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________________________________________________________ /______ ______________________________________________/ / / ______ __ ______ ______ __ ______ / / / __ / / / / __ / / ____/ / / / ____/ / / / /_/ / / / / /_/ / / /___ / / / /___ / / / ____/ / / / ____/ /___ / / / /___ / / / / /___ / /___ / /___ ____/ / / / ____/ / /__/ /_____/ /_____/ /_____/ /_____/ /_/ /_____/ "The NEO-AGE in Fixing!" Members: \>/inter />\ute, Nosferatu, Tiger2xlc CALL for the latest in WAREZ - The Martyrium - 713-960-0753 Danse Macabre - 713-324-2139 PRESENTING : HERO'S QUEST * SOLUTION * Typed By: White Knight On 04/15/90 First of All the best Character to get is the Thief. Give the Thief magic and parry. Through out the entire game ask everyone there name and others. Always ask about brigands. The solution is with Full score. Town of Spielburg: Guild: Read the Quests on the wall. Read the book. Sign Book. Ask guild master his name. Inn: Ask the owner his name. Close to Sunset ask the other man's name. Sheriff's Department Ask name. Alley: Ask name of the peasant. At night go to the two thieves and type <<Make Sign>> Fruit Stand: Ask Name Buy 50 apples(For the Ice Giant who will give you the gem) Dry goods: Ask items Buy Daggers(For throwing practice where the target is + it will give you pts.) Buy Rations if you want for food Buy Empty flask to hold things. Zara's Shop: Buy all of her spells Healer's Hut: ASK NAME ASK POTIONS You can buy potions if you wish to help you ASK ABOUT RING When you are out side of the hut you can CLIMB TREE to get the ring in the nest. Once on the branch type GET RING or you can CAST FETCH. Then give the ring to the Healer and she'll give you two potions of healing. REWARDS AT THE HEALER'S HUT GIVE TROLL BEARD(Two healing potions)-Killing a Troll GIVE CLAWS (5 silvers per claw)-Killing a Cheetaur GIVE FLOWERS (Silvers but only 15 flowers)-Erana's Place GIVE MUSHROOM (Some gold but only 9 mushrooms)-Ring of Mushrooms IF you buy any potions and use them you will have empty flasks which will come in handy. The Dryad: The Dryad is at the far left hand corner of the screen Don't kill or harm the STAG! Or the Dryad will turn you into one. She'll ask you if you are a friend of the forest and say YES She'll ask you to get a seed of a plant that is very rare. To find the seed is easy it's the only place where you'll see plants spitting a seed. To Get the seed. CLIMB ROCK and GET SEED(wait until spit towards you) or you can CAST FETCH. After you get the seed you'll have to give it back to the Dryad which will tell you how to get the <<Dispel Potion>> and an acorn will fall to the ground GET ACORN. Meeps: When you enter the screen type TALK MEEPS and their leader will come out and do the following: ASK MEEPS ASK FUR-<<Dispel Potion>> GET FUR ASK SPELL-<<Detect Spell>> GET SPELL then leave. At night in Spielburg. After you make the sign in the alley they will give you a password and then you will go into the bar and say the password to the man sitting on the trap door. You'll go down stairs and <<Buy License, Tool kit>> You can also play game with the Chief which will raise your throwing stats but you have to type <<Play Game>>. After you get your license you can rob the town. Go to the old Ladie's house and do the following: PET CAT SEARCH COUCH GET CANDLES OPEN PURSE LOOK IN BASKET SEARCH DRAWER. Then leave or the cat will eat you. Go to the Sheriff's House which is next to the dry goods and pick the lock. GET VASE MOVE PAINTING PICK SAFE GET COINS CLOSE SAFE REPLACE PAINTING SEARCH DESK GET CANDELABRA OPEN MUSIC BOX GET MUSIC BOX Then leave the house. After you have finished that go back to the thieves guild and sell all the items you ripped off. Don't sell the gem. Baron's Castle: Once your up to the gate ask the guard his name. Ask about any of the following ASK ABOUT BARON ASK ABOUT ELSA ASK ABOUT SON ASK ABOUT JOB OPEN THE GATE You can get a job cleaning the stables which will raise your strength and pay you 5 silvers(whoopee.) You can fight the Weapon Master which is in the courtyard sometimes. But it will cost you 1 gold. ASK NAME ASK SWORD ASK LESSON PAY MAN Fighting the Weapon