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Title: Basic Principles of Anarchism
Author: Morpheus
Date: 25th June 2003
Language: en
Topics: introductory, principles
Source: Retrieved on 2nd August 2020 from https://web.archive.org/web/20070303054259fw_/http://question-everything.mahost.org/Socio-Politics/BasicAnarchy.html


Basic Principles of Anarchism

Common Myths About Anarchism:

Anarchists advocate complete chaos

This is a complete myth with no basis in reality. Anarchists do not

advocate chaos and anarchy does not mean chaos. Similar slander used to

be said about the ideas of democracy and republics. In places where a

Monarchy was thought necessary the idea of elected governments was often

equated with complete chaos. This association is the result of slander

by the powerful (the state, corporations, etc.) that control the media

and is, unfortunately, not a surprise. Since anarchists seek to

overthrow them it is not surprising that they would slander anarchism

with all sorts of absurd nonsense.

Anarchists believe in mindless violence

Another common stereotype is that of the mad bomb-throwing anarchist who

advocates carnage and destruction for the sake of it. This too is a

myth. Anarchists do not normally go around throwing bombs at everyone

nor do we consider beating up old ladies a virtue. It is true that there

have been anarchists who have used violence to advance their cause but

this is true of every political philosophy. Republicans and democrats

have used much more violence throughout history then anarchists, yet

they are never demonized as crazed bomb throwers. Indeed, the state is

not only inherently violent but the most violent organization in human

history. It uses violence on a systemic level (in the form of police &

militaries) and is responsible for numerous genocides. The state is

vastly more violent than the most violent of anarchists.

Anarchists, by definition, are opposed to organization

The vast majority of anarchists are not opposed to organization. What

anarchists are opposed to is hierarchical organization — organizations

in which one group of people tells the other members what to do. Instead

anarchists advocate organization without authority, where all members

have an equal say in group decisions.

What Anarchism Really Stands For

Anarchy comes from the Greek and literally means “no rulers.” Anarchists

are anti-authoritarians who seek to abolish domination. It is important

to differentiate between different two types of authority: legitimate

(or rational) authority and illegitimate (or irrational) authority. In

other words, there’s a difference between being an authority and having

authority. Being an authority means that a person is recognized as

competent for any particular task based on her or his knowledge and

individual skills. It is socially acknowledged expertise. Legitimate

authorities are experts who are particularly knowledgeable, skillful or

wise in any particular area. It may be in our best interests to follow

their recommendations, but they have no power to force us to do so, nor

should they. Legitimate authority is this kind of authority, the

authority of an expert.

Having authority is a social relationship based on status and power

derived from a hierarchical position within a group. It means dividing

society/the group into the order givers and the order takers. The order

givers, the authorities, tell the order takers what to do and they must

obey. This is illegitimate authority. A boss, for example, is an

illegitimate authority because employees must obey his orders. When

something is described as “authoritarian” it usually means that it uses

illegitimate authority.

Hierarchy is essentially institutionalized authority. It is a

pyramidally structured organization consisting of a series of grades,

ranks or offices of increasing power, prestige, and/or remuneration.

Those with lower ranks must obey those with higher ranks. Hierarchies

maintain control by coercion — the threat of negative sanctions

(physical, economic, social, etc.) against those who don’t obey.

Hierarchical organizations are, by definition, organizations that are

run by elites. Those on the top, the elite, have more power then those

on the bottom. Hierarchical authority is the authority that is inherent

in any hierarchy. This is the same thing as illegitimate (or irrational)

authority — that is, relations of command and obedience. Another name

for this is domination.

Anarchism is extreme skepticism of authority. The basic idea is to

abolish domination in favor of a society based on voluntary cooperation.

