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2/43: One thing that might help,
Name: Walking Man #165 @5404
Date: Tue Feb 19 22:33:06 1991

how about a list of the Cyberpunk books??   It might help some of us old farts 
understand what you talking about..

 \/\/ /\ |_ |< | |\| G   /\/\ /\ |\|

3/43: Man, I've only heard of Cyberpunk.
Name: Phantom #65 @5404
Date: Wed Feb 20 19:00:18 1991

If someone could spare some literature on it? E-mail me.

4/43: I'll post the Biblography tomorrow.
Name: Rokaan #1 @5404
Date: Wed Feb 20 21:24:32 1991

              As I must retrieve my book from my locker. 


5/43: Books and CyberPunk
Name: Scorpio #268 @5404
Date: Thu Feb 28 07:22:44 1991
Okay anything written by W. Gibson . This is the man that started it all
he has written four books. Neuromanser, Count Zero, Burning Chrome, Monlisa
Overdrive. Read these first then if you are a roleplayer get CyberPunk V2.0
This is the best. I have play them all and this does the matrix right.

 Ps. ShadowRun Is a good Idea with bad rules I suggest using the Idea in gurps 
with cyberpunk V2.0 netrunning. This worked great last weekend.
                        Scorpio AKA Lord of the matrix
So a little ego trip. What the hell it's Cyberpunk Right????????

6/43: No, sorry, that should be...
Name: Rokaan #1 @5404
Date: Thu Feb 28 14:36:13 1991

RE: Books and CyberPunk

[PAUSE]                          -={ROKAAN}=- , Lord of the Central Matrix

              You're right, a little Ego never hurt.


              More Book list to come.

7/43: books
Name: Microchip #220 @5404
Date: Thu Feb 28 17:16:26 1991

Neoromancer was a good book. However, what is the order in which they take 
place. I.E. plot continuity
Microchip - 


8/43: Rest of the Books list
Name: Rokaan #1 @5404
Date: Fri Mar 01 05:32:32 1991

              Here is the books list for the Cyberpunk feeling...

Gibson, William:Neuromancer, Count Zero, Mona Lisa Overdrive, Burning Chrome

Spinrad, Norman:Little Heroes

Batancourt, John G.:Johnny Zed

Vinge, Joan D.:Psion, Catspaw

Farren, Mick:Vickers

Williams, Walter Jon:Hardwired, Voice of the Whirlwind, Angel Station

Sterling, Bruce:The Artificial Kid, Mirrorshades: The Cyberpunk Anthology, 
Islands in the Net

[PAUSE]       Brunner, John:Shockwave Rider

Effinger, George Alec:When Gravity Falls, A Fire in the Sun

Barnes, Steve:Streetlethal, Gorgon Child

Shirley, John:Eclipse, Eclipse Penumbra

Rucker, Rudy:Software, Wetware

Charrette, Robert N.:Secrets of Power series

         All for now.


9/43: Good Jacking
Name: Scorpio #268 @5404
[PAUSE]       Date: Fri Mar 01 10:37:58 1991

    That's a Real Good list of books. Monday I will try to remember my list
of Music with a cyber edge. I heard some real nice stuff last night.

    Now on to more important things! What are we the cyberpunks of our time
Going to do to bring the fun of the edge here. Well is it War or Just a Run?
                 Scorpio( PS the name is a D&D carry over I am working on 
                          a new one. More in the spirit of the times   )

10/43: just in case you run out of Books...
Name: Rokaan #1 @5404
Date: Fri Mar 01 13:52:18 1991

              This is a list of Movies to help you out also..

Blade Runner

Max Headroom

Alien/ Aliens

Liquid Sky

Overdrawn at the Memory Bank

Mad Max




Total Recall

              Ejoy these as well...

                        Lookin' to flatline some weefie


11/43: I'll get back...
Name: Microchip #220 @5404
Date: Fri Mar 01 15:23:31 1991

...in about 26 years once I've finnished reading those books and seen those 
movies. Luckily, I've seen most the moveis.
Hardware seems to fit the catagory.

12/43: Hardware - the movie
Name: Microchip #220 @5404
Date: Fri Mar 01 22:48:47 1991
see title and previous post.

13/43: What about
Name: Eldritch Cleaver #265 @5404
Date: Tue Mar 05 02:26:20 1991

Heinlein's "Friday"?  Very cyberpunkish.

14/43: Hardware and circuit Man
Name: Scorpio #268 @5404
Date: Tue Mar 05 05:24:01 1991

[PAUSE]       Hardware is cyberpunky but Circuit Man Is not a great movie but It's as close 
as I have seen yet to men with CyberPunk Type Jacks so far. See it if you 
            Scorpio Master of the Ice.......

15/43: Pardon my ignorance, but...
Name: The Joker #152 @5404
Date: Fri Mar 08 22:40:46 1991

....What the hell is Cyberpunk?
- - J o k e r - -

16/43: Okay Joker...
Name: Thunder #224 @5404
[PAUSE]       Date: Tue Mar 12 20:32:30 1991

Cyberpunk is this really super-cool RPG where you're placed like in the future 
or something and the object is to waste everyone and become really mean and 
nasty in order to waste more people....

                                    / HUNDER

17/43: in some ways like Operation Overkill ][
Name: Microchip #220 @5404
Date: Wed Mar 13 17:05:31 1991



18/43: Here's an interesting question.
Name: Rokaan #1 @5404
Date: Wed Mar 13 22:46:24 1991

              If you have Cyberware removed, do you regain Empathy and at what 


19/43: Empathy
Name: Scorpio #268 @5404
Date: Thu Mar 14 14:39:52 1991

[PAUSE]       No. The removal of human matter is why you lost it put back other stuff and 
you can't get the same results. Well Not unless you pay for the best of chiba.

     So are we talking in this section or what??????

20/43: CyberPunk Love never dies
Name: Scorpio #268 @5404
Date: Fri Mar 22 06:40:59 1991

Well if no one is going to talk. Well then I will talk to my self, after all 
that's the cyber way.

    So What can we talk about well cyberpunk has it all Rock, Magic, Computers
Sex,Sex,Sex and Death very forget Death. So what are you cummbat's Doing.

[PAUSE]                    Lets get to it. 
Okay you still need help. Well Lets talk about Sexual CyberWare.
       Any Questions now????? Well then ask.

21/43: Sexual Cyberware.
Name: Rokaan #1 @5404
Date: Fri Mar 22 16:28:49 1991

              There are only two pieces of sexual cyberware in the second 
edition book, that is, the Mr. Studd and the Midnight Lady.


22/43: Dude you missed
Name: Scorpio #268 @5404
Date: Sat Mar 23 16:40:04 1991

RE: Sexual Cyberware.

Look I am looking for New Happy talk. I know just how many inplants there are 
but how do you get these kids talking ????? I don't Seem To have what it take.


23/43: whst do you mean talk
Name: Microchip #220 @5404
Date: Sat Mar 23 21:51:14 1991

Here I am. Jacked myself into this circuit board. Then I come across this 
[PAUSE]       construct. He says, "for fulfillment of life and great hardware, call 
Cyberspace central" So here I am. Bit by Bit, Byte byByte, Kbyte by Kbyte, 
Mbyte by Mbyte, Gbyte by Gbyte I wrap my diodes around the binary exchanges.

Hey kids, what time iis it? 


24/43: Well, can we post some literature?
Name: Phantom #65 @5404
Date: Mon Mar 25 16:27:30 1991

about it all, because I know some people who don't know what the FUCK 
Cyberpunk is.


25/43: I already posted literature and movies for the genre.
Name: Rokaan #1 @5404
Date: Tue Mar 26 05:34:46 1991

RE: Well, can we post some literature?

              It was early in the posts.


26/43: CyberPunk Will Live Yet....
Name: Scorpio #268 @5404
Date: Tue Mar 26 06:05:21 1991
Look Cyberpunk is a way of thinking. To be a netrunner is, well to be a BBS 
caller with a rengance. All you need is a C-deck(CyberDeck) and some software 
and you just grab your balls and jack on in.....

    Know What all this is about is computer and man interacting on a higher 
level. Cyber Stuff. We have cyberware to make to a better man and chip slot to 
make to a smarter man. So Cyberpunk is just I high tech Super hero world made 
up of people with hardware build in. Think about running around on the other 
side of the screen. That's all Jacking in is. You project your mind into the 
computer using a I/O Jack that is install in your head.

OKay Now this is the setting. Now on with the show.......

People are all scum in the world of cyberpunk. You must be to stay alive. Most 
people are better armed than Rambo.... Now do we all get the idea....

Oh one last thing DRUGs are very big in the big cyberpunk world. You Must do 
what you can to forget the shit you are in...

So Shall We Play a Game.....Letsee Could We all Setup Cyber Persona's or 
something????? Later /es


27/43: Personas
Name: Rokaan #1 @5404
Date: Tue Mar 26 16:13:48 1991

              I think that's a great idea.

              Name: Rokaan

              Persona in Matrix: A slight well-formed figure shrouded          
     in metallic black flowing trenchcoat.and black metallic fadora            
     you can't really make out any facial features except glowing red          
     eyes. He speaks in cheerful but sarcastic matallic tones.



28/43: Cyberpunk!!
Name: Iceman #113 @5404
Date: Wed Mar 27 09:25:51 1991


29/43: who is
Name: The Master #277 @5404
Date: Wed Apr 10 18:58:35 1991


30/43: Cyberpunk
Name: Microchip #220 @5404
Date: Wed Apr 10 22:14:37 1991

is not really a specific person. It is more a name for a time period in the 
future possibly after a nuclear holocost, when electronics and drugs and crime 
play a major role in society.

31/43: Cyberpunk isn't a who, it's a what.
Name: Rokaan #1 @5404
Date: Wed Apr 10 23:49:41 1991
RE: who is

              It's a concept, it's a Style!!! That is the best word to 
describe it, STYLE! It's a way of thinking, a way of acting. 

              In the not-so-far future society as we know it has been changed 
forever. The corporate structure now rules the world, making thier own laws. 
You as a punker fight for survival in this new urban jungle. In future terms 
you would be a Netrunner, one who interfaces directly with the computer and 
through it the phone NETwork (or Net), running the matrix of Cyberspace in 
search for your next fix, the next bit of info that will buy you your next 
meal, maybe even let you retire, if you don't get flatlined (killed) first.

              This is genre I based my BBS off of, the Cyberspace Central is a 
haven for you Netrunners to trade your info and make contacts freely without 
the pryful eyes of the Icemen (Netrunning Cops). In the earlier posts I made 
reference to movies and books, if you would like to know more about the world 
in which you are now interfacing with, I would suggest starting there. It is 
really an interesting world, one which may even be in our own future if we're 
not careful. That's also what this sub is for, the exchange of new ideas which 
which may have seemed `Punkish a short time ago, but now seems to be reality.

[PAUSE]                                                         -={Rokaan}=-

Aren't you sorry you asked.

32/43: You mean that Electronics, Drugs and Crime play a 
Name: Walking Man #165 @5404
Date: Thu Apr 11 19:23:28 1991

RE: Cyberpunk

major role in society?

I wonder when that could happen??

Just a little comment from
 \/\/ /\ |_ |< | |\| G   /\/\ /\ |\|
(It's not nice to change my macros!!!!)

33/43: CyberCom
Name: Scorpio #268 @5404
Date: Fri Apr 12 12:58:03 1991

There is a new node on the net. CyberCom is it's name. But it's in MA and if 
you are interested in knowing more....

34/43: Electronics after a nuclear holocost?
Name: Spearchucker #194 @5404
Date: Sun Apr 14 04:00:10 1991

RE: Cyberpunk

[PAUSE]       Wouldn't EMP fry the electrons out of anything electronic?


35/43: Nuclear Holocaust isn't the BIG one.
Name: Rokaan #1 @5404
Date: Sun Apr 14 08:12:41 1991

              They had trouble with nukes and some detonated. Certain areas of 
certain coutries now have a half life! hehe


36/43: Fallout only effects local electronic dojiggies.
Name: Microchip #220 @5404
Date: Mon Apr 22 16:59:21 1991

to some extent.

37/43: What Does this have to do with CyberPunk?
Name: Scorpio #268 @5404
Date: Tue Apr 23 04:58:23 1991

    Nukes arn't CyberPunk RailGuns on the Moon now this is CyberPunk. Nukes 
are to Messy So get with the Program.... Later..


38/43: ?
Name: Hunk #259 @5404
Date: Thu Apr 25 13:38:22 1991

Are there any books out about this concept that you all refer to as Cyberpunk? 
 It sounds interesting.  Didn't NBC have a series of that very nature?

Please don't hurt me,


39/43: There are some posts back a few.
Name: Microchip #220 @5404
Date: Thu Apr 25 16:46:27 1991

Hunk, skip back about 20 posts. There is a list of books that you can read.

[PAUSE]       *< Spaceship from Zog >*
 What was the name of that T.V. show?

40/43: Cyberpunk campaigns
Name: Necro #368 @5404
Date: Fri Apr 26 15:35:16 1991

Hey, ya'll. I played C-punnk a few tim and really liked it ( I played a Fixerr 
). Does anyone who lives around the metairie/ Kenner area have a (real life) 
campaign running and could use another player. If anyones interested, E-mail 

{                                           Necro


41/43: cyberpunk?
Name: Anthony Souza #397 @5404
Date: Tue Jun 04 18:48:06 1991

Would some one e-mail me and explain to me what the @#!$%$^&*^&% cyberpunk is?

Name: A.J.Rimmer #307 @5404
Date: Sat Jun 08 00:56:15 1991

Intreface magazine listed some pretty good cyberpunk books & movies that were 
not found in Cyberpunk 2020.  Mirrorshades the anthology of cyperpunk fiction 
is the best source to get a preliminary education on what cyber punk is.  Bad 
Voltage is another good cyberpunk novel.  Bad Voltage has several good 
elements a GM can use in a Cyperpunk game.  Finaly Cyberpunk 2020 is on its' 
second edition.  You can obtain an update sheet by mailing R. Tailsorian games 

43/43: So, who out there truly believes in the 'Cyberpunk'
Name: Wicked1 #408 @5404
Date: Sat Jun 15 23:12:43 1991

philosophy of sharing of all information?

Post on Everything Dark and Cyberpunk?