  Marvin Germany         
 -----------                                                     Poetry         
 Duet  ....................................................  Bill Sklar         
 ----                                                           Fiction         
 Picture Perfect (part 1 of 2)  ...........................  Gene Smith         
 ---------------                                                Fiction         
   *                                                                *           
   *              ATHENE, Copyright 1989 By Jim McCabe              *           
   *  This magazine may be archived and reproduced without charge   *           
   *      under the condition that it is left in its entirety.      *           
   *   The individual works within are the sole property of their   *           
   *    respective authors, and no further use of these works is    *           
   *           permitted without their explicit consent.            *           
   *               Athene is published quasi-monthly                *           
   *              by Jim McCabe, MCCABE@MTUS5.BITNET.               *           
   *    This ASCII edition was created on an IBM 3161 mainframe     *           
   *             using the Xedit System Product Editor.             *           
   *                                                                *           
 Jim McCabe                                                                     
      Many people have asked me why  I am publishing Athene.  This, the         
 first issue, is as good a place as any to answer this question.                
      I  love short  stories.  I  had  heard of  FSFnet, an  electronic         
 magazine that specialized in fantasy  and science fiction stories, and         
 liked the  idea of a  computer-distributed magazine.  The idea  was so         
 appealing that I  just assumed there must be lots  of them "out there"         
 on the networks.                                                               
      So I started looking around for one.                                      
      I  posted messages  to  all sorts  of  different network  special         
 interest groups, asking if anyone knew where I could subscribe to such         
 a magazine.   No one  seemed to  know if any  even existed,  much less         
 where to find them.  Usually, I  would get a few responses from people         
 who said, "I don't know of any story magazines, but please let me know         
 if you find one!"                                                              
      This routine  continued for another  couple weeks, and  I finally         
 realized that  if I wanted a  fiction magazine I'd have  to publish it         
 myself.  And thus Athene was born.                                             
      But what  could I do  to improve upon  the idea?  Well,  first of         
 all, I like a  good story, ANY good story --  not just science fiction         
 or  fantasy.  Man,  it would  be great  if there  was a  magazine that         
 published  quality stories  from  all walks  of literature;  religion,         
 mystery,  drama,  politics, human  nature,  sports,  and business,  in         
 addition to scifi and fantasy.                                                 
      I started looking  around at some of the existing  emags, to find         
 out what kind of distribution schemes  they used.  And then I realized         
 that  about half  of them  were really  ugly.  Sure,  they were  great         
 magazines and  the content was  first-rate, but the appearance  was so         
 distracting that I had a hard  time taking them seriously.  This would         
 be something I'd have to fix.                                                  
      Laser printers are becoming more and more commonplace these days.         
 Why  not distribute  Athene  pre-formatted  and ready  to  print on  a         
 high-quality  printer?  "Because  not  everyone has  one, doofus!"  So         
 Athene is  be distributed in two  formats; one for people  who can use         
 PostScript printers and another for those who can't, or don't want to.         
 Maybe I suceeded in making both versions as pretty as possible.                
      And here we are, three months and 205 subscribers later, with the         
 premier  issue of  Athene.  I  think you'll  agree that  I met  my two         
 goals.   The  content  is  great,  and  it  looks  pretty  nifty  too.         
 Hopefully, Athene will only get better as time goes on.                        
      So sit back, relax, and enjoy the stories.  (Or else!) Until next         
                                                                 -- Jim         
 One Slip                                                                       
 By David B. O'Donnell                                                          
 Copyright 1989 David B. O'Donnell                                              
         "And with one slip...                                                  
          we can lose ourselves forever"                                        
          Shriekback, ''The Only Thing That Shines''                            
      While Rome burned down around us, we made passionate love.  Then,         
 like insane  clockwork, the  meter ran  out, and  with a  cold sputter         
 Denis and  the ashes of Rome  faded away.  Leaving me,  as they always         
 did, lying in a  sheen of lukewarm sweat, stretched out  on my slab of         
 bedfoam with  that light-year  stare that  is all  that remains  of an         
 interrupted stint with a Hallucer.                                             
      Rolling off  the sweaty  durafoam, I headed  over to  the 'lucer,         
 fishing out a  few of the Fuehrer's finest.  But  then the shivers hit         
 me, and  the "instinct to survive"  kicked in.  I'd been  hooked up to         
 the 'lucer an awful  lot lately -- evidenced by the  fact that only 30         
 new Deutschemarks were  left, out of this month's payment,  and it was         
 only the first  Satur- day of the  month.  If you stay  plugged in too         
 long, your  sense of  reality weakens,  especially if  you hallucinate         
 your  past, and  the shivers  were a  sign my  body was  struggling to         
 recall just where I was.                                                       
      The Fourth  Reich had promised the  world an age of  equality, of         
 prosperity  --   of  all  the   things  the  social   democracies  and         
 free-enterprise Bolsheviks had promised  us, fifty years ago.  Neither         
 delivered.   America was  defunct, torn  apart in  the civil  war that         
 erupted  when  their  52nd  President/High Priest  had  declared  that         
 certain  nationality-, color-,  and  preference-based minorities  were         
 damned and  therefore should be  ''Cleaned off  the face of  this here         
 earth,  yea verily,  we  will  HEAL this  planet  of  its sins!''  The         
 Sino-Soviets were  still struggling  with the realities  of conquering         
 each other,  were still trying  to deal  with the nearly  four billion         
 hungry  mouths inside  their  vast  borders.  Rumor  had  it that  the         
 Imperial  Australian  Navy  was  using thermonuclear  devices  on  the         
 Coalition of the People's Democratic Pacific Islands.  All in all, our         
 world  was heading  own  the  path to  annihilation  faster than  ever         
 before.  In the middle of  this anarchic chaos, the European Community         
 suddenly declared itself the Fourth Reich,  and promised to usher in a         
 new age to this poor world.                                                    
      At first, no one listened, but when the Reich started advertising         
 for buyers  for its  SURPLUS grain,  then for  ''Persons of  any race,         
 creed, color, nationality, or political or sexual preference'' to join         
 in a ''Heraklean  task: namely, that of saving  our beleaguered Mother         
 Earth, and of  securing the eternal continuance of  homo sapiens'', we         
 listened.  Hell, who cared if they chose to call what they had a Reich         
 or a  Playground?  It WORKED --  there was no war,  no suppression, no         
 oppression, and plenty of food.  The exodus from the ruins of New York         
 would have impressed  Cecile B.  DeMille, as  literally millions raced         
 to leave the corruption behind.                                                
      The People's  Democratic Republic of New  Moskva capitulated over         
 the phone; their people were tired,  hungry, cold, and many were dying         
 from radiation sickness.   If we could deliver  100,000 coats, rations         
 for a  week, and  medical supplies,  the eastern  quarter of  Asia was         
 ours.  We delivered, though knowing now as  I do at the price that was         
 paid for that first victory, I  almost wonder if it wouldn't have been         
 easier to let them die, and simply walk in.                                    
      My watch has died, the solar cell a bloated green, but I can tell         
 by the  way the  sunlight filters  through the smoke  that it  must be         
 noon.  Out in the courtyard, more burnings are taking place, and I can         
 hear the cries, smell the sweetness as the bodies of the loyalists are         
 consumed by plasma torch.                                                      
      Shuffling to the  fridge, I peer inside.  There is  still food --         
 such as it is -- and distillate, enough  for a week or two if I spread         
 it out.  The protein extract bars are  gooey this week, and I can only         
 barely repress a  shudder as an old memory of  the Prague Experimental         
 Food  Processing Plant  comes unbidden  to mind,  but I  tear off  the         
 bioplastic  cover, and  scarf it  down nonetheless.   It has  no taste         
 (that's  what the  distillate  is for)  but it  does  contain all  the         
 necessary nutrients for a healthy body.   I have to grin at the irony;         
 my body is  wracked with a dozen  types of pain daily,  from the wars,         
 and my mind is a shattered  vase, only thinly held together by fantasy         
 and the  'lucer.  Hopefully,  they will  be coming to  take me  to the         
 courtyard soon.  I suppose I'll scream, like the others, because it is         
 somehow the proper thing to do, but that thought slips away as my mind         
 turns back to what it calls the past.                                          
      The  first few  conquests were  easy enough,  but eventually  the         
 remnants of  the old  nationalist fires were  restoked, and  it became         
 necessary to  fight to  free the  enslaved masses.   We had  to starve         
 Britain out;  over seven millions died  in the three years  it took to         
 break  her, and  parts of  the island  to this  day smell  like rotted         
 flesh.  And yet, it is said that the most beautiful flower in creation         
 grows there, and only there: St.  Margaret's Thatch, thin wiry flowers         
 an iridescent blood-red.  I had a  few once; sent Denis a bouquet, but         
 he complained  they arrived  dead, scratchy, and  gave him  a horrible         
 allergy-reaction.  I laughed, then, and eventually he got the joke.            
