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Article 74841 of rec.arts.startrek: Path: ariel.unm.edu!cs.umn.edu!spool.mu.edu!uwm.edu!lll-winken!sun-barr!newstop!exodus!twitterpater.Eng.Sun.COM!koreth From: koreth@twitterpater.Eng.Sun.COM (Steven Grimm) Newsgroups: rec.arts.startrek Subject: "Reins of Power" part 1 of 3 Message-ID: <12037@exodus.Eng.Sun.COM> Date: 23 Apr 91 01:31:29 GMT Article-I.D.: exodus.12037 Sender: news@exodus.Eng.Sun.COM Reply-To: koreth@twitterpater.Eng.Sun.COM (Steven Grimm) Organization: Sun Microsystems, Inc. Mt. View, Ca. Lines: 1302 This is a script I submitted to Paramount last year. For reasons which'll be obvious soon, they couldn't use it or even adapt the basic story. People have been asking what scripts look like; I thought I'd post this as an example. I followed the same format as a couple of TNG scripts I bought at a convention. One caveat: There is too much stage direction in the script. That means I describe how the characters move around the room as they talk, etc. That sort of thing should really be left up to the director. I've included the cast list, set list, and such at the beginning so people can see what those look like as well. I'll post part 2 shortly, along with some more comments about some things that are wrong with the script as it stands now. My thanks to the people who read and commented on this while I was writing it, by the way. You were absolutely indispensible. If you don't see "STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION" at the top of the title page, your newsreader doesn't understand underlining, and you'll need to remove all instances of "_^H" (that's underline backspace) from the file to view it. --- Steven Grimm koreth@ebay.sun.com Moderator, comp.{sources,binaries}.atari.st "We must be brave, and not let them know how frightened we really are." -- OPEN LOOK Graphical User Interface Functional Specification --- Cut here if you want to print it out. --- _S_T_A_R _T_R_E_K: _T_H_E _N_E_X_T _G_E_N_E_R_A_T_I_O_N "Reins Of Power" Written by Steven Grimm Story by Steven Grimm and Michael Wolf Copyright 1990, Steven Grimm STAR TREK: "Reins Of Power" - 6/12/90 - CAST _S_T_A_R _T_R_E_K: _T_H_E _N_E_X_T _G_E_N_E_R_A_T_I_O_N "Reins Of Power" _C_A_S_T PICARD _A_m_a_i_a_n_s RIKER FLIGHT CONTROLLER DATA SONRI TROI BEVERLY _D_u_l_i_a_n_s GEORDI TARGOFF WORF TRODIN WESLEY O'BRIEN _T_r_a_h_n_s ALLEA COMPUTER VOICE URA HELMSMAN YANNA _N_O_N-_S_P_E_A_K_I_N_G SECURITY GUARDS DULIAN BODYGUARDS TRAHN SOLDIERS VARIOUS AMAIANS VARIOUS ENTERPRISE CREW VARIOUS DULIANS VARIOUS TRAHN CIVILIANS STAR TREK: "Reins Of Power" - 6/12/90 - SETS _S_T_A_R _T_R_E_K: _T_H_E _N_E_X_T _G_E_N_E_R_A_T_I_O_N "Reins Of Power" _S_E_T_S _I_N_T_E_R_I_O_R_S _E_X_T_E_R_I_O_R_S USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE BRIDGE POKER ROOM SHUTTLECRAFT SICKBAY BEVERLY'S OFFICE STARSEEKER CORRIDOR MAIN SHUTTLE BAY DEBRIEFING ROOM CRUSHER QUARTERS AMAI TWO SPACE CONTROL DORMITORY LOBBY DORMITORY HALLWAY DORMITORY BEDROOM SONRI'S ROOM SHUTTLECRAFT STARSEEKER LANDING BAY CORRIDOR PRISON CELL HIDEOUT LARGE CORRIDOR (WITH BULKHEAD) CONTROL ROOM STAR TREK: "Reins Of Power" - 6/12/90 - PRONUNCIATION _S_T_A_R _T_R_E_K: _T_H_E _N_E_X_T _G_E_N_E_R_A_T_I_O_N "Reins Of Power" _P_R_O_N_U_N_C_I_A_T_I_O_N _G_U_I_D_E uh-MY uh-MY-in SAWN-tok sawn-REE BUSS-erd DOO-ly-in TRAWN TROE-din ale-LEE-uh OOH-ruh Steven Grimm / "Reins Of Power" - Rev. 6/10/90 - TEASER 1. _S_T_A_R _T_R_E_K: _T_H_E _N_E_X_T _G_E_N_E_R_A_T_I_O_N "Reins Of Power" _T_E_A_S_E_R FADE IN: INT. POKER ROOM DATA, GEORDI, TROI, RIKER, WORF, and O'BRIEN are playing poker. Data has his usual visor on. Riker, O'Brien and Worf hardly have any chips left. Data lays down a full house. DATA (doing an impression) Read 'em and weep, suckers. The others groan. Data rakes in the chips. O'BRIEN (grumbling, but in jest) Are you people sure you're not cheating? The others look at him like he's nuts. O'BRIEN (jokingly) Well, half the people at this table could do it if they wanted to. I mean, Data's eyes are fast enough to keep track of all the cards... Data isn't offended by this -- he's more confused than anything else. Riker decides to join in. RIKER (grinning) And Counselor -- no poker face is straight enough for you. Troi makes a face at Riker -- she knows he's kidding. WORF (maybe joking; who can tell?) Geordi can see through the cards. GEORDI You're just jealous 'cause lady luck's visiting our side of the table for (MORE) Steven Grimm / "Reins Of Power" - Rev. 6/10/90 - TEASER 2. GEORDI (Cont'd) once. RIKER (to O'Brien) Visiting? O'BRIEN I think she's moved in. Data is taking all this seriously. DATA Chief O'Brien, it would not be sporting of me to use any abilities beyond those of the other players. Why would I wish to do such a thing? O'BRIEN It was only a joke... Wesley bursts into the room, excited. WESLEY Geordi, I got 'em! I didn't think I'd be able to, but I did! It's going to be so great... The others are amused by Wesley's enthusiasm. GEORDI Whoa. Slow down, Wes. What'd you get? WESLEY (it's like a meeting with God) Third-row seats at a lecture on warp field dynamics by Doctor Sontok! GEORDI THE Doctor Sontok? He hasn't given a talk in years. WESLEY And hardly anyone knows about this one. A friend of mine at Amai Central University got US a pair of reserved spots. That is, if you want to go. GEORDI Want to go? Of course I do! When? Where? Steven Grimm / "Reins Of Power" - Rev. 6/10/90 - TEASER 3. WESLEY It's in two days, on Amai Two. RIKER Two days? Wes, we can't spare the time. We have to get to Darga Four as quickly as possible, and that means no diversions. We're thirty-six hours away as it is. DATA We will pass within shuttle range of the Amai system in eight point six hours. WESLEY Well? It'd be worth a shuttle trip. (off Riker's look) Uh, with the Captain's permission, of course. INT. BEVERLY'S OFFICE BEVERLY is seated, talking to Wesley, who's leaning against the doorway. WESLEY OKAY, Mom. I will. BEVERLY And be sure to get enough sleep. I know how you get when there's something interesting to do. WESLEY Jeez, Mom, it's only a four-day visit... BEVERLY I know. I'm sorry, Wes. I remember my mother doing this, too. I told myself I never would, but... WESLEY It's okay. But I REALLY have to go now, or I think Geordi'll leave without me! BEVERLY Okay. Goodbye. Wesley turns to leave. Steven Grimm / "Reins Of Power" - Rev. 6/10/90 - TEASER 4. WESLEY Bye, Mom. INT. CORRIDOR OUTSIDE SICKBAY Geordi is waiting for Wesley. The two start walking down the corridor. WESLEY Mothers. Is it just me, or are they all like that? GEORDI You've got it mild, Wes. You don't wanna KNOW how my mother used to hover over me. INT. MAIN SHUTTLE BAY Wesley and Geordi enter and head toward a large shuttlecraft, the "Cochrane," which is waiting. GEORDI ...She smiles, looks him straight in the eye, and says, "Just try THAT in hyperspace!" Wesley bursts out laughing. The two reach the shuttle and climb in. WESLEY Where'd you hear THAT? GEORDI (as the shuttle door closes) From a couple of Vulcan philosophers... The shuttlebay door opens, revealing the aft part of the Enterprise and stars receding at warp speed. INT. SHUTTLECRAFT Geordi and Wesley are both seated at the controls. DATA (VO) (filtered) Shuttlecraft is cleared for departure. GEORDI (working the controls) Acknowledged. Steven Grimm / "Reins Of Power" - Rev. 6/10/90 - TEASER 5. The interior of the shuttlecraft vibrates slightly as its engines come online and it lifts off the floor. GEORDI Amai Two, here we come... EXT. SPACE -- THE ENTERPRISE A close-up of the shuttle bay from outside. The shuttle flies out. FADE OUT. END OF TEASER. Steven Grimm / "Reins Of Power" - Rev. 6/10/90 - ACT ONE 6. _A_C_T _O_N_E FADE IN: EXT. SPACE -- AMAI TWO The shuttlecraft flies toward the planet, entering the atmosphere. INT. AMAI TWO -- SPACE CONTROL This is a room a lot like an airport control tower, from which incoming and outgoing space flights are directed. There are lots of small screens, in front of which various AMAIANS are seated. Other than the screens, the room is white. Amaians are fragile, tall people with extremely fair skin. They all wear the same type of white robe, simple yet elegant. One of the flight controllers is looking at a display showing data about the approaching Enterprise shuttlecraft, as well as a schematic of its flight path. She hits a button on her screen. FLIGHT CONTROLLER Enterprise shuttle, this is Amai Two space control. You may land at pad thirteen by two. Please alter your course to zero one three mark five for descent. WESLEY (VO) (filtered) Understood, Amai Two. Adjusting course. INT. SHUTTLECRAFT Geordi is asleep in the passenger compartment; his visor is on his chest. Wesley is at the controls; he hits some buttons. WESLEY Geordi, we're almost there. Wake up. Geordi awakens, barely. He's still half-asleep. He rubs his eyes and yawns, then puts on his visor and goes up to the copilot's chair. GEORDI So Wes, you still haven't told me about your friend. How'd you two meet? Wesley obviously likes Sonri more than he realizes. Steven Grimm / "Reins Of Power" - Rev. 6/10/90 - ACT ONE 7. WESLEY Sonri? We met on the physics net. She's studying warp propulsion. Right now, she's just at Amai Central University, but she wants to go to the Daystrom Institute later on, if they'll accept her. GEORDI That's quite a leap. Amai Central isn't exactly known for its physics program. I didn't even know it HAD one. WESLEY Not really. I mean, Amai Two isn't exactly the most advanced place in the Federation. They're only a member 'cause the Klingons attacked them... GEORDI That's not a very nice thing to say about your friend's home planet. WESLEY She sure doesn't want to be there. But she can't leave until she's twenty-two. GEORDI Why not? The Daystrom Institute would send a ship... WESLEY Nobody's allowed to leave until they're married and have kids, and the marriage age is twenty-one. It's a pretty dumb law. GEORDI I don't know -- you've gotta look at their culture to know if it makes any sense for them. WESLEY If you say so. EXT. SPACE -- THE SHUTTLECRAFT Descending toward the planet. INT. DORMITORY LOBBY Steven Grimm / "Reins Of Power" - Rev. 6/10/90 - ACT ONE 8. This is the lobby of a University dormitory, with white walls, floor, and furniture. There are a couple of Amaians working here. One is painting a picture, a spectacular sunset over a desert. The other is playing beautiful, melodic music on a strange-looking stringed instrument; we hear the music in the background. A third Amaian, SONRI, a plain-faced girl about Wesley's age with long red hair and lots of freckles, is sitting down, waiting for Geordi and Wesley. She stands when they arrive, suitcases in hand. SONRI Wesley. It's good to finally see you in person. Sonri holds out her left hand, fingers straight and palm vertical. Wesley holds out his left hand the same way and presses his palm against Sonri's. He is a bit tongue-tied. WESLEY Hi. Uh, Sonri, this is Geordi LaForge. SONRI Wesley's told me a lot about you, Commander. It's an honor to meet such a great mind. Wesley is embarrassed by that, but tries to hide it. Sonri holds out her left hand to Geordi, who returns the unfamiliar hand greeting. GEORDI Well, I don't know about THAT. But it's good to meet you, too. Call me Geordi. SONRI (smiles) Come on. I'll take you to your rooms. Sonri turns and heads for the stairs across the room from the entrance. INT. DORMITORY HALLWAY A white hallway with a white tile floor, and doors (with white doorknobs) at even intervals. There are light grey room "numbers" -- actually polygons representing the numbers -- on the doors. The three are walking down the hallway. SONRI You're lucky you're with Starfleet. The University usually doesn't let visitors stay in the dorms. Steven Grimm / "Reins Of Power" - Rev. 6/10/90 - ACT ONE 9. GEORDI What made Doctor Sontok decide to give his talk HERE? SONRI (sheepishly) I did, actually. I heard he collected transitionist artwork. I know a girl who's one of the best transitionists in the Federation. So, I offered to help her study for a science test. (stops next to a door) Here's your room, Commander. Wesley is next door, and my room is six doors down. GEORDI Okay. I'll join you two in a few minutes. WESLEY Um, Sonri and I have a lot of things to talk about. I don't mean you're not... GEORDI It's okay, Wes. I understand. Sonri, can I look around the University after I unpack? SONRI Of course. Just ask anyone if you get lost. This dormitory is Imagination House. Geordi nods. He turns the doorknob -- none of the doors have locks -- and enters the room. It's all white, of course. Wesley and Sonri continue down the hallway as Geordi shuts the door behind him. They reach Wesley's room. SONRI And here's your room. WESLEY Great. Come on in... Wesley opens the door, revealing a room identical to Geordi's. INT. DORMITORY BEDROOM Wesley and Sonri enter. Wes sets his suitcase down on the bed, then sits next to it. Sonri sits across from him, next to a desk. She pushes the door closed. Steven Grimm / "Reins Of Power" - Rev. 6/10/90 - ACT ONE 10. WESLEY Sonri, why is this place so... so... WHITE? SONRI White is the simplicity over which individuals express their souls. WESLEY Huh? SONRI (laughs) Sorry. Must be the artistic philosophy classes. What I mean is, you're free to color your personal space any way you like. I have a bunch of space pictures on my walls. WESLEY (shaking his head) Hmm. I can see why you want to leave. This place is great for an artist, but I can't imagine trying to be an engineer here. SONRI (nods, then, somber:) It seems like nobody here understands me. And I sure don't understand them. I'm practically tone deaf, I can't draw at all, and I think most philosophy is pretty silly. (frustrated) I want to get out of here! WESLEY I'd offer to bring you back with me, but the Captain would just take you home again and lecture me. (mimicing Picard) "Ensign Crusher, Starfleet regulations strictly prohibit the transfer of unauthorized personnel." SONRI (giggles) From what you've said, though, he sounds like a wise man. WESLEY Yeah, he's a great captain. I sure couldn't do his job half as well as he does. But he can be a bit of a pain sometimes. Steven Grimm / "Reins Of Power" - Rev. 6/10/90 - ACT ONE 11. SONRI Perfection is rare, Wesley. WESLEY Yeah... So, what about the surprise you said you had for me? Sonri stands and motions with her finger -- come here... INT. DORMITORY CORRIDOR, OUTSIDE SONRI'S ROOM We see Geordi knocking on Wesley's door. Nobody answers, so he starts walking down the hall toward Sonri's room. As he walks, we hear what's going on behind the door. SONRI (VO) (muffled) No. Put your hand THERE. WESLEY (VO) (muffled) Oh! That's great! You're pretty good at this. SONRI (VO) (muffled) I get a lot of practice around here. WESLEY (VO) (muffled) I try to do it on the holodeck at least once a day, but there's only so much a computer can do for you. Geordi arrives at the door, unaware of what's going on. He knocks. The door opens immediately, revealing Wesley and Sonri... at a computer terminal on Sonri's desk, manipulating a warp field diagram. INT. SONRI'S ROOM The walls here are covered with beautiful spacescapes. It's like standing on the observation deck on the Enterprise. WESLEY Hi, Geordi... Hey, take a look at what Sonri and I did. It's an inverted... GEORDI There's no time, Wes. I just got a call from Amai Space Control. We're needed there. Steven Grimm / "Reins Of Power" - Rev. 6/10/90 - ACT ONE 12. WESLEY (glances at Sonri) What about the lecture? GEORDI We may have to miss some of it. WESLEY (to Sonri) Can you record it? I have to go... SONRI (unhappy) Sure, I guess I can. Try not to take too long... WESLEY I will. Hopefully we'll be back soon. (gets up) Well, bye... SONRI Goodbye. Wesley and Geordi leave the room. INT. DORMITORY CORRIDOR Wes and Geordi are walking away. WESLEY What's this about? GEORDI They've picked up an unidentified ship... INT. SPACE CONTROL Wesley and Geordi are leaning over a console with the flight controller. FLIGHT CONTROLLER We have really old sensors. We just saw it three hours ago. It's headed straight for Amai Two. WESLEY That's a really odd reading. GEORDI If I didn't know any better... Steven Grimm / "Reins Of Power" - Rev. 6/10/90 - ACT ONE 13. FLIGHT CONTROLLER Yes? GEORDI Well, that looks an awful lot like an old Bussard ramjet design, with a magnetic scoop. WESLEY A ramjet? But at those speeds, it'd have to be... GEORDI ...several hundred years old. Wes, we HAVE to take a closer look. EXT. SPACE -- THE SHUTTLECRAFT Flying through space. INT. SHUTTLECRAFT Wesley and Geordi are both in the control cabin. WESLEY A ramjet. I know they're possible in theory, but I don't think I've ever heard of someone actually building one. GEORDI (looking out the window) I've only heard about one of them, but it looks like this one's a LOT bigger. (puzzled) Hey, that's weird. WESLEY What? GEORDI Well, it looks like there's a low- frequency FM signal coming from their engines. They're using them as a transmitter. WESLEY (checking his console) It looks like an automatic signal. It keeps