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Title: What’s Anarchism? Author: Hippolyte Havel Date: 1932 Language: en Topics: introductory Source: Retrieved on October 8, 2010 from http://dwardmac.pitzer.edu/Anarchist_Archives/bright/havel/whatis.html
Every great movement since the beginning of history has been a movement
to lift the bottom dog and put him on his feet. And every such movement
has been led by extremists. All the great names of history have been the
names of extremists. The brave pioneers who blazed the trail through the
unknown forest had to fight their way against the many dangers of wild
nature, wild beasts, and wilder men. The heroic men who first raised
their voices in the cause of religious liberty had to pass through years
of cruel persecution. They were hounded to the scaffold or the state
with execration and abuse. The wheel slowly turns full circle, and the
malefactor of yesterday become the hero-martyr of to-day, and the
faithful tread weary miles to his shrine to pay homage to his memory.
Those who dared to raise a protest against political slavery had to face
a tempest of slander and vituperation. To-day the market-places that
witnessed their humiliation are adorned with cherished monuments in
their honor, and their names glow from the pedestals with an added
brilliance bought by their belated recognition.
But the greatest, the bitterest, the fiercest fight of all the ages is
now being fought. The struggle for economic freedom is being waged in
every country, race and nation. Compared with this conflict, the
contests of the past are as the mimic warfare of happy children
marshalling their tiny tin warriors on the nursery floor. No passion is
too sordid, no cruelty is too severe, no persecution is too fierce to
find its place and use in this campaign. It began when the first chattel
slave raised his voice in protest against a corroding chain. Right down
the ages the din of its conflict has kept time like a Greek chorus to
the discordant jazz that mars the harmony of the world’s advance.
The working-class does not need leadership so much as it needs
comradeship. The world has had enough of leaders. The hero and the
leader, even the teacher and the prophet, will in time go the way of the
king, the baron, and the capitalist. In the last analysis, it is the
friend and companion that the people need; it is the co- operation and
fellowship of all people working together for the exaltation of the
common life.
The spectre of Communism is haunting the world. Not only the powers of
Europe, but those of America and Asia as well have entered into a holy
alliance to exercise this spectre and — oh, cruel irony of history — the
erstwhile followers of Marx and Engels, the Socialists of all countries,
join the holy alliance against Communism. “Whence this Communism?” they
cry out in despair, and exercising the spectre they murmur pitifully mea
culpa, mea maxima culpa.
What is this terrible spectre of Communism? Is Communism a state of
Society to be established and managed by the people themselves or a new
form of government over them? Is it Communism of the people when a
political party captures the State power and decrees a set of laws for
others to obey? Is it even a “Transition Stage” as Engels and Lenin
State Capitalism — a Transition Stage from private Capitalism — is
evolving right now in all countries. But will this transition period
usher in a Communist society? On the contrary, we witness a gradual
evolution of the State, wherein an all powerful political bureaucracy
controls the life of the producers, by controlling the means of
production and the products for consumption.
The Bolshevik State Communism is the last form of reaction fooling the
workers. Anarchist-Communism is the antidote and protection against
bureaucratic State slavery, and the only theory of a free society
recognizing the just claim of each to the fullest satisfaction of all
his needs, physical, moral and intellectual.
Anarchism is no hypocritical scheme. It cannot dupe men in the manner of
political parties which pretend to be saviors of the working class,
promising to do wonders if the workers will only give them their
confidence. The Anarchists have the far more difficult mission of making
the workers realize that neither this nor that political party can do
naught for their salvation, and that the sole hope lies in their own
insight and energy.
Anarchism may be briefly defined as the negation of all government and
all authority of man over man; Communism as the recognition of the just
claim of each to the fullest satisfaction of all his needs, physical,
moral and intellectual. The Anarchist, therefore, whilst resisting as
far as possible all forms of coercion and authority, repudiates just as
firmly even the suggestion that he should impose himself upon others,
realizing as he does that this fatal propensity in the majority of
mankind has been the cause of nearly all the misery and bloodshed in the
He understands just as clearly that to satisfy his needs without
contributing, to the best of his ability, his share of labor in
maintaining the general well-being, would be to live at the expenses of
others — to become an exploiter and to live as the rich drones live
today. Obviously, then, government on the one hand and private ownership
of the means of production on the other, complete the vicious circle —
the present social system — which keeps mankind degraded and enslaved.
There will be no need to justify the Anarchist’s attack upon all forms
of government, history teaches the lesson he has learned on every page.
But that lesson being concealed from the mass of the people by
interested advocated of “law and order”, and even by Social Democrats
and the Bolsheviks, the Anarchist deals his hardest blows at the
sophisms that uphold the State, and urges workers in striving for their
emancipation to confine their efforts to the economic field.
It follows, therefore, that politically and economically his attitude is
purely revolutionary; and hence arises the vilification and
misrepresentation that Anarchism, which denounces all forms of social
injustice, meets with in the press and from public speakers.
