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Title: Work and Organisation
Author: Freedom Press, Anonymous
Date: November, 1888
Language: en
Topics: Freedom Press, Freedom: A Journal of Anarchist Socialism
Source: Freedom: A Journal of Anarchist Socialism, Vol. 3, No. 26, online source http://www.revoltlib.com/?id=3176, retrieved on May 8, 2020.
Notes: Freedom Press

Freedom Press, Anonymous

Work and Organisation


(A Paper read by Dr. Merlino at the October Freedom Discussion Meeting.)

WE now enter upon the crucial point of all socialistic systems-the

Organization of Labor-the great problem with which we shall be

confronted at the breakdown of the capitalistic system. We will first

take a general view of what the future organization of labor may be.

If we allow a central government, or any authority whatever, to exist

and regulate our affairs, we have no natural but an artificial system of

production and distribution enforced, a system which will be held by the

men who profit by it, as consented to by all members of society,

irrevocable at least for a time, and vesting rights in themselves. These

rights they will be by and by prone to defend even by force, under color

of assuring the "stability of society" (another name for law and order)

against changes demanded by the very class who will be made to support

the whole weight of the system, of which the requirements of the central

government or administration will form not the lesser part.

But how can we bind our future, when we have no definite idea of' what

our situation, our wants, our feelings will be? We should sell our

birth-right blindly. One thing only is certain ; and that is, that this

government or administration would be an enormous and therefore also a

very powerful one. Progress can never thrive under such a nightmare; it

can but plow its way once more through revolution. We must therefore

strive for the right to pacific and untrammeled progress-for the right

to find the best social system. This is a most precious right-a right

which was said to have been acquired long since as political freedom,

but which has been really enfeebled and suppressed under the ever

growing tyranny of the parliamentary system. In the development of

society, the free-handed policy is a sheer necessity. No young man

beginning his career would pledge his future life to the will and

direction of any individual or body of men, however wise they were

reputed, and yet it is proposed that society, as it emerges from the

next revolution, should elect a body of politicians and let them act as

her representatives, then fold her arms in blind confidence. Surely we

must dismiss any such idea as hopeless and reactionary.

Of course the usual objection will here be made. It will be urged how,

failing the wisdom of a central government, the workers can organize

labor for themselves? who will be their guides in the immense and

complex task they will have to accomplish? These will be the

guides-reason and a common interest. People will begin to exercise their

reason and to trust in it far more than they have hitherto done. They

will learn the arts of life, of labor, as well as hygiene. A man must

know how to preserve and further his health, and he must be the sole

director of his own labor. Those two principles are in close

correlation. Is it credible that alimentation, the most important

function of animal life, should be secured in excess for the idle few

and the workers be denied? Here is a man idle in luxury, useless to

himself and to society, and yet this man eats perhaps six times a day,

and his food is the most luxurious and the most delicate. Here is a

workman slowly starving on insufficient diet. But by a cruel paradox the

workman must give in work what he has not got in nutrition. No wonder

then that there is always a deficit in his animal budget. We see

children half famished, growing up weak men; then, the weaker they are,

the harder is the work. These are the irrationalities of the present

system, causing an enormous waste of forces in the shape of premature

death, inefficient labor, diseases and crime. Now if we were the

rational animals we boast to be, we should not permit this to go on to

our hurt. We should understand the necessity of adjusting food to

work-of feeding everybody according to his needs-that is, according to

the labor he contribute; to society, because the more a man works the

more he requires food, and even the different quality of the work

differentiates the qualities of nourishment required. This point is so

important that we must dwell on it a little longer. Do we realize the

harm done to workmen by insufficient nourishment? We know both from

experience and from theory that insufficiency or badness of food have

just the same effects as absolute inanition ; the process although

slower is the game, and the result is the same when the organism has

been reduced to the same conditions. The only difference consists in the

intensity and duration of the phenomena preceding death; for death

occurs when the body has lost four-tenths of its original weight.

On the other side we know equally well the evils of food in immoderate

quantities. Over-feeding is a kind of drunkenness, which inspires with

egoism and causes them to lose the sentiment of riot find justice, and

even of humanity, only to satisfy their greedy appetite for material

enjoyments, in which they grow insatiable. We also know the effect of

work on the quantity and even the quality of the food required.

Diminution of food may be sustained without great evil in a sate of

relative rest, as in prison, and is compensated then by the diminution

in he expenses of the organism. But the quantity of food becomes a

highly important question for men who lead a very active life and are

called to execute hard work. Thus in the Crimean war the English

soldiers who in time of peace received 16 ounces of bread or 12 of

biscuit and 6 of meat, were served with double rations beside rice,

sugar, coffee and spirits. The very few cases of illness in the American

army during he War of Secession and the unusually large number of

recoveries from wounds were attributed to the excellent food supplied.