      We met during the South African  campaign, the one of '94.  I was         
 a leftenant in the Fuehrer's air forces, Denis was a network jockey, a         
 console cowboy, and a notorious  philanderer.  In mid May, we atomized         
 Cape Town  (and all  three million secessionists);  on the  day after,         
 Denis and I were married.  My parents  had died in a place once called         
 Baltimore, of a rouge cold virus  the Canadians had let loose a decade         
 ago.  Denis'  refused to come to  the ceremony.  I guess  that was for         
 the best, because  they died the next week, of  gunshot wounds through         
 the back; the Internal Police  determined they were passing secrets to         
 Beijing.  We decided to swap last names  as part of the ceremony, so I         
 became Kelly Frustham, and Denis took my last name of O'Reilly.                
      In 2095, the forces of the Fourth Reich had completely subjugated         
 Europe, Africa, and the Americas.  Heady on our successes, no one paid         
 attention  to the  unrest in  Dusseldorf; everyone  knew the  tales of         
 genetic  manipulation were  wrong,  anyway.  The  Fuehrer would  never         
 sanction the use of human beings as cattle, would she?                         
      Denis and I spent the summer of 2095 in a Paris flat, living like         
 artists.  I was  his model, and he  made paintings of me  in the nude,         
 and even  managed to paint  us very realistically making  love.  Those         
 were the happiest  days of our lives.  We were  both successful in our         
 jobs,  happy with  ourselves, and  bouyant with  propaganda-influenced         
 pride in  our Fuehrer.   October fourth, the  forces of  the Fuehrer's         
 space fleet destroyed the Sino-Soviet battlestation; For my birthday a         
 week later, Denis presented me with a piece of the station, encased in         
 thermoplastic resin.  He never told me  where he found it, but I carry         
 it  around with  me everywhere.   The edges  are a  little smooth  and         
 rounded, but you can still read the Chinese glyphs on the metal.               
      It's Friday  now.  On Wednesday  I gambled with the  guard leader         
 for more  money for  the 'lucer,  and lost.  She  made me  do terrible         
 things to her with latin names...  it took two days to rinse her taste         
 out of my mouth with distillate.  I am ever gladder that I never liked         
 women.  Oh, they took the Russian  away last night, little Nikita.  He         
 was a  quiet, withdrawn  man, who  spent his  time playing  chess with         
 himself, but you  would have thought they had shoved  a bowling pin up         
 his ass last night.  Maybe they did.  I decided it isn't true, though,         
 what the  Bureau of Information  always said.  Russians smell  just as         
 cloyingly bad as we do when  they burn.  Maybe they spitted him before         
 turning on their portable reactor?  I  don't know.  I need to remember         
 Denis, his image  is fading away as the glue  holding my past together         
 dissolves into dust.                                                           
      We adopted Hans in 2096.  He  turned out to be a sullen, stubborn         
 boy.  His  parents were American fundamentalists,  and their prejudice         
 had been set into the substrate of his soul.  He didn't approve of me,         
 he wanted  to kill us both.   We sent him to  the State Psychiatrists.         
 They  told  us  to  put  him  in the  Army.   He  died,  in  2097,  in         
 Vladivostok, of  a latent form of  the same cold virus  that killed my         
 parents.  We decided to have no more children, and moved from Paris to         
 a spacious apartment  in Wiesbaden.  The sign said it  had once housed         
 the American  President George Bush,  but my histories,  from America,         
 told me he had been assassinated in 1991 by members of the ''Coalition         
 for  a Catholic  Congress'', one  of  the many  hundreds of  terrorist         
 groups his  regime had  fought against (and  eventually lost  to).  We         
 bought two  siamese kittens, and  settled down.  The news  from Berlin         
 was  good, the  Fuehrer's lover  had  declared her  pregnant with  the         
 Fuehrer-to-be,  and the  world was  preparing for  our assault  on the         
 Empire of Australia.                                                           
      Even though  we were both  nearly forty,  Denis and I  enjoyed an         
 active,  healthy  sex  life.   We  were  always  careful  to  immunize         
 ourselves before and  after making love -- we didn't  want a repeat of         
 the horrors of the Albuquerque Plagues of the early teens.  But as all         
 things  do,  every- thing  changed  when  our  fleets were  routed  by         
 Australia.  Denis  became furtive,  and our relationship  suffered.  I         
 was no longer his beau, his beloved Kelly.                                     
      Denis was  arrested soon after  the defeat, on charges  of having         
 conspired to  bring about  the defeat of  our forces  through database         
 treason.  I  never saw him  again.  Soon  afterward, we began  to lose         
 more and more battles.   I was in Rome when the  forces of the Emperor         
 of Australia burned her; I helped  defend the city, but was shot down.         
 I was captured, or at least that's what I remember.  I was in hospital         
 for many weeks, and they say I did little else but call out for Denis.         
      They have come for me at  last.  I am the only remaining loyalist         
 to hold  out, they say.  Everyone  else has condemned the  Fuehrer, or         
 died in  the plasma torch.   I tell them that  I don't care  what they         
 want me  to say,  or not to  say.  She  gave us hope,  at least  for a         
 little while.  I ask them what my torture will be, and the leader, the         
 same  woman who  defeated me  with her  loaded dice,  leers at  me and         
 points at my crotch while making  a slicing motion.  It doesn't bother         
 me, though.  I have long since been without need for that piece of me.         
 As  we stumble  out into  the corriidor,  I see  the image  the 'lucer         
 always fails on...  As Rome burns around us, Denis and I are locked in         
 passionate embrace.                                                            
           A neophyte author, Luther (aka David O'Donnell, aka                  
           Atropos)   submits  that   William  Gibson,   Roger                  
           Zelazny,  Michael Moorcock  and  Frank Herbert  are                  
           probably  his  biggest  influences.  While  he  has                  
           written  a few  short stories,  poetry is  his main                  
           thrust.   Born  and  lived his  life  in  Michigan,                  
           Luther is  a (soon-to-be) graduated senior  at MTU,                  
           in   the   field    of   Scientific   &   Technical                  
           Communication.  He  has hopes of following  up with                  
           graduate studies  at Brown University, where  he is                  
           owner of the Belief-L Listserv list.  Luther can be                  
           reached at  his network address and  enjoys talking                  
           about anything.                                                      
 The Problem with the Planet                                                    
 By Derek Zahn                                                                  
      -- Oh,  how strange and  delightful the  planet is.  Look  at it,         
 Noo.  Fascinating, odd  architecture, humans scurrying to  and fro.  I         
 knew that  this would be  the right place  to go.  "Too  far," indeed.         
 Fantastic.  Look at all that  activity.  Noo, leave off the topography         
 plots for a minute and look, will you?                                         
      -- Ah.  Strange, the brochure  didn't show any vehicles like that         
 and I'm sure the buildings are supposed to be smaller.                         