As the anarchist Noam Chomsky said:

“I think it only makes sense to seek out and identify structures of

authority, hierarchy, and domination in every aspect of life, and to

challenge them; unless a justification for them can be given, they are

illegitimate, and should be dismantled, to increase the scope of human

freedom. That includes political power, ownership and management,

relations among men and women, parents and children, our control over

the fate of future generations (the basic moral imperative behind the

environmental movement, in my view), and much else. Naturally this means

a challenge to the huge institutions of coercion and control: the state,

the unaccountable private tyrannies that control most of the domestic

and international economy, and so on. But not only these. That is what I

have always understood to be the essence of anarchism: the conviction

that the burden of proof has to be placed on authority, and that it

should be dismantled if that burden cannot be met. Sometimes the burden

can be met. If I’m taking a walk with my grandchildren and they dart out

into a busy street, I will use not only authority but also physical

coercion to stop them. The act should be challenged, but I think it can

readily meet the challenge. And there are other cases; life is a complex

affair, we understand very little about humans and society, and grand

pronouncements are generally more a source of harm than of benefit. But

the perspective is a valid one, I think, and can lead us quite a long

way.” [1]

Following Chomsky’s logic, anarchists argue that hierarchy, bodies of

people having authority over others, is unjustified and should be

abolished. Some anarchists take this a step further and oppose other

forms of authority; a few argue that “legitimate authority” (expertise)

is also unjustified, but most do not. Unless a good justification can be

given for any form of authority it should be abolished. In the case of

hierarchical authority anarchist believe there is no valid justification

for it; all major hierarchical institutions should be abolished. Instead

of dividing society into a hierarchy of order givers and order takers

everyone should have control over their own life and an equal say in

group decisions.

What Anarchists Oppose


As explained above, anarchists are opposed to domination. Relations of

command and obedience are not only unnecessary but also inherently

detrimental to humanity. Everyone should have control of their own life

instead of being bossed around by others.


Capitalism is an economic system based upon wage labor. Under capitalism

a small group of people, the capitalist class, owns the means of

production (land, factories, mines, etc.) and the working class (the

majority of the population) must sell their labor to the capitalist

class in order to survive. If the workers do not sell their labor they

will starve because they do not have access to the means of production —

the capitalist class monopolizes them. The ownership of the means of

production by the capitalists does not have to be direct but can be

through an organization they control, such as corporations. Anarchists

are also opposed to all other class systems but focus on capitalism

because it is the dominant economic system today. Class is economic

hierarchy. Other class systems include feudalism, soviet-style

“socialism” (which many anarchists consider to be a form of

state-capitalism) and slavery.

The State

Sociologists define the state (also called government) as an

organization with a monopoly (or near monopoly) on the legitimate use of

violence. It is a centralized rule making body with a pyramidal,

hierarchical structure that uses its monopoly of force to boss around

all those within its territory. It maintains various armed bodies of

people (police, military) and coercive institutions (courts, prisons)

with which it coerces the population into obeying its dictates. Because

of its hierarchical structure and monopoly of force the state always

acts to enforce the rule of a small elite. It exists not to “enforce

order” or anything like that but to enforce the will of the ruling

class. Anarchists are opposed to all states, including:

Representative “Democracy”

Elected governments are run by and for a small elite, just like all

other states. Elected representatives are not tied in any substantial

way to particular policies, regardless of the preferences of the

electorate. Ordinary people have no real control over the decisions of

the politicians — once elected they can make what ever decisions they

want regardless of what most people want. Representatives are separated

from the population but exposed to powerful pressure groups including

state bureaucracies, corporations, lobbyists and political party power


“Socialist” States

Attempts to overthrow the capitalist class and implement a socialist

“workers’ state” inevitably lead to the replacement of the old ruling

class with a new, bureaucratic ruling class that exploits the working

class just as the old ruling class did. There is no effective way for

the working class as a whole to control the state. It has a monopoly of

force and will simply use that monopoly to establish itself as a new

ruling class. Decision making power lies with the leaders, not with the

masses of ordinary workers. When the politburo or parliament or council

of people’s commissars or other leaders are making the decisions the

workers are not.


Patriarchy is male domination — a social relation in which men have

power over women; gender hierarchy. In every society men and women are

expected to behave in certain ways and if they do not they are subjected

to various forms of coercion ranging from being made fun of to violence

to exile. How a man or woman is expected to behave in a given society is

called their gender. This is different from sex, which refers to the

biological characteristics that distinguish male from female. Gender

varies greatly from society to society. Under patriarchy gender is

constructed so that, on average, men have more power than women. The

results of this are quite negative — in addition to diminishing women’s

freedom it also results in sexual harassment, reduced opportunities for

women, rape and various other forms of sexual violence. Anarchists

advocate equality of the sexes.