The influence of diet on the capacity for work is illustrated by a

comparison of the quantity of work done by French and English workmen in

1841, a railway from Paris to Rouen. The French workman executed but

two-thirds of the work of Englishmen. It was surmised that this

difference was caused from the more substantial food of the Englishmen,

and the justice of this theory was proved. When the French workman were

treated to an equal règime they carried out an equal quantity of work

(Longet, 'Traité de Physiologie,' Paris 1861, tom. 1, p. 897).

Now we may apply the same reasoning to another important problem of

social organization, that of house room. Here also science supplies us

with necessary data. We are told by physiologists that the volume of

oxygen absorbed by the lungs is five percent, or the twentieth part of

the volume of the air drawn in by respiration (Milne Edwards;

'Physiologie,' tom. 2, p. 510). Assuming that the average respirations

per minute are 18, and that with each breath 20 cubic inches of air are

changed, 15 cubic feet of oxygen are consumed in the 24 hours, which

represents 300 cubic feet of pure air. This is a minimum quantity, not

allowing for any augmentation in the intensity of the respiratory

processes, which may take place from different causes. To meet the

requirements of the system it hag been found necessary in hospitals,

prisons, etc., to allow at least 800 cubic feet of air for each person,

unless the situation is such that the air is changed with unusual

frequency. For, beside the actual loss of oxygen in the air exhaled,

constant emanations from both the pulmonary and cutaneous surfaces are

taking place, which must be removed. In some institutions as much as

2500 cubic feet of air are allowed to each person (Longet, I 'Traité de

Physiologie,' tom. 1, p. 526). We have here some data for deciding the

size of our future houses. workshops, recreation grounds, music-halls,

and so on. For all these we must have; and care will be taken that

nothing which may contribute to the well-being of the workers shall be


It is necessary to realize what, a revolution these requirements will

bring in the organization of labor; what an immense amount of work now

employed to amuse social parasites, and often really to endanger the

lives of millions of men, will be spared; and what comfort will accrue

to the workman. How the old order will be changed! Whole towns will be

pulled down, there being no more capitalists interested in making 20

percent profit out of the horrible dungeons let for abodes to the poor;

no model lodging-house company whose manager says to an unfortunate

woman like Annie Chapman, go and find the money for your rent or we

shall turn you out. No sweaters, no big stores, no landlord monopolists,

no merchants, no bankers or financial speculators to raise rents and to

make to-day a famine, to-morrow an abundance, in order to gain by

difference of prices. We will have nothing of the sort, nothing of the

enterprising ability, so much prized by the economists of the

capitalistic class; no more of these numberless middle men who work hard

at nothing but to enrich themselves. All this will be changed. All the

useless toil and turmoil of the present economic system will be

converted into good and useful work. Workshops will be no more, like the

old prisons, hells on earth. There will be no longer houses for the

poor, and palaces, Belgravian squares and dens adjoining; everywhere

will be abodes fit for human beings. The beauties of nature will be open

to the workman, no longer mewed up in darkness and filth.

But now to the question of production. We can hardly realize the

greatness of the changes involved, for we hardly realize the extent to

which the cupidity of capitalism, the profit race, the adulteration

system and the advertising system pervert the natural ways and means of

production. Production instead of being regulated by the wants of the

producers, takes its direction from the interest of a third person, the

capitalist, who only cares for profit. The consumer as well as the

producer, are at the capitalist's mercy. We, the producers on the one

hand, are made to work against our inclinations, in inverse ratio, as it

were, to our forces, and under slave-like conditions; on the other hand

we are made to consume what is left after the capitalist has satisfied

himself, anything rotting in the shops, anything the speculator has

found convenient to bring over from some distant place, in exchange for

what we have produced ourselves. We are deprived of what our soil could

produce. Why? Because it may not be the interest of our all-powerful

capitalists that it be produced at all. Our cities, our towns, our

public buildings, etc., are made altogether for the benefit of the

capitalistic class. Who ever inquires of a workman how he would prefer

to live? or where? He is lodged where it pleases his master ; far away

from the fashionable districts, in the same way as the barbarians are

driven far from the territory that civilization invades. The workman is

cheaply fed and clothed; but the cheapness is only in name. He has to

pay twice over for everything. Usury feeds itself on his very blood,

whilst it takes for the upper ten of society the milder form of credit.

All this is good in the eyes of the economists, because the principle of

"free trade" is safe. The starving man transacts his poor business with

the greedy capitalist; and if the nut in struggle with the stone gets

broken, the fault lies obviously with the nut.