Rightly conceived, Anarchism is no mere abstract ideal theory of human
society. It views life and social relations with eves disillusioned.
Making an end of all superstitions, prejudices and false sentiments it
tries to see things as they really are; and without building castles in
the air it finds by the simple correlation of established facts that the
grandest possibilities of a full and free life can be placed within the
reach of all, once that monstrous bulwark of all our social iniquities —
the State — has been destroyed, and common property declared.
Modern jurists frequently speak of the atomization of the State in the
Middle Ages. In reality it was not atomic. The truth is that the Middle
Ages were atomized in the centuries that followed them. The
characteristic fact of European societies between the fifteenth and
nineteenth centuries was that the corporations were abandoned by their
most energetic members. And from this dissolution of the corporate life
has arisen the modern unitary state, as an historic and temporal
necessity; not as a category of social life. But if the State is not a
category, if it is purely an historic institution which arises at the
bidding of a momentary necessity, it runs the risk of vanishing from
history with the necessity which has called it into existence. And that,
in fact, was what occurred in the mentality of thinkers and was on the
point of happening in reality.
When the war of 1914 broke out the institution of the State was on the
point of disappearing from among the peoples of Western Europe. The
thinkers, at least, had already ceased to believe in the necessity for
it. It was defended only by the politicians; but there did not remain a
single public man who enjoyed the confidence placed in his predecessors.
This was not the fault of the men. Personally, they may have been as
clever and good then as were the statesmen of old. But we called them
politicians and not statesmen, for we no longer believed in the State.
What, aster all, is this State idea, this idea of the organized
Community to which the individual has to be immolated? Theoretically it
is the subordination of the individual to the good of all that is
demanded; practically it is his subordination to a collective egoism,
political, military, economic, which seeks to satisfy certain collective
aims and ambitions shaped ad imposed on the great mass of the
individuals by a smaller or larger number of ruling persons who are
supposed in some way to represent the community. It is immaterial
whether these belong to a governing class or emerge as in modern States
from the mass partly by force of character, but much more by force of
circumstances; are imposed more by hypnotism of verbal persuasion than
by overt and actual force. In either case there is no guarantee that
this ruling class or ruling body represents the best minds of a nation
or its noblest or its highest instincts.
Nothing of the kind can be asserted of the modern politician in any part
of the world; he does not represent the soul of the people or its
aspirations; what he does usually represent is all the average
pettiness, selfishness, egoism, self-deception that is about him and
these he represents well enough as well as a great deal of mental
incompetence and moral conventionality, timidity and pretence. Great
issues often come to him for decision but he does not deal with them
greatly; high words and noble ideas are on his lips, but they are only
the clap-trap of a party. The disease and falsehood of modern political
life is present in every country of the world and only the hypnotized
acquiescence that men yield to everything that is habitual and makes the
present atmosphere of their lives, cloaks and prolongs the malady. Yet
it is by such minds that the good of all had to be decided, to such
hands that it has to be entrusted, to such an agency calling itself the
State the individual is being more and more called upon to give up his
entire activity.
Even if the governing instrument were better constituted and of a higher
and moral character, still the State would not be what the State idea
pretends to be. Theoretically, it is the collective wisdom and force of
the community as the particular machinery of the State organization will
allow to come to the surface which uses that machine but is also caught
in it and hampered by it, and hampered also by the large among of folly
and selfish weakness that comes up in the same wave. Things would be
much worse if there were not a field left for a less trammeled
individual effort doing what the State cannot do, employing and using
the sincerity, energy, idealism of the best individuals to attempt that
which the State has not the wisdom or courage to attempt, getting that
done which a collective conservatism and imbecility leave undone or
actively oppose and suppress. It is this which is the really effective
agent of collective progress. But we are now tending towards such an
increase of organized State-power and such a huge irresistible and
complex State activity as will either eliminate or leave it dwarfed and
cowed into helplessness. Thus the necessary corrective to the defects,
limitations ad inefficiency of the State machine is rapidly
The State is neither the best mind of the nation or is it even the sum
of the communal energies. It leaves out voluntary action, suppresses the
working force and thinking mind of important minorities often of those
which represent that which is best in the present State of Society.
The regeneration of Society, or better still, the formation of a new
Society, is possible along through Anarchism, i.e. through the
re-establishment of natural relations of men to one another. This can be
accomplished by Anarchist Communism, guaranteeing to each individual
full liberty. Each member of such a Society stands free and equal among
his fellow beings, and any attempt to establish other standards will
constitute an act of violence against the principle of a free Society.
There is no natural right for the possession of private property, nor
for authoritarian leadership; once permitted they inevitably destroy the
peace and general welfare. The whole history of mankind proves this
Let us consider Anarchism as the scientific teaching of the natural
relationship of men. Realizing that our knowledge of the world reaches
no further than our senses can reach the Anarchist rejects all fruitless
dreams. All that takes place in the universe is the result of activity
inherent in matter. Upon this view, is based our moral doctrine, which
may be summarized as follows:
Every living being strives unceasingly for enjoyment of life; this
endeavor is the basis of all his actions. Each human being seeks to
learn by what ways and means he can attain the highest purpose of life.
