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From SCHEETZ@bms.com Thu Oct 22 16:33:06 1992 Status: RO X-VM-v5-Data: ([nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] ["6942" "" "22" "October" "1992" "17:37:32" "-0500" "SCHEETZ@bms.com" "SCHEETZ@bms.com" nil "158" "" "^From:" nil nil "10"]) Return-Path: <SCHEETZ@bms.com> Received: from cliff.bms.com by depot.cis.ksu.edu SMTP (5.65a) id AA11273; Thu, 22 Oct 92 16:33:03 -0500 Received: from watson.bms.com by cliff.bms.com (PMDF #2529 ) id <01GQ9A3XE9ZK000VGJ@cliff.bms.com>; Thu, 22 Oct 1992 17:32:46 EST Received: from bms.com by bms.com (PMDF #2529 ) id <01GQ9A9WSDCW9D6S4R@bms.com>; Thu, 22 Oct 1992 17:37:32 EST Message-Id: <01GQ9A9WSDCY9D6S4R@bms.com> X-Envelope-To: jfy@cis.ksu.edu X-Vms-To: IN%"jfy@cis.ksu.edu" Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT From: SCHEETZ@bms.com To: jfy@cis.ksu.edu Date: 22 Oct 1992 17:37:32 -0500 (EST) Hi Netters, Ever wonder how the UFP worked before the Prime Directive was implemented? Well, I'm in the process of writing a story about the pre-Directive explorers in the Star Trek universe. This Story takes place before James Kirk and his merry band of space explorers were ever born. So join me won't you as we travel the galaxy aboard the USS Horizon(Mentioned in TOS "A Piece Of The Action"). I hope you enjoy. STAR TREK THE FIRST GENERATION: THE ADVENTURES OF THE USS HORIZON CHARACTERS: CAPTAIN STUART MANN COMMANDER ROGER BOEMAN(FIRST OFFICER) LTCOMMANDER PETER BRYCE(SCIENCE OFFICER) LTCOMMANDER AMANDA JACOBS(CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER) LTCOMMANDER SERGE KOSYGIN(CHIEF ENGINEER) LIEUTENNANT SANDRA CONROY(COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER) LIEUTENNANT JOSEPH COLETTI(NAVIGATION) ENSIGN HEINRICH RICHTER ENSIGN ANNA MCKAY ENSIGN AKIRA OKIYAMA ENSIGN ROBERT JENSEN ENSIGN WILLIAM DAVIS AND 212 CREWMEN AND WOMEN(TO BE NAMED LATER) PART ONE: Stuart Mann took a deep breath as he stepped onto the bridge. He had done it several times before without hesitation. This time, however, was different. This time they were setting course for the vast unknown. Stuart sat in the command chair and stared out the viewport. He felt like he should memorize the position of each star. Like taking a final look at someone you wouldn't be seeing for a long time. Captain Mann reached for his log recorder and proceeded to make an entry. CAPTAINS LOG FOR MARCH 30,2094 USS HORIZON THE HORIZON HAS COMPLETED IT'S PRE-LAUNCH TESTS WITH FLYING COLORS AND WE ARE FINALLY READY TO GET UNDERWAY. THE REASON FOR THIS SHIP'S CONSTRUCTION IS AT HAND. AS I SIT HERE ON THE BRIDGE I WONDER WHAT WE'LL FIND OUT THERE. WE HAVE MET MANY ALIEN LIFE FORMS ALREADY WITHOUT EVEN MAKING A CONSCIOUS EFFORT. NOW, WE'LL ACTUALLY BE SEARCHING FOR THEM AND NOT ACCIDENTALLY STUMBLING ON TO THEM. I WOULD BE LYING THROUGH MY TEETH IF I SAID I WASN'T EXCITED AT THE POSSIBILITIES. OUR RACE HAS SEEN SO MANY WONDERFUL AND FRIGHTENING THINGS ALREADY. WHAT ELSE IS WAITING IN THE VOID AHEAD? MABYE I SHOULD GET THIS SHOW ON THE ROAD AND FIND OUT INSTEAD OF SPENDING THE NEXT THREE YEARS SITTING HERE CONTEMPLATING THE FUTURE. Captain Mann replaced the log recorder and activated the intercom. "Mister Kosygin, are we ready to go?", Mann asked waiting for a reply from his chief engineer. "Da captain, we are.", LtCommander Kosygin answered with a thick Russian accent. "Very well.",said the Captain for the sake of answering. "Mister Coletti, is the course laid in?",the Captain inquired of his chief navigator. "Aye sir, course set.", replied Lieutennant Coletti. "Good. Engage warp engines and take us to warp one.", commanded Captain Mann. Lieutennant Coletti immediately adjusted the controls and the starfield ahead of them began to expand. "Warp one achieved.", Coletti reported as the velocity indicator confirmed his statement. The Captain allowed himself a brief strech as he sat back in his chair. The mission everyone had been waiting for had finally begun. Coletti breathed a sigh of relief as he admired the view form his position. He always enjoyed his position as navigator. Sitting in the front of the bridge he felt he had the best seats in the house. As everyone settled into their respective seats LtCommander Bryce decided to look over his own log entry. SCIENCE OFFICERS LOG FOR MARCH 30,2094 USS HORIZON THE NEW SENSOR ARRAY OF THE HORIZON IS AMAZING. WE NOW HAVE THE CAPABILITY OF SCANNING ENTIRE PLANETS AND DETERMINING WHETHER THEY CAN SUPPORT HUMAN LIFE. WE NO LONGER HAVE TO SEND DOWN A PROBE TO TAKE SAMPLES. WE CAN ALSO DETECT LIFE FORMS BEFORE SHUTTLING DOWN. IF NOTHING ELSE THESE SENSORS WILL DEFINITELY MAKE MY JOB EASIER. Satisfied with the entry Bryce logged it into his log recorder. Although it would be easier to log in by voice Bryce always perferred typing it in. This way, he thought, he could smooth out the report and make it look more professional. "Lieutennant Conroy, give me ship-wide intercom please.", Mann ordered as he straightened his uniform. Sandra Conroy quickly manipulated the controls and reported,"channel