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Title: Anarchist Socialism
Author: J. William Lloyd
Date: 1881
Language: en
Topics: libertarian socialism, socialism
Source: https://www.unionofegoists.com/2018/06/11/anarchist-socialism-by-j-wm-lloyd/

J. William Lloyd

Anarchist Socialism

As many of you, my comrades, may know me only as a Socialist, and may

doubt my qualifications to explain Anarchism, I will say that for some

20 years or more I was a professed and active Anarchist, a constant

contributor to Anarchist periodicals, and the personal friend and

correspondent of many of the Anarchist leaders of the time. In 1884,

when I first publicly announced myself a philosophical Anarchist,

Liberty was the leading Anarchist paper in the United States and

certainly the ablest one in the world and I became a steady contributor

to its columns and the close friend of its editor and owner, Benj. R.

Tucker. Mr. Tucker now lives in Europe, but his wife was one of the most

intimate friends of my family and his only child is named Oriole, after

my daughter. At one time I was the literary editor of Liberty. At

another I myself edited an Anarchist periodical, The Free Comrade, which

was suspended for while, and then revived for a short time by Leonard

Abbott and myself, as an advocate of the juncture of the Anarchist and

Socialist forces. I also wrote and published an Anarchist booklet, "The

Red Heard in a White World", and became the leader of an Anarchist

group, which was known as "The Comradeship of Free Socialists", and at

one time had quite a membership, scattered all over the world. My books,

"The Natural Man" and "Vale Sunrise", were Anarchistic. During these

years, tho I avoided the platform, I was almost constantly engaged in

debate, defending and explaining the philosophy of Anarchism thru the

press. I even wrote an "Anarchist's March", which was set to music. I

mention all this simply to show you that when I speak of Anarchism, I am

somewhat prepared to explain it and do it justice.

First, then, what is Anarchism? It is logical human liberty. It is the

ideal of human life without a master. Tucker defined it as "Equal

Liberty". Another definition is, "Do as you please at your own expense";

another, "Mind your own business and let your neighbor's alone". The

name was first used and applied by Pierre J. Proudhon, the French

philosopher, who derived it from the Greek an, privitive, and archos,

ruler, meaning life without a ruler or government. On this basis the

Anarchist founds a whole system of ethics and politics. He identifies

crime and government as the same in logical essence, for both are

impositions of one man's will on another without his consent. All

Anarchists say that liberty and Anarchism are synonyms.

It was a common charge a few years ago, and probably still is, that

Anarchism is an imported foreign product and un-American. On the

contrary, Anarchism originated in the United States before the rest of

the world had it, and is a logical consequence of fundamental American

principles; also many prominent Americans have been Anarchists.

Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Declaration of Independence, was so

nearly an Anarchist that he uttered the famous aphorism, "The best

government is that which governs the least." The Declaration is so

nearly an Anarchist document that there is probably not an Anarchist in

the world, except the few Nietzscheans, who would reject its fundamental

logic. For example: That all men are equal in rights to life, liberty

and pursuit of happiness; That governments derive their just powers from

the consent of the governed; That whenever any government becomes

destructive to the above rights, it is the right and duty of those who

have formed it, the people, to take whatever measures may be necessary

to secure their own safety and happiness, even to its complete

abolition. In other words, the logic of the Declaration is that the

individual is sovereign and supreme where he has his true rights, and

the government only his tool, which he has made and has a right,

therefore, to unmake at his pleasure.

"Individual Sovereignty" was one of the fundamental American watchwords

and the whole of Anarchism is logically included in it. So too, all

Anarchism is logically contained in the doctrine that governments derive

their just powers from the consent of the governed. No Anarchist has any

logical objection to a government to which all its members consent; only

he carries the logic one step further and says that if the individual

withdraws his consent, in that moment the just power of the government

over him ceases. So too, all Anarchism is logically contained in the

statement that the right of every man to life, liberty and the pursuit

of happiness, in his own inoffensive way, is rightfully inalienable.

Therefore the American principles are profoundly Anarchistic and the

logic of Anarchism is absolutely American.

But the matter was not left simply to logic and doctrinaire deductions.

Josiah Warren, direct descendant of that famous General Warren who fell

at Bunker Hill, was the real founder of Anarchism and the first

Anarchist author. In his work "True Civilization", published, I believe

in the thirties [1830s], he took the American principle of Individual

Sovereignty and worked it out to its logical ultimates, making the first

clear and definite presentation of Anarchist principles the world had

ever seen. He also established the first Anarchist group at his colony

of "Modern Times" on Long Island. However he did not use the word

"Anarchism", which had not then been adopted. At that time many

prominent Americans accepted these ideas, either wholly or in part.

