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X-VM-v5-Data: ([nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] ["63160" "Mon" "23" "May" "1994" "11:34:51" "-0400" "Prince John, III" "jfm@christa.unh.edu" nil "1227" "Please archive this instead of what's you already have. Thanx." "^From:" nil nil "5" nil "Please archive this instead of what's you already have. Thanx." nil nil] nil) id KAA28801; Mon, 23 May 1994 10:35:08 -0500 (5.67b+/IDA-1.5 for <jfy@cis.ksu.edu>); Mon, 23 May 1994 11:34:56 -0400 (5.67b/IDA-1.5 for jfy@cis.ksu.edu); Mon, 23 May 1994 11:34:52 -0400 In-Reply-To: <9405201529.AA24175@edith.princeton.edu> Subject: Please archive this instead of what's you already have. Thanx. (There can be only one...These are the voyages...) T R E K L A N D E R Copyright 1994 John F. Moore III Part 1 CAPTAIN'S LOG: Stardate 48344.5 The Enterprise has been ordered to Fyla VI to receive Ambassador MacLeod, who has been asked to oversee peace talks between two warring factions on Clari III. I admit a small amount unease with this mission as Ambassador MacLeod is a relatively inexperi- enced emmissary... Captain Jean-Luc Picard stood in transporter room 3 with Commander Riker and Councillor Troi, all in dress uniforms. Behind them, the transporter chief was monitoring his station. "Fyla VI indicates they're ready, sir," the chief said. "Energize." The transporter hummed and two figures appeared. The first was a tall man in his early thirties with long black hair wearing a loose-fitting shirt and pants under a black sleeveless overcoat. Next to his was a man in his early twenties with curly blonde hair and dressed similarly to the other man. Picard spoke, "Greetings Ambassador MacLeod, I am Captain Jean-Luc Picard. This is my first officer Commander William Riker and Deanna Troi, ship's Councillor." The taller man shook Picard's hand with a firm grip. "I'm pleased to meet all of you. I'm Ambassador Duncan MacLeod and this is my assistant Richard." Riker addressed the pair. "We've arranged for a dinner in your honor Ambassador at 1800 hours, as well as a tour of the ship. If you'll follow me I'll take you to your quarters." MacLeod nodded to Riker. "That would be most appreciated. By your leave, Captain?" Riker led the pair out of the transporter room as Picard addressed Troi. "What do you think of him, Councillor?" "He's very sincere in his desire to help the people of Clari III, but there's something... distant about him. I felt it in his assistant as well. They're both trying to hide something..." "Do you think they might be a danger to the ship?" "I don't think so. They're not hostile, but I sense unrest in both of them." Riker led the pair to Ten Forward. "And this is where we spend our off duty hours. We call it Ten Forward." Suddenly MacLeod and Richard seemed very distant for a moment. "Something wrong Ambassador?" MacLeod snapped out of whatever he was under. "Umm... nothing Com- mander. Would you mind if Richard and I looked around here for a while?" "I suppose that would be all right. If you need anything, I'll be by the viewport." As Riker walked toward the tabled by the viewports Richard turned to the Ambassador, "did you feel it Mac?" "Yes I did, Richie. But who is it? There are so many people here... and there's no way of telling if whoever it is will attack us." Across the room, Guinan looked at MacLeod and Richard. She then turned to Data, who was sitting at the bar near her. "Data, who are those two?" "They are Ambassador MacLeod and his assistant Richard. They are on a diplomatic mission to Clari III." "You don't say... I think those two need a drink." A waiter approached MacLeod and Richard with two glasses. Richard looked confused. "But we didn't order...?" "They're compliments from... an old friend," the waiter explained. "Who is this `old friend'?" asked MacLeod. "An anonymous one... by the being's request." The waiter left. Richard looked agitated. "Great! We may be in danger and we don't know who to watch out for!" MacLeod looked around. "Calm down Richie. The last thing we want to do is attract attention to ourselves. I think it's time we got on with our tour." After informing Riker that they were ready to go, The pair left Ten Forward. Guinan watched them leave. "Oh, don't worry Mr. MacLeod... you'll find out soon enough..." Captain Picard sat in his ready room when his door chimed. "Come!" Riker entered the ready room. "Yes Number One?" "Permission to speak candidly, sir?" "Of course. What's on your mind?" "I don't trust Ambassador MacLeod sir. When we were in Ten Forward he appeared to be looking for something rather intently." "Do you think he plans on endangering the Enterprise?" "I don't know sir, but Lt. Worf ran a routine scan on the Ambassador and found a sword on his person." "A sword, Number One?" "Hidden beneath his robes. A sword was also found in his assistant's robes." "I'll have Lt. Worf keep an eye on our guests, but Councillor Troi doesn't sense any hostility toward us." "One other thing I noticed in Ten Forward sir... MacLeod's assistant became very restless soon before we left, almost as if he was expecting trouble." "Could his assistant be a bodyguard, Number One?" "I don't know sir. MacLeod doesn't strike me as the type who would need a bodyguard." "I'll have someone monitor them while they're on board." "Thank you, I'd feel a lot better sir." `Enter Program' the Holodeck computer said. Lt. Worf was about to enter his usual workout when MacLeod sauntered up. "Hello, Lieutenant. Mind a little company?" Worf looked agitated. "I was about to engage in my daily exercises. I doubt you'd want to join me." MacLeod leaned his hand against the wall and grinned casually at Worf. "Oh, I dunno... it could be fun." Richie stalked his quarters. He knew MacLeod would be fine...he was far more experienced than he was. He just didn't like the idea of an unknown... The door chimed, interrupting his thoughts. "Come in." The door opened and the Sense hit him. He suddenly realized his sword was in the other room. He had to face his opponent unarmed... "Relax, will ya," Guinan said as she entered. "If I was gonna kill you I'd have done it long ago." "You're... you're the bartender from Ten Forward, aren't you?" "My name is Guinan. So you're the Immortal I sensed this afternoon. What's your name?" "Richie -- Richard." Guinan smiled. "Pleased to meet you Richie Richard. I'm not hostile to you. I've been an Immortal for much longer than you'd care to imagine. If I wanted to kill you you'd be dead before you could blink." Richie believed her... despite being over 400 years old he was still far too inexperienced at fighting other Immortals. "Well, it's good to hear that you're on my side. I'll come by and we can talk about... old times." Guinan smiled and left. Richie decided to consult with Mac before he met up with Guinan again. He wasn't sure he fully trusted her yet and he wanted to check with MacLeod before he revealed to Guinan that there was a third Immortal on board. Part 2 CAPTAIN'S LOG: Stardate 48367.8 The crew has been reporting increasing unrest toward the Ambassador and his assistant. I am planning to meet formally with Ambassador MacLeod and discuss this in-depth. Captain Picard entered the bridge as Riker relinquished the command chair. "Status, Number One?" "We're due to arrive in just under three hours. According to reports, the situation on Clari III is becoming volotile. The delegates from each side doubt that the cease-fire will last much longer." "Go to warp 8, Mr. Data." Data turned to face the captain. "At warp 8, we will arrive at Clari III in 1 hour, 26 