open sir." "Attention crew, this is Captain Mann. I just want you all to know that your work in preparing for this mission has been exemplary. I can only ask that you continue that fine work for the remainder of our mission. I can't tell you what lies ahead, however, I am confident in your abilities as Starfleet personnel. I know that whatever we face we will not be un-prepared. Again I thank you all for your efforts and I pray for our safety as we enter the unknown. That is all.", said Captain Mann as he motioned to Sandra to cut the channel off. Lieutennant Conroy quickly responded to his silent order. CHIEF ENGINEERS LOG FOR MARCH 30, 2094 USS HORIZON THE CAPTAIN HAS JUST ORDERED US TO WARP ONE. THE ENGINES ARE PERFORMING WIHTOUT SO MUCH AS A WIMPER. I AM SURE THEY WILL SERVE US WELL OVER THE NEXT THREE YEARS AND BEYOND. THE INTRODUCTION OF AN AUXILLIARY DRIVE (THE IMPULSE ENGINE) IS DEFINITELY AN INTERESTING DESIGN CONCEPT. ONE I HOPE WILL BE INCORPORATED INTO ALL FUTURE VESSELS. WITH ALL THE INNOVATIONS YOU WOULD THINK WE'D HAVE A DECENT GALLEY. I GUESS THAT'S SOMETHING I'LL HAVE TO LIVE WITH FOR NOW. CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICERS LOG FOR MARCH 30, 2094 USS HORIZON I AM NOT PARTICULARLY OVERJOYED WITH THE LAYOUT OF THIS SICKBAY. IN MY PERSONAL OPINION THE SIZE OF THE SICKBAY IS INADEQUATE. NOT TO MENTION THE FACT THAT IT'S COMPLETELY CUT OFF FROM THE EXAMINATION ROOM. NO DOUBT A DOCTOR HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THE DESIGN OF THIS SHIP. I MUST SPEAK WITH THE CHIEF ENGINEER AND SEE IF SOMETHING CAN BE DONE TO RECTIFY THIS FIASCO. FIRST OFFICERS LOG FOR MARCH 30, 2094 USS HORIZON I'VE BEEN LOOKING FORWARD TO THIS MISSION EVER SINCE I WAS ASSIGNED TO THIS SHIP. IMAGINE ME, FIRST OFFICER ABOARD THE FLAGSHIP OF THE FLEET! I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT WHEN I SAW MY NAME ON THE CREW MANIFEST. I HAVE A FEELING THIS IS GOING TO BE ONE HELL OF A TRIP. COMMUNICATION OFFICERS LOG FOR MARCH 30, 2094 USS HORIZON THE WARP RADIO SYSTEM RECENTLY INSTALLED ABOARD THE HORIZON IS INDEED A GREAT INNOVATION. WE WILL NO LONGER HAVE TO DROP RELAY BOUYS ALONG OUR FLIGHT PATH TO MAINTAIN COMMUNICATION. I LOVE THIS POSITION ESPECIALLY REGARDING OUR CURRENT MISSION. JUST THE THOUGHT THAT I WILL BE ONE OF THE FIRST PEOPLE AN ALIEN RACE WILL HEAR. IT'S JUST PLAIN EXCITING! NAVIGATORS LOG FOR MARCH 30, 2094 USS HORIZON THE CONTROL CONSOLE FOR THE HORIZON'S NAVIGATION SYSTEM IS VERY WELL LAID OUT. I DO, HOWEVER, THINK IT'S A LITTLE MUCH FOR ONE OPERATOR TO H HANDLE. I MAY BRING THIS UP TO THE CAPTAIN AND SEE WHAT HE THINKS. The Horizon moved out into space. It's crew awed at the prospect of traveling where no man has gone before. END OF PART ONE From SCHEETZ@bms.com Thu Oct 22 16:33:25 1992 Status: RO X-VM-v5-Data: ([nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] ["6297" "" "22" "October" "1992" "17:37:54" "-0500" "SCHEETZ@bms.com" "SCHEETZ@bms.com" nil "128" "" "^From:" nil nil "10"]) Return-Path: <SCHEETZ@bms.com> Received: from cliff.bms.com by depot.cis.ksu.edu SMTP (5.65a) id AA11341; Thu, 22 Oct 92 16:33:23 -0500 Received: from watson.bms.com by cliff.bms.com (PMDF #2529 ) id <01GQ9A4DKQCG000VGJ@cliff.bms.com>; Thu, 22 Oct 1992 17:33:07 EST Received: from bms.com by bms.com (PMDF #2529 ) id <01GQ9AAD624W9D6S4R@bms.com>; Thu, 22 Oct 1992 17:37:54 EST Message-Id: <01GQ9AAD624Y9D6S4R@bms.com> X-Envelope-To: jfy@cis.ksu.edu X-Vms-To: IN%"jfy@cis.ksu.edu" Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT From: SCHEETZ@bms.com To: jfy@cis.ksu.edu Date: 22 Oct 1992 17:37:54 -0500 (EST) Star Trek the 1st Generation: The Adventures of the USS Horizon Part Two Captain's Log for April 3,2094 USS Horizon:Captain Stuart Mann We have finally reached the outer perimeter of Federation space. With the final frontier ahead we say farewell to known space. Captain Mann sat in his chair waiting for something to happen. He realized that the chances of something happening the minute they left Federation territory were nonexistant at best. Regardless, he wished something would happen. "Be careful what you wish for Captain,", he thought to himself,"you may just get it." LtCommander Kosygin was standing in sickbay admiring the work his engineering crew had done on the new accessway to the examination room. "Now that's more like it!", exclaimed Doctor Jacobs as she entered the examination room. Serge faced her. "I take it you're pleased with it then?", he asked with a tone of pride in his voice. "Pleased? I'm ecstatic! It only took you guys four days to do it. Is that how long it takes to knock a hole in the wall these days?", Amanda asked with a hint of sarcasm. "A hole in the wall!?", Serge thundered. "I'll have you know that we had to re-route seven power conduits and two coolant tubes to make room for that "hole in the wall"!" Serge's temper soared like a fighter jet. Quickly deciding that she did not want to explain to the captain why his chief engineer had a cardiac arrest while in sickbay Amanda decided to surrender before she got slugged. "You're