Ralph Waldo Emerson was the most shining example. His writings are full

of Anarchist statements of great force, much quoted by Anarchists to

this day. His friend, Henry David Thoreau, was a scarcely less

illustrious and more militant Anarchist. He went to jail rather than pay

a poll-tax to a government that supported slavery. When Emerson heard of

it and came to pay his tax to get him out, he said to Thoreau, in his

cell, "What Henry, you here!" and Thoreau sarcastically replied, with

his quaint Yankee humor, "What, Waldo, and you not here!", implying that

to be consistent Emerson would have done the same. And a New England

woman, who knew him, told me two summers ago, that his townspeople

actually never afterwards asked him to pay a tax. Most of the New

England Transcendentalists were more or less Anarchist and so were all

Abolitionists, some of whom were radically so, particularly William

Lloyd Garrison and Stephen Pearl Andrews. It is noteworthy that the

Civil War was more of less avowedly fought over two Anarchist

principles, wrested from their context. Thus the North, so far as

intentionally Abolitionist, was fighting for the restoration of

individuality to the black man, and the South was fighting for the

Anarchist principle of Free Secession from an undesired Union.

Warren's most brilliant and influential disciple was Benj. R. Tucker, a

man of old New England stock. He was at one time city editor of the

Boston Globe. As a translator of French books, he translated some of the

most important of Proudhon's works and adopted Proudhon's name,

Anarchism, for the philosophy. Proudhon had developed his Anarchism

separately, with no knowledge of Warren but probably derived it from the

logic of the French Revolutionary slogan of "Liberty, Equality and

Fraternity", which perhaps the French had largely derived from the

principles of the American Revolution with its Declaration of

Independence. At any rate its logic was identical. But somewhere near

this time, also independently, a Russian form of Anarchism was

originated by Bakounine.

Now developed the first split in the Anarchist movement, which since

then has broken up fundamentally into many sects and schools. Warren and

Proudhon were intensely individualistic, and Proudhon and Tucker

especially detested and fought communism, while the Russians made

communism their main principle. Bakounine, Kropotkin, and Emma Goldman,

all Russians, have been the great leaders of Communistic-Anarchism,

which now has largely outgrown the Individualistic-Anarchistic division

in numbers and political importance.

Another split grew up over the question of violence. The

Individualist-Anarchists have always stood for an intellectual

propaganda and for passive resistance, reserving violence only as a

weapon of last and desperate resort.

The Russians have largely advocated, encouraged and winked at terrorism

as a means of revolution -- "propaganda by deed" they called it. A small

group of Americans and foreigners combined, in Chicago, at one time and

adopted the Russian communistic and terroristic principles, leading to

the calamitous "Haymarket Riot", and the hanging of several of their

leaders. Among these was Samuel Parsons, also an American of

Revolutionary ancestry. On the other hand, among the Russians, Tolstoy

developed an entirely new variant of Anarchism -- a Christian and

non-resistant form, but still communistic. He declared all violence,

even in self-defense, a violation of liberty; even to defend liberty, it

was a violation of liberty.

Now another split came among the individualists. These had largely

adopted the philosophy of Egoism of the German, Max Stirner, who

declared all human life was moved simply by self-interest. Still the

Americans did not think this conflicted with their principle of equal

liberty, which they declared an enlightened egoism would make every man

maintain for his own benefit. But Stirner's most brilliant disciple was

the German, Nietzsche, who declared that the law of Nature was that

might was right, and that the true Anarchist was the individual who

cared consciously only for himself and exploited the world to feed his

own individuality - who pleased himself and had no law or limit but his

own powers. Thru his brilliant and paradoxical genius, Nietzsche exerted

a tremendously active influence in the German universities and over the

dominating spirits of the world. Theodore Roosevelt is commonly

considered among his disciples. So is the German Kaiser and the whole

military caste of Germany, and the initiation of the present war is

often laid to his door. Napoleon and John Pierpont Morgan could have

called themselves Nietzschean Anarchists; or any other utterly

unscrupulous exploiter and tyrant might have taken the name.

There was also a small American school whose watchword was "Do as you

please and take the consequences!", which they said contained all of


So now Anarchism, today, is curiously broken up into utterly opposing

and contradictory schools. This arises from their failure to agree on a

definition of liberty. Anarchism, they all say, is liberty, but what

liberty is and how best to secure it are the points on which they

divide. The Americans and French say that the liberty of the individual

is only logically secured by equal liberty of each to be sovereign only

over his own. The Russians say that equal liberty can only be secured by

the equal sharing of communism - the individualists retorting that

communism swallows up the individual and digests him into the community.

Tolstoy says if you adopt altruism as your method and let your brother

do what he pleases without resistance, he will let you do what you

please and so equal liberty and harmony will come by the law of Christ.

Neitzsche says he is Anti-Christ, ridicules and denounces Christianity,

altruism, Socialism, equality, communism and social rights, as all

equally the inventions of the weak to cheat the strong, declares there

is no logical liberty but that of the individual to assert himself thru

that struggle for existence and survival of the fittest which is

Nature's law, and everything but the law of might will fail.

I, in my writings, did not agree with any of these exactly, but

endeavored to effect a reconciliation - a working combination of

individualism and communism - the individual to possess and be master of

his own personal belongings, but communistic in the larger and social


Again the Anarchists split on the question of property in land. The

Individualists held that the only valid title to anything was a

labor-title, and as nobody's labor had made the land, therefore it

belonged to nobody, but would become the property of whoever occupied

and used it just so long as he occupied and used it and no longer. The

Communists held that everything belonged to all men equally, the land

included. My own proposition was that each man should have a small piece

of land, not larger than he could personally occupy and cultivate or

use, and a communal right, with all others, in all land not thus

individually occupied and used. The Single-Taxers, who, by the way, are

largely Anarchistic in theory, agreed with the communists and offered

the Single Tax as the best way of equalizing land values and


Despite its differences, Anarchism has had a profound and far-reaching

influence on human thought. For personal liberty appeals to every brave

and original mind. It is to be noted that Anarchists, just as strongly

as Marxians, claim to be scientific. Nay, they claim to be more

scientific, because they say they would cut away all artificial supports

and privileges and leave man absolutely to the natural laws on which

alone science bases itself. All government, they say, are artificial and

interfere with Nature. It must be remembered that in their younger days

Proudhon and Karl Marx were friends and agreed up to a certain point,

where Marx declared the remedy to be to put all social functions under

the government, and Proudhon affirmed that government itself, with its

privileges and monopolies and invasions of liberty, was the enemy. In

those days both called themselves socialists and Marx called himself a

Communist, as witness his famous "Manifesto". Indeed Anarchists still

claim to be socialists, a name which the Social-Democrats have no right,

they say, to monopolize. All men are socialists, they claim, who are

working for the world as it should be, against those who are contented

or are contending for the world as it is. They call themselves,

sometimes, Free-Socialists, as opposed to what they call

State-Socialists - that is, those who would create socialism thru

political action.

Now for a little personal history. Our secretary [of a local radical

organization], Comrade Zeitelhack will remember that when I offered to

join the Westfield Branch, I wrote him I was an Anarchist but as there

was no Anarchist Group of Single-Tax party here, and as I believed in

radicals working together, I wanted to help the Socialists. He met me on

the street and told me he did not think there was much difference in the

ultimate aims of Anarchism and Socialism and that he would be glad to

have me join, and it was on these terms that I was admitted. I had no

thought of becoming a real Socialist, but I studied the thought and the

literature and in time came to feel that the Socialists had the best of

the argument. Anarchist theories were fine and fascinating, but, as most

Anarchists rejected voting, majority rule and even suspicioned

organization, they were powerless against the growing evils of

capitalism. They refused the ballot because they said the bullet was

behind it, but as most of them justified the bullet, at least as a last

resort, why not use the ballot? I came to see that government was a tool

without which, in some form, cooperative action was impossible. Voting

and majority rule were natural necessities of collective functioning,

and men could act in no other way if they acted together, and I now saw

why, in the twenty years I had been with them, the Anarchists had

accomplished nothing except to modify the thought of some of the higher

minds. I came to think too that there might be times and places where

the rights or necessities of the collectivity might be greater than

those of the individual. So I ceased to be an orthodox Anarchist.

Nevertheless I have never lost my thirst for personal liberty, only I

believe now, that if the Social-Democracy can win, it will give to all

men greater practical equal-liberty and security than the vague faiths

and method, or no-methods of the Anarchists could achieve.

But I believe that Anarchism and Socialism are both needed in human

society - that they represent two strong trends in human psychology -

the trend toward liberty and individual variation, and the trend toward

cooperation, sympathy and solidarity, and that therefore they should

work together. Socialism greatly needs Anarchism as a critic and to keep

it from sacrificing the individual and his originality to the domination

of the mass. And I have tried, tho I confess with no appreciable

success, to effect a compromise, which would permit the essential

Anarchist principles of Individual Secession and Autonomy of the Group

to be guaranteed under Socialism, claiming that if this were done in the

Socialistic Constitution and Platforms, the Anarchists would have no

logical ground for keeping out of the Party, which would thus gain a

multitude of votes - without sacrificing its own principles. Simply an

alliance to win, with division of territory and autonomy of method after

the conquest of government and the capitalist defeat.