minutes, sir." "Good, I'll be in my ready room if I'm needed. You have the bridge, Number One." As Picard turned to leave, he noticed that Ensign DeMarcus was manning Tactical. "Has anyone seen Lt. Worf? He was supposed to report for duty ten minutes ago." MacLeod and Worf stood back to back as unidentifiably monsterous humanoids attacked. Worf was breathing heavily. "Have you had enough, Ambassador?" MacLeod glanced back at Worf. "I'm just getting warmed up." Suddenly the holodeck intercom switched on as Riker spoke. "Lt. Worf, report for duty at once!" Worf suddenly realized that he was late to report for duty. "Computer, halt program." The battlefield disappeared as the familiar black and yellow walls of the holodeck appeared and Worf almost sprinted out of the room. "Computer," MacLeod said as Worf exited. "I'd like to see a dojo from Los Angeles, California, Earth, circa 1994... complete with the following people..." Richie entered Ten Forward and sat at the bar. A waiter greeted him. "May I take your order?" Richie simply said, "I'm here to see Guinan." "I'm sorry, but Guinan isn't on-duty right now." "Where would she be?" "I'm not sure... she seems to like the botanical gardens." "Thanks," Richie said as he went to leave. As he reached the doors, he nearly bumped into Data and fell on the floor. "Excuse me," Data said as he helped Richie up, "I did not see you. Are you hurt?" "Only my pride... What species are you? I don't think I've ever seen a being with white skin and yellow eyes..." "I am Lt. Commander Data, and I am an android. You must be Richard, Ambassador MacLeod's assistant." "Yeah. Listen, Commander... I need to find Guinan, otherwise I'd love to stay and talk." "Perhaps another time. I am interested in you and the Ambassador, espe- cially since I can find no record of your births anywhere in the Federa- tion." `Oops,' Richie thought. Neither he nor (he thought) Mac had counted on anyone checking their birth records. He knew Mac's record wouldn't be on file, since births weren't generally recorded in the 1500's, but he was certain that if a record of his existence was found it would certainly raise some questions. "Ummm... yeah, sure. Catch ya later." As soon as the doors to Ten Forward closed, Richie sprinted to find Guinan. "Commander," Worf said, "we are receiving a transmission from Clari III. The cease-fire has been broken and hostilities have resumed." Riker sighed. This peace mission could be the end of MacLeod's short career as an Ambassador in a bloody way. "Computer, locate Ambassador MacLeod." `Ambassador MacLeod is in Holodeck 3' "I'm going down there to inform him of the situation personally. Lt. Worf, you have the bridge." "Aye, sir," Worf said as Riker entered the turbolift. Riker entered the holodeck to find a run-down training center. MacLeod was helping a well-built black man about his age stand up. "One more time, MacLeod," the black man said. MacLeod saw Riker enter and said to the black man, "Not yet, Charlie. I think you need a break." MacLeod went over to Riker as Charlie sat on a bench catching his breath. "What can I do for you, Commander?" "The situation on Clari III has escalated to open fighting." MacLeod looked concerned by this. "Do you have details?" "Not yet, but as soon as we hear we'll let you know. Do you want to wait until things calm down before talking to the leaders?" "If we wait we may never have a chance. I'm going down there." "I can't allow you to beam down without a security detail." "The last thing we need is more people with weapons down there--" "True enough. I mean, two people with swords beaming down is bad enough." MacLeod looked unconcerned about this discovery. "Richard and I carry swords because it's tradition for our people." "Is it... tradition... to hide them under robes so they can't be seen by the naked eye." "You'd be surprised how many people get paranoid about people carrying weapons." "Well, I'd appreciate it if you didn't carry them at all while on board the Enterprise." MacLeod walked over to a glass-walled room on the far end of the train- ing center and grabbed something. As he exited, Riker saw that the Ambassador was carrying a sheathed sword. MacLeod then handed the weapon to Riker. "I'll inform Richard to do the same. We're on your side, Commander." MacLeod walked back toward Charlie, then turned back to Riker. "I'd like all the information you have on the situation on Clari III, if you can." "I'll see what I can do," said Riker as he exited the holodeck. Part 3 CAPTAIN'S LOG, Supplemental: We're approaching Clari III and are preparing to beam Ambassador MacLeod and his assistant to the surface. Commander Riker expresses concern about the pair going down alone due to the renewed conflict, but the Ambassador seems unconcerned. I have to wonder if he knows something we don't... Picard sat on the bridge, monitoring the orbital maneuvers performed by the ensign at Ops... what was her name... Cathaway? Yes, that was it. Cathaway had been assigned to the Enterprise two weeks ago from the Acadamy. She worked very hard to please her superiors and seemed likable. Still, on a ship as big as the Enterprise, it wasn't difficult to understand why Picard, or any of the senior officers (except Data) had trouble remembering the names of everyone on-board. MacLeod entered from the turbolift, getting the attentions of Worf. Giving the scowling Klingon a cheery smile, he approached the Captain. Picard looked up at him. "Hello, Ambassador. I must say this is a surprise. I thought you'd be--" "Something wrong, Cathaway?" Everyone except MacLeod turned to see what Riker was talking about. Cathaway seemed concerned, and until Riker alerted the crew, she was staring at MacLeod. "Nothing, sir," Cathaway said as she turned back at her station. "Captain, may I speak to you in private?" "Of course, Ambassador. We can use my ready room. You have the bridge, Number One." As Picard and MacLeod exited the bridge, Riker walked up to Ensign Cathaway. "Do I detect a problem with the Ambassador, Ensign?" Cathaway seemed like a little girl who had been caught with her hand in the cookie jar. "Of course not, sir. But as the Captain was saying, his arrival on the bridge was a surprise." Riker looked at her sternly. "Your duty is to fly this ship, not watch the comings and goings of people who may or may not belong in the bridge, is that understood?" "Of course, sir. It won't happen again." "See that it doesn't," Riker said as he sat in the command chair. "What can I do for you, Ambassador?" "Captain, I don't like titles much, especially in private. Mr. MacLeod or Duncan will do." "Very well, Mr. MacLeod. You wanted to speak to me?" "Captain, I understand Commander Riker is a little concerned about my wanting to go without armed escort." "So he tells me. I can't say I blame him. The violence down there--" "I can handle myself rather well, although... that Ensign out there... Cathaway was her name?" "Yes, what about her?" "If you could spare her, I'd like to have her along." "Rather a strange request... why her and not Lt. Worf?" "Because I feel... there's something special about her." "I will consult Commander Riker about it. What have you discovered about the situation on Clari III?" "Not as much as I'd like. The two sides were willing to talk peace until someone... the reports didn't say who... took over as leader of one of the factuions and renewed the attacks. Most unsettling... (The Alamo, night: Duncan is nursing the wounds of several of the defenders of the besieged fort. With him is Pierre DuSable, a Canadian sympathetic to the Texans' cause. "I tell