Heterosexism is a natural outcome of the form of patriarchy that exists

in the west and many other parts of the world. Gender in most modern

patriarchical societies is constructed so that heterosexual behavior is

the norm. Homosexuals deviate from how men and women are expected to

behave and so are subjected to various forms of coercion as a result.

There is thus a hierarchy between hetero and homosexuals. Anarchists are

opposed to any sort of oppression on the basis of one’s sexuality.

White Supremacy

Race is a social construction. It divides a population into a

hierarchical set of “races” with those on top — the white race — having

privileges and power over those in other “lower” races. Race is

hereditary. Usually people are assigned to their race based on some

meaningless characteristic, such as skin color. Race is not at all

biological but is a pure social construction. Looking at different

societies that have different constructions of race easily proves this.

What Americans call blacks are actually broken into several different

races in most Latin American countries (blacks, mulattos, etc). In the

US Irish, Italians and East Europeans were considered non-white a

hundred years ago but today are considered whites. In Rwanda two groups

most Americans would consider black, Hutus and Tutsis, are regarded as

two different races. White supremacy first arose with the Atlantic Slave

Trade as a way of justifying it and of splitting the working class to

insure that poor whites did not ally with rebellious blacks.


Imperialism is a social relationship in which the rulers of one country

dominate the population of another country or territory. At present the

United States is the main imperialist nation, dominating most other

countries in the world. Past imperialist powers have included the Soviet

Union, Rome, Germany, England and the Aztecs.

Basic Principles of Anarchism


Anarchists are extremely skeptical about the need for any kind of

authority. At minimum all anarchists believe that hierarchy should be

abolished and some take this further and oppose other forms of

authority. Instead of hierarchy, everyone should have control over their

own life and an equal say in group decisions.

Free Association

Everyone should be allowed to associate freely with those they choose

and to disassociate themselves when they choose. Individuals should not

be forced into social relations against their will. Society should be

based upon free agreement, rather than coercion.

Mutual Aid

Instead of attempting to dominate each other social relations should be

based on solidarity and voluntary cooperation. When individuals come

together to help each other they can accomplish more than when they work

against each other.


Freedom means the ability to control one’s own life instead of being

controlled by others, as is the case with hierarchy. This is sometimes

called liberty or autonomy. Controlling other people’s lives is not

freedom but a restriction of freedom.


In groups decisions should be made in a manner so that everyone has an

equal say. People should govern themselves, rather than dividing people

into some who give orders and some who obey as in hierarchical


Radical Egalitarianism

Anarchists believe in an egalitarian society. This does not mean some

totalitarian society where everyone is identical or lives identical

lives. It does not mean denying individual diversity or uniqueness.

Rather anarchists believe in equality of both wealth and power — a

natural consequence of the abolition of hierarchy.


Anarchists favor social, economic and political equality for men and

women. The domination of men over women should be abolished and all

people given control of their own lives.

What An Anarchist Society Would Look Like

There have been many different visions of what an anarchist society

would look like. Any vision that abolishes the things anarchists are

opposed to and is consistent with the earlier stated principles of

anarchism is compatible with anarchy. There are, however, many

institutions that have been proposed by anarchists to run a

non-hierarchical society. Most of these are not based on idle

speculation but by looking at how actually existing anarchist societies

have worked. Some of them are:

Popular Assemblies

Also called general assemblies or mass assemblies. In any organization

people can come together to meet and discuss whatever common problems or

activities they face. At these assemblies everyone should have an equal

opportunity to participate in both the discussion/debate and the final

decisions. These can be formed in workplaces where they would take over

the running of all workplaces. Worker assemblies would then meet

regularly to plan production, divvy up the tasks that need to be

accomplished, etc. They can be formed in each neighborhood in order to

deal with whatever particular issues confront that neighborhood and

organize to deal with them. These are based on free association so

whenever a group of people wants to get together to accomplish some goal

they can simply form a general assembly to organize it. Free association

also means that no one would have to participate in an assembly if they

did not want to. Such assemblies can be formed to organize around

anything — not only around workplace and neighborhood issues but

potentially also universities, clubs, space exploration, etc. Worker

assemblies, neighborhood assemblies, university assemblies, community

assemblies and the like can all be formed to run society without

hierarchy, based on self-management.


