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                     The Complete Net Psionics Handbook
                            (c) Copyright 1993

                       Compiled and edited by
                            Charon The Boatman

                       Original compilers
                            Steven Hewhook
                            Mark Becker

                            Table of Contents

Copyright Notice
New Classes
    Ascetic Characters
    Cerebral Knight (Dark Sun Class)
New Kits
    Beast Master
New Rules
    Contact Rules Alternative
    Contacts, Combat and Contest Rules Alternative
    Dreamland & Dreaming
    Random PSP Method
    Psionic Awareness
    Power Discovery Rules
    Power Score Alternative
    Wild Talent Alternative Tables
New Powers
      Magic Sight
      Read Portrait
      Radar Sense
      Detect Invisible
      Feel Radiation
      Move Focus
      Population Finder
      See Heat
      See Magic
      Touch Sight
      Weather Forecast
      Perpetual Motion
      Remove Air
      Cold Shield
      Control Fluid
      Density Manipulation
      Enhance Weapon
      Heat Shield
      Inertial Shield
      Kinetic Reverse
      Mirror Image
      Mold Earth
      Molecular Dampening
      Move Electrons
      Psychic Guidance
      Psychokinetic Punch
      Suspend Objects
      Velocity Control
      Control Aging
      Enhanced Combat
      Bio electricity
      Energy Conversion
      Energy Discharge
      Enhanced Infravision
      Immovability Other
      Dimensional Warp
      Planar Travel
      Dimension Portal
      Phase Self
      Quick Action
      Teleport Lock
      Temporal Acceleation
      Temporal Deceleration
      Control Dream (*)
      Control Mode (*)
      Deflect Attack
      Dream Creature (*)
      Dream Crossover (*)
      Dream Link (*)
      DreamScape (*)
      Enter Dream (*)
      Group Defence
      Mind Hold
      Mind Kill
      Obscure Defilement (Dark Sun Power)
      Plant Control
      Waking Dream (*)
      Change Dream Form (*)
      Disconnect Skills
      Dream Items (*)
      Dream Magnet (*)
      Dream Watcher (*)
      Equilibrium Disruption
      Induce Pleasure
      Lend Strong Mind
      Memory Summoning
      Mental Dagger
      Negate Sensory Input
      Psychic Armor
      Mystic Conduit
      Post Pone
      Psionic Transferance
      PSP Lightning
      Psychic Sacrifice
      Time Flow
      Psionic Concealment
      Psychic Reach
      Time Flux
(*) denotes a Dreamer power
Psionic Affecting Spells
  Wizard Spells
    Zoe's Psionic Enhancement
    Dalen's Mental Resistance
New Ideas for old Powers
Psionicist Items
    Psionic Objects Essay
      The Need for Psionic Objects
      The Creation of Psionic Objects
      Using Psionic Objects
      Sample Psionic Objects
      Psionic Objects of Athas
    Broach of Mental Strength
    Collar and Amulet of Psionic Control
    Flea Dip
    Gem of Mental Boosting
    Headband of Mental Stamina
    Manual of Realization
    Ring of Knowledge
Psionicist Gods
    Neodig Beowulf
New Monsters
    Dream Fiend
    Elf-bane Spider (Dark Sun Monster)
Errors in the Complete Psionics Handbook
Odds for winning initiative with and without Combat Mind


    The idea of psionics has evolved tremeandously since it's introduction
in 1st Edition as a 'sub-class'.  In the days of 1st Edition it was about
as common to have a character with psionics as it was to have a bard in the
party.  Since 2nd Edition, the whole thing has stayed the same, the chance
of having a character with psionics still is the same chance of having a
bard in the party.  Luckily for all of us, bards have become possible for
characters at 1st level and the psionicist character class was also born,
quite a bit later I admit.  The psionicist opens up new doors of
possibility with their ability to penetrate any magic resistance.  These
characters can quickly make enemies of any mage foolish enough to tangle
with them.  Like mages though, they are waek at lower levels.
    One of the biggest problem with psionicists is that there were no rules
laid down for psionicists or DM's alike to create new powers.  The only
thing that was given was a whole book of powers.  Luckily, most of the
psionicist supporters have enough brains to use the given powers as a
guideline and make their own.  To make things easier, I have also made up
rules for the psionicists equivelent of 'researching' like a mage
researches spells.  Since a psionicists powers come within themselves and
not the enviroment and the magic power it provides, a psionicist goes about
power 'research' in a different manner.  More on that later in the netbook.
    This is my first attempt at writing a netbook, but when I first heard
of the net.psionics.handbook, I decided to get involved and put in the
dreamer kit I had tried to submit to Dragon Magazine.  (Bloody fools said
it was too long!)  But since then, the people compiling the
net.psionics.handbook have dropped off like proverbial flies.  The first
lost interest, the second (and last) lost net access.  I was able to get
something of the last compiler before he lost net access.  He said he would
get it back in the middle of September, but I couldn't wait that long!
Call me impatient, or whatever you want, I have always loved the psionicist
class and use it most often in a campaign if I can.  The Complete
Psionicists Handbook (CPH) is the second AD&D book that I have read cover
to cover, no breaks.  The first being The Manual of the Planes (Good job
Jeff Grubb!  I loved it!)  When the CPH first came out, the first thing I
did was convert 2 monsters from 1st Edition.  The first being a unique
creature, who also happens to be the creature I took as one of my aliases.
This creature, is of course, Charon, The Boatman of The Lower Planes,
Master of The River Styx.  (What can I say, when it comes to my alias, I
use the FULL title)  I found it so unfair that such a noble and powerful
psionicist was left out of the CPH.  The second monster I converted was his
minions, formarly called the Charonadaemon, now called the Charonaloth in
accordance with the renaming of the fiends in The Outer Planes Monstrous
    After the former compilers of this book dropped out of the picture, I
began to compile it myself, in hopes of keeping everything I recieve as a
submission for the book, and also to remove conflicts between powers.  One
conflict arose when I recieved the DreamField power.  This was directly
treading upon the powers of a dreamer psionicist.  Instead of axing the
power, as it was quite well done, I added a note in to describe the
interaction between a dreamer and the use of this power, thus avoiding any
conflict (unless the poor psionicist using the power is silly enough to try
it on a dreamer psionicist, in which case, let the conflict arise, it'll
make it more fun!  :-)
    There is one area that is slightly different in approach.  The idea of
magical items for a psionicist.  Generally, these won't be magical, and
thus will be missed by any treasure hunters.  However, some powers of the
psionicist (Aura Sight and Object Reading for example) can detect the
psionic power of an item.  Some items will be created by the normal means
specified with the Empower power.  Others may be created by more arcane
means.  For example, a gem may contain the mind of a long dead psionicist
and have his powers and PSP.  One of the new items I created from the
memory of a similar item in another game system is the multiplier.  These
items will increase the PSP pool that a psionicist has to draw from .  How
this is done is discussed in it's description later in the netbook.
    I appreciate all the support that I have gotten in this from everyone
who has submitted stuff, and just so that everyone knows, NOTHING was
rejected for this net book.  I have  hatred for edittors who believe
themselves superior to writers and axe their work just because they didn't
like it.  Half of the job of editting, in my opionion, is to comprimise and
arrive at a solution that is mutually acceptable to both the writer and the
    You may notice that almost no entry in this netbook has the authors
name beside it.  That is because I find it too cumbersome to put the name
beside everything.  If there is a name beside an entry, that is because I
never actually recieved permission to use their stuff in the netbook.  But
considering the places I got them from, why would they want to limit it's
distribution if they posted it on Internet?  If you do want to know who did
something in the netbook, just tell me what the entry is, and I will tell
you who did it.  I have kept that on record (just in case they didn't want
it in the netbook)
    If you have something that would go good in the netbook, WHY DIDN'T YOU
SEND IT TO ME BEFORE DAMMIT!!!  I posted messages several times asking for
more stuff for the netbook!  If you made it AFTER I released the netbook,
then you have an excuse, otherwise, tsk tsk!  Anyways, if you do have
something for it, send to to me, it will be included in the next version.

                                Copyright Notice

    Remember one thing, when anything is uploaded or posted, it becomes
copywrited.  Lovely eh?  I have recieved permission from the authors in of
everything in here.  You may use this netbook for your own use and
distribute it freely.  You may not sell this file or use it in any kind of
trade.  It is completely free and is to be kept that way.  Any attempts to
stop the flow and disrtibution of this file is censorship and is punishable
by public flogging and hanging.  Well, maybe not, but that's how I feel we
should treat people who censor anything.

    If you re-distribute this netbook to your local non-Internet BBS, or
anywhere for that matter, keep it in the same format that you recieved it
in.  If you do not, I will be forced to send a horde of smurfs to hunt you
down and 'cute' you to death!!  Or even worse, I may tie you down and force
you to watch Barney and Friends and watch you scream and yell in pain.


Editor & Compiler:
doppy@io.org                              Charon The Boatman

Former Compilers:
mbecke69@ursa.calvin.edu                  Mark Becker
stevenn@nadine.cs.mun.ca                  Steven Hewhook

asstt@acad2.alaska.edu                    Scott Asstt
blonigen@iastate.edu                      Scott J Blonigen
devon_sheppard@mindlink.bc.ca             Devon Sheppard
dutt%unb.ca@unbmvs1.cds.unb.ca            Neal Dutta
dwebb@binkley.cs.mcgill.ca                Douglas Webb
giga@rocinha.nce.ufrj.br                  Roberto de Brito
hauser@avalon.unizh.ch                    Andreas Hauser
jdelisle@loyola.edu                       Joe Delisle
jmack@surf.rice.edu                       Jeffrey Mackey
john_martz@unc.edu                        John M. Martz
kwinz@ralvm5.vnet.ibm.com                 Kim Winz
lohmann@social.chass.ncsu.edu             Andrew Lohmann
msherman@sybase.com                       Marc Sherman
rusty-ramser@ksc.nasa.gov                 Rusty Ramser
phy_shaffer@exodus.valpo.edu              Phy Shaffer
roschke@murphy.dgcd.doc.ca                Matthias Roschke
rschmidt@aip.de                           Ruediger Schmidt
schuck@math.binghamton.edu                Chris Schuck
st004385@brownvm.brown.edu                Anthony Thompson
tamitha@mays.cs.brandeis.edu              David E. Wall
teler@cs.huji.ac.il                       Teler Eyal
tsa1@acpub.duke .edu                      Teos Abadia
tunon@novavax.nova.edu                    Johanna Tunon
No net address                            Andrew Konop
No net address                            Jaymie Daw
No net address                            Jeffery S. Rash
No net address                            John Boy Wilson
No net address                            Robert Blackwell

                              New Classes

Ascetic Characters

This is a variation from the class/kit described in Legends & Lore p. 125.

     Alignment:             Neutral Good
     Ability Requirements:  Wisdow 14, Constitution 12, Charisma 10
     Prime Requisites:      Wisdow, Constituition
     Races Allowed:         Any (Most human but Brahman is everything)
     Patron Deity:          Brahman

ascetics are not strange since women are part of Brahman too.

    One of the basic Vedic doctrines is that in order to achive unity with
Brahman, it is necessary to release wordly desires. In accordance with this
line of thought, many people shunned wordly pleasures and devoted
themselves to meditation, hoping to archive some spiritual intuition that
would allow them to join the Brahman. Althought, such efforts may seem
peculiar to western minds, it must be noted that these "ascetics" achieved
many remarkable insights that allowed them to perform seemingly impossible
feats and produce an incredible understanding of the true nature of the

  Player characters who forsake their wordly possessions and devote
themselves to spiritual enlightenment may become ascetics. The ascetic must
meditate four hours per day (meditate is not sleep, in my game I an ascetic
should sleep at least 6 hours regardless of the meditation), cannot possess
any item other than a begging bowl and the clothing on his back, and must
deny himself of all plesures of the flesh such as eating fine food,
drinking expensive wines, taking of a hot bath, etc.

    In return, the ascetic became a priest/psionicist using the better of
each class regardless of the race. However, the ascetic casts wizard spells
instead of priest spells, and gains new spells as if he were a wizard of
the appropriate rank. Through his long hours of spiritual devotion, the
character learns more and more about the true nature of the cosmos. He can
use this knowledge in much the same way wizards use their spells, except
that he never needs material components to cast a spell and does not need
to record the spells he knows in a spell book. Instead, his daily
meditation serves to refresh these spells in much the same way that a
priest's daily prayer restores his powers.

    The ascetic uses wizard THAC0 table and the psionicist hit point
progression. The psionicist class progression is the same as the normal
psionicist and, as a psionicist, the primary discipline of an ascetic is
Psychometabolism. The priest class progression is showed hereinafter.
Brahman has no priest in the normal sense, for he is usually worshiped
through one of his manifestations as another god, but all ascetics may be
considered priests of Brahman.

    Remember that an ascetic is not a wizard. Brahman is a very "different"
god and he does not directly grant any power. The ascetics are very
intelligent humans who study hard preparing his mind and body to understand
the word, so, the orign of his magic an powers is his personal enlightment
and knowledge about the nature of cosmos. They know how things works and
how to manage the energys of the nature to cast spells.

    As ascetics advance, they earn several other benefits and suffer one
additional detritment. First, each time an ascetic advances a level, he
loses a point of Strength becouse of the physical deprivations to which he
is subjecting himself (thought he never falls below a Strength of 3). But
he also gains a point to put into either Wisdow, Constituition, or Charisma
(his choice). In this way, an ascetic can raise any or all of these scores
to a maximum of 20 (but never more).

    The usage of the Reincarnation and Karma points optional rules is
recommended. You can find it in Legend & Lore (pg 126).

    I do not add any anti-munchkin rule since this is not the kind of
character a muchking will like (No +10 sword of godslayer, No ring of
eternal stoneskin, No killing on sight), but the ascetic can be very
powerfull. I recommed a enforcement on the role playing aspect. I will
write some guidelines.

- Of course, he must donate everything he find to the poors (Not to another
player character)
- An Ascetic is an extremist pacifist (remmeber Gandhi) and will do
everything to avoid a fight.
- An Ascetic must always avoid killing. His own death is not enough reason
to kill anyone. The ascetic will only kill someone (and only in defense of
the others) if he consider that person a distortion or a offence to the
nature of the Brahman (someone like a very evil and powerful Defiler, an
Undead or some Nazi-like genocide).
- An ascetic will likely to choose pacific psionic powers and spells. (See
recommend and forbbiden power below)
- The ascetic should help any creature in danger and must respect
everything "Everything is part of Brahman"
- An ascetic will become an adventurer to search knowledge or spiritual
enligthenment, to defend the nature or to help a very important good couse.
- The ascetic strongly belives in reincarnation, thus, he have no affraid
of the death. He will willing risk his own life to help the others or to
preserve the nature.
- The only thing that can be considered an enemy of the ascetics is the
undead.  An undead state is considered a great curse, so, the ascetic must
help that poor soul.
  Noble Creature: "- Look!!! a Vampire!!! Run!! Run!!"
     The Ascetic: "- No! We must help him. Free his poor soul."
                  "- Give him, the freadom to a new Reincarnation."

If you want more info read the section on Legend & Lore or send a mail to

Ascetic Progression Table

Priest Class
(The psionicist class progression is equal to normal psionicists)

Level      XP   HD(d6) THAC0  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10
1           0   1       20    1
2       1.500   2       20    2
3       3.000   3       20    2   1
4       6.000   4       19    3   2
5      13.000   5       19    4   2   1
6      27.500   6       19    4   2   2
7      55.000   7       18    4   3   2   1
8     110.000   8       18    4   3   3   2
9     225.500   9       18    4   3   3   2   1
10    450.000   10      17    4   4   3   2   2
11    675.000   10+2    17    4   4   4   3   3
12    900.000   10+4    17    4   4   4   4   4   1
13  1.125.000   10+6    16    5   5   4   4   4   2
14  1.350.000   10+8    16    5   5   5   4   4   2   1
15  1.575.000   10+10   16    5   5   5   5   5   2   1
16  1.800.000   10+12   15    5   5   5   5   5   3   2   1
17  2.025.000   10+14   15    5   5   5   5   5   3   3   2
18  2.250.000   10+16   15    5   5   5   5   5   3   3   2   1
19  2.475.000   10+18   14    5   5   5   5   5   3   3   3   1
20  2.700.000   10+20   14    5   5   5   5   5   4   3   3   2   1
21  3.000.000   10+22   14    5   5   5   5   5   4   4   4   2   1

In the 20th level the ascetic can choose to start an avagion transformation
(as described in Dragon Kings) or continue as a psionicist. For DM's that
do not allow progression to 30th level an ascetic reach unity with Brahman
at 21th (3.000.000 xp).

Ascetic Saving Throws (Priests/Psionicist)
       Poison, or    Rod, Staff Petrification,
Level  Death Magic   or Wand    or Polymorph   Breath Weapon    Spell
1-3        10           14           13             16           15
4-6         9           13           12             15           14
7-9         7           11           10             13           12
10-12       6           10            9             12           11
13-15       5            9            8             11           10
16-18       4            8            7             10            9
19+         2            6            5              8            7

Disciplines Learnable Order: Psychometabolism, Psychokinesis,
Clairsentient, Telepathy, Metapsionic, Psychoportive.

Recommended Devotions: Absorb Disease, Cell Adjustment, Lend Health,
Martial Trance, Mind Over Body, Levitation, Time/Space Anchor,
Immovability, Astral Projection, Heightened Senses.

Recommended Sciences: Telekinesis, Complete Healing, Precognition.

Forbbiden Psionic Powers: Desintegrate, Detonate, Life Draining, Double
Pain, Death Field,... Any very agressive power (DM discretion) and of
course any "only for evil" power.


Bonus: Endurance, Rejuvenation, Meditative Focus and Mind Over Matter.

Recommended: Religion, Spellcraft, Ancient History, Languages (Any)

Granted Powers
The ascetic gains the following powers.
(Most of powers are normal psionic powers)

Level   Bonus & Granted Powers
1       Turn Undead  -1 Str/level, +1 Wis, Con or Cha/level. (Max 19, Min
2       2 bonus devotions (must be of the recommended devotions list)
6       1 bonus science (must be of the recommended sciences list)
12      Heal (Self only) (as a fast Complete Healing - 1/day)
15      Ignore Death *
18      Precognition (as psi Power but should be more powerfull-DM
20      Do not physically age (Can start Avagion transformation, if human)
25      Immune to all non-magical damage (if not avangion)
30      Reach unity with Brahman **

rounds after reaching 0 hit points. During this time, any manner of healing
magic may be used to restore the character to life by bringing his hit
points back to a positive value.

understanding of the universe so exact that they become one with the
Brahman and are thus retired from play. A more worthy or noble end for a
character is hard to imagine.

Cerebral Knight

    The  cerebral  knights are a class of characters, who train in both
psionics and the art of warfare.  They believe that in order to become
master  warrior (or knight) it is just as important train and discipline
the  mind  as it is to exercise and develop the body.  In fact,  the  two
must  go hand in hand, because the body and mind are one, and must thus be
trained together.
    Anyone  who  is  eligible  to  become  a psionicist, and has a strength
and  constitution  of  at  least  13, may become a cerebral knight.   Thus
the ability requirements are:  STR 13, CON 13, INT 12, WIS  15.   A
cerebral  knight  may NOT be multi-classed, and must be lawful in alignment
(there is in fact a very strict ethos, which must be followed at all times,
see below).
    Cerebral  knights  advance  as shown on the table below.  They get
d8's for hit dice and are allowed the fighter constitution bonus as  well
as percentile strength.  They may become proficient with any weapon,  and
are allowed to specialize in a single one.  They use the fighter  combat
values and get multiple attacks just as fighters do.  They  may  use  any
magical  item  allowed  to  either  fighters  or psionicists, but may never
own more than 10 such items.  In addition, they  have  the  same armor
restrictions as psionicists do (or suffer the  same  consequences  if  the
optional rules about heavy armor are used).

       Level   Experience    Hit Dice   Psionic       Power
                  Points     (d8's)     Disciplines   Slots
         1            0       1          1             4
         2        3,000       2          1             6
         3        6,000       3          1             8
         4       12,000       4          2            10
         5       25,000       5          2            12
         6       50,000       6          2            13
         7      100,000       7          2            14
         8      200,000       8          2            15
         9      400,000       9          3            16
        10      700,000       10         3            17
        11    1,000,000       10+2       3            18
        12    1,300,000       10+4       3            19
        13    1,600,000       10+6       3            20
        14    1,900,000       10+8       4            21
        15    2,200,000       10+10      4            22
        16    2,500,000       10+12      4            23
        17    2,800,000       10+14      4            24
        18    3,100,000       10+16      4            25
        19    3,400,000       10+18      5            26
        20    3,700,000       10+20      5            27

    Cerebral  knights  do  not  gain  access  to  the  metapsionic
discipline,  but  are  free  to  choose  any  of  the others.  Unlike
psionicists,  they  do not gain defense modes automatically, but have to
learn  them  (defense  modes  can  always be learned, even if the cerebral
knight  does not have access to the telepathic discipline).  In  order to
learn a psionic power, the psionicist must spend psionic power  slots.   It
costs 1 slot to learn a devotion, and two slots to learn  a  science  (it
is  permitted to save psionic power slots and spend  them  in  the future).
The cerebral knight starts out with 10 PSP's  and  at  every  level
(including first) rolls a d10 to see how many  additional  PSP's are
gained.  They do get extra PSP's for high wisdom scores just as psionicists
do.  This is summarized below

       WIS Score     Bonus PSP's
       15               0
       16              +1
       17              +2
       18              +3
       19              +4
       20              +5
       21              +6
       22              +7
       23              +8
       24              +9
       25              +10

    A  cerebral  knight  starts out with 4 weapon and 4 non weapon
proficiencies.   New  proficiencies are gained every 3 levels.  There is  a
-3  penalty for using a weapon without being proficient in it.  Non-weapon
proficiency  slots  may  be  spent on general, warrior or psionicist
    Cerebral knights use the following saving throw table:

       Paralyzation,     Rod,       Petrification
       Poison, or        staff,         or            Breath
Level  Death Magic       or Wand     Polymorph        Weapon    Spell
1-2     14                 16           13              17       15
3-4     13                 15           12              16       14
5-6     12                 14           11              15       13
7-8     10                 12           10              13       12
9-10     9                 11            8              12       10
11-12    8                 10            7              11        9
13-14    6                  9            6               9        8
15-16    5                  8            5               8        7
17-18    4                  6            3               7        6
19-20    3                  5            2               5        5
21+      2                  4            2               4        4

    Cerebral  Knights  belong  to  a  very  strict and disciplined order.
Loyalty  to  the  order, and strict adherence to the code of conduct   is
of  paramount  importance.   The  code  of  conduct  is summarized below:

1)  The  Knight  owes  absolute loyalty to the order and shall always
follow  its  commands  to the best of his/her ability.
2)  The  Knight  shall  obey  the  commands  of higher order knights.
Higher  order knights shall not abuse this for personal gain.
3)  The  Knight  shall  always  treat  other Knights with respect and
courtesy.   Fighting  between  knights  (other  than  for practice or
demonstration)  must  be  avoided  at  all cost.
4)  The  Knight  shall never abuse his/her abilities and training, as this
reflects  badly upon the order as a whole.
5)  The  Knight  shall be diligent in his/her training, and shall not look
for training outside the order, nor shall he/she offer to train others
(except as authorized by the order).

    Besides those powers already mentioned, the cerebral knight gains the
following as he/she advances in level.

       4th Level (Initiate)
         -- +1 to initiative
         -- is surprised only on a 1 or 2 (d10)

       8th Level (Knight)
         -- +1 to initiative
         -- +1 to save vs mind affecting spells
         -- is only surprised on a 1
         -- immune to 1st level illusions

       12th Level (Master)
         -- +1 to initiative
         -- +2 to save vs mind affecting spells
         -- immune to 2nd level illusions
         -- +1 to hit and damage
         -- is never surprised
         -- may open his/her own school and train cerebral knights

       18th Level (Grand Master)
         -- +2 to initiative
         -- immune to mind affecting spells
         -- +2 to hit and damage
         -- immune to all diseases

All bonuses are cumulative

    The  Great Master is the overall head of the order of cerebral knights.
This  office  is  always conferred for life onto the 'most worthy
candidate'  by a general assembly of all masters.  This 'most worthy
candidate'  is  not  necessarily  the  highest level cerebral knight in the
world, in fact any master may occupy this position, but the  Great Master
has some authority over (and responsibility to) all other cerebral knights
(even those of higher level).

                          New Psionicist Kits


    Description:  The description of amazons here is the same as in PHBR1,
PHBR3, and PHBR4.  There are no special requirements to satisfy in terms of
ability scores.  The only requirement is that the character must be female.
    Role:  Amazon psionicists enjoy high respect in Amazon society for
their strong discipline of mind and body, and the considerable power they
wield.  They are particularly prized as makers of psionic weapons via
Empower.  Their role in Amazon society and outside it is very much the same
as the Amazon Sorceress described in PHBR4.  One other point is that Amazon
psionicists are always lawful in alignment much as the Ascetic Warrior (see
Dragon #191 for a description of the Ascetic Warrior kit) because of the
rigid discipline they subject themselves to.
    Preferred Disciplines:  An Amazon psionicist takes her first discipline
from either Telepathy, Psychokinesis, or Psychometabolism because of the
offensive powers in those disciplines.  As a second discipline, she may
choose from any of the ones listed as acceptable for a first discipline, or
from Metapsionics.  After that, she is free to choose as she wants.
    Recommended Devotions:  Control Body, Inertial Barrier, Molecular
Agitation, Adrenalin Control, Biofeedback, Body Weaponry, Cell Adjustment,
Displacement, Enhanced Strength, Flesh Armor, Graft Weapon, Mind Over Body,
Share Strength, all telepathic attack modes, Invincible Foes, Life
Detection, Mind Bar, Martial Trance, and Combat Mind.
    Recommended Sciences:  Telekinesis, Detonate, Project Force, Animal
Affinity, Domination, Ejection, Mindwipe, Psionic Blast, Empower.
    Barred Disciplines:  None.
    Secondary Skills:  Required:  Groom.
    Weapon Proficiencies:  Required:  None.  Recommended:  Spear, Long Bow
(normally psionicists cannot use long bows, but amazons are exempt from
    Nonweapon Proficiencies:  Bonus Proficiencies:  Riding (Land-Based),
Animal Training, Meditative Focus.  Recommended:  (General) Animal
Handling, (Warrior) Animal Lore, Armorer, Bowyer/Fletcher, Hunting,
Running, Survival, Tracking, (Psionicist) Harness Subconscious,
    Equipment:  Amazon psionicists may purchase armor made of padded
leather, studded leather, or hide.  In addition, they may use a small
shield.  In weapons, they are limited to the following:  short bow, hand
axe, throwing axe, long bow, spear, and short sword.
    Special Benefits:  Amazon psionicists receive all the special benefits
described for amazons in PHBR1, PHBR3, and PHBR4.  In addition, similar to
the benefit received in melee, an Amazon psionicist, receives a +1 bonus to
her power checks in the first round of telepathic combat against any male
opponent from a male-dominated society who has never encountered an amazon
before, or someone like her.  He will underestimate her, and be "sloppy" in
his attack and defense.  This only applies to the first round of combat.
Thereafter, the battle proceeds in a normal fashion.
    Special Hindrances:  An Amazon psionicist suffers all the hindrances
described in PHBR1, PHBR3, and PHBR4 for amazons of other classes.
    Wealth Options:  3d4 x 10 gp
    Races:  Same restrictions and allowances as those made in PHBR1, PHBR3,
and PHBR4.  Only humans commonly take this kit though because of the low
level limits on other races.


    Description:  Ambassadors are politcal psionicists who perform a
variety of functions for a sovereign including negotions and declaration
with other nations.  As well, ambassadors may function as political spies
or even, if such a role is needed, the one calling the shots when dealing
with a foreign country.  The minimum requirements are Charisma and
Intelligence of at least 14.
    Role:  Abassadors are used mostly in communication with other empires,
and as such, are not prone to adventuring.  Unless the adventure has a
political nature, this kit would be almost useless.  Ambassadors are
usually used for negotiating treaties and making declarations to other
countries.  Most ambassors will be nobles of some sort and will usually
have some sort of connections within the government.  Beacause a psionicist
has access to many powers that are not detectable to magical means, they
can do many things that a normal human could not.  In rare instances, an
ambassador may even be used to telepathically control onother leader or
manipulate them in treaty negotiations.  This sort of action would not
normally be taken because if it ever were discovered, the next thing the
ambassador would most likely do is announce a declaration of war.  Also,
because many of the powers of a psionicist are not restricted by comman
magical means, they can get away with things not normally done.  For
example, an ambassador psionicist could enter a castle that is protected
from entry via teleport spells.  This would allow an ambassador psionicist
to get more unique and difficult jobs done.
    Preferred Disciplines:  For obvious reasons, the first discipline a
psionic ambassador would take is Telepathy.  However, depending on the
sovergn, Psychoportive powers may be taken first.  Clairsentient powers
would probably also be a good second or third choice.  Psychometabolic
might be taken later, if more militant operations are needed, or just for
simple protection.  Psychokinetic and Metapsionic disciplines would most
likely not be taken till much later, if at all.
    Recommended Powers:  The powers chosen will depend most likely on the
type of ambassador created.  Some good diciplines would be ESP, and Truth
Ear.  As well, Dimension Door and other such quick methods of travelling
would be recommended.  If spying missions are also in the ambassadors'
profile, then some of the Clairsentient powers like Clairvoyance and
Clairaudience would be invaluable.  As well, Aura Sight would be useful in
determining how one should act aroud the leader.
    Barred Disciplines:  None.
    Secondary Skills:  Required:  Scribe.
    Weapon Proficiencies:  Required:  None.  Recommended:  Dagger (it is
small, concealable, and least likely to be confiscated)
    Nonweapon Proficiencies:  Bonus Proficiencies:  Etiquette, Heraldry.
Required: Reading/Writing.  Recommended:  Local History, Modern Languages,
Reading Lips.
    Equipment:  Most of the equipment of the embassador will be expensive
clothing, perhaps gifts for a foreign leader (usually provided by the
ambassador's sovergn) scrolls, ink, and other items that would be used in
negotiations or treaties.  Very little, if any, combat or adventure
oriented gear would be needed or wanted.
    Special Benefits:  Ambassadors are usually given special treatment by
leaders.  In our modern world, a good example is diplomatic immunity, which
allows an ambassador to avoid procecution from a crime.  This, however,
would most likely not be common, if in existance at all, because of the
very nature of most midevil countries.  Some benifits would be things like
free room and board, free food, free clothing, access to such things as
baths, tailors, healers and other high society luxeries.  As well,
ambassadors would have some influence with leaders and would be able to
round up money at a moment's notice, as well as collect on favours.  The
extent of the benifits should be decided by the DM.
    Special Hindrances:  Because an ambassador's job is to convince and to
persuade, they are often watched carefully.  As well, most common folk see
ambassadors as just another rich person with no interest in their welfare.
As well, ambassadors are prime targets for assassinations and kidnappings.
    Wealth Options:  3d4 x 100 gp
    Races:  There are no race restrictions, as ambassadors are in almost
every government.


        Description:  Psionicist assassins are very subtle in their style,
reflective of the options that psionics open for them.  This kit is
different from the assassin kit in Dragon #191 though there is significant
overlap in proficiencies and psionic powers recommended.  Players are urged
to examine both kits before choosing one to use.  This kit enlarges upon
the concept of an assassin psionicist.  There is a large list of
recommended sciences and devotions, but it is not necessary to take all or
even most of those to be a good assassin.  Rather, a modus operandi should
first be chosen for the assassin, then the powers that best implement that
approach should be chosen.  Of course, examining the powers first before
chosing a modus operandi can be useful to get a feel for the options
available.  For example, one type of assassin might rely heavily on
Psychometabolic powers, perhaps using Metamorphosis to disguise themselves
as a piece of furniture, then using something like Death Field to make the
kill, or Life Draining if the victim falls asleep on the psionicist (this
could happen if the psionicist is a bed for example).  In one instance, a
player turned himself into a bed, waited till the victim fell asleep, then
quickly changed into a small guillotine, and chopped the victim's head off.
Another assassin who prefers telepathy and metapsionics might use his/her
psionic powers to first capture someone who has easy access to a victim,
and use Psychic Surgery to attach Repugnance to the person captured in such
a way that the person will attack and try to kill the intended victim on
sight.  Another possibility, if the assassin has an accomplice, is to
capture someone who has easy access to the intended victim, switch
personality with the person captured and have a henchman keep the captured
person now in the psionicist's real body captive while the psionicist goes
off to commit the assassination.  The psionicist could use psychic
impersonation to avoid detection, gain a private audience with the victim,
use body weaponry to fashion his/her hand into a dagger, commit the crime,
and teleport away.
    Almost all psionic disciplines can be useful to an assassin, but
Psychokinesis is never taken since it lacks the subtle touch, and assassins
much prefer to avoid combat.  There are no special ability requirements to
being an assassin, however, assassins are never of good alignment, and
usually are evil.
    Role:  The description of the roles of assassins in PHBR2 and the
assassin kit in Dragon #191 pretty well covers all the relevant material.
    Preferred Disciplines:  Psychometabolism, Telepathy.
    Recommended Devotions:  danger sense, teleport trigger, dimension door,
aging, body equilibrium, body weaponry, cause decay, chameleon power,
double pain, ectoplasmic form, heightened senses, reduction, see sound,
attraction, conceal thoughts, daydream, esp, false sensory input, inflict
pain, invisibility, life detection, post-hypnotic suggestion, psychic
impersonation, repugnance, sight link, sound link, any of the attack modes,
    Recommended sciences:  clairaudience, clairvoyance, death field, life
draining, metamorphosis, shadow-form, teleport, domination, mindwipe,
probe, superior invisibility, switch personality, appraise, aura
alteration, psychic surgery.
    Barred Disciplines:  Psychokinesis.
    Secondary Skills:  Required:  None.
    Weapon Proficiencies:  Required:  None.  Recommended:  Dagger.
    Nonweapon Proficiencies:  Bonus Proficiencies:  Hypnosis, Meditative
Focus.  Recommended:  Gem Cutting, Harness Subconscious, Rejuvenation, and
any of the nonweapon proficiencies recommended for thief assassins in
    Equipment:  What is normally allowed for a psionicist.
    Special Benefits:  Assassin psionicists may take any of the
proficiencies recommended/required for thief assassins in PHBR2 without
having to use extra slots as is normal when taking proficiencies outside
those groups normally accessible to a character.
    Special Hindrances:  Assassin psionicist suffer the same reaction roll
penalty given to thief assassins in PHBR2 with NPCs who know their
profession (-4 penalty), and an additional penalty of -2 with non-assassin
psionicists who loathe psionicists that use their powers for such purposes.
    Wealth Options:  Standard 3d4 x 10 gp.
    Races:  Human.