you, mon ami, if we can hold out a little while longer ze reenforcements will arrive and we'll route Santa Anna's men back to Mexico!" Duncan sighed. "I wish I had your optimism, Pierre, but the fact is we're running out of supplies. Even if anyone arrives we may starve to death before then." DuSable stood proud. "Zen I shall form a raid to get supplies from ze Mexicans!" Duncan looked at him. "Don't be a fool! You'll die out there!" "Better to die fighting zen to starve to death!" Duncan exited the medical shack a moment later shaking his hand and barring the door from the outside. "Forgive me, my friend, but I'm more qualified than you for this kind of thing." Under cover of darkness, Duncan crept into the Mexican camp. After killing a sentry and taking his uniform, he walked into the supply area. *The mother lode*, he thought as he found two wagons full of food, waiting to be unloaded. *This will sustain the Alamo for a few more days* Suddenly, he Sensed someone. Pulling out his sword and turning, he saw a Mexican officer enter the tent, carrying a saber. "Well, well," he said. "Looks like I found myself a spy. You know, spying's a dangerous business... one could lose his head if the pressure gets too high." Duncan barely managed to block the Mexican's attack. As Duncan retreated, the Mexican began speaking. "I plan to order my forces to attack. That fool Santa Anna will have no choice but to order a full assault. He wants to play the waiting game, let the Texans starve to death. Doesn't he realize those idiots will die for what they believe in?" "And you're just the man to help them, right?" Duncan dodged as the Mexican's slice cut open a bag of flour. As a white cloud hung around them, the pair continued, but Duncan began to fight back. As the battle raged between the two, Duncan seized the advantage until the Mexican was forced to his knees. Suddenly, there was a loud thunderclap as Duncan's eyes widened and he fell to the ground. The Mexican put away his pistol and readied himself for the Final Strike when he also fell from a gunshot. A figure crept up to Duncan. "Mon ami, are you all right?" Duncan looked weakly at him. "Pierre? What are you doing here?" "I thought you might need some help, especially since it was my idea, non?" The pair walked back to the supplies, leaving the Mexican to heal...) "And you hope to reason with a man like that?" Picard asked. "I hope so. But if not I want as few people as possible down there." "I will recommend that Ensign Cathaway be assigned to you for this, if you think that she'd be helpful." "Thank you Captain." Julia Cathaway Sensed MacLeod exit the Captain's ready room. She tried hard not to let it affect her again, though it was easier since she knew he was there this time. She couldn't let Riker know her secret, and he really came down on her hard. The fact was that she was scared of Riker, moreso than any Immortal she'd faced. She tried hard not to come into conflict with him, but it wasn't always easy. She heard Riker and the Captain discuss something, but was too afraid to do anything but watch the screen as the planet revolved below the ship. "Ensign Cathaway." Julia nearly jumped out of her skin as Riker bellowed her name. She wondered what she did now to deserve his ire. "Yes sir?" she said, turning to face them, hoping her nervousness didn't show. "You're relieved of duty. Report to Transporter Room 5 at 1800 hours." "Yes, sir." Julia almost sprinted off the bridge, relieved to be away from Commander William Riker. Part 4 FIRST OFFICER'S LOG: Stardate 48380.1 Ambassador MacLeod is preparing to beam down to Clari III with his assistant and Ensign Julia Cathaway. I'm a little concerned as to why the only escort the Ambassador wants is a recent Acadamy graduate who's not even associated with security. Richie had finally found Guinan in the Botanical Gardens. Of course Guinan Sensed him long before he approached but made no indications of it. "Hello Richard," she said without looking up from the plants she was studying. "I was wondering when you were going to show." "Hello Guinan." "You and your boss have made quite a stir on the ship. I don't suppose he's an Immortal too?" `Uh-oh... I didn't want her finding out'. Richie maintained his cool, glad that Guinan was an Immortal and not a Betazoid like that Troi chick. For whatever reason Immortals seem to be full humans of Earth descent. If there were other Immortals, he had yet to encounter them. "Why do you say that?" he asked. "Mainly because the crew seems to be more aggravated with him than you. But there are other reasons..." "Such as?" "Neither of you have any birth records within the lifetimes of any crewman on board, and Ensign Cathaway Sensed him..." "You mean there are FOUR Immortals on board." "Yeah... scary thought, eh? I had to reassure her that neither of you were gonna decapitate her. She really is a nice girl, if a little high- strung." "Mind if I ask--" "The late 1700's." "What?" "You were about to ask how old I was right?" Richie nodded in response. "I experienced the Awakening in the 1700s in the Southern US. My master beat me to death. I remained anonymous until Earth started space travel in earnest. It was then that I left Earth. My ship fell into a wormhole into deep space. It was there that I met my first alien, the last sur- vivor of a people that had been destroyed by the Borg. He died in my care some five months later, but I had learned much about his culture. Event- ually I found my way into Federation space and I met Picard. I claimed to be a member of the race the alien belonged to. And the rest is history. Now what about you and MacLeod?" "I was Awakened in the 1990s. I was hanging around with Mac back then too, along with his girlfriend Tessa. Tessa was shot to death by gang members. I was shot that day too. I've been traveling off and on with him ever since. "Mac I'm not too sure of. I know he's been around since the 1500s but he doesn't talk much about his Awakening. I know he's battled more Immortals before I met him than I've seen since hooking up with him. And what about Cathaway?" "I don't know much about her. She tends to avoid me, or any Immortal." MacLeod sat in his room staring at a picture when his door chimed. "Yes?" The door slid open as Cathaway entered. MacLeod stood. "Ah, Ensign. Come in, please." Cathaway looked nervous. MacLeod tried assuring her, "Come on, I don't bite, and I don't attack unless threatened." Cautiously, she entered. MacLeod could see her white-knuckled death- grip on her sword, expecting an ambush of some kind. Slowly, he put his hand, his sword hand, on hers and gently guided it to a nearby table. "We're all friends here, Cathaway... I promise I won't hurt you. Now put the sword down..." Something in MacLeod's voice calmed her enough that she released her grip on her sword. Breathing a sigh of relief, MacLeod backed away. "Would you like something to drink?" "Ummm... no thank you." MacLeod walked to the replicator. "2 Synthales" Two mugs of the liquid appeared and he brought both to Cathaway. "I said I wasn't thirsty, sir." "Stop with the formalities and the pretenses. I'm Duncan MacLeod of the clan MacLeod, not Ambassador MacLeod. I'm an equal, not a superior. The only difference is that you think I'm going to trick you into a compromis- ing position so I can kill you and take your Quickening. To prove that I'm not going to, I'll let you choose the drink, that way if I've poisoned one you have a 50% chance of choosing the other one, and if I've poisoned both then we'll both recover at the same time and it won't make a difference. Now take the