      --  Don't be  a spoilsport.   Things change  over time,  you know         
      -- Looks rather dirty to me.                                              
      -- It's just technology.  Think  how glorious the construction of         
 our  temples will  be.  How  splendid  the artwork,  songs of  praise,         
 sacrifices.  Find  a place to  land for Contact.  I'm  nearly unstable         
 with anticipation.  How about that clear spot over there?                      
      -- Patience, Vee.   Let's wait until the activity  dies down.  We         
 wouldn't want  to lessen  the impact by  giving ourselves  away before         
 we're prepared.                                                                
      Johnny  Westlake sat  in the  middle of  the fifth  green at  Las         
 Palmas, his  legs crossed under  him.  He  would often sneak  into the         
 course  long after  the  yups  and the  retirees  and the  businessmen         
 playing hookey  finished miscounting  their strokes.  He  would wander         
 through  his mysterious  and empty  faeryland of  palm trees,  bridged         
 brooks, and  shadows, and finally  choose a  place to sit.   To brood,         
      To brood, tonight.                                                        
      He whiled  away the time  hurling carefully crafted  invective at         
 his  own  life and  the  institution  of  life itself,  worthless  and         
 wretched.  For Johnny was not a happy  man; nor was he quite sane.  He         
 would readily  agree with  that assessment, though  he might  raise an         
 eyebrow at his assessor and demand a concrete example of sanity to use         
 as a referent.  Or one of happiness, for that matter.                          
      His few friends  had given up discussing the subject  at all with         
 him long ago, which suited Johnny just fine.  They didn't understand.          
      "The problem with  our sick world and my sick  self," Johnny said         
 to nobody at all, "is that  we've lost our innocence.  Jack climbs the         
 beanstalk and finds a castle.  What  does he do?  Robs and murders the         
 inhabitant.  Right, wrong,  who knows?  But surely  not innocent.  Not         
 innocent at all."                                                              
      He paused,  making quite sure that  the point was made.   "We are         
 given  blind  scientific  truth  and an  abundance  of  cleverness  as         
 substitutes.  Hah!"                                                            
      He imagined himself a Preacher  of the New Faith, casting symbols         
 to the wind.   "Tree of Knowledge, my ass!  Mislabeling  is lying.  We         
 cannot  conceive  innocent gods  any  more  than gods  could  conceive         
 innocent  Man.  Is  there even  any meaning  to the  word, or  does it         
 merely echo  endlessly across  the generations, one  more unattainable         
      The question  was asked  to the  empty air.   No answer  came, so         
 Johnny specifically addressed the close-cut  grass on the green around         
 him.  "Do you yet retain innocence, O Blades?  Do you endure the Mower         
 and  Divoting  Dolts  with  joyful abandon?   Are  you  unaffected  by         
 fertilizers  and herbicides,  uppers and  downers?  Are  you satisfied         
 with the role you've been chosen to play, O carefully stunted Blades?"         
      With an expansive gesture, he leaned toward the ground, listening         
 for a  response.  As usual, he  got one.  _We'd_be_happier_without_you         
      Johnny  laughed and  sprung to  his  feet, full  of the  peculiar         
 mixture  of  anger,  cynicism,   and  poor  reality-testing  that  had         
 energized  and  consumed  his  life  after  Terri  gave  up  on  their         
 relationship,  almost a  year before.   So  long ago,  and in  another         
      Very deliberately, he deposited a carcass of a field mouse in the         
 hole near  the center of  the green.   He'd found the  corpse earlier,         
 nestled in  the tall dry  grasses in the rough.   The two of  them had         
 entertained each other,  seemingly endlessly, with songs  and tales of         
 their worlds gone  similarly mad.  Johnny felt that,  for the briefest         
 moment, he had found a compatriot.                                             
      "Surprise on five tomorrow," he said, and giggled.                        
      --  What shall  we wear?   Look at  this morph  design I've  been         
 working on.  Three  heads; one breathing fire, one  breathing ice, and         
 one  for  communication.   Hard  green   scaly  pelt.   I  think  it's         
      --  Ah.  You're  right, of  course,  Vee.  However,  it might  be         
 rather disconcerting to them.  Consider these designs.                         
      -- They look just like humans.                                            
      -- Exactly.   Except note the  large size  and some of  the finer         
      -- Well, I suppose they'll do.  Anything for you, my dear.                
      -- You are most gracious, my dear.                                        
      -- Help me fit it, then, will you?  My edges feel a bit frayed.           
      -- My pleasure.                                                           
      Dust swirled around  Johnny and into his face, and  he cursed the         
 Furies, as  if they were  somehow responsible  for wind and  grit from         
 sandtraps.  It  gradually settled, and  Johnny could sense  that there         
 was something different around him.  A certain electricity in the air.         
      He  heard a  slight shimmering,  tinkling sound  and two  figures         
 appeared before him, out of nothing.                                           
      They towered over  him, at least twice his height,  and they were         
 human.  Well,  they _looked_ human,  except for their  massive stature         
 and faintly glowing  skin.  They wore no clothing,  and looked vaguely         
      Johnny stood very still while they appeared, his eyes narrowed to         
 suspicious slits.  Then he laughed.                                            
      He  said, "I  regret  to  inform you  that  night-putting is  not         
 allowed at  Las Palmas.  The  course opens promptly at  eight o'clock.         
 Come back then."                                                               
      He noticed  no effect  on the  two apparitions  at first.   Not a         
 muscle moved, not a hair bent in the mild breeze.  Their eyes gazed at         
 some spot slightly above Johnny and far behind him.  After a time, the         
 male figure opened its mouth.                                                  
      "Adore and Worship Us, Mortal!" The words thundered forth.                
      Johnny was  stunned by the  volume of  the command for  a moment,         
 then shrugged it off.  "What have we here?  Have Adam and Eve returned         
 to the scene of their crimes expecting thanks?"                                
      He circled the pair, cautiously.                                          
      "When the  blind lead the blind  the result is blind  faith.  You         
 overestimate  your   charms,  my   opalescent  friends."   He  paused,         
 collecting  his thoughts.   His  own particular  brew  of torture  and         
 sorrow swirled inside him, the frothy bubbles spilling from his mouth.         
      "Adore and  worship?  And  what reward will  great gods  offer in         
 exchange for my  soul this time?  You will bring  Terri back, perhaps?         
 You will create peace and harmony where none exists to ease the burden         
 of your murderous  charges?  The bribes offered by gods  are the least         
 honorable of all, for they cost them nothing."                                 
      He  was  shouting now.   "Keep  your  trinkets and  well-polished         
 services, soul-catchers!  They are not required here."                         
      Johnny's  breath quickened  as he  awaited a  response.  After  a         
 time, the female's gaze converged on him.                                      
      "Adore and Worship Us!" she boomed.                                       
      "Fuck off."                                                               
      -- Noo, are you sure that the translator is working properly?             
      -- Yes, it  all checks.  This is most  distressing.  The brochure         
 details the  human reactions  that other groups  have received  in the         
 past.   All most  satisfactory.  Occasionally  quite delightful.   But         
 there's nothing there to account for this.                                     
      -- I do hope this planet isn't spoiled; we came so far.  We can't         
 very well replay _this_ for Ga and Tia.  We have to get the natives to         
 build a few temples and sing and dance and feast.  A little, anyway.           
      --  I know,  I know:  it's not  much fun  without at  least that.         
 Let's try again.                                                               
      The male figure spoke again,  loudly.  "Rejoice and celebrate, my         
 child, for we are come!"                                                       
      Johnny clenched  and unclenched his  hands in an odd  rhythm, now         
 completely oblivious to  anything in his world but  the apparitions in         
 front of him.                                                                  
      He cackled a burst of laughter.  "A song, then!" He sang a snatch         
 from the latest  Bloodhounds tune making the  playlists on progressive         
 rock stations.                                                                 
                     I read the signs                                           
                     I hate the signs                                           
                     TV personalities                                           
                     I hate them all                                            
                     Buy Coca-Cola                                              
                     I said, "Buy Coca-Cola"                                    
                     Don't buy Pepsi                                            
                     Drink Coke!                                                
      He  coughed, and  spat  on the  foot of  the  female giant.   The         
 spittle  sizzled and  disappeared, as  it might  do on  a frying  pan.         
