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Title: War and Revolution
Author: Camillo Berneri
Date: 1936–1937
Language: en
Topics: Spain 1936, war, revolution, Spanish Revolution
Source: Retrieved on June 28, 2012 from http://flag.blackened.net/revolt/berneri.html][flag.blackened.net]].  Proofread online source [[http://www.revoltlib.com/?id=3800, retrieved on November 19, 2020.
Notes: Translations published in ‘The Cienfuegos Press Anarchist Review’ Number 4, 1978

Camillo Berneri

War and Revolution

On militarisation of the militias (interview in ‘Spain and the


The first question we asked Camillo Berneri concerns the military

situation as he saw it.

“I have no special skill in military technique”, he replied, “but I can

inform you of the impressions I received on the Huesca Front which I

know well because I have fulfilled in turn the roles of ordinary Militia

man, of political delegate of the ‘Italian section’ of the Ascaso Column

and now of delegate to the Defence Council. I have the impression that

the militia has made great advances. At the start, one was aware of a

great lack of experience in the struggle against modern engines of war:

for example time was wasted in shooting at aircraft flying at high

altitudes, automatic weapons were neglected in favour of those which

comrades were used to handling; the problem of roads was abandoned;

ammunition was in short supply; liaison between different arms and units

was defective and sometimes absolutely zero.

“At the present moment the militia-men have profited from the lessons of

the last six months, transport has begun to be rationalised, roads are

being repaired, equipment is more abundant and better distributed, and

into the ‘mind of the column’ is slipping this idea; the necessity of

co-ordinating command.

“We are forming divisions, and this will complete the economic plan of

war, and the best known representatives of the CNT and the FAI have made

themselves its supporters. In fact, it was these two organisations which

were the first to propose a united command in order to be able to exert

a decisive pressure on the weak points of the enemy lines, to relieve

the pressure which the enemy is exerting on besieged towns and to

prevent unfavourable manoeuvres and concentrations”

So, we observed, there is some good in militarisation”

“Certainly,” Berneri replied with conviction, “but there is a

distinction to be made: there is on the one side military formalism

which is not only ridiculous, but also useless and dangerous, and on the

other side there is self-discipline. The latter can be extremely strict,

as is the case in the Durruti Column. Military formalism can be met, for

example, in certain columns controlled by the Workers Party for Marxist

Unification (Partido Obrero de Unificacion Marxista, POUM). When one

asserts, as is written in the code of duty of the Uribarri Column, that

“the soldier who knows how to salute properly also knows how to fight”,

one is guilty of stupidity reminiscent of Frederick II or Peter the


“For my part I support a legitimate compromise: we must neither lapse

into military formalism not into superstitious anti-militarism. By

accepting and achieving the reforms imposed on us by the nature of

things, we shall by the self-same means, be in a position to resist the

manoeuvres of Madrid and Moscow, which are trying to establish, under

the pretext of militarisation, their military hegemony over the Spanish

Revolution, in order to transform it into the instrument of their

political hegemony.

“As for myself, I consider it a mistake to talk, as do certain

representatives of the CNT-FAI of an overall or ‘supreme’ command

instead of a unity of command. (That is to say co-ordination in matters

of the control of the armed struggle). Their intentions are good, but

the terms used leads to dangerous confusion’s!

“All things considered, therefore, the reforms needed in the militia, in

my opinion, would be the following: a clear distinction between military

command and political control, in the domain of the preparation and

execution of the operations of war; strict fulfilment of orders

received, but maintenance of certain fundamental rights: that of

nominating and degrading officers.”

At this point the following question came to our lips: “What do you

think of the internal political situations as regards the position taken

by the CNT and FAI?”

“The necessity of Holy Alliance of all anti-fascist forces has led the

Spanish anarchists to consider as ‘comrades’ many of their enemies of

yesterday and to accept from their hands a part of the governmental

responsibilities. It is not easy to draw up an exact balance sheet of

the profit’s and losses deriving from this experience, but I think that

today we have sufficient information for appraisal to be alarmed at the

Russo-Bolshevik infiltration into military and technical spheres, adding

itself to the dictatorial designs of the Marxist parties. On this last

point, one can see a certain weakening of the CNT, and the situation is

dangerous. But I hope that we shall overcome it victoriously, because

among the Spanish anarchists, there is no lack of men who see clearly

and understand the necessity of returning as soon as possible to the

right path.”

And collectivisation is it progressing?

“It is progressing to a certain extent, as you could realise yourselves.

One must be ignorant and of bad faith to talk, as certain dissident

Communists are doing, of a ‘deadpoint’ in the social revolution in Spain

or to represent the Spanish anarchists as ‘conservatives’ (exactly when

collectivisation is spreading and strengthening itself in regions, like

the Levant and Catalonia, where the anarchists have the greatest


“If there is a conservative faction on the left, it is composed without

doubt, of the right-wingers of Spanish Social-Democracy and of the

orthodox organisations of Russian Bolshevism. For us the struggle is on

between Fascism and Libertarian Communism. For the ‘moderates,’ it is

simply a matter of the defence of democracy. But although the political

horizons are distinct and opposed, the plan of battle reunites all the

factions on the left. The main thing is to know whether the ‘comrades’

who are opposed to the social revolution will go so far in limiting it

as to betray the promise they have given.”

Comrade Berneri was on the point of leaving us, and we hastened to put a

last question: “What do you think of the behaviour of the Popular Front

Government in France as regards Rome and Berlin’s policy of


“It is as cowardly as it is stupid. The Fascists have bombed Port-Bou,

an international station and the French government has stopped sending

trains in that direction! Another bombing of an Air France plane and no

French machine will cross the border of the Pyrenee’s! Now France is

busy preventing anti-fascists from coming to fight in Spain, while the

governments of Hitler and Mussolini continue to send men, arms, planes

and ammunition to the Fascist forces. A reasonable policy of support for

the Spanish government would have allowed the anti-fascist militias to

sort out the military mutiny in a few days. But the French government

persists in believing neutrality is possible while it constitutes

encouragement to the triple alliance of Hitler, Mussolini and Franco.

Only broad-based and decisive popular action in France and Britain can

force the respective governments of these countries to, adopt a less

absurd behaviour.”

(Translation from L’Espagne Nouvelle, February 1937).

War and Revolution

The Spanish Republic was born in April 1931 out of a political

revolution that was almost peaceable. A Spanish Socialist leader

recognised that this revolution ‘no habia removido las entranas del

pais.’ The mass of the people were deceived by the Republic which was

not given any social consolidation since it did not give land to the

peasants. The agrarian reform voted for by the Cortes dragged on from

scheme to scheme and was applied in homeopathic doses.

In October 1934, an Andalusian peasant represented several million of

his fellows when he said to Bertrand de Jouvenel, “The Socialists

promised us land. We are told that the application of agrarian reform is

a very complicated business. And we are still working for three pesetas

a day.”

The Republic had equally deceived the mass of the people in the towns.

When Ernest Toller asked a Catalan worker what he thought of the

Republic, he received the following very significant response, “It’s

just the old dog with a new collar.”

A Republic that showed itself determined to improve social conditions

would have been politically strong enough not to fear a Fascist

insurrection. The Republic did not protect capitalist interests solidly

enough; no more did it encourage the emancipation of the proletariat; it

has historically been the accomplice of Fascism in its obstinacy in

searching for a compromise by means of governmental groupings instead of

consolidating its position by means of firm, Socialist policies.

When the Fascist insurrection broke out, the Republic had succeeded in

politically polarising all the progressive trade union organisations and

parties solely because it appeared free of obvious reactionary

infiltration, as the only line of defence behind which the attack on

conservative forces could be sustained. It was the State that was

accepted more than the Government. It appeared to be an indispensable

organ of liaison between the various organisations of defence and the

new administrative bodies, and also as a regulating and unifying centre

for the diverse left-wing political forces.

Beneath this apparent union, a deep split persisted. On the one hand

there were the ‘loyalists’, simply Republicans and more or less

progressive. Close to them were the Social Democrats for whom the

struggle between Fascism and the Social Revolution could be reduced to a

war between Fascism and anti-fascism. On the other hand one could find

the anarchists and the cream of the proletariat, both convinced that the

instruction, ‘to win the war’ only had any real meaning as an indication

of an immediate aim. Achieving this aim was a vital absolute necessity

for all the left-wing parties and for all the trade union organisations;

it was also the condition for the political and social progress of the

whole nation. But that did not mean that the Social Revolution had to be

limited to a war ‘between Madrid and Burgos’, to a war ‘between the

Republic of Azana and the government of Franco.’