    Description:  Barbarians and their society are described within PHBR1,
PHBR3.  Barbarian psionicists are, like the others of their tribe,  very
warlike with a heavy emphasis on offensive powers.  A Barbarian Psionicist
must have a CON of 16 or greater.
    Role:  Barbarian psionicists concentrate on offense, and make a
formidable addition to barbarians of other classes on the battlefield.
Outside their society they, like barbarian priests, will always go out of
their way to aid members of their society in trouble.
    Preferred Disciplines:  Psychokinesis, Psychometabolism, Telepathy.
    Recommended Sciences:  Animal Affinity, Detonate, Disintegrate, Project
Force, Domination, Psionic Blast.
    Recommended Devotions:  Adrenalin Control, Biofeedback, Heightened
Senses, Double Pain, Enhanced Strength, Flesh Armor, Mind Over Body,
Control Body, Molecular Agitation, Animate Object, Ballistic Attack, all of
the  telepathic attack modes, Invincible Foes, Synaptic Static.
    Barred Disciplines:  None.
    Secondary Skills:  Required:  Like barbarians of other classes, this is
determined by the main occupation of the tribe.
    Weapon Proficiencies:  Required:  None.  Recommended:  Short Bow,
Knife, Club, Hand Axe, Throwing Axe, War Hammer.
    Nonweapon Proficiencies:  Bonus:  Meditative Focus, Rejuvenation.
Recommended:  Harness Subconscious, for the rest, the recommended list for
barbarian priests in PHBR3 may be used.
    Equipment:  Barbarian psionicists may have leather armor, and any of
the weapons listed above under the recommended section for weapon
proficiencies to begin with.  After a barbarian psionicist has been in more
civilized areas for a while he/she may buy other types of weapons allowed
for psionicists.
    Special Benefits:  Barbarian psionicists are formidable figures, all
the more impressive because of their mental powers.  Because of the respect
this commands, they obtain (similar to barbarians of other classes) a +2
bonus to reaction rolls with people outside their tribe (with an exception
noted below), and a +4 bonus to reaction rolls among their own people.
    Special Hindrances:  Barbarian psionicists, like barbarians of other
classes. are not respecters of authority, and this together with their
mental powers which arouses outright fear, causes them to suffer a -4
reaction roll penalty with any figures in authority.
    Wealth Options:  3d4 x 10 gp.
    Races:  Human.

Beast Master

    Description:   A  beast  master is one who comes from a harsh
wilderness region,  and may be an escaped slave, or someone who was born
and raised beyond  the  limits  of civilization.  They generally come from
a tribal societal  structure.   These  characters  have  mastered  the
means  of communicating  with  and  controlling  beasts of various kinds
including powerful  psionic  beasts.   Beast  masters typically do not
immediately directly  engage  an opponent in combat, rather they use the
beasts they control  to  attack  enemies,  then  they  may  either  attack
an enemy struggling  with the beast(s), or not attack at all if their
creature(s) is winning the fight.    Demihumans of all kinds who make their
home in wilderness environments may be beast masters.  There are no special
ability requirements.
    Role:  Beast masters are revered among their tribesmen for their
ability to command beasts which protects the tribe from dangerous
creatures, and allows  them  to  harness  the  power  of  various  beasts
for their own purposes.  Beast  masters  are  greatly feared for their
ability to command powerful beasts by enemies of the tribe.
    Preferred Disciplines:  Telepathy, Psychometabolism, and Metapsionics.
    Required  Powers:   Beast  Mastery  (taken  at  level  15 or before,
see special  benefits),  Hivemind  (taken at level 9 or before), Insect
Mind (taken at level 7 or before), Reptile Mind (taken at level 7 or
before), Pheromone Discharge (taken at level 7 or before).
    Recommended Powers: Domination, Mass Domination, Awe, Attraction,
Repugnance, False Sensory Input, Acceptance (see Dragon Kings).
    Weapon Proficiencies:  Recommended: Hand Axe, Knife, Club, Short Bow,
Spear, Sling.
    Nonweapon  Proficiencies:  Bonus Proficiencies:  Rejuvenation,
Direction Sense,  Endurance or Survival.  Recommended:  (General) Heat
Protection, Rope  Use,  Sign  Language,  (Priest) Herbalism, (Psionicist)
Meditative Focus, Harness Subconscious.
    Equipment: No special requirements.
    Special  Benefits:   A beast master gains access to the Animal
Telepathy devotion  without  counting against the allowable devotions and
sciences available  to  the character.  This benefit applies only at the
time the character has learned the prerequisites to animal telepathy.  The
second benefit is that a character may take Beast Mastery (see Dragon
Kings) at level 15 instead of level 21.
    Special  Hindrances:   Beast  Masters  suffer  a -1 penalty on all
power checks made in disciplines outside those under the preferred
disciplines list above.
    Wealth Options: 1d4 x 10 cp.

-------------------- Continues in Part II --------------------

From eskimo!mvb.saic.com!news.cerf.net!usc!cs.utexas.edu!utnut!torn!uunet.ca!uunet.ca!ionews.io.org!nobody Tue
 Jun 21 15:06:32 1994
Path: eskimo!mvb.saic.com!news.cerf.net!usc!cs.utexas.edu!utnut!torn!uunet.ca!uunet.ca!ionews.io.org!nobody
From: doppy@io.org (Ryan Biggs)
Newsgroups: rec.games.frp.dnd
Subject: Net.Psionics.Handbook Part 2/7
Date: 21 Jun 1994 11:14:28 -0000
Organization: Internex Online (io.org) Data: 416-363-4151  Voice: 416-363-8676
Lines: 914
Message-ID: <2u6i2k$4gd@ionews.io.org>
NNTP-Posting-Host: nudge.io.org


    Description:  The dreamer is a person who controls the elements of
their subconscious and unconscious mind so as to link it to their conscious
mind.  In low level dreamers the line between reality and Dreamland is
distinct and strong, but high level dreamers can meld the two together so
that they are almost indistinguishable.
    Role: A dreamer is a perfect kit for horror campaigns, such as
Ravenloft, or settings where a normal party is either mentally or
physically outmatched.  They have the ability to physically hamper a person
by playing on their fears in their nightmares.  In horror campaigns where
the line between reality and the character's nightmares is faint, a dreamer
would fit in marvelously with little or no effort.  All dreamers must have
a 17 Wisdom to help them tell the difference between what is real and what
is not, and a 16 intelligence to use that knowledge to its full advantage.
A high constitution will also help the dreamer in the transition from
reality to Dreamland.  A dreamer character kit adds 5 years to their
starting age to reflect the extra years searching for a dreamer mentor and
the extra study time.  A dreamer can only be chosen at 1st level and must
always stay a dreamer, or lose all dreamer powers, including the psionics
themselves.  Because the entering into another's dreams is not a very moral
act, most dreamers are not of the good alignment.  However, some dreamers
use their powers for good purposes, such as helping a person with
nightmares, but on the whole, most dreamers are either neutral or evil.
    Secondary Skills: Any Secondary skill is allowed, none are preferred.
    Weapon Proficiencies: A first level dreamer gets no weapon
proficiencies unless they are taken from the bonus proficiencies acquired
through intelligence. (if that option is used)  It is suggested that at
least one weapon proficiency is taken.  A dreamer may also elect to spend
one proficiency (weapon or non-weapon) to acquire a dream weapon
proficiency.  A dream weapon proficiency only works in Dreamland and can
also be specialized according to the rules in the PHBR1.  There is no
restriction to what dream weapon proficiencies may be acquired since
strength in Dreamland is not a problem.  As well, because this is only
mental training, the dreamer my choose weapons now allowed by his class.
Dream weapon proficiencies DO NOT allow the character any bonuses when
using that weapon in real life, as the dreamer is training himself to fight
with that weapon as he thinks it should be wielded, which is almost always
different from how it should be wielded in reality.  However, a real weapon
proficiency will also work in Dreamland.
    Non Weapon Proficiencies:
      Bonus: Harness Subconscious
      Suggested: Rejuvenation, Hypnosis, Meditative Focus.
      Bonus: Devotions: Dream Travel
      Suggested: Any Psychometabolic power, as they work more effectively
in Dreamland.
      Barred: None, but Psychoportive powers are almost useless in
    Special Benefits: They can control their sleeping patterns to go into a
deep sleep, a normal sleep, a light sleep, or even a feign death like
state.  In a deep sleep a dreamer rejuvenates PSP at double the normal
rate, but almost impossible to be awaken earlier than the specified time.
In a light sleep half normal PSP rejuvenation takes place, but the dreamer
awakens easily.  In the feign death state, the dreamer will not awaken
until a specified event or time elapses.  Any damage taken during this
time, from anything, will awaken the dreamer.  No PSP rejuvenation is
possible during this state due to the intense concentration needed to
maintain it.  A dreamer can also switch between the three different dream
modes freely.  To switch from one mode to another, the dreamer must
concentrate for 1 round, after which the transfer can be made.
    Special Hindrances: Dreamers are a prime target for normal psionicists
as they are fairly weak at lower levels and are easy prey.  As well, most
mages loathes dreamer the same way a troll hates a good fire.  If a mage or
psionicist finds out a character is a dreamer, there is likely to be a
"witch hunt" on the horizon.  The final threat for dreamers, is the Dream
Demon (q.v.), who finds a dreamer's mind as useful as a gnomish invention,
but finds their physical bodies a great way to travel.  Also, to top it all
off, a dreamer must choose dream powers before selecting any other power.
Due to this, dreamers have only dream powers and a defense mode at first
    Races allowed: Humans occasionally become dreamers, but not often as
they are a short lived race.  Typically Elves and half-elves become
dreamers.  Dwarves and halflings do not have the right temperament to
become dreamers and Gnomes have a hard time controlling their thoughts to
the extent needed.


    Description:  A Hermit could be best described as a psionicist's
version of a druid, or perhaps to some degree, a druidic version of a
Healer (see Dragon #191 for a description of the Healer kit).  Hermits live
their lives in the wilderness, devoting their time to studying their craft
and applying it in various ways.  They are distinguished by their brown
robes and wooden staffs they carry.  Not all will necessarily have this
appearance, but it is common to see them in this manner.
    Hermits are by nature recluses, and are seldom seen by travelers,
though they do have good relations with druids and rangers that live in the
same area.  Hermits are always of either Neutral or Neutral Good alignment.
A character must have a Constitution score of 15 or higher to be a Hermit.
    Role:  Hermits are defenders of the area they live in, much as druids,
further, like rangers, hermits will help travelers in distress in their
area provided they are not of evil alignment.  They will often observe
travelers, using their psionic powers to avoid being seen.
    Preferred Disciplines:  Hermits prefer the disciplines of Telepathy,
Clairsentience, and Psychometabolism as a first or second discipline.
Pyschometabolism is always their first or second discipline.  Psychokinesis
is always the last discipline taken by Hermits.  Metapsionics is frequently
taken as a third discipline to gain access to Psychic Surgery and Split
Personality which greatly enhances the power of a psionicist.
Psychoportation is also frequently taken as a third discipline to enable
the hermit to move more quickly around his/her domain.
    Recommended Devotions:  any telepathic attack modes, Attraction, Awe,
False Sensory Input, Invisibility, Mind Bar, Truthear, Sight Link, Sound
Link, Absorb Disease, Adrenalin Control, Body Control, Body Equilibrium,
Chameleon Power, Cell Adjustment, Heightened Senses, Lend Health, Mind Over
Body, See Sound, Danger Sense, Know Location, and Conceal Thoughts.
    Recommended Sciences:  Complete Healing, Animal Affinity, Shadow-form,
Aura Sight, Superior Invisibility.
    Barred Disciplines:  None.
    Secondary Skills:  Required:  None.
    Weapon Proficiencies:  Required:  Staff (normally psionicists do not
use staffs, but hermits are an exception).
    Nonweapon Proficiencies:  Bonus Proficiencies:  Animal Handling,
Herbalism, Rejuvenation.  Recommended:  (General) Direction Sense, Weather
Sense, Fire-building, Fishing, (Warrior) Animal Lore, Endurance, Runnng,
Survival, Tracking, (Priest) Healing, (Psionicist) Musical Instrument.
    Equipment:  Hermits can wear leather, padded leather, studded leather,
or hide armor.  They may buy any of the weapons listed as legal for
psionicists to use in the Complete Psionics Handbook.
    Special Benefits:  Hermits receive a +1 bonus to all power checks for
healing powers.  They also receive a +1 bonus to animal handling
proficiency checks.
    Special Hindrances:  Hermits receive a -2 on reaction rolls in
civilized areas because of their awkwardness when not in the wilderness.
Further, other psionicists tend to look down on them, feeling they are
    Wealth Options:  As in the Complete Psionics Handbook.
    Races:  Human.


    Description:  A Mystic is a character who is totally devoted to the use
of "pure" psionics, in particular the disciplines of Clairsentience,
Telepathy, and Metapsionics.  They do not disdain other forms of psionics,
but they will always prefer purity.  Mystics are the ultimate telepathic
warriors when drawn into battle because of their intense study of that
    To be a Mystic, the character cannot be evil, nor chaotic.  Evil is
disdained by Mystics, though they do not necessarily feel compelled to
fight for good causes.  A Wisdom of 16 or better is required to be a
    Role:  Mystics tend to be somewhat reclusive preferring to spend their
time studying and enhancing their powers.  Those that are Neutral between
good and evil seldom if ever intervene in the affairs of the world.  Those
of good alignment still prefer to concentrate on their studies, but will if
they feel the need exists, come forth to aid the forces of good.
    Mystics are highly respected, and greatly feared by their enemies
because of their formidable mental powers.
    Preferred Disciplines:  A Mystic's primary discipline is always
Telepathy, followed by Metapsionics.  After that, they may choose as they
wish.  Indeed, in spite of their preference for purity, they will often
choose Psychometabolism or Psychoportation to gain defensive powers.
    Recommended Devotions:  all telepathic attack modes, Mind Bar,
Intensify, Martial Trance, Receptacle, and Splice.
    Recommended Sciences:  Ejection, Psionic Blast, Psychic Surgery, and
Split Personality.
    Barred Disciplines:  None.
    Secondary Skills:  Required:  Scribe.
    Weapon Proficiencies:  None, Mystics are devoted to the use of their
formidable mental powers, and never use weapons.
    Nonweapon Proficiencies:  Bonus Proficiencies:  Meditative Focus,
Rejuvenation.  Recommended:  Gem Cutting, Harness Subconscious, Hypnosis.
    Equipment:  Mystics never wear armor, nor carry weapons.
    Special Benefits:  Mystics receive a +1 bonus to all power checks in
the Telepathy discipline because of their intense study and meditation in
that discipline.
    Special Hindrances:  As described above, Mystics are not proficient
with any weapons, nor do they ever wear armor.
    Wealth Options:  As in the Complete Psionics Handbook.
    Races:  Human.


    Description: The Psi-knight is a student of psionics and combat,
merging the martial and mental arts into a combination both deadly and
mystical. The discipline of Psi-knighthood is specific, despite being an
apparent mish-mosh of the abilities of fighters and psionicists. They
follow a specific code of conduct, and have a strict hierarchy among their
ranks. To be a Psi-knight, a psionicist needs a Dexterity of 14+, as well
as the standard requirements for psionicists.
    Role: In the campaign, Psi-knights are very secretive. Finding a
teacher should be an adventure in itself, as most Psi-knights hide from
society. The reason for this is that the Psi-knight Order is very wary of
letting others learn their ways. While most Psi-knights are Lawful Good or
Lawful Neutral, Lawful Evil Psi-knights do exist, and an organized force of
them would be a major threat to any campaign world.
    Secondary Skills: Any.
    Weapon Proficiencies: Bonus: Bastard sword, or katana if oriental.
Recommended: None.
    Non-weapon Proficiencies: Bonus: Religion (Good, Neutrality, or Evil
forces, see The Complete Priest's Handbook), Rejuvenation. Recommended:
Tumbling, Jumping, Blind-fighting, Meditation.
    Equipment: The Psi-knight automatically receives a bastard sword upon
completion of his training. This sword is of high quality, adding a non-
magical bonus of +1 to hit and +1 to damage. Psi-knights are prohibited
from wearing armor.
    Special Benefits: Psi-knights receive a permanent bonus of +1 to power
checks for powers from the Psychokinesis and Telepathy disciplines, and may
learn the recommended proficiencies at the normal cost.  Additionally, the
Psi-knight automatically has the Psi-sword power at first level. This is
part of the Psi-knight's training, and does not count as one of the powers
the psionic chooses at first level.
    Special Hindrances: Psi-knights suffer a -2 reaction penalty, due to
their hermetic nature. Psi-knights may never learn Psychoportive powers.
The Psi-knight may only gain proficiency in a bastard sword (or katana,
again if Oriental) throughout his life. He may still use other weapons, but
at the non-weapon proficiency penalty. And all further weapon proficiencies
gained through level advancement are LOST.
    Wealth: Psi-knights receive the standard 3d4x10 starting gold.


    Description:  Savage Psionicists are psionicists found within  cultures
viewed as primitive by most people.  Typically, the societies that Savage
Psionicists emerge from also produce warriors who would be classified as
savages (see PHBR1 for what this means).  These societies are already well
described in PHBR1, PHBR3, PHBR4.  Savage Psionicists are very formidable
psychometabolists and telepaths.  To become a Savage Psionicist, a CON of
17 or higher is required and a WIS of 16 or higher.  Role:  Savage
Psionicists serve multiple purposes within their tribe, including healing
of all kinds, ability to help someone get more in "touch" with themselves
using powers like Psychic Surgery and Incarnation Awareness, their ability
to determine the truthfulness of people both within and outside the tribe,
and their formidable combat powers of telepathy.  They are also greatly
valued because of their ability to boost a warrior's prowess or health with
things like share strength and lend health.  Outside their tribe, in more
civilized regions, Savage Psionicists can (like savages of other classes)
be unwashed unkempt primitives, or unsullied heroes who bring a noble (if
sometimes naive) viewpoint to the party.
    Preferred Disciplines:  Psychometabolism, Telepathy.
    Recommended Sciences:  Animal Affinity, Complete Healing, Superior
Invisibility, Psychic Surgery.
    Recommended Devotions:  Poison Sense, Absorb Disease, Adrenalin
Control, Body Control, Biofeedback, Cell Adjustment, Chameleon Power,
Heightened Senses, Lend Health, Share Strength, Identity Penetration, False
Sensory Input, Incarnation Awareness, Life Detection, Truthear, any  of the
telepathic attack modes.
    Barred Disciplines:  None.
    Secondary Skills:  Required:  any of the woodcraft skills, such as
Fishing, Hunting, etc.
    Weapon Proficiencies:  Required:  None.  Recommended:  Short Bow,
Knife, Club, Spear.
    Nonweapon Proficiencies:  Bonus:  Rejuvenation, Hypnosis, Direction
Sense, Weather Sense.  Recommended:  Meditative Focus, the rest can be
taken from the list used for Savage Priests in PHBR3.
    Equipment:  Savage Psionicists never wear any kind of armor, and they
may only buy their weapons from the list of recommended proficiencies above
since they share other psionicists' disdain for weapons.
    Special Benefits:  Savage Psionicists receive Danger Sense and Mind
Over Body as bonus powers.
    Special Hindrances:  Savage Psionicists cannot wear armor without
suffering a penalty of -3 to all die rolls due to the discomfort and
hindrance that armor imposes on them.  In addition, they (similar to
savages of other classes) suffer a reaction roll penalty of -3 when dealing
with civilized peoples.
    Wealth Options:  1d4 x 10 gp.
    Races:  Human.

                                  New Rules

Contact Rules Alternative

    With the recent discussions of psionics, I thought some of you may be
interested in some rules modifications I have made for contact in the Dark
Sun campaign I run.  These modifications were made because I like the
"feel" of the psionics in the Prism Pentad books and due to problems
implementing current telepathy rules with respect to nonpsionicists.  So
you know where I'm coming from, though I have modified the rules to some
extent, overall I enjoy both the CPH and the Dark Sun World.

Psionics Contact Revisions:
    In order to mesh the telepathy rules with the Prism Pentad series
(similar to the abilities acquired by Rikus and Sadira in the Prism
Pentad), nonpsionicsts will be allowed a saving throw versus contact.  The
ability to resist psionic contact improves with exposure, hence the saving
throw will improve with experience.  Also since high wisdom provides a
greater chance of fighting off mind based magical attacks, it will also
provide some improved protection versus psionic attacks.  The magical
defense bonus will be applied to the saving throw.  In no case may the
saving throw be modified below 8.  Intelligence of the target will not
increase the cost of contact.

                Level      Saving Throw
                1-3              19
                4-6              18
                7-9              17
                10-12            16
                13-15            15
                16-18            14
                19-21            13
                22-24            12
                25-27            11
                28-30            10

    If a psionicist makes a successful power check and the target fails his
saving throw, contact is established without the target becoming aware.

    If a psionicist makes a successful power check and the target makes his
saving throw, contact is not established, but the psionicist was able to
break off the attempt at contact before the target became aware of it.

    If a psionicist makes an unsuccessful power check, the attempt  at
contact fails and the target becomes aware of the attempt.  If the target
ceases all activity and focuses on preventing future invasions into his
mind, he receives a +2 bonus on all saving throws as long as he
concentrates.  If he continues to engage in any activities after a failed
attempt, he gains a +1 bonus to his saving throw for the next 1d6 rounds.

    If a psionicist rolls his power score, in addition to the reduced
maintenance cost outlined in the Psionics Handbook, the target receives a
-2 penalty to his saving throw on future contact attempts if the inital
attempt was thwarted by a made saving throw.

New Rules for Contacts, Telepathic Combat and Psychic Contest

Option 1. Simple method
    - Everybody has mind blank defense mode.
    - Psionic combat against mind blank is not perceptible and it is
instantaneous (the psionicist does not lose the round).

Option 2. More simple method
    - Contact does not exist its only a reference to calculate the cost.
Every power affects immediately.
    - Put a saving throw to avoid all powers that do not, originally, have
one.  Most people use Save vs. spell + wisdom bonus. However, Save vs.
petrification + wisdom bonus is considered a strange choice but it is more
fair, since psionicists have the best numbers there. Someone may try to
invent a new table.

Option 3. Even more simple method
    - from "Dark Sun - Shattered Lands" computer game.
      (read the notes about the game at the end)
    - Contact does not exist its only a reference to calculate the cost.
Every power affects immediately.
    - A psionicist or everyone that has defense modes, tries a contest with
his current turned on defense mode against the attacker s power to avoid
the effect (only one).

Option 4. The oversimplified method
    - Contact has saving throw vs. petrification + widow bonus. All defense
modes are useless and contact does not spend a round.

Option 5. New method

Psionic Powers Usage

    - All Psionicist gain contact free when they get the Telepathic
    - A contact is made in less than a round. The psionicist can make 1
contact plus one devotion or science that list contact as initial cost. A
psionicist cannot make contact as he attacks physically (only with split
mind this is possible). Use psionic powers this way does not made real
contacts, so, this kind of contact cannot be maintained.
    - To make the contact the psionicist must see the target. The
psionicist may use other powers (as clairvoyance) to be able to see the
    - No one can defend a contact. If you want to defend yourself you must
be a psionicist and must start your defense mode before (mind blank is not
always active and costs 1 psp.).
    - A defense mode does not have initial cost. The listed initial cost is
the maintenance cost per round.
    - When attacked a psionicist can try to win a contest against the
attacker power score to avoid the attack, try to avoid an attack does not
occupy the round. The contest has one modification: The attacker gets a
bonus (or penalty) equal to the difference in level between the
psionicists.  Telepathic combat is another way to contact and attack a
    - Some powers should be modified to include a saving throw. Ego Whip
and Id insinuation have saving throw vs. petrification (+ wisdom bonus).

Telepathic Combat

    - When two psionicists want to fight each other they can choose to
enter into telepathic combat. First, a psionicist must try to contact the
other in a special form calling the other to a telepathic combat (In game
terms: the player or the DM says "I want to fight you". The character hears
this on his mind). If both ones want to enter into combat the combat
starts.  If one of them does not accept the challenge the combat is
impossible and the psionicist should try to use any power he wants in the
normal way (described before). In suchlike situation, the challenger
automatically wins initiative and the retreater has a -2 ST. penalty
against the first psionic attack (fear + attacker "next" of his mind).
    - All telepathic attacks get a bonus (or penalty) equal to the
difference in level between the psionicists. A psionicist cannot try to
leave a combat or he automatically looses. At the end of the combat the
winner can automatically execute any telepathic power in looser with
maximum effect and no saving throw (power score still required).
    - When a psionicist loose a combat, he is contacted and cannot use any
defense mode until the attacker stops paying maintenance cost or until the
psionicist made a successful Ejection. Of course, the contacted can attack
the attacker (if he survives the final attack).
    - During combat none of the participants can attack each other in any
non-telepathic way. If the psionicist is disturbed, walk or do any non-
telepathic action he suffers -2 penalty (to anything, attack, ST., ...) and
can use only defense modes in that round. The penalty can be increased, at
DM discretion, when trying a complicated activity or when strongly
    - A psionicist can telepathic attack (and be attacked by) more them one
person at the same time. The number of attacks per round does not increase,
but the number of defense mode usages are unlimited (but with only one type
of defense mode per round).
    - In all others aspects the telepathic combat is the same described in
page 25 of the CPsiH.

About "Dark Sun - Shattered Lands" computer game

    The game is very fealty to AD&D stories and rules, but some things were
simplified, within them the psionic powers. The game is very good and gives
me some new ideas for adventures, but this is not relevant in the following
    In this game, contact does not exist. All powers affect immediately and
depend only on attacker power score and victim saving throw.  Everything
works OK and the psionicists are not more powerful than other classes. Not
all psionic powers exist in the game but the critical ones are there (Mass
Domination, Psyonic Blast, ...)
    In one hand, is not obvious the way the game uses to decide when some
power works since all calculations are automatic. In the other hand it
obvious that psionic combat does not exits (contact does not exit, I never
was prompted for attack or defense mode usage) but since all defense modes
are there they should be useful in some way. Observing the only two powers
that do not have saving throws (Id insinuation and Ego whip) I see that
they do not always work, so, the defense modes are used in this case. I
guess that a successful contest against the victim defense mode is required
by these powers.

    Some of the powers are simplified too and the game has helps for each
one, so, I list some of them.

    - Detonate: "Inflicts 1-10 points of damage in any creature in the area
of effect."
    - Animal affinity: "Allows the psionicist to briefly grow claws that
inflict 1-10 points of damage"
    - Superior Invisibility: "Makes the psionicist nearly undetectable in
combat. It is dispelled if the psionicist attacks."
    - Enhanced Strength: "Allows the psionicist to increase his or her
strength to 24"
    - Inertial Barrier: "This barrier of "elastic" air halves damage form
breath weapons, missile, acid, gas and ice storms."
    - Id insinuation: "Paralyzes the target for 1-4 rounds"
    - Ego whip: "Target is stunned for 1-4 rounds"

    Every psionic power is executed in one round and the only possible
effect for domination like powers are all dominated characters attack their
own groups.
    All other changes do not affect psionicists and I will not list them.
Two final changes maybe interesting: none distinction between sciences and
devotions (only a few of the devotions are available) and sometimes you can
find psionic bracelets, these items can teach a new power to one person
(like a wizard scroll, the bracelet disappears when used).

                       Dreamland & Dreaming

    There are three modes of Dreamland: Travel, Natural, and True.  Travel
mode is entered when a psionicist uses the Dream Travel power.  It is
entered quite often by non-dreamers and is accessable to only psionicists.
(Dreamers included)  This place is universal and is the same for everyone.
Natural mode is that mode entered when a person has an extremely strong
dream (Extreme nightmare or dream on the table below).  Natural Dreamland
is a personal place and only a god or a dreamer may enter.  Once inside
person's natural dream, via the Enter Dream power, the dreamer may then
bring others in with the Dream Magnet or Waking Dream powers.  A character
will only enter true Dreamland if a god or dreamer is forcing them in for
some reason.
    True Dreamland itself is a reflection of the real world, like travel
Dreamland.  To determine how True Dreamland will look, first determine the
alignment of the area.  To do this figure out the average predominant
alignment.  A powerful creature tends to tip the scales in the direction of
their alignment a lot more than a weak one (a raiding part of orcs would
have no significant influence when a great wyrm gold dragon is in the area)
If you wish, you can calculate it with a little work.  For every lawful
creature, take an total with lawful creatures as a positive HD, neutral
creatures as zero and chaotic creatures as negative HD.  Now, divide by the
total number of HD in the area (no negatives or zeros, just plain HD)  A
score of 1 is lawful, 0.5 is neutral with lawful tendencies, 0 is neutral,
-0.5 is neutral with chaotic tendencies, and -1 is chaotic.  Since you will
most likely no get exactly these numbers, choose whichever is most
appropriate.  Do the same procedure for good and evil creatures and from
that, an alignment can be formed.
    To determine the general appearance of the land, you should use the two
halves of the alignment.  The first part (law/chaos) determines the
organization of the land, and the other half determines what the shape of
the land will be.  A lawful land will be organized, chaotic will be random
and disorganized, and neutral, a combination of the two.  A good land will
be bright, pleasant, and "rounded", a neutral one flat and gray, and a evil
one will be dark and angular (as opposed to being "rounded")  Specific
details (trees, roads and other minor things) are left up to the DM to
decide, but are usually very close to the real land.
    Natural Dreamland is that land created by a dreaming person.  This land
may look like true Dreamland (in the case of most nightmares), the
character's original home, some far away land, or even some exotic pleasure
palace in Persia (in the case of most dreams of the extreme magnitude).
Natural Dreamland can look like anything, but it must always reflect the
type of dream the person is having.  A person having an extremely bad
nightmare will also be revealing their worst fears, which is why most
dreamers are so effective.
    A character in Dreamland is the same physically and mentally as they
are in the normal world.  The only exception is the dreamer.  A dreamer is
the same mentally (Wisdom & intelligence) but the physical skills
(Strength, dexterity, charisma, and movement) are added together and then
the dreamer may distribute the points among the abilities as they see fit.
No dreamer can change constitution because this is a direct change to the
PSP of a character, and that is forbidden. A dreamer could end up with a
very high strength and dexterity, but ugly and slow.     This makes
dreamers very quite formidable in Dreamland.  Also a dreamer may expend PSP
to maintain a higher scores in statistics.  At first level the dreamer must
expend 2 PSP for 1 statistic point during the dreamer?s stay in Dreamland.
At 3rd level the conversion rate is 1:1, 2:3 at 7th level, 1:2 at 15th
level, and 2:5 at 25th level.  This is the best rate a dreamer will ever
get or ever need to get.
    The results of death in Dreamland vary on the type of dream mode they
are in.  A dreamer in the travel dream mode will go back to where they
started (as stated on page 70 of PHBR5).  In natural mode, a death will
result in a system shock roll.  If it is failed, the person suffers the
results of a Dream Magnet power.  In true Dreamland, death is very
dangerous.  They must make three consecutive rolls, wisdom, intelligence,
and a system shock, to live.  A failed wisdom roll means the character does
not realize it was only a dream and dies of a heart attack.  An failed
intelligence roll means the character believes he is dead, and goes into a
berserk rage until he is knocked unconscious as per the failed system shock
roll.  The failed system shock roll means that the person?s body thinks it
is dead and the person goes into a coma for 1d10+10 days.
    Some psionic powers infest themselves in a different manner in
Dreamland.  Psychometabolic powers are enhanced in Dreamland.  The
psionicist rolls their power score normally but if it is not the actual
power score, it will be altered in the direction of the power score by one
point.  This removes the possibility of rolling a 1 or a 20 on a power
(even with bonuses/penalties, these effects will not manifest themselves.)
The Ejection power used by a normal psionicist will not work with a Dream
Link.  A dreamer can use the Ejection power to get rid of unwanted Contacts
or Dream Links.  When using it on a Dream link, there can be no harmful
side effects for the dreamer, but they can occur to the ejected being.
Telepathic defense modes are useless against the Dream Link power.

Natural Dream Table

    Die Roll      Result
      01          Dream: Extreme (Natural Dreamland entrance)
      02-20       Dream: Pleasurable
      21-35       Dream: Good
      36-40       Dream: Average
      40-60       No dream
      61-65       Nightmare: Bad
      66-80       Nightmare: Horrid
      81-99       Nightmare: Painful
      00          Nightmare: Extreme (Natural Dreamland entrance)

    A nightmare of bad or horrid level or dream of good or average level
will not affect the person's abilities the next day in any way as they are
quite common.  A pleasurable dream will grant a +5% (or +1 on a d20) bonus
on any rolls that had something to do with the dream (example: Piffer the
great had a pleasuable dream that he was doing extremely well picking
pockets and the next day he picks a pocket and recieves a +5% to do so
because of the positive influence of the dream)  An extreme dream that
takes the person into dreamland will grant a +15% (or +3 on a d20) bonus
because of the extremely good feelings that come about from it.  As with
all bonuses/penalties that come from dreams or nightmares, it only affects
actions that have to do with the dream.  For painful nightmares, it is a
-5% penalty (or -1) and for extreme nightmares, it is -15% (or -3).