repeating. (hits some buttons, then looks at Geordi) Docking instructions... Steven Grimm / "Reins Of Power" - Rev. 6/10/90 - ACT ONE 14. GEORDI Looks like we're going to get a REALLY close look at this beauty. EXT. SPACE -- THE STARSEEKER A large ramjet -- a cylinder, with a slightly wider section at the fore end. The center is hollow. It moves by generating a magnetic field and pulling hydrogen through its center, crushing it until a fusion reaction is obtained, and expelling the resulting energized helium like a rocket out the aft end. This is barely visible as a dimly glowing green jet shooting from the thin end of the Starseeker. The surface of the Starseeker should be pitted and dented, as it's been in space for a long time with very minimal (by Federation standards) navigational shielding. A landing bay door opens toward the fore end, to admit the shuttlecraft. The landing bay's ceiling is fore; its floor is aft, since the ramjet's "gravity" is really its forward acceleration. The bay door closes when the shuttle is inside. INT. STARSEEKER -- LANDING BAY This is a dirty, grungy place, very much in contrast to the Enterprise's antiseptic interior. There are several clunky- looking shuttlecraft present. It's apparent that nobody has been here for a long time. Our shuttle has just landed; its warp engines are powering down. We hear the bay filling with air. INT. SHUTTLECRAFT GEORDI I hardly see any noise from the engine. That must be some great shielding. WESLEY (looking at his controls) Well, there's air now. It's breathable, but a little thin. Do we go out and look around? Geordi is putting a small PHASER on his belt. He hands another to Wesley. GEORDI Just in case. Let's go. Steven Grimm / "Reins Of Power" - Rev. 6/10/90 - ACT ONE 15. INT. STARSEEKER -- LANDING BAY A door has opened to admit TARGOFF, a tall Dulian (humanoid, a tall, very handsome race) and two Dulian BODYGUARDS. Targoff's manner suggests that he is missing a few screws upstairs -- he's wild-eyed and intense. The shuttle door opens, and Geordi and Wesley emerge and stand by the shuttle. They look at each other in surprise -- so there ARE people here. Targoff approaches. TARGOFF I am Targoff, commander of the Starseeker. GEORDI I'm Lieutenant Commander Geordi LaForge, and this is Ensign Wesley Crusher. We're from the starship Enterprise, of the United Federation of Planets. TARGOFF (pointing at the shuttle) This is the Enterprise? WESLEY No. This is just a shuttle. The Enterprise is about a third as big as this ramjet. TARGOFF I see. (indicates the doorway) Come. I will show you the Starseeker. GEORDI (smiling to Wesley) It'd be an honor. I've never been on a ship like this before. Targoff and his guards lead Geordi and Wesley through the door from which they emerged. As they leave, Targoff speaks. TARGOFF The Starseeker has been out here for fourteen generations. We've tried to colonize three other planets, but they weren't quite right for us. INT. STARSEEKER -- CORRIDOR We follow Geordi and Wesley through the doorway from the landing bay. As soon as they are through the door, two more BODYGUARDS, Steven Grimm / "Reins Of Power" - Rev. 6/10/90 - ACT ONE 16. their guns leveled at Geordi and Wesley, step into view. Geordi instinctively reaches for his phaser, but the guard nearest him bradishes his gun. TARGOFF Don't even think it. Geordi and Wesley toss their phasers away. Close-up on their reactions... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE. Article 74846 of rec.arts.startrek: Path: ariel.unm.edu!cs.umn.edu!spool.mu.edu!uwm.edu!lll-winken!sun-barr!newstop!exodus!twitterpater.Eng.Sun.COM!koreth From: koreth@twitterpater.Eng.Sun.COM (Steven Grimm) Newsgroups: rec.arts.startrek Subject: "Reins Of Power" part 2 (of 3) Message-ID: <12041@exodus.Eng.Sun.COM> Date: 23 Apr 91 02:07:33 GMT Article-I.D.: exodus.12041 Sender: news@exodus.Eng.Sun.COM Reply-To: koreth@twitterpater.Eng.Sun.COM (Steven Grimm) Organization: Sun Microsystems, Inc. Mt. View, Ca. Lines: 1366 If you're reading this, I'll assume you've finished reading part 1, which contained the teaser and act 1. Aside from the fact that my dialogue isn't that great in places, something that can be fixed without a whole lot of trouble, the script has some big problems. First of all is the expense. The TNG people don't like to build more than two sets per episode (which doesn't mean it never happens, but it's really rare.) Set construction is very expensive, and the more you can confine your story to a few rooms, the better off you'll be. As a rule of thumb, every Enterprise set you've seen more than once is a standing set, and can be used if desired. (Sets can also be redressed fairly extensively once they're built, so you may be in good shape if you have several locations that look similar.) Several rooms can easily be cut out of the Amai Two sequence in act one, and some of the Starseeker sets below can be redresses of Amai Two and of existing Enterprise sets. The teaser is another problem. It doesn't really grab the reader. If at all possible, each act (and the teaser) should end with a startling revelation or with some imminent danger. Think of TNG as a series of five really short movie serials. The hero has to be dangling over the alligator pit at the end of each segment. (In truth, of course, we want the viewer to be glued to the set during the commercials to avoid missing the resolution to the problem.) The first act isn't a whole lot better. There's no action, no plot movement. There is some character interaction, which is always good, but the plot needs to move along while that's happening. Until the end of act one, we don't even have a clue what the plot's going to be ABOUT. Anyway, I'll shut up now and let the story continue. I'll post part 3 shortly, with a couple of comments about coming up with stories. (The page numbers start over at 1 here, just because I'm too lazy to make nroff start at the appropriate number.) --- Steven Grimm koreth@ebay.sun.com Moderator, comp.{sources,binaries}.atari.st "We must be brave, and not let them know how frightened we really are." -- OPEN LOOK Graphical User Interface Functional Specification --- cut here --- Steven Grimm / "Reins Of Power" - Rev. 6/10/90 - ACT TWO 1. _S_T_A_R _T_R_E_K: _T_H_E _N_E_X_T _G_E_N_E_R_A_T_I_O_N "Reins Of Power" _A_C_T _T_W_O FADE IN: INT. STARSEEKER -- PRISON CELL This is a dark, poorly-kept cell. The jailers are obviously not too concerned about prisoner sanitation. There's a small window in the metal door, blocked by a grid of bars. There are no benches or beds in the cell. Geordi is sitting on the floor against the wall opposite the door. His visor has been taken away. Wesley is by the door, looking out the window. He turns. Then he tries tapping his communicator; it buzzes. GEORDI Their shielding's too good, Wes. Just sit down. They'll be back. WESLEY They've just left us sitting here for hours. They can't want us too much. GEORDI That all depends on what they want us FOR. They may just be trying to break our spirits. When you go to the Academy, you'll be trained for things like this. WESLEY (sitting) Unfortunately, I'm here NOW. (sighs) So, what'd you think of Sonri? GEORDI She seemed nice enough. The important thing is, what do YOU think of her? WESLEY What do you mean? GEORDI It's pretty obvious. You have a crush. WESLEY What? No. I mean, I... No. Steven Grimm / "Reins Of Power" - Rev. 6/10/90 - ACT TWO 2. GEORDI There's nothing wrong with it, Wes. It's natural... WESLEY Look... I like her a lot. But I certainly don't have a CRUSH on her. Okay? GEORDI (amused) All right, Wes, if you say so. WESLEY Anyway, I don't want to talk about her any more. How about a game of chess? GEORDI Um, Wesley, we don't have a board, and I couldn't see it if we did. WESLEY Who said anything about a board? GEORDI Right... Okay, I think I can manage that. WESLEY Pick a number between one and ten. GEORDI Three. WESLEY Okay, you're white. Ready? GEORDI Give me a second. (beat) Okay, got it. Um, pawn to queen four. WESLEY Knight to... The game is interrupted by the entrance of Targoff, and a pair of TRAHN GUARDS. The Trahns are shorter than the Dulians, and are not very good-looking. There is a Trahn guard standing outside the cell door. Geordi stands. GEORDI (quietly, to Wesley) I'll do the talking. Steven Grimm / "Reins Of Power" - Rev. 6/10/90 - ACT TWO 3. TARGOFF We have examined your shuttlecraft. You have some VERY interesting technology. It could mean an end to our journey, after fourteen generations in space. GEORDI (turning to face Targoff's voice) Be careful which