 Johnny stared at the glowing foot  for a long time, looking inward and         
 outward.  He ached.                                                            
      -- Noo, this is horrible.  I won't stand for it.                          
      -- Quite right.  I have an idea.  The images in the brochure show         
 only groups of worshippers.  I wonder  if they have to swarm to behave         
      -- Hey, I bet that's it.                                                  
      -- There is  a heavily populated area very near  here.  Give me a         
 moment, my dear, to modify us for flight.                                      
      "Let me tell you a  story," Johnny said, finally, quietly.  "Once         
 upon a time  there was a young archaeologist, with  the eagerness of a         
 fresh Ph.D. in his hand and his  first little hole to dig.   He was in         
 a god-forsaken and  destitute part of Iraq, looking  for precursors to         
 the Sumerians.                                                                 
      "In the course of time, he  discovered a small settlement and, in         
 particular,  a  stone  building  that   he  fancied  a  small  temple.         
 Eventually, after much careful digging  and scraping, he unearthed its         
 secrets.  He found a small enclosure, containing a row of fairly large         
 urns settled next to the wall.  The north wall.                                
      "This made  him very excited,  for obscure reasons.  He  issued a         
 report containing a  description of his findings, and some  of his own         
 speculation on their significance and possible meaning.                        
      "He was a foolish and arrogant man."                                      
      -- I still like the three-headed green lizards better.                    
      -- Vee, I thought we'd decided to try these morphs again.                 
      -- Don't  get excited.  I  was only  teasing.  We don't  get many         
 chances to vacation, especially in wild and remote areas like this.  I         
 think you should relax and enjoy it.                                           
      -- You're absolutely right, dearest.  My apologies.                       
      "Analysis  proved quite  convincingly that  the damned  urns were         
 toilets,  of course.   Oh, the  slugs  in the  department loved  that.         
      He stifled a giggle.  "The more  I think about it, the more sense         
 that theory makes."                                                            
      Johnny  fell silent  then; thinking,  thinking, his  body swaying         
      -- All set, Vee?                                                          
      -- I guess so.  Noo, what do  we do if all humans react like this         
      -- Call in the harvesters, I guess.                                       
      -- I suppose so.  Seems sad, somehow.                                     
      The two figures  rose slowly off the well-tended  grass and began         
 to float  north.  Their  progress was  smooth and  silent in  the cool         
      Johnny broke  out of his reverie.   He shook an upraised  fist at         
 the departing aliens.   "You won't find what you want,"  he shouted to         
 the air.  "Beware expectations in the dominion of Man."                        
      A short time  later, two o'clock arrived and  the lawn sprinklers         
 came to life.  Johnny danced playfully in the water, opening his mouth         
 to catch the droplets in a vain attempt to quench his terrible thirst.         
           Derek is a computer science graduate student at the                  
           University of Wisconsin -  Madison.  He is studying                  
           Artificial Intelligence and is looking for a thesis                  
           topic, or at least a good margarita.  He grew up in                  
           a  mongrel  variety  of southeast  Wisconsin  small                  
           towns and suburban sprawl  areas.  "My friends call                  
           me 'Derek.'  Telephone solicitors  (incarnations of                  
           the Antichrist) call me 'Mr.  Zahn.'" Derek started                  
           writing early on, and at  25 he has nearly mastered                  
           the entire  alphabet.  He  has written over  half a                  
           dozen or  so stories  over the  years and  hopes to                  
           publish  some  in the  high-curculation  paperzines                  
           he's  been   reading  since  childhood,   "if  only                  
           everyone  else   would  stop  writing   such  great                  
           stories..."  His  other  interests range  from  the                  
           electric guitar, philosophy, and physics to comedy,                  
           booze, drugs, tennis shoe commercials, netnews, and                  
           "the usual compugeek stuff."                                         
 August 1968                                                                    
 By Marvin Germany                                                              
         It's August 1968,                                                      
         and it's twice as hot                                                  
         with the city aflame.                                                  
         Skeets Malone                                                          
         just figured it was time                                               
         to get his when he looted                                              
         the ebony sportscoat from Whitey.                                      
         Revolution was inevitable                                              
         as soon as they hit MLK.                                               
         It's bad enough they got Eldridge,                                     
         Malcolm, and Angela.                                                   
         And as he could hear the marching                                      
         of guardsman and the grinding of their tanks,                          
         he noticed something on a wall.                                        
         In a sea of beige, where nothing green                                 
         grew anymore and where families once lived,                            
         an oriental poster survived all of this madness.                       
         And for some odd reason, it occurred to him                            
         America would go to Europe to fight for the White Man,                 
         and America would go to Vietnam to fight for the Yellow Man.           
         But America goes to it's ghettos to hunt the black man.                
         The grinding of the tanks got closer, as he ran home.                  
 By Bill Sklar                                                                  
 Copyright 1985 Bill Sklar                                                      
      "Who is she,"  I asked myself as we walked  onto the stage, "this         
 person with  whom I've spent  so many of  my evenings and  know almost         
 nothing?" There was  thunderous applause but I could see  as little of         
 the source as  I could of my musical companion's  mind.  When I looked         
 up, all that  was visible was a  single light shining on us,  as if it         
 were an eye, following  us closely as we crossed from  the edge of the         
 stage to our instruments.                                                      
      As we sat  we faced one another  but not once did she  look at me         
 until she was ready to begin.  With a single nod from her we were into         
 the first piece.   "She's the leader," I told myself.   "You play with         
 your soul but she's holding it all together."                                  
      Music poured from  my fingers with a fiery Spanish  feel.  I knew         
 those notes  well and meant  them when I  played them.  She  knew them         
 even better  than I did  but it was as  if she were  taking dictation.         
 Her notes  came out  incredibly.  They  were beautifully  accurate but         
 still--  almost as  if a  computer  played them.   My frustration  was         
 hammered into  the keys and  came out in the  same way.  My  music was         
 consumed  with hatred  and  pain "Why  won't you  respond  to me?"  my         
 fingers  asked her.   She did  nothing  more than  continue her  part,         
 without  sign of  caring for  the music,  just intense  concentration.         
 "Why does she call all the shots?" I wanted to know.                           
      I went back into  my memory and tried to recall  what it was that         
 had put me in this position.  "Don't  you know?" a voice from the back         
 of  my mind  shouted.  "Think  about it,"  it said,  "you wanted  it--         
 remember?" That  was right--  I had  wanted it.   "God, that  was long         
 ago," I  thought as  the music  ended with a  furious array  of notes,         
 fortissimo.   Again came  the anonymous  roar as  the eye  looked down         
 condescendingly.  "What the hell does it want from me?" I thought.             
      "You fool!" it screamed, drowning  out the thunder, "never forget         
 that  you put  yourself here!   She's  calling the  shots because  you         
 wanted her to!"                                                                
      "You're crazy!" my  mind echoed back, reflexively,  but the voice         
 was right.  There I was, waiting what seemed like hours, and for what?         
 Only to play  another useless melody.  To acknowledge  the applause as         
 smile masked  her face and  she looked out, as  if she could  see that         
 hidden  audience.  "Why  is she  so perfect?"  came my  next question.         
 "You're so hidden behind that wall that I can't find you."                     
      Before I knew it we were into the next piece.  My fingers knew it         
 so well that I  was playing it as though I were  the listener, not the         
 performer.  It was a slow, relaxing piece, so I just let it happen.            
      "Do you remember," the voice asked, "how it happened?"                    
      Did  I?  I  guess so.   Dr.  Barton  had really  started it  off.         
 "Stevens!" he'd told me, "this is  Kelly Johnson!  You play with a lot         
 of feeling but you're sloppy as hell.  She's as accurate as can be but         
 doesn't say a  damn thing!  I'm putting the two  of you together until         
 you straighten one another out!" He left us in that room with only two         
 pianos one another.  We had nothing to do but play.  We started into a         
 piece and by the fourth measure she'd stopped.                                 