                         RPM (Random PSP Method)

    I've developed a random method for determining a psionicist's PSPs.
The TCPH uses a method which allows for no random element to the
determination of PSPs.

Something to think about:
"Wouldn't it be awfully boring if every fighter gained 8hp (plus CON
modifiers) at each level, every cleric gained 6hp at each level, etc.?"

    Comments, discussion, debate, criticism, etc., of my RPM are welcome.
Flames and harsh criticism are welcome as well, provided the flames deal
with the subject matter I've presented here.  Flames of the nature, "AD&D2
psionics suck, so your proposition is worthless", are not constructive and
will be ignored.

    The TCPH's method for determining a psionicist's PSPs has no random
element.  A base amount of PSPs are awarded at each level, along with
modifiers for high INT, WIS, or CON.  Using this method, a psionicist's PSP
total can be calculated for any given level, (barring an ability score
change which could affect the modifiers).

    This method is very unsatisfactory, given the mechanics established for
many other parts of the AD&D game.  Not all 4th level fighters with a 16
CON have the same hit point total; why should all psionicists of the same
level and identical ability scores have the same PSP total?  This method of
pre-determination of PSPs takes away from the player's personal involvement
with his PC, and removes an element of uniqueness between the PC and other
PCs (or NPCs) of his class.

    I have developed a method of determining PSPs that introduces a random
element.  The RPM puts the random element in the player's hands, so the
personal involvement and control of the character's fate is returned to the
player.  The RPM uses a dice roll that produces a bell curve type
distribution of results; this bell curve generated is centered around the
TCPH's PSPs gained at each level.

    Although using RPM offers a player the chance to greatly exceed the
amount of PSPs gained per level as compared to the TCPH, it also offers the
same chance to fall just as far below the TCPH's PSPs.  However, because
the dice rolls produce a bell curve distribution of numbers, the majority
of rolls will produce a number of PSPs very close to the number of PSPs set
forth in the TCPH.

    For those unfamiliar with the TCPH's mechanics for determining PSPs (or
for those who don't have their TCPHs at hand), the following is a brief
outline of how this is done:

    At first level, a PC's starting PSPs are a base amount (depending on
his WIS), and modifiers (based upon his INT or CON).  Beyond first level,
the PC receives a base of 10 PSPs, plus a modifier (depending on his WIS).
Table 5, from TCPH page 13, is reproduced below:

   Ability Score   Base Score   Ability Modifier
   -------------   ----------   ----------------
        15             20               0
        16             22              +1
        17             24              +2
        18             26              +3

    If a 1st level psi has 16 INT, 18 WIS, and 15 CON, he receives a total
of 27 PSPs (26 base because of 18 WIS, plus 1 modifier for 16 INT).  At 2nd
level this PC would be awarded 12 more PSPs (10 base plus 2 modifier for 17

    The RPM uses a base amount of PSPs awarded at 1st level (based upon
WIS), plus modifiers (based upon INT or CON), plus the player's random dice
roll.  At 2nd level and beyond, there is no base PSP amount; the amount of
PSPs gained is based solely upon the player's random dice roll plus a
modifier (based only upon WIS).

    The random roll for 1st level is 3d4.  For each INT or CON point above
15, a modifier point is added to the base and random roll.  Base PSPs and
modifiers for 1st level are awarded as follows:

  WIS    Base PSPs    |   INT or CON   Modifiers
 -----   ---------    |   ----------   ---------
   15       13        |       16          +1
   16       15        |       17          +2
   17       17        |       18          +3
   18       19        |

    For 2nd level and up, the random roll is 4d4.  For each WIS point above
15, a modifier point is added to the random roll for the total PSPs

    The 1st level random dice roll (3d4) will produce a possible range of
results of 3-12; the average (or "probable") range (under the center of the
bell curve) is 6-9.  The 2nd level random dice roll (4d4) will produce a
possible range of results of 4-16; the average (or "probable") range is 8-


    + Level 1
       -Under TCPH:  20.base + 0.mod = 20 PSPs
       -Under RPM :  13.base + 0.mod + 3-12.ran
                  => possible range of 16-25
                  => probable range of 19-22
    + Level 2
       -Under TCPH:  20.1st + 10.base + 0.mod = 30
       -Under RPM :  16-25.1st + 0.mod + 4-16.ran
                  => possible range of 20-41
                  => probable range of 27-34

    + Level 1
       -Under TCPH:  26.base + 2.mod = 28 PSPs
       -Under RPM :  19.base + 2.mod + 3-12.ran
                  => possible range of 24-33
                  => probable range of 27-30
    + Level 2
       -Under TCPH:  28.1st + 10.base + 3.mod = 41
       -Under RPM :  24-33.1st + 3.mod + 4-16.ran
                  => possible range of 31-52
                  => probable range of 38-45

    + Level 1
       -Under TCPH:  26.base + 6.mod = 32 PSPs
       -Under RPM :  19.base + 6.mod + 3-12.ran
                  => possible range of 28-37
                  => probable range of 31-34
    + Level 2
       -Under TCPH:  32.1st + 10.base + 3.mod = 45
       -Under RPM :  28-37.1st + 3.mod + 4-16.ran
                  => possible range of 35-58
                  => probable range of 42-49

    The important statistics to note in the above examples is the "probable
range" of each of the results.  The "possible range" for each may seem to
form a large window around the TCPH result, but keep in mind that the
average rolls will be "weighted" to the "probable range".  The window that
the probable range forms around the TCPH PSP total is reasonably tight.

    Players have the capability to substantially increase their PC's PSPs
above what they could have been when using the static TCPH rules by a
series of lucky rolls (or by a "soft" DM).  They also have the chance to
drop well below what they might have received under TCPH.  A player who has
gained more PSPs using the RPM system will be proud of his PC, just as a
player who has rolled a lot of 9s and 10s as hit points for his fighter.  A
player who has not been as fortunate will have something to attain -- a
special quest or use of a wish might be appropriate means of allowing the
PC an increase in PSPs.

    In either the extreme cases, or the case of maintaining relatively
close to the same number of PSPs as the TCPH prescribes, the control of the
PC's advancement is returned to the player.  Level advancement, new psi
power achievement, and PSP gain now becomes a much more exciting event for
the player.

                           Psionic Awareness

Power Check:  WIS
Range:        50 yards

    Psionic Awareness is termed a "psionic ability," rather than a "psionic
power," since it does not belong to one of the six disciplines, does not
take up a science or devotion slot, and does not cost any PSPs to initiate
or maintain.

    Psionicists develop their Psionic Awareness during their early
training.  (Wild talents do not develop this ability since they undergo no
formal training in harnessing the power of the mind.)  As part of the
beginning stage of mental exercises that develop a psionicist's mind into a
highly focused source of energy and control, neophytes are taught how to
use this natural ability. (See page 81 of the TCPH, second paragraph under
"Resistance" in the Contact devotion description for a basis on allowing
psionicists to have "natural" abilities.  Also note that although the five
psionic defense modes are devotions and a science under the Telepathy
discipline, psionicists learn these powers as part of their level
progression and schooling, without the need to use a devotion or science

    The Psionic Awareness ability allows a psionicist to recognize
psionically capable minds when he initiates a mental "scan".  The
psionicist is able to tell which minds (within the Area of Effect) are
capable of psionic activity, whether these minds are engaged in any psionic
activity at that time or not.  The mark of a disciplined and empowered mind
is the "signature" that allows the psionicist to recognize other
psionically-capable minds.  (Wild talents do not have this disciplined mark
on their minds since they undergo no training to develop it to this level;
therefore, wild talents are not recognized by Psionic Awareness.)

    Psionic Awareness does not recognize psionic activity or the
expenditure of PSPs, only that a mind is disciplined and capable of such
activity.  The Mind Bar power prevents the Psionic Awareness scan from
identifying that mind as psionically-capable, even though PSPs are being
expended.  (Likewise, if the Psionic Concealment power is a power available
in your campaign, it prevents the scan from properly identifying as well.)

    Even though Psionic Awareness costs a psionicist nothing with regards
to PSP expense, there are other reasons why this is a dangerous ability to
exercise. Psionicists not engaged in physical melee, psionic activity, or
other focused activity will immediately recognize that they have been
scanned.  Further, the scanned psionicist will be able to tell where the
scan originated, thereby identifying the psionicist who initiated the
ability.  Needless to say, utilizing this ability in unfamiliar
surroundings can create quite a dangerous situation.

    No psionicist appreciates being "checked out" by another.  Lawful Good
and Lawful Neutral psionicists who recognize that they have just been
scanned will at the very least think it to be a serious breach of
etiquette.  Lawful evil psionicists are quite likely to launch a psionic
attack upon the initiator without asking any questions.  All psionicists
who realize they have been scanned immediately go into a defensive mindset,
and realize that they could be in store for a confrontational event.

    Because a psionicist never knows what high-level psionicist they might
possibly scan and thereby make an enemy of, psionicists simply do not walk
down a city street with this ability maintained and "out there" for all
other psionicists to pick up on.  Beyond using this ability in early
training to develop a psionicist's mind, the primary use of this ability is
in the following manner:  When a psionicist's party has already determined
themselves to be in a confrontational event with another party (that will
most certainly lead to combat), the psionicist will use Psionic Awareness
to scan the other party members for possible psionic combatants; (and the
psionicist can bet that any psionicists in the other party are scanning him
at the same time!)

    Finally, this ability causes psionicists to recognize other psionicists
who are just coming into their mental powers.  This typically occurs as a
young psionicist is involved in puberty; the young psionicist may not even
realize that he has psionic capability, but as part of all of the changes
his body is undergoing (hormonal, mental, etc.), his untrained mind is
"broadcasting" its ability.  In this case, a trained psionicist does not
need to make a Power Check in order to recognize the psionically-capable
mind in his presence.  Likewise, several psionicists who recognize a young,
broadcasting psionicist in their presence will not recognize each other as
scanning since they each are not having to initiate this ability -- all of
the signals are being sent to them without them even trying to receive.
Trained psionicists will no doubt want to get a moment alone with the young
pubescent in order to tell them what they are, what they have the potential
to be, and to try to convince them to begin training with their school.
Young psionicists who are never exposed to another psionicist while going
through this puberty period that causes this mental broadcasting,
eventually mature and become wild talents.

Compilers Note: This ability would also be useful for determing if an item
is the psionicist equivelent to a magical item, although it would only give
an indication, either Aura Sight or Object Reading would determine this for

                           Power Discovery Rules

    The introduction of the psionicist character brings out many
opportunies for new and different experiences in the AD&D game world.  The
main problem with the character is that, unlike mages and priests, there is
no existing rules for the creation of new powers.  The idea of making new
powers by players poses many problems.  A mage can just go to the magic
guild and study existing spells to find similarities in the way that the
magic is shaped.  A cleric can pray to thier god for a new and different
power.  But a psionicist's power comes from within themselves, not from a
god or the magic power of the world that the character is in.  Thus, a
psionicist is not so much searching for a way to create a new spell that
all mages can use as they are searching for the power within themselves and
unleashing it.
    Because they are searching within themselves for the power, a lot of
meditation is involved.  Therefore, the meditative focus proficiency is a
requirement.  The new power may not fall within the standard rules of new
spells in that it cannot duplicate another power.  Since self discovered
powers are unique to each individual, it is possible for two psionicists to
discover a similar power, each with it's own advantages and disadvantages.
However, duplicating of powers in the CPH should be dissallowed.  As well,
the creation of powers that are similar in effect to ones in a barred
discipline, and yet not in that discipline, should be disallowed.  It may
be a combination of other powers, but be careful with this, as it is not
always good for game balance.  The new power should not be a way of
circumventing rules that the player does not like.  However, this may be
allowed if a specific and logical reason is given.  For example, the
dreamer power Dream Link is able to avoid the problems of ejection and
other powers that will break contact.  THe reason behind this is that the
dreamer is linking on a difference conscious (on in the actual case, sub-
conscious) level that most psionicists never deal with and therefore they
are not able to understand the nature of the contact.  If this kind of
circumventing of the rules is allowed, it should be dealth with in a very
cautious and careful manner so as not to give the character and unfair
    The steps in the creation of a new power are similar to the creation of
a new spell.  First the player must submit to the DM what the character
hopes to create.  Then the DM and the player must go over the power and
talk about what it is suppose to do.  Effectively, the character should
write out the description of the power and possibly some of it's
statistics.  The Power Score and 20 results should be done later.  As well,
and PSP costs should be done at a later time, when the power is defined
better.  The DM should look for ways in which the power could be abused and
misused.  Fixing this should be one of the first priorities of this stage.
    The next step is to determine the type of the power.  A science is a
more general power that is harder to learn.  Telekinesis for example, is a
multi-purpose power that can be used for many things.  Therefore it is a
science.  Detonate on the other hand has a very specific purpose and is
more specialized as a devotion.  This is also the time to balance out the
power by giving it pre-requisites as necessary and giving the PSP costs to
the power.  This is also the time to decide what happens when the character
rolls the Power Score and a 20.
    Since the psionicist does not need to research a power, just look
within themselves, you might think it will take less time to get the
discovery done.  But because the introspection is so personal and
revealing, it may take longer.  As a guideline, it should take 1 day for
each PSP needed for the initial cost of the PSP plus the PSP needed to
maintain the power once, if that is possible.  This is only a guideline,
the time needed may possibly be more, possibly less depending on the
potential of the power and it's type.  Generally, a science will take more
time than a devotion.  This time should not include any travelling time
needed to get to specific places.
    During the introspection, the psionicist must be healthy.  Adventuring
may be needed, especially if the psionicist needs the adive of a wise guru
and must travel to find him.  This can be part of the cost of research.  A
psionicist may also need to purchase special inscences and potions to
achieve a proper state of mind.  As well, paying for any kind of healing
due to mistakes made and other strange happenings may be needed.  Other
then that, there would be no cost.  As a guideline, the cost should be the
PSP of Initial cost and maintainance cost muliplied by 50 gold pieces.
This should keep most powers from costing too much, but some may cost more,
depending on what is needed.
    The biggest thing that is needed for the power is that it will be able
to be adopted by the psioniists after it is discovered.  If it is a
science, the psionicist must have a slot free for a science.  The same goes
for a devotion.  As well, the power must fall within one of the preciously
taken disciplines or there must be a slot open for a new discipline.
Unlike mages, there can be no extra powers.  A mage with one more spell in
his spell books than is allowed by the maximum will not unbalance a
campaign because of the number of spells that there are.  However, one
extra discipline or science will due to their rarity.
    The actual chance of discovering the power should be 100% as it is not
an actual discovering of a new power, but a discovery on one's inner self
and the power that they possess.  Unless the DM has decided that the power
cannot be discovered becuase of some reason it should be implemented
immediately.  Becuase it is not written down in any way, there is very
little chance that a rival psionicist will learn the power.  Some of the
actual research might be role-played just for fun.  An example might be
what happens with Priran the Powerful succeed in his earth-splitting power
and engulfs the city palace by mistake.  This kind of thing will also give
the psionicist an idea of what happens if they get the power score or a 20
on a roll.

-------------------- Continues in Part III --------------------

From eskimo!mvb.saic.com!news.cerf.net!ihnp4.ucsd.edu!usc!cs.utexas.edu!utnut!torn!uunet.ca!uunet.ca!ionews.io
.org!nobody Tue Jun 21 15:06:32 1994
Path: eskimo!mvb.saic.com!news.cerf.net!ihnp4.ucsd.edu!usc!cs.utexas.edu!utnut!torn!uunet.ca!uunet.ca!ionews.i
From: doppy@io.org (Ryan Biggs)
Newsgroups: rec.games.frp.dnd
Subject: Net.Psionics.Handbook Part 3/7
Date: 21 Jun 1994 11:15:01 -0000
Organization: Internex Online (io.org) Data: 416-363-4151  Voice: 416-363-8676
Lines: 957
Message-ID: <2u6i3l$4ji@ionews.io.org>
NNTP-Posting-Host: nudge.io.org

                         Power Score Alternative

    I created this system since I was frustrated by the fact that the
psionicist's power scores never got better with levels. The system is based
upon percentage roles. The formula for the percentage role takes in to
account the difficulty (Power score modifier) of the power, the character's
level, and the level of the required proficiency attribute eg; wisdom, con,
intell. The higher your level, stats, or both, the better you will be at a
certain power. I have also played around with the Range category and weight
for certain powers. A telepath using CONTACT has an unlimited range. I have
incorporated % modifiers for range AND PSP modifiers. It didn't make sense
to me that a telepath could spend only 3 PSP when he was contacting someone
1 mile or 1,000,000 miles away. Granted, his power score modifier was
tremendous but still. DMs can play around with the numbers as they wish,
they role the skill percentage secretly.

     Using any psionic power is made by rolling percentile dice. There are
4 outcomes:
    1. Role under your skill percentage: Power comes off with out a hitch
    2. Optional: Role 1-5%: Special Bonus (See specific entry in Psionics
Handbook for each power under Power score).
    3. Role over your skill percentage: Power doesn't work. You still
expend 1/2 the initial amount of points for the failed power.
    4. Role 96-100%: Always fails. Optional rules- see the Psionics
Handbook for the result of rolling a 20.


    A skill percentage can be found using the following formula: Base
chance of failure-(character's level * (pertinent attrib. MOD 3)) +
external modifiers.  Base chance of failure is the power score modifier.
Pertinent attrib. is the required proficiency role attrib. eg; Wis.,
Intell., Con. MOD means the INTEGER division of the attribute by 3. NOTE:
the skill percentage can never go below 0%!

Base chance Failure
0 power score modifier   6%
1 power score modifier   12%
2 power score modifier   24%
3 power score modifier   36%
4 power score modifier   48%
5 power score modifier   60%
6 power score modifier   72%
7 power score modifier   84%
8 power score modifier   96%
9 power score modifier   108%
10 power score modifier   120%

    For example: If a 5 level character having the following stats: Wis.18,
Con 16, Int. 14, tries to use the psychometabolic Science ENERGY
CONTAINMENT, the power score is listed at CON -2. The skill percentage
formula would be figured as follows: (Base failure 24%)- (5*(16MOD3=5) +0
(no external modifiers)= 24%-25%=-1% =0%
    The base failure percentage comes from the power score modifier, if the
power was listed as Wis -6 the base failure rate would be 72%, etc..
    Now, since the energy containment power is used under stressful
situations, the DM may give a 10%,20%,30% external modifier to simulate the
fear of being in such a situation and its effect on the psionicist's

Some example external adjustments (cumulative):
in combat                                    +05%
attacked in melee                            +10%
attacked in melee (each additional attacker) +05% (each)
in missile combat                            +05%
directly engaged by missile combat           +10%
attacked by missile (each additional)        +05%
struck for damage                            +50%

    Along with the ability in psionics to cross vast distances, large
masses, up to 1 metric ton max., can also be manipulated by the
telekinetic. These abilities do not come with out a price ; distance and
weight cost you more PSPs and a greater % chance for failure the more
distant or heavier the object or creature is.  These distance modifiers can
ONLY be used for powers where the RANGE is listed as unlimited. The weight
modifiers are for the psychokinetic science Telekinesis ONLY!

Distance  Initial/Main.  Weight    Initial/Main.  % Failure
in Miles  points Mod.    in Kilos  points mod.    modifier

0*        0              0-15      1pt.per             0%
1         1.5/1          16-125    15*2/14             12%
10        2/1.25         126-250   15*3/21             21%
100       2.5/1.5        251-375   15*4/28             32%
1,000     3/1.75         376-500   15*5/35             45%
10,000    3.5/2          501-625   15*6/42             60%
100,000   4/2.25         626-750   15*7/49             77%
1,000,000 4.5/2.5        751-1000  15*8/56             96%


    For example, if Argent is a 7th level psionicist with a wisdom of 18
and wants to CONTACT Joe(3rd level fighter) who is X(12) miles away, he
will have to do the following:
    1. Argent must have had prior CONTACT with Joe before. You can not
contact a new mind unless your in the line of sight range.  Once Argent has
contacted Joe for at least 1 round, Joe's "mind print" is now known to
Argent and may be recognized and search for in the future.
    2. Since Argent does NOT know how far away Joe is, he can either start
searching in the smallest radius first and then work his way out OR he may
just try to search at say the 10 mile range.
       2A. If Argent tries to do an ever widening search, the scenario runs
like this:
        1st attempt with in a 1 mile radius yields the equation (6%-(7*6))
-12%= -31% therefore is 0%. The DM roles a 55% and Argent's power works. He
has expended  3(Joe is 3rd level)*1.5=5 (4.5 rounded up). He finds no Joe.
2nd attempt is with in the 10 mile range and yields the equation (6%-(7*6))
-21%= -19% is again 0%. The DM roles a 39% and the power works. Argent
still did not find Joe and used in addition to the 5 PSPs from the last
attempt, 2*3=6. So the total PSPs used by Argent is 11.  3rd attempt with
in the 100 mile range yields a skill percentage of 0% again. The DM roles a
97%. Argent failed and expends (3*2.5)/2=4(rounded). His running total is
now 15 PSP expended. 4th attempt with in the 100 mile range yields a
successful search and he finds Joe ( he also senses that Joe is about over
10 miles away but less than 20.) He expends 8 PSPs for the successful role.
The total expended is 23 PSPs. To maintain contact with Joe in the
following rounds, he must expend (1 * 1.5 (the maintenance modifier))= 2
PSPs per round.
       2B. Argent decides he wishes to search with in 100 miles right away.
The DM roles a 96% an he fails. He expends 4 PSPs for the failure. He tries
again and the DM roles 86%. Argent succeeds and expends 8 PSPs for the
success and now has CONTACT with Joe. Once again he "feels" that Joe is
between 10 and 20 miles away.
    3. If Argent now tries to MINDLINK with Joe, he has already paid the
initial cost of CONTACT. To maintain MINDLINK he will expend 8 * 1.5 (the
distance maintenance modifier for 100 miles) or 10 total per round.

    Psychic combat follows the rules in the Psionics Handbook. The skill
percentage formula DOES NOT APPLY!

                           Wild Talent Tables

    Just a few words, though.  They reflect the fact that in order for
there to be much of a population there has to be a certain amount of
people  who  have defense modes as well.  Anyone who has used the CPsiH
wild talent tables has probably had the problem where PCs with attack
modes  run  rampant  with  just about all non-psionicist NPCs because
their  lack  of a defense mode.  Of course, you could simply make  a  lot
of  the NPCs have them, but if you are supposedly going according  to  the
CPsiH tables, that doesn't make statistical sense.  This attack-mode vs.
no defense mode problem is even more pronounced if  one  tries to use
psionics in a non-DARK-SUN setting/world, where no one who is a non-
psionicist (a lot of people!) has a defense mode.  The  fact that everyone
has at least one psionic power is what for me makes  it  the  only  place
where I can really allow psionics into my games, for they are simply too
powerful anywhere else.  Again, if you use  the wild talent tables in the
CPsiH, the fact that so few people have  defense modes gives rise to the
same problem.  I have therefore opted  to  increase the chance that a given
NPC has a defense mode so that  about  3  in  10  NPCs  have  one.   Now,
if  an important but not-too-powerful NPC (yes, they can exist :) is
attacked by a player, you  are not too entirely off your statistical rocker
to give her/him a defense mode :D
    Also,  to  make  things  fit  correctly,  I  made up a few new psionic
powers.  I don't have the CPsiH right in front of me, so I'm not  sure  if
some  of  the  powers  on  the  table  are new or not, especially  since I
made it about 6 months ago.  You can make them up on your own, make it a
reroll, substitute another power in its place, or  ask  me  to  post/mail
how  I  have them worked out in my system (aiding  my feeble memory by
telling me which ones are really new, of course :) Well, long disclaimers
aside, here it is...

Note:  I inserted (new?) where I found a power that wasn't in CPsiH or DK

                     Psionic Wild Talents, Table 1

01-02:  Choose one on this table.       48-53:  Thought Shield
03-05:  Roll twice on this table.       54-59:  Mental Barrier
  06:  Aversion                         60-65:  Tower of Iron Will
  07:  Conceal Thoughts                    66:  Combat Mind
  08:  Mind Bar                            67:  Hear Light
  09:  Awe                                 68:  Feel Sound
  10:  Dream Travel                        69:  Know Direction
  11:  Psychic Messenger                   70:  Danger Sense
  12:  Psychic Impersonation               71:  Spirit Sense
  13:  Heightened Senses                   72:  Control Sound
  14:  Expansion                           73:  Animate Object
  15:  Flesh Armor                         74:  Suspended Animation
  16:  Displacement                        75:  Biofeedback
  17:  Body Control                        76:  Body Equilibrium
  18:  Mind Over Body                      77:  Catfall
  19:  Ballistic Attack                    78:  Cell Adjustment
  20:  Time/Space Anchor                   79:  Empathy
  21:  Sound Link                          80:  Sight Link
  22:  Identity Penetration                81:  Truthear
  23:  Graft Weapon                        82:  Control Flames
  24:  Immovability                        83:  Adrenalin Control
  25:  Lend Health                         84:  Body Weaponry
  26:  Share Strength                      85:  Chemical Simulation
  27:  Absorb Disease                      86:  Enhanced Strength
  28:  Control Light                       87:  Reduction
  29:  Animate Shadow                      88:  Daydream
  30:  Radial Navigation                   89:  Life Detection
  31:  Poison Sense                        90:  Send Thoughts
  32:  Know Location                       91:  Dimension Walk
  33:  See Sound                           92:  Aging
  34:  Feel Light                          93:  Astral Projection
  35:  All-round Vision                    94:  Synaptic Static
36-41:  Intellect Fortress                 95:  Attraction
42-47:  Mind Blank                      96-98:  Roll on Table 2.

99-00:  Roll once on this table and then on Table 2.

                     Psionic Wild Talents, Table 2

01-02:  Choose one on this table.       48-53:  Thought Shield
03-05:  Roll once on each table.        54-59:  Mental Barrier
  06:  Life-Drain                       60-65:  Tower of Iron Will
  07:  Appraise                            66:  Sensitivity to Psychic
  08:  Cannibalize                         67:  Precognition
  09:  Levitation                          68:  Summon Planar Creature
  10:  Id Insinuation                      69:  Shadow-Form
  11:  Mind Thrust                         70:  Clairvoyance
  12:  Energy Redirection (new?)           71:  Invisibility
  13:  Energy Absorption                   72:  Mindlink
  14:  Probe                               73:  Metamorphosis
  15:  Mass Domination                     74:  Dimension Door
  16:  Mindwipe                            75:  Animal Affinity
  17:  Inflict Pain                        76:  ESP
  18:  Post-Hypnotic Suggestion            77:  Molecular Manipulation
  19:  Control Body                        78:  Ectoplasmic Form
  20:  Detonate                            79:  Repugnance
  21:  Time Shift                          80:  Teleport
  22:  Telepathic Projection               81:  Molecular Rearrangement
  23:  Phobia Amplification                82:  Death Field
  24:  Molecular Agitation                 83:  Double Pain
  25:  Cause Decay                         84:  Invincible Foes
  26:  Project Force                       85:  Superior Invisibility
  27:  Teleport Other                      86:  Domination
  28:  Complete Healing                    87:  Telekinesis
  29:  Switch Personality                  88:  Energy Transformation(new?)
  30:  Chameleon Power                     89:  Psionic Blast
  31:  Clairvoyance                        90:  Ego Whip
  32:  Fate Link                           91:  Psychic Crush
  33:  Banishment                          92:  Flight (new?)
  34:  Object Reading                      93:  Psionic Sense
  35:  Aura Sight                          94:  Convergence
36-41:  Intellect Fortress                 95:  Disintegrate
42-47:  Mind Blank                      96-98:  Roll twice on Table 2

99-00:  Choose one power from this table.

                             New Powers

Clairsentient Sciences

Magic Sight

Power Score: Wis -7
Initial Cost: 8 PSP
Maintainance Cost: 5/rnd
Range: 50 yrds
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: one person or object
Prerequisites: Spellcasting profficiency

    This tough science allows the psionicist to scan an object or person
for information on any magic present.  On objects, the power will reveal
the type of magic (alteration, summoning, etc.) they contain, but not which
spells or specific powers they have.  Further rounds might reveal other
lesser types of magic found on the object.  Thus, a staff of power could be
scanned for several rounds, and several results would be obtained, with the
strongest magics being detected first.  If a spellcasting proficiency check
is made, the psionicist will now hazy details about the magic involved.
(The staff can protect you, or it can cover your enemies with deadly
flames, etc.).
    On persons, the power analyzes any spells cast _on_ that person.  Each
round spent reveals what spell is cast on the person, again starting with
the most powerful.  If a spellcasting proficiency check succeeds, at a +2
bonus, the psionicist knows how long the spells on that person will last.

    Power Score: Learn all information in 1 round.
    20: Some or all data is wrong, at DM's discretion.

Read Portrait

Power Score: Wis -6
Initial Cost: 24
Maintenance Cost: na
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 yard
Prerequisites: none

    This power allows a psionicist looking at a portrait or a sculpture of
a person to find information about that person. It can reveal his class or
title, his alignment, age, and even his current whereabouts. The amount of
information gained depends on the result of the power check. If the
psionicist's power check is successful, he learns the information listed
beside that check result on the table below, plus all the information
listed above it.
     Result     Information Gained
     ------     ------------------
        1       Race & Sex
        2       Age at time of painting
        3       Current age
        4       Name and title
        5       Circumstances of painting
        6       Class, job or function
        7       Level
        8       Alignment
        9       Current location* - global
       10       Current location - within 10 miles
       11       Current location - within 1 mile
       12+      Current location - Exact
    * Current location gives the whereabouts of the person, or the place of
his body (if dead). Global location is a country if the person is on the
same continent as the psionicist, continent if on the same planet, and
planet if in the same crystal sphere. If the person in the portrait is
outside the crystal sphere, or on another plane, the psionicist cannot find
his location, but senses that he is not in this world.
    A psionicist can use the power again, but he will not gain more
information by doing so, unless he advances a level. A use of the power
will reveal things which have been modified, however, such as the age,
level or alignment. It will also give a new current location in case the
person has moved, or the psionicist is close enough to get a better global

    Power Score: The psionicist gains all the above information, as well as
a 5 second vision of the person's current location (which is enough for him
to teleport there).
    20: If the person is alive (or undead), he senses that someone is in
possession of the portrait, and gains the global current location of the

Radar Sense

Power Score: Wis -4
Initial Cost: 12
Maintenance Cost: 8
Range: 0
Preparation Time:       0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisites: none

    The psionicist using this power gains a picture of his surroundings by
analyzing the echoes created when sound rebounds off objects. There must be
some sound for the psionicist to "see", and the picture he sees is
colourless and quite hazy. A psionicist who uses the create sound
psychokinetic devotion to create high pitched clicks at short intervals can
see a sharp picture.
    Radar sense allows the psionicist to "see" even in complete darkness.
even magical darkness won't affect this power. Invisible objects can be
seen just as easily as other objects, and illusions are transparent (or
semi-transparent if shadow magic is used). Small details, as well as
painted patterns, pictures or writings cannot be seen by using radar sense.
Magical silence will cause the psionicist to see only blackness. Thus a
magically silenced person will look like a large black sphere.
    The psionicist using radar sense has the black and white picture
superimposed on what his eyes see. This is often exactly what he wants, as
it simply enhances his visual perception.

    Power Score: The psionicist gains all round "vision" with the radar
    20: For 1d4 turns, loud sounds cause temporary blindness, and this
power cannot be used.

Clairsentient Devotions

Detect Invisible

Power Score: Int -3
Initial Cost: 6
Maintenance Cost: 6
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisites: none

    With this power a psionicist can detect invisible creatures and
objects.  The power relies on the fact that invisibility is never perfect,
and always gives a slight shimmering effect. When in use, this power
enhances the ability of the psionicist to detect this effect, and allows
him to see the invisible thing as a light grey blob.
    If the invisible body is moving, the psionicist automatically detects
it.  If it is standing still (an inanimate object, for example), the
psionicist mustroll a second successful power check to detect it.
    This power does not allow a psionicist to see in the dark. In fact,
since it's based on visual perception, it doesn't work as well when there
is not enough light. The following table gives the chance to detect
invisibility (for a moving object) as well as the to-hit penalty in various
light conditions.
      Condition         Penalty       Chance to Detect
      Clear day         0             100%
      Twilight          -1            80%
      Moonlight         -2            40%
      Starlight*        -4            10%
      Total darkness    -4            0%
    * In starlight the psionicist has a small chance of detecting the
invisible creature, but he must concentrate on it, and thus does not gain
any bonus to hit.

    Power Score: The psionicist sees an inanimate object with no need for a
power roll.
    20: The psionicist cannot see one object or creature in his vicinity
for 1d6 rounds.

Feel Radiation

Power Score: Wis -4
Initial Cost: 9
Maintenance Cost: 7
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisites: none

    This power is much like feel light, except that the psionicist can feel
any wavelength, and not just visible light. In effect, this gives the
psionicist infravision, as well as ultravision. Ultravision can show
details not visible through normal sight (such as the patterns of some
    If a large part of the psionicist's body is exposed, the psionicist
receives more light through his body, and can see much better in dark
conditions. Thus twilight and a moonlit night seem like a normal day, and a
starlit night looks like twilight. Total darkness is still total darkness,
but a condition which looks like total darkness to a normal human might
look like starlight or moonlight to the psionicist.

    Power Score: The psionicist can see more light even if only his head is
    20: The psionicist suffers 1 point of damage per round for 1d10  rounds
when exposed to light.

Helm Locator

Power Score: Wis -3
Initial Cost: 6 rnds
Maintainance Cost: 4/rnd
Range: Sight
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: 1 ship
Prerequisites: Clairvoyance

    The power allows the psionicist to determine the location of the
spelljammer/helm aboard an active spelljamming vessel.  It works like
clairvoyance, providing an image of the helm room, just as a clairvoyance
would.  The difference is that the psionicist need not know where the room
is.  The image is suitable enough to allow the psionicist to teleport,
dimension door, etc. to that room (using the requisite power, of course).
It does not, however, show where in the ship this room is.  The interior of
the room may reveal this.