The different assemblies can coordinate their activities through the use

of a council system. This is done by each assembly assigning a contact

person(s) (sometimes called a spoke or delegate) to meet with other

contact people from other assemblies which they want to coordinate

things with. The meeting of contact people is called a council or

spokescouncil. Position of contact person should rotate frequently. Each

contact person is mandated, meaning that they are instructed by the

assembly that they come from on how to deal with any issue. The contact

people would be given binding instructions, committing them to a

framework of policies, developed by their assembly, within which they

would have to act. If at any time they violate their mandate their

assembly would instantly recall them and their decisions revoked.

Decision making power stays in the assemblies; contact people simply

convey and implement those positions. Contact people do not have any

authority or special privileges. Councils are organized from the bottom

up, with control staying in the assemblies. They are not hierarchical

organizations but simply coordinate the activities of the assemblies

without authority. Instead of hierarchy there are decentralized

confederations and networks. This differs from representative

institutions in that decision making power stays in the assemblies

whereas representatives can make whatever decisions they want and have

authority over others. These councils can be formed to coordinate the

activities of assemblies on whatever level needed. Worker councils can

coordinate the activities of the worker assemblies; neighborhood

councils can coordinate the activities of different neighborhood

assemblies, etc. They can also do this on a regional scale — forming

regional worker councils, etc — and those regional confederations can

use the same method to coordinate with each other. In all cases decision

making power stays with the assemblies upon which the councils are based

— the assemblies would be the core of any organization.

Decision Making Processes

Any decision making process in which everyone has control over their own

life and all members have an equal say, rather than dividing people into

order givers and order takers, is theoretically compatible with

anarchism. Although there are many different ways in which this can be

done, there are two main methods of non-hierarchical decision making

which are advocated by most anarchists:


In consensus everyone in the group must agree to a decision before it

can be put into action. All contributions are valued and participation

is encouraged. Any member can block consensus, stopping a decision they

strongly object to. Members may also “stand aside,” allowing a decision

they do not like to be made without blocking or supporting it.

Direct Democracy

Decisions would be made by directly voting on the options — the option

with a majority of votes is implemented. Anarchists who advocate direct

democracy do not believe in a mechanical process whereby the majority

just votes away the minority and ignores them. It is intended to be a

dynamic discussion process where different people listen to each other

and exchange ideas. Direct Democracy is combined with free association

as well — meaning that anyone who is out-voted does not absolutely have

to abide by the decision. They can simply leave the group.

These decision making processes would be used in the popular assemblies,

councils, etc. There are many variations on them and it is also possible

to synthesize consensus and direct democracy. Some groups could use

direct democracy but require the majority be of a certain size (such as

2/3rds or 3/4ths) instead of a simple majority. Another variation is to

attempt to achieve the largest majority possible.


There have been many different economic systems envisioned by

anarchists. These different visions are not necessarily incompatable

with each other and could probably co-exist within the same society. The

main ones are:


In mutualism people would be either self-employed or part of a

worker-controlled cooperative (individual cooperatives would be run by

worker assemblies as described above). They would produce goods and

trade them on a market. Although mutualism uses markets to coordinate

production it is not capitalist because wage labor would be abolished.

No one would sell their labor to others but would instead work in

cooperatives or for themselves.


In Collectivism markets would be abolished. Instead of using markets to

coordinate production they would set up workers councils, as described

above, to coordinate production. Each workplace would be run by it’s own

worker assembly and each assembly would federate with other workplace

assemblies in the area, forming a local workers council. The workers

councils would federate with each other (forming more councils) as

needed on many levels. Money would be kept and people paid on the basis

of how much they work. Most collectivists believe that collectivism

would eventually evolve into a gift economy.

Participatory Economics

Also called Parecon. This is similar to collectivism; the biggest

difference is that there are consumer assemblies in addition to worker

assemblies. The underlying values parecon seeks to implement are equity,

solidarity, diversity, and participatory self management. The main

institutions to attain these ends are council self management, balanced

job complexes, remuneration according to effort and sacrifice, and

participatory planning. Consumers and workers directly democratically

and cooperatively negotiate their production and consumption on an

individual basis and via worker and consumer councils and federations of

councils. Balanced job complexes share quality of work and empowering

work equitably throughout the workplace and the entire economy. Workers

are remunerated for effort and sacrifice, so in tandem with balanced job

complexes consumption bundles are roughly equal, with minor

discrepancies due to people’s chosen working hours and intensity.

