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Title: Socialism or Barbarism
Author: Solidarity
Date: 1962
Language: en
Topics: Libertarian Communism, state socialism
Source: https://libcom.org/library/%EF%BB%BFsocialism-or-barbarism-1962
Notes: 1969 reprint of a text published jointly by Socialism Reaffirmed (later Solidarity), Socialisme Ou Barbarie, Unita Proletaria and Pouvoir Ouvrier Belge following their May 1961 meeting which attempted to redefine socialist objectives and methods of struggle in the conditions of the early 1960s


Socialism or Barbarism

Solidarity Introduction (to 1969 Edition)

In May 1961 a small gathering' of revolutionary socialists was held in

Paris. Present were comrades from 'Socialisme ou Barbarie' (France),

'Unita Proletaria' (Italy), 'Socialism Reaffirmed' (Great Britain) and

'Pouvoir Ouvrier Belge' (Belgium).

The text agreed upon (published in this pamphlet) attempts to redefine

socialist objectives and methods of struggle in the conditions of the

early sixties. Much had happened in the previous decades. Profound

changes had occurred in the structure of capitalism. The promise of the

October Revolution had not materialised. Instead a monstrous bureaucracy

had assumed power over large areas of the world. In the West the

traditional organisations of the working class had proved enormous

obstacles to struggle and to the fulfilment of the aspirations of

working people.

But there had been positive aspects too. The Hungarian Revolution of

1956 had demanded workers' management of production, the equalisation of

wages and the rule of the Workers Councils. In the West, the working

class — its strength and capacity to fight unbroken at job level — was

slowly emerging from a long and difficult experience: the experience of

'its own' organisations (whether parties or unions). Young people were

showing increasing disaffection towards traditional parliamentary

politics. There had been a steady growth in anti-authoritarian

consciousness and an increasing awareness of the need for direct action.

At the time the text appeared, the 'left' was floundering. It could not

even understand the changing world around it, let alone come to grips

with it and mould it in the image of socialism. The very notion of what

socialism was all about had become utterly bureaucratised, if not

assimilated with the long-term tendencies of capitalism itself

(nationalisation, planning, economic growth, etc.). Ideas and slogans

that may have had some meaning fifty years previously were being

repeated, parrot-wise. They evoked no echo, for they were largely

irrelevant to contemporary reality. It was hardly surprising that young

people saw in the traditional organisations the mirror-images of

everything they rejected.

The 1961 text was a first attempt at a reconstruction of revolutionary

theory from rock bottom up. Its authors felt that without a development

of revolutionary theory there could be no development of revolutionary

practice. The text embodied a number of specific statements relating to

the changing structure of modern capitalism, to the nature of its

present contradictions, to the class nature of Russian and Eastern

European societies, to the 'Third World', to the socialist programme, to

how and why the traditional working class organisations had degenerated,

to what a socialist programme should be and to what kind of

revolutionary organisation was needed. The main features of this

analysis — which is still valid today — were later embodied in our

statement 'As we see it'.

In the words of our introduction of 1961, the task of theoretical

reconstruction must 'find a solid basis in the everyday experience of

ordinary people. It presupposes a radical break with all present

organisations, their ideology, their mentality, their methods of work,

their actions. Everything which has existed and exists in the workers'

movement (ideology, parties, unions, etc.) is irrevocably and

irretrievably finished, rotten, integrated into exploiting society.

There can be no miraculous solution... Everything must be begun anew,

but starting from the immense experience of a century of workers'

struggles, and with a proletariat closer today to real solutions than it

has ever been before'. The French events of May '968 highlight both the

correctness of this analysis and the urgency of the tasks ahead.

Of the various groups participating in the Paris Conference, SOLIDARITY

(previously 'Socialism Reaffirmed') alone survives. Some of the original

groups were organisationally premature. Others, after a long pioneering

battle under the difficult conditions of a movement ahead of its time,

have handed on the torch. Others yet have reverted to a more traditional

type of political thinking. But the ideas have made their way. They are

argued about today wherever revolutionaries meet to discuss politics. In

one form or another they have now become part of contemporary

revolutionary thought. (It is difficult to realise that ten years ago

terms like 'privatisation', 'depolitisation', the 'consumer society' —

or that concepts like the 'traditional organisations', 'selfactivity'

and 'self-management' — were only used by infinitesimal minorities.)

On the scale of history the increasingly widespread acceptance of this

kind of thinking far transcends in significance the perpetuation of this

or that organisation. Today dozens of small groups base themselves on

these ideas; even larger organisations are being subverted by them. In

France, in May 1968, the validity of these conceptions emerged through

the real actions of men. (Daniel Cohn-Bendit, for instance, was

specifically to state how profoundly they had moulded his own political


We are reprinting this text after an interval of several years. During

this period the libertarian movement has grown in size but it is still

in a state of considerable confusion. We hope the ideas outlined in this

text will help equip it with a coherent and relevant guide to

revolutionary action in the period that lies ahead.