    Power Score: Psionicist does know where the helm room is in relation to
the rest of the vessel (but not neccesarily how to get there).
    20: The psionicist sees a random room in the ship instead.
    1: Power works, but helmsperson is aware of being watched.

Move Focus

Power Score: Wis -1
Initial Cost: 2
Maintenance Cost: varies
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisites: clairaudience or clairvoyance

    This power lets the psionicist move the viewing spot of his
clairvoyance, or the focus of his clairaudience. By paying the initial
cost, the psionicist can change the direction he is viewing. Movement in
this way is not restricted by physical barriers.
    The psionicist can move the focus by paying the maintenance cost.
Maintenance is 1 PSP per 6' of movement per round for clairvoyance, and 1
PSP per 3' for clairaudience. The minimum maintenance cost is 1 PSP per
round, so even if the psionicist wants to stop moving the focus
temporarily, he must pay,or else he must make a new power check and pay the
initial cost when he wants to move it again.

    Power Score: Movement rate is doubled for the same PSP cost.
    20: The clairaudience or clairvoyance power fails.

Population Finder

Power Score: Int -2
Initial Cost: 15
Maintainace Cost: 5/rnd
Range: Within 1 mile of atmosphere (or where it would be, should the body
not have one.
Preparation Time  : 0
Area of Effect: 1 planet/moon/etc.
Prerequisites: None

    Population Finder allows one celestial body to be examined.  If
successful, the power locates the highest population centers (5 per round)
on that body.  The power also reveals a rough estimate of the populations
(several million, several thousand, greater than 100, etc.).
Alternatively, the psionicist can think of a specific population size (like
5'000 people) and know where the closest matching population center lies.

    Power Score: Receives a brief summary of what one city/area is like.
    20: No information can be gained from this planet.

See Heat

Power Score: Wis -3
Initial Cost: 7
Maintenance Cost: 4
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisites: none

    The psionicist can see the heat radiated from objects. If this is the
type of infravision used in your campaign, treat this as normal
infravision.  Otherwise, the psionicist can see heat at any distance,
although at long distances he will be able to see only very hot things, and
will probably only see them as small red dots. Small details cannot be seen
using this power, although it might reveal things not normally seen in
normal light.

    Power Score: The psionicist also gains ultravision (cf. Feel
    20: The psionicist is blinded by heat for 1d10 rounds.

See Magic

Power Score: Int -8
Initial Cost: 9
Maintenance Cost: 9
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisites: none

    With this power the psionicist can see magical radiations. This is
quite difficult, and he requires a new power check each round. Stronger
magic is easier to see, so the level of the magic is added to the power
check. To see a 9th level spell the psionicist must roll Int +1, for
example. Artifacts and relics radiate magic so strongly that no roll is
needed after the first power check at Int +1. Monsters with a strong
connection to magical powers can also be detected by rolling Int -12. One
die roll is made per round, and the result determines which objects are
    When using this power, a psionicist can see a faint glow around the
object or in the area being affected. The stronger the magic, the stronger
the glow.  This glow can be seen even in the dark, but it does not
illuminate anything. A darkness spell will be seen as low magical
radiation, but nothing inside the magical darkness will be seen.

    Power Score: The colour of the radiation depends upon the school of
    20: The psionicist cannot use this power again that day.

Touch Sight

Power Score: Wis -2
Initial Cost: 2
Maintenance Cost: 1
Range: touch
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisites: none

    A psionicist with this power can "see" objects by passing his hand on
them, much like a blind man would do. He gains an accurate mental image of
everything he touches. The image will show only details which can be
acquired by touch, so color will not be seen, for example.

    Power Score: The power is so sensitive that the psionicist can detect
the difference of ink from paper, and colors can be discerned by their
warmth (although not very accurately).
    20: The psionicist loses all sensation in his hand for 2d10 rounds.
This gives a -1 penalty to attack rolls with this hand.

Weather Forecast

Power Score: Wis -3
Initial Cost: 10
Maintaince Cost: 5/round
Range: na
Preparation Time: 5 rounds
Area of Effect: 20 mile radius
Prerequsites: Precognition

    This power allows the psionicist to know the wether for the next day.
The area of knowledge is only the immediate 20 mile radius around the
psionicist.  Only one piece of information can be learned per round:
Precipitation type and amount, Wind direction and speed, temperature lows
and highs, or humidity.  This power will not detect magical changes in the
weather, but will be 100% accurate for natural weather, including powerful
storms like hurricanes or tornadoes.

    Power Score: The forecast can be extended for 2 days or 40 miles.
    20: The forecast is totally opposite of what will actually happen.

Psychokenitic Sciences


Power Score: Wis -3
Initial Cost: 40
Maintainance Cost: 5/round
Range: 10 yards
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: 1 object
Prerequisite: telekinesis, soften

    Compression takes an object and compresses it's molecules together,
making the object smaller and denser.  This will not affect it's weight.
THis will not, for example allow the the psionicist to shrink a boulder
about to fall on him.  It will compress the boulder, but since it has the
same mass, it will cause the same amount of damage, and in a more specific
location.  This power, if used, is like a giant hand compressing the
object.  Inanimate objects or plants will be shrunken, deformed and
increased in density.  Think of a 20 lb chair 3 inches high.  If used on
intelligent creatures, thet must save vs. death magic or suffer 2d10 points
of damage per round and may lose a limb after a few rounds of improper
circulation.  The chance of this is 5% cumulative per round.

    Power Score: Two objects can be affected
    20: The psionicist gets a severe migraine and cannot use their powers
for 2d4 hours.

Perpetual Motion

Power Score: Con -4
Initial Cost: 40
Maintainance Cost: 10/round
Range: 20 yards
Preparation Time: 5 Area of Effect: 1 object
Area of Effect: 1 object
Prerequisites: telekinesis

    This power causes the object affected to continue on it's path and
speed for the duration of the power.  This could give an arrow unlimited
range, cause arching missiles (such as catapuls or slings) to miss or
people or creatures that are running to continue running in their current
direction.  This could be usefull to cause a person to run off a cliff, or
into something.  The psionicist must activiate this power before the object
is moved.  Creatures affected mist make a strength check to avoid being

    Power Score: The speed is doubled as well as being perpetual.
    20: The psionicist is thrown off their feet and loose one round of
actions regaining their feet.

Remove Air

Power Score: Con -5
Initial Cost: 30
Maintainance Cost: 15/round
Range: 50 yards
Preparation Time: 5
Area of Effect: 20 yard sphere
Prerequisites: control wind, telekinesis

    This power can remove the air from a 20 yard sphere.  This will stop
fires, sound, decay, combustion other than fires, gaseous attacks, and
electricity.  Physical attacks will still enter the area, but because of
the lack of air, missile attacks will fly different giving a -1 to hit.
Characters must hold their breaths as per the rules in the PHB or suffer
2d8 points of damage per rounds.  The psionicist would also be affected if
they were in the area of effect.

    Power Score: The air is removed quickly, causing all in the area to
suffer 2d6 points of damage from sudden decompression.
    20: The psionicist cannot breath for 1 round and suffers 2d8 points of


Power Score: Int -4
Initial COst: 50
Maintainance COst: 20/Round
Range: 50 yards
Preparation Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 20 yard circle
Prerequisites: telekinesis, control light

    This power causes light to bend around the planet to a specific spot,
creating a 20 yard circle that is lit as if the sun were shining on it.
This will work in dungeons, underground, or in any place that has an
opening to the outside world.  It creates such a change in light, if used
in a dark area, that people in the area will be blinded for 1 round while
re-adjusting to the light.  This power will also cause damage as per the
sun to any sun-sensitive creatures.  It CAN destroy vampires.

    Power Score:  The radius of the circle of sun is doubled.
    20: The psionicist blinds themself for 1d4 rounds.

Psychokenitic Devotions

Cold Shield

Power Score: Wis -4
Initial Cost: 25
Maintainance Cost: 10/round
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 1
Area of Effect: Personal
Prerequisites: molecular dampening, telekinesis

    This power will create a shield of cold air around the psionicist that
will absorb heat around the psionicist.  It will reduce the damage of heat
based attacks by 1 hp/die or give a +1 to any saving throw.  It will also
protect a character from hot enviromnemts such as a desert, but not from
super hot environments like the elemental plane of fire.  It will also make
the character invisible to infravision.  Anyone trying to touch the
character without some kind of protection from cold will suffer 1d6
hp/round.  The psionicist, however, will take 1d4 hp/round damage from cold
if this power is used in a cold environment.

    Power Score: The power is doubly effective, causing 2d6 points of
damage, conferring a +2 bonus and saving 2 hp/die.
    20: Heat Shield power is activated instead, even if the character does
not know it.

Control Fluid

Power Score: Con -4
Initial Cost: 20
Maintainance Cost: 15/round
Range: 25 yards
Preparation Time: 2
Area of Effect: 1 gallon of liquid/5 levels
Prerequisites: telekinesis, level 5

    This allows a psionicist to control ant fluid (water, acid, ale, etc.)
to become animated and under the psionicists control.  This is a very
limited power in that the liquid cannot become detached from the original
source.  This could be used to have a tentacle of water attack creatures,
create huge waves, make ale monsters for amusement, or other strange
effects.  The main limit is the imagination of the psionicist.
    If the liquid is already in motion, then the psionicist can alter its
speed by 1 mile per hour/level.  This would give a +1/5 levels bonus on
saving throws of breath wepaons of a liquid nature.  Water beings are
unaffected by this power.

    Power Score: The liquid can detach itself from the original source.
    20: The liquid spalshes on the psionicist (not a problem if it's water,
but acid is a different matter)

Density Manipulation

Power Score: Int -6
Initial Cost: 30
Maintainance Cost: 10/round
Range: 50 yards
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: 1 item
Prerequisite: telekinesis, molecular rearrangement

    This power allows a psionicist to alter the density of an object so
that it weighs anywhere between half the original weight or double the
weight.    This confers a -2 to hit penalty if used on a weapon because of
the changed weight.  This, if used on an arcing missile like an arrow or a
catapult, or some kind of bludgeoning weapon, will cause double damage
because of the excess weight (if the weight was doubled ) or half damage
(if the weight is halved)  It will also change the range in the opposite
way that the damage was changed (ie. An arrow is doubled in weight and
causes double damage, but has half the range)  This also gives a -4 to hit
penalty when first using the altered missiles, but after a few test shots
(usually around 5) the penalty goes to the regular -2.

    Power Score: The change can be anywhere from one quarter the weight or
as much as 4 times the weight.  The bonuses/penalties are also altered in
the same way.
    20: The object changes in the opposite way intended.

Enhance Weapon

Power Score: Wis - 3
Initial Cost: 5
Maintenance Cost: 3/round
Range: Touch
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: one weapon
Prerequisite: Telekinesis, Create Object

    This  power allows the psionicist to temporarily enhance melee weapon
or  a  projectile (i.e., no bows or slings, but arrows, sling stones  and
throwing  weapons  are  ok),  so  that  it  becomes  the equivalent of
weapon with magical bonuses.  The psionicist must touch (or  wield) the
weapon to do so.  By spending the necessary PSP's and making  the  power
check,  the  weapon gets a the equivalent of a +1 magical bonus, which may
be maintained by spending 3 PSP's per round.  Note  that  the psionicist
must actually touch the weapon in order to maintain this power; thus, it is
impossible to maintain the power for missile weapons (unless they return to
the user), or if the weapon is knocked  out  of  the  psionicists  hands.
It is possible to add the bonus  to  an already magical weapon, or to use
this power repeatedly (creating  enhancements  of  two  or  more).
However,  the  maximum enhancement  that  can be achieved by use of this
power is one 'plus' for  every 4 levels of the psionicist (i.e., 1 at
levels 1 to 4, 2 at levels 5 to 8, etc.)

    Power Score: The weapon gets a +2 bonus.
    20: The weapon is damaged, it must save vs disintegration or be

Heat Shield

Power Score: Wis -4
Initial Cost: 25
Maintainance Cost: 10/round
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 1
Area of Effect: Personal
Prerequisites: molecular agitation, telekinesis

    This power will create a shield of hot air around the psionicist that
will absorb cold around the psionicist.  It will reduce the damage of cold
based attacks by 1 hp/die or give a +1 to any saving throw.  It will also
protect a character from cold enviromnemts such as a tundra, but not from
super cold environments like the elemental plane of ice.  It will also make
the character invisible to infravision.  Anyone trying to touch the
character without some kind of protection from heat will suffer 1d6
hp/round.  The psionicist, however, will take 1d4 hp/round damage from heat
if this power is used in a hot environment.

    Power Score: The power is doubly effective, causing 2d6 points of
damage, conferring a +2 bonus and saving 2 hp/die.
    20: Cold Shield power is activated instead, even if the character does
not know it.

Inertial Shield

Power Check: Con-3
Initial Cost: 7
Maintenance Cost: 5/round
Range: 0
Prep Time: 0
Area of Effect: 3 yard diameter, 120 degree arc
Prerequisites: Telekinesis

    This is similar to an inertial barrier, but with one crucial
difference: the field is compressed, giving greater protection from frontal
attacks. It protects a 120 degree arc in front of the psionic,
with coverage curving to reach over his head. (Think of it as the front 1/3
of an inertial barrier). To determine the damage, roll how much damage the
missile would have done, then roll twice as many hit dice to determine the
shield's protection. If the shield roll is less than, then subtract it from
the missile's damage. If the rolls are equal, then the missile simply falls
inside the shield (but explosions could still injure those behind the
shield). If the shield roll is greater than the missile damage roll, the
missile falls outside the shield, and any explosions will also be absorbed
by the shield.
    The inertial shield protects against the same forms of attack as the
inertial barrier, but is less effective in some situations (like gas
attacks, or missiles coming from all directions).

    Power Score: The shield expands into a 180 degree arc at no extra cost,
or into 270 degree arc for 6 points per round.
    20: The shield works in reverse, doubling the damage done by missiles.

Kinetic Reverse

Power Score: Con -3
Initial Cost: 8
Maintenance Cost: na
Range: 200 yards
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: 1 object of 100 lbs.
Prerequisites: telekinesis

    A psionicist with kinetic reverse can reverse the kinetic energy in any
moving object that weights less than 100lbs.  Arrows can be sent back to
there archers, spears can be sent back to there throwers, and small rocks
can be sent back to there catapults.

    Power Score: Allows for 200 lb objects to be moved.
    20: Increases the speed of object, causing double damage.

Mirror Image

Power Score: Con -3
Initial Cost: 8
Maintenance Cost: 4/round
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: self
Prerequisites: telekinesis, control light

    With this power a psionicist can create three exact copies of he body
by manipulating light waves.  There must be light waves present for this
power to work.  This is a combat enhancement and has very little use
anywhere else.  When used it creates a row of four, one being the real
psionicist and three being copies, in random order and the copies and the
psionicist are continually switching places.  This gives the psionicist 3
chances in 4 to escape damage from his opponents blows.  After each
successful attack against the psionicist, he will roll a four sided dice.
On a 1 the psionicist takes to damage like normal.  On a 2, 3, or 4 one of
the copies was hit.  Sense the copies are only manipulated light swords,
arrows, and all other forms of physical attack pass throw it doing no
damage.  Telepathic attacks are no affected by these power.

    Power Score: Seven copies are created giving the psionicist 7 chances
in 8 to escape damage.
    20: A bright flash of light is created instead of the copies, blinding
the psionicist for 1D4 rounds.

Mold Earth

Power Score: Con -6
Initial Cost: 50
Maintainance Cost: na
Range: 20 yards
Preparation TIme: 3
Area of Effect: 10 cu. ft.+5 cu. ft/level of earth
Prerequisites: telekinesis, soften

    The use of this power allows a psionicist to mold earth in a fast,
almost instantaneous manner.  This power allows the user to change the
shape of any earthen object, even the actual ground itself.  It can be used
to build instant stone bridges, earthen pillars, or even used as an attack
by creating stone fists to punch opponents.  If a fist of stone is created,
it will cause 1d4 points of damage/10 cubic feet of stone that is used.  It
can also create breeches in walls or other effects.  Any object created
will be rough and like it's original substance.  Fine detail can be
accomplished by using this power but with an area of affect of 1/10th the
original size.

    Power Score: Fine detail can be done at normal size, but the
preparation time is doubled.
    20: A 20' pit opens below the psionicist, the result of displaced

-------------------- Continues in Part IV --------------------

From eskimo!mvb.saic.com!news.cerf.net!ihnp4.ucsd.edu!swrinde!cs.utexas.edu!utnut!torn!uunet.ca!uunet.ca!ionew
s.io.org!nobody Tue Jun 21 15:06:33 1994
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From: doppy@io.org (Ryan Biggs)
Newsgroups: rec.games.frp.dnd
Subject: Net.Psionics.Handbook Part 4/7
Date: 21 Jun 1994 11:15:53 -0000
Organization: Internex Online (io.org) Data: 416-363-4151  Voice: 416-363-8676
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Molecular Dampening

Power Check: Wisdom
Initial Cost: 5
Maintenance Cost: 4/round
Range: 50 yards
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: 1 item, 30 pounds
Prerequisites: Telekinesis

    This power is the opposite of the molecular agitation devotion; instead
of increasing the movement of molecules inside an object, this power slows
them down, chilling the object. The amount of damping determines the
    * 1 round: things become cool to the touch, skin becomes clammy (no
damage), some condensation (if humidity permits)
    * 2 rounds: skin becomes numb (1-2 pts damage), water becomes slushy,
items become cold to the touch, condensation coats the surface, paper
becomes brittle
    * 3 rounds: skin starts to freeze (1-3 pts damage), water freezes,
metal becomes cold to the touch (1 pt damage, possibly freezing to the
surface), condensation freezes, plants die, leather weakens
    * 4 rounds: freezing temperatures harm tissues (1-4 pts damage), thin
layer of ice if humidity permits, skin freezes to metal (1-4 pts damage),
wood/plants/leather becomes brittle
    * 5 rounds: hypothermia possible (1-6 pts damage max), possible limb
loss, thick layer of ice (if possible), minerals weaken
    * 6 rounds: rock becomes brittle, metal weakens, skin permanently
freezes to metal
    * 7 rounds: rock shatters like glass, metal becomes brittle
    * 8 rounds: metal shatters like glass
    * 10 rounds: adamantite weakens (maximum weakening)

    Weakening means that the substance has a -2 penalty to all saving
throws (-4 vs. cold). Brittleness means that the object has the qualities
of thin crystal, being easily breakable, and having similar saving throws.
It still takes a good blow (from a blunt object) to shatter the item.
Becoming "like glass" means that the object can be shattered easily, in the
palm of one's hand (hopefully protected from cold!), and that all saving
throws are made as glass. However, the shards are incredibly cold, and very
sharp. Shattering a sword with an unprotected hand could easily cause 2-12
points of damage, plus whatever cold damage is possible.
    The "layer of ice" effects are up to the DM. In desert situations, a
"thick" coating might only be 1/10 of an inch, but in a humid jungle, the
thick layer may be up to 6 inches thick. The "layer of ice" effect has many
uses near (or in) a large body of water.

    Power Score: Rate of damping doubles (as per molecular agitation)
    20: The psionicst botches the damping, and the item is affected by
_molecular agitation_ (whether or know the psionicist knows that devotion),
but the psionicist is unaware of any problems.

Move Electrons

Power Check: Con-4
Initial Cost: variable
Maintenance Cost: na
Range: 90 feet
Preparation Time: variable (0-2)
Area of Effect: one creature/object
Prerequisites: Telekinesis

   This devotion allows the psionicist to move a number of electrons
through an object, causing electrical damage to it. The cost is variable,
but the longer a psionicist prepares to use the power, the more electrons
that can be moved. Creatures that are made out of electricity take half
damage (if somebody rearranged parts of your body, it would still hurt).
Creatures immune to lightning or electrical damage are not affected by this
power at all.
    It is possible to use this power against more than one creature, but
only if they are connected by a good conductor (like metallic armor or very
salty water); in this case, damage is divided between all connected
creatures, with the target and those nearest the target taking the most
damage. Magical metallic items will never conduct from creature to
         Preparation Time:                Cost             Damage
         0 rounds (immediate):             6               1d4 + 1
         1 round:                          8               1d8 + 1
         2 rounds:                        11                 2d8
Metallic Armor: +2 points damage, plus possible conduction

    More than two rounds of moving electrons will not increase damage for
mortal psionicists, but a psionic lich or demi-god with this power could
use greater preparation times for even more damage. The DM can increase
damage as seen fit, but I would max the damage at 4d8+4 (8-36 hit points)
for 4 rounds of preparation time -- anything else would be too much like a
wizard spell.
    The longer the preparation time, the louder the discharge will be; with
no preparation, the sound will be barely audible beyond 10 feet, but with
two rounds of preparation time, the sound could easily carry 50 feet or
more, and would echo in underground circumstances.

    NOTE: I have not tried to use "real world" physics to the letter to
create this power. If any DM allowing this power wishes to make it more
"realistic" (using voltages, amps, or whatever), feel free. Dammit, I'm a
DM, not an electrician!

    Power Score: Damage occurs on the next greater die type (either a d6 or
a d10) and the damage bonus increases to +2.
    20: The power backfires; the psionic takes 1/2 normal damage and cannot
use this power for another 3 turns. The victim is unharmed.

Psychic Guidance

Power Score: Int - 2
Initial Cost: 3 + special
Maintenance Cost: 3 / round
Range: line of sight
Preparation Time: 2 segments
Area of Effect: one projectile
Prerequisite: Telekinesis, (detonate)

    This  power  allows  a psionicist to guide a small projectile, such  as
a  knife,  arrow, or sling stone (max weight 2 lbs), to its target.   The
psionicist  must  first  prepare the projectile, which takes  two  segments
(see  prep.   time)  and  costs  3  PSP's.  The projectile  may then be
thrown (fired, hurled, or whatever) normally, but may be guided
telekinetically.  The following things are possible at the listed cost in
    Add  +1  to  hit,  +1  to  damage, and extend the range by 10 feet by
spending  2 PSP (cannot spend more than the psionicists level) Make a
radical  course  correction  (up to 180 degrees) at a cost of 5 PSP's (all
benefits  bestowed  by previous guidance are lost).  Recall the projectile
at a cost of 10 PSP's.  The projectile will return to the psionicists  hand
(no  DEX  check  required  to catch) from anywhere within  range  (i.e.,
line of sight).  The projectile may be made to explode  causing an extra d6
damage to the target (or anyone within 3 feet).  This costs 5 PSP's and
requires detonate as a prerequisite.
    Prepared  projectiles  may  be maintained at a cost of 3 PSP's per
round.  The maximum number of projectiles a psionicist may handle at  a
time  is one for every 4 levels of experience.  The psionicist must  be
able to see the projectile (by some means) in order to guide it.   This  is
not  necessary  for  recalling the projectile, or for making it explode.

    Power Score: The projectile may be recalled without spending any PSP's.
    20: The projectile explodes doing d6 damage to the psionicist.

Psyckokenetic Punch

Power Check: Con - 2
Initial Cost: 4
Maintenance Cost: na
Range: 50 yards
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: one object
Prerequisites: Telekinesis

    With this devotion, the psionicist is able to create a weak punch
effect, much like a weakened Project Force. The attack is made against
armor class 10, modified for any magic and dexterity.  If it hits, the
punch does 1-4 points of damage, and disrupts any spellcasting. If the
target is moving at any speed greater than that of normal combat (roughly
50 feet per round), then attacks are made with a -2 penalty. A Protection
From Normal Missiles, Shield, or Stoneskin spell will be effective against
a PK Punch.
    The power can also be used to give objects a "push". This is nowhere
near as hard as a Project Force, but is more like bumping into something.
For example, small objects can be moved quite a bit, like keys being
knocked off a table or cracking a window, but large objects like a door
will only have a small bit of motion, like moving a door slightly ajar.
Psychokinetic Punch can also be used while levitating, to but a bit of
force to horizontal movement (up to 30 feet per round).

    Power Score: Damage is 1-6, or objects are affected by a Project Force
(DM's choice).
    20: The motion is in the opposite direction; attacks always miss, and
objects move in the opposite of the intended direction.

Suspend Objects

Power Score: Int -2
Inital Cost: 5
Mantainance Cost: 2/round
Range: 3' radius; centered on Psionic
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: Level+2 Objects of Level+10 weight
Prerequisites: Telekinesis

    This Devotion allows the Psionic to suspend objects in the air around
him.  He must place the object where he wants it to stay and then let go of
it, just tossing it into the general area of where he wants it will not
work.  The object will stay in place relative to the Psionic until either
he retrives it, does not pay the maintenance cost, or some outside force
changes its position.

    Example:  George the Psionic is carrying an object in each hand when he
sees a third object that he wants to pick up and take with him.  Using
Suspend Objects he can place one or both of the objects he is carrying in
the air around him and they will follow along with him until one of the
above things happens.

    Power Score: The psionicist can either handle twice the number of
objects or objects of twice the weight.
    20: The objects will move rapidly in random directions until the power
is discontinued.


Power Score: Int -5
Initial Cost: 40
Maintainance Cost: 10/round
Range: touch
Preparation TIme: 1 round
Area of Effect: 1 cubic foot/level
Prerequisites: telekinesis, molecular rearrangement

    This power will make any object transperant, but still with it's
strength properties and other physical properties.  It is similar to making
the object invisible.  This can be used to peer through a wall without
exposing oneself to dangers that may exist on the other side.  It is also
useful for making objects invisible for a short time.  Other creative uses
can certainly be found by a resourceful psionicist.

    Power Score: Double the area may be affected.
    20: The psionicist becomes affected by this power for 1d4+1 rounds, but
not their equipment.

Velocity Control

Power Score: Int -4
Initial Cost: 15
Maintainance Cost: na
Range: 100 yards
Preparation Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 object
Prerequisites: telekinesis, ballistic attack

    This power can change the speed of any object.  It can halt any missile
weapon of low speeds, or double the speed as well.  Large objects or fast
moving ones can be slowed or sped up as well, but not stopped completely.
Any missile weapon except a crossbow or heavy missile weapons (catapult,
boulders, balista, etc.)  This power can only alter the speed of the
missile weapon if the power is activiated before the missile hits and after
it is fired.  Crossbow bolts can be slowed so that they cause 1/2 damage,
as well as ballista, catapults and other heavy missile weapons.  If the
speed is doubled, the damage is also doubled.

    Power Score:  Any object can be stopped or sped up.
    20: The object's speed changes in the opposite direction intended.

Psychomatabolic Sciences

Control Aging

Power Check: Con-6
Initial Cost: 12
Maintenance Cost: 8/round
Range: touch
Preparation Time: 1
Area of Effect: individual
Prerequisites: none

    With this science, the character can control the aging process in a
creature's body, causing to grow older or younger with a touch. The rate of
aging is 2-5 years per round to make a creature older, 1-3 years to make a
creature younger. Although the aging effect is permanent, natural aging
will begin immediately after any age change is made, thus the clock cannot
be stopped, but it can be moved forwards or backwards. In the case of
undoing magical or unnatural aging, the rate of "youthening" is 1-4 years
per round.
    Only evil psionicists can use the "forward" power repeatedly, without
undoing it. Any other alignment will slowly twist to evil.  Likewise, only
good psionicists can undo the ravages of time on a creature. As with aging
forward, any repeated use of the "youthening" power causes the psionicist
to tap into his own youth and goodness.

    Power Score: The rate of age changing is increased by 2 years per
    20: The psionicist grows 2-5 years older, and cannot use this power for
another week.

Enhanced Combat

Power Score: Wis - 5
Initial Cost: special
Maintenance Cost: special
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: the psionicist
Prerequisite: Adrenaline control, Heightened senses, biofeedback

    This  is  a real 'Use the force Luke' type power.  In essence, it
allows  the  psionicist  to  mentally  guide  and enhance his/her attacks
and  defenses,  making them faster and more accurate.  To do this,  the
psionicist  must  first  make  a power check, and spend a number   of
PSP's  (maximum  is  twice  the  psionicists  level)  to initialize  the
power.   In  the next round, and for as long as this power is maintained,
the following may be done (at the listed cost in PSP's).
    Add  +1  to hit and damage to your attacks this round (3 PSP's).* Add
+1  to hit and damage to your next attack (2 PSP's).  Plus improve your AC
and  initiative  by  one (2 PSP's).* Attack first in the round (i.e.,
before  initiative - like someone with a scimitar of speed or a short sword
of  quickness)  (4  PSP's).*  Use  one  of  your  attacks  to automatically
parry,  without having to roll a die (5 PSP's).  Plus dodge an  attack,
without having to roll or give up one of your attacks (8 PSP's).Plus gain
another  attack  this  round (8 PSP's).* Recover your weapon  (after  is
has  been  dropped).   This counts as one of your attacks (4 PSP's).  As
    *  This  action  must  be announced at the beginning of the round.
Plus this  action  must  be announced before the attack (or parry) roll is
attempted.   Thus  a  missed  attack  roll  cannot  be  retroactively
    NOTE:  In any given round, the psionicist may never spend more PSP's
than  were used to initialize the power.  Thus if 8 PSP's were spent on
initialization, it would be possible to dodge one attack, or gain  an
extra  attack  (or  do  anything else that costs 8 PSP's or less),  but  it
would not be possible to gain an extra attack and get +1  to  hit  and
damage,  as this would cost 11 PSP's.  The power is maintained as long as
the psionicist uses this power.  It ends on any round during which the
psionicist does not spend any PSP's on it.  In order  to  maintain this
power, spending one PSP per round is enough, although it does absolutely

    Power Score: The  amount  of PSP's which could be spent per round is
doubled (no increase in initialization cost).
    20: Until  the  psionicist  gets  at  least  4 hours of rest
(preferably sleep), he/she has a -1 penalty to hit, to damage, to AC, to
initiative as well as all saving throws.


Power Score:Con-6
Initial Cost:20
Maintainance Cost:8/round
Preparation Time:0
Area of Effect:personal
Prerequisites:7th level

    The psionicist fortifies his/herself such that the effect of any sort
of attack that causes physical damage is either lessened and/or the
psionicist has greater resistance giving them a better chance to shake off
the effects of such an attack.
    Specifically, the power will first add a +2 to all saving throws
against attacks that cause physical damage, including spells like fireball,
cone of cold, etc., poison, breath weapons, and attacks from magic items
like wands that produce spell-like effects.  Second, the psionicist can
subtract one from the all damage die rolled for an attack that produces
physical damage on him/her and also reduce poison damage by 25%.  In
addition, the psionicist is immune to death from massive damage, and
further, spells like Finger of Death will not take effect until the
psionicist stops maintaining the power, then if the save was failed, the
psionicist dies.  Finally, if powers are used that convert PSPs to raw pure
energy that can be used to blast enemies, this power halves the damage from
such an attack since it is using psionics to resist psionics.

    Power Score - The saving throw bonus improves to +4, and all damage die
suffer a -2 penalty.  Further, poison damage is halved.
    20 - The psionicist immediately suffers 20 hit points of damage no
save, and further, all saving throws are penalized by -1 for the next 24


Power Score: Wis
Initial Cost: 5 PSP
Maintenance Cost: 3 PSP/round
Range: 0
Preperation Time: 0
Area of Effect: Bastard Sword or Katana
Prerequisites: None

    Psi-sword is a more powerful form of Graft Weapon. Using it causes the
sword of the psionicist to bond with him, and the sword takes on an almost
imperceptible glow of psionic power.
    When used, Psi-sword grants the psionicist a bonus to hit, damage,
weapon speed, and AC equal to the magical attack adjustment of the
character from Wisdom. Furthermore, the psionicist may attack with the
THAC0 of a fighter while using the Psi-sword.
    A psionicist may not use this power on a sword of average or lesser
quality, unless the sword in question is a weapon forged by the psionicist
himself.  Even then, the psionicist will usually forge such a weapon of
highest quality, as the Psi-sword is a very personal thing to the

    Power Score: The psionicist does _double_ the dice of damage on the
round of activation. The psionicist may continue this effect as long as he
makes a successful power check each round, and pays double maintenance
cost. A second Power Score roll will not quadruple damage, however.
    20: Due to a psychic backlash, the psionicist drops his weapon, and is
stunned for 1d4 rounds, unable to act, and has an AC of 10.


Power Score: Con -5
Initial Cost: 25
Maintainance Cost: 4/rnd
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisites: None

    This power allows the psionicist to create an exact double of himself
and all equipment.  Hit points and PSPs are halved, dropping fractions.
There is no innate communication between the doubles.  A system shock roll
must be made when initiating the power. If it fails, The power fails and
the psionicist must rest for that round.  Should the double die, the
original must make an additional system shock roll or fall unconscious for
1d4 rounds.  Any magical items that are doubled function only as normal
versions for the double.  They are still magical for the original
    The maintenance cost of this power is only payed by the original.
    Should the psionicist die, the double dissapears as well, taking any
remaining hit points or PSP's with it.
    The double may not use this power.  The double is played by the player
who role plays the original, as the double does have an understanding of
what the original wants.  The double is loyal to the original, and behaves
in a similar fashion as the original would.