Gift Economy

Also called anarcho-communism or libertarian communism. A gift economy

would abolish money and trading all together. Production and

distribution would be done purely on the basis of need through a

confederation of free communes. The economy would be organized along the

lines of “from each according to ability, to each according to need.”

The “communism” in anarcho-communism has nothing to do with the

countries which some erroneously call “Communist” (USSR, China, etc.).

None of those countries actually claimed to be communist; they claimed

to be in a transition to communism. Anarcho-communists opposed these

dictatorships from the very beginning and have participated in many

rebellions against them. Anarcho-communists would do away with money,

central planning and the state — all of which were present in the USSR,

China, etc.


Primitivists would abolish industry, civilization and most forms of

technology. Instead anarcho-primitivists advocate a low-tech green

society. This would be either an agrarian or hunter-gatherer society.

Primitivists are split on the question of agriculture: some want to do

away with it all together and others would keep some forms of primitive


How Might An Anarchist Society Be Created


Anarchists believe in self-liberation. The liberation of the oppressed

can only come about through the actions of the oppressed themselves

(either individually or collectively). Those on the bottom of society

have to rebel against those on the top and refuse to obey them. People

cannot be forced to be free. Anarchy cannot be created by some vanguard

seizing power but only by the self-liberation of the oppressed.

Direct Action

Direct action means that instead of relying on someone else to act for

you (such as a politician) act for yourself. It is any action which

people themselves decide upon and organize themselves that is based on

their own collective strength and does not rely on getting intermediates

to act for them. Examples of direct action include strikes, boycotts,

sabotage, insurrections and civil disobedience. Direct action can also

be liberatory because it puts power in the hands of ordinary people;

instead of relying on someone else to do something we do it ourselves.

Building the New Society within the Shell of the Old

The means you use will greatly affect the ends you get. As such

anarchists organize along the same principles in which we advocate

organizing society: non-hierarchically. For this reason anarchist

organizations are often based around general assemblies and

spokescouncils. Many anarchists see the initial framework of anarchy

being created within the old society, before capitalism and the state

are abolished. Popular organs of self-management would be formed before

the overthrow of the old society. This includes neighborhood assemblies,

workers’ councils, syndicalist unions and the like. These

non-hierarchical organizations would fight against the institutions of

the old society (government, capitalism, patriarchy, etc.) and as the

old society is destroyed they take over the running of society.

Different Kinds of Anarchists

Differences of Focus

In addition to differences over what an anarchist society should look

like, different anarchists also focus more on different issues.

Anarcha-Feminists focus on women’s liberation and the struggle against

patriarchy. Eco-Anarchists focus on ecology and the destruction of the

environment. Anarcho-syndicalists focus on unions and the labor

movement. The divisions between the various kinds of anarchists overlap

and are not absolute. Most different kinds of anarchists are willing to

co-exist and work together.

Evolution vs. Revolution

The majority of anarchists are revolutionaries who believe that an

anarchist society will come about as the result of a social revolution.

The government would be overthrown and abolished, the means of

production expropriated and placed under self-management and a rapid

transition to anarchy made. Others believe in an evolutionary approach —

that anarchy will come about as a result of a lengthy centuries-long



Some anarchists are also pacifists who believe all forms of violence are

immoral. True pacifism logically implies anarchism. The state is

inherently violent and the most violent organization in human history;

other forms of hierarchy are usually violent as well. The majority of

anarchists are not pacifists, however. Although non-pacifist anarchists

do not glorify violence most believe that the use of violence in

self-defense and/or to overthrow hierarchy is justified.