May 1969.

1. Class Society Today


undergone in the course of the last century. The same struggle between

the classes dominates social life. The same alternatives confront the

working class: to submit to ever-increasing exploitation, alienation and

enslavement — or to eliminate the exploiting classes, to destroy their

social system, and to establish working class power. Only then will it

be possible to reorganize society on a new basis and to give a new

purpose to human life.

any society. In all countries of the world these relations are

capitalist relations because they are based on wage labour. The

wage-earners, both as individuals and as a social group, are

expropriated from the means of labour, from the products of labour, and

from the control of their own activity. They are concentrated in

enterprises of various sizes where they are subjected to the ruthless

will of capital, personified in the bureaucratic managerial apparatus.

of the means of production (either in law or in fact — either

individually or collectively). It manages both production and society in

its own interests. It determines the distribution, of the total social

product and enforces it through its control of the State machine. The

other class consists of wage earners whose means of life is the sale of

their labour power, and who in the course of work merely execute orders

imposed from above.

'proletarianised'. Capitalism has invaded all sectors of the economy.

Even in the offices the dominant social form has become the enterprise

based on wage labour and organised on an industrial pattern. Within

industry there has been an increase of 'non-productive' personnel, who

in their turn are becoming 'proletarianized'. Office staff, other 'white

collar' worker's in industry or commerce, and certain categories of

Government employees, are henceforth just as much proletarians as are

manual workers. They too are wage slaves. They too are submitted to a

ruthless division of labour and perform mere tasks of execution,

carefully measured and controlled from above. Because of the numerical

increase of jobs of this type, they too are deprived of any real

prospect of a change in their conditions of life. Despite the illusions

some may retain concerning the 'status' they once enjoyed, these strata

belong to the proletariat. This is shown quite clearly by the methods of

organization and struggle they are increasingly compelled to resort to,

in the defence of their most elementary interests.


working class status in modern society. In the field of production the

extraordinary increase in technical knowledge and the increased

productivity of machines have resulted in an increased subjugation of

the worker to capital. The utterly absurd nature of work under

capitalism is being shown up more and more. The struggle at the point of

production dominates the whole organization of work. It even affects the

evolution of technology. Because of working class resistance to the

bureaucratic organization of work the capitalists have to impose an over

increasing control in the factory, over every aspect of working class

activity, whether individual or collective. This takes the form of an

increasing division of labour, of time and motion study, and of a

perpetual tendency to speed-up.

degree. The purpose is to convert the yield of the individual worker

into something increasingly easy to measure, and therefore to control.

The purpose is also to assist the imposition upon workers of methods of

production against which they constantly rebel. The tempo of living

labour is increasingly subordinated to that of the machine. The

situation is only very superficially different in the automated sectors

of production. Here the sustained nervous tension, the loneliness and

the monotony of supervisory functions create the same sense of

destruction of the worker as a human being. The same process takes place

in office work and in other sectors of the economy. Capitalist

production is characterised by the total alienation of labour. The

worker is reduced to the role of a simple 'executant' of infinitely

divided tasks. He is robbed of the control of his own activities. These

have been rigidly drawn up, defined and organized in the offices. He is

converted into a mere instrument in the hands of those who manage

production, into a mere appendage of the machine.

workers as workers has not fundamentally altered. The working class

remains exploited. It remains robbed of roughly half the product of its

labour which goes to the parasitic consumption of the exploiting class,

to the expenditure of the exploiters' State, and into investments over

which the workers have no control. The nature and objective of these

investments are determined by the class nature of society, by the

interests of its ruling class. A given pattern of investment serves to

reinforce and reproduce a given type of social structure.

either. The workers remain a subordinated class. The whole orientation

of modern society (of its economy, of its State, of its housing, of its

education, of the objects it will consume and of the news it will get,

of the questions of war and peace themselves) remains decided by a

self-perpetuating minority. The mass of the population have no power

whatsoever over this minority, be the society 'democratic' or



show themselves primarily in the increasing concentration of both

capital and managerial functions. In the countries of 'private

capitalism' this concentration has taken certain well-known forms

(monopolies, giant enterprises, trusts and holding companies, the

creation of 'satellite' companies around the big enterprises, cartels,

agreements, professional associations of capitalists, etc.). But it also

shows itself more specifically by the new role played by the State. The

State has become the main economic factor in contemporary society. The

modern capitalist state absorbs about 25 per cent. of the total social

product, handles (directly or indirectly) about 50 per cent. of this

product, owns a substantial proportion of the total capital (often

concentrated in key sectors such as coal and railways) and finally acts

as a central agency for the regulation of the economy as a whole, in the

interests of the capitalist class.

capitalist state have resulted in certain changes in the capitalist

economy itself. Some old problems have been solved, many new ones

created. The failure to recognize these changes accounts for the

sterility of much that passes as 'marxist analysis' today. The ruling

classes have succeeded in controlling the level of economic activity and

in preventing major crises or depressions. This is a result both of the

changing structure of the economy and of the conscious intervention of

the State to stabilise economic activity and to guarantee its expansion.

