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 Part 1

 Doesn't this look familiar?  It should because it's right where ZORK I
ended!  Ah, here are your faithful companions from ZORK I, the lamp and
the Elven Sword.  Get these and go south three times, southwest, south. 
Light your lamp (there are grues lurking in the dark!).  Go southeast. 
Turn your lamp off because you're in a beautiful garden that's lit by
luminous lichens! Enter the gazebo and get everything you see laying on
the table.  Forget about the Unicorn because you're not capable of
approaching the timid creature.  Exit the gazebo, go south twice and
west then turn your lamp back on.
 You've entered one of the strangest rooms in ZORK II...the Carousel! 
It spins madly about and everytime you move, you're taken to a random
location.  So the first thing we're going to do is turn it off.  Select
a random direction and keep returning to the Carousel Room using the
chart below until you get to the Marble Hall.  When you get there, go
north to the Deep Ford and fill your teapot with water.  Then go back
south twice to the Carousel Room.  Now, select another random direction
and keep returning to the Carousel Room until you get to the Riddle
Room.  This is a good place to be because you're now able to turn off
the Carousel and stop this craziness!
  Menhir               North
  Marble Hall          South
  Cool Room            Southeast
  Cobwebby Corridor    Northeast
  Path Near Stream     Southwest
  Topiary              West
  Riddle Room          Northwest
 You're looking at a huge stone door in the eastern wall.  On its face
is a riddle that must be answered before you can enter the door.  Say
"well" and the huge door opens with a thunderous roar!  Go east and
look.  There's a beautiful Pearl Necklace laying here!  Leave it for now
and head east again. You've located the Frobozz Magic Well.  That's what
the legend on the wall says.  Get in the bucket and pour the water out
of the teapot.  That's how the bucket is activated.  When the last drop
is poured, the bucket magically rises and you find yourself at the top
of the well.  Drop the teapot and get out of the bucket and go east. 
Hope you're dressed for the occasion because you've stumbled upon a tea
party of sorts!  Don't those cakes look appetizing?  Don't eat anything
just yet, there's someone waiting to meet you!
Go northwest and imagine that...there's a robot standing here.  Looks
like he needs directing.  Tell the robot to go east, then go east
yourself.  You're in the Carousel's control room.  But don't touch those
buttons yourself...they are highly dangerous to humans, but not to
robots!  Tell the robot to push the triangular button.  As he's doing
this, you receive clues as to what's happening in the Carousel Room. 
When the robot's done your bidding, tell him to go south then go south
yourself.  There's a red sphere here, but without some help, you'll
never get it.  Take the sphere and immediately a steel cage is dropped
on top of you trapping you in the closet.  If you don't act quickly, a
poisonous gas will complete the job of catching the "footpad" (that's
you!) and you'll be most dead!  Tell the robot to lift the cage.  The
robot seems to take perverse pleasure in rending the cage to scrap
metal! Trying to take the sphere sprung the trap, but you still haven't
got it.  So take the sphere again, say goodbye to the robot and go
north, west and southeast back to the tea party room.