drink." Cathaway chose one and they both drank at the same time. When no ill effects occured, Cathaway relaxed a little. "You're probably wondering why I asked you to join my little party planetside?" MacLeod asked. Cathaway nodded. "Well, I don't want any mortals endangering themselves needlessly, but we're relatively safe--" "Unless someone phasers us at maximum level," she said. "Well, there is that, and there's little I can do about it if they try, but other than that we're safe." Cathaway noticed the picture on the table next to where MacLeod was sitting. "Who's this? Another Immortal? A sweetheart, perhaps?" "No, it's someone I loved a long time ago. I did my best to save her life, but..." Cathaway turned to him. "I know the feeling. When I was on my training cruise, we were struck by an asteroid that got past our navagation shields. The section where we were hit was the section where my fiancee and I were walking. The whole section went up in flames. I was Awakened that day. No one else survived the explosion. To this day I wish that I hadn't been cursed with Immortality." "I didn't know--it's hard falling in love with an Immortal knowing that you'll outlive her, possibly by centuries... but I can't imagine what it's like--" Cathaway turned to face him. She was crying. "That's right, MacLeod! You can't know the pain I endure every day, knowing that my Adam is dead because he wasn't born into this curse!" She grabbed her sword and ran out of MacLeod's room. Part 5 At 1800 hours Ensign Cathaway entered Transporter Room 5. She was carrying a tote bag full of things she thought she might need planetside: spare uniforms, energy packs for her phaser, toiletries, her sword... MacLeod and his assistant were already waiting. That she knew before entering, thanks to her damnable Sense. She really hated being Immortal, but didn't know if she had the courage to end it. Besides, Adam wouldn't have approved... Commander Riker was also there, as well as Lt. Worf. She was about to step onto the transporter pad when she noticed that no one else was making a move in that direction. "Something wrong, sirs?" she asked, placing her bag on the pad and walking over. Riker cleared his throat. "The situation has escalated. The Captain has ordered that a qualified security detail be assigned--" "Despite my objections," MacLeod interrupted. `I'm sure you objected MacLeod,' Cathaway thought. `You want my Quick- ening to yourself with no witnesses!' "In any case," Riker continued, "the Captain has ordered Lt. Worf to accompany the three of you down. Good luck to you all." The four stepped onto the pad and Riker barked, "Energize". Cathaway felt the tingle of her atoms being converted to energy and sent to the planet's surface. As soon as Worf saw the surface of Clari III he pulled out his phaser and began scanning for potential targets. The beings on this planet were hostile creatures who might mistake him and those he was sworn to protect as enemies. MacLeod placed his hand on Worf's phaser arm and lowered it. "Calm down, Lieutenant. The last thing we need is for whoever's here to mistake us for the enemy by a display of weapons." Worf couldn't argue with MacLeod, because he was right; any display of hostile intent could cause them to become targets. But at the same time, MacLeod made him look bad to a subordinate. Worf settled on giving him a dirty look. "I'm going to have a look around. A representative of the Tyone faction was supposed to meet us here and take us to a neutral position where we'd meet with the Feuhl faction's representative. "I'll go with you Mac," his assistant said. "No Richard, you stay with Worf, in case our contact centers on our transporter signal. Ensign Cathaway, you come with me." Worf noticed Cathaway tense immediately, but she complied and grabbed her bag. As soon as they were out of sight and earshot from Worf, MacLeod turned to Cathaway. "Why are you afraid of me?" The question took Cathaway by surprise. She was expecting MacLeod to go for his sword and blame her death on `hostile natives', not a direct question. "You... you're Immortal..." "You think all Immortals are cold-blooded killers? If I was, then Richard would have been dead long ago." "Richard is..." "You remember the picture in my quarters?" Cathaway nodded. "He was with her the day she died. He was Awakened that day. If I was such a cold-blooded killer, I would have taken his head the day I found out, while he was still adjusting to the change. Instead I nurtured him and tried to keep him safe until I felt he was ready to explore the limits of his new abilities. "I admit I've taken more than my share of Immortal lives, but never unless they deserved to die. You think Richie is my only Immortal friend? I've come close to killing a few friends, only to pull them back to reason before the Final Strike. One friend I DID kill, but only after he real- ized that he was a danger to everyone around him if he lived." "Why was he--" "He had a dark side that came out and killed those he felt close to. He had no memory of his dark side's actions; in fact, he thought that it was a different Immortal. When he realized that his enemy was himself, he begged me to take his life." "I'm sorry, MacLeod," Julia said. "It's just that I've run into three Immortals since my Awakening before you, and all but one of them cared nothing but to take my head. Friends?" Julia extended her hand, which MacLeod took. Julia found herself looking into MacLeod's eyes. She wanted to turn away, but there was something captivating about him. She was entranced in his eyes, eyes that have seen eons pass. They gazed at each other for what seemed like an eternity. The moment before their lips met her communicator switched on. *Worf to Cathaway* Julia composed herself and pressed her combadge. "Cathaway here." *Prima Tu-Jar of the Tyones has arrived. Return to Base Camp immediate- ly.* "On our way." Julia looked at MacLeod. "Perhaps another time... Duncan?" MacLeod grinned at her. "If it's one thing we have, it's time." Part 6 Duncan and Julia walked back to the Base Camp. Along the way, they shared a number of things about themselves, and Julia admitted that the one other Immortal who didn't try to kill her was Guinan. Guinan helped her through her fiancee's death and through her own fears about her new life. "I had someone like that too. His name was Darius, and for over four hundred years he was like a father to me... until he was murdered by a mortal." Julia noticed that Duncan was very tense when he mentioned Darius. She was about to question him about Darius's death when she saw Worf and a squat four-legged orange creature with several pseudopods on its torso eyestalks all round its conical head. She and Duncan immediately stopped the conversation. She was told of the dangers of allowing mortals, especially ones prone to violence, know of the Immortals' existence Duncan walked up to the creature and addressed it. "Long life to you and your family. I am Ambassador Duncan MacLeod." The creature faced Duncan and spoke. "Have peace with your Essence, MacLeod-Duncan. I am Prima Tu-Jar of the Tyone peoples. It is refreshing to see a two-leg who knows our customs." Worf sneered at Tu-Jar as it continued, "The meeting place is ready, as per your specifications. The Feuhl will be arriving soon, although I do not expect much." "We must be hopeful, Prima. I take it the Feuhl were the ones to resume hostilities?" "Yes. Soon after a large, dark-skinned two-leg arrived, the hostilities resumed." "I would be very anxious to meet this... `two-leg' that seems to have spurred the conflict." The