    Power Score: Two doubles are created, each having the same stats as a
single double would.
    20: Fails.  Make a system shock roll or fall unconscious for 2d4


Power Score: Con -4
Initial Cost: 60
Maintenance Cost: na
Range: 0/touch
Preparation Time: 2
Area of Effect: 1 Creature
Prerequisites: 9th level, convergence, suspend animation

    This power requires at least two psionicists in convergence whose total
levels must be 35 or higher, with no psionicist being below level 9.  A
successful use of this power requires every psionicist in the convergence
to make a successful power check in the round the power is being initiated.
     This power works just like suspend animation, except that it can be
projected to some other creature, placing them in suspended animation until
the psionicists make another power check releasing the creature, or until
the power expires in the manner described for suspend animation.
    Power Score: The power lasts until the psionicists release the creature
with a successful power check.
    20: If any of the psionicists roll a 20, the unlucky one falls into an
involuntary suspended animation until revived with a successful use of this

Psychometabolic Devotions


Power Check: Con (0/-2/-5)
Initial Cost: 0 or 5
Maintenance Cost: special
Range: 3/10/30 yards
Preparation Time: 1 or 0
Area of Effect: special

    This duel use power can be called up with no initial cost if a round is
spent  in preparation. If it must be drawn upon quickly, the strain costs 5
1) Bio-luminescence
  The psionicist emits a light in a 3 yard radius at a cost of 1 PSP per
turn.  The radius may be increased at an increased cost and reduced power
Range  3yds --- Power check: Con 0 --- Cost: 1/turn
Range 10yds --- Power check: Con -2 --- Cost: 2/turn
Range 30yds --- Power check: Con -5 --- Cost: 5/turn
2) Bio-electric discharge
  The psionicist can call up bolts of energy through his hands to hurl at
enemies. A to-hit must be rolled with the psionicist's missle THAC0, but
all targets are AC10: add only dexterity and magic adjustments, not armor
and shield.  One bolt may be fired per round. Damage is 1 HP per 2 PSPs
expended - max. 20 dmg / 40 PSPs.  Victims are allowed a saving throw vs.
breath weapons for half damage.  The power check for this use is modified
for range so it is the same as bio-luminescence.

    Power Score: No save allowed
    20: lose 1d4 PSPs and 1d4 HP as energy is directed inward.

Energy Conversion

Power Score: Con -6
Initial Cost: 2
Maintenance Cost: na
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisites: energy  containment

    A psionicist with this power can convert energy that has been contained
with energy containment, into PSPs at a 5:1 ratio (i.e., five hit points of
absorbed damage to every one new PSP).  A psionicist my never have more
then his maximum +10% in total PSP at any one time. All unconverted energy
will still be released as light as the guide lines for energy containment
state.  All the energy does not have to be converted at once.  Once all the
absorbed energy is converted to PSPs the psionicist will stop glowing.

    Power Score: The conversion ratio becomes 1:1.
    20: The psionicist loses half his PSPs and all contained energy is
discharged harmlessly into the ground.

Energy Discharge

Power Score: Con
Initial Cost: 6
Maintenance Cost: na
Range: 100 yards
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: individual or object
Prerequisites: energy  containment

    This power allows the psionicist to discharge the absorbed damage he
has contained with energy containment, as a bolt of electrical energy.
This discharge will do the number of hit points in damage that the
psionicist has left over, unradiated as light.  He will then lose his glow
and will not be able to discharge again until he absorbs more damage with
energy containment.

    Power Score: The discharge does double damage.
    20: The discharge back fires and hits the psionicist.  This time it can
not be absorbed and does full damage.

Enhanced Infravision

Power Check: Con-2
Initial Cost: 9
Maintenance Cost: 4/turn
Range: 90 feet
Preparation Time: 5
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisites: Infravision (Natural or Psionic)

    This science is a more powerful version of the infravision devotion,
without the side effects of that power (namely, worsening the character's
ability to see into the blue areas of the spectrum). This science actually
creates more color-sensing pigments in the character's eyes, allowing for
superior vision. Demihumans _can_ use this power, but it is not cumulative
with innate infravision (an elf with infravision to 60 feet using this
power gains infravision with a range of 90 feet, not 150).

    Power Score: Range increases to 120 feet.
    20: The character botched the pigment creation, and becomes blind for
2-12 rounds.


Power Score: Con -5
Initial Cost: varies
Maintenance Cost: na
Range: touch
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: individual
Prerequisites: none

    Unlike cell adjustment healing will not cure any type of diseases, but
it does have a better hit point to PSP ratio for healing wounds.  The
psionicist will heal one hit point of damage for every one PSPs they spend
(1:1 ratio).

    Power Score: The patient is totally healed and only one PSP is spent.
    20: The psionicist suffers the number of hit points he was healing, but
the patient is unaffected.  If the psionicist is the patient he still
suffers the damage.

Immovability Other

Power Score: Con -5
Initial Cost: 9
Maintenance Cost: 6/round
Range: 100 yards
Preparation Time:       0
Area of Effect: individual or object
Prerequisites: immovability

    This power works just like immovability, but it's used on other people
or objects.  The person or object becomes immovable and will reekier a
large amount of force to move it form its spot.  A person that has been
made immovable is also unable to move himself without the psionicist
allowing it by discontinuing the power.
    Moving the person or object will require a combined strength total that
is at least 10 times greater than the psionicist immovability other power
score (Con -5).  If an individual has a strength of move the 10 times the
psionicist immovability other power score (Con -5) he can not be held by
this power.  See Immovability page 61 of The Complete Psionics Handbook for
more details.

    Power Score: Moving the person or object becomes impossible.
    20: The psionicist can't stop the power; he maintains it until he runs
out of PSPs.


Power Score: Con
Initial Cost: 4
Maintenance Cost: 2/turn
Range: 60 feet
Preparation Time: 1
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisites: none

    This devotion allows the psionicist to see in darkness, using the heat
coming from an object. For all intents and purposes, it is identical to
that possessed by elves and dwarves. It extends to 60 feet, does not
function in the presence of light, and can be blinded by "hot" objects. A
side effect is that any form of ultravision (being able to see beyond the
violet end of the spectrum) is negated while this power is in effect, and
the subject may have difficulty distinguishing colors past the blue end of
the spectrum.
    The power works by shifting the photoreceptors in the eye down towards
the red (and infrared) portions of the spectrum. Demihuman psionicists who
already have infravision cannot use this power.

    Power Score: Range increases to 90 feet.
    20: The character becomes colorblind and sensitive to bright light for
2-20 rounds.


Power Score: Con -3
Initial Cost: 8
Maintenance Cost: na
Range: touch
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: individual or object
Prerequisites: none

    This power allows the psionicist to over stimulate the nerve centers of
the body and cause a large electrical buildup, which can be discharged by
touch or through any conductive material.  This discharged causes 1D10 hit
points of damage.  This buildup remains in the psionicists body until he
discharges it.

    Power Score: The damage is doubled.
    20: The electrical charge discharges in the psionicist brain, stunning
him for 1D6 rounds and causing 1D10 hit points of damage.


Power score: Con - 2
Initial Cost: 10(the act)/5(the scan)
Maintainance Cost: none
Range: personal(the act)/sight(the scan)
Prepartion Time: ?
Area of Effect: Psionicist
Prerequisites: ?

    The mimic devotion will allow the psi to perform briefly a physical
feat that would not otherwise be possible.  The mimic devotion has two
phases in its function. The first phase is called the scan phase, wherein
the devotion is activated while the psi witnesses some sort of brief
physical act that he/she would not normally be able to accomplish. This
scan phase allows the psi to psychically monitor the physical functioning
of another humanoid and record in his/her subconscious the results of the
scan. The scan measures such sundries as neuromuscular activity, heart
rate, brain waves and whathaveyouse. The memory of the event is held in the
psi's mind until it is activated at the will of the psi (calling for
another successful power roll). Successful activation wipes the memory of
the specific event scan. If the roll fails, the memory remains but is not
activated on this attempt.  The maximum number of memories allowed to be
held at any one time is equal to the psi's current level.
    Upon activation, the psi brings his/her awesome psionic energies to
bear, allowing him/her to duplicate the feat(and lose ten psps). The feat
must be a single task such as bending a steel bar, firing an arrow, tumbing
from a great height safely to the ground, throwing a boulder, etc.
Personally I would even allow the duplication of some spell effects, such
as jump, although if "detect magic" is used on the psi while performing,
none is detected!  Examples:
    Jack the psi witnesses Wondru the magnificent (names changed to protect
the guilty) bend a steel bar. He scans the event, and if the power roll is
successful, the memory is stored (he has also lost 10 psps). He then boldly
strides up to the bar, makes a successful power role, and now has a chance
equal to Wondru's to bend the bar, even though his strength is actually 10.
    Jack then sees Lachief, Ranger extraordinaire, fire a bow. Jack scans
it and then confidently picks up the bow. Unfortunately, his power roll
fails and he almost shoots himself, as he doesn't have any bow proficiency
at all.  If he made it, though, he would have been able to fire it once
using Lachief's Thac0 (WITH Lachief's dex, elf, and prof bonuses and all).

    Power Score: The event activates and is still retained in memory
    20: The memory is lost without having benefitted the psi.


Power Score: Con -3
Initial Cost: 10
Maintainance Cost: 5
Range: 0
Preparation  Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisites: None

    The power allows the psionicist to move at twice the usual movement
rate, attack at the next highest level on the "attack/rnd chart,"  and
perform any physical action in half the usual time.  The armor class is
also reduced by 1.
    Using this power for longer than 5 rounds has a chance of aging the
character.  This chance is a cumulative 10% per round.  The psionicist can
avoid this by stopping the power for at least two rounds before re-
initiating it once more.

    Power Score: Speed is tripled with regards to physical activity and
movement.  Attacks remain unchanged.
    20: Half speed, etc. until the power succeeds, cancelling the effect.

Psychoportive Sciences

Dimensional Warp

Power Score: INT - 7
Initial Cost: 10
Maintenance Cost: 5/round
Range: 10 yards/level
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: Special
Prerequisite: Teleport, Dimensional Door, 10th level

    This  power is a variation on the dimensional door power.  The
Psionicist defines two 'windows' anywhere within range, and creates a two
way portal between them, such that anything going into one of the 'window'
will come out the other.  Unlike Dimensional door, this power creates a
true two way transport system (i.e., you can stick your arm through, grab
something at the other end, and pull it back--anything, including spells,
will pass through both ways).  The windows, which may have an area of up to
4 square feet per level of the  psionicist, are identical but can have any
orientation relative to each other (i.e., they could be at right angles to
each other, or even at 180 degrees  *).  This  could result in some very
strange effects, imagine a charging knight being intercepted by a 'window'
and continue his charge straight towards the ground - lance first, from
100 yards up.  Notice that it might be possible to re-route missiles or
even spells such as fireball or lightning bolt right back to the
originator, but the psionicist would have to act extremely fast (i.e.,
have initiative and make an int check to see whether he/she can think and
act fast enough).  Because of the complexity of warping space in this way
it is easy for things to go wrong. If the power check fails, the full PSP's
are used, and a the two windows will open up, but the psionicist cannot
control their position (the windows are also unstable and cannot be
maintained).  In case of a 20 result, the windows are 'very likely' to open
in such a way as to harm the  psionicist (in this case, the window might
also be warped and destroy anything which passes through).

    Power Score: Maintenance cost is reduced to 3 PSP's per round.
    20: see above

Planar Travel

Power Score: Int -4
Initial Cost: 45/90
Maintainance Cost: na
Range: special
Preparation Time: 12
Area of Effect: one creature
Prerequisites: teleport

    This power allows the psionicist to thrust themself into another plane.
This is almost the same as Summon Planar Creature, but involves a different
type of usage.  As with that power, the psionicist is disoriented for one
round, causing a -2 penalty on initiative, attacks, and saving throws.  The
psionicist can choose any of the innder planes for 45 PSP as well as the
astral plane or the etherreal plane, or any outer plane for 90 PSP.  If the
power check is a 2, then the psionicist is off target by one plane (which
direction is up to the DM)  If the power check is a one, then the
psionicist not only misses by one plane, but also takes the nearest being
to him with him.  This power does not confer ant protection from the plane
transported to.  If the psionicist misses in the outer planes, they are
ALWAYS transported to Sigil (if PlaneScape is used, if not use the
Concordant Opposition.)

    Power Score: The psionicist ends up in a safe area, no matter where
they went to.  However, this does not gurantee that the place will REAMIN
safe.  A cool spot in the elemental plane of fire does not last long.
    20: The psionicist instead summons a creature from the destination
plane.  Roll again as per Summon Planar Creature to see the exact distance
and disposition of the creature.

Psychoportive Devotions


Power Score: Int -2
Initial Cost:15+
Maintainance Cost: n/a
Range: Infinite
Prep Time: 0 (1d4)
Area of Effect: One object, 50 lbs
Prerequisites: Teleport

    Using this power the psionicist can teleport an object from another
location to his current location. The object, which can weigh up to 50
pounds, must either be one that the psionicist knows well and can picture
in his mind, such as his own sword, or one that is within his sight
(including psionic or magical detection such as clairvoyance or crystal
    The psionicist cannot conjure an object that bears a wizard mark unless
the mark is his own. Neither can he conjure an object that is firmly
secured, such as a chest that is bolted to the floor. If the object being
teleported is held by another creature, a psychic contest is waged using
the other creature's Strength score versus the psionicist's Conjure power
score. If the object being conjured is an intelligent object (either
magically or psionically endowed), the object can choose to resist, in
which case a psychic contest is waged using the object's Intelligence.
    The difficulty of the conjuration, and the cost, increase with the
distance and the weight of the object, as listed on the table below:

       Distance   IC  PS    Weight   IC  PS
        10 yards  15  +1     < 1 lb   0  +1
       100 yards  20   0     10 lbs   0   0
      1000 yards  25  -1     25 lbs  +2  -1
        10 miles  30  -2     50 lbs +5  -2
       100 miles  40  -3
      1000 miles  50  -4    *Players with the
     10000 miles  60  -5    SPELLJAMMER
 interplanetary*  70  -6    boxed set... (etc. etc.)

    The psionicist can have the object arrive in his grasp, or anywhere
within 1 yard of him, as long as it arrives on a stable surface. He cannot,
for example, conjure a boulder to fall onto the head of his enemy. If the
result of the power check is a 1 or a 2, the object arrives at a random
location 2d6 feet from the psionicist.

    Note: The 0 (1d4) preparation time denotes a preparation time of 1d4

    Power Score: The cost of the conjuration is reduced by 20% (rounded
up), and all penalties for the object's weight are ignored.
    20: The object is conjured, but arrives in a location that is
detrimental to the object, the psionicist, or both. His sword may arrive in
his grasp blade first, or a glass flask may arrive just beyond his grasp,
only to fall to the ground and shatter.

Dimensional Portal

Power Score: Int. -4
Initial Cost: Below
Maintence Cost: Nil
Range: Nil (but for SJ it has to be in the same crystal sphere)
Prepartion Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: One Item
Prerequisite: Dimension Door

    Using this power a psionicist creates a Dimensional portal that will
enable the him to bring one item of his choice to his present location.
Before using this power must think of one item, this is the item he will
use the portal to get.  Using this power the psionicists need not
neccasrily know where the object he just need to be able to picture it in
his mind.  He can not think of "I want to get a short sword."  It needs to
be an object he has had physical contact with and knows the feel of it well
enough that he will know that he has found it when his hand goes through
the Dimensional portal (ie the feel of his favorite sword, dagger, etc.)
This is not an easy task for a psionicist because of the fact that he is
searching for an object that he does neccesarily know where it is.  The
initial cost depends on how far the psionicist is from the item (determined
by the DM).

Distance           Initial Cost        Powere Score Modifier
10 Yards           30 PSPs             0
100 yards          30 PSPs             -1
1,000 yards        45 PSPs             -2
10 Miles           60 PSPs             -3
100 Miles          75 PSPs             -4
1,000 Miles        90 PSPs             -5
10,000 Miles       105 PSPs            -6
Planet to Planet   150 PSPs            -7

    Power Score: The PSP cost is reduced by 33%
    20: The item is in some way damaged, not to the point of worthlessness
but damaged nonetheless (exact amount up to DM)


Power Score: Int -1
Initial Cost: 8
Maintenance Cost: 2/round
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisites: teleport

    Haste allows the psionicist to force his body and any equipment his is
carrying, through the space-time continuum at a little over twice the
normal rate.  This gives the psionicist double his normal movement rate,
double his normal number of attacks per round, all three of  the ability
scores for double his dexterity, and divides his initiative roll in half.
It also causes the psionicist to have to pay double the maintenance cost
for all powers, including haste, used while using haste.  All of the
advantages and the disadvantage last until he stops paying maintenance cost
for haste.  Haste does not cause the psionicist to age any more rapidly
then normal.

    Power Score: The psionicist becomes a blur and he receives an
additional -4 to his armor class.
    20: The psionicist jumps through time 1D4 hours and receives 1D10 hit
points of temporal burn damage.  All equipment he is carrying must also
make saves verses fire or be burned up in the jump.


Power Score: Int -3
Initial Cost: 50
Maintenance Cost: na
Range: 50 yards
Prep Time: 0
Area of Effect: na
Prerequisites: teleport, teleport other

    This power allows the psionicist to exchange physical places with any
creature within sight, and 50 yards, of the psionicist.  The creature
cannot be more than 150% of the mass of the psionicist. When the
interchange takes place, the orientation between the two characters remains
the same, so any combat taking place between the two interchanged
characters is unaffected (both physical and magical attacks.)

    If the subject of the interchange power is unwilling to be teleported,
they are allow a saving throw vs. paralyzation at -2 to resist the
teleportation effort.  If the creature is willing to be interchanged, no
saving throw is required.

    Note: In response to a question as to why there is a saving throw for
an unwilling target of this power; the Teleport Other power works only an
willing or unconscious beings...I though it fair to allow a saving throw
for this power if the victim was reluctant to undergo the Intercange.

    Power Score: The saving throw of the subject of the interchange power
automatically fails.
    20: The psionicist becomes disoriented, and suffers a -2 to all rolls
for the next turn.

Phase Self

Power Score: Con -1
Initial Cost: 6
Maintenance Cost: 3/turn
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 1
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisites: none

    A psionicist with phase self can shift his body and any equipment his
is carrying, millionth of a degree off of the plane he is currently on.
While using this power he can not affect anything and can not be affected
by anything on that plane, but he can still hear and see everything around
him.  This allows him to stand in or walk through walls, objects, and even
people without affecting them.  The psionicist can even stand in flame and
no be burned.  He is truly invisible, and can not be seen, smelt, felt, or
heard. With one exception, true seeing can see him.

    Power Score: The psionicist can not be seen even with true seeing.
    20: The psionicist becomes phased permanently for 1D4 hours.

Quick Action

Power Score: Con -1
Initial Cost: 15
Maintenance cost: 3/round
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisite: none

    When a psionicist learns this power, he develops an understanding and
affinity for manipulation of the time stream.  The psionicist learns to
affect the relationship between his body and the time stream.  When this
devotion is active the psionic slips slightly out of the time stream,
allowing his reactions to be quicker than those around him. This gives him
a +2 on initiative in every round that this discipline is active.
Furthermore any saving throws which would normally allow a bonus for higher
dexterity are also made at +2.
    This discipline cannot be used in conjunction with magic that affects
time stream (haste, slow, potion of speed, etc.). If already under the
influence of one of these types of magic the psionicist will be totally
unable to activate this devotion. Conversly, when this discipline is under
affect the psionicist is immune to the effects of these magics.

    Power Score - The aforementioned bonuses improve to +3.
    20 - The power fails, and double the initial cost in PSP's is consumed.

-------------------- Continues in Part V --------------------

From eskimo!mvb.saic.com!news.cerf.net!ihnp4.ucsd.edu!swrinde!cs.utexas.edu!utnut!torn!uunet.ca!uunet.ca!ionew
s.io.org!nobody Tue Jun 21 15:06:35 1994
Path: eskimo!mvb.saic.com!news.cerf.net!ihnp4.ucsd.edu!swrinde!cs.utexas.edu!utnut!torn!uunet.ca!uunet.ca!ione
From: doppy@io.org (Ryan Biggs)
Newsgroups: rec.games.frp.dnd
Subject: Net.Psionics.Handbook Part 5/7
Date: 21 Jun 1994 11:16:26 -0000
Organization: Internex Online (io.org) Data: 416-363-4151  Voice: 416-363-8676
Lines: 996
Message-ID: <2u6i6a$4p9@ionews.io.org>
NNTP-Posting-Host: nudge.io.org


Power Score: Int -2
Initial Cost: 15+
Maintainance Cost: n/a
Range: Infinite
Prep Time: 0 (1d4)
Area of Effect: One object, 50 lbs
Prerequisites: Teleport

    This power, the converse of conjure, lets the psionicist send an object
from his current location to another location. The destination must be one
that the character knows and can picture in his mind, or one that he can
see, by whatever means.
    The object, which can weigh up to 50 pounds, must be carried or firmly
grasped by the psionicist. He cannot send an object that bears a wizard
mark unless the mark is his own. If the object is also grasped by another
creature, the psionicist must wage a psychic contest, pitting his Sending
power score against the other creature's Strength score. If the object is
anchored to something weighing over 50 pounds (such as a locked door in a
castle), the object cannot be sent. If the object has intelligence,
bestowed by either magical or psionic means, it may opt to resist the
sending, forcing the psionicist to wage a psychic contest against the
object's Intelligence.  Only nonliving objects can be affected by a
    The difficulty of the sending increases with the weight of the object
and the distance to the destination, as detailed in the table in the
listing for Conjure.

    Note: The 0 (1d4) preparation time denotes a preparation time of 1d4

   Power Score: The initial cost is reduced by 20% (rounded up), and there
are no penalties for the object's weight.
   20: The object is sent, but not to the location desired by the
psionicist.  The item may be teleported mere away feet from him, or it
could arrive miles away from where it was supposed to.

Teleport Lock

Power Score: Int -2
Initial Cost: 10
Maintenance Cost: 5/turn
Range: infinite
Prep Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisites: teleport, ESP

    This power allows a psionicist to "lock" onto another being, and if
that being should teleport (magically or psionically) for any reason, the
psionicist will have the option that round, and that round only, to
teleport to the same place as the "locked" creature did.  If the psionicist
opts not to immediately follow, the lock is lost.  The lock needs to be
made while the psionicist can see the creature it is locking onto, but
after the lock is established, distance between the two makes no

    If the psionicist decides to follow, the character must pay the PSP
costs and make a power check as he would using the Teleport power, with all
the appropriate penalties based upon distance.  If the psionicst does not
have enough PSPs, then the Teleport fails.

    Power Score: The lock lasts for 5 rounds after the locked on character
has teleported.
    20: No other effect.

Temporal Acceleration

Power Score: Con -5
Initial Cost: 15
Maintenance cost: 10/round
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisite: Quick Action

    This discpline allows the psionic to alter the flow of the time stream
relative to their body.  Upon successsfully applying this discpline the
psionic effectively alters the flow of the time stream relative to his
body.  The psionicist gains the ability to move his or her body in a
fashion that is identical to someone under the effect of a Haste spell.
Unlike the recipient of the Haste spell the psionic does NOT age one year
due to the application of this discipline. The increased speed does not
allow the psionic to either cast multiple spells/round or active more
psionic powers/round than would otherwise be allowed.
    This discipline cannot be used in conjunction with magic that affects
time stream (haste, slow, potion of speed, etc.). If already under the
influence of one of these types of magic the psionicist will be totally
unable to activate this devotion. Conversly, when this discipline is under
affect the psionicist is immune to the effects of these magics.

    Power Score - The psionicist gains the ability to move at triple speed.

    20 - The psionicist acts as if under the effect of a Slow spell, and
cannot terminate this condition for 5 rounds.

Temporal Deceleration

Power Score: Con -2
Initial Cost: 15
Maintenance cost: 3/day
Range:  0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisite: Quick Action

    This discpline allows the psionic to alter the flow of the time stream
relative to their body.  Upon successsfully applying this discpline the
psionicist's body passes into a state which is indistinguishable from death
(except by casting of a Detect Life spell). The Psionicist can maintain
that state until either a predetermined amount of time has passed (say 10
days) or a specific event triggers the termination of the temporal
deceleration.  While in the decelerated state the psionic is oblivious to
the outside world (everything is a blur traveling too fast to follow), and
his body uses up none of it's internal resources, ie., his metabolism
stops, so no healing takes place, but neither does a bad physical condition
worsen. There is nothing to prevent physical harm from befalling the
psionic while temporally decelerated.
    This discipline cannot be used in conjunction with magic that affects
time stream (haste, slow, potion of speed, etc.). If already under the
influence of one of these types of magic the psionicist will be totally
unable to activate this devotion. Conversly, when this discipline is under
affect the psionicist is immune to the effects of these magics.
    Power Score - The psionicist hears, sees and remembers all that
transpires within normal sensory range for the duration of his temporal
    20 - The psionicist is decelerated for twice as long as expected.

Telepathic Sciences


Power Score: Wis - 3
Initial Cost: Special
Maintenance Cost: na
Range: na
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: psionic opponent
Prerequisite: contact, mindlink, psionic blast

    This  power causes a psychic shock to travel along the psychic conduit
formed  by  contact.   It may only be used after contact has been
established, by either the psionicist or by the opponent (i.e., it  will
travel either way).  This psychic shock will directly damage the  opponent,
causing  1d6  damage for every 5 PSP's spent (save vs death  to  reduce
this by half, maximum damage is 10d6 for 50 PSP's).  There  is  however
some  risk  involved in using this power.  If the power  check  is  failed,
the psionicist must make a saving throw or suffer half the damage that
he/she wanted to inflict on the opponent.

    Power Score: Opponent automatically fails the saving throw.
    20: Psionicist suffers full damage, no saving throw allowed.

Control Dream (Dreamer Power)

Power Score: Int-2
Initial Cost: 10
Maintenance Cost: NA
Range: Special
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: 500' radius
Prerequisite: 5th level
        This allows the dreamer to change the type of dream by one on the
dream scale or to change the alignment of a dream.  The dream alignment can
be change by one element in one direction.  The elements of the alignment
are the two different halves.  The first half (Lawful, Neutral, Evil) can
be changed by switching to an alignment to the left or the right of the
original one shown in the parenthesis above. The same applies to the second
half (Good, Neutral, Evil) The transition will last for as long as the
dreamer remains in that Dreamland mode.  This power will only affect the
Dreamland that the dreamer is currently in.

    Power Score: The dreamer may change two parts of the dream.
    20: The dream change is in the opposite direction intended

Control Mode (Dreamer Power)

Power Score: Int-2
Initial Cost: 50
Maintenance Cost: NA
Range: 500' radius
Preparation Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 1 person plus one every five levels
Prerequisite: 10th level
        By using this power, a dreamer may transport a number of individuals
to another mode of dreamland.  All individuals who are not dreamers do so
without any chance of avoiding it, however, dreamers can elect to go.

    Power Score: The dreamer transports all individuals within range.
    20: The dreamer transports himself to the astral plane, leaving the
targets where they were

Deflect Attack

Power Score: Wis -5
Initial Cost: 10
Maintenance Cost: na
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal/individual
Prerequisite : 21st level
    With this new defense, the Psionicist can deflect any unsuccessful
attack against the attacker. The attacker is allowed a save vs.
petrification, but if he fails, he suffers any result from his own attack
as if he is using it versus a contacted mind. (e.g. a Psionicist is using
'Ego Whip' and the defender is using this Science and wins, the Psionicist
is dazed for 1d4 rounds if he fails his save.)

    Power Score: The save automatically fails (if the contest is won).
    20: The contact is established without any further combat.

Dream Creature (Dreamer Power)

Power Score: Wis -6
Initial Cost: Special
Maintenance Cost: Special
Range: Unlimited
Preparation Time: 2
Area of Effect: Special
Prerequisites: 21st level

    With this power a dreamer psionicist can, in Dreamland,  construct any
creature with which he/she is familiar.  This will enable the dreamer to
empower the construct with _all_ abilities of the creature including
magical, psionical, etc.  The dreamer then becomes the brain of the
construct using the construct's senses, abilities, etc.  The dreamer's
dream form becomes inert during this period, and may be as far away from
the construct as the dreamer desires.  Further, the construct has the
maximum number of hit points possible for a creature of this type, and
draws all PSPs from the dreamer's PSP total.  The dreamer may use all
psionicist powers he/she has normally available in addition to whatever the
construct has available.  If the construct is slain, the dreamer is
immediately forced back to his/her own form, and must make a system shock
roll.  If the roll is successful, then the dreamer regains consciousness in
their proper form with no ill effects, if failed, the dreamer passes out
for  3d6 rounds, and suffers 2d6 hit points of damage.
    This is a difficult power to use because of the high PSP cost.  The
initial cost is 10 PSPs per 1000 XP the creature being imitated is worth.
So for instance, a creature worth 16,000 XP requires an initial cost of 160
PSPs to make a construct of.  The maintenance cost is one tenth the initial
cost per round.  The calculation of the initial cost can be further refined
by making it to be 1 PSP per 100 XP.  Round fractions up in this

    Power Score - The construct's hit points are doubled.
    20 - The construct is seriously flawed in some way, at the discretion
of the DM, not to be told to the dreamer.  For example, the construct might
have only half the normal number of hit points, it might not have some
critical ability available, etc.

Dream Crossover (Dreamer Power)

Power Score:Int-2
Initial Cost: 50
Maintenance Cost: 10/hour
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 1 round
Area of effect: personal
Prerequisite: 15th level

        This power alters the dreamer's material world form so that resembles
the Dreamland form in shape and statistics.  The transformation takes an
actual time of 30 seconds (5 in a combat situation) but the dreamer must
spend the rest of the round recovering from the shock.  After that, the
dreamer's Dreamland form (including all Dreamland items and the Dreamland
weapon proficiencies) is fully usable.  Although useful, this is also
rather dangerous.  If the dreamer rolls a natural 5 or less, they fall into
a coma for a number of days equal to 25 minus the dreamer's constitution.
Once a dreamer ceases to expend PSP to maintain this power, the dreamer's
form slowly changes back (2 rounds for transformation) and the dreamer
falls asleep for 1/2 the time that he/she was in their altered form.

    Power Score: The crossover lasts 3 hours free.
    20: The dreamer must make another power check.  If it fails or is below
5, then the character dies, otherwise, he/she falls into a coma equal to
1/2 the time specified above for a power score failure.

Dream Link (Dreamer Power)

Power Score: Wis-1
Initial Cost: 10
Maintenance Cost: 2/turn
Range: 100 miles plus 5 per level
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: 1 person
Prerequisites: 5th level
        This allows a dreamer to form a mental link between himself and
another individual by linking their minds in Dreamland.  This power is
similar to, and can replace, the psionic powers mindlink and contact, but
some differences are there.  The main difference is that the link is two
way, although with most people that does not mean much.  When using this
power on a dreamer, the other dreamer must make a power score for the Dream
Link power.  If it succeeds and is above 5, then the victim dreamer wakes
up and can now use their powers.  A normal psionicist can also wake up, but
they must make their power score, but at a -5 penalty (unless it fails
naturally, in which case it has no penalty)

    Power Score: The link is one way, and in favor of the dreamer.
    20: The link is one way, in the favor of the victim, and the victim (if
a psionicist) wakes up while the dreamer is mentally stunned for 1d6+5
rounds (in which time the link is kept up for free)


Power Score: Wis -6
Initial Cost: 60
Maintenance Cost: 20/rd
Range: Unlimited
Preparation Time: 5
Area of Effect: 1 square mile/level of Dreamland
Prerequisites: 25th level

    With   this  power  a  dreamer  psionicist  can,  in  Dreamland,
construct a dream landscape of any type they desire.  It may be mundane,
fantastic,  any  type  of  terrain, etc.  This in conjunction with Dream
Creature  allows  the  psionicist  to  gain godlike status in Dreamland.
Further,  a  psionicist  who  uses  this power in conjunction with Dream
Creature  may  construct  and  use  a  creature  without concern for the
consequences  of  the  creature being killed, further the psionicist may
construct up to 1 + 1d2 creatures of the same type without extra cost.

    Power Score: The maintenance cost is halved.
    20: The  dreamscape  is distorted badly, and anyone in it may save vs.
spells to escape it.


Power Score: Wisdom -6
Initial Cost: 40
Maintenance Cost: Contact
Range: 100 Miles
Preparation Time: 1 Turn
Area Of Effect: 1 Person
Prerequisites: Contact, Mindlink, Probe, Post Hypnotic Suggestion

    When the psionicist employs this science, he projects his consciousness
into the dreams of his sleeping victim.  Upon arrival into the dream the
victim is allowed a wisdom check to notice the anomaly.  If it succeeds he
understands the nature of the attacker, and may choose to end the dream.
    When the psionicist enters the dream, he takes the form of the victim's
worst fear.  He then chases the victim until the dream ends, or the victim
wakes.  Upon waking the victim remembers nothing about the dream, only a
dark sense of foreboding and fear.  He will also have lost one point of
Constitution.  The point of CON can only be recovered through the following
means:  restoration, heal, Psychic Surgery, or a Cell Adjustment costing 60
points.  Each of these restores one point per application.  A limited wish
will restore 3 points, and a wish will restore the victim fully.
    The Dreamstalker can be used night after night until the victim is dead
(CON reaches zero).  The victim can only be revived by a heal, restoration,
and resurrection, in that order, or through a wish.
    If the sleeper contacted through this power happens to be a dreamer
psionicist, then the person using this power is in for a rude awakening.
The dreamer's conscious mind immediately awakens and they have several
options.  They can escape the power and go into Dreamland and proceed to
use their own powers on the person using Dreamstalker.  They may use their
non-dreamer powers as if they too had a contact on the person using the
power, and thus, start a psionic combat.  They may break contact at a cost
of 10 PSP with no chance of failure.  This would not require the ejection
power as a dreamer has trained to know all about Dreamland and dreaming and
thus a contact via a dream (a normal dream) is not a threat to the dreamer.
A dreamer may also, in combination with the other options, make the
psionicist using the Dreamstalker, believe that he has succeeded in his
attempt to enter the dreams and proceed from there.  A particularily smart
(and somewhat cruel) dreamer could provide the Dreamstalker with suitable
prey, that he believes is the victim of his power, and sit back and watch
the psionicist chase illusions.  Or, the dreamer could even pretend to flee
from the psionicist and suddenly turn on him and attack.  By using the
right combination of powers, a dreamer could pull the psionicist into
Dreamland, and then tear him to shreds in a matter of rounds.