 Part 2

 Now it's time to eat some cake!  Get the red, green and blue cakes and
eat the green cake.  My goodness, you've certainly lost a lot of weight!
You're now the size of a mouse and everything is huge including those
"cracks" you were able to just step over a few moments ago!  But you're
now small enough ts
o enter the tiny hole to the east.  So go east and
throw the red cake into the pool.  The cake acts like a sponge and soon
the pool is completely empty revealing a bag of precious candy-coated
insects.  Get the candies and go west.  Now to get you back to normal. 
Eat the blue cake and presto!  You're now your original size and able to
leave this strange tea party behind.
 Go west back to the bucket, get in and get the teapot.  Now get the
water and soon the bucket is back down at the bottom of the well.  Drop
the teapot, get out of the bucket and go west.  Get the necklace this
time and go west and northwest back to the Carousel Room.
 When you get there, you find it's stopped spinning and there's a dented
metal box lying here.  Open the box and you find a Stradivarius Violin! 
Your load is too heavy to get it just now, so let's go dump some stuff. 
Go southwest to the Cobwebby Corridor.
 This is a good place to drop any treasures and spheres you've managed
to collect so far.  As you've no doubt noticed, Frobozz will cause you
to drop various items with his crazy "F" spells.  It's a light waster
having to try to pick up items over and over again.  And you will always
drop the item you're trying to pick up plus one additional item you're
carrying!  It's frustrating, to say the least!  Frobozz will also steal
items from you with his "Filch" spell and before you know it, the
treasure you've been lugging around with you suddenly isn't there any
more!  You don't loose points for this, but when it's time for you to
buy the services of the demon, it will be confusing knowing if he's
demanding one more treasure that Frobozz may have stolen or that you
haven't found yet.  So unload your treasures and spheres here.
 Don't worry about the lizard just yet.  We have more important things
to do! We'll take care of the lizard, treasures and spheres at the same
time in the last part of this walkthru.
 Lying on the ground here is a coil of odd looking string.  This is
actually an explosives fuse.  Get it and go northeast back to the
Carousel Room.
 Get the violin and go west (a room you weren't able to get to until the
Carousel was turned off).  Get the Grue Repellent (in case your lamp
runs out of power) and go back east.  Once more back southwest to the
Cobwebby Corridor to unload the violin and repellent, then northeast
back to the Carousel Room.
 We're off to slay dragons, so look lively and make sure you have your
sword with you!
 Go northwest to the cool room, then go north twice.  Oooh! It's scary
in here because we're face to face with a huge fire-breathing dragon! 
You can't possibly kill it, but you can get its attention!  Hit it with
the sword and go south.  I'll be darned, it's following you!  Hit it
again and go south again. Hmmm, still with you?  Good!  Hit it one more
time and lead it west.  You've both entered a room of glassy ice.  The
dragon sees its own reflection and in true dragon fashion, is outraged
that there's another dragon in his realm!  It breathes a huge flame of
fire which immediately melts all the ice in the room! The dragon is
inundated with water, which eaffectively quenches its flame and it is
carried to its doom far away.  In melting the ice in the room, the
dragon has opened another door for you.  So go west and look.  There's a
huge ruby lying here!  Drop the sword and get the ruby then go east
twice to the Cool Room.
 We're off to free a princess now so go north three times.  You've
entered the Dragon's Lair and sleeping here as if under a spell is a
beautiful princess. Don't try anything strange with the princess! 
There's also a rotted old chest here.  When you try to open it, though,
the princess awakens and looks out of the lair and at you.  If she
leaves the room, follow her, but if she's just sitting there looking
indecisive, try opening the chest again.  We'll get what you found in
the chest later.  Just don't lose the princess! Eventually, she will
leave.  Follow her everywhere she goes.  If she pauses, a "look" should
get her moving again.  Soon, she'll lead you back to the Garden and
enter the gazebo.  When she does, enter the gazebo, too.  After several
"looks" and "waits" (and turning your lamp off!), the Unicorn will
approach the princess without fear.  She will remove the red ribbon from
its neck, tie her hair up with it and give you the tiny gold key and a
perfect rose, mount the Unicorn, and ride off.  Drop the rose, as pretty
as it is, you don't need it.  Exit the gazebo, go south twice, turn your
lamp on, and go west back to the Carousel Room.  Let's go rob a bank!