Through experience and observation one arrives at the conclusion that
the individual separated from the society f his fellow-men, produces the
mere necessities of life by the utmost wearisome labor, but that through
the common labor of many, these necessities are wearily readily
obtained, allowing leisure for the pursuit of arts and sciences, by
which life is made pleasanter and richer; this knowledge imposes upon
one the duty of working for the common well, since each individual
welfare is assured only through universal well being.
The fact that the gifts, powers and dispositions of men are very
different, leads one to the conclusion that the participation in the
various labors of a group or community must be entirely voluntary, free
from outward pressure, as free as the right to use and enjoy in
unlimited measure the goods produced by common labor.
By experience and clear knowledge of the qualities of man, we arrive at
the firm conviction that a lasting welfare of Society can be established
only through free fellowship, i.e. through Communistic-Anarchist
By what means can such a Society be accomplished? Through the propaganda
in word and deed, i.e. through the distribution of Anarchist literature
and the courageous determination of a sufficient number of men and women
not to participate in the present system of exploitation and slavery.
Anarchism is not only a beautiful philosophy of life but it is also the
only logical theory for an economically and intellectually free society.
It is not the careless thinker or a wild theorizer who can appreciate
the ideal of a society based on free agreements of equals without law
and bureaucracy. It is the Socialist politician who believes that rule
and laws are a necessary part of life.
At the back of every law is the element of coercion. It is impossible to
escape from that fact. Politicians and bureaucrats may argue that it is
coercion for the good of underdeveloped workers. This means that
coercion is not merely pure despotism but something even worse — the
driving about of helpless human sheep. All tyrants and priests use the
same arguments.
Anarchism alone embodies these days social revolutionary ideals, without
trimming or compromising. It does not aim at success that spells
Dictatorship; it does not seek to gain the reins of government, nor
strives to rule workers organizations. It works for the real
enlightenment of the toilers, aiding them to that mental maturity which
will enable them to accomplish their won emancipation.
By education, by free organization, by individual and associated
resistance to economic and political tyranny, the Anarchists hope to
achieve their aims. The task may seem hopeless to many, but it should be
remembered that our movement is spreading in all countries. Modern
science, art and literature are imbued with distinct anarchist
There are certain things that cannot be left to other, to be attended to
by proxy. One of them is thinking. Man had issued to divide Providence
the mandate to direct fate — and came to grief as a result. Political
providence has now crowded the divine into the background, and the
subjects, citizens, voters are again the duped.
Man will have to recover the power with which his ignorance has invented
gods, statesmen, priests, and politicians, before he can achieve
maturity and independence. That is the ABC of Anarchism.
The educated man is revolted by the thought that men and women are such
ill-mannered beings that they can only be kept in order by a system of
rules which might be fairly tolerable inside the boundary walls of a
lunatic asylum.
We can imagine a reasonable man thinking that there are so many lunatics
and financiers, lazy gentlefolk, as present in the world, that it may be
necessary to continue a system of laws until we have got rid of them all
or reduced them to some kind of social discipline. But it seems utterly
preposterous that anyone of education could believe that these temporary
laws can be part of a permanent and ultimate ideal of life.
Men are very quick to repudiate submission to a man; but when the
slavery comes in guise of submission to law or custom or to a government
not directly personal, they are very likely not to recognize it. The
divinity which was formerly thought to hedge a king is now thought to
hedge laws and to sanction them. But a life minutely regulated by laws
and customs may be essentially as far from a free life as one regulated
by the will of a depot. The statement frequently put forward as an axiom
that men must sacrifice many of their liberties in order that they may
live together is not true; that they have sacrificed them is certain;
but to say that they must, betrays a confusion of thought. A man cannot
walk through a crowded street as he would walk through one that is
deserted, but neither can he walk through a tangled forest with the same
freedom with which he would walk through an open meadow; and yet he can
hardly be said to sacrifice his freedom in walking through a tangled
forest. His liberty would be restricted in any of these places if
another man should approach him and force him to turn back, whether the
man happened to be a private citizen or a public officer, and the act
would be tyrannical whether the officer acted in accordance with the
will of a depot or with the will of the people or with the law.
Freedom implies that if a man is doing anything which does not threaten
the freedom of others, no man and no body of men have any right to
interfere with him. “What,” cry many of out philanthropic friends, “If
we are fully persuaded that a certain act is for a man’s own advantage
and for that of society, while another act is greatly for his
disadvantage, shall we not compel him to do the one and to abstain from
doing the other?” No, for it is of more importance that the principle of
freedom shall be preserved than that what you are persuaded is for the
best shall be enforced.
