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:   Earth's Dreamlands    :  Info on: RPG's,  :(313)558-5024 : area code    :
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                                SHADOWRUN RPG

WELCOME TO MY DOMAIN....this is a new RPG sub created for both discussion and 
online gaming...i am personally going to start running a shadowrun campaign 
here to start things off...any other online rpgs, or any discussion of rpgs is 
welcome here...the usual rules of ethics apply...if there are any questions, 
feel free to post here or to e-mail me...play the games, talk the talk, and 
enjoy yourselves!!!...............CHOW!!!!!.....
                                        ***** HELLEFIRE *****

OK...I will now be starting my shadowrun campaign...i will be posting the 
major rules, in case you don't know how to play (if you've never rpged before, 
i don't suggest you start with an online shadowrun game)...at first i'll be 
checking messages every day, and resolving situations (finding out what 
everybody's doing and posting the results) every few days...then, depending on 
how often the players post, i will change that few days to anywhere from a day 
to a week or so, so everybody gets to post...if it sounds complicated, it's 
not...just get into it....i'll accept 4-6 players for the game, and so far 
only Illusion/Guardian is in...so the next 3-5 people who ask are going to be 
the players...the following several posts will be: game background, game 
information and an example character...this game does not require dice to 
create a character, just choosing of stats, so i won't have to worry about 
cheating...and along the way i will be rolling all the dice...just tell me 
what you're doing by posting here...if you want it to be secret, flag it 
private...enjoy the game!....CHOW!!!!!.....
                                ***** HELLEFIRE *****


SHADOWRUN is set in the future...mid-2000's...the timeline as it progresses 
from present is as follows...


        Much civil unrest...corporations didn't trust governments to protect 
them, so they hired and armed security and mercs to protect them...

                        ---   1999    ---

        In the midst of a 3-month trucker's strike, food riots begin in New 
York City...hungry, scared, angry citizens took to the streets...hundreds were 
killed and thousands injured...a mob attacks a Seretech Medical Research truck 
carrying infectuous wastes...Seretech security came to help and a gunfight 
ensued...the next morning, 20 Seretech employees and 200 citizens were dead ...
local, state and federal gov'ts charged Seretech with criminal negligence... 
the Supreme Court ruled that corporations had the right to protect property... 
corporations eventually got the same rights as foreign governments (kinda 
makes you want to be a corp., doesn't it?:))...


        In 2004 Libya unleashes chemical weapons against Isreal...Isreal nukes 
1/2 of Libya's cities...in 2005 a major earthquake hit NYC, killing 200,000+ 
people and causing 200+ billion dollaas worth of damage...UN moved to Geneva, 
East Coast Stock Exchange goes to Boston...in 2006 Japan declared itself an 
imperial state, as well as setting up the first sattelites to collect solar 
power and send it to Earth, creating very cheap energy usable anywhere they 
sent it...2002-2008 is called the "Resource Rush"...government continuously 
evoking the right of eminent domain to grant properties to corporations... 
mainly taking parklands and indian reservations...native americans formed the 
Sovereign American Indian Movement(SAIM)...on may 5, 2009, United Oil gains 
control of 1/4 remaining parks and 1/10 remaining reservations...SAIM sends a 
small band to take control of USAF Shiloh Launch Facility in Montana...nobody 
knows how they got in, but once inside a USAF major who also happened to be a 
full Sioux joined them...A Delta team invaded the missile silo and killed all 
of the indians there, but they managed to launch a missile first, with 4 
MIRVed 5-megaton warheads...President informed Russia of the incoming missile 
and insisted it was a mistake(yeah, like they believed him!)..the russians 
shot the missile down, but there was fallout....the public was PISSED, and 
blamed SAIM and the indians....


        In 2010 the corporations had gotten the Re-education and Relocation 
act passed...it basically put all SAIM connected indians into concentration 
camps...to ease costs, congress contracted management of these camps to 
corporations, who let them fall into disrepair...while they were stuck in the 
camps, though, VITAS(virally induced toxic allergy syndrome) struck the rest 
of the world, killing a higher percentage of people than the black plague...in 
January, 2011 the Mexican gov't toppled...many more did in the next 5 
years...3 european nuclear power plants suffered meltdowns...then, 2011 became 
the "year of Chaos" as UGE(unexplained genetic expression) broke out...all 
over the world, mutant children were being born...these were called "elves" 
and "dwarves" and fit the classic stereotypes...on december 24, 2011, an 
indian, Daniel Howling Coyote led all of the indians out of the abilene "re-
education" camp...and hundreds of japanese saw the great dragon Ryumyo fly 
past Mt. Fuji....magic was back!!...(by the way, the Mayan calendar lists the 
date december 24, 2011 as the beginning of a new world...)...in 2014, after 
many indians had escaped from camps, Daniel Howling Coyote helped create 
NAN(North American Nations), and told the US and Canadian gov't to move off 
their land(North America!)....they were laughed at...a volcano went off, which 
NAN claimed responsibility for...US troops went to capture NAN officials, and 
a tornado destroyed the entire battalion...(Ireland became a free country and 
Africa's white gov't was overthrown)...leaders of the US, russia, Great 
Britain and Isreal were all assassinated...nnew US president oredered genocide 
of Native Americans...spent 3 years assembling forces to do so...NAN began 
their Great Ghost Dance...the morning the troops began to move, Mt Hood, Mt 
Ranier, Mt St Helens and Mt Adams all simultaneously erupted...Mother Nature 
had chosen sides....


        After Nature sided with the indians, the US, Canadian and (new) 
Mexican gov'ts gave up to the indians...all 4 gov'ts(including NAN) met in 
Denver, which was declared the Treaty city and divided among them...it was 
decided that all non-Indians would move off indian land in the Western half of 
the continent...except California and the city-plex of Seattle...(spaceplane 
America dissolved in orbit, falling into Australia killing 300 people)...the 
first generation ASIST (artificial sensory induction system) was created in 

                        ---   2020s   ---

        On april 30, 2021, a different form of UGE happened...only this time 
orks and trolls emerged...the process was called goblinization, because 
instead of being born different, 1/10 of the world population just changed 
(very painfully!)...later, some were born these races, others changed at 
puberty...in 2012 race riots were consuming the world...us gov't declared 
martial law....and a new outbreak of VITAS hit the world...this caused the 
race riots to quiet down as people were scared for their lives...in 2025, 
magic was considered an art/science, recognized at MIT and Texas A & M & M 
(for and magic)...the first cyberterminals were designed...they were room 
sized deprivation tanks which allowed a user to run a computer with their 
thoughts (seen Firefox?)...in 2027, table top cold fusion was perfected...and 
cyberterminals were advanced...gov't agencies developed Echo Mirage...a team 
to learn these cyberterminals(in 2029)...
                        ---   2029    ---

        On February 8, 2029, computer systems around the world were hit by an 
unprecedented virus...the complete world network crashed...governments 
toppled, world economy collapsed...Echo Mirage went in to stop it...they were 
all killed or driven insane...the gov't replaced them with all the freelance, 
eratic but brilliant programmers and hackers from across the country...32 men 
and women graduated...18 minutes after they engaged the virus, 4 were 
dead...it turns out that this virus can create a lethal biofeedback into a 
users system...also, no existing computer security could touch someone using a 
cyberterminal...research was later made in both the lethal virus and security 
systems, and software known as IC or ice (Intrusion Countermeasures) was 
introduced..black ice having the power to kill (illegal, but in these times, 
who cares about legalities?)...(NAN declares meta humans(elves, dwarves, orks 
and trolls) welcome on tribal lands)...