Religion and Philosophy

Anarchists come from many different religions and philosophical

backgrounds — from atheistic materialism to postmodernism to egoism to

Taoism to Christianity and everything in between. Although most

anarchists are atheists/agnostics there are religious anarchists

including Pagans, Christians, Muslims and Jews. Any religion or

philosophy is theoretically compatible with anarchism so long as it does

not advocate things (such as a god-king) that contradict the basic ideas


Anarchy In Action

Everyday Life

There are many examples of anarchist principles in real life. Some of

them come from the daily lives of ordinary people living in contemporary

hierarchical societies. One example is “a group of friends going on a

camping trip. They plan their trip, and each person brings useful skills

and tools to share. They work together to set up tents, fish, cook,

clean up, with no one in a position of authority over anyone else. The

group organizes itself, chores are done, and everyone passes the time as

they please, alone or in groups with others. People discuss their

concerns and possible solutions are proposed. No one is bound to go

along with the group, but choosing to spend time together implies a

willingness to at least try to work out constructive solutions to the

problems and frictions that will inevitably arise. If no resolution is

possible, the dissenting individuals can form another grouping or leave

without fear of persecution by the rest of the group.” [2] Similar

non-hierarchical forms of organization happen all the time even in the

most authoritarian of societies. They’re informal and small scale but it

is an example of anarchy in action. In an anarchist society

non-hierarchical forms of organization would be the dominant form of


Primitivist Societies

There have been many examples of anarchist societies throughout history;

most of them have been agrarian or hunter-gatherer societies. The

immense majority of human history was lived in primitive anarchy. The

human race has been around between 50,000 and 500,000 years (depending

on how you define human and what estimates you use). The first states

came around about 7,000 years ago in Mesopotamia. For a long time after

states and classes were created they were limited to certain parts of

the world while much of the globe lived in anarchy. It is only in the

last couple of centuries that states came to rule the entire world,

primarily as a result of conquest. Although far from perfect, most

primitivist societies were not the Hobbesian hellholes they are often

portrayed as (see Stone Age Economics by Marshall Sahlins). Well known

indigenous anarcho-primitivist societies include the !Kung and the Igbo

(prior to western imperialism).

Ukrainian Revolution

In early 1918 the new Bolshevik government of Russia made peace with

Germany and agreed to give up the Ukraine, formerly part of the Russian

Empire, to Germany. The inhabitants of the Ukraine had little say in

this and were opposed to it. A rebellion against German rule erupted

which turned into an anarchist revolution. The revolution was rooted

primarily among peasants although it included cities at its height.

Village assemblies and communes were formed throughout much of the

Ukraine. When it included cities factories were taken over by the

workers. They formed decentralized democratic militias, which fought

guerilla warfare against numerous statist armies that invaded the

Ukraine during this time period. The Anarcho-Communist Nestor Makhno

played a major role in organizing these militias. They successfully

defeated the Germans, Austrians, Ukrainian Nationalists, and two white

invasions led by General Denikin and then General Wrangel (the Whites

were ultra-reactionary armies fighting the Bolsheviks in Russia). In

1921 the Bolsheviks, having recently won the civil war against the

Whites, invaded the Ukraine. They used their vastly superior resources

to conquer the Ukraine and implement a reign of terror.

Spanish Revolution

On July 19, 1936 General Fransisco Franco launched a Fascist coup

against the Spanish Republic. In response the CNT, an

anarcho-syndicalist union, and the UGT, a union affiliation with the

Spanish Socialist Party, called a general strike. The Republic refused

to release arms to the workers so they broke into the barracks and

distributed arms to the people. They fought and defeated the Fascist

coup in two-thirds of Spain. The state was effectively destroyed; the

military was in rebellion and the police forces had dissolved during the

fighting. The workers and peasants proceeded to take over the land and

factories. Collectives were formed throughout anti-fascist Spain.

Collectivism was the main economic system, although a few villages

abolished money and implemented anarcho-communism. There were also

elements of mutualism implemented in some places. Decentralized militias

were formed to fight against the Fascists. After three years of civil

war the fascists won. The victory of fascism was due not only to their

superior arms and assistance from Hitler & Mussolini but also strategic

errors made by the anarcho-syndicalists and backstabbing by Marxist and

Republican “allies” in the fight against fascism.

Common Questions and Objections

What Would You Replace The State With?

Nothing. Would you replace a tumor?

What About Human Nature

If human nature is bad then hierarchy should be abolished because those

on the top will inevitably abuse their power. If human nature is good

then there is no need for hierarchy because people will do good things

without being dominated by others. Either way, we should have anarchy.