This, of course, simply amounts to saying that freedom will yield better
results in the ling run than slavery.
Civilization and progress are words much conjured with. We boast of our
industrial development and speak with pride of out commercial growth and
even our intellectual achievements. We point the finger of scorn at the
“backward” nations and enlarger upon our own steady progress. But what
is progress? Giants of stone and steel, reared on human bones; mills and
factories, slaughter-houses of body and mind; successful corners in the
necessaries of life; multiplied volumes of statue books; the perfection
of man-killing weapons; increased navies and armies — are these the
meaning of civilization, the acme of progress? We seem to have lost all
sense of criterion. Scarlet piles of stone or gold upon the ruins of
human souls are the measure of our success. We have been stricken with
blindness by the glare of Mammon. We have lost our path on the Broadway
of Success. Yet Life is more, far more than mere success. And Life is
individual. The one purpose of being is development; in free expression
alone is satisfaction. Expression is growth; growth in freedom,
progress. In man alone is progress. The external and the social must but
indicate the inner. Woe to them when they hinder instead of reflecting
the soul. That is barbarism, slavery.
Freedom, liberty, and such words are found in dictionaries, but each
year marks a decrease of the original article. As a man surcingles or
puts a band around a horse, and draws it till he kills the horse or
breaks the band, so are the people of this country, by the chain of
legislation, denying liberty and paving the way for the clouds of evil
that arise from too much law. In this country it is already a fact that,
when a man cannot personally force his ideas into the life of a
neighbor, he sets about rigging up a legislative propellant that shall
bind the victim, and then, with the help of those who skin on shares or
work for fees, pump the objectionable in or draw the milk out. If you
wish an appliance that will sorten the freedom of our neighbor, go the
\legislature and have it made, — that is, if there are none already in
stock. There are some places on the skin not yet covered by some kind of
legislative plaster. A very few breathing pores left open. A few places
where the stomach pump of taxation has not been inserted for the benefit
of the inserter, but these spots or places are fast disappearing under
the operation of the legislative cauterizer and puncturer.
From the respect paid to property flow, as from a poisoned fountain,
most of the evils and vices which render this world such a dreary scene
to the contemplative mind. For it is in the most polished society that
noisome reptiles and venomous serpents lurk under the rank herbage; and
there is voluptuousness pampered by the still sultry air, which relaxes
every good disposition before it ripens into virtue.
One class presses on another, for all are aiming to procure respect due
only to talents and virtue. Men neglect the duties incumbent on man, yet
are treated like demi-gods. The world is almost, literally speaking, a
den of sharpers or oppressors.
There is a homely proverb, which speaks a shrewd truth, that whoever the
devil finds idle he will employ. And what but habitual idleness can
hereditary wealth and titles produce? For man is so constituted that he
can only attain a proper use of his faculties by exercising them, and
will not exercise them unless necessity of some kind first set the
wheels in motion. Virtue likewise can only be acquired by the discharge
of relative duties; but the importance of these sacred duties will
scarcely be felt by the being who is cajoled out of his humanity by the
flattery of sycophants. There must be more equality established in
society or morality will never gain ground, and this virtuous equality
will not rest firmly even when founded on a rock, if one-half of mankind
be chained to its bottom by fate, for they will be continually
undermining it through ignorance or pride.
No man or woman who has looked at society with open, honest eyes can
blind the fact that crime, like all other human actions, is the
inevitable product of existing causes; that it springs up in
poverty-stricken surroundings as surely as the cactus blooms in the
desert. But “society,” the propertied class that for the moment
dominated the situation, steadily refuses to acknowledge this most
obvious of facts, although it bends the knee weekly to a teacher who
said, with all the emphasis language could afford, that men cannot
gather figs of thorns, or grapes of thistles.
This deliberate blindness will continue until the eyes that now remain
obstinately closed are forced to open; and the opening can come only as
the result of education — learned stupidly by the whip of events or
wisely by voluntary acceptance of he truth.
Were it possible for some one to secure full control of the air, leaving
mankind the alternative of paying tribute or strangling or want of
breath, we should all of us become the serfs of the air monopoly. We
should be forced to comply with its conditions, or die. Our dependence
would be most absolute. This unbearable situation would be further
aggravated by irony and scorn if the constitution of the land contained
the solemn proviso: “All citizens are equal before the law; their
liberty must not be abridged by special privileges.” Could anyone but a
fool believe in this constitution-guarantee liberty, always remembering
the command of the air monopolist: Submit of die! The liberty of
choosing between submission and strangulation is but a two-edged slavery
with destruction at either end.
It is this kind of liberty that the people of the “most progressive
countries” enjoy. Instead of air read food, shelter, clothing, and you
have the same terrible dependence of the people on the monopolists of
land, production and money. The existence of the great majority is today
made possible only by their slavish submission to the conditions of
these masters of the earth.