                        ---   2030s   ---

        By late 2031, the virus was destroyed...second generation 
cyberterminals were the size of desks, and did not require sensory-deprivation 
tanks...7 members of echo mirage survived, 4 of which decided to use their 
knowledge of cyberterminals to market them...in May, 2034, Matrix Systems of 
boston came out with the first "grey-market" cyberterminal...6 weeks later 
their main computer crashed and their 2 founders died in unrelated accidents 
...Fuchi Industrial marketed it's 3rd generation cyberdeck, the desktop CDT-
1000...2030-2042, the Euro-wars raged thru europe and asia...some of which was 
taken over by "awakened"(magical) beings...both human-type and not(several new 
and mutated species of animals were discovered).....in 2030 the remainder of 
the US merged with the remainder of Canada, creating the United Canadian and 
American States (UCAS)...in 2034, 10 southern states seceded to form the 
Confederated American States (CAS)...back to the Euro-wars...russia was 
invading europe...and doing well...there was bloody conflict 
everywhere...then,on January 23, 2033, several flights of Nightwraith bombers 
disabled communication lines for both sides, so russia had to pull back and 
europe couldn't stop them...nobody knows to this day who did it or how they 
got their intelligence...the gov'ts in europe and asia were ALL messed up for 
this decade-plus...awakened forces, led by 3 great dragons, attacked the 
Amazon Basin and took it from Brazil...Aztlan, a southern region of the NAN, 
seceded from the NAN...texas wanted to attack Aztlan, but the CAS said no...so 
texas did it anyway, lost, and asked for re-admittance to CAS...in 2035 Tir 
Tairngire, formerly a part of NAN, and before that Oregon state, seceded from 
NAN as well...it is a entirely populated by elves...Tsimshian also seceded 
from NAN...Daniel Howling Coyote resinged in disgust....California declared 
itself an independent nation in 2037...Japan immediately recognized them as 
such and sent troops to protect their interests..within 5 years san francisco 
is almost completely run by japanese corporations...in 2036 a new group called 
Alamos 20,000 bombed a small village of metahumans in ohio...over the next 15 
years this group was linked with the deaths of more than 1000 metahumans and 
normal metahuman lovers...3 years later came the "Night of Rage"...across the 
world normals and metahumans attacked and mobbed each other...836 persons died 
in NYC alone....

                        ---   2040s   ---

        Seemingly for retaliation, in 2041 a dragon blew a plane out of the 
air...also in 2041 came policlubs in europe...groups of people favoring a 
particular political view, or outlook on life...in 2044 Aztlan took over all 
foreign owned companies in their lands, and took over most of remaining 
Mexico...in 2046, policlubs spread to America...the humanis policlub is 
thought to be heavily associated with Alamo 20,000....

                        ---   2050s   ---

        The 7th generation cyberdeck, now keyboard size, is developed and 
marketed...the Universal Brotherhood, a humanitarian organization spreads 
worldwide...Cyber and bio-technology is far advances and available...hatred is 
still common but restrained....sometimes....

                        ---  SUMMARY  ---

        What this means to you is...the world is run by corporations...when 
someone in a corporation needs something illegal done (or someone wants it 
done TO a corporation) shadowrunners are called...they learn of jobs and get 
equipment thru a fixer, as well as other contacts...to survive they need 
either magic or cyberware, or LOTS or skill, courage and luck...some do it for 
the MONEY...some do it for the FAME...some do it for the MORALITY...some do it 
for the FUN...the question is.....why do YOU do it????



It's going to take a little while, maybe to the end of the week to get all of 
the necessary rules in here, 'cause i can't get my offline reader to work, but 
bear with me, i'm working on it...

I will be using the rules from 2nd edition Shadowrun, except I'll use the old 
rules on karma...if you don't know what I'm talking about, or haven't read 2nd 
edition, don't worry about it, I'll post it all...for those of you who have 
played and know the rules and have the books...i will be posting the basic 
information from the 2nd edition rules and from the Street Samurai's Catalog, 
because that will cover the basics for those who haven't played...you can also 
use information from Shadowtech, Rigger Black Book, Virtual Realities or the 
Grimoire(2nd edition) if you have them (and subject to my approval, of course) 
..for those of you just beginning, don't worry about it, I'll post new 
equipment, etc as we go along, so as you get used to the game, you can expand 
upon your character without getting too confused...

I have 2 players so far...i need at least one more, would like 2, and will 
accept up to 4 more...post here or in the mailbox if you're interested..CHOW!!!
                                                        ***** HELLEFIRE *****

Subject: Character Creation

YES, it's true...i finally got all of the rules we'll be starting with typed 
up...and i'll upload them...i STRONGLY suggest you download them...please read 
thru all of them before creating your character...i now have 4 players, so i 
will begin the game as soon as i have all of their characters...CHOW!!!...
                                                ***** HELLEFIRE *****
p.s...i will also accept up to 2 additional players....***'fire***