Unemployment has enormously diminished. The increase of wages is both

more rapid, and especially more regular, than previously. This is a

result both of working class struggle and of a new policy on the part of

the employers, aimed at buying discipline at the point of production in

exchange for certain wage concessions. Wage increases now approximately

follow increases in the productivity of labour. This means that the

proportion of the total social product going to workers and to

capitalists remains approximately constant. An increase in mass

consumption has become indispensable to the smooth functioning of the

modern capitalist economy. It has in fact become an irreversible aspect

of it. The old 'image' of capitalism as characterised by economic

slumps, increasing unemployment, and stagnation — if not lowering of

living standards, must be discarded. The reality of contemporary

capitalism is the expansion of both production and consumption,

interrupted by minor fluctuations. This expansion is obtained at the

cost of an ever increasing exploitation and alienation of the producers

in the course of their labour.


resulted in certain changes in the classical social structure. These

relate to the social composition of the ruling class and to the moans

whereby individuals may accede to this class. As the 'rationalization'

and organisation from outside of all human activities becomes the

dominant feature of capitalist society, bureaucratisation spreads to all

spheres of social life. In the process, inherited, individual wealth

becomes relatively less important as a moans of access to the commanding

positions of the economy and of the State.

shipping, banking, insurance, etc.) is being forced to share, on an

increasing scale, the functions of administration and management (both

of the economy and of society at large) with a growing bureaucratic

stratum. This stratum is becoming an integral part of modern capitalist

societies, indispensable to their 'efficient' functioning, and

reflecting deep and irreversible changes in the structure of their


of capital and the 'rationalization' of production from outside create

the necessity for a bureaucratic apparatus in the factory. The function

of this apparatus is to 'manage' the labour process and the labour force

and to coordinate the relations of the enterprise with the rest of the

economy. The bureaucracy also finds roots in the increasing number of

individuals involved in the higher reaches of state activity

(nationalised industries, government economic agencies, etc.). This is a

result of the profound changes that have taken place in the economic

role of the state. The bureaucracy finally finds its roots in the

political and trade union organisations of the working class itself. To

straight-jacket the workers, to integrate them more and more into the

existing social order, requires a specific apparatus. This apparatus

participates to an increasing degree in the day-to-day management of

capitalist society, of which it is an integral part. The bureaucracy is

not a homogeneous social formation. It has developed to varying degrees

in various countries. Its economic basis is the final stage in the

concentration of capital, namely the tendency of monopoly capitalism to

fuse completely with the state. In the countries of classical capitalism

the managerial bureaucracy is not based on any fundamentally new mode of

production or new pattern of circulation of commodities. It is based on

changes in the economic basis of capitalism itself.

structure of the ruling class. New elements have had to be incorporated

and the diffusion of privileges extended. New hierarchical relationships

emerge. The process has been a very uneven one, the resistance of the

old ruling classes to fusion with the new strata varying considerably

from place to place. It has varied according to the economic problems

confronting the capitalists, according to the pressures of the working

class for more radical solutions and according to the degree of

historical insight which the rulers have achieved.


contradictions of the system which lie in the field of production and of

work. These are the contradictions contained in the alienation of the

worker. Capitalism attempts by all possible means to transform the

workers into mere executors of tasks decided by others, into mere cogs

of its industrial machine. But if it succeeded in this attempt,

capitalism would cease to function. Capitalism constantly attempts to

exclude the workers from the management of their own activities — but is

at the same time constantly obliged to seek their participation. This

contradiction dominates every capitalist enterprise. It provides the

framework within which the class struggle is constantly regenerated,

whatever the level of wages.

'rationalization' of their enterprises, by Taylorism, by work study

methods, by the use of industrial sociologists and psychologists, by

talk of the 'importance of human relations' have all miserably failed.

They have done nothing to lessen the intensity of the class struggle

which today opposes workers and management, in every country in the

world, in disputes concerning conditions and tempo of work and the

control of human activity in the process of production.

every aspect of collective life. For instance political life is

organized in such a manner as to exclude the vast majority of the

population from any effective management of their own affairs. The

corollary is indifference and apathy. These in turn make it difficult

for capitalist political institutions even to function according to the

requirements of the capitalist class itself. A minimum of genuine

participation is required to prevent these organizations being shown up

for the complete sham that they are.

its irrationality and its fundamental anarchy. Both at the level of the

factory and at the level of society as a whole, the bureaucratic

capitalist management is a mixture of despotism and confusion which

produces a fantastic human and material wastage" The ruling classes and

their bureaucratic apparatus constitute a small minority of society.