      "What's wrong?" I asked.                                                  
      "Why don't you try following the rhythm?" she replied coolly.             
      "That's what I was doing!" I was getting defensive.                       
      "Not really,"  she said.  "Try it  this way." And she  played the         
 part for me.  She was right.  I had missed a beat.  It hadn't occurred         
 to me that if  I sound all right I can still be  making a mistake.  In         
 the  same way  it had  never occurred  to her  that playing  something         
 accurately doesn't  necessarily mean playing  it well.  "Play  it with         
 more of a flow, O.K?" I told her somewhere in the same piece.                  
      "What sort of a flow?"                                                    
      What a  question.  I had to  show her.  "Legato means  a lot more         
 than 'notes  connected.' Try it more  like this." I played  the piece,         
 exaggerating the legato so she'd catch on.                                     
      "All right," she said.  When she played  it back to me she had my         
 exaggerated legato copied perfectly.  Every  single bit of emotion she         
 put into that piece of music was mine because she wouldn't use her own         
 Every single  rhythm in that  piece was  exactly as written,  but only         
 because she showed me how to do it.  We were crutches for one another,         
 but Dr.  Barton was never really satisfied.                                    
      So there we were, in a room full of thousands of people.  We were         
 each totally alone, even apart from each other.  The light shone down,         
 hotter and  hotter every  minute, making the  relaxation in  the piece         
 almost impossible,  but we still  managed to pull through  it alright.         
 Again came  the lunatic  roar but  the light seemed  more and  more to         
 disapprove.  It  was so powerful  that my hands trembled.   Kelly must         
 have felt it, too.  She let that smiling mask of hers flicker, even if         
 only for a moment.                                                             
      We  played a  requiem mass  next.  It  seemed too  easy.  Playing         
 macabre was not  at all difficult enough to be  comfortable with and I         
 felt as if I were growing weaker  and weaker.  The light seemed to dim         
 but in doing so it grew  more and more intensely horrifying.  I looked         
 at her and, for the first time  I could ever remember, she was looking         
 at me as well.  I'd never seen anyone so usually on top of things look         
 so lost.  Her eyes pleaded with me  to help her.  What could I do?  As         
 the piece ended we  were met with a total silence  even worse than the         
 deafening roar.                                                                
      My hands  were frozen.  The  eye was  dimming-- giving up  on us.         
 Suddenly,  with a  power I  never  knew I  had, my  hands broke  free.         
 "Shit!" my  piano cried  through a  sickeningly dissonant  chord.  She         
 echoed it  reflexively but then stared  at her own hands--  shocked at         
 her profanity.  I repeated the chord and she continued echoing it back         
 to me, each time  growing just a little louder.  For one  in my life I         
 saw a grin  on her face.  She was enjoying  her rebellion!  My fingers         
 were  in  total  ecstasy  as  they resolved  that  dissonance  into  a         
 resoundedly  joyous chord  and again  she mimicked  me perfectly.   My         
 hands went on for what  seemed like hours, spontaneously composing and         
 proclaiming  a wonder  and amazement  I'd  never been  able to  speak.         
 Finally, after years  of waiting, she came up with  her own phrase.  A         
 single chord, soft and gentle, whispered "I love you" and I echoed her         
 chord.  The smile  I'd seen before turned into a  beaming glow.  As we         
 repeated her  glorious phrase  back and forth,  louder and  louder, we         
 both  started to  cry  and when  we were  finished,  the chord  echoed         
 through the  hall as  if it would  never die out.   I looked  up.  Our         
 eerie observer was shining radiantly and  I could feel the face of Dr.         
 Barton smiling not at me, but at us.                                           
           Bill  Sklar   is  a  musician  with   interests  in                  
           filmmaking,  biomedical  ethics,  gay  and  lesbian                  
           issues, law and writing.   He feels a driving force                  
           to   express  himself   artistically  as   well  as                  
           politically   through  whatever   means  he   finds                  
           appropriate.  This summer  he has expressed himself                  
           working  as a  custodian  for Lawrence  University.                  
           Bill lives "somewhere  in central Wisconsin," where                  
           spends countless hours  composing and recording his                  
           own  music  for  various  combinations  of  fretted                  
 Picture Perfect (part 1 of 2)                                                  
 By Gene Smith                                                                  
 Copyright 1989 Gene Smith                                                      
      "I'll  soon have  enough saved  up to  buy a  camera of  my own,"         
 thought Phil Davis as he put the finishing touches on Mrs.  McCarthy's         
 lawn.  "Once I have that I'll be able to shop in earnest!"                     
      Phil Davis was an avid photography buff.  No one at Columbia High         
 School, where Phil attended 10th  grade, could remember a student ever         
 becoming photography editor of the school newspaper in their sophomore         
 year.    Phil  pursued   everything  he   did  with   persistence  and         
 determination and his  interest in photography was  no exception.  His         
 talent for composing a photograph  and taking a picture that expressed         
 the essence of the subject earned him his current position.                    
      The irony in this situation was that Phil didn't even own his own         
 camera.  The school  had only two aging Nikons and  they were often in         
 use by  faculty members.  Phil believed  that if he possessed  his own         
 camera he could improve the quality of the school newspaper.  He would         
 be able  to plan  the school  events he would  be covering  instead of         
 playing catch as catch can with the two school cameras.  The fact that         
 he was the photography editor pulled no weight when signing up for one         
 of the cameras.  Faculty had preference!                                       
      Phil returned  the lawn  tools to  his toolbox.   He had  built a         
 small  trailer that  attached to  the  back of  his bike  in which  he         
 carried his toolbox,  a gasoline powered lawn mower and  all the tools         
 he needed to trim lawns in  his neighborhood.  He had been maintaining         
 lawns for several  years and had worked it into  quite a business.  It         
 was this business  that was going to enable him  to purchase his first         
      He was  just packing to leave  when Mrs.  McCarthy came  out onto         
 the porch of her immaculately kept victorian home and shouted,                 
      "Philip!  Philip  Davis!  Don't  you dare  leave young  man.  You         
 haven't finished the job yet and I  won't pay you a single penny until         
 you do!"                                                                       
      Sighing Phil walked back up  the sidewalk to where Mrs.  McCarthy         
 was standing  on her porch,  hands on her  hips.  He had  gone through         
 this many times before.                                                        
      Ever Since Mr.   McCarthy died last year it was  always the same.         
 Mrs.  McCarthy was probably seventy, or so Phil thought, and was quite         
 lonely  after the  death of  her husband.   She used  these complaints         
 simply as  a method of keeping  him there a little  longer.  Phil knew         
 this and  really didn't mind.  Mrs.   McCarthy had always paid  and he         
 knew that she liked the work he did.                                           
      "Mrs.  McCarthy,"  Phil said patiently,  "the lawn is  mowed, the         
 hedges trimmed,  and I've  edged your  sidewalk and  the walk  to your         
 porch.  I am done here and I  have another lawn to finish before dark.         
 I have to be going."                                                           
      It was 2:04 on a Saturday in July as they stood there facing each         
 other.  Phil knew  he had plenty of time before  dark.  The next lawn,         
 Mr.  Pell's, would only  take about an hour or so and  the rest of the         
 afternoon would be  his.  He just didn't want to  get into an argument         
 with Mrs.   McCarthy which would last  15 or 20 minutes  and would end         
 with her telling him "Alright, it does look pretty good I guess."              
      She may have  sensed his reluctance to argue  this particular day         
 as she said to him,                                                            
      "Alright,  it does...   No.   Philip the  lawn  looks just  fine.         
 You've done a  good job.  You always do.  I  don't believe even Edgar,         
 my late husband, could have done a better job."                                