right of course. I shouldn't have been rude about it.", she offered. Suprised at his quick victory all Serge could say was "That's right.". Before he could offer his own apology the ship shook violently. As the alert klaxon sounded LtCommander Kosygin was off. His destination: the lift to engineering. He was concerned about what happened, but, was more concerned about how the ship handled it's first "turbulance". On the bridge the captain straightened up in his chair. After a visual survey of the bridge he concluded that the bridge crew were o.k. "Damage report.", the captain ordered on complete reflex. "Reports coming in now sir.", Lieutennant Conroy answered. Captain Mann waited for the reports. Commander Boeman made his way to the sensor station where he met with the science officer. "What happened Pete?", Boeman asked ignoring protocol. LtCommander Bryce glanced over to him. "I'm still scanning sir, but, from what I'm getting it's safe to say that we're not in Kansas anymore." As he turned to report all he could think about was his log entry reference to this being a 'hell of a trip'. Captain's Log for April 4,2094 USS Horizon: Captain Stuart Mann Well, we started this trip off with a bang. According to our science officer we have traveled through a hole in space. He is still studing the sensor reports and will hopefully be able to tell us where we are. Lieutennant Conroy continues to hail Starfleet Command with no success. So far that is our best hope of determining our position. How far away are we. Our chief engineer is busy repairing damage sustained to the ship's warp engines. Fortunately the damage is minimal and he should be available for the staff meeting we are about to start. If nothing else the ship is still spaceworthy. The question that remains is where do we go from here? The conference room of the USS Horizon was silent. The officers sat motionless not wanting to be the first to speak. After a few moments the captain entered. "O.k. Mister Bryce, what happened?", Captain Mann asked as he took his seat at the head of the conference table. Everyone's attention focused on Peter Bryce. Bryce, feeling the pressure, turned to the captain. The Horizon has traveled through a "tunnel" or "wormhole" in space.", Bryce paused to allow for any reaction. The other officers sat silently. "As for our position? I just don't know. The sensors are not capable of determining position if we are out of known space. As you all know it's our job to chart the surrounding stars so other ships could navigate. I'm afraid that there are no "familiar" stars within sensor range. The only thing I can tell you conclusively is that we are lost." Bryce lowered his head feeling that he had let everyone down. "We're all in this together.", the captain said as he sensed his science officer's feelings. Captain Mann then tapped the intercom button for the bridge. "Lieutennant Conroy, any response from Starfleet?", he asked then waited for a reply. "No sir, nothing yet.", Sandra answered. "We may be a few com-days away from Starfleet sir." "No doubt.", the captain said, hoping that it may boost the morale a little that he hadn't given up. "Well, we can't just sit here until we get a response. Unless I hear any objections I think we should continue with our mission." The captain waited for a vote in the negative. Not one of the officers spoke against the idea. "I'll take that as an affirmative then." Captain Mann tapped the intercom button for engineering. "Mister Kosygin, are we ready to move?", Stuart inquired of the chief engineer. "Da captain, we are 100% operational. We await only your order.",Serge said as his russian voice reverbated through the ship's intercom system. "Very well. LtCommander Kosygin, prepare to go to impulse speed." "Da captain.", answered Serge and the intercom went silent. "Lieutennant Coletti, full impulse.", ordered captain Mann as he entered the bridge. "Heading sir?", Coletti asked out of habit then immediately regretted it. Joe turned to the captain and was about to apologize but the captain cut him off. "Just go Lieutennant.", the captain answered with a grin. Lieutennant Coletti smiled in response the returned his attention to the control board in front of him. "Full impulse, aye.",said Lieutennant Coletti as he looked out the viewport. Captain's Log Supplemental We have decided to continue our mission. We are hopeful, no, confident that we will get a response from Starfleet soon. Of the crew I can say this: I have never served with such a brave group of people. I only hope their faith is rewarded and we will some day find our way home. End Of Part Two From SCHEETZ@bms.com Thu Oct 22 16:33:44 1992 Status: RO X-VM-v5-Data: ([nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] ["5637" "" "22" "October" "1992" "17:38:08" "-0500" "SCHEETZ@bms.com" "SCHEETZ@bms.com" nil "113" "" "^From:" nil nil "10"]) Return-Path: <SCHEETZ@bms.com> Received: from cliff.bms.com by depot.cis.ksu.edu SMTP (5.65a) id AA11389; Thu, 22 Oct 92 16:33:40 -0500 Received: from watson.bms.com by cliff.bms.com (PMDF #2529 ) id <01GQ9A4QKS9S001F7P@cliff.bms.com>; Thu, 22 Oct 1992 17:33:24 EST Received: from bms.com by bms.com (PMDF #2529 ) id <01GQ9AANLOIO9D6S4R@bms.com>; Thu, 22 Oct 1992 17:38:08 EST Message-Id: <01GQ9AANLY5U9D6S4R@bms.com> X-Envelope-To: jfy@cis.ksu.edu X-Vms-To: IN%"jfy@cis.ksu.edu" Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT From: SCHEETZ@bms.com To: jfy@cis.ksu.edu Date: 22 Oct 1992 17:38:08 -0500 (EST) Star Trek the First Generation: The Adventures of the USS Horizon Part 3 Captain's Log for April 11,2094 USS Horizon: Captain Stuart Mann Our sensors are currently tracking an object on a direct course to our position. Lieutennant Conroy is trying to hail the object in the hope that it may be a vessel that can assist us in determining our position. Lieutennant Conroy sat at her station. She wished that she would get a reply soon. "What if they can't translate our message?", she thought to herself. As if her console wanted to cheer her up, it crackled to life. She quickly tied in the translation programs and sighed in relief. "Captain!", she reported,"We are getting a reply from the unknown contact sir. Running translation programs now." Captain Mann turned to face Sandra. She couldn't help but notice the look of relief on his face. The look seemed to help her relax a little. "That's why he's the captain.", she thought to herself. Finally the translation was completed. "Captain, I have a translation.", she began,"They identify themselves as the Patrol Cruiser Tillar they ask us to maintain our current position and await their arrival." "Well, that's not an unreasonable request. Mister Coletti stand down the impulse engines and activate station keeping thrusters." With a quick "Aye sir" Coletti carried out the captain's orders. "Lieutennant Conroy send them a message that we will comply with their wishes and await their arrival.", captain Mann hesitated then added,"Also, tell them we mean them no harm." Commander Boeman looked at him quizzicly. "You can't be too careful.", answered the captain to his first officer's silent question. Sandra snapped to her task and sent the message. "This is what it's all about.", said Boeman. "Sir?", Lieutennant Coletti said. "The reason we're out here Joe. Seeking new life. New life has just asked us to hold our position. We don't even know what they will be like. Will they be humanoid? The possibilities are infinite. It's an exciting prospect.", Boeman replied. "Yes sir. I guess I just never thought about it that way.", Lieutennant Coletti looked to the viewport. He became excited to be one of the first to see the alien ship. "Captain, I have a sensor reading.",LtCommander Bryce began,"The ship is cylindrical with what appears to be an engine nacelle. I'm picking up readings indicative of fusion exhaust." "Fusion? Well, at least we know that we can out-run them if we have to.", Stuart surmized. Captain's Log Supplemental The alien vessel is only minutes away now. I can't help but get a lump in my throat. This is the first time an Earth vessel has made first contact. In the past it has been the aliens coming to us. "There it is sir!", Lieutennant Coletti reported. The half hour they waited seemed like a year. Captain Mann stood up from his chair hoping to get a better look at the ship approaching them. "Captain we are recieving another message. Translators running.", Lieutennant Conroy said as she cleared the lump in her own throat. Captain Mann grinned to himself happy that he wasn't the only one. "Message translated sir. They ask us to identify ourselves." "Run the "welcome speech" Lieutennant.",ordered the captain. Lieutennant Conroy sent the prepared greeting of the Federation. It was called the "welcome speech" because of it's length. With the captain's permission she edited it to a few sentences instead of the ten paragraphs of the original. Her version included the ship's name, it's origin, and it's peaceful intentions. "Message sent sir." "So it begins.",said the captain. They then waited as the alien vessel translated their message. Within ten minutes the reply came. Leiutennant Conroy had the response quickly. The computer now had a rudementary knowledge of the alien language. "They wish to welcome us to their planet sir. They say they are always happy to meet new friends. Their ship is the Tillar. They come from the planet Callid. They invite us to follow them to their planet.", Sandra looked at the captain. "Well, that's a friendly enough invitation. Tell them we accept.",the captain turned to Lieutennant Coletti. "Mister Coletti ready the impulse engines. Do not exceed the Callidan's speed. We don't want to tip our hat too soon. I still want to be ready if need be." "Aye sir.", answered Coletti as he set the ship engines. The Callidan ship moved slowly on it's way with the Horizon close behind. Captain's Log Supplemental The Callidan home world is not unlike Earth of the tewntieth century. It is a highly industrialized world. Their technology is seemingly behind ours. Perhaps a cultural exchange would be beneficial. Our sensors have given us the ok