    Note: this power WILL NOT work if the sleeper is in Dreamland for any
reason.  Dreamers consider this power useless, as a combination of their
own powers will acheive a similar effect, and could be much more fatal in a
shorter time.

    Power Score:  The psionicist can also ask one question as per Probe, or
plant one suggestion as per PH suggestion.
    20:  The Dreamstalker fails, all 40 psp's are lost, and the psionicist
must make a save versus death magic or lose 1d8 Constitution points.  These
can only be regained as if the psionicist were under the effects of a
Dreamstalker himself.

Enter Dream (Dreamer Power)

Power Score: Int-2
Initial Cost: 10
Maintenance Cost: NA
Range: 100 miles plus 5/level
Preparation Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 1 person
Prerequisites: none
        This power allows a dreamer to enter the dream of a sleeping person.
Once inside the dream, the dreamer can any of their powers directly on the
individual.  The dreamer may even draw others into the target's dream.  As
well, the dreamer may elect to kill the individual in their dream.  Doing
so in a Natural Dreamland is very hazardous.  Since the Natural Dreamland
is only in the mind of the individual (and the dreamer and any other are
effectively inside it) killing the person is almost always fatal.  Any
person left in the mind of a person who has just been killed, must make a
saving throw vs. death magic or die with the individual.  The dreamer must
make a Wisdom check at a -10 penalty.  If succeeded, the dreamer is able to
jump back to their own body in time.

    Power Score: The dreamer may kill the target without any chance of
    20: The dreamer must save vs. death magic or die

Group Defense

Power Score: Wis -6
Initial Cost: contact
Maintenance Cost: 2/round/creature
Range: 40 yards
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: up to 5 creatures
Prerequisite: contact, mindlink, lend strong mind

    This Science does the same as 'Lend Strong Mind' but up to 5 so
contacted minds gain the benefits of a closed mind or, if activated, the
defense. The defense's Score is not penalized with -2 but the initial cost
for the defense must be paid for every contacted mind.

    Power Score: The mainenance cost is reduced to 1/round/creature.
    20: Every contact is broken and the Psionicist is unable to use any
defense for 1d4 turns.

Mind Hold

Power Score: Int -3
Initial Cost: Contact
Maintenance Cost: 8/round
Range: touch
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: 1 Creature
Prerequisites: Contact

    This acts much like a domination.  It, when the psionicist places a
hand on the victim, grasbs hold of the  opponents psyche and forces it into
a sort of holding cell..thus the oponent is totally immoble during the time
of usage, as well as under complete physical control.  Thoughs can occur,
but no form of telepathy can occur.  Also thinking becomes slowed, as the
energy holding the mind takes a lot of effort to overcome.  Spellcasting
becomes impossible while under the influence of this power.  All
Intelligence and Wisdom checks are at -3.

    Power Score: The psionicist badly batters the mind of the victim.  The
victim suffers as if he is under the influence of this power for 1 day.
The psionicist does not need to expend points to maintain this
    20: The Psionicist gains a severe migrane which lasts for 2 turns, no
powers may be used during this time.  As well, all ability score checks are
made at -2 due to the intense pain.  Any loud noises REALLY hurt (anyone
who has had a migrane can testify to this)

Mind Kill

Power Score: Wis -6
Initial Cost: 20
Maintenance Cost: na
Range: 100 yards
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: individual
Prerequisite: domination, 21st level

    Mind Kill is a forcefull overload of the victims mind with psionically
energy in form from contrary commands. It's one of the new telepathis
attacks used to establish contact with another psionicist.  If the power is
used against an already contacted mind, it literary squeezes the fluids out
of the brain, killing the victim instantly if he fails his save vs. death.
Even if he succeed in the save, he is rendered unconscious for 1d6 hours,
leaving him completely helpless.

 Table for Attack-Modifier:
     M-  TS  MB  PA  IF  DA  TW
 MT  +5  -2  -4  +1  -4  -2  -5
 EW  +5   0  -3  -2  -4  -3  -3
 II  -3  +2  +4   0  -1  -5  -3
 MD  +3  -1   0  -1  +3  -1  -4
 PC  +1  -3  -1  -2  -3   0  -4
 MK   0  +1  +2  -4  +1  -3   0
 PB  +2  +3   0  -1  -1  -4  -2

    Power Score: The save automatically fails.
    20: The force is not transmitted violently but the contrary commands
affect the attacker instead, rendering him helpless for 1 turn, unable to
use any psionic power.  Also, half of the 20 PSPs are transmitted to the
defender if he succed in a CON-check.

Obscure Defilement (Dark Sun power)

Power Score: Int -4
Initial Cost: contact of each creature affected.
Maintenance Cost: 5/round/creature
Range: Defiled Area
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: Defiled Area
Prerequisites: Mindlink, Contact, Invisibility

    This  power  is  remarkably like superior invisibility, except that it
covers the smell, sound, and sight of the ash surrounding the defiler.
The power score decreases by one however, per level of the spell  being
cast.   So  a  fourth  level  spell  will be at INT -8.  However,  if a
person comes back to the defiled area at a later date, he/she  will  notice
the  defiled  area,  unless  cloaked by another talent.

    Power Score: Every time the people affected by this spell come back to
this particular spot, they will not see the area of ash.  Ever.
    20: They know exactly what is going on, and the Defiler is in BIG


Power Score: Wis -2
Initial Cost: contact
Maintenance Cost: 5/round
Range: 90 yards
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: individual
Prerequisite: mindlink, contact

     Using this power, the psionicist can paralyze a creature contacted.
The creature must be within 90 yards of the psionicist, but needs not be
within line-of-sight.  If the creature is able to be seen, there is no
modification tothe psionicist's power score.  If the creature is not
visible (invisible, hidden, or otherwise blocked from sight), the
psionicist's power score is reduced by three.
     Any creature affected by this power must make a saving throw vs.
paralyzation or be unable to move.  The power works by blocking signals
from the creature's brain to its voluntary muscles.  Since the brain cannot
issue any new instructions to the voluntary muscles, they remain in the
position that they were last told to assume.  (Okay, so this isn't exactly
how the nervous system really works, but this is a fantasy game . . .)
This power can in no way affect involuntary muscles, so the victim doesn't
have to worry about breathing or having a heart attack.
     The victim is affected only as long as the psionicist maintains the
power, and can move normally after the power is ended (assuming they've
survived).  As with any other form of paralysis, any paralyzed creature can
be automatically hit in combat situations, or automatically killed in non-
combat situations.  Note that good psionicists who use this power to make
foes into easy targets will find their alignments bending towards evil.
(That is, if they intentionally do so.  If the party berserker picks off a
helpless opponent that the psionicist was planning to interrogate, then
it's the fighter's problem, not the psionicist's.)

    Power Score:  The paralysis lasts for 1d6+1 turns with no maintenance
cost and contact need not be continued.
    20:  The psionicist must make a saving throw vs. paralyzation or be
paralyzed for 1d6 + 1 rounds.

Plant Control

Power Score: Wis -2
Initial Cost: contact
Maintenance Cost: 5/round
Range: 100 yards
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: individual
Prerequisites: mindlink, contact

    This science allows the psionicist to control plants of all varieties.
It allows him to animate the  plant and have it preform simple tasks.  For
example, Belor needs to get a wagon through the forest, but there is not
path and trees are blocking the way.  With this science Belor could contact
the trees and command them to move.  Obviously there will be a few potholes
to maneuver around, but that's ok.  A character with a non evil alignment
would also command the trees to replant themselves somewhere else out of
the way.  Treants are immune to plant control, because they are not
considered to be plants for game purposes.

    Power Score: He may control intelligent plants.
    20: He gains plant intelligence for duration of power.


Power Score: Con  -5
Initial Cost: contact +80
Maintenance Cost: na
Range: touch
Preparation Time: 3
Area of Effect: individual
Prerequisites: mindlink, contact, valuable gem (1,000gp+)

    This science is similar to the science switch personality.  It allows a
psionicist to possess an individuals body, without the risk of losing his
own.  It requires a gem worth a  1,000gp or more to store the individuals
mind in while the psionicist barrows its body.  Here's how it works.  The
psionicist takes the gem in one hand and touches the victim with the other.
The psionicist pays the initial 80 PSPs and the victims mind is transferred
to the gem at a rate of one of the victims levels or hit die a round.  If
the psionicist releases the victim or the gem before the transfer is
complete the victims mind snaps back and the process must be started over
from the beginning.  Once the victims mind is completely transferred to the
gem the psionicist is transferred into the victims body in one round. (It
takes longer to put a mind into a gem then into an empty body.)  The
transfer is considered permanent, and lasts until the psionicist uses this
science again to reverse it.  The psionicist does not suffer any ill
affects form the transfer and is able to function without any problems.
His old body will live for one week with no mind in it.   After the week
has passed the psionicist must either transfer back to his own body or it
dies.  The psionicist will require a large meal and a day of rest if he
stays out of his body for the entire week and then reenters it.  When the
psionicist leaves his victims body, no matter where the gem is located at
the time, the victims mind will snap back to it's body form inside the gem,
unaware of any time passing.  A gem may be used more then once, but it can
never hold more than one mind at a time.
    The psionicist gains the physical attributes (Strength, Constitution,
and Dexterity) of his victim.  However, he retains his own THAC0,
proficiencies, and so forth.  Any creature that can be contacted can be
possessed, with the exception of plants, unless the plant has a localized

    Power Score: The initial cost is reduced to contact +40.
    20: The psionicist is trapped in the gem for 1D6 days and then snaps
back to his own body.  (If the psionicist body is dead then the psionicist
mind is lost in the transfer back.  (Your dead.))

Waking Dream (Dreamer Power)

Power Score: Int-8
Initial Cost: 50+10/person
Maintenance Cost: NA
Range: 25' radius
Preparation Time: 2 rounds
Area of effect: up to 10 people within range
Prerequisites: 20th level
        This powerful psionic allows the dreamer to transport the physical
bodies of others into Dreamland.  This power requires intense concentration
during the preparation time and any interruption will have the same effect
as rolling a 20.  The preparation time may be skipped in an emergency, but
the power score will then become Int-15.  This is the same as entering
Dreamland normally for a dreamer, but all victims are physically in
Dreamland, and cannot escape, except with a Wish spell.  Any dreamers who
are being forced in this way must make a wisdom roll.  If they succeed,
then they have entered Dreamland normally, otherwise, all Dreamland powers
are gone.  As well, dreamers forced in via this spell have their mind
destroyed (Intelligence 1, Wisdom 1) until a Wish or Heal spell is used.

    Power Score: The minds of the victims are destroyed as above (including
any dreamers)
    20: The dreamer becomes a Lost One (Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium) and
is transported to Ravenloft where only  Wish can restore their mind or the
mind of the dreamer is stuck in Dreamland and the body becomes a lifeless
shell.  Only a god can restore the dreamer from the later form, and this is
no small ask, so the god may require a rather dangerous task in return.
The result of a 20 is up to the DM.

Telepathic Devotions

Change Dream Form (Dreamer Power)

Power Score: Int-3
Initial Cost: 5
Maintenance Cost: 1/turn
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: Personal
Prerequisite: None
        This power allows a dreamer to alter their physical self in a manner
similar to certain spells.  A level 1 it is equivalent to a change self
spell.  At level 5, 2 dream statistic points are added to the amount to be
distributed.  At level 7, this psionic is equivalent to a polymorph self
spell.  At level 9, 5 dream statistic points can be added.  At level 15,
this total rises to 10.  At level 20, this power is similar to a shape
change spell except that body parts can change by themselves without the
rest of the body being affected.  The number of dream statistic points is
raised to 15.

    Power Score: Move up to the next level of mastery (i.e. 1st level to
5th level, 5th level to 7th level, etc.)
    20: The dreamer succeeds, but at one level of mastery lower and
attracts the attention of a Dream Demon (q.v.)

Disconnect Skills

Power Check: Wis-3
Initial Cost: contact
Maintenance Cost: 7/round
Range: 75 yards
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: individual
Prerequisites: contact, mindlink

    This power allows the psionicist to "disconnect" a character's primary
skills from his mind, causing a specific type of amnesia. Thus, a fighter
has much more difficulty fighting with weapons, a mage has a chance of
spells malfunctioning, bards lose their musical and poetic abilities, a
psionicist's mental powers become harder to use. Characters have no
difficulty doing things not "native" to their class, for example, a mage
fight with weapons, or a fighter use a magic wand. Multi-class characters
have difficulties with the abilities of whichever class has the highest
level (rolling if two or more are equal), and dual-classed humans lose the
abilities of their current class.
    To determine the amount of disruption caused by Disconnect Skills, take
the psionicist's roll and divide by two, rounding up the result (a roll of
4 rounds to 2, a roll of 11 rounds to 6). For each disruption point, the
character suffers a -1 penalty when skills measured on a d20 are used, or a
-5% penalty when a d100 is used. The breakdown of vulnerable skills is
given by this list:
    Fighter - penality on all attacks and armor class (-1 per disruption
    Cleric  - chance of spell failure (5% per disruption point), and
turning failure (-1 on turning roll per disruption point)
    Mage    - chance of spell failure and magic item failure (5% per
disruption point for both)
    Thief   - penalty to thieving abilities (5% per disruption point)
    Psionicist  - penality to power checks (-1 per disruption point)

    Power Score: The victim cannot take any actions (except defending) for
the first round.
    20: The psionicist is affected by this power for 2-12 rounds.

Dream Items (Dreamer Power)

Power Score: Int-1
Initial Cost: 5
Maintenance Cost: NA
Range: 0
Preparation Time:0
Area of Affect: 1 item
Prerequisite: none
        This allows the dreamer to create any non-magical, personal item,
weapon, suit of armor, etc.  This item lasts as long as the dreamer stays
in Dreamland.  The item will behave as the normal item would (a weapon will
cause damage, armor will protect a person and a rope will, well..um, do
rope things!)

    Power Score: The item is magical and the DM will determine its powers,
but it will only bring 1/10th of its full experience value.  The maximum
experience possible (before devaluation) is 1,000XP.
    20: This item is extremely unstable and will explode causing 2d10 hp
damage when moved quickly (most likely when picked up)

Dream Magnet (Dreamer Power)

Power Score: Wis-3
Initial Cost: 5
Maintenance Cost: NA
Range: 100 miles plus 5/level
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: 1 person plus 1 every 5 levels
Prerequisites: None
        This power allows the dreamer to pull a sleeping person into the mode
of  Dreamland that the dreamer is currently in, be it natural, true, or
travel.  This does not actually give the dreamer access to the person's
dreams, but it does have a chance (75%) of giving the victim a very severe
nightmare with all the negative affects associated with one.  If the
sleeper is already having a Dreamland dream, then it will automatically be
a nightmare.  If the victim does not having a nightmare, then they would
not have a dream at all that night.  This power is essential to dreamer so
that they may have access to their victims (which must be in Dreamland for
any of their powers, save Dream Crossover and Waking Dream)

    Power Score: The victim suffers Dreamland nightmares for two nights
after the initial night of severe nightmares.
    20-The dreamer suffers nightmares that night.

Dream Watcher (Dreamer Power)

Power Score: Wis
Initial Cost: 7
Maintenance Cost: 1/turn
Range: 100 miles plus 5/level
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: 1 person plus 1 every 5 levels
Prerequisite: 2nd level
        This power allows the dreamer to watch in on another's dream.  They
cannot participate or otherwise communicate, but the sleeper "feels" that
they are being watched.  Due to this for every 2 turns the dreamer is
watching, the dream moves down one type on the dream scale (good becomes
average, average ceases to be a dream, no dream soon turns into a bad one,
and so on)  As well, using this power in conjunction with Control Dream,
the dreamer gains a +2 bonus when attempting to use the Control Dream
power, but not if that +2 will take it over the power score.

    Power Score-The character can send mental messages to the person
watched.  This quadruples the speed of the decay of the dream after a
message is sent, even if the message is reassuring.
    20-The dreamer is actually watching his worst nightmare from when
he/she was a child.  This shakes up the dreamer as per the rules for
extreme nightmares.

Equilibrium Disruption

Power Check: Wis-4
Initial Cost: contact
Maintenance Cost: 4/round
Range: 300 yards
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: individual
Prerequisites: contact, mindlink

    This devotion allows the psionicist to weaken the victim's sense of
balance. There is nothing physically wrong with the person, but the
disruption prevents him or her from maintaining balance. Walking becomes
difficult, spells may fail due to lack of balance, and skills are harder to
    The victim is allowed a saving throw versus death. If the save is
successful, the victim retains most of his/her equilibrium, causing all
attacks or actions to be made at a -1 or -5% penalty.  Movement is at 75%
normal speed, spells of 7th level or higher cannot be cast, and there is a
general 5% chance of spell failure. If the saving throw is failed, all
actions are at a -3 or -15% penalty, the maximum movement rate is 1/3 the
normal rate, and spells of 5th level or higher cannot be cast. Spells that
are cast have a 15% chance of failure. If the character is near any height
greater than 15 feet, vertigo strikes, worsening all penalties by an
additional -1 or -5%. If the saving throw is an unmodified 1, then the
character loses all equilibrium and falls to the ground, helpless. Helpless
characters get a saving throw vs. death every round thereafter. If the save
is made, then the character can function again, but using the "-15%"
category for penalties.
    Once every 5 rounds, the character gets a saving throw vs. death to see
how he or she is doing. Use this new saving throw to determine the
penalties for the next 5 rounds. Characters that are helpless get to save
every round until able to stand, then begin making a saving throw once
every 5 rounds.

    Power Score: All penalties are increased by -1, or -5%.
    20: The psionicist is affected by this power until he or she gets a 19
or 20 on the save versus death.


Power Score:Int-4
Initial Cost:10
Maintainance Cost:6/round
Preparation Time:0
Area of Effect:personal

    This power gives the psionicist all the benefits of a Philter of
Glibness, and also will affect Truthear in the same manner as a Philter of
Glibness affects a Detect Lie spell.

    Power Score: The lying is undetectable, even with magic, for 5 rounds.
    20: The psionicist's words are heard as normal and all who can
understand them know what he/she was attempting

Induce Pleasure

Power Score: Con -2
Initial Cost: contact
Maintenance Cost: 2/round
Range: touch
Prep Time: 1
Area of Effect: individual
Prerequisite: mindlink, contact

    This is the opposite power of Inflict Pain.  While no good comes from
it (no healing or curative effects), it makes the subject individual
shudder and twist in ecstacy.  If used in combat, the victim must save vs
paralyzation in order to keep functioning and fighting.  Failure to save
indicates a penalty of -4 on all attack rolls that round, and any spells
being cast are disrupted.

    The insideous effects of this power occur when it is used in conjuction
with Inflict Pain.  By using the two powers interchangeably, dependent upon
the victim's actions, the victim can be conditioned to perform certain acts
instead of other acts they would normally perform.  For each week of being
subjected to this treatment, they must make a wisdom check, with a penalty
equal to the number of weeks of "treatment" (i.e., 3 weeks of treatment =
penalty of -3) or have their actions in particular scenarios predetermined
by their conditioning.  Only one area of behavior may be affected per
victim.  Depending upon the behavior modification, there is a chance (DM's
discretion) for an alignment change by the victim.

    Power Score: The pleasure is so overwhelming that the victim passes
out for 1d10 rounds.
    20: The contact is broken.

Lend Strong Mind

Power Score: Wis -4
Initial Cost: contact
Maintenance Cost: 1/round
Range: 30 yards
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: individual
Prerequisite: contact, mindlink, 0th level

    With this Devotion, the Psionicist is able to defend a contacted mind
against intrusion from another Psionicist. Any attemp to contact this mind
fails and a Psychic Combat must be fought.  The Defense can be established
with this Devotion in the contacted mind; using the Psionicist's Score -2.
While defending his friend's mind, the Psionicist sacrifies his own defense
in the first place, but he may activate one other power in the same round
(because one of the powers is a defense). It's not possible to use this
Devotion AND establish a defense in the friend's mind in the same round.
The other power may ba a defense for the Psionicist's own mind, an attack,
or any other power he is able to use. If the Psionicist does not defend
himself mentally, nevertheless he has a closed mind, so he cannot be
contacted wothout combat.  Then, any successful attack versus his mind
establishes one tangent.

    Power Score: The contacted mind gains the benefits of a 'Thought
    20: The Psionicist is not able to use any defense for 1 turn.

Memory Summoning

Power Score: Int -3
Initial Cost: contact
Maintenance Cost: 7/round
Range: Sight
Prepartion Time: Differs
Area of Effect: Individual
Prerequisites:  Send Thoughts, False Sensory Input

    By means of this power a Psionicist can effectively bypass another
person's natural defense's. (including another psionicst's defenses) Many
Dms out there believe that if someone psionically touched they will know it
(especially in the case of another psionicsts), with this power this is not
the case.  The psionicist will implant a thought into another person's mind
this thought will be a front and he will follow it into the person's mind.
The person will notice the thought and not the mind touching (on a
sucessful power check).  This is a very risky propisition (checks must be
made by the DM every other round), but the benefits are enourmous the
psionicist can roam around as if he were using a probe.  The probe that is
used here though is not the same becuase the psionicist can not make his
prescence known (where when normaly using probe he tries to batter down any
defnses) he can only find the answer to one simple question every other
round (and longer if a complex question up to the DM). He will not know if
he has atracked the attention of the person's mind that he is in, unless he
finds resistance but until then he will have no idea if he has been found
out.  The person who's mind has been entered will know if that his mind has
been entered when the psionicist fails a power check and at that time can
try to use any defenses he can use or get.  The prepartion time must be
spent finding out about the person that the power will be used on.  He must
find some thought that he can use to follow in to the mind with. (ie A
gladiator learning to use a sword, an elf finally earning his name, a
halfling eating a person for the first time, etc.)

    Power Score: The psionicist only has to make a check every fourth
    20: Automatic Failure the person knows your there and can take whatever
precautions he can to stop your entry into his mind or stop you from going
further into his mind.

Mental Dagger

Power Score: Wis -4
Initial Cost: 6
Maintenance Cost: na
Range: 50/100/150
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: individual
Prerequisite: contact, mindlink

    Mental Dagger is a sharp, pointed attack against the victim's mind.
It's one of the new telepathic attacks used to establish contact with
another Psionicist.  If the power is used against a already contacted mind,
it opens a mental wound where the life-force is sipping out. The victim
suffers a loss of 1 HP per round thereafter, beginning with the round of
first use. When used again, the loss is increased by 1 HP per round to a
maximum of 3 HP/round.  The wound closes when the victim is rendered
unconscious, is psychic surged, or gains the benefits of any cure spell ore
power. If the rules for 'Death's Door' are in use, the bleeding stops at 0
HP, else is stops at 1 HP and the victim falls unconscious.

    Power Score: The loss is 2 HP/round, the maximum is increased by 1.
    20: The psionicist suffers the wound by himself.

-------------------- Continues in Part VI --------------------

From eskimo!mvb.saic.com!news.cerf.net!ihnp4.ucsd.edu!swrinde!cs.utexas.edu!utnut!torn!uunet.ca!uunet.ca!ionew
s.io.org!nobody Tue Jun 21 15:06:35 1994
Path: eskimo!mvb.saic.com!news.cerf.net!ihnp4.ucsd.edu!swrinde!cs.utexas.edu!utnut!torn!uunet.ca!uunet.ca!ione
From: doppy@io.org (Ryan Biggs)
Newsgroups: rec.games.frp.dnd
Subject: Net.Psionics.Handbook Part 6/7
Date: 21 Jun 1994 11:17:13 -0000
Organization: Internex Online (io.org) Data: 416-363-4151  Voice: 416-363-8676
Lines: 1004
Message-ID: <2u6i7p$4s6@ionews.io.org>
NNTP-Posting-Host: nudge.io.org

Negate Sensory Input

Power Check: Int - 4
Initial Cost: contact
Maintenance Cost: 5/round
Range: 15 miles
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: individual
Prerequisites: contact, mindlink, false sensory input

    This devotion allows the psionicist to actually block out one form of
sensory input. Affected senses can be taste, smell, sight, hearing, or one
kind of touch (either pain, pressure, temperature, or hunger/thirst). While
in effect, the victim is totally unable to "comprehend" the sense, almost
as if it was disconnected from his brain. As a result, standard curative
magic will not work, but remove curse might (DM's discretion). Only one
sense can be affected for every use of this power, thus, it requires two
separate usages to make a person deaf and blind. Standard penalties apply
to blindness and deafness; loss of taste prevents the victim from being
able to taste anything (including spoilage or poison), loss of smell
prevents the victim from smelling smoke or a the stench of various monsters
(including troglodytes and ghasts). In terms of loss of touch, inhibiting
pain prevents a character from knowing how many hit points he's lost,
inhibiting pressure causes the person's body to become numb (-2 on attacks,
movement at 1/2 movement rate, DEX checks may be needed at DM's discretion
to prevent falling or dropping something), inhibiting temperature means the
person cannot tell if something is too hot/cold to handle (although after 7
points of heat/fire damage, pain begins, but the character might not know
why), and inhibiting hunger and thirst means that the character does not
realize he's hungry or thirsty... and thus could starve to death at a
banquet, or be protected from an _insatiable thirst_ spell.

    Power Score: Two senses can be negated for 6 points per round, or one
sense can be negated for 4 points per round.
    20: The victim's senses are not altered, but the psionicist thinks the
power worked. Also, the victim is protected from all forms of _false
sensory input_ and _negate sensory input_, regardless of who is projecting

Psychic Armor

Power Score: Wis -3
Initial Cost: 5
Maintenance Cost: na
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisite: none

    Psychic Armor is a new defense against unwanted contact. It puts the
Psionicist's mind in a kind of armor, weakening any psionic activities.
Thus, it's more difficult to use any attack against the Psionicist, but he
himself suffers grievous penalties as well. Any one other power activated
in the same round with this devotion is penalized with -2 to the Power

    Power Score: The use of this power does not affact other powers.
    20: The defense falters but the penalty remains for 1d6 rounds (in
addition to any other penalties from this power).

Metapsionic Sciences


Power Score: Wis -8
Initial Cost: 40
Maintenance Cost: 10/round
Range: 40 yards
Preparation Time: 3
Area of Effect: 20' radius
Prerequisites: 13th level

    A character using dreamfield can project thought waves into the minds
of sleeping people.  This allows a psionicist to take control of dreams,
and shape them in any manner they want.  Even other psionicists may have
their dreams invaded by this without having first been defeated in psionic
combat.  The attacking psionicist may not kill someone with this, or cause
direct physical harm, but if he/she chooses to create a nightmare in which
in the victim is slain, then the victim must roll save vs. spell at a -2
penalty without the benefit of WIS bonuses.  If the save fails, then the
victim suffers fatigue, and will for 24 hours afterwards take a -2 penalty
to all die rolls.
    A psionicist can project this power to a centre point up to 40 yards
distant from him/herself, with an area of effect of a 20' radius.  If a
character is struck during the time they are trapped in a dreamfield, then
they will immediately awaken and break the effect of the dreamfield, if the
awakening occurred before the end of the dream.  Also, the attacking
psionicist may attempt this but once per night on a particular victim.  It
takes 2+d2 rounds for the attacking psionicist to complete the effect.

Special Note: If the Dreamland rules are used, a character who is in
Dreamland (naturally or otherwise) is unaffected by this power and cannot
even be reached.  If the psionicist tries this power on a dreamer
psionicist, the dreamer's conscious mind is immediately awoken and alerted
to the attempt.  At this time, the psionicist is most vulnerable because
the dreamer knows of the attempt and can do something to the psionicist
while they are still recovering from their failed attempt.

    Power Score - Victims must save at a -4 penalty, and further, if they
fail, they will suffer a -3 penalty to all die rolls for 24 hours
    20 - The dreamfield backfires, and the psionicist falls into a trance
where he/she suffers all the effects of a horrific nightmare with the
resulting penalties to die rolls, no save allowed.  The psionicist emerges
from the trance when the nightmare is over.

Mystical Conduit

Power Score: Int -4
Initial Cost: 10 + 1/10 yards (or 40 + 1/10 yards)
Maintenance Cost: 2 PSP's
Range: <see cost>
Prep. Time: 0
Area of Effect: NA
Prerequisite: Dimensional  door, 6th level psionicist and knowledge of
either Mage or Priest magic.

    This  power opens an immobile conduit for mystical energy from the
area  immediately  surrounding the psionicist to anywhere within line  of
sight  (see  cost).   The  next  spell  cast from where the psionicist  was
standing  at  the  time the power was initiated will function as if it was
cast at the other end of the conduit.  Thus the ranges  of  certain  spells
can  be  greatly increased.  Notice that spells,  which  affect  the caster
only (i.e., personal spells), will now  affect whoever is standing at the
other end of the conduit or be wasted  if  nobody  is  standing  there.   A
vampiric touch (or fire shield)  for example, could be cast at one end and
whoever was at the other  end  could  now apply the vampiric touch (or be
protected by a fire shield), and gain the full benefits from it (i.e.,
reach out and touch someone, in case a vampiric touch had been cast).  The
original caster  has  absolutely  no  control  over the spell--it is as if
the whoever  was  standing  at  the other end of the conduit had actually
cast the spell.  Since  the  accuracy  and  power  required  for
transferring  personal  spells is much greater than for other spells, the
cost is increased to 40 PSP's + 1 PSP per 10 yards.
    The  mystic  conduit  is  visible only by a detect magic, true sight,
or psionic powers such as Heightened senses.  It collapses the instant  any
spell  is  conducted  in  this way or if the psionicist ceases paying the
maintenance Cost.
    NOTE:   The  conduit  is one way only, thus it is not possible for  a
psionicist  to  steal  a  spell,  as  it  is being cast by an opponent.

    Power Score: No PSP's must be paid to maintain this power.
    20: The next spell cast near the psionicist will backfire.

Post Pone

Power Score: Int -6
Initial Cost: initial cost of the power (x2)
Range: Touch: 0
Area of Effect: individual
Maintence: 24/day
Preparation Time: 1 round per power postponed + 1 round
Prerequisite: 7th level

This power allows a psionicist to "postpone" a power till a later point in
time.  This consists of the psionicist having to first make the power check
to iniate the power, then having to make the postpone power check.  When
the psioncist makes the power roll for the first power, he pays he initial
cost of the power, them when he initiates post pone he pays the same cost
again.  The power that is postponed is "put on the back burner" till a
later point in time, when the psionicist wants to use the power he has
postponed.  This power will allow a psionicist to maintain any power he can
use at the time (even if he can only use because of convergance, if he can
use it he can post pone it), this includes both once and done power, and
maintainable powers.  This power has a serious draw back while a power is
being maintained the psionicist can not get back ANY PSPs due to the fact
that he is using a power at that time (spending exactly 1 PSP per hour).

    Power Score: If a power score is rolled this power only uses half the
normal PSPs to maintain, and in so doing allows a psionicist to regain PSPs
every other hour (depending upon whether or not he rests)

    20: The power is disrupted and the psionicist must begin again to try
to postpone the power.

Psionic Transference

Power Check: Wis -4
Initial Cost: Varies
Maintenance Cost: na
Range: touch
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: individual
Prerequisites: psychic surgery, 7th level

    This science allows the Psionocist to transfer some of his psionic
powers to a non-psionocist (the Psionic version of a Priest's "Imbue with
Spell Immunity"). First the Psionocist must successfully use psychic
surgery on the recipient (to prepare him for the sudden psionic overflow),
then he must make a successful power check for Psionic Transference.
Finally the psionocist must make a successful power check for each power he
wishes to transfer to the recipient (note that rolling a 20 or the exact
power score won't make a difference). If the Psionocist is successful he
subtracts 10 PSPs per successfully transfered science, and 5 PSPs per
successfully transfered devotion. For every unsuccessful attempt to
transfer a power the Psionocist subtracts 5 PSPs per science and 2 PSPs per
devotion, but he can attempt to tranfsfer the power again.
    The psionocist may attempt to as many powers as he want (as long as he
doesn't run out of PSPs), but powers that need prerquisites must be met by
the recipient, so if a Psionocist wanted to transfer Psychic Drain the
Psionocist would have to transfer telepathy, contact and the recipient
would have to be 6th level. All powers transfered by the Psionocist can NOT
be used by the Psionocist for until the recipient is slain, the recipient
has used up his PSPs or 24 hrs have passed... whichever comes first. The
psionocist must also lend his PSPs to the recipient for the recipient to
use the powers (the PSPs used to transfer powers doesn't count, this PSP
transfer is for lending the Psionocist PSPs directly to the recipient). For
PSP transfer rate is 1:1. The PSPs tranfered to the recipient taken away
from the Psionocist's current and MAXIMUM PSP total. So if the Psioncist
has a max of 150 PSPs and lends 50 to recipient the Psionocist can have no
more than 100 PSPs. The recipient uses his own con, int and wis when
determining power scores.

    Power Score: Psionocist retains his powers (but not PSPs) with a -5 to
power score.
    20: The Psionocist passes out for 1d6 turns, the recipient passes out
for 2d6 turns.

but not other Psionocists.

PSP Lightning

Power Score: Con -8
Initial Cost: varies
Maintenance Cost: same as Initial Cost
Range: 25 yards
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: 1 Creature
Prerequisites: 9th level

    The psionicist converts PSPs into pure energy that resembles (but is
not) lightning.  The conversion is 1 PSP for 1d3 points of damage.  A
psionicist may convert 1 PSP per level in a round.  So a level 15
psionicist may convert 15 PSPs to 15d3 points of damage.  No saving throw
is allowed, and powers like Energy Containment have no effect in blocking
this attack.  Also, spells such as Protection from Lightning and Resist
Fire, are useless.  If a telepathic defense mode is active, however, then
damage is reduced by 10% since this energy is mental in origin.  Further,
if a mind is open to contact then the victim takes 10% more damage than
what is specified in the die rolls.  A victim takes normal damage either
when they are a mind closed to contact not using a defense mode, or when
they are a mind open to contact that is resisting in the manner described
in the entry for the contact power in CPH.
    This power is physically taxing, and may not be used for more than 4
rounds before the psionicist has to rest for 2 rounds.  The psionicist may
opt to expend fewer PSPs than his/her maximum.  The psionicist must
announce both before making an initiative roll and making a power check how
many PSPs they intend to expend.
    Power Score: The conversion rate of PSP to damage improves to 1d6
points of damage per PSP spent.
    20: The psionicist takes 1d4 points of damage for every PSP he/she was
going to expend that round.

