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Doiel, 2020-07-07</p> <p>This is the tenth post in the <a href="../../04/11/Mostly-Oberon.html">Mostly Oberon</a> series. Mostly Oberon documents my exploration of the Oberon Language, Oberon System and the various rabbit holes I will inevitably fall into.</p> <p>In my last post I looked at how Oberon-07 supports the passing of procedures as parameters in a procedure. In this one I am looking at how we can include procedures as a part of an Oberon RECORD.</p> <p>Let’s modify our module name <a href="Noises.Mod">Noises.Mod</a> to explore this. Copy “Noises.Mod” to “Creatures.Mod”. Replace the “MODULE Noises;” line with “MODULE Creatures;” and the final “END Noises.” statement with “END Creatures.”.</p> <pre><code> MODULE Creatures; (* rest of code here *) END Creatures. </code></pre> <p>The key to supporting records with procedures as record attributes is once again Oberon’s type system. The type <code>Noise</code> we created in the previous post can also be used to declare a record attribute similar to how we use this new type to pass the procedure. In this exploration will create a linked list of “Creature” types which include a “MakeNoise” attribute.</p> <p>First let’s define our “Creature” as a type as well as a <code>CreatureList</code>. Add the following under our <code>TYPE</code> definition in <a href="Creatures.Mod">Creatures.Mod</a>.</p> <pre><code> Creature = POINTER TO CreatureDesc; CreatureDesc = RECORD name : ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; noises : Noises; END; </code></pre> <p>Let’s create a new <code>MakeCreature</code> procedure that will create a populate a single <code>Creature</code> type record.</p> <pre><code> PROCEDURE MakeCreature(name : ARRAY OF CHAR; noise : Noise; VAR creature : Creature); BEGIN NEW(creature); creature.name := name; creature.noise := noise; END MakeCreature; </code></pre> <p>Now lets modify <code>MakeNoise</code> to accept the <code>Creature</code> type RECORD rather than a name and a noise procedure parameter.</p> <pre><code> PROCEDURE MakeNoise(creature : Creator); BEGIN creature.noise(creature.name); END MakeNoise; </code></pre> <p>How does this all work? The two “Noise” procedures “BarkBark” and “ChirpChirp” remain as in our original “Noises” module. But our new <code>MakeNoise</code> procedure looks takes a <code>Creature</code> record rather than accepting a name and procedure as parameters. This makes the code a little more concise as well as lets you evolve the creature record type using an object oriented approach.</p> <p>Our revised module should look like this.</p> <pre><code> MODULE Noises; IMPORT Out; TYPE Noise = PROCEDURE(who : ARRAY OF CHAR); Creature = RECORD name : ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; noises : Noises; END; VAR dog, bird : Creature; PROCEDURE BarkBark(who : ARRAY OF CHAR); BEGIN Out.String(who); Out.String(": Bark, bark");Out.Ln(); END BarkBark; PROCEDURE ChirpChirp(who : ARRAY OF CHAR); BEGIN Out.String(who); Out.String(": Chirp, chirp");Out.Ln(); END ChirpChirp; PROCEDURE MakeNoise(creature : Creature); BEGIN (* Call noise with the animal name *) creature.noise(creature.name); END MakeNoise; PROCEDURE MakeCreature(name : ARRAY OF CHAR; noise : Noise; VAR creature : Creature); BEGIN NEW(creature); creature.name := name; creature.noise := noise; END MakeCreaturel BEGIN MakeCreature("Fido", BarkBark, dog); MakeCreature("Tweety", ChirpChirp, bird); MakeNoise(dog); MakeNoise(bird); END Noises. </code></pre> <p>Where to go from here? Think about evolving <a href="Creatures.Mod">Creatures</a> so that you can create a dynamic set of creatures that mix and match their behaviors. Another idea would be to add a “MutateCreature” procedure that would let you change the noise procedure to something new.</p> <h3 id="next-and-previous">Next and Previous</h3> <ul> <li>Next <a href="../../08/15/Portable-Oberon-07.html">Portable Oberon-07</a></li> <li>Previous <a href="../../06/20/Procedures-as-parameters.html">Procedures as parameters</a></li> </ul> </article> </section> <footer> <p>copyright © 2016 - 2023 R. S. 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