Private property with its thousand and one corrupting influences is
today the ruling power on earth. It dictates t the propertyless masses
the compulsory statutes, to refuse to submit or to sacrifice one’s
independence, means the loss of the means of existence. That is the
punishment visited upon those who, though poor, strive to preserve their
manhood and their individuality.
But — unfortunately? Fortunately? — almost everyone adapts himself to
the slavery of existence, even though many suffer, hesitate, tremble,
and frit their teeth. Some go insane; many — men and women without
number — are crippled bodily or mentally or both; others — and those by
no means the worst — resort to suicide. Statistics throw considerable
light upon these results of our profit-civilization.
The “justice” of this civilization depends neither upon court nor
judges; it works “of itself”, quietly, but is more merciless and
inexorable that the most hard-hearted judge. It is the fate of the
modern man under the rule of a production-system which is not intended
to satisfy the needs of mankind, but which blindly works for the
enrichment of the few.
Whether you work with your hands or your brain, if you refuse to offer
yourself for sale, this “inner justice” will immediately reduce your
rations, will rob you of shelter and home, and finally deprive you even
of the small means necessary to secure mere bread or a ten-cent lodging.
Before long you will have become an outcast, because you have offended
against the discipline of this order which demands absolute economic
Therefore try hard to sell yourself somehow or other; else you’re lost
and you will become a pauper, or — if you possess courage enough — you
will turn criminal.
Sell your labor, ability, and intelligence; lie, cheat and swindle for
you existence. What matters manhood, personality, self-respect. You are
a mere cog in the machine of the “higher powers”; you are a bond serf
who hates his task, or — if you are a brain worker — an intellectual
helot who propagates opinions not his own, and teaches “fats” he knows
nothing of, but which in some way serve the interests of his
bread-givers. All this must be borne is you are to “do well” in the
world. Why not? Must not the prostitute also follow he business? The
same conditions which force her to sell her body, cause also the
journalist to write what he does not believe, the teacher to teach what
he himself refuses to accept, or the physician to perform operations to
which he would not submit himself.
The difference between the slavery of former days and the
existence-bondage of today is that formerly the salves were forcible
driven to the market, while the serfs of today offer themselves for sale
of “their own free will.” It is ironically called “free competition”;
but behind each miserable free competitor stand want, hunger, and
anxiety, more effective and compelling than the save-driver’s whip.
The marketability of men and things impresses upon society the character
of prostitution. It is prostitution to be forced, for mere existence, to
sell oneself, physically o mentally, to manufacturers or publishers.
Under such conditions who can speak of the dignity of labor? Work which
is forced and hateful, and of the products of which the worker is
deprived, is shameful and unworthy of the thinking man.
This boundless general venality comprises all the vice, evil, and crime
which is the despair of the moralist and reformer, and which serve as a
text to exhort man to honesty, righteousness, and neighborly love. Empty
phrases! Mankind does not live up to the moral laws down on paper,
because the very conditions of existence are based on the principle of
taking advantage of our fellow-men.
In place of the domination of private property, in place of the
shameless tyranny of profit, we would put Anarchist Communism. Its basic
principle is, first of all, to guarantee to each man the right of
existence, making the necessaries of life as accessible and free as air
and sunshine. Without this fundamental right man is a pariah, a pauper
at the mercy of those who own the means of existence.
The propertyless masses forever plead with the lords of the each for
compassion, for mercy and reforms, instead of depriving them of their
robber-monopoly and proclaiming the earth the free homestead and
storehouse of mankind. It is just as if the calves would plead with the
tanner not to tan their skins too deep a hue. The tanners would ignore
their plea, as the owners of the earth will continue their usury in
human flesh so long as they are not deprived of their monopoly of
It is not the bitterest irony that under the domination of sacred
private property the majority of mankind lack all property? Under
Anarchist Communism, which strives to abolish private possession, there
would be no millionaires, billionaires, or stockholders, but every one
would enjoy the means necessary to a wholesome life. If we wished to
express it in a paradox we should say: only Communism will secure a man
the possession of the earth.
Lack of clarity, pusillanimity, and compromise are the worst curse of
the American Labor movement. Of what benefit, for instance, can it be to
the social or economic improvement of the workers if they are
represented in the political dens of the plutocracy? The sole effect of
such “successes” is to supply capitalist exploitation and governmental
tyranny with new supporters bearing the label of Labor or Socialist
Of what use is it to the workers what here and there some branch strike
is occasionally won? Capitalism possesses no end of means to nullify the
success of such strikers. Its power to revenge itself economically upon
the workers, to intensify exploitation, raise the cost of living, and so
forth, is practically limitless. Local strikes, if conducted in a
revolutionary spirit, with an eye to the ultimate destruction of the
robber system of private property, have propagandistic value. But as a
means to the essential, fundamental emancipation of the toilers, they
can not be seriously considered by the intelligent student.