 Part 3

 We're off to play "footpad" again, only this time we're not going to
need any help to get the loot!  From the Carousel Room go northwest to
the Cool Room, north twice and west twice to the Bank Entrance.  This
next part is a little tricky, so follow the directions closely so you
don't set off any alarms!
 Go northeast, east and south to the Chairman's Office.  My, my!  Look
at that, old J. Pierpont Flathead himself!  But not in the flesh, only
in an oil painting.  Get the portrait and go back north.  Drop the
painting here and enter the shimmering curtain of light.  You've been
transported to a seemingly exitless room!  But don't panic, just enter
the south wall and presto! You're back at the Safety Deposity again. 
Enter the curtain once more and this time, it looks like the same room,
but it isn't!  For here lying neatly stacked is a pile of ZORKmid Bills!
Get the bills and enter the north wall.  Now drop the bills and go west.
If you try to leave the Depository carrying the bills or the portrait,
an alarm sounds and an invisible barrier blocks your leaving! Go back
west to the bank vault, get the bills and the portrait and enter the
curtain of light then go south.  This time, when you exit the room, you
find yourself back at the bank's main entrance!  You did it!  Let's get
out of here before they loose the hounds on us!
 Go east twice back to the Dragon's Room and go north to its Lair.  Now
get the golden dragon statuette and go south.  Your're pretty well
loaded up, but there's one more task to perform in this area, so go east
twice and up to the Tiny Room.  What a strange place this is!  We're
going to pick this lock.  Put the placemat you've been lugging around
under the door and lift the lid that's covering the keyhole.  Now put
the letter opener into the keyhole.  <clunk!> What was that?  Pull the
placemat and look.  There's the key!  Get the key and drop the placemat.
Then get the letter opener and drop it.  Now unlock the door with the
rusty key (you have to specify which key if you're still carrying the
tiny gold key!), open the door and go north into the Dreary Room.
 If you're still carrying the rusty key, you can drop it because you
don't need it anymore.  Sitting in the middle of the table is a Blue
Sphere!  Get the sphere and go south, down twice, south twice and
southwest to the Cobwebby Corridor.  Drop everything you're carrying
except for the lamp, match, newspaper and string.  Go back northeast and
north to the Marble Hall.  Get the clay brick and go back south then
northwest to the Cool Room.  Now go west twice and south.
 Well, would you look at that?  There's a deflated hot-air balloon lying
here. Let's see if it still works!  Get in the basket and open the
receptacle.  Put the newspaper in the receptacle and light the newspaper
with one of your matches.
 I would strongly suggest you save your game here.  There are several
spells that Frobozz may cast on you that would effectively kill you! 
One is "Float" which is a rather nasty spell that causes you to float in
the air.  Think what would happen if you were in the balloon 200 feet
above the volcano floor and were caused to float!
 While you read the above paragraph, the balloon finished inflating and
has risen off the volcano floor.  You will see three ledges on your way
up.  Only the first and third ledges are wide enough for you to land on.
So wait until you see the first ledge then land the balloon.  Always,
always, always tie the wire to the hook you see on the ledge.  If you
don't, your transportation will float away from you!
 Get out of the basket and look.  There's a gold ZORKmid coin lying here
pretty as you please!  Get the coin and go south to the Library.  There
are several books lying here, but the one we're interested in is Purple.
Don't bother trying to read the books.  They're written in a long
forgotten tongue. Get the Purple Book and go north back to the ledge and
get into the basket. Drop the coin and book, untie the wire and wait
until you see the third ledge. The description of the ledges will seem
alike, so watch closely for the ledge and open sky above you.  When you
see the third ledge, land the balloon (tie the wire!), get out of the
balloon and go south to the Dusty Room.
 See the hole in the strange box sitting here?  Put the clay brick in
the hole, then put the coiled string in the brick.  Light the fuse with
one of your matches then go north.  Don't hang around in the room after
you light the fuse!  When you hear the explosion go back south into the
room and look. There's a Gawdy Gold Crown lying here!  Get the Crown and
go back north, get in the balloon, untie the wire and close the
receptacle.  After you close the receptacle, you notice the balloon is
started to descend.  Which is good.  You didn't really want to go
floating off in space, did you?  Right!  Also as you're descending you
see the ledge you just left crumble away to nothingness! It must have
been the explosion that loosened whatever was holding the ledge in
place.  Whew!  Close call!
 While you're waiting for the balloon to reach ground level again, get
the Purple Book and open it.  Doing so reveals a rare ZORKmid Stamp! 
Get the stamp and drop the book then get the coin and when you reach the
ground, get out of the basket and go back north, east, up and south to
the Cobwebby Corridor.  Drop the Crown, Stamp, Coin and matches here. 
You should only be carrying the lamp now.  One more stop, then we'll put
this puzzle together!
 Go northeast then south to the Menhir Room.  Then go south to the
stairway and go down the stairs.  You've entered the Oddly-Angled Room
maze.  The maze is completely unmappable, but don't despair.  The
diamond shaped windows you see in each room tells you your progress. 
When you're doing well, the windows increase in intensity.  When you've
accomplished your task, the windows glow serenly.  When you're not doing
so well, the windows glow dimly.  Go southeast until you see a club
lying on the floor.  Pick up the club and swing it. Whoosh!  Time to run
the bases and head for home.  So run southeast, northeast, northwest and
southwest.  As you run southwest, you hear a rusty squealing like a
long-lost panel opening!  Keep going southwest until you get back to the
stairway.  I'll be darned!  There's another stairway leading further
down!  You're not ready to go down yet, so go up the stairway, north
twice and southwest to the Cobwebby Corridor.  It's time to meet the