     Again, those of you who 1)know how to play and 2)have the books can make 
pretty much whatever you want, including magicians.  Jost flag your character 
private to me and post it.  For everybody else I'll be skipping most of the 
game mechanics...just role-play.
     Instead of rolling dice for character creation, in SR you choose 
priorities, the higher the priority, the better the asset.  The first question 
you're going to want to answer is do you want to be Human or Metahuman (Dwarf, 
Elf, Ork or Troll).  Metahumans have certain advantages and disadvantages as 
compared to humans due to their different physical and mental ability levels.  
These racial modifiers are as follows:
DWARF........+1 Body, -1 Quickness, +2 Strength, +1 Willpower, Thermographic 
             Vision, Resistant (+2 Body) to Disease
ELF..........+1 Quickness, +2 Charisma, Low-Light Vision
ORK..........+3 Body, +2 Strength, -1 Intelligence, -1 Charisma, Low-Light
TROLL........+5 Body, -1 Quickness, +4 Strength, -1 Willpower, -2 Intelli-     
               gence, -2 Charisma, Thermographic Vision, +1 Reach for Melee    
                    Combat, Dermal Armor(1 point)
ALL Metahumans also have an allergy to one of: Silver, Plastic, Sunlight or 
Iron...choose 1 and pick a random number 1-100, and i'll tell you how severe 
it is.
     These races pretty much meet classical stereotypes.  Dwarves are short 
and stocky and hairy.  Elves are tall and thin and beautiful.  Orks have 
little tusks and say "duh" a lot.  Trolls are LARGE, have 1 or 2 horns, big 
tusks and lots of warts.  Of course, PC Metahumans can have unique physiques, 
if they want.
     Remember the priorities?  The choices are Race, Attributes, Skills and 
Resources.  If you want to be Metahuman, Race must be your highest 
priority(1).  If you want to be Human, put Race as your lowest priority(4).  
This leaves you with either priorities 1, 2 and 3 or 2, 3 and 4.  These go to 
Attributes, Skills and Resources (money) as shown on the following table:
   1            30 Points        40 Points        900,000 NY
   2            24 Points        30 Points        300,000 NY
   3            20 Points        24 Points              0 NY
   4            17 Points        20 Points              0 NY
NY stands for NuYen, the international currency (yes, the Japanese bought 
EVERYTHING!).  I have subtracted 100,000 NY (or all of it, whichever was less) 
for Basic Equipment (see Equipment).  After buying equipment, divide the 
remaining NY by 10 and then add 12,000 NY.  You may spend any of this now or 
save it.
        There are 3 main types of characters we will start off with.  Other 
types will be introduced and made available as the campaign progresses.  But 
for now we will start with the Decker, the Rigger and the Street Samurai.
        Deckers and Riggers both have Datajacks - basically a hole in the 
temple thru which they can directly interface with machines.  Both character 
types are intensely dedicated to their profession.  And that is where all 
simularity ends.
        Deckers plug into computers and enter the Matrix.  The computer inputs 
Matrix senses straight into your brain, so you "are" in the Matrix, basically 
an advanced virtual reality (you can program your persona icon to look however 
you want..Pac-man, Spiderman, The Grim Reaper, whatever...and that's how you 
appear in the Matrix, to yourself and to others).  You slide in and out of 
corporate mainframes, spiriting away the only thing of real value: 
information. You can turn off their security cameras, change their passwords, 
or bring down their entire network.  But watch out for their IC, Intrusion 
Countermeasures, known world-wide as "Ice."  There are some corporations that 
even use the illegal, very deadly Black Ice...every Decker's nightmare.  
Because we cannot go thru all of the intricacies of Decking in an online game, 
I have simplified it a little.  Cyberdecks come with ALL programs of the 
rating shown in their listing (see Equipment).  3 or 4 is a pretty good 
rating, depending on what you're going up against.  To be a Rigger only 
requires a Datajack and a Cyberdeck.  Intelligence helps a lot, as do the 
Computer Skill, Computer Theory Skill and Computer (B/R) (See Skills).
        Riggers plug into their vehicles.  The fuel running thru the lines is 
their adrenaline.  They can feel every part of the machine.  They steer with 
their mind, obtaining greater control than ever known before.  Riggers can 
also remote-operate vehicles (how about a full size RC 4X4?:-)).  Riggers MUST 
have Datajacks, and Vehicle Control Rigs (See Cybertech) greatly enhance their 
performance.  A vehicle MUST have Vehicle Control Gear (See Equipment) to be 
Rigger controlled. A Rigger also MUST have a Remote-Control Console (See 
Equipment) to remote-control vehicles.
        "Street Samurai" is a generic name.  It generally means "Muscle."  
They may be cyber-augmented or not.  The ones that are not are very rare these 
days, and tend not to live long.  Some, though, retain their natural bodies 
and have even attained legendary status (eg...Ghost, an Indian Street 
Samurai).  The main advantages for not having cyberware are 1)you can be 
healed easier and 2)you have you full Essence in case you later change your 
mind, or lose some Essence to a few foul creatures who drain and eat it!  
Street Samurai are hired for many types of work, from bodyguard, to 
surveillance, to theft, to wetwork.  What you will and will not do dpends 
entirely on you.  What you can and can not do depends on what skills you 
choose and what equipment you have.  Surveillance takes Stealth and Street 
Etiquette.  All of the different jobs a Street Samurai might face use Weapons 
Skills.  Day-to-day living in 2053 necessitates Weapons Skills.
        Decide which of these 3 types you'd like your character to be and 
build him/her accordingly.  When you get your Skills and Equipment, you'll 
probably want to do them together (why learn to use an uzi and buy a 
shotgun?).  A note on Laws concerning Weapons, Armor and Cyberware is included 
in the Equipment section.


        In Shadowrun characters have 3 sets of 3 Attributes: Physical (Body, 
Quickness and Strength), Mental (Willpower, Intelligence and Charisma) and 
Special (Essence, Magic and Reaction).  Body is used for resisting physical 
damage and some spells.  Quickness is used for Reaction and Combat Pool.  
Strength is used to determine carrying capacity and Melee damage.  Willpower 
is for resisting some spells and helps in the Combat Pool.  Intelligence helps 
in both Reaction and the Combat Pool.  Charisma (to all you non-magic using 
types) is mainly used for socializing!  Essence is basically how much of "you" 
is in you (you lose this when you get cyberware, because they take out parts 
of you).  If essence ever falls below 0, your PC will become an NPC.  Don't 
worry about Magic because I won't be using it at the beginning.  I'll 
introduce it as the campaign goes along. Reaction is used to determine 
initiative, and is composed of Quickness, Intelligence and some Cyberware.  
Humans have a rating of 1-6 in each of the Physial and Mental Attributes, 3 
being average.  Metahumans have pluses and minuses as shown above, so can have 
greater than 6 in some Attributes, but can NOT have less than 1.  Essence for 
everybody starts at 6.  Don't worry about Magic right now.  Reaction is the 
average of Quickness and Intelligence (Q+I)/2, rounded down.
        When distributing points into Attributes remember: everybody MUST put 
at least 1 and not more than 6 points into each Attribute (which will make 
some Metahumans' ratings ~Racial Modifiers, he MUST put enough points into 
that Attribute to make it 1, and he can put up to 6 points into it.
        For improving Attributes see Karma.
        There are different levels of each Skill.  First there are General 
Skills, which are very broad ares (Firearms).  Then there are Concentrations, 
which are specific groups of the General Skill (Pistols).  Finally there are 
Specializations, which are singular item/style/etc skills within the specific 
group (Ares Predator Pistol).  A General Skill can be learned by itself (a 
Firearms Skill rating 4).  Then a Concentration may be specified (+1) which 
lessens the General Skill (-1) (Firearms rating 3, Pistols rating 5).  Lastly, 
for a Concentration a Specialization may be specified (another +1), which 
lessens the Concentration (-1) and the General Skill (another -1) (Firearms 2, 
Pistols 4, Ares Predator 6).  This MUST be done during character creation.  
Later Concentrations and Specializations still apply, but first a General 
Skill is learned, then a Concentration or Specializatioes for Active Skills.  
Under General Skills are Concentrations, and Specializations (in parentheses), 
for all Skills.
        For improving Skills see Karma.P=above=O~?~?~?~?~?~

Subject: SKILLS 3/12

                                ACTIVE SKILLS
        Abbreviation SW is for Specific Weapon, ST for Specific Technique.
Armed Combat
        Edged Weapons(SW), Pole-arm/Staff(SW), Whips/Flails(SW), Clubs(SW)
Unarmed Combat
        Subduing Combat, Cyber-Implant Weaponry(SW), Martial Arrts Style(ST)
        Pistols(SW), Rifles(SW), Sub-Machine Guns(SW)
Projectile Weapons
        Bows(SW), Crossbows(SW)
Throwing Weapons
        Shafted, Non-Aerodynamic, Aerodynamic
        Full or Partial Body Armor (See Equipment) will inhibit these Skills.
        Running, Climbing, Lifting, Jumping, Swimming
        Urban, Wilderness, Farmland
        First Aid, EMT
        Hardware, Software
        Control Systems, Electronic Warfare, Maglocks, Linking, Diagnostics
Etiquette (Specializations for Concentrations are specific gangs,tribes,etc)
        Corporate, Matrix, Media, Street, Tribal
        Bargain, Bribe, Fast Talk
        The abbreviation SV means Specific Vehicle.  For the Concentration 
        Operation, another Concentration category (cat) counts as a 
        2-wheeler(SV), 3-wheeler(SV), Racing(SV)
        Passenger Vehicles(SV), Trucks(SV), Racing(SV), Remote Operation(Cat)
Hovercraft (Only Available to Riggers)
        Pleasure Craft(SV), Transport(SV), Racing(SV), Remote Operation(Cat)
Rotorcraft (Only Available to Riggers)
        Tilt-Rotor(SV), Fixed-Rotor(SV), Remote Operation(Cat)
        Pleasure Craft(SV), Transport(SV), Racing(SV)
                                BUILD AND REPAIR SKILLS
        There is a B/R Skill for each Active Skill which deals with physical 
objects.  These are taken exactly as the normal Skill would be, including 
Concentrations and Specializations (Firearms(B/R) rating 3, Pistols(B/R)
rating 5 would count as 4 Skill points during character creation).
                                KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
        Zoology, Botany, Medicine, Parazoology, Parabotany
Computer Theory
        Hardware, Software, Matrix Theory (Only Available to Deckers)
Military Theory
        Military History, Tactics(Air, Land, Sea)
Physical Sciences
        Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, Geology
        Individual Behavior, Group Behavior, Deviant Behavior
        History, Anthropology, Archeology
                                LANGUAGE SKILLS
        Languages are too numerous too list.  See Skills rules for details.
                                SPECIAL SKILLS
        This covers just about anything else you can think of including 
hobbies, interests, unique skills, etc.