party arrived at the meeting place, an abandoned underground shelter. Inside was a table with a single makeshift chair (the Clarians apparently had no use for such things, as well as two others against the wall. "I apologize for not having enough sitting apparatus for your group, but we were unsure of the size of your group." "It's quite all right. This will do just fine. Your hospitality is most appreciated." Julia heard Richard clear his throat, but Duncan ignored him. "When will the Feuhl delegate be arriving?" "Within two cycles. The Feuhl have been informed of your arrival." "Perhaps we should keep a watch so that the delegate can be welcomed when it arrives. Do we have sleeping arrangements?" Tu-Jar seemed confused. "You do not sleep erect? We were unaware of this detail of two-leg society." "I'm sure the floor is quite comfortable," Duncan then turned to the others, "unless you wish the comforts of the Enterprise?" Richard seemed to consider Duncan's offer to return, but declined. Worf was duty-bound to remain, while Julia had... her own reasons to stay. "Then I'll take the first watch with Ensign Cathaway," Duncan said. "We'll take four-hour shifts, Richard and Lt. Worf will take the other watch." "And what shall I do, MacLeod-Duncan?" Duncan grinned at Tu-Jar. "You'll teach me about your people. It will help me relate to both delegates better. I'm sure the sociology files the Federation has don't begin to explain your people's ways." Tu-Jar made a gutteral warble, which Julia assumed was the way the Clarians laughed. "You are indeed a wise being, MacLeod-Duncan. I shall rest until you return from your watch." As Duncan prepared to go outside, he was stopped by Richie. "Why didn't you introduce us, Mac?" "Because both delegates haven't arrived arrived yet. Get some rest Richie." Julia was already waiting for Duncan when he exited the shelter. "Do you think you'll be able to talk peace with these people?" "First I need to talk them into renewing the cease-fire. Tu-Jar seems more than willing to help me, so now I need to work on the Feuhl delegate. Once I can stop them from killing each other I can try to reach some sort of treaty." "What about this other being that he mentioned?" "*It* mentioned. Clarians are unisexual beings. As far as the being Tu-Jar mentioned, I'm not sure what to make of that. Someone wants to keep the hostilities going, and I want to find out why." "That can wait until the fighting stops. For now, why don't we make a little peace of our own..." Duncan then embraced Julia and kissed her. Part 7 After a day and a half, Duncan had learned much about the Clarians and the reasons behind the war between the Tyones and the Feuhl. He and Julia were about to relieve Richie and Lt. Worf when the sound of a phaser dis- charge was heard and Worf flew backwards down the stairs with a burn on his chest. Julia pressed her combadge. "Enterprise, beam Lt. Worf directly to Sick Bay, he's been hit hard by a phaser!" Julia turned to Duncan, but he was already bounding up the stairs. "Richie!" Duncan exited the shelter, but there was no sign of Richie or whoever attacked Lt. Worf. His first thought was that Richie was disintegrated, but if that was so, why was Worf still intact? No, Richie had to be hiding or trying to find whoever attacked the shelter. Drawing his sword, Duncan began searching as well. After a few minutes, he Sensed someone behind a column. "Richie?" he whispered. No answer. He stalked up to the column and whispered Richie's name again. Still no answer. He came around to face whoever was behind the column, and nearly caved in Julia's skull. "Jesus, MacLeod, a simple hello would have done!" she whispered. "Julia, what're you doing out here? You should be guarding the Prima." "I had the Enterprise beam Tu-Jar aboard." "Get there yourself. I don't want to endanger--" "No way, MacLeod! You're not getting away from me that easily. We'll split up and find that bastard." Richie limped back to the shelter to find it empty. *Great!* he thought, *either they're all dead or they left thinking I was. Well, I'm gonna find a way to get home.* Richie limped out to find his hunter. Duncan Sensed someone on the other side of a nearby structure. He hoped it was Richie. He was starting to worry. He'd been searching for over twenty minutes and had found Julia three times, but still hadn't found Richie. He came around and caught the glint of moving steel and ducked just in time as the blade of a sword struck the structure where his neck was a moment ago. "So, Sinor MacLeod, we meet again. Thees time only one of us shall walk away!" Duncan stood poised to face a man he had not seen since the Alamo. Captain Picard entered Sick Bay to see his head of security under a surgical unit. "What's his status, Doctor?" Dr. Crusher's eyes never left the screen she was looking at. "He was hit by a phaser down there. He's in critical condition, and not improving very well." "Will he be all right?" "I don't know. He was hit square in the chest. Whoever hit him was an excellent shot and knew exactly where to hit him. If not for Ensign Cathaway's quick response he'd be dead." Picard pressed his combadge. "Picard to Bridge." *Riker here.* "Any word from the Away Team since the attack on Lt. Worf?" *Ensign Cathaway had Prima Tu-Jar beamed aboard and said she was going to try to capture whoever attacked the Away Team, thinking it might be a link to whoever renewed conflicts down there.* "Keep track of her. And send down a security detail to help in the search. Picard out." Julia ran to the sound of steel on steel. She was stopped by Richard. "What's going on?" "Mac's found our attacker... an Immortal." "How do you know that?" "I Sensed him just before Worf was hit. How is he?" "He was barely alive when I had him returned to the ship." "And the Prima?" "Safe. We've got to help Duncan!" "It's his fight. We can't interfere. It's part of the Rules. You know that." "But--" Julia watched helplessly as she saw Duncan gaining an upper hand, backing his foe against one of the columns. Suddenly Duncan was thrown back by a phaser discharge. The other Immortal holstered his phaser and sauntered up to Duncan. "So Sinor MacLeod, eet seems that you fell for the same treeck twice, eh?" The Immortal poised over Duncan for the Final Strike. "NO!" Julia screamed as she charged him. Throwing her fury behind her, she knocked the Immortal back. But he was quick to recover and hit her behind the neck with his sword, sending her reeling. "You should not be so queek to die, sinorita," he said as he swung his sword to her neck... ...And was blown back by a phaser blast. Three officers from the Enterprise rushed into the battlesite. "Away team to Enterprise. Six to beam up and one to beam to the Brig." Part 8 CAPTAIN'S LOG: Stardate 48397.4 We have captured the leader of the Feuhl military, an Earthling known as Sancho Marin. We have not yet found out why he's trying to escalate hostilities here, or even how he managed to survive a direct hit from a phaser, but I intend to find out. Ambass- ador MacLeod and the away team assigned to him, with Lt. Dijar replacing an injured Lt. Worf have since returned to the surface to begin negotia- tions between the two factions. Julia watched as Duncan disarmed the tempers of Prima Tu-Jar and the Feuhl delegate, Ryla Drei-Fru. "But we have no promise that the Feuhl will keep the cease-fire this time! Your military advisor, Marin-Sancho, could not have brought you to battle if you did not wish to go." "It has a point," Duncan said. "What promise can you give that you'll keep your end of the bargain, Ryla?" "I