      She turned to  go back into the house, the  sun making her silver         
 hair shine like a halo, when she paused.  She turned back to face Phil         
 and said hopefully,                                                            
      "Philip, I've just taken a batch of chocolate chip cookies out of         
 the oven.  Would you care to have a  few with a big glass of cold milk         
 before  you leave  to work  on  your next  lawn?  It  is getting  warm         
 outside and the milk will do you good."                                        
      Phil hadn't expected  this.  Oh, he had  enjoyed Mrs.  McCarthy's         
 cookies many  times.  She made  the best  cookies he had  ever tasted.         
 Even the  peanut butter cookies  that he normally couldn't  stand were         
 delicious the  way Mrs.  McCarthy made  them.  It wasn't as  though he         
 didn't have the time either.                                                   
      "It is getting warm," Phil said  with a smile, "And I haven't had         
 any of  your cookies in  a long time.  You  know chocolate chip  is my         
      "It's settled  then!" said  Mrs.  McCarthy  beaming.  "You  go on         
 into the living room and I'll bring your cookies and milk right in."           
      Phil hurried  up the steps  of the porch  and held the  solid oak         
 door open for her as she entered the house and headed for the kitchen.         
 Phil closed the door behind him and headed into the living room.               
      The walls  of the  living room were  dotted with  pictures.  Some         
 were photographs of a wedding ceremony  that Phil thought was Mr.  and         
 Mrs.  McCarthy.  These  photos were black and white  and showing their         
 age.  If  they were of Mrs.   McCarthy she was a  beautiful woman back         
 then.  Other pictures seemed more recent.  Some photos showed children         
 throwing sticks into a pond.   Others were of children running through         
 a field filled with black eyed Susans.                                         
      "My  Grandchildren," said  Mrs.  McCarthy  entering the  room and         
 noticing the pictures  at which Phil was looking.  She  was carrying a         
 large tray upon which was a plate full of chocolate chip cookies and a         
 tall  glass of  milk.   The  room was  much  cooler  than outside  but         
 droplets of moisture still formed on the outside of the glass.                 
      "Edgar took  them a couple of  years ago when we  visited them in         
 Old Town,  Maine," she said  as she  set the tray  down on a  table in         
 front  of  the sofa.   "Come  on  over here  and  have  some of  these         
 cookies," she said.  "Lord knows I can't eat them all."                        
      Phil left his study of the  photographs and sat down on the sofa.         
 Thanking Mrs.  McCarthy he picked up  a cookie and began eating.  Mrs.         
 McCarthy could  make a  great cookie  and these  were still  warm!  He         
 sipped  the milk.   Chocolate chip  cookies always  made him  thirsty.         
 Mrs.  McCarthy was  looking at the wedding pictures  herself now.  She         
 said to no one in particular,                                                  
      "Those pictures were taken almost  50 years ago.  My wedding day.         
 The most wonderful day  of my life.  Edgar and I  were married on July         
 24.  A  terribly hot day, but  wonderful all the same."  She was quiet         
 for a  few seconds then  turned to face Phil  as though waking  from a         
 daydream.  "Well young man, how are the cookies?" she asked smiling.           
      "Mrs.  McCarthy," Phil said honestly,  "I swear you make the best         
 cookies  in the  world." She  smiled all  the more  at that.   As Phil         
 finished the last of his milk he  said, "I really do have to be going.         
 I've got to finish  Mr.  Pell's lawn and I want to  get it done early.         
 I plan to do some shopping for a camera today.  I've saved enough from         
 my lawn business,  from what's left over after my  mom takes the share         
 for my college fund, to get a good one."                                       
      Phil and his mother had reached  an agreement when Phil began his         
 lawn care  business.  She was concerned  that it would take  time away         
 from his school work or that he  would waste the money that he earned.         
 As long as his grades stayed up, Phil was a "B" student, he could work         
 in  the  neighborhood maintaining  lawns.   There  was one  additional         
 condition.  Half of  all the money he earned, before  expenses, had to         
 be placed into a savings account to be used for college.                       
      Phil had agreed to the conditions then.  There were times however         
 that he regretted his decision, especially when there was something he         
 really wanted to buy.  All of the expenses of maintaining the business         
 had to come out of the money left after the college portion was placed         
 in the bank by his mother.  That left precious little for himself.             
      He did realize  the wisdom in his mother's  conditions.  The bank         
 account was slowly growing and by the time he was ready for college it         
 would  be a  fair  sum.  It  certainly wouldn't  pay  his way  through         
 college but with scholarships (he  hoped!) and student loans he should         
 be able to put himself through college.                                        
      Phil got  up from the  sofa and made his  way to the  door.  Mrs.         
 McCarthy followed.  He opened the door and stepped out onto the porch.         
 The heat  of the day was  building and it  seemed to cover him  like a         
 blanket compared to the coolness of the house.                                 
      "Thank  you again  for the  cookies," Phil  said looking  at Mrs.         
 McCarthy who was holding the door open.                                        
      "You're quite welcome Philip.  You come back anytime.  And by the         
 way," she said as he turned to go, "you did do a fine job on the lawn.         
 I do  appreciate it." She  smiled one last  time and closed  the door.         
 Phil stood there  for a second then walked to  his bike quite pleased.         
 Mrs.  McCarthy had  never complimented him outright  like that before.         
 Today she had done it twice!  It was a good feeling.                           
      He  peddled his  bike  over  to Mr.   Pell's  house, the  trailer         
 clattering noisily  behind him.  The  sidewalk over which he  rode was         
 not level.  Some  portions were slanted at angles, pushed  up by roots         
 from trees planted  in yards years before.  As he  rode over these his         
 bike would  bound up, then down  suddenly.  He had quickly  learned to         
 stand on  the peddles of his  bike when going over  these areas.  This         
 avoided uncomfortable bruises and the inability to sit comfortably for         
 days afterward.                                                                
      He finished  with Mr.  Pell's yard  in record time.  The  heat of         
 the day  not bothering  him at  all.  His mind  was completely  on the         
 camera shopping he was going to  be doing that afternoon.  When he had         
 finished  collecting for  the  work he  had done  this  week he  would         
 finally have  over $500.00 to  spend on a  camera.  He had  saved that         
 amount over many months just for the purpose of buying a camera.               
      It was  just after 4:00  when Phil returned home.   Unhooking his         
 trailer from the bike he put it in  the garage in the spot his dad had         
 reserved for it.                                                               
      He went into the house through the door which led from the garage         
 directly into  the kitchen.   His mother  was there  preparing supper.         
 The  aroma  of  spaghetti  sauce was  unmistakable.   His  mother  was         
 standing in  front of the stove  stirring the contents of  a large pot         
 from which steam and the aroma filling the kitchen was coming.                 
      "Are we  having spaghetti  tonight?" Phil asked  hopefully.  They         
 didn't have spaghetti very often and it was one of his favorite meals.         
      "Yes  we are,"  his mother  said smiling.   "I thought  you might         
 enjoy it,  especially tonight." She had  known that Phil was  going to         
 reach the  goal of $500.00  he had set for  himself today and  she had         
 planned this meal in order to  celebrate.  She knew the $500.00 was an         
 arbitrary figure Phil had set for himself but he said he couldn't shop         
 for a camera unless  he had at least that amount.   She had kept track         
 of his money  for him, not that  she needed to, and  knew that today's         
 collections would put him over that figure.                                    
      "You  get yourself  into the  bathroom and  get cleaned  up," she         
 gently scolded.  "You're a mess.  I won't have you go through my house         
 in that state!"                                                                
      He  laughed.   His 5'7"  frame  that  belied  the 6'2"  he  would         
 eventually become was covered with  grass clippings.  The knees of his         
 jeans were  stained green from  where he had  knelt to trim  the grass         
 from the edge  of sidewalks, and his sneakers were  also stained green         
 and covered with clippings.  He knew he was a mess.                            
      "And go  back into the garage  and take those sneakers  off!" his         
 mother said in  mock seriousness.  "I don't want you  tracking half of         
 the neighborhood's lawns into my bathroom."                                    