Psychic Sacrifice

Power Score: Wis -10
Initial Cost: Death, Contact (see below)
Maintainance Cost: 20 PSPs / round (see below)
Range: Unlimited (see Contact)
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: One person
Pre-requisite: Psychic Surgury

    This science allows a powerful psionicist to transfer a portion of his
or her power to another person when he or she dies.  One science and two
devotions are chosen at random from those known by the user of this power
(the Sacrificer), which are immediately added to those known by the target.
The target gains enough PSP's to use the three powers once per day each,
with 4 rounds of maintenance.
    If the target was a non-psionicist before the use of this power, he or
she should be treated as a wild talent.  If the target was already a wild
talent, the new powers and PSP's are added to those currently possessed.
If the target was a psionicist, the powers and PSP's are added to their
current abilities, and are considered separate from the normal maximums
allowed by their level.   The powers can be from a discipline outside those
currently known by the target, and do not count against the maximum number
of sciences/devotions per discipline.  If the powers granted are already
possessed by the target, the PSP's are still gained, and the power score in
that power is increased by one (as though the target had relearned that
power).  In all cases, the PSP and power gain is permanent.
    The target's alignment becomes that of the sacrificer.  If this causes
the target's alignment to change, this has a 1% chance per PSP gained of
driving the target insane.
    At the discretion of the DM, the target may be visited by the spirit of
the sacrificer.  The spirit may give the target hints, encouragement, or
other support in particularly difficult situations.  This may occur at most
once per month, and lasts for at most 1 turn.
    To initiate this science, the sacrificer must first die.  This can be
either an accidental or intentional death, although an intentional death
for the sole purpose of using this science grants the sacrificer a +2 bonus
to his or her power score.  At the very instant of physical death, the
player must state his or her intention to initiate Psychic Sacrifice, and
also must state the target.  The sacrificer's psyche is then kept alive by
feeding off the remaining PSPs the psionicist had at death.  The upkeep of
20 PSPs/round must be paid each round until the power is successful, or the
sacrificer's psyche dies.  The sacrificer must also attempt contact (via
psionic attack forms if the target is an unwilling psionicist) each round.
If the sacrificer does not have enough PSPs remaining to pay the upkeep and
attempt contact, their psyche dies.
    Once contact has been successfully made with the target, the sacrificer
rolls against the power score for Psychic Sacrifice.  The upkeep of 20 PSPs
must also be paid in this round; if not enough PSPs remain, the
sacrificer's psyche dies.  If the roll is successful, the effects listed
above occur.  If the roll is failed, contact is broken, and must be
attempted again in the next round.
    If the Psychic Sacrifice is successful, the sacrificer may never be
Raised, Ressurected, or Reincarnated.  However, if the sacrifice is
unsuccessful (the sacrificer runs out of PSP's or skips a round of
attempting contact for any reason), the sacrificer may be raised,
ressurected, or reincarnated.

    Power Score: the sacrificer can pick the science and two devotions
granted to the target.
    20: the sacrifice fails, and both the sacrificer and target are
psychically stunned, losing all current PSP's (killing the psyche of the
    1: only 1 science or 2 devotions (50/50 chance) are granted to the

Note to the DM:  If this science is allowed in your campaign, you
should make allowances for NPC psionicists who have been targets of it
in their lifetimes, and therefore have more than the normal allotment
of psionic powers and PSPs.  In particular, the DM may consider high
level evil NPC psionicists who "farm" low level psionicists for the
sole purpose of having them sacrifice their powers to their mentor.


Power Score: Wis -4
Initial Cost: 40
Maintenance Cost: 30/round
Range: 10 yards
Preparation Time: 3
Area of Effect: 1 Creature
Prerequisites: 13th level, convergence, ridigity (or immovability for
those lacking Dragon Kings), time/space anchor, stasis field

    This power requires at least two psionicists in convergence whose
total levels must be 50 or higher.  No psionicist in the convergence can be
below level 13.  All psionicists must make a successful power check in the
same round the power is to be initiated.  It is not required that more than
one psionicist in the convergence know this power since being convergence
makes it available to the other psionicists.
    The effect of this power is to totally immobilize the victim to the
point that they are utterly helpless.  Their body is rendered immobile in
that they can make no physical motion, they are effectively rooted to the
spot they are standing in, so that they cannot be physically moved, and
they are anchored to the time/space continuum so that they cannot teleport,
and things like teleport trigger, and contingency spells that are supposed
to teleport the victim will fail.  Further, the victim's mental processes
are slowed down to 1/60 of their normal rate, rendering them virtually
helpless against telepathic attacks.
    Power Score: The victim is held in stasis until released by another
power check.
    20: The power backfires, and the psionicists fall victim to the power
until they run out of PSPs to maintain it.  This backfire occurs if any
psionicists roll a 20.

Time Flow

Power Score: Int
Initial Cost: Special
Maintenance Cost: Special
Range: Touch
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Prerequisite: Time stop, 5th level

    This power allows the psionicist to speed up or slow down time with
regards to the target creature.  At the time the check is made, the
psionicist  declares by how much the time flow will be increased or
decreased.   In  other  words, how many rounds will occur for the target
creature  while  a  single  round of 'normal time' passes (or alternatively
how many rounds of 'normal time' will pass in what the target  creature
sees  as  a  single  round).   The power scores and initial/maintenance
costs are given below.

Speed up/   Power Score  Initial/maintenance     Prerequisite
slow down   penalty      cost (see note)         Level
       2       3           10/5                    5
       3       4           20/5                   10
       4       5           30/5                   15
       5       6           40/5                   20

    Note:   The  power can only be maintained if the psionicist is the
affected  creature.   The  costs are relative to the psionicists time
frame,  in  other  words the initial cost is relative to normal time  (and
will  affect  the target creature for one round of normal time),  while the
maintenance cost is relative to the new time frame, and  must be paid for
every round the psionicist experiences.  A 20th level  psionicist  for
example, who speeds up time by a factor of 5, would  not have to pay
maintenance cost for the first five rounds (or 1  round  'normal  time')
since this is covered by the initial cost.  After  these  5 rounds, the
maintenance cost would be 5 per round (or 25  per  round  normal  time).
Since this power affects the flow of time,  rather than speeding up the
metabolism of the target creature, as  is the case with magical haste for
example, no aging will result.  Anyone who returns to the normal time frame
however, will be confused and  unable  to  do  anything for as many rounds
as were spend in the other  time  frame.   This  gives the body time to
readjust to normal time  and  recover from the strain.  It is possible to
force the body to  ignore  to  ignore  this  time  of recovery.  To do so
requires a Wisdom  check  and  a Constitution check, with a penalty equal
to the factor  by  which  time  was  affected for both checks.  If either
is failed, 1d6 random ability scores are permanently lowered by one.  In
other  words,  this  is  not a good idea except in the most desperate

    Power Score: The psionicist may increase the time factor by one,
without having pay the extra cost in PSP's.
    20: The  psionicist is confused and disoriented as described above.

Metapsionic Devotions


Power Score: Wis -5
Initial Cost: 40
Maintaince Cost: none
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisites: 7th level

    This devotion is usefull only for spelljamming psionicists.  This means
they must be using a serial, pool, or other helm which can be used by
psionic creatures.  If the power succeeds, the MV of the vessel increases
by 1 while the SR increases by 3.  This lasts for a duration of three
    The psionicist can not use the power again during that day, due to the
stress induced on the hypothalamus by this power.  Should the power be
attempted a second time, there is a 55% chance that it will fail, leaving
the psionicist insane (although with his powers intact).  Such insane
helmspersons have been known to decide that ramming a larger vessel (or
even ordering a full stop) are excellent combat options.
    In a serial helm, several psionicists could use this power, but not all
at once.  Using more than one of these powers on a helm has no effect.
    Power Score: Lasts for 5 rounds.
    20: The helm is inoperable for 1 round.
    1: The MV is unchanged, but the SR still increases.

Psionic Concealment

Power Check: Wis -4
Initial Cost: 4
Maintenance Cost: 1/round
Range: 0
Preparation Time: 1
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisites: telepathy, psionic sense

    With psionic concealment, a psionicist can conceal his psionic activity
from those with psionic sense.
    When the character makes his check, all of his psionic activity is
concealed from others.  If a being checks for psionic activity, the  DM
conducts a secret psionic contest, and the higher successful roll takes
effect.  That is, if the concealor wins, nothing is sensed, and if the
sensor wins, he spots the concealment and the powers being concealed.  For
the contest, the concealment roll is reduced by one for every five PSPs
expended that round.
    Concealment provides reasonably good protection from psionic feeders
and the like, as well as psionicists.

    Power Score: Gain +4 in detection contests.
    20: Lose all psionics for 1d4 turns.

Psychic Reach

Power Check: Wis -5
Initial Cost: 8
Maintenance Cost: 5/round
Range: 30 yards
Preparation Time: 1
Area of Effect: special
Prerequisites: Telekinesis, 6th level

    This psionic power causes a semi-transparent hand, made of the user's
psionic life-energy to spring forth from him, and grab on to creatures.
The hand can  be moved anywhere within range in 1 round; then any 'touch'
psionic powers can  be used through it.
    The 'hand' exists until it loses it's grip (see below), the user fails
to pay maintenance, the hand leaves the range, or is destroyed.  The hand
is AC0, and has hit points equal to the psionicist's level. The user
actually gives up that many of his own HP: when the power lapses, he gains
any remaining HP back.  The hand is only hit by magic weapons of effects.
Dispel magic and non-damaging spells have no effect.
    Each round, the psionicist must check to see if the hand loses it's
grip if it is being actively avoided.  This check is his wisdom adjusted by
his opponent's AC; either way, maintainance is payed at this time. All
''reaching'' powers are initiated with -2 power scores.

    Power Score: Hand has double HP free.
    20: All 'touch' powers are double cost for next turn.

Time Flux

Power Check: Con - 2
Initial Cost: 8
Maintenance Cost: 5/round
Range: 0
Preparation time: 0
Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisites: none

    Using this devotion, the psionicist can cause time to speed up or slow
down for himself only. Thus, the psionicist can exist at twice the speed of
the rest of the world, or half the speed, effectively _hasting_ or
_slowing_ himself. Because the increase or decrease in speed is time
oriented instead of biologically oriented, the psionicist can perform ALL
actions at either twice or half normal speed. For example, a psionicist can
make two psionic actions per round, use two magic items per round, etc; a
_slowed_ psionicist could take only  one action every two rounds.
    There are some other unique qualities of this ability. There is no
metabolic change, like the aging associated with _haste_.  Spells and
psionic powers are affected, so if the psionicist increases his speed,
spell duration is only half of what it would be in normal time, but an
initiative bonus of 3 is gained while the power is in effect. For example,
a protection from evil spell cast on the psionicist that would last 8
rounds of real time will now last only 4 rounds. On the other hand, if a
psionicist slows himself, spells last twice as long as they would in real
time, but there is an initiative penalty of 3 while being slowed down. For
example, a slow poison cast on a slowed psionicist would last twice as long
as normal. The PSP cost in real time for any psionic abilities outside the
Time Flux (ie, not affecting the psionicist) does not change, but the cost
for those abilities affecting the caster is increased or decreased
    Numerous applications exist for this power. If a psionicist wants to
"burn off" a harmful spell (like slow or hold person), the speeding up
usage would help greatly. Likewise, if the psionicist wants a spell to
remain longer than normal (in real time), then the slowing use is best.

    Power Score: Once during the maintenance the psionicist can _time
shift_ himself one round into the future with no chance of failure or
disorientation. The psionicist does not need to know the _time shift_ for
this effect to occur.  If the psionicist does in fact know _time shift_,
then he can try to move two rounds into the future as if it were only one
round (but with standard chance of failure).
    20: The psionicist is stopped in time for 1-4 rounds, unable to react,
but can be injured. For game purposes, all attacks hit and all saves are

                        Psionic Affecting Spells

Zoe's Psionic Enhancement (Alteration) Reversible
Level 2 Wizard Spell

Components: V
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 2
Area Of Effect: 1 Psionic Creature
Saving Throw: Negates

    This is an unusual spell for the simple reason that wizards don't like
psionicists. (They would, however, like the reverse: Zodiac's Psionic
Restriction.)  This wizard spell can boost (or reduce) PSPs.  The total can
be raised above the normal max.  At any rate, the bestowed PSPs disperse at
1 PSP per 2 rounds.
    Therefore, the bonus is short lived, so use them fast.  They start to
drain away the round after casting.
    This spell involves great concentration and is a drain on the wizard. 3
PSPs are given for each hp the spellcaster is willing to "cannibalize."
    The reverse, Zodiac's Psionic Restriction, drains PSPs at the rate of 3
PSPs per level per round.  The duration is 1 round per 2 levels.  A save
(adjusted for wisdom) may be made each round the effect is applied.
    The caster can do very little while this spell is in effect.  No
spellcasting is possible.  The caster may move at 1/2 his movement rate
while this spell is in effect.
    20 wisdom gives immunity to this spell.
    This spell was created by Zodiac.  Zoe was an astrologer who later
became a psionicist.  After a near death experience (envolving illithids),
she devoted her life to her god.  As an ascetic, she still used her psionic
talents.  She researched this spell to allow herself to inhance her
previous abilities.

Dalen's Mental Resistance (Abjuration)
Level 9 Wizard Spell

Range: 20 yards
Components: V,S,M
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: One living being for every 5 levels
Saving Throw: Neg.

    This spell is used to stop all mental and psionic powers from affecting
a specific being.  This is accomplished by creating a field around the
being affected that stops all mental energy from passing through it.  This
field, however stops the mental energy from either entering, or leaving.
Thus, this could be used to stop a psionicist from using any powers on
anyone but himself.  It also grants immunity to any psionic attacks,
including the dreaded mind flayer mental blast.  It provides protection
from any spell that deals with the mind of the person protectedas well as
ANY psionic power.  This will spell is quite similar to Mind Blank, except
that it provides full protection against psionics and a few other mental
powers.  The list of spells that are protected against is to long to list,
but if the spell affects the mind of the being, it will not work.
    Dalen was a Red Wizard of Thay, but was overthrown by another wizard
who had a psionicist working for him.  Dalen researched a way to stop
psionics from working, and partially succeeded.  He was hoping that a wall
or sphere could be created, but found that this was impossible, because all
the research he found pointed to the fact that such a field would have to
be in close proximity to a living being, no more than an inch away in fact.
Dalen later died when he tried to cast this spell on a psionic lich.  Since
the spell only affects living beings, which a lich is obviously not, Dalen
was reduced to a mental vegtable and subsequently killed.

                           New Ideas for Old Powers

This article is in reply to someone's comment on how Psionicists were a
weak and defenceless class.  The quoting has been removed and some of the
article has been trimmed to avoid confusion or redundancy.

  From what you are saying, it's obvious to me that you are playing a "Head
Messer", a psionicist with mainly telepathic powers.  That right there is
your first problem.

    The telepathy 'school' looks pretty neat and powerful at first, but in
reality, you have to go through so much crap in order to do anything that a
fight is usually over and everything is dead before you can get anything
done.  This happened all year to a friend of mine who had a telepath in the
same party with a paladin, a really nasty fighter, a wu jen alterer, and a
pretty kickin' bard.  He would get set up, contact whatever, do other
stupid things, and get ready to mindrape the thing, and it would be dead.
He was handy to have around when the party got split up, or when we were
interrogating something, or for recon(he had an owl), but that was about

    On the other hand, I played a Psychometabolist in a comparativly
powered party.  This character was the ultimate 'Swiss Army Character',
even more so than a bard.  He could do ANYTHING, and do it well.

    Most of my character's abilities were in the PsychoMetabolic school,
because except for a couple useful things like Telekinesis and Receptacle
(for the PSP's), he didn't need anything else.  OK, I'll list the things my
9th level psionicist could do about something charging at him--
    Use Telekinesis on his +2 short sword from a distance
    Use Animate object on anything(rock, tree, helmet) and do something
funny and/or damaging
    If it's small, Inertial Barrier and watch it bounce
    Molecular Agitation if you're out of the fight
    Animal Affinity--I rolled the Grizzly Bear, this can get really nasty
    Life Draining, this speaks for itself
    Metamorphosis--This probably has the most potential of any ability in
the whole book.  A couple of my favorites were:  Changing into a puddle of
mercury in front of a whole bunch of monsters, then using life draining
when they stepped in me;  changing into a metal bar, Animate Object-ing
myself, wrapping around a frost giants legs, then life draining him while
he's helpless;  and gaining the ability to cross any hole in any dungeon in
the world by sprouting wings.
    Adrenalin Control can give you massive bonuses to damage or AC
    Ectoplasmic Form--usea this and whatever's charging will go right
through you.  If your DM allows this, here's a really nasty thing to do--
walk up to an enemy while 'ghosty', stick something, anything at all, into
him, and let go.  Bang, it materializes 'Nuff said.
    Wrench, if it's undead

    That's not the complete list of nasties I can throw out, just the most
often used.  Body equilibrium is pretty worthless in combat, but it was
probably the one I used the most often.  Chemical simulation can get you
through any lock around.

    There's not really a whole lot to do at the low levels, but that's
because of lack of PSP's, not lack of abilities available.  The way to get
around that is to get Receptacle at the soonest time possible.

    The main suggestion I have to anyone looking to play a psionicist is to
specialize in Psychometabolism with a good number of the Psychokinesis
skills, or vise versa.  You will end up having the best thief in the world,
who, given a couple rounds, can tank along with any fighter, then heal the
party afterwards.

This article is a response to the "uselessness" of some of the psionics
powers.  It has some additional comments from other people added in.

    For the Psionic abilities such as "Feel Sound" or "See Sound" they may
seem fairly "useless" to a hack-and-slasher [[although I can think of
several applications 1) See sound could be almost equivalent to Blind
Fighting, if not better; 2) Feel Sound might be able to negate a back-stab
attempt if the warrior can feel where the attack is someing from in the
last instant -- I would still allow the attack, but the surprise might more
easily be negated; 3) See Sound could give a warrior precise information
about the location of a sonic attack (breath weapon, roar area of effect,
etc) and allow that warrior to place themselves in the correct spot to
avoid the attack form.. etc. etc.]].

    But the most useful applications I can see (no pun intended) would be
in other areas (perhaps classified under role-playing?) such as:  Consider
a bard with See Sound.  Could they not weave an intricate pattern with
thier voice or instrument... perhaps boosting their abilities, winning
'sound sculpture' contests in a psionic rich land, allowing them to
identify magical music effects by eye seeing a harpy's song at a distance
larger than the Charm Person range, etc.

    Feel Sound might give similar benifits to the musically inclined.
Although, I would probably LOWER a saving throw if Feel Sound was used
around a magical song, such as the harpy or siren.

    Feel Light could enhance agricultural Non-Weapon Proficiencies sort of
like a Green Thumb, sensing the proper location of the correct like to grow
things.  Or, a character with Feel Light could be hired (at high rates if
it is a rare talent) to perform tasks from the mundane to the complex:
      a)  Hire as a theatrical stage lighter, with a better "feel" for the
correct lighting.
      b)  Be sought by mages trying to make a place scry-proof to "feel"
for any cracks in the lead plating which would let through Crystal Ball
effects, ESP, or X-ray vision.
      c)  Placed as a guard in the dark dungeons to be waiting for the
slightest light to approach so they could warn others.
      d)  They would make great ship's crew on foggy nights, looking for
that very faint glow from the lighthouse, keeping the ship from the
    If you are a lenient DM you might allow small effects or uses of the
Psionic ability to not quite follow the rules or not use a PSP:  Say the
character with Feel Light could always be awake at the first touch of dawn,
"feeling" the new day.  Or allow the character to feel the "quaility" of
light (say being able to distinguish between Light and Continual Light
spells, or between Mage Light and Cleric Light...)

    In addition would not the See Sound power be useful for negating the
effects of a Darkness spell or natural darkness all the same, being able to
see how the sound reflects around the room and off of objects.  Also, See
Sound would be great for seeing what the spell caster is saying while
inside a Silence 15' Radius.  Used in conjunction with Spellcraft, that is
most useful.

    Not all the Psionic Abilities are for combat, or even for
adventuring... but all of them can be used with creativity in MANY

                             Psionic Items

The Need for Psionic Objects

    Why psionic objects, you ask. Why create objects with psionic powers,
when any power imaginable can be obtained with objects powered by magic?
Well, there are several answers to this question, depending on who's asking
    But first let's see the inherent qualities of psionic objects: First
and foremost, psionic objects are all intelligent and aligned. So unlike
most magical items, they have an ego, and a purpose of their own.
    Secondly, psionic powers cannot be fully depended upon. A power might
not work in a specific round, and might even fail so miserably, that it
will cause damage to the psionic object itself, or to its wielder.
    Psionic objects are also not limited to a specific function. Being
intelligent, and having a set of powers, they might use these powers in any
way imaginable.
    And last, but not least, psionic objects are not magical. They will not
respond to detect magic spells, cannot be disrupted, etc.
    For the DM, the creator of the world, the reason to use psionic items
is twofold. First, magic is not abundant in all campaign worlds. There may
be worlds where psionics are more common than magic, and thus it is only
reasonable that there will be more psionic objects than magical ones.
    A good example of a world where numerous psionic objects might be found
is Athas. In that world, where magic is tightly controlled by the sorcerer
kings, and psionics are everywhere, it stands to reason that most forces,
especially those working against the kings, will have special items created
by psionicists, instead of magical objects created by the hard-to-find
    The other reason for DMs to use psionic objects is simply to baffle
their players; to give them something new, unknown and unpredictable, yet
powerful enough to be useful. Because psionic objects are not magical, it
is easy for characters to overlook them when using detect magic, and they
cannot be Identified. They do not appear in the DMG, so players won't know
them; and they have their own opinions, which is fun to play.
    For the psionicist character himself, psionic objects are the only ones
he can create, so there's no questions why he should create them. It stands
to reason that the psionicist would prefer to have psionic objects, simply
to have more powers at hand.
    For the adventurer, psionic powered objects may be useful simply
because magical negation does not work on them. Powers of disruption might
destroy all of his magical items, but the psionic items will remain
    For one who wants a powerful item and can use either magic or psionics
to create it, there are several considerations:
    - Creating psionic items is much simpler than creating magical ones.
All that is needed is a new and relatively expensive item, and the
psionicist to concentrate on giving it powers. This might not be quick, but
it certainly beats roaming through jungles and dungeons in search of
components and knowledge for the creation of the magical item.
    - Psionicists, unlike magic users, need not be of an exceedingly high
level to be able to create permanent items. So it will probably be easier
to find a psionicist capable of doing so, than finding a magic user for
this purpose. Even if a high level psionicist does not know how to empower
objects, it is relatively easy to get him to develop this power. A magic
user would have to wait until he has reached the appropriate level (16th

The Creation of Psionic Objects

    Psionicists usually fashion their psionic items from personal things,
like clothing parts or jewellery. If a psionicist can play an instrument,
he will make a similar psionic instrument. If he likes to collect
butterflies, he will have a psionic net. As long as the object is not too
awkward and is something the psionicist uses a lot, it has a good chance to
be made into a psionic object.
    Unlike magic users, psionicist have no special feelings for wands and
their ilk. This does not mean that they will never create a wand or a rod,
but such items will be rarer than amongst magic users. Psionicists also
prefer to avoid combat, and so create few weapons (although if a psionicist
feels a need for a weapon, he will prefer a psionically empowered weapon
over a magical one).
    Creating psionic objects is draining, but not particularly complicated.
There is one little snag, however - a lot of powers need more than the 8 or
12 PSPs the object receives for the power. To use such a power, the object
must have some way of obtaining more PSPs. The most obvious solution is to
give the object access to some other minor power. On rare occasions, when
the object has access to the Metapsionic discipline, it might be lined with
gems, and given the power of Receptacle. This can as much as double the
number of PSPs in its possession.
    After the psionicist has empowered the object, he must then train it
for the specific function he had in mind. After all, one set of powers can
be used for many varying tasks. Training the object is a simple matter of
explaining its job to the object. The object is always well disposed
towards its creator, and will gladly learn its task.

Using Psionic Objects

    Using psionic objects is not as easy as using magical items. Being
intelligent, a psionic object will obey a command only if it sees fit to do
so, or is outmatched in a personality conflict (as explained in the DMG).
    Because a psionic object has an alignment, it will often use its power
against a wielder of the opposite alignment. Although the DMG suggests that
aligned weapons will cause damage if handled by a character of another
alignment, this is not strictly necessary. In fact, aligned objects might
be used as traps for other alignments, by pretending to be helpful, and
then, when their user needs them the most, the item will not function, or
will use its power in a harmful way.
    The power of a psionic object cannot be used too often, as the item has
to recover lost PSPs. Psionic objects not in use are assumed to be asleep
(or rejuvenating), and so recover 12 PSPs per hour. When asked to perform
their power, they will "wake up" and use it, then return to "sleep" when
their service is no longer needed.
    It is possible to use the powers of an object in ways that the
psionicist who created it never intended. This is never as simple as the
initial training. Unless there is a psionicist in the party, the true
powers of the object will not be understood. The more difficult part is
getting the object to agree to its new use. The DM should role play the
situation. Here's an example:
    A party is trying to talk a sword which can change shape into using its
shape change power to new ends. The result depends on what the party asks.
    "We know you can change into any weapon; well can you change into a
weapon with wings and fly ahead to alert us of any problems?" "What a cute
idea. How come I haven't thought of it myself? At last to be able to act on
my own, without some dirty hand guiding me. I can do even better; I can
change into a bird."
    "Can you change into a stool?" "A stool?! How degrading! Can't you just
sit on the ground?" "Hey, you know very well I can't play my harp sitting
on the ground." "Oh, OK. I do like your music."
    "Oh no! I forgot my cooking pot. Will you get that sword of yours to
change into one?" "That does it! Of all the low... I'm never speaking to
you again!" "What did the sword just say?" "I don't know, but the blade
just turned dull."

Sample Psionic Objects

    A few psionic objects are included here. The following things are
detailed for each item: powers - the psionic powers it has; PSPs - the
maximum number of PSPs; description - details about the object and its
uses; other uses - possible uses which are not part of the initial

Ring of healing / regeneration
Powers: Cell Adjustment (or with Absorb Disease)
PSPs: 8 (or 16)
Description: This type of ring can cure disease and restore lost hit
points. The ring can restore about 1 point of damage per hour (the actual
rate depends on the power score), and can instead use its power to cure its
owner, or someone else touching it, of any nonmagical disease. Note that
this ring can help "regenerate" from wounds which cannot be healed with
normal regeneration.
    A small percent of these rings are also able to cure magical diseases.
The magical diseases are usually absorbed harmlessly into the ring.
Diseases which lower intelligence can affect the ring, so a ring will not
willingly absorb such a disease, unless it is extremely loyal to its
master, or can be convinced or forced to do so. Lowered intelligence will
not affect the working of the ring, but will possibly make it less
    Note that a ring with Absorb Disease can cure up to 3 points of damage
at a time (although in continuous use it rate is still about one point per
    Other uses: If so instructed, a ring with Absorb Disease can keep
enough PSPs for 2 points of healing in reserve, while still being used for
regeneration. This way, when the owner of the ring is down to 0 hit points
or less, the ring can restore him to consciousness, or at least keep him
hovering on death's door for two more rounds, which might be enough to save
his life.

Match-all weapon
Powers: Metamorphosis + one other power, at least
PSPs: 24 or more
    The match-all weapon is a powerful item, but is rarely very useful for
the psionicist himself. This weapon typically appears as a sword of about 4
pounds - usually a scimitar, as this can used by psionicists. It can,
however, change into any weapon of about 3 to 5 pounds. This change can
last for several turns. On rare occasions, the change is permanent, and the
new form becomes the base form of the weapon. The match-all weapon can
imitate any weapon of the same weight - from bows to a quarterstaff ,a
spear or a rapier, and it does so perfectly.
    The match-all weapon always has another power. This power is typically
used only in its base form. One common power is Life Draining (the hit
points are absorbed by the weapon, and do not go to the wielder). Another,
less common, is Animal Affinity. This allows the weapon to either acquire
the movement mode of the animal, and attack by itself (with a THAC0 of 20),
to fight with the THAC0 of the animal, with no regard to the THAC0 of its
holder, or to do damage by bite or poison (this gives a +1 penalty to the
attacker's THAC0, due to the change in shape of the weapon).
    Some rare match-all weapons weigh more - up to 10 pounds. These are not
usually manufactured because psionicists cannot use them. Some halfling
psionicist/thieves are said to make daggers and knives which can transform
into thieving tools.
    Note that transformation takes 5 rounds to prepare, so the weapon
cannot change shape on a moment's notice. Thus effective use of the match-
all weapon necessitates planning. Returning to base form is instantaneous,
    Other uses: The match-all weapon can actually change into any object or
creature of about the same mass. This opens the way to an unlimited number
of uses. As an example, the object could be sold as a miniature tree, a
crown, or whatever, to someone, then revert to weapon form some time later,
and stab its new owner (with the help of Animal Affinity).

Tie of awareness
Powers: Clairvoyance, Danger Sense
PSPs: 20
    For the psionicist who wants to look good and still be ready for
trouble, the tie of awareness is just the right piece of clothing. When
told to be on alert, the tie will keep sensing danger for up to half an
hour (less if its owner so wills, and the tie agrees to his reasoning).
When danger is sensed, the tie will point in its direction, and will try to
use its Clairvoyance power to view the area of the danger, and report its
findings to its owner.
    Other uses: A tie with ClairVoyance is an excellent tool for spies, and
also for thieves.

Brooch of travelling
Powers: Dimensional Door (with Dream Travel or Teleport other)
PSPs: 8 (16 or 20)
    The basic type of this brooch allows the wearer to open a dimensional
door. The brooch cannot use its power for one round after passing through
the door, or after making a power check of 20.
    Some of the brooches are brooches of dreams. They have the dimensional
door power, but also have Dream Travel. They use it on themselves, and take
their wearer as a passenger. The maximum range is thus 200 miles.
    The most powerful brooches can teleport their owner. These brooches are
empowered with Teleport Other, and are teleported together with the wearer
as personal belongings. They can also use this power offensively, or use it
on their wearer even when separated, to save him, if they are faithful.
These brooches have a range of 100 yards for teleport. Some have also the
Teleport power, so they can teleport themselves separately from their
owner. These have a range of 10 miles.
    Note that if the owner of a brooch is unconscious, the brooch will
often use its power on its own accord, to save its owner and itself.
    Other uses: The brooch can be used (with the DM's approval) to create a
first door of any orientation. By holding the brooch in different
directions, or at a distance, using physical, magical or psionic means, it
is possible to create a Dimensional Door trap. Many kinds of traps are
possible, limited only by the imagination of the user, the PSPs of the
brooch, and the consent of the DM.

Staff of wrenching
Powers: Wrench, Receptacle (Prolong)
PSPs: 32 (48)
    This staff can be used to wrench an undead in the Prime Material plane
or out of it. The undead can be wrenched out of the Prime Material plane
for 2d6 turns, or forced into it for about 2 rounds.
    Like most, if not all, psionic items of the metapsionic discipline,
this staff has access to the Receptacle power. Thus it is lined with gems
of at least 1,600 gp worth, and usually double that value. The staff uses
available time to recharge the gems. With the gems, it has a maximum total
of 32 PSPs. (Note that the staff is valuable in itself, and sometimes
    Some staves also have the Prolong power, and so are able to wrench
undead at a distance of 45 yards. These have 48 PSPs, and the value of
their gems is likewise higher.
    Other uses: Some of these items are shaped as holy symbols instead of
staves. Psionicists sometimes use these to impersonate priests with the
power of turning undead, especially in places where psionicists are

-------------------- Continues in Part VII --------------------

From eskimo!mvb.saic.com!news.cerf.net!ihnp4.ucsd.edu!swrinde!cs.utexas.edu!utnut!torn!uunet.ca!uunet.ca!ionew
s.io.org!nobody Tue Jun 21 15:06:36 1994
Path: eskimo!mvb.saic.com!news.cerf.net!ihnp4.ucsd.edu!swrinde!cs.utexas.edu!utnut!torn!uunet.ca!uunet.ca!ione
From: doppy@io.org (Ryan Biggs)
Newsgroups: rec.games.frp.dnd
Subject: Net.Psionics.Handbook Part 7/7
Date: 21 Jun 1994 11:17:50 -0000
Organization: Internex Online (io.org) Data: 416-363-4151  Voice: 416-363-8676
Lines: 842
Message-ID: <2u6i8u$4v2@ionews.io.org>
NNTP-Posting-Host: nudge.io.org

Headband of psionic strength
Powers: Convergence, Prolong, Receptacle
PSPs: 48
    Only one such item is known to exist. It was made by kar-zi-ah, a 20th
level psionicist. Kar-zi-ah had a 5th level psionicist friend who was into
travelling and exploration, but felt that lack of PSPs prevented him from
using his Teleport and Probability Travel effectively.
    Kar-zi-ah persuaded his friend to learn the power of Convergence, and
created a special psionic headband for him. By using Convergence with the
headband, he could utilize some of the 48 PSPs stored in it (half of them
inside the gems lining the headband). The friend had also created
receptacles for himself, using the power of the headband.
    Using the newly gained PSPs, he travelled to other planets and other
planes, and eventually died during an adventure in the outer planes. The
headband was later retrieved by its creator, and hidden from sight. Its
current whereabouts is unknown.

Box of metapsionic creation
Powers: Empower and many others (see below)
PSPs: 248
    This box is used to manufacture objects with metapsionic powers. It
uses Empower to achieve this. It also has most other metapsionic powers:
appraise, ultrablast, convergence, enhancement, gird, magnify, prolong,
psionic inflation, receptacle, retrospection, splice, stasis field and
    The box is lined with gems of at least 12,400 gp value, more usually
around 25,000 gp. These are used as receptacles. This is not always so, and
sometimes a part of the box itself is used as an empowered vessel. With the
receptacle, the box has a total of 248 PSPs.
    The box has an ego of 31, which makes it totally uncontrollable. It has
a purpose of its own, an will try to use its powers to further this end.
This is partly determined by the alignment and the purpose of its creator.
Of course, most of these boxes have a servant (although he might consider
himself the owner) who takes care of bringing newly made objects to be
    Some boxes hate possible competition, and will use ultrablast on
psionicists who are close enough, and psionic inflation if these are out of
range for ultrablast and try to use their powers. Other boxes are friendly,
and would sometimes converge with another psionicist to help him.
    A lot of these boxes, especially good ones, dedicate themselves to the
destruction of undead. These boxes typically make about one Staff of
Wrenching per week. These staves are of the more powerful type.
     The only defence a box will use against normal foes is its stasis
field. It's servant will probably try to protect it the best way he can,

Psionic Objects of Athas

    Just like it has its share of unique psionic powers, so does Athas
contain many special psionic objects. These objects have to do with the
special conditions on this world, and include such items as the Obsidian
Rod of Water Finding and Gathering, and the Stone of Insect Control. A
short description of the rod is given here.

Obsidian rod of water finding and gathering
Powers: Concentrate Water, Compact (Feel Moisture)
PSPs: 16 (16+8)
    This item is Y shaped, with a leather bag, or another container,
hanging on it. It uses its powers to gather water into the container, and
then compacts them.
    The item's main use is to serve as a water reserve. It tries to gather
water once per day, or on its wielder's command. The water is then moved to
another container to be kept there until it expands back to its drinkable
    Some rare rods are built of two separate parts, which are actually two
different psionic items. One is able to sense water, The other can gather
it as explained above. When the two parts work together, they can enhance
the water gathering ability significantly, as the water divining part can
instruct the rod's wielder on the best place to stand for the water
gathering. When the two parts don't want to work together is when trouble
    Other uses: This object is often used for compacting objects instead of

Broach of Mental Strength

    This device, fitted with a precious stone, grants a psionicist with an
adjustment of +2 or -2 to the modifications for psionic battle (whichever
is to the benefit of the psionicist) when engaging in psionic attacks or

Collar and Amulet of Psionic Control

    This simple, silvery necklace is magically linked to a separate,
ornately fashioned and bejewelled amulet.  At all times, the wearer of the
collar is unable to affect the possessor of the amulet with any psionic
power whatsoever.  Against psionicists other than the wearer of the collar,
the amulet gives its possessor the chance to make a saving throw vs. spell
to prevent the establishment of any psionic Telepathy power (including
Contact).  The amulet is usable by any class.

    Two large gems, a blue and a red, are set in the face of the amulet.
If the blue gem is depressed, the wearer of the collar is affected by
Synaptic Static.  This affects only the wearer of the collar; it does not
fill an area of effect as the power usually does.  It lasts until the gem
is pressed again to release it, or until the maximum duration of six turns
have passed.  This power can be used for a total of up to twelve turns per
day, in any number of shorter-duration activations.  This power has no
effect if a non-psionicist wears the collar.

    If the red gem is pressed, the wearer of the collar is struck
unconscious for one turn.  This power can be used up to three times per
day.  This power has no effect if a non-psionicist wears the collar.

    The collar is clasped shut with a complex magical lock.  An observant
person might notice that the clasp looks very similar to the patterns on
the bottom of the amulet, and that the amulet can be used to open the
clasp.  If the clasp-lock is opened without the use of the amulet (by a
pick locks, knock spell, or by being smashed or broken), the collar will
shock the wearer for 10d6 points of damage, no saving throw.  This power
will affect anyone, psionicist or not, who wears the collar.

    The powers of the amulet do not function if it is separated from the
collar by more than 240 yards.  The explosion effect of the collar's clasp,
however, will function no matter what the distance, or even if the amulet
is destroyed.

Flea Dip

    This potion is actually a shampoo that the psionicist can use to rid
themselves of Cerebral Parasites.  The whole bottle must be used to lather
the head and body.  The psionicist must then refrain from using psionics
for 48 hours.  After this period of time, the parasites will have left the
psionicist, who will not be bothered by that parasite for at least two

Gem of Mental Boosting

    This gem, of a precious variety type, permits a psionicist to use their
Harness Subconscious non-weapon proficiency more efficiently.  The 20%
boost in PSP's is increased to 30%, and the meditation time needed to
achieve this state is reduced from 48 hours to 12 hours.

Headband of Mental Stamina

    This headband will adjust to any sized head when it is put on.  It
grants the psionicist who wears it the benefit of all durations within
their primary discipline to be doubled (i.e., one round becomes two rounds,
one turn becomes two turns) while expending the normal amount of PSPs.

Manual of Realization

    This book is written to benefit members of the psionicist class only.
Anyone other than a psionicist who reads any of this book must save vs.
petrification or suffer the loss of 1d6 Wisdom points for 1d12 months.
    The benefits it provides to a psionicist who reads the book all the way
through is the gaining of an extra devotion within that psionicists primary
discipline at the completion of study.  This may include a devotion the
character does not presently have, or the boosting of one the character
already possesses.  The book is usable only once per character.


    A multiplier can be any item or even weapon.  What it does is gives the
psionicist more PSP.  Instead of adding on to the total PSP like a
receptacle, the multiplier MULTIPLIES the total PSP of the psionicist.
Thus, there can be many levels of multipliers.  Perhaps at low levels, a
1.5 multiplier (total PSP * 1.5  Effectively adds 50% of the total PSP to
the total) and at higher levels, even a 3x multiplier would be quite
powerful indeed.  How these items work is not known fully.  Some say that
they tap into undiscovered reserves of psionic power and unleash them.
Others say that they make the using of psionics easier and thus use less
PSP and so it only SEEMS like they have more PSP.  Yet others say that the
multiplier works like a backup, adding it's own PSP to the usage of any
power, thus costing the psionicist less to use the power, and once again,
making it seem like they have more.  Whatever the reason, most psionicists
do not care how they work, only that they do!  If a psionicist has more
than one multiplier, the largest one will owrk, the rest will be useless.
A psionicist will KNOW that an item is a multiplier the second it is
worn/weilded/used.  There is also a cursed version of the same thing,
called a divider.  A psionicist will not know what it is doing and does not
need a Remove Curse spell to get rid of it.  Since the psionicist does not
know what the item is doing, they will have no reason to discard the item,
until they begin to wonder why they are running out of PSP so quickly.  To
deal with these items, I suggest not letting the player know how many PSP
that they have.  This will keep the player in suspense.  If they mess up on
another power and lose PSP, do not tell them.  You only need to say whether
or not the psionicist can use the power.  It might be fun to see a
psionicist who is flying up in the air with a levitate and suddenly runs
out of PSP because of one of these cursed items!

Placate: Intelligent Shortsword

    Placate is a simple looking shortsword.  The only physical attributes
that are of any interest are its silver blade and a back sapphire(5000gp
value) imbedded into the hilt.  If placate detects a psionicist (Psionic
Sense), it will give off the smell of bubble gum.
    Placate is an intelligent sword who opposes violence and is perfectly
happy to hang over a fireplace.  If Placate feels that there  will be a
combat situation, he has to be tricked or forced out of its scabbard.  In
order to force it from its scabbard, a successful open doors chance must be
    When a psionicist weilds Placate, he has the ability to give Placate a
psudo-magical bonus.  In order to do this, the psionicist must roll a power
check equal to his wisdom minus the entended bonus (up to +5).  If the
power check is successful, the psionicist pays the plus squared (ie. +1=1:
+2=4: +3=9) per round.  If the psionicist rolls a 'power score' then he
gain a bonus power at no extra cost.  If the psionicist rolls a 20, then he
may not try to power the sword for 1d6 rounds.  Also, by doubling the cost,
the psionicist may choose a bonus power.  This means that the psionicist
may make the damage either fire, cold, or electrical; causing extra damage
to creatures vunerable to the specified type.  The power score for the
sword is reduced by 2 if the psionicist chooses to use the bonus power.
    In addition, Placate is empowered with the following psionic powers.
      POWER            CHECK  I.COST  M.COST   NOTES
      Ultrablast       W-10   75      N/A      Doesn't affect wielder
      Convergence      W      8       0        With wielder only
      Enhancement      W-3    30      8/r      Metapsioncs only
      Psi Inflation    W-5    20      3/r      Doesn't affect wielder
      Psi Sense        W-3    0       0        Always active
      Psi Concealment  W-4    0       0        Always active
      Recepicle        W-5    0       0        Stores 50 PSPs in gem
    Placate has a 18 intelligence (wisdom for power checks) and has an ego
of 35.  It has 60 PSPs (plus 50 stored).  It can communicate telepathically
with the wielder and can speak the following languages: common, elven,
dwarvish, illithid, and halfling.  Placate is Lawful Neutral.

Ring of Knowledge

    A Ring of Knowledge grants its wearer 2 + 1d2 proficiency slots which
may be used for either weapon or nonweapon proficiencies.  The wearer does
not automatically gain new proficiencies upon donning the ring, but rather
must learn them in the normal way.
    If the ring is removed, the wearer will forget whatever bonus
proficiencies that were given by the ring at the rate of one per week, with
the proficiencies lost to be randomly determined.

Shadowdeath: Psionic Scimitar

    Align: NE, Int: 15, Ego: 24, PSPs: 83, Wis: 19
    Speaks Common and Orcish, and has telepathy with wielder.
    Primary Discipline: Psychometabolism
    Sciences: Metamorphosis, Death Field, Life Draining, Shadow Form
    Devotions: Body Equilibrium, Cell Adjustment, Chameleon Power,
Ectoplasmic Form, Cause Decay, Double Pain
    Special Power: gives Mind Blank to wielder
    This sword was created by a highly evil psionicist, who disappeared
centuries ago.  It was taken from her by a traitorous henchman, and was
lost for many years after he died.  If found, it will attempt to control
its wielder and force him or her to try to discover the fate of its

                              Psionicist Gods

Neodig Beowulf
Demigod of the Mind

    Neodig started as a humble mage in the City of Bast. He rose quickly in
power with the famous adventuring company, The Claws of Bast. When that
legendary group retired, Neodig soon chaffed under the position of Magus in
the court of Norom. He continued to adventure across many spheres,
eventually wandering to Kara-Tur. There he was impressed by the discipline
shown in the common people, and most specifically with the martial arts,
finding them to be a great compliment to his psionic abilities.  After many
great adventures Isis allowed Neodig to become a demigod.

    Role Playing Notes: Neodig is an adventursome spirit, who is very
concerned with the mental well being of his followers. As such any great
crisis that causes much mental pain and disorder may warrant a visit from
Diggy's avatar. Also Neodig is always giving his Clerics new materials to
heighten their mental prowress. More than one high priest of Neodig has a
copy of Plato's Republic, or Aristotle's Metaphysics.

    Alignment: Neutral Good
    Worshipers Alignment: Any Non-Evil
    Area of Control: Psionics, The Mind
    Symbol: Greek Letter Psi

Alignment: Any Non-Chaotic Non-Evil
Ability Score Requirements:
Con: 11
Int: 12
Wis: 15
Prime Requisites: Con, Wis

Races: Human, Halfling, Dwarf, Gnome, Elf, Half-Elf

All Clerics of Neodig are multiclass clerics/psionicists similar to the
cleric/mages of Isis.

Weapons and Armor Allowed: Martial arts abilities only

Weapon Proficiencies Earned: 4 at 1st level, 1 at 4th, 5th, 8th, 10th,
12th, 15th,and 16th levels, and 2 at 20th level

Hit Dice: 1d6

    Major Access:Thought, Divination, Healing, Necromancy, All, Numbers,
    Minor Access: Time, Creation, Charm, Protection, Wards, Law

    1st) Detect and analyze any mental illness, disorder, or problem
    3rd) Meditate as a Shukenja
    5th) Soothing Word 3/day
    10th) Immunity to mind affecting spells as if they had a 25
          intelligence and wisdom.

Non Weapon proficiencies
    Required: Counselling, Education, Reading/Writing
    Recommended: Artistic Ability, Religion, Spellcraft

Duties of the Priesthood
    Priests of Neodig are expected to develop their mind to the limits of
their abilities. They are expected to develop their bodies through their
practice of the martial art, for the body is the casing of the mind. They
are expeceted to spend at least one turn each day meditating on the
mysteries of the mind. They may marry. They are also to serve their
community in counciling the troubled, advising those seeking wisdom, and
above all, eliminating insanity wherever they find it. They are also to
serve as educators of any who seek knowledge, especially teaching the ways
of logic and critical thinking. However, in most Egyptian societies, the
task of doling out knowledge is left to the preists of Thoth. They may NOT
ingest any chemical that would alter the workings of their mind. This
includes alcohol.

Neodig's Avatar

    When Neodig became an demigod, he made his material body into his
avatar. The avatar is usually traveling the spheres in a ship the size of a
small asteroid, powered by a psijamming helm. It looks quite like the
Deathstar, however Diggy does not take kindly to people calling him

Psionicist 16 Mage 5
Str: 15
Dex: 18
Con: 25
Int: 25
Wis: 25
Chr: 18
MV: 12'
 fl 48'
Sz: 6'
MR: 70% mortal magic
    40% demigod
    10% higher powers.
HD:20  Hp: 160
Att#: 3/1
Damage: 1-10
Psionics: ALL Sciences, Devotions, Attacks, and Defences
PSP: 595

    Neodig regains PSP at twice the normal rate because of his natural
ability to meditate. Neodig only fails his power checks at a 20 no matter
what. However when it does fails no detremental effects occur, and the
normal PSP loss is incurred.

Special Attacks And Defences
    Neodig knows all of the martial arts special abilities in Oriental
adventures. He learned this by studying Geet Kwun Do under Sogra, the
GrandMaster of Petals. Neodig has sage abilities in eight fields: Psionics,
Inner Planes, Outer Planes, Human Religions of Toril, Oerth, Aerth, And
Alexandria, and the Culture Of Kara-Tur. He can show the thoughts of any
contacted creature upon any surface. Because of his wide travels and powers
of logic, Neodig has a 65% chance to legend lore any artifact he comes
across. He can use a gaze attack which will cause any sentient creature to
be charmed, feeebleminded, confused, or put to sleep. All saves versus
these attacks are made at -3. Neodig also has all of the abilities of his
clerics (i.e. the abilites gained at 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 10th levels.)
    Magic Items: Circlet of Rapid Regeneration, The Staff of Neodig,
and The UFP Tub.

            The Staff Of Neodig

    The staff of Neodig was created by Neodig when he first became a god.
It is a neutral good aligned staff with an intelligence of 19, and wisdom
and constitution of 18, and many psionic powers.  It has 300 PSP and an ego
of 50. This six foot staff is made of an unknown light blue substance which
is seemingly unbreakable.  Atop the staff is a head made of silver. The
face is fully animate, which allows the staff to communicate through
speech.  The staff knows all laguages. The back, top, and sides of the
skull just above the ears is made of crystal, which operates as a mirror of
mental prowress. The staff rarely leaves the side of Neodigs Avatar, but
has been lent out to especially faithful preists on important mission for
the faith. It has the following psionic powers:
Aura Sight
Create Object
Sens. to Psi. Imp.
Molec. Rearangement
Know Direction
Control Light
Poison Sense
Control Sound
Radial Navigation
Create Sound
Spirit Sense
Inertial Barrier
Molecular Agitation
Molec. Manipulation
Cause Decay
Cell Adjustment
Probability Travel
Superior Invisibility
Teleport Other
Tower of Iron Will
Dimension Door
Psychic Crush
Dimension Walk
Conceal Thoughts
Psychic Surgery
Identity Penetration
Psionic Sense
Synaptic Static
Stasis Field
Telempathic Projection

    Note to DM's: While many would consider this staff to be too powerful,
even for an avatar, I would direct them to Horus's Avatar (Legend and Lore,
Page 100) who is running about with a +5 vorpal/defender/holy avenger/ luck
blade, or Thoth's Avatar's Staff of Command, Curing, The Magi, Striking,
and Power.


    The Tub was created by Neodig to be his steed. It is a bathtub two
meters long, one meter wide, and one meter high. It is made of adamantium,
which gives it an armor class of -3, hit points of 100, and hull points of
ten. It can walk on the flippered feet the extend from each corner at 12',
swim at 6' and fly at 12' manueverability class. it has an intelligence and
constitution of 18, 100 PSP, and an ego of 20. It has the following
psychportive powers: Probability Travel, Teleport, Teleport Other,
Dimension Door, and Dimension Walk.

    The main power of the Tub is it's spell/psionic jamming ability.
Whenever anyone sits in the Tub and activates this ability all spells and
PSP are drained from them. The Tub uses these to power itself for
spelljamming journeys. It has a Ship's Rating equal to the level of the
user. In an air envelope (tactical speed), with Neodig piloting, the Tub
moves at a maximum speed of  357 mph.

                                New Monsters

Dream Fiend

Climate/Terrain:Any Dreamland
Activity Cycle:Any
Diet:Psychic Energy
Alignment:Neutral Evil

No. Appearing:1
Armor Class:-4
Hit Dice:8
THAC0:7 (as 15 HD)
No. of Attacks:2 claws
Damage/Attack:1d6+5 PSP(x2)
Special Attacks:PSP drain, Psionics, Possession
Special Defences:Nane
Magic Resistance:15%
Size:M (human sized)
Morale:Fearless (19-20)
XP Value:25,000

Dream Fiends, commonly called dream demons, are only found in a non-
dreamland environment when they are not in their natural bodies.  Otherwise
they are found in dreamland.  Their natural form is that of a scarred and
wrinkled human.  They may appear old and slow but are extremely agile and
quick.  But with their dreamland powers they can alter their appearance.

Combat: These creatures feed on psychic energy like cerebral parasites.
They attack like madmen slashing with their claws, draining 5 PSP on any
successful hit along with 1d6 points of damage.  All of the drained PSP is
added to the dream fiend permanent PSP total.  When a psionic is drained to
0 PSP they will fall unconscious.  Once the victim is slain, they may elect
to possess the body only if it is a dreamer's body.  This is automatically
successful.  On completion of the possession, which takes 5 rounds, the
dream fiend gains all psionic powers that the dreamer had.  At this point
the dream demon can use a natural equivalent of Dream Crossover.  This
however causes the possessed body to be destroyed after possesion and the
dream fiend back into dreamland.  The dream fiend can only stay in the real
world for 1 day.  After which time they are forced back.
        When they die they dissolve and form a noxious, foul smelling cloud
equivelent to a Stinking Cloud spell.  This cloud lasts 1 round before

Psionics Summary:
Level   Dis/Sci/Dev     Attack/Defense  Score   PSPs

previous victims.  To randomly determine, roll 2d6 for the number of levels

Dream fiends always have equivalent to 10th level in terms of original
psionic powers, but any gained from victims are also present.  They always
have all dreamer psionics and most telepathic powers as well.

Habitat/Society: Nothing is known about them as no one has ever been in
dreamland long enough to study them.  It is rumored there is a king dream
fiend that is equivelent to level 30 and has all psionics available with
well over 1000 PSP.  No dream demon has ever been captured alive to prove
or disprove this rumor.  It is known however that dream fiends have a taste
for the PSP's of child psionicist and will go to great lengths to get them.
Any psionic cast in dreamland has a chance equal to its PSP expended to
attract a dream demon.  If a dreamer power is used, the chance is doubled.
The dream demon will show up in 1d4 turns and immediately attack.
        Dream fiends are in to way related to the Bastellus, but it is known
that these two creatures are enemies and will attack on sight.  The
Bastellus will twist the dream of the sleeper, but what is not commonly
known is that the creature must draw the dreaming person into dreamland.
This is a natural power of the Bastellus and does not require PSP.  The
Dream fiend however is most jealous of this fact and hates that the
Bastellus does not kill it's victim.  The dream demon can harm the
Bastellus without a +3 weapon.

Ecology: These creatures live only in dreamland and can only be found in
the Prime Material Plane on unique occasions.  They have no place in the
natural order.  The gas they form on death is of no value.

Elf-bane Spider (Dark Sun Monster)

Climate/Terrain:any frequented by Elves
Activity Cycle:any
Intelligence:semi (2-3)

No. Appearing:1
Armor Class:2
Hit Dice:10+5
No. of Attacks:1
Special Attacks:Poison
Special Defenses:shoot web
Magic Resistance:10%
Size:H (18' tall)
Morale:Champion (15-16)
XP Value:5,000

Psionics Summary:
Level Dis/Sci/Dev Attack/Defense    Score PSPs
1     1/1/3       --/M-             16    30

Psychometabolism--Sciences:  Shadow-form; Disciplines:  Chameleon Power,
Displacement, Detect Elf (no cost).

    Unlike most spiders, which sit in wait of prey, the Elf-bane spider's
long legs allow it to achieve great speeds in pursuit of its preferred
prey, Elves.  Its small beige tear-drop body (roughly 3' radius) stands
atop 18' legs.
    It feeds almost exclusively on Elves; although it will eat Half-elves
if desperate.  It uses its unique psionic ability, Detect Elf (a variant of
Heightened Senses), to locate its prey.  This ability is considered always
on and is maintenance free.  With it, the spider can smell any being of at
least 50% Elven heritage up to 5 miles distant.

Combat:  This spider will always seek out and attack Elves before any other
creature; next it will attack Half-Elves (since it does not find Half-Elves
as nutritious as full-blood Elves).  It can not digest those with less than
50% Elven heritage, so it normally ignores them; however it will fight if
    The Elf-bane spider usually uses its psionic abilities (shadow-form and
chameleon power) to close to within a hundred yards of its prey.  It then
initiates its displacement power and dashes to the attack at full speed.
It attacks with its bite, which causes 1d6 points of damage; however, its
most dangerous form of attack is its poison.  As soon as it has
incapacitated a victim, the spider will pick the body up and move to a safe
location where it can digest its meal.
    The severity of a bite from an Elf-bane spider varies as a function of
the victim's race, affecting onset time, damage, and saving throw
adjustment, see the table below.  The adjustment to the victim's saving
throw is cumulative with any other adjustments, such as those due to low or
high constitution.  For example, while Gwenn, an Elf, faces immediate death
(with a -4 penalty to her save) should she be bit; Halminok, a Dwarf, has a
good chance (+4 bonus to his save) to remain unaffected, especially if he
also has a high constitution (he still takes biting damage, of course).

  RACE          CLASS   ONSET           STRENGTH        ADJUSTMENT
  Elf               E   immediate   death/20    -4
  Half-elf          D   1-2 min     30/2-12     -2
  Mul               B   2-12 min    20/1-3      +2
  Dwarf             A   10-30 min   15/0        +4
  Human/others      C   2-5 min     25/2-8      0

    The Elf-bane spider does not spin a stationary web.  However, if
seriously wounded (i.e., HPs fall below 25% of normal), it will attempt to
flee by shooting a single 9' long strand of web at the nearest target using
its normal THAC0 versus AC 10 (modified by target's DEX).  If the strand
hits, it raps around the victim-- treat as per Spider Strand spell (see
Dragon Kings).  Any creatur man-sized or smaller is immobilized and cannot
move.  Any large creature is impeded and moves at half rate, attacking only
half as often with a -2 penalty to the attack roll.  Any huge or gargantuan
creature is unaffected.  In order to break free of the strand, the victim
must make a successful half bend bars roll FOR EACH YARD of the strand
(i.e., 3 separate rolls).  A large creature is no longer impeded after
breaking 1 yard, a man-sized creature is no longer immobilized after
breaking 1 yard and no longer impeded after breaking 2 yards, a small
creature is no longer immobilized after breaking 2 yards and no longer
impeded after breaking 3 yards, and a tiny creature remains immobilized
until all 3 yards are broken.  The strand may be cut at the rate of 1 yard
per round (if the target is immobilized, he cannot attempt to cut the

Habitat/Society:  The Elf-bane spider is a solitary creature, pursuing its
prey across the burning sands; however, it is not uncommon to find several
spiders independently following the same Elven tribe.
    Elf-bane spiders mate twice a year, for one week immediately following
High Sun and one week immediately following Low Sun.  As with most spiders,
the male is significantly smaller than the female, but with few exceptions
(HD 5; THAC0 15; SZ M), his stats are identical to the female's.  She will
invariably kill him after mating if he is slow in his escape (an odd carry-
over from their origins, since she cannot digest him).  The female wraps
her fertilized eggs in a web ball and buries them beneath the sand; after
two months, 3d6+2 young emerge.  They mature quickly, reaching full size
before the next mating period.

Ecology:  Scholars dispute the origin of the Elf-bane spider.  Some hold
the view that today's spiders are the descendants of spiders originally
created by the sorcerer-king Andropinis of Balic in order to protect his
orange groves from Elven thieves.  Their psionic abilities and resistance
to magic have been offered as evidence for this theory.  Others believe
that a long forgotten Dwarven civilization bred these spiders to be used in
a standing conflict with an equally ancient Elven nation.  The fact that
Dwarves are highly resistant to this spider's poison is often cited as
support for this latter theory.
    Elf-bane spiders do not collect treasure, and their nomadic nature
prevents them from accumulating incidental valuables.  They produce little
of value (although some would say that killing Elves is value enough);
however, those skilled in herbalism or the making of poison (such as bards)
can extract enough poison from one spider for 2d6 applications--the poison
has the same properties as above and retains its potency for 1 Athasian
week (i.e., 15 days).

Yugoloth, Charon

Climate/Terrain: The River Styx
Frequency:      Unique
Organization: Solitary
Activity Cycle: Any
Diet: None
Intelligence: Godlike(21+)
Treasure: Nil
Alignment: Neutral Evil

No. Appearing: 1
Armor Class: -5
Movement: 18" over all surfaces
Hit Dice: 140 hp
No. of Attacks: 1
Damage/Attack: 2-8+paralysis
Special Attacks: Gaze inspires fear
Special Defences: Nil
Magic Resistance: 80%
Size: M (6' tall)
Morale: Fearless (19-20)
XP Value: 38,000

    The river Styx links the topmost layers of the Lower Planes, and its
branches can be found anywhere from the Nine Hells to the Abyss.  When
encountered, the river is a deep, swift, and unfordable torrent.  Those who
touch or drink from the Styx will forget their past lives completely.  A
saving throw applies.  If save is made, treat as a forget  spell cast by a
15th-level wizard.  The safest passage across the Styx is by the skiff of
Charon, boatman of the Lower Planes.  Charon appears as a skeletal man with
a haggard face and glowing eyes.  He is normally dressed in royal robes or
ermine and silk.

Combat: Charon will not transport any beings that do not pay his price, and
he has several abilities to enforce this.  His gaze causes fear  (as wand)
to all he views.  He strikes with a long pole, causing 2-8 points of damage
and paralysis  (saving throw applies) for 2-8 turns.  Charon may also tap
the power of the river Styx itself, causing it to rise up and attack like a
16 hit dice water elemental. Any hit by this river-incarnation does 5-30
points of damage and causes the target to save or lose its memory. Charon
may at any time summon 3-18 Marraenoloth or 2-12 Hydroloths who will appear
in 1-3 rounds.

Psionics Summary:
Level   Dis/Sci/Dev     Attack/Defense  Score   PSPs
13    5/7/24         All/All        Int   300

        ?Psychometabolism - Sciences: Energy Containment
          Devotions: Body Equilibrium, Body Weaponry
        ?Clairsentient - Sciences: Object Reading, Sensitivity    to
Psychic Impressions
        ?Psychoportation - Sciences: Probability Travel

Habitat/Society: Charon may be summoned only on the banks of the Styx.  Any
of the following spells attract his attention: holy or unholy word, conjure
elemental, summoning an invisible stalker or aerial servant, or a symbol
of any type.  He will appear with a large black skiff that holds 10, and if
requested will ferry his charges to the topmost layer of any Lower Plane.
His cahrge is a magic item, a silk bag of 100 pp, or two gems of 500+ gp
value.  Charon never carries this treasure but distibutes it among his
servants, the Marraenoloth (see PlaneScape).

Ecology: Charon's form may be destroyed, but he is never truly slain, as he
is native to all 5 of the lower planes.  His form will cease to exist on
that plane for a single day before returning.

             Errors in the Complete Psionics Handbook

Psychokinesis Discipline

The following PK devotions do not require Telekinesis as a prerequisite:
Animate Shadow, Control Light, control Sound, Molecular Agitation, Soften,
and Telekinesis.  All others have Telekinesis as a prerequisite.

Telepathy Disciplinces

Telepathic Defense modes have no prerequisites.  All prerequisites should
be ignored!  A character does not need  access to Telepathy to get Defense

The mind link power is not a prerequisite for the following powers:
Empathy, ESP, Identify Penetration, IncarnationAwarness, Psychic
Impersination, Send Thoughts.  Mind link has never been a prerequisite for:
Ejection, Conceal Thoughts, Contact, Life Detection, Mind Bar, Psionic
Blast, and Psychic Messenger.  Mind Link is a prerequisite for all other
Telepathic powers.

Psychic Crush should be a devotion and Psionic Blast should be a science.

All refernces to Telepathic power (or prerequisite)should be changed to
mind link power instead.

On page 75 the heading for Fate Link power is missing.

Ego Whip and Mind Thrust both require contact as a prerequisite.

Psionic Monster list

Brain Mole: Refernces to the amplification power should be changed to
Psychic Drain.  Also, Mind Thrust is a Telepathic Power not MetaPsionic.

Intellect Devourer(adult):Refernces to the Amplication powers should be
changed to Pyschic Drain.  Also, Ectoplasmic Form should be listed as
Discpline not a science.

    Odds for winning initiative with and without Combat Mind

    Throughout this discussion, it will be assumed that initiative is being
rolled between two people, with no special modifiers other than the
modifier provided by Combat Mind.  The two people will referred to as
Person 1, and Person 2.

Odds of winning initiative without Combat Mind:

    The top row of the table below represents all the possible initiative
rolls for Person 2, and the first column is all possible initiative rolls
for Person 1.  The entries of the table represent all possible outcomes of
the initiative rolls of each person.

      1      2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      10
1  |(1,1)  (1,2)  (1,3)  (1,4)  (1,5)  (1,6)  (1,7)  (1,8)  (1,9)  (1,10)
2  |(2,1)  (2,2)  (2,3)  (2,4)  (2,5)  (2,6)  (2,7)  (2,8)  (2,9)  (2,10)
3  |(3,1)  (3,2)  (3,3)  (3,4)  (3,5)  (3,6)  (3,7)  (3,8)  (3,9)  (3,10)
4  |(4,1)  (4,2)  (4,3)  (4,4)  (4,5)  (4,6)  (4,7)  (4,8)  (4,9)  (4,10)
5  |(5,1)  (5,2)  (5,3)  (5,4)  (5,5)  (5,6)  (5,7)  (5,8)  (5,9)  (5,10)
6  |(6,1)  (6,2)  (6,3)  (6,4)  (6,5)  (6,6)  (6,7)  (6,8)  (6,9)  (6,10)
7  |(7,1)  (7,2)  (7,3)  (7,4)  (7,5)  (7,6)  (7,7)  (7,8)  (7,9)  (7,10)
8  |(8,1)  (8,2)  (8,3)  (8,4)  (8,5)  (8,6)  (8,7)  (8,8)  (8,9)  (8,10)
9  |(9,1)  (9,2)  (9,3)  (9,4)  (9,5)  (9,6)  (9,7)  (9,8)  (9,9)  (9,10)
10 |(10,1) (10,2) (10,3) (10,4) (10,5) (10,6) (10,7) (10,8) (10,9) (10,10)

    By counting the number of entries where each person wins initiative,
and the number of entries where there is a tie in initiative, it can be
seen that each person has a 45% chance of winning initiative, and there is
a 10% chance of a tie.

Odds of winning initiative with Combat Mind:

    It will be assumed here that Person 2 is using Combat Mind, so the top
row entries for that person run from 0 to 9 instead of 1 to 10.

      0      1      2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9
1  |(1,0)  (1,1)  (1,2)  (1,3)  (1,4)  (1,5)  (1,6)  (1,7)  (1,8)  (1,9)
2  |(2,0)  (2,1)  (2,2)  (2,3)  (2,4)  (2,5)  (2,6)  (2,7)  (2,8)  (2,9)
3  |(3,0)  (3,1)  (3,2)  (3,3)  (3,4)  (3,5)  (3,6)  (3,7)  (3,8)  (3,9)
4  |(4,0)  (4,1)  (4,2)  (4,3)  (4,4)  (4,5)  (4,6)  (4,7)  (4,8)  (4,9)
5  |(5,0)  (5,1)  (5,2)  (5,3)  (5,4)  (5,5)  (5,6)  (5,7)  (5,8)  (5,9)
6  |(6,0)  (6,1)  (6,2)  (6,3)  (6,4)  (6,5)  (6,6)  (6,7)  (6,8)  (6,9)
7  |(7,0)  (7,1)  (7,2)  (7,3)  (7,4)  (7,5)  (7,6)  (7,7)  (7,8)  (7,9)
8  |(8,0)  (8,1)  (8,2)  (8,3)  (8,4)  (8,5)  (8,6)  (8,7)  (8,8)  (8,9)
9  |(9,0)  (9,1)  (9,2)  (9,3)  (9,4)  (9,5)  (9,6)  (9,7)  (9,8)  (9,9)
10 |(10,0) (10,1) (10,2) (10,3) (10,4) (10,5) (10,6) (10,7) (10,8) (10,9)

    Again, by counting the number of entries, we can determine the
probability of each person winning initiative, and the probability of a
tie.  As can be seen, Person 1 has a 36% chance of winning initiative,
Person 2 has a 55% chance of winning initiative, and there is a 9% chance
of a tie.  This represents a significant improvement for the person using
Combat Mind.

-------------------- End --------------------

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