        Weapons and the LAW: Burst-Fire and Fully-Automatic weapons are still 
illegal in 2053.  So are unregistered guns (Shadowrunners RARELY register 
their guns!).  Silencers are illegal.  Some weapons aren't exactly illegal, 
but draw special attention from Lone Star (the local Law Enforcement 
Types)....like a Pole-arm.  Bulky rmor will also draw attention, as it is 
usually reserved for Security personel and Urban Destruction Teams (the future 
of sports!).  Cyberware, while not illegal in and of itself, is supposed to be 
registered (See Gun Registration, above!:-))..So remember the old saying about 
Discretion and Valour and Saving your butt!
        Basic starting Equipment for all characters includes: 1 Melee Weapon; 
1 Projectile Weapon OR 1 Pistol; 1 Sub-Machine Gun OR 1 Rifle; 50 Regular 
for each; 2 clips (if applicable) for each; Lined Coat (See Clothing and 
Armor); 3 Months Medium Lifestyle Apartment; 1 year Platinum DocWagon Contract
(See Biotech); 1 Vehicle priced at $15,000 NY or less (See Vehicles); and 2 
Contacts (See Personal Equipment/Lifestyle).  Any of this can be upgraded for 
the difference in Cost.
        Standard abbreviations used thru-out this section are (C)oncealability 
(Higher is Better), (W)eight (in Kg) and (NY) for cost.  Specific 
abbreviations for different sections will be listed in their individual 
sections.  Pay special attention to weight, because each character's carrying 
capacity is Strength X 5 Kg.  S/he can carry more, but it will put them at a 
        I am listing the damage for weapons, so you can see their relative 
effectiveness as compared to other weapons.  I will not explain it fully.  The 
# is the power level and the letter is the wound level ((L)ight, (M)oderate, 
(S)erious or (D)eadly).  The additional standard abbreviation for the entire 
weapons section is (D)amage Code (as explained above).
        (R)each is the relative length of the weapon (Higher is Better).  An 
asterisk after the Damage Code means the weapon does Stun damage as opposed to 
Physical damage.
WEAPON                 C         R         D         W          NY
Ares Monosword          3         1    (STR + 3)M     2         1,000
Centurian Laser Axe     2         1      (STR)S      5.2        3,500
Combat Axe              2         2      (STR)S       2           750
Katana                  3         1    (STR + 3)M     1         1,000
Knife                   8         0      (STR)L       .5           30
Survival Knife          6         0    (STR + 2)L     .75         450
Sword                   4         1    (STR + 2)M     1           500
Pole-Arm                2         2      (STR)S       4           500
Staff                   2         2    (STR + 2)M*    2            50
AZ-150 Stun Baton       5         1        8S*        1         1,500
Club                    5         1    (STR + 1)M*    1            10
Sap                     8         0    (STR + 2)M*    .25          10
Stun Baton              4         1        6S*        1           750
Monofilament Whip      10         2        10S        -         3,000
Bare Fist               -         0      (STR)M*      -             -
Shock Glove             9         0        7S*        .5          950
        Bows are made with a specific draw, which you must specify when you 
buy them.  This will limit who can use it, and determine the Damage and Cost 
of the bow.  Crossbows have set Strength Minimums, Damage and Cost.  (M)inimum 
Strength is the Strength needed to effectively use the weapon.
WEAPON                  C         M         D         W          NY
Bow                     2         1+ (STR Min + 2)M   1    100 X STR Min
Ranger Bow              3         2+   (STR + 4)M    1.5   120 X STR Min       
Light                   2         3        6L         2           300
Medium                  2         4        6M         3           500
Heavy                   -         5        8S         4           750
Shuriken (Aerodynamic)  8         -      (STR)L       .25          30
Throwing Knife (Aero)   9         -      (STR)L       .25          20


        (A)mmunition will list (b)reak-out, (c)lip, (cy)linder or (m)agazine 
and how many rounds it will hold; (M)ode covers the firing rate, including 
(S)ingle (S)hot, (S)emi-(A)uto, (B)urst (F)ire(3 rounds) or (F)ully-(A)uto; 
(AC)cessories will list what comes standard with any particular model includ-
ing (S)ilencer, (L)aser Sight, (SC)ope + Power(1-3), (St)ock, (G)as-Vent + 
rating(1-4) or (SM)artgun (See Cybertech).  If there is an 'f' on the Damage 
Code it means the weapons fires flechette rounds (like buckshot as opposed to 
slugs).  These raise the Damage Level of the weapon, but suck against Armor.
WEAPON                  C    A    M         D      AC           W       NY
Streetline Special      8  6(c)  SS         4L     --           .5       100
Walther Palm Pistol     9  2(b)  SS         4L     __           .25      200
Ares Light Fire 70      5 16(c)  SA         6L     --           1        475
Beretta Model 101T      5 12(c)  SA         6L     --           1        350
Ceska vz/120            7 18(c)  SA         6L     --           1        500
Colt American L36       6 11(c)  SA         6L     --           1        350
Seco LD-120             5 22(c)  SA         6L     --          1.25      400
Ares Crusader MP        6 40(c)  SA/BF      6L     G(2)        3.25      950
Beretta 200ST           4 26(c)  SA/BF      6L     ST           2        750
Ceska Black Scorpion    5 35(c)  SA/BF      6L     ST           3        850
Ares Predator           5 15(c)  SA         9M     --          2.25      450
Ares Viper Slivergun    6 30(c)  SA/BF      9S(f)  S            2        600
Browning Max-Power      6 10(c)  SA         9M     --           2        450
Colt Manhunter          5 16(c)  SA         9M     L           2.5       425
Remington Roomsweeper   8  8(m)  SA         9S(f)  --          2.5       300
Ruger Super Warhawk     4 6(cy)  SS        10M     --          2.5       300
Beretta Model 70        3 35(c)  BF/FA      6M     S,L         3.75      900
Heckler & Koch 227      4 28(c)  SA/BF/FA   7M     ST,L,G(2)    4      1,500
HK MP-5 TX              5 20(c)  SA/BF/FA   6M     L,G(2)      3.25      850
Ingram Smartgun         5 32(c)  BF/FA      7M     ST,G(2),SM   3        950
Sandler TMP             4 20(c)  BF/FA      6M     ST,L        3.25      500
SCK Model 100           4 30(c)  SA/BF      7M     SM          4.5     1,000
Uzi III                 5 24(c)  BF         6M     ST,L         2        600
Remington 750           3  5(m)  SA         7S     SC(1)        3        600
Remington 950           2  5(m)  SA         9S     SC(1)        4      1,300
Ruger 100               2  5(m)  SA         7S     SC(3)       3.75    1,300
Ranger Arms SM-3        -  6(m)  SA        14S     S,SC(3)      4      4,000
Walther WA-2100         - 10(m)  SA        14S     SM          4.5     6,500
Defiance T-250          4  5(m)  SA        10S     --           3      1,400
Enfield AS-7            3 10(c)  SA/BF      8S     L            4      1,000
Mossberg CMDT           2  8(c)  SA/BF      9S     L           4.25    1,400
Mossberg CMDT/SM        2  8(c)  SA/BF      9S     SM          4.5     1,900
AK-97                   3 38(c)  SA/BF/FA   8M     --          4.5       700
FN HAR                  2 35(c)  SA/BF/FA   8M     ST,L,G(2)   4.5     1,200
HK G12A3z               2 32(c)  SA/BF/FA   8M     ST,L,G(2)   5.25    2,200
Samopal vz 88V          2 35(c)  SA/BF/FA   8M     ST,L,G(2)   5.5     1,800
        Abbreviations under Damage are (P)ower Level (of Weapon) and (A)rmor 
Rating (of Target); these are applied to the weapons normal Damage.  For 
effects of Flechette Rounds see Firearms.  Note that rounds of any size (Light 
Pistol, SMG, etc) will fit any gun of that size.  A Fixer or other contact is 
necessary to purchase APDS ammunition.
AMMUNITION              C         Damage          W           NY
Arrow                   3         Regular        .1            10
Ranger Arrow            4         Regular        .08           18
Bolt                    4         Regular        .05            5
APDS                    8         +1 P/-1 A      .25           70
Explosive               8         +1 P           .75           50
Flechette               8         See Above      .5           100
Gel                     8         Stun           .25           30
Regular                 8         Regular        .5            20
        Abreviations are (M)ount (as im where-Rifles can have one accesory on 
each of Top, Barrel and Under; smaller guns can have one on Top and one on 
Barrel.  Note that if a gun comes with an accesory, that mounting space is no 
longer available) and (R)ating (Higher is Better).  (C)oncealability listed is 
combined with the weapon's Concealability.  A Gas Vent is a recoil reduction 
accesory, useful on Burst-Fire and Fully-Automatic weapons.  For info on 
Smartguns see Cybertech.
ACCESORY                 C        M         R          W         NY
Concealable Holster     +2        -         -         .1         100
Gas Vent 2-Improved!     -     BARREL       2         .25        550
Gas Vent 3-Improved!    -1     BARREL       3         .5         800
Gas Vent 4-Improved!    -2     BARREL       4         .75      1,000
Low-Light Scope         -2       TOP        -         .25      1,500
Magnification 1 Scope   -1       TOP        1         .25        500
Magnification 2 Scope   -1       TOP        2         .25        800
Magnification 3 Scope   -1       TOP        3         .25      1,200
Thermographic   Scope   -2       TOP        -         .25      1,500
Laser Sight             -1       TOP        -         .25        500
Shock Pads               -        -         1         .25        200
Silencer                -2     BARREL       -         .2         500
Smartgun, Internal       -        -         -         .5      Weapon Cost
Smartgun, External      -2    TOP/UNDER     -         1          600
Spare Clips              -        -         -         .25          5
Tripod                   -      UNDER       6         8          600