swear on the blood of my children that we will not attack the Tyone as long as Marin-Sancho remains away. His followers were few, but they were enough to convince the Tyones that we wished to continue the attack. Without their leader, his followers have no direction." MacLeod stretched. "Well, it's getting late. I think we have enough trust between us that no one will try to kill the other, so why don't we rest for the night and start talks in earnest tomorrow?" "Agreed, MacLeod-Duncan." "I concur." "At last," Julia mumbled to Dijar. "I thought he'd NEVER get those two to speaking terms..." Julia and Duncan went to the back room as Dijar stood guard. Dijar, a Ceradian, only needed sleep once every standard month for 72 standard hours. Because of this, Ceradians were excellent as sentries or guards. Riker certainly picked a good replacement for the Klingon. Julia looked at the cots that MacLeod had replicated. These were certainly more comfortable-looking than the floor. She was asleep moments after lying down. "I advise against this, sir," Riker said as he and Picard headed toward the brig. "I understand your concern, Number One, but if he won't talk we have to do this." They arrived at Marin's cell. Waiting there was Lt. T'dor, a Vulcan from Behavioral Sciences. The Vulcan nodded to the Captain and his first officer as they approached. "Hello Mr. T'dor." "Captain, Commander. I am ready to perform the mindmeld, with your permission." "Make it so." Picard said as the security officer trained his phaser on Marin and released the force field. Marin didn't move as T'dor entered and began the ritual. "My mind to your mind... my thoughts to--" Suddenly, as quick as thought, Marin seized the Vulcan officer and used him as a shield. "Let me go, or your pointy-eared amigo weel have an odd angle to hees head!" `Captain,' Data said, `Sensors are picking up a ship approaching fast.' "What type?" Picard asked. `Unknown.' "Go to Yellow Alert." `Aye sir.' Sancho Marin merely smiled. Part 9 Julia and Duncan were walking hand-in-hand under the twin moons of Clari III. Julia couldn't remember being happier than she was by Duncan's side. She never thought she could feel this way after Adam's death... *Adam,* she thought, *I'll always love you, but I don't want to be alone any more--* Julia's thoughts were interrupted as a phaser blast hit the pillar near the pair and Sancho Marin jumped the pair. Duncan pulled out his sword and pushed Julia away, telling her to get to safety. The next few moments seemed to happen in slow motion as the combatants clashed swords. Duncan pressed the offensive, trying to get Marin away from her. "Ah, Sinor MacLeod, you are mucho aggressive when you have the sinorita to defend, eh?" "You'll not touch her while I still live!" "Then I shall have to make you no longer live." Suddenly Marin charged Duncan, forcing him back until Marin gained the upper hand. Duncan tripped onto his back and fell prey to Marin's sword. As he soaked up Duncan's Quickening, Duncan's head rolled in her direc- tion. She looked at in horror as she stared into the vacant eyes of her dead lover... Adam?! She was so horrified by what she saw that she didn't hear Marin's Quickening finish. "Well, well... looks like Sinor MacLeod died in vain, eh?" Marin's sword flew toward her neck... ...and she woke up. Data sat in the command chair. He was the only crisis-experienced officer on the bridge. *Go to Yellow Alert,* Captain Picard said from the brig. "Yellow Alert, Mr. Kaal," Data said to the Tactical officer on duty. "Raising shields," Ensign Kaal said as the klaxons wailed. "Captain," Data said, "we may have to break orbit. I am alerting the away team of our situation." *Make it so. I'll return to the bridge as soon as the situation here is resolved.* "Understood. Data out. Helm, talk us to 356 Mark 67, Warp 3." "Heading set and engaged, sir," Lt. Dhemn, the Navigation Officer, stated. "The ship is powering up weapons!" "Go to Red Alert." The klaxons wailed more urgently as the weapon systems were brought online. The ship shook under enemy fire. "Enemy weapons barely touched the shields, sir. Maybe they're no threat to us after all." "I do not think that is the case, Mr. Kaal. If I am correct, the ship pursuing us wants our prisoner intact. But why would they chase us...?" "My followers weel not rest unteel I am free, Sinor Picard." "Then they'll be awake a long time," Riker stated. "Don't be so hasty, Number One," Picard whispered to his first officer. "Don't forget he has Lt. T'dor in his custody." He then spoke aloud. "If we let you go, will you agree to leave Clari III?" "You have my word as a Mexican, Sinor Picard." "I still don't trust him sir," Riker murmured to his Captain. "Nor do I, Number One, but what choice do we have?" Picard tapped his combadge. "Picard to transporter room. standby for transit to the pursuing vessel." *Standing by.* "If you release Lt. T'dor, I'll beam you back to your ship. "I think I like thees Vulcan's company, so he weel amuse me unteel I am returned." Picard tapped his combadge again. "Mr. Data, signal the vessel that we'll be returning their leader to them." *Understood, sir.* Duncan exited the shelter to the windy Clarian night. He saw Julia standing with her back to him about ten meters away, her hair blowing in the breeze. He approached her and placed his hand on her shoulder. She shrugged it off and backed away. "Julia, what's wrong?" "I can't be involved with you any more, MacLeod... I can't take losing another man I care for." "Julia..." "Duncan, please... just go." Duncan walked away silently. He didn't see Julia's tear-streaked face under the twin Clarian moons. Part 10 Counselor Troi quietly entered from the turbolift and watched the events from the Science stations. Data was, of course, the epitomy of calm on the bridge. The rest were young officers who would have been replaced by the more experiences department heads, were they able to report to the bridge, but the Captain and Will were handling the hostage situation in the brig and Lt. Worf was recovering from his wounds in- flicted by Sancho Marin. These were mere babes, hinging on Data's every command and counting on him to save them. She didn't need to be an empath to feel their fear of making a mistake that could cause the deaths of every man, woman, and child on the Enterprise. *Picard to Data. We're ready to transport.* "Understood Captain. We will lower shields momentarily." Lt. Kaal pressed a few buttons on his station and indicated that he had lowered shields. "Hail the vessel," Data said. The bridge of the vessel came up. It was filled with Clarians. Marin still had Lt. T'dor in his grip. "Ah, Enterprise. Muchos gracias for freeing me... now I shall have the honor of destroying you," Marin said as he effortlessly snapped T'dor's neck and tossed him aside. "Shields up! Red Alert!" Data ordered as the screen shifted back to the vessel. The vessel fired phasers and photon torpedos, the Enterprise shook violently. "Shields down to 35%, Mr. Data!" "Helm, evasive maneuvers. Mr. Kaal, return fire. Data to Captain Picard." As the Enterprise fired its weapons, the vessel disappeared. "Cloaking device activated, sir." Kaal reported. *Crusher to bridge* "Data here. Go ahead Doctor." *Data, that attack seems to have knocked the Captain and Commander Riker unconscious.* "Are they injured?" *They appear to have concussions, but I don't know how bad yet. There are a lot of casualties coming in that are more serious.