buttons you push, or you might find yourself with a big hole where your landing bay door used to be. TARGOFF (as if berating a subordinate) Be quiet. Now. Obviously, there isn't enough room for all of us on your shuttle. So tell me of your Enterprise. GEORDI Oh, no. You aren't going to get anything out of us while you keep us prisoner. TARGOFF Wrong. You will tell me what I want to know, and you'll tell it to me here. GEORDI Or what? TARGOFF This is one of the pleasant areas of the Starseeker. Others are much closer to the magnetic coils. The shielding is not as... effective there. We lost a great many Trahns before closing those sections off. GEORDI And what do you hope to gain from a knowledge of the Enterprise? TARGOFF All knowledge is useful. Now. Tell me of the Enterprise. How many men can it carry? What are its armaments? Anything like your hand weapon? Steven Grimm / "Reins Of Power" - Rev. 6/10/90 - ACT TWO 4. GEORDI You'll find out if you keep us here... EXT. SPACE -- THE ENTERPRISE Coming toward the camera, then going into orbit around Amai Two. PICARD (VO) Captain's log, stardate 44505.9. The Darga Four situation is under control. We're stopping off at Amai Two for some brief shore leave. INT. BRIDGE PICARD, RIKER, DATA, and WORF are at their stations. The Amai Two flight controller is on the viewscreen. PICARD (in disbelief) A WHAT? FLIGHT CONTROLLER That IS what he said. A ramjet. PICARD Data, sensor reading? DATA We are picking up an electromagnetic disturbance. Its signatures are similar to those of traditional ramjet designs. PICARD (to the controller) And they left how long ago? FLIGHT CONTROLLER A day and a half. RIKER Sounds like they missed their lecture... PICARD Thank you, Amai Two. Enterprise out. The controller's face goes away. PICARD Well. This is an unexpected treat. Helm, set course for the disturbance, (MORE) Steven Grimm / "Reins Of Power" - Rev. 6/10/90 - ACT TWO 5. PICARD (Cont'd) warp factor three. HELMSMAN Course plotted and laid in. PICARD Engage. EXT. SPACE -- THE ENTERPRISE Going to warp speed (stock footage.) INT. BRIDGE RIKER So much for stopping off at Amai Two for a couple of days. PICARD Mm. But this is much more absorbing, Number One. Besides, I don't think Amai Two would be quite to your liking. RIKER I was thinking of you, sir. A whole planet full of artists and philosophers: (smirking) you'd be on the first shore party. PICARD Indeed, Number One. Perhaps later. Time to arrival, Mister Data? DATA Forty-six minutes, twenty-one seconds, sir. PICARD Increase to warp five. HELMSMAN Aye, sir. WORF I have a more detailed scan now, Captain. Steven Grimm / "Reins Of Power" - Rev. 6/10/90 - ACT TWO 6. PICARD On screen. A computer representation of the Starseeker appears on the screen. It shows the electromagnetic field, the cone of incoming hydrogen, and the accelerated fused results leaving the other end, all in animated schematics. Picard is like a kid in a candy store -- this is why he's out in space. PICARD Remarkable. Absolutely astounding. WORF Length is approximately one kilometer. DATA Intense magnetic fields are drawing hydrogen in one end and compressing it, resulting in a fusion reaction which... PICARD (interrupting) Yes, Data, we know how a ramjet works. (to Worf) Any sign of the shuttle? WORF Not yet. DATA The ramjet's electromagnetic fields will prevent reliable sensor and transporter operation. INT. PRISON CELL Geordi and Wesley are sitting alone again, but not for long: Targoff barges in, accompanied by two Trahns. The same guard is outside the cell door; he watches. One of Targoff's Trahns is carrying Geordi's visor. Targoff points at Geordi, then at the door. The Trahn with Geordi's visor picks him up by the arm and starts to lead him off. WESLEY (standing) Hey! Where are you taking him? TARGOFF He is going to aid us in capturing your Enterprise. It has arrived here. Steven Grimm / "Reins Of Power" - Rev. 6/10/90 - ACT TWO 7. GEORDI (facing Targoff's voice) What? You've got another think coming, Targoff. TARGOFF I don't think so. Trahn. Targoff pushes the other Trahn toward Wesley. The Trahn grabs Wesley by the arm. Wes tries to squirm free, but the guard is far too strong. The guard pulls out a sharp knife. TARGOFF (to Geordi) If you refuse, we will kill your companion. GEORDI And if I agree, you'll kill even more people trying to take over the Enterprise. No deal. TARGOFF Ah. But their deaths will be quick, painless. Your companion's will not. GEORDI I'm sorry, Wes. You know I can't do it. Targoff stares into Geordi's eyes. He can't read them at all, and finally turns away with a slight shiver -- those white eyes give him the creeps. TARGOFF Very well. Trahn? The Trahn cuts Wesley's hand with the blade of the knife. Wesley does his best to keep quiet, but doesn't quite succeed. Geordi hears this and flinches, but holds fast. TARGOFF Now the left eye. The Trahn moves to comply... GEORDI All right, all right! You're a bunch of barbarians, you know that? TARGOFF (smugly) Yes. Steven Grimm / "Reins Of Power" - Rev. 6/10/90 - ACT TWO 8. GEORDI And my help won't amount to much. There's still no way you're going to get enough people aboard to make the Enterprise's security teams sweat. TARGOFF Our soldiers are very good at what they do. Your shuttlecraft will hold enough of them. All you need do is bring them aboard. GEORDI You trust me to do that? TARGOFF Of course. If you betray us, your companion will see his heart before he dies. Trahn, take him. Give him his eyepiece. Geordi, putting on his visor, is escorted out of the room by one of the Trahns. Targoff stares at Wesley for a moment, then signals the other Trahn to let go of Wes. Wes collapses to the floor, clutching his hand. TARGOFF With me, Trahn. The two aliens leave. INT. BRIDGE The Starseeker is on the main viewer. PICARD Still no response to our hails? WORF None, sir. They could... (notices a flashing light) Captain, a section of the ramjet is opening. Something is emerging... Sir, it's the shuttle! PICARD (stands up) On viewer. The view switches to a close-up of the Starseeker landing bay, which is closing again. The shuttle is flying away. Steven Grimm / "Reins Of Power" - Rev. 6/10/90 - ACT TWO 9. WORF Interference from the ramjet is too great for a detailed scan, or for visual communication. (beat) Sir, the shuttle is hailing us... on an EMERGENCY channel... PICARD (looks at Riker in surprise) On audio. GEORDI (VO) (filtered) LaForge here, Captain. PICARD Report. GEORDI (VO) (filtered) The ramjet is called the Starseeker. Its engine control systems are dead. Wes is there now, working on them, but we need some spare parts, and fast. PICARD Understood. (motions to Worf) Shuttle bay two is ready. GEORDI (VO) (filtered) Thank you, sir. LaForge out. WORF Security team to shuttle bay two. Worf walks quickly from the bridge, leaving via the main turbolift. INT. SHUTTLECRAFT We are approaching the Enterprise. The shuttlecraft is packed with TRAHN SOLDIERS, all armed with nasty-looking guns (plasma pistols.) Their leader, TRODIN, a Dulian, is pointing Geordi's phaser at his head. Geordi hits some buttons, and shuttle bay two's door starts to open. TRODIN (looking at the Enterprise) That one is shuttle bay two? Steven Grimm / "Reins Of Power" - Rev. 6/10/90 - ACT TWO 10. GEORDI Yes. TRODIN Land in the large one, (pointing to the main shuttle bay) THERE. GEORDI But the door's closed... TRODIN (brings the phaser closer) Then open it, like you did the other. I won't walk into your trap. (brings the phaser REALLY close) Now! INT. MAIN SHUTTLE BAY The door opens, and the shuttle flies in... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO. Steven Grimm / "Reins Of Power" - Rev. 6/10/90 - ACT THREE 11. _A_C_T _T_H_R_E_E FADE IN: INT. SHUTTLE BAY The shuttlecraft enters the bay. As soon as it clears the force field, its door opens and soldiers jump to the floor. One of them shoots a SECURITY GUARD, who was on duty next to the main doorway and had just managed to draw his phaser. The guard falls, his weapon lying a few feet away. The shuttle, meanwhile, has landed; Trodin shoves Geordi out at phaserpoint. The soldiers make for the door. INT. BRIDGE DATA Sir, the shuttle has landed in the main shuttle bay, not bay two. Notifying Lieutenant Worf. Data hits some buttons. The red alert siren sounds. DATA Weapons have been fired in the main shuttle bay. Intruders have left the bay. PICARD Activate force fields. DATA Activating. INT. CORRIDOR The Trahn soldiers (one of whom is holding the security guard's phaser,) Geordi, and Trodin are stuck in a section of corridor. One of the soldiers tests the force field with a hand. TRODIN Get rid of those walls. Geordi touches a wall panel, which activates. GEORDI Computer, deactivate force fields. COMPUTER (VO) Chief Engineer does not have authority to countermand Chief of Security. Steven Grimm / "Reins Of Power" - Rev. 6/10/90 - ACT THREE 12. GEORDI I can't... TRODIN Then remove the power source, Chief Engineer. GEORDI I can't do that. TRODIN (pointing his gun at Geordi) You will try, or I will kill you. GEORDI Then I guess you'll have to kill me. All I promised was to get you onboard, and you're here. Trodin points the phaser at Geordi's head for a moment. TRODIN No. You may still be useful. Trodin turns and fires the phaser at the wall next to the force field. The phaser-toting soldier does the same. Sparks start to fly across the corridor. GEORDI Wait! If you overload those circuits, the whole corridor could blow! TRODIN (still firing) Then help us. GEORDI Computer, decouple power nodes thirteen by F-three and twelve by D- eight. Propogate. The force fields vanish; Trodin and the soldier stop firing the phasers. We see that the walls are scorched from the phaser hits. At Trodin's motioned command, the troops run around a corner -- and right into Worf and a group of SECURITY GUARDS, who were coming the other way. There's no time to draw weapons; hand-to- hand combat ensues. Worf throws one Trahn against a computer panel, which lights up then deactivates several seconds later (though this shouldn't be emphasized) when there's no command. We notice Trodin escaping, though none of the Enterprise people do. The battle is over shortly, thanks largely to Worf. Steven Grimm / "Reins Of Power" - Rev. 6/10/90 - ACT THREE 13. GEORDI Wait a minute. There's one missing... INT. CORRIDOR Trodin is running down the corridor when the force fields come back on. He slams into one, painfully, but immediately gets up and fires at the emitter, as before. FX: TRANSPORTER. Trodin starts to beam out. He looks at his body and yelps in surprise. TRODIN What the...? EXT. SPACE -- ENTERPRISE AND STARSEEKER Time has passed. INT. SICKBAY The security guard from the shuttle bay is on a bed, unconscious. One of the Trahn soldiers is on another bed nearby, also unconscious. There are two security guards present. Beverly is scanning the soldier. Picard enters and goes to the guard's bed. PICARD How's he doing, Doctor? BEVERLY He'll be ready for duty again in a couple of days. PICARD (walking to the soldier's bed) And your other patient? BEVERLY He has minor head injuries and some internal bleeding. That must have been some fight. PICARD Worf was involved. Beverly looks at the captain. That explains it... PICARD Anything else, Doctor? Steven Grimm / "Reins Of Power" - Rev. 6/10/90 - ACT THREE 14. BEVERLY His brain chemistry is very odd. I can't be sure right now, but my guess is that he's received large doses of drugs recently. PICARD Drugs? For what purpose? BEVERLY I won't know until I've had a chance to run more tests. She stops working for a moment. BEVERLY Jean-Luc, I'm really... PICARD I know, Beverly. We'll get him back. Beverly isn't convinced. But she goes back to work. INT. DEBRIEFING ROOM Troi, Riker, and Worf are grilling Trodin. There are two security guards standing behind Trodin, ready to stun him if he tries anything. Trodin is very calm, though. Worf is playing the "bad cop." RIKER We know you're the leader of this little gang. TRODIN Obviously... TROI What do you mean by that? TRODIN They are Trahns. I am a Dulian. WORF That means nothing to us. TRODIN That... is your problem. WORF (leaning in close) I warn you. Do not mock us. Steven Grimm / "Reins Of Power" - Rev. 6/10/90 - ACT THREE 15. RIKER Worf... (to Trodin) Now. Tell us about your ship. TRODIN You mean you can't see inside with your powerful scanners? RIKER We want to hear it from you. TRODIN (peering at Riker) You CAN'T scan us, can you? You're not as powerful as you look. WORF We are strong enough. Now answer our questions! TRODIN No. I'm your prisoner, so you're going to kill me whether I tell you anything or not. Troi looks at Riker -- what does this imply about the culture over there? RIKER We never kill unless we're forced to. TRODIN (lying, and not hiding it) Neither do we. TROI WE mean it. Right now, one of your soldiers is receiving medical attention. Trodin looks at Troi. TRODIN But they're all Trahns. Why? TROI They are people. TRODIN Not the same way we are. (beat) They're barbaric, uncivilized fools. If it weren't for us, they'd've killed themselves off by now. Steven Grimm / "Reins Of Power" - Rev. 6/10/90 - ACT THREE 16. TROI Your people are subjugating the Trahns... TRODIN Ruling them. RIKER It sounds more like slavery to me... TRODIN (laughs) Subjugation! Slavery! The Trahns are glad to be ruled. We've given up as much as they have. We share the Starseeker with them. We give them the benefits of our technology, our expertise... WORF But not your medicine? TRODIN They already outnumber us ten to one. We don't want to make it even worse. RIKER It sounds like it already IS worse. INT. BEVERLY'S OFFICE Beverly is seated, working at the viewscreen on her desk. We see a complex molecular model -- the drug from the Trahn's brain. BEVERLY Crusher to Captain Picard. PICARD (VO) (filtered) Picard here. BEVERLY I've isolated our mystery drug. (looks at the model) This is a VERY well-designed chemical. It appears to selectively inhibit neural impulses in the brain of the subject. PICARD (VO) (filtered) A mind-control drug? Steven Grimm / "Reins Of Power" - Rev. 6/10/90 - ACT THREE 17. BEVERLY I think so. PICARD (VO) (filtered) What does it control? BEVERLY I don't know for sure, but my guess is it's to keep them submissive. It's physically addictive. If the drug were removed, the shock would probably kill the patient. (disgusted) They'd have no choice but to keep taking it. INT. BRIDGE Picard and Data are at their stations. The others are manned by various crewmembers. PICARD Can it affect humans? BEVERLY (VO) (filtered) It's very specific to this species' brain chemistry. PICARD (nodding) Understood. (sighs, then, to himself:) Barbaric. DATA Sir? Human history contains several instances of drug usage by military agencies, to ensure loyalty. PICARD That doesn't make it right, Data. DATA (considers this) I see, sir. But the Prime Directive would seem to apply here. PICARD The moment Commander LaForge and Mister Crusher were captured, we became intimately involved in all this. And we will remain involved (MORE) Steven Grimm / "Reins Of Power" - Rev. 6/10/90 - ACT THREE 18. PICARD (Cont'd) until Wesley is returned. RIKER (VO) (filtered) Captain? We're finished with our questioning. PICARD (standing) Report to the conference room. Mister Data, you have the conn. Picard heads for the conference room. EXT. SPACE -- THE ENTERPRISE Time has passed. INT. CONFERENCE ROOM Geordi, Picard, Riker, Troi, Beverly, and Worf are present. Beverly is close to tears. BEVERLY These people sound hideous. We can't just sit out here and wait, Jean-Luc. WORF Recommend we demonstrate our ability to find Ensign Crusher by force. RIKER I'm with Worf on this one. It's time we showed them we can bite back. GEORDI I'm not sure it would make any difference. Their leader seemed like he wasn't quite all there. PICARD We will use force, if necessary. But if they're willing to kill Wesley, they've already done it by now. Otherwise, he's safe for a while longer. BEVERLY You don't KNOW that! Steven Grimm / "Reins Of Power" - Rev. 6/10/90 - ACT THREE 19. PICARD Doctor, please. (gently) I know he's your son. But we must treat this as we would any other hostage situation. Beverly bites back a strong response, then nods weakly. Troi puts a hand on her forearm, reassuring her. PICARD Now. Mister Worf, what have you learned from the rest of the boarding party? WORF (slightly chagrined) Nothing, sir. They refused to speak... BEVERLY (nods) That'd be an effect of the drug, Captain. We're not going to get anything from them. DATA (VO) (filtered) Captain, the Starseeker is hailing us. Picard looks at his staff. Here it comes... PICARD On my way, Commander. Everyone leaves for the bridge. INT. BRIDGE Everyone comes in from the conference room and goes to the appropriate station. PICARD Let's hear it. TARGOFF (VO) (filtered) I am Commander Targoff of the Starseeker. Enterprise, respond at once! PICARD This is Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the Federation starship Enterprise. You (MORE) Steven Grimm / "Reins Of Power" - Rev. 6/10/90 - ACT THREE 20. PICARD (Cont'd) have captured and