to shuttle down. Although the atmosphere is more dense then our own it is not unbreathable and Dr. Jacobs sees no reason why it should be toxic to humans. Myself, LtCommander Jacobs, LtCommander Bryce and Ensign Richter will be shuttling down. We have been invited by the "Prime Leader" of the planet ,Deene Marter, to a banquet in our honor. The shuttle slowly accelerated from the landing bay and made it's way through the planet's atmosphere where it was meet by a Callidan airship. Captain Mann watched out the window as Ensign Richter piloted the shuttle down. Stuart noticed that the shuttle was overtaking the airship. "We're all anxios to get there Ensign.", said Captain Mann without moving his head to face the Ensign. Ensign Richter understood the comment and decellerated. End of Part Three From SCHEETZ@bms.com Thu Oct 22 16:33:48 1992 Status: RO X-VM-v5-Data: ([nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] ["8328" "" "22" "October" "1992" "17:38:22" "-0500" "SCHEETZ@bms.com" "SCHEETZ@bms.com" nil "196" "" "^From:" nil nil "10"]) Return-Path: <SCHEETZ@bms.com> Received: from cliff.bms.com by depot.cis.ksu.edu SMTP (5.65a) id AA11416; Thu, 22 Oct 92 16:33:45 -0500 Received: from watson.bms.com by cliff.bms.com (PMDF #2529 ) id <01GQ9A4QKS9S001F7P@cliff.bms.com>; Thu, 22 Oct 1992 17:33:32 EST Received: from bms.com by bms.com (PMDF #2529 ) id <01GQ9AAXJ30W9D6S4R@bms.com>; Thu, 22 Oct 1992 17:38:22 EST Message-Id: <01GQ9AAXJ30Y9D6S4R@bms.com> X-Envelope-To: jfy@cis.ksu.edu X-Vms-To: IN%"jfy@cis.ksu.edu" Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT From: SCHEETZ@bms.com To: jfy@cis.ksu.edu Date: 22 Oct 1992 17:38:22 -0500 (EST) Newsgroups: rec.arts.startrek.misc Path: synapse.bms.com!watson.bms.com!scheetz From: scheetz@watson.bms.com (Christopher Scheetz) Subject: Star Trek The 1st Generation Pt 4 Message-ID: <16OCT199221094700@watson.bms.com> News-Software: VAX/VMS VNEWS 1.4-b1 Sender: news@synapse.bms.com Organization: Bristol Myers Squibb Pharmaceutical Research Institute Date: Sat, 17 Oct 1992 02:09:00 GMT Star Trek The First Generation: The Adventures Of The USS Horizon Captain's Log April 11,2094 USS Horizon: Captain Stuart Mann We are about to land on the planet Callid. So far there has been no show of force(that I'm familiar with). The airship has gone on it's merry way. What are we about to see? We are the first Terrans to visit this world. What will their reaction to us be? "Captain welcome!", Deene Marter trumpeted as the away party came into the entrance hall. The interior of the mansion was lavishly decorated. An air of royalty was sensed by the Horizon's crew. Deene Marter stood on a raised platform from the hall floor. He was a portly humanoid, however, he held himself with regality and grace. He was flanked by two others. The two were equally stout. They seemed to be servants of the Deene. One held a lavishly ornate device with a wire that led to his ear. "Perhaps this is the interperter.",thought Bryce as he surveyed the room. "Thank you for inviting us sir.",was Stuart's reply. His own translator was working very quickly now. "Please join me for a bite to eat.", offered the Deene. He motioned their attention to doorway beyond the one he now occupied. The captain couldn't help but grin to himself as he saw the Deene and his entourage waddle away toward the other room. The away team quickly followed them into another ornate room. "Sit Captain, judging from your appearance you must be starving." The Captain's party sat down with the Deene. One of the servants backed away to the doorjam and stood. The interperter remained by the Deene's side. He bent and whispered to Deene Marter. Without hesitation Dr. Jacobs had her scanner out. As she scanned the food the captain turned to Deene Marter to explain her actions. "Please don't be offended she is merely checking to see if your food is toxic to us." Stuart waited as Marter's interperter whispered the translation in his ear. "You need not apologize Captain. I know that some races cannot injest our food. No need to worry.", Deene Marter assured the captain. "So, what planet did you say you were from again?", the Deene inquired. "Earth sir, but we represent a federation of planets.",the captain explained. "Oh a federation. How wonderful.",the Deene looked very interested. "The food is ok sir.", reported Dr. Jacobs. "Thank you doctor.",Stuart said. "According to the doctor your food is not toxic to us.",reported the captain to the Deene. "Wonderful. Then let's eat." The Deene quickly grabbed the leg of a baked animal and proceeded to devour it. The away team paused at the ferocity of Deene Marter's eating. The Captain, not wanting to be rude, followed suit. He immediately motioned the others to follow his example. Within a few seconds the table was in a frenzy of eating. After the meal the captain spoke."That was excellent. My compliments to the chef." "I'm pleased that you liked it.", was the Deene's reply. "I know that this may sound presumptuious of me but, I was hoping you may be able to help us.", said the captain. "Not at all