The ‘war’ is in Spain a ‘civil war,’ that is a political and social

armed struggle. And it is this all the more from the fact that it is not

a matter there of straightforward factions fighting among themselves and

having few contacts with the life of the masses. This event has none of

the characteristics of a fight in hermetic isolation. A struggle between

the supporters of Franco and the supporters of Azana could have

presented enough analogies in which the social conquests of Catalonia,

Aragon and the Levant have been started; with this struggle in which the

winners will transform the whole life of the nation following a

pre-determined political and social direction; with this struggle which

could not end in a retreat of troops, but only in the exodus of the


The nature and extent of the conflict, its modes of development, the

inevitable conditions of its resolution are such that the features of

this armed struggle are those of ‘war,’ but that its essence is that of

the ‘Social Revolution.’

The proletariat is engaged in a struggle with the bourgeoisie while the

high clergy and the military class are waging war on it, ‘money provides

the sinews of war’ as the French say.

The economic burden of the war can no longer be born by the bourgeoisie;

a new ‘war economy’ must therefore be stressed. An indispensable

condition of a powerful ‘industry of war’ is a ‘war economy’ which to

exist as an economy must have as its aim and as its essential raison

d’ĂȘtre widespread usefulness.

Financial and monetary problems, like all other economic problems, can

not be solved ‘in economic terms’ without damaging the interests of

certain social classes. However, we must not, under the pretext of the

necessity of winning the war, fall to the opposite extreme from the

conservatives, into Socialist extremism which would not take its

inspiration from the necessities of the armed struggle but from the

formulae and programmes whose achievement is very far off.

The most fruitful position is the ‘centrist’ position. I am going to

depend, in order to avoid all ambiguity, on a clear example. I think

that the socialisation of large and medium scale industry is a

‘necessity of the war’ and an indispensable creation of ‘the economy of

war.’ Certain anti-fascists are as much persuaded of this as I am, but

they are not as a matter of principle collectivists. By supporting the

‘current necessity’ of the socialisation of large and medium-scale

industry, I shall have on my side these anti fascists who will consent

to it and will eventually come to assist.

I have, on the other hand, many reservations about the socialisation of

small scale industry with regard to the ‘necessities of the war’ end I

am obliged to enter into dispute with comrades who would want to extend

industrial socialisation to its maximum.

I call my position ‘centrist.’ On my right I have those who are opposed

to socialisation, on my left those who favour it absolutely and who have

maximalist tendencies; in the centre I find myself in the company of all

the collectivists who think like me and of plain anti-fascists, who

retaining the belief that the creation of a firm war economy is

indispensable, think that one of the principal factors of this economy

is the socialisation of large and medium-scale industry. The centrist

position does not take account solely of the strictly economic and

current reasons which militate in favour of tolerance as regards the

petty bourgeoisie, but it also takes account of psychological reasons.

The Russian petty bourgeoisie fought on the side of the proletariat from

1917 to 1920; during the insurrection of March and April 1920 in the

Ruhr, the petty bourgeoisie took part in the struggle against Kapp and

against the black Reichswehr; in October 1934 in Madrid and in Catalonia

the petty bourgeoisie again took an active part in the insurrection, and

it was the same in the Asturian insurrection. Today while we are

fighting against Fascism, we must remember that if the peasants who were

deceived by the failed agrarian reform participated only weakly in the

Spanish Socialist insurrection of October 1934, it was the armed

intervention of the Rabassaires (vine-growers’ association) which in

July 1936 was one of the principal factors in the defeat of Fascism in


Between the conservative declarations of Caballero and certain

doctrinally maximalist criticisms of the opportunism of the CNT and the

FAI, I believe that we must in a fair and timely fashion give a place to

a straight forwardly rational solution to the problems of the ‘war


Such a restatement will certainly not suffice to set up bridges between

us and the POUM on the one hand and the controlling groups of the PSUC

on the other. But it will be able to facilitate a sincere and active

understanding among all true anti-fascists, and secondly will allow a

more intimate collaboration among all those who are sincerely


Article which appeared in ‘Guerra di Classe’ No. 13, 21^(st) March


The anarchists in government in Spain — Open letter to comrade

Federica Montseny

Dear Comrade,

It was my intention to address myself to all you comrade ministers, but

once the pen was in my hand, I addressed myself spontaneously to you

alone and I did not wish to go against this instinctive impulse.

The fact that I am not always in agreement with you neither astonishes

you nor irritates you, and you have shown yourself cordially oblivious

to criticisms which it would almost always have been fair, because it is

human, to consider as unjust and excessive. This is not a minor quality

in my eyes, and it bears witness to the anarchist nature of our mind. It

is a certainty that effectively compensates, as far as my natural

friendship is concerned for the ideological peculiarities which you have

often revealed in your articles in your very personal style and in your

speeches of admirable eloquence.

I could not sit back and accept the identity that you claimed between

Bakunist anarchism and the federalist Republicanism of Pi y Margall. I

cannot pardon you for having written “that in Russia it was not Lenin

the true builder of Russia, but Stalin in fact, the effective spirit,

etc.” And I applauded Voline’s reply in ‘Terre Libre’ to your entirely

false claims about the Russian anarchist movement.

But it is not about that that I wish to talk with you. On these matters,

and indeed on others, I hope one day or another to talk to you

personally. If I address you in public, it is about matters that are

infinitely more serious, to remind you of the enormous responsibilities,

of which you are perhaps not aware because of your modesty

In your speech of 3^(rd) January, you said,

“The anarchists have come into the Government in order to prevent the

Revolution from deviating from its course and in order to pursue it

beyond the war, and also in order to oppose all possibility of

dictatorial endeavours, wherever they should come from.”

Well then, comrade, in April, after three months of collaborationist

experience, we find ourselves face to face with a situation in the

course of which serious actions are taking place, while other, worse

ones are taking shape.

Where, as in the Basque country, in the Levant and in Castille, our

movement is not imposed by grass-roots strength, in other words by vast

ranks of unionists and by the preponderant adherence of the masses, the

counter-revolution is oppressing people and threatens to crush

everything. The Government is at ValĂšncia and it is from there that

assault guards are setting out, destined to disarm the revolutionary

cells formed for defence. One calls to mind Casas-Viejas while thinking

of Vilanesa[1]. It is the civil guards and the assault guards who are

retaining their arms; it is they too who in the rear must control the

‘uncontrollable,’ in other words disarm the revolutionary cells equipped

with a few rifles and a few revolvers. This happens while the internal

front has not been liquidated. This happens during the course of a civil

war in which every surprise is possible and in regions where the front

is very close and extremely jagged is not mathematically certain. This,

while a political distribution of arms appears clearly, tending to arm

only in strict necessity (strict necessity, which we hope will appear

adequate) the Aragon Front, the armed guard of agrarian collectivisation

in Aragon and buttress of Catalonia, that Iberian Ukraine. You are in a

government that has offered France and Britain advantages in Morocco,

whereas, since July 1936, it would have been necessary to proclaim of

officially the political autonomy of Morocco. I can imagine what you,

anarchist, must think of this affair which is as disgraceful as it is

stupid; but I believe that the time has come to make it known that you

and the other anarchist ministers are not in agreement as regards the

nature and the purport of such propositions.

24^(th) October 1936, I wrote in ‘Guerra di Classe’:

“The operational base of the Fascist army is Morocco. We must intensify

our propaganda in favour of Moroccan autonomy throughout the pan-Islamic

area of influence. We must dictate to Madrid unambiguous declarations

announcing the abandonment of Morocco and the protection of Moroccan

autonomy. France would anxiously envisage the possibility of

insurrectionary repercussions in North Africa and Syria; Great Britain

would see the movements for self-rule in Egypt and among Arabs in

Palestine growing stronger. We must exploit such anxieties by means of a

policy which threatens to unleash revolt throughout the Arab world.

“For such a policy we need money and we need urgently to send agitators

and organisers as emissaries to all the centres of Arab migration, into

all the frontier zones of French Morocco. On the fronts in Aragon, the

Centre, the Asturias and Andalusia a few Moroccans would be enough to

fulfil the role of propagandists (through the radio, tracts, etc.).”

It follows that one cannot simultaneously guarantee British and French

interests in Morocco and carry on with insurrectionary work. ValĂšncia is

continuing the policies of Madrid. This must change. And to change it,

one must state all one’s own thoughts clearly and strongly, because in

ValĂšncia there are influences acting which tends towards treating with


Jean Zyromski wrote in ‘Populaire’ of 3^(rd) March: “The manoeuvres are

visible and they are aiming at the conclusion of a peace which, in

reality, would signify not only the halting of the Spanish Revolution,

but also the annulment of the social conquests already achieved.

“Neither Caballero nor Franco, such would be the formula which would

express briefly a conception which exists, and I am not sure that it

does not have the favour of certain political, diplomatic and even

governmental circles in Britain and also in France.”

These influences, these manoeuvres explain different obscure points: for

example the inactivity of the loyalist fleet. The concentration of

troops coming from Morocco, the acts of piracy against ‘Canaries’ end

‘Balearics,’ the capture of Malaga are the consequences of this

inactivity. And the war is not finished! If Prieto is incapable and

indolent, why tolerate him? If Prieto is bound-by a policy that makes

him paralyse the fleet, why not denounce this policy?

You anarchist ministers, you make eloquent speeches and you write

brilliant articles, but it is not with speeches and articles that one

wins the war and defends the Revolution. The former can be won and the

latter can be defended by allowing us to pass from the defensive to the

offensive. The strategy of holding our position cannot last for ever.

The problem cannot be resolved by throwing out orders: general

mobilisation, arms to the Front, sole command, popular army etc. etc.

The problem can be resolved by achieving immediately what can be


The ‘Toulouse Dispatch’ of 17^(th) January wrote,

“The main preoccupation of the Minister of the Interior is with

re-establishing the authority of the State over that of the groups and

over that of the uncontrollable whatever their origin.”

It follows that when for months they try to annihilate the

‘uncontrollables’, they cannot resolve the problem of the liquidation of

the ‘Fifth Column[2].’ The suppression of the internal front has as its

primary condition activity aimed at investigation and repression which

can only be accomplished by tried and tested revolutionaries. An

internal policy of collaboration between the classes and of flattery

towards the middle classes leads inevitably to tolerance towards

politically ambiguous elements. The Fifth Column is composed not only of

elements belonging to Fascist bodies, but also of all the malcontents

who desire a moderate republic. Now, it is these latter elements who

profit from the tolerance of the hunters of the ‘uncontrollables’.

The liquidation of the internal front was a condition of full and

radical activity by the Defence Committees set up by the CNT and the


We are assisting in the infiltration into the controlling ranks of the

popular army of ambiguous elements without offering guarantees of

political and union organisation. The committees and political delegates

of the militias were exercising a beneficial control, which, today, is

weakened by the predominance of strictly military systems of advancement

and promotion. We must strengthen these committees and these delegates.

We are assisting the new situation which could have disastrous

consequences, a situation in which whole battalions are commanded by

officers who do not enjoy the esteem and affection of the soldiers. This

situation is grave because the value of the Spanish militia-men is

directly proportional to the confidence enjoyed by their own commander.

It is therefore necessary to re-establish the system of direct election

and the right of dismissal by those below.

A grave error has been committed by accepting authoritarian formulae,

not because they are such from the point of view of their form; but

because they contain tremendous errors and political aims that have

nothing to do with the necessities of the war.

I had the chance to talk to senior Italian French and Belgian officers

and I ascertained that they give a clear indication of knowing the real

necessities of discipline, a much more modern and rational conception

than certain neo-generals who claim to be realists.

I believe that the hour has come to form the confederal army, in the

same way as the Socialist Party has set up its own company: the 5^(th)

regiment of the popular militias. I believe that the hour has come to

resolve the problem of sole command by effectively achieving unity of

command which allows us to move onto the offensive on the Aragon Front.

I believe that the hour has come to finish with the thousands of civil

guards and assault guards who do not go to the Front because their job

is to control the ‘uncontrollables.’ I believe that the hour has come to

create a war industry in earnest. And I believe that the hour has come

to finish with certain flagrant extravagances: like those of respect for

Sunday as a day of rest and of certain ‘rights for the workers’

sabotaging the defence of the Revolution.

We must, above all, keep up the morale of the combatants. Louis Bertoni,

interpreting the sentiments expressed by various Italian comrades

fighting on the Huesca Front, wrote not so long ago:

“The war in Spain, thus stripped of all new faith, of all ideas of

social change, of all revolutionary greatness, of all universal meaning,

is no more than a common war of national independence, which must be

earned out to avoid the extermination which the world plutocracy has in

mind. There remains the terrible question of life or death, but it is no

longer a war to assure a new regime and a new humanity. People will say

that all is not yet lost; but in reality, everything is threatened and

beleaguered; our side use the language of renunciation, the same as was

used by Italian Socialism at the advance of Fascism: Beware of

provocation! Calm and serenity! Order and discipline! All the things

that in practice boil down to doing nothing. And as in Italy Fascism

finished up by triumphing, in Spain, anti-socialism in republican garb

cannot but win, unless anything that we have not foreseen should come to

pass. It is useless to add that we are simply setting it down, without

condemning those on our side; we could not say how the behaviour of

these people could be different and efficacious, as long as the

Italo-German pressure grows at the Front and that of the Bolshevik

bourgeois grows in our rear.”

I do not have Louis Bertoni’s modesty. I have the pretension to assert

that the Spanish anarchists could have a political line different from

the prevailing one; I claim to be able by capitalising on what I know of

experiences in various great revolutions of recent years and on what I

read in the Spanish libertarian press itself, to advise certain lines of


I believe that you must pose yourself the problem of knowing if you are

better defending the Revolution, if you are making a greater

contribution to the struggle against Fascism by participating in the

government, or if you would not be infinitely more useful carrying the

flame of your magnificent skill with words among the combatants and to

the rear.

The time has also come to clarify the significance for unification that

our participation in the Government could have. We must speak to the

masses, appeal to them to judge whether Marcel Cachin is right when he

states in ‘Humanite’ of 23^(rd) March.

“The responsible anarchists are multiplying their efforts towards

unification, and their appeals are ever more sensible.”

... Or whether ‘Pravda’ and ‘Izvestra’ are right when they slander the

Spanish anarchists calling them saboteurs of unity. To appeal to the

masses to judge the moral complicity and policy of silence of the

Spanish anarchist press as regards the dictatorial offences of Stalin,

the persecution of Russian anarchists, the monstrous case against the

Leninist and Trotskyist opposition, a silence deservedly rewarded by

‘Izvestia’s’ libelling of ‘Solidaridad Obrera’.

To appeal to the masses to judge whether certain acts of sabotage of

provisioning do not fall within the plan announced on 17^(th) December

1936 by ‘Pravda:’

“As for Catalonia, the purging of Trotskyist and anarcho-syndicalist

elements has begun; this work will be carried out with the same energy

with which it was done in the USSR.”[3]

The time has come to find out whether the anarchists are in the

Government to be the vestal virgins tending a fire that is on the point

of going out, or even if they are there from now on to serve as a

‘Phyrgian cap’[4] for politicians flirting with the enemy or with the

forces for the restoration of the ‘Republic of all classes.’ The problem

is set by the clear evidence of a crisis which is outstripping the men

who are the personages who embody it.

The dilemma: war or revolution no longer has any meaning. The only

dilemma is this one: either victory over Franco thanks to the

revolutionary war, or defeat.

The problem for you and the other comrades is to chose between the

Versailles of Thiers and the Paris of the Commune, before Thiers and

Bismarck form the holy alliance. It is up to you to reply, for you are

the ‘light under the bushel.’

Article which appeared in ‘Guerra di Class’ No. 12, 14^(th) April 1937.

Between the Spanish Civil War and the Spanish Revolution

There are many among us who have arrived at the point of describing the

armed intervention of powers which have economic and military interests

opposed to those of Italy and Germany.

If these two nations enter the lists with all the forces that they have

at their disposal, it is clear that only the intervention of Russia,

France and Great Britain reunited could assure Spanish anti-fascism of

victory in the war. But it is also clear that before the armed

intervention of these powers could crush the fascist forces, enough time

could have elapsed to allow the fascists to crush the revolutionary


The English and French capitalist states have an interest in preventing

the victory of the Spanish fascists coming to the point at which it is

exploited by Italy and Germany, but they have no interest in seeing the

Iberian revolution triumph. In the situation in which Italy and Germany

were to intervene in Spain with the immediate intention of attacking

France (a surprise attack in the western Mediterranean), it would be

possible that Great Britain and Russia would intervene immediately. But

it such were not the case, it would be possible for the Spanish

Revolution to be crushed before the intervention could take place.

We cannot place any hope, as do certain naive and numerous hypocrite, in

the paralytic of Lake Geneva. Madrid is being tortured by Fiats,

Capronis and Junkers piloted by Italian and German aviators; The

Balearics are subject to the terrorising dictatorship of a close-cropped

Italian fascist, and thousands of German and Italian mercenaries are

landing in Spain with arms and baggage. The Italo — German armed

intervention could not be more obvious, more active, more engrossing.

The appeals sent to the League of Nations by the Spanish Government

found an assembly of spontaneously deaf men ludicrously occupied in

tangling up procedural chicaneries.

We cannot hope for more France In the same way as Eden placed in the

scales of international justice the independence of Ethiopia and world

war, Blum has placed there the liberty of the Spanish people and world

war. ‘War: that is the ransom. We do not accept it!’

No one hates war more than us, but we believe that the moment has come

when the truth of the phrase once stated by Leon Blum will be proved:

“We must accept the possibility of war to save peace.”

The policy of non-intervention has not stopped Bolivia attacking Uruguay

to dispute its right to the Chaco, it has not stopped Japan annexing

Manchuria, it has not stopped Italy’s fierce conquest of Ethiopia.

Pacifism follows a road paved, like that to Hell, with good intentions,

but this road leads into the abyss.

The peace of Geneva is heavy with massacres and ruins. The peace of

Geneva: it is an arms race, the crushing of the militarily most feeble

peoples, it is the Italian Duce and the German Fuhrer, ever more

powerful and always helping in the creation of new Fascist states.

The International Trade Union Federation and the Socialist International

continue to associate themselves with this tactic of non-intervention

supported by the French and English governments, and during this time,

the Fascist intervention has penetrated to the very heart of Spain. The

mass of working people must choose: either their intervention or the

triumph of Fascism. And they do not move. It is in vain that they

repeat: “Spain is the scene of a struggle which, by its consequences,

goes beyond the frontiers of the country, because it is in Spain that

Fascism is playing its last card.”

We must not overestimate the imperialist designs of the Italo — German

intervention and envisage them exclusively in relation to future

developments in their Mediterranean expansion. Spain is for Mussolini

and Hitler an immediate conquest, a current problem. Overcoming the

Spanish revolution is equivalent for Italian and German fascism to the

conquest of Spain. Fascism victorious in Spain means the revolution

broken and the way open to imperialist conquests. This will therefore

mean war, the enslaving of the European proletariat, a ‘new Middle


The French and English proletariat will do nothing to help the Spanish

proletariat. It is useless for us to delude ourselves. It would be

dishonest to do it to ourselves.

And so it is the Spanish revolution that is in danger, whatever may be

the outcome of the Civil War.

A surprise armed intervention on the part of Britain, Russia and France

is not likely, but such an intervention would not be at all impossible

at the moment when Spain is on the point of dying. This would be the

intervention of the lions against the hyenas. It would perhaps be the

intervention that would snatch Spain from Italo — German imperialism,

but it would be to stifle the fire of the Spanish Revolution.

Already today, Spain is between two fires Burgos and Moscow.

The strength of the Spanish Anarcho-syndicalist movement must not dazzle

us. On the day when the army corps of France Britain and Russia

intervene after an exhausting struggle between the revolutionary forces

and the Hispano — Italo — German Fascist coalition, on that day the

Social Revolution will be halted and the way opened to the bourgeois


Once Fascism has been crushed it is possible that the

Anarcho-syndicalist FAI and CNT will continue to fight to achieve their

social programme. But in that case the Socialist communist bloc will

oppose them.

It is ‘Le Populaire’ of 27^(th) November, 1936 which gives us this view.

The Republicans, the Socialist leaders and the Communists are already

agreed on a ‘constitutionalist’ platform. The Executive Committee of the

Spanish Communist Party recently declared that in the current struggle

it intends to defend democracy and safeguard private property. There is

a smell of Noske in the air. If Madrid were not in flames, one would be

obliged to recall Kronstadt again. But the policy of Madrid is on the

point of triumphing. It has refused arms or money to revolutionary

Catalonia in order to place itself in the hands of the USSR which has

provided arms and the officers who are destined to control the

anti-fascist struggle and to halt the development of the Social

Revolution in the armed struggle against Fascism.

The dilemma ‘Madrid or Franco’ has paralysed Spanish Anarchism. Today

Barcelona is situated between Burgos, Rome, Berlin, Madrid add Moscow.


Black clouds are building up on the horizon and we are blinded by fogs.

Let us set our lights and hold the tiller with a hand of steel. We are

on the high seas and the tempest is raging. But we can still perform

miracles. Caught between the Prussians and Versailles, the commune lit a

fire which still lights the world.

Between Burgos and Madrid there is Barcelona.

Let the Godets of Moscow think on that

Article which appeared in ‘Guerra di Class’ No. 6, 16^(th) December


Madrid, sublime city

Pilate is just as infamous as Judas. Who is Pilate today? He is not even

the assembly of Geneva foxes, he is not even the ostriches of

Social-democrat Ministerialism. Pilate is you, the European proletariat!

Can you, oh tender proletarian mother tuck your little child into its

bed without seeing mangled children lying abandoned in the roads like

carrion. Can you play lovingly with your child, oh proletarian, without

thinking of the children lying in pain in hospitals, suffering the

tortures of their wounded flesh and the anguishes of fear.

And yet you read left-wing papers and you know that there exists a great

city running with blood, torn apart and reduced to ashes by explosions

of shells; they tell that the children have been surprised by death when

they were shouting to the heavens the songs of their unconcern, that

their mothers roam about searching for the fruit of their wombs and

carry their blood-stained bodies in search of unlikely or belated help.

The stench of death rises from dispatches and correspondence from

Madrid. The sky over Madrid is red with fires which should set the world

aflame. And yet, everything collapses, everything burns, a whole

population is dying — without the masses being affected.

In the agony of Madrid there is all the horror of a rape in the

market-place on market day.

Death can continue to strike, sudden as hail in summer and unavoidable

as lightning. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse had for themselves the

calm of high altitudes and the moral void of the Ă©poque. Let them shake

it, let them rend it apart, let them burn it slowly, this martyred city;

millions of proletarians don’t care at all about it. Is Madrid

resisting? Many wonder how long it can hold out. It is a European

bullfight. It is a disgrace to the peoples and not merely to the

governments and the classes. It is the blockade of anti-fascist

indifference that adds itself to the criminal Fascist siege. Meetings

will not stop the aircraft from flying through the sky over Madrid and

scattering death and ruin. The cold sweat that weighs on the brows of

mothers, the eyes of children enlarged by fear, the bodies pounded and

shaken by the convulsions, are no more than a future vision of what you

will suffer, you who are entrenched in non-intervention! Today, the war

is in the sky over Madrid, tomorrow it will be in the sky over it

Barcelona, the day after tomorrow in the sky over Paris. The European

war has started again. It exists, even if it has not been declared.

These are the aircraft and pilots of Mussolini’s Italy and Hitler’s

Germany which are massacring and ruining Madrid.

The horror of it no longer touches people’s consciences? Well then, the

bombs will waken them. And that will be Historic justice.

Madrid, the joyous Vienna of the Iberian Peninsular is reviving the

deeds of Sagonte. It has passed from the lovers’ waltz to the Heroic

Symphony. Epic witness of the acts of heroism of the masses and the

militias, beside which those of the Commune of Paris pale in comparison;

it is disappointing the warlike hopes of the generals it will expose

their careful calculations, it will give the lie to their boastfulness.

It is resisting and will resist. If the compassion of the masses is

deaf, it Europe is incapable of anger, well then, the whole world will

be branded by the energy of this city. Madrid will not be taken. It can

be completely destroyed, but it will not be taken alive.

Death, exodus and the flames will make of it a new Pompeii to the very


If it is not the wings of victory, it will be those of Nemesis that are

unfolded above it. The reputation of the Fascist generals is assured,

but it will be the reputation of Genghis Khan. It will he another

Commune. but it will not be a final glimmer; it will be the blazing up

of a fire that will bring all the ‘spectators’ out of their lairs, at

least as long as it does not burn them there in their Blumist beds.

Madrid where here thousands of men are fighting with an ardour nourished

and sustained by the presence of thousands of women and children is in

the process of pillorying its hangmen and the blind and deaf masses. It

is in the process of lighting for all a light which will once more

permit of hope in man.

Madrid, the martyr city, already merits the title of sublime.

Article which appeared in ‘Guerra di Class’ No. 5, 2^(nd) December, 1936

The Third Stage

The Civil War in Spain has entered into its third phase. The first was

that of the ‘Fascist military putsch’ curbed by the revolutionary forces

with the CNT and the FAI at their head, and by the resistance of the

proletarian masses of Barcelona. The second is that of the ‘Civil War;’

on one side are part of the army and the police forces led by factious

[fascist?] officers, on the other side are the workers’ and peasants’

militias guided by loyalist officers and controlled by the different

advanced or progressive parties. It is a civil war with a guerrilla

aspect, the social developments of which are clothed in a revolutionary

and collectivist character, especially in Catalonia, Aragon and the

Levant areas which come under the influence of the CNT and the FAI. We

are still in this second phase on which a third ‘international’ phase is

however coming to superimpose itself, due to the overt intervention of

Italo — German Fascism on the one side, and on the other of Russian


Henceforth the development of the internal situation is subject in the

main to foreign factors. These are the Hitlerians and the anti-fascist

émigrés of Germany and Austria, the Italian Fascists and anti-fascists,

the Bolshevik Russians and the White Russians, the French Communists and

the Irish Catholics — who are at grips with one another on the Madrid

front. The relationships between the forces are in the process of

changing, militarily and politically. The Civil War is in the process of

taking on a faster rhythm, an even broader field of action, a more

decided character, whilst the Russian intervention assures the hegemony

of the Socialist-Communist forces which up to now were completely

dominated by the Anarchist forces.

I have said and I repeat: the Civil War can be won in the military

arena, but the triumph of the political and social revolution is

threatened. The problems of the future in Spain are henceforth

indissolubly linked to the international developments of the Civil War.

The fact that the French and British governments are transforming their

legations in Addis Ababa into consulates leads one to expect that they

will recognise the Italian conquest of Ethiopia. Will Mussolini separate

from Germany, abandoning the Fascist intervention in the affairs of

Spain? I do not think so. For that it would be necessary for the Quai

d’Orsay and the Foreign Office to take the decision to say firmly,

Enough! But, to the contrary, what do we see?

The Blum Cabinet, obsessed by fear of war, puts up with anything: it

allows them to shoot the French journalist Aguillard, to kill Deiapree,

the Paris-Soir correspondent who was flying to Madrid in a plane

belonging to the French embassy and it even permits them to shell an Air

France plane on French territory. Let the Fascist forces threaten to cut

the line between Cerbere and Port Bou. Let them threaten to scuttle the

French vessels like they scuttled the Russian steamer ‘Komsosnol’ let

them busy themselves with unleashing the Moroccan uprising: all this

will not snake the Blum Government decide to remonstrate with the

brigands of Burgos.

The Italian government is recruiting ‘volunteers’ for Franco and setting

them down in their thousands in Portugal and Spanish Morocco. An Italian

Fascist brigade has already revealed itself on the Madrid front at the

outposts in the Carabanchel Sector. And Hitler continues to send

thousands of volunteers to swell Franco’s ranks.

The military victory of Fascism in Spain would correspond to the

Italo-German encirclement of France. The ‘Ami du Peuple’ comments thus

on the report in the ‘News Chronicle’ of the sending of at least five

German divisions to Spain:

“From the rate at which the German landings in the peninsula are going,

it is no longer just along the Rhine that we must be on our guard, but

also on the Pyrennes. Let the Fuhrer develop his schemes and France

risks being surrounded, or at the least having two German frontiers.

Such is the stern truth. It manifestly transcends doctrinal preferences

for one or the other of the Iberian factions.”

It is evident that at present a reactionary opinion in favour of

neutrality in the war in Spain is emerging strongly in France. It is a

change of direction which could favour immensely a firm policy in favour

of anti fascist Spain on the part of the Blum Cabinet.

Many French people justify their government’s policy as regards the

Spanish Civil War by saying: Britain is not behind us. We have reached

it is true a ‘gentleman’s agreement’ between Italy and Britain.

Mussolini accepted the conditions which he had refused a few months

earlier in order to renew commercial relations with Britain, he signed

the protocol on submarine warfare, Italy confirmed once again that he

has no intention of invading the Balearics. The Mediterranean: that is

what preoccupies the British Empire. Mussolini, having in his speech of

1^(st) November last claimed the right to Italian expansion in the

Mediterranean, had alerted Britain as much as Yugoslavia, Greece and


Mussolini, after having calmed the Foreign Office on the Mediterranean

question, continues his flirtation with Wilhelmstrasse, while the Quai

d’Orsay perseveres in its role as the easy going cuckold. And Hitler,

persuaded that France will not move, is in the process of preparing

(according to ‘l’Oeuvre’) to strike against Czechoslovakia.

In brief, while Mussolini, Hitler and Eden are playing for high stakes,

the Blum Cabinet is lighting candles and reciting Novenae without any

plan of action, without any show of bravery and without the least


Unconcerned and neutral in the face of the sacrifice of Irum, apathetic

and prudent at the martyrdom of Madrid, Blum waits and hopes. He is full

of confidence and he polishes the feathers of his white dove, while

deluding himself and others.

Irun, Heusca and Saragossa would have been the tombs of Fascism if we

had prevented Brenn and Caesar from throwing their own swords unto the

Fascist side of the balance of the Spanish Civil War. Now the stake is

Madrid: even if it costs massacres and ruins.

The time which has elapsed between the neutrality of sabotage and help

in dribs and drabs has allowed a guerrilla campaign (which would rapidly

have dried up or ended in the victory of the proletarian militias) to be

transformed into a civil war which has all the horrors of a major war

and which is a danger to the equilibrium in Europe.

At the time when a determined surgeon was necessary, Blum has been no

more than a timid homeopath.

If the division of ‘blond Moors’ and Black Shirts come to reinforce

Franco’s ranks, all Spain will be transformed into a theatre of

desperate struggles. One cannot limit such a conflagration. And those

who did not wish to and did not know how to extinguish the fire when it

started will bear the burden of a tremendous responsibility.

The crucified city of Madrid is already denouncing its Pontius Pilate.

Leon Blum? Not just him but thousands, millions of men. Even you, French

proletariat! A man, whatever he may be, does not bar the road to the

masses when they are marching towards liberty and justice.

To save Dreyfus, your boulevards, Paris, have been in uproar. So they

were to save Ferrer. They were again to save Sacco and Vanzetti.

Now they are not crying out in anger, they are not any longer the

arteries of France’s heart, they are no longer the beds of those

powerful torrents of protest which washed away so many disgraces to save

man’s dignity. Madrid is crucified. Madrid is to be burnt at the stake.

What is Paris doing?

Paris applauds the Passionaria, Paris cries, ‘Aircraft for Spain,’ Paris

sends ambulances, supplies and volunteers.

That is not enough, Paris is not giving its richest, most powerful most

European possession: its anger, its loud voice of protest.

If Paris is enraged, the whole world is silent and turns to listen. The

“great transmitter of all just campaigns it cannot send out its powerful

SOS for revolutionary Spain.

Paris, yell out your pity for the martyred, sublime city of Madrid, your

protests against the Spanish proletariat’s executioners, your hate for

the enemies of the Rights of Man and the Citizen which you have affirmed

with three great revolutions.

Let your powerful voice condemn Burgos, Rome and Berlin; let it

strengthen Madrid and the other martyred cities; let it encourage the

generous fighters of the anti — fascist militias who are defending the

rights of the producers and the dignity of the citizens; let it fill the

procrastinating ministers with shame; let it be finally your great

generous voice, the voice of your greatest days, the voice that comes

from the very depths of your heart.

This voice has thundered so many times with the love that must take up

the axe and it is that, the deepest love!

Article which appeared in ‘Guerra di Class’ — No. 7 18^(th) July, 1937.

What can we do?

eliminate the possibility of an international armed conflict is to

procrastinate while the problems worsen. It would permit Italy, Germany

and Portugal to prepare themselves better for the war and allow the

Spanish Fascist forces to lay in supplies of arms and munitions.If

Fascism were victor, France would he threatened in the south and the

balance of forces in the Mediterranean would be permanently upset in

favour of Italy and Germany who would emerge from this adventure

stronger and more aggressive. Italy is seriously committed in Ethiopia,

and Germany is in a very bad financial situation; do they want a war

‘immediately?’ No. They could go to war but they do not deliberately

want a war straight away. If they wanted it, they would already have set

it in motion in Spain. We therefore have to adopt a forceful foreign

policy, having as its basis Portugal which has eluded the control of

Great Britain. Geneva is powerless. The only thing to do is therefore to

break with Portugal by means of the following measures: the immediate

expulsion of all Portuguese diplomatic representatives; immediate and

complete closure of the border with Portugal; confiscation of all goods

belonging to Portuguese capitalists resident in Spain.As for Germany and

Italy: the immediate expulsion of all their diplomatic representatives,

suspension of the right of German airlines to fly over Spanish

territory, the prohibition of all ships flying German or Italian colours

from entering Spanish ports, the suspension of all immunity for

bourgeois Germans and Italians residing in Spain.Such a foreign policy

would have as its immediate effect that of forcing Britain and France to

adopt a definite position. If it were to give rise to the armed

intervention of Italy and Germany, that intervention would at least be

provoked now and not at the time chosen by these powers.

our propaganda in favour of Moroccan autonomy throughout the pan-Islamic

area of influence. We must dictate to Madrid unambiguous declarations

announcing the abandonment of Morocco and the protection of Moroccan

autonomy. France would anxiously envisage the possibility of

insurrectionary repercussions in North Africa and in Syria; Great

Britain would see the movements for self-rule in Egypt and among Arabs

in Palestine growing stronger. We must exploit such anxieties by means

of a policy which threatens to unleash revolt throughout the Arab

world.For such a policy we need money and we need urgently to send

agitators and organisers as emissaries to all the centres of Arab

migration, into all the frontier zones of French Morocco. On the fronts

in Aragon, the Centre, the Asturias and Andalusia a few Moroccans would

be enough to fulfil the role of propagandists (through the radio,

tracts, etc.).

spot by making use of foreign technicians, whose utilisation has been

very badly organised; we must also rapidly create all the war industries

possible and put an end to the wastage of munitions by giving

far-reaching instructions and decisive orders.

of the military operations which must be carried out on all fronts as in

liaison among the commands of the areas by means of a General Staff

controlled by a ‘National Defence Committee.’

which oblige us to maintain a front line within our ranks and have

recourse to systematic searches, mass arrests of people who are not in

unions who are of the right age and physical condition for military

service, strict control of new recruits to the trade unions etc. ....

diplomatic corps which will have to be reformed with members chosen by

the ‘National Defence Committee.’

Article which appeared in ‘Guerra di Class’ No. 3. 24^(th) October. 1936

Beware, Dangerous Corner!

1. I shall not say like some people: I cannot be silent! No, I want to

talk. I have a duty to do it and I have a right to do it in the name of

the self-criticism which is the essence of any party or movement

concerned to retain its own appearance and to accomplish its own

historic mission Persuaded that the Spanish Revolution is rapidly

approaching a dangerous corner, I seized my pen as I would seize a rifle

or a revolver With the same determination, but also with the same

ferocity. Please allow me a style suited to the atmosphere of war in

which I live: the style of a hail of machine gun fire.

2. The military situation has not improved. These are the principal

reasons: lack or scarcity of arms and ammunition, absence of a united

command, general inadequacy of the leaders, the capitulating attitude on

the part of the central government, dualism and antagonism between

Madrid and Barcelona. It appears clearly that we must change from a war

of positions to a war of movement, unleashing the offensive according to

a broad and solid general plan. Henceforth time is against us. We must

definitely accelerate the process of war in order to pass beyond the

phase of the war into the fuller and more profound one of the Social


3 We must master the war, but we shall not master the war by limiting

the problem to the strictly military conditions of victory. We must

above all take account of the ‘socio — political’ conditions of victory.

The Civil War in Spain being an international conflict, it is on

international ground that we must pose the problem of revolutionary

action in terms of war, it is at its weak points: Morocco and Portugal

that we must cruelly wound Spanish Fascism. Up till now the obsessing

preoccupation with equipment for war has not permitted us to implement a

plan of action which carried out in a timely and skilful manner would

have been able to frustrate the Fascist Putsch The Anarchists who assume

the roles of generals would do well to remember their own experiences as


4. When the CNT in Madrid declares that ‘el gobierno de Madrid no sabe

dingir la guerra’ (the government in Madrid does not know how to run the

war), this inevitably poses the problem not only of the intervention of

the CNT in the running of the war but also of the conditions and form of

such an intervention. It is not a matter of superhuman reforms, but

simply of a broad, profound and rapid reform of the controlling groups

and the organs and means of liaison among the various columns. The

militarisation of the militias is not a solution of a technical nature

only, and it is a political fault to have accepted it peacefully without

clarifying its purposes, without illustrating its obscure points and

without having discussed its principal outlines. The ‘column spirit’ end

the confusion between the power of political control and the power of

military command can justify in part the decree of the Generalitat of

Catalonia, but such a decree does not help at all towards the solution

of the vital problems of the military victory of the revolution.

5. It is not possible to find a solution to the problem of the needs of

the war until after we have resolved the question of Spanish politics.

Fabregas, councillor for economics of Catalonia could declare;

“We sent to Madrid a commission to ask the Government for credit of 300

million pesetas and also for the purchase of equipment for the war and

150 million francs for the purchase of raw materials. We offered as

security 1000 million pesetas in government bonds belonging to our

savings banks and deposited with the Bank of Spain. All that has been,

refused us.”

(Solidaridad Obrera, 29^(th) September).

Madrid is not content just to reign, it wants to govern as well. As a

whole the Spanish Government is just as hostile to the Social Revolution

as to Monarchist and clerical fascism. Madrid desires a ‘return to

legality’ and nothing else. Arming Catalonia, financing Catalonia, that

signifies to Madrid arming the columns which carry the revolution on the

points of their bayonets and supplying the new egalitarian economic


We must therefore, addressing ourselves to the Government in Madrid,

give it the choice between defeat in the war and the revolution and


6. Given that it is clear that the Government in Madrid is developing a

‘policy of war’ capable of ensuring its political hegemony and blocking

the development of the Social Revolution; that the Communist Party

(following directives laid down by Moscow) is tending to become the

Foreign Legion of Democracy and Spanish Liberalism and that Spanish

Social democracy at the very least, its controlling ranks is

revolutionary ... in the manner of Caballero; it is therefore necessary

that our press (without even raising the threat of war, of a ‘march on

Madrid’ without even unleashing a polemic against the Communists and the

Socialists, without even threatening the stability of the alliance

between the CNT and the UGT) is at the very least cured of its

intoxication with the unfortunate spins of ‘holy union’ which has ended

up by reducing political criticism to an imperceptible minimum.

‘Solidaridad Obrera’ by exalting the Bolshevik government of the USSR,

albeit in parentheses, achieved the summit of political naiveté.

7. The purging of the internal front is henceforth restrained by the

normalisation, in terms of the police and the judiciary, of the struggle

against Fascism. The fact that some elements of the CNT and FAI have

gone into police organisations is not sufficiently compensated by an

autonomy which would have allowed speed and discretion in their duties

and missions. And we must add to that certain absurd arrangements and

certain red-tapisms that should have been abolished by the

representatives of the CNT and the FAI continue to exist and are having

disastrous effects.

8. The work of selecting military, health and administrative personnel

is very incompetent. This selection could have been carried out by being

based on the possibility of replacing immediately and equally,

incompetent and unsafe elements by foreign elements faithful to the

cause of the Spanish Revolution, or at least tested anti-fascists. This

has not been tried.

In the same way the CNT does not make sufficient use of experts who

could at present replace incompetent and suspect experts and tomorrow

constitute the guiding cadres of libertarian communism

9. Some time ago the CNT and the FAI adopted, with respect to the

‘normalisation’ of the Spanish Revolution, an attitude of self-denial.

‘L’Espagne Antifasciste’ has denounced this phenomenon with great

courage and keenness, I shall therefore not dwell on it. In short: the

suppression of the Central Committee of the militias as well as the

power of the workers’ and soldiers’ committees constitutes an outrage

against the trade union control of the militias. I think that it is not

without reason that ‘Le Temps’ heaves a sigh of relief while stating

that the ‘social revolution in Catalonia is becoming more and more


10. The Council of Economy is basically nothing other than the ‘Economic

Council’ instituted by the French Government. It does not seem to me to

be a sufficient compensation for the Ministeralism of the CNT and the

FAI, even in its practical applications. It is necessary to deplore,

moreover, the advance of bolshevisation within the ranks of the CNT

characterised by the ever diminishing possibility for elements at the

power base to exercise a vigilant, active and direct control over the

works accomplished by the organisation’s representatives within

government committees and Councils. We should create a series of

commissions elected by the CNT and the FAI which have the aim of

facilitating, but at the same time of rectifying whenever necessary the

works of our representatives within the Councils of War and Economy.

This would be necessary in the same way in order to create points of

contact between the personal work of these representatives and the

necessities and possibilities of CNT and FAI initiatives.

11. I have tried to reconcile ‘current’ considerations, inherent in the

necessities of the historic moment, with the direction of the ‘trend’

which does not seem to me to deviate from these necessities. I am not

proposing any ‘correct direction’ to pilots navigating between surface

shoals and powerful currents. Policy has its own necessities and the

moment imposes on the Spanish Anarchists the necessity of a ‘policy.’

But we must be up to the mark of the historic role which it has been

deemed useful to assume. But it is also necessary not to believe that

there are profound breaks of continuity in the directions of current


To reconcile the ‘necessities’ of the war, the ‘will’ of the revolution

and the ‘aspirations’ of Anarchism: there lies the problem. This problem

must be resolved. On it depend the military victory against Fascism, the

creation of a new economy, the social deliverance of Spain and the

evaluation of the Anarchists’ beliefs and actions. Three great things

which merit every sacrifice and impose on each the duty to have the

courage to state his own beliefs in their entirety.

Article which appeared in ‘Guerra di Class’ No. 4, 5^(th) November,


The Wisdom of a Proverb

The Swiss Federal Council was the first to inaugurate in the name of

‘neutrality’ a regime of persecution against the friends of Free Spain,

desiring by this servile and reactionary attitude to pay homage to the

ogres of Berlin and Rome.

An outcry of scandal then arose from the synagogues of Social-Democracy.

And Stalin’s admirers protested vehemently.

Soon after, the Belgian government, which is composed of Social

Democratic ministers, expelled Canon Gallegos and Father Lobo, Catholic

priests guilty merely of having declared at private meetings their

solidarity with the legal government of Spain.

Then there was the British government dragging out from the dust of

centuries a law of 1870 which punishes the enrolment of British citizens

in foreign militias.

The United States in their turn brought up for discussion a law of 1811

forbidding North American citizens enrolling abroad.

Finally, the French government obtained from the Chamber of Deputies

full powers to surround Republican Spain with a ‘cordon sanitaire’

against the influx of foreign volunteers. And these powers, it received

them from the Communist and Socialist groups in parliament. There is

nothing surprising in the attitude of the Socialists. It coincides with

that of ‘Populaire’ and only serves to confirm it. But the attitude of

the Communists constitutes a scandalous change of policy. The English

Communists had protested at the blockade of volunteers. Ted Barnales,

head of the London section of the English Communist Party had declared

in one of his speeches on 11^(th) November last,

“For or each German soldier in Spain, we will send a seasoned English

fighter. This is our reply to the decision taken by the government to

prevent volunteers departing for Spain.”

And ‘Humanite’ at the news that the French government intended to forbid

the enrolment of volunteers burst out in repeated protests. A platonic

gesture on the part of the French Social Democrat and Stalinist leaders,

bound up to the very end with the wet-blanket government and the human


The ‘Petit Parisien’ of 15^(th) December announced a ‘strengthening of

control’ on the part of France, and Gabriel Peri wrote in ‘Humanite’

“Petit Parisien is the unofficial monitor of the Quai d’Orsay. We would

like to know whether the plan which it is announcing has, as the Petit

Petit Parisien indicates, the approval of M. Delbos. We would like to

know if it has the approval of the President of the Council. If not we

would like to read a denial as soon as possible.”

Instead of a prompt denial, the ‘Populaire’ of 8^(th) January wrote,

“We believe that there would be no difficulty in adopting the advice of

the German government which is proposing, in its reply, to remove from

Spain, all foreigners taking part in the fighting including the

political agitators and propagandists. with the aim of re-establishing

the state of affairs existing in August 1936.”

And it concluded,

“We must not lose any time in useless investigation of their intentions

by trying to discover the ‘traps’ which there may be in the replies of

Berlin and Rome. There is a certain way of overcoming all difficulties.

It is by applying and making all others apply a policy of

non-intervention in Spain; by eliminating from Spain all combatants who

are not Spanish. We must do it at and do it quickly.”

With Peri, Cachin, Vaillant — Couturier and company protested. But

Moscow took the helm. And who would associate themselves directly in the

name of the Communist group in parliament with the Blumist ‘faction?’

Peri was the very man, he who had maintained with the greatest obstinacy

and vehemence that France should have a policy overtly in favour of the

Spanish Republic. The buffoons and idiots of Bolshevism are as bad as

the buffoons and idiots of Social Democracy. The Socialist parliamentary

group trampled on the last resolution of the executive committees of the

IOS and the FSI which declares,

“that the maintenance of peace, which is the supreme asset of the

workers of ail countries and, consequently, the primary concern of

governments under Socialist control or with Socialist participation, can

only be assured on the condition that Democracy opposes an attitude bent

on blackmail or fascist menaces.”

The Communist parliamentary group, for its part, completely denied an

infinite number of explicit declarations against French ‘neutrality’

declarations made at its meetings and published in its papers, mainly in


Non-intervention plays into the hands of Hitler and Mussolini, arid thus

of Franco. The English Memorandum and the French moratorium proposing to

the German and Italian governments that they stop sending volunteers to

Spain go back to 3^(rd) December 1936. The Italo — German reply came on

7^(th) January. Thirty-five days of ... meditation, thirty-five days of

massive dispatch of men and military equipment to Franco.

The Italian government recruited ‘volunteers’ by means of orders sent

through the military districts; it directed towards Spain by means of

force, men recruited to work in Ethiopia, it concentrated volunteers for

Spain in the barracks. it even used common law convicts to swell the

ranks of the volunteers: it created concentrations of expeditionary

forces in la Speziz, Eboli, Salerno and Cagliari: and it transported

them in the State ships as far as Spanish Morocco.

After the bombings carried out over Spanish territory by Italian planes,

using for their base the airfield of Elmas after the occupation of

Majorca, we have all the elements of proof to show that Italy has

intervened militarily in the Spanish Civil War. Mussolini has no

intention of renouncing Spain. ‘Roma Fascista’ does not hesitate to

declare. “We are fighting and we shall win in Spain.” ‘Il Giornale

d’ltalia’ implies that French control of access routes to Spain on land

will be virtual. Hitler and Mussolini are demanding the impossible of

the English and French governments: like, for example, suppressing

propaganda in favour of Spain and removing from Spain all foreign


The bad faith of Mussolini and Hitler appears with as much clarity as

the over careful stupidity of Blum. Mussolini, in contempt for all

international law, has sent at least 20,000 men to Spain, and there are

besides (according to ‘Ami du Peuple’) at least 30,000 German soldiers

in Spain. The Italian government and the German government will continue

to send men, arms and ammunition whatever promises they make.

The Anglo — French neutrality has been is and will always be a

hypocritical intervention in favour of Spanish, German and Italian


To accept the supervisory blockade, is the same as putting on the same

place the loyal government and an army of rebels, it is the same as

putting Europe in the dilemma: war or the triumph of fascism. And the

triumph of fascism is the inevitable war of the very near future.

The Blumist policy has never had a clear and coherent line of action

because it is dominated by fear and a tendency to compromise. It is a

Social Democratic policy.

The French Communist Party, by adhering to this policy, has erased one

of the few fine pages in its history, The international repercussions

will have profound consequences. As will the repercussions on French

internal politics. But the most important thing for us is, for the

moment, to examine the needs of our struggle in Spain in relation to the

new situation. We will deal with that elsewhere. Today we are

experiencing an agonising and troubling emotion as we see the wisdom of

the popular proverb being confirmed: “May God guard me from my friends.

I can take care of my enemies.” (i.e. With friends like these, who needs

enemies? — Translator’s note).

Spain, surrounded by declared enemies and false friends will not

continue on its own path any less because of them. We wish with all our

filial love for this magnificent people that this path will lead to the

shining heights of triumph. But even if it leads us to the deepest abyss

of defeat, we would always have the consolation of having wanted to be

with the innocent victims and not with the murderers of unarmed people;

of having defended the sacred cause of liberty and justice and not the

return to tyranny and feudal privilege; of having taken part in the

melee, choosing our side decisively, and having rejected the degrading

share of cowardly and stupid compromises.

Article which appeared in ‘Guerra di Class’ No. 8, 1^(st) February,


On the militarisation of the Italian column

Rosselli [5] envisages having the maximum contact between our column and

the other (the Italian section of the International Brigades attached to

the Communist Party. Translator’s note), well I refuse it. But the

important problem is that of the autonomy of our section, autonomy which

Rosselli proposes, but which I do not find advisable, because it amounts

to cutting off the majority of the section which we have formed from a

militia responsive to our ideas; because I do not see how militarisation

would exclude us when it did not succeed in separating us from the

Ascaso column. It seems to me, therefore, easier to escape

militarisation by remaining within the CNT and FAI militia, rather than

submitting directly to the military command.

There remains the question of the development of the section. The

Italian column of Albacete (the International Brigades’ base.

Translator’s note) contains a thousand men, and there is also a column

of Germans similarly organised by the communists who number 200. From a

trustworthy source, we know that since the start some 8,000 Germans have

entered Spain, commanded by ‘Russian officers.’ It is obvious that

Madrid is organising its own ‘Tercio’: a foreign legion which, well

armed and well commanded will be able to restore order. The increase in

the police forces (guardias de asalto and guardias civiles) and the mass

arrival of Moscow’s Moroccans must give us pause for thought. All those

who would be on our side in the event of any attempt to stifle the

revolution can be considered as good allies. On the other hand I

continue to consider useful the politically heterogeneous character of

our column. Battistelli, to give only one example, is an ideal officer

for a column such as ours, and S. would not be.

The more the war intensifies, the more the need to perfect the

commanding ranks will increase. It seems to me in conclusion that the

presence of non-anarchist elements in our column has been militarily and

politically not negative.

Setting aside the breaking up of our column and our militia, the

agreement between us and the members of ‘Giustizia e Liberta’ could rest

on these two points:

1) joint recruiting committees;

2) joint aid committees

It is up to you to examine and resolve this agreement.[6]

Counter Revolution on the March

In the course of September 1930, Azana who was a member, with Zamora and

Leroux, of the Provisional Government of the Republic, said at a meeting

in Madrid, “We are going to conquer liberty by calling on all

anti-monarchist forces, no matter what name they call themselves, no

matter where they are.” Such was the phrasing of the first ‘holy

alliance:’ this alliance adopted as its political common denominator

Republicanism. In August 1931 the Republic believed itself to be strong

enough to precipitate the separation of the proletarian masses which

were diverging from the government; the deportations of anarchists and

syndicalists to the prisoner ships of Guinea were ordered by decree.

20^(th) October 1931 the Cortes, including the Socialist deputies, voted

in the Bill ‘for the defence of the Republic’ which was put into

operation by repression of the anarcho-syndicalist movements. From 1932

onwards the pronunciamento of Seville showed that Republican Fascism is

a greater danger than the monarchist restoration, but Azana, speaking in

the Cortes of General Sanjurjo’s attempted uprising, proclaimed that the

Spanish Republic was not sick and “that it has purged itself of the

scattered remnants of the old regime which it still contained.” In

January 1933, Azana ordered the massacre of the insurgents at

Casas-Viejas which was approved on 2^(nd) February by 150 Socialist

Deputies. In February 1936, in an interview in ‘Paris-Sou’, Azana stated

that Lerroux and Gil Robles were liquidated; he declared, “We desire

above all that order should prevail ... State it clearly, we do not want

to make a revolution ... I want to govern legally. No dangerous

innovations ... We want social peace, we desire order, we are


After the Fascist insurrection had broken out, the Socialist and

Communist parties returned to Azana’s phrase of September 1930: defence

of the democratic, parliamentary Republic. They still persist in this

position, opening up a route to counter-revolution.

Louis Pierard, Deputy in the Belgian Workers’ Party, recently recognised

in ‘Regards’ that “Socialism was practically non-existent in Catalonia

before the 19^(th) July.” The UGT which had at that time 9,000 members

in Catalonia, now has 50,000. Such a rapid expansion is significant. The

UGT is drawing the middle class to it. The fish-merchants of Barcelona

have joined this organisation en masse to avoid the ‘collectivisation of

fish’ which figures in the CNT’s programme. What happened in Barcelona

has occurred equally in all of Catalonia, in Aragon and in the Levant.

The enemies of collectivisation of the land, of industry and of commerce

have joined the UGT and the PSUC en masse. ‘Treball,’ the mouthpiece of

the PSUC, fights collectivisation and socialisation, while the CNT and

POUM defend it. Henceforth, the union between the opportunist

possibilism of the leaders of the PSUC and the bourgeois and petty

bourgeois who have entered the Popular Front is evident. Already, in the

course of the insurrection in Asturias, we have witnessed the rapid

pseudo-revolutionary mimicry of the middle classes. When the Committee

of Mieres called on employees, miners, foremen etc....., we witnessed

the following phenomenon, described in the ‘Diary of a Miner’ published

by ‘Giustizia e Liberta’:

“Scarcely had they read the proclamation, than the right-wing elements

rushed to put themselves under our command; they went so far as to argue

among themselves, each one wanting to be first. Suspicious excess of

zeal. They are the first to salute by raising their fist and to praise

the Revolution when they greet workers. In exchange they receive rations

of food, tobacco and other products, sometimes superior to those of the

revolutionaries themselves. The proletarians are careless and generous

like children.”

In contrast, the bourgeoisie display cleverness and hypocrisy, “above

all when their life is at risk.” After 19^(th) July in Catalonia, in

Aragon and in the Levant this same phenomenon could be witnessed, but in

this case to a far greater extent.

When the Spanish Communist Party published in August 1936 a manifesto

signed by Jesus Hernandez, declaring that they were fighting solely for

a democratic Republic, when the same party confirmed the same line of

action on 15^(th) December of the same year, this was not so must the

external plutocracy of the ‘democratic governments’ which this

organisation wished to reassure, but in fact the thousands of

pseudo-neophytes who had infiltrated its ranks and those of the UGT.

Even the. United Youth Movement (JSU) disavowed Socialism; thus their

Secretary General, Santiago Carrillo, was able to declare to the

national congress of the JSU, which was held in ValĂšncia on 15^(th)

January 1937, “We are not fighting for a Social Revolution. Our

organisation is neither Socialist, not Communist . ., . The JSU is not

Marxist youth.” ‘Ahora,’ mouthpiece of the JSU supported this thesis,

rejecting the class-based lines of policy.

The counter-revolutionary declarations which Juan Casanovas, President

of the Catalan Parliament, made in the ‘Depeche de Toulouse’ last March,

coincide with those of Comorera, a militant in the view of the PSUC,

made last December. The elements of the Generalidad who, in October

1934, supported the autonomist-fascist putsch led by the triumvirate of

Badia-Dencas-Mendez have not disappeared. More proof is furnished by the

counter-revolutionary statements of Nicolau d’Olwer. ‘Accion Catalana’,

the right of the PSUC, Galarza and his associates: there are the forces

of the counter-revolution.

The Spanish Revolution finds itself caught between Burgos and Bilbao

(where the Catholics, the Marxists and the Republicans establish their

‘holy alliance’ more and more by suspending the ‘CNT del Norte’ and

imprisoning the Regional committee of the CNT). It is locked between

Burgos and Valencia, where 218 adherents of the FAI and the Anarchist

Youth (FIJL) are imprisoned and where the anarchist journal ‘Nosotros’

is persecuted. It is wedged between Burgos and Almeria where old man

Moron held in prison one of the most heroic anti-fascist fighters:

Francisco Maroto.

The shadow of Noske looms up. Monarchist-Catholic-traditionalist Fascism

is only one sector of the counter-revolution. We must remember that. It

must be said, We must not be a party to the manoeuvres of this great

‘Fifth Column’ whose tenacious vitality and redoubtable mimicry have

been showed by six years of Spanish Republic.

The Spanish Civil War is developing on two politico-social fronts. The

Revolution must triumph on two fronts. And it will overcome.

Article which appeared in ‘Guerra di Class’ — No. 15, 5^(th) May 1937.

The Death of Berneri

In a letter to his wife, he wrote on 25^(th) April 1937, “I who am not

generally afraid in the face of danger, I am sometimes seized by a fear

of death, without there being any particularly objective reason.”

During the night of the 3^(rd) and 4^(th) May he wrote to his daughter


“What evil the Communists are doing here too! It is almost 2 o’clock and

I am going to bed. The house is on its guard tonight. I offered to stay

awake to let the others go to sleep, and everyone laughed, saying that I

would not even hear the cannon! But afterwards, one by one, they fell

asleep, and I am watchful over all of them, while working for those who

are to come. It is the only completely beautiful thing. More absolute

than love and truer than reality itself: What would humanity be without

this sense of duty, without this emotion of feeling bound to those who

were, who are distant, ignored, lost? Sometimes I think that this

Messianic sense is no more than escapism, is no more than the search for

and construction of an equilibrium, a stability which otherwise would

precipitate us into disorder or despair. Whatever it is, it is certain

that the most intense sentiments are the most human.

“One can lose one’s illusions about everything and about everyone, but

not about what one affirms with one’s moral conscience. If it was

possible for life to save Bilbao with my life, I should not hesitate for

one instant. (...)

“All that I have said above has a slightly ridiculous solemnity for

anyone who does not live here. But perhaps one day, if I can talk to you

of these months, you will understand.”

[1] Vilanesa, small Spanish village where many CNT militants were

massacred after their union premises had been looted.

[2] Fifth Column, name given in Spanish press to the grouping of Fascist

organisations existing behind the Republican Front.’

[3] The translation is incorrect, but the sense is similar; see Mintz

‘Self-management in Revolutionary Spain.’

[4] Phrygian cap, emblem of liberty SCB.

[5] Carlo Rorsselli and his brother were behind the ‘Giustizia e

Liberta’ group which called for a united anti-fascist front for a

Socialist Republic. Berneri followed their position closely.

(Translator’s note).

[6] Berneri was not involved in the column since he was running ‘Guerra

di Classe’. The letter seems to be from October 1936. It was published

in ‘Volonta’ 19^(th) July 1951.