In fact, existing society is just the reverse of a rational one. You

must leave at the door your reason on entering; as in Dante's 'Inferno'

souls coming to hell leave hope behind. Every time you attempt to use

your reason on existing social facts, you are baffled by the

contradictions and anomalies you discover.

One of the most important changes which will be brought about in the

organization of labor when we advance through revolution to a society in

accordance with reason, will be that we shall redeem agriculture, the

mother of all arts, from the degraded state in which it has fallen. The

decadence of agriculture is the most marked feature of the capitalistic

reign. Take the following as to France from a writer in the Revue

Socialiste, June 1888, Mr. Toubeau. The figures he gives us are highly

interesting. Whoever opens the volume of the Agricultural Inquiry

(Statistique décennale de 1882) is struck at the first glance by the

immense extent of land withdrawn from cultivation and given up either to

entire neglect as fallow ground or only sparsely cultivated. This

amounts to no less than three quarters, of all woods and forests, of all

meadows, pasture-grounds, and soil formerly cultivated. Of fifty

millions of hectares, which if in the hands of cultivators would be

covered with rich crops, some eight millions are unreclaimed, though

capable of cultivation. Of course without mentioning the really barren

parts of the soil, such as rocks, glaciers, the summits of mountains,


To these eight million hectares of uncultivated soil we must make some

additions; There are in France 9,455,225 hectares of woods and forests.

Of these not less than six millions are little if at all cultivated,

full of dead wood, bushes, brambles, destructive animals; without roads,

untouched by the labor and industry of man, but exclusively confined to

the preservation of game for shooting and hunting. These six millions of

hectares could be restored to agriculture without diminishing to any

extent the supply of wood; this supply could be even increased, if the

remaining three millions and half hectares were better cultivated and

were provided with good roads.

In short, the uncultivated or partially cultivated soil amounts to

eighteen millions of hectares, more than the third part of France


Now to this enormous figure we must add the soil which gives a quarter

of a crop or a half because it is insufficiently manured or worked. This

partial neglect of the soil spreads, according to statistics, over a

considerable surface. Wheat gives as an average 18 hectoliters per

hectare; which is a very low proportion, easily surpassed, on even 'the

worst land by good deep tilling and manuring.

Good cultivation gives easily 40 hectoliters a hectare. Even 60 and, 70

hectoliters have been obtained, and this is not the highest figure

possible. Now the minimum figure of 18 hectoliters, the actual average

of French agriculture, is only surpassed in 31 departments. It is not

even reached in 56 departments. This Mr. Toubeau holds to be because the

soil does not receive sufficient care; that the number of hands employed

to work it is not large enough; and that manure is scarce: 10 millions

out of these 20 millions of hectares must really be considered as


In short, 27 millions of hectares, or more than half the soil of France,

is according to the calculation of Mr. Toubeau, unredeemed. He then goes

on to explain the causes: how the owner is interested in the

unproductiveness of the soil; how he says to the peasant, "I shall keep

the soil, not in order to cultivate it, but only that you may not

cultivate it, lest you become your own master and cease to be my slave";

and so forth.

But here we must stop, Enough has been said to show the necessity for a

great revolution in agriculture, compared too which even our political

revolution, that is, our revolt against government and class rule, will

fall into insignificance, Equal changes will be introduced in the

breeding of cattle and in other agricultural work, and by-and-by in all

industries. Industry indeed will become an appendage of agriculture,

whilst now it is just the reverse; and not only the soil will be

utilized, but water and every power in nature will be utilized ten-fold.

Production will be redistributed and localized; it will answer to local

needs and no more serve the greed of capitalists and speculators for

their own enrichment. We shall no more hear of rings and syndicates .in

copper, salt, coffee, wheat, coal, and what not. The new world (because

it will be, as Owen foresaw, a new world) will slide in a new groove.

The man will be there, not the master or the serf, not the coercing or

the coerced man, but the free and intelligent human being.

But who will undertake the organization of labor? Will it be a

government concern or the concern of the workmen themselves freely

associated? Here we come back to the point from which we started. Will

people go on without any knowledge of practical hygiene and let their

daily life be settled by a council of doctors very little acquainted

with the temperaments and needs of their numberless patients, or wait

until they become ill, and then put themselves in the hands of those

specialists, whose appearance at the death-bed of the sick man

foreshadows that of death itself? In this case they will follow the

advice of our Democratic friends and work for a Democratic Constitution

and Parliament. If, however, they begin to understand that no man can

take care of us so well as we can care for ourselves, that the best

medicine and also the best protection for every wise man is found in

following the advice of the Greek philosopher, "Know thyself," and, we

may add, "Act for thyself," then they will no longer look for salvation

in authority, but will trust to reason and to individual initiative,

living a free life, whilst fraternizing together in a common