my dear friend how may I be of assistance?" "During dinner you mentioned that you were in contact with several worlds through your trade. I was wondering if you or any of your associates may know where our planet is and how to get there from here." "I say are you lost?", asked Marter as a spark of intelligence radiated his brain. "Yes we slipped into a hole in space and here we are." "Oh I see. This is serious indeed. I will see to it immediately." "Thank you sir.",said Mann. "Yes quite. You do understand of course that I just can't do this without something in trade?" Stuart grinned as if he knew this was coming. "What exactly were you thinking of?",he asked. "Well, I am rather fond of that translator device of yours.", replied the Deene. "That sounds fair. I'll tell you what. I'll give you two translator units and plans to make more if you see about our getting home." "Yes I like that deal. I'll see to it. In the mean time please go and see our lovely city.", Marter suggested. "That sounds like an excellent suggestion.", agreed Stuart and he stood up. He held out his hand to the Deene. Deene Marter looked back questioning his action. "Is something wrong with your hand?", he asked. "No sir, this is how we seal a bargain on Earth.",he explained. "Oh I see.", said Deene Marter as he held out his hand parallel to Stuart's. Stuart grabbed the Deene's hand and shook it. "Oh yes I see now.",he said. "Go with Callid captain.", said the Deene as he motioned his servents to follow him. The away team followed them out of the dining room and out to the entrance hall. Science Officer's log April 11,2094 USS Horizon: LtCommander Peter Bryce The atmosphere of Callid is thick but not unbearable. The city itself is reminisant of the Roman Ruins, but, only slightly. It's hard to describe something you've never seen before. "Captain, a garden.", reported Ensign Richter. The party looked over to see it. It was a large garden in the center of the city square. The group decided to check it out. As they approached they saw statues surrounding the garden. The garden was lush green with yellow, blue and orange blossoms. The captain, however, was more interested in the statues. "They must be sculptures of the alien races the Callidans have traded with.", observed the captain. As he surveyed the statues he found something he never would have guessed he'd see. Something familiar. "Is this what I think it is?", asked the captain of anyone who would listen. "It can't be.",added Peter Bryce. "It looks like one to me.",offered Amanda. The statue was of a humanoid. He was tall and slender. He carried what looked like a rifle and a dagger strapped to his side. Under his feet were bones. His hair was neatly cut and he had pointed ears. "That can't be a Vulcan.",said Stuart,"They are scientists not warriors." "Regardless that would seem to be a Vulcan sir.",said Bryce. Before the Captain could ponder the notion his communicator beeped. He quickly retrieved it from his belt. "This is Captain Mann, what is it?", asked the Captain. "Sir this Is Commander Boeman. We are tracking three ships traveling at warp speed to this position." "That's not good. Raise the shields. We'll be back as soon as we warn the Deene. Mann Out." Stuart replaced the communicator on his belt. "You three get back to the shuttle and get it ready to go. I'll meet you as soon as I warn the Deene. Off you go.",ordered the captain. "Aye sir.", they said in unison and off they went. Stuart headed to the Mansion. When he arrived in the entrance hall noone was there. "Deene Marter!", he yelled. "What is it captain?", said Marter as he entered. "We are tracking several ships heading this way at high speed. I suggest you get up your defences." "NO no. They are only my friends rushing to your aid.",said the Deene in a unconvincing tone. "Oh,",said Stuart,"then I'd better get to my ship so I can greet them." "No you can have your meeting here. There is no reason to go back to your ship." Stuart for the second time saw something he recognized. This time in Deene Marter's face. It was the look of fear. "What are you afraid of?", inquired the Captain. "Afraid what are you talking about?",was the Deene's reply."I simply think your meeting would be better facilitated here!" "I've had it with your stalling Deene. Good bye.",said the Captain as he stormed out of the room. "Stop Him!",screamed the Deene. Before Mann could reach the door two armed figures moved in front of him. The Captain was so taken aback by what was standing in front of him he could only mutter one word. "Vulcans?" End of Part Four From SCHEETZ@bms.com Fri Oct 23 19:58:34 1992 Status: RO X-VM-v5-Data: ([nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] ["6129" "" "23" "October" "1992" "21:02:59" "-0500" "SCHEETZ@bms.com" "SCHEETZ@bms.com" nil "145" "" "^From:" nil nil "10"]) Return-Path: <SCHEETZ@bms.com> Received: from cliff.bms.com by depot.cis.ksu.edu SMTP (5.65a) id AA07535; Fri, 23 Oct 92 19:58:32 -0500 Received: from watson.bms.com by cliff.bms.com (PMDF #2529 ) id <01GQAVJXVEXC000X4Z@cliff.bms.com>; Fri, 23 Oct 1992 20:58:08 EST Received: from bms.com by bms.com (PMDF #2529 ) id <01GQAVQ02IHS9D6W8B@bms.com>; Fri, 23 Oct 1992 21:03:00 EST Message-Id: <01GQAVQ02IHU9D6W8B@bms.com> X-Envelope-To: jfy@cis.ksu.edu X-Vms-To: IN%"jfy@cis.ksu.edu" Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT From: SCHEETZ@bms.com To: jfy@cis.ksu.edu Date: 23 Oct 1992 21:02:59 -0500 (EST) Newsgroups: rec.arts.startrek.misc Path: synapse.bms.com!watson.bms.com!scheetz From: scheetz@watson.bms.com (Christopher Scheetz) Subject: Star Trek the 1st Generation Pt 5 Message-ID: <23OCT199219141604@watson.bms.com> News-Software: VAX/VMS VNEWS 1.4-b1 Sender: news@synapse.bms.com Organization: Bristol Myers Squibb Pharmaceutical Research Institute Date: Sat, 24 Oct 1992 00:14:00 GMT Star Trek the First Generation: The Adventures of the USS Horizon Pt 5 "Vulcans? What do you know of Vulcans?", asked the one of the figures standing before Captain Mann. Stuart stood dumbfounded at what he was seeing. "They look like Vulcans.", he thought. He didn't reply. His translator was still wrestling with the new language. The one who had spoke moved closer. He grabbed for the wire connecting the translator with Stuart's ear. Stuart reflexivly moved and avoided his lunge. "It's just his translator!", yelled Deene Marter as he approached the trio. "I know that they aren't a warlike race.", answered Captain Mann to the man's initial question. The man's own translator went into action immediately after Stuart's statement. Captain Mann was aued at the speed of man's translator. "You lie! Vulcan is a myth!", he replied. "You only wish to confuse us using fairy tales." He regained his composure quickly. After a shorter interval Stuart's translator interperted the man's words. "I don't lie.", was his only reply. "Good, that will make it much easier.", answered the man. Stuart's communicator beeped. Stuart reached for it but stopped half way as the other figure trained his weapon on him. "They are going to wonder where I am." said Captain Mann. "Let them.", replied the first man. He held out his hand."Give it to me.", he said. Stuart didn't wait for the translation. He knew what he wanted. Captain Mann slowly grabbed his communicator. As he went to hand it over adreniline took over and he quickly opened it. "Get away.....", was all he managed to say. Stuart's entire body erruped in pain. He felt as if he were on fire. He slumped to the ground as the pain overwhelmed him. "Captain?!", screamed Lieutennant Conroy as Captain Mann's message was cut off. Commander Boeman vaulted out of the chair and was next to Sandra in seconds. "What happened?" "All he said was 'get away' then it went dead.",was her reply. Commander Boeman bowed his as if he was exhausted. "Tell the away team to get back here.", said Boeman as he regained his posture. "But the Captain?", said Sandra. She was a bit shocked by the Commander's order. "That's the order Lieutennant!", answered Boeman a little louder than he should have. "Aye sir." Sandra manipulated the controls. "Horizon to away team....return to the ship immediately." Sandra waited for the objection she knew would follow. "The Captain's not back yet.", reported Ensign Richter. "This is a direct order from Commander Boeman.", she answered. Sandra listened to the background chatter of the away team as they heard the news. "We're on the way.", said Richter in a somber tone as the communication line ceased. "What's the distance of the unknown ships?", asked Boeman as he retained his place in the command chair. "20,000 kilometers and closing rapidly sir.", reported the Ensign at the sensors. "Will the Shuttle have enough time to get back?" "If the unknowns remain at their current speed, yes." "Good.",Commander Boeman said to himself. "Ensign McKay, charge lasers and torpedoes." Boeman sat disgusted that he had to utter those words. "Aye sir, charging weapons systems.", replied Anna McKay as she set the controls. "What about the Captain?", asked Amanda as the shuttle doors locked. "Mabye you should ask them.",said Ensign Richter as he pointed out the view port. Down the street ran seven men. They were obviously not the indiginous population. They held what seemed to be guns. Two of the men fired. The away team felt the impact on the outer hull. Richter scrambled to start the engines. Fear fueled his actions and the engines roared to life. Everyone held tight to their seats as the shuttle launched from the platform. They all alowed themselves a sigh of relief as the shuttle gained altitude. On the Horizon the bridge crew sat at their positions. The stress of the situation was slowly tearing at them. Commander Boeman found himself wishing the unknown craft would hurry up and get there just for the sake of something to do. "Commander, the power readings from the unknowns is increasing. They may be powering up their own weapons." reported Ensign Jensen. Before he could wait for a reply from Boeman he added,"Commander, the shuttle has just left the Callidan atmosphere!" "Alert the landing bay. I want them in here now!" "Aye sir.", answered