They are separated both from the immense majority of mankind and from

social reality itself. Because of this they are incapable of effectively

managing even their own system, in their own interests. They are even

less capable of solving the immense problems confronting humanity today.

Because of this, and despite the elimination of economic crises of

classical type, capitalism cannot and will never be able to avoid crises

of another kind: moments when the irrationality of the whole system

explodes in one way or another, bringing with it periodic breakdowns of

the 'normal' functioning of society.

after day capitalism demonstrates its incapacity to solve the problem of

relations between men in the process of production. It also demonstrates

its inability to solve any of the other major problems of social life in

the 20th century. Its political institutions are an object of contempt

for the general population, which is increasingly losing interest in

'traditional' politics. There is a general decay of all its values:

moral, political, social and cultural. The crisis in the traditional

conception of the family and the increasingly bureaucratic, artificial

and absurd nature of 'education' in modern society have provoked, in all

industrial countries, an immense revolt of youth. Youth today tries to

live its life both outside and against established society. This has

immense revolutionary implications.

proposing to humanity is the carrot of 'a rising standard of living'.

All that they mean by this is an increase in the consumption of material

goods. But this increase is constantly outpaced by the increase in

'needs' which capitalist society automatically generates or quite

artificially creates. The struggle for status and the acquisition of

wealth is far more intense in an advanced industrial community than in a

primitive African village. The slow but regular increase in living

standards, which is a feature of contemporary capitalism, is

counteracted by the increasing fatigue and alienation at work. It does

not lessen the smouldering dissatisfaction of millions of individuals

with their conditions of life, nor does it lessen the underlying social

tensions. We have only to look for confirmation of this assertion, at

the sustained nature of the class struggle in precisely those countries

where working class wages are highest.


these countries a bureaucracy has taken over the functions of management

of the economy and of the State previously performed by private

capitalists. This bureaucracy manages production and decides in a

sovereign manner, through its control of the State machine, on the

distribution of the social product. This bureaucracy was either born of

the degeneration of the proletarian revolution (as in Russia) or through

the incorporation of various countries into the sphere of Russian

domination (as in Eastern Europe). In certain 'backward' countries the

bureaucracy stepped into the political vacuum created by the complete

disintegration of all established social relations. In countries such as

China, for instance, it assumed its dominant position through the

'leadership' it provided to the masses in revolt. The rise to power of

the bureaucracy in these countries is assisted by the absence or

relative weakness of a class-conscious proletariat capable of imposing

its own solutions to the crisis of modern society.

property relations, either expropriating or fusing with the traditional

ruling classes. Nowhere however has it altered the relations of

production, the contradiction between rulers and ruled in the productive

process. These societies remain class societies. The class struggle

continues within them. Its objectives are not merely a redistribution of

the surplus value. It is also to determine which class (bureaucracy or

proletariat) shall dominate production and society.

allowed the bureaucracy in these countries to proceed with an extremely

rapid accumulation of capital, based on an intense exploitation of

labour. The bureaucracy has been able to industrialise the countries it

dominates far more rapidly than private capitalism was ever able to do.

But industrialisation is not socialism. Neither 'nationalisation' nor

'planning' eliminate classes and the struggle between them. Whether they

be in private hands or 'nationalised' the means of production will never

be genuinely collective property as long as the workers do not, in fact,

dispose of them, in other words as long as the workers do not directly

and totally manage production, determining both its methods and its


manner. It does so both at the level of the individual enterprise (where

organisation, methods of work and patterns of remuneration do not differ

in any respect from what pertains in a capitalist factory) and at the

level of the economy as a whole. 'Planning' is not subject to any kind

of control by the masses. It is the instrument whereby the bureaucracy

guides the whole of production in its own interests and fulfils its

long-term objectives. The political dictatorship of the 'Communist'

Parties and their absolute control over all aspects of life are the

indispensable means whereby the bureaucracy ensures its privileges and

maintains its total domination over society.

2. The Socialist Programme

of the worker in capitalist society or solve the crisis confronting

society. The programme of yesterday's reformists has been realised today

in a whole series of countries. In the process it has proved its own

futility! Historical experience has also shown that no stratum,

category, or organisation can achieve socialism 'on behalf of' the

proletariat and in its place. Socialism will only be built through the

radical destruction of the present social system. To the extent that

present society is more and more dominated by the bureaucracy this means

that socialism will only be built through the destruction of all

bureaucracies (including those presenting themselves as the 'leadership

of the proletariat'). This means that socialism will only be achieved

through the autonomous and self-conscious activity of the working

masses. 'The emancipation of the working class is the task of the

working class itself.

means the abolition of all dominating and privileged strata in society.