* "Understood Doctor. Keep me informed. Data out." Dianna felt the tension on the bridge climb even higher as the bridge crew realized they were on their own. "Damage report, Mr. Kaal?" Kaal looked at the readouts coming in. "Warp Drive damaged; we can only get to Warp 2 until repairs are made... Impulse engines also seem to be hard hit as well... communications are out... Decks 10 through 19 report heavy damage... they hit us hard, sir. Data stroked his chin in a fashion that he saw other crewmen do when they were deep in thought. "Bridge to Sick Bay." *Crusher here.* "Doctor, transfer all wounded to the saucer section. I am taking the drive section back to Clari III while the saucer section is taken to the nearest starbase." Data then turned to Troi. "Counselor, I want you to assume command of the saucer section--" "Data," Dianna said, "Why are you separating the ship?" "Because I must protect the lives of the injured and the crew's families--" "But Data, these people aren't battle-experienced. Wouldn't it be better to--" Data looked squarely at Troi, and she thought she could almost feel a glimmer of concern from him. "Counselor, no one is ever ready for their first battle. Most hope they never have to face another being in a contest where there is a good chance only one will survive. But Ambass- ador MacLeod's group is back at Clari III, and the Clarians are trying to achieve peace... a peace that can not happen if Mr. Marin returns. For the sake of a world's safety, we must place our own safety aside." Dianna had never seen Data like this. If she didn't know better, she would have thought that Data was trying to avenge a blow to his pride in allowing the Enterprise to be crippled under his command. "All right, Data. I'll get them to safety. You do what you feel is right." Data turned to his bridge crew. "Please report to the Battle Bridge and prepare for separation." Duncan sat by the entrance to the shelter. He couldn't understand why Julia had sent him away. All he knew was it hurt... he hadn't felt so hurt in almost 400 years... since Tessa's death. He could almost feel her body in his arms... and the bodies of all the others he'd loved and lost in his 800 years of existence. He couldn't begin to count the people that he cared for, male and female, lovers and friends, mortal and Immortal, who died despite his best efforts to save them. (The Alamo: Duncan heard the charge of the Mexican army as they stormed the fort. The brave Texans and their allies valiantly fought to keep their enemy out, but eventually it proved to be to no avail. He saw the body of Davy Crockett fall from the platform above to his feet. He checked Crockett's pulse, already knowing there would be none. Suddenly, the Mexicans burst through the doors of the fort. Duncan charged the onslaught and wound up fighting alongside Pierre. "Quite ze fight, eh mon ami?" "Just watch your back and don't let them in!" Suddenly a shot hit Pierre square in the chest and he crumpled. "Pierre!" Duncan knelt before his friend. "Please.... mon.. ami....... do an old.. Quebecois proud....... Do not... let ze Mexicans...... ween........" "Don't die on me, Pierre! Please don't die...") "Duncan?" Duncan slowly lifted his head to see Julia looking at him. "Hi." "Listen, I'm sorry I was hard on you like that--" Duncan placed a finger over her mouth. "Shhhh.... you don't need to explain. If it's what you want..." "I don't, but I'm just afraid of seeing you die." Duncan held his hand out to her. As she accepted it he pulled her down and held her close. "I know. It's one of the prices of Immortality." Part 11 Data and his bridge crew sat ready on the Battle Bridge. Each of them knew this was for real. The slightest mistake could cost them the lives of everyone in the drive section. *Troi to Data. We're ready to separate.* "Commence separation maneuver Counselor," Data said. As the saucer section sped away, Data said, "helm, set course back to Clari III, best possible speed." "Course laid in and engaged, sir." "Go to red alert, Mr. Kaal." Duncan was worried. The Enterprise had not acknowledged his check-in for over two hours. He hoped nothing had gone wrong, but when dealing with an Immortal one could never tell. Julia walked up to him. "The Enterprise is capable of handling itself, you know. She doesn't need you to worry about her." "If it was just Marin we were dealing with I'd agree with you, but he has followers and I'm not sure what kind of resources they have. They may be able to obtain something that could destroy the Enterprise." "At least the talks are almost over. Personally, I think Richie and Lt. Dijar are going stir-crazy waiting for something to happen." "Damage control reports impulse power restored... shields up to full power." "Thank you, Mr. Kaal. Estimated time to Clari III?" "Estimating 4 hours, 23 minutes, sir." "I only hope we will not be too late..." Part 12 The drive section took an orbit around Clari III. There was no sign of Sancho Marin's vessel. "Open a channel to the Away Team, Mr. Kaal." "Channel open, sir" "Enterprise to Away Team. Report please." *Enterprise, this is Ensign Cathaway. Where have you been? Is some- thing wrong up there?* Data briefed the Away Team of the situation. *So Marin could return at any time, then?* "I do not know. It would seem likely that he would return here to resume the hostilities again--" Suddenly the drive section was rocked from a phaser blast. "Shields down to 54% sir!" Lt. Kaal announced. "Sensors indicate that they appeared briefly and cloaked again." "Find them, Mr. Kaal. Lt. Dhemn, scan the area for somewhere where we might be able to... even the odds." Data mentally patted himself on the back for being able to use one of the phrases he picked up from Commander Riker. "I do not understand your concern, MacLeod-Duncan," Drei-Fru said. "I have assured you that the Feuhl will not resume conflicts--" "But there is no way the Tyones could know that," Tu-Jar said for Duncan. Duncan was worried. Not only did he need to worry about the peace talks breaking down, but he knew Marin would be back to have another go at either Richie, Julia, or himself, and he didn't need to have either delegate or Lt. Dijar endangered because of the three Immortals. "It's me Marin's after. He'll be back to finish the job. I'm going out there to provide him with a target besides the five of you--" "No way, Mac," Richie said. " I'm going with you. We're in this together." "And if you think I'm letting you out of my sight for one minute, Duncan MacLeod, you've got another think coming!" Duncan was touched by his friends' loyalty, but only briefly as a band of Clarians burst into the shelter, phasers drawn. "I think I've found something, sir," Lt. Dhemn stated as another phaser burst rocked the drive section. "Shields down to 32%," Lt. Kaal announced. "Lay in a course, best possible speed," Data said calmly. "Course laid in, sir," Dhemn stated. "Engage." As the drive section sped toward Dhemn's "odds-evener", Data looked over Dhemn's shoulder. "All right, Lieutenant, show me what you have found." Dhemn's panel screen lit up as he spoke. "The Ydires Nebula. If we reconfigure the sensor array to 5338 angstroms, we should be able to use the ionized particles of the nebula to track the vessel's exhaust trail, even if it's cloaked." "Well done, Lt. Dhemn. Lt. Kaal, adjust the sensors accordingly. Time to the nebula?" "Estimating twenty minutes at this speed," Dhemn announced. Part 13 The Clarians attacked with a ferocity that Duncan had not seen in some time. Prima Tu-Jar and Ryla Drei-Fru retreated to the sleeping chamber. Duncan, Richie, Julia, and Lt. Dijar had hidden behind crates and tables to shield them from the phaser fire. "Just like