        Abbreviations are (B)allistic and (I)mpact Armor Ratings (Higher is 
Better).  Ballistic Armor is effective against bullets; Impact armors works 
against pretty much anything else.  Armor Ratings are NOT cumulative; only the 
highest Armor Rating worn will count.  Note that a lined coat will increase 
the Concealability  of anything that can be effectively hidden under it 
(starting Concealability of 4 or more) by 50%.
ARMOR/CLOTHING TYPE      C        B    I         W          NY
Armor Clothing          10        3    0         2          500
Armor Jacket             6        5    3         2          900
Armor Vest              12        2    1         1          200
Vest W/Plates           10        4    3         2          600
Lined Coat               8        4    2         1          700
Partial Suit             -        6    4     10 + Body   10,000
Full Suit                -        8    6     15 + Body   20,000
Helmet                   -     Same as Suit      2          500
Real                    -         0    2        1.5         750
Synthetic               -         0    1        1.5         250
Ordinary Clothing       -         0    0         1           50
Dress Clothing          -         0    0         1          500
Tres Chic Clothing      -         0    0         1        1,000
        Abbreviation is (M)agnification, self-explanatory.
DEVICE                  C         M         W          NY
BINOCULARS              5        50X        1          100
Low-Light               -         -         -         +200
Thermographic           -         -         -         +250
GOGGLES                 6        20X        .5       1,500
Low-Light               -         -         -         +500
Thermographic           -         -         -         +700
        These prices are for General work.  For Vehicle work, Costs are 
for Electronic and Computer work, Costs are Tripled.  Kits are used for small, 
field repairs and are the sixe of a small gym bag.  A Shop is necessary for 
extensive repairs or rebuilding, and takes up space equivelant to the inside 
of a van.  A Facility is necessary for building/manufacturing an item, and 
must be a building.
TYPE                    C              W               NY
Kit                     3              5               500
Shop                    -              -             5,000
Facility                -              -           100,000
        This covers rent as well as all other day-to-day costs (electricity, 
water, food, laundry, etc).  Cost is per month.  Permanent living 
accommodations may be bought for 100 times the monthly rate.
LIVING CLASS                   NY
Luxury                    100,000 +
High                       10,000
Middle                      5,000
Low                         1,000
Squatter                      100
Streets                         0
ENTERTAINMENT                  NY
Stereo System                 500
Trideo System               6,000
ELECTRONICS             C              W              NY
Video Phone             2              2               500
Wrist Phone             4              -             1,000
Table Top Computer      -             10            10,000
Wrist Computer          4              -           200,000
        Any possible type of person you can think of can be a Contact (ask me 
about specific ones...some more powerful ones i won't allow).  Here I will 
just list special contacts for 2053.  Contacts may only be bought during 
character creation, after which they must be met.  Each contact may either be 
bought as a Contact (will generally be honest, if it benefits them) for 5,000 
NY, or as a Buddy (a friend, will go out on a limb for you, to a certain 
extent) for
10,000 NY.  Your two free Contacts can be upgraded to Buddies for 5,000 NY 
each.  Also, a Gang or Tribe may be initially bought for $50,000 NY (meaning 
you are affiliated with a certain Gang/Tribe, and they will help you, but will 
probably expect some payment/return favor).
CONTACTS: Corporate Type(Specify), Decker, Fixer (controls transfer of illegal 
goods/services), Lonestar Employee(Specify), Mafia Agent, Mage, Poli-Club 
Member, Rigger, Shaman, Street Doc, Yakuza Member.