The solution of the problem of labor — the abolition of wage slavery —
is not to be found within the State regime. Our thoughts and actions
must transcend these narrow boundaries, we must attack the very sources
of wage slavery. These sources are private property, the State and — the
third in the holy trinity — the Church. The rule of this trinity
absolutely excludes the producers from well-being justice and liberty.
No diplomatizing and politicianizing can help in this matter. So long as
this trinity is not overthrown, misery, dependence and slavery are
That is the point where Anarchists and the labor movement must finally
meet on common ground. If the workers are not to turn utter traitors to
the ideal of the emancipation, they must prepare for the final struggle
with this trinity, and in that struggle the Anarchists will be their
staunchest fellow fighters. The movement that the social revolutionary
philosophy of Anarchism will combine with the intelligence of the
workers, with their energy and strength, the doom of the dominant
institution will be sealed.
In the face of the many dangerous errors and false conceptions
dominating the labor movement, we shall neither bless nor curse, but
persistently continue our agitation toward the hour when the more
intelligent element of the proletariat will learn to understand us and
will hold out to the Anarchists the hand of brotherhood, together to
battle with the common enemy.
Investigations so loudly clamored for by the politicians can only have
the effect of pacifying and weakening labor. These proceedings and their
reports can tell nothing new to the proletarian, even if the
investigations be honest and sincere, which is rarely the case. On the
other hand, their tendency is to arouse vain hopes and false conceptions
of the character of the governmental machinery. And that is highly
injurious to the growth of the revolutionary spirit, in which alone
there is guarantee that the people themselves will conquer industrial
and social Justice.
The workers, grown to maturity, will energetically call “Hands off” to
the politicians, wherever these may seek to fish for voter in the
troubled waters of strikes and other large struggles. Politicians are to
be measured with the same yardstick as priests, — augurs all, who for
thousands of years have been betraying the trust of the people and
exploiting them to further their own personal interests and ambitions.
Among the encouraging signs of the time the most important is that
legislatures, with their statutes and laws, are continually falling into
greater contempt with the people. The sentiment is steadily growing in
larger circles that the legal machinery is perfectly useless for the
necessary social and economic improvement of the masses. The struggle of
the toilers for better conditions takes place outside the halls of
legislation. Wherever the workers have gained comparatively better
living conditions, they did so not because of any laws or politicians,
but exclusively as a result of their own efforts, courage, and
This experience impresses itself daily with greater force upon the
observation of the thinking proletarian. Step by step he is led to the
conclusion that the final emancipation of labor can never come through
any political Providence, but that on the contrary it must be the work
of this initiative and determination.
He learns still more. He grows to understand that government and
legislation are not only useless for the proletarian, but that they are
positively harmful, the conscious enemies of labor, against whose
emancipation they systematically rear new obstacles. Their purpose is to
work for the greater development and glory of capitalism. They divide
the spoils among its sycophants, and cover every injustice and brutality
with the cloak of legal authority.
It is of utmost importance that the workers thoroughly realize all this.
For only clarity of understanding can save them from again and again
becoming the prey of politicians, which signifies the crippling and
paralysis of the labor movement.
In the House of Commons Oliver Cromwell once said: “There is one general
grievance, and that is the law.” A splendid motto for the revolutionary
workers of today.
It is easy to understand why politicians of all parties look askance at
the enlightenment of the masses in this direction. They feel themselves
in danger of becoming superfluous; their inflated dignity and blustering
importance is going to the devil. The more intelligent among them may
occasionally even catch a glimpse of the day when the doors of the law
factories will be closed, and the people will regulate their own affairs
through free co-operative associations.
‘Tis no promising outlook for the politicians, and they must therefore
seek new ways and means to justify their existence.
One of these means, to which Socialist politicians resort to in
particular, consist in playing the tail end on the occasion of the
larger strikes. From that safe background they make a great noise, in
order to impress the people with their importance as the “leaders of the
vanguard” of the movement. The smallest factory boy knows that strikes
can be fought and won only by the workers, but these superfluous
politicians put on a very wise look, as though they were about to
perform a great miracle for the strike, ad then solemnly shout —
legislative investigation!
That’s just their line. Conferences with professional politicians,
bureaucrats and would-be statesmen, exchange of conventional phrases,
committee sessions, great waste of good paper and — much ado about
nothing. The main thing is hat the newspapers should herald the tireless
activity of the Messrs. politicians. They are off — they have departed
for the strike regions — ah, how they sacrifice themselves for the
people, at the same timekeeping a shark eye for a chance to increase
their own political prestige among the ignorant.
If the workers accept as leader one of the intellectuals of
self-appointed reformers in place of a man risen from their ranks, they
are as badly off as ever. They intellectual has his own definite set of
interests, and though they man coincide with those of the proletariat in
calm and sunny weather, they are bound to separate in time of storm and
stress. Artists, scientists, thinkers, in a word of the intellectuals,
do not have an ingrained class consciousness. They have interests which
labor has not yet had the leisure to cultivate; they have possessions,
material and spiritual, which they dare not run the risk of losing. They
are the neutrals, as it were, in the conflict between the capitalists
and the workers. If they favor the proletariat they can render valuable
aid. Labor should never disdain their aid but it should never deliver to
them its independence.