It therefore implies the abolition of any social group claiming to

manage production or the State 'on behalf of the proletariat'.

of the capitalists and the suppression of the bureaucracy in the

workshops, in the state, and in society at large. It must give the

management of production in the factories to the workers (manual

workers, employees and technicians) who operate them. The organs of this

management will be assemblies of workers, shop assemblies, departmental

assemblies, factory assemblies and factory councils composed of elected

representatives, revocable at all times. Production will be planned

according to human needs. A variety of alternative plans will be drawn

up, electronic equipment being used to an increasing degree to work out

the inter-related needs of various sectors of the economy. This is the

purely technical aspect of planning. The implications of the various

plans (in relation to such basic human questions as hours of work, level

of consumption, level of investment) will then be presented to the

people. A meaningful and genuine choice will become possible. This is

the political aspect of planning. All revenue derived from the

exploitation of labour will be abolished. There will be equality of

wages and pensions until it proves feasible to abolish money.

in contemporary society. The socialist revolution will have to destroy

the state as an instrument of coercion, independent and separate from

the bulk of the population. The administration of production and the

forms of social organisation will be radically different from the

present one. The new institutions will be managed by those who work in

them. The standing army and the police force will be abolished. The

'armed people' themselves will defend the revolutionary power, against

attempts at counter-revolution. The main threats to the new society will

come not only from the deposed ruling class. It will also come from

bureaucratic tendencies within the working class itself, particularly

those advocating the delegation of industrial management or political

power to 'specialised' minorities, The functions of government will be

in the hands of assemblies of elected and permanently revocable

representatives of the factory committees and of other sections of the

working population.

elimination of bureaucratic anarchy and waste, combined with the changed

attitude of workers towards the productive machine over which they have

real mastery, will permit society to develop production and consumption

to unsuspected degrees. But this development will not be the fundamental

preoccupation of the socialist revolution. From the very onset the

revolution will have consciously to turn towards the transformation of

man. It will devote great efforts to changing the very nature of work

(from subjection to the machine, which it is today, into an endeavour

where creative faculties will be allowed to flourish to the full). It

will have to create a universal education of a totally new kind. It will

have to abolish the barriers between education and work, between

intellectual and manual training, between the school and real life. It

will have to abolish the division between town and country and seek to

create integrated human communities.

future.. If they are, people will feel that things have not really

changed in the areas that concern them most, The activity of the masses

will wane. For the sake of 'efficiency', 'specialists' will step in and

start taking the decisions themselves. They may do so at first with the

best of revolutionary intentions, but the revolution will soon begin to

degenerate. The socialist revolution only stands a chance of being

victorious (as a socialist revolution) if from the very first day it is

capable of showing mankind a new way forward and a new pattern of life

in all fields of human activity.

3. Degeneration Of Working Class Organisations

contradictory aspects. In production the struggle shows an intensity

never witnessed hitherto. It takes place both in the field of purely

economic demands but also, and on an increasing scale, on questions

concerning conditions of work and life in the factory. The 'wildcat'

strikes in the USA and the 'unofficial' strikes in Britain provide

repeated examples of this tendency. But outside the factory the class

struggle does not manifest itself as it used to. Or it only manifests

itself in an abortive way, deformed by the bureaucratic working class

organisations. Occasionally these mobilize particular categories of

workers and bring them out in 'disciplined' and bureaucratically managed

strikes. Or else the 'struggle' finds expression in purely electoral

support for the so-called workers' parties, In the field of politics the

present period is characterised by an almost total absence of

proletarian participation. This phenomenon (which has been called apathy

or depolitisation) goes much deeper than any previous or temporary

fluctuation in the level of working-class political activity.

of its own. It does not mobilize itself — except in an electoral sense —

to support the parties which claim to represent it. The active members

of these parties are rarely workers. Looked at from the outside the

proletariat appears utterly dominated by its political and trade union

machines. But this domination is an increasingly hollow one. It masks a

total absence of working class participation. The support is purely

passive. The roots of this situation are to be found in two intimately

interrelated processes; the evolution of modern capitalism and the

bureaucratisation of working class organisations.

leaders' who 'betray'. The problem has much deeper roots. It is due

primarily to the pressures and influences of capitalist society on the

proletarian movement. Originally created to overthrow bourgeois society,

the political and trade union organisations of the working class have

increasingly adopted the objectives, methods, philosophy and patterns of

organisation of the very society they were striving to supersede. There

has developed within their ranks an increasing division between leaders

and led, order-givers and order-takers. This has culminated in the

development of a working class bureaucracy which can be neither removed

nor controlled. This bureaucracy pursues objectives of its own.