the Alamo," Duncan mumbled. "Sir?" Dijar queried. "A similar situation I was in a long time ago," Duncan said, phasering one of the attackers. Slowly, the number of attackers was dwindling, but how long did they have before their phasers ran dry? The Enterprise rocked again as it entered the Ydires Nebula. "Shields down to 16%. Sir, one more hit could penetrate the hull!" Data studied the viewscreen as he spoke. "I am well aware of that fact, Lieutenant. Any sign of the vessel?" "I think I have something...036 mark 64, range 45,000 kilometers." "Lock phasers and fire!" The Enterprise's phasers connected and, for the first time, the battle bridge crew felt as if they had a chance of surviving. The away team stood victorious, though their phasers were nearly drained. They managed to take a prisoner and find out where Marin was hiding. "I'm going after them," Duncan said. "Not without us," Richie stated. "Not this time, Richie," Duncan said. "I need you to guard the delegates and try to get them to safety. I'll contact you in 24 hours. Grabbing the phaser with the most power, Duncan ran off after Sancho Marin. Part 14 The drive section exchanged blows with the Clarian craft for some time. The Enterprise, having already been weakened, was getting the worst of it. The ship rocked yet again. *Data,* Geordi called from Engineering, *the containment fields on the warp drive are collapsing! If Engineering takes another hit--* "Understood Geordi. Do we still have warp power?" *Yeah, but I wouldn't push it too hard until we canh stabilize the field.* "Helm, get us out of here, best possible speed." The drive section sped away. After a few moments of disorientation, the Clarians followed. "They're gaining," Lt. Kaal said. "Geordi," Data said, "I am about to do something that might be consid- ered...suicidal. Can the ship take full reverse?" *Are you NUTS, Data?! The strain put on the ship at this speed would be tricky if the ship was intact, but in the shape it's in--* "Can you draw power into the inertial dampers? Perhaps that will decrease the strain." *Hell, anything's possible. I'm shutting down all nonessential systems ...that means you may have to deal with emergency lighting only...give me five minutes.* "We do not have five minutes, Geordi. The Clarian ship is faster and more maneuverable than we are currently." Geordi sighed. *I'll see what I can do. Buy me three minutes. LaForge out.* "Mr. Kaal, I want a spread of Photon Torpedoes that will keep the Clarian ship from coming within firing range." Kaal looked at Data quizzically. "Sir?" "The Clarians' Torpedoes have a considerably shorter range than ours. We must keep them beyond that range." Data walked over to Kaal's panel and pulled up a tactical display. "Fire the torpedoes in such a way that the Clarians will have to slow to avoid getting hit, in a conical pattern." Kaal's face lit up in understanding. "With their ship caught in the middle beyond firing range! But why not fire dirctly at them?" "Their shields are more able to take direct hits. No doubt they have boosted frontal shield power. Therefore, I am going to attemp reversing warp speed to get behind them and attack their weaker side before they can react." Kaal set the firing array. "Spread ready, sir. Awaiting your orders." Data returned to the command chair. "Wait until we are aklmost within their firing range, then fire the spread. Boost frontal shields." Data's firing spread kept the Clarians at bay, though they tried to hit the drive section . The few shots that reached the ship weren't enough to penetrate the shields. *LaForge to Bridge, you have your boosted dampers. I hope you know what you're doing, Data.* "Helm, reverse thrust, maximum warp!" The drive section strained under the sudden change in thrust. The inertial dampers were hard-pressed to keep the ship together. The Clarian ship shot by the drive section. "Fire all weapons, now!" The drive section unloaded everything onto the Clarians' rear. The ship shuddered as its rear shield began collapsing. Then, it disappeared. "Sensors are still picking it up," Kaal announced. "Apparently their cloaking system was damaged." "Make them aware of that fact, Mr. Kaal," Data said. A single torpedo was fired, impacting on the Clarian vessel. "They appear to be heading back to Clari III." "Mr. Dhemn, get us there, best possible speed. Bridge to Engineering, damage report?" *We took a beating from that maneuver, but we're still holding together. We can give you warp 3, no higher.* "Understood. I only hope the Ambassador will be all right." Part 15 Duncan crept into the fortress Sancho Marin was using. After rounding a corner and making sure there were no guards, he said, "You can stop trying to follow me. You should have known that I could Sense you..." Julia sheepishly crept from the shadows. "What the hell are you doing here, Julia?" "No way was I gonna let you out of my sight, Duncan MacLeod," she said in retaliation. Suddenly, the pair Sensed someone approaching. "Did Richie follow you?" Duncan asked. "Not that I know of," Julia answered. The pair turned to see Marin approach. "Well, Sinor MacLeod...shall we dance?" Duncan drew his sword and the pair circled each other. *Why did I have to be an Immortal?* Julia thought. *I just wanted to be a Starfleet researcher, and now I've got to watch the man I love face death yet again!* Julia unconciously drew her phaser as Marin and Duncan clashed swords. Duncan was forced back until he was close to the edge of the floor. Marin swung and Duncan dodged, but lost his balance and fell over the edge. Marin cartefully aimed his phaser at Duncan, who was sprawled on the ground recovering from the fall. "As much as I would love to take your Queekening, eet would be much easier to destroy you." "NO!" Julia screamed as she fired on Marin. The phaser blast knocked Marin over the edge as well, and watched the battle from above. She knew she'd bought Duncan time to recover. Duncan rose to his feet first and immediately attacked. Marin was hard- pressed to defend himself. Duncan saw Marin draw his phaser, but before Marin could fire it, Duncan attacked the phaser with a blow that removed Marin's hand. Marin's scream alerted the guards, who charged in, guns blazing. This distraction gave Marin enough time to activate his communicator. "Amigos," he said through gritted teeth, "get me away from here!" Marin disappeared in a transporter beam, leaving his allies behind. CAPTAIN'S LOG: Stardate 38434.7. The drive section has rejoined the saucer section at Starbase 136. Sancho Marin has escaped, but the Clari- ans have signed a peace treaty thanks to Ambassador MacLeod. Ensign Cathaway has given her resignation from Starfleet to join the Ambassador on his next assignment: overseeing diplomatic relations in the Gamma Quadrant. The trio will be transferring to the USS Serties in a few hours. Captain Picard and Commander Riker entered Transporter Room 5 with Duncan, Richie, and Julia Cathaway. "Well, I want to thank you for all your help, Captain," Duncan said. "The thanks should go to you for your help with the Clarians," Picard said. Suddenly, Duncan, Julia, and Richie looked a little distant as Guinan entered. "I should've known I couldn't leave quietly," Richie smirked. "Don't flatter yourself, kid," Guinan said flatly, "I'm here to say goodbye to Julia." Julia and Guinan embraced each other. "Take care of the ship, Guinan," Julia whispered. "And don't you lose your head over MacLeod," Guinan warned Julia. The trio stepped onto the transporter pad. "Energize," Duncan said, and with a shimmer of light, they were gone. --