        Cyberware has become very advanced by the year 2053.  It's main 
drawback is that part of you is replaced by metal(metal detectors are not 
fun!).  Thus you lose Essence.  Remember you start with 6 Essence.  Each type 
of Cyberware takes a certain amount of Essence.  You can go TO but not BELOW 
zero Essence.  And zero's pushing it!  There are also new, special operation 
procedures called Alpha and Beta.  These reduce the Essence cost of Cyberware, 
but raise the Cost substantially.  An Alpha Operation takes only .8 as much 
Essence as usual, but costs 3 X as much as normal.  A Beta Operation takes .6 
the normal Essence and Costs 7 X as much as normal.  So an Alpha Smartgun Link 
would cost .4 Essence and 7,500 NY (instead of .5 Essence and 2,500 NY).  To 
recieve Alpha or Beta Operations, or the Magnification Vision option (which 
removes the use for scopes or binoculars) you MUST have a Street Doc as a 
Contact.  I would highly recommend getting Magnification Vision and Wired 
Reflexes, if you're going to be getting Cyberware.  Cyberware that is self-
explanatory or has been previously explained will not be explained here.  
Abbreviation E is for Essence Cost.
CYBERWARE                     E                  NY
Datajack                     .2                 1,000
Radio                        .75                4,000
Telephone                    .5                 3,700
Cyber Replacement            .3                 4,000
Modification                 .1                 2,000
Cosmetic Modification         -                 1,000
Damper                       .1                 3,500
High Frequency               .2                 3,000
Low Frequency                .2                 3,000
        You may choose up to .5 additional Essence for no more loss if you 
choose Cyber Replacement (but you must pay the full NY Cost, and Essence over 
the additional .5 is lost normally).
Cyber Replacement            .2                 5,000
Cosmetic Modifiaction         -                 1,000
Flare Compensation           .1                 2,000
Low-Light                    .2                 3,000
Thermographic                .2                 3,000
Magnification-Optical 1      .2                 2,500
Magnification-Optical 2      .2                 4,000
Magnification-Optical 3      .2                 6,000
Magnification-Electronic 1   .1                 3,500
Magnification-Electronic 2   .1                 7,500
Magnification-Electronic 3   .1                11,000
        Hand Razors are Razorblade like Claws.  A spur can either be a large 
single blade along the forearm, or three smaller ones in the hand (like 
Wolverine).  Muscle Replacement is Rating 1-4, add the Rating directly to 
Strength.  When coupled with a Smartgun, a Smartgun Link will display 
crosshairs in front of the shooter's face, showing where the weapon is aimed.  
Dermal Plating adds it's level to both Ballistic and Impact Armor Rating, and 
is cumulative with any Armor worn.  For each point of Wired Reflexes, add 2 to 
your Reaction.  (Normally you roll 1d6 for Initiative...Wired Reflexes also 
adds 1d6 for each level).
Fingertip Compartment        .1                 3,000
Hand Razors                  .1                 4,500
Retractable Hand Razors      .2                 9,000
Muscle Replacement (1-4)    Rating         Rating X 20,000
Smatgun Link                 .5                 2,500
Spur                         .2                 7,000
Retractable Spur             .3                11,500
Level 1                      .5                 6,000
Level 2                      1                 15,000
Level 3                     1.5                45,000
Level 1                      2                 12,000
Level 2                      3                 60,000
Level 3                      5                300,000
Level 1                      2                 55,000
Level 2                      3                165,000
Level 3                      5                500,000


        To simplify the Matrix system, which could not effectively be played 
online, I have given each Cyberdeck ALL programs at the Rating of the 
Cyberdeck.  I have also listed the MPCP Rating (already squared), which will 
be used in figuring the cost of a Response Increase.  The Response Increase is 
the equivelant of a doubler, tripler or quadrupler in the terms of computer 
Cyberdecks may only be gotten by Deckers.
        Abbreviations are (R)ating and (M)PCP.
DECK TYPE               R              M              NY
Radio Shack PCD-100     1              4             6,800
Allegiance Alpha        2              9            12,600
Sony CTY-360            3             36            99,400
Fuchi Cyber-4           4             36           121,400
Fuchi Cyber-6           5             64           334,500
Fuchi Cyber-7           6            100         1,112,100
Fairlight Excalibur     7            144         5,529,600
RESPONCE INCREASE                 NY
Level 1                        M X 100
Level 2                        M X 400
Level 3                        M X 900
        DocWagon is an ambulance service.  It issues wrist bands to people 
with contracts.  If one of these bands is broken, or a customer goes 
unconscious due to Physical Damage, a signal goes to the roving DocWagon vans. 
 The nearest one will respond, picking up the contract holder (or his body) 
and transporting him to safety, even thru a firefight!  Higher contracts offer 
discounts on extended care.  Characters will start out with a one year 
Platinum contract (50% off of extended care).  Don't thank me, you'll need 
it!!(;->).  Abbreviation (D) is for Discount off of extended care. Prices are 
for a one year contract.
CONTRACT TYPE                D              NY
Basic                        -             5,000
Silver                      10%           10,000
Gold                        25%           25,000
Platinum                    50%           50,000
        These administer drugs directly into the bloodstream to counter 
poison, fatigue, adrenalin or trauma.  They help immediately but are really 
bad "coming down off of."  Abbreviation (R) is for Rating, and Higher is 
PATCH                   R                   NY
Antidote               1-8           Rating X 50
Stimulant              1-6           Rating X 25
Tranq                  1-10          Rating X 20
Trauma                  -                    500


        The abbreviations used in this section are (H)andling (On-Road/Off-
Road for Land Vehicles, Lower is Better), (S)peed (Cruising/Maximum, in KPH), 
(B)ody (Higher is Better), (A)rmor (Higher is Better), (SIG)niture (Lower is 
Better), (A)uto-(P)ilot (Higher is Better), (SE)ating (or Length in Meters for 
Yachts and Sailboats) and (F)uel (which includes (f)uel or (e)lectric and 
maximum range in km).  Air Vehicles and Rigger Gear are only available to 
GROUND VEHICLES         H     S    B   A    SIG  AP   SE   F         NY
Dodge Scoot            3/6  24/72  1   0     4   0    1  200(e)     2,000
ES Papoose             3/6  36/108 1   0     5   0    1  160(e)     6,000
Suzuki Aurora Racer    2/4  84/252 1   0     1   1    1 1200(f)    15,000
Yamaha Rapier          3/6  77/230 1   0     1   1    1 1200(f)    10,000
Hyundai Offroader      4/2  72/216 2   0     2   1    2 2250(f)    12,500
Thundercloud 3-Wheeler 4/2  24/72  3   0     2   0    3 2500(f)    35,000
GAZ-NIKI White Eagle   3/3  72/216 3   0     1   0    1  210(f)    15,000
Harley D. Scorpion     4/5  60/180 3   1     2   2    2 1000(f)    15,000
BMW Blitzen 2050       3/4 112/340 3   2     1   2    2 1225(f)    25,000
Honda Viking           3/5  60/180 4   1     1   2    2 1050(f)    17,000
Volkswagon Electro     3/6  24/72  1   0     5   0    1  100(e)     8,000
Mitsubishi Runabout    4/8  30/90  1   0     5   1    2   75(e)    10,000
Leyland-Zil Tsarina    4/8  36/108 1   0     2   1    2 2250(f)    12,000
C-N Jackrabbit         3/8  36/108 1   0     3   1    2 2250(f)    18,000
Ford Americar          4/8  42/126 2   0     2   2    4 1500(f)    20,000
Honda-GM 3220 ZX       4/8  48/144 2   0     2   1    4 1500(f)    30,000
Honda-GM 3220 ZX Turbo 4/8  60/180 2   0     1   2    4 1350(f)    45,000
Eurocar Westwind 2000  3/8  84/252 2   0     2   3    3 1100(f)   100,000
SAAB Dynamit 776TI     4/8  96/300 2   1     1   3    3 6000(f)   250,000
Toyota Limousine       4/8  48/144 4   0     2   4    6 5400(f)   125,000
Mitsubishi Limousine   4/8  54/144 5   1     4   4    8 2400(f)   250,000
Rolls Royce Limousine  4/4  72/216 5   2     2   4   11 3600(f)   500,000
Ford-Canada Bison      4/3  54/162 5   2     4   3    4 4500(f)   150,000
Rolls Royce PrairieCat 2/3  48/144 3   1     2   3    4 2250(f)   275,000
Gaz-Willys Nomad       3/3  36/108 3   0     2   2    4 4050(f)    50,000
Nissan-Holden Brumby   4/3  36/108 2   0     2   2    4 3750(f)    25,000
Landrover 2046         3/3  36/108 2   0     2   1    6 3750(f)    35,000
Landrover 2046 Long    3/3  36/108 3   0     2   2    8 6000(f)    45,000
Toyotacorp Pickup      4/4  42/126 2   0     2   2    2 2400(f)    25,000
Leyland-Rover Trans E  4/8  30/90  3   0     5   2   11  100(e)    25,000
Leyland-Rover Trans F  4/8  42/126 3   0     2   2   11 3000(f)    30,000
Renault-Fiat Eurovan   4/10 42/126 3   0     2   1    6 1250(f)    25,000
VW Superkombi III      4/8  42/126 4   1     2   3   12 2160(f)    55,000
Suzuki Water Bike E     2   15/54  1   0     5   0    1  600(e)     1,300
Suzuki Water Bike F     2   12/36  1   0     3   0    1  150(f)     1,200
Colorado Hydrofoil      4   30/90  2   0     3   2    2 1250(f)    35,000
S-C Otter               4   18/54  2   0     3   2    6  750(f)    20,000
Z-P Swordsman           4   30/90  3   0     3   2    8 1250(f)    30,000
Aztec Nightrunner       3   30/90  2   0     4   3    2 1500(f)    30,000
MT Dolphin II Yacht     3   18/54  3   0     3   2   10 3500(f)    50,000
H & F Classique Yacht   5   18/54  6   0     2   4  27 75000(f) 3,500,000
Sendanko Marlin         2   24/36  2   0     5   0    5 -------    15,000
Chrysler-Nissan G12A    4   48/144 4   0     5   2    3  750(f)   500,000
Chrysler-Nissan G12B    4   48/144 4   0     5   2   32  750(f)   550,000
Mostrans KVP-14T        4   72/216 4   0     3   1    2  500(f)   250,000
Mostrans KVP-14T B      4   72/216 4   0     3   1   11  500(f)   275,000
GMC Beachcraft          4   42/126 4   0     3   3    6  500(f)   100,000
GMC-Nissan Hovertruck   4   48/144 4   0     5   1    3 1250(f)   100,000
Hughes WK-2 Stallion    5  204/300 4   0     4   3    2  315(f)   300,000
Ares Dragon             6  168/384 6   0     3   3    3  900(f)   600,000
Hughes Airstar 2050     4  228/312 4   2     3   4   2 11250(f)   900,000
Agusta Cierva Plutocrat 4  240/540 4   1     4   4    8 1500(f) 1,000,000
Vehicle Control Gear MUST be in a Vehicle for it to be Rigger controlled.
For a Vehicle to be Remote-Operated, it MUST have Remote Control Gear 
configured to the Rigger's Remote Control Deck.  A Remote Control Deck can be 
used to Remote-Operate up to 3 seperate Vehicles.
GEAR                                        NY
Vehicle Control Gear                       2,800
Remote Control Gear         Vehicle Body X 2,500
Remote Control Deck(5 Kg)                 15,000