working class. In reality they see the class as a mass to be manoeuvred,

according to the pre-conceived ideas of those who dominate the

particular Party machine. They all see the objective of working class

emancipation as an increased degree of working class participation in

general 'prosperity'. The reformists claim that this can be achieved by

a better organisation of traditional capitalism. The Stalinists and

Trotskyists claim that what is needed is a change in the formal

ownership of the means of production and planning from above. Their

common philosophy boils down to an increase in production and

consumption guaranteed by the rule of an elite of managers, seated at

the summit of a new hierarchy based on 'ability', 'experience',

'devotion to the cause', etc... This objective is no different from the

essential objectives of contemporary capitalism itself.

some anarchists would claim). Nor is it due to the fact that reformists

and Stalinists have 'wrong ideas' and provide 'bad leadership' (as

sundry Trotskyists and Leninists still maintain). Still less is it due

to the bad influence of particular individuals (Gaitskell, Stalin,

etc...). What it really reflects is the fact that even when struggling

to overthrow the capitalist system the working class remains a partial

prisoner of the system, and this in a much more subtle way than is

usually understood. It remains a prisoner because it continues to

conceive of its liberation as a task to be entrusted to the leaders of

certain organisations to whom the class can confidently delegate its

historical role.

have long ceased to express the historical interests of the workers. The

reformist bureaucracy aims at securing a place for itself in the

management of the capitalist system as it is. The Stalinist bureaucracy

aims at instituting in various countries a regime of the Russian type

where it would itself become the dominant social group. In the meantime

the Stalinist bureaucracy aims at using the working class in the West as

pawns for the foreign policy of the Russian bloc.

and Stalinist parties and unions have as their ultimate objective the

integration of the proletariat into class society. They are the vehicles

through which capitalist ideas, attitudes and mentality seep into the

proletariat. They seek to canalise and control all manifestations of

working class revolt against the existing social order. They seek to

limit the more extreme excesses of the system, the better to maintain

exploitation within 'tolerable' limits. They give the workers the idea

that they are genuinely represented and that they 'participate' in the

management of society. Finally, and above all, they repeatedly negotiate

wage concessions in exchange for an increased subjugation of the working

class in the process of production itself.

confronted with an insoluble dilemma. On the one hand they are

institutions belonging to established society. On the other hand they

aim at maintaining within their framework a class whose conditions of

life and work drive it to destroy that very society. The individual

participation of revolutionaries in these organisations should be

determined by prevailing conditions (degree of working class composition

and participation, national traditions, nature of the organisations,

etc.). But it is out of the question for revolutionaries to take over

important posts in these parties or unions, or for the revolutionary

organisations to set themselves the target of 'reforming' or 'capturing'

them. Working class illusions about the possibility of 'democratizing'

or changing these outfits must not be encouraged, and must in fact be

exposed. The organisations which the working class needs must base

themselves on a totally different ideology and structure and use

entirely different methods of struggle.

The working class organisations have become indistinguishable from

bourgeois political institutions. They bemoan the lack of working class

participation but each time the workers attempt massively to

participate, they shout that the struggle is 'unofficial' or against the

'best interests' of the union or of the Party. The bureaucratic

organisations prevent the active intervention of workers. They

prostitute the very idea of socialism which they see as a mere external

modification of existing society, not requiring the active participation

of the masses.

undergone by capitalist society. Economic expansion, full employment,

the gradual increase in wage rates, mean that for a whole period (which

has not yet come to an end) the illusion of progress still affects the

working class. A higher standard of living appears possible and becomes

one of the main preoccupations. This attitude is deliberately and very

skilfully fostered and manipulated by capitalism, for its own ends.

4. The Way Forward

capitalist society. Possibilities are steadily increasing for workers to

achieve the deepest possible insight into their real condition and to

understand the real problems they will have to face in order to free

themselves in production. The steady increase of consumption of a

capitalist type creates its own problems. Goods in increasing quantity

are bought at the cost of increasing exhaustion at work (this often

makes the enjoyment of the goods quite impossible!). 'Needs' appear to

be never ending. The absurd rat-race after a ceaselessly increasing

standard of living generates its own resistances. These help loosen the

grip the ruling class exerts on this method of manipulating the masses.