Workers should be less sheep and more like men. Then if their leaders
deserted them their onward movement would not cease. Each mans should
learn to think for himself, to arrive at opinions independently of his
fellows. If each man reached a certain conclusion in his mind played
upon by the logic of events, and all these individual conclusions
happened to shape themselves toward a common end, there would arise in
their collective action, a strength and power that no amount of money
and no force of government could defy.
It is not surprising that investigating the conditions in strike
districts becomes ever more popular with politicians of all shades.
Investigations are well calculated to cover up the rottenness of our
social conditions. The people indeed feel that something is wrong; they
notice the fearful stench coming from somewhere. But the politicians are
immediately at hand to perfume the obnoxious spot with the investigation
disinfectant. And the good citizen thanks them, “Ah, after all,
something is being done to purify the air.” To be sure, something is
being done: the good people are being hoodwinked by the politicians. If
anything of vital importance is to be emasculated of its significance,
all that is necessary is to order a legislative investigation, and the
matter will quickly be demagogically distorted beyond all recognition.
Investigations are the cheapest trick of the masters to get around the
pressing social and economic problems.
The masters argue that because we cannot have equality in a silk factory
we cannot have it anywhere. Because we cannot have good-fellowship in
business we cannot have it at all. They argue that society cannot do
without “labor,” meaning servitude — without the bossing and the firing
and the too old at forty and all the rest of their filth. If society
cannot do without masters and wage slaves, so much the worse for
society. For we are prepared to sacrifice our machines, our wheels and
tunnels and wires and systems and slave lines for one hour of happiness.
Do not be led astray by the towering materialism which dominates the
mind of the wage earners today which rests upon the false assumption
that because a few generations go on doing the same thing over and over
again, we all live in a system of clock-work evolution. Do not let fear
prevent you from leading a free life. Live up to your own ideal and to
the standard inscribed on the banner — No Gods, No Masters.
The development of consciously intelligent units among the working class
is the only factor toward genuine progress. To make labor conscious of
itself, of its tremendous inherent strength and of its limitations, to
foster its sense of critical judgment, its examination into the cogs of
things, to impress upon it the secret of the vast power of concerted
action, to do these things is to emancipate labor from the bondage, not
only of society, but also of itself.
The leaders usually desert the rank and file in an issue of emergency.
They become better educated, adopt a higher standard of living, and get
out of touch with their fellow workmen; they rise in the social scale,
they go into politics, hobnob with the capitalists and compromise the
interests of labor.
Powerful as the master class is depicted to be, owing to the apparent
acquiescence and ignorance of its victims, it is inherently in a weak
and dangerous position. For its very life it now depends upon the
division and delusions which sway the working class. And these divisions
and delusions are fostered and maintained by paid union officials,
writers, and politicians, aided by a venal press.
Perhaps the most popular and enervating idea accepted by the majority of
workers today, is the doctrine of economic evolution, a doctrine which
was formulated by the ‘sociologists’ and which asserts that the
capitalist system of production for profit cannot be broken by any
conscious effort on the part of the workers; that we must have masters
and recognize the authority of masters until the dawn of some ‘ism. The
one thing the sociologists like to talk about is “Evolution,” i.e.,
expansion and development.
The evolutionist, like the madman, is in a prison — the prison of one
idea. These people seem to think it singularly surprising if the worker
suddenly flings to the wind all social theories and raises the banner
“No Masters.” They system must go on, they say. The time is not yet
“ripe” for a change. The “machinery of government” and the “machinery of
production” must be captured and so on.
To tell the workers that they must wait for the accumulation of capital
and for the “economic development” of the capitalist regime is like
telling a prisoner in the penitentiary that he would be glad to hear
that the jail now covers the state of New York. The jailer would have
nothing to show the prisoner except more and more long corridors of
stones lit by ghastly lights and empty of all that is human. So these
expanders and evolutionists have nothing to show us except more and more
infinite multitudes of wage slavery empty of all individuality, courage,
idealism, humanity and spirit, and hopelessly submissive to the demigods
of Capital.
No one doubts that the ordinary worker can get on with the capitalist
system as it is — at a price. The demand of the class-conscious worker
however, is not strength enough to get along with it, but to destroy it.
Under Anarchist Communism work will not be for profit but for use. The
products of free co-operative labor will not be steadily handed over to
speculation, but would be directly at the disposal of the consumer.
Production and consumption would go hand in hand, eliminating the
parasitism for the middle-man and trader. There would be neither room
nor desire for “cold storage”, to create artificial scarcity of
necessaries, to advance prices for the enrichment of the speculator.