If people are too evil to rule themselves then they are far too evil to

rule other people. The immense majority of human history has been lived

in hunter-gatherer societies, a form of primitivist anarchy. If human

nature favors any particular social system it favors hunter-gatherer

anarchy because that is what the majority of human history has been

lived in. Given the immense diversity of social systems humans have

created over the eons it is unlikely that human nature, if it even

exists, plays a great role in determining social structure.

What Would Happen To Former Politicians and Capitalists?

Individual politicians and members of the capitalist class from the old

society would be allowed to become part of the new society as equals.

They would lose all their former powers and privileges and live

alongside everyone else as equals. Those who do not want to are free to

become hermits or leave. Anyone who does not want to participate in the

various collective organizations would be free to leave and would be

given access to a portion of the means of production so that they could

support themselves on their own. During the Spanish Revolution “if you

didn’t want to join the collective you were given some land but only as

much as you could work yourself. You were not allowed to employ”

wage-laborers.” [3] They could attempt to set up alternative systems so

long as they are completely voluntary. They could attempt to reestablish

capitalism (or some other form of oppression) so long as it was

completely non-violent and voluntary but doing so would be extremely

difficult because few people would volunteer to be poor and work in

their sweatshops. Few people will volunteer to be oppressed, especially

in an anarchist society where hierarchy would be viewed quite

negatively. Reestablishing some form of domination through purely

voluntary and non-violent means would therefore be almost impossible.

How Could An Anarchist Society Defend Itself From Foreign Aggression

and Statist Armies?

The same tactics used to overthrow hierarchy, direct action, could be

used against counter-revolutionary armies. This includes, but is not

limited to, civil disobedience, strikes, insurrections, street fighting,

etc. If necessary the population could be armed and a decentralized

network of democratic militias formed to wage guerilla warfare against

the statist forces. This can be done against both foreign invaders (if

one part of the world is in anarchy and the other is authoritarian) and

against domestic counter-revolutionaries who attempt to use violence to

force everyone back into an authoritarian society.

How Would Anarchists Deal With anti-Social Crimes?

Crime is the result of hierarchy; the abolition of hierarchy will cause

it to disappear. 95% of crime is caused by patriarchy, private property

and capitalism (stealing, etc.); its abolition will result in the end of

95% of crime. What little is left over could be better dealt with by the

community than by any police force. Many historical pre-capitalist

societies had little or no crime; a few weeks after the Spanish

Revolution began crime plummeted. The state has proven completely

incapable of combating crime — it has been trying to prevent crime for

years yet has been a complete failure. At best it merely punishes people

after the fact. “Prisons fail to improve or reform anyone. Local people

aware of each others’ circumstances would be able to apply more suitable

solutions, in keeping with the needs of the victim and the offender. The

present penal system, on the other hand, _creates_ criminal behaviour.

Long term prisoners are often rendered incapable of surviving outside an

institution that makes all their decisions for them. How is locking

people up with others of an anti-social turn of mind ... supposed to

develop responsibility and reasonable behaviour? Of course it does just

the opposite. The majority of prisoners re-offend.”[4] The state and

capitalism are far worse then crime; they kill and rob on a scale far

greater then any ordinary criminal. Under the present system petty

criminals go to prison but the big criminals run the country.

But We Need Coordination and Administration

It is possible to coordinate activities without hierarchy. Any group of

people can get together and hold a general assembly where they can divvy

up the tasks they need to do and decide who will do what. If needed they

can assign one or more people to act as coordinators. Such coordinators

would simply implement the plans developed by the general assembly and

would have no authority themselves. In the Ukrainian and Spanish

Revolutions when workers took over factories the worker assemblies often

created factory committees that performed administrative and

coordination tasks. Decision making power stayed with the worker

assemblies, the factory committees simply implemented what the workers

decided in their assemblies. Coordination between multiple assemblies

can be done through the council system.

[1] “Chomsky on Anarchism, Marxism and Hope for the Future” Inteview in

Red & Black Magazine 1995

[2] “Consent or Coercion” by Affinity Group of Evolutionary Anarchists

[3] “The Spanish Civil War: Anarchism In Action” by Eddie Conlon,

Chapter 2

[4] “Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Anarchy” by Anarchist

Media Group, Cardiff (UK)