Workers will increasingly see the key problem confronting them as that

of their condition, as human beings, within production and at work. This

problem is quite insoluble within capitalist society, whatever the level

of wages . The problem confronting workers will become more and more

explicitly that of transforming production itself: in other words that

of workers' management.

experience of its own bureaucratic organisations. This will help it

understand that the only valid solution to its problems is through

autonomous action, through taking its fate into its own hands.

precisely such an experience. Increasing numbers of strikes in Britain

and in the USA relate to conditions in the factory. This problem is

gradually becoming the central one confronting the working class. Even

if only implicitly and to a small degree, it is the question of

management of the enterprise and of production which is raised every

time the workers challenge managerial rights. The increasing number of

'wildcat' strikes in the USA and of 'unofficial' strikes in Britain show

clearly that many sections of the working class are beginning to

understand the real nature of the trade union bureaucracy . The same

problems, in all their breadth, were at the centre of the Hungarian

Revolution of 1956. During this great uprising the workers sought both

to destroy the bureaucracy as such and to impose their own rule over

production, through their workers' councils, the organs of their own


revolutionary organisations. It is more than ever obvious that such

organisations are needed to assist workers in the class struggle today.

This was shown very clearly by the recent experience of the Belgian

General Strike.

5. The Revolutionary Organisation

(and indeed impossible) unless it bases its ideas, its programme, its

structure and its methods of action on the historical experience of the

working class, particularly that of the last 40 years. This means it

must draw the full lessons of the period of bureaucratisation and that

it must break with all that is mere ritual or hangover from the past.

Only in this way will it be able to provide answers to the real and

often new problems which will be posed to the working class in the

period to come.

of capitalism must be radically changed. The critique of production and

work under capitalism must be at the centre of the preoccupations of the

revolutionary organisation. We must give up the idea that capitalism

creates rational factories and rational machines and that it organizes

work 'efficiently' although somewhat brutally and for the wrong ends.

Instead we must express what every worker in every country sees very

clearly that work has become absurd, that it means the constant

oppression and mutilation of workers and that the bureaucratic

organisation of work means endless confusion and waste. Material poverty

must of course be exposed, where it exists. But the content of

consumption under capitalism must also be exposed. It is not enough to

criticize the smallness of the education budgets we must denounce the

content of capitalist education. We must denounce the concept of the

school as an activity apart from life and society. It is not enough to

demand more subsidies for housing: we must denounce the idea of

barrack-towns and the way of life they entail. It is not enough to

denounce the present government as representing the interests of a

privileged class. We must also denounce the whole form and content of

contemporary politics as a business for 'specialists', concerned merely

with a small number of circumscribed questions. A revolutionary

organisation must break with traditional politics. It must show that

revolutionary politics are not confined to talk of wages, government and

international affairs, but that they deal with everything that concerns

man and his social life.

organisations (whether reformist, Stalinist or Trotskyist) must be

radically exposed. The idea that socialism only means the

nationalisation of the means of production and planning — and that its

essential aim is an increase in production and consumption — must be

pitilessly denounced. The identity of these views with the profound

orientation of capitalism itself must constantly be shown. Socialism is

workers' management of production and of society and the power of the

workers' councils. This must be boldly proclaimed and illustrated from

historical experience. The essential content of socialism is the

restitution to men of the domination over their own life, the

transformation of labour from an absurd means of breadwinning into the

free and creative action of individuals and groups, the constitution of

integrated human communities and the union of the culture and the life

of men. This content of socialism should not be shamefully hidden as

some kind of abstract speculation concerning an indeterminate future. It

should be put forward as the only answer to the problems which torture

and stifle society today. The socialist programme should be presented

for what it is: a programme for the humanisation of labour and of

society. Socialism is not a back-yard of leisure attached to the

industrial prison. It is not transistors for the prisoners, It is the

destruction of the industrial prison itself.

economic demands are the central problem for the workers and that

capitalism is incapable of satisfying them. This idea must be

repudiated, for it no longer accurately corresponds to reality. The

activity of the revolutionary organisation in the unions should not be

based on out-bidding other tendencies on economic demands. These are

often supported by the unions and are eventually realisable by the

capitalist system without major difficulty. The ability of the system to

grant such wage increases is in fact the basis of the permanent

reformism of the unions. Contemporary capitalism can only live by

granting increases in wages and for that the bureaucratised and

reformist unions are indispensable to it. This does not mean that

revolutionaries should quit the unions or cease to fight for economic

demands. It means however that neither of these points has the central

importance that was formerly given to it.

of a hierarchical relationship. The 'need' for such a hierarchical

organisation is defended by both the capitalists and by the workers'

organisations. It has in fact become the last ideological support for

the whole system. The revolutionary movement must organise a systematic

struggle against the ideology of hierarchy in all its manifestations,

including the hierarchy of salaries and jobs in the factory and in the

workers' own organisations.