master will raise your Stats. Erana's Place:(top of the map) CAST OPEN and you'll get the calm spell(under the rock) SLEEP there and your health,stamina,magic pts will go up. Henry the Hermit:(right of the log) GET ROCKS THROW ROCK AT DOOR(until Henry gets out this will raise your stats also) then CLIMB ROCK KNOCK DOOR then move out of the way once inside: ASK NAME ASK SPELL ASK TRIGGER ASK FOR TRIGGER GET TRIGGER You can rest at Henry's house for a price of 1 ration which isn't that good. The cave: (next to Erana's place) You can out run the ogre or kill him which ever. Anyway when your in the cave do the following: GIVE BEAR RATION or CAST CALM(allow you to pass the bear) once pass the bear. (SAVE GAME in case you don't make it) When you enter the second room Keep typing SNEAK so you can Sneak in there and GET KEY(around the Kobold's neck) CAST TRIGGER and the chest will explode open GET COINS and now haul butt out of the cave cause you have waken the kobold. you can also kill the kobold but I wouldn't recommend it. Once you leave the Kobold's area go to the bear and type UNLOCK BEAR or PICK LOCK. The bear will turn into a man(BARON'S SON) then ASK ABOUT ELSA. Barnard(Baron's Son) will leave by teleportation. Then go to the Baron's Castle but on the way out escape from the Ogre or kill him. If you kill him search body PICK CHEST until it opens. Go to the Baron's Castle and enter the Castle(will be especting you). The Baron will reward you by giving you gold and a place to stay the night. Talking to The Baron ASK ELSA and ASK YORICK. Then leave the room. Baba Yaga: Baba Yaga is an evil magic user which wants mandrake if you enter her hut. To enter the hut you have to talk to the skull and ASK BARGAIN then GIVE GEM to the skull which will thank you and let down the gate but you have to get the hut to go down by saying HUT OF BROWN NOW SIT DOWN. Enter the hut buy just walking in. If you can't get in it is too late in the afternoon best to go in the morning. The witch will turn you into a frog and she'll ask you some questions before she turns you into frog soup. <<ANSWER THEM!>> You'll then have to go get the mandrake. Which is in the Grave Yard. Grave Yard: The only thing in the grave yard is the Mandrake Root which you have to get for Baba Yaga. To get the root you have to go at MidNight(Save game incase) just enter the grave yard from the top of the screen and type GET ROOT then haul butt out of there and to Baba Yaga's hut and you'll give her the Root. Buy the time this is over it will be close to day break so go to Erana's place for sleep but go to the ring of mushrooms and type DANCE they will ask you what you want and ASK DUST(need empty flask) and they will give it to you. You can also ASK- DRYAD, MAGIC, MUSHROOMS, and Fairies. Erasmus and Fenrus: Erasmus and Fenrus are two other Magic users of Speilburg their locations is on the right side of the entire forest. Anyway when you reach the house a gargoyle will ask you three questions which can be any of the following: "What is your name?" ans <<whatever it is>> "What is your favorite color?" ans. <<pink or purple>> "Who's spell gaurds the town?" ans. <<Erana>> "What is thieves password?" ans. <<anything but the word itself>> "What is the Baron's first name" ans (I don't know this one you'll have to get it yourself) Once inside go upstairs or look at the items on the wall. You'll meet Erasmus and Fenrus if your lucky he'll ask if you want to play a game for the Dazzle Spell if you have enough skill. If he ask you to play the game he'll ask if you know any of the following spells: TRIGGER-To make your white character bigger to climb ladders & smaller for holes DART -stall the other player but not necessary FETCH -move ladders and bridges OPEN -open boulders Which you should know by now. I hope you have saved your game before you played. Make sure your Magic pts ar to the max. All you have to do is reach the lower right hand corner but you can't move your player it will do it for you. If you win he'll give you the spell. Talk to Erasmus about the following: ASK MIRROR ASK HENRY ASK ERANA ASK FENRUS to leave just type STAND UP. <<Dispel Potion>> Go to the Hermit's screen and type GET