Shoes, clothing, and other necessary articles will then not be
manufactured for the trade, but for the needs of the community, for the
men, women and children requiring those articles. Agriculture and cattle
raising will not be for the purpose of giving some speculator a corner
of the products at the cost of human misery and want, but for the sake
of human well-being, to satisfy the physical needs of the people. Under
such a social arrangement men would no longer be the miserable products
of material conditions; they would possess the power and intelligence to
order society in harmony with individual independence, and cease to be
the helpless subjects of environment.
On the basis of assured existence individual liberty will flourish. For
now man need no more prostitute his labor and ability, each free to
follow his inclination and enjoy life to his full capacity.
Labor, science, love will no more be degraded by being sold to the
highest bidder. They are freed form servitude. The place of the
institutions of force and of the whip of hunger is now taken by the
production-associations of free men and women.
We call ourselves Anarchists Communists because we consider the
economics of Communism as the indispensable fundamental condition for
social harmony and of the liberty and independence of the individual.
The hopes of the Anarchists for a grand future are based upon the
exercise of the feeling of solidarity of free individuals. We do not
wish to catechize people. The business of making man uniform we leave to
military drillers. Anarchism recognizes the diversity of life, the
differentiation of individuality in its fullest sense. It finds in
voluntary communism — free enjoyment of commodities — the safest
material basis for the highest development of diversity, which after all
is the only creative source of life. Social institutions can have but
one reason for existence, to lift man out of his bondage; but in the
name of various deities, man had ever been subjugated, he was ever to
lose himself for the sake of something foreign to his real nature. In
Anarchism, however, the individual is to refind himself, and to become a
conscious molder of the conditions fo life.
Leave men free and the needs of the moment will enforce cordial unison.
Man is a social being and in the absence of coercive interference his
own interests would lead him to closer unison with his fellows, to a
kinder regard for their necessities, to a warmer interest in their
welfare and a clearer conception that their distress relieved would be
his own social advancement. This is not the view of a sect, but founded
upon the fundamental principles of human nature. Remove restrictions and
the incentive to greed and selfishness disappears. Proclaim liberty and
the better nature of man will assume control and in the genial warmth of
an emancipated race a closer social feeling would be engendered, in
which disputes relative to the different merits of deeds and needs would
sink into insignificance and deserved derision.
The most oft-quoted objection with by the anarchist is that pertaining
to violence.
It would seem, were one to take this objection seriously, that any form
of government, no matter how despotic, is preferable to no government at
all. To the casual observer this reason is sufficient to preclude any
further investigation of the subject. And yet, if even the superficially
inclined would give but passing thought to the question they would be
bound to admit that all government either in theory or practice depends
finally upon physical force; upon violence for its continuance. The law
of a nation is in itself nothing but a paper threat depending entirely
upon coercion and violence to enforce it.
To say that without authority or the fear of authority, all sorts of
crimes would continually be indulged in is not entirely true. This is
provable, not by mere theory, but by practical observations of facts.
The per capita protection of urban communities in the person of police
is much less on the whole than that of the large cities. Nevertheless
the number of crimes committed in the thickly populated districts far
exceeds those committees in the rural communities. Not only is the
excess actual, but it is also proportional. There are extenuating
circumstances and contributing causes, no doubt, which make for this
abnormal lawlessness in the cities as compared to the villages, but the
fact remains that fewer crimes are committed where fewer minions of
force and brutality patrol the by-ways in their continual hunt for
Not even the lowest slum proletarian can vie in corruption with the most
successful policeman. The very nature of his calling deprives him of all
sense of justice. Modern society has no competitor with the policeman
and detective in viciousness unless it is the politician — the master
and maker of both. The individual police officer necessarily different
from any other member of society when he first assumes the role of
public guardian. But the close and continual association with all that
is base inhumanity produces an environment that even educated men would
eventually succumb to, let alone the policeman who is seldom ever
If the average quality of what is considered good citizenship were of no
finer degree than the personnel of the forces of law and order we would
each and every one have to be officers to protect ourselves from our
friends. The truth is apparent that all peoples are naturally peaceful
or it would not be possible for a comparatively handful of policemen to
control multitudes of the people and hold them in check.
Sincerity of purpose always expresses itself in action. Such sincerity
never fails to compel attention. So long as you merely talk about your
ideals, they will remain mere ideals. But if your talk is no mere
lip-service, if you feel your convictions, if they permeated your being,
they will inevitably express themselves in your daily life, in your
attitude toward things, in your every action. They will then shape your
life; they will make you different from other people, in proportion as
your ideal is different from theirs. Then your ideal will cease to be
merely an ideal. It will have become a part of yourself; and to that
extent, materialized. Thus, and thus only, are ideals propagated and
transmitted into life.
Anarchy is such an ideal. It expresses the highest conception of
individual liberty and social solidarity. It is not a mere theory to be
realized in some distant future. It is a mode of living, to be practiced
right here and now.