as important as what is obtained. Even from the point of view of

efficiency, actions organised and led by the workers themselves are

superior to actions decided and led bureaucratically. They alone create

the conditions of progress, for they alone teach the workers to run

their own affairs. The first rule guiding the activity of the

revolutionary movement should be that its interventions aim not at

replacing but at developing the initiative and the autonomy of the


difficult for workers to pass from their own experience to an

understanding of the problems of society as a whole. In this field the

revolutionary organisation has a most important task to fulfil. This

task must not be confused with sterile agitation or speculation

concerning incidents in the political life of the capitalist or

degenerated workers' parties. It means showing that the system always

functions against the workers and that they cannot solve their problems

without abolishing both capitalism and bureaucracy and without

completely reconstructing society. It means pointing out to workers that

there is a profound and intimate analogy between their fate as producers

and their fate as men in society. Neither the one nor the other can be

modified without abolishing the division of society into a class which

takes the decisions and a class which merely executes orders. Only

through long and patient work in this direction will it be possible to

pose anew — and in correct terms — the problem of mobilising the workers

on general questions.

generations are without common measure with the previous conflicts of

generations . Youth today no longer opposes adults with a view to taking

their place in an established and accepted system. They refuse this

system. They no longer recognize its values. Contemporary society is

losing its hold on the generations it produces. The rupture is

particularly brutal in politics. The vast majority of politically active

workers and supporters of traditional 'left' organisations, whatever

their good faith and goodwill, cannot make their reconversion. They

remain trapped in the ideology of a previous period. They repeat

mechanically the lessons and phrases learnt long ago, phrases which are

now empty of all revolutionary content. They remain attached to forms of

action and organisation which have collapsed. The traditional

organisations of the left succeed less and less in recruiting the youth.

In the eyes of young people nothing separates these organisations from

the moth-eaten and rotten parties of privilege they meet on coming into

the political world. The revolutionary movement will be able to give a

positive meaning to the immense revolt of contemporary youth and make of

it the ferment of social revolution if it can express what youth is

looking for and if it can show youth effective methods of struggle

against the world it is rejecting.

revolutionary organisation. The organisation is not, and cannot be, the

'leadership' of the proletariat. It should be seen as an instrument of

the proletarian struggle. The role of the organisation is to help

workers in struggle and to contribute towards clarifying and

generalising their experiences. The organisation pursues these aims by

the use of all methods consistent with its final objectives: the

development by the proletariat of a lasting consciousness and ability to

manage its own affairs.

towards bureaucracy (constantly engendered under capitalist conditions)

unless it functions itself according to the principles of proletarian

democracy and in a consciously anti-bureaucratic manner. This implies a

total rejection of 'democratic centralism' and all other forms of

organisation that encourage bureaucratisation. Genuinely revolutionary

organisation implies a) the widest autonomy of all the local groups, b)

direct democracy rather than delegation of decision-taking to be applied

wherever possible, and c) centralisation, where necessary, to be

achieved through delegates elected and revocable at any time by their

local groups. More than constitutional guarantees are required however

to defeat the tendency towards bureaucracy. This will only be overcome

to the extent that a genuinely collective participation of all members

can be achieved, both in relation to activities and in relation to the

formulation of policy.

The revolutionary organisation must participate in the struggles of

workers and other sections of the population, both assisting them and

learning from them. While unconditionally defending the struggles of

workers for their immediate interests, the organisation should put

forward suggestions for linking these immediate struggles with the

historical objectives of the proletarian movement (demands against wage

differentials, demands opposing the alienation of workers in

production). The organisation should support all methods that make

possible collective action and control by the workers of their own

struggles (elected and revocable strike committees, mass meetings of

workers before important decisions are taken, etc.). It should denounce

bureaucratic forms of organisation and propagate the idea of more

representative institutions (such, as the shop stewards' movement). It

should finally seek to achieve the widest possible solidarity with

workers engaged in struggle, seek to disseminate accurate information

about these struggles and point out the lessons to be drawn from them.

together the proletarian struggle and the struggle of other sections of

the population, equally deprived of any effective say in the management

of the affairs that concern them most. The anti-war movement is

particularly important in this respect. Both provide radical challenges

to established society. Both necessitate a type of action only possible

outside of the traditional organisations. Both command the enthusiasm of

youth. Both are capable of generating new forms of struggle and of

organisation profoundly relevant to the socialist future. Part of the

propaganda and of the activities of the revolutionary organisation

should be directed towards new layers of wage earners (white collar

workers, office workers, students and intellectuals). The similarity

between their objectives and those of the working class should

repeatedly be pointed out, as should the only possible solution to both:

the complete democratisation of society through the socialist


generalise the experiences of the working class in order to raise its

struggle from the level of the factory to that of society as a whole.

This implies a critique of capitalist society in all its aspects, along

the general lines we have here outlined. It also means bringing back to

the working class the real programme of socialism: collective management

of a genuinely human society.