      Again Phil laughed as he went  back into the garage to remove his         
 grass stained sneakers.   He took them outside to knock  out the grass         
 that had managed to  work it's way inside and took  off his socks that         
 were also covered with grass.  He  knew his mother would send him back         
 out if he  entered the house with  them on so he figured  doing it now         
 would save him a trip.                                                         
      He walked  back into the  kitchen and passed his  mother's silent         
 inspection as he made his way  to the bathroom carrying his socks.  He         
 placed them  in the clothes hamper  then stripped off the  rest of his         
 clothes and  placed them in the  hamper too.  He quickly  showered and         
 washed his  hair.  He  was amused  to see small  blades of  grass make         
 their way through the soapy river to the drain as he rinsed his head.          
      Having completed his shower, and feeling much cleaner, he wrapped         
 himself in the oversize towel hanging  next to the shower and made his         
 way to his bedroom to get into some clean clothes.  He hadn't bothered         
 to dry  himself so  drops of  water fell  to the  floor on  the entire         
 journey from the bathroom to his bedroom.  He knew he would hear about         
 it if his mother happened to notice.   However on a hot day like today         
 the water  evaporating from his skin  felt great and it  was worth the         
 risk of a scolding.                                                            
      His room was tidy, his mother  insisted on that, and perhaps more         
 organized than a typical 15 year old's room would be.  On his desk was         
 a notebook  filled with  dates and  places of  events covered  for the         
 school newspaper  the year  before.  This  notebook traveled  with him         
 every time  he covered  any event.   He kept track  of the  event, the         
 shots he  took, the names  of the  individuals in the  photographs, if         
 they  were to  be mentioned  in an  article, and  copies of  completed         
 release forms.   He requested people to  sign these forms in  order to         
 use  their  pictures  in  the  paper.   Everyone  thought  it  was  an         
 unnecessary procedure, but you never knew.                                     
      The walls of  his room were covered with pictures  of the school,         
 pictures  of action  shots of  the  football team  of which  he was  a         
 member, pictures of the cheerleaders, and other shots that had nothing         
 to do  with school.  He liked  the pictures of the  cheerleaders best.         
 If someone  looked closely  at them  they might  notice that  one girl         
 appeared in every picture.  He liked Cathy Danis but would admit it to         
 no one.                                                                        
      He dressed quickly  and returned to the kitchen  where his mother         
 still worked preparing  supper.  "Mom", he said  entering the kitchen,         
 "I'm  going down  to the  ShutterBug to  take a  look at  some of  the         
 cameras  there.   I  want  to  price some  of  them  before  making  a         
      The  ShutterBug was  one of  the local  camera stores  where Phil         
 bought all of  his film.  The school provided him  with bulk black and         
 white  film, Tri-X  and Plus-X,  for school  assignments, and  a small         
 amount for his  own use.  All color film he  bought at the ShutterBug.         
 He had his color film processed there as well.  While he had access to         
 the school's darkroom for processing  black and white film, the school         
 didn't purchase the chemicals necessary to process color film.                 
      Phil had done quite a bit  of business with the ShutterBug and he         
 felt that  Mr.  Jenson,  the owner, would  give him a  good deal  on a         
 camera purchased there.                                                        
      "Supper is going to be in just over an hour," his mother reminded         
 him.  "Be back before then."                                                   
      "I will,"  he assured  her.  Phil  gave her a  quick kiss  on the         
 cheek on his way out to the garage.   He got on his bike and headed to         
 the ShutterBug.                                                                
      Peddling his bike  was much easier without  the additional weight         
 of the  trailer.  Quieter too.  He  nearly flew over the  sidewalks on         
 his way to the camera store.                                                   
      On the way Phil had to  pass by several clothes stores, the local         
 hardware store,  the local mom and  pop grocery store, and  a deserted         
 storefront  that used  to contain  the video  arcade.  The  arcade had         
 moved when  the new mall  was built outside  of town.  The  arcade had         
 located inside the mall where there was more space and more pedestrian         
 traffic.  The storefront had been deserted since then.                         
      Phil  was surprised  when  he  reached the  old  location of  the         
 arcade.   The big  picture window,  previously dusty  and streaked  by         
 rain, was  now sparkling clean.   On the glass  in place of  the large         
 garish  painted letters  which  once read  simply  ARCADE, was  neatly         
 painted lettering which read FOLLISS' CAMERA.                                  
      Stopping his bike  next to the plate glass window,  Phil held his         
 hand up to the glass and looked within the store.  He was surprised to         
 see neat displays of cameras and  photo supplies.  Phil got off of his         
 bike and parked it on it's kickstand then went inside.                         
      As he  opened the door he  heard the small bells  attached to the         
 door jingle, announcing  his presence to anyone  inside.  There wasn't         
 anyone behind the counter, which wasn't unusual in a small town store,         
 so Phil walked  over to a display  case to look at  the cameras there.         
 He spent a few minutes looking at the cameras in the display cases.            
      "Can I help  you?" asked a friendly voice.  Phil  turned to see a         
 tall man  just coming into  the store through  a doorway leading  to a         
 portion of the shop  in the back.  "Sorry to make  you wait," said the         
 man  apologetically,  "but I  was  in  the  process of  arranging  the         
 inventory in  the back." With a  motion of his thumb  he indicated the         
 doorway through which he had just come.                                        
      Phil looked at the man  for several seconds before replying.  The         
 man was  tall and had very  angular features.  His hair  was jet black         
 and cut close to  his head.  He had an accent to  his speech that Phil         
 had never heard before.  He  knew several foreign exchange students at         
 school but this man's accent was  completely different than any he had         
 previously heard.  As he stood  there contemplating the storekeeper he         
 was also aware that the room was a little too warm to be comfortable.          
      As  though he  had read  Phil's  mind the  storekeeper broke  the         
 silence by  saying, "Don't let the  heat bother you too  much.  I just         
 opened the shop this week and  the air conditioning isn't working yet.         
 Luckily I  haven't stocked any film  so it can't be  ruined.  Now, how         
 can I help you?"                                                               
      Phil was a little bit  uncomfortable as he replied, "I'm planning         
 to buy a camera  and I was on my way to the  ShutterBug to price a few         
 when I noticed your shop." He added,  "I was a little surprised to see         
 a camera store here.   I decided that since it was on  my way I'd stop         
 in to see what you had."                                                       
      The storekeeper  smiled.  Phil  felt a chill  run through  him in         
 response to that smile, even in this  heat.  He thought it must be the         
 sweat.  He  could feel  it forming  on his forehead  and running  in a         
 little trickle down his back.                                                  
      "You've  come   to  the   right  place!"  the   storekeeper  said         
 confidently.  "I don't carry an  extensive line, well actually I carry         
 only one type of camera, but  you won't find another like it anywhere!         
 The camera is called the Follis 138," the storekeeper continued in his         
 unfamiliar accent,  "and it takes  pictures that are  beyond compare."         
 Motioning to a counter in the front of the store the storekeeper said,         
 "Come on over here and see for yourself."                                      
      Walking behind the counter the  storekeeper reached into a drawer         
 and produced a  stack of pictures that he spread  out over the counter         
 top.   "I took  these pictures  myself,"  he said  helpfully, "Take  a         
      Phil looked at the pictures and  was stunned.  The quality of the         
 pictures  was beyond  anything he  had  ever seen  before.  One  photo         
 showed a  scene from a  beach where the  waves were lapping  the sand.         
 The photo appeared so real Phil felt he could reach into it and take a         
 handful of sand.  He thought he  could almost imagine the sound of the         
 waves against the beach.                                                       
      He looked  at another  of these photographs,  unaware now  of the         
 heat in  the store.  This photo  showed a scene of  winter desolation.         
 The snow was blue white.  Cold dunes made their way into the distance.         
 Phil felt as though he could feel  the chill air and hear the icy wind         
 tearing at the dunes.                                                          
      He  examined picture  after picture  with the  same stunned  awe.         