        The form of "XP" used in Shadowrun is called Karma.  It's main use is 
to increase Physical and Mental Attributes, and Skills.  The costs for these 
diifferent uses are as follows:
                                INCREASING ATTRIBUTES
UP TO RACIAL MAXIMUM (6 +/- Racial Modifiers (see Races)
     New Rating in Karma (Human Strength 5 to 6=6 Karma Points)
     2 X New Rating in Karma (Human Strength 6 to 7=14 Karma Points)
                          LEARNING/INCREASING SKILLS
NEW SKILL........1 Karma for a Rating 1 General Skill
GENERAL SKILL....2 X New Rating (Firearms 4 to 5=10 Karma Points)
CONCENTRATION....1-1/2 X New Rating(rounded up) (Pistols 4 to 5=8 Karma Pts)
SPECIALIZATION...New Rating (Ares Predator 4 to 5=5 Karma Points)
LANGUAGE(NEW)....1 Karma for a Rating 3 in any Language
LANGUAGE(OLD)....New Rating
        Skills may be increased in General (Firearms 4 to 5), in 
Concentrations (Firearms 4 to Firearms 4, Pistols 5) or Specializations 
(Firearms 4 to Firearms 4, Ares Predator 5).  If you have Firearms 4, Pistols 
5, raising your Firearms to 5 will NOT raise you Pistols to 6.
        In the mid-21st century, the planet is ruled by corporations.  They 
have all but replaced governments, leaving them only as figureheads.  People 
within corps enjoy the security and ease of life, as well as the power.  
People outside the corporate world tend to hate them for the exact same 
reasons.  Money has all been made electronic.  Instead of a SSN, everybocy is 
given a SIN(System Identification Number) at birth, which is encoded along 
with bank and vital information on a small "credstick."  These credsticks act 
as keys, credit cards, id, everything your average loyal citizen in the 21st 
century needs.  Native Americans have taken over the nation.  For this many 
Indians hate them (the PCs have freedom of decision, of course...some of you 
may even be indians).  The Japanese have bought many ex-American companies 
out, and many people seem to hold a grudge (thon ot all).  Metahumans, 
particularly Orks and Trolls, are heavily discriminated against and 
distrusted. Politics as dirty and confusing as always.  Plexes are overcrowded 
and most people are clawing to keep above ground, let alone get near the top.  
Magic has reappeared, making many people very nervous while intriguing a few.  
Magically active creatures (Goblins and Werewolves and Dragons, oh my!) stalk 
the land and rule the night.  Watch your back. Shoot straight.  Conserve ammo. 
 And never, ever, cut a deal with a Dragon.  For these beginning characters, 
you don't know much about the world; you've heard things but you're pretty 
much naive.  This includes magic, Metahumans (unless you are one!) and shadow 
life.  The idea is that you just started running the shadows.
        Now I want you to write a Background for your character.  Here are the 
main questions you should focus on in your background: What is your name, 
alias, sex, age, ethnic background, size, hair/eye color and general 
appearance, where were you born, what about your family, what about 
relationships, where were you educated, what have you done for legal work, 
what are your political/religious beliefs, what is your moral code, how did 
you start running the shadows, why do you do it now, how did you meet your 
contacts, what is your personality, do you have any special qualities, are 
there certain things you cannot do, what do you hate, what do you Love, and 
for all of these, why?  Please don't make this a question and andwer form.  
Write an autobiography.  You don't necessarily have to answer ALL of these, 
but hte more thorough and creative you are, the more Karma you'll get for it.
                                EXAMPLE CHARACTER
2.Resources(300,000 NY)
Name: Walks-with-Spirits               Alias: Slicer
Race: Human                            Ethnic: Cherokee Indian
Type: Street Samurai                   Combat Pool: 8
NY: 1,300                              Hacking/Control Pool: N/A
ATTRIBUTES                   RATING    SKILLS
Body: 6                       1        Unarmed Combat
Quickness: 6                  3        Cyber-Implanted Weaponry
Strength: 6                   5        Spurs
Willpower: 4                  5        Firearms
Intelligence: 6               3        Firearms (B/R)
Charisma: 2                   1        Biotech
Essence: 0.5                  3        First Aid
Reaction: 10                  2        Negotiation
                              3        Bike
EQUIPMENT                     5        2-Wheeler
Knife*                        3        Bike (B/R)
Ares Predator*                2        Etiquette (Street)
  Smartgun (internal)         6        Language (City Speak)
  2 Clips/100 APDS Rnds      CYBERWARE (Essence Cost)
  Concealable Holster        Cyber Eyes (.2)
  Silencer                   Low-Light (Free)
HK 227 SMG                   Therographic (Free)
  Smartgun (internal)        Magfication-Electronic 3 (Free)
  2 Clips/200 APDS Rnds      Retractable Spur (Hand Variation) (.3)
  Stock                      Smartlink (.5)
  Gas Vent 4-Improved!       Wired Reflexes Level 2 (3)
Lined Coat*                  Dermal Armor Level 3 (1.5)
2 Mo. High Lifestyle
3 Mo. Medium Lifestyle       CONTACTS
  Bike Shop                  Fixer (Buddy)
  Firearms Shop              Lone Star SWAT Team Member
3 Mo. Low Lifestyle          Street Doc
1 Yr. Docwagon Contract (Platinum)*
BMW Blitzen 2050             Carrying Capacity: 30 Kg
Wrist Telephone*             Weight Carried: 7.8 Kg
Real Leather Clothing*