held a member of my crew. TARGOFF (VO) (filtered) Yes, we have. At the moment, he is unharmed. Beverly is relieved at this, but Targoff's next words have the opposite effect: TARGOFF (VO) (filtered) (continuing) He will die, unless you give me control of your ship NOW. PICARD No. We will not be coerced. TARGOFF (VO) (filtered) Very well. Then you will hear your Wesley Crusher's screams as his limbs are ripped from his body. Beverly is NOT amused by this. BEVERLY No! Harm him in the slightest, and I'll see you shrieking with... PICARD (whispering) Doctor! TARGOFF (VO) (filtered) I see my threat is effective. Trahn! Bring our prisoner here. INT. STARSEEKER -- PRISON CELL Wesley is asleep on the floor in a corner. He has ripped a strip of cloth from his shirt; it's wrapped around his injured hand. He wakes up as four Trahn guards, all armed, enter. One of them points a gun at Wesley, and motions for him to go through the door. Wesley gets up. FADE OUT. Steven Grimm / "Reins Of Power" - Rev. 6/10/90 - ACT THREE 21. END OF ACT THREE. Article 74847 of rec.arts.startrek: Path: ariel.unm.edu!news.cs.indiana.edu!samsung!sol.ctr.columbia.edu!lll-winken!sun-barr!newstop!exodus!twitterpater.Eng.Sun.COM From: koreth@twitterpater.Eng.Sun.COM (Steven Grimm) Newsgroups: rec.arts.startrek Subject: "Reins Of Power" part 3 (of 3) Message-ID: <12047@exodus.Eng.Sun.COM> Date: 23 Apr 91 02:50:04 GMT Sender: news@exodus.Eng.Sun.COM Reply-To: koreth@twitterpater.Eng.Sun.COM (Steven Grimm) Organization: Sun Microsystems, Inc. Mt. View, Ca. Lines: 1378 I hope you're all enjoying the story so far. I think you'll agree that acts two and three are a big improvement over the teaser and act one; the last two acts, IMHO, are the best. First, some words about where good stories come from. In general, the most successful TNG episodes are based on character interaction, and the science fiction stories that surround the character stuff is essentially spraypainted on. "The Nth Degree," for instance, is about Barclay, not about subspace field distortions or neural interfaces. (I think that's an example everyone can agree on, if you ignore the last five minutes.) There are exceptions -- "Yesterday's Enterprise" was more plot-driven than character-driven. But I think they're pretty rare. A story that starts out from solid characterization, in which the technical stuff is secondary, will by and large be more successful than a story based on gadgets, in which our people just happen to be the ones using them. Of course, the spraypaint is important, too; this is Star Trek, after all. In general, if a story is action-packed and has lots of suspense, it's more likely to be accepted. By no means, though, try to shoehorn suspense and danger into a story. That usually comes out pretty poorly (the "tacked on jeopardy" technique.) It's almost always possible to get some tension out of a good story without forcing things. It's also important to make sure the plot is intimately related to the character story -- we can have Riker and Beverly fall in love, but if it has nothing to do with the mission at hand, it's going to look hackneyed. (Multiple unrelated stories may be more realistic, but this is drama, not a documentary.) And with that, I'll present the final part of "Reins Of Power." I hope you can read it with a critical eye, to see where I've violated these guidelines. If I had this story to do over today (assuming I could still use Wesley!) it'd come out fairly differently. --- Steven Grimm koreth@ebay.sun.com Moderator, comp.{sources,binaries}.atari.st "We must be brave, and not let them know how frightened we really are." -- OPEN LOOK Graphical User Interface Functional Specification --- cut here --- Steven Grimm / "Reins Of Power" - Rev. 6/10/90 - ACT FOUR 1. _S_T_A_R _T_R_E_K: _T_H_E _N_E_X_T _G_E_N_E_R_A_T_I_O_N "Reins Of Power" _A_C_T _F_O_U_R FADE IN: EXT. SPACE -- THE ENTERPRISE AND THE STARSEEKER PICARD (VO) Captain's log, supplemental. It has been twenty minutes since Targoff threatened to kill Wesley Crusher. We have heard nothing since then. EXT. SPACE -- THE STARSEEKER Establish the location... INT. HIDEOUT This room, in a neglected part of the Starseeker, is the lair of the secret Trahn leader. There are tattered pieces of cloth blocking the entrance. ALLEA, a particularly ugly Trahn woman of about sixty, is talking to a few other Trahns when Wesley is brought in, struggling, by the four Trahn guards. WESLEY Where are you taking me? Let me go! Allea motions to the guards, who release Wesley. She is very confident in her speech. ALLEA You are from the Enterprise. WESLEY That's right. Where's Targoff? I want to talk to him NOW. ALLEA It would be a sad day indeed if Targoff were HERE, Enterprise crewman. Do you have a name? I am Allea. WESLEY Ensign Wesley Crusher. What's going on here? Steven Grimm / "Reins Of Power" - Rev. 6/10/90 - ACT FOUR 2. ALLEA Please, sit. Allea motions to a worn chair. It doesn't look comfortable, but after the floor, Wesley gladly accepts. He looks at Allea, then looks around the room. WESLEY Targoff doesn't know about this place, does he? Or about you. ALLEA He knows about me. He just doesn't know where I am. The Starseeker is a big place. He can only watch some of it, especially when some of his eyes... (indicates the guards) are really mine. WESLEY What's going on here? Does Targoff know you have me? ALLEA If he doesn't, he'll discover it soon. You should be grateful. He was about to have you tortured, to pressure your Enterprise. WESLEY (snorts) It wouldn't have worked. ALLEA I believe that. But Targoff's grasp of the real world is not very tight. In any case, I decided that you would be more useful alive, and in my hands. WESLEY (nervous) Useful? How? ALLEA (off his look) No, nothing like that. We usually leave the torture to the Dulians. WESLEY Then what do you want with me? ALLEA The same thing Targoff did, really. He's not completely stupid. When he (MORE) Steven Grimm / "Reins Of Power" - Rev. 6/10/90 - ACT FOUR 3. ALLEA (Cont'd) can't deliver you, he'll know the Enterprise won't be too pleased about it. He'll want you back, and quickly. I intend to use that. WESLEY By holding a hostage hostage? ALLEA We have some demands which must be heard, and this is the only way we'll get Targoff and his council to listen to us. WESLEY Demands. What are they? ALLEA We want access to the Starseeker's hospitals. We want a seat on the ruling council. We want the curfews lifted and the checkpoints removed. WESLEY You shouldn't need to take a hostage to get THOSE. None of that sounds unreasonable. ALLEA But the Dulians are unreasonable. Completely. WESLEY Why? What do they do? ALLEA We work for them, and they give us just enough freedom to keep us from rioting. WESLEY You're slaves... ALLEA (sarcastic) They saved us. If it weren't for THEM, we'd all be dead. WESLEY What do you mean? ALLEA We couldn't stay on our planet. Almost all the plants and animals were (MORE) Steven Grimm / "Reins Of Power" - Rev. 6/10/90 - ACT FOUR 4. ALLEA (Cont'd) dead from the pollution. So the Dulians built the Starseeker. They'd find another world, and try to make up for what they did to ours. They told us that included an end to the labor camps. They just wanted some of us here, too. WESLEY So you and the Dulians are from the same planet. ALLEA Yes. When they found us, we were living among the trees. We were at peace with the world. WESLEY And they took you back with them, right? This is really familiar. It's happened on hundreds of planets. ALLEA They took our great-grandparents back to their cities. It was all so new to us then. They seemed like gods to us. We didn't know any better than to do what they asked, at first. WESLEY And then? ALLEA And then we saw them for what they were. People, who had more knowledge than we did and were using it to force us into submission. WESLEY Didn't you fight back? ALLEA There were revolts, but the Dulians were too powerful. They even used drugs to keep us obedient after the first couple of times. We never did anything but make them angry, and make our own lives worse. Wesley mulls this over. WESLEY Isn't kidnapping me going to do the same thing? Steven Grimm / "Reins Of Power" - Rev. 6/10/90 - ACT FOUR 5. ALLEA It would. But now THEY have a knife at their throats. The Enterprise. They're as defenseless against it as we are against them. Oh, Targoff won't see it for a while. He's been in charge too long, and he can't imagine being challenged by anyone. But I've talked to the guards who saw your shuttle, who tested your weapons. You're generations ahead of us. WESLEY (looking around) Well, yeah, we are. But if you're expecting the Enterprise to start cutting the Starseeker to pieces until the Dulians give in, you're in for a surprise. ALLEA Meaning? WESLEY Meaning that we're peaceful. ALLEA Peaceful? So why were you armed? WESLEY For SELF-DEFENSE. If the Starseeker started attacking the Enterprise, it would shoot back. But otherwise, they'll wait. (sighs) And even if they didn't, you're still not doing this right. Okay, let's say Targoff agrees to your demands. Then what? I leave the ship, and the Enterprise goes away. What's to stop Targoff from clamping down on you? Allea looks angry for a moment, and almost says something. She thinks better of it. ALLEA We have to do SOMETHING. We can't just let ourselves be crushed. WESLEY I agree. You DO have to do something. But it has to be a lot more than just asking for a few stupid little tokens. The only way your people are going to get out of this is if YOU'RE the ones (MORE) Steven Grimm / "Reins Of Power" - Rev. 6/10/90 - ACT FOUR 6. WESLEY (Cont'd) on top. The Dulians won't let you get away with anything else. ALLEA A rebellion? No. We tried it on our planet... WESLEY This isn't your planet. From what I've seen, you outnumber them. There's no reason you can't free yourselves. ALLEA But... the Dulians are in control of the ship. They can just seal all the doors and keep us away. We wouldn't know how to open them. WESLEY I can help you with that. I know a few things about electronics. ALLEA I have to think about this... WESLEY Don't think about it, Allea. Do it. The longer you think about stuff like this, the more reasons you'll make up to avoid it. And this is the only time you'll have me here to help you. This is the only way you're going to get anything but tokens from the Dulians. ALLEA Why are you offering all this? What do you get? WESLEY Get? I don't GET anything. I just don't like to see people... oppressed like this. It's not right, and if I can help, I will. ALLEA Maybe you're right. I just don't know. (beat) Are all the people on the Enterprise so... strong-willed? Steven Grimm / "Reins Of Power" - Rev. 6/10/90 - ACT FOUR 7. WESLEY (calming down) No. I guess... I guess I take after my mother. The captain usually leaves things alone, like the Prime Directive says. (pauses) But I'm already involved here... Now I'm just hitting back. EXT. SPACE -- THE ENTERPRISE INT. BRIDGE Everyone except Wesley is present. BEVERLY How long are you going to sit here and wait? PICARD No longer. Mister Worf, hail the Starseeker. WORF Hailing. (beat) No response. PICARD (nods) Mister Data, a ramjet always moves at high speeds... DATA Correct, sir. Hydrogen intake must be sufficient to propel the vessel, or it cannot power its engines. PICARD Helm, take us to the aft end of the Starseeker. EXT. SPACE -- THE ENTERPRISE AND THE STARSEEKER The Enterprise moves to the aft end of the Starseeker, out of the way of the emerging stream of helium. INT. BRIDGE Steven Grimm / "Reins Of Power" - Rev. 6/10/90 - ACT FOUR 8. PICARD Ready a tractor beam. WORF Tractor beam ready, sir. PICARD Decrease their speed gradually, Lieutenant. WORF Engaging tractor beam. EXT. SPACE -- THE ENTERPRISE AND THE STARSEEKER The Enterprise hits the Starseeker with a tractor beam. INT. BRIDGE DATA They are slowing, Captain. Their engine output is not significantly altered. RIKER It's just a tap on the shoulder for now, Data. PICARD But it should prompt Targoff to turn around and talk to us. WORF Nothing yet, sir. PICARD There will be. INT. HIDEOUT URA, a Trahn man, enters the room. URA Allea! The Enterprise is attacking the Starseeker! WESLEY What? They wouldn't... Steven Grimm / "Reins Of Power" - Rev. 6/10/90 - ACT FOUR 9. ALLEA Ura, tell me all you know. URA They have some kind of ray that's slowing us down. Allea, if we get below the minimum... ALLEA I know! (thinks) Has Targoff talked to them since we took Wesley? URA I don't think so. WESLEY Well, then, that's why! They're trying to get Targoff to talk. ALLEA And if he won't, we're all dead. (decides) We can't let this happen. All right, Wesley, show us what to do. INT. BRIDGE DATA Their engine output has decreased by forty percent. WORF Sir, we're being hailed. RIKER Finally. PICARD Open channel. Disengage tractor beam. WORF Tractor beam off. Channel open. TARGOFF (VO) (filtered) What are you doing? PICARD Commander Targoff, we will not sit idly by while you toy with us. Release my crewman at once. Steven Grimm / "Reins Of Power" - Rev. 6/10/90 - ACT FOUR 10. TARGOFF (VO) (filtered) Or you'll destroy us, and him? PICARD Oh, no. We'll do far worse than destroy you, Targoff. We'll strand you, in the middle of space. TARGOFF (VO) (filtered) I see. Picard, I'm going to be honest. The reason I haven't called you is... well, you see, your crewman has been kidnapped. PICARD Of COURSE he has! That's the point of all this! TARGOFF (VO) (filtered) From us, I mean. PICARD He's been abducted? By whom? TARGOFF (VO) (filtered) There are a few radical Trahns who don't know their places. We've just ignored them before, but now we're looking. Picard signals that the transmission should be cut off. PICARD Opinions? WORF He is lying. TROI No. I think he's telling the truth. He really DOESN'T have Wesley. PICARD Mm. Reopen channel. Commander Targoff, we will assist you in your search. TARGOFF (VO) (filtered) No. We'll handle it. You'll get your man back. You're obviously too (MORE) Steven Grimm / "Reins Of Power" - Rev. 6/10/90 - ACT FOUR 11. TARGOFF (VO) (Cont'd) powerful for us. I'd like to... apologize for attacking you. May I come aboard your ship to do it in person? PICARD (in disbelief) Just how stupid do you think we are? No, you may NOT come aboard. Return my crewman with all haste, or face reprisal. Picard out. BEVERLY And now? PICARD Now we wait. And hope that the Trahns are not as barbaric as we've been told. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR. Steven Grimm / "Reins Of Power" - Rev. 6/10/90 - ACT FIVE 12. _A_C_T _F_I_V_E FADE IN: EXT. SPACE -- THE STARSEEKER INT. HIDEOUT Wesley, Allea, Ura, and several other Trahn leaders are gathered around a table, looking at a map of the area around the Starseeker's control room. Wesley is pointing at some corridors. WESLEY If we move in here and here, we'll cut them off. URA There'll be so much confusion, they won't know what's hitting them. WESLEY Yep. ALLEA Brilliant. WESLEY I play strategy games that are a lot like this. ALLEA Just remember that we're dealing with lives, not markers on a board. Ura, how soon will we be ready? URA Very soon. We're just getting the last of the guns from the guards. YANNA, a young Trahn male just barely older than Wesley, bursts into the room. He's carrying Wesley's hand phaser. YANNA Look what I have! Wesley grabs the phaser from Yanna. WESLEY How'd you get that? YANNA It was in one of the councilmen's cabins. I found it while I was (MORE) Steven Grimm / "Reins Of Power" - Rev. 6/10/90 - ACT FIVE 13. YANNA (Cont'd) cleaning. Allea dismisses Yanna, and he leaves. URA The fool! They'll have noticed that. They probably even know we're about to strike. ALLEA Then we have to do it now. URA But we're not fully armed... ALLEA We won't get another chance, Ura. Not if they figure this out. Wesley, do you agree? WESLEY I think so. And I know I'd rather have this phaser on our side than theirs. URA I still say we should wait. ALLEA But I am in command. We strike now. Allea gets up and walks out the door. Wesley follows her. After a moment, and not happily, Ura leaves as well. INT. STARSEEKER -- CORRIDOR This is a T intersection of two large corridors. We see ARMED TRAHNS at both corners -- Wesley, Ura, and Allea are next to each other on the near side. The camera moves to reveal that the side passage is occupied by Targoff's Dulian BODYGUARDS. They are standing on the near side of an octagonal doorway, which is open. They are obviously ready for an attack -- their weapons are raised. In the background, we hear gunfire -- the revolution is happening. ALLEA (quietly, to Ura) This is it. Once we're past this door, we have them. Are we ready? Ura nods. Allea motions with her hand, and the Trahns pour into the side Steven Grimm / "Reins Of Power" - Rev. 6/10/90 - ACT FIVE 14. passage, guns blazing. The Dulians react quickly, leaping to cover on the other side of the doorway (crouching behind the corners of the octagon.) One of them is hit by a Trahn as he tries to take cover. The Dulians fire back, scoring lots of hits -- the Trahns have no cover. But they keep coming. One of the Dulians gets up and opens an