 Here a  primeval forest  scene, here  what appeared  to be  a medieval         
 castle.   Another   showed  the  storekeeper  himself   laying  on  an         
 inflatable raft and floating in water so  blue and at the same time so         
 clear as to be unreal.                                                         
      The storekeeper  smiled when Phil  got to the picture  of himself         
 and said, "Well,  I didn't take all of these.   That one was obviously         
 taken by  someone else.  But  all of the rest  were taken by  me using         
 nothing but the Follis 138."                                                   
      "What kind of film were you using?" Phil asked almost absently as         
 he studied  the rest of  the pictures.  "There is  no grain in  any of         
 these pictures.  The  edges of the subjects are crisp  and clean.  The         
 depth of field  is astounding." Phil was looking again  at the picture         
 of the storekeeper floating on a raft  in the water.  Not only was the         
 image of  the storekeeper  crisp and  clean but  through the  water he         
 could see fish  and on the sandy bottom shells  who's images were just         
 as sharp.                                                                      
      The storekeeper again  smiled his unnerving smile  and said, "Ah,         
 that's  the beauty  of this  camera,"  indicating the  cameras in  the         
 display case.   "It uses any color  or black and white  35mm film, not         
 that that's unusual," and he laughed  a bit.  "The real beauty of this         
 camera  is  that  the  pictures  you take  will  be  of  this  quality         
 regardless of the film you use!"                                               
      "That's impossible." Phil objected.  "Tri-X is much grainier than         
 is  Plus-X and  the pictures  will show  it regardless  of the  camera         
      "Not so,"  corrected the  storekeeper, "I don't  fully understand         
 all of the technical details behind the camera, but it senses the film         
 type  you are  using and  adjusts accordingly.   I guarantee  that the         
 pictures you take, regardless of film used, will turn out exactly like         
 these." Again he smiled that disconcerting smile.                              
      "That is  really hard to  believe," Phil stated flatly.   He knew         
 that  he  didn't  know  everything   that  there  was  to  know  about         
 photography.  He was also aware  that camera manufacturers were coming         
 out with new,  even more sophisticated models all of  the time, but he         
 had  never heard  of a  camera  that could  do what  this strange  man         
 claimed this one  could.  He again looked at the  photos spread out on         
 the counter.  Their quality was hard to ignore.                                
      "Are you  telling me that this  camera is fully automatic  and to         
 get this kind of quality I have to do nothing?" Phil asked.                    
      "Oh, absolutely!" replied the storekeeper.   "All you have to do,         
 as the  ads say,  is point  and shoot!   No aperture  adjustments, not         
 shutter speed settings, no focusing, nothing!  Believe it or not every         
 picture you take will turn out just as good as these."                         
      Phil was still not convinced that this camera could be as good as         
 this man claimed.  He thought that there had to be a catch.  With that         
 thought in mind Phil asked, "What does this camera cost?"                      
      "Ah," said  the storekeeper  smiling.  If a  cat could  smile you         
 might expect  the same smile  when it  had cornered a  mouse, "perhaps         
 that is the best part.  The Follis 138 costs only $200.00."                    
      Phil  was again  stunned.  "Two  hundred dollars!   Is that  all?         
 I've looked at some of the better Nikons, Canons, and Pentaxs and they         
 cost  considerably  more   than  that!"  Phil  again   looked  at  the         
 photographs on  the counter.   The beach and  water photo  looked more         
 real than ever.                                                                
      The storekeeper  just stood there  smiling in the heat.   After a         
 few seconds he asked, "Do I have a sale?"                                      
      Phil thought for a second  then reluctantly said, "No, not today.         
 I didn't  bring my  money.  Besides, I  want to talk  to a  few people         
 before making a purchase."                                                     
      The storekeeper nodded then said,  "When you decide come on back.         
 I will be here." Then without another word he walked to the doorway to         
 the back room  and disappeared through it.  Phil was  left as alone as         
 he had been when he had entered the store.  Glancing at his watch Phil         
 saw that he had spent over an hour talking to the storekeeper.  He was         
 going to be late for supper!                                                   
      He quickly  left the  store.  Running  to his  bike the  air felt         
 almost cold compared to the heat that was within the camera store.  He         
 raced home as  fast as he could.   He quickly parked his  bike and ran         
 into the house.  His family was just sitting down to the supper table.         
      His  mother gave  him a  disapproving look  and said  "Go to  the         
 bathroom and wash up for supper."                                              
      Phil did as he  was told.  As he was washing  his hands he looked         
 in the mirror  and was a little  shocked.  He looked as  though he had         
 just gone swimming  with his clothes on.  Every piece  of clothing was         
 soaked with sweat and his hair was matted against his head.  No wonder         
 his mother had looked  at him so.  He took one of  the hand towels and         
 dried his hair then combed it.  There was little he could do about his         
 clothes before supper.                                                         
      He  went back  to the  table where  his family  was enjoying  the         
 spaghetti  and sat  at  his  usual place.   His  mother  served him  a         
 plateful of  spaghetti and covered it  with a generous serving  of the         
 sauce that she had been cooking all day.                                       
      Phil thanked  her absently  and began  eating.  He  really didn't         
 taste the food.   His mind was on  the camera and the  pictures he had         
 seen at the shop.  How could a camera take such pictures with any type         
 of film?  How could a camera adjust the depth of field to cover such a         
 range as was evident in the ocean picture.  He remembered the image on         
 the sea  shell on the ocean  floor and the shopkeeper  floating in the         
 water above it.  Both images had been crystal clear and sharp!                 
      "Philip!" his  father demanded, interrupting his  reverie.  "Your         
 mother is talking to you!"                                                     
      "Huh?  Oh, I'm sorry.  I was just thinking Mom, Dad."                     
      "Well did you  see any cameras you liked at  the ShutterBug?" his         
 mother asked.                                                                  
      "Never made  it there," Phil  replied.  "There's this  new camera         
 store where the  old arcade used to  be.  I stopped in  there.  By the         
 time I got out  I had to come home." He added  a little sheepishly, "I         
 was a little late."                                                            
      "You looking at anything in particular?" asked his father.                
      Phil's  father  was an  accountant  and  didn't share  his  son's         
 enthusiasm for  photography.  He was  glad his son was  into something         
 creative and he knew his son had a talent for photography.  However he         
 didn't know one type of camera from another.  His question was more to         
 show that  he was interested in  his son's activities than  to discuss         
 specific camera makes and models.                                              
      "Well I saw this one camera  Dad," Phil began, and described what         
 had taken place at the new camera shop.  He decided not to mention his         
 impressions of the store owner.                                                
      "Two hundred dollars is  a lot of money to spend  on a camera you         
 know nothing  about," his father  advised.  "I suggest you  wait until         
 you've learned  a little more  about it before  you buy it.   Is there         
 anyone else you could talk to who might know more about it?"                   
      "Hmmmm.    I  hadn't   thought   about  that   Dad,"  said   Phil         
 thoughtfully.  "I could  talk to Mr.  Riley on  Monday.  He's probably         
 teaching a summer school class.  Someone is always failing physics and         
 it's a graduation requirement."                                                
      When Phil finished  his supper and asked to be  excused.  He went         
 straight to  his room and sat  cross-legged on his bed  staring at the         
 pictures on his wall.  How pale  these now seemed compared to those he         
 had seen this  afternoon.  How good Cathy would look  if he could take         
 her picture  with the Follis  138.  The more  he thought about  it the         
 more  he  convinced  himself  that  he  wanted  the  Follis.   He  was         
 determined to talk to Mr.  Riley  and get his advice before making any         
 final decision.  Still....                                                     
           Gene Smith currently  works for Syracuse University                  
           and, if there is such  a thing, is a "true Gemini."                  
           Right  now  he works  two  jobs  and runs  his  own                  
           business --  all at  the same time.   His interests                  
           include  astronomy,  carpentry,  music  (frustrated                  
           musician), gardening, geology,  the occult, classic                  
           eroticsm,  thunderstorms,  and anything  he  hasn't                  
           done  yet.  Gene  was born  on June  15, 1952,  and                  
           lives in the country.                                                
 Note:  The final half of this story can be seen in next month's                
 issue of Athene.