WATER then go to the Healer's hut and GIVE her the following: GREEN FUR-Meeps FLYING WATER-Water fall FLOWERS-Erana's Place MUSHROOMS-Fairy ring MAGIC ACORN-From the Dryad. She will then mix the ingredients and you'll have to come back later(just exit and go back in) and you'll have the potion. The Brigands: 5 STEPS At around Noon go to where the target is. Listen to the conversation and you'll get the password of the brigands. (SAVE GAME) After listening wait until one of the brigands leave(BRUNO) and go down the screen and and quickly back up or Bruno will stick you with a dagger. Fight the Other brigand and you'll get a key from him. 1 Entering the Brigands Fort: Two Ways to enter. (Save game) 1. Go straigt into the fort by dodging the arrows and type CLIMB WOOD which you will face three brigands. You can't escape from them so I hope your character is good. Once you've defeated all three drink your potions. Then go up and you'll fight the minotaur once you've killed him you search his body. You can't rest one time when your in the area of the fort so best to use vigor potions. 2. Go where the antwerp is and go to the wall of rocks and type SEARCH ROCKS and you'll find a hole then USE KEY and PUSH ROCK then say the PASSWORD(HIDEN GOSEKE) which will avoid you from the troll. You can go kill the troll if you wish and search a pile of gold. but anyway go to the lower right once in the cave and you'll be right where the minotaur is. You can throw rocks at the minotaur if you want but don't get busted. Anyway CAST CALM and the Minotaur will fall asleep. 2 Getting pass the courtyard and wall:(Save game) After beating the minotaur or putting him to sleep just keep typing CLIMB WALL once you go up to it on the right side. <<DON'T RING THE BELL!>> once over the wall you'll face obsticles. LOOK UNDER RUG-you'll see a pit. You'll also see dark lines on the line which are trip wires. best to aviod the one on the right side of the rug. You'll see two bridges cross the one on the right. Then JUMP ROPE between the two barracade walls. 3 Inside the fort:(Save Game) Once you enter the door do the following: BLOCK DOOR BLOCK DOOR-Upper right hand corner where the chair is PUSH CANDLES-next to the chair. Surprise it's the Three Stooges that will come through the door on the far right hand door. Just stand in front of the table and type JUMP TABLE when the first Stooge comes around the corner of the table towards you and you'll knock them down. Then go to the northern door and open it. 4 Jesters lair:(Save Game) You'll enter the room where you'll see Yorick Jester of Spielburg you have to ask him the follwing: ASK YORICK ASK ELSA Then you'll have to go through his maze. Take the door on the left then go to the door with the happy faces and you'll be in another area where the chain is then type PULL CHAIN and the right door will open go back and enter the right door then type OPEN DOOR (door on the left)then get out of the way buy scooting a little bit over and the door will fall down then type OPEN DOOR and you'll meet the brigand leader. If you are ever rolling type STOP if you fall of the edge or get punched by the box. 5 Brigand Leader:(Save game) Once you see the leader type USE DISPEL POTION and Wow! Why it's Elsa! Elsa will thank you and Yorick will come in. Then go over to her desk and type GET MIRROR GET POTIONS and leave where Yorick came through. Leave the treasure behind cause the brigands will get you. You've done it you've defeated the brigands and only one more thing to do. Defeating Baba Yaga: Go back to Baba Yaga and enter the gate again and say HUT OF BROWN NOW SIT DOWN enter the hut then type USE MIRROR the Frog spell will turn her into a frog and the hut will fly away. The rest is automatic you are greeted by all the characters and programmers at the Baron's Castle where you are rewarded! Anyway it goes through a demo and you fly away on a magic carpet with the Inn Keeper, His wife, and Abdulla. Thanx To White Knight for the Text. We are looking for people who know what the fuck they are doing, If you can code like a mother fucker, call us! We are looking for some quality members. 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