 Part 4

 At last!  You're ready to give Frobozz a run for his money and get his
magic wand!  But first you have to get past the lizardhead guard!  What
do lizards eat?  Right!  Insects!  Get the candied insects, the tiny
gold key and the two spheres and go southwest to the door.  Feed the
lizard the candies.  Talk about gluttony!  The lizard gobbles the
candies and settles back for a long snooze!  Unlock the door with the
tiny key, open the door and go south through the door.
 The odor of strange, pungent smells asail your senses!  You've located
the Wizard's Workshop.  The smells seem to be coming from the west.  Go
west. It's Frobozz's Workroom and there's all sorts of arcane
paraphernalia lying about.  The important thing to notice, though, is
the color of the stands you see on the workbench.  Hmmm...ruby,
sapphire, diamond.  Red sphere, Blue sphere, and one sphere you haven't
found yet.  Put the red sphere on the ruby stand and the blue sphere on
the sapphire stand.  Then go west again.  You're in the Aquarium Room
and sitting there looking absolutely harmless is an aquarium with a baby
sea serpent in it.  Don't you believe it!  That guy would kill you if
you got too close to it!  Throw the club at the aquarium.  The club
smashes the aquarium to pieces, the water drains out revealing a dying
baby sea serpent and a Clear Sphere!
 Get the sphere and go back east to the Workroom and put the Clear
sphere on the diamond stand.  As you do so, all three spheres disappear
in three puffs of colorful smoke, a fourth stand appears holding a Black
Sphere!  Get the Black sphere and go south to the Pentagram Room.  Put
the Black sphere on the Pentagram.
 Up out of the depths of some long forgotten spell appears a Demon!  As
you listen, you find that he will do you any one service if you will pay
his fee! The wand!  Go north, east, and north twice to where you've been
storing your treasures, get as many as you can carry and go back to the
Pentagram Room. Give the Demon the treasures one at a time.  As you do
so, he gives little mutters of pleasure and indications that what you've
given him is not enough. When you've given him your first load of
treasures, return to the Cobwebby Corridor, get the rest of the
treasures and go back to the Pentagram Room. Give the Demon the rest of
the treasures.  As you're doing this, Frobozz may appear and try to
dissuade you from your task.  But don't relent!  Keep giving the Demon
the treasures until he says it's a small fee, but it's enough for the
 You must be very specific in telling the Demon what you want done. 
Tell him to give you the wand.  He approaches Frobozz menacingly, making
surly remarks in the process.  Frobozz tries one last spell, "Fudge!"
which leaves the smell of Chocolate wafting in the air.  Cringing in
terror, Frobozz relinquishes the wand to the Demon and rushes out of the
room.  The Demon gives you the wand and disappears leaving you quite
alone!  Time to finish the puzzle!
 Go north, west, north twice and northeast to the Carousel Room.  Now go
south to the Menhir Room.  That huge block was an obstacle before, but
no longer! Point the wand at the Menhir and say "Float".  The Menhir
glows briefly and then rises gently into the air revealing a passage
behind it!  Go southwest and you've located a Kennel.  How odd!  There's
a dog's collar here, too!  Get the collar and go back northeast then
south and down the stairway twice.
 What a dog!  Three heads growling and snapping at you!  Put the collar
on the dog and it becomes quite tame, even puppy-ish!  Cute.  No time to
pet it, though, you're almost through.  Go east into the Crypt Anteroom
then south into the Crypt.  A moment of silence, please, for the
builders of the Great Underground Empire of ZORK...the Flatheads.  Don't
feel quite through?  You're not!  Turn the lamp off.  There in the
southern wall you see a faint line of light outlining a door!  Open the
door and go south to the Landing.  Finally, go down the stairs.  You
find yourself on an endless stairway.  You've conquered Frobozz!  Your
final test of courage and skill awaits you in ZORK III where you become
the new Wizard of ZORK!
 ZORK II is copyrighted by
   Infocom, Inc., 1982.
 This walkthru is copyrighted
   by Barbara Baser, 1984.
     All rights reserved.