access box, inside which are door controls. He's shot down. The Trahns are almost at the door as his partner hurriedly finishes the job... The door, a thick metal bulkhead, slams shut. The Trahns stop. Ura, Wesley, and Allea come around the corner to the head of the crowd and look at the door. URA I told you this would happen. They'll seal all the entrances now, and we'll be stuck out here without any food... WESLEY Will you be quiet? I'm not done yet. Wesley goes to the access box on this side of the bulkhead. It's sealed shut, as he finds when he tries to open it. URA You can't unlock it. (looks at his gun) And it's too tough to shoot open. WESLEY No it isn't. Stand back. The Trahns nearest the box comply as Wesley takes out the phaser and blasts a hole in the front cover. Inside, we see that the controls have been blasted apart as well, revealing wires underneath. URA You melted the controls! ALLEA Let him work. Wesley rips out some of the wiring. He tries putting two of the wires together. There's a spark, but nothing happens. He tries another two; they work, and the door opens. There are several Dulian guards waiting inside. Wesley ducks behind the corner of the doorway as the firing starts. We hear gunplay, but we just see Wesley, crouched behind the doorway. He would much rather be at a computer console than in the middle of a firefight... Then, abruptly, all the firing stops. Wesley looks up and sees that the Trahns have won, though they've taken pretty heavy Steven Grimm / "Reins Of Power" - Rev. 6/10/90 - ACT FIVE 15. losses. ALLEA Inside! Move! The Trahns rush in. Wesley catches up with Allea. ALLEA Those were Targoff's bodyguards. He wouldn't send them unless there was nobody else left. (a hint of glee) We have them... INT. STARSEEKER -- CONTROL ROOM Computer consoles line the walls of this room. There's a large viewscreen across from the main entrance; the Enterprise fills the screen. Targoff is standing at one of the consoles, his finger pressed down on one of the buttons. Some other Dulians are watching him. A hole appears in the door, and rapidly grows larger. We see that Wesley is disintegrating it with his phaser. Allea, Wesley, Ura, and some other Trahns rush in. They point their guns at the Dulians, who step away from the controls and raise their hands into the air. ALLEA Targoff, get away from those controls. You know we've beaten you. TARGOFF (smiling) Except... I've entered an overload program into the engine control systems. If I release this button without entering the cancellation command, in ten minutes the engines will explode and take you with them. Allea isn't happy about this. TARGOFF (the smile turns into a grin) Now. Put down your weapons, or I'll kill you. Allea starts to indicate that her people should comply, but Wesley stops her. Steven Grimm / "Reins Of Power" - Rev. 6/10/90 - ACT FIVE 16. WESLEY Ura, you know these controls, right? URA Yes, most of them. He's telling the truth. WESLEY I don't care. Where's the communications station? Ura points it out. Wes walks over to the station. From behind his back, we see him pressing some buttons. WESLEY Crusher to Riker. INT. BRIDGE Picard looks at Riker in surprise. Geordi is at his station. RIKER Riker here. What's going on over there? WESLEY (VO) (filtered) Targoff is threatening to overload the engines and blow up the Starseeker. If you don't hear from me in seven minutes, slow the Starseeker down until its engines shut off. Riker and Picard exchange a look -- why is Wesley giving an ORDER? After a moment, Picard nods. RIKER Seven minutes. All right. WESLEY (VO) (filtered) Crusher out. GEORDI Captain, even if we shut off the engines, they'll still have enough power in their batteries to vaporize themselves... RIKER I'm sure he knows that. Looks like the poker lessons are paying off. Steven Grimm / "Reins Of Power" - Rev. 6/10/90 - ACT FIVE 17. INT. CONTROL ROOM Targoff is still hovering over the button. Wesley turns away from the communication station. He walks to a chair and sits down. He faces Targoff. WESLEY Okay, let's do it. I want to see you overload an engine that doesn't have any power. (smiles) Targoff's resolve wavers. He stares at the Enterprise on the viewscreen. Abruptly, he jerks his hand back from the button. An alarm sounds until he angrily hits a quick sequence of buttons at another console; then the control room is silent. TARGOFF All right. You win. A couple of Trahns step forward and take Targoff's arms. They bring him over to Allea. ALLEA Targoff. You don't know how often I've wanted to put a gun to your head. TARGOFF We should have brought enough drugs for all of you. You won't find us easy to rule, Trahn. ALLEA (coldly) You're right. I won't. And with that, Allea lifts her gun and shoots Targoff. ALLEA That's for the curfews. WESLEY (standing) Allea! Stop! You can't do this... ALLEA Take him. (to the other Dulians) All you. Over by that wall. NOW! They comply. A couple of Trahn guards take Wesley's arms. One of them confiscates his phaser. Steven Grimm / "Reins Of Power" - Rev. 6/10/90 - ACT FIVE 18. ALLEA Get him off this ship. We're done with him. The guards lead Wesley through the blasted doorway. Wesley shouts back to Allea as he's taken away. WESLEY I thought you were better than this. You're just as bad as they are! There's no sound for several seconds. Then we hear several guns being fired inside the control room, and some bodies falling to the floor. FADE TO: INT. CRUSHER QUARTERS The lights are off. Wesley is sitting by a window, watching the stars go past. He is obviously in a sour mood. Then the comm system beeps. GEORDI (VO) (filtered) Wes, there's a comm channel open for you. WESLEY Tell 'em to leave a message with the computer. GEORDI (VO) (filtered) (beat) It's Sonri. Wes takes a deep breath, then gets up. WESLEY Okay, I'll take it in here. He goes over to a desk, on which is a viewscreen, and hits a button on the viewer control panel. Sonri's face appears. In the background, we see that she's in her dorm room, at the computer. SONRI (somber) Hi, Wes. Geordi told me what happened. Are you all right? Steven Grimm / "Reins Of Power" - Rev. 6/10/90 - ACT FIVE 19. WESLEY (shaking his head slowly) I don't know... (beat) Why, Sonri? Why does stuff like this happen? I was trying to help. I thought I was setting them free. SONRI I can't tell you anything you haven't heard a hundred times since you got back. WESLEY I know. The Prime Directive. It's just... Well, I really thought this was different. SONRI So what happens now? WESLEY Well, Starfleet's sending a ship to tow the Starseeker to an empty planet, so they can colonize it. They're going to establish diplomatic... SONRI I mean to you. WESLEY (nods -- he knew that) They're putting together a board of inquiry. I have to report to Starbase Sixteen in three days. Commander Riker thinks they'll go easy on me, since this sort of thing has happened before, but I'm not sure. SONRI What do you think they'll do? WESLEY I don't think they'll put me away or anything. Maybe they'll send me to the Academy for a while, to train me for stuff like this. (sighs) But if this is the sort of thing I'm going to have to live with, I'm not sure I want to be in Starfleet. SONRI You won't do anything like this again. It's over. Steven Grimm / "Reins Of Power" - Rev. 6/10/90 - ACT FIVE 20. WESLEY Well, yeah, but... SONRI No. I know you, Wes. You've wanted to be a Starfleet officer for as long as I can remember. All the good things you've told me about it are still true... WESLEY Yeah. I guess so. SONRI Anyway, I have some good news for you. I talked to Doctor Sontok for about four hours after his lecture. Wesley perks up. WESLEY Really? SONRI Wes, he was very impressed with our field inversion theory. He even worked on it with me for a little while. Here, I'll send you what we did... She hits some buttons on her console. The word "Receiving" appears at the bottom of Wesley's screen as Sonri talks, then goes away. SONRI Anyway, take a look at that and tell me what you think. WESLEY Okay! I'll look at it. (serious again) Sonri, thanks. I'm glad I have someone to talk to. SONRI Me too, Wes. I'm glad someone out there trusts me enough to talk about stuff like this. It's so hard to find someone I feel comfortable with. (kidding) Even if you are an alien... WESLEY Hey, I'm with Starfleet. That's never stopped us before. Steven Grimm / "Reins Of Power" - Rev. 6/10/90 - ACT FIVE 21. SONRI (raises her eyebrows) I know. Wesley grins. EXT. SPACE -- THE ENTERPRISE Flying away at warp speed. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE.