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A man was to be married and his friends threw him a stag party... and what
a party it was!  Much drinking and merriment.  As the evening wore on, the
man was dancing nude and and hit his erect penis on the fireplace,
knocking himself out.  Concerned, his friends took him to the hospital.
Following an examination, the emergency room physician told them that
their friend's condition was stable, that he was bruised and sore, that
the medical term for his injury was complicated but in layman terms, "He
broke his prick".  Not to worry though, because he supported the injured
part with 4 tongue depressors neatly bound with tape.
  The next day, the wedding was flawless and the bride was unaware of any
problems.  In their honeymoon suite, the bride was spread eagled on the
bed when her husband emerged from the bathroom and she said, "Come and get
it honey, its all yours... untouched by any other, pure virgin wool".  The
groom smiled as he dropped his pajamas as he said to her, "Check this out,
still in the crate".

A man was walking in a cemetary and he came upon a grave which had a
headstone that said "here lies John Smith, Attorney at Law, a good man".
The man thought for a moment and said to himself, "I didn't know that they
began the practice of burying two men in the same grave in this

A teacher stood in front of her grade school classroom and said, "Behind
my back, I'm holding something round and hard and red.  What is it."
  Tommy raised his hand and said, "A red ball."
The teacher replied, "No, it's an apple; but I like the way you're
She then said, "Now I'm holding something that's green and hard and round.
 What do you think it is?"
  Sarah blurted out, "A green ball!"
"No, it's a green apple; but I like the way you're thinking!"
  Jimmy stood up in the back of the room and shouted, "Teacher, I'm holding
something in my pocket that's round and hard and has a head on it; what is
  The teacher became furious, and yelled back, "I won't stand for that kind
of language, young man!  March yourself over to the principal's office."
 On his way out, Jimmy walked past the teacher's desk and said, "I was
holding a quarter in my hand; but I like the way you're thinking!"

One Monday morning the teacher told her second grade class that each
student would have to go to the blackboard and draw something exciting
that happened at home on the weekend.  Little Johnny drew a broken vase
and little Mary drew a broken lamp.  Poor little Sammy gets up and puts
two dots on the board.  The teacher said, "Sammy that is not something
exciting, you will have to expain yourself and draw a new picture."
Little Sammy says, "Well maam, isn't a dot a period?"   The reply was,
"Yes, but what has that to do with it?"  Little Sammy, "Gosh durn if I
know, but my sister in high school is missing two of them and everyone is
running around the house in an uproar!!!"

Do you know the definition of a gynecologist?
A crack inspector!!!

                           * * * * * * * *
                           * DEFINITIONS *
                           * * * * * * * *

                             1. COMPUTER

A  computer  is  a big electrified rock, which  is  designed  to  pass
voltages through various other devices (other rocks) and make  alleged

                              2. DEVICES

A  device  is a special kind of rock attached to the  main  rock  (the
computer). This rock provides the data that big rock uses.

                               3. DISKS

A  disk is a spinning piece of rock, which is magnetically charged  to
retain for a time the somewhat meaningful information to be garbled by
the main rock.

                             4. TERMINALS

A  terminal  is  a rock that glows in  the  dark  and  (theoretically)
displays the somewhat meaningful information to be garbled by the main

                           And so forth...


One day as a father was helping his son put together a train set, the son
asked, "Why can big cats have little cats and big dogs have little
dogs and big humans can have little humans, Why cant Big trains have
little trains. The father said he would explain later. A couple months
later the two were at a train station. The son went up to the engineer and
asked, "Why can big cats have little cats and big dogs can have little
dogs and big humans can have little humans, why cant big trains have
little trains. The engineer looked down at the boy and said, "Well
son.....Amtrack always pulls out on time.


While she was participating in the olympics, a sixteen year old American
gymnast had her first sexual experience, going to bed with a stunning East
  Upon returning to her hometown, she promptly went to confession.  After
receiving absolution, the gymnast was so delighted that she did cartwheels
down the aisle to the door.
  Awaiting her turn, old Mrs. Willoughboy said to her friend, "Can yu
believe what Father Pickmont is giving for penance?  Of all the days for
me not to be wearing panties..."

       What's the motto of the Beastiality Club?
       In dog we thrust.

Two young women were cruising the singles' bars, but were unsuccessful at
finding a man.  Finally, at the last bar in town they spotted a single
fellow sitting at the bar.
  One of the girls walked over to him.  "You don't look very happy," she
  "I'm not. I've just spent fifteen years in prision."
  "Fifteen years!  What for?"
  "I beat my wife unconscious with a baseball bat, then thre her into a wood
  Nodding, the girl looked back at her friend and yells, "He's single!"

       What do husbands have in their pants that their wives
       don't want on their faces?

What are three words a woman does not want to hear when she is making
I'm home dear.

What's the difference between a college professor and a proctologist?
A proctologist only has to deal with one asshole at a time.

   Storming into the drugstore first thing Monday morning, the young man
slammed a carton and a receipt down on the counter.
   "I came in here on Friday and purchased twelve dozen condom," he yelled
at the druggist.  "Well, I counted them.  There's only eleven dozen here."
   Looking ther man square in the eye, the druggist said contritely, "So
sorry, sir, to have ruined your weekend."

There was a cow that, for the sake of her health, was given an abortion.
Or, as the witty veterinarian put it, she was decaffeinated......

What do they call an aborted fetus in Czechoslovakia?
                    A canceled Czech.

I saw this on a T shirt....
A chicken and an egg are laying (lying?) in bed smoking a cigaret.  They
obviously just got done having sex.
The caption on the bottom reads...."WHO CAME FIRST?"

What kind of liscense do lesbians need to get married?
A liquer liscence.

A guy is sitting on an airplane when he sees this beautiful chick sitting
across the aisle.  He notices that she is reading a magazine about penis
size, so he figures he had better introduce himself.
  So he goes up and says, "What you reading?"
She says, "Well, it says here that Native Americans have the thickest
cocks of all men.  And it also says that Polish men have the longest cocks
of all men. ..... Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't get your name."
  He replies...."Tanto Kowalski"

             Little Sally came running in from school
             "Mommy! Mommy!  At show and tell, Billy
             showed us something that's six inches long,
              has two nuts, and can make me very fat!"
             Gasping , the woman siad, "Sally!  what on
             earth did he show you?"
             The girl replied, "An Almound Joy!"

                           you can call it
              a malleable finite cylindraceous coil wrought
              of parallel axes with azimuthal terminates,
                           or you can call it
                           A PAPER CLIP

Benny, a first grader, was walking home from school when he saw a blinding
flash of light and a puff of smoke; in front of him stood his Fairy
Godmother.  She said, "I've come to grant you one wish and one wish only,
what will it be?"  He said that he wanted a big black bushy beard just
like the guys on the Smith Brothers cough drop box.  The Fairy Godmother
tried to convince him to think of the future by saying, "You can have
fame, fortune, longevity, or anything you can imagine so do you want to
change your mind?"  Benny said that he wanted the beard.  The Fairy
Godmother thought fear might change his mind so she said that if he ever
shaved it off she would cremate him instantly and put his ashes in an urn.
 He insisted on the beard.  The Fairy Godmother waved her magic wand and
POOF... he had his beard.
  When he arrived home, he had a lot of explaining to do to his mother, but
he managed.  Benny's grade school years were full of ridicule and
humiliation; his high school years went better, and when he was in
college, he fit right in with the rest of the crowd.
  One day, he fell in love and asked his girl to marry him.  She said that
she would if he shaved off his beard.  Benny explained the beard's origin
and the Fairy Godmother's threat.  His girlfriend didn't buy it.  Love
conquers all and Benny thought that the Fairy Godmother forgot about the
incident by now so he lathered his face and took one stroke of the
razor... POOF!  There is an urn on the floor full of ashes.
  The moral of the story is....
  A Benny shaved is a Benny urned.

          Every night before she went out on a date,
          the young girl was told by her mother, "Remember,
          dear.  When he tries to touch you in a certain
          way , a girl's best friends are her legs."
          Much to her motherr's dismay, however, several
          weeks later her daughter announced that she was
          "What!  How did it happen?  Didn't I tell you
          that your best friends are your legs?"
          "You did, Mama," she replied.  "But there comes
           a time when even best friends must part."

A man walked into a bar and ordered two drinks. He downed the first one
and carefully poured the other into his hand. The bartender looked at him
strangely and asked if he wanted another round. He ordered two more and
did the exact same thing. Finally the curiousity of the bartender was too
much to leave alone so he said to the man: "I have seen many strange
things here but I have never seen anything like this. Could you please
tell me what you are doing?" The man replied: "I am trying to get my date

What did the elephant say when he saw the native warrior running naked
through the jungle?
"How the hell does he eat with that thing?"

Man, I had a girl friend and when I took her to the zoo and she saw what
an elephant had, she would not go home with me.

What's the best way to make a bull sweat?
Give him a tight jersey.

Did you hear that Saddam Hussein was meeting with Little Miss Muffet
They we both talking about how the Kurds were getting in the way!

Just heard the news on the radio - they have found evidence that WIlliam
Kennedy Smith DID force himself on his unwilling victim.
  Smith told her that if she didn't have sex with him, that his Uncle Teddy
would give her a ride home!!!

A guy went hunting for duck. He was out hunting for an entire week and
never managed to shoot a duck.
On his way driving back to the big city he happened to see a duck flying
over a barn yard. He hit the breaks, grabbed his gun and jumped out of his
car, shooting at the duck flying by. Finally he hit the duck and it fell
to the ground landing on the other side of the barn yard fence.
As he climbed over the fence to fetch his prized catch the farmer
approached him. "What do you think you're doin'?" the farmer asked. The
man told him about his terrible luck on his hunting trip. But the farmer
could have cared less. "The duck landed on my side of the fence, so it's
rightfully mine" the farmer said.
The man pleaded with the farmer for several minutes when the farmer said
"I'll tell you what we'll do! we'll settle this country style.", "Country
Style?" the man asked "What's that?" The farmer replied "First I'll kick
you as hard as I can where it hurts the most! then you can kick me! we'll
just going back and forth until only one of us can fight. Who ever is left
standing at the end of the fight wins!"
The man from the city thought about what this big husky country farmer had
suggested, and reluctantly excepted his challenge.
The farmer said "I'll go first!". He kicked the man so hard that the guy
fell to his knees in horrible pain. His eyes watered, he clutched his
sides and cried. The poor city man rolled around for nearly a half hour
before he was finally able to make it back up to his feet again. Wiping
the tears from his eyes, he looked at the farmer and said "Now I go,
right?" The farmer looked at the little city guy with a befuddled look on
his face and said "Oh, take the duck!"



Why does Helen Keller play piano with one hand??
She sings with the other !!!!

A new recruit showed up on his first day in the ARMY and was sent to get
his supplies.
  The supply sergeant gathered up all his equipment but informed the soldier
that they were temporarily out of rifles. At this the sergeant handed the
new recruit a broom stick to use as his rifle until they were restocked.
The new recruit laughed and asked him how a broom stick was supposed to
serve his needs. The sergeant replied that he should simply hold the broom
out in front of himself as he would a rifle and go "Bangidy, Bang, Bang!"
  The next day another new recruit met with the same dilemma as the first.
Only he was not only assigned the broom stick to use as his weapon. But
the sergeant also informed him that they were temporarily out of stock on
bayonets. Well, the soldier got really upset and said "What am I supposed
to do until you get more in?". The sergeant took the broom stick and tied
a string around one end of the stick. He returned it to the soldier, who
laughed. "What is this supposed to do for me?" asked the recruit. The
sergeant replied that he should hold the broom as he would a real rifle
and go "Stabidy, Stab, Stab!"
  A few days later the two new recruits found themselves in a hostile
situation. The two of them had found themselves on the front line with war
breaking out all around them. With no other troops in their immediate area
the two soldiers nerves tightened as they saw the enemy heading towards
  A half a dozen troops came rushing their position as the two men thrust
their broom sticks out in front of themselves and begain shouting
"Bangidy, Bang, Bang! Stabidy, Stap, Stab!" at this the six enemy soldiers
all dropped dead. The two recruits were completely amazed at what had just
  But before they could dwell on the event for too long, they looked to see
no less than a dozen more troopers running at them. The two soldiers were
growing more confident with their situation. They bravely aimed their
broom sticks and repeated "Bangidy, Bang, Bang! Stabidy, Stab, Stab!" and
again all twelve of the enemy soldiers fell to the ground, dead.
Now the two soldiers were really impressed with the weapons they had been
assigned. Moments later, they didn't flinch when the looked to see a
single enemy soldier walking completely unarmed in their immediate
direction. The two recruits simply looked at each other and laughed about
this soldier's stupidity.
  The two recruits again raised their broom sticks and chanted "Bangidy,
Bang, Bang! Stabidy, Stab, Stab!", but to their amazement the lone soldier
kept trudging towards them. Now the two recruits were nervous again. They
couldn't explain this at all. Again they shouted "Bangidy, Bang, Bang!
Stabidy, Stab, Stab!", and again nothing happened.
  As the soldier neared, the two recruits threw down their broom sticks and
made every attempt to get to shelter. But the lone enemy trooper quickly
caught up to the two recruits and stomped them into the soil. With an
angry, confident expression fixed firmly on his face the trooper brought
the two recruits to their knees and relentlessly pummeled them to death.
After he had finished, the enemy trooper continued forward heading over
the front line. And as he enthusiastically moved onward he could be heard
chanting to himself "Tankidy, Tank, Tank!"

A container containing what the container is contained in...
                                                    ...contains nothing.

     What does a Swan do gracefully, a Duck try to do, and a Lawyer should
     Stick his bill up his ass!!

Did you hear the story on the pretty your girsl who went on a fishing trip
with 6 guys?
The guys came back with bluegills and walleyes while she came back with a
red snapper.

While giving a physical, the doctor noticed that his patient's shins were
covered with dark, savage bruises.
  "Tell me," said the doctor, "Do you play hockey or soccer?"
  "neither," said the man.  "My wife and I play bridge."

     Years ago, a six year old boy was sailing with his parents in the
South Pacific when their boat sank.  Only the boy made it to shore,
staggering onto the golden sands of an uninhabited island.
     Years later, a young woman researching the islands for her Ph. D. in
anthropology found the island and its inhabitant who was now a young man
with a bronze, impressive physique.
     "Good lord," she said, "how long have you lived alone here?"
     "As near as I can figure," he replied, "thirteen years."
     "And how have you survived?"
     "Actually, it hasn't been difficult at all. I pick berries, eat
fruit, and dig for clams."
     "What about sex?" she asked.
     The young man said that he had no idea what sex was, and, rather than
explain it, she removed her clothing and seduced the strapping youth right
there on the beach.
     When they were finished, she asked, "how did you like it?"
     "Marvelous," he said, "but Christ look what you did to my clam

It was her first day on the job at the Double-Bubble plant, and Griselda
fell into a vat of gum.  Naturally, her boss chewed her out...........

After suffering through years of his wif'e gowawful coffee, the man spit
it out and took the coffee maker to his lawyer.  Dropping it on the
attorney's desk, the man growled, "Here they are!"
"Here are what?" the startled lawyer asked.
"Grounds for Divorce."

A man was standing on a street corner whene he saw a funeral prosession.
At the end of the prosession was a man with a dog and a hundred or more
other guys.  Being curious man 1 asked "I hate to bother you in your
moment of grief but I was wonderen what is going on, I ain't never seen
nothing like this."  Man 2 "My wife died." Man 1 "I'm sorry to hear that."
Man 2 "The dog here, my Doberman Pincher mauled her to death."  Man 1
stops and thinks about this for a second and asks "Can I barrow your dog
there." Man 2 "Get in line buddy."

              a black cat is considered bad luck,
              but a white cat is called "pussy"?

A hunter from out East was stalking ducks near Texarcanna, where three
states join.  He spies a duck, shoots it and is about to pick it up when
he hears a voice. "Howdy son. That was a mighty good shot. Hope you got
the right license for that duck." The hunter looks up to see a good ol'
boy game warden. The hunter asks, "What kind of license do I need?" The
game warden promptly picks up the duck, sticks his finger in its rear end,
pulls it out and smells his finger. "That's a Louisian duck, son. You got
a Louisian duck license?" The hunter shows the game warden that he indeed
does have a Louisian duck license. "Well okay, son. But just be careful."
    A while later, the hunter bags another duck, and again the game warden
is right on the scene. "Hope you got the right license for this duck,
son." The warden again uses his finger to check the duck and announces,
"This is a Texas duck. You got a Texas duck license?"  The hunter digs
throught his wallent andproduces a Texas duck license. "Okay, son, just be
careful."  A short while later the hunter bags another duck. Again the
game warden arrives, checks the duck and announces that it is an Arkansas
duck. "You got an Arkansas duck license?"  The hunter looks in his wallet
and to the game warden's amazement, produces an Arkansas duck license.
    "Damn, boy. You got every kind of license. Where are you from
    At this the hunter promptly drops his pants and bends over saying,
"You're the expert. You tell me."

While nursing a drink at a bar, a young woman was destresseed to see a
drunken unkept man sit down next to her.
"Say, honey-baby ... I'd really like t'get into those pants o'yours."
"Thanks," she shot back, "but I've already got an asshole in there."

little boy to little girl: "I sure would like to get into your pants"
little girl to little boy: "Why?"
little boy: "'cause I shit in mine!"

An elderly gentlemen went to the doctoor for a physical. After examining
the man, the doctor said "I think you are alright, but just the same
before you leave I would like a urine sample, a stool sample, and a semen
sample." The man, who was a little hard of hearing, turned to his wife and
said "What did the doctor say?"
His wife quickly replied "He wants your shorts!!!!!"

  One day a young man went to a pharmacy and asked the little old lady
behind the counter if he could speak with the pharmacist.
"I am the pharmacist," she informed him.
"Oh, in that case forget it," he replied and started to leave.
  "Young man," the lady said to him, "my sister and I have been
pharmacists for forty years and there is nothing we haven't heard, so
what is your problem?"
  "Well," the young man said reluctantly, "I have a problem with
erections.  Once I get hard, it won't go down for hours and hours, no
matter how much I masturbate or how many times I have intercourse! 
Please, can you give me something for it?
 "I'll have to go in the back and talk to my sister." she informed him.
About ten minutes later she came back.  "Young man, I have consulted with
my sister and the best we can give you is $100 a week and a third interest
in the pharmacy."

What is the German word for constipation:

What's gray and comes in quarts?
An elephant.

Two old drunks were lapping them up at a bar. The first one says, "Ya
know, when I was 30 and got a hard-on, I couldn't bend it with both
hands.  By the time I was 40, I could bend it about 10 degrees if I tried
really hard.  By the time I was 50, I could bend it about 20 degrees, no
problem.  I'm gonna be 60 next week, and now I can almost bend it in half
with just one hand."
"So", says the second drunk, "What's yer point?"
"Well", says the first, "I'm just wondering how much stronger I'm
gonna get!"

A cop sees a car weaving all over the road and pulls it over.  He walks
up to the car and sees a nice-looking woman is driving and smells liquor
on her breath.  He says, "I'm going to have to give you the breathalyzer
test to determine if you are under the influence of alcohol."  She blows
up the balloon and he walks over to the police car.  After a couple of
minutes comes back and says, "It looks like you've had a couple of
stiff ones."  She replies "You mean it shows that, too?"

"Say, Horace," one farmer asked the other, "you ever seen a egg plant?"
"Certainly,: replied the other.
The first farmer shook his head.  "Ya just gotta tell me how you got far
enought up the chicken's ass to look."

If mothers have Mother's Day and fathers have Father's Day, then what do
single men have?
Palm Sunday!

   On their wedding night the husband was so self-conscious about the
smallness of his penis that before undressing, he snapped off the light.
   Once he was in bed, he unziped his pants and handed his member to his
   "That's thoughtful, darling." she cooed, "but we"ll need the light if
you want to write thank you notes."

As you may know, Martina Navara-Telova (sp?) is in the midst of a
multi-million dollar palimony suit with her former female lover.
  As I see it, Martina could have held back that wave of lawsuits if she
would just have put her finger in the dyke. . .

   While making love together for the first time, Teddy was furious when
his girlfriend suddenly stopped and lay back.
   "What's wrong?" he demanded.
   "Forgive me," she said, "but it's your organ.  It just isn't big
   "Forgive *me*," Teddy replied, "but it wasn't meant to be played in a

What kind of shampoo did Dahmer use?
      Answer - Head and Shoulders.

Did you hear they let Dahmer out on bail?
It cost him an arm and a leg.
He used to work at Ambrosia - dipping nuts in chocolate.
Then he lost his job, but a few of his neighbors gave him a hand.

Well, Dahmer had enrolled in night school only recently.  Somebody told
him that a good education was a sure way to get ahead.

How bout the Dahmer Cafe?
Serving our fellow man for over a decade.
Our motto:
It tastes kinda like chicken!

... but you know that the police let him slip through their hands...
... they couldn't lay a finger on him.

Did you notice how Dahmer was so cool and collected in the court room?
That's because his lawyer advised him to keep a stiff upper lip!

You know that Dahmer could predict the weather?  He had a trick knee!

Do you know what they found in Dahmer's sewing kit?  Belly buttons.
Do you know where they found his sewing kit?  Between the foot stool and
the arm chair.

A man goes skydiving.  After a fantastic free fall he pulls the rip cord
to open his parachute but nothing happens.  He tries everything but can't
get it open.  Just then another man flies by him, going UP.  The skydiver
yells, "Hey, you know anything about parachutes?  The man replies, "No,
you know anything about gas stoves?

how do you get your children to take a bath???
    Tell them it's practice for the pool!!
         The next day how do you get them out of the pool??
                 Through in a bar of soap!!

(dahmer Jokes)
I heard that they were opening a new resturant on Lincoln Memorial Drive
called Pieces of 11 (or was that 17)
Did you know that his favorite part of a hockey game is the face-off!!!!
Did you know that his favorite food was tied between head cheese and
finger sandwiches?

A sandwich is a sandwich, but a "Manwich" is a meal.

Dahmer's apartment is available for rent - will cost you an arm and a leg
to rent it though.  It does come with a roommate however (some assembly
Heard they are considering renaming Milwaukee to Hackensack.

Milwaukee:  the land of cheeseheads and shreaded-deads.

Do you know why Dahmer never drove?
Because he couldn't find a car with enough HEAD ROOM.

Do you know why Jeff Dahmer intended to move before he was caught?
He needed an apartment with more Elbow Room.

Dahmer's first comments to police:
     Come on guys, have a heart.

Why were many victims reluctant to go out with Jeff?
    Because they would have to leave their friends behind.

Have you heard that Pee Wee Herman has declined the assistance of
legal aid?
He says that he can get off by himself!

These 3 guys were fishing one hot summer day when the fisherman in the
middle hooked into a very large fish that he fought for several minutes.
Finally the fish won and pulled him into the water, straight to the
bottom. The other 2 guys just sat and watched for a long while for their
friend to surface. Finally afterabout half an hour one guy says to the
other "don't ya think we should dive down and get him"? SO the other
fisherman jumps in and swims around and finally brings him up. his friend
is doing mouth to mouth and says "boy I really don't remember Joe having
breath this bad". TO which the other fisherman replied, "yeah, and I don't
remember him wearing a snowmobile suit either"!

The same guys go on a fishing trip to Canada.  When they get there,
they hire a guide and go out on the lake.  One guy is getting all the
bites at first.  As he hauls in the first one, the guide pulls it up
out of the water and throws it back.  "why did you do that?"
"Not big enough".  He gets another bite and after a few minutes, lands
another fish.  The guide throws it back.  "Still too small".
Finally he gets a really big fish on the line.  He fights it for 30
minutes.  The guide leans over the boat and cuts the line.
"What's wrong with that fish?"  "Too big.  You'll never land him."

During a routine physical, a doctor tells his patient to drop his pants.
After the exam, the doctor says to the man, "You have the filthiest balls
I've ever seen!"  The guy goes home to his wife and says, "I want to
talk to you about something."  She replies, "Not now, I've been so busy
lately that I haven't had time to wipe my ass!"  He says, "That's what
I want to talk to you about."

I read that when Jeffery Dehlmer wants to deodorize his refrigerator, all
he has to add is the "hammer".

i've no mother, no father, I'm born without skin, i speak only once and
never again.  What am i?
   a fart

    Jeff invited his mom over for dinner.  They were in the dining room
eating quietly for awhile when Jeff's mom looked up and said, "You know,
Jeff, I don't really like your friends."
     Jeff replied, "That's O.K., mom, just eat your vegetables."

Yeah mom, I've got a bone to pick with you tonight.

(Dahmer Building)
Well, it seems that while Alderman Henningsen has taken the position
that the Oxford Apartments should be torn down, the city assessor's
office is on the record as opposed to the move...
  You see, they discovered that there's 22 feet more to the building
than originally stated.
...in case you missed Dahmer's Rummage Sale:
....and if you got there early you got a Hand Woven rug.

What did he keep in the birdcage?      A Cockortwo.

Did you hear that they dropped all charges against Pee Wee Herman?
The judge thought that the evidence wouldn't stand up in court!

What's the difference between a tire with 70,000 miles on it and 400 used
One's a good-year, the others a very good year.

Jeff "the Chef" Dahmer...The Queer that Made Milwaukee Famous

Jeff lived in Wisconsin, the land of Cheddarheads and

Jeff's new movie is "Silence of the Limbs", Siskell & Ebert
give it "2 thumbs off!"

Jeff's favorite second course is Stu Mulligan.

Jeff's favorite Chinese dish is Chow Man.

A famous golfer that Jeff stopped eating after just two
bites:  Jack Nippleless!

When they took Jeff away, he begged police, "Have a heart!"

Jeff's favorite candy bar is Buttered Fingers.

Jeff the Chef won a three-legged race at the fair...all by

A lot of times, Jeff's neighbors get mad and go off half-

Jeff's favorite expression?  "Eat your heart out!"

Why does Jeff the Chef sing when he eats a sandwich?  "My
baloney has a first name..."

The last thing one of Jeff's neighbors said after a fight:
"Okay, ya don't have to bite my head off!"

Pee Wee Herman and Jeff the Chef have a favorite dish in
common...it's Beef Strokin' Off

Jeff's favorite option on a car?  Tilt wheel.  Why?  More

What does Jeff call a 10 car pileup?  Smorgasboard!

Jeff's serial killer nickname:  "Son of Spam"

Why is Jeff the butt of so many jokes?  Because you are what
you eat!

Jeff's favorite tropical blender drink is a Penis Colada.

Drinks that Jeff the Chef might order at the bar:  a couple
of high balls, or a Bloody Harry...or a fuzzy navel!

Jeff's favorite antacid?  Rec-Tums!

Sometimes Jeff has to flip a coin to decide what to
eat...heads or tails.

Jeff's favorite frozen dessert is Eyes Cream!

Jeff's favorite toast at a party..."Bottoms Up!"

What do Wisconsin and New Jersey have in common?

Jeff's favorite vacation spot?  Hungary!

Jeff's last job?  In a bodyshop.

Jeff originated the idea of "Hands Across America."

Jeff's favorite part of a hockey game...the face off.

When Jeff gets sick of something, he throws up his hands.

Jeff's third favorite sandwich?  Cold Cuts!

Jeff's favorite store?  Footlocker!

Jeff has a kid -- he's spoiled rotten!

Every time Jeff breaks up with a guy, the guy goes all to

Jeff's favorite brand of clothing?  Dis-Members only.

Yesterday Jeff passed one of his old neighbors in the

Jeff is a great neighbor!  He's always willing to give you a

Jeff bought a new refrigerator.  It seats six.

UPDATE:  Jeff replaced his 6-seater refrigerator or one with
more elbow room.

When Jeff orders a beer, he insists that it have a head on

Jeff's favorite book:  "A Farewell to Arms."

Jeff had trouble picking up dates...they had to leave their
friends behind.

"I don't think Jeff likes me -- he's always giving me the
cold shoulder!"

Jeff's not doing well these days, at least financially.  In
fact, he's living hand to mouth!

Now that Jeff's in the hands-on-ankles hotel, he's in a bad
mood -- he's chewing everybody out!

Jeff says at a party, "Sorry...I guess I really put your foot
in my mouth that time!"

One of Jeff's surviving neighbors just flew in from
Milwaukee.  And if he had any, boy! would his arms be tired!

People love to invite Jeff to parties.  He's a real cut-up!

Gay men love Jeff.  They know they can always drop by for a
cold one.

Why do people love Jeff's parties?  He makes great finger

When Jeff worked, how did he get paid?  Severance!

Why was Jeff the Chef thrown out of the Navy?  When they
yelled "All hands on deck" he showed up with silverware!

What was his rank in the Navy?  Sergeant at Arms!

What did Jeff say when he finished eating one of his
neighbors?  "I've had my Phil."

Why does Jeff love to eat convicts?  It's his way of taking a
bite out of crime.

The menu at Jeff's new restaurant:
     beans and Frank
     Chuck roast
     baked Alaskan
     kidney beans
     tongue sandwich with head cheese
     spaghetti and meat balls
     Terry Aki
     Rump Roast
     Head Lettuce
     Elbow Macaroni
     Sloppy Joe

Jeff brought a whole new meaning to the expression "Belly
up to the bar"
The police found corn flakes in the hair of one of Jeff's
victims heads.  That's when they knew for sure he was a
cereal killer.

New product -- Jeff Dahmer Super Ointment:  gets rid of
athlete's foot, athlete's head, athlete's arm...

Jeff's favorite past-time...finger pointing.

What do Cinderella's fairy godmother and Jeff have in common?
They both cut off the balls at midnight!

Jeff's favorite sport?  Back-packing!

His favorite childhood game?  Tic-Tac-Toe

What did Jeff the Chef say when he met police at the door?
"Just a second, I've got buns in the oven!"

Jeff's favorite country group?  The Kentucky Headhunters.

When Jeff needs to deodorize his refrigerator, he just needs
to put in the hammer.

Jeff's favorite song:  "I Fall to Pieces" (but some say that
it's really "The First Time Ever I Sawed Your Face")

Jeff the Chef is a really nice guy.  He's always going to the
ice box and taking a friend out for dinner!

What do Jeff and the squirrels have in common?  They're both
storing up nuts for the winter!

Why was Jeff fired from a bank?  He was eating all the

What's Jeff's favorite chewing gum?  "Denny-teen"

Why did Jeff always make girls nervous?  He was always giving
them the eye.

What has two heads, three legs, six arms and hums?  A
refrigerator in Milwaukee!

Jeff doesn't mind when people give him the finger.

Jeff's favorite grocery store?  Chop'n'Save.

When his neighbors refused to talk to police, the police said
"What's the matter?  Jeff got your tongue?"

What's Jeff's second favorite sport?  Hand Ball!

What's Jeff's other new movie?  "A Pocket of Lips Now"

Jeff's favorite hot breakfast food?  Hash Browns... or Has
Smiths... or Hash Joneses... or

Well, it seems that while Alderman Henningsen has taken the
position that the Oxford Apartments should be torn down, the
city assessor's office is on the record as opposed to the
move...you see, they discovered that there's 22 feet more to
the building than originally stated.

What's the definition of a Red Head???
..... a blonde with brains!

Q: What is the mating call of a brunette?
A: Has the blonde gone home yet?

   While a hunky patient was having a body cast removed, one of the nurses
at the hospital happened to notice that he had the word "little" tattooed
on the shaft of his penis.
   Curious, she mentioned this to a coworker, then arranged to go out on a
date with the patient.  The next morning she came to work with a huge
smile on her face.
   "I don't understand it," the coworker said.  "Why on earth would you
want to out with a man who had 'Little' on his penis."
   "Because," she said, "when I stroked it, I found out that it said
'Little Anthony's Pizza-we deliver twenty-four hours a day, every day of
the year.'"

   Straight out of college and not terribly sharp, a young reportter lands
a choice assignment: to interview both the president of the United States
and the prime minister of Israel.
   Heading to the White House, he is ushered into the Oval office.
Looking at the chief executive's desk, he asks what each of the phones is
   "This one," says the president, "is a direct line to the chairman of
the Soviet Union.  The one next to it is a direct line to the prime
minister of Israel.  And the one next to that is a direct line to God."
   "God!" the reported gasps, scribbling furisouly, "Gee, how much does it
cost to call God?"
   "Oh, about ten thousand dollars a minute," says the preisdent.
   Completing the interview the reporter hops onto a plane and flies to
Tel Aviv.  After being introduced to the prime minister, they sit down at
his desk.  The reported ask what all of the phones are for.
   "With this one," says the prime minister, "I can talk directly to the
president of the United States.  And with this one, I can telephone the
president of Egypt."
   "And the one next to it?" asks the reporter.
   "It's a special line," the Prime Minister says.  "With it I can talk
directly with God."
   "And how much does it cost you," the reporter asks.
   "A quarter"
   "A quarter? But the president told me it costs him ten thousand dollars
a minute!."
   "That's true," the prime minister replies, "But from here, it's a local

A Chinese gentleman was on holiday in Paris when he happened upon a very
stunning lady of the evening, who was only too willing to accompany him
back to his hotel.  They strolled arm-in-arm down the Champs d'Elysee the
few short blocks to the room, whereupon the Chinese gentleman set a
Guiness Book record for getting his clothes off, climbed into the bed and
made love to the young lady for quite a long time.  The Chinese fellow
then said, "excusez moi, madame, je suis tres fatigue".  He got up out of
the bed and walked to the window, where he took a deep breath.  Then he
playfully dived under the bed, came up on the other side, and proceeded to
make love again.  Having satisfied himself once more, he said, "excusez
moi, madame, je suis tres fatigue", and again got out of the bed, took a
deep breath at the window, and dived under the bed, only to come out on
the other side, reinvigorated enough to make love once more.  After three
more "excuse moi's" and deep breaths at the window, it was the young lady
who said, "non, pardonnez moi, mais JE suis tres fatigue".  She got up out
of the bed, walked to the window, took a deep breath, and turned to look
under the bed, where she saw three Chinese gentlemen lying in a row like

An Italian and a German were riding in an elevator when the German cut
loose with a really loud, explosive fart.  The Italian couldn't handle it,
started waving both arms in front of his face, and said, "I'm sorry, in
Italy we NEVER fart like that".  To which the German replied, "Ja, that is
because you nefer close your mouths long enough to build up adequate
back pressure."

This koala bear flys in from Austrailia to visit his friends in New York.
His friends take him out to a house of ill repute for a night of wild
abandon.  The next morning, the koala bear is putting on his things and
walking out, but he is stopped by the madam.
"Ahem!!!" says the madam.  "Ahem, What?" replys the koala bear.
The madam asks "do you know where you are?"  and the koala bear replys
"well yes, I'm in a house of ill repute."  The madam says "look honey, I
don't think you get the idea - take this dictionary and look up
'prostitute'.  So the koala bear looks up 'prostitute' in the dictionary
and reads:  "A woman who trades sexual services for money."  The koala
bear, looking puzzled hands the dictionary back to the madam and says "OK,
look up KOALA BEAR."  So the madam looks up 'koala bear' and reads:  "A
small Austrailian marsupial which eats bushes and leaves."

What's worse than a pimple on your nose?
A blackhead in your refrigerator!

What does Jeffrey Dahmer have that Mike Ditka (of the Chicago Bears)
. . . . . brains in his refridgerator...

Did you hear that Dahmer's kids are spoiled rotten??.

One day, all the parts of the body got together to decide who should be
boss.  The first one who spoke was the brain, saying, "I should be boss
because I control all of you other parts of the body."  Next the arms
spoke and said "but without me, the body probably could survive, so I
should be boss."  The legs then spoke up and said, "but without me, the
body couldn't get anywhere, so I should be boss."  The eyes had their say
too -- "without me the body couldn't navigate, so I should be boss."
While they were all arguing, the ass-hole spoke up.  "What about me?" it
said.  All the other parts of the body laughed.  How could the ass-hole be
boss?  So the ass-hole got mad and closed up.  Soon the arms became
shaky, the legs wobbly, the eyes crossed, and the brain couldn't think
straight, and they all conceded and made the ass-hole boss.
          The moral of the stroy is...........
You don't have to a brain, have vision, be a mover, or the right arm ro be
boss --- JUST AN ASS-HOLE!!

I needed to paint my house, so I went to the hardware store and bought
some used paint in the shape of my house.  I also bought some batteries,
but they weren't included so I had to buy them again.
I have a telescope on the peephole on my door, so I can see who's at the
door for two hundred miles.
I like to skate on the other side of the ice.
                                              Steven Wright

...Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have lost at all...

Where do you take your dog if it loses its tail.
A re-tail store.

What happens to you if you don't pay your exorcist?
You get reposessed!

Computer people insert it between the margins.

Computer people do the hard drive.
       I can't do the hard drive, I've got a floppy. :-(

Did you hear the one about the dyslexic guy who tried to commit suicide
by jumping in back of a bus?

This beautiful blonde is speeding through town when a police officer pulls
her over.  The officer asks to see her license.  The blonde shows a
puzzled look on her face, and asks what a license is.  The cop answers by
saying that she had to take a written test, a drivers test, then if she
passed, she got a little piece of paper with her picture and her address
on it encased in plastic.  "Oh, I think I've got one of those." So the
blonde digs in her purse and pulls out the license.  The officer goes back
to call it in.  A minute later, he returns and asks for her registration.
"What's a registration?" she asks.  "When you purchase a car, we send you
license plates, a sticker, and a little pink piece of paper with the model
of the car on it."  She stops and thinks about it for a minute, then says
"OH, I think I've got one of those."  And she digs in the glove
compartment and produces the registration slip.  The cop goes back to the
squad car and calls it in.  A minute or two later, the cop comes back with
his pants down and his rod hanging out.  "Miss, I'm going to have to ask
you to take a breath-a-lizer test."

A certain lawyer was quite wealthy and had a summer house in
the country, to which he retreated for several weeks of the
year.  Each summer, the lawyer would invite a different
friend of his (no, that's not the punch line) to spend a
week or two up at this place, which happened to be in a
backwoods section of Maine.
On one particular occasion, he invited a Czechoslovakian
friend to stay with him.  The friend, eager to get a freebie
off a lawyer, agreed. Well, they had a splendid time in the
country - rising early and living in the great outdoors.
Early one morning, the lawyer and his Czechoslovakian
companion went out to pick berries for their morning
breakfast.  As they went around the berry patch, gathering
blueberries and raspberries in tremendous quantities, along
came two huge Bears - a male and a female.
Well, the lawyer, seeing the two bears, immediately dashed
for cover. His friend, though, wasn't so lucky, and the male
bear reached him and swallowed him whole.
The lawyer ran back to his Mercedes, tore into town as fast
has he could, and got the local backwoods sheriff. The
sheriff grabbed his shotgun and dashed back to the berry
patch with the lawyer.
Sure enough, the two bears were still there.
"He's in THAT one!" cried the lawyer, pointing to the male,
while visions of lawsuits from his friend's family danced in
his head. He just had to save his friend.
The sheriff looked at the bears, and without batting an eye,
leveled his gun, took careful aim, and SHOT THE FEMALE.
"Whatdya do that for!" exclaimed the lawyer, "I said he was
in the other!" "Exactly," replied the sheriff, "and would
YOU believe a lawyer who told you that the Czech was in the

What do Jeffery Dahmer and the Chicago Bears have in common?????
They both have refigerators that stink!!!!!

What are his[PeeWee's] favorite soft drinks?
Squirt and cream soda!

Did you hear about the test that they ran on women?
They wanted to see how fast they could go.
Well they can only go 68, because they blow a rod when they hit 69!

Did you hear about this poor guy. His whole left hand side of his body
fell off.
He's allright now.

(picture Rodney D. saying this)
Fat!! My wife's so fat she doesn't even complain if you leave the toilet
seat up!
I tell ya... my wife's so fat, she has to have help using the bathroom.
After she finishes, someone has to help her break the suction.

If Olive Oil comes from pressing olives, and coconut oil comes from
pressing coconuts, where does baby oil come from?

Angry bus patrons in the Midlands of England complained to bus company
officials when drivers repeatedly failed to stop and pick them up.  In
defense, the company noted, "It is impossible for the drivers to keep
their timetable if they have to stop for passengers."   Campus Life

"The most important thing to find out about your electrical
system is whether it contains enough "volts", which are little
tiny pieces of energy shaped like arrows so you can tell which
direction they're moving.  The standard measurement for volts is
"amps", also called "watts", which travel around in a "circuit"
as follows: At the electrical company, fuel oil is burned to set
fire to a generator, which gives off electrical energy in the
form of sparks, which are put into wires and sent to your home,
where the electricity waits in the wall until you turn on your
toaster, at which point it rushes through the wire and into the
English muffin, and from there into your stomach, where it
remains until you are walking down a hall scuffing your feet on
the carpet and you go to open a door, causing the electricity to
leap into the doorknob, where it remains forever, which is why
scientists are now concerned that if some unscrupulous entity
such as Libya or an adolescent male ever figures out how to
release this power, he could, using only the latent doorknob
energy contained in a single older ranch-style home, vaporize

You know, i's really not too nice to joke about Pee-Wee Herman now that he
died...he had a massive stroke!

Actually, Pee-Wee didn't die after all...he just decided to stick it out.

They found Michael Jackson's glove....Pee-Wee's date needed a new dress.

I was recently shown a poster that seems fitting after last sundays Green
Bay Packer game. It reads "Will the woman who left her 11 children at
Lambeau Field please come pick them up. They're beating the Packers."

                   3 YOU KNOW YOUR A REDNECK IF.... 3

You still have an 8-track tape player in your car or house.

Your idea of safe sex doesn't include anyone else.

You have ever bar-be-qued hamburgers at the driver-in theater.

You liked the velvet picture of Elvis that someone in a van sold you
beside the highway better than anything you saw at an art show or museum.

You own more than three shirts with cut-off sleeves.

You have ever driven down the road with your seat belt hanging out of the
door making sparks.

You have ever spray-painted your girlfriend's name on an overpass.

Someone asks to see your ID, and you show them your belt buckle.

Your dog and your wallet are both on a chain.

You owe the taxidermist more than your annual income.

You have ever lost a tooth opening a beer bottle.

Jack Daniels is on your list of most admired people.

You see no need to stop at a rest stop because you have an empty milk
jug in the car.

Your dog can't watch you eat without gagging.

You have ever had to scratch your sister or girlfriend's name out of
the message "For a good time, call _______."

Red Man chewing tobacco sends you a Christmas card.

You bought a VCR because wrestling comes on while you're at work.

Your dad walks to school with you because you're both in the same grade.

You view the next family reunion as a great chance to meet a woman.

Your wife has a beer gut, and you think it's attractive.

You have ever signed a petition to have the national anthem changed to
"Free Bird."

You call your boss "Dude."

You have ever been fired from a construction job because of your appearance.

You need one more hole punched in your card before you get a freebie at
the "House of Tattoos."

You get an estimate from the barber before he cuts your hair.

You look like Willie Nelson after you get your hair cut.

You own more cowboy boots than sneakers.

You've ever worn a cowboy hat to church.

You have sunglasses that are mirrored on the inside.

You think BMW are the call letters for a radio station.

You wear a belt buckle that weighs more than three pounds.

You've ever been to a funeral or wedding where there were more pickup
trucks than cars.

Your all-time favorite movie is "Cannonball Run."

You have any relatives named "Elmer" or "Jed."

Your girlfriend thinks the way you pick your nose is cute.

You wish your house looked like the one on the beginning of "Beverly
Hillbillies" or "Green Acres."

Your favorite actors are Gomer Pile, Goober, and Barney Fife.

Your pet parrot knows how to whistle the song to "the Andy Griffith Show."

Your brother-in-law is also your uncle.

You've refused to watch the Academy Awards since "Smokey and the
Bandit" was snubbed for Best Picture. 

You prominantly display a gift you bought at Graceland.

You consider Outdoor Life deep reading. 

Your mother keeps a spittoon on the ironing board.

You've ever worn a tube top to a wedding.

The most common phrase you hear at your family reunion is "What
are you looking at, shithead?!"

You think beef jerky and moon pies are two of the major food

You think Campho-Phenique is a miracle drug.

You have more than two brothers named Bubba or Junior.

You think the styrofoam cooler is the greatest invention of all time.

You've even been too drunk to fish. 

You use a rag as a gas cap.

You had a toothpick in your mouth when your wedding pictures were

Your lifelong goal is to own a fireworks stand.

After making love you have to ask your date to roll down the window

Your house doesn't have curtains but your truck does. 

You own a belt buckle that weighs more than 3 pounds.

Your dog and your wallet are both on a chain.

Jack Daniels makes your list of "Most Admired People".

You've ever been to a funeral where there are more pick-up trucks 
than cars.

Your idea of safe sex is a padded headboard.               

Your dad walks you to school because you're in the same grade.

You have a Hefty bag for the passenger-side window of your car.

You've ever worn a cowboy hat to church.

Your wife has a beer belly and you find it attractive.

You own more cowboy boots than sneakers.

Your idea of fiscal responsibility is having enough money to keep
beer in the fridge and gas in the truck. 

You think BMW are the call letters of a radio station.

You have ever been fired from a construction job because of your

You have more than three shirts with cut off sleeves.

You bought a VCR because wrestling comes on while you're at work.

If your front porch collapses and kills more than three dogs.

If your dad walks you to school because your in the same grade.

You consider yourself to have a persoalized license plate, as your father 
made it for you in prison.

You think  'Volvo'  is part of a woman's anatomy.

When asked for I.D., you show your belt buckle.

Your father persuades you to quite school, as there's a job opening at the
Jiffy Lube.

You've broken more than one tooth trying to open a bottle of beer.

You need only one more hole punched in your card for a free tatoo.

Here's a hillbilly joke I heard recently:

	After marrying his sweetheart, Billy Ray Bob and Becky Sue Bob go
	off on their big honeymoon night.  The next day, Billy Ray Bob
	drives over to see his folks.  Strutting up to his pa, he proudly
	mentions that he sure had a great time last night (wink, wink), but
	was surprised to find out that Becky Sue Bob was a virgin.
	"A virgin?!!" his pa screamed.  "Boy, you gotta get rid of that girl
	right now!!"  Stunned by his pa's reaction, Billy Ray Bob can't
	understand it.  "Why, Pa, why do I have to get rid of her?"
	"Damn, Boy, haven't I taught you anything right?  If she isn't
	good enough for her own family, she sure isn't good enough for you!"

What do you call a 12 year old virgin in Tennessee?
          -- A girl who can out run her brother.

How can you tell a redneck family?
           -- Their family tree doesn't branch.