Subject: SLANG IN 2053(1/2) 11/12

(vul) = vulgar
(jap) = Japanese or "Japlish" loanword 
v.    = verb
adj.  = adjective
n.    = noun
ace, acing: adj. rubbish 
aggro: n. trouble
angel: n. a benefactor, especially an unknown one.
arc: n. an arcology
badger, baggie: n. policeman
baldric: n. Ork (derogatory)
banging: adj, superb
barefoot: adj. unarmed, innocent
blood: n. ambulance, doctor
box: v. to kill
(the) box: n. trideo screen, computer
boxed: adj. dead, broken, useless
breeder: n. Ork slang for a normal Human (derogatory)
brum: n. birmingham
business: n. in slang context, crime.  Also "Biz."
buzz: v. go away, "buzz" off
chipped: adj. senses, skills, reflexes, muscles, and so on, enhanced by cybeware
chummer: n. "pal" or "buddy"
comm: n. the telephone
corp: n., adj. corporation, corporate
c-net: n. major part of UK Matrix
dandelion eater: n., adj. elf or elven (derogatory)
dataslave: n. corporate decker user or data processing employee
datasteal: n. theft of data from a computer, usually by decking
deck: n. a cyberdeck, v. to use a cyberdeck, usually illegally
decker: n. one who decks, derived from 20th-Century term "Hacker"
demi-tech: n. cannibalised technology
dino: n. unarmed policeman
dodgy: adj. risky, unsafe, borderline illegal
downtime: n. night
DX: n. area far away
dumped: v. involuntary ejected from the Matrix
elvis: adj. dead (e.g. "he was Elvis")
exec: n. corporate executive
fetishman: n. talismonger, seller of occult materials
flip: v. mug, rob, cheat
fluff: n. pollution, bad weather
FRO: v. (vul) go away
frag: v. common swear word, adj. fragging
gator: n. big-mouth
geek: v. to kill
gonk (out): v. sleep
gopi: n. young asian girl
gopping: adj. dirty, polluted
(go) whiteline: v. to kill, stop
go-go-go: n. a bike gang or gang member
haircut: n. corporate employee
heatwave: n. police crackdown
Hilda: n. female Troll (derogatory)
hoi: n. Hi. Hello (familiar form)
hose: v. to louse up, to screw up
home/s: n., adj. friend, buddy
ice: n. security software. (what LOD designs for the gov't in 1990's)
jack: v. "jack in" to enter cyberspace -  "jack out" to leave cyberspace
jam hole: n. hiding place
jammie: n. vehicle
jander: v. to walk in an arrogant, yet casual manner; to strut
ken: n. corporate worker (derogatory)
kobun: n. (jap) Member of a Yakuza clan
kylie: n. young caucasian girl (derogatory)
mellow: n. stupid, air-headed person (derogatory)
mop out: v. to hide
Mr. Johnson: n. refers to any anonymous employer or corporate agent
mundane: adj. (vul)non magical, non-magician
nutrisoy: n. cheaply processed food product, derived from soybeans
nuyen: n. World standard of currency
on: adj. fashionable
open: adj. crawling with polive, generally unsafe
oppos: n. enemies
orbitol: n. Outer London
overground: n. Central London (Street Level)
oyabun: n. (jap) Head of a Yakuza clan
panzer: n. any ground-effect combat vehicle
paydata: n. a datafile worth money on the black market
The Pit: n. L.A. (you know, smoke from the pit = smog)
pitch: n. corporate-administered area
pixie: n. Elf (derogatory)
plazzy: n. useless (derogatory)
plex: n. a metropolitan complex, or "metroplex"
poll: n. a member of a subversive group
proff: v. to steal 
rags: n. cigarettes. also drugs
rak, rakkie: n. jerk, suburbanite (derogatory)
rak off: v. go away (derogatory)
rakking: adj. useless
razorguy: Heavily cybered samurai or other muscle
roller: n. rich person
rub: v. to have sex relations; also rubbing (adj.) and rub off/out (v.)
safe: adj. cool, OK, I agree

Subject: SLANG IN 2053(2/2) 12/12

samurai: n. (jap) mercenary or muscle for hire, implies "honor" code
sandal: n. Druid (derogatory)
sarariman: n. (jap) from "salaryman."  A corporate employee.
sate: n. friend
scoob: n. drinks
screamer: n. Credstick or other ID that triggers computer alarms if used
sensi: n. The Matrix, also drugs
Seoul Man: n. Member of a Seoulpa ring
Seoulpa ring: n. a small criminal gang (Korean)
sep, septic: n. American
shaikujin: n. (jap) Literally "Honest citizen."  A corporate employee.
shazzy: adj. cheap (esp a person); also n.
sherbet: n. 90 proof or over drinks
simsense: n. ASIST sensory broadcast or recording
SIN: n. system identification number...2000's social security
slabside: n. busy city or sprawl centre
slamming: adj. fast, good
slim: adj. weak
slint, slinty: n. major creep (derogatory); also adj.
slot: v. mild curse word
slot and run: v. hurry up.  Get to the point.  Move it!
The Smoke: n. London
snag: v. to arrest
snakeboy (-girl): n. street kid, urchin
so ka: n. (jap) I understand, I get it.
sov: n. Pound (Sterling)
soykaf: n. Ersatz coffee substitute made from soybeans
spammed: v. made to look like a fool
spin it: v. (vul) get out of here
spit: n. rain
spitside: n. street-level (seen from below)
splash: v. to blow up, hit, strike
sprawl: n. a metroplex (see Plex); v. fraternize below one's social level
square: v. to kill, stop
squid: n. Troll (derogatory)
Stan: n. male Troll (derogatory)
steam: v. to mug, steal
steaming: adj. drunk
stiff: v. to cheat, swindle
stretch: n. rastafarian
strip: n. built-up area
suit: n. A "straight citizen."  See Shaikujin, Sarariman
swiss: adj. expensive
term: n. friend, trusted person
terminal: adj. good, great
trancer: n. substance addict
trid: n. trideo, three-dimensional successor to video
trog: n. (vul) an Ork or Troll, from Troglodyte (derogatory)
ulu: n. middle of nowhere
vatjob: n. a person with extensive cyberware replacement
wagemage: n. A magician (usually mage) employed by a corporation
wetwork: n. assassination, murder
wilma: n. suburban housewife
wired: adj. equipped with cyberware, especially increased reflexes
wizard: n. a magician, usually a mage - adj. great, wonderful, excellent.
wizworm: n. slang for a Dragon
wraith: v. to kill
yak: n. (jap) Yakuza. Either a clan member or a clan itself.
zoo: n. shopping mall

Subject: ENDNOTE...

     One more thing.  Please flag most of your posts private to me, especially 
your characters.  Your characters don't know each other yet.  Getting to know 
each other is 1/2 the fun.  Only post publicly if what you're doing is VERY 
obvious (like trying to break down a door) or if your CHARACTERS are talking 
to each other and all can hear you.  When you do post publicly, please use 
your character's aliases, noy your handle.  I don't want anybody to know who 
is playing whom (did I say that right?).  I will be updating the game twice a 
week to start, and then change that depending on how often players are 
posting.  You might want to check the example character if you have any 
questions.  If that doesn't clear things up, post to me and I'll see what I 
can do.  I will be starting the game in about a week when I get everybodies 
characters and backgrounds.  ENJOY THE GAME!!!!.............CHOW!!!....
                                          ***** HELLEFIRE *****