Lieutennant Conroy. The shuttle approached the Horizon's landing bay and landed. Quickly LtCommander Bryce was in a lift and on his way to the bridge. "The shuttle has landed sir.", reported Sandra. "Raise shields now.", ordered Boeman. "Mister Coletti, get us out of orbit." Coletti quickly manipulated the controls and the ship lunged out of orbit. "Lieutennant Conroy, try to hail the unknowns. Tell them we do not wish to invoke hostilities but we will defend ourselves." "Aye sir.", said Lieutennant Conroy as she sent the message. "Commander, they are repling in our language!", shouted Sandra in amazement before she even acknowledged what they had said. "Sir, they say they don't care." Sandra's amazed tone was replaced by one of worry. "Dammit! Who are these people?", Roger asked himself silently. "Fine, if it's a fight they want it's a fight they'll get. Red alert, battle stations!" yelled Commander Boeman as the lighting changed to a blood red glow. Fire on the first ship in range McKay." "Aye sir", answered Ensign McKay. "Ship's now in firing range.", reported the sensor officer. Boeman turned to see LtCommander Bryce at the station. Bryce glanced back and then resumed his duty. "Fire!" Newsgroups: rec.arts.startrek.misc Path: moe.ksu.ksu.edu!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!darwin.sura.net!jvnc.net!synapse.bms.com!watson.bms.com!scheetz From: scheetz@watson.bms.com (Christopher Scheetz) Subject: Star Trek the First Generation Pt 6 Message-ID: <13NOV199220214151@watson.bms.com> News-Software: VAX/VMS VNEWS 1.4-b1 Sender: news@synapse.bms.com Organization: Bristol Myers Squibb Pharmaceutical Research Institute Date: Sat, 14 Nov 1992 01:21:00 GMT Lines: 64 Star Trek the First Generation:The Adventures of the USS Horizon Part 6 The Horizon's laser emitters erupted in a streak of light as it fired on the enemy ships. The lead ship shook as the laser fire raked it's forward shield. On the bridge Commander Boeman studied the effect of the ship's lasers on the unknown cruiser. He looked to Peter Bryce and inquired,"Did the lasers have any effect?" Bryce answered the commander without taking his eyes off the sensor viewer. "I'm reading a power drop in their forward shield array. Looks like we have a chance." Boeman returned his attention to the battle ensuing out the view port. One of the ships was moving away toward the planet covered by the other two. Commander Boeman decided to worry about the two that remained first. Anna McKay continued firing the ships lasers at the oncoming attackers. Sweat beaded across her forehead as she manipulated the controls. She was itching to fire the torpedoes but she refrained knowing that Commander Boeman had to order it's use. She decided it wouldn't hurt to suggest this action. "Commander, I suggest we use the torpedoes sir. The lasers are doing ok but it's two against one here." Boeman didn't answer for a moment. He seemed to be thinking about it. Suddenly the ship rocked as the two attackers fired simultaneously. It was a strange beam not unlike the Horizon's lasers however these weapons glowed brightly with scorching power. The ship rocked violently as the blasts impacted on the shields. LtCommander Bryce almost lost his footing as the ship shook. Regaining his senses he checked the ships systems. "Sir, that attack took out almost half of our shield power!" "Which section?",asked Boeman the tone of shock evident in his voice. "All of them!",answered Bryce trying as hard as he could to mask his panic. Boeman reacted similarly but could not waste time thinking about his own fear. "Ensign McKay, you have clearance to fire torpedoes." As he said it he depressed a button on the arm of the captain's chair marked "TORPEDO CLEARANCE". Ensign McKay aimed the weapons and fired. From the underside of the horizon four glowing projectiles launched. Boeman watched as the until now untested torpedoes found their marks on the enemy ships. The torpedoes exploded with a fury unsurpassed in sheer energy. The ship bucked as the shock waves shot back at them. After the impact only one of the ships remained and what was left wasn't going anywhere. Boeman unclenched his hand from the arm of the command chair and shook it. "Damage report.",ordered Commander Boeman. The bridge crew checked their stations. Lieutennant Conroy monitored the inter-ship channels for reports. "Our shields are down to five percent of normal. It's a miracle they held.", reported Bryce. "Sir, there is a crack in the hull between deck two and four. Several passages have been sealed off to compensate.", repeated Sandra from the report she just recieved and then started again,"Engineering reports that the main engine must be taken off-line so they can repair downed power conduits. Sickbay reports seven wounded by internal explosions due to the impacts. Three are in critical condition.",Sandra's eyes began to well with tears as she thought about them. "What about the third ship?", inquired Boeman of his science officer. Bryce checked his readings. "The ship is still heading to Callid.", answered Bryce.